media pack - construction manager magazine

Media Pack 2021

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Post on 18-Dec-2021




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Media Pack2021

Circulation: l 30,887 CIOB members monthly.l The largest circulation of any UK construction title.l Only major construction title still to be ABC audited.

ContentConstruction Manager provides high quality analysis, features, technical content and CPD. Construction Manager is edited by Will Mann, who has almost 20 years’ experience as a journalist and editor in the construction and built environment sector.l focus upon technical content/CPD.l In depth analysis on key industry issues.l More interviews and interaction with industry experts.l Editorial direction informed by a select editorial board of industry experts.

*Source: Audit Bureau of Circulation - July 2016 to June 2017

Media Pack2021

Construction Manager magazine

Readership research n 51% Of CIOB members work in organisations employing over 500 staff Includes the UK’s top ten contractors; l Balfour Beatty l Skanska l Laing O’Rourke l Morgan Sindall l Kier l Galiford Try l Vinci l Costain l Willmott DixonThese organisations deliver the major commercial, public sector, housing and infrastructure projects across the UK.

What’s an ABC? An ABC is the recognised industry gold standard of circulation auditing ensuring that every copy of a magazine is being delivered to an individual. All major news publications are ABC audited and quote an ABC rather than a readership figure.

Display Insertions 1 5 10DPS £4,800 £4,400 £3,900Full page £3,000 £2,650 £2,300Half page £1,600 £1,400 £1,100Quarter page £900 £795 £650

InsertsUp to 20g - £2,300

For costs on heavier items please call the

sales team on 020 7490 5595.

Classified Full Page £2,000Half Page £1,000QuarterPage £500Eighth Page £250

Special PositionsInside Front Cover £250Outside Back Cover £3001st Right Hand Page £1502nd Right Hand Page £100

Media Pack2021

Display advertising

30% 24%


Media Pack2021

Partnership publishing

Partnership Publishing

Publish thought leadership content to 30,887 CIOB members in print and over 75,000 online including project case studies, new product launches, company news and interviews. Detailed content created in collaboration with the Construction Manager editorial and design team.

1 x page print article with online piece Reaches 30,887 in print and 57,000 via an email newsletter. 500 words plus images and links on online version. Rate - £3,000.

2 x pages print article with online piece Reaches 30,887 in print and 57,000 via two email newsletters. 1,000 words plus images and links on online version. Rate - £3,750.

3 x pages print article with online piece Reaches 30,887 in print and 57,000 via three email newsletters. Given a prominent position on the homepage under our promoted content section for one month. Full social media promotion to our 24,000 Twitter followers. 1,500 words plus images and links on online version. Rate - £4,500.

Print example

Online example

CM website: 73,855* unique monthly visitors driven to Viewing 110,260 pages per month.

Website content: provides up to date coverage of the news and issues affecting the construction industry.

Content from the print version of Construction Manager magazine is also available digitally here making the valuable CIOB perspective available to the wider industry.

CM weekly newsletters: 3 x weekly newsletters each sent to over 55,000 CIOB members and construction professionals.

CM Newsletters achieve an average 18% open rate and a 16% click through rate.

* Google analytics Jan 1 to Nov 30 2020

Media Pack2021

Readership research

n 72% of CIOB members work in roles that require them to source and specify building products and systems. This gives our core audience a volume of specifiers higher than the total circulations of our nearest competitors.

CM website

CM newsletter

Newsletter BannersNewsletters are sent on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

to a total list of 55,000 per email.

Benefits:l Promote messaging on newsletters online to over 55,000

CIOB members and construction professionals.

l Track responses and drive website traffic.



Newsletter Banner Rates4 x Banner: £1,600

Main Website Advertising RatesLeaderboard: £1,600 per monthMPU: £1,600 per monthButton: £800 per month

Website BannersMonthly space rental

basis. Banners booked

on the main site benefit

from traffic created

by all newsletters.

Average unique monthly

visitors 73,855.

l Site takeovers, video

hosting & pop up available.




Media Pack2021

Digital advertising

n % 1-10n % 11 - 50n % 51 - 250n % 251- 500n % 500+

Readership researchHow many people are employed in your organisation?



Media Pack2021

Site takeover


Site Takeover:

Book ALL available ad positions (banner, mpu and fireplace) for a minimum period of one week.

Cost: £3,000


Own all the inventory and funnel all traffic to your brand/message or offer!

Fireplace banner specs:

The left and right upright ads 225x1000px.


Banner adMPU

Pillar Banners:

These Pillar banners will track down as you scroll! Available at minimum of 1 x month booking.

Cost: £2,500

Pillar banner specs:

Both Pillars are: 225x1000px.

Bespoke email benefits:l Your content solely sent to our construction industry

audience of over 30,000 opt ins.

l Co-branded with Construction Manager to ensure a high open rate and create association with the trusted Construction Manager brand.

l Bespoke emails achieve an average 18% open rate

l The most effective way to communicate a message to our construction audience.

Availability4 X MONTHFour bespokes available each month sent every Wednesday at 9.30am. Competition for bespoke emails is very high so it’s advisable to book two months in advance of intended distribution!

RatesBespoke Email only - £1,750Bespoke Email with all click data - £2,350

What’s working?The most successful bespoke emails are clear and simple with no more than three click through links. The examples on this page were highly effective, enabling PlanGrid to promote downloads of an ebook and Kingspan Insulation to drive app downloads.

Media Pack2021

Bespoke emails

n % Ownern % MDn % Directorn % Senior Managern % Middle Managern % Trainee

Readership researchWhich of these best describes the position that you hold in your organisation?




BSI Case StudyBSI chose Construction Manager bespoke emails to publish their Little Book of BIM – a practical guide on BIM adoption. The guide was published via a bespoke email to 35,280 recipients achieving a 20% open rate and an exceptional 20% click through rate with 1,419 downloads of the guide.

Media Pack2021


Broad Appeal The quality and range of content on the CPD site attracts a multi discipline audience illustrated in the respondent data below.

CPD: CPD articles are an opportunity to engage with the CIOB membership and wider AECO industry on a chosen topic. Articles enable sponsors to demonstrate their expertise on key issues and publish detailed technical information to our audience.

Each article is linked to an online test that CIOB members must complete in order to obtain a CPD certificate. A database of email addresses/leads are passed to the sponsor for follow up.

The CPD Packagel Four page article in Construction Manager reaching 30,887 CIOB members. l Online article promoted to a mailing list of 58,000.l Five question online test.l Access to all respondent data.

Investment: £4,500

Data Capture: l Details captured include job title, company and

email address.l Typically 400 responses/leads.l Data is provided to the client a full six weeks

after publication.l CM will retain the respondent data as a separate marketing

mailing list that can be used on future campaigns.

Researchl Sponsorship of a survey that gathers the thoughts of the

industry on key issues.

l Created in partnership with the Construction Manager team.

l 8-12 questions with input from the Construction Manager team

on research direction.

l The full research data is shared with the sponsor and can be

used to inform future sales and marketing initiatives.

l Full details of all participants taking the research are made

available to the sponsor and can be used to highlight targets

for direct follow up activity.


Feature BIM survey

data on multiple projects we can roll the data back up. Over time the digitalisation of construction sites will start to collect enough data that we’ll see more evidence of where causes can be found and paths can be changed to make the process better.”

Is health and safety even a consideration?BIM and digitalisation was also promoted as being a tool to help improve health and safety. However, rarely are BIM and health and safety discussed together, as Steve Martin, head of specialist groups at ECA, made clear: “I don’t think that connect between BIM and health and safety has been made yet to say looking at this model we can look at risk assessments for the site. It should be.”

Zahiroddiny explained that on HS2 health and safety is part of their future thinking on BIM. “We are trying to understand how to progressively enhance the existing manual processes and link health and safety information to BIM to expose risks throughout the asset life-cycle. At the moment it is very much proof of concept.”

This is not the case for all clients, however, as Arcadis’s Adam McCall made clear: “We don’t see clients being able to position BIM as a top three driver to enable their H&S objectives.”

Trebilcock reinforced this position stating that clients see health and safety as a given, and something that contractors are expected to deliver: “Looking at a project’s costs a client wouldn’t dream of saying could we take a health and safety manager off, but a BIM manager is a fair target, because they don’t get the value.”

It seems that with health and safety, as with profitability and productivity quantifying the benefits of BIM is still an extremely difficult task, even a year after the mandate came into force. Until these benefits can be clearly demonstrated, convincing clients, contractors, designers and the supply chain to fully engage with BIM will remain an uphill battle.

“It has in some ways been a lost year. The other B-word [Brexit] has robbed a bit of momentum.”

Francis Ho, Penningtons Manches

CM’s BIM survey 2017 results analysedDuring January and February, Construction Manager once again surveyed our readers to gauge how user trends had moved since the 2016 survey. Here’s what the results revealed.

The respondentsThe survey had 392 respondents, including 63 clients, of which 41 worked in the public sector and 22 the private sector. And 42 said they were project managers either working in the private or public sector. Spendingwise, our client respondents were also drawn from across the spectrum, with roughly a third in the £10m or less bracket, a third in the £10m-£100m and the remaining third bigger spenders with budgets of between £100m and £1bn plus.

In terms of other respondents there were 55 tier one contractors working for

We ask for Level 2 BIM as a contractual requirement on 100% of our projects

As a client, what are your requirements on BIM ?

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

We ask for Level 2 BIM as a contractual requirement on most projects (over 50% by number or value)

We ask for Level 2 BIM as a contractual requirement on some projects (under 50% by number or value)

We ask for BIM, but our requirements will be below Level 2

We ask for BIM, but our requirements will go beyond Level 2

We do not make BIM a requirement on our projects, although teams are free to use it


n None

n 1 - 3 only

n 4 - 10

n 10 or more

n Other

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

How many past and current projects has your organisation been involved in that use Level 2 BIM?











companies with a turnover of £100m or above and 24 below that figure; 16 tier two, or specialist contractors; 105 said they were design consultants; 22 cost consultants; and 65 were people in other disciplines in the built environment.

The values of contracts respondents were procuring or working on in the coming year were also spread: a third working on projects of £10m or under; roughly a third in the £10m-£100m range; and a third were £100m-£1bn or above.

As a client what are your requirements on BIM?Turning to the questions about BIM, we first of all asked our client group about their BIM demands. Chiming with the sentiment of the round table, the results arguably confirm that BIM's progress is unlikely to be client driven. Almost half (49%) said they did not make BIM a requirement on projects, though teams were free to use it. In 2016 45% of clients said they did not make it a requirement. In this year’s survey 20% of clients said they currently asked for BIM Level 2 on all projects, compared with 23% last year.

Broken down into client type, the survey offers some interesting results: l 38% of those from central government departments said that they make BIM Level 2 mandatory on all projects, while 23% said it wasn't a requirement.l Only 17% of other publicly funded clients asked for it on 100% of projects — and 62% said not at all.l In the private sector 11% said they demanded Level 2 BIM on 100% of projects, with 50% not at all.

How often have you encountered BIM as a contractual requirement when bidding for new work?Again results were patchy, showing there is still some way to go for centrally-funded government projects to take on board the BIM message. The survey shows that just 27% had encountered BIM on over 50% of central government-funded work and this was down to 14% for public projects outside of those funded by central >

28_32.CM.Apr17.BIMroundtable.indd 31 21/03/2017 11:19

Online Research ProjectFormat: Online Survey.

Promotion: 2 x Bespoke Eshots and banner

ad (optional).

Reach: A construction audience of

over 30,000 subscribers!

Rate: £5,000

Print/Online Research ProjectFormat: Online Survey and print article

in magazine.

Promotion: 2 x Bespoke eshots and

banner ad (optional). News stories on

weekly newsletters.

Follow Up: 2 to 4 page Report in magazine.

Reach: Over 30,000 subscribers via bespoke

eshots and 55,000 via CM newsletter


Rate: £7,000

Media Pack2021

Research projects

Sponsor benefitsChaired by the Construction Manager Editor, a round table event

enables a sponsor to interact with an elite and exclusive guest list,

contribute to a debate and network with the delegates on the day. Reach:

l Extensive networking opportunities with the 8-10 professionals on the day.

l The printed report in Construction Manager reaches the CIOB Core Audience in print of 30,887.

l Newsletters promoting a digital version of the article reach the CIOB membership and wider construction Audience online of over 55,000.

l Online report available to 73,000 unique monthly visitors of

l An opportunity to engage and network with select AECO

professionals, key figures from the CIOB and industry experts.

l Branded editorial content in CM, CM Online and social

media providing exposure to our complete audience.

l Leads for follow up provided by a CPD version of the article.

l Your brand promoted as a thought leader on a specific

agenda produced in collaboration with CM.

l A multi layered approach enabling engagement with the UK

construction industry on key issues.

Sponsorship Fee: £10,000

Media Pack2021

Roundtable events




An online seminar enabling sponsors to present to a live audience online.

Moderated by a Construction Manger, BIM+ or GCR editor with a live Q&A with

online participants a webinar is a truly interactive piece of online training.

Reach: l Bespoke emails promoting registration for the webinar and promoting

the recording of the webinar reach the CIOB membership and wider

construction audience online of 55,000 subscribers.

l Extensive engagement with the live audience on the day.

Typically 350 professionals.

Key benefits

l A one hour event online with live PowerPoint presentations

and audio commentary.

l A full promotional programme to source online participants and

promote the video of the finished webinar.

l Assistance in sourcing industry professionals to present on your topic.

l Data returned to sponsor of all webinar participants that attend on the day

and anyone signing up to attend the webinar.

Sponsorship Fee: £7,000

Media Pack2021




A factory visit is an article revealing the detailed

processes involved in manufacturing a building

product. The complete process is covered including

the sourcing of raw materials, key parts of the

manufacturing process, logistics and site delivery and

even how the product is recycled at the end of its life.

73% of the CIOB membership work in roles requiring

them to source and specify building products and

systems. A factory visit is an opportunity to educate

them on how to make an informed choice or to

re-enforce their buying habits. Revealing the inherent

properties gained during the manufacture of a

product enables clients to highlight elements that

can make specification of a product more attractive

to our readers.

Reach: l The printed article in Construction Manager reaches

the CIOB Core Audience in print of 30,887.l Newsletters promoting a digital version of the article

reach the CIOB membership and wider construction Audience online of over 55,000.

l Online article available to 73,000 unique monthly visitors of

Factory Visit - Key Benefitsl A half day with a Construction Manager editor

and a photographer.l A four page article in Construction Manager

taking the reader through your process.l A full promotional package pushing your article

to our complete audience.

Sponsorship fee: £6,500

Media Pack2021

Factory visits

Bespoke Tech SpecsHTML Template to be integrated with the CM template with all links and images. Deadline - 2 days prior to distribution.

A design service is available for an additional £350. Deadline - 4 days prior to distribution.

All Website Banner SizesLeaderboard 728 x 90

Skyscraper 140 x 600

MPU 400 x 400

Button 150 x 150

All Newsletter Banner SizesLeaderboard 728 x 90

Skyscraper 140 x 600

Banner Artwork SpecsAnimated GIF File only.

No flash animation.

URL for click throughs.

All artwork to be supplied two days prior

to go live date. Supplying incorrectly will

delay your campaign.

Copy and Distribution DatesJanuary – Deadline – 7th Dec – Distribution – 18th Dec

February – Deadline –18th Jan – Distribution – 29th Jan

March – Deadline – 15th Feb – Distribution – 26th Feb

April – Deadline – 15th Mar – Distribution – 26th Mar

May – Deadline – 19th Apr – Distribution – 30th Apr

June – Deadline – 17th May– Distribution – 28th May

July/August – Deadline – 14th June – Distribution – 25th June

September – Deadline – 16th Aug – Distribution – 27th Aug

October – Deadline – 13th Sept – Distribution – 24th Sept

November/December – Deadline – 18th Oct – Distribution – 29th Oct

Digital specificationsWe accept digital artwork only. Please supply artwork in

PDF format - preferred format must be created according

to Pass4Press standards, the pdf should be pdfx 1.3, and using only Quark or Indesign formatting.

Ensure that colours are CMYK, fonts are enclosed and

images are 300dpi resolution.

Copy contact: [email protected]

DPS Trim 255 H x 416 W Bleed 261 H x 422 W Type area 245 H x 406 W

Page Trim 255 H x 208 W Bleed 261 H x 214 W Type Area 245 H x 198 W

1/2 Page horizontal 188 W x 115 H

1/2 Page vertical 92 W x 235 H

1/4 Page vertical 92 W x 115 H

1/4 Page horizontal 188 W x 54 H


Media Pack2021

Advertising tech specs