the implementation of islam education on distance … · 2018-08-03 · vii declaration of...

i THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ISLAM EDUCATION ON DISTANCE LEARNING AT SMA TERBUKA KEPANJEN THESIS Submitted in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Bachelor Degree (S.Pd) in Ismic Education Department at Tarbiyah and teacher Training Faculty of Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang By: UMI NAHDIYAH 14110143 ISLAMIC EDUCATION DEPARTEMENT TARBIYAH AND TEACHER TRAINING FACULTY MAULANA MALIK IBRAHIM STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALANG May 2018

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Submitted in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Bachelor Degree (S.Pd) in

Ismic Education Department at Tarbiyah and teacher Training Faculty of Maulana

Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang








May 2018









Approved by:


H. Triyo Supriyatno M.Ag, Ph. D

NIP. 197004272000031001

Acknowledeed by:

Head of Islamic Education Departement

Dr. Marno, M.Ag

NIP. 19720822 200212 1 001







Umi Nahdiyah (14110143)

Has been defended and approved by the board of examiners on

31/05/2018 as the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


The Board of examiners Signature

Main Examiner,

Dr. H. Ahmad Fatah Yasin, M.Ag : ___________________



H. Triyo Supriyatno M.Ag, Ph. D : _______________________

NIP. 197004272000031001


H. Triyo Supriyatno M.Ag, Ph. D : _______________________

NIP. 197004272000031001

Chair Examainer,

H.Mohammad Yahya, MA., Ph.D : ___________________

NIP. 19746142008011016

Approved by,

Dean Faculty of Tarbiyah and teacher Training of Maulana Malik Ibrahim State

Islamic University Malang

Dr.H.Agus Maimun, M.Pd

NIP. 196508171998031003



Firstly I would like to thank you to Allah who always give me mercies and

blessings and also opportunity to finish this thesis. I dedicate this thesis for the

entire meaningful person in my life.

For my beloved father and mother that always give motivation, support, and give

me a sincere prayer. May Allah mercies them always.

All of my friend that I can‟t mention them. Especially for big family of Ma‟had

Sunan Ampel Al-Aly and my classmate, ICP PAI english ‟14. Good luck and be

success person to all of you. Thank you for your great support



﴾٦﴾ إن مع العسر يسرا ﴿٥فإن مع العسر يسرا ﴿ Because actually having difficulty there is relief, verily with every difficulty there

is relief

(Al- Insyirah 5-6)


H. Triyo Supriyatno M. Ag, Ph. D

Tarbiyah and Teaching Training Faculty

Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University ADVISOR OFFICIAL NOTE

Subject :Thesis of Umi Nahdiyah Malang, May 2017


Dean of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training Faculty

At Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

This Official Note declares that the thesis originally own by:

Name : Umi Nahdiyah

NIM : 14110143

Department : Pendidikan Agama Islam

Title of Thesis : Implementation of Islam Education on Distance learning At SMA

Terbuka Kepanjen

Is considered “acceptable” to be defended after being intensively read and regularly

consulted in terms of research content, language and writing composition.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.


H. Triyo Supriyatno M.Ag, Ph. D

NIP. 197004272000031001



I certify thet the thesis I wrote to fulfill the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan

Agama Islam (S.Pd) entitled “Implementation of Islam Education on Distance

learning At SMA Terbuka Kepanjen” is truly mu original work. It does not

incorporate any materials previously written or published by another person,

except those in quotations and bibliography. Due to fact, I am the only who

responsible for the thesis is there is aby objection or calim from others.

Malang, May 2018

Umi Nahdiyah

NIM. 141101



All praise and thanks be to Allah SWT is simply, the essence of which has given

grace and bestow a variety of favors and gift, especially to the author, so that it

can complete the writing of a thesis entitled " Implementation of Islam Education

on Distance learning At SMA Terbuka Kepanjen " as well. Sholawat and

greetings hopefully always expressed to our Apostle, Prophet Muhammad, as well

as to all the families, the friends, as well as the people he end of this age.

The author was well aware of the existence of aid from various parties, both in the

form of prayers, support, motivation, criticism, suggestions for the completion of

this thesis proposal so that it can be resolved properly and smoothly. With the

completion of the drafting of this thesis, the author of say a sincere thank you to

all those who have helped, either moral or material, especially to:

1. Prof. Dr. H.Abdul Haris, M.A Rector of Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic

University of Malang.

2. Dr. H. Agus Mimun, M.Pd, Dean of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training Faculty.

3. Dr. Marno, M.Ag, The Chief of Islamic Education Departement.

4. H. Triyo Supriyatno, M. Ag, Ph. D the advisor who hat with patience have been

willing to provide direction, guidance, academic insight that is very meaningful

for the writer, though in the bustle of a very solid, he's still willing to take the

time to author.

6. All my Lecture in Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang

thank you for giving the gold of knowledge for me.


7. All my Family in Ma‟had Sunan Ampel Al-Aly

8. my classmate at PAI ICP English „14

The service they are the author can the writing of the Thesis. This well, hopes the

author may taufiq and hidayah always delegated to us. Amin .

Malang,31 May 2018

The author




The writing of Arabic - Latin transliteration in this thesis using

transliteration guidelines based on the decision by Minister of Relious Affairs and

the Minister of Education and Culture of Republic Indonesia No. 158 of 1987 and

No. 0543 b/U/1987 which can be broadly describe as follows:

A. Alphabet

q = ق z = ش a = ا

k = ك s = س b = ب

l = ل sy = ش t = ت

m = م sh = ص ts = ث

n = ن dl = ض j = ج

w = و sh = ط h = ح

h = ه th = ظ kh = خ

, = ء „ = ع d = د

y = ي gh = غ dz = ذ

f = ف r = ز

B. Long Vocal C. Diphthongs Vocal

Vokal (a) panjang = â أو = aw

Vokal (i) panjang = î أي = ay

Vokal (u) panjang = û أو = û

î = إي


Table of content

APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................................................ ii

LEGITIMATION SHEET ........................................................................................................ iii

DEDICATION ....................................................................................................................... iv

MOTTO ................................................................................................................................ v

ADVISOR OFFICIAL NOTE ................................................................................................... vi

DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP ......................................................................................... vii

ACKNOWLADGEMENT ...................................................................................................... viii

GUIDELINES OF ARAB LATIN TRANSLITARATION ................................................................ x

Table of content .................................................................................................................. xi

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................................ xiii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................... xv

CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1

A. The background of the Problems ............................................................................ 1

B. Problem Formulation .............................................................................................. 7

C. The Purposes of Research ....................................................................................... 7

D. The Benefits of Research ........................................................................................ 8

E. Research Originalities ............................................................................................. 8

F. The definition of the Term .................................................................................... 13

G. Systematics of Discussion ..................................................................................... 13

CHAPTER II ........................................................................................................................ 16

LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................................................... 16

A. The sense of distance learning .............................................................................. 16

B. The Development of Distance learning System .................................................... 18

C. Distance learning in Indonesia .............................................................................. 20

D. Islam Education ..................................................................................................... 21

E. The scope of Islamic Religious Education ............................................................. 24

F. Framework of thought .......................................................................................... 32

CHAPTER III ....................................................................................................................... 33

RESEARCH METHOD .......................................................................................................... 33

A. The approach and the type of Research ............................................................... 33

B. The presence of a researcher ............................................................................... 35

C. Research Location ................................................................................................. 36


D. Data and data sources .......................................................................................... 36

E. The technique of Data Collection ......................................................................... 38

F. Data Analysis Techniques ...................................................................................... 40

G. Research Procedures ............................................................................................ 43

CHAPTER IV ....................................................................................................................... 44

RESEARCH FINDING ........................................................................................................... 44

General Description of SMA Terbuka Kepanjen ........................................................... 44

A. The background of the Establishment of SMA Terbuka Kepanjen ....................... 44

Data exposure ............................................................................................................... 58

A. Lesson plan for Islam Education at SMA Terbuka Kepanjen ................................. 58

B. The Implementation of Islam Education on distance learning at SMA Terbuka Kepanjen ....................................................................................................................... 59

C. Learning Evaluation of Islam Education SMA Terbuka Kepanjen ......................... 62

D. The Obstacle Factors of Implementation Islam Education on Distance learning education system at SMA Terbuka Kepanjen ............................................................... 66

CHAPTER V ........................................................................................................................ 72

DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................................... 72

A. Planning lessons for Islam Education ................................................................... 72

B. The implementation of distance learning system Islam Education ...................... 73

C. Learning Evaluation of Islam Education SMA Terbuka Kepanjen ......................... 74

D. Factors in the Implementation of Islam education on distance learning system at SMA Terbuka Kepanjen ................................................................................................. 77

CHAPTER VI ....................................................................................................................... 80

CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................... 80

A. Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 80

B. Suggestions ........................................................................................................... 81

Bibliography ...................................................................................................................... 82

APEENDIXES ...................................................................................................................... 84



Nahdiyah, Umi. 2018. Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti

pada Pendidikan Jarak Jauh Di SMA Terbuka Kepanjen ”. Skripsi,

Jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan,

Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.

Pembimbing: H. Triyo Supriyatno, M.Ag, Ph.D

Kata Kunci: Pendidikan jarak jauh, Pendidikan Agama Islam, SMA Terbuka Jarak


Studi tentang pembelajaran jarak jauh telah berkembang secara signifikan dalam

beberapa dekade terakhir, tetapi tidak banyak penelitian yang memeriksa

pembelajaran jauh di tingkat sekolah menengah atas. Selain itu, tidak ada

penelitian untuk menyelidiki apa yang sebenarnya dilakukan oleh guru pendidikan

Islam dan pelajar jarak jauh.

Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan

pelaksanaan pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti pada pendidikan jarak

jauh di SMA Terbuka Kepanjen, dengan menyoroti dua aspek: proses pendidikan

Islam pada sistem pendidikan jarak jauh di SMA Terbuka Kepanjen, faktor-faktor

yang mempengaruhi pendidikan jarak sebuah SMA Terbuka.

Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif untuk studi kasus. Data

dikumpulkan dengan melakukan wawancara, observasi, dan analisis dokumen

yang relevan. Instrumen yang digunakan peneliti adalah, pedoman wawancara,

dan protokol observasi. Kemudian, triangulasi data.

Hasil penelitian adalah: (1) Ada beberapa tahapan perencanaan dalam pelaksanaan

pembelajaran jarak jauh, khususnya mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam.

Antara lain: merumuskan tujuan, merumuskan bahan belajar, mengetahui

kemampuan siswa dari awal (2) Dalam pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran

pendidikan Islam di SMA Terbuka menggunakan kurikulum yang sama dengan

sekolah reguler (sekolah induk). Dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran dibagi menjadi

dua bentuk, yaitu pembelajaran mandiri dan pembelajaran terbimbing. (3)

Evaluasi pembelajaran jarak jauh di SMA Terbuka Kepanjen sama dengan di

lembaga pendidikan umum, seperti tes harian, semester pertengahan semester

(UTS), dan UAS. (4) Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pendidikan Islam dalam

kegiatan pembelajaran jarak jauh adalah kemampuan teknologi, keaktifan siswa,

dan keaktifan guru. Selanjutnya, kekuatan pembelajaran online di sekolah ini


adalah bahwa hal itu didukung oleh pemerintah sehingga fasilitas cukup.

Kelemahannya adalah partisipasi siswa rendah, kemampuan teknologinya juga




Nahdiyah, Umi. 2018. The Implementation of Islam Education on Distance

learning At SMA Terbuka Kepanjen”. Thesis, Department of Islamic

Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Learning, Maulana

Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang. Advisors: H. Triyo

Supriyatno, M.Ag, Ph.D

Keywords: Distance learning, Islamic Education, Open and Distance Senior High


Studies on distance learning has grown significantly in the past decades, but not

much of the studies examine distance learning at senior high school level.

oreover, there is an absence of „close‟ research to investigate what distance islam

education teachers and learners actually do.

Therefore, the objective of this study is to describe the implementation of islam

education on distance learning At SMA Terbuka Kepanjen, by highlighting two

aspects: the process of Islam education on distance learning system at SMA

Terbuka Kepanjen, the influence factors in the distance learning system an SMA


The researcher used qualitative research method for the case study. The data were

collected by conducting interview, observation, and analyzing relevant

documents. The instruments were the researcher, interview guides, and

observation protocol.

Results of the research were: (1) There are several stages of planning in the

implementation of distance learning, especially subjects of Islamic Religious

Education. Among others: formulate objectives, formulate learning materials,

knowing the ability of students from the beginning (2) In the implementation of

Islam education learning process in SMA Terbuka using the same curriculum with

regular schools (main school). And the implementation of learning is divided into

two forms, namely independent learning and guided learning.(3) Distance

learning evaluation at SMA Terbuka Kepanjen is the same as in general education

institution, such as daily test, mid-test semester (UTS), and UAS. (4) Influencing

factors in Islam Education distance learning activities are technological ability,

student activeness, and teacher activeness. Furthermore, the strengths of online

learning in this school was that it was supported by the government so that the

facilities were sufficient. The weaknesses were that students participation was

low, the technology capability was also low.


ادلدرسة يف بعد عن التعليم على وأداب اإلسالم تعليم تطبيق.8102. أمي النهدية، كلية. اإلسالمية التبية قسم. اجلامعي البحث. مباالنج كيباجنني ادلفتوحة الثناوية .االنجمب احلكومية اإلسالمية إبراىيم مالك موالنا جامعة. والتعليم التبية علوم

ادلاجستري سوبريياتنو ترييو احلاج: ادلشرف

ادلفتوحة الثناوية ادلدررسة اإلسالمية، التبية بعد، عن التعليم: األساسية الكلمات مباالنج كيباجنني

من قليل ال بل األخري، العقد يف أمهية بعد عن التعليم من الدراسة ازدىلرت قد أن أحد جيد ال جانبو، يف. الثناوية ادلدرسة يف بعد عن التعليم ىذا عن يأخذه البحث .بعد عن التعليم وادلتعلم اإلسالمي ادلعلم عملية دلعرفة البحث يأخذ

عن التعليم على واألداب اإلسالم تعليم تطبيق لوصفية: البحث ىذا وأىداف ظامن على اإلسالم تعليم عملية: لوجهتني مباالنج كيباجنني الثناوية ادلدرسة يف بعد

ادلفتوحة الثناوية ادلدرسة يف بعد عن التعليم تؤثرون اليت العوامل بعد، عن التعليم .مباالنج كيباجنني

واستعملت لتجريب، الكيفي ادلدخل البحث ىذا كتابو يف الباحثة استخدمت مجعها أداوت الباحثة فاستخدمت احملتاجة البيانات على وللحصول. الوصفي البحث

ادلقابلة توجيو: أداهتا الباحثة واستخدمت. ادلناسبة البيانات وحتليل ابلةوادلق بادلالحظة .البيانات مرجع تجربةبال ذلك جانب قي وادلالحظة

( كانت توجو اخلطوات يف تطبيق التعليم عن بعد وادلادة التبية 1): البحث حصل وأمافاءة الطالب اإلسالمية خصوصا. وفيها : اسبك األىداف، اسبك األغراض، لفهم ك

( وإذا عملية التنفيذ الباحثة تستخدم ادلنهج الرمسية. ويف ىناك أما التعليم بشكل 2.)( التقومي التعليمي عن بعد مساوي مع ادلدرسة الرمسية كاإلختبار اليومي، 3شكال. .)2

( العوامل اليت تؤثرون التبية اإلسالمية : القدرة التكنولوجية، 4النصفي والنهائي. )عل الطالب أو إما ادلعلم. وبعد ذلك قوي التعليم يف ادلدرسة قد توفرت احلكومية تفا


اإلندونسيا حىت ادلرفق الكايف. وعيوهبا مشتك الطالب الررخيص والكفائة التقنية الرحيصة أيضا




A. The background of the Problems

Indonesia today is doing development in all areas including the

development in the field of education. Education holds a very important

role in the development because education will create intelligent people,

knowledge and has the skills to fill development.

The number of graduates from Elementary School and Secondary

School every year increases and needs to be provided continuing

education. From the data ministry of education and culture of the republic

indonesia in academic year of 2016/2017, in east Java, drop out rates in

junior high school level reached 4157 and 3991 for senior high school.

1The government has tried to overcome, that are with the reproduction of

the school building and learning space. However still many graduates from

Elementary School and Secondary School who are not able to continue

their education to the next level. Many reasons that they show, including

the geographical problem is remote and so far to reach the advanced

schools, socio-economic problem of the parents, where many parents are

less able to pay for school children, busy parents. In some of regional

school age children required parents to fulfill economic need of the family.

1 Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan republik Indonesia, Ikhtisar Data Pendidikan (Jakarta:

Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan republik Indonesia, 2017) hal. 18-19


On the other hand, the declaration of UNESCO, Laws National

Education System No. 20 2003 has also stipulates that each citizen is

entitled to the opportunity to improve education throughout the life in

pasal 31 on the legislation set about distance learning, they are:

(1) distance learning can be held on all channel, level and type of


(2) distance learning function provides educational services to the

community groups that are not able to follow the face-to-face education or


(3) distance learning was held in various forms, and mode supported by

the scope of facilities and services and learning assessment system that

ensures the quality of graduates according to the national education


(4) Provisions regarding the implementation of distance learning as

mentioned in paragraph (1), (2), (3) be further regulated by the

Government Regulation.2

Planning of education development in our country, in addition to

improving education balancing, also increase aspects of quality

improvement, relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of the construction

of the young generation and the construction of the national culture. In

the effort to raise the education balancing, the government gives special

attention to the rural areas and the cities that have low-income people.

2 Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional,

(Jakarta: Pemerintah Republik Indonesia, 2003), Pasal 31.


With the existence of an innovation in the education field, school

can reach areas that less obtain opportunity because of geographical

factors, social and economic, take advantage of the resources both in the

form of labor, the facilities and others effectively and efficiently,

developed rapidly without bringing the burden is too heavy for

the provision of teachers and funds, carried out with a lower unit cost

without reducing the quality. This innovation is expected to

accommodate the increase students in the senior high schools level. For

that, the government opens “SMA Terbuka”.

SMA Terbuka is a system of education presentation to senior high

school level which was held in a more flexible and open. Flexible means

that the students who follow the education is not required to follow strict

education activities, continuously and regularly as is done in High

School. On SMA Terbuka students follow their education with the

emphasis more on the self-learning activities that usually done at best

time for each student using a variety of instructional media.3

Learning activities on SMA Terbuka consists of self-learning

activities, learning in groups with the help of the teacher mentor

and learning in face-to-face that led by the teacher facilitator. Self-

learning activities done by the students in houses or at the place who

likes. Group learning activities held at places that have been determined,

3 Konsep “SMA Terbuka. Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Menengah kementerian Pendidikan dan

Kebudayaan. Jakarta: 2014


for example village meeting hall, in house of public figures or in other

places that are available. Face-to-face learning activities conducted in the

classroom main high school.

On the face to face lessons Teachers Facilitator answer questions,

help students to solve problems, explain the parts that are not understood

by the student. In addition, the teacher facilitator gives guidance how to

learn, among others talking about the purpose of that will be achieved

and how to achieve it. Teaching material is delivered through various

kinds of instructional media from the regular Senior High School


The education system in SMA Terbuka said as distance learning

system because by this system the students can do school activities far

from the center of the educational implementation. In this system the

students do not have to come to the Center of Education Center, but

education or materials of learning are carried to the place where the

students are located.4

The education system is also called open because this system gives

a wider opportunity for those who want to learn, but could not enter

the conventional schools for reasons of time, distance where the living,

cost and the other. Besides that, this system is not tied to the provisions

4 Konsep “SMA Terbuka. Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Menengah kementerian Pendidikan dan

Kebudayaan. Jakarta: 2014


applicable to the conventional education. The schedule and place of

learning can be arranged in a flexible by the students themselves or by

the students together with the advisor.5

The UNESCO strongly supports the implementation of distance

learning because it has a mission to realize education for life and

education for all. 6 The concept of distance learning is very compatible

with the concept of education throughout the life of the life long

education and education for all that induced and declared by

approximately 150 countries in Jomtien, Thailand, in 1992 with

sponsorship of UNESCO.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the

implementation of distance learning in SMA Terbuka , students can do

school activities far from the center of education and the school is

allocated for those who want to learn but could not enter the conventional

schools. This shows that the development of learning when this leads to a

form of distance learning using the advanced technology where the

separation of space and time between educators with learners.

SMA Terbuka held in 9 provinces in Indonesia, they are in South

Kalimantan (Banjar), Jambi (Marangin), NTB (West Lombok), East Java

(Kepanjen-Malang), West Java (Bandung), Banten (Serang, Pandeglang),

5 Konsep “SMA Terbuka. Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Menengah kementerian Pendidikan dan

Kebudayaan. Jakarta: 2014

6 Mariana Patru, Trends, Policy and Strategy Considerations, (France: UNESCO,2002), p. III


Central Sulawesi (Sigi, Donggala), Lampung ( Lampung Selatan), NTT

(City of Kupang).

SMA Terbuka is a school using the principles of independent

learning and for school activities borrowed physical infrastructure that

exists. Physical Infrastructure here is meant all the existing facilities at

main of senior high school who has been appointed.

Learning system on SMA Terbuka is different from the

implementation of the study on the conventional senior high school, on

SMA Terbuka implemented distance learning system. Therefore, the

writer wants to examine how the implementation of the teaching learning

at SMA Terbuka with distance learning system.

Distance learning system is one of the efforts of the government to

equity education in Indonesia, especially subjects Islam Education.

Islamic Education is basically an education that is recommended to

fortify the moral crisis that happened growing. Because in the

endeducation purpose is not only to produce extensive knowledge, but in

implementing development in Indonesia we need people - those who

have good morals. So the role of Islamic religious education in charge of

development in Indonesia is very important. As the word of Allah SWT

located in At-Tahrim verse 6


يا أيها الرين آهنىا قىا أنفسكن وأهليكن نازا وقىدها الناس والحجازة عليها هلئكة

ها أهسهن ويفعلىن ها يؤهسون غلظ شداد ل يعصىن للا

"O who believe, keep yourselves and your families from the Fire whose

fuel is men and stones is; guards the angels coarse, hardware, and do not

disobey Allah against what he commanded to them and always do what

the Lord commanded."

B. Problem Formulation

To avoid the mazy and too extensive the issues that should be discussed,

then considered necessary the existence of a limitation on the issues that will


Therefore, the researcher limits the problems in this research as follows:

a. How the planning, implementation, and evaluation of Islam

education on distance Learning system at SMA Terbuka Kepanjen

b. What are the obstacle factors in the distance learning system an

SMA Terbuka

C. The Purposes of Research

In general the purpose of this research is to know more closely about the

implementation of distance learning on the education system in SMA

Terbuka. When elaborated that goal can be broken down as follows:

a. To Understand the the process of Islam education on distance

learning at SMA Terbuka Kepanjen

b. To know the factors on the distance learning system at SMA



D. The Benefits of Research

a. As the feedback for SMA Terbuka, as the basis of the enhancements

on the implementation of distance learning to more effective and

efficient that can fulfill demands of the curriculum.

b. For developer‟s curriculum, all data, facts and information on the

results of this research can be made as basis to enhancements to the

curriculum at SMA Terbuka

E. Research Originalities

To avoid plagiarism and to know the sub-studies that has or has not

been examined in previous research, there needs to be comparable effort

(comparison), whether there are elements of the difference or similarities with

the context of this research. Among the results of the earlier research that

according to researchers there is a similarity, they are:

Zumrotun Ni'mah with the title "Implementasi E-learning PAI di SMA

Teladan Yogyakarta", student who took Islamic education study program,

faculty of Teaching and Learning, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, in her

thesis, she has done the qualitative research. The results of research done on

2013 shows: (1) learning through e- learning at SMAN 1 Teladan of

Yogyakarta was carried out with the use of the module (2) implementation of

e-learning in teaching activities of Islamic Education until using of reading

module and forum module to e- learning of Islamic education in grade X but


e-learning of Islamic education in grade XI and XII has not been activated (3)

some obstacles faced by teachers in the process of the implementation of the

e-learning of Islamic education, including skills shortages of teachers to

operate e- learning.

Similarities from earlier research are the same research on the

implementation of distance learning in High School but in the research did

not examine about the implementation of islam educatio at open high school.

Bariah with the title "Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran IPS Melalui Media

Elektronik (e-Learning)", student is in social science education study program

faculty of Teaching and Learning, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, in her

thesis conducted a study this research done on 2010. This classroom action

research discusses the level of implementation of Social Studies lessons

through the electronic media at MTs YAPIA Parung- Bogor. Classroom

action research method used consists of two cycles of. Each cycle consists of

two meetings. Data collection is done through the observation, interview and

test after learning through electronic media. After doing research, the results

obtained in this research is the implementation of learning through the

electronic media can improve the implementation process of learning. This

can be seen from the results of the test that students can reach the value of the

criteria of learning in line with the minimal (KKM). So, it is recommended

that the teachers can do the implementation of the model of teaching through

the electronic media in learning social studies


Similarities from the research above are the same examine

about distance learning but the research above using approach

classroom action research. While on the research that will be done by the

researcher is the research using qualitative approach.

Tri Darmayanti, in her journal titled "E-Learning Pada Pendidikan

Jarak Jauh: Konsep Yang Mengubah Metode Pembelajaran Di Perguruan

Tinggi Di Indonesia". This research done on the year 2007 stated that

currently the teaching and learning process is not only can be done with

the face-to-face but also can be done in a virtual class, where teachers and

students separated the place. In this journal explained how e- learning alter

the process of teaching and learning in the formal high school in Indonesia

and explain the experience of Universitas Terbuka that has implemented this


In the journal above examine about e-learning in distance learning. In the

journal above describes that the learning process when this can be done in a

virtual class but on the journal above not explained factor what is happening

in the e-learning. For the researcher also will describe about factors of e-



No. Name of

researchers, title,

form, publishers

and years of


similarities differences research




Zumrotun Ni'mah, "

Implementasi E-

learning PAI di

SMA Teladan


skripsi, UIN Sunan

Kalijaga, 2013.

Bariah, "


pembelajaran IPS

melalui media

elektronik (e-

Learning)", skripsi,

faculty ofTeaching

and Training, UIN


done in High

School Leve

research on




The research

done in the

schools that use

the distance

learning system


research on the

subject is not

islam education


research does

not discuss

about the




subjects islam



research using







Syarif Hidayatullah

Jakarta 2010.

Tri Darmayanti,

dkk, “E-Learning

Pada Pendidikan

Jarak Jauh: Konsep

Yang Mengubah


Pembelajaran Di

Perguruan Tinggi

Di Indonesia”,

journal, Universitas

Terbuka, 2007

Research on





research done

on the levels of





research does

not explain

about islam

education at

the senior high

school level

and also the

factor- factor

in distance



F. The definition of the Term

To make it easier for the readers in understanding the terms used in this

research, then required confirmation of the term. Now the assertion of the

term is as follows:

a. The system

is an implementation of the system or the implementation of Islamic

Religious Education

b. Islamic Religious Education

A. Tafsir interpretation of Isslam education as the guidance given

someone to someone to grow by a maximum of in accordance with the

teachings of Islam

c. Open Education System and a distance/ Sistem Pendidikan Terbuka dan

Jarak Jauh (SPTJJ):

Is the system that combines the concept of open education with the long

distance learning system.

d. The open education system:

The system that gives an opportunity for the education of anyone, not

limit age, reside, year diploma, settlement of time, study program

selection and courses.

G. Systematics of Discussion

The discussion of this bachelor theses compiled by systemic as follows:

1. The Beginning


In this section contains the album or cover on the front of the page title

and approval page.

2. The Contents

This section consists of six chapters which consist of:

Chapter I is an introduction which contains: the background of

problem, the identification of problem, the purpose of research, the

scope of discussion, research function of this chapter is to simplify the


Chapter II a study of the theory: discuss some issues that are about:

understanding the implementation of e-learning as a distance learning

system to reach learning goal of Islamic Education , the factors in long

distance learning system in SMA Terbuka.

Chapter III Research Method: consist of: 1.The approach and the

type of research, 2.The presence of researchers 3. The location of the

research 4. Data sources 5. Data collection procedure 6. Data Analysis

7. Research stage.

Chapter IV research results : is the chapter that explain the findings

of the data in the field either in accordance with the sequence of the

problem or focus research.

Chapter V discussion of research results: about data analysis, in this

chapter researcher will analyze the data that has been obtained in the

field. This is intended to interpret the data from the results of research


including planning, implementation and evaluation of the long distance

learning system of Islamic education.

Chapter VI is the conclusion: from all the series of discussion in both

the first chapter, two, three of the fourth and fifth chapter, so that in this

chapter containing the conclusion and suggestions that is constructive

so that all the effort that has been done and the symptoms results

achieved the bias increased again to a better direction.




A. The sense of distance learning

Distance learning system starting from a correspondent learning.

Matheswaran explains that education correspondent for already exist for

100 years, and until now still is often used in distance learning7.

Correspondent education began popular around the year 1720 as a form of

adult education. The education correspondent process happens through

learning materials print known as self-instruction texts, combined with

written communication between the teacher and student. When teaching

non-print starts popular term correspondent education is considered to be

too narrow. So then appear the term independent study, home study, and

external study. Around 1970 then stood the open university in the UK, the

term distance learning became popular and used to cover education

correspondence, independent study, home study, and external study.8

In the distance learning system, separation between the students and

teachers become main characteristic. Separation between the students and

teachers not only reflect the physical separation, time or geographically,

but more of a concept of pedagogy about the relationship between the

students and teacher that still occurs even though the students and teacher

7 Matheswaran, V.P, Distance learning (New Delhi: Anmol Publication PVT. LTD, 2005), p.5 8 Paulina Pannen, “Pengertian Sistem Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh”, dalam Tian Belawati, Pendidikan

Terbuka Jarak Jauh, (Jakarta : Universitas Terbuka, 1999), p.30 11


spare by space and time.9 Besides separation between the students and

teachers, in distance learning system also there is the utilization of various

media for the purpose of communication. Distance learning system is a

system of learning and teaching through the media. Even without any

media, there will be no distance learning.

Previously, education correspondence started using e-mail, until the

end of the twentieth century until the beginning of the twenty-first century,

distance learning is becoming more and more popular with the use of

technology that is becoming more sophisticated.

Distance learning according to Matheswaran10

, can be understood as

being the term that lead to a learning strategy. The use of the term is

different- varies in each country. Another term to show a concept of

distance learning and countries using among others Correspondent

Education (used by the majority of countries including India) Home Study

(North America and Europe), Independent Study (North America),

external Studies, Open Learning, Open University, Off-Campus Studies

(Australia), extra Mural (New Zealand), Education a distance (Spain),

Tele-Enalignment (France), Fern Universitat (Germany).

10 Matheswaran, V.P, Distance learning (New Delhi: Anmol Publication PVT. LTD, 2005), page 7


B. The Development of Distance learning System

Starting from a correspondent education began popular around the

year 1720 as a form of adult education and depart on 1980 with the

emergence of a new breakthrough in the field of individual learning, known

with the name of the flexible learning, the term open education system

became popular and has its own meaning. So also with the distance learning

system that has the meaning of changes along with the development of

information technology is very fast at the end of the twentieth century. Ahead

of the twenty first century, the education system is open and distance learning

system became the tendency of the system in many countries.

During the twentieth century 18, 19 and 20, distance learning is done

through the letter then usually called with the course of correspondence.

Some know the last of the twentieth century and now continue to grow until

the twenty first century distance learning continues to develop. Even the

most current education institutions more choose distance learning.

According to Kaufman and Nipper is quoted by Bates11

, there are

three generations of distance learning. The first generation of distance

learning is marked by the use of a single technology main one-way

communication. The main forms of distance learning the first generation in

the form of printed media based correspondent education. A list of reading

material from the book- books and articles provided for the student scope will

11 A.W Tony Bates, Technology, E-learning and Distance Learning, (USA and Canada:

Routledge, 1995) p.30 6-7


learn independently. Aided by a tutor or instructor to mark the task and

provide feedback to the students before the students took the competitive

examination from recognized institution that or accredited.

The second generation of distance learning is marked with the

integrated approach of various media print and broadcasting with learning

material that is designed specifically for long distance learning. Students

communication mediated by the third tutor who is not the founder of the

teaching materials. Distance learning characteristics of the second generation

is design quality material, production and centralized delivery, how the

transmission of information that is modified with independent learning

activities that purpose to cognitive development of students, a large

bureaucratic system and the cost and the result is very effective. Distance

universities such as Open English, Anadolu universities which arrange the

Open University in Turkey and Univesidad de education National a Distancia

in Spain is an example of the distance learning the second generation.

The third generation of distance learning is based on two-way

communication media such as the internet or video-converter that allows long

distance interaction between teachers who give instructions and the students

who received the instructions. There is a remote communication facility

between students, as individually or as a group. The third generation

technology allows the distribution of the more intense communication

between the students and teachers and between fellow students, focusing on

dialog and discussion students, and relatively flexible with web-based


administration service that became characteristic of distance learning the third


Since 1996, the third generation of distance learning has spread

rapidly in the developed country economy and even to the developing

countries. Most of the growth of distance learning in travels the country lead

to online learning. So that can increase access to education.

In this third generation according to Taylor has grown very rapidly

and have given birth to the next generation. The next generation of distance

learning is more emphasize on the elements of flexibility of learning system.

From flexible learning is then continued to grow and seamlessly integrates all

the capabilities of technology including automated response system which

then by Taylor has even considered as the fifth generation distance learning.

So the development of distance learning when this can be called comes on the

fourth generation or even the fifth generation.12

Yet no research specifically

discusses the model of distance learning on the generation. Most of the

frequency reference found still discussing until the third generation.

C. Distance learning in Indonesia

While in Indonesia, pioneer from the distance learning system is the

Open University. As the open universities and the distance far, since its

inception in 1984, open university unmistakably unique as a distance learning

practitioners. The implementation of distance learning system in both the

12 Tian Belawati, Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, (Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka, 1999), p.



Open University and in the schools opened using the distance learning system

has many use e-learning, including one is the subject of the Islamic Religious


D. Islam Education

The understanding of Islam Education according Azyumardi Azra

explains that the word "education" often connoted with the term tarbiyah,

Ta'lim, and ta'dib, third term must be understood because it contains a very

meaning in. These terms are also as well as explain the scope of Islamic

education "informal", "formal", "informal".14

Hery Noer Zaman Aly explained in detail three of the term. The term

tarbiyah is rooted in three words. First, said rabbah yarbu which means

increased and grow. Second, yarba rabiya said that means grow and develop.

Third, rabba yarubbu which means improve control, lead, maintain, and

another. The term Ta'lim means the learning process continuously since man

was born through the function - the function of hearing and sight and hearts.

The process of Ta'lim does not stop at the attainment of knowledge in the area

of cognitive aspect alone, but continue to reach out to the region psychomotor

and affective. While the term ta'dib used to mark the concept of education in

Islam is mentioned by Al-Attas, which is derived from the word manners,

means the introduction and recognition of the fact that knowledge is an

13 Tri Darmayanti, dkk, E-learning pada Pendidikan Jarak Jauh: Konsep yang Mengubah

Metode Pembelajaran di Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia, (Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak

Jauh, 2, 2007) p. 103. 14 Azyumardi Azra. Pendidikan Islam Tradisi dan Modernisasi Menuju Milenium Baru, (Jakarta:

Logos, 2002) p. 4-5


orderly hierarchical with various levels and the degree of the level. So then

the manners include the sense of 'ilm and 'amal.

Al-Ghazali a very famous views in education, sees education as acts

of worship and efforts to improve the quality of self. For a good education is

the way to close themselves to God and get the happiness of the world and

the hereafter.15

Suparlan Suhartono view education from two points of view is the

point of view of wide and narrow.16

According to the point of view of

broad education is all kinds of life experiences that encourage the

emergence of an interest in learning to know and can then do any of the

things that have been known. This situation took place in all the type and

form of social environment throughout life. In the broader perspective

of education, it takes over the entire age (lifelong education), in all the

places where only every time at any time and in every line of life.

While education is seen from the point of view of narrow are all

the planned activities and conducted regularly and focused on school

education institutions. Education is defined as a system of schooling,

namely education is a conscious effort and planned that held by the

institution of schooling (school education) to guide and train learners to

growing awareness about the existence of life and the ability to resolve

every issue of life that always appears.

15 Al-Rasyidin and Samsul Nizar, Filsafat Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta: Logos, 1997), p. 9 16 Suparlan Suhartono, Wawasan Pendidikan, (Jogjakarta: Ar Ruz Media, 2008) p.43-46


In the Constitution of Republic Indonesia number 20 year 2003

about National Education System, section 1 verse 1 defines "education is a

conscious and planned to realize the learning environment and the learning

process so that the students actively develop their potential to have

spiritual strength religious restraint, personality, intelligence high moral

standards and the necessary skills to himself, community of the nation and

state". 17

So the conclusion of education is a conscious effort to develop a

potential and maturity of that do by the educators to learners. In the broad

view of education, it is all kinds of life experience that lasted throughout

the life, while in the narrow view of education progress on education


The next words, is "religion". In Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia

defines religion as all their trust in the Lord God and so on as well as with

the teaching, worship, and obligation related to religion.

Mohammad David Ali explained that religion is the problem of

ultimate concern, which is the issue of absolute interests every man

because the religion of absolute interests of each individual and each

individual religious involved in religion that drawing nearing, so it is not

easy to make the definition that includes all religions. The difficulty is

17 Undang- undang Republik Indonesia nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang sistem Pendidikan

Nasional,(Jakarta: Pemerintah Republik Indonesia, 2003), Pasal 1 ayat 1.


because every religious people tend to understand the religion according to

their respective religious teachings.18

Next is the word "Islam". Abudin Nata explained in terms of

language, Islam is derived from the Arabic salima which then formed into

a aslama. From the word is then formed the word Islam. So Islam in terms

of language is a form of ism masdar which means surrender, safe or keep

in a state of peace.19

Understanding fest has shown that Islam is related

with a submissive attitude to Allah SWT in an effort to obtain the assent of

Allah SWT.

So, it can be concluded that the meaning of Islamic religious

education is a conscious effort and planned in preparing students to know,

understood and practiced the religion of Islam through the activities of the

guidance, teaching or training which is determined to achieve the goals

that have been assigned.

According to Zakiah Daradjat, Islamic religious education is an

effort to build and nurture learners so that can always understand the

teachings of Islam literally true comprehensive. Then ponder the purpose

of, which eventually can be practiced and make Islam as the view of life.

E. The scope of Islamic Religious Education

The scope of Islamic religious education has a very broad scope,

including teachings on good governance of life that covers all aspects of the

18 Mohammad Daud Ali, Pendidian Agama Islam, (Jakarta: Rajawali Press, 1998), p. 39 19

Abudin Nata, Philosophy of Islamic Education (Jakarta: Ciputat Press, 2005) p. 11


life of man. Then the Islamic religious education actually means the teaching

of good governance of life that contains the basic guidelines that will be used

by the man in the led his life in this world and to prepare the life in the

hereafter. Zakiah Daradjat explains scope of Islam education include the

teaching of aspects of life as follows.20

a. The Teaching of the Faith

Faith means to believe. The teaching of the faith is teaching about

aspects of the belief. The science of the faith also called the science of

tauhid because in it discuss about aqidah islam, so that is often the science

of the faith can be called with other terms that aqidah science to discuss

about trust and faith to exist and the oneness of God.

b. The teaching of Morals (Akhlaq)

In Bahasa Indonesia, in general morals are defined by their

behavior or Outstanding traits. The teaching of moral means of teaching

about the mental one that is visible on the behavior. In its implementation,

teaching morals means the process of teaching activities in the goal so that

the learners have a good moral. This means that the children are taught that

have the form of a good according to the value of the teachings of Islam

and the inward should appear in his daily behavior. The formation of this

possible to do by providing the understanding of good and evil, train and

familiarize do good things, encourage and gave suggestion so pleased to

do good.

20 Zakiah Daradjat, dkk, Special Metodik teaching the religion of Islam, (Jakarta:Bumi Aksara,

2008, cet. IV, p. 63- 117


c. The teaching of worship

In a broad sense of worship, it is all forms of devotion addressed to

God prefixed by intentions. While worship in the special meaning is a

devotion which is arrange by the sharia Islam. For example, the prayer,

fasting, zakat, hajj, and so on. The subject of worship is completely loaded

in fiqh. So there is that identify acts of worship with fiqh. This is of course

not true, because the lessons fiqh does not only talk about the lessons of

worship only, but more talk about social life as trade, marriage, family,

inheritance, etc.

d. The Teaching of Fiqh

Fiqh is science which explains the law - the law of shari'ah Islam is

taken from the detailed of argumentation. While viewed from the aspect of

science to discuss the Islamic law sourced in Al- qur'an, the sunnah and the

argumentation syar'i. The teaching of fiqh is wider in scope, when were

elaborated on again can be developed to become eight discussion topics,

namely acts of worship, ahwalusy-syakhsiyah, muamalat madaniyat,

muamalat maliyat, jinayat and 'uqbat, murafat'ah, ahkamud

durusturiyyah, and ahkamud duliyah.

e. The teaching of Ushul Fiqh

The word "ushul fiqh" is derived from the Arabic "Ushulul Fiqh"

which means the origin of fiqh. The meaning is that the knowledge of fiqh

was born through the discussion process is outlined in the science of ushul

fiqh. The primary object in the discussion of ushul fiqh fiqh is Adillah


Syar'iyah (the arguments syar'i) which is the source of the law in the

teachings of Islam. In addition to discuss the understanding and its position

in the law, Adillah Syar'iyah is also equipped with various terms in the

drafting of the law by using each argument.

f. The teaching of Al-Quran

Qira'ah the Qur'an means read Al- the Qur'an. Read the Qur'an is

not the same with reading books or other holy scripture. Read the Qur'an is

a science which contains art. The Qur'an itself is a revelation of God

posted, revealed to the prophet Muhammad as a sign and read it is

considered acts of worship, and is the main source of teaching Islam. The

teaching of the Qur'an in the first level contains the letter recognition

hijaiyah and the Messiah (words), then forwarded by introducing

punctuation. The most important in the teaching of Qira'ah al- Qur'an is

the skills of reading the Qur'an with good in accordance with the rules of

which are organized in the science of tajwid.

g. The teaching of Interpretation (Tafsir)

The meaning of the interpretation of the Qur'an is the explanation

of the meaning of the Qur'an, the explanation of the meaning and the

explanation of what is meant by the text, signals, or secret that contained

therein. The teaching of the interpretation of this does not mean the

teacher how interpreted, but more to what and how the interpretation. The

content of the teaching interpretation at the beginner level as in the

Madrasah Ibtidaiyah for example translation. The verses that support the


topic translated then suggests the core of verse which clearly its

relationship with the topic in the daily life. Meanwhile on a medium level,

interpretation is expanded with syarah (description and explanation). On a

higher level, such as in college, interpretation is equipped syarah mufradat

according to various opinions, istinbath law with various opinions of

ulama, with asbabun nuzul, and various possible implementation and

equipped with the aqli arguments and naqli argument, and the content of

verse formulated with the words easily to understood.

h. The teaching of the science of interpretation

The science of interpretation is a group of the theory (Science) that

can be used to interpret the Qur'an. In this science discussed the problem

of verse of the Qur'an (a series of words and sentences and its influence),

the rule for interpreted, criteria for interpreted, the terms used in the

interpreted, various kinds of interpretation, muhkam vers and mutasyabih,

and stages down verse and many more related with various terms and how

interpreted. The teaching of the science of interpretation means the process

of teaching and learning activities which contains the material of Science

interpretation. In this teaching discussed a number of the theory or

knowledge related to the various terms and instructions to interpret the

Qur'an. By understanding this knowledge is expected that people can be

interpreted the Qur'an, at least understand how mufassir interprets the

Qur'an after reading books of interpretation.

i. The teaching of the Hadith


The original meaning of "hadith" is "new". In the Qur'an, said this

hadith means the news. The Hadith of Prophet means news from the

Prophet. According to the view of the experts in the science of Hadith,

Hadith is everything that comes from the Prophet Mohammed, both from

the word, deed, statutes, or physical characteristics and personalities. In

the form like this hadith scholars equate between the Hadith with the

Sunnah. As the source of the source of Islamic law after the Qur'an

followed by the Hadith, after Al- Qur‟an accompanied with the as-sunnah.

The purpose of that will be achieved with the teaching of the hadith is the

understanding of Islamic teachings related to the issues discussed.

j. The teaching of the science of Hadith

The science of Hadith is a group of the theory of science that can

be used to learn the hadith, both in terms of wurud, Matthan, and the

interpretation thereof, in terms of the history and figures, from the sense

can be considered to be the argument whether or not, and of the terms used

in the interpret or in terms of the conditions and various terms in

understanding. The teaching of the science of Hadith means the process of

teaching and learning material contains how to assess things the text of the

hadith to be the source of the law in the teachings of Islam. Whether the

hadith was strong and qualify for made hujjah, both in terms of Matthan,

meaning wurud, or could not be made good hujjah because weak or false a


k. The teaching of the Islamic History


The teaching of the Islamic History, that is the history related to the

growth and development of the people of Islam. Because it can also we

call the history of Islam. Viewed from a general point of view history of

this is one of the aspects of the religion of Islam. Islam was born and

continues to live developed through the line history. Islam is present in the

life of the arena of history since the conditions before Islam that related

with the environment in the beginning of Islam, and then since the first

began to adopt Islam brought by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The

purpose of the teaching of the history of Islam is to know and understand

the growth and development of the people of Islam from the beginning

until the time in which he lived. In addition, the broader goal is to know

and to love Islam as a religion of the handle life.

l. The teaching of History of Tasyri'

The history of Islamic law or an authorized history of teachings of

Islam applies. The teaching of History of Tasyri' actually Islamic history

teaching that has been developed that the material is specific to the

teaching or Islamic law. Special teaching discussed because of the close

relationship with other subjects such as the interpretation of the Hadith,

Fiqh, and knowledge of other religions. But the most dominant in the

History Tasyri' of Islamic is the history of the growth and development of

the teaching of islamic law. Although there are various opinions about

when the Date Tasyri' began, but the opinion of the majority of the

ulama shari'ah said that the contents of history of Tasyri' was started since


the time of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). When the view subjects

Islamic religious education overall, Abdul Majid and Dian Andayani

explained that in the scope of the lesson that covers the Qur'an and al-

Hadith, faith, morals, fiqh or acts of worship and history. It also illustrates

that the scope of Islamic religious education includes harmony, and the

balance of human relations ,other creatures and the

environment (hablun minallah wa hablun minannas). 21

So the scope of the Islamic religious education includes two

dimensions as well as the vertical dimension (hablun

minallah) and horizontally (hablun minannas).

21 Abdul Majid and Dian Andayani, Pendidikan Agma islam Berbasis Kompetensi, (Bandung:

Teenagers Rosdakarya, 2006), p. 131


F. Framework of thought

The Implementation of E-Learning as

Long distance Learning System of

Islamic Education at SMA Terbuka

What are the factors in the

distance learning system an

SMA Terbuka?

To know the factors on the

education system in SMA


How the process of e-learning as

distance learning in the learning

goal of Islamic religious education?

Understand the

implementation of e-

learning as a distance

learning system to

reach learning goal of

Islamic Education




A. The approach and the type of Research

"Qualitative research focuses on the process that is occurring as well as the

product or outcome. Acres particulars researchers interested in understanding

how things occurs."22

The definition by Cresswell above describe that qualitative research is

focused on the process that happens in research. This shows that the qualitative

research cannot be limited. Besides, researcher is an important part in the

research to understand the social symptoms occurred in the process of research.

This research uses qualitative approach, is a concept that includes some

forms of inquiry that help us understand and explain the meaning of the social

phenomenon. Research about the system of distance learning lessons Islamic

religious education in high school is open Kepanjen requires a research

approach that is able to analyze the process of each distance learning lessons

Islamic religious education, using steps like what distance learning lessons

Islamic religious education implemented, and what the impact of that is

produced from the distance learning Islamic religious education for then

22 John W. Creswell, Research Design: qualitative and quantitative Approaches (California:

SAGE Publications, Inc, 1994). 162.


explained and outlined in a data in the form of the sentence or words. So this

research using descriptive qualitative approach.

Cresswell defines descriptive research as qualitative research is

descriptive in that the researcher is interested in process, meaning, and

understanding gained through words or pictures.23

Research in this definition is

that the researcher must be interested in the process of understanding and the

understanding that then elaborated in the form of words and pictures.

Descriptive research is also not intended to test a specific hypothesis,

but only describes a variable, symptoms, or situation. This is in line with the

approach that is selected by the author namely qualitative approach where the

author is not limited by a certain measure as was done on the quantitative


This research uses qualitative approach with type of descriptive

research through case study. Case study is a research conducted intensively,

detail and depth of an organization, institutions or specific


Therefore the result of this research is expected to provide a

description of the whole and well-organized about the specific components that

can provide the validation of research results.

23 John. W. Creswell, Research Design: qualitative and quantitative Approaches , p. 145 24 Suharsimi Arikunto, Manajemen Penelitian (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1993) p. 20. 25 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian suatu Pendekatan Praktek, ( Jakarta; Rineka Cipta,

2002), p. 115


B. The presence of a researcher

The instrument on this research is a researcher individually (human

instrument) involving researchers itself directly in the field. The presence of

the researcher in qualitative research is required to attend, because researchers

play an important role as the main instrument that must present itself directly in

the field.26

Position of the researcher in qualitative research can be said quite

complex because besides as planner and executor data collector, analyzing,

interpreters of data, researchers of course also as a pioneer research results.27

The presence of a researcher in the field in the research process

absolutely necessary role of the researchers themselves in this research is the

observation non participative because researchers observations directly to see

the situation of the students when face-to-face learning conducted and also

monitor emphasize student during the lesson online. The presence of a

researcher in the field is very determine the success of the research that

basically qualitative research requires the interaction of the time that long

enough to get a detailed description and data that is derived directly from the

research object including the principal of Sekolah Menengah Atas Terbuka

Kepanjen, subject teachers of Islamic Religious Education at Sekolah

Menengah Atas Terbuka Kepanjen, and also Sekolah Menengah Terbuka

Kepanjen students involved in the process of learning activities. The research

26 Nana syaodih sukmadinata, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, (Bandung: Remeja Rosdakarya,

2005), p. 60 27 Lexi J. Moleong, Metodologi penelitian kualitatif, (Bandung; PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2007) p.



that researcher does in SMA Terbuka Kepanjen during 3 months, start from

November, December and January 2017.

C. Research Location

The author specifies the SMA Terbuka as object of this research, which

SMA Terbuka of Kepanjen located at:

Address : Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 48, Ardirejo

Sub-districts : Kepanjen

District : Malang

Postal Code : 65163

The Province : East Java

Website :

Sekolah Menengah Atas Terbuka Kepanjen (SMA Terbuka) has the

uniqueness of the teaching with conducted learning process with long distance

learning system with 80% and learning face to face 20%.

With the existence of things researchers want to know how the

implementation of the system of distance learning lessons of Islamic religious

education in Sekolah Menengah Atas Terbuka Kepanjen.

D. Data and data sources

The source of the data in the research is that the subject from which the

data can be obtained. While according to Lofland quoted from the book

Suharsimi Arikunto stated that the main data source in qualitative research is

the word- words and actions the rest is additional data such as documents and


other- other. 28

Thus the data sources qualitative research that is in this research

is as follows:

A. The Primary Data

Primary data is data obtained directly from the subject of research

where the data is taken directly by the researchers to the source directly

through informers. The words and actions of- who observed or

interviewed is the main data source. The main data source recorded

through written notes or through audio recording, and Loading


Data obtained through interview and direct observation is

attained in the location of the research. The primary data source on this

research is through direct observation at Sekolah Menengah Atas Terbuka

Kepanjen. Related to the in-depth interviews conducted to:

a. The Teachers of Islamic Religious Education

b. The Deputy Head of the Curriculum

c. The School Principal

d. Students

e. The Secondary Data Source

The secondary data source is the source of the data obtained

indirectly from informers in the field as the document and so on. The

document can be in the form of the books and other literature related to the

problem that is being examined. Secondary Data that researchers use in

28 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2007),p. 29 29 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2007), p. 129


this research with the form documents from Sekolah Menengah Atas

Terbuka Kepanjen.

E. The technique of Data Collection

Data collection technique is the most strategic steps in research because

the main purpose of this research is to obtain data.30

Without knowing the

technique of data collection, the researchers will not get data that meet the

standards of the specified data. In this research, namely qualitative research,

then to get data - data that is related to the focus of the research researchers use

data collection which includes:

a. Interview Method

Interview method consists of two types of the interview structure

and unstructured interview. Structured interview used when a researcher or

data collector has been know for certain about what information will be


While the unstructured interview is a free interview where the

researchers did not use the guidelines interview has been arranged in a

systematic and complete for the data collection.32

In this research the

authors use the method of structure interview and does not possess.

The author uses unstructured interview because you want to get the

information needed by the author. While for the unstructured interview

because the author wants to develop interview done so that you will get

30 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuntitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D, ( Bandung: Alfabeta, 2012), p.9 31 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuntitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D, p. 73 32 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuntitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D, p. 49


the information of the new information that appears in the interview and

reconstruction is not known.

Now the results of this interview recorded, as suggested by

Cresswell: "Researchers records information from interviews by using

heading note-taking or audiotapes. I recommend that one audiotape

shipbuilders interview and then describe command the interview

later." 33

Recording is intended to all the results of the interview can be

played back so that none of the information from the interview that left.

The results of the interview and then written back to a resource reference

author in analyzing the issues raised in this research.

In the determination of the expert or informers, informers are

selected in qualitative research must have sufficient information about the

phenomenon that will be examined so that I can understand about the

phenomenon that occurred that related to the research object.

b. The observation

According to Sutrisno Hadi, method observation is the method of

data collection with the way make observations and systematic recording

of reality- fact investigated. 34

While according to W. Gulo, observation is method of data

collection where researcher noted the results of the information as they see

during research. The observation involves two components, namely

observers, and the object of the observed. In this research, researchers

33 John. W. Creswell , op. cit, p. 152. 34 Sutrisno Hadi, Sutrisno Hadi, Metodologi Reseacrch (Yogyakarta: Psikologis Universitas

Gajahmada, 1986),p. 136


using non observation participant where researchers only to observe

directly the situation of the object, but the researcher is not active and

involved directly.35

c. The documentation

This method is a way or technique to obtain data about the

variables in the form of note, academic transcripts, books, newspapers,

magazines, etc.36

This method is used to document administration of

school activities and to obtain data about the establishment of the school,

organizational structure, infrastructure, the number of teachers and

students in Sekolah Menengah Atas Terbuka Kepanjen

F. Data Analysis Techniques

In qualitative research, data analysis has done by inductive. Inductive

means that the process took a conclusion from the things that specific to the

general conclusion. In qualitative research, researchers attempting to gather the

facts of the phenomena or events that are specific, then based on the

phenomenon or special events, taken the general conclusion.37

This research uses data analysis techniques developed by Miles and

Huberman. Data analysis occurs on a stimulant which is done at the same time

with the data collection process with the groove stages : data collection ,data

35 W. Gulo, Metodologi Penelitian, (Jakarta: Grasindo, 2004),p. 116 36 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2007), p. 126 37 Syukur Kholil, Metodologi Penelitian Komunikasi (Bandung: Cita Pustaka Media, 2006),p. 123


reduction, the presentation of data (display data), and the conclusion or

verification (drawing conclusion & verifying)38

The data obtained from the results of the interview, observation, and

documents arranged in a systematic and then selected which is important and

that will be learned and make so easily to understood by themselves and others.

By doing Qualitative analysis, researchers can be focused on the appointment

of the meaning of the description and the placement of the data on the each

context. To get the appropriate, then the techniques that was done are:

a. Data collection stage

Data collection was done with way to collect the results of

observation, the results of the interview and the results of the

documentation. From the collection of the data and then have been

separated to focus research. From the focus of the research and then

developed into the formulation of the problem.

b. Data Reduction

The data obtained from the field that the number quite a lot, so it

needs to be recorded in detail. To reduce this data means summarizes,

choose the things that subject, focuses on the things that are important, then

search for the theme and pattern. Thus the data collected gives more clearly

and then can make it easier to researchers in the search for the necessary

data. Reduction is a form of data analysis that sharpens, classify directs, cast

that does not need to and organize data with the way in such a way that the

38 Matthew B. Miles, A. Michel Huberman, qualitative Data Analysis, Terj. Tjetjep Rohendi

Rohidi, Analisis data kualitatif (Jakarta: UI Press, 1992), p.16


conclusion finally can be drawn and verified.39

At this stage researchers do

the centrality of data that has been collected into the focus of research and

then give the conclusion. So the researcher to clarify and simplify the data

was elected in accordance with the themes examined with how to integrate

various data that spread and explore the theme to recommend additional

data. At the end of this stage, researchers create abstract based on data that

is already be clarified in and concluded by brief description.

c. Presentation of data

After the data is reduced then the next step is to present data. In

qualitative research, the presentation of data can be do in the form of a

brief description, charts, relations between category, flowchart and similar

substances. Stage display data intended for display the data, the overall

data or specific part of research are drawn up various charts, graphs, based

on, and etc.40

At this stage the researcher presents the data and organize

data , which is most often used to represent the data in qualitative research

is with the text that is the narratives.

d. The conclusion or Verification

At this stage, researchers test the truth of each meaning that there is

in the data that have been collected. In this case, researchers rely only on

the clarification of data but also on the data abstraction support. The three

40 H. Rochajat Harun, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Untuk Pelatihan, (Bandung: Mandar Maju,

2007), p. 77


data analysis with process running simultaneously. Thus, the report

writing continues to develop in line with the process of the collection and

analysis of data. So, it will be more likely teardown put in line with the

found data and the fact that new.

G. Research Procedures

The steps of the qualitative research are different with quantitative

research. In this research, stages conducted the researchers as follows:

a. The pre field

1. Choose the location of the research

2. Draft research proposals that used to ask for permission to the

appropriate school institutions with data source

3. Permits arrangement formally to school institutions that become targets

b. The implementation stages of research

1) Make observations directly to Sekolah Menengah Atas Terbuka

Kepanjen, related with research which will be examined

2) Observing the various activities related to the learning system Islamic

Religious Education in Sekolah Menengah Atas Terbuka Kepanjen.

c. The stage of completion

After the pre-field and the implementation of the research done on

this stage researchers is at the final stages. Namely arrange the data that

has been obtained in the field to a report the results of research




General Description of SMA Terbuka Kepanjen

A. The background of the Establishment of SMA Terbuka Kepanjen

Education in the Contitution No. 20 Year 2003 about the function of

National Education System working is to develop the ability and formed the

characters and civilizaton nations of dignity in order to educate the life of the

nation, which aims to develop the potential of learners in order to become a

man who believe and pious to the one Almighty God, be noble,

knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent and become a democratic

citizens and responsible.41

The function and purpose is also to be pursued for

learners in remote or backward areas, and also natural disasters and social

disasters, and which is not capable in economy, so that reached the equitable

distribution of national education.

National education must be able to ensure the equitable distribution of

educational opportunities, quality and relevance as well as the efficiency of

education management so that every citizen get education. Equitable education

opportunities for levels of basic education is realized in the 9-year compulsory

education program. Education opportunities for high school level is realized in

the high school universal program to provide opportunities in the widest sense

41 Undang- undang nomor 20 tahun 2003


to the community to receive education on the secondary level. In achieving

equitable education at high school level, the government considers the need

for open schools in the implementation of special service education.

Open school at high school level using the distance learning system

that have characteristics independently, learn thoroughly, using information

and communication technology education or use other education technology.42

SMA Terbuka is a High School that was inaugurated on 1st July 2014

based on the regulation of the minister of education and culture no. 72 Year

2013 about educational implementation special service, which is explained in

the article 1 of Education special service (PLK) is education for learners in

remote areas or backward, or fall on natural disaster, social disaster, and which

is not capable of in terms of the economy. Since establishment of SMA

Terbuka has a concept as open schools and long distance. Open meaning is that

there is no restrictions on the age of the year diploma, learning time,

registration time, and the frequency of exams. The limitations that there is

nothing but that every students in SMA Terbuka only must have graduated

levels of education at Junior High School or equivalent. While long distance is

a means of learning is not done in a face-to-face, but using media, both printed

(module) and non- print, for example audio, video, radio broadcasting,

television, etc.

A. The vision of SMA Open

42 Document of School


Improve access, quality and relevance of secondary education in

supporting target achievement of Universal Secondary Education through

independent learning program (distance).43

B. The mission of SMA Open

a. Organize SMA Terbuka in the whole of Indonesia as one of the special

service education for junior high school graduates that are not

accommodated in regular Senior High School;

b. Develop self learning system with distance learning system uses a

combination of internet network and guidance learn face-to-face;

c. Increase the participation of students/community in the implementation of

education special service.

d. Preparing for SMA Terbuka graduates that capable to build themselves

and the community environment.44

C. The purpose of the establishment of the SMA Terbuka

The aim of the open high school is to provide educational services through

wide access for Indonesian society is constrained by :

a. Geographical Conditions

b. Limited time

c. Economic Conditions

d. The condition of Social and Culture

43 Konsep “SMA Terbuka. Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Menengah kementerian Pendidikan dan

Kebudayaan. Jakarta: 2014 44 Konsep “SMA Terbuka. Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Menengah kementerian Pendidikan dan

Kebudayaan. Jakarta: 2014


In addition, in an effort to achieve the vision and mission of SMA

Terbuka, the aim of SMA Terbuka formulated as follows:

a. Provides access to quality education for all layers of the society through

the implementation of various programs of SMA TJJ.

b. Produce Human Resources who have the academic competencies and or

professionals who are able to compete globally.

c. Increase community participation in sustainable education in order to

realize the knowledge-based society (knowledgebased society).

d. Strengthen the unity of the nation through the education service with

widely and comprehensive.

e. Improve cross-cultural understanding and cooperation network through

partnership at the local level, national and global.

E. The permissions of the implementation of SMA Terbuka

SMA/ SMK which has been appointed as the main schools must

propose a proposal to obtain permission of operational implementation of

SMA Terbuka to the education office with attach conditions as follows:

a. The organization Open SMA managers;

b. A list of Educators and Educational staff (PTK);

c. The data learners candidates and target location map;

d. The plan number and the location of the TKB;

e. action plan for the development of SMA Terbuka.

F. Main School Assignment


Main school assignment is done by the coaching PKLK

Directorate, basis of the considerations :

a. Recommendation from educational office

b. SMA/SMK/MA/Equal which is located in the province of East Java

with gross participation number (APK) education levels of High school

which still low;

c. The results of the verification team main school candidates appointed

by the Educational Office of the Province of East Java through PKPLK


d. The completeness of school facilities and infrastructure especially

completeness means ICT;

e. The quantity and quality of the educators and educational staff

f. The existence of secondary school-age population (16-

21years/graduates from SMP/MTs/ equal) that have not yet been served

in SMA/SMK/MA regular;

g. The commitment of the school‟s member to open SMA Terbuka;

h. The commitment and support of the local government budget (province

and district) to the development of SMA Terbuka;

i. support and community participation in the development of SMA


Infrastructure that must be fulfilled by the prospective main school, is as


45 Document of school


a. Main School Facilities:

1. Computer and technology information (ICT) infrastructure that

consist of computer, LCD projector and internet network;

2. Learning resources or printed learning materials (module) and non

print (e-book);

3. Tools and science practicum materials;

4. Tools and skills practice materials;

5. Learning media;

6. Electrical power and adequate water.

b. Main school infrastructure

Main school infrastructure includes:

1. Learning space with adequate number and can be used by learners of

SMA Terbuka at face-to-face in main schools without disruption of

learning activities in main school;

2. Chemical laboratory, phisic, biology and language that can be used

learnersof SMA Terbuka;

3. Headmaster room;

4. Vice principal of SMA Terbuka;

5. Adequate teacher's room according to the number of educators


6. administrative / space room for SMA Terbuka management;

7. Warehousing archive and school equipment;

8. Sports field and / or ceremonial field


G. Places of Learning Activities (TKB)

a. The requirements of Places of Learning Activities (TKB)

Main school pointed TKB, then the principal of the main school

made the cooperation agreement with the TKB management, now TKB

requirements as follows:

i. Available space to carry out the activities of face-to-face learning in

target location;

ii. The available power facilities;

iii. Available internet network for Online learning services;

iv. Available qualified personnel (educational qualifications and

expertise) to be appointed as TKB educational staff.

b. Facilities and Infrastructure TKB

The Places Of Learning Activities (TKB) have the facilities and

infrastructure as follows:

Facilities of TKB:

1) Lesson materials print (module) and non-print (e-book);

2) Computer devices with adequate quantities and specifications;

3) Internet network for service e-learning;

4) Electrical power and water;

5) Supporting facilities learning activities (table+chair for learners and

TKB educators, blackboard, cabinet/book rack).

Infrastructure TKB:

1) Learning space;


2) Administration space;

H. Model of Tutoring Services

The model of tutoring at SMA Terbuka, consists of 3 models.

Model of tutoring services selected by manager of open school at

secondary level, depending on the condition of the internet network in

the target areas. The three models are :

a. Dominant Online (DOMON)

Dominant tutoring services online (DOMON) is

independent tutoring service conducted online using ICT facility is

dominant. The Proportion of online tutoring -/+ 80% and face-to-

face -/+ 20%. Tutoring services activities conducted in online

where each learners if there are internet facilities in TKB. Face-to-

face tutoring services implemented in TKB and/ or in the main


b. Balance Online and face-to-face (BONTAMU)

Tutoring services balance online and face-to-face

(BONTAMU) is independent tutoring service learning, between

online proportions tutoring services and face-to-face proportion

tutoring services in a balanced way (50% online and 50% face-to-

face). Online learning activities conducted at dwelling of each

learners if there are internet facilities or in TKB. Face-to-face

tutoring services implemented in TKB and/or in the main schools.

c. Face-to-face Dominant (DOMTAMU)


Face-to-face dominant tutoring service Model (DOMTAMU)

is independent tutoring service with face-to-face tutoring services

more dominant compared with online tutoring services. With the

proportion 80% face-to-face and online 20%. Online tutoring

services activities carried out in dwelling of each learners if there are

internet facilities or in TKB. Face-to-face tutoring services

implemented in TKB and/ or in the main schools.

From three tutoring services model, SMA Terbuka

Kepanjen apply dominant tutoring services (DOMON). This is

because ICT facilities in the main school (SMAN 1 Kepanjen) and

in the places of learning activities (TKB) there are ICT facility

meets the criteria for carrying out the activities of the tutoring

services using Dominant tutoring services online (DOMON)

I. Instances/Elements involved in organizing Center

a. Directorate of special coaching education and special services


Directorate of special coaching education and special services

education was as a leading sector in the development of the open school

on the level of secondary education, have a role and responsibility:

1. Determination of programs, policies, norms, standards,

procedures, and criteria for establishing the open school on the

of secondary level education;


2. Coordinate with the Directorate of construction of the high

school and vocational school Construction Directorate, in the

framework of the development of curriculum and learning

materials, the development of main school to supporting main

school, educator and educational Construction Directorate,


3. Coordinate with the pustekkom in order of network utilization,

provision of open school data centre, development of network

structure on main school, the development of ICT-based

learning materials, conversion of materials into digital learning


4. Coordinate with SEAMOLEC in order to the development of

technology-based learning materials content information (IT

content) and its utilization, utilization training IT for teachers

and learners;

5. Coordinate with relevant College;

6. Coordinate with local authorities in order to socialization open

school program, appointment/assignment of main schools,

provision of prospective learners data, providing educators,

educational personnel, places of learning activities (TKB), the

provision of supporting facilities and infrastructure;

7. Socializing program involving all stakeholders, either the

Center or region;


8. Providing and distributing the books of subjects both print and

non-print (e-books) via main school;

9. Manage data of open schools on the level of secondary


10. The provision of open school implementation guide book;

11. Provision of an online learning resource center;

12. Provision of open school operational / management funds at

secondary education level;

13. Provision of school supporting facilities and infrastructure;

14. Monitoring and evaluation.

b. Coaching Directorate of High School / Vocational Education

The main roles of the Directorate of High School / Vocational

Education are:

a. Coordinate the provision of textbook books for learners and

handbooks for open school educators at secondary education


b. Providing assistance for poor students (BSM) and School

operational assistance (BOS);

c. Providing high school / vocational school policy in the

implementation of open schools at secondary education level.

c. Directorate of Education and Teaching Education Personnel of

Secondary Education (PTK)


Directorate of Education and Teaching Education Personnel of

Secondary Education (PTK) and PKLK Directorate is responsible for

provision, developing and improvement of educator competency and

educational staff at main school and educational staff at TKB.

d. Communication Technology Center (Pustekkom)

Pustekkom has the following role:

a. Assisting Directorate of PKLK Development in preparing and

conducting learning process through tele-conference and other IT

usage for the benefit of learning process and coordinating with


b. Assisting Directorate of PKLK Development socialization of open

school program through online media;

c. Assisting Directorate of PKLK development broadcast learning

program through TV education;

d. Assisting Directorate of PKLK to develop network structure in main

school and place of learning activity (TKB);

e. Assisting Directorate of PKLK in developing open school

monitoring and evaluation system at secondary education level


f. Assisting Directorate of PKLK in the developing of teaching

materials based on ICT in coordination with SEAMOLEC.


SEAMOLEC serves as follows:


a. Assisting Directorate of PKLK in preparing and conducting

learning process through tele-conference and other IT usage for

learning process and coordinating with pustekkom;

b. Assisting Directorate of PKLK guidance to conduct training to

improve the ability of educators in using online media;

c. Assisting Directorate of PKLK in developing ICT-based teaching

materials and coordinating with pustekkom.

f. Relevant Universities

Partners of the Directorate of PKLK Development of Secondary

Education in the development of open schools in secondary education

level are relevant universities, that is colleges experienced in managing

distance learning. The college in question is given the task of assisting

the preparation and holding of an open school in secondary education

which covers the following activities:

1. Assisting Directorate of PKLK to develop education program and

training of independent learning materials development,

development of open school implementation guidelines at

secondary education level, tutorial guidance, self-help supplement

guide, assessment guide;

2. Assisting Directorate of PKLK guidance to develop technical

guidance and implement technical guidence (Bimtek) for educators

and education officers open school at secondary education level;


3. Assisting Directorate of PKLK development of education and

training program about education and training program about the

use of information and computer technology (ICT) in independent

learning and coordinate with pustekkom and SEAMOLEC;

4. Assisting Directorate of PKLK development designing monitoring

system, evaluation, and quality control of learning.46

J. Islamic religious Subject

Islam Education Subjects in SMA Terbuka is required subjects followed

by all the Islam students. Subjects Islam Education is one of the subjects

benefits for heterogenic living.

The discussion of Islam education leads to the understanding of the

religion of Islam demands to be applied in making progress as a religious

citizens in a pluralistic nation conditions. The scope of Islam education

material at SMA Terbuka is The One Almighty God and divinity, Moral and

interreligious harmony.

The general purpose of Islam Education subjects in SMA Terbuka is the

students to be able apply the fundamental values of the Islam religion to

foster inter-religious harmony individual life, society, and nation. While

specifically after students learn Islam Education subject is expected to reach

the basic competencies targeted.

Islam Education subject at SMA Terbuka is emphasized on the scope that

as formulated by Zakiyah Darajat which includes various teaching that is

46 Document of school


Faith, morals, worship , Fiqh, ushul fiqh, Qira'ah the Qur'an, Tafsir, science

of Hadith, Islamic History and Art, And TarikhTasyri.

Data exposure

A. Lesson plan for Islam Education at SMA Terbuka Kepanjen

To know how the lesson plan of Islam Education at SMA

Terbuka Kepanjen, first of all researcher interviewed teachers of Islam

Education at SMA Terbuka Kepanjen. M. Mishbah, S.Pd.I

There are some efforts are taken in lesson plan process of Islam

Education, the most important thing is we know what is the

purpose of learning PAI. In addition we must also prepare some

things, among others: preparing the material for one semester, then

we must to know the first ability of students and then prepare what

strategy in accordance with their ability, then planned the schedule

online, face-to-face schedule or TKB visit schedule to learning

groups, prepare any materials that will be delivered when online

and materials that will be delivered when face-to-face, and

prepare the arrangement of the assessment. 47

From the explanation from Islam Education teacher, researcher

saw that the lesson plan process need morewell prepared, such

as preparing materials, know the ability of students first and prepare online

learning strategies for Islam Education . Because of the dominant learning

system is online compared face-to-face, therefore all tutor or teacher is

required to have a planning strategy to be applied in the learning process.

In the process of lesson plan of Islam Education it self, I also

calculate the day learn between meet directly (face-to-face) and

online learning day. Why I am concerned day face to face learning

and online learning day?. Because when the face to face learning

47 The results of the interview with teachers Islamic Religious Education M. Mishbah, S.Pd.I on

January 17 2018 at 15.30 WIB


day, I will prepare the materials that requires the practice directly.

Because it is difficult when the materials that need the practice

taught through online.48

From the exposure above, researchers know that in the steps of

lesson planning process requires the preparation of more than on regular

schools. From the above exposure researchers also know that in the

delivery of the material not sort materials such as in regular schools, but

adjust the schedule face to face and online schedule. For example materials

about ablution which is a requires direct practice will be delivered in the


week, but in the 2nd

week is the schedule for face-to-face learning, then

the teacher or tutor will be putting the ablution materials in 2nd

week. So

the materials that need practical become a priority in the face-to-face


B. The Implementation of Islam Education on distance learning at SMA

Terbuka Kepanjen

In this research, after researchers know the plan from learning model of

Islam Education in SMA Terbuka Kepanjen, researchers want to know how

its implementation or application process on students. To know it, then

researchers interviewed several students and also Islam Education subject


In the process of teaching and learning activities of Islam

Education at SMA Terbuka Kepanjen itself using curriculum and

48 The results of the interview with teachers Islamic Religious Education M. Mishbah, S.Pd.I on

January 17 2018 at 15.30 WIB


teaching materials that is same with regular schools (main School).

There are different in the tutoring model only49

From the explanation above, we can be known that curriculum and

teaching materials of Islam Education subjects is applied at SMA Terbuka

Kepanjen is same with curriculum and teaching materials of Islam

Education subjects that used in regular high school. This is as described

in the book pedoman pelaksanaan sekolah terbuka pada jenjang sekolah

menengah. With the explanation as follows :

The curriculum and teaching materials

a. Curriculum at high school level using curriculum main schools that


b. Teaching materials in the subjects matter using teaching materials in

regular high school that has been added to supplementof independent

teaching materials.

c. All teaching materials prepared in the form of printed materials

(book/module) and non-print (e-books)

d. Main school have all lesson materials both printed and non-print (e-

books) , minimum one semesters before the open school learning

process at school level started.50

After the researchers know how teaching and learning lessons for

Islam Education which was held at SMA Terbuka Kepanjen by

49 The results interview with M. Mishbah (one of the teacher in SMA Terbuka ) on January 17

2018 at 15.30 50 Document of school


interviewing teachers of Islam Education subject, researchers further

interviewed several students at SMA Terbuka Kepanjen. This interview

aims to know the response of the students about teaching and learning

process in Islam Education subject.

The learning process at SMA Terbuka is very different from the

school when I studied at SMP. At SMA Terbuka, all of us to us

should be independent students to find out something, because we

do not every day meet our teachers51

From the explanation from one of SMA Terbuka student can be

known that independence is a factor that is needed in the implementation of

teaching and learning in SMA Terbuka. Independent is important because

the students are not every day to meet with their teachers as generally in

regular schools.

Because independence is the most important factor in the

implementation process of learning in SMA Terbuka, then in the process of

learning PAI in SMA Terbuka divided into two forms, namely independent

learning and guided learning.

1. Independent learning

Independent learning: the learning process initiated by the learner in a

certain period. To be able to help learners to learn independently,

teachers prepare various tasks by utilizing ICT. In subject of Islam

Education, this form of learning is preferred by teachers to provide

51 The results interview with Febi (one of the students in SMA Terbuka ) on January 17 2018 at



materials that do not require practice. For example subjects Islamic

Religious Education field of History of Islamic Culture.

2. Guided learning

Learning guided: the learning process provided by the school to help

the learning process of students in the form of face-to-face learning or

visiting TKB that usually in SMA Terbuka held every week. In learning

of Islamic Education subjects at SMA Terbuka Kepanjen, this method

is used by Islamic Religious Education subject teachers to deliver

Islamic Religious Education materials requiring practice. For example

material about Fiqih about washing, praying, etc. which requires


C. Learning Evaluation of Islam Education SMA Terbuka Kepanjen

The evaluation is the result of a planning and implementation and

the final destination of this research. After the researchers know the

planning and implementation of distance learning of Islam Education

subjects in SMA Terbuka, the researchers further want to know the result.

What kind form of evaluation is done by Islam Education teachers at

SMA Terbuka Kepanjen will be described below.

Evaluation in Islam Education lessons is to know the development

of the students. In this case I as a teacher of Islam Education

subject, then each end of the material is complete, or commonly

called with daily exercise. And also I always gave the task to

students. The goal is to know the development of science that has

been planned by school before.52

52 The results interview with M. Mishbah (one of the teacher in SMA Terbuka ) on January 17

2018 at 15.30


Based on the results of the explanation above, evaluation is done by

teachers subject of Islam Education and evaluation done at the end

of each of the material. The evaluation is done in the end of the

material aimed to know the development of knowledge and

understanding the students about the material that has been studied

before. And to know more about how the evaluation is done in the

distance learning. Then the researchers get the following data.

So in the process of evaluation that we do in distance

learning that is with give the tasks in a certain period of

time. When there is a student who is not working, then

students will receive warning from TKB coordinator. And

when it continues, students are threatened not up grade.

And when the evaluation of Islam Education subject that

requires the practice, we have two ways that is with

evaluated equally directly when visiting TKB or with give

some video assignments to students.53

From the explanation above is very clear that the teachers

and students evaluate the lesson of Islam Education by give the

students with the task to them until the specified time period. And

the students who did not do so, as a consequence is threatened not

up grade. And to know the evaluatin of Islam Education that

requires the practice in it, then teachers prefer to evaluate students

when TKB visit, because it has been planned by Islam Education

teacher. And when all of a sudden or in certain conditions and

53 The results interview with M. Mishbah (one of the teacher in SMA Terbuka ) on January 17

2018 at 15.30


situations that require that teachers are not able to attend in TKB,

then the teachers will give saome task to make a video about

practice the tasks matter what will evaluate.

And to know the standard of completion specified in SMA

Terbuka, researchers asking for more information to Islam

Education teachers. And the following explanation.

For curriculum and teaching materials of Islam Education

subjects at SMA Terbuka is same with the main school or regular

schools. As well with questions given in the test national scale,

they get the same questions. But for SMA Terbuka, passing

criteria Minimal (KKM) specified is not equal with the KKM is

specified in main school (regular schools). Because of the teaching

and learning process less intensive, is not the same as a regular


From the explanation above, we can be known when in the

determination of passing criteria Minimal (KKM) at SMA Terbuka

does not match with the main school (regular schools), although in

the curriculum and teaching materials are given between SMA

Terbuka and main school (regular schools) are same. According to

the explanation of Islam Education subject teachers, in the

establishment of the KKM cannot be likened, because in terms of.

because in terms of their ability, between high school open and

regular high school is different, coupled with less intensive hours

of study at SMA Terbuka

54 The results interview with M. Mishbah (one of the teacher in SMA Terbuka ) on January 17

2018 at 15.30


Related to the assessment described above, researchers

asking for more information about the evaluation process at one of

the field on Islam Education subjectn according to researchers in

the field of assessment as this cannot be determined from the value

of the test or practice only, but needed from daily value students.

Assessment of the field of the creed of the morality of the question

researchers in. Then the researcher asked this more information to

Islam Education subject, with explanations as follows.

For judgment on the field of faith and morality it can not

simply take the value of the exam or practice alone.

Because judgments on the field of faith and morals require

daily judgment55

From the above explorations the researcher can explain that in the

assessment of aqidah and akhlaq, the teacher can not give an assessment to

the students by only through examination or daily test or giving the student

an assessment upon visiting the TKB. So in this case the teacher to assess

one of them by looking at the accuracy of students in collecting tasks

given by the teacher, and see the active learning of students online.

55 The results interview with M. Mishbah (one of the teacher in SMA Terbuka ) on January 17

2018 at 15.30


main map 1: summary of the first problem formulation

D. The Obstacle Factors of Implementation Islam Education on Distance

learning education system at SMA Terbuka Kepanjen

a. The ability of technology

To find out what factors are affecting in the implementation of PAI

learning on distance learning system in SMA Terbuka Kepanjen, the

researcher conducted interviews with some students and also teachers.

The Implementation of Islam education on

Distance learning at SMA Terbuka Kepanjen


The Process of Islam education on Distance

learning at SMA Terbuka Kepanjen

Evaluation Implementation

Formulate the


Determine The


Determine the

first ability of






Non- test





To do some tasks, sometimes I find it difficult, for example when

assigned to create a video. Usually imaking of video, there are

some parts that must be edited or cut. For such a part I can not.56

From the explanation from Sri Wahyuni, the researcher concludes

that one of the factors influencing the implementation of Islam

education subject in distance learning system in SMA Terbuka

Kepanjen is technological capability. The technological ability of the

students has a great impact, among them are students who have less

technological skills, then these students tend to be passive in online

learning activities in the virtual classroom. However, the capabilities of

the technology not only must be mastered by students, teachers also

have to master the technology. To find out about it, researchers

interviewed teachers, and obtained data as follows.

The technological expertise of the teachers themselves continues to

be enhanced, usually, we are as the teachers are given training on

learning media that is reserved for virtual classes. In essence, the

teacher is required to have more technology. Because teachers are

required to be able to provide lessons with various media so that

students do not get bored quickly. So here teachers continue to

update their technological capabilities.57

From the explanation above, the researcher concludes that the

technological teacher needs to more developed, because the teacher has

more responsibility to be able to give material understanding to the

students through various media made by the teacher.

b. Activeness of student

56 The results interview with Sri wahyuni (one of the students in SMA Terbuka ) on January 17

2018 at 15.00 57 The results interview with M. Mishbah (one of the teacher in SMA Terbuka ) on January 17

2018 at 15.30


The second factor that influences the Implementation of islam

Education subject learning process in distance learning system at SMA

Terbuka Kepanjen is student activeness, which the student is the target

of the learning process. But some of the students at SMA Terbuka

Kepanjen are less active in learning online activities. To find out why

some students are less active, the researchers conducted interviews with

teachers. And obtained data as follows.

The issue of student activeness is still a problem in the distance

learning process at SMA Terbuka. Because when there are students

who are less active in online learning, teachers can‟t rebuke

directly. The teacher just report to TKB coordinator. Usually, when

the students are less active in learning activities because they have

their own busyness. Because many of the students at SMA Terbuka

are already working. Usually there are also who can‟t do the task

because they do not know how the way.58

From the results of these interviews can be concluded that the

students activeness factors determine the success of learning process.

Student activity itself is influenced by several things, including the

mastery of student technology, and busyness of each student at SMA

Terbuka Kepanjen.

c. Activeness of Teachers

In addition to the activeness of students who are very influential on

the success of distance learning activities, other factors are very

influential in the learning process by using the model of learning

DOMON is the activeness of teachers. To find out more about this, the

58 The results interview with M. Mishbah (one of the teacher in SMA Terbuka ) on January 17

2018 at 15.30


researcher interviewed several students at SMA Terbuka. And obtained

data as follows.

Sometimes when comes to learning and doing things, and there are

not able to do it, it's confused to ask who. Because teachers

sometimes not active. Sometimes, the teachers just give

assignments, and then collect certain. And when the collection

limit, the teacher is online, whereas we are just to ask what we

have not understood.59

From the results of these interviews, it can be concluded that for

some students, the activeness of the teacher becomes its own obstacle.

Often the teacher only assigns the students, then gives the time with the

collection limit at a certain time, and the teacher is not always active. So

that some students have difficulties when will ask the less understandable


59 The results interview with Febi (one of the students in SMA Terbuka ) on January 17 2018 at



main map 2: summary of second problem formulation

The Implementation of Islam Education

on Distance learning at SMA Terbuka


Ability of Technology

The influencefactors in Distance learning

System at SMA Terbuka

Teachers Activeness Students Activeness

Lack of

understanding of

technology used in

learning process

Lack of using

various media for

learnig process



capabilities are not


Busyness of each


Busyness of each



main map 3: summary of problem formulation




As we have seen from previous chapter, has found the data researchers

expect, both from the result of observation, interview and documentation, on this

explanation of the researchers will be presenting the explanation topics according

to the formulation of the research problem and the purpose of research. And in the

sub chapter will be presented an analysis of the data that has been obtained both

primary data and secondary data and then interpreted in detail.

A. Planning lessons for Islam Education

Planning of Distance learning system for Islam Education in SMA

Terbuka Kepanjen is an activity which is done each semester, planning is done in

order to prepare any materials that will be delivered during one semester to the

fore. Then teachers of Islam Education should to know the first capabilities of the

students. This is aimed to determine the right strategy in the implementation of

learning activities.

Now the distance learning system planning lessons for Islam Education

has several stages which must be held on every semesternya, from what the

researchers found in the field there are several kinds of in planning the system

distance learning Islam Education, among others:

a. Formulate the purpose

b. Determine the content

c. Determine the first ability of students


From some of the planning phase it is hoped that the implementation

of the distance learning system of Islam Education subjects in SMA Terbuka

Kepanjen can walk better and able to provide different service a broader

education to people in need.

From the explanation above about planning distance learning Islam

Education subject Education in SMA Terbuka kepanjen, there is a theory that

found by Gerlach & Ely. The theory is explained that a lesson plan begins with

the process of formulating the purpose and determine the contents of the

material and determine the initial capabilities. After the three steps is

accomplished, the next step is to determine the technique and strategy,

grouping of learning materials, determine the time and select the media. For the

last step after the formulation of the problem until the end, then the last step is

evaluate learning results to know the level of achievements from teaching and

learning that has been formulated in beginning as the purpose or the

formulation of problems. In addition, steps analyzing feedback that is a step

improvement from a learning that is not in accordance with the purpose or the

formulation of problems.60

B. The implementation of distance learning system Islam Education

In the teaching and learning of Islam Education at SMA Terbuka

Kepanjen using the same curriculum with the main school (regular schools),

but in SMA Terbuka there are differences in the process of the implementation

60 Sugeng listiyo prabowo dan faridah nurmaliyah, Perencanaan Pembelajaran (Malang- UIN



of Islam Education in progress, the implementation of the system of distance

learning lessons of Islam Education is done through two forms of learning as


a. Independent learning: learning process that is initiated by the learners in a

certain period. To be able to help students learn by independent, teachers

prepare various tasks using ICT. In the Islam Education subject, forms of

learning is more selected by the teacher to provide the material that does not

need the practice. For example subjects Islamic Religious Education field of

the history of Islamic culture.

b. Learn guided/ structured: learning process provided by the school to help

the learning process of students in the form of a face-to-face learning or

TKB visit that usually in SMA Terbuka conducted every week. In learning

lessons for Islam Education in SMA Terbuka Kepanjen, this method used

by teachers Islam Education subject to convey the materials of Islam

Education materials that need practice. For example materials about Fiqh of

purification, praying, etc. which need the practice.

C. Learning Evaluation of Islam Education SMA Terbuka Kepanjen

From planning, implementation of learning, Islam Education also has

some evaluation conducted by SMA Terbuka. To know how effective in the

teaching and learning of islam Education, now evaluation conducted SMA

Terbuka among others:

a. Daily exercise

b. UTS


c. UAS



In the evaluation stage is a very important phase succeeded after the

planning and implementation has been completed. The evaluation of all

parties can understand whether implementation is in accordance with the

plan. In this case, SMA Terbuka implementing the evaluation such as

regular schools in general, such asDaily exercise, Middle Examination

semester, final exams semester, school exam national, and also the

national examination. Now the evaluation techniques that can be

implement in schools can be grouped in two parts, namely:

a. The test Technique

The test technique is a way or technique in order to carry out the

evaluation activities, which includes a variety of item or a series of

tasks that done or answered by learners, then the work produces the

value about the behavior of students. In this technique, according

to Drs. Zainal Arifin consists of three, namely

1. The write test, which is a form of the test requires children

answered questions in the form of writing that is given to the

learners at the time, place and specific questions

2. The oral test, namely the form of the test requires a response

from the children in the form of oral language.


3. The test works/ action, which is the test that requires the

answer to the students in the form of attitudes and action.

From the three forms of the evaluation means that the aspects that

can be achieved in doing this technique there are two, namely

capabilities that is science is often using the write test and oral test,

while aspects that are often skills assessed by the test works from

some of the test techniques explained above, SMA Terbuka

Kepanjen using the write test to carry out evaluation on the

subjects of Islam Education.

b. Non-test technique

Non technique is a technique test or a way to measure the change

in attitude and the growth of the children. In SMA Terbuka Kepanjen

using technique of non test, one of test as assess attitudes through the

accuracy of collecting task, activeness attend classes online, and

activeness when visiting TKB. This technique According To Drs.

Daryanto, can be done in several ways, namely :61

1. Graduated scale, is scale that describes a value in the form of a

number of units of the results of the consideration.

2. The questionnaire is a list of questions that should be filled by

those who will be measured (respondents).

61 Daryanto, Evaluasi Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT Asdi Mahasatya, 2005), 29-34


3. The list of suitable, is a row of the questions is usually the Short

brief), where respondents evaluated provides a check mark in the

place that has been provided.

4. The interview is a method used to get answers from the


5. The observation is a technique that is done with how to make

carefully and systematically recording.

6. The history of life is a representation of a person during the time

of his life.

The data obtained from the implementation of this test can be used

as an appraisal of student learning activities, and to measure students'

learning abilities on affective aspects. Therefore, in carrying out this

test a religious teacher should be thoroughly accurate and selective in

order to obtain data in accordance with the reality.

D. Factors in the Implementation of Islam education on distance learning

system at SMA Terbuka Kepanjen

a. Ability of technology

SMA Terbuka is implementing the dominant online learning model

(DOMON), this is because ICT facilities and internet access in the main

school and TKB are eligible to carry out DOMON learning model

activities. But there are other factors that an important role in the success

of the learning process. In this case, some students at SMA Terbuka lack

the understanding of the technology used in the learning process.


The ability of technology in the learning process of Islam Education by

using the distance learning system is very important role, especially on

the subject of Islamic Religious Education in the field that requires

practice, such as fiqh. Because on some occasions the students at SMA

Terbuka assigned a video about how to practice something.

b. Activeness of students

In implementing distance learning model, it is not easy, because teachers

can not directly monitor student activeness, and the problem in this case is

the less active students to follow the online learning. Although the

problem of less active students in online learning, this can also be

possible because of the influence of the first factor, namely the student's

technological capabilities are not evenly distributed, so that students who

have difficulty in technology skills less active in the process of learning


As in learning of Islam Education subjects which in some areas require

practice, teachers may occasionally assign tasks to students to make a

video about how to practice something, so students who do not

understand how to do the task from teachers, they to be inactive.

Another factor that allows students to be less active is the preoccupation

of different students, because high school students mostly have other

activities, such as work, housewives, etc., so the time for online learning

is only on the sidelines after finished doing daily activities.

c. Teacher Activeness


In addition the activeness of students who are very influential on the

success of distance learning activities, other factors are also very

influential in the learning process by using the model of learning

DOMON is the activeness of teachers. For some students, this becomes

an obstacle in itself. Often the teacher simply assigns them tasks to the

students, then delivers the time with the collection limit at a certain time,

and the teacher is not always active, so some students have difficulty

when will ask the less understood material.




A. Conclusion

In this chapter presented some conclusions from the explanation in

the future. It also will be given suggestions- the suggestions might be

useful in policy decisions seanjutnya progress in developing education in

Indonesia, especially for SMA Open Kepanjen. After doing a theoretical

studies and data analysis based on the findings of the implementation of

Islamic Religious Education lessons on the distance learning system in

SMA Terbuka Kepanjen, it can be concluded:

1. The Implementation of Islam Education at SMA Terbuka Kepanjen:

a. There are several stages of planning in the implementation of

distance learning, especially subjects of Islamic Religious

Education. Among others: formulate objectives, formulate learning

materials, knowing the ability of students from the beginning.

b. In the implementation of Islam education learning process in SMA

Terbuka using the same curriculum with regular schools (main

school). And the implementation of learning is divided into two

forms, namely independent learning and guided learning.

Independent learning: the learning process initiated by the

learner in a certain period. To be able to help independent



Learning guided: the learning process provided by the school to

help the learning process of students in the form of face-to-face

learning or visit TKB that usually at SMA Terbuka held every


c. Distance learning evaluation at SMA Terbuka Kepanjen is the

same as in general education institution, such as daily test, mid-test

semester (UTS), and UAS.

2. Influencing factors in Islam Education distance learning activities are

technological ability, student activeness, and teacher activeness

B. Suggestions

SMA Terbuka Kepanjen is a place of education for the people of Indonesia

who need special services. So SMA Terbuka Kepanjen should further

improve the quality of learning and also equip their students with

technological skills for learning process that carried out online, so that can

run smoothly, especially subjects of Islam education that requires some

direct practice in it.

And for students of SMA Terbuka Kepanjen to use a special service

facility provided by the government that aims to equitable education in

Indonesia, so that all citizens of Indonesia have insight and knowledge that

will be useful to the entire community, nation, and country.



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Nama Tutor : Ahmad Khusaini. S.PdI

Semester : I ( Ganjil )

Kelas : XII ( Dua Belas )

Mata Pelajaran : Pendidikan Agama Islam

Deskripsi Mata Pelajaran : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya, Mengembangkan perilaku (jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,


santun, ramah lingkungan, gotong royong, kerjasama, cinta damai, responsif dan pro-aktif), menunjukkan sikap sebagai

bagian dari solusi atas berbagai

permasalahan bangsa, serta memosisikan diri sebagai agen transformasi masyarakat dalam membangun peradaban bangsa

dan dunia. Kompetensi Umum :

1.1 Menghayati nilai-nilai keimanan kepada hari akhir

1.2 Menghayati nilai-nilai keimanan kepada qada dan qadar










1. Q.S. Ali-Imran (3) :

190-191, dan Q.S.

Ali Imran (3) : 159

3.1 Menganalisis Q.S. Ali

Imran (3): 190-191, dan Q.S.

Ali Imran (3): 159, serta

hadits tentang berpikir kritis

dan bersikap demokratis.


- Menyimak bacaan,


mengidentifikasi hukum

bacaan (tajwid), dan

Buku PAI Kls

XI Kemdikbud

Al-Quran dan


Buku tajwid


- Menghafal Q.S. Ali Imran (3) : 190-

191, dan Q.S. Ali Imran (3) : 159

serta hadits terkait dengan cara

mengisi lis (lembar tugas hafalan).




4.1.1 Membaca Q.S. Ali

Imran (3): 190-191 dan Q.S.

Ali Imran (3): 159; sesuai

dengan kaidah tajwid dan

makhrajul huruf.

4.1.2 Mendemonstrasikan

hafalan Q.S. Ali Imran (3):

190-191 dan Q.S. Ali Imran

(3): 159 dengan lancar.

mencermati kandungan

Q.S. Ali Imran (3): 190-

191, dan Q.S. Ali Imran

(3): 159, serta hadits

tentang berpikir kritis

dan bersikap



- Menanyakan cara

membaca Q.S. Ali

Imran (3) : 190-191, dan

Q.S. Ali Imran (3) : 159.

- Mengajukan pertanyaan

terkait hukum tajwid,

asbabun nuzul, dan isi

kandungan Q.S. Ali

Imran (3) : 190-191, dan

Q.S. Ali Imran (3) : 159,

serta hadits terkait.



- Mendiskusikan cara

membaca Q.S. Ali

Imran (3) : 190-191, dan

Q.S. Ali Imran (3) : 159

sesuai dengan hukum

bacaan tajwid;

- Menterjemahkan Q.S.

Kitab tafsir Al-


Buku lain yang



interaktif dan



- Mengamati pelaksanaan diskusi

dengan menggunakan lembar

observasi yang memuat:

isi diskusi (kandungan ayat dan

hukum bacaan)

sikap yang ditunjukkan peserta

didik terkait dengan tentang

berpikir kritis dan bersikap



- Melaporkan hasil obervasi berupa

paparan tentang kandungan Q.S. Ali

Imran (3) : 190-191, dan Q.S. Ali

Imran (3) : 159 serta hadits terkait;

- Membuat paparan analisis dan

identifikasi hukum bacaan yang ada

pada Q.S. Ali Imran (3) : 190-191,

dan Q.S. Ali Imran (3) : 159;

- Membuat laporan perkembangan

hafalan Q.S. Ali Imran (3) : 190-

191, dan Q.S. Ali Imran (3) : 159

serta hadis terkait.

Tes tulis

- Menyalin Q.S. Ali Imran (3) : 190-

191, dan Q.S. Ali Imran (3) : 159

serta mengidentifikasi hukum

Ali Imran (3) : 190-191,

dan Q.S. Ali Imran (3) :

159 serta hadits terkait;

- Menganalisis asbabun

nuzul/wurud dan

kandungan Q.S. Ali

Imran (3) : 190-191, dan

Q.S. Ali Imran (3) : 159

serta hadits terkait.

Mengasosiasi - Membuat kesimpulan

dari kandungan Q.S. Ali

Imran (3) : 190-191, dan

Q.S. Ali Imran (3) : 159

serta hadits terkait.


- Mendemonstrasikan

bacaan (hafalan),

menyampaikan hasil

diskusi tentang Q.S. Ali

Imran (3) : 190-191, dan

Q.S. Ali Imran (3) : 159

serta hadits terkait

secara individu maupun


bacaan tajwidnya;

- Menjawab soal-soal tentang isi

kandungan Q.S. Ali Imran (3) : 190-

191, dan Q.S. Ali Imran (3) : 159

serta hadis terkait.

Tes lisan

Membaca dan menghafal Q.S. Ali

Imran (3) : 190-191, dan Q.S. Ali

Imran (3) : 159 serta hadits terkait

2. Q.S. Luqman (31):

13-14 dan Q.S. Al-

Baqarah (2): 83.

3.2 Menganalisis Q.S.

Luqman (31): 13-14 dan Q.S.

Al-Baqarah (2): 83, serta


- Menyimak bacaan,


Buku PAI Kls




- Menghafal Q.S. Luqman (31): 13-14

dan Q.S. Al-Baqarah (2): 83 serta




hadits tentang saling

menasihati dan berbuat baik


4.2.1 Membaca Q.S. Luqman

(31): 13-14 dan Q.S. Al-

Baqarah (2): 83 sesuai dengan

kaidah tajwid dan makhrajul


4.2.2 Mendemonstrasikan

hafalan Q.S. Luqman (31):

13-14 dan Q.S. Al-Baqarah

(2): 83 denagn lancar.

mengidentifikasi hukum

bacaan (tajwid), dan

mencermati kandungan

Q.S. Luqman (31): 13-

14 dan Q.S. Al-Baqarah

(2): 83 serta hadits



- Menanyakan cara

membaca Q.S. Luqman

(31): 13-14 dan Q.S. Al-

Baqarah (2): 83 .

- Mengajukan pertanyaan

terkait hukum tajwid,

asbabun nuzul, dan isi

kandungan Q.S.

Luqman (31): 13-14 dan

Q.S. Al-Baqarah (2): 83,

serta hadits terkait.



- Mendiskusikan cara

membaca Q.S. Luqman

(31): 13-14 dan Q.S. Al-

Baqarah (2): 83 sesuai

dengan hukum bacaan


- Menterjemahkan Q.S.

Al-Quran dan


Buku tajwid

Kitab tafsir Al-


Buku lain yang



interaktif dan


hadits terkait dengan cara mengisi

lis (lembar tugas hafalan).


- Mengamati pelaksanaan diskusi

dengan menggunakan lembar

observasi yang memuat:

isi diskusi (kandungan ayat dan

hukum bacaan)

sikap yang ditunjukkan peserta

didik terkait tentang saling

menasihati dan berbuat baik



- Melaporkan hasil obervasi berupa

paparan tentang kandungan Q.S.

Luqman (31): 13-14 dan Q.S. Al-

Baqarah (2): 83 serta hadits terkait;

- Membuat paparan analisis dan

identifikasi hukum bacaan yang ada

pada Q.S. Luqman (31): 13-14 dan

Q.S. Al-Baqarah (2): 83;

- Membuat laporan perkembangan

hafalan Q.S. Luqman (31): 13-14

dan Q.S. Al-Baqarah (2): 83 serta

hadis terkait.

Tes tulis

- Menyalin Q.S. Al-Anfal (8): 72);

Luqman (31): 13-14 dan

Q.S. Al-Baqarah (2): 83

serta hadits terkait;

- Menganalisis asbabun

nuzul/wurud dan Q.S.

Luqman (31): 13-14 dan

Q.S. Al-Baqarah (2): 83

serta hadits terkait.


- Membuat kesimpulan

dari kandungan Q.S.

Luqman (31): 13-14 dan

Q.S. Al-Baqarah (2): 83

serta hadits terkait.


- Mendemonstrasikan

bacaan (hafalan),

menyampaikan hasil

diskusi tentang Q.S.

Luqman (31): 13-14 dan

Q.S. Al-Baqarah (2): 83

serta hadits terkait

secara individu maupun


Q.S. Al-Hujurat (49):12; dan Q.S.

Al-Hujurat (49):10 serta

mengidentifikasi hukum bacaan


- Menjawab soal-soal tentang isi

kandungan Q.S. Luqman (31): 13-14

dan Q.S. Al-Baqarah (2): 83 serta

hadis terkait.

Tes lisan

- Membaca dan menghafal Q.S.

Luqman (31): 13-14 dan Q.S. Al-

Baqarah (2): 83 serta hadits terkait

3. Beriman kepada

hari akhir

3.3 Memahami makna iman

kepada hari akhir.

4.3 Berperilaku yang


- Menyimak bacaan al-

qur‟an yang terkait

dengan iman kepada

Buku PAI Kls



Buku lain yang


- Mencari ayat-ayat al-qur‟an dan

hadis tentang iman kepada hari

Akhir berdasarkan tuntunan guru




mencerminkan kesadaran

beriman kepada Hari Akhir.

hari akhir secara

individu maupun


- Mengamati tayangan

video tentang ilustrasi

peristiwa kiamat (Hari



- Mengajukan pertanyaan,

misalnya tentang makna

Hari Akhir, peristiwa

terjadinya kiamat,

bagaimana menusia


jawabkan perbuatannya,

dan balasan bagi orang-

orang atas amal



- Diskusi tentang

prosesnya terjadinya

kiamat dalam persfektif


- Diskusi tentang

bagaimana menusia


jawabkan perbuatannya

di hari akhirat, dan



interaktif dan


- Mengumpulkangambar-gambar

tentang tsunami dan musibah alam


- Mengamati pelaksanaan diskusi

dengan menggunakan lembar

observasi yang memuat:

- Isi diskusi (gambaran tentang

peristiwa kiamat dan pertanggung

jawaban manusia di akhirat)

- Sikap gairah dalam beribadah yang

ditunjukkan siswa sebagai

implementasi dari iman kepada hari



- Membuatlaporantentangmakna hari

Akhir, peristiwa terjadinya kiamat,

dan pertanggung bjawaban manusia

di akhirat


- Tes kemampuan kognitif dengan

bentuk tes soal- soal pilihan ganda

dan uraian tentang beriman kepada

hari akhir.

balasan bagi orang-

orang atas amal



- Menyimpulkan makna

Hari Akhir dan

bagaimana terjadinya

peristiwa kiamat,

- Menyimpulkan

bagaimana menusia


jawabkan perbuatannya,

dan balasan bagi orang-

orang atas amal



- Menyajikan/melaporkan

hasil diskusi tentang

tentang makna Hari

Akhir, peristiwa

terjadinya kiamat,

bagaimana menusia


jawabkan perbuatannya,

dan balasan bagi orang-

orang atas amal


- Menanggapi hasil

presentasi (melengkapi,

mengkonformasi, dan


- Membuat resume

pembelajaran di bawah

bimbingan guru.

4. Iman kepada Qadha

dan Qadar

3.4 Memahami makna iman

kepada Qadha dan Qadar

4.4 Berperilaku yang

mencerminkan kesadaran

beriman kepada Qadha dan

Qadar Allah SWT.


- Menyimak bacaan al-

qur‟an yang terkait

dengan iman kepada

Qadha dan Qadar secara

individu maupun


- Mengamati tayangan

video tentang iman

kepada Qadha dan



- Mengajukan pertanyaan,

misalnya tentang makna

iman kepada Qadha dan



- Diskusi tentang iman

kepada Qadha dan

Qadar dalam persfektif


- Diskusi tentang iman

Buku PAI Kls



Buku lain yang



interaktif dan



- Mencari ayat-ayat al-qur‟an dan

hadis tentang iman kepada Qadha

dan Qadar

- Mengumpulkangambar-gambar

tentang iman kepada Qadha dan


Observasi - Mengamati pelaksanaan diskusi

dengan menggunakan lembar

observasi yang memuat:

- Isi diskusi (gambaran tentang iman

kepada Qadha dan Qadar)

- Sikap gairah dalam beribadah yang

ditunjukkan siswa sebagai

implementasi dari iman kepada

Qadha dan Qadar


- Membuat laporan tentang makna

iman kepada Qadha dan Qadar


- Tes kemampuan kognitif dengan




kepada Qadha dan



- Menyimpulkan makna

iman kepada Qadha dan



- Menyajikan/melaporkan

hasil diskusi tentang

tentang makna iman

kepada Qadha dan


- Menanggapi hasil

presentasi (melengkapi,

mengkonformasi, dan


- Membuat resume

pembelajaran di bawah

bimbingan guru.

bentuk tes soal- soal pilihan ganda

dan uraian tentang iman kepada

Qadha dan Qadar



: Umi Nahdiyah

NIM : 14110143

Date and Place of Birth : Malang,22 December 1995

Fac/Study Program : Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training/ Islamic

Education Departement

Entrance Year : 2014

Address : Jl. Pesantren no. 8 Pakisaji- Malang

Email :[email protected]