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The Wahroongler Bullen of The Rotary Club of WAHROONGA Chartered 1975 and Meeng at 7.15 am Wednesdays, at Warrawee Bowling Club Rotary Australia’s first Breakfast Club. 3 rd May 2017, Vol 43 No 17 CONTACT THE ROTARY CLUB OF WAHROONGA, PO Box 13, Wahroonga, 2076. President: Neil McWhannell - 0435 719 625, Secretary: Sue Owen - 0407 920 467 Apologies to: Len Stanley - [email protected] or 9144 4049 or 0420 849017 F: What an interesting meeting it was last week, as we were in- formed and entertained by Dr Leon Cowen who spoke on Applied Hypnosis. It was fascinating to learn about the principles and uses of hypnosis. The ‘audience question’ format also seemed to work well and certainly allowed us all to gain a better under- standing of the activity. This week we hear from Lucy Dahill from Streetwork in Hornsby. It will be interesting to learn about the results that have been achieved as a result of the support offered by our Club. This week we also have our annual NOVUS Dinner, which is being organised in partnership with the SAN and Phil McCarroll. This will be the eleventh NOVUS Dinner! Over the years, this activity has provided over $1.5 million to fund a variety of youth and health projects. It is also an integral part in enabling us to conduct and support so many local initiatives. On behalf of all at the Club, I wish to extend a sincere thanks to all those who have worked to support this activity. In particular, we thank David Russell, John Collins, Rochelle Wiley and Terry Hodge for their leadership, ably supported by Garry Webb, Peter Smith, Bob Howe, Richard Pitt and John Cameron along with a large group of others who are assisting on the night. Thanks also to the many members who have generously provided the quality bottles of wine and silent auction gifts for the night. I am sure all those who attend will enjoy a great night of fun – whilst supporting this great cause. Neil McWhannell, President Neil’s Notes

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Wahroongler Bulletin of The Rotary Club of WAHROONGA Chartered 1975 and Meeting at 7.15 am Wednesdays, at Warrawee Bowling Club Rotary Australia’s first Breakfast Club. 3rd May 2017, Vol 43 No 17

CONTACT THE ROTARY CLUB OF WAHROONGA, PO Box 13, Wahroonga, 2076. President: Neil McWhannell - 0435 719 625, Secretary: Sue Owen - 0407 920 467

Apologies to: Len Stanley - [email protected] or 9144 4049 or 0420 849017


What an interesting meeting it was last week, as we were in-

formed and entertained by Dr Leon Cowen who spoke on Applied

Hypnosis. It was fascinating to learn about the principles and

uses of hypnosis. The ‘audience question’ format also seemed

to work well and certainly allowed us all to gain a better under-

standing of the activity.

This week we hear from Lucy Dahill from Streetwork in Hornsby.

It will be interesting to learn about the results that have been achieved as a result

of the support offered by our Club.

This week we also have our annual NOVUS Dinner, which is being organised in

partnership with the SAN and Phil McCarroll. This will be the eleventh NOVUS

Dinner! Over the years, this activity has provided over $1.5 million to fund a

variety of youth and health projects. It is also an integral part in enabling us to

conduct and support so many local initiatives.

On behalf of all at the Club, I wish to extend a sincere thanks to all those who

have worked to support this activity. In particular, we thank David Russell, John

Collins, Rochelle Wiley and Terry Hodge for their leadership, ably supported by

Garry Webb, Peter Smith, Bob Howe, Richard Pitt and John Cameron along with

a large group of others who are assisting on the night.

Thanks also to the many members who have generously provided the quality

bottles of wine and silent auction gifts for the night. I am sure all those who attend

will enjoy a great night of fun – whilst supporting this great cause.

Neil McWhannell, President

Neil’s Notes

Last Week’s News

Bob gave an Overview of CUBERIDER

Cuberider is an innovative opportunity for secondary students to use their STEM skills (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) in an exercise to design experiments to be launched to and plugged into the International Space Station.

This novel development of creative and critical thinking is designed to enthuse High School students to make their studies more relevant and enjoyable, and hopefully, they CHOOSE to do STEM subjects for their HSC. The people behind Cuberider are young University stu-dents setting out to create a new business venture that we believe has great potential. We have the opportunity to invest in STEM and in a new Youthful Business Venture!

Partnership between CUBERIDER and ROTARY

The Rotary Club of Wahroonga sees itself as the initiator, implementer and participant in this new joint Vocational/Youth project, with 15 to 20 clubs and Schools to initially join up this coming year.

Wahroonga’s role is to be the facilitator between Rotary and Cuberider in finding Rotary Clubs willing to partner with their local Schools. Wahroonga will also be the negotiator with the potential Corporate Partners. We have already negotiated a Rotary price with Cuberider of $50 per student, down from the base price of $100. The cost for a team of 30 will therefore be $1,500 in total.

Neil congratulated John Collins on his Risk Management presentation at the District Assembly.

Rob F is going away to England, trip on the Rhine and seeing Germany. In his absence Kerri Hodge will take over the Welfare Officer Role.

Len is heading back to Ireland. Rob Gia replaces him with stats and bookings.

John W is planning a trip to NZ and thought some other members would like to join him on a Rotarian’s trip. Please give him a call.

Sandy is still promoting the Pymble Players on Wed. 25.5.17. $25 for the play ‘Australia Day’ and champagne and chicken sandwiches. Tell your friends, as so far she only has 10-12 booked in and has a large payment to make for the other seats.

John Cameron drew our attention to the Rotary bag with info on Arch Klump who started Rotary. Ian C created the little IOU cheques for $26.50 that he’ll leave for folk to once again pledge this amount to kick off fund-raising again. Just sign up and John will chase you up later. He also had Centurion stacks and replacement stacks for those who have filled their first ones. Please note that the stack does not quite take $100 (50 x $2) coins due to the difficul-ty of getting the last coin into it—it can be done though.

John C told us that tables will be allocated this Friday and you can still book in through Trybooking. They need volunteers for the set-up for the NOVUS Dinner on the day before and on the night and hope for more young people to sell raffles, preferably 20-30 ex-Rotoract, or family or friends—they need to be able to kneel to fill in the ticket details. A number are coming from Knox to help.

Barry won the Hs & Ts, as he did 2 weeks ago, but he ended up with arthritis in his toe, so recommended you don’t drink wine.

Last Week with Dr Leon Cowen

Leon was welcomed as the second Dr Leon we have here, which is unusual. Dr Leon Clark confirmed that Dr Leon Cowen is a real Dr with his PhD.

Kerrin introduced Leon as they’d known each other for over 30 yrs, when he was a speaker at the NSW Counsellors Association’s 10th Anniversary Conference in the mountains. She was its President for 15-16 yrs.

Leon asked a number of questions of us and what we believe about hypnosis—how many have experienced hypnosis?

Are you in your conscious or unconscious mind under hypnosis? Can you think your own thoughts in hypnosis—Yes, No or Don’t

know? Can you get up when you want to in hypnosis—Yes or No? Can you remember anything after hypnosis—Yes or No? Are you in my control—Yes or No? In Leon’s experience in hypnosis, with eyes closed and in a relaxed state, and everything else normal. You would swear that nothing else was going on. Do you agree or not? People do amazing things, liked going to the dentist and using self hypnosis instead of anaesthetics when having procedures done, like having a crown taken off with hammer and chisel. Hypnosis is incredible and we don’t know enough about it. Then questions from us? Can everyone be hypnotised? - Yes What about people on stage?—they are selected, as they have greater propensity. Can you resist? - Yes. When people are sent to him and told “you will see him”, or “you

will see him and be hypnotised”, or “you will be hypnotised” … they block his help. People use states of hypnosis every day, like driving on a journey and you can’t recall it. You let your subconscious mind do the driving for you. If you play sport, or tennis—how long does it take for a ball to come after serving? A range of answers were offered. Andre Agassi serves at 230kph and it takes less than 1/10th sec, or one blink. His second serve is sent at 200kph. The fastest Leon has faced would be about 180kph. If you have children or grandchildren, then you’d know that when they fall over and are hurt and upset, you kiss it better… and they are better. They believe their parents can do great things and therefore they experience no pain. Leon saw a couple who did this for

their son, but he had broken his arm! Qu from an Apex meeting where a fellow was hypno-tised and told to lean into the wall on his arms and it was suggested that he would be so heavy he could not be moved. It didn’t matter how many tried to move him, they could not get him to budge. People have injuries and build a story around it, but with hypnosis, they can look at a different side and do every-thing to improve their situation.

There is obviously a body and mind connection.

Qu about returned soldiers and PTSD. There are a lot of people with it and often there is a trigger for it—an individual event. Service people overall and be constantly reinforced. To shift attitudes hypnosis can help.

Many counsellors, psychologists and psychiatrists use hypnosis without knowing it and if they had more techniques that could boost their effectiveness.

Qu about Nelson Mandela and coping with his many years of imprisonment. Yes he was an amazing man with such a strong mind to survive all that treatment.

Hypnosis, mindfulness and deep relaxation have concepts behind them which are linked and use suggestions and other processes. You integrate aspects of hypnotherapy and coun-selling in a hypnotic setting.

Do you recall Dudley Moore the jazz pianist. At an interview he was asked if his fingers knew where to go on the keyboard, or his brain told them where to go, or his fingers told his brain—he said he didn’t know—he was in the zone. Just like poker players, musicians, touch typists or dancers. Stopping to think where to put their next step would be too slow and so they’d miss out on the music. When traumatised through the same mechanism, something overwhelms them into trauma and with hypnosis you can access the area there-fore you can help to change it.

Sandy’s family were in vaudeville and she saw stage hypnotists and even though volun-teered, she decided it was mind over matter and would not be hypnotised. Leon asked for

her help to hold his fine thread with a bead on the end. Holding her arm and hand very still, could she tell it to swig—which way would she like?—sideways … and it started to do this. Could she do it larger without moving her arm, or hand … and it did. What about going the other way … and it did.

Qu on hypnosis and telepathy—we don’t know enough about it.

Sandy’s arm did move, ever so slightly, but it was not a conscious action to move it.

Dancing, touch typing and international tennis are not consciously thought about, it just happens. Can any of you touch type and talk at the same time? No.

On psychosomatic illness—you think yourself sick, with physical symptoms, but there is no organic mechanism to cause it. The mind creates the illness/behaviour/symptoms—like skin rashes. You can use the mind to stop it.

Steve had met Franklin as a very old man and had gone into property development after leaving showbiz. He was a spellbinding man who could take people back in time to other lives and a few fights.

A few years ago Leon had done some crude research and someone had gone back to the Boer War with information on horses and the types of riders and the weather—but there are no libraries to check this. You don’t know what the person may have read or been told as a child when talking to someone who had information, but you need to verify the validity of these reports. It is amazing how many people in past lives were princes or princesses, head of government, and leaves the question of if they existed or not.

Then the question about the ability to speak other languages. Consider what people were exposed to in their lives and what they have absorbed already and can retrieve later.

The Placebo Effect is where the person’s beliefs cause the day to day self hypnosis. It is where in drug trials the active and placebo sugar coated pill groups have the same outcome as it is because of the sub-conscious mind believing they will be helped . Hypnosis can have this same clinical effects. There are so many people suffering when we could do more to help them.

Qu. About dreaming and hypnosis—there are different concepts about dreaming. Sleep occurs in curves and dreams come about towards the top end of the curve. We generally have 3-4 curves a night. Theories about dreams -

Dreams are very important as messages.

Dreams get rid of things in the mind from the day.

Dreams are a by-product of the central nervous system and help to repair it.

Qu to Kerrin—why would you have Leon teach about hypnosis at a Counsellors’ Con-ference?

Leon gets referrals from many other pro-fessionals, who do not get trained in hypno-sis in their original training and it is part of extending our skill base.

Qu on major surgery and using hypnosis and no anaesthetics as over 50. It depends on the person. He had open heart surgery a few years ago and used no post operative pain killers and after a colonoscopy he had no sedation a she used self hypnosis. He didn’t have a problem and didn’t need a taxi afterwards as he’d had no sedation. The nurses took awhile to understand this.

Jim sought help with hypnosis to give up smoking and he has never gone back to it after 36 yrs, 11 mths and 36 days!! Leon asked him— did you really want to give it up? Yes.

If you are ambivalent, he can help you with the decision. He can help to rein-force the decision using hypnosis.

Any further Q&As. He left his business cards and cuddle cards with us.

Phil thanked Leon for his most engaging and interactive presentation, with the Rotary bag and book, but he became carried away and, on cue, was asleep ... twice.

Peter Kirkwood Hornsby RC

Reception & Hospitality Roster If you are unable to attend any day please arrange a substitute and inform Len Stanley at [email protected] or 0420 849017, or 9144 4049

Note: The Club’s Website has the Roster for the Full Year

Date Set up & put away Hospitality Reception (2 Rotarians)

3rd May Ross Grant Brett Goods Peter Smith, Barbara Salisch

10th May Janet Grundy Ross Grant Janelle Speight, Peter Smith

17th May Kerri Hodge Janet Grundy Len Stanley, Janelle Speight

24th May Terry Hodge Kerri Hodge Greg Starr, Len Stanley

Last Week—26th April 2017 Attendance: 61.4% (35/57) or 63.16% (with 1 valid Make-up Credit) Apologies: Hugh Burn, Ian Cameron, Marlene Carty, Brett Goods, Ross Grant, Richard Jackson,

Judith Kaine, Max Lake, Richard Pitt, Doug Reid, Len Stanley, Ron Wainberg, Garry Webb, Alfreda White.

Visiting Rotarians: Peter Kirkwood (Waitara RC) Visitors: Joan McCann (Neil McWhannell) Guest Speaker: Leon Cowen - Guest Speaker (Helen Clarke) Make-Up Credits: Stuart Armstrong, Ken Broadhead, Hugh Burn, Ian Cameron, John Cameron,

John Collins, Bob Howe, Sue Owen, Anne Prescott, Marg Sachs - All at Rotary Assembly on 23.4.17.

Dr Geezer An old geezer became very bored in retirement and decided to open a medical clinic. He put a sign up outside that said: "Dr Geezer's clinic. Get your treatment for $500, if not cured, get back $1,000." Doctor "Young", who was positive that this old geezer didn't know beans about medicine, thought this would be a great opportunity to get $1,000, so he went to Dr Geezer's clinic. Dr Young Dr Geezer, I have lost all taste in my mouth. Can you please help me? Dr Geezer Nurse, please bring medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops in Dr Young's mouth. Dr Young Aaagh!! - This is Gasoline! Dr Geezer Congratulations! You've got your taste back. That will be $500. Dr Young gets annoyed and goes back after a couple of days figuring to recover his money. Dr Young I have lost my memory. I cannot remember anything. Dr Geezer Nurse, please bring medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops in the patient's mouth. Dr Young Oh, no you don't - that is Gasoline!" Dr Geezer Congratulations! You've got your memory back. That will be $500. Dr Young, after having lost $1,000, leaves angrily and comes back after several more days. Dr Young My eyesight has become weak - I can hardly see anything! Dr Geezer Well, I don't have any medicine for that so, here's your $1,000 back (giving him a $10 bill). Dr Young But this is only $10! Dr Geezer Congratulations! You got your vision back! That will be $500.

Moral: Just because you're "Young" doesn't mean that you can outsmart an "old Geezer” Remember: Don't make old people mad. We don't like being old in the first place, so it doesn't

take much to tick us off.

Club and District Diary 6th May NOVUS Dinner at Miramare Gardens 25th May Thursday—Pymble Players for the play, ‘Australia Day’ 28th June 6:30pm Changeover Dinner at Asquith Golf Club, Guest David Rands 1st July District Changeover at Hornsby RSL

3.5.2017 StreetWork Hornsby Lucy Dahill, Youth Services Manager - Ku-ring-gai - Hornsby Branch For the last few years Lucy has been working as a volunteer in youth work/mentoring for a number of organisations. Lucy has combined her volunteering alongside a professional career in both media and health/wellbeing. She currently hosts and produces a show on community radio with a primary focus on how we can improve youth mental health in the coming years. She has 3 teenagers who have provided a great deal of life experience in addition to anything she may have learnt from a book. She recently completed a Cert IV in Youth Work and is currently studying for a Masters Degree in Public Health.


In 2017, StreetWork has been successful in their nomina-tion to be one of the beneficiaries receiving a portion of the money raised during their fundraising activities in-clude the Novus Foundation Gala Dinner on the 6 May 2017.

The Novus Foundation was formed in 2006, a collabora-tion between the Rotary Club of Wahroonga, The San Foundation and The McCarroll Automotive Group. These organisations originally came together with the intention of developing and supporting projects directed at the welfare of youth in the District of Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai. Since then the Novus Foundation has raised over $1.25 million for a variety of different organisations that are investing in our youth. In creating the Novus Foundation, the board has determined that it will concentrate on matters which impact young people and their ability to perform to their natural level of capa-bility. By doing this, we want to ensure that the next generation of young adults can take their place in society using their technical and leadership skills to the full, not limited by ill health, lack of training or shortage of opportunity.

To book tickets, donate items or for sponsorship opportunities go to

Draft Speaker’s Program for the next few months

10.5.2017 Tony Edwards 0428 784 202

17.5.2017 Jennifer Anderson, Mayor & John McKee, General Manager Kuring-gai Council

24.5.2017 Dr Terry Johnson via SAN International Speaker

31.5.2017 Ross Grant & Hugh Burne, Health and Nutrition Myth busting

21.6.2017 Kerrin McCormack Working with Children background & risk management

The Rotary Club of Wahroonga The McWhannell Clan & 2016-2017 Board & Committees

Board President Neil McWhannell

Past President Marlene Carty

President-elect Sue Owen

Secretary Sue Owen

Treasurer John Cameron

Committees Community Co-ordinator - Ron Wainberg

Team - Daksh Baweja, Leon Clark, Helen Clarke, John Collins, Barry Edmundson, Brett Goods, John Julius, Max Lake, Doug Reid, Janelle Speight

International Chair - Anne Prescott

Team - Jim Fulton, Janet Grundy, Richard Jackson, Jo Karaolis, Richard Pitt, Abhi Poudel, David Russell


Sergeant John Collins

Archivist/Historian Ken Broadhead

Badge Collection John Julius

Child Protection Sue Owen, Kerrin McCormack

Insurance Officer Phil Easton

Mailbox & Noticeboard Key Holder Sue Owen

New Badges Phil Comfort

Public Officer Judith Kaine

Public Relations Janelle Speight

Risk Management & Insurance

John Collins

Roster & Attendance Len Stanley

Rotary Foundation Chair

Chris de Zylva

Speaker Program Helen Clarke, John Cameron, Philip Easton

Wahroongler Editor Kerrin McCormack assisted by George Richards, Janelle Speight, Steve McGregor + Webmaster

Webmaster Ian Cameron

Welfare Officer Rob Ferguson

Membership Chair - Helen Clarke

Team - John Collins, Phillip Comfort, Rob Ferguson, Carol Johnson, Jenetta Russell, Margaret Sachs, Alfreda White

Partnerships & Fund-Raising Chair - Peter Smith

Team - Stuart Armstrong, Terry Hodge, Jenetta Russell, Barbara Ward, Dick Webb, Garry Webb

The Ministry of Fun Chair - Rochelle Wiley

Team - Phil Comfort, Kerri Hodge, Sandy van Dijk

Vocational Chair - Hugh Burne

Team - Ken Broadhead, Jo Karaolis, John Welch Angus M Robinson—on leave

Youth Chair - Bob Howe

Team - Phil Comfort, Philip Easton, Ian Faulks, Ross Grant, Barbara Harvison, Kerrin McCormack, Barbara Salisch, Greg Starr, Jim Verco

Paul Harris Fellows: Please see

attached Link for the up-to-date listing — Paul Harris

Fellows Listing

Anniversary Helen Clarke 9 yrs 27.4.17.

LINKS Novus Dinner SAN Fun Run St Eddie’s Events

Amazing Deliveries of Polio Vaccines

KYDS Champion is Local Woman of the Year


RAGAS Newsletter addressing Slavery now

Question: 'How do you explain the difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED in a way that is easy to understand?' Answer: When you marry the right woman, you are COMPLETE. When you marry the wrong woman, you are FINISHED, and when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are COMPLETELY FINISHED!!!