the history of cartography, volume 2, book 1: cartography in the...

Bibliographical Index BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ACCESS TO THIS VOLUME Two modes of access to bibliographical information are used in this volume: the footnotes and the Bibliographical Index. The footnotes provide the full form of a reference the first time it is cited in each chapter, with short-title versions in subsequent citations. In each of the short-title references, the note number of the fully cited work is given in parentheses. The Bibliographical Index comprises a complete list, arranged al- phabetically by author's name, of all works cited in the footnotes, appendixes, and figure legends. Numbers in bold type indicate the pages on which references to these works can be found. This index is divided into two parts. The first part identifies the editions and translations of texts; the second part lists the modern literature. EDITIONS AND TRANSLATIONS OF PRIMARY TEXTS cAbdan. Kitab shajarat al-yaqin. Ed. cArif Tamir. Beirut: Dar al-Afaq al-Jadrdah, 1982. 83 Aba al-Fida). Taqwfm al-buldan. Geographie d'Aboulfeda: Texte arabe. Ed. and trans. Joseph Toussaint Reinaud and William MacGuckin de Slane. Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1840. 8, 98, 170, 176, 177, 181 Geographie d'Aboulfeda: Traduite de l' arabe en frant;;ais, 2 vols. in 3 pts. Vol. 1, Introduction generale a la geographie des Orientaux, by Joseph Toussaint Reinaud; vol. 2, pt. 1, trans. Reinaud; vol. 2, pt. 2, trans. S. Stanislas Guyard. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1848-83. 8, 96, 101, 102, 103, 143, 157, 170, 176, 177, 181 Rommel, Dietrich Christoph von. Abulfedae Arabiae descriptio commentario perpetuo illustrata. Gottingen: Dieterich, 1802. 157 Akhbar ai-Sin wa-al-Hind. )Abbar a?-Sfn wa I-Hind: Relation de la Chine et de I'Inde. Ed. and trans. Jean Sauvaget. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1948. 90 Albuquerque, Afonso de. Cartas de Affonso de Albuquerque. 7 vols. Lisbon: Typographia da Academia Real das Sciencas, 1884-1935. 256 Alfonso X. Libros del saber de astronomia del rey D. Alfonso X de Castilla. Compo Manuel Rico y Sinobas. 5 vols. Madrid: Tipografia de Don Eusebio Aguado, 1863-67. 28, 29, 42, 45, 60 CAli ibn clsa al-AsrurlabL Kitab al-camal bi-l-a?tur1ab. "Kitab aI-Carnal Ii-CAli ibn clsa." Ed. P. Louis Cheikho. al-Mashrlq 16 (1913): 29-46. 26 Anquetil-Duperron, Abraham Hyacinthe. Zend-Avesta. 3 vols. Paris: N. M. Tilliard, 1771; reprinted New York: Garland, 1984.325 Apastambiyasulvasutra. Apastamba-Sulbasutram. Ed. Satya Prakash and Ram Swarup Sharma. Trans. Satya Prakash. Dr. Ratna Kumari Publications Series, no. 5. New Delhi: Research Institute of Ancient Scientific Studies, 1968. 308 Apian, Peter. Horoscopion generale. Ingolstadt, 1533. 62 521 cArIb ibn Sacd al-Katib al-QuqubI. Le calendrier de Cordoue. New ed. with annotated French translation by Charles Pellat. Ed. Reinhart Dozy. Medieval Iberian Peninsula, Texts and Studies, vol. 1. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1961. 53 aI-DIn cAbd Allah ibn cAbd al-Rabman aI-I:IusaynL Risalah-)i mazarat-i H arat. Ed. FikrI SaljuqI. Kabul: Publishing Institute, 1967. 239 AwrangabadI, Shahnavaz Khan. The Maa! Being Biographies of the Mul}ammadan and Hindu Officers of the Timurid Sovereigns of India from 1500 to about 1780 A.D. Reprint edition. 2 vols. Patna: Janaki Prakashan, 1979. 326 al-BaladhurI. Futul} al-buldan. Liber expugnationis regionum. Ed. Michael Jan de Goeje. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1866. 90 Barros, Joao de. Asia: Decadas. 1552-1615. 256 al-BattanI. Zij al-Sabi c. AI-Battani sive Albatenii: Opus astronomicum. 3 vols. Ed. Carlo Alfonso Nallino. Milan, 1899-1907; vols. 1 and 2 reprinted Frankfurt: Minerva, 1969.97, 98, 100 Bernoulli, Jean, ed. Des Pater Joseph Tieffenthaler's ... Historisch- geographische Beschreibung von H industan. 3 vols. Berlin, 1785- 88. 325 al-BIrunI. al-Athar al-baqfyah. Chronologie orientalischer Volker von Alberuni. Ed. Eduard Sachau. Leipzig: Gedruckt auf Kosten der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, 1878. 34 The Chronology of Ancient Nations: An English Version of the Arabic Text of the "Athar-ul-bakiya" of Albirunf, or "Vestiges of the Past," Collected and Reduced to Writing by the Author in A.H. 390-1, A.D. 1000. Ed. and trans. Eduard Sachau. London: W. H. Allen, 1879; reprinted Frankfurt: Minerva, 1969. 34 ---. Kitab al-qanun al-Maludi fi al-hay)ah wa-al-nujum. Birunf's Picture of the World. Ed. Ahmed Zeki Velidi Togan. Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India, no. 53. Delhi, 1941. 9, 94, 141 al-Qanunu)I-MasCudi (Canon Masudicus). 3 vols. Hyderabad: Osmania Oriental Publications Bureau, 1954-56. 98, 141, 175, 176, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 188 ---. Kitab al-tafhim li-awa )il ?ina Cat al-tanjim. The Book of Instruction in the Elements of the Art of Astrology. Ed. and trans. Robert Ramsay Wright. London: Luzac, 1934. 35,58,36,142,147,178 Kitab al-tafhim li-ava )il Cat al-tanjim. Ed. Jalal aI-Din Huma)I. Tehran, 1974.75, 76, 77, 80 --. Kitab tal}did nihayat al-amakin li-tasl}il} masafat'al- masakin. Ed. with introduction by Mu1)ammad TawIt al-TanjI. Ankara, 1962. 184 Ed. P. G. Bulgakov, ver. Imam IbrahIm Abmad. In Majallat Machad al-Makhtutat al-CArabiyah Oournal of the Institute of

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Bibliographical Index


Two modes of access to bibliographical information are used in thisvolume: the footnotes and the Bibliographical Index.

The footnotes provide the full form of a reference the first time itis cited in each chapter, with short-title versions in subsequent citations.In each of the short-title references, the note number of the fully citedwork is given in parentheses.

The Bibliographical Index comprises a complete list, arranged al­phabetically by author's name, of all works cited in the footnotes,appendixes, and figure legends. Numbers in bold type indicate the pageson which references to these works can be found. This index is dividedinto two parts. The first part identifies the editions and translations oftexts; the second part lists the modern literature.


cAbdan. Kitab shajarat al-yaqin. Ed. cArif Tamir. Beirut: Dar al-Afaqal-Jadrdah, 1982. 83

Aba al-Fida). Taqwfm al-buldan.Geographie d'Aboulfeda: Texte arabe. Ed. and trans. Joseph

Toussaint Reinaud and William MacGuckin de Slane. Paris:Imprimerie Royale, 1840. 8, 98, 170, 176, 177, 181

Geographie d'Aboulfeda: T raduite de l'arabe en frant;;ais, 2 3 pts. Vol. 1, Introduction generale a la geographie desOrientaux, by Joseph Toussaint Reinaud; vol. 2, pt. 1, trans.Reinaud; vol. 2, pt. 2, trans. S. Stanislas Guyard. Paris:Imprimerie Nationale, 1848-83. 8, 96, 101, 102, 103, 143,157, 170, 176, 177, 181

Rommel, Dietrich Christoph von. Abulfedae Arabiae descriptiocommentario perpetuo illustrata. Gottingen: Dieterich, 1802.157

Akhbar ai-Sin wa-al-Hind.)Abbar a?-Sfn wa I-Hind: Relation de la Chine et de I'Inde. Ed.

and trans. Jean Sauvaget. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1948. 90Albuquerque, Afonso de. Cartas de Affonso de Albuquerque. 7 vols.

Lisbon: Typographia da Academia Real das Sciencas, 1884-1935.256

Alfonso X. Libros del saber de astronomia del rey D. Alfonso X deCastilla. Compo Manuel Rico y Sinobas. 5 vols. Madrid:Tipografia de Don Eusebio Aguado, 1863-67. 28, 29, 42, 45, 60

CAli ibn clsa al-AsrurlabL Kitab al-camal bi-l-a?tur1ab."Kitab aI-Carnal bi-I-a~rurlab Ii-CAli ibn clsa." Ed. P. Louis

Cheikho. al-Mashrlq 16 (1913): 29-46. 26Anquetil-Duperron, Abraham Hyacinthe. Zend-Avesta. 3 vols. Paris:

N. M. Tilliard, 1771; reprinted New York: Garland, 1984.325Apastambiyasulvasutra.

Apastamba-Sulbasutram. Ed. Satya Prakash and Ram SwarupSharma. Trans. Satya Prakash. Dr. Ratna Kumari PublicationsSeries, no. 5. New Delhi: Research Institute of AncientScientific Studies, 1968. 308

Apian, Peter. Horoscopion generale. Ingolstadt, 1533. 62


cArIb ibn Sacd al-Katib al-QuqubI. Le calendrier de Cordoue. Newed. with annotated French translation by Charles Pellat. Ed.Reinhart Dozy. Medieval Iberian Peninsula, Texts and Studies,vol. 1. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1961. 53

A~II aI-DIn cAbd Allah ibn cAbd al-Rabman aI-I:IusaynL Risalah-)imazarat-i H arat. Ed. FikrI SaljuqI. Kabul: Publishing Institute,1967. 239

AwrangabadI, Shahnavaz Khan. The Maa! BeingBiographies of the Mul}ammadan and Hindu Officers of theTimurid Sovereigns of India from 1500 to about 1780 A.D.Reprint edition. 2 vols. Patna: Janaki Prakashan, 1979. 326

al-BaladhurI. Futul} al-buldan.Liber expugnationis regionum. Ed. Michael Jan de Goeje.

Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1866. 90Barros, Joao de. Asia: Decadas. 1552-1615. 256al-BattanI. Zij al-Sabi c.

AI-Battani sive Albatenii: Opus astronomicum. 3 vols. Ed. CarloAlfonso Nallino. Milan, 1899-1907; vols. 1 and 2 reprintedFrankfurt: Minerva, 1969.97, 98, 100

Bernoulli, Jean, ed. Des Pater Joseph Tieffenthaler's ... Historisch­geographische Beschreibung von H industan. 3 vols. Berlin, 1785­88. 325

al-BIrunI. al-Athar al-baqfyah.Chronologie orientalischer Volker von Alberuni. Ed. Eduard

Sachau. Leipzig: Gedruckt auf Kosten der DeutschenMorgenlandischen Gesellschaft, 1878. 34

The Chronology of Ancient Nations: An English Version of theArabic Text of the "Athar-ul-bakiya" of Albirunf, or"Vestiges of the Past," Collected and Reduced to Writing bythe Author in A.H. 390-1, A.D. 1000. Ed. and trans. EduardSachau. London: W. H. Allen, 1879; reprinted Frankfurt:Minerva, 1969. 34

---. Kitab al-qanun al-Maludi fi al-hay)ah wa-al-nujum.Birunf's Picture of the World. Ed. Ahmed Zeki Velidi Togan.

Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India, no. 53. Delhi,1941. 9, 94, 141

al-Qanunu)I-MasCudi (Canon Masudicus). 3 vols. Hyderabad:Osmania Oriental Publications Bureau, 1954-56. 98, 141, 175,176, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 188

---. Kitab al-tafhim li-awa )il ?ina Cat al-tanjim.The Book of Instruction in the Elements of the Art of Astrology.

Ed. and trans. Robert Ramsay Wright. London: Luzac, 1934.35,58,36,142,147,178

Kitab al-tafhim li-ava )il ~ina Cat al-tanjim. Ed. Jalal aI-DinHuma)I. Tehran, 1974.75, 76, 77, 80

--. Kitab tal}did nihayat al-amakin li-tasl}il} masafat'al­masakin.Ed. with introduction by Mu1)ammad TawIt al-TanjI. Ankara,

1962. 184Ed. P. G. Bulgakov, ver. Imam IbrahIm Abmad. In Majallat

Machad al-Makhtutat al-CArabiyah Oournal of the Institute of


Arabic Manuscripts of the Arab League), special no., vol. 8(pts. 1 and 2) (Cairo, 1962). 184

Ed. P. G. Bulgakov and rev. Imam IbrahIm Al)mad. Cairo:MatbaCah Lajnat al-Ta'IIf, 1964. 80, 105

Abu Reihan Biruni, 973-1048: Izbrannie Proizvedeniya (Selectedworks). Vol. 3, Opredelenie Granitz Mest dlya UtochneniyaRasstoyanii Mejdu N aselennimi Punktami (Kitab talJdfdnihayat a/-amakin li-ta~lJflJ masafat al-masakin) Geodeziya(Geodesy). Investigation, translation, and commentary by P. G.Bulgakov. Tashkent: Akademia Nauk Uzbekskoi SSR, 1966.184

The Determination of the Coordinates of Positions for theCorrection of Distances between Cities. Trans. Jamil Ali.Beirut: American University of Beirut, 1967. 80, 141, 178,180, 182, 183, 184, 324

--. Ta'rfkh a/-Hind.Alberuni's India: An Account of the Religion, Philosophy,

Literature, Geography, Chronology, Astronomy, Customs,Laws and Astrology of India about A.D. 1030.2 vols. Ed.Eduard Sachau. London: Trubner, 1888; Delhi: S. Chand[1964]. 103, 148, 336, 360

Budhasvamin. Brhatkathas/okasamgraha: A Study. Ed. VasudevaSharana Agrawala. Varanasi: Prithivi Prakashan, 1974. 321

al-BukharL SalJilJ al-Bukharf. 7 vols. Ed. Mul)ammad TawflqCUwaydah. Cairo: Lajnat Il)ya' Kutub al-Sunnah, 1966/67-1976/77. 72

al-Buni. Shams a/-macarif a/-kubra wa-lafa 'if al-cawarif. Cairo:MatbaCat Mul)ammad cAlI SabIl), [1945]. 54

--. Shams al-macarif wa-lafa'if al-cawarif. Cairo: MatbaCahMu~!afa al-BabI al-J-:lalabI wa-Awladihi, 1926-27. 81

Buzurg ibn Shahriyar. Kitab Caja'ib a/-Hind.Livre des merveilles de I'Inde. Ed. Pieter Antonie van der Lith.

Trans. L. Marcel Devic. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1883-86. 90

Caussin de Perceval, J. J. A. Le livre de /a grande table H akemite.Paris: Imprimerie de la Republic, 1804. 179, 180, 181

Coecke van Aelst, Pieter. Les moeurs et fachons de faire de Turcz.Antwerp, 1553. 237

Correia, Gaspar. The Three Voyages of Vasco da Gama, and HisViceroyalty: From the Lendas da India of Gaspar Correa. Trans.Henry E. J. Stanley. London: Printed for the Hakluyt Society,1869. 256

al-DimashqI. Nukhbat a/-dahr ff Caja'ib al-barr wa-al-balJr.Cosmographie de Chems-ed-Din ... ed-Dimichqui, texte arabe.

Ed. A. F. M. van Mehren. Saint Petersburg, 1866; newimpression Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1923. 154

Nukhbat ad dahr ff 'adschttib al barr wal bahr. Ed. A. F. M.van Mehren. Saint Petersburg, 1866; reprinted Leipzig: OttoHarrassowitz, 1923.76, 80

Manuel de /a cosmographie du Moyen Age. Ed. and trans. A. F.M. van Mehren. Copenhagen: C. A. Reitzel, 1874; reprintedAmsterdam: Meridian, 1964. 143, 154

Evliya ~elebi. SeyalJatname.Narrative of Travels in Europe Asia and Africa, in the

Seventeenth Century by Ev/iya Efendi. 2 vols. in 1. Trans.Joseph von Hammer. London: Printed for the OrientalTranslation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland, 1846-50.284

Seyahatname (Book of travels). 10 vols. Istanbul: Iqdam, 1896­1938. 284

al-FarghanI. Elementa astronomica, arabice et /atine. Ed. and trans.Jacob Golius. Amsterdam, 1669. 96, 102, 178

Geographiae veteris scriptores graeci minores. Ed. John Hudson. 4

Bibliographical Index

vols. Oxford: Theatro Sheldoniano, 1698-1712. 8Ghiya~ ai-DIn YazdI. Kitab-i raznamah-'i ghazavat-i Hindastan

(Diary of Timt1r's trip to India). With an appendix ofcorresponding fragments from the Zafarnamah by Ni?am aI-DInShamI (fl. 1392). Ed. L. A. Zimin and V. V. Bartol'd. Petrograd:Tipografiya Imperatorskoy Akademii Nauk, 1915.245

Gilles, Pierre. De topographia Constantinopo/eos. [Lyons, 1561]. 250

J-:lafi?-i Abru. Ta'rfkh-i 1fafi~-i Abra. Persian text ed. S. MaqbulAhmad. Unpublished. 170

Halma, Nicholas B. 8ewvo~ ~Aeeavt5pew~ ·Yn:b/lv11J.1.a ei~ rob~ llroAe/lalovIIpoxelpov~ Kavbva~: Commentaire de Theon d'Alexandrie, sur lesTabies manuelles astronomiques de Pto/emee. 3 vols. Paris:Merlin, 1822-25. 96

J-:lamd Allah Mustawfi. Tart-kh-i GUZfda. Ed. cAbd al-Husayn Nava'i.Tehran, 1958-61. 242

al-HamdanI. Sifat Jazirat a/-cArab.Geographie der arabischen Ha/binsel. 2 vols. in 1. Ed. David

Heinrich Muller. Leiden, 1884-91; reprinted Leiden: E. J.Brill, 1968. 103

al-J-:lamidi. Kanz a/-walad. Ed. Mu~tafa Ghalib. Wiesbaden: FranzSteiner, 1971. 75, 83

Hamilton, Francis Buchanan. An Account of the Kingdom of Nepaland of the Territories Annexed to This Dominion by the Houseof Gorkha. Bibliotheca Himalayica, ser. 1, vol. 10. First published1819; reprinted New Delhi: MafijusrI, 1971. 430, 431

al-HarawI. Kitab al-ziyarat.Guide des lieux de pelerinage. Trans. Janine Sourdel-Thomine.

Damascus: Institut Fran~ais de Damas, 1957.239J-:laydar Amuli. Kitiib jami Cal-asrar wa-manbac a/-anwar.

In La philosophie Shi'ite. Ed. Henry Corbin and CUthman Yal)ya.Paris: Librairie d'Amerique et d'Orient, Adrien-Maisonneuve,1969. 87

---. al-Muqaddimat min kitiib na~~ a/-nu~a~ ff sharlJ fu~a~ al­lJikam.Le texte des textes (Nass al-nosus). Ed. Henry Corbin and

CUthman Yal)ya. Paris: Librairie d'Amerique et d'Orient,Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1975. 74, 87, 88

Heron of Alexandria. Opera quae supersunt omnia. 5 vols. Leipzig:Teubner, 1899-1914. 175, 176

aI-HindI. Kanz a/-cumma/ ff sunan a/-aqwa/ wa-al-afcal. 16 vols. Ed.Bakrl al-J-:layyanI, Safwat al-Saqa, and J:Iasan Zarriiq. Aleppo:Maktabat al-Turath al-Islami, 1969-77.72

fJudad al-calam: "The Regions of the War/d." Ed. and trans.Vladimir Minorsky. London: Luzac, 1937; reprinted Karachi:Indus, 1980. 9, 103, 109, 110, 117, 139

Ibn cAbd al-J-:lakam. Kitab futalJ mi~r.

Le livre de /a conquete de l'Egypte du Magreb et de I'Espagne.Ed. Henri Masse. Cairo: Imprimerie de l'Institut Fran~ais,

1914.91Ibn al-cArabL al-FutulJat al-Makkfyah. Ed. CUthman Yal)ya and

IbrahIm Madkt1r. Cairo: Jumht1riyah Mi~r al-CArabiyah, Vizarat al­Thaqafah, 1972-.74,85,86

---. Kleinere Schriften des Ibn al-cArabi. Ed. Henrik SamuelNyberg. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1919. 83, 85

Ibn al-Athir. Jam; Cal-u~a/ ff alJadnh al-rasal. 10 vols. Ed. cAbd al­Qadir al-Arna't1t. N.p.: Maktabat al-J-:lulwanI, MatbaCat al-MalIal),Maktabah Dar al-Bayan, 1969-72. 72

Ibn al-Faqih. Kitab al-bu/dan.Compendium /ibri kitab al-boldan. Ed. Michael Jan de Goeje.

Bibliotheca Geographicorum Arabicorum, vol. 5. Leiden: E. J.Brill, 1885; reprinted 1967. 90, 178

Ibn J-:lawqal. Kitab ~arat a/-arq,.Opus geographicum. Ed. Michael Jan de Goeje. Bibliotheca

Bibliographical Index

Geographorum Arabicorum, vol. 2. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1873;reedited by J. H. Kramers, 1938; reprinted 1967. 108, 109,112, 115, 120, 122, 130, 136, 137

Configuration de la terre (Kitab surat al-ard). 2 vols. Trans. J. H.Kramers. Ed. G. Wiet. Paris: G. P. Maisonneuve et Larose,1964.112, 115, 120, 122, 136

Ibn Khaldiin. The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History. 3 vols.Trans. Franz Rosenthal. New York: Bollingen Foundation, 1958.81, 170, 286

Ibn Khurradadhbih. al-Masalik wa-al-mamalik.Kitdb al-Masdlik wa)/-mamdlik (Liber viarum et regnorum). Ed.

Michael Jan de Goeje. Bibliotheca GeographorumArabicorum, vol. 6. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1889; reprinted, 1967.10, 91, 99, 116, 180, 190

Ibn al-Nadlm. Kitab al-Fihrist.Kitdb al-Fihrist. 2 vols. Ed. Gustav Flugel. Leipzig: F. C. W.

Vogel, 1871-72. 10, 11,25, 26, 57, 96, 109The Fihrist of al-Nadim: A Tenth-Century Survey of Muslim

Culture. 2 vols. Ed. and trans. Bayard Dodge. New York:Columbia University Press, 1970. 10, 11, 25, 26, 57, 93, 96,98

Ibn Rustah. Kitab al-aClaq al-nafisah.Kitdb al-acld~ an-naffsa VII. Ed. Michael Jan de Goeje.

Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum, vol. 7. Leiden: E. J.Brill, 1892; reprinted 1967. 72, 93

Ibn Sacid. Kitab bast al-arcj fi taliha wa-al-arcj.Libro de la extension de la tierra en longitud y latitude Trans.

Juan Vernet Gines. Tetuan: Instituto Muley el-Hasan, 1958.143

Ibn aI-Sam!). El "Kitab al-camal bi-l-asturlab" (Libre de l'us del'astrolabi) d'Ibn Sam~. Ed. Meree Viladrich i Grau. Institutd'Estudis Catalans, Memories de la Seccia Historica-Arqueologica36. Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Catalans, 1986. 24

Ibn al-Wardi. Kharidat al-Caja)ib.Fragmentum libri Margarita mirabilium. Ed. and trans. Carl

Johann Tomberg. Uppsala, 1835-39. 143Ibn al-Zayyat. al-Kawakib al-sayyarah fi tartib al-ziyarah fi)l­

Qarafatayn al-Kubra) wa-al-$ughra). Cairo, 1907.239ibrahim l:Ia~~I. Macrifetname (comp. 1170/1756). Ed. Klnmi Yiisuf

Ziya. Istanbul: MatbaCa-i Abmed Kamil, 1911-12. 75, 76, 87Ideler, Ludwig. Untersuchungen uber den Ursprung und die

Bedeutung der Sternnamen: Ein Beytrag zur Geschichte desgestirnten H immels. Berlin: J. F. Weiss, 1809. 59

al-IdrlsL Nuzhat al-mushtaq fi)khtiraq al-afaq.Kitab nuzhat al-mushtaq fi dhikr al-am~arwa-al-aqtar wa-al­

buldan wa-al-juzur wa-al-mada)in wa-al-afaq. Catalogedunder the title De geographia universali. Rome: TypographiaMedicea, 1592. 8, 158

Geographia nubiensis. Ed. Gabriel Sionita and Joannes Hesronita.Paris: Typographia Hieronymi Blageart, 1619. 8, 158

Geographie d'Edrisi. 2 vols. Trans. Pierre Amedee Emilien ProbeJaubert. Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1836-40. 8, 143, 158

Opus geographicum; sive, "Liber ad eorum delectationem quiterras peragrare studeant." Issued in nine fascicles by theIstituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, Istituto Italiano peril Medio ed Estremo Oriente. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 19[70]-84.156, 158, 159, 160, 163, 168, 169, 173

La Finlande et les autres pays Baltiques Orientaux. Ed. andtrans. Oiva Johannes Tallgren-Tuulio and Aarne MichaelTallgren. Helsinki, Societas Orientalis Fennica, 1930. 167

--. Rawcj al-faraj wa-nuzhat al-muhaj.The Entertainment of Hearts, and Meadows of Contemplation/

Uns al-muha; wa-rawcj al-furaj. Ed. Fuat Sezgin. Frankfurt:Institut fur Geschichte der Arabisch-IslamischenWissenschaften, 1984. 157, 165, 174


al-IgakhrL Kitab al-masalik wa-al-mamalik.The Oriental Geography of Ebn Haukal. Trans. William Ouseley.

London: Wilson for T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1800. 108, 112,130, 136

Liber climatum. Ed. J. H. Moeller. Gotha: Libraria Beckeriana,1839. 108, 130, 136

Das Buch der Lander. Ed. and trans. Andreas David Mordtmann.Hamburg: Druck und Lithographie des Rauhen Hauses inHorn, 1845. 108, 130, 136

Viae regnorum descriptio ditionis moslemicae. Ed. Michael Jande Goeje. Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum, vol. 1.Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1870; reprinted 1927, 1967. 108, 130, 136

al-Masalik wa-al-mamalik. Ed. Mu!)ammad Jabir cAbd aI-cAl al­BlnL Cairo: Wazarat al-Thaqafah, 1961. 115, 121, 130, 136

Masalik wa mamalik. Ed. Iraj Afshar. Tehran: Bungah-iTarjamah va Nashr-i Kitab, 1961. 130, 136

Jabir ibn J:Iayyan. jabir bin lfayyan: Essai sur l'histoire des ideesscientifiques dans l'Islam. Vol. 1, Mukhtar rasa)il jabir b.lfayyan. Ed. Paul Kraus. Cairo: Maktabat al-KhanjI wa­MatbaCatuha, 1935. 81, 82

Jacob of Edessa. Etudes sur I'Hexameron de jacques d'Edesse.Trans. Arthur Hjelt. [Helsinki, 1892.] 178, 180

Jacfar ibn Man~iir al-Yamane Sara )ir wa-asrar al-nutaqa). Ed.Mugafa Ghalib. Beirut: Dar al-Andalus, 1984. 83

The jataka; or, Stories of the Buddha's Former Births. 7 vols. Ed.Edward Byles Cowell. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1895-1913; reprinted London: Pali Text Society, distributed byRoutledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. 313

Junayd aI-ShIrazI. Shadd al-izar fi khat! al-awzar can zuwar al­mazar. Ed. MUQammad Qazvini and cAbbas Iqbal Ashtiyani.Tehran, 1950. 239

al-KashgharL Diwan lughiit aI-Turk.Compendium of the Turkic Dialects. 3 vols. Ed. and trans. with

introduction and indexes by Robert Dankoff in collaborationwith James Kelly. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, Officeof the University Publisher, 1982-85. 153

al-KashI. Nuzhat al-lJada )iq.The Planetary Equatorium of jamshid Ghiyath aI-Din al-Kashi

(d. 1429). Trans. with commentary by Edward S. Kennedy.Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1960. 39

Katib ~elebi. TulJfetu)l-kibar fi esfar;>l-bi~ar.

The History of the Maritime Wars of the Turks. Trans. JamesMitchell. London: Printed for the Oriental Translation Fund,1831. 263

Tu~fetu)l-kibar fi esfari )l-bi~ar. Ed. Orhan ~aik Gokyay. Istanbul:Milli Egitim, 1973.263

al-KhwarazmL Kitab ~arat al-arcj.Das Kitab ~arat al-arq, des Aba Ga'(ar Mu~ammad ibn Musa

al-ljuwarizmi. Ed. Hans von Mzik. Bibliothek ArabischerHistoriker und Geographen, vol. 3. Leipzig: OttoHarrassowitz, 1926. 8, 97, 98, 99, 105, 106, 163, 168

al-KirmanI. MajmaCah rasa)i/ al-Kirmani. Ed. Mu~tafa Ghalib.Beirut: al-Mu'assasat al-JamiCiyah l?l-Dirasat wa-al-Nashr wa-al­TawzI', 1983. 83

--. Ral}at al-Caql. Ed. MUQammad Kamil J:Iusayn andMUQammad Mu~tafa l:IilmL Cairo: Dar al-Fikr al-cArabi, 1953.75,83

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al-KulaynL al-U~al min al-kafi. 4th ed. 8 vols. Ed. CAli Akbar al-


Ghaffari. Beirut: Dar Sacb and Dar al-Tacaruf, 1980-81. 72

Lopes de Castanheda, Fernao. H istoria do descobrimento &conquista da India pelos Portugueses. 8 vols. Coimbra: loao daBerreyra e loao Alvarez, 1552-61. 256

Maghribi. Jam-i jahannuma. Tehran, 1935. 87Jiim-i jahannuma. In Divan-i kamil-i Shams-i Maghribi. Ed. Aba

Talib Mlr cAbidlni. Tehran: KitabfurashI-i Zavvar, 1979. 87The Mahabhiirata. Trans. and ed. J. A. B. van Buitenen. Chicago:

University of Chicago Press, 1973-. 311Ma Huan. Ying-yai sheng-Ian: HThe Overall Survey of the Ocean's

Shores." Ed. and trans. Feng Ch'eng-Chiin. Introduction, notes,and appendixes by J. V. G. Mills. Cambridge: Published for theHakluyt Society at the University Press, 1970. 259, 260

Miinasara.Architecture of Manasara. 2d ed. 2 vols. Trans. Prasanna Kumar

Acharya. Manasara Series, vols. 4 and 5. New Delhi: OrientalBooks Reprint Corporation, 1980. 319

al-Maqdisi. Kitab ai-bad) wa-al-ta)rikh. 6 vols. Ed. Clement Huart.Pari~ Erne~ Leroux, 1899-1919.72

al-Maqrlzi. al-Mawaci:? wa-al-iCtibar bi-dhikr al-khitat wa-al-athar.2 vols. Bulaq, 1857.239

al-Mascadi. Muruj al-dhahab wa-macadin al-jawhar.Les prairies d'or. 9 vols. Trans. C. Barbier de Meynard and Pavet

de Courteille. Societe Asiatique, Collection d'OuvragesOrientaux. Paris: Imprimerie Imperiale, 1861-1917. Rev. ed.under Charles Pellat. 7 vols. Qism al-Dirasat al-Ta)rlkhlyah,no. 10. Beirut: Mansharat al-Jamicah al-Lubnaniyah 1965-79.11, 72, 93, 96, 103

--. al-Tanbfh wa-al-ishraf.Kitiib at-Tanbfh wa)/-ischriif. Ed. Michael Jan de Goeje.

Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum, vol. 8. Leiden: E. J.Brill, 1894; reprinted, 1967. 93, 95, 96

Le livre de I'avertissement et de la revision. Trans. B. Carra deVaux. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1896.93, 95

Marra~~l Na~al). Beyan-i menazil-i sefer-i cIra~eyn-i SultanSuleyman /fan. Introduction, transcription, and commentary byHiiseyin G. Yurdaydln. Ankara: Turk Tarih Kurumu, 1976. 234,235,236,239,245,252

Maurand, Jerome. Itineraire de Jerome Maurand d'Antibes aConstantinople. Ed. and trans. Leon Dorez. Paris, 1901. 237

Mul)ammad Salil) Kanbah. cAmal-i-$.ali~. 3 vols. Ed. G. Yazdani.Calcutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1912-39. 325

aI-Muqaddasi. A~san al-taqasfm ff macrifat al-aqalim.Descriptio imperii moslemici. Ed. Michael Jan de Goeje.

Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum, vol. 3. Leiden: E. J.Brill, 1877; reprinted 1906, 1967. 108, 112, 131, 136, 257

A~sanu-t-taqasim fi macrifati-I-aqalim. Ed. and trans. G. S. A.Ranking and R. F. Azoo. Bibliotheca Indica, n.s., nos. 899,952, 1001, and 1258. Calcutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal,1897-1910. 109, 110, 111, 112, 114, 122, 129, 131, 136, 257

A~san at-taqasim fi macrifat al-aqalim. Trans. Andre Miquel.Damascus: Institut Fran~ais de Damas, 1963. 109, 110, 11,112, 114, 122, 129, 131, 136, 191

Narapati. Narapatijayacaryasvarodaya of Sri Narapatikavi. Ed.GaQesadatta Patl)aka. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit SeriesOffice, 1971. 338

Na~Ir ai-DIn al-Tasi. Binae tabulae geographicae una Nassir EddiniPersae, altera Ulug Beigi Tatari. Ed. John Greaves. London:Typis Jacobi Flesher, 1652. 8

Na~ir Khusraw. Khvan al-ikhvan. Ed. Yal)ya al-Khashshab. Cairo:MarbaCat al-Machad al-l1mi al-Faransi li'l-Athar al-Sharqiyah,1940.83, 86

Bibliographical Index

---. Kitab-i jami Cal-~ikmatayn.

Kitiib-e jami Cal-hikmatain. Ed. Henry Corbin and Mul)ammadMucin. Tehran: Departement d'Iranologie de l'Institut Franco­iranien, 1953. 76, 78, 83

Philoponus, Johannes. Traite de l'astrolabe. Trans. A. P. Segonds.Text of 1839 ed.; Paris, 1981. 24

Picard, Jean. The Measure of the Earth. Trans. Richard Waller.London, 1688. 184

PIrI Re)is. Kitab-i ba~riye.

Piri Re'fs Ba~rije: Das turkische Segelhandbuch fur dasMittellandische Meer vom Jahre 1521. By Paul Kahle. 2 vols.Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1926-27. 266, 291, 292

Kitabz bahriye. Ed. Fevzi Kurtoglu and Haydar Alpagot. Istanbul:Devlet, 1935. 231, 232, 233, 252, 272, 292

Kitab)t bahriyye. 2 vols. Ed. Yavuz Senemoglu. Istanbul:Denizcilik Kitabl, 1973. 292

Kitab-t bahriye, Pirf Reis. 4 vols. Ed. Ertugrul Zekai Okte. Trans.Vahit <;abuk, TOlay Duran, and Robert Bragner. HistoricalResearch Foundation-Istanbul Research Center. Ankara:Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Turkish Republic,1988-.270,272,273,274,275,277,292

Polo, Marco. The Book of Ser Marco Polo the Venetian, concerningthe Kingdoms and Marvels of the East. 3d rev. ed. 2 vols. Ed.and trans. Henry Yule. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1903.256

---. Il milione. Ed. Luigi Foscolo Benedetto. Florence: Leo S.Olschki, 1928. 256

Ptolemy. Geography.Claudii Ptolemaei Geographia. 2 vols. and tabulae. Ed. Karl

Moller. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1883-1901. 179Klaudios Ptolemaios Geography: Arabic Translation (1465 A.D.).

Ed. Fuat Sezgin. Frankfurt: Institut fOr Geschichte derArabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, 1987. 210

---. Opera quae exstant omnia. 3 vols. Ed. J. L. Heiberg.Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1898-1907.25, 43

---. Ptolemy's HAlmagest." Trans. and annotated G. J. Toomer.London: Duckworth, 1984.4~75

---. Tetrabiblos. Ed. and trans. F. E. Robbins. Loeb ClassicalLibrary. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1940; reprinted1980.25

al-QazwinI. Athar al-bilad and Kitab (aja )ib al-makhluqat wa­ghara )ib al-mawjudat.Zakarija ben Muhammed ben Mahmud el-Cazwini's

Kosmographie.2 vols. Ed. Ferdinand WOstenfeld. Gottingen:Dieterichschen Buchhandlung, 1848-49; facsimile reprintWiesbaden: Martin Sandig, 1967. 53, 59, 77, 79, 143, 193

al-Qifp. Ta)rikh al-~ukama).

Ibn al-Qiftf's Ta)ril} al-~ukama). Ed. Julius Lippert. Leipzig:Dieterich'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1903. 10

Qudamah. Kitab al-kharaj.Kitab al-Kharadj. Ed. Michael Jan de Goeje. Bibliotheca

Geographorum Arabicorum, vol. 6. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1889;reprinted 1967. 93, 169

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Rasa)il ikhwan al-$afa) wa-khullan al-wafa). 4 vols. Beirut: DarBayrat, Dar Sadir, 1957. 72, 75, 76, 79

Rennell, James. Memoir of a Map of Hindoostan; or, The MogulEmpire. London, 1788. 325

---. Memoir of a Map of Hindoostan or the Mogul Empire. 3ded. London, 1793; reprinted Calcutta: Editions Indian, 1976. 324

Bibliographical Index

Satapatha BrahmarJa.

The Satapatha Brahmana, according to the Text of theMadhyandina School. Trans. Julius Eggeling. Ed. F. MaxMuller. 5 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1882-1900. 308

Schweigger, Salomon. Ein newe Reyssbeschreibung auss Teutschlandnach Constantinopel und jerusalem. Nuremberg: JohannLantzberger, 1608; facsimile reprint, Graz: Akademische Druck­und Verlagsanstalt, 1964. 221

Seydi cAlI Re)is (Sidi cAli ~e1ebi). Die topographischen Capitel desIndischen Seespiegels MolJf{. Trans. Maximilian Bittner. Intro.Wilhelm Tomaschek. Vienna: Kaiserlich-KoniglicheGeographische Gesellschaft, 1897. 257, 261

al-SijistanL Kitab ithbat al-nubtiat. Ed. cArif Tamir. Beirut:Manshurat al-MarbaCat al-Kathuluqiyah, 1966. 82

ai-SufI. Kitab ~uwar al-kawakib al-thabitah.Description des etoiles fixes composee au milieu du dixieme

siecle de notre ere: Par l'astronome persan Abd-al-Rahman al­Sufi. Trans. Hans Carl Frederik Christian Schjellerup. SaintPetersburg: Commissionnaires de I'Academie Imperiale desSciences, 1874; facsimile reprint Frankfurt: Institut furGeschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, 1986. 54

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--. Tarjamat-i ~uwar al-kawakib cAbd al-Raftman Sufi bihqalam Khawajat Na~ir ai-Din rusf. Ed. with analysis by MucizaI-Din Muhadawt Intisharat-i Bunyad-i Farhang-i Iran 136, cBmdar Iran 16. Tehran: Intisharat-i Bunyad-i Farhang-i Iran, 1972. 57

Suhrab. CAja )ib al-aqa/im al-sabcah.Das Kitab Caga)ib al-a~alim as-sabca des Suhrab. Ed. Hans von

Mzik. Bibliothek Arabischer Historiker und Geographen, vol.5. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1930. 8, 101, 104

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T abari. 15 vols. in 3 ser. Ed. Michael Jan de Goeje. Leiden:E. J. Brill, 1879-1901; reprinted 1964-65. 72, 90

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Yaqut. Kitab muCjam al-buldan.jacut's geographisches Worterbuch. 6 vols. Ed. Ferdinand

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Adnan Adlvar, Abdiilhak. La science chez les Turcs Ottomans. Paris:G. P. Maisonneuve, 1939. 266, 270

--. Osmanlt Turklerinde ilim. 2d ed. Istanbul: Maarif, 1943.210, 221

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Aksel, Malik. Turklerde Dint Resimler. Istanbul: Elif Kitabevi, 1967.89

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Ali, S. Muzafer. The Geography of the Puranas. New Delhi:People's Publishing House, 1966. 300

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Allan, James W. Islamic Metalwork: The Nuhad es-Said Collection.London: Sotheby, 1982. 65

Allan, John. Catalogue of the Coins of Ancient India. London:Trustees [of the British Museum], 1936. 311

Allouche, Adel. The Origins and Development of the Ottoman­!$afavid Conflict. Islamkundliche Untersuchungen, vol. 91. Berlin:Klaus Schwarz, 1983. 228

Almagia, Roberto. "11 mappamondo di Piri Reis e la carta diColombo del 1498." Bollettino della Reale Societa GeograficaItaliana 71 (1934): 442-49. 271

--. Monumenta cartographica Vaticana. 4 vols. Rome:Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1944-55. 281

Almagro, Martin, et al. Qusayr cAmra: Residencia y banos omeyasen el desierto de Jordania. Madrid: Instituto Hispano-Arabe deCultura, 1975. 13, 16

Ambalal, Amit. Krishna as Shrinathji: Rajasthani Paintings fromNathdvara. Ahmadabad: Mapin, 1987.417, 420, 485

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Anafarta, Nigar. Hunername Minyaturlen ve Sanat{zlan. Istanbul,1969. 255

Anand, Mulk Raj. "Architecture." Marg [34, no. 1], Appreciation ofCreative Arts under Maharajah Ranjit Singh, 27-33. 450, 481

---. "Transformation of Folk Impulses into Awareness of Beautyin Art Expression." Marg [34, no. 1], Appreciation of CreativeArts under Maharaja Ranjit Singh, 8-26. 491

Andhare, Shridhar. "Painted Banners on Cloth: Vividha-tirtha-pata ofAhmedabad." Marg 31, no. 4 (1978), Homage to Kalamkari, pp.40-44. 323

Antes, Peter. Zur Theologie der Schica: Eine Untersuchung desGamic al-asrar wa-manbac al-anwar von Sayyid ljaidar Amoli.Freiburg: Klaus Schwarz, 1971. 87

Apte, Bhalchandra Krishna. A History of the Maratha Navy andMerchantships. Bombay: State Board for Literature and Culture,1973.493

Archer, Mildred. "Colonel Gentil's Atlas: An Early Series ofCompany Drawings." In India Office Library and Records:Report for the Year 1978, 41-45. London: Foreign andCommonwealth Office, 1979. 428, 429

Arendonk, C. van. "Ibn l:Iaw~al." In The Encyclopaedia of I slam,

Bibliographical Index

1st ed., 2:383-84. 110Arnold, Thomas W. Painting in I slam: A Study of the Place of

Pictorial Art in Muslim Culture. 1928; reprinted New York:Dover, 1965.6, 231, 324

Arunachalam, B. "The Haven Finding Art in Indian NavigationalTraditions and Its Applications in Indian NavigationalCartography." Annals of the National Association ofGeographers, India, vol. 5, no. 1 (1985): 1-23. Subsequentlypublished in slightly modified and improved form as "TheHaven-Finding Art in Indian Navigational Traditions andCartography." In The Indian Ocean: Explorations in History,Commerce, and Politics, ed. Satish Chandra, 191-221. NewDelhi: Sage Publications, 1987. 301, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499,500

Asher, Catherine. "Jehangir and the Reuse of Pillars." To bepublished in a commemorative volume by the ArchaeologicalSurvey of India, ed. M. C. Joshi. 377, 378

Asher, Frederick M. "Historical and Political Allegory in GuptaArt." In Essays on Gupta Culture, ed. Bardwell L. Smith, 53-66,plus ten plates. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1983. 311

Aslanapa, Oktay. "Macaristan'da Turk Abideleri." Tarih Dergisi 1(1949-50): 325-45. 215

Astan-i Quds-i Ra~avi. Fihrist-i kutub-i kitab'khanah-i mubarakah-iAstan-i Quds-i Ra~avi. Meshed, 1926-67. 130

Atasoy, Nurhan. "Turk minyaturiinde tarihi ger~ekcilik (1579 daKars)." Sanat Tarihi Ytlltgt 1 (1964-65): 103-8. 248

---. "1558 tarihli 'Suleymanname' ve Macar Nakka§ Pervane."Sanat Tarihi Y,lltgz 3 (1970): 167-96. 246

---. "Matrak~t's Representation of the Seven-Towered TopkaptPalace." In Fifth International Congress of Turkish Art, ed. GezaFeher, 93-101. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1978.237

Ate§, Al)med. "Ibn al-cArabI." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam, newed., 3:707-11. 85

AnI, Esin. "Ottoman Miniature Painting under Sultan Mehtned II."Ars Orientalis 9 (1973): 103-20. 230

--. "The Art of the Book." In Turkish Art, ed. Esin AnI, 137­238. Washington, D.C., and New York: Smithsonian InstitutionPress and Harry N. Abrams, 1980. 276

---. Suleymanname: The Illustrated History of Suleyman theMagnificent. Washington, D.C., and New York: National Galleryof Art and Harry N. Abrams, 1986.255

--. The Age of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent. Exhibitioncatalog. Washington, D.C., and New York: National Gallery ofArt and Harry N. Abrams, 1987. 244, 290

---, ed. Islamic Art and Patronage: Treasures from Kuwait.New York: Rizzoli, forthcoming. 291

Aujac, Germaine, and eds. "Greek Cartography in the Early RomanWorld." In The History of Cartography, ed. J. B. Harley andDavid Woodward, 1:161-76. Chicago: University of ChicagoPress, 1987-. 25

Awasthi, A. B. L. "Ancient Indian Cartography." In Dr. SatkariMookerji Felicitation Volume, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Studies, vol.69, 275-78. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, 1969.299, 313

Ayoub, Mahmoud M. The Qur'an and Its Interpreters. Albany: StateUniversity of New York Press, 1984-. 72

Ayyar, C. P. Venkatarama. Town Pla.nning in Ancient Dekkan.Madras: Law Printing House, [19'16].320

Babinger, Franz. "An Italian Map of the Balkans, Presumably Ownedby Mehmed II, the Conqueror (1452-53)." Imago Mundi 8(1951): 8-15. 210

--. "Seyyid Nuh and His Turkish Sailing Handbook." ImagoMundi 12 (1955): 180-82. 277

---. "Drei Stadtansichten von Konstantinopel, Galata (,Pera') und

Bibliographical Index

Skutari aus dem Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts." Denkschriften derOsterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch­Historische Klasse, 77, no. 3 (1959).234

--. "PIrI Mu~yi 'I-DIn Re>Is." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam,1st ed., 3:1070-71. 267

--. Mehmed the Conqueror and His Time. Trans. RalphManheim. Ed. William C. Hickman. Princeton: PrincetonUniversity Press, 1978. 210, 212

Bacque-Grammont, Jean Louis. "Un plan Ottoman inedit de Van auXVIIe siecle." Osmanlt Ara~ttrmalart Dergisi/Journal ofOttoman Studies 2 (1981): 97-122.213, 230

Baer, Eva. "Representations of 'Planet-Children' in TurkishManuscripts." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and AfricanStudies 31 (1968): 526-33. 63

---. "The Ruler in Cosmic Setting: A Note on Medieval IslamicIconography." In Essays in Islamic Art and Architecture: InHonor of Katherina Otto-Dorn, Islamic Art and Architecture,vol. 1, ed. Abbas Daneshvari, 13-19 and pIs. 1-14. Malibu,Calif.: Undena, 1981. 65

Bagrow, Leo. "Supplementary Notes to 'The Origin of Ptolemy'sGeography.'" Imago Mundi 4 (1947): 71-72. 277

--. History of Cartography. Rev. and enl. R. A. Skelton. Trans.D. L. Paisey. Cambridge: Harvard University Press; London: C. A.Watts, 1964; reprinted and enlarged, Chicago: Precedent, 1985.xix, xxii, 146, 148, 154, 296, 504

Bahura, G. N., and Chandramani Singh. "The Court as a CulturalCentre." Paper presented at the Conference on Conservation ofthe Environment and Culture in Rajasthan, held in Jaipur,Rajasthan, on 14-17 December 1987. 303

---. Documents from the Kapad-dwara. Jaipur: P. C. Trust,1988.408

Baklcloglu, Ziya. "Ibrahim Hakkl (Erzurumlu)." In Turk Dili veEdebiyatt Ansiklopedisi, 6 vols. to date, 4:325-26. Istanbul:Dergah Yaylnlan, 1976-. 89

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Bausani, Alessandro. "L'Italia nel Kitab-i bahriyye di Piri Reis." 1/Veltro: Rivista della Civiltd Italiana 23 (1979): 173-96. 278

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Beach, Milo Cleveland. The Grand Mogul: Imperial Painting inIndia, 1600-1660. Williamstown, Mass.: Sterling and FrancineClark Art Institute, 1978. 466

--. The Imperial Image: Paintings for the Mughal Court.Washington, D.C.: Freer Gallery of Art, 1981. 409

Beames, John. "On the Geography of India in the Reign of Akbar,Part II (with a Map), No. II, Subah Bihar." Journal of the AsiaticSociety of Bengal 54, pt. 1 (1885): 162-82. 328

Beck, Brenda E. F. "The Symbolic Merger of Body, Space and


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Beckingham, C. F. "Ibn I:fauqal's Map of Italy." In Iran and Islam:In Memory of the Late Vladimir Minorsky, ed. Clifford EdmundBosworth, 73-78. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1971.137

Bedini, Silvio A., and Francis R. Maddison. "Mechanical Universe:The Astrarium of Giovanni de' Dondi." Transactions of theAmerican Philosophical Society, n.s., 56, pt. 5 (1966): 3-69. 33

Beer, Arthur. "The Astronomical Significance of the Zodiac ofQu~ayr cAmra." In Early Muslim Architecture, vol. 1, Umayyads,A.D. 622-750, by K. A. C. Creswell, 2d ed., pt. 2, 432-40.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969. 13

Begde, Prabhakar V. Ancient and Mediaeval Town-Planning inIndia. New Delhi: Sagar Publications, 1978. 318, 319, 379-80

Begley, Wayne E. "The Myth of the Taj Mahal and a New Theoryof Its Symbolic Meaning." Art Bulletin 61, no. 1 (1979): 7-37.377, 378

Begley, Wayne E., and Z. A. Desai, eds. The Shah Jahan Nama ofInayat Khan (An Abridged History of the Mughal Emperor ShahJahan, Compiled by His Royal Librarian). Delhi: OxfordUniversity Press, 1990. 481

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--. "AI-BlrOnI on Plane Maps of the Sphere." Journal for theHistory of Arabic Science 6 (1982): 47-112. 34, 35, 37, 55, 142

Berkes, Niyazi. "ibrahim Miiteferri~a." In The Encyclopaedia ofIslam, new ed., 3:996-98. 218

Bey, Mahmoud. "Le systeme metrique actuel d'Egypte: Lesnilometres anciens et modemes et les antiques coudees d'Egypte."Journal Asiatique, sere 7, vol. 1 (1873): 67-110. 177

Bhardwaj, Surinder Mohan. Hindu Places of Pilgrimage in India (AStudy in Cultural Geography). Berkeley and Los Angeles:University of California Press, 1973; reprinted 1983. 311, 330

Biadene, Susanna, ed. Carte da navigar: Portolani e carte nautichedel Museo Correr, 1318-1732. Exhibition catalog. Venice:Marsilio Editori, 1990. 290

Blake, Stephen P. Shahjahanabad: The Sovereign City in MughalIndia, 1639-1739. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,forthcoming. 325, 326

Blanpied, William A. "The Astronomical Program of Raja Sawai JaiSingh II and Its Historical Context." Japanese Studies in theHistory of Science, no. 13 (1974): 87-126. 65, 360, 361, 362,363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 378, 379

Blochet, Edgar. Catalogue des manuscrits turcs. 2 vols. Paris:Bibliotheque Nationale, 1932-33. 291, 292

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Boulnois, L. Bibliographie du Nepal. Vol. 3, Sciences naturelles, bk.1, Cartes du Nepal dans les bibliotheques de Paris et de Londres.Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique,1973.430

Boyce, Mary. A History of Zoroastrianism. Vol. 1, The EarlyPeriod. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1975. 80

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Brice, William C. "Early Muslim Sea-Charts." Journal of the RoyalAsiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland [1977]: 53-61. 257,264,278,289-90

---. "Compasses, Compassi, and Kanabt§." Journal of SemiticStudies 29 (1984): 169-78. 286

--, ed. An Historical Atlas of Islam. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1981.116, 117

Brice, William C., and Colin H. Imber. "Turkish Charts in the'Portolan' Style." Geographical Journal 144 (1978): 528-29. 266,277

Brice, William C., Colin H. Imber, and Richard Lorch. The AegeanSea-Chart of Mehmed Reis ibn Menemenli, A.D. 1590/1.Manchester: University of Manchester, 1977. 280, 283

Brieux, Alain, and Francis R. Maddison. Repertoire des facteursd'astrolabes et de leurs oeuvres: Premiere partie, Islam. Paris:Centre National des Recherches Scientifiques, in press. 26, 41, 48,65

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Brockelmann, Carl. Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur. 2d ed. 2vols. and 3 suppl. vols. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1937-49.72

Brohier, R. L. Land, Maps and Surveys. 2 vols. Colombo: CeylonGovernment Press, 1950-51. 426, 427, 501

Brooks, Robert R. R., and Vishnu S. Wakankar. Stone Age Paintingin India. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1976. 304

Brown, Lloyd A. The Story of Maps. Boston: Little, Brown, 1949;reprinted New York: Dover, 1979. xix, 292, 298

Brown, William Norman. "A Painting of a Jaina Pilgrimage." In Artand Thought: Issued in Honour of Dr. Ananda K.Coomaraswamy on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, ed. K.Bharatha Iyer, 69-72 and pI. XIV. London: Luzac, 1947. Reissuedin his India and Indology:- Selected Articles, ed. Rosane Rocher,256-58 and pI. XLVII. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass for theAmerican Institute of Indian Studies, 1978. 301, 441, 442

---. Man in the Universe: Some Continuities in Indian Thought.Rabindranath Tagore Memorial Lectures, 4th ser., 1965. Berkeleyand Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1966. 330

Bruijn, J. T. P. de. "al-Kirmani." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam,new ed., 5:166-67. 83

Burski, Hans-Albrecht von. Kemal Re'ts: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichteder turkischen Flotte. Bonn, 1928. 267

\=agman, Filiz. "Sahname-i Selim Han ve Minyatiirleri." Sanat T arihiYtlltgt 5 (1973): 411-42. 246

Caillat, Collette, and Ravi Kumar. The Jain Cosmology. Trans. R.Norman. Basel: Ravi Kumar, 1981. 298, 329, 343, 345, 367, 369,372,374,375,384,386

Calvo, Emilia. "La Risalat al-§afil}a al-mustaraka (ala al-sakkaziyyade Ibn al-Banna) de Marrakus." al-Qantara 10 (1989): 21-50. 29

The Cambridge History of Islam. 2 vols. Ed. P. M. Holt, Ann K. S.Lambton, and Bernard Lewis. Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress, 1970. 3, 109, 228

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Campbell, Tony. The Earliest Printed Maps, 1472-1500. London:British Library, 1987. 265, 277

---. "Portolan Charts from the Late Thirteenth Century to1500." In The History of Cartography, ed. J. B. Harley andDavid Woodward, 1:371-463. Chicago: University of ChicagoPress, 1987-. 258, 289

Bibliographical Index

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Caplan, Anita L. "Prayag's Magh Mela Pilgrimage: Sacred Geographyand Pilgrimage Priests." In The Geography of Pilgrimage, ed. E.Alan Morinis and David E. Sopher. Syracuse, N.Y.: SyracuseUniversity Press, forthcoming. 330

Carra de Vaux, Bernard. "L'astrolabe lineaire ou baton d'et-Tousi."Journal Asiatique, 9th ser., 5 (1895): 464-516. 31

---. "al-Sabi'a." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam, 1st ed., 4:21­22. 26

Carswell, John. "From the Tulip to the Rose." In Studies inEighteenth Century Islamic History, ed. Thomas Naff and RogerOwen, 328-55 and 404-5. Carbondale: Southern IllinoisUniversity Press, 1977. 217

Carter, Thomas Francis. The Invention of Printing in China and ItsSpread Westward. 2d ed. Rev. L. Carrington Goodrich. 1925;New York: Ronald Press, 1955. 5, 6

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Istituto Orientale di Napoli, Annali (suppl. 33), 42, fasc. 4(1982): 1-61 and 4 pis. 50

\=etin, Atilla. Ba§bakanltk Ar~ivi Ktlavuzu. Istanbul: EnderunKitabevi, 1979. 207

Chaghatai, Muhammed Abdulla. "A Rare Historical Scroll ofShahjahan's Reign." Journal of the Asiatic Society of Pakistan 16(1971): 63-77. 470

Champeaux, Gerard de, and Dom Sebastien Sterckx. Introduction aumonde des symboles. Saint-Leger-Vauban: Zodiaque, 1966. 15-16

Chandra, Moti. Jain Miniature Paintings from Western India.Ahmadabad: Sarabhai Manilal Nawab, 1949.323, 367, 384

Charpentier, Jarl. "A Treatise on Hindu Cosmography from theSeventeenth Century (Brit. Mus. MS. Sloane 2748 A)." Bulletin ofthe School of Oriental Studies (London Institution) 3 (1923-25):317-42.300

Chattopadhyaya, Debiprasad. History of Science and Technology inAncient India: The Beginnings. Calcutta: Firma KLM PrivateLimited, 1986. 314

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Chittick, Neville. "East Africa and the Orient: Ports and Tradebefore the Arrival of the Portuguese." In Historical Relationsacross the Indian Ocean, General History of Africa: Studies andDocuments 3, 13-22. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientificand Cultural Organization, 1980. 503

Chittick, William C. Ibn al-(Arabts Metaphysics of Imagination:The Sufi Path of Knowledge. Albany: State University of NewYork Press, 1989. 85

Cohn, Bernard S. "Regions Subjective and Objective: Their Relationto the Study of Modern Indian History and Society." In Regionsand Regionalism in South Asian Studies: An Exploratory Study,ed. Robert I. Crane, Papers presented at a symposium held atDuke University, 7-9 April 1966, Monograph and OccasionalPapers Series, Monograph 5, 5-37. Durham, N.C.: DukeUniversity Program in Comparative Studies on Southern Asia,1967. 383

Comes, Merce, Roser Puig [Aguilar], and Julio Samso, eds. Deastronomia Alphonsi Regis. Proceedings of the Symposium on

Bibliographical Index

Alfonsine Astronomy held at Berkeley (August 1985). Barcelona:Universidad de Barcelona, 1987. 28

Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish. Catalogue of the IndianCollections in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Boston:Museum of Fine Arts, 1923-30. 481

Corbin, Henry. Terre celeste et corps de resurrection de l'IranMazdeen al'Iran Shi)ite. Paris: Buchet/Chastel, 1960. 80

---. En Islam iranien: Aspects spirituels et philosophiques. 4vols. Paris: Editions Gallimard, 1971-72. Vol. 3, Les fidelesd'amour: Shf)isme et Soufisme. 87, 88

--. "La science de la balance et les correspondances entre lesmondes en gnose islamique (d'apres l'oeuvre de J:laydar Amoll,VIIlejXIVe siecle)." Eranos 42 (1973): 79-162; Englishtranslation, "The Science of the Balance and theCorrespondences between Worlds in Islamic Gnosis." In Templeand Contemplation, trans. Philip Sherrard, 55-131. London: KPIin association with Islamic Publications, 1986. 87

Council of Europe. The Anatolian Civilisations, Topkapt PalaceMuseum, 22 May-30 October 1983. 3 vols. XVIIth European ArtExhibition, exhibition catalog. Istanbul: Turkish Ministry ofCulture and Tourism, 1983. 245

Creswell, K. A. C. Early Muslim Architecture: Umayyads, EarlycAbbasids and Tulunids. 1st ed., 2 pts. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1932-40. 177

--. Early Muslim Architecture. Vol. 1, Umayyads, A.D. 622­750. 2d ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969. 13

Crone, Gerald R. Maps and Their Makers: An Introduction to theHistory of Cartography. 1st ed. London: Hutchinson UniversityLibrary, 1953. 298

---. Maps and Their Makers: An Introduction to the History ofCartography. 5th ed. Folkestone, Kent: Dawson; Hamden,Conn.: Archon Books, 1978. xix

Dagtekin, Huseyin. "Bizde tarih haritaclhgl ve kaynaklan uzerine birara~tlrma." In VIII. Turk Tarih Kongresi, Ankara 11.-15. Ekim1976, 3 vols., 2:1141-81. Ankara: Turk Tarih Kurumu, 1979-83.207

Dallal, Ahmad. "AI-Bln1nI on Climates." Archives Internationalesd'Histoire des Sciences 34 (1984): 3-18. 175

---. "BiriinI's Book of Pearls concerning the Projection ofSpheres." Zeitschrift fur Geschichte der ~rabisch-Islamischen

Wissenschaften 4 (1987-88): 81-138. 34,\ 35Dalton, o. M. "The Byzantine Astrolabe at Brescia." Proceedings of

the British Academy, 1926, 133-46 and 3 pIs. 52Daniel, E. Valentine. Fluid Signs: Being a Person the Tamil Way.

Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984. 382, 383Darian, Steven G. The Ganges in Myth and History. Honolulu:

University Press of Hawaii, 1978. 311Das, Amarnath. India and]ambu Island: Showing Changes in

Boundaries and River-Courses of India and Burmah fromPauranic, Greek, Buddhist, Chinese, and Western Travellers'Accounts. Calcutta: Book Company, 1931. 300

Das, J. P. Puri Paintings: The Chitrakara and His Work. NewDelhi: Arnold Heinemann, 1982. 453, 487

Daunicht, Hubert. Der Osten nach der Erdkarte al-ljuwarizmfs:Beitrage zur historischen Geographie und Geschichte Asiens. 4vols. in 5. Bonn: Selbstverlag der Orientalischen Seminars derUniversitat, 1968-70. 9, 178

Decei, A. "Un 'Fetih-name-i Karabogdan' (1538) de NasuhMatra~\l." In Fuad Koprulu Armagant, 113-24. Istanbul: OsmanYal~ln, 1953.253

Deissmann, Gustav Adolf. Forschungen und Funde im Serai, miteinem Verzeichnis der nichtislamischen Handschriften imTopkapu Serai zu Istanbul. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1933.210,290


Delambre, Jean Baptiste Joseph. Histoire de l'astronomie du MoyenAge. [Paris: Courcier, 1819]. 141

Delatte, Armand, ed. Les portulans grecs. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1947.279

Denny, Walter B. "A Sixteenth-Century Architectural Plan ofIstanbul." Ars Orientalis 8 (1970): 49-63. 237

Deny, Jean, and Jane Laroche. "L'expedition en Provence de l'armeede mer du Sultan Suleyman sous Ie cornmandement de l'AmiralHayreddin Pacha, dit Barberousse (1543-1544)." Turcica 1(1969): 161-211. 245

Desai, Ramesh. Shivaji: The Last Great Fort Architect. New Delhi:Maharashtra Information Centre, 1987. 324

Deshpande, C. D. "A Note on Maratha Cartography." IndianArchives 7 (1953): 87-94.301, 402, 423, 425, 465, 491, 493

Dharampal. Indian Science and Technology in the EighteenthCentury: Some Contemporary European Accounts. Delhi: ImpexIndia, 1971. 361

Dhoundiyal, B. N. Ajmer. Rajasthan District Gazetteers, vol. 4.Jaipur: Publication Branch, Government Central Press, 1966. 371,372

Dictionary of Scientific Biography. 16 volumes. Ed. CharlesCoulston Gillispie. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970-80.See entries under individual authors.

Digby, Simon. "The Bhiigola of Ksema Kaqla: A Dated SixteenthCentury Piece of Indian Metalware." AARP (Art andArchaeology Research Papers) 4 (1973): 10-31. 301, 352, 353,354

Dilke, O. A. W., and eds. "The Culmination of Greek Cartographyin Ptolemy." In The History of Cartography, ed. J. B. Harleyand David Woodward, 1:177-200. Chicago: University ofChicago Press, 1987-. 34, 43, 137, 138

Diskalkar, D. B. "Excavations at Kasrawad." Indian HistoricalQuarterly 25 (1949): 1-18. 317

Dold-Samplonius, Yvonne. "al-Sijzt" In Dictionary of ScientificBiography, 16 vols., ed. Charles Coulston Gillispie, 12:431-32.New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970-80. 31

Donaldson, Bess Allen. The Wild Rue: A Study of MuhammadanMagic and Folklore in Iran. London: Luzac, 1938. 378, 379

Doshi, Saryu. Masterpieces of Jain Painting. Bombay: MargPublications, 1985. 384

Drecker, J. "Das Planisphaerium des Claudius Ptolemaeus." Isis 9(1927): 255-78. 25

Dube, Bechan. Geographical Concepts in Ancient India. Varanasi:National Geographical Society of India, Banaras HinduUniversity, 1967. 319

Duff, Arthur. "Pilgrim's Maps." Unpublished paper. 453Dunlop, D. M. "al-Balkhi." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam, new ed.,

1:1003. 108, 115Dutt, Binode Behari. Town Planning in Ancient India. Delhi: New

Asian Publishers, 1977. 319, 320, 380

Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield. "Origins and Contents of the LeidenPlanetary Configuration (MS. Voss. Q. 79, fol. 93v), an ArtisticAstronomical Schema of the Early Middle Ages." Viator:Medieval and Renaissance Studies 14 (1983): 1-40 and 9 pIs. 16

Eck, Diana L. Darsan: Seeing the Divine Image in India.Chambersburg, Pa.: Anima Books, 1981. 382

--. Banaras: City of Light. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1982.382

--. "Rose-Apple Island: Mythological and GeographicPerspectives on the Land of India." Unpublished manuscript. 336,339, 369

Ehrensvard, Ulla, with contributions by Zygmunt Abrahamowitz."Two Maps Printed by Ibrahim Muteferrika in 1724/25 and'1729/30." Svenska Forskningsinstitutet i Istanbul Meddelanden


15 (1990): 46-66. 218Elwell-Sutton, Laurence P. "A Royal TImiirid Nativity Book." In

Logos Islamikos: Studia Islamica in Honorem Georgii MichaelisWickens, ed. Roger M. Savory and Dionisius A. Agius, 119-36Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1984. 64

Embree, Ainslie T. "Frontiers into Boundaries: From the Traditionalto the Modern State." In Realm and Region in TraditionalIndia, ed. Richard G. Fox, 255-80. Monograph and OccasionalPapers Series, Monograph 14. Durham, N.C.: Duke UniversityProgram in Comparative Studies on Southern Asia, 1977. 508

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th ed., S.v. "Tavernier, Jean Baptiste."67

Encyclopaedia Iranica. Ed. Ehsan Yarshater. London: Routledge andKegan Paul, 1982-. See entries under individual authors.

The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 1st ed. 4 vols. and suppl. Leiden: E. ].Brill, 1913-38. New ed., Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1960-. See entriesunder individual authors.

Encyclopedia of World Art, 16 vols., ed. Massimo Pallottino. NewYork: ~1cGraw-Hill, 1957-83. 16 See also entries underindividual authors.

Entwistle, Alan W. Braj: Centre of Krishna Pilgrimage. Groningen:Egbert Forsten, 1987. 417, 418, 473

Ersoy, Osman. Turkiye'ye Matbaantn Giri§i ve ilk BastIan Eserler.Ankara: Guven, 1959. 218

Esin, Emel. "La geographie tunisienne de Piri Re)is: A la lumiere dessources turques du Xe/XVle siecle." Les Cahiers de Tunisie 29(1981): 585-605. 279

Ess, Josef van. "l:Iaydar-i AmulI." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam,new ed., suppl. fasc. 5-6, 363-65. 87

Ethe, Hermann. Catalogue of the Persian, Turkish, Hindustani andPushtu Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library. Oxford: ClarendonPress, 1930. 291

Ettinghausen, Richard. "Die bildliche Darstellung der Ka(ba imIslamischen Kulturkreis." Zeitschrift der DeutschenMorgenlandischen Gesellschaft 87 (1934): 111-37.217,244

---. "Hilal: In Islamic Art." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam, newed., 3:381-85.63

--. Arab Painting. [Geneva]: Editions d'Art Albert Skira, 1962;New York: Rizzoli, 1977. 12

Ettinghausen, Richard, and Oleg Grabar. The Art and Architecture ofIslam: 650-1250. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1987. 12, 13,16,64

Euw, Anton von. Aratea: H immelsbilder von der Antike bis zurNeuzeit. Exhibition catalog. Zurich: Galerie "Ie Point,"Schweizerische Kreditanstalt (SKA), 1988. 16

Eyice, Semavi. "Avrupa'h Bir Ressamln Gozu ile Kanuni SultanSuleyman." In Kanuni Armagant, 129-70. Ankara: Turk TarihKurumu, 1970. 250

Ezgo, Fuad. "Pid Reis." In Islam ansiklopedisi, 13 vols., 9:561-65.Istanbul: Milli Egitim, 1940-88. 267

Falk, Toby, and Mildred Archer. Indian Miniatures in the IndiaOffice Library. London: Sotheby Parke Bernet, 1981. 384, 446,466,469,491

Feher, Geza. Turkish Miniatures from the Period of Hungary'sTurkish Occupation. Trans. Lili Halapy and Elisabeth West.Budapest: Corvina Press and Magyar Helikon, 1978. 247, 253,255

Fehervari, G. "l:Iarran." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam, new ed.,3:227-30. 26

Field, J. V., and M. T. Wright. "Gears from the Byzantines: APortable Sundial with Calendrical Gearing." Annals of Science 42(1985): 87-138. 33

Fiorini, Matteo. "Le projezioni cartografiche di Albiruni." Bollettino

Bibliographical Index

della Societa Geografica Italiana, 3d ser., 4 (1891): 287-94. 34Fire of Life: The Smithsonian Book of the Sun. Washington, D.C.:

Smithsonian Institution, 1981. 291Fleischer, Cornell H. Bureaucrat and Intellectual in the Ottoman

Empire: The Historian Mustafa Ali (1541-1600). Princeton:Princeton University Press, 1986. 229, 249

Fleischer, Heinrich. Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum orientaliumBibliothecae Regiae Dresdensis. Leipzig: F. C. G. Vogel, 1831.291

Flemming, Barbara. Turkische Handschriften. Verzeichnis derOrientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland, vol. 13, pt. 1.Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1968. 253, 291

FIOgel, Gustav. Die arabischen, persischen und turkischenHandschriften der Kaiserlich-Koniglichen Hofbibliothek zu Wien.3 vols. Vienna: Kaiserlich-Konigliche Hof- und Staatsdruckerei,1865-67.125,132,291

Foncin, Myriem. Catalogue des cartes nautiques sur velin conserveesau Departement des Cartes et Plans. Paris: BibliothequeNationale, 1963. 290

Forrer, Ludwig. Die osmanische Chronik des Rustem Pascha.Leipzig: Mayer und Muller, 1923.236

Foy, Karl. "Die Windrose bei Osmanen und Griechen mit Benutzungder Babrijje des Admirals PIr-i-Re)Is vom Jahre 1520 f."Mitteilungen des Seminars fur Orientalische Sprachen an derFreidrich-Wilhelms-Universitiit zu Berlin 11 (1908): 234-47. 277

Fraser, James. The History of Nadir Shah, Formerly Called ThamasKuli Khan, the Present Emperor of Persia. Delhi: MohanPublications, 1973 (reprint of 2d ed., London 1742). 326

Freshfield, Edwin Hanson. "Some Sketches Made in Constantinoplein 1574." Byzantinische Zeitschrift 30 (1929-30): 519-22. 250

FOck, Johann. Die arabischen Studien in Europa bis in den Anfangdes 20. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1955.63

Gabriel, Albert. "Les etapes d'une campagne dans les deux (Irakd'apres un manuscrit turc du XVle siecle." Syria 9 (1928): 328­49. 235

Gait, Edward Albert. A History of Assam. 3d rev. ed. Calcutta:Thacker Spink, 1963. 326, 329

Gallo, Rodolfo. "A Fifteenth Century Military Map of the VenetianTerritory of Terraferma." Imago Mundi 12 (1955): 55-57.210

Gallois, Lucien. Cartographie de l'ile de Delos. ExplorationArcheologique de Delos Faite par l'Ecole Fran~aise d'Athenes,fasc. 3. Paris: Fontemoing, 1910. 278

Galotta, Aldo. "Khayr aI-DIn (KhlQlr) Pa.ilia, Barbarossa." In TheEncyclopaedia of Islam, new ed., 4:1155-58. 285

Gangoly, O. C. Critical Catalogue of Miniature Paintings in theBaroda Baroda: Government Press, 1961. 384, 446, 483

Gardet, L. "manna" (paradise, garden). In The Encyclopaedia ofIslam, new ed., 2:447-52. 377

Gascoigne, Bamber. The Great Moghuls. London: Jonathan Cape,1971. 63

Ghosh, A., ed. Jaina Art and Architecture. 3 vols. New Delhi:Bharatiya Jnanpith, 1974-75. 342

Ghosh, Rai Sahib Manoranjan. Rock-Paintings and Other Antiquitiesof Prehistoric and Later Times. Memoirs of the ArchaeologicalSurvey of India, no. 24. Calcutta: Government of India, CentralPublication Branch, 1932; reprinte~ Patna: I. B. Corporation,1982.305 '

Gibbs, Sharon, Janice A. Henderson, and Derek de Solla Price. AComputerized Checklist of Astrolabes. Photocopy of typescript.New Haven: Yale University Department of the History ofScience and Medicine, 1973. 26

Gibbs, Sharon, with George Saliba. Planispheric Astrolabes from theNational Museum of American History. Washington, D.C.:

Bibliographical Index

Smithsonian Institution Press, 1984. 18, 21, 24, 26, 65, 299, 315Gingerich, Owen. "Astronomical Scrapbook: An Astrolabe from

Lahore." Sky and Telescope 63 (1982): 358-60.21---. "Zoomorphic Astrolabes and the Introduction of Arabic

Star Names into Europe." In From Deferent to Equant: AVolume of Studies in the History of Science in the Ancient andMedieval Near East in Honor of E. S. Kennedy, ed. David A.King and George Saliba, 89-104. Annals of the New YorkAcademy of Sciences, vol. 500. New York: New York Academyof Sciences, 1987. 53

Gingerich, Owen, David A. King, and George Saliba. "The cAbd al­A'imma Astrolabe Forgeries." journal for the History ofAstronomy 3 (1972): 188-98. Reprinted in David A. King, IslamicAstronomical Instruments, item VI. London: Variorum Reprints,1987. 53

Glasenapp, Helmuth von. Der jainismus: Eine indische Erlosungs­religion. 1925; reprinted Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1964. 442

---. Heilige Statten Indiens: Die Walfahrtsorte der Hindus,]ainas und Buddhisten, Ihre Legenden und Ihr Kultus. Munich:Georg Muller, 1928.482, 487, 489

Goeje, Michael Jan de. "Die IstakhrI-BalkhI Frage." Zeitschrift derDeutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft 25 (1871): 42-58. 110,130

Goeje, Michael Jan de, and Th. W. Juynboll. Catalogus codicumarabicorum, Bibliothecae Academiae Lugduno-Batavae. 2d ed.Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1907. 132, 134

Gogerly, Daniel John. Ceylon Buddhism. 2 vols. Ed. Arthur StanleyBishop. Colombo: Wesleyan Methodist Book Room; London:Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1908. 343

Goldstein, B. R. "Ibn Yiinus." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam, newed., 3:969-70. 141

---. "The Arabic Version of Ptolemy's Planetary Hypotheses."Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, n.s., 57, pt.4 (1967): 3-55. 10

Goldziher, Ignaz. "Stellung der alten islamischen Orthodoxie zu denantiken Wissenschaften." Abhandlungen der KoniglichPreussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch­Historische Klasse (1915), Abhandlung 8. English translation,"The Attitude of Orthodox Islam toward the 'AncientSciences.' " In Studies on Islam, ed. and trans. Merlin L. Swartz,185-215. New York: Oxford University Press, 1981. 73

Gole, Susan. Early Maps of India. New York: Humanities Press,1976. 299

---. A Series of Early Printed Maps of India in Facsimile. NewDelhi: Jayaprints, 1980. 299

---. India within the Ganges. New Delhi: Jayaprints, 1983.299,325,402,424,425,465

---. "Three Maps of Shahjahanabad." South Asian Studies 4(1988): 13-27. 469, 491

---. Indian Maps and Plans: From Earliest Times to the Adventof European Surveys. New Delhi: Manohar, 1989. xx, 296, 299,308, 312, 317, 319, 349, 350, 352, 389, 390, 392, 393, 396, 400,402,408,410,411,413,414,415,416,417,420,422,423,425,427,435,436,437,438,440,441,442,446,448,450,457,460,461,465,466,468,470,473,475,477,479,483,485,487,489,491, 493, 501, 504, 508, pI. 32

--, ed. Maps of Mughal India: Drawn by Colonel jean­Baptiste-joseph Gentil, Agent for the French Government to theCourt of Shuja-ud-daula at Faizabad, in 1770. New Delhi:Manohar, 1988. 299, 378, 428

Golplnarh, Abdulbaki. Melamuik ve Melamuer. "Istanbul: Devlet,1931. 87

Gombrich, R. F. "Ancient Indian Cosmology." In AncientCosmologies, ed. Carmen Blacker and Michael Loewe, 110-42.


London: George Allen and Unwin, 1975.333, 334, 337, 342, 367Gonda, Jan. Aspects of Early Vi~1Juism. 2d ed. Delhi: Motilal

Banarsidass, 1969. 307Goodrich, Thomas D. "Ottoman Americana: The Search for the

Sources of the Sixteenth-Century Tarih-i Hind-i garbi." Bulletinof Research in the Humanities 85 (1982): 269-94. 221, 271

---. "Atlas-i hlimayun: A Sixteenth-Century Ottoman MaritimeAtlas Discovered in 1984." Archivum Ottomanicum 10 (1985):83-101.272,282,290

---. "The Earliest Ottoman Maritime Atlas-The Walters Denizatlast." Archivum Ottomanicum 11 (1986): 25-50. 282, 290

--. "Ottoman Portolans." Portolan 7 (1986): 6-11. 291---. "Tarih-i Hind-i garbi: An Ottoman Book on the New

World." journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (1987):317-19.221

--. The Ottoman Turks and the New World: A Study ofHTarih-i H ind-i garbi" and Sixteenth-Century OttomanAmericana. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1990. 271

Gorakshkar, Sadashiv. "An Illustrated Anis al-Haj in the Prince ofWales Museum, Bombay." In Facets of Indian Art: ASymposium Held at the Victoria and Albert Museum on 26, 27,28 April and 1 May 1982, ed. Robert Skelton et aI., 158-67.London: Victoria and Albert Museum, 1986. 479

Gordon, D. H. "Indian Cave Paintings." IPEK: jahrbuch furPrahistorische und Ethnographische Kunst, 1935, 107-14. 304

---. "The Rock Paintings of the Mahadeo Hills." Indian Artand Letters 10 (1936): 35-41. 304

Gossellin, Pascal Fran~ois Joseph. Geographie des Grecs Analysee;ou, Les systemes d'Eratosthenes, de Strabon et de Ptolemeecompares entre eux et avec nos connoissances modernes. Paris:Imprimerie de Didot l'Aine, 1790.340

Goswamy, B. N., and A. L. Dallapiccola. "More Painting fromKutch: Much Confirmation, Some Surprises." Artibus Asiae 40(1978): 283-306. 445

--. A Place Apart: Painting in Kutch, 1720-1820. Delhi:Oxford University Press, 1983. 445

Goylin~, Nejat. "Kemal Re)Is." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam, newed., 4:881-82. 267

Grabar, Oleg. The Formation of Islamic Art. Rev. and enl. cd. NewHaven: Yale University Press, 1987. 5

Grasshoff, Gerd. The History of Ptolemy's Star Catalogue. NewYork: Springer-Verlag, 1990. 43

Gray, Basil. "An Unknown Fragment of the 'Jamic al-tawarikh' in theAsiatic Society of BengaL" Ars Orientalis 1 (1954): 65-75. 231

Grosset-Grange, Henri. "La navigation arabe de jadis: Nouveauxaper~us sur les methodes pratiquees en Ocean Indien."Navigation: Revue Technique de Navigation Maritime Aerienneet Spatiale 68 (1969): 437-48. 259

---. "Une carte nautique arabe au Moyen Age." ActaGeographica, 3d ser., no. 27 (1976): 33-48.259

Grube, Ernst J. "Notes on Ottoman Painting in the 15th Century."Islamic Art and Architecture 1 (1981): 51-62. 230

Guillaume, Germaine. "Influences des ambassades sur les echangesartistiques de la France et de l'Iran du XVIIeme au debut duXIXeme siecle." In Memoires du IIIe Congres International d'Artet d'Archeologie Iraniens, Leningrad, Septembre 1935, 79-88.Moscow: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 1939.242

Guilmartin, John Francis, Jr. Gunpowder and Galleys: ChangingTechnology and Mediterranean Warfare at Sea in the SixteenthCentury. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1974. 275

Gunther, Robert T. The Astrolabes of the World. 2 vols. Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1932; London: Holland Press, 1976. 12,21,24,54,68,299,315

Gupta, Parmanand. Geography from Ancient Indian Coins and


Seals. New Delhi: Concept, 1989. 311Gurjar, Laxman Vasudeo. Ancient Indian Mathematics and Vedha.

[Pune: S. G. Vidwans, Ideal Book Service], 1947. 361Gurung, Harka. Maps of Nepal: Inventory and Evaluation.

Bangkok: White Orchid Press, 1983.430, 431, 432, 433Gutschow, Niels, and Thomas Sieverts, eds. Stadt und Ritual:

Beitrage eines internationalen Symposions zur StadtbaugeschichteSud- u. Ostasiens; Urban Space and Ritual: Proceedings of anInternational Symposium on Urban History of South and EastAsia. Beitrage und Studienmaterialen der Fachgruppe Stadt 11.Darmstadt: Technische Hochschule, 1977. 383

Habib, Irfan. "Cartography in Mughal India." Medieval India, aMiscellany 4 (1977): 122-34; also published in Indian Archives28 (1979): 88-105. 301, 390, 391, 392, 403, 404, 507

---. An Atlas of the Mugf!.al Empire: Political and EconomicMaps with Detailed Notes, Bibliography and Index. Delhi:Oxford University Press, 1982. 325

Halasi-Kun, G. J. "The Map of ~ekl-i Yeni Felemenk maa ingiliz inEbubekir Dimi§ki's Tercume-i Atlas mayor." ArchivumOttomanicum 11 (1986): 51-70. 266

Hale, John R. Renaissance Fortification: Art or Engineering?London: Thames and Hudson, 1977. 235

Hamarneh, Sami K. "An Editorial: Arabic-Islamic Science andTechnology." Journal for the History of Arabic Science 1 (1977):3-7. xix

Hamdani, Abbas. "Ottoman Response to the Discovery of Americaand the New Route to India." Journal of the American OrientalSociety 101 (1981): 323-30. 271

---. "The Arrangement of the Rasti'il ikhwan al-~afa) and theProblem of Interpolations." Journal of Semitic Studies 29 (1984):97-110.75

Hapgood, Charles H. Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings: Evidence ofAdvanced Civilization in the Ice Age. Rev. ed. New York: E. P.Dutton, 1979.270,271

Harley, J. B., and David Woodward, eds. The History ofCartography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987-.Volume 1. xix, xxi, 42 See also entries under individual authors.

Hartner, Willy. "The Pseudoplanetary Nodes of the Moon's Orbit inHindu and Islamic Iconographies." Ars Islamica 5 (1938): 112­54. Reprinted in Willy Hartner, Oriens-Occidens: AusgewahlteSchriften zur Wissenschafts- und Kulturgeschichte, 2 vols.,1:349-404. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1968 and 1984.64, 65

---. "The Principle and Use of the Astrolabe." In Survey ofPersian Art from Prehistoric Times to the Present, 6 vols., ed.Arthur Upham Pope, 3:2530-54 and 6:1397-1404. London:Oxford University Press, 1938-39. Reprinted in Willy Hartner,Oriens-Occidens: Ausgewahlte Schriften zur Wissenschafts- undKulturgeschichte,2 vols., 1:287-311. Hildesheim: Georg Olms,1968 and 1984. 54

---. "The Astronomical Instruments of Cha-ma-Iu-ting, TheirIdentification, and Their Relations to the Instruments of theObservatory of Maragha." Isis 41 (1950): 184-94. 222

---. "Asturlab." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam, new ed., 1:722­28. Reprinted in Willy Hartner, Oriens-Occidens: AusgewahlteSchriften zur Wissenschafts- und Kulturgeschichte, 2 vols.,1:312-18. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1968 and 1984. 21, 29

---. "lliawzahar." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam, new ed.,2:501-2.64

---. "Qusayr cAmra, Farnesina, Luther, Hesiod: SomeSupplementary Notes to A. Beer's Contribution." In Vistas inAstronomy, vol. 9, New Aspects in the History and Philosophyof Astronomy, ed. Arthur Beer, 225-28. Oxford: Pergamon Press,1967. Reprinted in Willy Hartner, Oriens-Occidens: AusgewahlteSchriften zur Wissenschafts- und Kulturgeschichte, 2 vols.,2:288-91. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1968 and 1984. 16

Bibliographical Index

---. "The Vaso Vescovali in the British Museum: A Study onIslamic Astrological Iconography." Kunst des Orients 9 (1973­74): 99-130. Reprinted in Willy Hartner, Oriens-Occidens:Ausgewahlte Schriften zur Wissenschafts- und Kulturgeschichte,2 vols., 2:214-45. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1968 and 1984.64,65

Harvey, P. D. A. The History of Topographical Maps: Symbols,Pictures and Surveys. London: Thames and Hudson, 1980. xx,296

---. "Local and Regional Cartography in Medieval Europe." InThe History of Cartography, ed. J. B. Harley and DavidWoodward, 1:464-501. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1987-. 277

aI-Hassan, Ahmad Y., and Donald R. Hill. Islamic Technology: AnIllustrated History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986.257

Hawkins, Gerald S., and David A. King. "On the Orientation of theKacba." Journal for the History of Astronomy 13 (1982): 102-9.190

Heinen, Anton M. Islamic Cosmology: A Study of as-Suyuti's "al­Hay)a as-saniya fi I-hay)a as-sunniya." With critical edition,translation, and commentary. Beirut: Franz Steiner, 1982. 71, 72

HeIck, Wolfgang. "Masse und Gewichte." In Lexikon derAgyptologie, ed. Wolfgang HeIck and Eberhard Otto, 3:1199­1209. Wiesbaden: Otto Harassowitz, 1975-. 177

Herrman, Albert. "Die alteste tiirkische Weltkarte (1076 n. Chr.)."Imago Mundi 1 (1935): 21-28. 153

Herzog, R. "Ein ttirkisches Werk tiber das Agaische Meer aus demJahre 1520." Mitteilungen des Kaiserlich DeutschenArchaeologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung 27 (1902): 417­30 and pI. 15. 277

Hess, Andrew C. "The Evolution of the Ottoman Seaborne Empirein the Age of Oceanic Discoveries, 1453-1525." AmericanHistorical Review 75 (1970): 1892-1919. 263

---. "Piri Reis and the Ottoman Response to the Voyages ofDiscovery." Terrae Incognitae 6 (1974): 19-37. 271

---. The Forgotten Frontier: A History of the Sixteenth-CenturyIbero-African Frontier. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1978. 285

Heyd, U. "A Turkish Description of the Coast of Palestine in theEarly Sixteenth Century." Israel Exploration Journal 6 (1956):201-16. 279

Heywood, Colin J. "The Ottoman Menzilhane and Ulak System inRumeli in the Eighteenth Century." In Social and EconomicHistory of Turkey (1071-1920): Papers Presented to the "FirstInternational Congress on the Social and Economic History ofTurkey," Hacettepe University, Ankara, July 11-13, 1977, ed.Osman Okyar and Halil inalClk, 179-86. Ankara: MeteksanLimited ~irketi, 1980. 209

Hill, Donald R. Arabic Water-Clocks. Aleppo: University of Aleppo,Institute for the History of Arabic Science, 1981. 40

---. A History of Engineering in Classical and Medieval Times.London: Croom Helm, 1984. 175

---. "AI-BlnlnI's Mechanical Calendar." Annals of Sdence 42(1985): 139-63. 33

Hinz, Walther. Islamische Masse und Gewichte: Umgerechnet insmetrische System. Handbuch der Orientalistik. Ed. B. Spuler.Suppl. vol. 1, no. 1. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1955. 8, 177

---. "Dhira c." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam, new ed., 2:231­

32. 8Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien. Wien 1529: Die erste

Turkenbelagerung. Exhibition catalog. Vienna: Hermann Bohlaus,1979. 246

Hodgson, Marshall G. S. "The Interrelations of Societies in History."Comparative Studies in Society and History 5 (1963): 227-50.xxi

Bibliographical Index

--. "Islam and Image." History of Religions 3 (1964): 220-60. 5---. "The Role of Islam in World History." International

Journal of Middle East Studies 1 (1970): 99-123. xxi--. The Venture of Islam: Conscience and History in a World

Civilization. 3 vols. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974. 3Honigmann, Ernst. Die sieben Klimata und die nbleu; f;nIGl1f..lOl •

Heidelberg: Winter, 1929.76-77, 94, 96, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103,175

--. "The Arabic Translation of Aratus' Phaenomena." Isis 41(1950): 30-31. 17

Horwitz, Hugo Theodor. "Mariano und Valturio." Geschichtsblatterfur Technik und Industrie 7 (1920): 38-40. 235

Hsu, Mei-ling. "Chinese Marine Cartography: Sea Charts of Pre­modern China." Imago Mundi 40 (1988): 96-112. 495, 503

Huart, Clement (rev. Adolf Grohmann). "~alam." In TheEncyclopaedia of Islam, new ed., 4:471. 72

Hunter, William. "Some Account of the Astronomical Labours ofJayasinha, Rajah of Ambhere, or Jayanagar." Asiatick Researches;or, Transactions of the Society Instituted in Bengal, vol. 5, 4thed. (1807): 177-211. 362

Hunter, William Wilson. Statistical Account of Bengal. 20 vols.London: Trubner, 1875-77. 317

Huntington, Susan L. The Art of Ancient India. New York andTokyo: Weatherhill, 1985. 311-12

Hunzai, Faquir Muhammad. "The Concept of TawQld in theThought of J:Iamid aI-DIn al-Kirmanl." Ph.D. diss., McGillUniversity, 1986. 83

Igonetti, Giuseppina. "Le citazioni del testo geografico di al-IdrlsI nelTaqwfm al-buldan di Abu >l-Fida>." In Studi Magrebini, 8:39-52.Naples: Istituto Universitario Orientale, 1976. 157

Imber, Colin H. "The Navy of Suleyman the Magnificent."Archivum Ottomanicum 6 (1980): 211-82. 263, 274

The Imperial Gazetteer of India. New ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1908.415,419

inalClk, Halil. H icrf 835 tarihli Suret-i defter-i sancak-i Arvanid.Ankara: Turk Tarih Kurumu, 1954. 209

--. "Ottoman Methods of Conquest." Studia Islamica 2 (1954):103-29. Reprinted in Halil inalclk, The Ottoman Empire:Conquest, Organization and Economy; Collected Studies.London: Variorum Reprints, 1978. 209

The Indian Heritage: Court Life and Arts under Mughal Rule.Catalog of exhibit at Victoria and Albert Museum, 21 April-22August 1982. London: Victoria and Albert Museum and HerbertPress, 1982. 428, 469

Ingalls, Daniel. "The Brahman Tradition." journal of AmericanFolklore 71 (1958): 209-15. 328, 329

In the Image of Man: The Indian Perception of the Universethrough 2000 Years of Painting and Sculpture. Catalog ofexhibit, Hayward Gallery, London, 25 March-13 June 1982.New York: Alpine Fine Arts Collection, 1982. 386-87, 481, 483

ip~iroglu, Mazhar ~evket. Saray-alben: Diez'sche Klebebiinde aus denBerliner Sammlungen. Verzeichnis der OrientalischenHandschriften in Deutschland, vol. 8. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner,1964. 230

Irmedi-Molnar, Laszlo. "The Earliest Known Map of Hungary,1528." Imago Mundi 18 (1964): 53-59. 247

Irwin, John. The Kashmir Shawl. London: Her Majesty's StationeryOffice, 1973. 479

---. "Akbar and the Cosmic Pillar." In Facets of Indian Art: ASymposium Held at the Victoria and Albert Museum on 26, 27,28 April and 1 May 1982, ed. Robert Skelton et aI., 47-50.London: Victoria and Albert Museum, 1986.377

Irwin, John, and Margaret Hall. Indian Embroideries. HistoricTextiles of India at the Calico Museum, vol. 2. Ahmadabad: S. R.Bastikar on behalf of Calico Museum of Textiles, 1973. 384


Islamic Science and Learning, Washington, D.C., july 1989.Exhibition catalog. Saudi Arabia: High Commission for theDevelopment of Arriyadh, 1989. 66

"al-I~IakhrI." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam, 1st ed., 2:560. 109Izutsu, Toshihiko. Sufism and Taoism: A Comparative Study of Key

Philosophical Concepts. Berkeley: University of California Press,1984. 85

Jachimowicz, Edith. "Islamic Cosmology." In Ancient Cosmologies,ed. Carmen Blacker and Michael Loewe, 143-71. London:George Allen and Unwin, 1975.71

Jacobi, H. J. "Cosmogony and Cosmology (Indian)." InEncyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, 13 vols., ed. JamesHastings, 4:155-61. Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark, 1908-26. 333,341

Jacfri, S. Razia. "A Critical Revision and Interpretation of Kitab ~urat

al-)arc! by MUQammad b. Musa al-KhwarizmI." Thesis, AligarhMuslim University, n.d. 163, 168

---A al-Khwarizmf World Geography. Tajik Academy of Sciencesand Center of Central Asian Studies, Kashmir University,Dushanbe, Tajikistan (USSR), 1984. 157

James, J. F. W. "The River Front of Patna at the Beginning of theEighteenth [sic, should read "Nineteenth"] Century." journal ofthe Bihar and Orissa Research Society 11 (1925): 85-90. 452

Janin, Louis. "Un texte d'ar-Rudani sur l'astrolabe spherique."Annali de/l'Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze 3,fasc. 2 (1978): 71-75. 42

JfianamatI, Aryika. jarrzbadvfpa. Hastinapura, Meerut District, UttarPradesh, 1974. 370

Jolivet, Jean, and Roshdi Rashed. "aI-Kindt" In Dictionary ofScientific Biography, 16 vols., ed. Charles Coulston Gillispie,15:261-67. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970-80.10

Jomard, Edme Fran~ois. Les monuments de la geographie. Paris:Duprat, 1842-62. 287, 290

Kahane, Henry, Renee Kahane, and Andreas Tietze. The LinguaFranca in the Levant: Turkish N autical Terms of Italian andGreek Origin. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1958. 7, 206

Kahle, Paul. "A Lost Map of Columbus." Geographical Review 23(1933): 621-38. 270

---A Die verschollene Columbus-Karte von 1498 in einerturkischen Weltkarte von 1513. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1933.270

---A "Piri Re'is: The Turkish Sailor and Cartographer." journalof the Pakistan Historical Society 4 (1956): 99-108. 266

Kaldy-Nagy, Gyula. "The First Centuries of the Ottoman MilitaryOrganization." Acta Orientalia: Academiae ScientiarumHungaricae 31 (1977): 147-83. 230

Kale, D. V. "Maps and Charts." Bharata Itihasa SamshodhakaMandala Quarterly, special number for the Indian HistoryCongress of 1948, vol. 2,9, nos. 115-16, pp. 60-65.301,423,425, 426, 465

Kamal, Youssouf. Monumenta cartographica Africae et Aegypti. 5vols. in 16 pts. Cairo, 1926-51. Facsimile reprint, 6 vols., ed. FuatSezgin. Frankfurt: Institut fur Geschichte der Arabisch­Islamischen Wissenschaften, 1987. 9, 130, 138, 139, 142, 143,144,147,154,210,289

Kammerer, Albert. La Mer Rouge: L'Abyssinie et rArabie aux XVIeet XVIIe siecles et la cartographie des portulans du mondeoriental: Etude d'histoire et de geographie hi,storique. 3 vols.Memoires de la Societe Royale de Geographie d'Egypte, vol. 17.Cairo: Institut Fran~ais d'Archeologie Orientale pour la SocieteRoyale de Geographie d'Egypte, 1947-52.499, 501

Karabacek, Josef von. "Zur orientalischen Altertumskunde, IV:Muhammedanische Kunststudien." Sitzungsberichte derKaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien,


Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, 172, no. 1 (1913).237Karatay, Fehmi Edhem. Topkapt Sarayt Muzesi Kutuphanesi: Fars~a

Yazmalar Katalogu. Istanbul: Topkapi Sarayl Miizesi, 1961. 255---. Topkapt Sarayt Muzesi Kutuphanesi: Turk~e Yazmalar

Katalogu. 2 vols. Istanbul: Topkapi Sarayl Miizesi, 1961. PartialEnglish translation, E. H. van de Waal, "Manuscript Maps in theTopkapI Saray Library, Istanbul," Imago Mundi 23 (1969): 81­95.207, 215, 225, 289, 290, 291, 292

---. Topkapt Sarayt Muzesi Kutuphanesi: Arap~a YazmalarKatalogu. 3 vols. Istanbul: Topkapi Sarayl Miizesi, 1962-66. 108,130, 150

[Karatay], Fehmi Edhem, and Ivan Stchoukine, Les manuscritsorientaux illustres de la Bibliotheque de rUniversite de Stamboul.Paris: E. de Boccard, 1933.255

Katzenstein, Ranee, and Emilie Savage-Smith. The Leiden Aratea:Ancient Constellations in a Medieval Manuscript. Malibu, Calif.:J. Paul Getty Museum, 1988. 16

Kaye, George Rusby. The Astronomical Observatories of jai Singh.Calcutta: Superintendent Government Printing, India, 1918;reprinted Varanasi: Indological Book House, 1973. 361, 363, 366

---. A Guide to the Old Observatories at Delhi; jaipur; Ujjain;Benares. Calcutta: Superintendent Government Printing, India,1920. 315, 361, 362

---. Hindu Astronomy: Ancient Science of the Hindus. Memoirsof the Archaeological Survey of India, no. 18. Calcutta:Government of India Central Publications Branch, 1924;reprinted New Delhi: Cosmo, 1981. 94, 103

Kaye, George Rusby, and Edward Hamilton Johnson. India OfficeLibrary, Catalogue of Manuscripts in European Languages. Vol.2, pt. 2, Minor Collections and Miscellaneous Manuscripts.London: India Office, 1937. 431

Kennedy, Edward S. "A Survey of Islamic Astronomical Tables."Transactions of thiAmerican- f>hi{osoph-ical Society, n.s., 46(1956): 123-77. 98

--. "The Equatorium of Abu ai-Salt." Physis 12 (1970): 73-81.39

---. A Commentary upon Birunf's "Kitab talJdid al-amakin":An 11 th Century Treatise on Mathematical Geography. Beirut:American University of Beirut, 1973. 80, 141, 184

---. "Geographical Latitudes in al-Idrlsl's World Map."Zeitschrift fur Geschichte der Arabisch-I slamischenWissenschaften 3 (1986): 265-68. 163

---. "Suhrab and the World-Map of Ma)mun." In From AncientOmens to Statistical Mechanics: Essays on the Exact SciencesPresented to Asger Aaboe, ed. J. L. Berggren and Bernard R.Goldstein, 113-19. Copenhagen: University Library, 1987. 104

--. "AI-SufI on the Celestial Globe." Zeitschrift fur Geschichteder Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften 5 (1989): 48-93. 45

Kennedy, Edward S., and Marie-Therese Debarnot. "Two MappingsProposed by BlrunL" Zeitschrift fur Geschichte der Arabisch­Islamischen Wissenschaften 1 (1984): 145-47.37, 142

Kennedy, Edward S., and Marcel Destombes. "Introduction to Kitabal-camal bi)l-as!urlab," English introduction to the Arabic text ofcAbd al-Ra1.lman ibn cUmar al-Suil's astrolabe treatise. Hyderabad:Osmania Oriental Publications, 1966. Reprinted in Edward S.Kennedy, Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences, ed. David A.King and Mary Helen Kennedy, 405-47. Beirut: AmericanUniversity of Beirut, 1983. 24

Kennedy, Edward S., and Yusuf cld. "A Letter of al-BlriinI: J:Iabashal-J:Iasib's Analemma for the Qibla." Historia Mathematica 1(1974): 3-11. Reprinted in Edward S. Kennedy, Studies in theI slamic Exact Sciences, ed. David A. King and Mary HelenKennedy, 621-29. Beirut: American University of Beirut, 1983.204

Kennedy, Edward S., and Mary Helen Kennedy. Geographical

Bibliographical Index

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Kennedy, Edward S., and M. H. Regier. "Prime Meridians inMedieval Islamic Astronomy." Vistas in Astronomy 28 (1985):29-32. 98, 103

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Morris, James Winston. "Ibn (ArabI and His Interpreters." Journal ofthe American Oriental Society 106 (1986): 539-51, 733-56, and107 (1987): 101-19. 85

Motzo, Bacchisio R. "11 Compasso da navigare: Opera italiana dellameta del secolo XII!." Annali della Facolta di Lettere e Filosofiadella Universita di Cagliari 8 (1938): 1-137. 279

Mouterde, Rene, and Antoine Poidebard. Le "limes" de Chalcis:Organisation de la steppe en haute Syrie romaine. Paris: P.Geuthner, 1945. 180

Moller, Niklas. Glauben, Wissen und Kunst der alten Hindus inursprunglicher Gestalt und im Gewande der Symbolik. Mainz:Florian Kupferberg, 1822; facsimile reprint with afterword byHeinz Kucharski, Leipzig, 1968. 338

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Murdoch, John E. Album of Science: Antiquity and the MiddleAges. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1984. 15, 42

Museum fOr Kunsthandwerk. Turkische Kunst und Kultur ausosmanischer Zeit. Exhibition catalog. 2 vols. Recklinghausen:Aurel Bongers, 1985. 250

Musil, Alois. Palmyrena: A Topographical Itinerary. New York,1928. 180

Mzik, Hans von. "Ptolemaeus und die Karten der arabischenGeographen." Mitteilungen der Kaiserlich-KoniglichenGeographischen Gesellschaft in Wien 58 (1915): 152-76. 8, 100,102, 103, 178

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---, ed. al-I~tal:Jrl und seine Landkarten im Buch "$uwar al­a~alim." Vienna: Georg Prachner, 1965. 125

Nakamura, Hirosi. "Old Chinese World Maps Preserved by theKoreans." Imago Mundi 4 (1947): 3-22.389

Bibliographical Index

Nallino, Carlo Alfonso. "11 valore metrico del grado di meridianosecondo i geografi arabi." Cosmos 11 (1892-93): 20-27, 50-63,105-21. Republished in Raccolta di scritti editi e inediti, 6 vols.,ed. Maria Nallino, 5:408-57. Rome: Istituto per l'Oriente, 1939­48.8,94,177,178,179,181

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Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. Islamic Science: An Illustrated Study.London: World of Islam Festival, 1976. 50, 68, 81, 142

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Neumayer, Erwin. Prehistoric Indian Rock Paintings. Delhi: OxfordUniversity Press, 1983. 304, 305, 306

Neven, Armand. Le Jainisme: Religion et culture de l'Inde: Art eticonographie. Brussels: Association Art Indien, 1976. 385, 387,487

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The New Cambridge Modern History. 2d ed. Vol. 2, TheReformation, ed. Geoffrey R. Elton.' Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1984. 228

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Noldeke, Arnold. Das Heiligtum al-Husains zu Kerbela. Berlin:Mayer und MOller, 1909.243

Nordenskiold, Adolf Erik. Periplus: An Essay on the Early History

Bibliographical Index

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--. "The Astrolabe." Scientific American 230, no. 1 (1974): 96­106. Reprinted in John D. North, Stars, Minds and Fate: Essaysin Ancient and Medieval Cosmology, 211-20. London:Hambledon Press, 1989. 21

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Oberhummer, Eugen. Konstantinopel unter Sultan Suleiman demGrossen, aufgenommen im Jahre 1559 durch Melchior Lorichsaus Flensburg. Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 1902.234, 250, 292

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Oman, Giovanni. "al-Idrlsi." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam, newed., 3:1032-35. 156, 158, 163

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Phillimore, Reginald Henry. "Early East Indian Maps." ImagoMundi 7 (1950): 73-74.326, 327

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Bibliographical Index

Rao, S. K. Ramachandra. Tantra Mantra Yantra: The TantraPsychology. New Delhi: Arnold-Heinemann, 1979. 381

Rashed, Roshdi. "Science as a Western Phenomenon." FundamentaScientiae 1 (1980): 7-21. xix

Rawson, Philip. Tantra: The Indian Cult of Ecstasy. London:Thames and Hudson, 1973. 385, 387

---. The Art of Tantra. Rev. ed. New York: Oxford UniversityPres~ 1978. 343, 352, 387

Ray, Amita. Villages, Towns and Secular Buildings in Ancient India,c. 150 B.C.-c. 350 A.D. Calcutta: Firma K. L. Mukhopadhyay,1964. 320

Ray, Sudhansu Kumar. The Ritual Art of the Bratas of Bengal.Calcutta: Firma K. L. Mukhopadhyay, 1961. 381

Raychaudhuri, Hemchandra. Studies in Indian Antiquities. 2d ed.Calcutta: University of Calcutta, 1958. 335, 336, 337, 338, 340

Raza, Moonis, and Aijazuddin Ahmad. "Historical Geography: ATrend Report." In A Survey of Research in Geography, 147-69.Bombay: Popular Prakashan, 1972. 299

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A Register of Maps, Charts, Plans, Etc., Deposited in the VariousOffices of the Bombay Presidency. Bombay, 1859. 302

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Regling, Kurt. "Zur historischen Geographie des mesopotamischenParallelogramms." Klio 1 (1901): 443-76. 179, 180

Rehatsek, Edward. "Fac-simile of a Persian Map of the World, withan English Translation." Indian Antiquary 1 (1872): 369-70 plusfoldout map. 146, 300, 392

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Richman, Paula. Women, Branch Stories, and Religious Rhetoric ina Tamil Buddhist Text. Foreign and Comparative Studies/SouthAsian Series 12. Syracuse: Maxwell School of Citizenship andPublic Affairs, 1988. 343

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Ritter, Helmut. Review of Das Kitab ~arat al-ar4 des Aba GaYarMul]ammad ibn Masa al-ljuwarizmi, by Hans von Miik. DerIslam 19 (1931): 52-57. 131

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Bibliographical Index

the Millenary of Abu Raihan Muhammed ibn Ahmad al-BirOnI(973-ca. 1051 A.D.), November 26, 1973 through December 12,1973, ed. Hakim Mohammed Said, 605-80. Karachi: Times Press,1979. 183

Robinson, Basil William. Persian Paintings in the India OfficeLibrary. London: Sotheby Parke Bernet, 1976. 131

Rogers, J. M. "The State and the Arts in Ottoman Turkey, Part 2:The Furniture and Decoration of Suleymaniye." InternationalJournal of Middle East Studies 14 (1982): 283-313. 251

---. "Two Masterpieces from 'Suleyman the Magnificent'-ALoan Exhibition from Turkey at the British Museum."Orientations 19 (1988): 12-17.244

--. "Kara Memi (Kara Mehmed) and the Role of theSernakka§an in the Scriptorium of Suleyman the Magnificent."Revue du Louvre, in press. 229

---, trans. "v. V. Bartol'd's Article 0 Pogrebenii Timura ('TheBurial of Timur')." Iran 12 (1974): 65-87. 242

Rogers, J. M., and R. M. Ward. Suleyman the Magnificent.Exhibition catalog. London: British Museum Publications, 1988.231, 244, 247, 292

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---. Elenco dei manoscritti turchi della Biblioteca Vaticana.Vatican: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1953. 224, 290

Roy, A. K. "Ancient Survey Instruments." Journal of the Institutionof Surveyors 8 (1967): 367-74. 307

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Rubinacci, Roberto. "La data della Geografia di al-IdrlsI." StudiMagrebini 3 (1970): 73-77. 163

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Sabra, A. I. "al-FarghanI." In Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 16vols., ed. Charles Coulston Gillispie, 4:541-45. New York:Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970-80. 96

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Sachau, Eduard. "Sicilien nach dem tuerkischen Geographen PiriReis." In Centenario della nascita di Michele Amari, 2 vols., 2:1­10. Palermo: Stabilimento Tipografico Virzi, 1910. 278

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el-Sale~, Soub~i. La vie future selon Ie Coran. Etudes Musulmanes13. Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1971. 377

Saliba, George. "The Height of the Atmosphere according toMu'ayyad aI-DIn al}UrQI, Qutb ai-DIn aI-ShIraZI, and IbnMucadh." In From Deferent to Equant: A Volume of Studies inthe History of Science in the Ancient and Medieval Near East inHonor of E. S. Kennedy, ed. David A. King and George Saliba,445-65. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 500.New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1987. 183

Samso, Julio. "Ma~a) Allah." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam, newed., 6:710-12. 25


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Sandesara, B. J. "Detailed Description of the Fort of Champaner inthe Gaitgadasapratapavilasa, an Unpublished Sanskrit Play byGaitgadhara." Journal of the Oriental Institute (Baroda) 18(1968-69): 45-50. 323

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Bibliographical Index

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