the ivybridge magazine - media pack

Ivybridge The magazine Life is local Published by Lily Design MEDIA PACK

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Information about The Ivybridge magazine, THE community magazine for the largest town in the South Hams. Includes content, distribution, advertising formats and rates.


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IvybridgeThe magazine

Life is local Published by Lily Design


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Life is local The magazine


Informative, relevant,inspiring, freshInteresting and informative communitycontent is what the magazine is all about.Every issue has fresh, relevant local articlesand features, which local people tell me theyenjoy reading every month.The Ivybridge magazine supports the localcommunity by being at the heart of thecommunity. Its focus on local people, localevents and local businesses provides localresidents with an enjoyable, informative readthat reflects the town in which they live.

The pages are packedwith informative, well-written articlescovering:

n Community news

n Clubs & groups

n Schools

n What’s On

n Business profiles

n Sport

n July 2013 The Ivybridge magazine 13


JGP carried out site investigation, geotechnicaldesign and resident geotechnical engineeringduties at the unique redevelopment of theCornish China Clay pit.

JGP engineered strengthening works to thequay beneath the fish transport loading bay.

As well as final phase ground investigation,JGP designed the piled underpinning of thebridge piers, with piles being designed tohave the structural capacity to support thebridge through a 2m deep scour that mighthave undermined a bridge pier foundation.

Geotechnical engineering including groundinvestigation, advice on embankmentconstruction and the design of an embeddedpile retaining wall.

See more case studies of JGP projects ontheir website –

The Eden Project

Brixham Fish Quay

Calva Bridge, Workington

Gdynia Way, Plymouth

out extensive site investiga-tion work and engineered areinstatement of the shaft, aswell as several other col-lapses that ensued.

“When we were called in todeal with the problems therewas a great deal of fearamong the local community,who were wondering whereand when it would strikenext,” recalls John. “Our firsttask, therefore, was to talk topeople to reassure them thatit was not as bad as feared.

The confidence that hascome back to the area – therewas a very real housing blightfor some time because of thecollapses – is a very satisfyingindicator of the success ofour work.”

The work in Gunnislakecontinues today, with JGP in-volved with ongoing moni-toring of ground water levels.

The company's unimpos-ing office belies the sophisti-cation of its operation. JGPemploys 30 people, whoform a dedicated team whichprovide clients with a diver-sity of skills and experiencefor both routine and com-plex projects, including civiland structural engineers, ge-otechnical engineers, hy-drologists, environmentalscientists, material scientists,environmental geologistsand experts in wind, coastaland maritime engineering.

The skills and experienceof the JGP team is supportedby in-house laboratory andfield testing capabilities atthe Leonards Road office.

JGP has won numerousawards for their work on vari-ous projects around the SouthWest, including the Budecanal regeneration, Lundy Is-land, Padstow Harbour wallrepairs and Eden Project.

John is rightly proud ofJGP. “We are a relativelysmall, privately-owned con-

sultancy, but we have a trackrecord of delivering slick en-gineering solutions to com-plex problems,” he says.

“The range of skills and ex-perience we have within theteam, a team which has beenestablished for a long timeand which we nurture withan approved training schemeand support for staff in theirprofessional development,mean we remain focused onproviding quality services toour clients.”

“We are proud to be in Ivy-bridge, too, where we haveeveryone under one roof andwe can relatively easily get toprojects, whether near or far.”

John is quietly optimisticabout the future for JGP. Thewide range of the partner-ship's strengths – includingcoastal, flooding and envi-ronmental – means it is notreliant on one or two sectorsfor work, and the 'good' oldBritish weather is anotherreason why JGP should havea sound future.

“A big concern is theamount of rainfall we are ex-periencing, and are likely toin the future, and the effectthis is having, not onlythrough flooding but alsoground stability,” explainedJohn. “It is getting wetter,and the intensity of rainfall isincreasing, so water isn'tdraining away fast enough,leading to saturation of theground and the risk of de-stabilising the ground.

“The landslip at Looe, whichsadly killed an elderly lady, is avery real case of the problemsthat could arise, and to pre-vent this there will need to beengineered solutions.”

Leonards Road, The Ivybridge magazine July 2013


JGP has worked on Lundy Island since 1987,engineering improvements to the island's jetty,access road, slipway and coastal defences

Lundy Island

Working on prestigiousprojects across thecountry and abroadhas engineered a na-

tional and international reputationfor an Ivybridge company's innova-tive consultancy services.

John Grimes Partnership (JGP),which has its office on LeonardsRoad, is a civil, structural, geotechni-cal and environmental engineeringconsultancy and has been offering awide range of engineering skills andsolutions to regional, national and in-ternational clients for over 25 years.

Today's roster of projects andclients – The Eden Project, The Na-tional Botanic Garden in Wales, De-vonport Royal Dockyard,Plymouth's Queen Anne's Quay seafront luxury apartments to list but afew – is a long way from the humblebeginnings of a real Ivybridge busi-ness success story.

John Grimes started the partner-ship with Joe Hearn in 1987 as ahome-based business, borrowing£425 from the bank to buy an Am-strad computer. An early project inthe first year of business was workon Lundy Island, and JGP still workswith the Landmark Trust on several

infrastructure projects on the Bris-tol Channel island to this day.

John's link to the town precededthe formation of JGP, when he car-ried out environmental work at theold gas works on Keaton Road in1982, where the Waterside flats nowstand. Other work in the town has in-cluded the Vicarage and the leisurecentre, and as JGP, John has been in-volved in stabilisation work behindFore Street and drainage for Ivy-bridge FC's ground at Erme Valley.

The partnership soon outgrew thehome office, and its first premises

were Narrowmore House in CostlyStreet (what is now McCoys con-venience store), before the move toLeonards Road in 1991, where thepremises have been extended to ac-commodate the growing business.

JGP came to prominence in 1992when a nine-metre-wide voidopened in the ground at Gunnis-lake, Cornwall, due to the collapseof an abandoned mine shaft and itwas tasked with treating the result-ant ground problems. JGP carried

The collapsed shaft at Gunnislake

John Grimes out in the field

Stamp of approval

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Life is local Dependable delivery


Delivering yourmessageComprehensive, dependable and timelydelivery of your message is ourcommitment to you.Six thousand copies are carefully handdelivered, door-to-door, across the whole ofIvybridge, and in the surroundingcommunities of Cornwood, Ermington,Moorhaven, Lee Mill, Bittaford, Wrangaton,Avonwick and Ugborough, every month.

1,000 copies areactively picked up atlocations in andaround the town,including EndsleighGarden Centre andThe Watermark, andcomplimentary copiesare given to hair andbeauty salons, dentistand health surgeries.










Musingsfrom the editor

A Happy Christmasis a local ChristmasThe countdown toChristmas is well andtruly underway! Festivefayre is in the shops,block-buster ChristmasTV adverts are airing....and we publish theIvybridge ChristmasFestival programme!We are delighted to onceagain support Christmasin Ivybridge by producingand publishing thefestival programme,which you’ll find as ahandy pull-out-and-keepleaflet on page 11. As well as details of apacked programme ofevents and activities onthe 28th & 29thNovember, we also haveinformation on festive funthroughout the month,including how you canvisit Santa in his Grotto inthe lead up to Christmas,the timetable for theRotary Club’s SantaSleigh, Christmas What’sOn and church services.Wishing you all a veryHappy Christmas!

The Ivybridge magazine is published and produced by: Lily design. 6 Claymans Pathway, Woodlands, Ivybridge PL21 9UZ T: 01752 426522 W: E: [email protected] © Lily design 2014. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in any form, without prior consent of the Publisher. Allinformation, advertised or provided, is accepted in good faith as being correct at the time of going to press. Opinions expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher and editor. The publisher accepts no responsibility for products, goods or services that may be advertised or referred to.


Editorial deadline for ourJanuary 2015 issue is:Friday, 12 December




01752 426522

07516 539573

[email protected]

6 Claymans Pathway,Woodlands PL21 9UZ

Drop Box in the IvyCabs office, Fore Street

An Ivybridge fashion boutique isnow taking its collection of casual,chic ladies fashion to computerscreens, tablets and smartphonesanywhere in the world with thelaunch of its new website.Diana Boutique has been bring-ing contemporary clothing to thewomen of the South Hams andPlymouth area for over 22 yearsfrom its shop on Fore Street.Now, the new online shopping

experience will bring the bou-tique to you. As well as clothing,there are accessories and jew-ellery and a ‘Style Inspiration’page showcasing how the collec-tions can be combined for afresh, unique look.The new site also allows users tomanage their account, sign up tothe boutique’s newsletter to hearabout special offers and share andconnect through social media.

Love was in the air as happy couple Boband Doris Kennard celebrated 70 years ofwedded bliss .Bob, 90, and Doris, 92, who is a resident atIvydene Residential and Nursing Home onStaniforth Drive, hosted a party for fellowresidents, friends and family to celebratetheir platinum wedding anniversary. The



newsinbriefYOUNG DEVON DROP-INSDrop-in sessions for youngpeople are being held at TheWatermark on Thursdays (2-6pm)and Fridays (1-5pm). They offer arange of support across issues,including sexual health, welfareand benefits, carers support,mental health and wellbeing,accommodation and counselling.

SPORTS RELIEF IVYMILE THANKSDan Williams and CharlotteBowen, the two young peoplewho organised this year’s IvyMilefor Sports Relief, wish to thankeverybody who helped with, andtook part in, the event, whichraised a massive £4,373.84.

ERME ROAD CLOSUREErme Road will be closedbetween 1st-16th December (andagain between 5th-16th January,2015, for improvement works tostorm chamber. An alternative,signed route will be put in place.

The new-look website

This amazing ‘real’ Santa sleigh has been specially built to transportSanta to the Erme Primary School Christmas Extravaganza onSaturday, 13 December (see page 18). The Hayman Construction andHayman Joinery team took on the top-secret mission and now theschool is working hard to add magic paint, sparkle and of course fill itwith presents for all those good children who can come to the event.

couple met at the start of the Sec-ond World War and got marriedwhen they found out that Bob hadbeen called up to serve in India inthe war. They had just one weekto organise their wedding and thelocal community and the couple’sfamily and friends rallied round toensure that their special day wentsmoothly, providing food fromtheir own rations and live musicfor dancing. The couple marriedon 4 November, 1944, at St Paul’sChurch in Chatham. When the couple’s children grewup, they moved to Devon to raisetheir own families, so Bob andDoris followed suit.When asked the secret to wed-ded bliss, Bob said: “Sharingeverything and lots of give andtake. We love absolutely every-thing about each other”, withDoris adding: “there is nothingabout Bob that I do not love.”

The Ivybridge magazine isavailable digitally too

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Life is local Advertising & contact details

THE IVYBRIDGE MAGAZINEAdvertising – formats and rates

The Ivybridge magazine offers a range of advertising formats tosuit your business and your advertising campaign.Choose a double page spread, a single full page, half of a page horizontalor vertical, or a quarter of a page.

Telephone: (01752) 426522 | Email: [email protected]

We have many advertising options to suit all budgets. Below is a listof each type of advertisement and the rates we charge. All rates are whatyou will pay – there is nothing to add – and are on a per issue basis.


190mm (w) x 272mm (h)

Trim size:210mm (w) x 297mm (h)

Bleed - 3mm on all sides:216mm (w) x 303mm (h)


93mm (w) x134mm (h)

HALF PAGE(horizontal)

190mm (w) x 134mm (h)

1/8 PAGE93mm (w)x 65mm (h)


93mm (w) x272mm (h)

No of issues 1 2 3-5 6-11 12

Full page £200 £190 £176 £168 £160

Half page £100 £95 £88 £84 £80

Quarter page £50 £48 £44 £42 £40

Eighth page £25 £24 £22 £21 £20

• FREE advert design service