the hearth coffee shop


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Page 1: The Hearth Coffee Shop



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Project: Coffee shopBy: Jintanat JintasawaengClass: Experience Design | RMCADDate: 10 Jan - 14 Feb 2013 Instructor: Julia Pallicciaro

Detail: This demonstrates a creative process for understanding the area and the needs of the people who live in that area so that my design can support a potential business.

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Neighborhood Exploration



Persona’s Story









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RESEARCHThis is the first thing I did in the process. I went to the three coffee shops to get an idea of a coffee shop. This helped me think about what is bad, what is good, and what coffee shops need to have in common. Then I brought it to use for my coffee shop.


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Patrons: every age, neighbours, convenient

Atmosphere:Overcrowded. There are too many people, but small tables and trees againt windows inside the shop seem to give a little personal space.

Web Presence: There are too many pictures, which looks very messy. There is good information on the website. I like when they have news about the shop. This is a good way to create a good relationship between the shop and customers. Their writting is in a “conversation” style, which is good because this make customers feel like they are a part of this community. Like a friend tellls a friend stories.

Community Involvement:The shop has been open for a long time plus it is on a main street. People come here a lot and it is good that they have their own parking lot.

PABLO’S CAFELocation: main street

Product: - cups, coffee, T-shirts, - breakfast. However, this is not in the menu. I think they might need to have a black board to write a daily menu.

Brand: No indentity between website and the actual shop.

Customer Service:Friendly. Employees seem to remember their customers. This is good because this makes customers feel important.

Physical Layout:Small tables were set very closely. There is very little space for people to walk.

Complimentary Service: - No wifi- Parking lot is available - postcards that tell the story about the shop.


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Location: main street

Product: cups, coffee, breakfast, bread, desserts

Brand: Combining three businesses together: bicycles, beer, and coffee.

Customer Service:They are nice

Physical Layout:Big tables. This gives people a lot of space.

Patrons: Age between 18-30, locals, foot-traffic, commuter-traffic

Complimentary Service: - Wifi available- free teaching how to fix your bike

Atmosphere:Not a lot of trees. Too much free space and this makes me feel uncomfortable.

Web Presence: The site is easy to read. There is enough information that tells who they are, where they are located, and their events. How-ever, the site is not interesting at all. It looks so boring like an academic article on some website.

Community Involvement: There are a lot of people who ride a bike around this area. I think the shop suits this area very well.



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Location: In a neighborhood, which is hard for other people to know the shop, and it is very quiet during the day because people have to go to work.

Web Presence: website looks very good. Colors and typeface were designed perfectly. However, there is too little information. I also got nothing from the site. It might be because they just opened the shop, there are no events or news about them at all. This makes it hard for customers to feel and understand the shop.

Community Involvement: The shop is in a vintage style, which suits the old neighborhood.

Brand:Interior, products, decorations, and web design are all in the same style. Indenity, unique and perfect.

Customer Service:They look nice and clean

Complimentary Service: Wifi and plugs are available

Product: • small business products such as soap, noodles, and soup. This makes the coffee shop seem unique more than anywhere else. Morever,these products match with the interior very well. Selling products and at the same time using the products to decorate the shop• coffee, tea, vegetables• Not a lof of choices for dessert. That might be because the shop doesn’t have a lot of customers yet. Desserts cannot stay out for too long. I think for the beginning, they might need to have a dessert like a cookie because it won’t go bad fast like bread. People also have more choice for their food.

Patrons: locals

Physical Layout:One main big table and a small table at the back. This looks perfect if they wouldn’t expect a lot of members in the future.

Atmosphere:There is not a lot of people in the shop so far. If I went there alone I would feel uncomfortable because it’s too quiet. However, soft music is very relaxing.



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NEIGHBORHOODEXPLORATIONI went to Washington Park where I was planing to build my coffee shop. I went to explore the area. In this step I had to walk around and watch people. This helped me feel and understand the area and people in the area. Then I brought the information to create a character for my coffee shop.



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The peaceful, lovely, healthy, and happy neighborhood

Washington park is very peaceful. Big trees are around the neighborhood. Many houses have a patio. This shows that people in this area like to hang out and enjoy weather outside of the house. It was four o’clock; I saw people start to walk and bike to the park from their houses.


Washington Park seems to be the main point in this community. Parking spots are available around the park and also inside the park. There are a lot of people from every age in the park. Jogging, walking, biking, and running with a dog seem to be activities that people always do here. Moreover, the park also offers basketball and tennis courts. Thus, people here seem to care about their health.


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I went to interview six people from the two coffee shops around Wash Park. Three of the first people were from the Starbucks on east Alameda and south Downing Street. The other three people were from the Wash Perk coffee shop on east Ohio Ave. This helped me get an idea of what people around here need and how a coffee shop can support their needs.



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1) What are their motives for going there? How often? (Are they a local?)

Paul | male | age around 45

He stops by Starbucks every morning because it is on his way to work, but it is just a drive thru. He will come sit inside just on the weekend.

He likes to read the newspa-per and uses the wifi here. He does not have wifi at home, but has 4G in his phone. Go-ing on the internet is just for fun, not about his job.

He loves Starbucks coffee because it is made from good coffee beans. He loves the taste of the coffee and the smell.

He loves the customer service there. Every employee is nice. Coffee is something for the morning. Meeting nice people in the morning seems to make a day easier for him.

He wants a bigger parking lot because it is hard to find a parking space.

2) What activities do they do when there? (Study, write, socialize, etc.)

3) What product offerings and amenities do they enjoy?

4) What other aspects do they appreciate?

5) What aspects would they change?




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June female age around 22

She comes to this coffee shop to wait for her friend. She does not live around here, so this is the first time she has come to this Starbucks.

She and her friend have a school project that they need to work on together. Starbucks is a good place to meet up be-cause they have tables and wifi. Moreover, it is ok to sit here for a while, they never complain.

She likes coffee here because it tastes pretty good and stable. She knows that what she or-ders is going to taste the same every time and everywhere.

She likes that they offer a Starbucks card. Someone gave her the card for a Christ-mas gift and she can get free coffee.

It would be better if Starbucks would lower their price.

Maximo male age around 35

He drives thru every morning and sometimes goes in for coffee.

He likes to relax and uses the wifi there.

He likes the coffee Americano because it is warm and good. Regular coffee just makes him go to the restroom.

He likes cute baristas.

He wants them to lower prices.

Luke male age around 27

He goes to the park almost every day after work. How-ever, he comes to this coffee shop around three times a week.

He likes to relax at the coffee shop after exercise because he can sit outside and enjoy the weather.

The shop offers some des-serts, breakfast (limited), and coffee. He said coffee is the same everywhere. He just came here to relax.

He expects the coffee shop to have more food options and not limited offering

He also would like to see a patio bar for night time.

Ginny female age around 65

She goes to a coffee shop almost every day. Sometimes she goes to the Starbucks on Alameda too. She lives here and she loves her neighbor-hood so much.

She likes to talk to her neigh-bors and the coffee shop is a good place where she can meet and talk to her neighbors. Sometimes she also takes her grandson with her.

She loves drinking coffee.

Coffee is good, food is good.

Everything is perfect. No need to be changed.

Kelly female age around 30

She does not live around here. This is the fist time she has come to this coffee shop. She usually goes to the starbucks by her house. Today she came to the park to relax so she stopped by the coffee shop.

She is a writer. She loves to go to a coffee shop. To see people and listen to people talking helps her to get an idea for her writing.

She loves drinking coffee. The tables and wifi are the best thing in coffee shop.

Everyone is nice here.

She did not have any ideas for the change.


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PERSONASAfter I explored the Wash Park area and talked to some people in the area, I came up with three examples of people and created the personas. The first one was an old person that had lived in the neigborhood for a long time. Second was the business person that came to the coffee shop for business talk. The last one was the college student that came to the coffee shop to study.



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Age: 60Job: NoneDaily Routine: She lives around hereHobby: reading a book, bakingPet: 1 cat

Time to go to a coffee shop Morning (5-10am.) Afternoon (10am.- 3pm.) Evening (3-6pm.) Night (6-9pm.)

She has lived in this neighborhood for more than 40 years. She loves the neighborhood very much because it is very peaceful and it is a nice area. Every evening she will go for a walk at the park. Sometimes she also brings her grandchildren with her because the kids can eat better at the park. Patty is friendly. She loves to talk with her neighbors when she hangs out at the park. Since she loves baking, sometimes she shares the food with the friends next door. Thus, to go to a coffee shop and be able to chat with her neighbors is a good activity for her. Sometimes after the walk with her grandchildren, she takes them to the coffee shop to get some snacks

PATTY — Nice and easygoing retiree

doesn’t matter matters

Brand Loyalty

drive thru walk in


never often

Wifi Need

work on device socialize


0 5

Number of guests

low high

Purchasing power


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Age: 35Job: private practice as architectDaily Routine: on the way to workHobby: listen to music, watch moviesPet: None

Time to go to a coffee shop Morning (5-10am.) Afternoon (10am.- 3pm.) Evening (3-6pm.) Night (6-9pm.)

Josh works hard for his own business.He wants everything to be perfect so he is picky. The coffee shop is in between his house and his work place. Sometimes Josh needs to find a place for business calls and appointments. A coffee shop is one of the best places for this. Moreover, Wash Park is a nice area. However, if a coffee shop is close to the park where there are a lot of kids, he would get upset because it is too annoying and too loud for business. A coffee shop needs to have a seat that gives a little privacy for business conversation. Coffee and food needs to have a good quality and makes his customer complacent.

JOSH — Works hard for the best things in life

doesn’t matter matters

Brand Loyalty

drive thru walk in


never often

Wifi Need

work on device socialize


0 5

Number of guests

low high

Purchasing power


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Age: 22Job: collage student, part-time at Hobby LobbyDaily Routine: She lives around hereHobby: partyPet: 1 dog

Time to go to a coffee shop Morning (5-10am.) Afternoon (10am.- 3pm.) Evening (3-6pm.) Night (6-9pm.)

Jane is a college student. She also works at Hobby Lobby. She is always busy every morning. Jane lives alnoe with her dog. She loves to go jogging with her dog at the park after work. Although Jane lives alone, she always has friends come over to her house. She does not like to cook. Thus, to have food around her neighborhood would be good for her. Moreover, she and her friends enjoy games at the coffee shop a lot. She cares about her health and body. So, healthy food might be good for her. Jane is a college stu-dent, wifi is something that she really needs.

JANE — Funy and love to hang out

doesn’t matter matters

Brand Loyalty

drive thru walk in


never often

Wifi Need

work on device socialize


0 5

Number of guests

low high

Purchasing power


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I chose Jane, from the three personas, to be the character that my coffee shop needs to support. I chose Jane because her character seems to be the big group in this area. Then I created a story about how she interacted with my coffee shop.



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Age: 22Job: college student, part-time at Hobby LobbyDaily Routine: localHobby: partyingPet: 1 dog

Funny and loves to hang out

Persona’s need• place to hang out• coffee every morning• things to entertain her friends• inspiration for art work

How the service support the persona’s- delivery program- drinks- patio- dog snacks- private seating- wifi- plags

Persona’s StoryJane goes jogging almost every day at the park. One day she sees a sign for the Hearth coffee shop. After that, she starts going to the coffee shop because it is close to her house and the shop web page is easy to access. She also decides to fill out the delivery form so they can deliver her food every morning.

Jane wakes up Monday morning. She still feels sick like yesterday. However, she needs to go to school because she does not want to miss the midterm tests today. She goes to take a shower very quickly and gets ready to go to school. Someone knocks on her door, and like what she thought it was the Coffee delivery. She grabs the paper bag that has a sandwich and coffee in it from the delivery guy and gets into her car. The delivery saves her a lot of time every morning. She does not have to prepare a breakfast, nor stop by somewhere to get a coffee. There is a little note in the bag. “Get well soon :)” She smiles to the short sentence on the small piece of paper that was full of the feeling of care. There is a note from the coffee shop to her every morning. It always makes her feel good. It is the same feeling when she goes to the coffee shop. It is not a coffee shop, but it is a family.

After school, Jane does not go work at Hobby Lobby because she feels sick. However, there is a lot of school work for her to do. She walks to the coffee shop to get something to eat and do her work. Jane is an art student. To sit at the patio, drinking coffee, and doing some sketches is a great time for her. Moreover, to look around and see people doing their activities gives her ideas for her art.

While she is doing a sketch, she gets a text from her friends that they are coming. She already forgot that she invited her friends to come to her house to do a team project. Yesterday she was too tired to clean her room. She decides to text her friends to meet up at the coffee shop instead. The coffee shop’s employee helps her move her stuff to a bigger table. The zone is also a little private so she and her friends can do the project without any distractions such as the people that walk in and walk out of the coffee shop. Josh, one of her friends, brings his sister because his mom is still at work. While Jane and her friends work on the project, the little sister does not get bored because she is having fun with the games that the coffee shop offers.

After the long day, Jane decides to go home. She says bye to everyone at the shop. On the way out, she does not forget to grab some snacks for her dog.

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Physical Evidence

User Action

Front StageInteractions

Back Stage Interactions

Supporting Processes

SERVICE BLUEPRINTMenu- hanging sign- daily blackboard

Delivery registration Seat Entertainment

Read menu Registration Find seat

Activities- read newspaper- play game- enjoy music


Prepare for tomorrow menu

Make sure everything is ready to delivery

- Clean the shop- arrange tables

Arrange games, books

Line of interaction

Line of visibility

Line of internal interaction

- want some coffee- want to hang out with friends- want to relax after exercise

Order Pay

Cashier table

Can answer questons and talk about the daily menu

explain about the program

suggest seat zones

Show the shelf of the magazines and games

- List menu- design menu create fixed menu, fixed time

- 9 small tables- 3 middle tables- 1 big table




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CoffeeCappuccinoEspressoMochaLatteVanilla LatteHot ChocolateMilk





MuffinsBagelOnion, garlic, egg pumpernickel, rye, whole wheat, multigrain, cinnamon-raisin, cheese, and blueberry

CroissantsDanishesBiscottiSanwishchicken, egg, ham, tuna, swiss cheese, green pepper, tomatoes, garlic (choise of 3)





DELIVERY FORMNotes: we delivery only 5 blocks around the Hearth coffee shop from 5 - 7A.M.








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