the illusion of communication

The Illusion of Communicatio n A Leader’s Tale

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Post on 12-May-2015




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Page 1: The Illusion of Communication

The Illusion of Communication

A Leader’s Tale

Page 2: The Illusion of Communication

“The single biggest

problem with

communication is

the illusion it has taken place” G.B.Shaw

Page 3: The Illusion of Communication

Communication works for those who

work at it

Page 4: The Illusion of Communication

Communication is the real work of Leadership

Page 5: The Illusion of Communication

The more elaborate the

means of communication, the

less we communicate

Page 6: The Illusion of Communication

“Start with good people, lay out

the rules, communicate with

your employees, motivate them and reward them. If you do

all those things effectively, you can't miss.”

Page 7: The Illusion of Communication

Communities of PracticeImproving Leadership,

communication and engagement

Page 8: The Illusion of Communication

What is a CoP?

Page 9: The Illusion of Communication


PeopleBrought together

To solve common problems and share common interests

Page 10: The Illusion of Communication

A Community of Practice is a network of individuals with

common problems or interests who get together to explore

ways of working, identify common solutions, and share

good practice and ideas.

Page 11: The Illusion of Communication

Communities do not reproduce

Page 12: The Illusion of Communication

So how are they different?



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What’s in it for





Profile Training

Page 15: The Illusion of Communication

Ingredients for Success

PurposeActivities Members



Page 16: The Illusion of Communication

Success•clear purpose •create a safe and trusted environment•committed core group of active participants •being motivated•knowing the needs of participants•having a clear action plan with activities to meet needs•blending face-to-face and online activities

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Advice• build on personal relationships• use the necessary tools• sponsor, budget, resources• not too fast• manage do not control• light touch• members goals are key

Page 18: The Illusion of Communication

Communities take

Time and Effortto get long term



Page 19: The Illusion of Communication

Knowledge is an importantstrategicresource

Page 20: The Illusion of Communication

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