the harmonic concordance 1

John Mirehiel The Harmonic Concordance: Toward Ascension and Beyond 1 What our authors are saying about the Harmonic Concordance and Ascension: John Mirehiel – “This most hopeful planetary alignment is an astrological moment of rare beauty…a pattern that is sure to catch any astrologers attention.” Madalyn Hillis-Dineen – “If you are willing to see it, you are opening yourself to what might just be the window to another phase of evolution – one where the Soul is actually valued above the material.” Thérèse Marie Quinn – “I was lifted into the perfect choreography of the chart's whole moment's dance, and felt myself aflood in the bursting of The Divine Mother's amniotic fluid. I experienced the birthing of a new consciousness in humanity.” Joyce Mason – “At some point we have to get off the cross of matter and into the resurrection. I think this Concordance chart talks a lot about a resurrecting moment in time, a time when this idea comes into the mass consciousness, … and that’s really pretty exciting, actually!” Laura Mahoney – “Those attuned to being able to hear it correctly will have the opportunity to transform humanity’s relationship with its host, our Mother Earth, to one of an expression of mutualism that will be extraordinarily beneficial to both.” Mike Wirth – [The Harmonic Concordance proposes] “…the idea that we're not alone in our journey, that the willingness and sincerity of our search will bear fruitful results, that joy, inspiration and love is waiting to be fully embodied in each of us.” John Townley – “It's a time for very mixed opportunity in a mundane sense, as there are so many conflicting and harmonic things happening at the same time.”

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John Mirehiel The Harmonic Concordance: Toward Ascension and Beyond 1

What our authors are saying about the Harmonic Concordance and Ascension:

John Mirehiel – “This most hopeful planetary alignment is an astrological moment of

rare beauty…a pattern that is sure to catch any astrologers attention.”

Madalyn Hillis-Dineen – “If you are willing to see it, you are opening yourself to what

might just be the window to another phase of evolution – one where the Soul is actually

valued above the material.”

Thérèse Marie Quinn – “I was lifted into the perfect choreography of the chart's whole

moment's dance, and felt myself aflood in the bursting of The Divine Mother's amniotic

fluid. I experienced the birthing of a new consciousness in humanity.”

Joyce Mason – “At some point we have to get off the cross of matter and into the

resurrection. I think this Concordance chart talks a lot about a resurrecting moment in

time, a time when this idea comes into the mass consciousness, … and that’s really pretty

exciting, actually!”

Laura Mahoney – “Those attuned to being able to hear it correctly will have the

opportunity to transform humanity’s relationship with its host, our Mother Earth, to one

of an expression of mutualism that will be extraordinarily beneficial to both.”

Mike Wirth – [The Harmonic Concordance proposes] “…the idea that we're not alone in

our journey, that the willingness and sincerity of our search will bear fruitful results, that

joy, inspiration and love is waiting to be fully embodied in each of us.”

John Townley – “It's a time for very mixed opportunity in a mundane sense, as there are

so many conflicting and harmonic things happening at the same time.”

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Phil Gruber – “This form (Star of David), properly understood and utilized, generates

synchronistically-related fields that allow one to be connected to an intelligence that has

come to be known as Merkabah, or Tagathata…[the] "Divine Light Vehicle…"

A. S. Raleigh – “This has in all ages been one of the most sacred of geometric symbols,

representing a number of things; the man of the future, who will have six distinct

principles functioning in his outer or true consciousness... the highest attainment of

man’s outer consciousness… the spiritual and material trinities… the Law of Opposites

and the Law of Balance working in harmony. Spirit thus raises matter and matter draws

down spirit.”

Sandy Stevenson – “Ascension is a special stage as it involves the transition from a third

dimensional reality of duality and its relevant learning to an awareness of oneness,

harmony and love.”

Lela Galadriel – “We expect that there will be "one perfect moment" - as we know it in

the third-dimension… that pinnacle of "fusion of awareness" between the mental,

physical and astral planes of each individual, and where - for perhaps the first time since

they incarnated on Earth – [we] will have the perfect "window" with which to see

[our]selves… as one with God, or as small as a micro-atom - and to know that [we] are

the same.”

Rev. Abhakti Ginitole – “One could say that, on the days preceding the Harmonic

Concordance, and during all the days after, the way in which we see the world and

interact with each other will be on a considerably higher octave, or plane of awareness.”

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Teachers of the Universal Mind – “The harmonic concordance chart is an energy focal

point, a point of energy, which carries within it the energy of planetary Ascension. The

energy point has been in place since the beginning of the Family of Light mission on

Earth. The goal of this mission is to create planetary Ascension.”

Jan Mirehiel – “In linear time, the Concordance Moment is of course, a future event.

Like other previously announced, spiritually significant times—such as the Harmonic

Convergence, for example—it will, no doubt, pull a great many people into a prayerful

alignment at one time for a higher purpose. In this case, the larger purpose is the

ascension of Mother Earth and her inhabitants.”

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(Part I)


Foreword 5

Introduction 9

The Chart Heard ‘Round the World 12

My Mirehiel and Our Concordance 25

A Rose By Any Other Name… 35

The Grand Sextile 43

Chiron at the Concordance 46

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Author, seer, and frequent guest on Art Bell’s “Coast to Coast” radio program, Sean

David Morton included the following in his June, 2002 Delphi Associates Newsletter

mailing to his 20,000 subscribers. He is revising it for the Foreword for this book, and

will have the revision to us when he returns from his honeymoon later this month.

It is 17 months away but it has been spoken of in hushed whispers by ancient

peoples, Mayan calendars, Native American Elders and wise and learned men versed in

the ways of spirit and the stars.

“It is when the strands of the hoop come together,” said Roweena Red Tail Hawk

Mother, the new Speaker and prophet of the Hopi. “The door to the world of spirit will

open, and it will be up to us whether we call upon the Great Shining Ones to help us or

the Dark Ones from the pit who will bring our destruction.”

Already the Hopi have been stocking up supplies, building Hogans and Kivas

underground, storing food, and oils. Our friend Linda Smith from Salt Lake City sells

stone wheat grinding bowls, and she is sold out and back ordered for months. “The Hopi

and other Native Tribes have been ordering them like crazy,” she told me. “They say the

Great Purification is coming very soon.”

I knew that 2002 would be the bridge to tomorrow. That this would be the year of

learning, preparation and incubation. It is why I have hit the road and tried to teach as

many SRV seminars in as many places as possible, to give our people the tools of

knowledge and spirit to prepare for what is coming.

2003 will be the year of The Great Division, when we will smash through the

barrier of 4 dimensions of height/width/breadth and time, and into the 5th dimensional

world of pure spirit. The Aboriginal Dream Time, the world of mind and spirit, where

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that which we THINK will be come reality in a virtual instant. The doors are indeed

opening, but will we call all the angels of heaven or the demons from the pit.

I have only rarely dedicated an entire newsletter to a single topic. This one is

worth it for a number of reasons. Firstly, I have recently been covering a number of

topics that are fearful and negative, because the times we are living in are exactly that.

Every Mosque has become a fortress.

Terrorized on all sides by a faceless enemy, the Dark Lords are amplifying the

frequency of FEAR for their own agenda of slavery and control to keep us from evolving

and ascending, because FEAR, not HATE, is the opposite of LOVE.

Secondly, you all needed a good dose of HARD-CORE meta-PHYSICS. Not

about money or the stock market or the next attack or set of predictions, but some

teaching from learned people that shows that not only is there an Infinite Radiant Creator

but that the all powerful “IS” has a fantastic cosmic plan for all of humanity, and that

plan is slowly weaving itself above our very worried, bowed and unconscious heads.

Their conclusions are at once blissfully hopeful and starkly terrifying.

I had known about the November 8, 2003 date for some time from my own

meditations, research and conversations with Elders and holy men, so when I saw the

website that was put together by John Mirehiel, the discoverer of the 11/8/03 “Chart

Heard Around the World” I was overjoyed. I contacted him as soon as I had read it all

and it is with his kind and generous permission that I print his gathered material here. He

is looking to publish a BOOK about this coming event to raise global awareness of the

date and its consequences for humanity. Just remember you heard it all here first.

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With the help of Barbabra Hand Clow and her Bear Publishing Company, Jose

Arguilles published a book in 1985 all about “THE HARMONIC CONVERGENCE.”

Arguilles found a prophecy in the Mayan codexes that if 144,000 people could come

together on August 16, 17 and 18 of 1987, and greet the dawn in peace, harmony, prayer,

meditation and love, that ALL of the dire predictions of mass death and destruction in the

coming age could be pulled DOWN by a FACTOR OF TEN.

MILLIONS world-wide heard the call and, practicing the ART OF PEACE,

gloriously responded! Angelic beings beamed from TVs, glowing feathered serpents of

wisdom, the manifestation of Quetzalquoatal, were seen circuling the globe and even the

jaded unconscious media was stunned by the outpouring of pure spirit.

Another of those unique moments in history is upon us. Believe me we will

NEED the coming 17 months to prepare for what is coming, so you need to get the word

out NOW! The Harmonic Concordance will be all about the CHOICES that we make,

and the paths we will choose. We must turn it into a GLOBAL EVENT, with music,

publicity and celebrations of the God within us all. If we do NOTHING, then the dark

forces around us will have won. The path we are on will be set in stone and the Earth

will move into the pattern of a NECRO-SPHERE, sealing the death vibration that will

lead to the extinction of most of the life on this planet in less than 50 years. Those are the

stakes. Our survival the prize.

Our goal is, once again, to get 144,000 to greet the dawn in peace, brotherhood

and harmony on Nov. 8th, 9th and10th with the grand finalé being the 11/11/2003

Stargate activation. The sign of Gemini has been transformed from the computer-like,

hermaprhoditic, skeptic, static, base lower minded twins to the double pillars of the

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STARGATE of communication for all the angels, gods, devas, buddhas and dakinis. The

destruction of the WTC twin towers, the very glyph of Geminii, was symbolic of

sweeping away the past to make way for this new force.

With Nov. 8, 2003, Scorpio will be similarly transformed. The secretive sign of

regeneration, sex and death, its three symbols the posionous, self-destuctive scorpion, the

grey lizard and the eagle. Now it will become THE PHOENIX! Gone will be their

suicidal tendencies, but they will show us all how to rise from the ashes, how to start

over, how to not resist but

TRANSMUTE, TRANSFORM and TRANSMORGRIFY all the energy around us. The

will become the Phoenix rising from the VIOLET FIRE of the ashes of the old age.

Some say that the internet would be the vehicle for global awareness and

consciousness. Well, I wouldn’t bet on the internet...but I would sure bet on the

CONSCIOUSNESS. The coming battle will be all about MIGHT versus THE

LIGHT...and the bad guys don’t stand a CHANCE!

What is to come is your destiny. It is worth the battle...and WE are who we have

been waiting for.

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Awestruck! I was awestruck!

I am an astrologer. My stock in trade is time. I read the clock of peoples’ lives.

The face of that clock is the pattern of their birth charts and the moving hands are the

planets that tick in time around it. And so, it was not unusual for me to be peering into

the computer-generated future, voyeuristically intent upon finding something of interest

behind the veils of time. I thought I knew what I was looking for: the Mystic Rectangle

chart pattern among the planets that, according to Michael Erlewine, signifies a spiritual

seeker. It was the 28th of August, 1998.

The days scrolled before me in a parade of shifting patterns. I was out there

flying over landscapes of time five years into the future. The computer’s clock skimmed

over the late summer and fall of 2003, pausing a few seconds on each day when, in late

October, the passing patterns started to grab my attention. First one, then a second

Mystic Rectangle, two Grand Trines, Minor Grand Trines and several Kites1 began to

pop into view. As the patterns formed, I knew that I was seeing the emergence of a rare

Star of David planetary picture. All I had to do was to wait for the Moon to fall into

place. Halting the animation feature of my program,2 I stared into the monitor. I had

landed on November 8, 2003.

1 The Myst ic Rectangle: The Grand Trine The Minor Grand Trine The Kite

2 Astrolog, V4.3

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This looks neat, I thought. I began to examine some of the chart’s details; the

planets involved, the Ascendant of the chart, the Part of Fortune, and then it hit me. With

just one time adjustment the chart would show a total lunar eclipse to compliment the

Star of David!3 And there it was, in all its glory: A total lunar eclipse Grand Sextile

pattern! I had never seen its like in my almost thirty years in astrology. As I said, I was

in awe.

Of course I had seen several Star of David patterns. Most memorable was the

pattern for what had been called the “Gaia Mind Day” Peace Vigil of January 23, 1997. I

was also aware of the work of Mary Shea, who had built and devoted a web site to those

patterns. However, neither Mary’s ‘Stars’ nor the Gaia Mind Day chart had contained

anything like the exactitude of this elaborate pattern. Not that those ‘Star’ patterns were

insignificant. Indeed, as I recount elsewhere on these pages, I had given the Gaia Mind

pattern considerable thought when it first drew my attention in late 1996. But its

revelations had not come close to what appeared before me now.

With its elegant confluence of so many important symbols and patterns, the

Harmonic Concordance chart is an astrological imprint of one of the most dynamic days

imaginable. Its implications, first for Mother Earth, and consequently for her sentient

passengers, speak to a culmination of humanity’s long quest for unity with God. Its

appearance now, at the prophesied end of so many cycles of time - and as the last in a

long sequence of patterns that may have begun some 2000 years ago - makes a

compelling argument for its identification as a moment that fulfils many ancient portents.

3 When the mathematical points cal led the North and South Lunar Nodes are in c lose conjunct ion to the Sun and Moon, there wi l l be an ecl ipse . In this case , the ecl ipse wil l be to ta l .

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But no argument whatsoever was needed for one thing: Contrary to many of the

darker prophecies of the “end times,” the moment whose astrological DNA I was

examining was one of joy, infinite beauty and the promise of a new awareness for

humankind. Soon I was caught up in its positive flow of energies. I realized as I studied

it during those first few days that a chart of such importance needed to be shared with a

larger audience. In the weeks prior to finding the chart, I had been building a web site

that would teach astrology and promote my practice as an astrological coach, but as the

voice of this new chart became stronger, my online business plans went out the window

and became The Home Page of the Harmonic Concordance.

Many of the essays in this collection first appeared on that site. They have been

contributed by astrologers, metaphysicians and spiritual seekers, each of whom offers a

unique perspective on the meaning of the chart, or some aspect of it. In concert these

pieces provide a many-notched key that can unlock the potential of the Harmonic

Concordance moment within the Self in the Here and Now. For though the chart

represents a point in the future of linear time, it also describes a portal that stands open to

a moment of perfect unity whenever one chooses to step through it. We hope that, as you

read, you will glean the information and encouragement often needed to take this step,

and join us in embracing all the Harmonic Concordance means to us, our glorious

planet we call home, and the sacred relationship that we share.

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John Mirehiel takes us back to the Harmonic Concordance discovery eve, and

sets the stage for his first encounter with the chart. He examines its astrological basics

and probes into its rich metaphorical language to unlock its deeper meanings.

The Chart Heard ‘Round the World

Hurricane Bonnie had sent an early warning storm northward from her Carolina

landfall, announcing to New York the imminent arrival of the first big blow of the 1998

storm season. The sky flashed bright with lightning. Loud, rolling thunder claps

rumbled overhead for long seconds, and the driving rain drummed a persistent rat-a-tat on

the west-facing windows of my Long Island apartment. Sleep was not an option.

The astrological chart for that night of August 27 showed an energy-stirring

Grand Square pattern involving Saturn, Mars, Uranus and the Moon, each in a fixed sign.

The turbulence this pattern often indicates was spectacularly evident in the atmosphere

above the east coast. But as I stood looking out at the raging night, little did I suspect

that the storm was not the only intense energy coursing through the skies. Great things

were happening out there beyond my view.

SGR 1900+14 Late that evening instrumentation at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center

registered the implosion of a magnetar, a super-dense neutron star, some 26,000 light

years distant from us. A burst of gamma rays from that dying star, rather unromantically

named SGR 1900+14, struck the earth’s ionosphere over a roughly 4,000 mile-wide,

night-cloaked slice of the planet from the Rockies westward. Though this enormous

pulse of gamma ray emissions lasted only about five minutes, it showered the earth with a

burst of energy equivalent to that emitted by our sun in 300,000 years. This intense burst

of gamma rays suppressed the level of the earth’s nighttime ionosphere down to a day-

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like level. Radio transmissions were seriously affected. Many orbital satellites went into

their fail-safe modes, shutting down in order to protect their sensitive instrumentation.

Umran Inan, an internationally respected Stanford University astronomer and ionospheric

physicist, told the assembled media at NASA’s press conference announcing the event,

“It is extremely rare for an event occurring outside the solar system to have any

measurable effect on the Earth. It was as if the night was briefly turned into day in the

ionosphere.” In radio astronomy, it was a very big deal.

The Discovery Because NASA did not disclose information about the magnetar implosion to the

general public until well over a month had passed, I was as clueless as anyone else about

its occurrence. Yet I do not discount the effect such stellar phenomena may have on the

planet’s inhabitants as well as on its ionosphere and satellites. Several months later,

fellow astrologer Laura Mahoney, also a contributor to this book, pointed out that the

magnetar implosion event originated from the northwest corner of the constellation

Aquila, the Bird of the Sun and a symbol of ascension or immortality. The universe

could not have provided a more fitting harbinger for what I was about to find.

On the morning of August 28 I sat groggily at my computer over a stiff cup of

coffee and began “surfing the future.” I had been studying the fascinating subject of

astrology for almost thirty years on and off, and have been practicing it exclusively since

my retirement from teaching in 1991. Nothing in all that time had prepared me for my

first experience of this stunning chart.

(See Illustration #1, Astrolog B&W)

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I have been studying it ever since. I have taken the liberty of calling it The

Harmonic Concordance, or rather it has taken the liberty of naming itself despite my

misgivings about its obvious semantic similarity to José Arguelles’ “Harmonic

Convergence” in August of 1987 -- more on this in chapter three, “A Rose By Any Other


No matter what it is called, I continue to live in the supercharged moment of the

chart’s immediate impact on me, and have since seen that impact repeated in the

recognition of its uniqueness on the faces of countless others. Knowing anything at all

about astrology, one cannot help but be impressed, and even non-astrologers will readily

notice the symmetry and patterns in the chart that are its unique hallmark.

Basic Chart Highlights Before diving into a reading of the chart, consider this: The universal language of

astrology is an archetypal Rosetta Stone that is spoken in all of humankind’s many

tongues. Its metaphors are transcultural and timeless, as are the basic issues they address

-- both in individuals and the world-at-large. Using that universal language, the geometry

of the Harmonic Concordance moment constructs patterns that speak to the core truths

found in the symbolism of nearly all the world’s metaphysical belief systems. The fact

that these truths have been given such a universal voice at a time that is unprecedented in

the global community’s psychological, spiritual, and technological readiness to hear them

is compelling. The path to exploring, understanding and owning them are found in this

chart, which describes a moment of rare astrological beauty.

First, let’s look at the hexagonal outer frame, known as a Grand Sextile pattern.

Briefly, this rare pattern signifies the mutual and unobstructed flow of energy between six

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planets arrayed about a chart in a sequence of sextile aspects. Astrologer Bil Tierney’s

“Grand Sextile” excerpt probes this pattern and its portents in more depth. The Grand

Sextile of the Harmonic Concordance is particularly powerful because the widest “orb,”

or allowable deviation from an exact sextile (60-degree) aspect, between any of those six

planets is fewer than six degrees,4 creating a fine-tuned balance. The planets involved in

the Concordance Moment are the Sun and the Moon, Saturn and Chiron, and Mars and

Jupiter, also creating three strong oppositions.

As our source of power, the Sun transmits its will to express our highest

spiritual ideal to the other planets in the formation. In Scorpio, the sign of the Phoenix, it

inhabits the sign of death and rebirth in the loftiest terms. Here it stands opposed to the

Moon, the sole female energy in the Grand Sextile, who, in Taurus, provides, patience,

industry, and calm. A Taurus Moon is also often associated with a beautiful singing

voice, which plays nicely with the idea of a “harmonic” moment, and here she is also in

eclipse, indicating the time to reap rewards of an important undertaking or the fruition of

a long-ripening issue. Merged in opposition and in eclipse, the passionate, energetic Sun

and the complex, emotional Moon join forces to promote the seeding of synthesis and


Since the eclipse is one of the defining elements of this Concordance Moment, I’d

like to take note of this particular eclipse’s context. Eclipses are always part of a family

of related eclipses. Each family, in astrology called a “Saros Series,” has an initial point

4 In th is case the two sext i les that are ‘widest of orb’ involve the two planetary “Lights ,” the Sun and Moon, the as trological bodies that are afforded the widest of orbs among al l the planets , i .e . , the roughly 5½ degree orb is wel l with in s tandard orb appl icat ion.

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of origin in an eclipse that takes place at either the North or South Pole. Each series has

its own precise planetary patterns, some difficult and some easy.

The Saros Series that the Concordance Eclipse belongs to is called “5 New

South,” a series that Bernadette Brady has said that, in her opinion, is the best of all the

series. In her excellent book on predictive astrology, The Eagle and the Lark, she has

this to say about Saros Series 5 New South:

“This is a very joyful, happy family of eclipses. There is a sense of good news,

falling in love, a peak experience that is joyful in some way, the benefits that appear in

the individual’s life under this eclipse series can be expected to continue well after the

eclipse has passed.”5

Astrologers will note that I have used Chiron as a planet. I have included it

because I have seen it work consistently, and with the legitimate energy of a planet, in

hundreds of charts. Were it ignored, the pattern would not emerge. Using Chiron

completes the Grand Sextile, and in this position its significance as the bridge between

the inner and outer planets, and thus between the material and spiritual, or seen and

unseen, comes into high focus.

As the “wounded healer,” Chiron expresses transformation through suffering. In

opposition to Saturn, the grand old teacher of all the planets and a stickler for hard,

dedicated work, Chiron is spurred to complete his task despite any obstacles that may

arise. This may seem to cast a cloud of toil and pain over the chart, but in our interview

with astrologer Joyce Mason about Chiron, whom she points out is a mythical Christ

5 Bernadet te Brady, The Eagle and the Lark, a Textbook of Predict ive Astrology , Samuel Weiser , Inc . York Beach, Maine, 1992, Appendix 6 , p . 315.

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archetype, we find in this relationship the hope of moving past our collective

“crucifixion” and on to a true understanding and acceptance of the glories of resurrection.

Rounding out the Grand Sextile, active Mars, sitting in Pisces and thus ready to

pledge his entire inner resources to a spiritual cause, is motivated by Jupiter, the planet of

plenty, who calls us forth to the next level of experience, inspirited by the light of Truth.

To counteract the perhaps “bumpy ride” Saturn and Chiron might have in store on their

own, Jupiter stands beneficently in Virgo, where he focuses his positive energy on

building a field of support and service for others. Of course, he will also be taking great

care of all the details, as all good Virgos must.

All of these metaphoric energies are linked in stimulative communication

through the aforementioned Grand Sextile. Each of the six planets involved also acts as

both the fulcrum and a wing of six Minor Grand Trines and Kites, one of the three points

of a Grand Trine, and a cornerstone of two Mystic Rectangles. These patterns

traditionally express an unhindered flow between their constituent planets. In concert

with the Grand Sextile and the total lunar eclipse, they create a highly powerful and

beneficial vortex, the likes of which has not occurred during at least the 2,223 years that I

have personally researched, and perhaps a good deal longer.

While oppositions might indicate difficulties and cross purposes, and some

astrologers will argue that the T-square (a traditionally troublesome pattern) between the

Sun, the Moon, and Neptune only exacerbates these, the sextile/trine lattice work that

surrounds them opens a fast-lane of communication and a bridge of balanced cooperation

between all the planetary energies involved.

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Further, the oppositions, especially between the Sun and Moon, join forces with

the square between Venus and Mars to emphasize the male/female, Yin/Yang

relationship quality that repeatedly provides an energetic equilibrium for the entire

vortex. Venus also forms a wide T-square with Jupiter and Mars, which might usually

leave Venus feeling attacked and exposed, but here she is joined by two fellow

goddesses, the asteroids Juno, the Goddess of Relationships, and Vesta, Priestess of the

Flame. The conjunction of these three goddesses, who together represent Love in three

of its many aspects, is rare (happening only about three times a century), but Juno and

Vesta are seen together about once a decade, and they most often meet in Sagittarius,

where they know how to work well together. In the embrace of these two sisters, who are

perfectly placed to showcase their own strongest and wisest aspects, Venus can act from

a field of support to bring forth her own: tenderness, beauty, understanding, compromise,

and the desire for a meaningful relationship.

Within the T-square, these three goddesses are stimulated to act (Mars) on their

Higher Self awareness (Jupiter). It is this challenge, for which they stand ready, that will

spur them to the highest expression of Love. Sagittarian Venus desires adventuresome,

high-spirited, philosophical, and sincere exploration of realms where “no man has gone

before,” and with the support of her sisters, she is likely to succeed. Likewise, the square

between Mercury, representing the lower mind, and Uranus, representing the higher,

suggests tension, sudden intuitive insights, inspiration, and an “out of the blue” quality.

Communication between the two is facilitated by Chiron, whose position at the midpoint

between these two planets sets it up perfectly to carry out its function as a bridge between

the inner and outer planets. Astrologer Mike Wirth takes a closer look at the

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repercussions of the Mercury-Uranus connection in his essay, “The Point of Willful


Spiritual Symbolism and Further Speculations Before going into more specific astrological details, let’s take a look at perhaps

the most familiar symbol in the chart, the “Star of David,” the six-pointed star also

known as the “Seal of Solomon.” This ancient symbol strikes an unmistakable chord

of unwavering, timeless, Divine Wisdom that resonates throughout the chart and holds it

in balance so that the most beneficial result of any given astrological connection or

pattern can be realized. The mysteries of the occult and sacred geometry behind this

symbol are explored in Phil Gruber’s “Mediation on Philosophical Geometry,” and an

excerpt from A.S. Raleigh’s Occult Geometry. Gruber tells us that the Star of David

symbolizes the Kabalic “Merkaba,” or “soul vehicle” in which one can “roll” into a

higher state of being; Raleigh reports that the two triangles which form the Star represent

the merging of the material and spiritual worlds.

This is a concept that connotes the next step in human evolution, and has come to

be known in contemporary media as “the Shift of Ages” or the “Ascension.” The latter is

a term I have adopted because I, and most of the writers who have contributed to this

book, believe that the Harmonic Concordance chart provides the astrological signature of

the Ascension of Mother Earth, and for all of her inhabitants who are able to comprehend

and accept such a possibility. This ascension, or leap onto the next level in our

evolutionary journey, is what the “New Age” is all about. The Age of Aquarius brings

synthesis and wholeness where its predecessor, that of Pisces, explored conflict and

opposition; the two sides of the coin become one; the line between yin and yang blurs.

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The Ascension unifies and integrates us with the spiritual, from which we have so long

remained painfully separated.

The Internet is awash in sites that muse on this fast-approaching wave of

“Ascension.” Booksellers such as and Barnes and Noble have cultivated

entire sections concerning the “Shift of Ages.” Radio talk show hosts fill the air waves

with speculations of all kinds about it, and even Time magazine, echoing the mainstream

viewpoint that this shift can spell nothing but catastrophe, devoted a cover story (July 1,

2002) to “end times” scenarios. I trust I have already impressed on you my conviction

that the Ascension, as read by the Harmonic Concordance chart, cannot help being

positive, both in its strong, already-evident undercurrents and in its ultimate

manifestation for all who accept it.

I believe this three-dimensional, strife-torn world that we love and cherish even as

we prepare to ascend it has taught Mother Earth and her “Godling” children the ABC’s of

merging with the great creative spirit as fully operational co-creators. But I also expect

the fields of play in the next dimensions are limitless, as befitting a Godling’s sandbox.

The basics, however, are not beyond extrapolating. In Sandy Stevenson’s “What is

Ascension,” and Lela Galadriel’s “Projection of Ascension,” you will find clues to what a

post-Ascensional world will look and feel like, and some ideas about the attitudes and

behaviors that might best facilitate one’s move into such a state. Their sometimes radical

views may at other times seem cozy and familiar, but certainly not because they bear any

resemblance to the bland, easily digestible offerings of the current mass media on the

same subject.

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The fact is that we, as “Godlings,” already possess complete knowledge and

memory of this state, it’s just that we have become disconnected from it during our

exploration of the 3-Dimensional field of creativity. Reverend Abhakti Gintole puts her

focus on “Unity Consciousness” to illustrate how, upon ascending, we will be reunited in

consciousness with the God awareness that we have allowed to sleep for so long.

Madalyn Hillis-Dineen and Therese Marie Quinn also add their interpretations of the

possible spiritual repercussions of the chart, both anchoring their emotional reactions in

the great universal language of astrology.

Going back to the specifics of the chart now, let’s look at a few more astrological

details that further uphold these sometimes speculative impressions. One of the

techniques through which astrologers can track the “high points” and general strength of

a chart is by the reading of Critical Degrees found at approximately every 13th degree of

the zodiac. While their use is most prevalent in Eastern astrological systems, the

influence of any planets or points that lie within one degree of a Critical Degree is much

amplified. Critical Degree emphases are prominent in the Harmonic Concordance chart,

as are conjunctions between several planets and asteroids to “fixed stars,” another set of

tools with which astrologers can fine-tune a reading.

In her article, “The Fixed Star Parans,” astrologer Laura Mahoney reads the

significance of several fixed stars through their relations to various planets. Her report

corroborates the findings of the astrologers who have focused on the more evident

connections, as does my own application of the “Sabian Symbols.” Together our

readings more than meet the astrologer’s ad-hoc rule of thumb, “Show me something

three times!” By all accounts, the chart illustrates a welcoming entrance to a new, wholly

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integrated, realm. A’oleah Era finds a similar interpretation by applying a reading of the

Mayan calendar to the day.

To round out our astrological exploration, I look at the implications of another

Star of David pattern I happened to find in a chart from over five hundred years ago,

corresponding to the unexplained disappearance of several Pueblo Indian tribes of the

Southwest. Could this have been “Another Moment of Ascension?”

Of course, each moment contains a unique blend of significant aspects, critical

degrees, fixed stars, and the like. An argument can surely be made for the fact that no

single day has any more important indications than another. For good measure, we have

included one here, in John Townley’s “The Other Side of the Coin,” a skeptical, but

positive, take on the day’s possibly unimpressive outcome.

Regardless of each moment’s uniqueness, some days, and some charts, catch

an astrologer’s eye more than others. This is one that has captured my attention as no

other before. It is the most elegant chart that I have ever seen, rich with an abundance of

mundane, emotional, and spiritual potential. It describes a point in time, and as such can

be viewed as fairly limited. But time is dictated only by the way we experience it.

According to the work of Carl Jung, there is something called the “psychic

relativity of time,”6 a theory that describes how events may be perceived externally to

their actual occurrence in time. One of Jung’s colleagues, J.B. Rhine, established

through his research that one can know and feel an event without having experienced it in

the moment when it happened. This scientific research demanded the use of subject’s

6 C.G. Jung, Synchronicity , an Acausal Connect ing Principle , Bol l ingen Foundat ion: New York, NY, 1973, p . 17 .

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reactions to past events of which they were previously unaware, but here we offer you the

chance to apply these findings to the future, and experience all of the potentials of

the Harmonic Concordance moment right now.

In fact, the Concordance actively seeks expression in the present moment. The

engaging mandala of the chart is an elegant and inviting image of what we already are, if

we will own it: Ascended Co-Creators. It stands as a “Stargate” into a new reality where

we fully accept and realize our lofty, but perfectly natural, “Godling” powers. When we

do, we (perfectly naturally) join forces with our rich and juicy planet, Mother Earth, and

continue to create this new reality together. A channeled message from The Teachers of

the Universal Mind speaks of the chart as a key to ascension that can be turned at any

time. The choice is ours.

In order that you may take advantage of this “key,” I have included an essay

entitled “Empowering the Self: Tuning into the Concordance Frequency.” In it, I explain

techniques for reading your own natal chart in conjunction with the Harmonic

Concordance chart, using myself as a guinea pig. My other half (in the most “Ascended”

meaning of the phrase), Jan Mirehiel, takes a lyrical approach to the Concordance

through the poetry of 13th century Sufi mystic, Rumi, who “was able to capture the

essence of a spirit-filled life” independent of the time in which he lived. She then goes

on to describe her own shamanic approach to utilizing the grand potentials of the

Harmonic Concordance moment in the eternal now in “Stepping Through the

Concordance Paradox,” and invites us all to do the same.

Immediately following this opening chapter, Jan tells us how the

Concordance energy stalked her even before she knew about it, and drew her to me so

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that we could broadcast the message of the Harmonic Concordance together. We suspect

that beyond the Stargate of the Concordance, should we make a collective decision to

step through it, an even grander journey of creation awaits us; one in which every sentient

being will employ his or her Higher Self in the creation of a “perfect world.” To many

this may sound like a pipe dream, but we maintain that this perfection is available in

every moment of “now” through which we choose to allow and assist its powerful


We invite you to step through the Stargate of the Concordance and locate

the channel through which this perfect, divine, transformational force may flow most

freely and effectively through you and all you do. Your actions may seem trifling at first,

but remember, Chaos Theory tells us that there is absolute validity to the “Butterfly

Effect,” which states that even the tiny beating of a butterfly’s wing can produce

dramatic, unpredictable changes halfway across the globe. So, it is with everything we

do, since we are all connected, and if we choose to we can all take this next big step

together, now, and evermore.

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Jan Mirehiel reminisces about her journey into the high desert and her “appointment in

Samadhi” with John, and about finding the Sacred Relationship that she experiences

through the Harmonic Concordance.

My Mirehiel and Our Concordance

I spent my twenties and thirties, in the 70’s and 80’s, working as a computer

specialist in the fast moving California high tech industry. But, as my 40th birthday

approached, I decided it was time to slow down and re-gear my life to mesh with more of

my basic values. Seeking a change of perspective, I moved the one hundred odd miles

over the Santa Rosa Mountains from San Diego to the low desert of Southern California.

There I began a new era of great adventure and spiritual growth.

The Palm Springs to Indio corridor, which lies below sea level about 100 miles

due East of Los Angeles, hosts many visiting Canadians from January through mid-April.

Shortly after settling into a small condo in Cathedral City, I was fortunate enough to

become friends with one of Canada’s most noted psychics, Geraldine Stringer. Geraldine

was to be the first of many seers to tell me that I had a “perfect mate” coming into my life

~ at a future time. I was to hear about this mysterious partner from other seers, psychics

and astrologers during the next decade, but other than Geraldine’s prediction that I would

meet this individual when I was “about 49 and a half years old,” further descriptive

details remained tantalizingly hidden.

It certainly did not occur to me that there might be any relationship between this

future mate and a peculiar dream that I had had just after I turned 30. Although I could

not remember many specific details about the dream, when I woke up, I knew that the

number “eleven-oh-eight” had been repeatedly impressed upon my consciousness. I

thought it was both weird and curious, and watched closely when either that number or

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that date appeared in my life, but never experienced any event that even remotely called

for delivery of such an emphatic message.

Although my mystery mate did not show up during the years I spent in the

Coachella Valley, I was very happy there. Other than occasionally commuting to San

Diego to teach some college classes, I seldom visited any large cities. I dabbled in real

estate, volunteered for the local hospice organization, and met other members of what I

was coming to consider as my “soul family.” As a respite from the more competitive and

fast paced world of high technology, this period was everything it should have been.

I came out on the other side of it, on my way to Michigan, to pursue another

educational degree. Ann Arbor is one of the loveliest towns in America and this was a

very ephemeral time for me. I lived in a tiny apartment with a balcony floating in the

green embrace of two tightly intertwined oak trees. My Buddhist landlord was

accommodating, my Sufi neighbor was quiet, and the charm of the place more than

compensated for its complete lack of closet space. I simply converted the miniscule

bedroom into a walk-in closet for the executive size wardrobe I was still lugging around,

and slept on the (futon) sofa.

In August of 1995, I pulled out my luggage and began preparing for a return visit

to California. I had just finished packing when I looked up to see a very freshly beheaded

pigeon, oozing blood, in the center of my second floor deck. I rose, mouth agape, headed

toward the sliding glass door, and froze. There, perched on the wooden rail above the

corpse, showing absolutely no interest in his prey was the self-satisfied peregrine falcon,

which had obviously brought the pigeon down. Both birds were still there as I rushed out

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to catch my plane, but I knew that I had received a sign that I was embarking on a

significance-filled trip.

I had arranged to stay the first night with a friend who lived in Palm Desert. The

next day Judy and I would both go “up the hill” to visit another friend who lived in a

fairy tale cottage in the nearby mountain town of Idyllwild. For the final leg of this trip,

we were to serve as volunteers at the Camp Minnow Lake Foundation’s family camp,

scheduled to be held in a valley below Idyllwild.

As we were having coffee by the pool at Judy’s house the next morning, the mail

arrived, and in it was a very unusual post card addressed to me. I had lived there in the

months before leaving for Michigan more than two years earlier, but my mailing address

had long ago been changed to Ann Arbor. I was somewhat surprised to be receiving any

mail there at all, but even more surprised that it would arrive on the one and only day that

I was there to receive it.

The card, (from which we have taken our [proposed] cover illustration;

See Image 1: The Vision Post Card) entranced me, with the many animals and faces that

begin to emerge if one looks closely enough. The message at the bottom of it read: “The

Vision: a Beginning.” I turned it over to see its inscription, a quote from Chief Seattle:

“The Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth. We do not weave the web of

life – we are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.”

The quote was apropos to the picture, I thought, but I was still baffled. The

message, in the same handwriting as the address, simply said, “Jan, I hope you enjoy this

card. What do you see in the picture? I’ll speak with you soon. Regards, Art.”

(See Image 2: Post Card Back)

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I picked up the card and looked at it repeatedly throughout the day, puzzling over

it each time, trying to recall any Arts I may have met along the way.

I paid no attention when the phone rang in the late afternoon. Judy answered it,

listened a moment, and then, looking most peculiar, handed the receiver to me, saying,

“It’s Art.”

At last, I would get some answers! Art did not seem at all surprised by the

synchronicity of finding me at that address and phone number. He simply wanted to

know if I had gotten the card.

“Yes,” I said, and yes, I felt like I understood its message. “Well, then,” he said,

“would you be interested in seeing a movie about this subject?”

Aha! Now I understood. This was nothing more than a clever and elaborate

market research program and Judy’s upscale Palm Desert address had been gleaned off

some outdated commercial mailing list. Nonetheless, I assured Art that I would be most

interested in seeing the movie, and an investment prospectus if one were available. For

some reason he did not seem to be extremely diligent about taking down my correct

address, but at least my curiosity was satisfied for that moment. At any rate, the

synchronicity was still charming, and Chief Seattle’s message seemed highly appropriate

to the purpose of this visit.

In Idyllwild that night, Carol assigned me to the favored guest room tucked under

the attic peak. I awoke early the next morning to the sound of thunder. Streaks of jagged

lightning split the sky. The majestic electrical storm above Tahquitz Peak was visible

from the window by the bed, and it continued long after the rain had moved on. I

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remember lying there watching the primal power of the storm and thinking that I was

seeing another of the many faces of Mother Earth.

The Camp, which started that day, went off without a hitch—almost. The

lightning had started a forest fire in the dry and pitch-rich pines on the hillsides below

Idyllwild, and the mountain roads quickly filled with fire fighting teams before being

blocked off to through traffic. All campers and hikers remained on standby evacuation

notice for the next three days. On my breaks from camp duty, I would often get away to

a solitary overlook above the flames and smoke, and pray, looking down upon the

fearsomeness in the face of the Mother that lay before me.

When the camp session ended, I returned to Michigan, and was soon swept up by

new opportunities. I gave no more thought to the strange post card, nor did I ever hear

from Art again. I had originally intended to complete my doctoral course work in a year

or two and return to “real life” to work on my dissertation, but the intellectual and

cultural life of a great university can be very seductive, and I was swallowed up in it

whole. It wasn’t until 1999 that I woke up one morning knowing, suddenly and urgently,

that it was time to return to the desert.

Whatever it was that was calling me, however, was calling from a desert that was

different from that of the parched Coachella Valley that I had left behind. I thought

Tucson, Arizona was meant to be my next home, but turned out to be wrong about that.

It didn’t matter. I didn’t know it then, but I had an appointment in Samadhi that I was to

make before the year was out and Tucson was only to be a detour along the way.

My fate was sealed six months later when I made the final move to the place that

we now call Eden, in the oasis that lies at the bottom of the Morongo Basin (in the

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transition zone between the Colorado and Mojave deserts) twenty minutes from Palm

Springs, but 2300 feet above sea level. The heart of Eden is an idyllic and cozy cottage

across the street from a verdant town park, and an easy hike away from a wildlife

preserve where a tree-filled marsh lines the banks of a trickling stream.

My first thought when I saw what was to be my new home was that it would have

been ideal for a couple in love, but I was determinedly single. Now that I was 49 and

three-quarters years old I decided that somewhere I had taken a turn that led me away

from the partner that Geraldine had foreseen.

I had just finished setting up my home office when my computer crashed. I

trucked it up the hill to the nearest town, for repair. When the technician, sniffing at the

processor unit, recognized the odor of the Nag Champa incense that surrounded it, I was

encouraged that I had made the right repair shop selection. I couldn’t resist asking the

storeowner if he thought the failure might be associated with the current Mercury

retrograde period. He looked up from my paperwork and unblinkingly replied, “I don’t

know, but the gentleman coming in right behind you can tell you all about it.”

I turned to see a very handsome man with great dimples and long silver-streaked

hair tied back from his face, carrying an elaborately formatted and colorful chart. When

he held it up, I could see that it was titled “Mercury Retrograde Calendar – 2000”. Thus

Johnny, the long-awaited, oft foreseen, other half of me, entered my life.

He too had begun the journey that would lead us to each other earlier that year,

when he had moved away from Long Island, his lifetime home. He was now a happy

high desert resident, an astrologer and metaphysical philosopher.

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Our brief courtship was filled with synchronicities from the start. It took several

days to repair my computer, and we met in the shop by accident twice more before we

exchanged phone numbers.

Then we visited in each other’s homes. It seems that we had been moving and

decorating during the same period. I was still regretting that I had missed out on the

opportunity to buy a set of wicker furniture from a street side sale. When Johnny led me

around the house to show me his pool area, I understood why I had missed it. It seems

that he was the person who had purchased the set, and there it was, right in front of me!

Johnny says he first knew something was up between us when, during the tour of

his 5 acre property, he looked down and saw a perfectly heart shaped rock at his feet. I

think that possibility did not become clear to me, until a short while later, on the day we

went shopping together.

The most remarkable thing happened as soon as we came out of the local health

food store. A breath of wind caught us in the face and at the same instant a sudden

energy shift occurred. We laughed in pleasure and surprise as we looked at each other

and said, “Wow, did you feel that?”

We walked into a different dimension of existence in that moment, and we both

recognized it as it happened. It is not as if the old world had ceased to exist, but rather as

if it had just shifted its existence to a higher, purer vibrational level. Over the next couple

of days, we experienced several days of samadhi separately, and together.

I possessed only a rudimentary knowledge of astrology, but was fascinated by

what Johnny told me about a chart he had discovered, that in his terminology, depicted an

“astrological moment of perfection.” The stars at that moment would be in an alignment

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that could support the Earth’s ascension on a large scale. When he said this would occur

on November 8, 2003, the significance of “eleven-oh-eight,” the message that had been

repeated delivered in that long-ago dream, suddenly made sense to me at last.

The two of us began our series of conversations about The Harmonic

Concordance moment almost as soon as we were introduced. They continue to this day.

One of our paramount understandings about this moment is this:

“The WAY that we understand it will influence the WAY that we will collectively

experience it in linear time.”

The corollary to this thought is:

“The way we understand it influences the way we LIVE it, now in present time.”

Johnny also pointed out that this auspicious moment is even more significant for

the conscious being of Mother Earth than it is for her human inhabitants. As I

contemplated this idea, I was nudged to dig out that long-lost postcard from “Art.” As I

looked at it this time I saw that “The Vision” it expressed was that of The Harmonic

Concordance Moment. When the infusion of matter and spirit becomes complete, we

will see the face of Consciousness everywhere we look. (Aho, Mitaqueosin!)

Clearly one of the reasons Johnny and I have come together in this time and place

is to spread the news of this global moment in our linear future. But the bliss of it can be

experienced in the Now. Meditation, energy work, and intent can help to engender that

state, and the effects of these activities are likely to be enhanced when two or more

people purposefully engage in them together. You know how it goes, “Whenever two or

more gather in My name…”

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Perhaps the greatest blessing offered by the Harmonic Concordance moment is

that it offers humanity the opportunity to bring healing relationships into our lives. This

is shown astrologically by the seventh house placements of Chiron and the Part of


These, together, speak to the possibility that the Concordance may be best

experienced as a partner in a sacred relationship. In addition to that, the composite chart

that represents the entity that is my and Johnny’s personal relationship has Saturn, the

Great Educator, in that same position, which means that we are meant to be an example

for others of how the perfection of the Harmonic Concordance may be experienced in

daily activities.

Neither of us knows for certain how the chart may play out in linear time, but that

does not matter: We are joyously engaged in creating an ascended relationship now, in

each moment of the day. We remember to make room for rituals of sharing, ceremony,

and honoring of spirit as often as possible, and we continue to see miracles manifesting in

front of our eyes.

Although we teach a workshop on creating “The Ascended Relationship,” one of

the points we make is that we are able to experience this unique togetherness now solely

because we each cultivated a partnership with our higher selves over the long years

before we came together. This type of sacred partnership is available to everyone, single

or otherwise.

One of the most beautiful promises of the Harmonic Concordance chart is that

those who choose to engage in such efforts will come face to face with the essential self: a

wiser and more profound being than might ever have been imagined. The talents and

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abilities of this being (that Johnny calls the “Godling”) are enormous, even limitless.

Through this bond with our higher selves, we naturally tend towards what is true and

right for us at any given moment, creating not only an inner harmony, but an opportunity

for the most resonant concordances possible with friends, family, lovers, Mother Earth,

all her inhabitants, and the great universal force that holds everything in eternal, sacred


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John names the chart (or it names itself); he compares it to the Harmonic Convergence,

and finds an even more stunning synastry to a possible Christ birth chart.

A Rose By Any Other Name…

During the very first days following my discovery of the Harmonic Concordance

moment, it had no name, nor did I think to give it one. My first response, beyond awe,

was to recall an earlier Star of David (SOD) pattern that I had worked with, the Gaia

Mind Day Meditation of January 23, 1997. I dug up and read a piece that I had written

about that event, then dialed up the two charts to look for any significant astrological

correspondences between the two SOD patterns.

The essay7 referred to the objective of the Gaia meditation: “…a healing for the

social, ecological and spiritual challenges of the new millennium, and a [prayer] for an

advance in the evolution of global consciousness.” I saw, in the unnamed chart I had

stumbled upon, the answer to that prayer. The ideas of the one seemed to flow forward in

time into the other. The astrological synastry was another matter.

(See illustration #2, Gaia Mind Day – Concordance Synastry)

Other than sharing the same Star of David – Hexagonal pattern, the only other

notable connections between the two are the conjunctions between the Concordance

Chiron and the broadcast point of the Gaia Mind’s Venus, and its Juno/Venus/Vesta

conjunction to the broadcast point of the Gaia Mind’s Pluto/Part of Fortune. In English,

this reads as a wise inner transformation of the ways in which we know and express the

Truth of Love. And speaking of Love, the Venus/Chiron connection is all about the

7 See Appendix B for the complete essay, “The Gaia Mind Day Medi tat ion .”

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power of Love to transmute. However, the lack of any other significant major

connections was somewhat disappointing.

As I turned back to studying the Concordance chart, I would spend time just

staring at it, using it as a mandala, talking to it. Listening. And then I saw the harmony

of the sextiles and was struck by the idea that the Moment would have the “sound” of a

grand harmonic chord played in “the music of the spheres” as first proposed by

Pythagoras in the 6th century BC. It was then that the chart “asked” to be called “The

Harmonic Concordance.” At first, I laughed at the conceit and deliberately rejected it,

not wanting to consciously trade on the idea of the Harmonic Convergence. But the

voice of the chart was persistent.

The Harmonic Convergence arose out of Jose Arguelles’ February 28, 1987 call

for 144,000 humans to raise their collective vision to, and to trust in, the active presence

of spirit in their lives. 8 It was a call to them to surrender to planet Earth, and to “…the

higher galactic intelligences, which guide and monitor the planet…[by]…transmitting a

collective planetary vision as well as messages of personal destiny to and through

these…rainbow humans.” (emphasis mine) Scheduled to begin at sunrise on August 16

of that year, the event proved to be an enormous worldwide success that still reverberates

in the mass consciousness.

Those 144,000 awakened ‘rainbow humans’ have today evolved into an

identifiable group of more than fifty million Americans alone. Designated as “Cultural

Creatives” by Paul H. Ray and Sherry Ruth Anderson, Ph.D., professors from Michigan,

8 See Appendix C for the text of Jose Arguel les’ open le t ter ca l l to gather on August 16/17 1987.

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the group has been characterized as distinctly unsatisfied with society’s prevailing

consciousness. Anthropologist Hank Wesselman, Ph.D. refers to the same group as the

“Transformational Community,” modern mystics who he says are united by Hope and

Mystical Experience, and have a clear sense that everything they do has a (butterfly)

effect on everything that is. He further suggests that it is no accident that this group of

individuals has emerged on the planet at this particular moment in history; the

prophesized “end of the Age” in so many cultures. They are here, according to “Dr.

Hank,” as “evolutionary sleepers,” who typically arrive at the end of an old age so as to

be on hand for the beginning of the new.

For Arguelles and his noble company, the dates of August 16-17 1987 represented

a window of galactic synchronization, a point of focus that he could read in the language

of Mayan astrology. However, as coincidental to any chosen date, that Sunday morning

more than 15 years ago can also be studied in Western astrological systems. I realized as

I pondered the Concordance chart and the “name” issue that what Arguelles must have

been doing in the days before issuing his call, using the tools of Mayan astrology, was the

very thing that I had done on the morning of August 28, 1998, applying western

geocentric astrology: surfing the future. “The Harmonic Concordance” didn’t sound so

strained or derivative anymore.

Like the Convergence of 1987, the Concordance of 2003 is a call to awaken

awareness in a specific group of people. The call goes out to those many millions in the

worldwide Transformational Community. Also like the Convergence, the Concordance

is a call to its intended audience of modern mystics to raise their collective vision to, and

to trust in, the emergence of a Self Aware God Consciousness, both within ourselves as

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individuals and from within the body of the spiritual being that we know as Mother Earth,


As I became comfortable with the name and the connections the Concordance

already had with the Convergence, I wondered if, despite the different systems used to

calculate them, this connection might be present in respect to their astrology. So, I began

an astrological detective game--one that was to lead me back to the Convergence, and far


The Astrology

My first stop in this cat and mouse game was at the Harmonic Convergence date

to see what the correspondences were, if any, between it and the Concordance date. Here

is that chart, set for Sunrise, August 16, 1987 in Greenwich, England:

(See illustration #3, The Harmonic Convergence)

This Convergence chart shows a strong Fire Grand Trine between Mars, Uranus

and Jupiter. Adding in allowable orbs, a Sun, Uranus, Jupiter Fire Grand Trine also

appears. Including Chiron as a planet, (as I have for the Concordance chart) there is the

Mars, Chiron, Jupiter, Uranus Kite pattern. Certainly the Convergence chart was strong

enough on its own merits to warrant a focused gathering, particularly in light of the

Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars stellium clustered at the within 4° of the Ascendant. It was

then that I decided to check out the Synastry between the two moments.

(See illustration #4, The Convergence – Concordance Synastry overlay)

The very first thing that caught my eye was the Moon in the Convergence chart.

It is extremely active in this comparison as it aspects the North Node, Sun and Moon,

Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus and the Ascendant of the Concordance.

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Although neither equally strong, nor all “positive,” the general indication in these lunar

aspects is that there is a strong emotional flow between these two events.

A very brief summary of these lunar contacts indicates a close, empathetic

relationship between these two moments, separated only by the illusion of time. The

“broadcast frequency” transmitted, more than fifteen years ago, from deep within the

needs of the Convergence is picked up by those nine receiving stations (planets) in the

Concordance Moment. In acting as such an absorbent sponge for the Convergence’s

emotional plea, the Concordance fulfills the needs that were so powerfully expressed in

the Convergence message. It is a long standing, fated and deeply committed relationship

with more than its share of stimulating adventure for the receptive Concordance. This is

especially so in the realms of the Higher Mind and in a sense that utilizing the energies of

the powerful and compatible Taurus Moons at the moment of the Concordance will help

it in the attainment of its highest goals. Although not without some difficulty in

communication (and across some 16 years, might one not some expect some crossed

wires), the instant spark that a Sun/Moon opposition usually indicates certainly may be

read here as the Concordance being “birthed,” as Thérèse Quinn might say, in the fertile

fields of the Convergence celebration.

There is also a very strong “business” connection between the charts as the

Convergence places four planets (Mercury, Venus, the Sun and Mars) in the

Concordance’s second house, three planets in the sixth (Saturn, Uranus and Neptune),

and Jupiter in the tenth house. These are the houses that are traditionally associated with

materiality and business and success. The short story on this connection is that the

Convergence energy of those many millions of people world-wide who now comprise the

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“Transformational Community” who have, since that event, awoken to the call of Spirit,

Hope and Mystical Experience is now ready to put that energy to use in the service of the

business” of the Concordance, The Ascension.

Another very strong indication of a corresponding karmic connection between the

two is the conjunction of the Concordance’s North Node to the Convergence’s Moon.

This combination suggests that it is the Concordance’s destiny to fulfill the

Convergence’s needs. This is reinforced by the Concordance’s North/South Nodal axis

at the cusp of the Convergence 4th house.

There are at least two dozen other aspect relationships between the planets in the

charts, about evenly divided between those an astrologer would consider helpful and

those not so but I had seen enough to convince me that there was a high probability that

there is a significant relationship between the two moments. I put the comparison aside

for the moment and went off in a different direction.

That path led me to an Internet search for more information on the astrological

Star of David. The search led me immediately to Mary Shea and her Star of David

pages.9 Although of different minds on what constitutes a Star of David, I found that she

had taken basically the same approach to her SODs as I had to the Gaia Mind chart. That

is to say we both emphasized personal responsibility in reaching to the highest levels of

9 While Mary has done any outs tanding job in point ing out the s ignif icant Star of David pat terns , i t may be noted that , wi thout except ion, her ‘ t radi t ional planet only’ SODs are e i ther out of s ign or constructed with very wide orbs that d isa l low any semblance of the Grand Sext i le . When al lowing her p lanets to include Chiron, which she says that she does not do, the July 21, 1995 SOD is the one that most c losely mirrors the Concordance pat tern . However , nei ther i t , nor any other of her Stars contain an ecl ipse . Her web s i te can be found at : h t tp : / /

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one’s psycho/spiritual quest for wholeness. Nonetheless, Mary’s information was not

what I was really looking for. I returned to the search.

That’s when I ran across the amazing “astro-archaeological” detective work done

by Hawaiian astrologer, John Charles Webb. 10 His groundbreaking research had led

him to uncover a very dramatic sequence of heliocentric charts that would have occurred

in March of 5 B.C. Webb’s claim for that ten-day sequence of charts is that they provide

an ideal astrological scenario for the birth of Jesus Christ. Central to his sequence is an

extremely rare11 Heliocentric Star of David chart, which met my dual criteria of having to

be in compatible signs, without showing any distortion of the hexagram. Actually, it

exceeded any expectations that I may have had.

(See Illustration #5, John Charles Webb’s Heliocentric “Star of Bethlehem”)

I had found that Webb’s elaborate work was not only astrologically intriguing, but

was also spiritually in tune with the work that I had been doing. Most interesting to me,

however, was the way his Star of David fit so perfectly with the Concordance chart.

(See Illustration #6, Webb’s Star of Bethlehem – The Harmonic Concordance)

Not only do the two charts show Earth – Water Grand Sextiles, but the degrees

match almost perfectly also, with the Sun to Neptune and the Moon to Jupiter showing an

acceptable orb, for the Lights, of fewer than 8° 30’.

The major objection that astrologers will have with this analysis lies in the fact

that it is a comparison between charts cast in two different systems, the geocentric or

10 Webb’s compendious web s i te can be found at : h t tp : / / 11 According to Webb’s calculat ions of the mathematical probabi l i t ies , h is

Hel iocentr ic char t would occur once in 40,501,760 years .

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Earth centered, and the heliocentric or Sun centered. I agree. It is a bit like comparing

apples to oranges. But think of it this way: The heliocentric chart is Sun/Son centered,

while the geocentric chart is Earth/Man centered. Does it stretch credulity too far to

suggest that the spiritually oriented heliocentric chart may have been attendant upon the

birth of God as man, while the individually oriented geocentric chart may be attendant

upon the birth of Man as God? That analogy seemed to me to be one that fit the

circumstances of the charts and what seemed to be the multi-dimensionality of the

Concordance Moment.

It was after recalling and studying those three charts, and compiling my own

research and understanding of the newly named Harmonic Concordance that I decided to

ask other astrologers and metaphysicians to look at it also. The result is the work before

you now.

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The Grand Sextile

Bil Tierny

Excerpted from Dynamics of Aspect Analysis

(Reprinted by permission of CRCS Publications)

This configuration is not a common one to come across in natal charts. It must

involve at least six planets found at six different points in the chart. All of them must

first and foremost sextile each other, which tends to create a chain-effect reaction. The

Grand Sextile then creates a large hexagram pattern across the chart. Within this

configuration are actually two Grand Trines and three oppositions. Considering the

presence of multiple Grand Trines, the saving grace of the Grand Sextile is its three

oppositions. They stimulate an awareness that we need to give back out to the

environment what we readily develop here within us if we are to use such a plentitude of

opportunities in a balanced, constructive manner. Because of the grandness of this

configuration, we best use it when supporting the growth of a social cause that drives us

to make use of the full range of our talents and skills. It can denote an above-average

degree of versatility. Aid and assistance come from many varied areas in our

environment as long as we remain open, cooperative, and able to meet the needs of

others. These oppositions also remind us to consciously coordinate our activities and

direct them towards external objectives, rather than contain them for our self-centered

advantage. We are stimulated to creatively mobilize our forces here and reach out

towards the world.

With two Grand Trines involved here, the creative resources are abundant and

need to be actively tapped. Here exists an enormous overload of capacity that demands

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to be actively exploited. If diffusion or stagnation is allowed to develop (prompted by

passivity or multiple Grand Trines), this condition is very much like the spoilage of

ripened fruit. Talents that are in their peak of expression then begin to diminish due to

their lack of activation. The temptation to procrastinate, become lazy or indifferent to the

powers of this configuration should be avoided at all cost. This individual normally

exudes a special magnetism that could have a beneficial, charismatic influence over

others. He seems to do more favorably when allowing himself to spread out in a variety

of experiences in life (due to the branching effect of the six sextiles).

However, with at least six of the ten normally used planets tied into this

configuration, the chart as a whole is likely to have few squares. Therefore, the Grand

Sextile may require that we make a special, conscious effort to work harder in developing

inner discipline, greater endurance, patience, and the inner drive it takes to insure a fuller

utilization of our gifts here. Otherwise, lacking the drive and impetus of squares, we

might merely become privileged, gifted dilettantes who are nevertheless too restless and

over-stimulated to ever master any of our skills.

THE EARTH-WATER GRAND SEXTILE With all the receptive, in-drawing signs represented here, the normal tendency is

to approach all of the areas of creative potential with more conservatism, greater

industriousness, and a sense of careful organization. Staying power is stronger, giving

this type of Grand Sextile a highly productive power that can realistically benefit many

areas of the individual’s life. Talents and opportunities indicated are pursued with a

desire for practical application, as well as emotional gratification and material security.

With this configuration, the individual is motivated to retain the fruits of his efforts,

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unlike the Fire-air Grand Sextile, which rarely seems to possess what it creates or

initiates. The stability and purposefulness of the sensible air signs minimizes the danger

of this grand sextile swinging off into too many scattered directions at once. Social

activities emphasized here usually coordinate better with each other.

The three oppositions will require that the individual interact with the social

environment with more flexibility. In general, earth and water signs adapt more poorly to

changes and alterations in the outer world than do fire and air signs. They are geared

toward preserving and securing rather than expanding and releasing. Thus, one with this

configuration is often less willing to innovate, experiment, or follow through with sudden

impulses. He is also likely to actively pursue fewer interests and therefore does not tend

to spread himself too thin. The expression of nervous energy here is less sporadic,

temperamental, and unevenly modulated. Because of the presence of both a Grand Earth

Trine and a Grand Water Trine, the sensual nature is apt to be very well developed and

able to be channeled in highly imaginative ways. Whatever routines are necessary for the

thorough development of creative enterprise are more easily accepted and undertaken by

this individual. But due to the somewhat unenergetic nature of these elements, Mars,

Jupiter and Uranus involved in this type of grand trine benefit its expression and keep it


____________________________________________ † Tierney’s text was written in 1975, prior to the discovery of Chiron. In a private communication with John Mirehiel, Bil says: "…today's astrologers would certainly want to include Chiron in any meaningful configuration."

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Joyce Mason is one of the world's most eloquent spokespersons for Chiron. Jan and

Johnny met with her on a beautiful early May afternoon in a halcyon setting on the

Sacramento River north of San Francisco. We discussed a broad range of Chiron's multi-

faceted energies and Joyce enthusiastically addressed the ways in which she sees the

Chironic energies influencing the Concordance moment.

Chiron at the Concordance

An Interview with Joyce Mason

Johnny: Let me get right to it, and start by asking if you believe that the Harmonic

Concordance chart marks a significant moment in time, and if so, why?

Joyce: Well, first of all, obviously, the Star of David configuration is a pretty profound

thing. Now here I want to refer to the work of Mary Shea. She’s a real Star of

David watcher. You have made reference to her work and web site yourself.

Admittedly, the Star of David in the Harmonic Concordance chart is a very

profound one because it happens no matter where you’re at on the planet,

because its planets are all in compatible signs, and because it contains a total

lunar eclipse. But I like what Mary has to say about the Stars of David in

general, and I wanted to talk about that for a minute because it ties in with my

observation about Chiron in the Concordance chart.

First of all, she talks about the Stars of David and how they speak to a spiritual

“path,” one that flows from the heart. From my perspective, she’s sort of

speaking about them almost as though they are “report cards” of how the Earth

plane is progressing in consciousness. She goes on to say that the Star of

David pattern symbolizes the integration of Heaven and Earth, or Divinity and

Humanity “through the rainbow bridge of an open heart,” and I’m quoting her


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Those are the same meanings that Barbara Hand Clow attaches to Chiron in

her book, Chiron: Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets. And,

as you’ve pointed out, this Star of David pattern only appears when Chiron is

considered. That is even more significant because Chiron has a really

important place in this chart. So, if you want to think about it, there’s similar

symbolism between the Star of David and what Chiron is supposed to be for

us, which is to act as that same Heaven to Earth link.

Johnny: Of course, in activating that link, our good friend Chiron becomes the agent of

our transmutation and wholeness.

Joyce: Yes. I really love what an astrologer named Stan Riddle says about

transmutation. He refers to it as having the same experience but seeing it

differently. There’s your goal. Your goal is to change the way you perceive

what’s going on. I find that a very exciting concept.

We do live, and perceive, in a plane of duality. Wholeness, on the other hand,

has something to do with completion, and an end of duality. And that’s one of

the reasons that I think that Chiron’s part in this chart is so important, because

it’s the completion factor of the chart. For instance, at the Chiron Return at

about the age of fifty, we tend to review our lives, to fill in the “hole” with

what we need in order to become “whole,” which I think is a kind of a cosmic


Chiron’s completion of the Harmonic Concordance chart reminds us to look at

Chiron as a source of what we need to know and do to round out any issue

we’re grappling with. So, I think that its part in this Concordance chart is that

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whole-making function. And the whole thing about transmutation is about

how we look at what’s going on in a new way, and thus to transmute it,

alchemically, into something brand new.

Since both these symbols, the Star of David and Chiron, have something to do

with this Heaven to Earth dialogue, I see this as being a time when that

dialogue becomes commonplace.

Johnny: That dialogue begins with the openness to a higher consciousness, in the first

place for Mother Earth, since the chart is more properly Hers than it is any of

ours, and then secondly to the higher consciousness of the souls who inhabit

the Mother’s body. The phrase that comes to mind for me, repeatedly in

regards to that higher consciousness, is the Christ Consciousness. And that I

think is very appropriate, given what you have written about the similarities

between the archetypes of Chiron and Christ.

Joyce: Exactly. In fact, the archetype of Chiron pre-dates Christ, but they are the

same archetype. What we tend to forget is that both of them were teachers and

healers, both went through this very painful experience of suffering, both died,

were resurrected, and went up to the sky. The point is that, at some point, we

have to get off the cross of matter and into the resurrection.

I think that this Concordance chart talks a lot about a resurrecting moment in

time, a time when this idea comes into the mass consciousness, possibly as the

proverbial “straw that broke the camel’s back,” or the “100th Monkey.” This

could be what the chart is all about, and that’s really pretty exciting, actually!

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Jan: You are aware, I’m sure, of the predictions for the end of the Mayan calendar

in 2012. I find it interesting that the prognostications for 2012 are in many

instances the same as those for the Concordance date. Do you have any

comment on this?

Joyce: Well, the world ends, as we know it, then. That’s why at the millennium there

had been all these predictions about the end of the world. The world, as we

used to know it, is ending…

Johnny: Could we say that the world as we used to “see” it is ending?

Joyce: That would even be a better way to say it because I do think that it has so much

to do with perception. Again, I refer you to Stan Riddle’s comment about

transmutation meaning having the same experience but seeing it differently.

This is what you see in those Chironic people who have really done a lot of

suffering, people who have overcome handicaps. Think of someone like

Yitzhak Perlman. You don’t even realize that he’s crippled. He’s SO

incredible. That’s the way it is for so many Chironic people, and that’s the

way it was for Chiron; rejected by both his father and mother, an outcast who

fit with neither men nor horses. He went to his cave, where Apollo and

Artemis nurtured him in the guise of the Sun and the Moon. In other words, he

had a rounded education that could only be imparted by the wholeness of the

Sun and Moon. In turn, he became the teacher to many of the heroes and key

members of the Greek pantheon.

That kind of overcoming and re-perceiving is there for us too, through the

agency of Chiron, in the Concordance chart, and for the more than fifty percent

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of humanity which is going to have that more direct relationship with spirit.

This is a good thing.

Jan: In another of your very fine articles on Chiron and the outer planets, the group

that you refer to as the PUNCs (Pluto, Uranus, Neptune and Chiron), you have

mentioned Chiron’s role in the process of coming to “shamanic wholeness.”

Could this be yet another way of looking at Chiron’s role at the Concordance?

Joyce: Well, the shaman’s role in society is to die and be reborn, to go through these

terrible trials, to be dismembered, and to come back, and in the "resurrection,"

to be perceived as authentic by the community. This is the initiation on the

earth plane to become a real helper. At some point, we have to get onto the

resurrection side of those PUNCs, and this is what I think that this new era is

all about.

It may not come without our having to feel some pain as a part of it ourselves.

After all, Chiron is not the “Tickle Healer.” He’s the Wounded Healer. He’s

not necessarily about learning things through Joy. I mean, pain is most often

our best teacher. Ultimately we’ll get to Joy, but to get there we’ll need that

“re-perception” which has to do with letting go of the old emotions that are

encrusted around us. The tearing away of those “scabs” is often painful, but

the healed body that lies beneath the crust can only emerge when it has been

removed. In order to do that, a re-visioned wholeness must be seen.

Johnny: It strikes me that the “crust” you speak of is one way to refer to Saturn,

Chiron’s “partner” in this chart. In one of his guises, Saturn represents the

“crust” or “shell” of the material world that confines us. I think it’s interesting

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that Chiron’s position in the 7th house in Capricorn, the sign ruled by Saturn,

places it in opposition to Saturn at the cusp of the 1st house. In its fall in

Cancer, I see Saturn’s position here as slightly weakened. So, being somewhat

vulnerable, he’s more susceptible to Chiron’s promptings to transmute that

“crust” through relationship with another. At the cusp of the first house, the

transformation would certainly extend to the way we see the World. And

again, this reinforces the idea that the world as we used to see it is ending.

Joyce: On the downside, one of my concerns about the chart is that Saturn is in

Cancer. Because it is, I can’t help but be concerned about the literal

interpretation of Cancer. You know, we have only now come to recognize the

results of some of our so-called modern advances - and the problems that have

resulted in our food chain and water supply. It may be that it will take crises of

this nature to bring us together; or that will cause us to apply the nurturing

approach that we need in order to heal the environment.

Also, in regard to Saturn, I was looking at the idea that difficulties stimulate

people to come together in partnership to overcome them. For example, two

people can become so focused on overcoming an external problem that a great

dynamic arises that allows them to overcome a lot of things. This can happen

to such an extent that they become oblivious to internal incompatibilities. And

that’s possibly one meaning of Chiron in the 7th house.

With Chiron in Capricorn and Saturn on the Ascendant, I tend to think of it not

as difficulty in relationships, but rather more as getting our relationships “stuck

together,” if you will, getting them organized. That’s what Capricorn and

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Saturn do. Saturn is not going to be on the Ascendant everywhere, as it is in

the “discovery” chart but it will be opposite Chiron, no matter where we’re.

Over all, it has much more to do with my theory about the “inner marriage”

and Chiron. This theory has to do with the feeling that Chiron actually has

rulership of a sector of the zodiac that represents a process, and that would be

from Virgo through Sagittarius. Or if you wanted to parallel it to the houses, it

would be from the 6th through the 9th houses. The idea is that in order for us

to be really whole, we have to have the inner marriage of wholeness before we

can really offer ourselves fully to another person.

With Chiron being in the relationship house in the Concordance chart, I think

that it has a lot to do with that wholeness issue. What may happen is that we

finally understand that the person with whom we have to first relate to is -

ourselves. I relate Chiron, at 14° Capricorn, to the Sabian symbol there: “In a

hospital, the children’s ward is filled with toys.” Marc Edmund Jones’ original

keyword for that degree is “Abundance.” I think that with this chart people are

going to finally learn what “relationship” is all about.

Not to mention that Chiron also conjuncts the Part of Fortune in the

Concordance discovery chart. And the phrase for that in Jones’ original Sabian

text is: “An ancient bas-relief carved in granite remains a witness to a long-

forgotten culture,” and the Keyword is FOUNDATION. When it’s positive,

it’s a gift for bringing all things into a pattern of convenience, and thereupon

precipitating the desired results.

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I think that what these two Sabians are saying together, for both the Part of

Fortune and Chiron, is that we have an opportunity to finally create the true

foundation of a relationship, to experience the abundance and real potential of

that, on the deepest level.

Jan: Ah, yes! It’s what Johnny and I see in the Concordance Moment. We call it

“The Ascended Relationship.”

Joyce: Well, looking at the chart from the perspective of Chiron, I’d say it means that

you are about to meet your partner on the path to the Second Coming. The

thing that I can’t get out of my mind is that the biblical Magi, who were

astrologers, came for the birth of Christ. Now when we see that depicted in

iconography, it is often depicted as a Star of David. Doesn’t that tell you


Johnny: Have you read the article on Astrosite which references the heliocentric chart

discovered by John Charles Webb that he claims is the birth chart of Christ?

Webb’s chart is for March 4, 5 B.C. Its Star of David pattern matches the

Concordance chart in earth and water signs, and is just a very few degrees off

of being an exact duplicate. He says that it will not recur in some millions of


Joyce: That’s amazing! Actually, most of the Stars of David since 1990 have also

been in earth and water. Now, the catch-phrase most associated with Chiron is

“The Wounded Healer,” and our original and universal Chironic wound, the

one we all share, is the primary birth trauma or the shock of going from the

pre-incarnational waters of the Neptunian state to the rude awakening of being

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plunged into physical form, where we experience the illusion of separation.

Therefore, our original wound occurs when we are pulled from a watery,

merged state down to earth. I feel like this Star of David in the water and earth

elements speaks to healing this birth trauma, especially where Chiron itself is


If you really think about that from a spiritual perspective, God is your partner

here. If I were Chiron, I’d be looking at me in this chart, saying, “Hey I’m

here.” This is the second coming of the inner Christedness. This is the second

coming of Christ being your partner within, and knowing that even though

your spirit is in this physical form, your Spirit, or Godness, came along with

you. To me, that’s the great realization of the Concordance chart.

Johnny: And “seeing” that Christ Consciousness within us is what will allow us to see

the phase shift that occurs for Mother Earth. From that point onward, we SEE

the world differently. The Yugas talk about it, the Pacachuttis talk about it, as

the idea that the Earth gets born again. The way I see it is that this

consciousness is birthed into Man, and we wake up and understand who we

really are.

Joyce: And we are infused with more light in our very genetic structure. The switch

is turned on. It was always there, but the switch is turned on now, and we see


Johnny: We’ve talked about Chiron opposite to Saturn. What do you think about the

trines from the Moon and Jupiter, the sextiles from Mars and the Sun?

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Joyce: It’s like a big positive energy flow. Although there may be societal challenges

we have to overcome together, everything is pulling for us in this energy.

Everything is moving the way it should. I love that, in this chart, we’ve got the

Sun and Moon opposition at a Full Moon eclipse. The Sun and the Moon were

Chiron’s teachers, but they should not be thought of as warring within us.

When we have an eclipse and we look up, what do we see but the integration

of the Sun and the Moon?

Johnny: Even during the total eclipse, there is a penumbra.

Joyce: It’s just a grand pattern with this healer -- and whole-maker in it. We have an

opportunity to see it differently, and to do it differently. When your Chiron is

working right, you have overcome a lot of things. Chiron lived with the

darkness, but he overcame it.

I want to conclude with this reminder about the parallels between Chiron and

Christ. It almost goes without saying that there's the association, at the birth of

Christ, to a star, sometimes depicted as a Star of David, and sometimes even

depicted as a comet...which after all, is what Chiron is. And we have this

Concordance event where Chiron is so involved, in the most down to earth

sign of Capricorn. Now, I'm sure that there is some connection between your

having chosen the name "Harmonic Concordance" and the "Harmonic

Convergence," but I'm also convinced that it was a very accurately channeled

phrase because a "harmonic concordance" is exactly what you have when your

Chiron is working in his most Christ-like mode. You have put many things

behind you, you have battled duality and darkness, you live in Light and you

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have experienced the joy of giving your gifts. In doing so, you bring the light

and partnership of the Spirit consciousness into your daily life, and that's what

will really make us whole.

So, in the end I believe that the Harmonic Concordance is about a planet that's

a lot more peaceful, even if we do have to surmount some obstacles before we

get there.

Johnny: That's such a great note on which to end, Joyce. And it has been such a pleasure

to meet you face to face. Thanks for taking the time to get to know us, and the

Concordance chart.