the interna*onal celes*al reference frame (icrf) from vlbi · quasars are ‘fixed’ in an...

The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from VLBI David Gordon NVI Inc., Code 61A June 22, 2017

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Page 1: The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from VLBI · Quasars are ‘fixed’ in an iner=al celes=al reference frame (CRF). The TRF and the CRF are connected by a set of

The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from

VLBI DavidGordon


Page 2: The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from VLBI · Quasars are ‘fixed’ in an iner=al celes=al reference frame (CRF). The TRF and the CRF are connected by a set of

•  Mul=pleradiotelescopesobservethesamedistantradiosourcessimultaneously.

•  Quasarsignalsarriveatdifferent=mesateachantenna.

•  Signals(+noise)arerecordedondisksindependentlyateachsta=on.

•  DisksaresenttoaVLBIcorrelatorwheretherecordeddatastreamsarecross-correlatedtoextracttheVLBIobservables(delays,delayrates,fringephases,andfringeamplitudes).


Page 3: The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from VLBI · Quasars are ‘fixed’ in an iner=al celes=al reference frame (CRF). The TRF and the CRF are connected by a set of

VLBIisanastronomicaltechniquethatcanbeusedforastronomy,astrometry(absoluteandrela=ve),precisegeodesy,spacecraTnaviga=on.TheGSFCVLBIgroupusesVLBIforgeodesyandabsoluteastronomy.Geode=c/AstrometricVLBIsessions:•  Sessionsareusually24-hrsinlength.•  MostsessionshavebeendualfrequencyatX(~8.5GHz)andS(~2.3GHz)bandstoallowcorrec=ngfortheionosphere.

•  Typically~50-100differentquasarsobserved.•  Datacorrelated/fringedtogetobserveddelaysanddelayrates.•  Observeddelaysandtheore=caldelaysusedinleastsquaressolu=onstodeterminesiteposi=ons,Earthorienta=onparameters,sourceposi=ons,etc.usingtheGSFCCalc/SolveandμSolvesoTwarepackages.

Page 4: The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from VLBI · Quasars are ‘fixed’ in an iner=al celes=al reference frame (CRF). The TRF and the CRF are connected by a set of


Page 5: The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from VLBI · Quasars are ‘fixed’ in an iner=al celes=al reference frame (CRF). The TRF and the CRF are connected by a set of


Page 6: The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from VLBI · Quasars are ‘fixed’ in an iner=al celes=al reference frame (CRF). The TRF and the CRF are connected by a set of

ICRF1:AdoptedbytheIAUinJan.1998.•  X/Sfrequencies•  608totalsources•  212definingsources•  250μ-arc-secondnoisefloor

Page 7: The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from VLBI · Quasars are ‘fixed’ in an iner=al celes=al reference frame (CRF). The TRF and the CRF are connected by a set of

WeaknessesofICRF1:•  Fewdefiningsourcesinthefar-south.•  Severaldefiningsourcesfoundtobeunstable.•  Fewoverallsourcesinthefar-south.(MostVLBIantennasareinthenorthernhemisphere.)

Page 8: The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from VLBI · Quasars are ‘fixed’ in an iner=al celes=al reference frame (CRF). The TRF and the CRF are connected by a set of


Page 9: The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from VLBI · Quasars are ‘fixed’ in an iner=al celes=al reference frame (CRF). The TRF and the CRF are connected by a set of

ICRF2:AdoptedbytheIAUJan.2010.•  X/Sbands•  3414totalsources•  295definingsources•  40μ-arc-secnoisefloor

Page 10: The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from VLBI · Quasars are ‘fixed’ in an iner=al celes=al reference frame (CRF). The TRF and the CRF are connected by a set of

WeaknessesofICRF2:•  ~2/3ofthesourceswereobservedinonlyonesession,theVLBACalibratorSurveys(VCS),andhadposi=onuncertain=es~5=mesgreaterthantheother1/3.

•  Scarcityofsourcessouthof~-30°declina=on.(VLBAlimitis~-40°.)

Page 11: The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from VLBI · Quasars are ‘fixed’ in an iner=al celes=al reference frame (CRF). The TRF and the CRF are connected by a set of


Page 12: The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from VLBI · Quasars are ‘fixed’ in an iner=al celes=al reference frame (CRF). The TRF and the CRF are connected by a set of

AStableSource AnUnstableSource

Page 13: The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from VLBI · Quasars are ‘fixed’ in an iner=al celes=al reference frame (CRF). The TRF and the CRF are connected by a set of

UsesoftheICRF:•  VLBIgeodesy.ForimprovedUT1andprecession/nuta=onleadingto

improvedgeophysicalmodeling.•  Phasereferencecalibrators.ForVLBIimagingofcompactsources,


•  SpacecraTnaviga=on.•  Alignmentoftheplanetaryephemerides.•  Gaiaop=calalignmentandcomparisons.Gaiacandetectmostofthe


•  Studiesofgalac=caberra=on.

Page 14: The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from VLBI · Quasars are ‘fixed’ in an iner=al celes=al reference frame (CRF). The TRF and the CRF are connected by a set of

ICRF-3:WorktowardsICRF3beganwiththecrea=onofanIAUWorkingGroupin2012.Goalswere:•  ImproveupontheprecisionofICRF2,especiallyforthe‘VCS’sources.•  Increasethenumberofsources.•  Provideforaframe=eandaccuracycomparisonswiththean=cipatedGaiaop=calcatalog.

•  PresentittotheIAUforapprovalattheAugust2018GeneralMee=ng.ThreeGSFCcode61ApersonnelaremembersoftheICRF3WorkingGroup(DavidGordon,ChopoMa,SergeiBolo=n).

Page 15: The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from VLBI · Quasars are ‘fixed’ in an iner=al celes=al reference frame (CRF). The TRF and the CRF are connected by a set of


Page 16: The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from VLBI · Quasars are ‘fixed’ in an iner=al celes=al reference frame (CRF). The TRF and the CRF are connected by a set of


Page 17: The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from VLBI · Quasars are ‘fixed’ in an iner=al celes=al reference frame (CRF). The TRF and the CRF are connected by a set of

Parameter ICRF1(Jan.1998) ICRF2(Jan.2010) ICRF3(2018/2019)

DataSpan: Aug1979-July1995(16years)






1.6millionX/Sband 6.5millionX/Sband ~15millionX/Sband~400,00Kband


#DefiningSources 212 295 ~300

Total#Sources 608 3414 ~4300X/Sband~800Kband


NoiseFloor ~250μ-arc-sec ~40μ-arc-sec ~30μ-arc-sec

AxisStability ~20μ-arc-sec ~10μ-arc-sec



Page 18: The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from VLBI · Quasars are ‘fixed’ in an iner=al celes=al reference frame (CRF). The TRF and the CRF are connected by a set of



Page 19: The Interna*onal Celes*al Reference Frame (ICRF) from VLBI · Quasars are ‘fixed’ in an iner=al celes=al reference frame (CRF). The TRF and the CRF are connected by a set of
