“the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few”

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few...”

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“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few...”

2 > Who is Campus Outreach?

4 > Letter from the Director

6 > Piedmont Triad Area- UNCG, Elon

8 > Charlotte Area - Davidson, UNCC

10 > Wingate Area

11 > 1822 Generation

12 > Mobilization

14 > Atlanta New Years Conference

15 > Summer Beach Project

16 > Administration Team

17 > Financial Report

18 > Campus Outreach Virginia

19 > Campus Outreach Johannesburg

Front (L-R): Bill Moore, Kristin Niland, Anthony Turowski, Kelsey Mathews, Michael Lopes, Brandi Belk, Kyle Mercer, Collin and Jaxon Naramore

Middle (L-R): Carrie and Carson Russell, Megan Leap, Leah Breglio, Lindsay Duncan, Amy Alexander, Wendy Eunice, Amy Crook, Jenn Howell, Emily Reynolds,

Melanie and Sandra Zufall, Carley and Joe NaramoreBack Row (L-R): Dave and Charlotte Russell, Andrew and Lauren Holbrook, James and Kelly Broadaway,

Clint and Rachel Darst, Chris, Stephanie, Hayden and Lydia Duncan, Eric Zufall

For staff biographies, visit www.cocharlotte.org

Table of Contents

2007-2008 Campus Outreach Charlotte Staff Team

In 1995 Christ Covenant Church adopted a small team of Campus Outreach staff to serve under her encouragement, nurture, and supervision in an effort to establish collegiate ministries on campuses in North Carolina. The Session of Christ Covenant appointed a governing Board comprising of Elders, Deacons, and Laymen to oversee the ministry’s efforts and provide valuable leadership and accountability. In addition, the finances of Campus Outreach Charlotte are supervised by the financial offices of Christ Covenant and are audited annually by an independent auditing firm. By God’s grace Christ Covenant’s Campus Outreach ministries have experienced a fruitful and fulfilling thirteen years of service! May God’s glory abound all the more as these strategic ministries continue!

Campus Outreach (CO) is an interdenominational ministry primarily on small to mid-sized campuses in 15 US states and 5 continents. Campus Outreach Charlotte is one of these regional CO ministries which began in 1995 under the supervision of Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, NC. Our vision is to “Glorify God by Building Laborers on the Campus for the Lost World” with the goal to evangelize and disciple college students. By serving under the care of various local churches, the ministry brings together the campus and the local church for greater impact. Our vision is to see maturing disciples who will leave the campus and provide leadership in every sphere of influence (church, community, business, education, missions, etc.) in the United States and around the world. > Target small to mid-sized campuses where the majority of

the world’s students attend> Operate under the supervision of a local church> Utilize the principles of multiplication to grow> Establish regional hub ministries to facilitate focused grass-roots works, therefore maintaining no global headquarters. This serves to minimize bureaucracy and inefficiencies, while maintaining quality ministry through local church oversight and supervision> Staff raise 100% of support to fund their position

> Evangelize students with the Gospel of Jesus Christ> Establish students into mature Disciples of Christ> Equip students to be laborers for Christ> Export individuals, teams, and multiplying ministries

Who is Campus Outreach?

Our strategy is to:

Distinctiveness as a ministry:

Campus Outreach Charlotte’sconnection to Christ Covenant Church:

Chirst Covenant Church, Matthews, NC


CO Charlotte Directors Team

CharlotteCampus Outreach

Any Investment broker would tell you that the quality of your investment will be determined by the ROI – the Return On Investment. When I think of my grandfather’s occupation as a farmer through this lens I am amazed at how much of his life revolved around RISK assessment. What would the return on investment be at every harvesting of what was sown? Even the idea of taking out a loan from a bank to buy a big pile of seeds to go stick in the dirt seems crazy to me! What kind of investment is WORTH the risk because the return is GUARANTEED to be GREAT!? How much would you be willing to stake in an eternal INVESTMENT?

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the creatures within and it was good. He then said in Genesis 1:26-28,

“Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let him have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’”

In short, God’s mission for man was to reflect His glory on the earth as image bearers, to reproduce others who do the same, and to reign demonstrating the glory and joy of living with Him under His headship of all things. We were made for a life with God! We were originally designed to INVEST all of our resources emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally and even socially into this great endeavor… AND WE WERE FREE TO DO SO!

As we see in Genesis 3, things got rather complicated with the introduction of sin into that purpose. The standard experience for mankind was no longer worshiping God and serving Him by ruling over creation and filling the earth with His glory, but rather worshiping the creation and it ruling over us while we serve ourselves. Paul writes of the darkness of this depraved state in Romans 1:21-25 saying:

“For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images… they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.”

In this state, all INVESTING of our resources would go towards attempting to pursue a life APART from the Creator! All our time, money, energy, thoughts and capacity would be SPENT INVESTING in that which cannot satisfy. We would no longer use resources to INVEST in people--we would rather use people and INVEST in more resources!

Letter From The Director

Joe Naramore CO Regional Director, his wife Carley, and their two children, Jaxon and Colin

Joe Naramore


What did God do? He immediately gave us GRACE! In Genesis 3:15 He gave us hope in our darkness! It was the promise of an offspring who would come to rescue us. The redemption of all that was once lost in sin would be restored, reclaimed and recaptured. After being spoken to in many ways and at many times by the prophets, the One history had been waiting for was born into the world. John describes this cataclysmic event in both theological and historical terms in John 1:1-18 saying:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… all things were made through him… In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it… He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…and from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father’s side, he has made him known.”

God became flesh in Jesus Christ – the Second Adam - to RESTORE, RECLAIM, RECAPTURE… literally RE-CREATE us through His redemptive work on the Cross. Titus writes of this reality in 3:3-7 saying:

“For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another. But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior so that being justified by grace we might become heirs to the hope of eternal life.”

He spared NO expense in INVESTING in us, even the cost of His own Son’s life!


This year INVEST has been our theme for our staff team and ministry. As we think of you, our supporters and partners in this Great Restoration Project of the Lord’s, we share the sentiment of the Apostle Paul to his supporters and partners in Philippi saying,

“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure of this that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. It is right for me to feel this way about all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace…”

The stories in this annual report may be small glimpses of progress in the greater story of redemptive history, but GREAT encouragements to us all as we co-labor along side one another INVESTING in that which is eternal – God, His Word and the souls of men – with all the resources we have!

“I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single see. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep It for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.” John 12:23-26

“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.’” Matthew 9:36-38

Laboring with all His energywhich so powerfully works in me, (Col 1:29)

Joe Naramore,CO Charlotte Regional Director


David Russell UNC Greensboro and Elon UniversityPiedmont Triad Area Director

“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches.”Matthew 13:31-32

Having been on the college campus for the last 12 years (4 as a student, 8 as C.O. staff), I continue to be amazed at the incredible investment opportunity that the college campus presents for evangelizing and discipling. I have rarely come across a student that will not at least engage in a conversation about Jesus. There has also been the opportunity to see many students grow in their faith and graduate with the preparation to be laborers for the gospel. This year was a time for both ministries to focus deeply on planting seeds. We sought to broadly invest across each campus, planting seeds of the gospel in dorms, fraternities, sororities, athletic teams and all over the campus. We engaged in work that seemed small and insignificant in the fall semester; eating in cafeterias, playing intramural sports, and meeting students in the dorms. As the year rolled on, we would witness students becoming Christians and we would help many more build foundations to walk with God in college. What a great reminder that small, faithful investments will eventually yield a return as God expands His Kingdom. In Matthew 13, Jesus described a kingdom that would grow from the beginnings of a small seed. Throughout time it would grow and eventually be realized as a large tree. I am encouraged to live in faith as I behold the Kingdom advancing on the college campus.

I met Chris Edge during my first week on campus. What started as a casual conversation lead to so much more than I could ever have imagined. I have had the privilege of investing in Chris by teaching him how to study his Bible and reach out to others on his hall.

My biggest challenge upon entering college was owning my Christian faith. I really struggled with falling into the world and judging myself by its standards. The more drinking, partying and girls I could get, the better off I thought I would be. These struggles really resulted from

Kyle Mercer UNC Greensboro Campus Director

Christopher Edge UNC Greensboro Freshman

Piedmont Triad Area

Front(L-R): Kyle Mercer, Dave & Carrie Russell, Michael LopesBack(L-R): Lindsay Duncan, Leah Breglio, Amy Crook

David Russell, his wife Carrie, and their two children, Charlotte and Carson

Together we developed an evangelistic Bible study on his hall, designed to reach out to his unbelieving friends. In addition, he came to our New Years Conference, which was a turning point and great investment in his life. Chris is passionate about becoming an officer in the Marines after college and I have also challenged him to be a soldier for Christ (2 Timothy 2:3-4). This is how I want to invest my time at UNC Greensboro--not in meetings, socials, and Bible studies only, but in men for God’s glory.

a bigger struggle of owning my faith--choosing God over the things the world was offering. I met Kyle the first week of school and I was really encouraged to see Christians actively reaching out on the college campus. My relationship with Kyle grew slowly at first, but it grew stronger over time and the investments God was making in me through Kyle began to pay off. God has given me the desire to serve Him wholeheartedly and has grounded my faith to walk with Him in the challenges ahead.



This year I have had the privilege of making eternal investments in the lives of Elon students. It is humbling to look back and see how God has redeemed the lives of students like Brooke and Jonathan, put a burden for unbelievers on the hearts of students like Courtney and Amanda, and created a deep hunger for God’s Word in students like Mandy and Jay..

While being invested in, I desired to invest in others. I am in Sigma Kappa at Elon and God has given me a heart for my sisters who do not know Him. The Lord has shown me what it means to lay down my life for His sake, while being in this sorority; it has been such a blessing to invest in and share Jesus with them.

Amy Crook Elon University Women’s Coordinator

Lauren AroldElon UniversityJunior



When I came to Elon, I did not have a consistent relationship with God. I lived in a dorm where four women invested in my life and showed me what it looked like to walk with God. Through these women, I was connected with Campus Outreach, and more specifically Amy, who has been discipling me for 2 ½ years. Through her investments in my life, I have learned the importance of the word, prayer, evangelism, and loving people well.Specifically, I have been investing in Lauren Arold for the

past 2 ½ years. I believe the investments of time, prayer, studying God’s word, and fun have had huge implications on her life, her sorority sisters in Sigma Kappa, her family, and the students she works with in elementary schools around Elon. Lauren is a woman being built up into an “oak of righteousness for the display of God’s splendor” (Isaiah 61:3) who will leave Elon desiring to make investments of her own.

40 student on average attending weekly meetings

17 student leaders serving on campus

5 students who’ve professed faith in Christ this school year

400 students who attended fall/spring evangelistic events

20 students attended Atlanta New Year’s Confernce

13 students attending Summer Beach Project

27 students in discipleship groups/committed bible studies

60 students in evangelistic bible studies

50 students on average attending weekly meetings

6 student leaders serving on campus

2 students who’ve professed faith in Christ this school year

85 students who attended fall/spring evangelistic events

15 students attended Atlanta New Year’s Confernce

15 students attending Summer Beach Project

33 students in discipleship groups/committed bible studies

40 students in evangelistic bible studies



For most of us, we love the idea of investing something small and seeing it outgrow everything in its class. Jesus says the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that starts out as the smallest plant in the garden but becomes the largest tree in it. Two years ago, Lauren and I began investing again in our alma mater, Davidson College. At the time, our staff had left the campus and most of our student leaders had graduated. So we decided to just plant a little seed. The result has been the renewed growth of a small but ever growing community of young believers who are stretching their arms upwards to God and outwards to their campus. Jesus said that the birds of the air would come and perch in the mustard tree. Last week, I left a weekly dinner hosted by a bunch of these students at their house. Perched in their home were over 75 frat boys, jocks, thespians, and sorority girls all tasting the fruits of Christian hospitality. Many of them do not know Jesus, a few just met him recently but all have been enjoying the life that comes from Gods’ kingdom. Just recently we planted a seed again at UNCC. We hired two new staff to primarily invest the word of God into the hearts of unbelieving college students. We are waiting to see who might end up perching in the tree that grows on that campus as well.

Andrew HolbrookUNC Charlotte and Davidson College Charlotte Area Director

After nearly three years of walking with God and trying to share Christ in my fraternity, my frustration and doubt led me to start questioning God and wondering why He was not moving. “God, where is my fruit?” was the question I often asked after repeated attempts to call others to a relationship with Christ. This year, through persistence in communal prayer and a revolution in reliance on the word of God amongst Christians on this campus, God is moving powerfully in the hearts of men in my fraternity. He has shown me that investments for the sake of Christ are never in vain. I now see that He was teaching me patience and diligence in ministry. As my friends and I continue to minister in SigEp, we confidently await a time of harvest. There is no longer any doubt in my mind that men will come to know God in my fraternity; it is merely a matter of time.

Charlotte Area

Andrew Hathaway Davidson CollegeJunior

Andrew Hathaway (Left), Andrew Holbrook (Right)

Front (L-R): Andrew & Lauren Holbrook, Clint & Rachel Darst

Back (L-R): Bill Moore, Kelsey Mathews, Kristin Niland, Brandi Belk, Amy Alexander, Anthony Turowski

Charlotte Area Team


7 student leaders serving on campus

1 student who professed faith in Christ this school year

95 students attended fall/spring evangelistic events

16 students attended Atlanta New Years’s Conference

11 students attending Summer Beach Project

9 students in discipleship groups/committed bible studies

31 students in evangelistic bible studies


2 students who’ve professed faith in Christ this school year

27 students who attended fall/spring evangelistic events

21 students attended Atlanta New Year’s Conference

19 students in discipleship groups/committed bible studies

50 students in evangelistic bible studies

15 students on average attending weekly dinners

During my last week on campus, seven men shared how influential I had been in their lives; that without my presence they would probably not be walking with God. My thoughts were, “Hold on – all I did was pray, open the Scriptures and encourage you…there is no way my small investment, by itself, would have such a fruitful yield.” I am lucky to get 6% interest in my savings account at the bank, but investments in the Kingdom of God multiply at rates that are inconceivable to the Fed; not because CO has secret strategies, but because God has immeasurable power we can only attempt to comprehend. This year I have been increasingly humbled by the privilege of investing in God’s Kingdom, faithfully planting seeds and trusting God for growth.

Bill MooreDavidson CollegeCampus Staff


“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord...”

Habakkuk 2:14

I never knew what it meant to “invest” something other than money. How do you invest your time? Or yourself ? I’ve learned that investing yourself is a lot like investing your money; when you invest money, you are hoping for a return on your investment. The same principle is true as you invest into others. You put all that you can into someone, hoping that through your actions, that person will discover

Megan Fields UNC CharlotteJunior

Kelly Broadaway UNC CharlotteCampus StaffThis is my prayer for Megan, Kristina, and Rachel, whom I’ve had the privilege of investing in for the past few years- that they would be filled with the knowledge of His glory and naturally become faithful messengers to others. Despite many hardships in their lives, I have witnessed my hope for them to live for His Kingdom only increase. We continually converse about seeking

richness in knowledge and intimacy with Christ. Kelly’s investment in me, through example, conversations, and patience has helped me see what a true walk with God looks like. She has encouraged me and walked with me through three of the most influential years in my life and taught me how to invest myself to ultimately glorify Him.

Him in His word and never losing the wonder of the gospel, not being swayed by false doctrines but instead being able to give answers for our hope, being dependant on prayer, thinking deeply on God’s sovereign grace, having a burden for those who are without abundant and eternal life, and being free in order to free others. I am asking God to use my investment in these women to help them see that in losing our lives, we find it!


Students and Staff on Campus at Davidson College

When I think about “Invest,” this passage and countless memories with five very special students at Wingate University come to mind. Peter Eck, Ryan Rogers, Katie McGalliard, Alicia Bumgardner, and Kate Irving are the first graduating class that Brandi and I have invested in through the discipleship process. Some of the memories of LIFE ON LIFE INVESTMENTS into the lives of these five include semesters of 7a.m. prayer, numerous Bible studies, late nights in the dorms, quiet-times with students, movie-nights, hours of tears and laughter, seasons of brokeness, gospel presentations, conferences, retreats, and beach projects. A couple of years ago, just the seven of us made up Campus Outreach at Wingate. We all prayed through Psalm 127 and wondered if God would do anything on this campus. We begged Him to move us out of the way and build His house. As we kept our heads down and invested into lives of students on the campus, things began to happen. Looking at last New Years conference numbers, we asked each other, “Where did all these people come from?” Now there is a supernatural movement at Wingate that incoming freshman just assume has always existed. We laugh as we remember all those nights when we asked the Lord, “Is anything going to happen?” These five who graduated this year were the most satisfying, edifying, and joyful investments Brandi, Rachel, and I have made. I long to see the ways that God will use them after college and am confident they will be investing their lives in a few, trusting the Lord to build the house!

Clint DarstWingate UniversityCampus Director


Wingate University Team(L-R): Brandi Belk, Clint & Rachel Darst, Kelsey Mathews

“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.” Psalm 127:1

60 students on average attending weekly meetings

17 student leaders serving on campus

9 students who’ve professed faith in Christ this school year

200 students who attended fall/spring evangelistic events

53 students attended Atlanta New Year’s Conference

14 students attending Summer Beach Project

35 students in discipleship groups/committed bible studies

20 students in evangelistic bible studies

When I think back on the past four years I can’t imagine what it would have been like without the investment of Campus Outreach into my life. I received many loving investments, especially from our Campus Director, Clint Darst. I can remember the late nights, early mornings, countless hours of spending time together, teachings, accountability, and love that he invested in our relationship. These investments have shaped and molded me into who I am today. My relationship with Clint is a picture of the life on life discipleship that Jesus had with his disciples and my discipleship from Clint was only possible because of Jesus Christ’s investment in his disciples. Moving forward I am excited to continue the process of discipleship and invest in the lives of a few for the rest of my life.

Ryan Rogers Wingate UniversityGraduate


(L-R): Kate Irving, Ryan Rogers, Alicia Bumgardner, Clint Darst (staff),

Katie McGalliard, Peter Eck, Brandi Belk (staff)

The 1822 Generation community is a ministry to the 18-22 year olds in South Charlotte. The students involved with this community attend Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, NC but (change to and?) are enrolled in various colleges and universities throughout the Southeast. The 1822 community staff has a unique opportunity to invest in various seasons– some are short term with students who come home for the summer, while some are longer with students who live and go to school in Charlotte, NC. From this one community, over fifteen colleges and universities are represented!

I remember reading this verse at the beginning of the year as our staff team talked about what it means to Invest. For some reason, this passage struck me. God has just placed Israel in exile for 70 years. If I were them, I wouldn’t ‘set up shop’ because I would know that this land is only temporary. However, God tells them to do just that. He tells them to dwell in this land. I realized that this is exactly what God called me to this year…to FULLY invest into the people He has placed in my care, for as long as HE designed them to be there. Some seasons of investment have been as short as an hour, others, for a nine month period. Regardless, I have leaned in fully and dwelled in the ‘land’ with those He has entrusted to me, asking Him to grow the seeds planted.

Jenn Howell1822 Women’s Coordinator

“This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Is-rael, says to all those I carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: ‘Build houses and set-tle down; plant gardens and eat what they pro-duce. Marry and have sons and daughters…’” Jeremiah 29: 4-6a.

Peter Eck1822 Men’s Coordinator

It is evident that God has given the staff of Campus Outreach a specific calling to reach students on the college campus for the lost world. Campus is not only a minstry of the church, but a ministry to the college students of the church.

1822 Generation


Often times 18-22 year olds can be easily overlooked in the church, because of the assumption that the min-istry on their campus will minister to them. However, there are always students who are home during the sum-mer and a core group of students during the school year that live in community with the church and are in need of investment. This is the call and vision for the 18-22 Generation.

Getting involved in people’s lives is a messy thing and being exposed is never fun. Many of the 1822 students have grown up in the church and value the corporate aspects of their faith, yet struggle with the values & skills needed to take personal ownership over their walk with God. As a result I believe God has called us to invest in the lives of many young Christians who need help in the application & continuation of the discipleship they received in their youth. Please continue to pray that God would build this ministry and draw people to see Him for who he really is!

When freshmen enter college for the first time, their hearts are like fields of opportunity. Through loving relationships, our staff members seek to INVEST in these hearts much like a farmer might INVEST in his field…by sowing seeds. Over several years, we INVEST by sowing seeds of God’s love, seeds of spiritual disciplines, and seeds of Kingdom vision. Though these seeds may be as small as mustard seeds, our hope is that they would take root and grow within students’ hearts in ways that would shape the rest of their lives beyond graduation. We INVEST in them for a few years so that they might effectively INVEST in others for many years to come! Our Mobilization Ministry seeks to position college seniors effectively for that future INVESTMENT.

Eric ZufallCOC Mobilization DirectorMelanie, Reuben, Sandra


“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches.” Matthew 13:31-32


While pulling dozens of oak saplings from our yard last weekend, we talked about how an acorn becomes a tree: it falls, sinks into the soil, breaks open, takes root, and shoots upward. Although the acorn’s shell eventually disintegrates, it leaves deep roots and a potential oak…or forest. The Campus Outreach staff was like an acorn’s shell broken open in our lives, INVESTING within us deep gospel roots and vision for worldwide impact. Now, in our mid-twenties, we no longer spend time weekly with CO staff or enjoy summers at the Summer Beach Project, but the staff members’ indelible INVESTMENT continues producing compounding returns: we are building a Christ-centered marriage, deeply involved in a vibrant church within which we are discipling ninth graders, seeking to make a difference at work, and praying for our neighbors’ salvation. And so, while the shell has long since broken open and fallen away, the INVESTMENT the Campus Outreach staff made is still reaping, and will continue to reap, God-glorifying returns.

Barrett and Ashlee JohnsonDavidson GraduatesBarrett is an accountant and Ashlee teaches part time and is working toward a Masters in Biblical Studies.

16% > national percentage of college students who consider themselves “grown up” (USA Today)

$20,000 > national average for student loan debt at college graduation (National Postseconary Student Aid Study)

20% > national percentage of people churched as teenagers who are still spiritually engaged by age 29 (Barna)

20% > national percentage of 25-29 year-olds who attend church in a typical week (Barna)

57% > national percentage of college graduates who move back home after graduation (monstertrack.com)

Commonly Unknown Facts about College Students

The mobilization process provided by Campus Outreach has been extremely beneficial throughout my senior year at Elon University. From seminars and group discussions to extensive one-on-one meetings, this process has helped me see how God can use me beyond college. As I graduate and move forward in life, I realize how privileged I have been to receive such INVESTMENTS by numerous staff. They have given me a deeper understanding of discipleship, allowing me to learn how to INVEST in others. This year God has revealed that He wants to keep me close to Elon’s campus. I plan to live with Elon’s current Campus Director, Michael Lopes, and continue to invest in the ministry at Elon. Additionally, I am pursuing a career in pharmaceutical sales as the Lord is directing me to be a vessel for Christ in the business world. I am thankful for the many people God has placed in my life through Campus Outreach and look forward to what He has in store for my future!

Thomas Snow2008 Elon Graduate

2008 Mobilization Conference5 campuses, 46 seniors in the mobilization pipeline, 36 seniors at the mobilization conference


> regularly attend a local church> are involved members of a local church> meet with God regularly through the Scriptures> are either currently discipling another person or are looking for an opportunity to do so


Here are some of the encouraging results we discovered from this survey:

Last year we conducted a survey among hundreds of professionals who were involved with Campus

Outreach during their college years.

Alumni Survey

more info on www.cocharlotte.org

Going into my first conference, I had a very skewed vision of Christians. At New Year’s Conference many of the illusions I had of being a Christian were shattered. I learned that there is a lot more to being a Christian than just believing there is a God. I was able to see that I had not given God complete control of my life. Doing so is like playing cards with God--you can hold your cards and keep trying to play, or fold and let Him take control of your life. I really learned about surrendering all parts of my life to Him and about having faith that He will provide.

The Atlanta New Year’s Conference is a unique opportunity for college students to gather together during their Christmas break and intentionally pursue a relationship with Christ, many for the first time. This year, 490 students, representing 11 campuses across the southeast, joined together for 5 days in Atlanta, to connect through worship, seminars and other activities. The goal of this conference was to expose non-believing students to the transforming power of the Gospel and to challenge those who know Christ in a personal way to go deeper in their walk with him.

This was my first year attending the New Year’s Conference in Atlanta. To be honest, I was really apprehensive about going. I was having a really difficult year and just wanted to be with my family for the New Year. I made the decision to attend the New Year’s Conference and, looking back, I wouldn’t change it for the world. Not only did I build amazing relationships with Godly people, but I also met God through brokenness.

Last summer I lost two of my best friends in a car wreck, which changed my life. I was never angry with God but I seemed to put up a wall towards Him because I was hurt. For seven months I grieved for my friends but never allowed God to share this burden. At the New Year’s Conference God really confirmed to me that I had no other choice but to give this hurt to Him, trusting him to heal me. God met me in Atlanta and broke me. I am so thankful that I attended and had the opportunity to experience my Savior’s grace.

“I have never experienced God in worship like I have at this conference.” – Laura Mullis, UNCC Senior

Atlanta New Year’s Conference

Terri FredetteUNC GreensboroFreshman

Erica Nichols Wingate UniversityFreshman

more info on www.cocharlotte.org

Duece, aka Ambassor, ANYC Musician/Speaker with Wingate Student, Tayler Middleton

Elon University guys eating at The Varsity

Erica (Center) with staff and students at ANYC


The Summer Beach Project (SBP) provides us with a unique investment opportunity in the lives of students. Throughout a typical semester, we have an average of 15 weeks to minister to students on campus. While much can be accomplished in a regular semester, the SBP provides us with an extra 8 weeks of ministry to students. We refer to the SBP as a “critical event” in that it gives us extended opportunities to train students and help build foundations into their lives. We are able to take the students we have been investing in on the campus and have a focused time of growth and training during their summer break. With extensive training in Bible study, evangelism, prayer and leadership, students receive a wealth of help in their walks with God. The effect that we hope for each year is a community of students that will walk with God and share the gospel as they return to their campuses.

God led me to Campus Outreach and showed me that it was here that He wanted me to invest my time on campus. Through Bible studies, discipleship with staff, and the Summer Beach Project, God has shown me what a privilege it is to spend my college years growing in my relationship with God and being equipped to fulfill His calling. This summer I was faced with a difficult decision of what I would do with my summer. After wrestling with God for two intense weeks, I could not resist the chance to return to the Summer Beach Project. There I would be investing eight weeks of my summer into growing in my relationship with God and learning how to lead others in a unique context. God is using Campus Outreach to fuel my vision and give me a passion for giving my life away by investing in the lives of others.

Jordan HibbardWingate UniversitySophomore

David Russell SBP Project Director

Summer Beach Project

more info on www.cocharlotte.org

It is amazing to see the things that God is doing in my life at the Summer Beach Project. I came to SBP thinking that it would be “a good thing” for me to participate in a project like this. It has turned out to be so much more and has truly been a life changing experience. In my time here, firm foundations have been established in my walk with God that are helping me to grow closer to Him. Bible Study Training and Evangelism Training have both been really helpful for me. I am growing in God’s Word and in learning how to share the gospel message with others. This summer I am learning what it means to become a Godly man and to truly grow and mature in a relationship with God.

Devin RobinsonUNC GreensboroSophomore


What does it mean to invest in the campus from an administrative role? One definition that Webster offers for the word invest is to “devote (one’s time, effort, or energy) to a particular undertaking with the expectation of a worthwhile result.” Whether I am processing staff support, working and communicating with Christ Covenant staff, providing resources like Bible Studies, books and information for staff and student leaders, or helping with the coordination of major campus or ministry-wide events, I am devoting my time, effort and energy in expectation of a worthwhile result. Each of these tasks is an investment into the campus - into supporters, into the church, into campus staff and into students - all with expectation of the Gospel being furthered. It is a blessing to serve staff across all 5 of our campuses and to then hear and see the fruit of those investments, whether in a semester, a year, or even four year’s time! May our faithfulness in the small things, produce fruit for years and beyond what we could ever imagine! (Matt. 25:19-21)

Megan Leap CO Charlotte Office Administration and Communications

As the women’s coordinator for Campus Outreach, I provide support and leadership for staff women from Wingate University, UNC Charlotte, UNC Greensboro, Elon University and our administrative area. Staff are daily investing their lives into evangelizing and discipling college students and I am committed to helping them invest well. My focus is helping staff grow and develop in vision, character and skills of ministry as we try to prioritize the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 13:44-46) at the forefront of our minds and hearts. We fight against the lure of immediate gratification as we make small, often unnoticed investments into this bigger picture that Jesus always pointed to: The Kingdom of Heaven. This kingdom makes little sense to most people, requires our very lives, our time and the best of our abilities, yet His is the only Kingdom I find worthy to order my life around.

Wendy Eunice Women’s CoordinatorCO Charlotte

Administration Team“Our mission is to provide servant

leadership by offering effective and efficient administrative services for staff, students, and supporters to accomplish the Campus Outreach vision and to develop the passion

and skills of the administrative staff.”

CO Charlotte Administration TeamFront(L-R): Chris & Stephanie Duncan, Hayden & Lydia

Back(L-R): Jenn Howell, Wedny Eunice, James & Kelly Broadaway, Megan Leap, Emily Reynolds


29 Staff Members

6 New Staff Raising Support

490 Atlanta New Year’s Conference Participants

62 Summer Beach Project Participants

113 Students involved in small groups

180 Students in evangelistic bible studies

19 New Student Professions of Faith in Christ

Financial Report

Is your investment guaranteed?In uncertain economic times we tend to be more cautious about where and how we are going to invest our money. Many investors may move their money from higher risk funds to something more conservative. What if you could move beyond a conservative investment to one that was guaranteed? Guaranteed to yield a return beyond your life, the life of any company or any government, an everlasting investment – would you make that investment? God has given us the opportunity to make that investment by receiving through faith the gospel of Jesus Christ; that Christ died for us satisfying God’s wrath against sin. Now, because Christ has invested in us we are free to invest in God’s kingdom for God’s glory. Our whole lives are now an opportunity to invest in God’s kingdom. What we do with our time, money, resources, relationships & career all matters because God will use our lives to build His kingdom. This past fiscal year Campus Outreach Charlotte received more than 7,500 gifts from more than 1,400 individual supporters! Each one of these gifts was an investment in at least three things. The first is an investment in the life of a Campus Outreach staff member who is discipling and evangelizing college students. The second is an investment in the life a college student through the staff member which prayerfully results in a radical transformation of students for a lifetime. Thirdly it is an investment for your own joy. Thank you for your sacrificial gifts to the advancement of God’s kingdom as you partner with Campus Outreach. Stewarding your investment,

James BroadawayCO Administrative Director


Staff Expenses $989,373 80.6%

CO Office Expansion $46,396 3.8%

Admin Expenses $22,763 1.9%

Staff Training $22,116 1.8%

Campus Budgets $28,444 2.3%

New Years Conference* $20,094 1.6%

Summer Beach Project* $98,400 8.0%


2006 - 2007 Campus Outreach Charlotte Budget







(*Revenue generated by student participants)

How Campus Outreach SpendsYour Dollar**

Gross Staff Salary $0.75

Insurance & Benefits $0.11

Travel $0.05

Overage $0.06

Administrative Fee $0.02(**Based on average staff salary)

I tend to think that deep down inside each of us there is a desire to be involved in something that has a great return in the kingdom of God. I can assure you that the entire Campus Outreach Virginia staff team feels this way. From the first days that we arrived on the campuses of Virginia Tech and Radford, we have dreamed that the investment of our lives would someday result in a return so great that the King Himself would be pleased.We have now been living and investing our lives in Virginia for two years. While the same ultimate dream remains, our understanding of the type of investment that produces a great return has been refined.We have learned that in most cases, a great return in the kingdom of God doesn’t happen overnight. While we pray for God to do amazing things very quickly, it seems that most lasting returns are cultivated over a period of time. This is the way that we say it:

Focused Investing over Time = Great Return (FI/T = GR)

So that is what we have committed ourselves to. Focused investing over time in the lives of college students. And guess what? We are seeing a great return! I want you to meet Evan Harris, a sophomore at Virginia Tech. He is one of the many “great returns” that have resulted from our focused investing over time.

Investments come in a variety of shapes and sizes; everything from someone’s time, money, home, or family. When I think of investments, I think of Matt Bradner, the CO Virginia Director, who took an invested interest in my life. Matt and I met on the soccer field during my freshman year. He soon began to invest his time into my life and began to engage me spiritually. It was not until the second semester of my freshmen year that I really began to appreciate this active role that Matt was playing in our friendship. On April 15, 2007, after many conversations and Bible studies, I prayed to God and asked Him to allow me to enter into a real relationship with him. Looking back, Matt made a real investment in my life and this investment has produced dividends, in the form of changes that I would have never imagined. The way I view others, how I interact with women and how I value myself have changed. Instead of putting myself first, I try to make much of others and I know that God has a far greater plan for my life. The investment Matt made has allowed me to find God and have the desire to see others seek him as well. Who would have known that a simple game of soccer would be such a great investment?

Evan Harris Virginia Tech Sophomore

Matt BradnerCOV Regional Director

Campus Outreach Virginia Expansion

CO Virginia Expansion TeamClockwise: Matt & Julia Brader, Isaiah, Coleman & Tobias, Collin Setterberg, Katie Hobson, Adriana Pariz, Renee Head,

Doug Rose, Andrew & Maria Schwartz, Tera & Ava

Virginia Tech Intramural Soccer Teamincluding Matt Bradner, Doug Rose & Evan Harris


If there were one thing that we believe God said to us for 2007 it was “TURN” to me. Luke 24:47 records an interaction that Jesus had with his disciples after the resurrection and relays to us that “beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.” We concluded that if the Bible with all of its history, poetry, promises, genealogies, principles, events, and people is ultimately pointing to one person, one life, then we must take great care in doing the same. Therefore we will aim to be individuals and a ministry that is all about, preoccupied with, dominated by, overcome with, and occupied by making Christ, the Man, the Gospel, the Message, the Incarnation the thing in all that we do.

Neal Gooch COJ Regional Director

God began revealing the power of investment to me about nine years ago when a girl walked into my life and invested something of herself, along with the Gospel, into me. Through this investment, she brought the Gospel to life in my life. I moved to Johannesburg four years ago with a raw vision of reproducing this investment. This vision motivated me to walk into a strange residence hall, try to meet and build relationships with South African students, and “impart to them not only the Gospel of God but also my own life as well” (1 Thessalonians. 2:8). This is investment!

Beth Rocker Women’s Coordinator Wits University

“I am realizing how deeply God has blessed me with Beth’s investment in my life. God has used her investment to radically change everything about my life. Now I want to give my life to reproduce this investment into the lives of other women.”

Campus Outreach Johannesburg

-Getrude Mthimunye, 5th year Law student Wits University

CO Johannesburg Team

Beth Rocker and her discipleship group, including Getrude (center)

Neal Gooch, his wife Jennifer, and four sons, Haddon, Dawson, Hudson & Jonathan

Back (L-R): Pete Ketterman, Rader Ketterman, Badi Badibanga, Tim Byrd, Aaron Carroll,

Jeff Viljoen, Brandon Paschal, Neal GoochMiddle (L-R): Levi Ketterman, Sheri Ketterman,

Refiloe Photoane, Raquel Rivera, Poppy Mukovhanama,Charity Somo, Lerato Mahange,

Kris Viljoen, Thabo Chaba, Jennifer GoochFront (L-R): Cory Thompson, Leslie Thompson,

Jennifer Carcagente, Noma Lupuwana, Beth Rocker, Cion Strickland, Stephanie Garrett,

Haley Miedema, Paul MiedemaSeated (L-R): Haddon Gooch, Dawson Gooch,

Hudson Gooch, Jonathan Gooch


800 Fullwood Lane Matthews, NC 28105(704) [email protected]

...ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:36-37

“As a student, Campus Outreach taught me the importance of making decisions that will have an impact not for the moment, but for eternity.” Robert Aderholt, U.S. Congressman, State of Alabama

“...They know how to reach students and build truths into their lives for a lifetime of walking with Christ.” Paul Stanley, International Vice President, The Navigators

“Campus Outreach has a proven track record. They don’t just talk theology, they live it out in relationships that actually make unbelievers into mature and growing disciples.”

John Piper, Author and Senior Pastor of Bethleham Baptist Church, Minneapolis, MN

CharlotteCampus Outreach