illusion of australian government

Upload: tobias-teh-awake

Post on 08-Aug-2018




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  • 8/21/2019 illusion of AUSTRALIAN Government


    Australians are waking up to the greatest scamin Australia's history. The truth must be told.

    The illusion of Government

    There is not only a Government of the Commonwealth ofAustralia, there is also an United States owned Corporation


    Here's the proof'Australian Government' is an AmericanCorporation registered in the DISTRICT

    ! C"#$%IA& #nited States

    A merger or gradualism of corporate poer ithgovernmental poer to falsel( deceive the masses

    A corporate ta)e*over via stealth

  • 8/21/2019 illusion of AUSTRALIAN Government


    !The str"ct"re o# #ascis$ is corporatis$, or the corporate state% The str"ct"reo# #ascis$ is the "nion, $arria&e, $er&er or #"sion o# corporate econo$ic

    power with &o'ern$ental power%(

    This aareness indicates that for the most part these multinational

    corporations and the governments hich the( control tend to enter intoareas to e+ploit the countries& setting up ,ust enough structure ithinthe countr( to call it a government& recogni-e it as .eing the legitimategovernment& and defend it against all other ho might interfere iththeir structured corporate government ithin that countr(/

    The largest& the ealthiest& the most poerful& themost pervasive& the most influential is the institution of.usiness and industr( * the corporation* hich also isthe current present da( industr( of destruction/ It must


  • 8/21/2019 illusion of AUSTRALIAN Government


    Australian 0m.lem or 1ational s(m.ol isa hoa+2 cop(righted& registered and

    oned .( the #S Department ofCommerce

    Here's the proof

  • 8/21/2019 illusion of AUSTRALIAN Government


  • 8/21/2019 illusion of AUSTRALIAN Government


    Corporatism2 A pathological pursuit ofpoer& greed and control against the ill&

    ish& consent or )noledge of the

    Australian people/

    Australia Act 3456 is #S foreign polic(2cop(righted& registered and oned .( theDISTRICT ! C"#$%IA& #nited States

  • 8/21/2019 illusion of AUSTRALIAN Government


    All levels of Government in Australia 7!ederal&State& "ocal8 are foreign oned corporationsregistered and oned .( the DISTRICT !

    C"#$%IA& #nited States

    The #S Corporation calledC$$190A"TH ! A#STRA"IA is a

    commercial compan( conducting.usiness alongside other corporations

    li)e :!C& $cDonalds& Coca Cola& Coles&9oolorths and Telstra on the #S

    Securities and 0+change Commission

    All States of Australia are corporations

    registered ith the DISTRICT !C"#$%IA& #nited States and managed

    .( the corporate franchise calledA#STRA"IA1 CA;ITA" T0RRITR< ith

    C0 7;rime $inister8 and .oard ofdirectors called the ;AR"IA$01T !


    All political parties mas=uerading asgovernment ith their policies and

    legislation is a s(stem that .elongs to the

    DISTRICT ! C"#$%IA& #nited States/

  • 8/21/2019 illusion of AUSTRALIAN Government


  • 8/21/2019 illusion of AUSTRALIAN Government


    All pu.lic servants and pu.lic officials 7appointedto serve& defend and protect Australians8representing Government at all levels are

    corporate contractors and emplo(ees of theDISTRICT ! C"#$%IA& #nited States

    Australian Currenc( has no asset value& legaltender or financial .ac)ing/ It is pretend mone( or

    plastic paper acting as promissor( notes

    .elonging to the DISTRICT ! C"#$%IA& #nitedStates

  • 8/21/2019 illusion of AUSTRALIAN Government


    0ver( government department and.usiness entit( in Australia registered

    under the C$$190A"TH !A#STRA"IA ith an AC1 or A%1& all.elong to the #S Corporation in the

    DISTRICT ! C"#$%IA

    An( Australian ho receives a .enefit associatedith an( agenc( of the C$$190A"TH !A#STRA"IA is a corporate slave or propert(

    .elonging to the #1IT0D STAT0S Corporation inthe DISTRICT ! C"#$%IA

    All stat"tory #ees, #ines, rates, ta)es, le'ies, penalties,

    in#rin&e$ents, acts, *y+laws, etc, .elong to the#1IT0D STAT0S Corporation in the DISTRICT !C"#$%IA as all Australian currenc( .elongs tothe #1IT0D STAT0S Corporation in the DISTRICT

    ! C"#$%IA

    All Australians must realise and a)e up to thefact that all commerce in A#STRA"IA .elongs tothe #1IT0D STAT0S Corporation in the DISTRICT! C"#$%IA/ All Australians ith a STAT0 .irthcertificate or driver licence are emplo(ees& slaves&

    chattel are .ound .( pretend las or statutor(

    rules .elonging to the #1IT0D STAT0SCorporation in the DISTRICT ! C"#$%IA

  • 8/21/2019 illusion of AUSTRALIAN Government


  • 8/21/2019 illusion of AUSTRALIAN Government


  • 8/21/2019 illusion of AUSTRALIAN Government


  • 8/21/2019 illusion of AUSTRALIAN Government


  • 8/21/2019 illusion of AUSTRALIAN Government


  • 8/21/2019 illusion of AUSTRALIAN Government


    I$;RTA1T >#0STI1S T AS:2

    9hen as our Government corporatised?

    Is this an overthro of our Government via stealth and pu.lic secrec(?

    9h( isn't the Australian people told a.out this?

    9h( isn't this scam front page nes?

    9hen Australians go to or) ever(da(& are the( supporting a

  • 8/21/2019 illusion of AUSTRALIAN Government


    government for& of& and .(& the people or a #S corporationmas=uerading as Government?

    Why is a co$pany called COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALA- re&istered inWashin&ton .C/

    What reason co"ld there *e #or a co"ntry to *e re&istered as a co$pany/

    0y de#inition, aren-t corporate and &o'ern$ent entities $"t"ally e)cl"si'e/And doesn-t &o'ern$ent re&"late co$panies/

    Why wo"ld A"stralia *e re&istered with the SEC in the United States/

    And why wo"ld it pro'ide a 1rospect"s- and ann"al Econo$ic and FiscalO"tloo2- doc"$ents to the SEC/ And *e s"*3ect to SEC re&"lation/

    Why is the 4reat Seal o# A"stralia a trade$ar2 re&istered with United States1atent and Trade$ar2 O##ice/

    Co"ld the A"stralian 4o'ern$ent- *e a corporate entity $as5"eradin& asreal &o'ern$ent, #or pro#it, and not #or the p"rpose o# &o'ernance/

    .oes the A"stralian 4o'ern$ent- tr"ly represent !the people( and notshareholders in another co"ntry/

    Why do today-s &o'ern$ent depart$ents ha'e corporate $ission state$entsli2e !we pro'ide ser'ices on 0EHALF o# &o'ern$ent( and !o"r CLENTSincl"de &o'ern$ent6(/

    What happened to !we ARE &o'ern$ent(//

    .oes this s"&&est they are NOT tr"e &o'ern$ent, *"t a co$pany$as5"eradin& as &o'ern$ent/

    # a co$pany re&istered in Washin&ton .C is #alsely clai$in& &o'ern$entstat"s in A"stralia, what happened to the real 7de 3"re8 &o'ern$ent with asi$ilar na$e/ And when/

    And are the laws in A"stralia there#ore 3"st r"les #or e$ployees andcontractors o# the corporation/

    1erhaps it is a re5"ire$ent that the Co$$onwealth o# A"stralia re&isters as aco$pany entity in order to trade with the United States o# A$erica% Are all the

    other co"ntries who trade with the United States also re&istered on theA$erican SEC/
  • 8/21/2019 illusion of AUSTRALIAN Government


    s the United States o# A$erica- also re&istered with ASC, the A"stralianSec"rities 9 n'est$ents Co$$ission/

    And is A"stralia si$ilarly re&istered with the correspondin& trade re&"lators inother co"ntries/

    The answer appears to *e NO%

    nternational trade i$plies $"t"al a&ree$ent: reciprocity: a co$$on $ethodo# e)chan&e% 0"t the reality is that the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALA-is re&istered as a corporate entity with the United States SEC, *"t not theother way aro"nd% There appear to *e no co$para*le corporate entitiesre&istered in other co"ntries with which A"stralia trades% And nations ran2in&a$on& the United States- *i&&est tradin& partners do NOT ha'e corporate

    a'atars re&istered with the A$erican SEC% 1erhaps re&istration inWashin&ton .C is #or the p"rpose o# tradin& 4o'ern$ent 0onds%nterestin&66 0"t this stran&e corporate entity is only hal# the story% 0e#ore&o'ern$ent *onds can e'en e)ist, s"rely there $"st #irst *e a le&iti$ate&o'ern$ent%

    A#STRA"IA1S D0$A1D A1S90RS

    HA@0 90 %001 S"D #T