the income and expenditure survey questionnaire (iesq...

The Income and Expenditure Survey Questionnaire (IESQ), 2005 Bangladesh Version: May 2005 ESRC Research Group on Well-being in Developing Countries (WeD) University of Bath, UK Name Code number Country Site/Village Household Number Signature Date Interviewer Supervisor Data entry personnel 1 Data entry personnel 2 Statement of confidentiality: This questionnaire is part of a wider project on the well-being of people in different parts of the world. All information gathered is confidential and will be used only for research. The identity of the respondents or households will not be revealed to anyone. Nobody will be able to identify you or use the information against you. To the interviewer: The above statement of confidentiality was read to the respondent and the respondent has agreed to participate in the interview. Please tick the box. UK Data Archive Study Number 6078 - Wellbeing in Developing Countries: Income and Expenditure, 2005-2006

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Page 1: The Income and Expenditure Survey Questionnaire (IESQ · The Income and Expenditure Survey Questionnaire (IESQ), 2005

The Income and Expenditure Survey Questionnaire (IESQ), 2005 Bangladesh

Version: May 2005 ESRC Research Group on

Well-being in Developing Countries (WeD) University of Bath, UK

Name Code number Country Site/Village Household Number Signature Date Interviewer Supervisor Data entry personnel 1 Data entry personnel 2 Statement of confidentiality: This questionnaire is part of a wider project on the well-being of people in different parts of the world. All information gathered is confidential and will be used only for research. The identity of the respondents or households will not be revealed to anyone. Nobody will be able to identify you or use the information against you. To the interviewer: The above statement of confidentiality was read to the respondent and the respondent has agreed to participate in the interview. Please tick the box.

UK Data Archive Study Number 6078 - Wellbeing in Developing Countries: Income and Expenditure, 2005-2006

Page 2: The Income and Expenditure Survey Questionnaire (IESQ · The Income and Expenditure Survey Questionnaire (IESQ), 2005


household? (See codebook). If died Q4. Else Q3

3.What is [Name]’s main residence now? (See codebook). Next person

4. If died, cause of death? (See codebook) Next person


Female….2 8. What is the relationship of child to household head? (See codebook)

9. Is the child still alive? YES….1 NO…..2

10. Have any new persons joined the household as member since our last visit, for example through marriage? If yes, write their name on the Household Roster Card and give details. ? Yes Answer questions No Go to part II Did any other people start living with you in your house since our last visit, for example to work for you? Include them as well. 11. ID CODE 12. Sex

Male…….1 Female….2

13. Age (Years) 14. What is the relationship of [Name] to the household head? (See codebook)

15. Main activity of person? (See codebook)

16. How or why did [Name] enter the household? (See codebook)

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3 PART II: HOUSEHOLD INCOME SECTION 2.1: HOUSEHOLD ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES AND THE STATUS OF EMPLOYMENT We would like to ask you about any activity (including unpaid family work) carried out by you and other members of your household and also the status of employment of you and your family members. Have you or other members of your household been involved in any activity during the LAST MONTH (THE PAST 30 DAYS PRECEDING THE INTERVIEW)? Yes 1 No 2

If YES, give details; If NO, go to next section (Include additional rows for the same member having multiple occupations/activities) 1. HH ID

2. What are the occupations/ activities did your household members do during the last month including unpaid family work? (see codebook)

3. How many days did you do this activity?

4. How many hours per day on an average?

5. Were you self-employed or did you receive wages or salaries for this activity? (yes=1, no=2)

6. Where did you do this activity? (see codebook)

7. How much did you earn from this activities during the last 30 days (Taka)

SECTION 2.2: INCOME FROM WAGES AND SALARIES (Give details if there is at least one ‘yes’ in questions 5 above, otherwise, move to the next section) 1. HH ID

2. What was the average daily wage in cash last month (Tk)?

3. Did you get any in kind payment? (yes=1, no=2)

4. What did you get in kind? (see codebook)

5. How much did you receive per day (Kg)?

6. What was the market price per kg (Tk)?

7. What is your total net take home monthly cash remuneration (Tk.) after all deductions at sources (for salaried employment)?

8. What is the total value (Tk.) of in-kind or other benefits you received last month (for salaried employment)?

9. Who decides about the use of this income? (see codebook)

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4 SECTION 2.3: INCOME FROM NON-AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES/BUSINESS ACTIVITIES OF THE HOUSEHOLD We would like to ask you about income earning activities carried out by you or other member of your household as part of household non-agricultural/business activities. Have you or other members of your household been involved in any such activity during the LAST MONTH (THE PAST 30 DAYS PRECEDING THE INTERVIEW)? Yes 1 No 2

If YES, give details; If NO, go to next section 1. What kind of enterprises did your household own and operate (jointly or solely) in the last month? (see codebook)

2. Where do you operate the enterprise? (home=1, fixed outside=2, variable=3)

3. Is the enterprise solely owned by the household or shared with others? (solely=1, shared=2)

4. What is your share of equity in this enterprise (%)?

5. How many days did the enterprise operate last month?

6. During the past four months, for how many months was the household receiving income from this activity?

7. How much was the total sell last month (Tk.)?

8. If the production was in kind, please mention what it was. (see codebook)

9. Please also mention what is the total value (Tk.) of in kind production (apart from total sell)?

10. What was the exp. on rent (Tk.)?


15. Beginning with yourself, please list the names of all household members who have worked in this activities during the last month (ID of

household members)

11. What was the exp. on raw materials?

12. What was the exp. on wages paid?

13. What was the exp. for marketing the output?

14. What was the total other expenses? a. b. c. d. e.

16. Who decides about the use of this income? (see codebook)

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5 SECTION 2.4: INCOME FROM CROP AGRICULTURE Did the household grow crops IN THE LAST SEASON? Yes 1. Specify period (From month, year TO month, year) ________, ______ / ________, ______ No 2. If NO, go to the next section How much land (decimals) did your household own and use for cultivation last season? owner operated: ________ rented in: ________ rented out: ________ 1. What crops did your household produce during the last season? (see codebook)

2. How much land did you cultivate under this crop? (decimals)

3. How much in total of crop did you produce after waste (Kg.)?

4. What was the unit price during harvesting (Tk.)?

5. How much did you sell incl. Sell from previous stock (Kg)

6. How much did you spend on renting in the land (Tk)? (skip if owned)

7. How much did you spend on renting in the agri. Equipment, if any (Tk)?

8. How much did you spend on paying the wages to the labours (Tk)?

9. How much did you spend on seeds (Tk)?

10. How much did you spend on fertilizer and pesticides (Tk)?


14. Beginning with yourself, please list the names of all household members who have worked in this crop production activities during

the last season (ID of household members)

11. How much did you spend on irrigation (Tk)?

12. Costs on transpor-tation to buy the inputs and selling the outputs (Tk)?

13. Other costs (Tk)?

a. b. c. d. e.

15. Who decides about the use of this income? (see codebook)

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6 SECTION 2.5: INCOME FROM NON-CROP AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES Would like to have check boxes for Q1 to identify the non-crop activity. 1. Non-crop Agri. Activities 2. How much

did your household earn from this activity over the last 4 month (Tk.)?

3. How much did your household spend on operation of these activities over the last 4 month (Tk)?

4. Beginning with yourself, please list the names of all household members who have been involved in these

activities during the last 4 months (ID of household members)

5. Who decides about the use of this income? (see codebook)

Cow/Bull/Buffalo a. b. c. d. e. Goat/Sheep Other Draft power Chicken/Duck Pigeon/Other poultry bird Milk Milk products Meat (excluding live animals)

Egg Fish Farming Fish Capture Fruits Vegetables Others (please specify)

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7 SECTION 2.6: INCOME FROM RENTS AND TRANSFERS 1. Has the household RECEIVED any other income (such as remittances from friends/relatives, gifts, pensions, food aid/other aid, Payment for health, education, any other transfers in the LAST MONTH? (THE PAST 30 DAYS PRECEDING THE INTERVIEW) 1. Yes 2. No If YES, give details for each transfer. If NO, go to the next section. Each transfer received in separate row. Would like to have check boxes for Q1 to identify the type of income.

2. Type of income 3. How much did your household receive from [Source] including the value of any payment in kind?

4. ID of person receiving transfer 5. Who decides about the use of this income? (see codebook)

Income from renting out of land/ponds a. b. c. d. e. Income from renting out of Houses/shops Income from renting out of other property Income from renting out of agricultural machinery Income from renting out of other equipment Remittances from within the country (need to be careful about double counting with wage/salary income)

Remittances from abroad (need to be careful about double counting with wage/salary income)

Income received from pension Other insured income Profit and dividend received as share holder Transfer received from the government (old age allowance, vulnerable group feeding, relief, etc

Transfer received from others (NGOs, social organizations, companies, private individuals)

Other income

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8 SECTION 2.7: INCOME MANAGEMENT (Both the head of household and spouse will answer this section) (tick only one box) 1. How was the household income managed during the last four months? 1. Household head 2. Spouse of the household head 3. Other (specify ID ……) All earnings went into a common pot 1 1 Everyone kept and managed his/her own earnings 2 2 Wife gave some income to husband to manage 3 3 Husband gave some income to wife to manage 4 4 Wife gave all income to husband to manage 5 5 Husband gave all income to wife to manage 6 6 Other member(s) gave some income to hh head to manage 3 3 HH head gave some income to other member(s) to manage 4 4 Other member(s) gave all income to hh head to manage 5 5 HH head gave all income to other member(s) to manage 6 6 2. Satisfaction (Both the household head and spouse will answer this section) How satisfied are you with these arrangements? (Income management) (tick only one box) Not

satisfied Just

satisfied More than satisfied

2.1 Household head 1 2 3 2.2 Spouse of the household head 1 2 3 2.3 Other (specify ID……) 1 2 3

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SECTION 3.1: FOOD CONSUMED BY THE HOUSEHOLD LAST WEEK 1. We would like to ask you about all the food that was bought for consumption or was consumed from your own stock, in the LAST WEEK.

3. Quantity consumed (kg/gm) by main source 1. Food Items 2. In the last week, did your household consume any [product]? (Tick the appropriate Boxes) a. HH Production b. Cash purchase c. Gift

4. Unit price (Tk per unit)

5. What is the total value (if quantity or price is not available)

Rice 1 Wheat 2 Bread 3 Pulses 4 Fish 5 Eggs (no.) 6 Milk (ltr.) 7 Meat (chicken) 8 Meat (beef) 9 Meat (mutton) 10 Other Meat 11 Potato 12 Other vegetables 13 Cooking Oils (ltr.) 14 Butter/Cheese 15 Spices 16 Sweets 17 Sugar/Honey 18 Fruits 19 Soft Drinks (ltr.) 20 Tea/Coffee 21 Tobacco (no.) 22 Other foods 23 Dining out 24 2. Concerning your family’s food consumption during the last month, which of the following is true:

(tick only one box) Not

adequate Just adequate

More than adequate

2.1 Household head 1 2 3 2.2 Spouse of the household head 1 2 3 2.3 Other (specify ID …..) 1 2 3

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10 SECTION 3.2: NON-FOOD EXPENDITURE SINCE LAST/FOUR MONTH Has the household purchased any of the following non-food items in the LAST MONTH/4 MONTHS (THE PAST 30 DAYS/4 MONTHS PRECEDING THE INTERVIEW)? 1. How much was spent by the household on the following items? 1. Expenditure Items

2. Tick the appropriate Boxes 3. Amount spent last month (Tk) 4. Amount spent during the last 4 months (Tk.)

Fuel and lightening 1 Bills (water, electricity, telephone) 2 Bath, Washing and cleaning 3 Transport/Travel 5 Newspapers 7 Cosmetics 4 Recreation and leisure 6 Educational expenses 8 Medical expenses (modern treatment) 9 Medical exp. (traditional treatment) 10 Clothes and shoes 11 Household-use textiles (quilt etc.) 12 Housing related expenses 13 Remittances and gifts to others 14 Cooking equipment 15 Furniture 16 Personal articles (watch, jewellery) 17 Household durables (radio, TV, phone) 18 Ceremonies and festivals 19 Taxes, interests, fines, premiums, etc. 20 Donations/Transfers to others 21 Other expenses 22 2. Concerning your family’s non-food consumption the last four months, which of the following is true: (tick only one box) Not

adequate Just adequate

More than adequate

2.1 Household head 1 2 3 2.2 Spouse of the household head 1 2 3 2.3 Other (specify ID……) 1 2 3

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SECTION 3.3 HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE DECISION MAKING Both the head of household and his/her spouse will answer this section 1. Expenditure decisions during the LAST FOUR MONTHS. Section to be answered by the head of the household: Would like to make Q1 check boxes with Q2 being one field with a selection drop down box.

2. Who actually took the decision to spend money on this item? (Tick the appropriate box)

3. Who provided the money for the following items during the last four months? See ID (s)

4.Who was responsible for buying this item? See ID (s)

1.Type of Expenditure

self only

mainly self, minor spouse

mainly self, minor other members

hh head and spouse equally together

All members equally together

Minor self, mainly spouse

Minor self, mainly other members

Only hh head and spouse but no other members

Only other members but not hh head

Other means

a. b. c.

Staple 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Vegetable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Meat/Fish 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Non-food household items (eg Soap, fuel)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Clothes for children 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Clothes for self 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Clothes for spouse 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 School fees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 School books 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 School transport 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Health expenditure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Purchase of household assets eg tv. radio, furniture

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Farm/enterorise inputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Business investment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Other investments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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2. Expenditure decisions during THE LAST FOUR MONTHS. Section to be answered by the spouse of the household head, if other member specify ID…..: Would like to make Q1 check boxes with Q2 being one field with a selection drop down box.

2. Who actually took the decision to spend money on this item?

(Tick the appropriate box) 3. Who provided the money for the following items during the last four months? See ID (s)

4.Who was responsible for buying this item? See ID (s)

1.Type of Expenditure

self only

mainly self, minor spouse

mainly self, minor other members

hh head and spouse equally together

All members equally together

Minor self, mainly spouse

Minor self, mainly other members

Only hh head and spouse but no other members

Only other members but not hh head

Other means

a. b. c.

Staple 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Vegetable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Meat/Fish 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Non-food household items (eg Soap, fuel)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Clothes for children 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Clothes for self 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Clothes for spouse 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 School fees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 School books 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 School transport 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Health expenditure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Purchase of household assets eg tv. radio, furniture

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Farm/enterorise inputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Business investment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Other investments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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14 PART IV: EMPLOYMENT AND REMITTANCES SECTION 4.1: EMPLOYMENT HISTORY AND DIVERSIFICATION 1. Have your and other members of your household been doing the same works since the beginning or have you changed your works? If you have changed, what did you and members of your family did 15 years ago? Also, can you tell us the reasons for the reported changes? 1. Person ID 2. Activity 15 years ago

(see codebook) 3. Reasons for changing activity (maximum 3)

3a. Reason 1 (codes) 3b. Reason 2 (codes) 3c. Reason 3 (codes) 2. Are you and the members of your family happy with your present work?

3. Why? 1. Person ID 2. Happy with the present job? (very happy=1, fairly happy=2, not too happy=3)

3a. Reason 1 (codes)

3b. Reason 2 (codes)

3c. Reason 3 (codes)

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15 3. Do you and members of your family want to change your present activity? If yes, what new activity do you want to undertake? Would like to move question 2 to the actual question above. If yes, answer below section. 1. Person ID 2. Want to change? (yes = 1; no = 2) 3. If yes, activity to undertake (codes) 4. If yes, why? (codes) 4. If you and members of your family wish to change (i.e. if yes to question 3 above) your present activity, can you do it?

3. If no, what are the barriers to change? 1.Person ID 2. Can change? (yes = 1; no = 2) Barrier 1 (codes) Barrier 2 (codes) Barrier 3 (codes)


1. Who has migrated, how and under what circumstances? 6. Sources of finance (codes)

7. How to manage household while in migration (codes)

1.HH ID 2. Types of Migration (codes)

3. Place of Destination (codes)

4. Seasona lity (codes)

5. Who negotiated (codes) a.

source1 b. source2

c. source3

a. option1 b. option2 c. option3

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2. Remittances and its management over the past 4 months

7. Contribution to the community 2. Purposes of using the money (codes)

4. Who uses (hh id)/‘0’ if for the household

6. Goods sent to the household (codes) a. contribution 1 b. contribution 2

1. HH ID

a. b. c.

3. Money sent to the household (Tk)

a. b. c.

5. Who controls (HH ID)

a. b. c. amount (Tk)

type (code)

amount (Tk)

type (code)

3. Costs of the Migrant at the destination over the past four months

Sufferings of the migrant at destination (codes)

Costs incurred (if possible to estimate)

Sufferings of the migrant’s household at origin (codes)

Costs incurred (if possible to estimate)


a. b. c. a. b. c. a. b. c. a. b. c.

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17 4. Are you happy with the remittances that your household receive under the prevailing circumstances both here and at the place of destination: Household Head: Spouse of household head/ other member specify ID …. Very happy 1 Very happy 1 Fairly happy 2 Fairly happy 2 Not too happy 3 Not too happy 3

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1. I would like to ask you about whether you have savings. This section should be administered to the adults separately as for the credit section and One family member should not be asked to talk about the savings of the other.

2. Where did you save money? (code)

3. Approximately how much did you manage to save during the last 4 months (Tk)?

1. HH ID

a. b. a. b.

4. What were you saving for? (See codebook)

5. Did you save on a regular basis or just from time to time when you can? (See codebook)

6. Would you say your savings are mainly long-term savings for the future or mainly short-term savings for things you need now and for unexpected events? (See codebook)

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19 SECTION 5.2 :CREDIT I would like to ask you about whether you have borrowed any money or goods or obtained funds that you must repay from family, friends or institutions

2. Source (code) 3. What was the main reason for borrowing or obtaining this loan? (see codebook)

4. How much did you borrow over the past 4 months (Tk)?

7. Who turned you down? (see codebook)

8. In case of emergency, which source of support you turn to borrow money? (See codebook)

1. HH ID

a. b. a. b. a. b.

5. Who of the household decides(ed) on the use of this most recent loan? (ID hh member)

6. During the last 4 months did you try to borrow money or goods from any person or institution and were refused? Yes 1 No 2 a. b. a. b.

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20 2. Only if the household did not obtained a loan in the past 4 months. Why did your household not attempt to borrow money in the last 12 months? (see codebook)………. SECTION 5.3: CREDIT LENT TO NON-MEMBERS OF THE HOUSEHOLD 1. Has any member of the household given out loan in money or goods to another household during the last four months? 1. Yes 2. No If YES, give details. If NO, go to the next section. 1. Loan 2. ID of

household member given out loan

3. Amount given 4. Is there still any part outstanding? Yes…1 No….2

5. Do you have any other business relationship with the borrower? (See codebook)

Loan 1 Loan 2 Loan 3 Loan 4 Loan 5

SECTION 5.4: HOUSEHOLD FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1. How well would you say your household is managing financially these days? Would you say you are (tick only on box) Household Head: Spouse of household head (If other specify ID ….) Living comfortably…. 1 Living comfortably…. 1 Doing alright……… 2 Doing alright……… 2 Just about getting by….. 3 Just about getting by….. 3 Finding it quite difficult 4 Finding it quite difficult 4 Finding it very difficult 5 Finding it very difficult 5 Don’t know 6 Don’t know 6

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21 PART VI: INCOME EXPECTATIONS 1. Comparing your family’s total income now with your expected income for the next MONTH, which of the following is true?

Tick only one box. Both the head of household and his/her spouse will answer this section Household Head: Spouse of household head/other member specify ID ….

Your family income:

Going up 1 Going up 1 It will be the same 2 It will be the same 2 Going down 3 Going down 3 Don’t Know 4 Don’t Know 3

2. Comparing your family’s total income now with your expected income for the next YEAR, which of the following is true?

Tick only one box. Both the head of household and his/her spouse will answer this section Household Head : Spouse of household head/other member specify ID …..

Your family income

Going up 1 Going up 1 It will be the same 2 It will be the same 2 Going down 3 Going down 3 Don’t Know 3 Don’t Know 3

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22 PART VII: HEALTH 1. We would like to know about the health status and health seeking behaviour of the members of your household for last 4 months

2. Names of the diseases (max 3) if suffered from illness during last 4 months

3. Any treatment sought for these illnesses? (yes=1, no=2/if no, go to question 6)

1. HH ID

a. b. c. a. b. c.

4. Types and places of treatment taken (max 3)

(see code book)

5. Reasons for taking the previous treatments 6. Reasons for not taking any treatment

a. treatment for


b. treatment for


c. treatment for


places types places types places types

a. treatment

for disease1

b. treatment

for disease2

c. treatment

for disease3

a. disease1 b. disease2 c. disease3

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23 2. How much did you spend for treatment during the last 4 months and what were the sources of money?

Amount (Taka) spent for various components of treatment Sources of money HH ID

Physician’s Fee Hospital Fee Medicine Transportation Accommodation Medical Tests Others source1 source2

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24 PART VIII: GLOBAL HAPPINESS 1. Taking all things together, how would you say things are these days? Would you say you are:

Tick only one box. Both the household head and his/her spouse will answer this section Household Head: Spouse of household head/ other member specify ID …. Very happy 1 Very happy 1 Fairly happy 2 Fairly happy 2 Not too happy 3 Not too happy 3

PART IX: NEED DOMAIN SATISFACTION Both the household head and his/her spouse will answer this section 1. The household head will answer this section. Select only one option for each need domain satisfaction component. 1. Options 2. Concerning

your children’s education which of the following is true? The education they get is

3. Concerning the health care your family gets which of the following is true? The health care your family get is

4. Concerning your family’s housing which of the following is true? The family’s house is

5. Concerning your family’s clothing which of the following is true? The family clothing is

6. Concerning your family’s total income over the past month which of the following is true? The total family income was

Not adequate….1 Just adequate….2 More than adequate………3

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25 2. The spouse of household head, if other specify ID…., will answer this section. Select the relevant option for each life domain satisfaction component. 1. Options 2. Concerning

your children’s education which of the following is true? The education they get is

3. Concerning the health care your family gets which of the following is true? The health care your family get is

4. Concerning your family’s housing which of the following is true? The family’s house is

5. Concerning your family’s clothing which of the following is true? The family clothing is

6. Concerning your family’s total income over the past month which of the following is true? The total family income was

Not adequate….1 Just adequate….2 More than adequate………3

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Well-being in Developing Countries (WeD) ESRC Research Group, University of Bath

The Income and Expenditure Survey Master Questionnaire (Rounds 1 -3)


Version July 2005

Name Code number Country Site/Village Household Number Signature Date Interviewer Supervisor Data entry personnel 1 Data entry personnel 2 Number of Round Statement of confidentiality: This questionnaire is part of a wider project on the well-being of people in different parts of the world. All information gathered is confidential and will be used only for research. The identity of the respondents or households will not be revealed to anyone. Nobody will be able to identify you or use the information against you. To the interviewer: The above statement of confidentiality was read to the respondent and the respondent has agreed to participate in the interview. Please tick the box.

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household? (See codebook). If died Q4. Else Q3

3.What is [Name]’s main residence now? (See codebook). Next person

4. If died, cause of death? (See codebook) Next person


Female….2 8. What is the relationship of child to household head? (See codebook)

9. Is the child still alive? YES….1 NO…..2

10. Have any new persons joined the household as member since our last visit, for example through marriage? If yes, write their name on the Household Roster Card and give details. ? Yes Answer questions No Go to part II Did any other people start living with you in your house since our last visit, for example to work for you? Include them as well. 11. ID CODE 12. Sex

Male…….1 Female….2

13. Age (Years) 14. What is the relationship of [Name] to the household head? (See codebook)

15. Main activity of person? (See codebook)

16. How or why did [Name] enter the household? (See codebook)

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3 PART II: HOUSEHOLD INCOME SECTION 2.1: HOUSEHOLD ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES AND THE STATUS OF EMPLOYMENT We would like to ask you about any activity (including unpaid family work) carried out by you and other members of your household and also the status of employment of you and your family members. 1.- Have you or other members of your household been involved in any activity during the LAST MONTH (THE PAST 30 DAYS PRECEDING THE INTERVIEW)? Yes 1 No 2

If YES, give details; If NO, go to next section (Include additional rows for the same member having multiple occupations/activities)

3. What are the occupations/ activities did your household members do during the last month including unpaid family work? (see codebook)

4 How many days did you do this activity?

5. How many hours per day on an average?

6 Were you self-employed or did you receive wages or salaries for this activity? (Yes =1, No =2)

7. Where did you do this activity? (see codebook)

8 How much did you earn from this activities during the last 30 days ( New soles)

2. HH ID

Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Act 1 Act 2

Act 3

Act 1

Act 2

Act 3

Act 1 Act 2 Act 3 Act 1

Act 2

Act 2

Act 1

Act 2

Act 3

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1. IN THE LAST MONTH (THE PAST 30 DAYS PRECEDING THE INTERVIEW), did you or any members of the household, including children, work on someone else’s land or in some other employment (regular, casual or temporary employment), against payment in cash or in kind?

Yes 1 No 2

If YES, give details; If NO, go to next section

4 Total amount earned in the last month. If in kind, give form of payment and value. 4a. In cash local currency

4b. In kind

6. During the past FOUR* months, the income from this activity

1. Increased 2. Decreased 3. The same 4. No got any income

Please, select one option for each month

2. ID of household member

3. Specify the occupation (see codebook)

4.a.1 Monthly income

4b1. In kind form (See codebook)

4b2. Please, give a value in local currency

5. Location of job (See codebook)

1 month ago

2 months ago

3 months ago

4 months ago

7.Who decides about the use of this income? See ID of household member (write up to 3 ID codes)


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5 SECTION 2.3: TRADE, SERVICES AND PROCESSING ACTIVITIES We would like to ask you about income earning activities carried out by you or other member of your household as part of a household business activity. 1.- Have you or other members of your household been involved in any household business activity since the LAST MONTH (THE PAST 30 DAYS PRECEDING THE INTERVIEW)? Yes 1 No 2 If YES, give details; If NO, go to next section

4. Total amount earned in the last month. If in kind, give form of payment and value.

5. FOR INDUSTRY 4. How much have you spent in total on the purchase of inputs (labor, raw materials, transport, fuels, etc) in the last month? Amount in local currency

4a. In cash What is the level of sales in the last month?

4b. In kind What is the value of goods and services

received as payment?

7. During the past FOUR* months, the income from this activity

1.Increased 2.Decreased 3.The same 4.No got any income

Please, select one option for each month.

2. Activity (See codebook)

3.Beginning with yourself, please list the names of all household members who have worked in this activity during the last month ID of household members (allows up to 3 Id codes)

4a1. Amount in local currency

4b1. In kind form (See codebook)

4b2. Please, give a value in local currency

6. TRADE AND SERVICES Compute the average profit rate. Use the additional sheet In percentage

1 month ago

2 months ago

3 months ago

4 months ago

8. Location of the activity (see codebook)

9. Who decides about the use of this income? See ID of the household member (write up to 3 ID codes)


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1. Did the household grow crops IN THE LAST SEASON? Yes 1 Specify period (From month, year to month, year) ……, ……/….,…… No 2. If NO, go to the next section Please, give the most recent crop grown and sales from crop during the last harvest. Make sure permanent crops are included, and include any sales from your stocks.

4. How much do you produce/sell?

7. How much did you spend on use of labour? Please, include a value for exchange labour

4a Amount

5 How much did you spend on seeds? Please, give a value

2.What crops did your household produce during the last season?

3. Members taking part in this crop production (See ID code)

4a1 Produced

4a2 Sold

4b Unit (see code)

4c Price received per unit

5a In cash

5b In kind

6. How much did you spend on fertilizer and pesticide?

7a Hire labour

7b Exchange labour

8 How much did you spend on renting agric. equipment?

9 How much did you spend on renting in the land?

10. How much did you spend on irrigation?

11 Costs on transportation to buy the inputs and selling the outputs?

12 Other costs?

13. Who household member decide about the use of this crop income? (see ID of household members)

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3. How much did your household earn from this sale last month/last season?

1. Type 2. Did you sell any […] during the last four months? Yes…1 No…2 Next type

1 month ago

2 months ago

3 months ago

4 months ago

4. Who usually decides about the use of this income? ( See ID)

5. ID of the household member usually in charge of selling the product

Cow Bull Sheep Pig Andean camelidos Oxen Horses Mules Goats Chicken Cuy Meat (exclude live animals) Milk/cream Eggs Rabbit SECTION 2.6: LIVESTOCK EXPENDITURE Since the LAST SEASON, have you had any expenditure related to agriculture and/or livestock activities? 1. Yes 2. No . If YES, give details for each expenditure. If NO, go to the next section.

2. Type of Expenditure 3. Tick the appropriate Boxes

4. Cash value (if in kind, give estimated cash value) In local currency

Labor for herding 1 Feed 2 Veterinary services/medicine 3 Other expenses (specify) 4 Animals purchases 5 Transport 6

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8 SECTION 2.7: RENT AND TRANSFERS 1. Has the household RECEIVED any other income (such as remittances from friends/relatives, gifts, pensions, food aid/other aid, Payment for health, education, any other transfers in the LAST MONTH? (THE PAST 30 DAYS PRECEDING THE INTERVIEW) 1. Yes 2. No If YES, give details for each transfer. If NO, go to the next section. Each transfer received in separate row.

2. Type of income 3. ID of person receiving transfer

4. How much did your household receive from [Source] including the value of any payment in kind?

5. In what was this income used? (See code book)

6. Who decides about the use of this income (See codebook)

Income from renting out of land/ponds/houses/agricultural machinery

Remittances from within the country (need to be careful about double counting with wage/salary income)

Remittances from abroad (need to be careful about double counting with wage/salary income)

Income received from pension Transfer received from the government (old age allowance, vulnerable group feeding, relief, etc

Transfer received from others (NGOs, social organizations, companies, private individuals)

Other income Gifts/parcels from any family member (please, give a value)

SECTION 2.8 . INCOME MANAGEMENT (Both the head of household and spouse will answer this section) (tick only one box) THIS SECTION WAS ONLY ADMINISTERED IN ROUNDS ONE AND TWO 1. How was the household income managed during the last four months? 1. Household head 2. Spouse of the household head 3. Other (specify ID ……) Everyone kept and managed his/her own earnings 1 1 1 Husband gave some income to wife to manage 2 2 2 Husband gave all income to wife to manage 3 3 3 Other member(s) gave some income to household head to manage

4 4 4

Other member(s) gave all their income to household head to manage

5 5 5

Other member(s) gave some income to spouse/mother to manage

6 6 6

Other member(s) gave all their income to the 7 7 7

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9 spouse/mother to manage Household head managed all household's members income

8 8 8

Both household head and spouse managed all income 9 9 9 Household head kept all income but he and his spouse managed it

10 10 10

Spouse kept all income but she and her spouse managed it

11 11 11

Household head kept and managed all income 12 12 12 Spouse kept and managed all income 13 13 13 Household head and spouse managed individually some of their own income and the remaining part was jointly managed

14 14 14

Others 15 15 15 2. Satisfaction (Both the household head and spouse will answer this section) How satisfied are you with these arrangements? (Income management) (tick only one box) Not

satisfied Just

satisfied More than satisfied

2.1 Household head 1 2 3 2.2 Spouse of the household head 1 2 3 2.3 Other (specify ID……) 1 2 3

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10 PART III: EXPENDITURES SECTION 3.1: FOOD EXPENDITURE 1. We would like to ask you about all the food that was bought for consumption or was consumed from your own stock, in the LAST WEEK.

4. How much was spent? In local currency

1. Food Product 2. In the last week, did your household consume any [product]? Tick the appropriate Boxes

3. What was the main source of the [product] eaten?

1. Cash purchase 2. Household production 3. Gift, wage in kind, aid.

4.1 Quantity

4.2. Price 4.3. Total

5 .What is the value of the food consumed from your own harvest or your own stock? In local currency

6. What is the value of the food received as a GIFT, a LOAN, as WAGE IN KIND or as BARTER? In local currency

Barley 1 Wheat 2 Maize 3 Potato 4 Rice 5 Beans 6 Milk/yogurt 7 Beef 8 Chicken 9 Other meat 10 Eggs 11 Butter/cheese 12 Soft drinks 13 Coffee 14 Sugar/honey 15 Salt and spices 16 Cooking oil 17 Bread 18 Fruit 19 Vegetables 20 Dining out 21 School breakfast 22

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11 School lunch/dinner


Noodles/flour 24 Habas 25

2. Concerning your family’s food consumption during the last month, which of the following is true: (tick only one box)

Not adequate

Just adequate

More than adequate

2.1 Household head 1 2 3 2.2 Spouse of the household head 1 2 3 2.3 Other (specify ID …..) 1 2 3

SECTION 3.2 : NON-FOOD EXPENDITURE 1. Has the household purchased any of the following non-food items in the LAST FOUR* MONTHS? How much was spent by the household on..? *Round 1 – Past 4 months *Round 2 and 3 – Past 3 months

1. Item 2. Tick the appropriate Boxes

3. Total expenditure in local currency

School/tuition fees, textbooks, uniforms and others 1 Ceremonial expenses (weddings, funerals, festivities, etc) 2 Taxes and levies 3 Kitchen equipment 4 Building materials 5 Furniture 6 Household durables (radio, cassette, CD player, TV and others) 7 Donations/gifts 8 Clothes/shoes 9 Crockery 10 Lines (sheets, towels, blankets) 11 Lamp/torch 12

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12 2. Concerning your expenses on weddings, funerals and festivities in the last four months, are you satisfied with the level of expenditure?: (tick only one box). Please, answer this question ONLY IF information on ceremonial expenses has been provided from previous table 1.

Not satisfied

Just satisfied

More than satisfied

2.1 Household head 1 2 3 2.2 Spouse of the household head 1 2 3 2.3 Other (specify ID……) 1 2 3

3. Has the household purchased any of the following non-food items in the LAST MONTH (THE PAST 30 DAYS PRECEDING THE INTERVIEW)? How much was spent by the household on..?

1. Item

2. Tick the appropriate Boxes 3. Total expenditure in local currency

Detergents/soaps/cosmetics 1 Transport 2 Coca leaves 3 Newspapers 4 Cigarrets 5 Alcohol 6 Bills (water, electricity, etc) 7 Modern medical treatment and medicines 8 Traditional medicine and healers 9 Transfers to other households/remittances and gifts to others 10 Recreation and leisure 11 Mobile phone/landline phone 12 Rent 13

4. Concerning your family’s non-food consumption the last four* months, which of the following is true: (tick only one box) Not

adequate Just adequate

More than adequate

2.1 Household head 1 2 3 2.2 Spouse of the household head 1 2 3 2.3 Other (specify ID……) 1 2 3 *Round 1 – Past 4 months *Round 2 and 3 – Past 3 months

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13 The Below Questions 5 and 6 were only administered in Round 1. 5. What are the five most important non-food items or expenses (electricity bills, school fees, kerosene) purchased by the household? Why?

Household head Spouse Household Head Rank Item Reasons Rank Item Reasons

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6. Imagine that you experience a substantial (twice as much) and PERMANENT increase in income, which five items or expenses (electricity bills,

school fees, kerosene) would you spend this additional money on? Why?

Household head Spouse Household Head Rank Item Reasons Rank Item Reasons

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

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14 SECTION 3.3 HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE DECISION MAKING THIS SECTION WAS ONLY ADMINISTERED IN ROUNDS ONE AND TWO Both the head of household and his/her spouse will answer this section 1. Expenditure decisions during the LAST FOUR* MONTHS. Section to be answered by the head of the household: *Round 1 – Past 4 months *Round 2 – Past 3 months

2. Who actually took the decision to spend money on this item?

(Tick the appropriate box)

3. Who provided the money for the following items during the last four months? See ID (s)

4.Who was responsible for buying this item? See ID (s)

1.Type of Expenditure

Self only

Mainly self/minor spouse

Equally self and spouse

Minor self/mainly spouse

Spouse only

Other combination

Staple 1 2 3 4 5 6 Vegetable 1 2 3 4 5 6


Meat 1 2 3 4 5 6 Non-food household items (eg Soap, fuel)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Rent 1 2 3 4 5 6 Clothes for children 1 2 3 4 5 6 Clothes for self 1 2 3 4 5 6 Clothes for spouse 1 2 3 4 5 6 School fees 1 2 3 4 5 6 School books 1 2 3 4 5 6 School transport 1 2 3 4 5 6 Health expenditure 1 2 3 4 5 6 Purchase of household assets eg tv. radio, furniture

1 2 3 4 5 6

Farm inputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 Business investment 1 2 3 4 5 6 Other investments 1 2 3 4 5 6

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15 2. Expenditure decisions during THE LAST FOUR*MONTHS. Section to be answered by the spouse of the household head, if other member specify ID…..: *Round 1 – Past 4 months *Round 2 – Past 3 months

2. Who actually took the decision to spend money on this item?

(Tick the appropriate box)

3. Who provided the money for the following items during the last four months? See ID (s)

4.Who was responsible for buying this item? See ID (s)

1.Type of Expenditure

Self only

Mainly self/minor spouse

Equally self and spouse

Minor self/mainly spouse

Spouse only

Other combination

Staple 1 2 3 4 5 6 Vegetable 1 2 3 4 5 6


Meat 1 2 3 4 5 6 Non-food household items (eg Soap, fuel)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Rent 1 2 3 4 5 6 Clothes for children 1 2 3 4 5 6 Clothes for self 1 2 3 4 5 6 Clothes for spouse 1 2 3 4 5 6 School fees 1 2 3 4 5 6 School books 1 2 3 4 5 6 School transport 1 2 3 4 5 6 Health expenditure 1 2 3 4 5 6 Purchase of household assets eg tv. radio, furniture

1 2 3 4 5 6

Farm inputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 Business investment 1 2 3 4 5 6 Other investments 1 2 3 4 5 6

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16 PART IV: SAVING AND CREDIT SECTION 4.1: SAVING I would like to ask you about whether you have savings. This section should be administered to the adults separately as for the credit section and One family member should not be asked to talk about the savings of the other. 1. Do you or any member of your household have any type of saving?. 1. Yes 2. No If YES, give details. If NO, go to the next section. 2. In the last 4* months, in which places have you saved in money or in kind? *Round 1 – Past 4 months *Round 2 and 3– Past 3 months

3.Write the ID of the Household member

4. Approximately how much did you manage to save the last year? In local currency

5 What were you saving for? (See codebook)

6. Did you save on a regular basis or just from time to time when you can? (See codebook)

7. Would you say your savings are mainly long-term savings for the future or mainly short-term savings for things you need now and for unexpected events? (See codebook)

Bank Post office/national saving centers Cooperative/credit union Microcredit (govt) Microcredit (NGO) Money lender Family/friends Trader/shopkeepers Informal saving (animals, jewellery, rice

and others) Saving and credit associations

Self-saving and “juntas”

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17 Others (specify) SECTION 4.2 :CREDIT I would like to ask you about whether you have borrowed any money or goods obtained funds that you must repay from family, friends or institutions. 1. Yes 2. No If YES, give details. If NO, go to the next section.

1. Sources 2. In the last 4*

months, did you borrow or obtain funds that you had to (have to) repay from a family member, friend other individuals or institutions? *Round 1 – Past 4 months *Round 2 and 3– Past 3 months (ID hh member)

3. What was the main reason for borrowing or obtaining this loan? (see codebook)

4. How much did you borrow in this most recent loan? Local currency

5. Who member of the household decides(ed) on the use of this most recent loan? (ID hh member)

6. During the last 12 months did you try to borrow money or goods from any person or institution and were refused? Yes 1 No 2

7. Who turned you down? (see codebook)

8. In case of emergency, which source of support you turn to borrow money? (See codebook)

Bank Cooperative/credit

union Microcredit (govt) Microcredit

(NGO) Moneylender Saving and credit

association Trader Landlord Friend/neighbour

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18 Relative Other person,

specify Trade company 2. Only if the household did not obtained a loan in the past 12 months. Why did your household not attempt to borrow money in the last 12 months? (see codebook)………. More than one answer is allowed. SECTION 4.3: CREDIT LENT TO NON-MEMBERS OF THE HOUSEHOLD 1. Has any member of the household given out loan in money or goods to another household during the last four* months? 1. Yes 2. No *Round 1 – Past 4 months *Round 2 and 3– Past 3 months If YES, give details. If NO, go to the next section.

4. Amount given 5 Is there still any part outstanding? Yes…1 No….2

6. Do you have any other business relationship with the borrower? (See codebook)

2 Loan 3 ID of household member given out loan

4a. In local currency

4b. Amount in kind

4c. Form (See codebook)

Loan 1 Loan 2 Loan 3 Loan 4 Loan 5

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19 SECTION 4.4: HOUSEHOLD FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1. How well would you say your household is managing financially these days? Would you say you are (tick only on box) Household Head: Spouse of household head (If other specify ID ….) Living comfortably…. 1 Living comfortably…. 1 Just about getting by….. 2 Just about getting by….. 2 Finding it quite difficult 3 Finding it quite difficult 3 Finding it very difficult 4 Finding it very difficult 4 Don’t know 5 Don’t know 5 PART V: INCOME EXPECTATIONS 1. Comparing your family’s total income now with your expected income for the next MONTH, which of the following is true? Your family income

Tick only one box. Both the head of household and his/her spouse will answer this section Household Head: Spouse of household head/other member specify ID …. Going up 1 Going up 1 It will be the same 2 It will be the same 2 Going down 3 Going down 3 Don’t know 4 Don’t know 4

2. Comparing your family’s total income now with your expected income for the next YEAR, which of the following is true? Your family income

Tick only one box. Both the head of household and his/her spouse will answer this section Household Head : Spouse of household head/other member specify ID ….. Going up 1 Going up 1 It will be the same 2 It will be the same 2 Going down 3 Going down 3 Don’t know 4 Don’t know 4

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20 PART VI: GLOBAL HAPPINESS 1. Taking all things together, how would you say things are these days? Would you say you are:

Tick only one box. Both the household head and his/her spouse will answer this section Household Head: Spouse of household head/ other member specify ID …. Very happy 1 Very happy 1 Fairly happy 2 Fairly happy 2 Not too happy 3 Not too happy 3

2.- We are now interested in knowing what happiness means to you. Tick only one box. Happiness for me is…..* *Question 2 was only administered in Round 3 Head of

household Spouse

1.- Stoicism □ □ 2.- Virtue □ □ 3.- Enjoyment □ □ 4.- Carpe Diem □ □ 5.- Satisfaction □ □ 6.- Utopian □ □ 7.- Tranquility □ □ 8.- Fulfillment □ □

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21 PART VII: NEED DOMAIN SATISFACTION Both the household head and his/her spouse will answer this section 1. The household head will answer this section. Select only one option for each need domain satisfaction component. 1. Options 2. Concerning

your children’s education which of the following is true? The education they get is

3. Concerning the health care your family gets which of the following is true? The health care your family get is

4. Concerning your family’s housing which of the following is true? The family’s house is

5. Concerning your family’s clothing which of the following is true? The family clothing is

6. Concerning your family’s total income over the past month which of the following is true? The total family income was

Not adequate….1 Just adequate….2 More than adequate………3

2. The spouse of household head, if other specify ID…., will answer this section. Select the relevant option for each life domain satisfaction component. 1. Options 2. Concerning

your children’s education which of the following is true? The education they get is

3. Concerning the health care your family gets which of the following is true? The health care your family get is

4. Concerning your family’s housing which of the following is true? The family’s house is

5. Concerning your family’s clothing which of the following is true? The family clothing is

6. Concerning your family’s total income over the past month which of the following is true? The total family income was

Not adequate….1 Just adequate….2 More than adequate………3

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Revised February 2005

DEEP DIARY: Adults and Young People (To be answered by all young people capable of responding and all adults in the household)

We suggest that male and female interviewers go to the house together and try to interview

simultaneously – the male interviewer talking to the man while the female interviewer talks to his wife


Household (name of head):


DEEP Phase number:

Visit/Diary number:


Family members present in the community:

Only compete this once – most likely in the interview with the household head.


Family members not present in the community? Who, why and where?

Complete for household head only



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Establish a rapport with the respondent: you have to work out how to do this in the light of the personality of the person you are talking to. It may take a long or short time. In this open-ended section we want you to record the story of the month from the respondent’s perspective. These are the things we are particularly interested in: Possible opening gambits: What’s been happening since I last saw you? How have things been this month? or Say something about what is going on around when you meet with the respondent. What problems have you had/ bad things happened to you?

To your household?

What good things have you done/ happened to you? To your household?

Checklist of topics 1. Life events 2. Health and illness 3. Food 4. Work 5. Education/learning 6. Rest and recreation 7. Expenditure – consumption, investment, savings, gifts to other 8. Sources of income – asset sale, credit, gift, output sale, wages 9. Social interaction – kin, neighbours, friends 10. Participation in local organisations 11. Religious and ritual activities 12. Interactions with the wider world 13. Interactions with government officials 14. Disagreements and resolutions 15. Satisfaction with the month 16. Satisfaction with the last four months (only to be asked in Diaries 4, 8, and 12) 17. Household decision-making (only to be asked in Diaries 4, 8, and 12) 18. Plans for next month Checklists:

These are guides to help you to ask the questions. We do not expect you to ask the questions exactly as phrased or to read out the examples. We do expect you to use them to make sure all the topics we are interested in are covered. In the conversation with your respondent you can use whatever gambits/questions you think appropriate and useful. You can also add your own checklists of things you think are missing (please feed these back to us and the group)

1. Checklist : life events These may have been mentioned in the opening discussion – don’t be repetitive but refer to the event and ask the questions about consequences. Have there been any important events which very seriously affected the household in the last month?

e.g. pregnancy, birth, marriage/divorce, abduction, bad/good weather death/funeral/inheritance, bad/good harvest, serious illnesses, recovery from illness, crop or animal diseases/pests, dispute/reconciliation, new employment/loss of employment, gain or loss of land

How did each event affect the respondent personally? How did each event affect other members of the household? 2. Checklist : health and illness List all the illnesses and accidents suffered by respondent last month. (If none go to *) Describe them. For each what did the respondent do about it? If treatment was sought - (Who decided, Who treated, what, where (how long to get there?), cost, anything else… if no action, why not?) Has there been improvement/recovery or deterioration? What effects did the illness/treatment have on other members of the household?


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*Did anyone else important to the household suffer an accident or illness in the last month? (List each one separately by name of household member/describe why any person not a member of the household was important) Details of the accident/illness? For each one what effects did the illness/treatment have on the household? How did each illness affect you personally? 3. Checklist : food In the last month did the household suffer severe shortages of grain, vegetables, vegetable proteins, dairy products, eggs or meat? If not go to next item If so shortages of what exactly? Why? How did this affect the respondent personally?

[what did s/he eat, what did s/he do to get food for self/others?] How did it affect other members of the household? Did the respondent fast? Eat at feast(s) ? [what, who with, when, why] Was there improvement or decline in food availability during the month? 4. Checklist : work What work (paid and unpaid, in the home or outside it, in the household or outside it) has the respondent done in the last month? If none why not? and then go to *

In the table below list/describe the different work types in order of importance – e.g. agricultural work, herding, housework, cooking for idir, weaving, childcare, fetching wood, fetching water, housebuilding, fencing, roadmaking, kebele work, religious work, prostitution, civil service, trading, craft work, delala and probably lots more.…..

Who was the work done with? [e.g. alone, household member, debo group, wonfel partner, kin, neighbour(s), kin, community group, employer (salary), employer (daily labour) employee(s)…]

Who was the work done for? [e.g. self, household, debo caller, wonfel partner, relative, neighbour, government, NGO, employer…..]

What was the reward for the work? describe in detail [e.g. cash, in-kind now or in the future {e.g. the reward for housework is a roof , food etc.}, feeling of an obligation met, an expectation of a future obligation, gratitude...]

Were there any problems with the work? [e.g. poor conditions, too hard, too long…]

*Would the respondent have liked to do some/more work? Description [e.g. kind of work, why they couldn’t] Work/labour: Work Who with? Who for? Reward Problems? More work?


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Work/labour: Work Who with? Who for? Reward Problems? More work?

5. Checklist : learning Has the respondent been involved in any formal or non-formal education in the last month? If no go to * What? (e.g. primary school, secondary school, religious school, non-formal programme, college, other training, workshop ..) When? Did the respondent attend every day? If not why not? Where? Name of place, how s/he travelled there, time taken. Was this learning: not adequate, just adequate or more than adequate? If ‘not adequate’ ask respondent to explain the problems. *Has the respondent been involved in any ‘informal learning’ in the last month? e.g. apprenticeship, face-to-face teaching from elder or person with skills What? Who was the teacher? Why the learning? 6. Checklist : rest and recreation What rest and/or recreation has the respondent been able to take during the month? What was done? When? Who with? Where? 7. Checklist : Expenditure – consumption, investment, savings, gifts to others etc In the last month what expenditures did the respondent make personally?

What exactly? How much? Who was the expenditure for – e.g. self, household, mother, friend, neighbour..

Check for Food (e.g. staples – grain, maize etc; pulses, beans etc; animal protein - meat, fish, milk, eggs, butter; vegetables/fruit; oil, salt, spices etc; coffee/tea; anything else) Amount of each bought in cash What? How much did it cost? Who consumed the food?


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This question only to be asked in Diary 4 and to be reported separately In the last four months what expenditures did the respondent make personally? Amount of each type of food consumed from own production What? What would it cost if you had to buy it? Who consumed the food? Amount of each type of food consumed which was given by a person or organisation outside the household? What? What would it cost if you had to buy it? Who consumed the food?

Recreation consumption (e.g. alcohol, cigarettes, chat etc. football, other) What? How much? Who for? Other consumption goods (e.g. kerosene, soap…) – What? How much? Who for? Health-related expenditures – e.g. medicines and treatment / modern and traditional who What? How much? Who for? Education-related expenditures – e.g. fees, books, pens, etc. What? How much? Who for? Books and newspapers, What? How much? Who for? Personal items - clothes/shoes, make-up, jewellery etc. – who for? Construction items – for house, fences etc Household assets (e.g. kitchen equipment, furniture, sheets, towels, blankets, lamp, torch – anything else) What? How much? Who for? consumer goods (e.g. radio, TV) – who for? Livestock – e.g. oxen, donkey, chicken etc. What? How much? Who for? Livestock-related – labour for herding, feed, veterinary services What? How much? Who for? Rent for land or oxen What? How much? Who for? Productive assets – e.g. plough, mill, tractor,… - who for? Productive inputs – e.g. fertiliser, pesticide, weedkiller, seeds, young plants, grain for tella, inputs for businesses e.g. weaving etc. What? How much? Who for?

This question only to be asked in Diary 4 and to be reported separately In the last four months what expenditures did the respondent make personally on Labour from outside the household – in house, on farm, herding, in business and any other

Transport – e.g. bicycle, car, lorry.., Transport-related expenses – crop production/sale, to school, other. What? How much? Who for? Organisational contributions – e.g. idir, equb, mehaber, Ceremonies – e.g. funerals, weddings, birth celebrations etc Religious payments – e.g. votive offerings to churches, beggars, gifts to religious leaders.. Government taxes and campaign contributions and other payments, other ‘informal taxes’ Any other?

Did the respondent manage to save any cash last month? How much? Where is it saved? – at home, in savings organisation, in bank....] Did the respondent give cash to anyone in the last month [includes remittances]? Who? How much? Why? Description of expenditures the respondent would have liked to have made but could not afford.


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8. Checklist : Sources of income – asset sale, credit, gift, output sale, wages, past savings How did s/he pay for these expenditures? We need rough cash values for all these.

Asset sale? [what, to whom, how much for?] Borrowing? [how much, who from, terms of loan, what for? e.g. food, school fees, taxes, to pay another debt, etc...] Equb pay out [how much, which equb] Remittances [how much, who from] Food aid (what, from whom, if in kind cash value, was it food for work) Gift including non-food aid [how much, who from] Output sale – e.g. crops, livestock, livestock products, craft products [what, how much, to whom, where, how much for] Business income: trade, transport, broker etc what, how much Wage/salary - payment in cash [how much?], payment in kind for work [for what, how much as a cash value]

This question only to be asked in Diary 4 and to be reported separately In the last four months did the respondent finance any expenditures personally from the following sources? Drawing down savings [how much? what kinds of savings? – cash at home, in savings organisation, in bank ...] Renting property – e.g. land, equipment of any kind etc

Pensions and other transfers: what, how much, who from? Women only Cash from husband Other

9. Checklist : Social interaction: kin, neighbours, friends In the last month in what ways has the respondent interacted with kin?

Check for regular daily interactions, occasional/special visits/activities, special family events What activities with which kin? Where? Purpose? Any problems?

In the last month in what ways has the respondent interacted with neighbours? Check for regular daily interactions, occasional/special visits/activities, special family events What activities with which neighbours? Where? Purpose? Any problems?

In the last month in what ways has the respondent interacted with friends? Check for regular daily interactions, occasional/special visits/activities, special family events What activities with which friends? Where? Purpose? Any problems?

10. Checklist : Participation in local organisations In the last month what local organisations (non-governmental) has the respondent participated in?

Check for idir, mehaber, senbete, equb, traders’ organisations, women’s organisations, other CBOs, NGOs, football teams, other sporting organisations etc. Name of the organisation, what kind of participation –e.g. official work, attended meeting, paid contribution…

11. Checklist : Religious and ritual activities In the last month what religious and ritual activities has the respondent participated in?

Check for attendance at church/mosque, pilgrimages, tsebel, adbar….. What activities, with whom, frequency.. 12. Checklist : Interactions with the wider world What, if anything, did the respondent do last month as regards communicating outside the immediate community? includes radio, television, newspapers, attending meetings, travelling outside the immediate area or spending time with people migrating into the area, and informal news (e.g. telephoning, letters, stories, gossip etc.) 13. Checklist : Interactions with government In the last month what interactions has the respondent had with government?

Check for actions by government ‘employees’ – e.g. PA leader or worker, court official, DA, militia, mengistae buden leader, youth leader, woman leader..


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What activities, with whom, why Also attendance at kebele meetings, other meetings, court, contacts with militia, HIV/AIDS associations, savings associations, development assistance, advice from DA, food aid/FFW, anything else…

What happened, who else was involved, why? 14. Checklist : Problems, disagreements and resolutions In the last month has the respondent been involved in any disagreements?

What about? With whom? What happened? (cause of disagreement, what relevant people did including attempts at reconciliation, consequences)

Was the respondent subjected to any personal violence during the month? Description – by whom, what kind of violence, why… Was the respondent subjected to any harassments during the month. By whom? What? Why? Was the respondent

15. Checklist : Satisfaction with the month What are the three worst things that have happened this month? What are the three best things that have happened this month? Taking the month as a whole would you describe it as: An excellent month A more than adequate month An adequate month A less than adequate month A dreadful month Comparing it with the previous month (give the name) would you say it was: A much better month A better month About the same A worse month A much worse month

QUESTIONS 16 AND 17 ARE ONLY TO BE ASKED IN DIARIES 4, 8, AND 12 16. Checklist : Satisfaction with the quality of key resources in the last four months

(to be asked ONLY of the household head and spouse [if there is one] and to be reported separately)

If you think about your family's food consumption in each of the past four months how would you describe it?

Not adequate Just adequate More than adequate





If you think about your family's clothing in each of the past four months how would you describe it?

Not adequate Just adequate More than adequate





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If you think about your family's income in each of the past four months how would you describe it?

Not adequate Just adequate More than adequate





If you think about your family's housing in each of the past four months how would you describe it?

Not adequate Just adequate More than adequate





If you think about the health care your family received in each of the past four months how would you describe it?

Not adequate Just adequate More than adequate





If you think about the education of children in the family over the past four months in each of the past four months how would you describe it?

Not adequate Just adequate More than adequate





17. Income control and expenditure responsibilities in the last four months (to be asked of all respondents to this protocol)

If you think about all the income that you yourself earned or were given in the last four months how much of it could you keep under your control – that is have a major say in how it was used: All Most Small amount


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None 18. Expectations and plans for next month Comparing the current month (give the name) with last month do you expect it will be: A much better month A better month About the same A worse month A much worse month Are there things you are planning to do to make it a good month? 19. Feedback What do you think of all these questions? Are there things about your life in the last month that we have not asked about but that you would like to tell us about? Analysis and outputs 1. The write-up should describe everything that has happened to the respondent in the last month:

• As described during the open-ended interview • For each of the Diary Topics (1-16)

2. Using all the data about income and expenditure the Table 1 (attached) should be completed. 3. This month there are six outputs:

i. The income/expenditure table ii. Individual monthly diaries for each household member with commentary iii. Individual four-monthly diaries for those issues where we are catching up iv. A combined monthly diary for all the female or male household members (depending on

your gender) with commentary v. A combined combined monthly diary with commentary vi. A [short] diary history describing the main event/key issues in each of the four months

for which diaries have been done so far [this will be added to each month]. This history should be taken with you next month for consultation before you start the next round of diary histories.

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Well-being in Developing Countries (WeD) ESRC Research Group, University of Bath

Core Household Income and Expenditure Diaries

Data Sheet Thailand

Name Code: Site/Village Household Number Diary Round Number Signature Date Interviewer Supervisor To the interviewer: The statement of confidentiality was read to the respondent and the respondent agreed to participate in the interview. Please tick the box. RECORD OF THE HOUSEHOLD

2. Answered Questions? 1. ID. Yes No

3. ID of Respondent

on their behalf

4. If ID not present, what are they doing?

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1. I.D:…. HH……………Sheet…………








1. I.D:….








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1. Category 2. WHAT (include Quantity) 3. HOW MUCH

(Cost) 4. WHO MADE 5. WHO FOR

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1. Category 2.WHAT 3.WHO FROM/TO 4. HOW MUCH?

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1 Income arrangement satisfaction How satisfied are you with these arrangements? (On income control) Not

satisfied Just satisfied

More than satisfied

Household head 1 2 3 Spouse of the household head 1 2 3 Other member, specify ID….. 1 2 3 Other member, specify ID….. 1 2 3 Other member, specify ID….. 1 2 3 2 Expectations of Income

1. Comparing your family’s total income now with your expected income for the next MONTH, which of the following is true?

Family Income will be… Going up

It will be the same

Going down

Household head, ID….. 1 2 3 Spouse of the household head, ID….. 1 2 3 Other member, specify ID….. 1 2 3 Other member, specify ID….. 1 2 3 Other member, specify ID….. 1 2 3

2. Comparing your family’s total income now with your expected income for the next YEAR, which of the following is true?

Family Income will be… Going up

It will be the same

Going down

Household head, ID…. 1 2 3 Spouse of the household head, ID….. 1 2 3 Other member, specify ID….. 1 2 3 Other member, specify ID….. 1 2 3 Other member, specify ID….. 1 2 3

GLOBAL HAPPINESS All participants 1. Taking all things together, how would you say things are these days? Would you say you are: Tick only one box.

Very happy

Fairly happy

Not too happy

Household head, ID…. 1 2 3 Spouse of the household head, ID….. 1 2 3 Other member, specify ID….. 1 2 3 Other member, specify ID….. 1 2 3 Other member, specify ID….. 1 2 3 Other member, specify ID….. 1 2 3 Other member, specify ID….. 1 2 3 Other member, specify ID….. 1 2 3

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NEED DOMAIN SATISFACTION 1. The household head will answer this section. Select only one option for each need domain satisfaction component.

Not Adequate

Just Adequate

More than

Adequate N/A

1. Concerning your family’s total income over the past month which of the following is true? The total family income was (ANSWER EVERY MONTH)

1 2 3 4

2. Concerning your expenses on weddings, funerals and festivities in the last four months, how satisfied are you with the level of expenditure? (ANSWER IN MONTHS 1, 4, 8, AND 12)

1 2 3


3. Concerning your children’s education which of the following is true? The education they get is (ANSWER IN MONTHS 1 AND 12) 1 2 3


4. Concerning the health care your family gets which of the following is true? The health care your family get is (ANSWER IN MONTHS 1 AND 12)

1 2 3 4

5. Concerning your family’s housing which of the following is true? The family’s house is (ANSWER IN MONTHS 1 AND 12) 1 2 3


6. Concerning your family’s clothing which of the following is true? The family clothing is (ANSWER IN MONTHS 1 AND 12) 1 2 3


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WeD Bangladesh Research and Confidentiality The question of confidentiality in our research was addressed at two key moments. First before the research took place, the WeD team had a series of meetings with residents of the research sites. This was to explain the overall nature of our research work. During the meetings, it was stressed that

• all data collected would be anonymised • the names of the sites would be anonymised • data would be managed, stored and used for analysis in a proper and

professional manner Second, before specific moments (interviews, group discussions etc) researchers were asked to make sure participants

• were made aware of the overall research purpose • understood that their names would be anonymised and that information would

only be used for research purposes • realised they were free not to take part in the research or to end their

participation if they so desired. The below statement was translated and used on the income and expenditure questionnaire applied in Bangladesh: Statement of confidentiality: This questionnaire is part of a wider project on the well-being of people in different parts of the world. All information gathered is confidential and will be used only for research. The identity of the respondents or households will not be revealed to anyone. Nobody will be able to identify you or use the information against you. To the interviewer: The above statement of confidentiality was read to the respondent and the respondent has agreed to participate in the interview. Please tick the box.

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Message to informants

From the Ethiopia WeD Research Team This research is part of a five year research programme which is being conducted in four countries: Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Peru and Thailand. It is paid for by the British people, many of whom are worried about the state of the world, specially the problems faced by people in poor countries. The British research funders believe that the lives, achievements, and problems of the people and country of Ethiopia are not well understood in the rest of the world, and that this research, whose conclusions will be published in a number of books and disseminated through other media, will help to put that right. The Ethiopia research team is also interested in helping people in the Ethiopian government, in NGOs and the donor community to get a better understanding of the achievements and problems of people in communities like yours, so that they can use their funds to respond more effectively to the needs of the people. We are also interested in helping the community itself to understand and focus on its achievements and problems. Your answers to our questions will help us in both endeavours. No-one will be able to identify you when reading our books or policy briefs. Dr Alula Pankhurst, University of Addis Ababa, and research team. Dr Philippa Bevan, University of Bath, UK.

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WeD Peru Research and Confidentiality The below statement was translated and used on the income and expenditure questionnaire applied in Peru: Statement of confidentiality: This questionnaire is part of a wider project on the well-being of people in different parts of the world. All information gathered is confidential and will be used only for research. The identity of the respondents or households will not be revealed to anyone. Nobody will be able to identify you or use the information against you. To the interviewer: The above statement of confidentiality was read to the respondent and the respondent has agreed to participate in the interview. Please tick the box.

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Thailand Confidentiality Statement Remarks This interview is conducted as a part of The Wellbeing in Developing Countries’ research (WeD). Any information from the interview will remain confidential. WeD will use this information only for research purposes. Hence the interviewee will not be identified or be affected by the interview.

For Interviewer Please read the above remarks to the interviewee in order to assure their confidence and to create more corporative participation. If he/she agrees to give an interview, please mark in