the impact of selected small-scale irrigation schemes...

THE IMPACT OF SELECTED SMALL-SCALE IRRIGATION SCHEMES ON HOUSEHOLD INCOME AND THE LIKELIHOOD OF POVERTY IN THE LAKE TANA BASIN OF ETHIOPIA A Project Paper Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Cornell University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Professional Studies By Getaneh Kebede Ayele July 2011

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Page 1: THE IMPACT OF SELECTED SMALL-SCALE IRRIGATION SCHEMES … · the impact of selected small-scale irrigation schemes




A Project Paper

Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School

of Cornell University

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Master of Professional Studies


Getaneh Kebede Ayele

July 2011

Page 2: THE IMPACT OF SELECTED SMALL-SCALE IRRIGATION SCHEMES … · the impact of selected small-scale irrigation schemes

© 2011 Getaneh Kebede Ayele

Page 3: THE IMPACT OF SELECTED SMALL-SCALE IRRIGATION SCHEMES … · the impact of selected small-scale irrigation schemes


Poverty reduction has been largely a result of economic growth. The economic

growth and extent of poverty in Ethiopia are determined primarily by the growth of

agriculture because agriculture is the largest component of the economy. One of the

major factors behind the weak performance of Ethiopian agriculture is lack of

adequate rainfall, combined with variability in the onset and duration of rainfall.

Irrigation development is one approach to address this problem, and it has been given

significant attention in economic development programs in the country. This study

examines the impact of selected small-scale irrigation schemes on crops grown, total

income, and the likelihood of poverty at household level for a particular region.

A survey of 180 randomly-selected household heads, semi-structured

interviews and focus group discussions were undertaken in Fogera District, Tana

basin, Ethiopia to assess irrigation impacts. Descriptive statistics and econometric

modeling were used to assess the impacts of irrigation on household income and the

likelihood of a household being classified as poor. The research reported herein had

five major objectives. The first objective was to identify the major field crops and

vegetables grown using small-scale irrigation in the study area. The main field crops

grown using small-scale irrigation schemes in the study region are maize, oat, rice and

vetch and the dominant vegetables are onion, tomato, potato and pepper. Onion

production was the most important source of income from crops grown with irrigation.

The second objective was to compare the relative advantages of four types of

small-scale irrigation system, with emphasis on household gross income. Farmers

using concrete canal river/spring diversion had higher mean cropping income per

household on average than other irrigation types. Statistically significant differences

were found between the household concrete canal river/spring diversion and

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traditional river diversion and pedal pump irrigation systems, but no significant

difference exists between concrete river/spring diversion and motor pump, nor

between traditional river diversion and pedal pump. Households using any of the four

irrigation systems had statistically significantly higher mean gross household income

than households not using irrigation.

A third objective was to estimate the marginal impact of small-scale irrigation

on gross household income controlling for other important factors that affect income.

A censored regression model developed for this objective indicated that access to

small–scale irrigation increased mean annual household income significantly (about

ETB 3,353 per year, or a 27 % increase over non-irrigating households).

The fourth objective of this research was to assess the impact of irrigation

access on the likelihood of poverty. Descriptive analysis suggested that irrigating

households had a lower probability of being poor than non-irrigating households: of

households in the lowest quartile of income, only 12% were irrigating households and

the remaining 88 % did not irrigate. A Logit regression model developed to assess the

impact of irrigation on the likelihood of poverty controlling for other factors indicated

that access to irrigation significantly reduced the odds that a household would be in

the lowest quartile of household income, the key poverty threshold used in this study.

A final objective was to examine the major problems encountered in the use of

the small-scale irrigation systems. These were identified by farmers and development

agents as: lack of access to surface water, loss of water through seepage, problem of

irrigation water distribution, lack of spare parts for water pumps, high cost of fuel for

water pumps, lack of market transparency and marketing facilities, crop disease, and

the perceived high cost of inputs.

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Getaneh Kebede Ayele was born in the Quarit District in Western Gojjam

Administrative Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia to his father Kebede Ayele, and his

mother, Workie Gessesse Ayele, on January 21, 1980 GC. He attended his primary

and junior secondary schools at Quarit District in Gebeze Mariam School, and his

secondary education at Damot Senior Secondary School in Fenoteselam town. He

graduated from Alemaya University with a BSC degree in Agriculture majoring in

Animal Science on 3 July 2002 and a BA degree from Bahir Dar University in

Economics on 12 July 2008. He was employed by the Ministry of Agriculture and

worked at the Werota Agricultural College until starting this MPS program conducted

by Cornell University at Bahir Dar University. His opportunity of sharing knowledge

and skill from enormously experienced Cornell University professors inspired him to

continue his study further to PhD.

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First and for most, I would like to extend my unshared thanks to the almighty

God for providing me the opportunity for what I have achieved.

I am highly indebted to my research advisors Professor Tammo S. Steenhuis

and Professor Chuck F. Nicholson for their generous devotion in encouragement,

insight, guidance, and professional expertise from the early design of the research

proposal to the final write-up of the thesis. No words can suffice to express my

honored thank and gratitude to Dr. Amy S. Collick, Seifu Tilahun and Essayas Kaba

for their generous assistance and helpful encouragement during my study with all their

kindness through sharing the ups and downs. Great appreciation and special thanks to

Dr. Angela Neilan, Dr. Bowman and all other professors who taught me for their

unreserved help. I am also grateful to Cornell University for funding this research.

A special word of thanks goes for all staff members of the Fogera Woreda

Office of Agriculture and Rural Development who provide me technical assistance

and transport service. My special and particular thanks go to my friend Hailesysus

Ambaw, who lived in USA, for his materials support and encouragement throughout

my study. My wholeheartedly thanks should go to Habitamu Addis, Meseret

Belachew and all my classmates. I would like to forward my warm appreciation and

great thanks to my friend Zemenu Yayeh for his support and encouragement

throughout my study.

Finally, I am extremely grateful to my father Kebede Ayele for his dedicated

partnership in the success of my life.

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I dedicate this thesis manuscript to all participants in Cornell-Bahir Dar Universities

MPS program, especially for Professor Tammo S. Steenhuis and Dr. Amy S. Collick

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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH ......................................................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................................... iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................. vi

LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................... ix

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... x

ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ...................................................................... xi

CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................. 1

1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Background and justification ........................................................................... 3 1.2 Statement of the problem ................................................................................. 5 1.3 The Goal of the research .................................................................................. 7

1.4 The specific objectives ..................................................................................... 7 1.5 Hypotheses ....................................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................ 9

2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITRATURE .............................................................. 9

2.1 Poverty ............................................................................................................. 9

2.2 Water and agriculture ..................................................................................... 10

2.3 Irrigation development ................................................................................... 11 2.4 Irrigation methods .......................................................................................... 13

2.4.1 Surface irrigation .................................................................................... 13 Basin irrigation ................................................................................ 14 Furrow irrigation ............................................................................. 14

2.4.2 Flood irrigation ....................................................................................... 14 2.4.3 Border irrigation ..................................................................................... 14

2.5 Sprinkler irrigation ......................................................................................... 15 2.6 Drip irrigation................................................................................................. 15 2.7 Irrigation-poverty linkages ............................................................................. 16

CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................... 18


3.1 Description of the study area.......................................................................... 18 3.1.1 The characteristics of the sample PAs .................................................... 20 Kuhir Michael ................................................................................. 21 Shina ................................................................................................ 21 Abana Kokit .................................................................................... 22 Bebekis ............................................................................................ 22 Werota Zuria ................................................................................... 23

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3.2 Small-scale irrigation types ............................................................................ 23 3.2.1 Concrete canal river diversion ................................................................ 23 3.2.2 Spring development small-scale irrigation scheme ................................ 28 3.2.3 Motorized pump ..................................................................................... 29 3.2.4 Pedal pump ............................................................................................. 29

3.2.5 Traditional river diversion ...................................................................... 34

CHAPTER FOUR ........................................................................................................ 35

4 MATERIALS AND METHODS ........................................................................ 35

4.1 Research methods........................................................................................... 35 4.1.1 Approach for data collection, entry and checking .................................. 35

4.1.2 Data analysis ........................................................................................... 39 Socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the sample

households ...................................................................................................... 39 Income evaluation ........................................................................... 40 Poverty level evaluation .................................................................. 48 Poverty Line .................................................................................... 49 Poverty level comparison ................................................................ 50 Econometric model specification .................................................... 51

CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................................... 54

5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ......................................................................... 54

5.1 Household Socio-economic characteristics.................................................... 54

5.1.1 Family size .............................................................................................. 54

5.1.2 Family labor ............................................................................................ 55 5.1.3 Dependency ratio .................................................................................... 55 5.1.4 Sex and education of the household head ............................................... 56

5.1.5 Age of household head ........................................................................... 57 5.2 Productive resource ........................................................................................ 57

5.2.1 Land holding ........................................................................................... 58 5.2.2 Effect of irrigation on land rent value .................................................... 60

5.2.3 Production assets .................................................................................... 60 5.2.4 Type of houses ........................................................................................ 61

5.3 Major crops grown using small-scale irrigation............................................. 61 5.4 Household income evaluation ........................................................................ 63

5.4.1 Cropping incomes ................................................................................... 64 Rainfed cropping income ................................................................ 65 Irrigated crop income in PAs .......................................................... 66 Total cropping income .................................................................... 68 5.4.2 Livestock income .................................................................................... 68 5.4.3 Off-farm and other incomes ................................................................... 71 5.4.4 Summary of income sources at household level .................................... 72 5.4.5 Econometric model for income analysis ................................................ 73

5.4.6 Comparison of sample small-scale irrigation types at household level . 79 Sample small-scale irrigation types and irrigated crop income. ..... 79

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viii The small-scale irrigation types and total income of household ..... 82 5.5 Poverty analysis ............................................................................................. 83

5.5.1 Poverty level in the study area ................................................................ 83 5.5.2 Multivariate Logit regression ................................................................. 86

5.6 Problems encountered in small-scale irrigation development ....................... 89

CHAPTER SIX ............................................................................................................ 97

6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................. 97

6.1 Conclusions .................................................................................................... 97 6.2 Policy implications ......................................................................................... 99 6.3 Limitations and questions for future studies ................................................ 103

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 105


APPENDIX- B: SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE ........................................................ 117

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Figure 1: Location of Fogera District ........................................................................... 19 Figure 2: Guanta river dam ........................................................................................... 24 Figure 3: Irrigation and livestock ................................................................................. 25 Figure 4: Motor pump irrigation from river diversion canal ........................................ 26 Figure 5: A women and Children fetch water from river diversion for household

consumption. ................................................................................................................ 27 Figure 6: The river diversion dam on Eriza River in Werota Zuria ............................. 27 Figure 7: Tanqua Gabriel spring development ............................................................. 28 Figure 8: Motor pump irrigation using Eriza River near Werota town ........................ 29 Figure 9: Pedal pump .................................................................................................... 30

Figure 10: Sample wells constructed for only one cropping season ............................ 31 Figure 11: Sample of Vertisol ...................................................................................... 31

Figure 12: Well constructed from tire materials ........................................................... 32

Figure 13: Irrigation by fetching water from wells ...................................................... 33 Figure 14: Sample well constructed by cement cylinder .............................................. 33 Figure 15: Water loss through seepage from river diversion canal .............................. 90

Figure 16: Water loss from motor pump ...................................................................... 92 Figure 17: Parts of pedal pump demonstrate loss of tightness ..................................... 93

Figure 18: Non-functional shallow well ....................................................................... 95

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Table 1: Summary of sample size by PA and irrigation types ..................................... 37 Table 2: Summary of dependent and independent variables codes, definitions and

expected sign of effect on household income ............................................................... 46 Table 3: Summary of the dependent and independent variables, codes, definitions and

expected signs. .............................................................................................................. 52

Table 4: Family size, family labor and dependency ratio for irrigating and non-

irrigating households .................................................................................................... 54 Table 5: Household member, gender, and education and age characterization ........... 57 Table 6: Average landing size (ha) at household‟s level .............................................. 59 Table 7: Average land rental rate ................................................................................. 60

Table 8: Mean value of agriculture production assets at household‟s level ................. 61 Table 9 : Housing types in samples households ........................................................... 61

Table 10: The major field crops and vegetables grown using small-scale irrigation ... 62

Table 11: Reason for selecting the major field crops and vegetables for irrigation ..... 63 Table 12: Major crop types and their mean annual production values ......................... 65 Table 13: The reasons for non-irrigating households for not irrigating ....................... 66

Table 14: Rainfed income for irrigating and non-irrigating households in ETB ......... 66 Table 15: Income from irrigated crop production in ETB ........................................... 67

Table 16: Total mean annual cropping income at household level in ETB ................. 68 Table 17: Number of livestock (TLU) .......................................................................... 69 Table 18: Average annual livestock income ................................................................ 70

Table 19: The mean off-farm and other incomes ......................................................... 71

Table 20: Summary of annual household income sources: .......................................... 72 Table 21: Tobit estimates of the determinants for household total income ................. 75 Table 22: Marginal effects of determinants on household total income ...................... 78

Table 23: The sample small-scale irrigation types and irrigated crop income per

irrigating household ...................................................................................................... 80

Table 24: The sample small-scale irrigation types and irrigated crop income ............. 81 Table 25: Small scale irrigation types and total income of a household ...................... 82

Table 26:Small-scale irrigation types and the mean annual income of a household .... 83 Table 27: Poverty comparison between irrigating and non-irrigating household ........ 84 Table 28: The average income poverty gap of the poor by sample PAs ...................... 85 Table 29: The average income poverty gap between irrigating and non-irrigating

households .................................................................................................................... 85

Table 30: Parameter estimates of a logit model for determinants of a household

poverty .......................................................................................................................... 87

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ADLI Agricultural Development Led Industrialization

ACSI Amhara credit and saving institution

AE Adult equivalent

BoARD Bureau of Agriculture and rural development

CSA Central Statistics Agency

ETB Ethiopian Birr

HA Hectare

IPMS Improving Productivity and Market Success

LDC Less developed countries

MOARD Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

MOFED Ministry of Finance and Economic Development

PA Administrative unit in a district

PG Poverty Gap

TLU Total livestock unit

WAE Water Aid Ethiopia

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Poverty alleviation1 has been largely a result of economic growth (Roemer and

Gugerty 1997). Because Ethiopia is an agrarian country, agriculture is the leading

sector as source of income, employment and foreign exchange and national economic

growth is determined by the performance of agriculture. Irrigation plays the key role

in the performance of agriculture, which increases income growth. Income growth is

essential for economic growth (Hussain and Biltonen 2001). Developing countries that

ensure sustainable economic growth can be able to reduce their poverty levels,

building up their democratic and political stability. They also improve the quality of

natural environment and even reduce their incidence of crime and violence (Loayza

and Soto 2002).

To understand the role of irrigation in income growth and poverty alleviation,

it is useful to review the fundamental sources of economic growth. According to

(Maddison 1970) there are three major sources of economic growth. The first is an

increase in the amounts of inputs used in production. Additional inputs can move a

country out on its aggregate production function to a higher isoquant and higher levels

of output. The three major inputs in the development process are population growth

(which affects labor availability and labor), natural resource availability (which affects

the cost of environmental factors such as land with its associated soils, water, and

forest), and capital accumulation (which affects the availability of man-made inputs).

1 Poverty alleviation is the ability to produce goods and services above a minimum level of income

needed to maintain the basic needs.

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These sources of growth cause movement along a given multifactor production

function. The second source of growth is a change the way in which a country uses its

factors of production, increasing the amount of output produced by these inputs. These

outputs increase can result from better organization of production or from shifts in the

production function. For example, a new technology can shift the total production

curve upward so more output is produced per unit of input. Increases in scale or

specialization, increases in efficiency, or technological change are examples. In many

cases, market conditions (relative prices) can change, in turn stimulating changes in

these factors. The third source is increased human capital as embodied in people (e.g.,

improved education and health) and improvements in social institutions. Human

capital can make labor more productive, contributing to technological progress and

increase efficiency (especially when technologies and markets are rapidly changing).

Agriculture contributes substantially to the economic growth of many low-

income countries. It is often the leading sector of the economy as source of income,

employment and foreign exchange. Agriculture employs more than 70 percent and

contributes 30 to 60 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP). More than half of

the less developed countries population gets their food from own-production.

Agriculture output also is used as an input for industries so it can stimulate the growth

of industrialization. Improving agricultural productivity thus has contributes to income

growth (UNDP 2007).

Ethiopia ranks 170 out of 177 the poorest countries on the Human

Development Index (UNDP 2006). Its GDP per capita was $ 350 in 2010 compared to

$ 809 for Kenya and $ 1,705 for Sudan (IMF 2011). Half of Ethiopia‟s GDP depends

on agricultural activity. Thus, the economy of Ethiopia is largely dependent on

agriculture, and about 85% of the population is engaged in it. The dependency on

rainfed agriculture coupled with the erratic nature of rainfall is the major factors

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blamed for the poor performance of the agricultural sector and main cause of

widespread food insecurity in the country (FAO 1994).

Irrigation has served as one key driver behind growth in agricultural

productivity, increasing household income and alleviation of rural poverty, which

highlights the various ways that irrigation could have an impact on poverty. According

to Lipton et al. (2004) cited by Haile (2008), there are four interrelated mechanisms by

which irrigated agriculture can reduce poverty, through: (i) increasing production and

income, and reduction of food prices, that helps very poor households meet the basic

needs and associated with improvements in household overall economic welfare, (ii)

protecting against risks of crop loss due to erratic, unreliable or insufficient rainwater

supplies, (iii) promoting greater use of yield enhancing farm inputs and (iv) creation of

additional employment, which together enables people to move out of the poverty

cycle. In the same way, Zhou et al. (2008) mentioned that irrigation contributes to

agricultural production in two ways: increasing crop yields, and enabling farmers to

increase cropping intensity and switch to high-value crops. Therefore, irrigation can be

an indispensable technological intervention to increase household income. This study

will examine the impacts of irrigation on incomes at the household level for one

region of Ethiopia.

1.1 Background and justification

Irrigation use in Ethiopia dates back several centuries, and continues to be an

integral part of Ethiopian agriculture. In Ethiopia, modern irrigation began in the

1950s through private and government owned schemes in the middle Awash valley

where big sugar, fruit and cotton state farms are found (FAO 1997).

The main purpose of irrigation development in the 1960s was to provide

industrial crops to the growing agro-industries in the country. The agro-industries

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were established by foreign investors and had the objective of increasing export

earnings. During the 1960s, irrigation was seen as part of the modernization of the

country's agricultural economy. It was considered as an important investment for

improving rural income through the increased agricultural production. But, in 1975 the

rural land proclamation was introduced in the country. Following the rural land

proclamation, the irrigated private farms were nationalized and converted to state

farms by the Derg regime.

By early 1985 in Ethiopia, some 7.7 million people were suffering from

drought and food shortages. More than 300,000 died in 1984 alone, more than twice

the number that died in the drought a decade before. Before the worst was over, 1

million Ethiopians had died from drought and famine in the 1980s. The recurring

cycle of drought produce the need for small-scale-irrigation development expansion to

other parts of the country to address drought and food shortages, and the need for

more food for the internal market.

Agricultural growth is not produced by passive policies. There is no unique

policy prescription that fits the diversity of the agricultural sector in the less developed

countries. Enhancing productivity is a common essential requirement. The increase in

productivity will determine by the appropriate policy mix. The major lesson that

emerges from country experiences is that for agricultural growth to occur, a number of

factors need to be addressed in the rural sector such as infrastructure, social services,

technology, marketing infrastructure, and seasonal credit availability, along with the

building of an appropriate institutional environment (UNDP 2007).

The current government has undertaken various activities to expand irrigation

in the country. The country‟s Agricultural Development Led Industrialization (ADLI)

strategy considers irrigation development as a key input for sustainable development.

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Thus, irrigation development, particularly small-scale irrigation is planned to be

accelerated (MOFED 2010).

Ethiopia is believed to have the potential of 5.1 million hectares of land that

can be developed for irrigation through pump, gravity, pressure, underground water,

water harvesting and other mechanisms (MOFED 2010). According to BOARD

(2010) and Awulachew et al. (2005) the total irrigated land in the Amhara region was

347,725 hectares. There are 310 modern irrigation schemes developed in this region.

The irrigation schemes developed have covered an irrigated area of 8,469.2 hectares

with 17,443 beneficiaries. Out of these total irrigated areas 5,718.68 hectares is from

small-scale and 2,750.58 hectares from medium-scale irrigation schemes.

The study area, Fogera District, is one of the eight Districts bordering Lake Tana,

source of Blue Nile. This District has an estimated 23,354 hectares of water bodies.

The District is endowed with beautiful and diverse natural resources, with capacity to

grow diverse annual crops. The altitude ranges from 1774 to 2410 masl. The mean

annual rainfall is 1215 mm and ranges from 1100 to 1340 mm (MOA 2005).

Therefore, the district has a great potential for small-scale irrigation. The objective of

this study is to evaluate the impact of selected small-scale irrigation schemes on

household gross income and on poverty reduction in Fogera district.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Agricultural production in Ethiopia is primarily rainfed, so it depends on

erratic and often insufficient rainfall. As a result, there are frequent failures of

agricultural production. Irrigation has the potential to stabilize agricultural production

and mitigate the negative impacts of variable or insufficient rainfall.

Irrigation development also can help offset some of the negative effects of

rapid population growth (2.6% per year in Ethiopia; CSA 2007). Population growth

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causes agricultural activities expands into marginal land, which leads to forest, land

and water degradation. This environmental degradation can reduce agricultural

productivity, which in turn worsens food insecurity and poverty. In order to respond to

growing food demand, food production should increase. The three methods to increase

food production are: increasing agricultural yield, increasing the area of arable land,

and increasing cropping intensity (number of crops per year). Irrigation has the

potential to increase both yields and cropping intensity in Ethiopia (Awulachew et al.


Irrigation increases agricultural productivity and farm income per ha,

according to previous studies (Nhundu et al., 2010; Gebremedhin and Peden 2002;

Hussain 2006). It insulates the national agricultural economic sector against weather-

related shocks and provides a more stable basis for economic growth and poverty

reduction. It supports the process of transforming traditional subsistence agriculture in

to market-oriented production of high value crops (Asfaw 2007).

The development of water resources for agricultural purposes (irrigation) is

rising rapidly. According to BCEOM (1998) and Tilahun & Paulos (2004) as cited in

Awulachew et al. (2010), in 1990 Ethiopia had an estimated a total of 161,000

hectares of irrigated agriculture, of which 64,000 ha were in small-scale schemes,

97,000 ha were in medium-and large-scale schemes and approximately 38,000 ha were

under implementation. This had grown to more than 247,000 ha by 2004, with

traditional irrigation schemes alone covering more than 138,000 ha. Currently, the

Ethiopian government gives more emphasis to small-scale irrigation as a means of

achieving food self-sufficiency (MOFED 2010).

Fogera District is an irrigation potential area, with an estimated 23,483

hectares of water bodies (MOA 2005). However, the living standard of the community

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is subsistence2. Sustainable economic development will be supported by effective

agricultural technology intervention. Equal and fair technology distribution within the

community is valuable for balanced economic growth (Kobets 2004). This study will

assess the impact of small-scale irrigation on the household gross income and poverty

reduction at the household level.

1.3 The Goal of the research

The goal of this research is to evaluate the economic impact of selected small-

scale irrigation on income and poverty reduction at household level. It compares

households with and without access to small-scale irrigation systems. It also compares

households who use four different small-scale irrigation schemes in the five villages of

the district.

1.4 The specific objectives

The specific objectives of this project are as follows:

1. To identify the major field crops and vegetables grown using small-scale

irrigation in the study area;

2. To compare the relative advantages of the various types of small-scale

irrigation system;

3. To examine the major constraints encountered in the use of the small-scale

irrigation systems;

2 Subsistence means the production of goods and services is not beyond maximum level of income

requisite to maintain the basic needs of household consumption. People need aid if one agricultural

season fails due to lack of rain or other adverse events.

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4. To examine the effects of small-scale irrigation on the gross income at

household level;

5. To determine the difference in prevalence of poverty between small-scale

irrigating and non-irrigating households;

6. To apply the study findings to make recommendation and policy

implementation of small-scale irrigation systems.

1.5 Hypotheses

The hypotheses of this research are:

1. Small-scale irrigation has a positive impact on household gross income,

cropping income and livestock income but has a negative impact on non-farm


2. Small-scale irrigation has a negative impact on poverty. The probability of

being poor is lower among users of small-scale irrigation compared to non-

users in the agricultural sector.

3. Irrigation users have more agricultural productive assets and non-agricultural

asset holdings.

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2.1 Poverty

Poverty definitions and measurement have important implications for targeting

and policy. The concept of poverty goes back to the 16th

and 17th

centuries. Before

1750, there were four approaches to poverty: acceptance (resignation), charity,

precarious rescue and theft depending on which side of the fence the observer stood.

Since the era of mercantilism, the fight against poverty has been marked and

consequently, it was with the advent of the mercantile economy and the urbanization

and monetarization of society that the poor had been defined in terms of lacking what

the rich had, David (1994) cited by Abraham (2006).

Poverty is a highly complex problem. It has multiple causes and

manifestations. According to Townsend (1993) poverty is defined as absence or

inadequacy of diets, amenities, standards and services that allow people to follow the

customary behaviors expected of them by virtue of their membership of society.

Poverty exists for people whose resources are seriously lacking when compared to the

resources available by the average individual or family (Haile 2008). Poor people are

those who are excluded from ordinary living patterns, customs and activities. Some

defined poverty in general terms as inability to maintain a minimal standard of living.

Others also have defined the poor as those who do not have adequate resources to

meet their basic needs. The United Nations (UN 1995) defined absolute poverty as “a

condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food,

safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and information. It

depends not only on income but also on access to services”.

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McClelland (2000) indicated that “Poverty is where people have unreasonably

low living standards compared with others; cannot afford to buy necessities, such as a

refrigerator for example; and experience real deprivation and hardship in everyday

life”. Empirical evidence shows that poverty rates vary when different concepts and

measures are used. There are two types of poverty, absolute and relative poverty:

absolute poverty is defined as the minimum amounts of essential goods and services a

household needed to survive. It is estimated based on the income needed to purchase

these subsistence amounts. Relative poverty is the households‟ standard of living falls

seriously below what is believed normal for the society in which they live (Ravallion

1998) cited by Haile (2008).

2.2 Water and agriculture

Water, soil, air and sunshine are the four main determinants for plant growth.

Therefore, water is essential to plant-growth and crop-production (Widtose 2001). All

sectors depend on water. Water is important for agriculture, household consumption,

industry, hydropower, navigation, fisheries, recreation, and ecosystems. Without water

there is no food production. When there is adequate supply of water, crops grow best

and produce most.

Water is a basic need for human beings and animals. It is essential for their

metabolic processes. Livestock water requirements are mainly provided by direct

water intake and partly by the moisture content of their forage. Livestock production

requires large quantities of forage. The production of forage requires substantial

amounts of water. Therefore, water is vital for all agriculture types.

According to Dupriez and De Leener (2002), the sources of water for crop

production are rainfall and irrigation water. The two types of agriculture seen from the

perspective of water management are:

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Rainfed cultivation is agricultural production of crop depending entirely on the rain. It

relies on the rainfall timing and distribution. Rainfed farming is characterized by

plateau cultivation and dry land cropping. Rainfed farming is mostly practiced during

one growing season, unimodal, but in some areas two growing seasons (bimodal

production) are possible.

Irrigated cultivation is agricultural production using irrigation water in addition to

rainfall. Irrigated crops benefit from man-made watering with the help of water pipes,

canals, reservoirs and pumps. The source of irrigation water is surface water or

groundwater. Surface water is obtained in ponds, lakes, rivers and seas whereas

groundwater is obtained underground in liquid or vapor state (Dupriez and De Leener


2.3 Irrigation development

Irrigation is generally defined as the application of water to the land for the

purpose of supplying moisture essential to plant growth. It is an age-old art. Irrigation

was practiced for thousands of years in the Nile Valley. Egypt claims to have the

world's oldest dam built about 5000 years ago to supply drinking water and for

irrigation. At that time basin irrigation was introduced and still plays a significant role

in Egyptian agriculture. According to Zewdie et al. (2007) irrigation has been

practiced in Egypt, China, India and other parts of Asia for a long period of time. India

and Far East have grown rice using irrigation nearly for 5000 years. The Nile valley in

Egypt, the plain of Euphrates and Tigris in Iraq were under irrigation for 4000 years.

Irrigation is the foundation of civilization in numerous regions. Egyptians have

depended on Nile‟s flooding for irrigation continuously for a long period of time on a

large scale. The land between Euphrates and Tigris, Mesopotamia, was the

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breadbasket for the Sumerian Empire. The civilization developed from centrally

controlled irrigation system (Schilfgaard 1994).

Evidence also shows that irrigation in China was begun about 4000 years ago.

There were reservoirs in Sri Lanka more than 2000 years old. As far back as 2300 BC,

the Babylonian Code of Khammurabi provided that 'If anyone opens his irrigation

canals to let in water, but is careless and the water floods the fields of his neighbor, he

shall measure out grain to the latter in proportion to the yield of the neighboring field.'

Other indicator for irrigation development is found in the stony-gravel limestone

desert of the Negev area in Israel. Remnants of these ancient irrigation systems date

back from the Israelite period (about 1000 BC) and from the Nabattean- Roman-

Byzantine era (300 BC to 600 AD). In the absence of permanent water sources, the

ancient farmers developed 'runoff' farm systems that used sporadic flash floods for

irrigating (Shanan 1987).

Ethiopia has a long history of traditional irrigation systems. Simple river

diversion still is the dominant irrigation system in Ethiopia. According to

Gebremedhin and Peden (2002), the country‟s irrigation potential ranges from 1.0 to

3.5 million hectares but the recent studies indicate that the irrigation potential of the

country is higher. According to Tilahun and Paulos (2004) as cited by Awulachew et

al. (2010), estimates of the irrigation potential of Ethiopia may be as large as 4.3

million hectares. Traditional irrigation schemes cover more than 138,000 hectares

whereas modern small-scale irrigation covers about 48,000 hectares. The total current

irrigation covers only about 6% of the estimated potential land area.

According to the MOA (2005) and Awulachew et al. (2007), Amhara region

has 770,000 hectares of irrigation potential. Different development activities have

been underway to utilize these resources. Currently, there are 310 irrigation schemes

operating in the Amhara region. The irrigation schemes developed cover an irrigated

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area of 8,469 hectares with 17,443 beneficiaries. Of these total irrigated areas, 5,719

hectares are from small-scale and 2,751 are from medium-scale irrigation schemes.

2.4 Irrigation methods

Irrigation methods are the systems how to obtain water for irrigation purposes

from its sources. According to Dupriez and De Leener (2002), irrigation methods

depend on several factors such as topography, water resources, the plants cultivated,

the land tenure systems, the growing seasons and the rain and water regimes.

2.4.1 Surface irrigation

There are only two general methods of applying irrigation water. The first is

surface irrigation. Surface, irrigation means above the ground, and is the method

generally adopted in all countries. There is a great variety of methods of surface

irrigation, most of which do not merit serious consideration, because they either fail to

recognize the natural laws underlying irrigation, or their cost of installation is

unaffordable in the current context. The second is sub-surface irrigation, the

application of irrigation water from below. Sub-surface irrigation has the advantage

that water so applied is not subject to such direct evaporation from the surface as of

necessity accompanies surface irrigation.

According to Widtose (2001), surface irrigation methods are furrow irrigation,

flood irrigation basin irrigation and boarder irrigation. The choice and adoption of

these irrigation methods are depending on the nature of the soil, the contour of the

land, the head of the water stream, the quantity of water available and the nature of the


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14 Basin irrigation

A basin is a piece of land, small or large, surrounded by earth bunds in which water is

ponded. The water can be impounded within it to irrigate trees, vegetables or crops

grown in patches. The field is divided in to compartments or checks wholly

surrounded by levees. The water is contained at the upper end and completely fills the

compartments until it over flows at the lowest point of the levees. Furrow irrigation

In this method, the water is guided in the furrow or channels that pass through the

whole field, but the water covers only part of the soil surface, so it results in less

evaporation. The furrows are separated with ridges. At each ridge, water is conveyed

into furrows that can be perceived as narrow basins or borders. Furrowing is applied

on steep slopes.

2.4.2 Flood irrigation

In flood irrigation, all of the soil is covered by the water applied. It is the least

controlled of all surface irrigation techniques. Water is conveyed in a ditch at the

upper part of plot and allowed to spread over the land in a manner directed by the

natural landscape. Flooding is best applied when the slope is limited.

2.4.3 Border irrigation

The border method of irrigation is an open-field method. Here the land is divided in to

elongated plots confined between low earth banks and configured to slope uniformly

from the point of supply. The land surface should slope gently in the direction of flow

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and it is generally leveled laterally, along all cross sections perpendicular to that

direction. Water is guided over the land by field ditches.

2.5 Sprinkler irrigation

According to Dupriez and De Leener (2002), Sprinkler irrigation imitates

rainfall. It is also called overhead irrigation. The water is broken up in to fine droplets

and falls on the ground or the vegetation. It is the application and distribution of water

over the field in the form of a spray, or a jet which breaks in to drops or droplets,

created by expelling water under pressure from an orifice.

In contrast to surface irrigation, sprinkler systems are designed to deliver water

to the field without depending on the soil surface for water conveyance or distribution.

To prevent pondings and surface runoff, sprinklers are designed and arranged to apply

water at a rate that does not exceed the soil‟s infiltration. Water application efficiency

under sprinkling irrigation is strongly affected by wind, especially during daytime

when the air is warm and dry, and if the droplets are small and the application rate is


2.6 Drip irrigation

The principle of drip irrigation is to wet dry ground with small amounts of

water just where the plants can absorb it. Drip irrigation is practiced in dry, arid

regions where water is scarce and must be used sparingly. Water is delivered to the

points via a set of plastic lateral tubes laid along the ground or buried at a depth of 15-

30 cm and supplied from a field main. These tubes are left in place throughout the

irrigation season. Drip irrigation can save water by reducing the portion of the soil

surface that is wetted thus, decreasing the amount of direct evaporation.

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2.7 Irrigation-poverty linkages

Some literature argues that irrigation agriculture causes water logging that

create favorable condition for the multiplication of disease causing agents such as

malaria, Schistosomiasis and the like. The other environmental problems with

irrigation are land degradation and salinity. On the other hand, there is much

literatures that shows irrigation is a major driving factor of the increase in rural

household income through agricultural growth. These studies strongly argue that

irrigation expansion the main policy intervention to alleviate rural poverty. According

to Lipton et al. (2004) as cited by Haile (2008) the four main inter-related mechanisms

to reduce poverty are:

1. Irrigation increase agricultural production and income, for households with

access. These outcomes are observed despite the price decrease that can occur

as supply increases (other factors held constant). The rice decrease can allow

poorer households to more easily meet their basic needs. Household level

economic welfare is improved for the poor.

2. Irrigation protects from the risk of crop loss due to erratic, unreliable or

insufficient rainwater supplies.

3. Irrigation enhances the use yield-enhancing farm inputs. The uses of such farm

inputs improve the agricultural production and income.

4. Irrigation creates additional employment. Household and/or laborers are

engaged in the irrigation farming that helps to increase the labor productivity

during the dry periods, farm off-season.

Water is a valuable input for agriculture. Irrigation water appears to provide

many pathways for poverty alleviation. The access to consistent irrigation water can

enable farmers to adopt irrigation technologies. Irrigation facilitates the intensity of

cultivation that leads to an increase in agricultural productivity and greater returns

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from farming. The expansion of irrigation opens up new employment opportunities in

the household that increase the efficiency of labor and land. This improves farm

income, livelihood, and the quality of life in rural areas (Hussain and Hanjra 2004).

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3.1 Description of the study area

Ethiopia is situated in the East Africa and lies between 3°30´ and 14°50´ North

latitudes and 32°42´ and 48°12´ East longitudes. It has a surface area of about 1.127

Million km2, of which 1,119,683 km

2 is and 7,444 km

2 is water. The country has a

land boundary length of 5,311km. Ethiopia has special features because of its

topography, geology and climate (Awulachew et al. 2001).

Ethiopia is a landlocked country consisting of nine independent regions and

two city councils divided along ethnic lines. It occupies an area of 1.14 million square

kilometers. The country shares its international borders with five African countries:

Eritrea in the North, Djibouti and Somalia in the East, Kenya in the South and Sudan

in the west. Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world with a population of

83 million in 2008 being the second most populous in Africa next to Nigeria. The

nation‟s economy is mainly dependent on rainfed agriculture, which accounts for half

the GDP, 60% of exports and 80% of employment (WAE 2008). Ethiopia has nine

National Regional States and two Special City Administrations: Addis Ababa and Dire


Amhara Region is one of the regional states of the Federal Republic of

Ethiopia. Amhara region has a geographical area of about 153,000 Km2. Ethiopia‟s

largest inland body of water, Lake Tana, as well as the Semien Mountains National

Park, which includes the highest point in Ethiopia; Ras Dashan is located in Amhara


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According to the CSA (2007), Amhara National Regional State has a total

population of 17,214,056, with 8,636,875 men and 8,577,181 women. Only 12.2

percent of the population lives in urban areas. The region covers a total land area of

159,173.66 square kilometers and the population density is 108.15 people per square

kilometer. The region has 3,953,115 households. The average family size in urban

and rural areas is 3.3 and 4.5 persons, respectively.

The study was conducted in Fogera District, which is one of the 106 Districts

of the Amhara Regional State and found in South Gondar Zone. Fogera is one of the

eight districts bordering Lake Tana, source of Blue Nile. It is situated at 110 58 N

latitude and 370 41 E longitude. Woreta is the capital of the District. It is found 625

km from Addis Ababa and 55 km from the Regional capital, Bahir Dar.

Figure 1: Location of Fogera District

Fogera district is bordered by Libo Kemkem district in the North, Dera district

in the South, Lake Tana in the West and Farta district in the East. The district is

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divided into 28 rural and 5 Urban PAs. The district has a total land area of 117,414

hectares. The land use pattern of the district includes 51,662 hectares of cultivated

land, 25,831 hectares of pasture land, and 16,434 ha for other purposes, and the water

bodies‟ account for 23,483 hectares (MOA 2005). IPMS (2005) indicate that flat land

accounts for 76%, mountain and hills 11% and valley bottom 13%. The high

proportion of plain topography creates the opportunity for irrigation. However, water

logging is a common phenomenon in the plain areas of the district. The average land

holding per household is about 1.4 hectare with a minimum and maximum hectare of

0.5 and 3.0 hectares, respectively. The altitude ranges from 1774 to 2410 masl. The

mean annual rainfall is 1215 mm and ranges from 1100 to 1340 mm (MOA 2005).

The 28 rural PAs have a total population of 212,204. Werota, the capital of the

district, has one rural PA known as Werota Zuria. The town has 40,404 inhabitants.

The number of agricultural households in the district is 44,168 (MOA 2010).

3.1.1 The characteristics of the sample PAs

Five PAs in Fogera district were chosen for the purposes of this study, and it is

appropriate to discuss some of their basic characteristics in this section. The sample

PAs has some common characteristics. The agro-climatic ecology of the five PAs is

similar. In each PA, the belg and meher are two cropping seasons. The belg cropping

season is a very short rainy period whereas meher season is the long rainy period.

Farmers depend on meher season for rainfed crop production. The onset, duration and

quantity of the rainfall are variable. Agriculture is the major occupation of the people

in the PAs. The agriculture in all PAs is a mixed crop–livestock farming system. Crop

production is rainfed during the rainy season, supplemented for some households by

small-scale irrigation in the dry season. The dominant crops grown in the study area

are rice, teff (Eragrostis), wheat, barley, maize, beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils,

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fenugreek and noug. Commonly produced vegetables are onion, tomato, potato,

pepper and cabbage. Kuhir Michael

The PA is located 17 Kilometer south-east of Werota town and 39 Kilometer

North of Bahir Dar. The main Asphalt road pass from Addis Ababa to Gonder passes

through this PA. Gumara town, which is known as an onion and tomato market, is

found in this PA. According to Fogera district office of Agriculture 2010 report, the

number population and households in the PA were estimated 6,068 and 1,411,


The landscape of the PA is characterized with both plain and upland. Vertisol

is the main soil type in the area. Kuhir Michael is endowed with perennial rivers and

streams. Gumara River, one of the largest tributaries of Lake Tana, passes through this

PA. Farmers use the Gumara River for all of their water need. Gumara River is used

for drinking purpose. Both people and livestock use it for drinking, washing and other

activities. Irrigation is the other important use of the Gumara River. Motorized pumps

are widely used to draw the water from the river for irrigation. Farmers who cannot

afford to buy pumps sometimes use those of other farmers by renting in daily and (or)

hourly basis. The other river that is widely used for irrigation by the farmers in this PA

is the Guanta River. The Guanta is diverted by a cement concrete channel for

irrigation purposes. Traditional river diversion from rivers and well water using pedal

pumps are also practiced in this PA. Shina

Shina is located 13 km south-west of Werota town. It is found towards Lake

Tana. According to Fogera district office of Agriculture 2010, the number of

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population and households in the PA were estimated 10,052 and 2011, respectively.

The average farm size is estimated to be 1.3 hectare per household. The landscape of

the PA is plain. The soil type is black at around 7 meters depth but the upper layer is

silt. The total surface area of the PA is 3,400 hectares. About 2,071 hectares are used

for cultivation, 664 hectares are used for communal grazing, 244 for private grazing

land, 83 hectares are covered by eucalyptus tree and 334 hectares are used for

residential and governmental institutions. Motor and treadle water pumps are the

common irrigation systems. Traditional river diversion and shallow wells are also used

for irrigation, drinking, washing and other household consumption in the PA. The two

major rivers, Gumara and Reb that have great economic importance to the district

traverse this PA. These rivers are mainly used in the PA for irrigation during the dry

season using water pumps. The small-scale irrigation methods used in the PA are

motorized pumps, treadle pumps, traditional river diversion, and wells. Abana Kokit

Abana Kokit is situated thirteen kilometers north of Werota Town. The main

asphalt road from Addis Ababa to Gonder crosses the PA. The topography of the PA

is characterized as both plain and upland type. The Fogera district office of agriculture

(2010) indicates that the total household and population of the PA are 921 and 3,496.

The Reb river passes through the PA. The river is used for irrigation purpose using

motorized pumps. There are other small rivers that are used for traditional river

diversion. Bebekis

Bebeks is one of the rural PAs in the Fogera district. It is located 19 kilometers

southeast of Werota town. According to Fogera district office of agriculture (2010) the

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number population and households in the PA were estimated 8,595 and 1,465,

respectively. In the PA, there is a concrete diversion from three perennial springs used

for small-scale irrigation. This is locally known as “Timeket Bahir” which means lake

used for Epiphany. The spring diversion is geographically located at 11047

′32″ N

latitude and 37039


″ E longitude. The scheme is used to irrigate 120 hectares of land,

with 496 beneficiary households. The irrigation water is used for cropping, drinking,

washing and other household consumption activities. Gumara River passes through

this PA. Traditional river diversion and water pumps are the other commonly used

irrigation practices in this PA. Werota Zuria

Werota Zuria is the rural part of Werota town. According to the Werota town

administrative agricultural office (2010) Werota Zuria has a total population of 6081.

There are 1,415 household involved in crop and livestock farming in Werota Zuria

PA. In this PA, there is a river diversion dam on the Eriza river. The dam was

constructed in 2003 by IFAD with 104 beneficiary households. The irrigation potential

of the dam is 26 hectares.

3.2 Small-scale irrigation types

3.2.1 Concrete canal river diversion

River diversion irrigation systems are practiced in the four Sample PAs such as

Quahir Michael, Shina, Bebeks and Werota Zuria. Guanta River is the main source of

water for the modern irrigation3 system in Quahir Michael and Shina PAs.

3 Modern irrigation locally means type of irrigation in which water is diverted from river or spring

development through concrete canal.

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Figure 2: Guanta river dam

The river is diverted by cement concrete canal for irrigation purposes.

According to BOWR (2005), it was constructed in 2003 by the Amhara Regional state

water works. The diversion site is located at 11045

′22″ N latitude 37


′ 17

″ E

longitude. The canal river diversion water is used for irrigation, for drinking livestock

and other household consumption. The command area of the scheme is 46 hectares of

land and serves 91 households of which 85 are male and 6 female. Irrigation farming

has an advantage over livestock farming. According to Fogera district office of

agriculture (2010), 94% households have both crop and livestock. The borders around

the irrigation canal provide good grazing for livestock (picture 4).

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Figure 3: Irrigation and livestock

The Guanta river diversion and Tanqua Gabriel spring development together

are used for irrigation by both Kuhir Michael PA and Shina PA. Kuhir Michael is

upstream of Shina. Both PAs have the same water use association. Irrigation occurs by

both gravity for lands at lower elevation and by a motor pump for land above the

canal. The amount of water in the irrigation canal is sufficient for both gravity and

motor pump irrigation and usually there is excess of water flowing back to the Gumara


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Figure 4: Motor pump irrigation from river diversion canal

In addition, the river diversion water is used for household consumption such

as drinking, washing and the like. The picture below shows the woman and the two

children fetching water for household consumption.

The other modern irrigation scheme is Eriza river diversion in Werota Zuria

(Figure 6). The river diversion dam was constructed by Co-SIRARE in 2003.The

irrigation potential of the scheme is 26 ha.

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Figure 5: A women and Children fetch water from river diversion for household


Figure 6: The river diversion dam on Eriza River in Werota Zuria

The amount of water is poor compared with Guanta and other spring water

sources. The amounts of land irrigated are comparatively low. The area is upland and


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3.2.2 Spring development small-scale irrigation scheme

The two main spring development irrigation areas are Tanqua Gabriel and Timeket

Bahir in Quhir Michael and Bebekis PAs, respectively (Figure 7). The Tanqua Gabriel

spring development is constructed by ORDA and EMATLFA in 2001.The irrigation

potential of the spring is 70 hectares of land for 351 beneficiary households

Figure 7: Tanqua Gabriel spring development

The second spring development irrigation scheme is the “Timeket Bahir”

which means water used for Epiphany. The spring is used for religious purpose with

Ethiopian Orthodox Church. The scheme is developed from three perennial springs.

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3.2.3 Motorized pump

Motorized pumps are widely used irrigation systems in the five PAs (Figure 8).

In Shina, for instance, there are 54 total pumps. Most of the farmers bought them as

part of a group. Other households gain access to the pumps through renting from the

owners. The Gumara, Rib and Eriza rivers are used for irrigation by using motor


Figure 8: Motor pump irrigation using Eriza River near Werota town

3.2.4 Pedal pump

In the five PA, 295 households received pedal pumps from office of agriculture

and rural development on credit basis in 2006, 2007 and 2008. The amount of credit

required for each treadle pump was 350 ETB. Although the treadle pumps are highly

demanded by the farmers, there is an insufficient supply. These pedal pumps were

imported from India (Figure 9). They are lightweight and easy to operate. One key

problem is limited access to spare parts for repairs in the case of malfunction. In

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addition, the suction and delivery hoses are easily damaged. Loss of integrity of the

joints around the foot press is another problem. At present, most of these treadle

pumps are non-functional.

Figure 9: Pedal pump

The Indian pedal pumps are regarded as superior to those made in Ethiopia due

to better pumping power. With Indian pumps, the water can be pumped long distances

through its long delivery hose.

The major water source for pedal pump is shallow wells. Shallow wells are

widely used water sources for irrigation and other household consumption (Figure 10).

There are 2378 shallow wells in Shina PA alone. There are households who have up to

eight wells. Most of the household‟s water consumption such as drinking, washing and

irrigation are obtained from shallow well. The depth of the wells is estimated in the

range of one to seven meters.

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Figure 10: Sample wells constructed for only one cropping season

Very shallow wells that are one to three meters depth are dry during very dry

periods such as February, March and April. Wells that have a depth from four to seven

meters are perennial water sources. These shallow wells are extensively used by

farmers to irrigate small plots of land, by fetching water using buckets and jars. The

shallow wells are used for only one cropping season because during rainy season the

wells are damaged because the area is flood prone and dominated by Vertisols.

Figure 11: Sample of Vertisol

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As a result, a common practice is for farmers to construct new wells each

cropping season. There are traditionally used mechanisms to avoid shallow well

failure. Some farmers use car tires or cylinders made from cement to construct the


Figure 12: Well constructed from tire materials

This saves the wells from frequent failures. These shallow wells are

constructed by farmers themselves. The well water is used through jar and bucket

irrigation (Figure 12) in addition to the treadle pumps.

In general, all family members of the household are involved in jar and bucket

fetching irrigation from well water, but females are the main actors. Some households

use two or more shallow wells in one irrigated farm plot. The wells were constructed

in the boarders of the irrigable lands for ease of watering the irrigated crops (Figure


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Figure 13: Irrigation by fetching water from wells

Figure 14: Sample well constructed by cement cylinder

The commonly grown crops by fetching water from shallow well are tomato,

onion, cabbage, and lettuce.

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3.2.5 Traditional river diversion

Traditional river diversion is the dominant method used by farmers in all five

PAs. This irrigation system is simple for farmers to practice by inheriting the

knowledge from grandparents but the amount of water and seasonality of rivers are

major problems. Many farmers use traditional irrigation to complement other

irrigation systems like modern river diversion and motor pump irrigations.

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4.1 Research methods

4.1.1 Approach for data collection, entry and checking

Household data collection was undertaken in five villages that have irrigation

and non-irrigation water users. Data collection methods included a survey, semi-

structured interviews and focus group discussions. Data were collected at household

and community level with the assistance of development agents. Each PA has three

developmental agents who live and work with the farmers. Using development agents

as assistance for data collection is important for the reliability of the data because

farmers are more likely to report accurate information to development agents,

especially on income, land size and other taxable assets.

The sample households were selected by utilizing the following three-stage

stratified sampling procedure. The first stage involved consultation with Fogera

District Agricultural and Rural Development offices, and five PAs were selected

purposively on the basis of their similarity in agricultural practices, surface water

resource potential for irrigation, and the type of small-scale irrigation they used. In

the second stage, household lists in the selected PAs were obtained from village

administration and Development agents‟ office. The different types of small-scale

irrigating and non-irrigating households were selected from this list. In one of the five

PAs, Shina, all households are irrigation users in one way or another. No sample was

taken for non-irrigation user households in this PA. Proportional sampling method was

used to develop the sample.

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In the final stage, households were listed by each small-scale irrigation

category then the random sampling technique was used to select sample households

from each household type using a random number table. The objective was to

carefully examine and compare the income and poverty level of small-scale irrigation

users and non-users.

Based on this multi-stage sampling process, the total sample households were

selected on a random sampling basis from five villages in Fogera District. Pervious

literature showed that an appropriate sample size is determined by number of factors.

As the number of factors increase, the sample size should also increase to avoid biased

results. According to Marks (1966), as cited in Green (1991) a minimum of 200

subjects should be used for any regression analysis, whereas Schmidt (1971)

suggested a minimum subject-to-predictor ratio ranging in value from 15-to-1 to 25-

to-1. According to Cohen (1988) if the research uses 15 predictors, the minimum

sample size is 138 and if the research uses 20 predictors, the minimum sample size is

156. Rao and Richard (2006) suggest that an appropriate sample size depends on the

type of problem investigated, required precision and to a certain extent, the resources

available. Following these guidelines, a total sample size of 180 households was

selected from the five villages with proportional samples size was taken from

irrigating and non-irrigating households (Table 1).

In addition to the structured survey, information was collected through focus

group discussions with the Fogera district agricultural office socio-economic and

irrigation experts, development agents and irrigating and non-irrigating farmers. Focus

group discussions were first held with model4 farmers who use small-scale irrigation.

4 Model farmer, in the context of this study, means a farmer who adopts modern irrigation technology

and earns a higher income from it.

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A second discussion was with development agents. After thoroughly discussing the

problems and opportunities of irrigation development with farmers and development

agents, a focus group with Fogera district office of agriculture socio-economic experts

and irrigation experts was undertaken.

Table 1: Summary of sample size by PA and irrigation types


Irrigating Non-






canal river









Kuhir Mikael 6 4 4 4 22 40

Shina 8 0 8 8 0 24

Kokit 0 4 4 8 22 38

Bebekis 6 8 4 0 24 42

Werota Zuria 4 6 4 0 22 36


/irrigation 24 22 24 20 90 180

Another source of information for this study was key informants. The key

informants were selected by asking farmers randomly “who is your model farmer in

the PA with irrigation farming?” then the more frequently proposed farmers were

selected for key informants. In addition to this, local leaders and extension workers are

used in the selection of key informants. The same procedure was used in all PAs for

key informant selection.

The survey data were recorded and organized in a Microsoft Excel

spreadsheet. SPSS 16 software was utilized for data entry and editing. A print-and-

verify method of data entry checking was performed to avoid errors in the recording

process. The missing values, zeros and not applicable values were identified for

verification. Each variable was examined not only for outliers but also for the general

acceptability of the figures compared to national and regional information from other

sources. The inconsistent values were also checked with the questionnaire to identify

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data entry errors. The database in SPSS then was converted to the STATA

econometric software format and further data editing was undertaken.

The household was used as the basic survey unit for the analysis. A household

was defined as a number of people living and eating together in the same dwelling and

share the same income. From November 2010 to February 2011, observation surveys

and interview of households were conducted. The interview was conducted over 54

days. Household heads were involved in responding the interview because household

heads are often make decisions concerning their households issue in the study area.

Twenty-eight rural and five urban PAs exist in Fogera District. Five PAs were

purposively selected on the basis of their similarity in agricultural practices, surface

water potential for irrigation, and the type of small-scale irrigation they used. The

different types of small-scale irrigating and non-irrigating households were collected

from the respective PAs at development agents‟ office. Irrigating and non-irrigating

households were proportional, 90 households from each category then total sample

size was 180 households. The respondents were selected randomly using a random

number table.

To collect the data, the survey questions were carefully translated in to the

local language (Amharic). This helped to convey the questions effectively to the rural

interviewees. The data collection assistants were selected and trained for one and half

days on administering and completing the questionnaire, and a pre-testing fieldwork

was also organized for half a day. On the basis of the pre-test feedback, some

adjustment was made on the questionnaire and the final questionnaire was organized.

The questionnaires (see Appendix B) have six main parts. These are:

1. Household demographic characteristics;

2. Resource endowments of a household;

3. The crop production from rainfed agriculture;

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4. Crop production with irrigation;

5. Livestock production;

6. Credit, input and extension service supports in production;

7. Non-farm and off-farm income;

In order to characterize the selected small-scale irrigation systems, the major

problems encountered in relation with irrigation systems, the reasons why non-

irrigating households do not irrigate were developed using structured checklists. The

survey data initially were recorded and organized in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

The data were then transformed to a database in SPSS (Version) for data entry and

editing. A print-and-verify method of data entry checking was performed to avoid

errors in the recording process.

The missing values, zeros and not applicable values were identified for

verification. Each variable was examined not only for outliers but also for the general

acceptability of the figures compared to national and regional values. The inconsistent

values were also checked with the questionnaire to identify data entry errors. The

database in SPSS then was converted to STATA format for analysis.

4.1.2 Data analysis Socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the sample households

To estimate the impact of small-scale irrigation on income improvement and

poverty reduction, an assessment of selected socioeconomic and demographic

characteristics of the sample household is vital. Impact assessment of any

development intervention is methodologically difficult and complex task to undertake.

Ravallion (2005) and Baker (2000) argued that no single method should dominate the

impact evaluation of any development intervention but instead rigorous impact

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evaluations should be open-minded in the choice of methodology. The most important

thing to do in impact evaluations is to derive robust and meaningful close proxies or

indicative estimates that are comparable between and within individuals or groups

based on the aims of a particular development intervention.

The effect of the irrigation on irrigation participating and non-participating

households will be evaluated using descriptive statistics and econometric modeling

that controls for other contributing factors. Households that did not use irrigation or

those who were living adjacent to the irrigation users and the different small-scale

irrigation scheme users will be used as the comparison group. To examine the impact

of irrigation on the household poverty status, gross income was used as the main

outcome of interest. In addition, various other socio-economic indicators were


The sample households‟ demographic characteristics indicate the various

characteristics of, and differences among, the study groups. For the socio-economic

analysis particular importance is given to age, sex, and education of household head,

family size, land holding, access and sources of credit, extension and market services.

These variables were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as average, percentage,

minimum, maximum and frequency distributions. Income evaluation

To evaluate impact of small-scale irrigation on annual gross income of the

household, all sources of income such as agricultural (cropping and livestock) incomes

and non-agricultural (off-farm and other) incomes should be considered. The

examination of off-farm income in household gross income evaluation is valuable

because of the working hypothesis that non-irrigating households have larger off-farm

income than irrigating households. Non-irrigating households may use off-farm and

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non-farm activities as compensation of irrigation. Therefore, considering of off-farm

and non-farm income avoided the overstated income share from irrigation activities.

To compare the annual mean income of the four different irrigation schemes, a

single factor analysis of variance (one way ANOVA) was used. When the four

irrigation schemes annual mean income comparison was computed, the ANOVA F

(sometimes called the overall F or omnibus F) were statistically significant, that

means there is a difference of variance (the assumption of equal variances has been

violated). Thus, post hoc Multiple Comparison tests, commonly known as follow-up

tests, were applied (Morgan et al. 2004).

To control for other factors that influence household incomes this study uses

an econometric modeling approach. As stated Nicholson et al. (2004) and Zhou et al.

(2009), household gross income is a function of many determinants including

household characteristics, asset holding, village location characteristics, and the prices

of goods and services.

Mathematically, this can be written as:

Y = f (X, D, Z, A, P) (1)

Where Y is an endogenous variable (household gross income), X is household

characteristics (education of household head, household family size, age of household

head and gender of household head), D is Irrigation access, Z is village characteristics,

A is the Value of household production assets, and P is the prices of agricultural

products and inputs.

In this study, the principal dependent variable is annual household income

(INCOMEHH), which includes agricultural income (cropping and livestock incomes)

and off-farm income. The values of agricultural incomes are computed by multiplying

the amount of each agricultural product (sold and consumed) with their annual average

price. A principal objective of this research is to examine the impact of irrigation on

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annual gross income of household. The income data were collected during November

2010 to February 2011.

The independent variables were identified from previous studies and the nature

of the study area. These variables are expected to result in (and therefore, explain)

income variation across households in the study area (Table 2). The independent

variables are as follows:

• Access to irrigation (IRR): Irrigation supplements moisture, which enables

farmers to maximize agricultural production. It is assumed to have a direct

relation with the total income of a household. Nhundu et al. (2010), Hussain

and Biltonen, (2001) and Haile (2008) identified a strong positive relationship

between access to irrigation and household income. Access to irrigation for

household is a dummy variable, 1 if a household has access to irrigation and 0


• Cultivated land size (LANDSZ): total cultivated land is the total sum of the

household‟s own and/or rented in/out from/to other households and measured

in hectares. This does not include the grazing land and fallowing land.

Farmland is the major input for agricultural production in rural households.

Total cultivated land should have a positive relationship with income of a

household (Kamara et al. 2001).

• Family size of a household in adult equivalent (FAMSZADUL): family size in

adult equivalent of a household is calculated by using the conversion factor in

(Appendix-Table A2). A household family size in adult equivalent is

calculated by multiplying each household member with respective conversion

factor and then summing. Its size depends on the age of each family members

of a household. In rural households, family labor is the major input used in

agricultural production. Households with large family size in adult equivalent

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have more labor for agricultural production. Family size in adult equivalent is

correlated positively is expected to positively affect total income and

negatively affect the probability of poverty for a household.

• Education (literacy) level of a household head (EDUHHL): Education has

paramount impact on income improvement and poverty alleviation. It is likely

that educated farmers would more readily adopt irrigation technologies and

may be easier to train through extension support. The variable entered in the

model as dummy variable with 1 if a household head can read and write, and

otherwise 0.

• The number of livestock owned in TLU (LIVESTO): This is a continuous

variable measured in terms of Tropical livestock unit (250 kg live weight) .The

number of livestock owned by a household in TLU is calculated by conversion

factor for Tropical Livestock Unit (TLU) (Appendix-Table A3). A household

livestock size in TLU is calculated by multiplying the number of each type of

animal by an appropriate conversion factor and then summing. Households

with higher livestock holding will lead to higher probability of getting excess

livestock for selling and hence generating additional income, particularly the

owner of more oxen lead to an ability of ploughing more land on time, thereby

achieving crop yields and earning higher income.

• Use of credit (CREDIT): This is a dummy variable with 1 for user and 0

otherwise. Access to credit is hypothesized as having a positive relationship

with income and negative relation with poverty. According to Norton et al.

(1970), credit helps farmers purchase inputs such as seeds, fertilizers and


• Productive asset holding (ASSETHH): This variable includes all assets that are

categorized under agricultural activities but different from land and livestock

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resources. It is the continuous variable measured in ETB. The value of

productive assets is estimated by the household head considering the current

price and the salvage value of the asset. As indicated by Maddison A (1970),

as people accumulate physical capital, this allows the people to expand

production by changing the marginal productivity of inputs such as land and

labor. Therefore, households with more productive assets can produce more

and increase their total income. Household productive assets should influence

household total income positively and poverty level negatively.

• Gender of the household head (GENDEHH): This is a dummy variable with 1

for male and 0 otherwise. Male household heads are expected to have higher

income compared to female household heads because of better labor inputs

used in male-headed households.

• Age of a household head (AGEHH): Age is a continuous variable and

measured in years. In Ethiopia, household head is the decision maker for farm

activities. Age is one of the factors that determine decision making of a person.

Advanced aged household heads are more reluctant to accept new technology

and agricultural production styles than younger household heads. Thus, age of

household head is hypothesized to have negative contribution to household


The relationship between household head age and total income of a household

is assumed to be a linear function, based in part on estimated equations.

• Dependency ratio of the household (DEPRATIO): The dependency ratio is

equal to the number of individuals aged below 15 and/or above 64 divided by

the number of individuals aged 15 to 64, expressed as a percentage (John

2002). Dependency ratio is important because it shows the ratio of

economically inactive compared to economically active. The dependency ratio

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of agricultural households provides planners and policy makers with an

indication of agricultural labor availability in male and female managed

holdings and their abilities to actively participate in agricultural programs and

projects. Members of holdings with high dependency ratios might not be able

to participate in programs and projects due to time, labor and/or financial

constraints (FAO 2010), that is dependency ratio is thought to be negatively

related to income of households.

• Use of input (INPUT): the use of inputs influences household income from

crop production. The main inputs used in the study area are chemical

fertilizers, improved seeds and agricultural chemicals. Households who use

one or more of these farm production inputs will usually have higher crop

yields and hence higher income. Thus, a binary variable was specified with a

value of 1 for households that had used one or more of these inputs during the

previous cropping season, and 0 for households that had not used any of these

inputs during that time.

• Prices of inputs and outputs are among the exogenous variables that determine

the gross income of a household. However, the price of goods and services are

almost identical for all households in the study area. Therefore, price effects

cannot be determined and price information is not directly incorporated in the


Following previous studies, the determinants of household gross income were

analyzed by multiple regression models. The model is of this form:

Y = α + D + δX+ σZ+ φA + ԑ (2)

Where α is an intercept, and δ, σ and φ are parameters to be estimated.

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Table 2: Summary of dependent and independent variables codes, definitions and

expected sign of effect on household income

Variable Variables definition and measurements Expected


INCOMEHH Annual household gross income in ETB Dependent

IRR Dummy variable for irrigation (1 = access to

irrigation, 0 = No access) +

LANDSZ Total cultivated land, hectares +

FAMSIZE Family size of a household in adult equivalent +

EDUHH Education of the household head (1 = read and

write, 0 = Does not read and write) +

AGEHH Age of a household head, years -

INPUT Use of production inputs

5(1 = use of inputs, 0

= No use of inputs) +

LIVESTO The number of livestock owned, in TLU +

DEPRATIO Dependency ratio of the household -

CREDIT Use of credit (1 = use of credit, and 0 = No use

of credit) +

ASSETHH Asset owned by household in ETB +

GENDEHH Sex of the household head (1 = male, and 0 =

female) +

Some households may not derive income from livestock, off-farm and other

activities; therefore in this study, the impacts of irrigation on income were estimated

using a Tobit model. This approach was developed by Nobel laureate economist James

Tobin in 1958 for analyzing situations whenever dependent variable can take zero

values. There are many previous studies with similar works (Nicholson et al. 2004;

Zhou et al. 2009; Aschalew 2009; Barket et al. 2002).

The specific form of the Tobit model is described as follows:

Yi* = βX‟i + ԑi (3)

We define a new random variable Y transformed from the original one, Y*, by

Y* = 0, if Y (3a)

5 Use of input means the application of one or more agricultural inputs such as chemical fertilizer,

improved seed, chemicals (pesticide, herbicide) in the last one cropping season.

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Y* = Y, if Y (3b)

And where Yi is the observed dependent variable measuring combined livestock

income, off-farm income, cropping income and household total income, Y* is a latent

variable, X is a vector of explanatory variables that influence incomes , β is a vector

of parameters to be estimated, and ԑ is a random disturbance term with mean 0 and

variance σ2.

On the basis of the Tobit model specification, the unknown parameters of the

explanatory variables can be estimated by maximizing the corresponding likelihood


Where Yi is the income of a household, Xi „ is an explanatory variables create

influence on household income, � is a coefficient of the independent variables, � is

the normal density function, � is the normal distribution function, σ2 is the variance of

the error term epsilon in the third equation.

The coefficients of dependent variables in Tobit model are not directly

proportional with change of the independent variable. Therefore, to understand the

change of household income as a result of a unit change of the coefficient of

independent variables, the estimators of the variables should be transformed in to the

vector of first derivatives.

The marginal effect in Tobit model illustrate that the change of the dependent

variables as a result of the changes of respective independent variable (Xi) by a unit.

On the basis of the above Tobit model specification. The marginal effects of the

independent variables on household income are represented as:

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The marginal value identifies the direct impact of irrigation on household income. The

hypothesis of that irrigating household have higher income than non-irrigating

household is tested by the sign of the marginal effect of the irrigation access variable

(D, if significant) and the magnitude indicates the size of the impact. That is, it fulfills

a main aim of this study to analyze the marginal effect of irrigation on irrigating

households income compared with non-irrigating households income being other

things constant. This helps policy makers to understand the value of future irrigation. Poverty level evaluation

Poverty is a multidimensional concept and its definition and measurement has

been the subject of much debate. The household poverty line often is represented as a

very basic living standard. Poverty indicators are often constructed by comparing

household income with the mean income or median income (midpoint). Poverty

usually is analyzed on the basis of income or consumption indicators. The World Bank

uses poverty line of one dollar (PPP6-adjusted) per day, but this has been criticized for

being too narrow. According to Nilsson et al. (2010), there is no obvious best way to

calculate measures of absolute purchasing power that are comparable both across time

and space when relative prices vary both over time and between countries. The World

Bank estimates rely heavily on household surveys, resulting in questionable

6 PPP (purchasing power parity) means the application of one price across countries for all goods and

services, or representative groups (baskets) of goods and services.

PUS = ( EUS$/ETB$) x (PETB)

PUS = Price of goods in USA

PETB = Price of goods in Ethiopia

EUS$/ETB$ = US dollar/Ethiopian birr exchange rate.

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comparability and low coverage for certain regions such as Sub-Saharan Africa. Thus,

one approach to poverty definition is to use a relative poverty approach, based on the

characteristics of households in the sample

Following pervious literature, combined sample households (both irrigating

and non-irrigating) are ranked according to their current income. This ranking is then

used to determine which quartile a household is in based on current income. The

households in the lower quartiles are relatively poor whereas those in the upper

quartiles are relatively well off.

On the basis of previous studies (e.g., Simtowe et al. 2010), a working

hypothesis is that more of non-irrigating households will be in the lowest-income

quartile. In addition, it is expected that the low-income quartile households have a

lower mean share of income from crop production than households in the higher

income quartiles, but a larger mean income share coming from livestock compared to

households in larger income quartile. The low-income quartiles are also expected to

have a larger income share from non-farm activities compared to households in the

upper quartile. Poverty Line

Although the relative poverty approach has some advantages, it is also possible

to develop more specific absolute poverty, typically defining a somewhat arbitrary

“poverty line” on the basis of income or consumption indicators. Previous authors

have used different definitions. Ethiopia has not established any official poverty lines,

so Schreiner and Chen (2009) used the international poverty lines in dollars at 2005

purchase-power parity, with the lowest of their thresholds at $ 1.00 per person per day.

According to Dercon (1997), the threshold for absolute poverty is $ 0.45 per day per

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adult (or access to 2200 calories per adult per day) and the moderate poverty level is

$0.60 per day per adult (2750 calories per adult per day).

In this study, the poverty line is determined on the basis of current income

because detailed consumption data were not available. Using the dollar amounts and

the recent dollar to ETB exchange rate, the absolute and moderate poverty lines are

ETB 3,073 and ETB 3,687 per person in adult equivalent per year, respectively. For

the purposes of this study, the absolute poverty line is the value of current income at

the twenty-fifth percentile for sample households (3,225 ETB per person in adult

equivalent per year) and the moderate poverty line is defined as the value of the

thirtieth percentile of current incomes (ETB 3,457 per person in adult equivalent per

year). These values are reasonable close to those described by Dercon, and are

consistent with income and food poverty prevalence of 29.2 and 28.2 %, respectively,

in recent years (MOFED, 2010). However, both the absolute and moderate poverty

lines defined are below the World Bank‟s poverty line set at one dollar per day per

adult, which would be ETB 6,231 per year per adult at current exchange rate ($1 =

ETB 17.07). Using the official exchange rate in the National Bank of Ethiopia, the

absolute poverty line ETB 3,225 per year per adult is approximately $189/adult/year.

The estimated moderate poverty line for the study area is ETB 3,457 per year per adult

is approximately $202/adult/year. Poverty level comparison

The poverty level comparison between irrigating and non-irrigating households

is valuable to estimate the impact of irrigation on poverty reduction. Poverty level

comparison helps to estimate the extent of irrigation‟s impact on rural poverty

alleviation. Poverty level comparisons between irrigating and non-irrigating

households use the following poverty measures developed by Foster et al. (1984):

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Where Pα is the poverty level indicator for a sample of households, m is the number of

households below the poverty line, n is the number of households, z is poverty line

yi is income per adult equivalent of ith

household, α is the poverty sensitivity parameter

that can take on a variety of values. When α = 0, the result is the prevalence of

poverty or the head count ratio, that is the proportion of people falling below the

poverty line. When α = 1, the equation gives the depth of poverty. It is also called

poverty gap index. This shows the amount of income necessary to bring everyone in

poverty up to the poverty line, divided by total population. This can be thought of as

the amount of income that an average person in the economy would have to contribute

for poverty to be eliminated. Econometric model specification

Assessing the impact of irrigation on the likelihood that a household is in

poverty is one of the objectives of this study. Thus, poverty is the dependent variable,

and is determined by independent variables such as irrigation, household

characteristics, asset holdings and access to services (Table 3). In this analysis, the

independent variable is binary (1 if the household is classified as poor when its annual

income is in the lowest quartile, and 0 if the household is classified as non poor).

Under this limited dependent variable model, the probability that the i th

household is

poor is given by:

Prob (y = 1│X) = F (Xi, β) (7)

Where Zi is a function of explanatory variables (Xki), and expressed as:

Zi = β0 + β1X1i + β2X2i+ β3X3i + β4X4i +… βkXni + μi (7a)

Where μi = error term.

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If Pi is the probability of the ith

household is being poor, then (1-Pi) is the

probability of not being poor. Since the dependent variable, poverty, is unobserved

and the resulting model is nonlinear, it cannot be estimated by using OLS so

maximum likelihood can be used. Green (2002) indicates that either Probit or Logit

models are mainly used for the dependent variable that takes dichotomous values (e.g.,

yes or no) or a choice between two alternatives. Both the Logit and Probit models

guarantee that the estimated probabilities lies in the range 0 to 1 and that they are non-

linearly related to the explanatory variables. Following Habitamu (2009) and Haile

(2008), the dichotomous dependent variable poor/non poor is estimated by Logit

model, for the sake of its mathematical convince.

The probability of being poor can be expressed in binary choice models or a

logistic distribution function as:


Where: exp (the value of e), the base of natural logarithm.

Table 3: Summary of the dependent and independent variables, codes, definitions and

expected signs.


code Variables definition and measurements



Poverty Probability to being poor (1 = poor, and 0 = non-

poor) Dependent

IRR Dummy variable for irrigation (1 = access to

irrigation, 0 = No access) -

LANDSZ Total cultivated land, hectares per capita. -

FAMSIZE Family size of a household in adult equivalent -

EDUHHL Education of the household head (1 = read and

write, 0 = Does not read and write) -

AGEHH Age of a household head, years +

INPUT Use of production inputs (1= use inputs, 0 = No

use of inputs) -

OXEN The number of oxen owned, in TLU per capita -

DEPRATIO Dependency ratio of the household -

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CREDIT Use of credit (1= Use credit, 0= Does not use

credit) -

ASSETHH Asset owned by household in ETB per capita -

GENDEHH Sex of the household head (1 = male, and 0 =

female) -

For the nonlinear dependent variable, the marginal effect of each independent

variable is not straight forward to interpret. In the Logit model the marginal effect of

each independent variable on poverty should be transformed to Log odds ratio

coefficients. Therefore, the regression equation of the odds ratio is:

The Log odds ratio shows change of the probability that a household is being

poor/non-poor if the independent variable (Xi) changes by one unit. The statistical t-

tests, chi square, minimum, maximum and percentages were done by Statistical

Package for Social Science (SPSS) for Windows Release (SPSS, Inc., Chicago,

Illinois). The income and poverty analyses were done by STATA/SE 10.0 for

Windows (Stata Corp LP, College Station, Texas USA) software was used for data


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5.1 Household Socio-economic characteristics

This section describes the analysis of survey data and its interpretation. In the

first section, the sample households‟ demographic characteristics are discussed.

Particular reference is given to the factors hypothesized to influence income, such as

family size, education level, land holding, asset holding, labor availability, access and

source of credit for irrigating and non-irrigating households. These descriptive

analyses help to frame the econometric results obtained in the study.

5.1.1 Family size

Family size is useful for formulating various development plans and for

monitoring and evaluating their implementation. Average family size at the national

level in Ethiopia was 4.7 (CSA 2007). In the study area, the average family size was

5.93 with a minimum 2 and maximum of 11. The t-test shows that there is significant

difference in family size between the irrigating and non-irrigating households at a 5%

level of significance (Table 4).

Table 4: Family size, family labor and dependency ratio for irrigating and non-

irrigating households











t-value for


Family size,

persons 6.3 5.6 5.9 2.5


Family size in AE

(family labor) 4.9 4.3 4.6 3.1


Dependency ratio 1.5 1.4 1.4 0.6

***, ** indicate significant at the 1% and 5% significance levels, respectively

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5.1.2 Family labor

In rural Ethiopia, household family is the main source of labor for all income

sources. Family size in adult equivalents indicates the sample households‟ average

family labor force for agricultural production and other income-generating activities.

The average family size in adult equivalents in the study area was 4.62 with a

minimum 1.74 and maximum of 8.24. The t-test shows that there is significant

difference between irrigating and non-irrigating households at 1 % level of significant

(Table 4). Thus, irrigating households have owned better labor input than non-

irrigating households.

5.1.3 Dependency ratio

The dependency ratio shows the ratio of economically inactive compared to

economically active. Economically active members of a household, whose age is from

15 to 64, are assumed to be the principal sources of income for the household.

Household members under 15 and over 65 are assumed to be economically inactive

and dependent on economically active members of a household for education, clothing

and health care (John 2002). The dependency ratio of agricultural households provides

planners and policy makers with an indication of agricultural labor availability in

male- and female-managed holdings and their abilities to actively participate in

agricultural programs and projects. Members of holdings with high dependency ratios

might not be able to participate in programs and projects due to time, labor and/or

financial constraints, that is, dependency ratio is thought to be negatively related to

income of households (FAO 2010). In the study area, the average dependency ratio

was 140 %, which means every 100 economically active persons had 140 extra

persons to feed, cloth, educate and medicate. Economically active members (45

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percent) were less than non-active household members (55 %). This can have

important implications for poverty alleviation efforts. No statistically significant

difference was observed between irrigating and non-irrigating households for the

dependency ratio (Table 4).

5.1.4 Sex and education of the household head

In the study area, the head of the household generally is responsible for the co-

ordination of the household activities. As such it is pertinent to examine attributes

such as sex and education of the head as one component of irrigation participation

decisions. Of the 180 sampled households, about 88% were male-headed. The

percentage of non-irrigating female household heads was more than irrigating (Table

5). There is a significant difference in the sex of the sampled household heads for

irrigating and non-irrigating households at a 5 % significance level (Table 5).

Economic growth is driven by change in people‟s capabilities or their human

capital, as affected particularly by their education. Educated people can more easily

contribute to the generation of new technologies and more readily utilize those

technologies. It is one of the main factors affecting adoption of irrigation technologies

to improve agricultural productivity (Maddison et al. 1970). The education level of

household heads is higher for irrigating households than non-irrigating households

(Table 5).

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Table 5: Household member, gender, and education and age characterization













square test



Percent Percent Percent χ2

Household head gender

Male 93 83 88

Female 7 17 12

Total 100 100 100 4.4**

Household head education

Illiterate 21 65 43

Read and write 48 23 35

Elementary complete 27 11 19

Junior complete 3 1 2

High school and above 1 0 1

Total 100 100 100 24.7***

Age of household head

15-30 years 17 14 16

31-45years 53 47 50

46-64 years 28 34 31

65 and above 2 5 3

Total 100 100 100 1.9

***, ** indicate significant at the 1% and 5% significance levels, respectively.

5.1.5 Age of household head

The average age of the household heads in the study area was 42 years with a

minimum of 24 and maximum of 78 years. The age of the household head influences

whether the household benefits from the experience of an older person, or has to base

its decisions on the risk-taking attitude of a younger farmer. There is no significant

difference in the distribution of household head age of the sampled households

between irrigating and non-irrigating household heads (Table 5).

5.2 Productive resource

Agricultural production requires resources such as labor, natural resources,

agricultural tools and other capital assets. In the foregoing sections, it has been

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discussed that household income has a critical link with access to productive resources

such as labor, land, oxen and agricultural assets. Therefore, the study looks the access

of these resources between irrigating and non-irrigating households. Knowing this

helps to judge irrigation‟s impact on household‟s income difference.

5.2.1 Land holding

Land is the major productive asset in agrarian countries like Ethiopia.

Cultivated land appears to be the most important scarce factor of production. In the

study area, own land, rented and shared lands were used for cultivation. The average

land holding size of the sample households in the study area is 1.1 ha, which is

comparable to the national land holding of 1.0 hectares. There is no significant

difference between irrigating and non-irrigating households in average land holding

size (Table 6). Thus, the overall land holding per household among the study group is

similar. However, there is a significant difference in their cultivated land size.

Irrigating households have larger cultivated land area than non-irrigating households.

Irrigation may generate income and allow accumulation of other productive assets by

irrigating households, which facilitate cultivation of additional land through share in

and rent in (Table 6) from non-irrigating households.

The average grazing land for irrigating and non-irrigating households was 0.21

and 0.16 hectares, respectively. Irrigating households also use more grazing land than

non-irrigating, and the difference between them is statistically significant at the 1 %

significance level.

Sharing of farmland from any other households is commonly practiced in the

study area. Share in of farmland is practiced by 70 % and 40 % of irrigating and non-

irrigating households; respectively. Irrigating households share in more farmland

compared with non-irrigating households, whereas sharing out of farmland was done

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by only 12 % and 21% for irrigating and non- irrigating households, respectively.

Non-irrigating households share out more their own farmland compared with

irrigating households (Table 6). Irrigating household participation was higher for land

share in but less for land share out. The converse is true for non-irrigating households,

which may be due to the fact that irrigating households have better potential to

cultivate additional land than non-irrigating households. The proportions of

households, who share in, share out and rent in were 62 %, 16% and 15%,

respectively. The share in, share out and rent in land size were 0.28, 0.09 and 0.07 ha,


Table 6: Average landing size (ha) at household‟s level















Land holding 1.10 1.00 1.10 1.5

Cultivated land 1.10 0 .80 1.00 4.4***

Grazing land 0.21 0.16 0.19 2.1**

Land share in 0.36 0.21 0.28 2.8***

Land share out 0.05 0.14 0.09 -2.4**

Land rent in 0.09 0.04 0.07 0.8

Land rent out 0.00 0.001 0.001 -

Fallow and woodlot

land 0.19 0.14 0.16 1.8

***, ** indicate significant at the 1% and 5% significance levels, respectively.

Rent in of farmland is practiced by 21% and 11 % of irrigating and non-

irrigating households, respectively. The mean rented in farmland from any other

household for both irrigating and non-irrigating households were 0.09 and 0.04 ha,

respectively. Non-irrigating household (7%) participates in rent out of their farmland

whereas irrigating households did not rent out any farmland. Irrigating household

participation was higher for land share in but less for land share out. The other type of

land tenure is fallow and woodlot (Eucalyptus tree and other perennial crops) land.

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The average fallow and woodlot land size of the sample households 0.16 ha, which is

0.19 and 0.14 ha for irrigating and non-irrigating, there is no significant difference

between them.

5.2.2 Effect of irrigation on land rent value

In Ethiopia land is a public property. Sale of land is not allowed, but land

rental and sharing through agreement between users for one or two cropping seasons is

common in the study area. The rental value of the land depends on the quality of the

land and the access to irrigation.

The average rental values of land accessed with irrigation and land without

access to irrigation were ETB 5,816 and ETB 2,867 per ha per one crop season,

respectively. This is consistent with the hypothesis that irrigation increases the value

of net returns to land. Households who have farm plots with access to irrigation water

thus will have higher incomes per ha from land rent (Table 7).

Table 7: Average land rental rate

Characteristics Land accessed

for irrigation

Land not

accessed for


t-test for


Land rental rate,

ETB/ha 5,816 2,867 3.9***

*** indicates significant at the 1% significance level.

5.2.3 Production assets

Agricultural production assets include motor pumps, treadle pumps, plough sets and

equipments necessary for agricultural activities. The production assets for irrigating

and non-irrigating households are valued by considering the salvage value of each

asset. As mentioned in the literatures review section of this paper, irrigation

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development has several benefits and roles, one of these benefits are increasing wealth

of households. Irrigating households have, on average, more agricultural production

assets than non-irrigating households (Table 8). This difference is statistically

significant at the 1 % significance level.

Table 8: Mean value of agriculture production assets at household‟s level












t-value for


Production assets,

ETB 2,362.6 771.8 1,567.2 5.1***

*** indicates significant at the 1% significance level.

5.2.4 Type of houses

Types of housing are an indicator of improving the well-being of rural

households. In rural Ethiopia most of the houses are grass-roofed, but wealthier

households will have a corrugated iron roof. A higher percentage of irrigating

households in the sample had corrugated iron roofed houses than non-irrigating

households, but statistically there is no significant difference (Table 9).

Table 9 : Housing types in samples households

Housing types Irrigating


irrigating Total


for difference

Percent Percent Percent χ2 test

Grass roof 23 30 27 Corrugated roof 77 70 73 Total 100 100 100 0.46

5.3 Major crops grown using small-scale irrigation

The crops grown without irrigation (rainfed) in the study region are teff,

barely, wheat, maize, finger millet, rice, oat, vetch, check pea, onion, tomato, potato

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and pepper. In addition to their rainfed cultivation, irrigating households produced

cash crops for the second round within a year in dry periods using irrigation water.

The main field crops grown using small-scale irrigation schemes in the study region

are maize, oat, rice and vetch and the dominant vegetables are onion, tomato, potato

and pepper. The first main crop season is from June to November. In this period both

irrigating and non-irrigating households produced rainfed crops. The second crop

season is practiced in dry seasons from December to April. In this cropping season,

only irrigating households can cultivate using water from irrigation. Access to

irrigation has been regarded as a powerful factor that provides a greater opportunity

for multiple cropping, cropping intensity, and crop diversification (Saleth et al. 2003).

Households who have access to small-scale irrigation can cultivate twice a year. Thus,

irrigation increases the intensity of cropping. The most common field crops (cereals)

produced by small-scale irrigation are maize, oats, and vetch whereas the most

commonly produced irrigated vegetables are onion, tomato and potato (Table 10).

Table 10: The major field crops and vegetables grown using small-scale irrigation

Crop types Obs. Percent of irrigating

households growing Field crops (Cereals)

Maize 19 21 Oats 15 17 Vetch 4 4 Maize and Oat 7 8 Three or more crops 6 7

Vegetables Onion 46 51 Tomato 6 7 Potato 2 2 Onion and Tomato 18 20 Three or more 9 10

In field crop (cereal) cultivation using small-scale irrigation, maize was the

dominant. It is grown by 21 percent of irrigating sample households. Oats and vetch

are the second and third major field crops, grown by 17 % and 4 % respondents,

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respectively (Table 10). Vegetables were the more commonly produced crops with

small-scale irrigation systems. The most frequently grown crop was onion, grown by

51 % of irrigating sample households. Onion is better than other vegetables in terms of

amount of yields produced and demand in the market, but requires frequent watering.

Therefore, onion irrigation with scarce surface water access areas like Werota Zuria

has lower yields compared with areas with more water resources, such as Quhir

Michael and Shina. Tomato and potato were less commonly produced than onions.

Twenty percent of respondents grew both onion and tomato, whereas 10% of

households produced three or more vegetable crops.

Crops grown using small-scale irrigation were few in number (Table 10), but

there are different reasons why they are grown by irrigating households. The major

factors for production decision were good production (50 %), better price (24%) and

easier to cultivate (24%). There are other reasons such as disease resistant, seed

availability; water scarcity and others accounted 16 % of the respondents (Table 11).

Table 11: Reason for selecting the major field crops and vegetables for irrigation

Reasons Obs. Percent of irrigating

households responding

Good production 45 50

Better price 22 24

Easier to cultivate 9 10

Two or more reasons 15 16

5.4 Household income evaluation

Household gross income is derived from agricultural (crop and livestock) sales

and value of crops and livestock products retained for household consumption7. The

value of retained crop and livestock products was calculated using annual average

nominal prices. In the case of irrigating households, individual household cropping

7 Thus, this is a “full (gross) income” value rather than a “cash (gross) income” value.

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income was computed from both rainfed and irrigated crops but for non-irrigating

households, cropping income was derived from only rainfed crops. The off-farm and

non-farm incomes were also computed as part of gross household income. The main

reason is to examine the hypotheses that irrigating households‟ income was greater

than non-irrigating. Non-irrigating households may use off-farm activities to

compensate for their lack of irrigation. Therefore, to evaluate the income difference

between irrigating and non-irrigating households due to irrigation, the study considers

the off-farm and non-farm incomes. In the hypothesis, irrigating households have

higher income than non-irrigating households due to access of irrigation. Non-

irrigating households may have better income in off-farm and non-farm activities as a

compensation of irrigation then considering all income sources are important to

evaluate impact of irrigation on household gross income.

5.4.1 Cropping incomes

The most common crops grown in the study area are onion, rice, maize, vetch,

teff, finger millet, barley, oat, chickpea, onion, tomato, potato and pepper (Table 12).

These crops are grown as staple and cash crops in the study area. The estimation of

crop income uses taking the mean annual average price for both the sold and home-

consumed crops.

The major income source crops for irrigating households were onion (35%),

rice (17%) and oats (12%) whereas for non-irrigating households were rice (25%),

wheat (13%) and finger millet (12%). Onion and rice were the two main sources of

income from crops in the study area. The mean income difference shows that

irrigating households were better off in all cropping income than non-irrigating

households except wheat and pepper. The largest income was from onion produced

using small-scale irrigation. This suggests that small-scale irrigation development

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increases the incomes of rural household because it directly influences the highest

income source, cropping.

Table 12: Major crop types and their mean annual production values









Irrigating households Non-irrigating

households t-value





tion value


tion value,

000 ETB


of total




tion value,

000 ETB

Percent of

total crop


Teff 626 1.5 5 1.5 11 0.7 Barley 317 0.4 1 0.3 2 0.6 Wheat 463 0.5 1 1.7 13 0.5 Maize 340 1.6 5 1.2 9 1.1 Finger

millet 289 1.6 5 1.6 12 1.0

Rice 629 5.5 17 3.3 25 2.5** Oat 573 4 12 1.4 11 2.3**

Vetch 330 1.2 4 0.8 6 2.4* Check

pea 385 0.6 2 0.6 5 1.5

Onion 473 11.4 35 0 0 6.1*** Tomato 237 3.2 10 0 0 2.1*** Potato 222 0.3 1 0.4 3 0.6 Pepper 1663 0.4 2 0.4 3 0.9 Total - 32.3 100 13.4 100 6.6***

***, **,* indicate significant at the 1%, 5% and 10% significance levels, respectively. Rainfed cropping income

Rainfed crops were cultivated by both irrigating and non-irrigating households.

But, unlike irrigating households, non-irrigating households depend only on rainfed

cultivation. The major reasons for non-irrigating households not irrigating were lack

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of surface water access8 in their farm plot (85%), lack of financial capital (8%) and

labor (7%) (Table13).

Table 13: The reasons for non-irrigating households for not irrigating

Reasons Obs. Percent of non-

irrigating households

No surface water access 77 85

Shortage of money 7 8

Shortage of labor 6 7

Total 90 100

Lack of surface water access was the most important limiting factor; however

the literature indicates that the groundwater table is high in the study area (Johnston et

al. 2010 and Girum 2010). Thus, in addition to surface water, groundwater based

irrigation development might be given additional consideration as a means of

irrigation development in the study area.

The mean annual income from rainfed cropping was ETB 14,189 (Table 14).

Statistically, there is no significance difference between irrigating and non-irrigating

households in their mean annual rainfed income.

Table 14: Rainfed income for irrigating and non-irrigating households in ETB












t-value for


Rainfed income 15,011 13,366 14,189 1.15 Irrigated crop income in PAs

The average irrigated land size 0.65 ha per household with a minimum of 0.12

ha and a maximum of 2.75 ha. The major irrigated crops in the study area are onion,

8 Lack of surface water access means the farm plots of a household were topographically inaccessible

with irrigation water from river, pond, lake or any surface water.

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tomato, maize, oats and vetch. The mean annual cropping income from sample

irrigating households was ETB 17,271 (Table 15).

Table 15: Income from irrigated crop production in ETB

PA Obs. Mean Std.

dev. Minimum


m F-test

Werota Zuria 14 9,730 9,072.2 649 34,967

Bebekis 19 17,213 12,074.7 920 41,037

Kokit 14 9,609 9,168.3 1,060 29,240

Kuhir Michael 19 30,704 26,198.0 1,531 80,380

Shina 24 15,550 12329.9 2,114 48,086

Total 90 17,271 17011.5 6,49 80,380 5.3***

*** indicates significant at the 1% significance level.

The PAs with higher mean income from irrigated crop production were Kuhir

Michael, Bebekis and Shina, respectively. These PAs use concrete river/spring

diversion for irrigation water. Kuhir Michael and Shina were upstream and

downstream of Guanta river diversion and Tanqua Gabriel spring development. The

amount of water for irrigation was high in these PAs. In addition to Guanta and

Tanqua Gabriel diversion water, Kuhir Michael used Gumara river and Shina used

both Gumara and Rib river. In addition to this, Kuhir Michael and Shina have water

use associations. The association has multiple purposes; some of them were avoid

conflicts and irrigation water theft, used as a source of market information, supply

farm inputs for member households, protect and amend river diversion canal when

damaged. Thus, these PAs have better irrigation water use system and can earn better

income from irrigation farming.

Werota Zuria has the lowest income from irrigated crop production. The only

water source for the PA is Eriza River; the amount of water was low during flowering

period of irrigated crops during January and February. Water scarcity was the main

problem in the PA. On the upper part of this river, there is concrete canal river

diversion but the amount of water became declined at peak irrigation season, which

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caused a conflict between the upper and lower stream user of the river. Therefore,

water scarcity was the main cause for low income from irrigated crop production. Total cropping income

Total cropping income is the amount of mean annual income of a household

obtained from both types of cropping systems, rainfed and irrigation. The mean annual

income of a household from cropping income in the sample PAs was ETB 22,824

(Table 16).

Table 16: Total mean annual cropping income at household level in ETB











t-value for


Mean annual



32,282 13,366 22,824 7.7***

*** indicates significant at the 1% significance level

The total mean annual cropping income of irrigating households was

substantially higher than that for non-irrigating households. The t-test shows that there

is a significant difference between irrigating and non-irrigating households at 1% level

of significance (Table 16). This suggests that irrigation markedly increases income,

but this will be more appropriately tested using econometric analysis.

5.4.2 Livestock income

The type of agriculture in the study area is settled agriculture with a mixed

farming system (i.e., integrated crop and livestock production). Livestock are the most

important productive assets in the household. In the study area, livestock are important

source of power for ploughing, transportation, and riding. Livestock also consolidate

the social organization as they serve in payment for blood compensation and gifts for

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relatives. They play role in religious and cultural ceremonies and serve as source of

prestige. It also considered as a saved asset used during periods of food shortage. The

average livestock holding for sample households was 4.02 TLU. Irrigating households

possess a larger average number of livestock (4.89) than non-irrigating households

(3.15). There is a significant difference between irrigating and non-irrigating

households at the 1% significance level (Table 17).

Table 17: Number of livestock (TLU)










t-value for


Average number of

livestock (TLU) 4.89 3.15 4.02 5.4


*** is significant at the 1% significance level.

Livestock play a significant role as income sources in rural poor Ethiopia. Sale

of live animals and their products are main livestock-related income sources in the

study area. The livestock income category includes income from the sale of livestock,

livestock products (i.e. milk, eggs, honey etc.) and other by-products like hide and

skin. The values of sale and own consumption livestock and livestock products were

estimated based on the average annual nominal prices. The livestock products were

collected on a weekly basis, and converted to estimate annual income (Table 18).

The highest mean livestock income among the study PAs are reported in Shina.

Livestock farming system in the study areas is free grazing on communal grazing

lands. The high livestock income in this PA was due to better communal grazing land.

The PA has high water potential. The two major rivers in Tana basin, Gumara and Rib

pass on the PA. The borders of these rivers are rich in livestock feed resources. On the

other hand, the PA also contains more irrigated areas than other PAs. In addition to

high surface water access, the groundwater table is high so all sample households are

irrigation users. From focus group discussions and key informant interviews because

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the people have enough food from irrigated and rainfed cropping, animals are not

being sold to get food. Therefore, each household has high livestock numbers and

livestock income.

Table 18: Average annual livestock income

PA Obs. Mean Std.

deviation Minimum Maximum F-test

Werota Zuria 36 3,822 3463.9 0.0 12,388

Bebekis 42 1,105 1277.3 0.0 5,622.4

Kokit 38 2,472 3343.4 0.0 18,992

Shina 24 5,377 4894.1 580.6 20,462.8

Total 180 2,783 3348.5 0.0 20,462.8 8.6***

*** is significant at the 1% significance level.

The second highest mean livestock income is reported in Werota Zuria. The

average livestock income was ETB 3,822 with a minimum of 0 and a maximum of

12,388. Werota is the capital town of the district. Because there are hotels and

restaurants in the town, demand for livestock products like milk and egg was high,

which encourages households to produce more. In addition to this, crosses of the

Fogera dairy cow breed with exotic dairy breeds, especially Holstein, were common in

the PA. There are households who practice intensive dairy and fattening farming in the


The lowest mean income from livestock is reported in Bebekis. On average,

the livestock income was ETB 1105 with a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 5,622.

The PA is an upland area with poor livestock feed resources. The community is also

relatively poor. Most of the household members in this PA are employed in other PAs

as daily laborers. They sell their livestock frequently to purchase grain, so their

livestock holdings and livestock income was low.

The mean livestock income for irrigating and non-irrigating household was

ETB 3,232 and ETB 2,440, respectively. Irrigating households had larger livestock

income than non-irrigating households, but statistically there is no significant

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difference. The overall mean income of livestock in all sample households is ETB

2,783 with a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 20,463. This indicates that livestock

farming is another of the major income sources of the study area. There is a significant

difference among sample PAs at the 1% significance level (Table 18).

5.4.3 Off-farm and other incomes

Off- farm and other incomes are important parts of total income in rural

households of Ethiopia. They are significant for purchasing power and food security.

Petty trading was one source of off-farm income in the study area, for instance, onion

and tomato trading in Gumara town. The sale of onions and tomatoes transported to

Bahir Dar and Gonder towns was another income source. Werota, the capital town of

the district provides off-farm income for the surrounding households, especially in

petty trading. Some households have houses in town and rents are another source of

income. Thus, average off-farm and non-farm income share were highest in Werota

Zuria compared to other PAs. The other sources of off-farm income in the area were

employment on other farms during weeding and harvesting seasons, sale of wood, sale

of local drinks (tela), renting of irrigable lands, artisan (blacksmith, weaving and

pottery), brokering, sale of wood (charcoal), house rent and remittance.

Table 19: The mean off-farm and other incomes










t-value for


Off-farm incomes 622 667 645 - 0.3

The average off-farm income for sample households was ETB 645 (table 19).

Irrigating households also get off-farm income from the rent of water pump and

houses rent in the town. Water pumps were rented on average for ETB 12.50/hour.

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The difference in off-farm income between irrigating and non-irrigating households is

not statistically significant.

5.4.4 Summary of income sources at household level

The total mean annual household income in the study area was ETB 26,251

(Table 20), which is roughly equal to the average per capita income for Ethiopia as a

whole. From the total mean annual income of a household, cropping contributes the

highest income share (86%) followed by livestock (11%) and off-farm (3%),


Irrigating households earn higher income from cropping than non-irrigating

households. However, there is no significant difference between irrigating and non-

irrigating households in their livestock and off-farm incomes. The total income

significant difference arises from the cropping income difference, which is suggestive

of the both the mechanism and the degree to which irrigation access increases

household incomes. The next section discusses the results of econometric analysis that

assesses the impact of irrigation controlling for other factors that influence income.

Table 20: Summary of annual household income sources:










(N=180) Percent




Crop income 32,282 13,366 22,824 86 7.7***


income 3,132 2,433 2,783 11 1.4


income 622 667 645 3 - 0.3

Total income 36,036 16,466 26,251 100 7.6***

*** indicates significant at the 1% significance level.

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5.4.5 Econometric model for income analysis

This section provides additional analysis of the impact of irrigation on the

performance of gross incomes of the irrigating households. This study uses an

econometric model for the analysis of impacts of irrigation on household income. In

this analysis, the dependent variable is the household annual total income derived from

rainfed and irrigation crops, livestock and their products, off-farm and other incomes

reported over the past 12 months (from November 2009-October 2010).

The income analysis was estimated using a Tobit (censored regression) model.

The analysis was carried out using Stata software. Multicollinearity was examined

using Variance inflation factor (VIF) and correlation coefficients. The values of the

VIF for explanatory variables were found to be less than 10 and total of eleven

explanatory variables were entered in to the regression analysis.

The dependent variable, total income of a household, has non-zero value.

According to Holloway et al. (2004), use of a Tobit model at a non-zero dependent

variable may increase the magnitude of bias, and to avoid this problem they develop

alternative approaches. In the censored regression model, the minimum of the

observed values defines the maximum for the censoring value. That is an upper bound

on n is the minimum of the set (yi , i c) by the same reasoning, because the observed

total income is non-negative. A logical lower bound on total income (п) on n is zero.

In other words, logic constrains the feasible choice for п to the closed interval


This equation provides the censoring points to can be vary within the range of values

that lies below the minimum of the observed, positive quantities.

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On the basis of this alternative, the observed total minimum income at

household level is ETB 1,256, that is, a non-zero value. By considering the above

revised approaches Tobit regression model was used with 1255 as lower limit. The

estimates of coefficients by the Tobit regression model as tool of parameter estimation

are depicted below (Table 21).

The Tobit analysis suggests that several variables have a statistically

significant impact on the total income of the household, many of which are consistent

with the hypothesized relationships. The analysis indicates which determinants are

more important for the improvement of total household income. Some variables

appear to be insignificant; this may be due to the relatively small sample size involved.

Education of household head (EDUHH) has statistically significant positive

impact on the total income of a household. This seems rational; educated human

capital can more easily adopt technologies like irrigation and make more informed

production decision. Education can increase the marginal productivity of labor. The

increase in productivity of labor is one of the important factors to increase income of a


Household family size in adult equivalent (FAMSZADUL) and livestock

holding in TLU (LIVESTO) are positively associated with household total income,

and both of them are statistically significant. Household family size in adult equivalent

means a larger amount of labor available to the household. Labor increases

productivity per ha of land, and in turn, household total income increases for a given

land base. The positive association between labor and household total income seems

reasonable. Livestock holding in TLU (LIVESTO) contributes to total household

income directly through the sale of livestock and their products, and indirectly through

use as a source of draught power for crop production activities.

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Table 21: Tobit estimates of the determinants for household total income

Variable Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t|

AGEHH -16.54 50.73 -0.33 0.74

EDUHH 4915.29 1487.37 3.30 0.00

GENDERHH 98.65 1755.29 0.06 0.96

DEPRATIO -1031.12 692.57 -1.49 0.14

FAMSZADUL 1554.59 505.83 3.07 0.00

LIVESTO 2285.07 374.29 6.11 0.00

IRR 3359.46 1222.01 2.75 0.01

ASSETHH 2.81 .34 8.26 0.00

LANDSZ 10291.91 1607.31 6.40 0.00

INPUT 4688.55 1738.96 2.70 0.01

CREDIT -894.16 1052.57 -0.85 0.39

Constant -10696.22 3561.15 -3.00 0.00

Sigma 6778.27 358.72

Number of obs. 180

LR chi2(11) 386.63

Prob > chi2


Pseudo R2


Log likelihood -1834.24

Access to irrigation (IRR) influences the household total income significantly

with a positive sign as expected. As Maddison (1970) suggest, access of technology

(irrigation) shifts the production function and offsets the diminishing marginal return

by doing so increases income and used as a source of economic growth. According to

Makombe (2007), the production function analysis of irrigated and non-irrigated farm

plots, the result shows that irrigation shifts the agricultural production frontier to a

higher level. The marginal productivities of land and labor for the irrigated farms are

almost four, and five times more, respectively. Thus, access to irrigation is one among

many factors that increase household incomes.

Household production asset value (ASSETHH) influences the household total

income significantly with a positive sign. This tells us households with high

production assets can produce more and increase their total income. This is consistent

with the economics of transformation and growth principles (Maddison et al. 1970) as

Page 89: THE IMPACT OF SELECTED SMALL-SCALE IRRIGATION SCHEMES … · the impact of selected small-scale irrigation schemes


people accumulate physical capital allows the people to expand production by

changing the marginal productivity of inputs like land and labor.

Land size (LANDSZ) is positively associated with household total income as

expected. Land holding is highly significant to the household total income. Land is

important fixed input to increase production and income.

Use of input (INPUT) influences household income significantly, and as

hypothesized has a positive impact. Households who use input have higher household

income. As Maddison et al. (1970) suggest, one of the main strategies for agricultural

development depends on the availability and financing of new inputs like chemical

fertilizers, new seeds, pesticides and the like.

Age of household head age (AGEHH), Gender of household head

(GENDERHH), Household dependency ratio (DEPRATIO) and Household access to

credit (CREDIT) have no statistically significant effect on the total income of a


The previous discussion indicated the sign and statistical significance of the

coefficients from the Tobit model. However, in that model the coefficients do not

directly represent the marginal effect, that is, the impact on household income from a

one-unit change in the independent variables. The marginal effects are calculated

using equation (5) using the mean values of the independent variables. The marginal

effect estimates reveal that the land size (LANDSZ) has the largest impact. That is, a

one ha land change has an impact on income for 10,275 ETB per year (Table 22).

Thus, land holding size is very important input in rural poor households to increase

their annual income (although it will typically be difficult for a household to markedly

increase the size of its landholding). Because agriculture is the main source of income

and livelihood for more than 85% of the country‟s population, land access is a critical

and sensitive political issue in contemporary history of Ethiopia (Helland 1999). In the

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study area, land is a scarce resource. Land share in/out and rent in/out is common.

Even thought the cost in cash of land is not far from the estimated marginal impact of

land, the additional costs such as transaction cost and monitoring cost are high.

Therefore, it is not easy to increase a land access for the individual household.

Education of household head (EDUHH) is another important factor that

influences the annual total income of a household. The analysis shows that education

(literacy) significantly increases the household‟s total income by ETB 4,903.3.

Use of inputs (INPUT) influences household income from crop production.

The main inputs used in the study area are chemical fertilizers, improved seeds and

chemicals (pesticide, herbicide). Households who used one or more of these inputs

increase their income significantly. The marginal effect of the Tobit model revealed

that households who have access for inputs can increase their income by ETB 4,670

per annum. Although it was not tested formally in this study through the estimation of

a production function, other agricultural inputs probably are complementary with

irrigation. Thus, consideration should be given not only to irrigation water access but

also to other agricultural inputs.

Access to irrigation (IRR) has a significant impact on the total income of a

household, ETB 3,353 per year (or a 27% increase in the mean income without

irrigation). This supports the initial hypothesis that access to irrigation increases

households‟ income, controlling for other factors. Households who have access to

irrigation can cultivate their irrigated land two or more times a year. Although the

econometric analysis cannot indicate directly why the increase in income occurs,

irrigation allows the farmers to practice crop intensification 9 and diversification


9 Crop intensity means cultivating two or three times per year

7Crop diversification means producing two or more crops per one crop season

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which increases crop yields and revenues from crop sales. Irrigation likely also

increases the marginal land and labor productivity, increases the crop production and

then promotes household income.

Table 22: Marginal effects of determinants on household total income

Determinant dy/dx Std. Err. z P>|z|

AGEHH -16.51 50.65 -0.33 0.74

EDUHH 4903.33 1481.80 3.31 0.00

GENDERHH 98.48 1752.30 0.06 0.95

DEPRATIO -1029.43 691.43 -1.49 0.14

FAMSZADUL 1552.03 504.99 3.07 0.00

LIVESTO 2281.29 373.67 6.11 0.00

IRR 3353.29 1219.40 2.75 0.01

ASSETHH 2.80 0.34 8.26 0.00

LANDSZ 10274.89 1604.70 6.40 0.00

INPUT 4669.84 1725.20 2.71 0.01

CREDIT -892.63 1050.60 -0.85 0.39

Livestock holding (LIVESTO) also affects annual total income of a household.

An increase of household‟s livestock holding by one TLU is estimated to increase the

total income of a household by ETB 2,281 per annum. As expected, the value of

productive assets owned by the household (ASSETHH) also increases total income of

a household. The increase in asset holding of a household by ETB 1,000 is estimated

to increase total household income by ETB 2,800. This suggests that if households

invested in more productive assets, they would pay for themselves in a relatively short

time. (However, it is important to note that the effect is on gross, rather than net

income, so the return on productive assets cannot be directly calculated based on these


Household size in adult equivalent (FAMSZADUL) also increases the annual

income of a household. A one-unit increase family size in adult equivalent increases

the total income of a household by about ETB 1,600.

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5.4.6 Comparison of sample small-scale irrigation types at household level

In addition to the overall impact that irrigation has on household incomes, it is

relevant to consider the income generated by different types of irrigation systems.

Each small-scale irrigation type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Sample

households use concrete river/spring diversion, motor pump irrigation, treadle pump

irrigation and traditional river diversion. Sample small-scale irrigation types and irrigated crop income.

The concrete canal river/spring diversion generates more income per

household on average than other irrigation types. The mean annual irrigated cropping

income from concrete canal river/spring diversion is ETB 25,610 (Table 23); 40% of

total mean annual income from all irrigated crops). This indicates that concrete canal

river/spring diversion irrigation produces the highest income share compared with the

other sample small-scale irrigation types. The reason is the amount of water supplied

is large, especially in Kuhir Michael and Shina PAs. Moreover, water wastage is

relatively low due to the water user association. The association establishes a water

use timetable for all user households, and then the amount of water supplied to

irrigated farm plots is equal and adequate. This limits water theft and conflict among

irrigation water users. The concrete canal river/spring diversion water user pays for the

water. The payment depends on the amount of irrigated land owned by a household.

The average payment was ETB 40 / ha/year. The users believed that the payment is

low compared to the benefits provided by the service, which is consistent with the

findings of this study with regard to the impact of irrigation water access on household


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The small-scale irrigation type that produced the second-largest amount of

income per household was the motor pump. Motor pump irrigation users can access

water easily from any perennial rivers. Motor pump are widely used in the study area.

Rivers such as Gumara, Rib and Eriza are widely exploited by motor pump irrigation

users. The mean annual irrigated cropping income from motor pump is ETB 22,422

(Table 23). Households who have a motor pump get additional income by renting the

pump for other households. However, an issue is the cost of fuel and durability of the


Table 23: The sample small-scale irrigation types and irrigated crop income per

irrigating household


types Obs. Mean


deviation Minimum Maximum Percent





24 25,610 21,253.4 4,895 80,380 40

Motor pump 24 22,422 17,886.9 1,176 62,841 34

Pedal pump 20 9,502 7,217.1 1,658 29,240 12

Total 90 17,271 17,011.5 649 80,380 100

Many households use traditional river diversion in the study area. The mean

annual irrigated crop income from this irrigation system is ETB 9,615 per household.

This irrigation system has no direct cash cost; the river diversion is made by user

farmers using their own labor. For this reason, poor rural households are more often

interested in and use this irrigation system. The main problem in traditional river

diversion was the shortage of water due to lack of rivers accessible to traditional

diversion. The more easily traditionally diverted rivers often provide limited water in

the dry months before irrigated crops are harvested.

Pedal pumps have high demand by irrigation user households in the study area

due to their low cost and the easy water access they allow. In the Fogera plain, the

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water table is high, so many households use bucket and jar irrigation from shallow

wells. These households have high demand for treadle pump especially the Indian

treadle pump. The mean annual income from pedal pump irrigation is ETB 9,502 per

household. It is relevant to compare the income from crops under different types of

irrigation systems, even thought this does not control for other factors that may

influence cropping income and therefore cannot be used directly to indicate that one

irrigation type is more profitable than another. As noted in Chapter 4, with four

irrigation types there are six pair wise comparisons, which will be tested for

differences with a combined overall significance level using the Games-Howell test.

The statistical mean comparison revealed that concrete canal river/spring

diversion has a significant difference with traditional river diversion and pedal pump

at the 5 % and 1 % significance levels, respectively (Table 24). Motor pump irrigation

has also a significance difference with traditional river diversion and pedal pump at a

5 % significance level. However, there is no significant difference between concrete

river/spring diversion and motor pump, nor a significant difference between traditional

river diversion and pedal pump.

Table 24: The sample small-scale irrigation types and irrigated crop income

Post Hoc multiple comparisons, Games-Howell

(I) Sample small-

scale irrigation types

(J) Sample small-scale

irrigation types






Concrete canal

river/spring diversion

Traditional river diversion 15994.8**


Motor pump 3187.6 5.670.3

Treadle pump 16107.6***


Traditional river


Motor pump -1.2807.2**


Pedal pump 112.8 2.720.4

Motor pump Pedal pump 12920.0**


***, ** indicate significant at the 1% and 5% significance levels, respectively.

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82 The small-scale irrigation types and total income of household

Irrigation has significant impact on the total income of a household in addition

to the impact on cropping income. Small-scale irrigating households have higher mean

value income than non-irrigating households. The amount of annual total income of a

household is influenced by the type of small-scale irrigation used.

Table 25: Small scale irrigation types and total income of a household

Irrigation types Obs. Mean Std.

deviation Minimum Maximum

Concrete canal

river/spring diversion 24 46,530 26,736 17,775 106,000

Traditional river

diversion 22 25,544 11,613 10,860 50,797

Motor pump 24 44,840 22,521 6,802 92,741

Treadle pump 20 24,419 10,453 6,948 44,174

Non-irrigating 90 16,466 11,232 1,256 44,907

Total 180 26,251 19,930 1,256 106,000

Canal river diversion users have the highest average total household income,

with a mean of ETB 46,530. The average annual income for motor pump irrigating

households is similar to that of concrete canal river/spring diversion, with ETB

44,840. Traditional river diversion and pedal pump irrigation have mean annual

incomes significantly lower than canal or motor pump users, with ETB 25,544 and

24,419, respectively.

It is pertinent to compare the total mean annual income under four different

types of irrigating and non-irrigating households, even thought this does not control

for other factors that may influence mean annual income of household (Table 26). For

the four types of irrigation and non-irrigation systems, there are nine pair wise

comparisons that were tested for differences with a combined overall significance

level using the Games-Howell test. The statistical mean comparisons revealed that the

four irrigation systems have a significant difference with non-irrigation system.

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Table 26:Small-scale irrigation types and the mean annual income of a household

(I) Sample small-

scale irrigation types

(J) Sample small-

scale irrigation



difference (I-J) Std. Error

Concrete canal

river/spring diversion

Traditional river

diversion 20986.3

** 5992.9

Motor pump 1689.5 7135.8

Pedal pump 22111.1*** 5937.1

Non-irrigating 30063.6*** 5584.6

Traditional river


Motor pump -19296.7*** 5221.5

Pedal pump 1124.8 3404.9

Non-irrigating 9077.3**


Motor pump Pedal pump 20421.6*** 5157.2

Non-irrigating 28374.0*** 4747.1

Pedal pump Non-irrigating 7952.5** 2620.1

***, ** indicate significant at the 1% and 5% significance levels, respectively.

5.5 Poverty analysis

5.5.1 Poverty level in the study area

As described in chapter 4, the absolute poverty line (i.e., people unable to attain their

minimum nutritional requirements) was defined as the value of current income at the

twenty-fifth percentile of sample households and moderate poverty line is the value of

current income at the thirtieth percentile for sample households. These poverty

threshold values allow computation of the proportion of households in poverty, and

the poverty gap.

The absolute poverty head count ratios of irrigating and non-irrigating

households were 7 % and 43%, respectively (Table 27).The moderate poverty head

count ratios of irrigating and non-irrigating households were 10% and 50 %,

respectively. In the study area, of the sample population who live below the absolute

poverty level, 88% are non-irrigating households and only 12% are irrigating

households. This suggests that irrigation may have a significant impact on rural

poverty alleviation.

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Table 27: Poverty comparison between irrigating and non-irrigating household

Absolute poverty line Moderate poverty line

Head count

ratio (P0)

Poverty gap

index (P1)

Head count

ratio (P0)

Poverty gap

index (P1)


households 0.07 0.29 0.10 0.33


household 0.43 0.43 0.50 0.47

The poverty gap index shows the proportionate shortfall of average income

from poverty line. Because the definitions of absolute and moderate poverty were

similar (a difference of only about 200 ETB per person per year), the calculated

poverty gap values for absolute and moderate poverty levels are similar for a given

household type (Table 27). The estimated poverty gap index using the absolute

poverty line for irrigating and non-irrigating household were 29 %and 43%,

respectively, while the poverty gap index using the moderate poverty line for irrigating

and non-irrigating households were found to be 33% and 47%, respectively. The

average income gap of poor people is ETB 943 and 1399 for irrigating and non-

irrigating households, respectively. The estimated average income required to bring

the poor people out of poverty (poverty line) for non-irrigating households was higher

by ETB 546 than irrigating households. The poverty gap index is much larger for non-

irrigating households, which again suggests that irrigation may play a role in poverty


The poverty gap concept can also be expressed in terms of monetary values

rather than as a proportion, and this is undertaken for individual PAs (Table 28) and

by irrigation use status (Table 31).

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Table 28: The average income poverty gap of the poor by sample PAs

PAs Mean income per adult

equivalent of the poor, ETB

Mean of income poverty

Gap, ETB

Werota Zuria 2,290 935

Bebekis 1,500 1,725

Kokit 2,210 1,015

Kuhir Michael 1,995 1,230

Shina 2,652 573

Overall 1,887 1,338

The overall income gap of poor people was ETB 1,338. The estimated average

income gap of poor people differs by PA; the gap is lowest in Shina (ETB 573), and

highest in Bebekis (ETB 1,725, nearly three times that in Shina), this is due to that

Shina is high irrigation potential area. The two irrigable rivers Gumara and Rib are

exploited in this PA. In Shina all households are irrigation users. Thus, the poverty gap

is low whereas in Bebekis the main irrigation water source is spring development. The

amount of water is limited. The access of irrigation from rivers is limited. Thus,

households who are accessed to river and spring irrigation have high income whereas

those who cannot get are low in income. Therefore, the poverty gap is high in this PA.

Table 29: The average income poverty gap between irrigating and non-irrigating


Mean income per adult

equivalent of the poor, ETB

Mean of income

poverty Gap ETB

Irrigating 2,282 943

Non-irrigating 1,826 1399

Total 1,887 1338

The average income gap of irrigating households was lower than non-irrigating

households. This suggests that access to irrigation reduces the poverty gap (and thus

reduces the average extent of poverty). The numbers of households below the

moderate poverty line are fifty-four (based on the thirtieth percentile of current income

and N=180 total households). Of these 54, 49 (91%) are non-irrigating households.

The five households below the moderate poverty line use different irrigation

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technologies: two use pedal pump, one uses traditional river diversion, one uses motor

pump, and one uses concrete canal river/spring diversion. The number of irrigating

households below the poverty line is small, which makes it difficult to assess the

impact of irrigation types on the likelihood of a household being in poverty.

5.5.2 Multivariate Logit regression

A Logit regression model is used to assess the impact of various factors

including irrigation access on the probability that a household is in poverty. For this

analysis, the poverty threshold is the absolute poverty line, which is defined as the

current income at the twenty-fifth percentile of the sampled households. The overall

significance of the regression is good (Table 30) based on the probability of getting a

LR test (as indicated by the small p- value from the LR test of < 0.00001). Moreover,

many of the coefficients of independent variables in the model are significant and have

the expected sign.

The estimated coefficient for dummy variable access to irrigation with the odds

of being poor over non-poor was negatively correlated and significant. This suggests

that the probability to being poor decreases if one has access to irrigation, other factors

being constant. This likely is due to the influence that irrigation on crop intensity and

crop diversification. Cropping intensity is higher in irrigated household as compared

to non-irrigating households.

The estimated coefficient for dummy variable access to irrigation with the odd

of being poor over non-poor was negatively correlated and significant. This suggests

that the probability to being poor decreases if one has access to irrigation, other things

factors being constant. This probably is due to the influence that irrigation has on crop

intensity and crop diversification. Cropping intensity is higher in irrigated household

as compared to non-irrigating households. Because the definition of the poverty

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threshold in this study is based on current income, and previous results suggest that

access to irrigation increases income (especially from cropping), it is not particularly

surprising that the likelihood of poverty is lowered by irrigation use.

Table 30: Parameter estimates of a logit model for determinants of a household


Determinants Coef. St. Error Odds ratio Std. Err.

AGEHH 0.02 0.02 1.02 0.02

DEPRATIO 0.08 0.32 1.08 0.34

GENDEHH -1.58**

0.70 0.21 0.14

EDUHH -1.73***

0.56 0.18 0.09

LANDSZ -1.95 **

0.51 0.01 0.01

ASSETHH -0.001 0.001 0.99 0.001

IRR -1.95 ***

0.51 0.14 0.07

NBOX -2.40 *

1.29 0.09 0.12

Constant 3.26 1.56

Number of Obs.

LR chi2(8)

Prob > chi2

Log likelihood

Pseudo R2




- 63.76


***, ** and * are significant at 1 percent, 5 percent and 10 percent significance level,


However, other factors also influence the likelihood that a household is in

poverty. As expected, the coefficient of household education is negatively correlated

with poverty and significant. The results suggest that household head who is literate

had a lower probability of being poor compared with those who are illiterate.

Education is assumed to increase productivity and thereby lead to higher levels of

welfare for the household.

Poverty also is more likely for female-headed households. This may be due to

the fact that female-headed households are responsible for all household tasks in

addition to farm activity. Most of female-headed households are older and less

educated compared with counterpart male-headed households. Irrigation and other

farm operation need high labor especially for intensive ploughing, but female-headed

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households are disadvantageous with respect to labor endowments. Irrigating female-

headed household (7% of total households) were few compared to non-irrigating

female-headed household head (17% of total household). Female- headed households

also cultivated small size of land (0.89 ha) compared with male- headed household

(1.01 ha).

The coefficient of land holding per capita was negatively correlated with the

probability of a person being poor and statistically significant. The odds ratio

illustrates that a one-ha increase in land holding per capita, the odds of being poor

decrease markedly (although this is not surprising given that it would result in a

doubling of average farm size).

As expected, the number of oxen owned was negatively correlated with the

probability of a person being poor and statistically significant (but only at the 10 %

level). This shows that oxen are an important means of land cultivation and basic

factor of production. Households who own more oxen have better chance to not be in

poverty because the possession of oxen allows effective utilization of the land and

labor resources of the household.

A number of variables had no statistically significant impact on the odds ratio.

Asset holding per capita was negatively correlated with the probability of a person

being poor, but somewhat surprisingly was not statistically significant. Household

head age also had no statistically significant impact on the probability of a person

being poor which contrasts with findings of previous studies such as Bigsten et al.


The dependency ratio often is assumed to be positively correlated with the

probability of being poor, because the burden of supporting family members too

young or too old for productive work falls on other members of the household. In this

study, the dependency ratio is computed by taking only old age members above 64

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years and children with age less than 15 years. The probability being poor may

increase if other sick, disabled, or weak members of the household are considered. In

addition Ethiopia has high population growth rate, 2.6 percent (CSA 2007), which

increases the dependency ratio and increase the probability being poor. Although the

coefficient had a positive value for this sample, it was not statistically significant.

Consistent with the initial hypothesis, the Logit regression analysis indicates

that access to irrigation markedly reduces the odds that a household will be in poverty,

at least based on the poverty definition used in this study. Other variables that reduce

the likelihood of poverty are household head education, per capita land holding,

ownership of oxen and male headed of household head.

5.6 Problems encountered in small-scale irrigation development

Small-scale irrigation has immense potential to improve the incomes of poor

rural households in developing countries like Ethiopia, but it is never free from

problems. A field survey with focus group discussion and key informant interviews

indicates that small-scale irrigation‟s great benefit is accompanied with

multidimensional problems. The problems of small-scale irrigation technology

development range from individual household‟s biased attitudes to institutional

arrangements. The major problems encountered in small-scale irrigation in the study

area are problems related to cost, institutional problems, the policy environment,

design issues, cultural factors and environmental problems.

Loss of water through seepage is the main problem in small-scale irrigation

systems in the study area. The non-durability of the physical structure of irrigation

schemes and the Vertisol nature of the study area causes high water seepage from river

diversion canals. Seepage from irrigation canals is the main causes for water losses in

Kuhir Michael.

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The area development agent Ato Mekonen says “the water loss through canal

seepage is the main problem for the source of water shortage for the downstream PA,

Shina.” The canals were constructed in 2003, and the canal‟s service length and the

black soil nature of the area may cause the canal to be non-functional in the absence of

a strong water use association. The current association mends the canal when there is

damage, and protects against any misuse or activities that might damage the canal.

Water loss through seepage occurs with motor water pumps also (Figure 16). In

Werota Zuria PA, Ato Amare cultivated oats using a motorized pump drawing water

from the Eriza River. The main problem faced in his irrigation activities is the water

loss through seepage from the delivery hose.

Figure 15: Water loss through seepage from river diversion canal

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The lack of spare parts in the local market plus the expense of new ones causes

difficulty for his irrigation activities. Therefore, seepage causes water shortage in the

study area in addition to evaporation and transpiration.

Problems with irrigation water distribution also exist in the study area. In the

five PAs studied, water distribution and water use principles are unregulated except in

Kuhir Michael, Shina and Bebekis where there are water use associations. This causes

many conflicts between upstream and downstream irrigating households. For instance,

in Werota Zuria PA there were conflicts on the Eriza River between downstream and

upstream irrigating households. The main cause of the problem is the amount of water

is very small in Eriza River at the end of February; the upstream community always

uses all amount of water through modern concrete canal river diversion. There are

many households who use motor pump irrigation in the downstream but receive no

water during parts of the year. This creates conflict between upstream and downstream

water users. Finally, the district judiciary court and the area political leaders resolved

the issue through a water use program that allowed use from Monday to Friday for the

upstream irrigation users and from Saturday to Sun day for downstream users.

Generally, water distribution is the main issue in any irrigation schemes. The study

revealed that there are no standardized programs and plans to irrigate each cultivated

crops. Irrigation water use depends only on spatial location of the farm plot; it does

not consider the amount of water required for the type of cultivated crop, time interval

of water application and the size of each irrigated land sizes.

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Figure 16: Water loss from motor pump

Lack of spare parts for water pumps and shortage of fuel is an issue. The lack

of imported spare parts for motor pumps and treadle pumps are main causes for

reduced efficiency in small-scale irrigation in the study area. Since there are many

perennial rivers like Gumara and Rib in the study area, motor pump irrigation is used

by many households. The main problems in motor pump irrigation are the frequent

damage of the pump, lack of awareness of how to operate, cost of fuel and of the

pump, and lack of credit.

In the focus group discussion, farmers prefer the Robin motor pump, which is

made in Japan. Farmers are more interested with this motor pump because of its

durability and ease to operate. But, the office of agriculture supplied the Haowmax

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motor pump on credit, which is made by Chain. The office of agriculture supplied this

motor pump rather than Robin due to the higher capacity and the lower priced fuel

used (Nafita). In contrast, the Robin used a more costly type of fuel (Benzene). But,

farmers strongly complain about the Haowmax motor pump because it is easily

damaged. The office of agriculture responds to this problem with discussions with the

Chain Company to solve the difficulty.

Pedal pumps are the other small-scale irrigation technology in the study area.

The pedal pumps used in the study area were imported from India. In the key

informant interview and focus group discussion the main problems with pedal pumps

are lack of spare parts and non-functionality due to long service. At present, most of

these Indian-made pumps no longer have suction hose and delivery hose and have lost

tightness at the joints (Figure 17).

Figure 17: Parts of pedal pump demonstrate loss of tightness

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The pedal pumps are also highly demanded by farmers but supply in the

market is limited. The office of agriculture has substituted an Ethiopian-made pedal

pump, but users complain about its weight (and therefore higher labor requirement to

operate) and its low water pumping capacity. At present, most of these pedal pumps

are non-functional because of lack of spare parts, but farmers still have high demand

for the Indian treadle pumps because of their simplicity to operate.

Lack of market and marketing facility is another issue. Although not directly

related to the functioning of irrigation systems per se, the market is considered one of

the main problems in the study area. Cultivated vegetables using small-scale

irrigations like onion, tomato, potato and the like are highly perishable and bulky

crops, so an efficient marketing channel is necessary.

However, the study area marketing system does not always facilitate outcomes

desired by farmers. One reason is the similarity of products and marketing patterns;

onion and tomato are the dominant crops, often harvested by farmers at the same time,

which leads to a high availability and low prices during the main marketing period.

Compounding this, because there is no efficient storage system in the study area,

products quality deteriorates rapidly, which means that farmers must sell within a very

short time, often at what they consider low prices. In some PAs, such as Kuhir

Michael and Shina, which have water use associations, market risk is relatively low.

The water use association has different teams such as marketing team, input supply

team, conflict resolution team and the like. One of the main duties of marketing team

is following the market for their products, and timing sales to increase returns to

farmers. Farmers also perceive that market intermediaries are not pricing products

fairly, which suggests reduced returns and less incentive to invest in the use of


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Shortage of surface water is another problem. There are rivers that have water

for only some of the dry months. Their seasonality is unpredictable, varies depending

on the climatic conditions each year. This seasonality nature of rivers in the area

causes water shortage especially at the flowering period of irrigated crops. The

traditional river diversion and treadle pump irrigation users are more seriously affected

by this type of water shortage. Traditional river diversion irrigation practiced on such

simple rivers that can easily dry up. In the study area, treadle pump irrigation users use

shallow well as their water source. However, these shallow wells dry out during dry

months of the area January, February and March. As shown in the picture (Figure 18),

the shallow well dry at around the flowering and fruiting periods of cultivated crops.

The above picture was taken on 29-January-2011.The cultivated crop on the irrigated

farm plot was tomato.

Figure 18: Non-functional shallow well

Crop diseases are another factor of importance. The study area is intensively

cultivated with the same crops for long periods of time. Onion and tomato are

repeatedly grown crops. In addition to the loss of productivity and fertility, this

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cultivation strategy facilitates crop disease like root rot and cut warm. Imported inputs

to control these problems, such as herbicides and pesticides, are costly for farmers to

purchase. Therefore, diseases and pests can limit the economic benefits of small-scale

irrigation activities in the study area.

The price of imported inputs such as fertilizer, chemical and fuel has increased

over time, in part due to depreciation of the ETB in world currency markets. One

result is that the application of fertilizers on their farm plots is below the

recommended levels. Chemicals like pesticides and herbicides are also costly to apply.

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The objective of this study was to assess the impact of small-scale irrigation on

total income and poverty at the household level. The study was conducted in Fogera

district, Upper Blue Nile basin, focusing on four small-scale irrigation types and five

sample PAs. The selection of irrigation types and sample PAs are purposively on the

basis of the irrigation potential.

6.1 Conclusions

Access to irrigation increases the opportunity for crop intensity and

diversification, which increase cropping income. Irrigation is becoming a practice to

increase total annual income for many households in the study area. In addition to

their normal rainfed cultivation, irrigating households cultivate cash crops using small-

scale irrigation. The main irrigated crops were onion, tomato, potato, maize, oat and

vetch. Irrigated crops were selected due to good production potential, economic

returns and ease of cultivation, respectively. Onion and rice were the major income

source crops for irrigating and non-irrigating households, respectively.

The main income sources of rural household in the study area were cropping,

livestock and off-farm activities. Irrigating households have significantly larger mean

annual income than non-irrigating households, but income also differs based on the

type of irrigation used. The average annual total income of sample small-scale

irrigating households was larger for concrete canal river/spring diversion and motor

pump users compared to traditional river diversion and pedal. The findings of this

study are consistent with previous ones such as Nhundu et al. (2010) and Hussain and

Biltonen (2001).

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Econometric analyses that control for other factors that influence household

income indicate that accesses to small–scale irrigation increases mean household

income significantly (about ETB 3,353 per year, or a 27 % increase over non-

irrigating households). This is hypothesized to occur primarily through crop

intensification and crop diversification, but this was not examined in this study. It is

important to note that other factors (such as production input use) also had large

effects on household income, and this study did not explore in detail the

complementarities between irrigation access and other input use.

The other objective of this study is to assess the impact of irrigation on the

likelihood that a household was in poverty. The results indicate that irrigation

development has a profound impact in alleviating poverty. The poverty analysis

indicates that a much higher proportion of those who are poor are non-irrigating rather

than irrigating households. Thus, the poverty prevalence in non-irrigating households

is by far greater than in irrigating households. This suggests that irrigation has an

important influence on rural poverty alleviation. Econometric analyses indicate that

use of irrigation reduces the probability of a household being poor, controlling for

other factors.

Because small-scale irrigation increases mean annual household income,

irrigating households have lower probability of being poor than non-irrigating

households. From the extremely poor households, only 12% were irrigating

households and the remaining 88 % did not irrigate. In the Logit model analysis, the

estimated coefficient for dummy variable access to irrigation with odds of being poor

over no-poor was negatively correlated and significant. The probability to being poor

decreases if one has access to irrigation, other factors being constant. This suggests

that irrigation has significant impact on rural poverty alleviation.

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The study identified many problems in irrigation development through group

discussion and key informant interviews. The main problems are lack of access to

surface water, loss of water through seepage, problem of irrigation water distribution,

lack of spare parts for water pumps, high cost of fuel for water pumps, lack of market

transparency and marketing facilities, crop disease, and the perceived high cost of


6.2 Policy implications

This study has found that irrigation development helps to increase household

income and reduces the incidence of poverty at the household level. Based on these

findings as well as the outcomes of focus group discussions and key informant

interviews, further development and refinement of small-scale irrigation systems

appears merited. This, of course, raises the question about this might best be

undertaken. Although a formal analysis of strategies for future irrigation development

is beyond the scope of this research, following actions are suggested to facilitate future

irrigation development.

1. Ensure irrigation water access, especially through groundwater

Access to irrigation has significant impact to promote total income and reduces the

probability of households being poor. The main reason for non-irrigating households

(85 percent) not to irrigate is lack of access to surface water. Moreover, the

availability of surface water for only short periods in some areas causes loss of lower

crop yield in dry periods, even for irrigating households. Therefore, in addition to

surface water, the use of groundwater for small-scale irrigation is likely to be valuable

for future irrigation development. Previous studies indicate that the study area, Lake

Tana basin has high groundwater potential (Johnston et al., 2010). According to

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Abedin et al. and Girum (2010), the Fogera alluvial deposited flood plains have

considerable potential for shallow groundwater. Therefore it is appropriate to give

attention to exploit both the surface and groundwater potential of area.

2. Renewed and improved the existed concrete canal river/spring diversion

The concrete canal river/spring diversion has great impact on poverty reduction

by increasing household income. All these types of sample small-scale irrigation were

constructed more than eight years ago in the study areas. They are now cracked and

there is a water seepage problem. The irrigated land coverage is also small compared

with the potential of the area. The Bureau of Agriculture and rural development is

responsible for irrigation development cooperated with governmental and non-

governmental organizations. In the interview and focus group discussions, concrete

canal river diversion user households feel that the water use payment is very low.

They want better service with better payment. Therefore, the Bureau of Agriculture

and Rural Development should give more emphasis on the mending of the existing

schemes and scaling up of the irrigation schemes for sustainable income growth and

poverty reduction at household level.

3. Supply water pumps on the basis of users demand

Water pumps like the motor pump and pedal pump are used in the study area

for irrigation. The supply of these irrigation technologies should be more closely

aligned with the pump characteristics that farmers demand. For instance, the India

pedal pump and Robin motor pump have high demand in the study area, but the access

to such water pumps is limited. In particular, farmers do not have access to the India

pedal pump in the market. Water pumps are profitable for user households. For

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example, the annualized cost 11

of a motor pump is ETB 785 based on an initial cost of

ETB 6,430 a useful life of 8 years, and a salvage value of ETB 2,000 and an interest

rate of 5 %. The marginal return of irrigation access (although not specifically for the

motor pump, which serves as one example of the technologies that could be used) is

ETB 3,353 per year. The net margin return 12

(NMR) of the motor pump is ETB 2,568

per year and it would require two and half years to pay back the cost of the pump.

Pedal pumps were provided on credit for ETB 430 by office of agriculture, to be paid

back within a year. Thus, concerned governmental and non-governmental

organizations should give emphasis on the supply of water pumps in demand driven.

4. Strengthen education and training

Education has paramount impact on income improvement and poverty

alleviation over time. The two econometric model analyses indicate that literacy has a

large positive impact on household income and also reduces the likelihood that a

household will be in poverty. These effects likely occur because illiterate households

have difficulty accessing extension services and adoption recommendation.


Annualized cost of the motor pump is the amount of cost incurred in a year for the equipment which

has useful life longer than one year. Monke and Pearson (1989) suggest:



Net margin return above pump cost (NMR) = Additional annual revenue from irrigation – annual

cost of the pump.

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Education and training facilitates the effective communication between farmers and

agricultural information providers like extension workers. Although the specific

approach to be recommended requires further study, attention should be given to

strengthen education and training for sustainable poverty alleviation in the long r

5. Improving the marketing system

Returns to irrigation are affected by the marketing channel, in part because the

main irrigated crops (onion and tomato) are harvested at similar times by farmers and

are perishable. An effective marketing system will facilitate irrigation adoption.

Hence, the concerned bodies like governmental extension services, farmers‟

cooperatives and non-governmental market organizations should support the further

development of the efficient marketing systems in the study area. This may include

provision of marketing facilities, information provision and monitoring of costs and

returns in the supply chain.

6. Ensure access for imported inputs

The important imported inputs are chemical fertilizers, herbicides and

pesticides. In the study area, these inputs are used below the recommended level

because of their high cost and shortage of supply. Access and proper utilization

agricultural inputs are important for sustainable agricultural productivity and

improvement. The government, cooperative organizations and private organizations

should give attention on the supply of these inputs on time and in adequate amount.

Further studies of the marginal returns to these inputs compared to their costs could

facilitate development of approaches to increase input use, when appropriate.

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7. Strengthening water use association

There are water use association in the three sample PAs, Shina, Quhir Michael

and Bebekis. In focus group discussion and key informant interview, these

associations have multiple purposes, such as equal distribution of water, conflict

resolution, input supply, source of market information. Although not formally

analyzed in this study, it appears that the water management and marketing functions

undertaken by the associations can have a significant impact a on the current and

future returns from irrigation use. That is, it is not simply access to irrigation water per

se that increases household incomes, but an organizational and institutional structure

that maintains adequate water access and provide information for improved

management and marketing decisions. The concerned bodies should further study the

impacts of, and encourage the establishment of additional water use associations to

promote irrigation development.

6.3 Limitations and questions for future studies

This study focuses on the impact of irrigation on gross income and poverty

reduction at household level. However, there are limitations that need further in-depth

analysis, including the net income analysis of irrigation technologies using cost-

benefit analysis. Another issue needing further research is the groundwater potential

and the choice of irrigation technology types (small-scale, medium scale or large

scale) and their impact on income and poverty. The impact of irrigation on actual

livelihood change on the community like nutritional outcomes, and other indicators of

household well-being need further study. Another issue to be addressed is that

irrigated crops were cultivated and harvested by all farmers at the same time, which

causes the perceived problems of marketing and post harvest handling in the study


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Some of the key limitations relate to the ability to generalize from this thesis

work. These limitations are:

The study looked at one region of Ethiopia (with presumably greater potential for

irrigation development) for a relatively short period of time. This can make it difficult

to generalize about irrigation‟s impacts elsewhere in Ethiopia and in other developing

countries. It is also a challenge to sort out the dynamic impacts of irrigation from a

single-period study. As one example, the study treats livestock as exogenous (given in

a particular year) but higher incomes from irrigation over time may allow additional

livestock accumulation, which could further increase incomes. Another limitation is

that the study considered gross income, rather than net income, and did not assess

whether higher incomes resulted in improved outcomes such as nutritional status,

health status or education.

Future research questions that follow not so much from the study direct finings

but from the study suggested actions are:

• Which types of irrigation are most cost-effective (cost-benefit analysis

comparing net income to costs) under what conditions?

• What strategies can address the shortages of parts?

• What programs might best make pumps and parts available to farmers?

• What educational efforts could improve returns from irrigation?

• What are the complementarities between irrigation, and other inputs, including


• What organization for and activities of water use associations benefit farm

households, and why?

• To what extent would improvements in the marketing system increase farmer

returns and facilitate irrigation adoption?

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Table A1: The price of crops and vegetables in 2009/2010

Crop type Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apri. May Jun Ave.


Teff 694 620 583 606 568 610 525 798 626

Barely 315 316 285 307.5 302 314 298 399 317

Wheat 400 476 477 491 478 485 467 429 463

Finger m. 300 332 320 340 320 360 345 400 340

Maize 300 295 256 307.5 293 259 267 331 289

Sorghum 338 332 322 308 278 275 263 255 296

Rice 675 503 622 610.5 596 652 659 716 629

Beans 397 458 339 473.5 438 440 434 417 425

Peas 415 432 405 433.5 472 482 480 454 447

Chickpea 385 372 343 402.5 390 409 404 375 385

Vetch 250 220 300 300 380 400 390 400 330

Lentil 680 630 659 682 679 738 737 736 693

Nug 471 589 591 559.5 516 581 577 556 555

Oat 400 400 500 550 540 680 710 800 573

Rapeseed 285 270 239 261 223 298 306 373 282

Fennfrek 560 599 810 635 648 678 705 688 666

Pepper 1365 1555 1585 1636 1770 1749 1769 1471 1613

Tomato 421 301 275 202.5 103 111 122 360 237

Onion 558 503 516 500 428 390 327 558 473

Garlic 610 606 602 616.5 618 610 617 545 603

Potato 244 205 229 305 165 197 214 220 222

Kosta 242 208 178 219 206 230 215 205 213

Cabbage 283 265 241 231.5 225 230 231 236 243

Honey 1840 1866 2000 2173 3200 2240 2184 2202 2213

Skin 10.5 10 10 11 10 11.5 11.5 12 11

Milk 356 356 336 332.5 348 350 349 436 358

Butter 3505 3708 3760 4025 4270 4560 5049 4680 4195

Source: Fogera District Agricultural and Rural Development office (2010)

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Table A2: Conversion factor for Adult equivalent

Years of age Men Women

0-1 0.33 0.33

1-2 0.46 0.46

2-3 0.54 0.54

3-5 0.62 0.62

5-7 0.74 0.70

7-10 0.84 0.72

10-12 0.88 0.78

12-14 0.96 0.84

16-18 1.14 0.86

18-30 1.04 0.80

30-60 1.00 0.82

60 plus 0.84 0.74

Source: Dercon and Krishnan (1998)

Table A3: Conversion factor for Tropical Livestock Unit (TLU)

Livestock Type TLU

Ox 1.10

Cow 1.0

Heifer 0.50

Bull 0.6

Calves 0.20

Sheep 0.01

Goat 0.09

Donkey 0.5

Horse 0.80

Mule 0.7

Poultry 0.01

Source: Abdinasir, Ibrahim (2000)

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The questionnaire is prepared to undertake a study on the effect of selected small-scale

irrigation on poverty reduction at house hold level. The purpose of the questionnaire

is to gather information on irrigating and non-irrigating household‟s socio-economic,

agricultural and non-agricultural activities, access for services and other important

information. Dear respondents, the result of this study will help different stakeholders

and policy makers to make appropriate measures on irrigation development in the

future. Your responses are confidential. Therefore, you are kindly requested to provide

genuine responses. Thank you for your time and cooperation!


a. Code _________________

b. Peasant Association name (PA) _____________________

c. Village___________________________________

1. Demographic Characteristics of the Household

1. Household head name: __________________

2. Age of the household head ____________________

2. 1. Age, sex and education of all household members including permanently

employed laborer, husband and wife.

Age Male Female Educatio


Age Male Female Education


0-1 12-14

1-2 16-18

2-3 18-30

3-5 30-60

5-7 60-64

7-10 above 64

10-12 Total

1. Sex of the household head _____________

1= Male 2 = Female

2. Education of the household head _________

0 = illiterate

1 = Read and writ 1 = Elementary complete

3 = Junior complete

4 = High school complete & above

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3. Education of the spouse___________

0 = illiterate

1 = Read and writ

2 = Elementary complete

3 = Junior complete

4 = High school complete & above

4. Religion________

1 = Christian

2 = Muslim

3 = Traditional

4 = other

7. Total family numbers of the household______________________________

8. Do you face labor shortage?

0 = No 2 = Yes

9. Type of your house

0 = Grass roofed 1 = Corrugated iron roofed house

2. Resource endowments 2.1. Farmland and other assets


Land Type

Size in


Other assets


1. Yes

2. No

How much it

cost now

(Value) in


1 Currently


5 Agricultural


a. Own a. Motor pump

b. Rented in b. Pedal pump

c. Shared in c. Well

d. Shared out

Rented Out 6 Business assets

2 Fallow land a. Mill

3 Pasture land b. Shop

4 Woodlots c. Carts

Page 132: THE IMPACT OF SELECTED SMALL-SCALE IRRIGATION SCHEMES … · the impact of selected small-scale irrigation schemes


3. Crop production 3.1. Crops production in rainfed, from Nov 2009-June2010



Type of Crops Plot Size






at home









1 Teff

2 Maize

3 Wheat

4 Barely

5 Sorghum

6 Finger millet

7 Rice

8 Beans

9 Peas

10 Chickpea

11 Vetch

12 Lentil

13 Noug

14 Sesame

15 Rapeseed

16 Linseed

17 Garlic

18 Fennfreek

19 Other crops

3.2. Vegetable, Fruit, and woodlot production in rainfed No Type of Crop


Plot Size






at home










1 Tomato

2 Potato

3 Pepper

4 Onion

5 Cabbage

6 Kosta

7 Others


1 Avocado

2 Orange

3 Lemon

4 Others


1 Eucalyptus

2 Gesho

Page 133: THE IMPACT OF SELECTED SMALL-SCALE IRRIGATION SCHEMES … · the impact of selected small-scale irrigation schemes


1. Are you irrigation user?

0 = No

1 = Yes

a. If the answer is No, what was the reasons not using irrigation?

1 = No farmland in surface water access

2 = No awareness about it

3 = Sufficient rain and moisture

4 = others

2. Which small-scale irrigation type do you use?

1 = Modern micro dam

2 = Traditional river diversion

3 = Motor pump

4 = Treadle pump

5 = others specify_____________________

3. How long do you use irrigation farming? ______________years

0 = No irrigation farming before

1 = 0-2 years

2 = 2-4 years

3 = 4-6 years

4 = 6-8 years

5 = 8 and above years

4. What are the major problems you face/observe in your irrigation farming

_______________________ and what actions do you take to solve the problem


5. The major problems encountered in small-scale irrigation schemes you use per

crop season.

5.1. a. In the upgraded small-scale irrigation, how much payment /one crop season,

if any, ____________________

b. What do you feel about the payment, if you feel the cost is high how much is the

reasonable price ________________________________________________

c. What are the major problems encountered in the use of upgraded small-scale

irrigation, what is your opinion about the



5.2. a. What are the major problems in using Motor pump for small-scale

irrigation? What is your opinion about the solution



5.3. a. What are the major problems in using Pedal pump for small-scale irrigation?

What is your opinion about the solution______________________________

Page 134: THE IMPACT OF SELECTED SMALL-SCALE IRRIGATION SCHEMES … · the impact of selected small-scale irrigation schemes


5.4. Well:

a. For what purpose the well water used? If the water was used for irrigation how the

water drawn out from the well



b. What is the depth of the well in meter? ________, for how long do you use the

well once constructed ____________, if there are a frequent failure what was the main

reasons __________________________________________________________

c. On average for how many months the water available in the well within a


1. How much of your land is used by irrigation_________________________

2. Have you cultivated the total of your irrigable land during the last dry season

0 = No

1 = Yes

If your answer to question is No, what are the reasons? (Circle the answers)

1 = Shortage of family labor

2 = Lack of seed

3 = Lack of oxen

4 = Enough production rainfed

5 = Lack of credit

6 = Others specify

8. Have you rented in or rented out any cultivable land

0 = No

1 = Yes

If yes, how much is the cost per Timad per crop season for:

a) Irrigable land______________________________

b) Non-irrigable land_______________________________________

9. What is the source of water for your irrigation?

10. What is the distance between the sources of water to your irrigated land?


11. What is the system of water sharing with others?



12. Is the amount of water is enough to irrigate your land?

1 = River

2 = Well

3 = Spring

4 = Pond

5 = Others

0 = No

Page 135: THE IMPACT OF SELECTED SMALL-SCALE IRRIGATION SCHEMES … · the impact of selected small-scale irrigation schemes


If your answer is no, what mechanisms do you suggest to solve the scarcity of


13. Is there irrigation water use association around your area?

If your answer is yes, what are the benefits obtained from the association and your


4. Production in the irrigation agriculture:

4.1 Crop production in irrigation (Nov 2009- June 2010)

No Type of


Plot Size






at home









1 Teff

2 Maize

3 Wheat

4 Barely

5 Sorghum

6 Finger millet

7 Rice

8 Beans

9 Peas

10 Chickpea

11 Vetch

12 Lentil

13 Noug

14 Sesame

15 Rapeseed

16 Linseed

17 Garlic

18 Fennfreek

19 Other crops

1 = Yes

0 = No

1 = Yes

Page 136: THE IMPACT OF SELECTED SMALL-SCALE IRRIGATION SCHEMES … · the impact of selected small-scale irrigation schemes


4.2. Vegetable, Fruit, and woodlot production in irrigation

No Type of Crop


Plot Size




n (Kg)


at home










1 Tomato

2 Potato

3 Pepper

4 Onion

5 Cabbage

6 Kosta

7 Others


1 Avocado

2 Orange

3 Lemon

4 Others


1 Eucalyptus

2 Gesho

3 Others

16. Why do you select the above type of Vegetable /crops for your irrigation farming?

17. Did you get reasonable price for your produce at the place you used to sell to?

18. What help do you need from the government or any organization on your

irrigation farming________________________________________________

1 = Better price

2 = Good production

3 = High disease tolerance

4 = Easiest to cultivate

5 = Seed availability

6 = Other

0 = No 1 = Yes

Page 137: THE IMPACT OF SELECTED SMALL-SCALE IRRIGATION SCHEMES … · the impact of selected small-scale irrigation schemes


5. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION (Nov. 2009 - June2010) No Type of


No of


If there is any sold






How much if you

want to Sell (Nov-







1 Cow

2 Bull

3 Heifer

4 Calf

5 Ox

6 Mules

7 Horse

8 Donkey

9 Camel

10 Goat

11 Sheep

12 Poultry

13 Bee


5.2 Livestock output N


Commodity type Amount


(liter, Kg, no )


(liter, Kg, no)




1. Dairy output (Dec.1-

15, 2010)

1.1 fluid milk

1.2 Butter

1.3 Yoghurt

1.4 Cheese

1.5 Others

2. Poultry (December1-

30, 2010)

2.1 Egg

2.2 Chicken

3. Honey bee (from the

last one harvest


3.1 Honey

3.2 Bees wax

3.3 Bee colony

4. Animal by-products

Hide and skin


Page 138: THE IMPACT OF SELECTED SMALL-SCALE IRRIGATION SCHEMES … · the impact of selected small-scale irrigation schemes


6. Credit, input and extension service supports in production (2009/10)

6.1 Credit support service 1. Did you need credit for the production of your agricultural products?

0 = No 1 = Yes

2. If yes, did you have access to credit for the production of the Commodities?

0 = No 1 = Yes

3. What is the source of your Credit?

4. Is credit timely and adequately available for agricultural commodities


0 = No

1 = Yes

6.2 Extension services 1. Do you receive any sort of extension services available in your locality?

0 = No

1 = Yes

2. If yes, did you gain any knowledge from the extension agents that could help you

to do things differently on the specific commodities?

0 = No

1 = Yes

3 = If no, specify your reason_________________________

6.3 Access to other Services 1. Do you get market information about prices and demand conditions of agricultural

inputs and out puts?

0 = No

1 = Yes, if yes indicate the source of information___________________

1. Do you use input for the last one cropping season?

0 = No

1 = yes

3. How far do you travel to get local market __________________________km?

4. How far do you travel to get to the nearest school in your vicinity? ______ Km

5. How far do you travel to get the services of all weather roads? ______km

1 = Banks

2 = Friends/relatives

3 = Traders

4 = Microfinance

Page 139: THE IMPACT OF SELECTED SMALL-SCALE IRRIGATION SCHEMES … · the impact of selected small-scale irrigation schemes



7.1. Do any member of your family has involved last year on non/off farm activities?

0 = No 1 = Yes, if the answer is yes, in which one from the next table.

No Off-Farm/Non-farm activities Amount



1 Working on other‟ farm

2 Rent from motor Pump, Pedal pump, Rent from draft

power, and others

3 Daily laborer on construction or other non- farm


4 Self employment in manufacturing e.g. Artisan

(blacksmith, weaving, pottery, )

5 Sales of wood (Charcoal)

6 Sales of local drink

7 Transporting using Carts

8 Hair dressing

9 Sales of stone/sand

10 Salary from temporary or permanent employment




Any comments:




