the great astrolabe reef lagoon (fiji) : results of the...

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Page 1: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

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Page 2: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

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Tlu· G......t .\st..ohabe R.·.·f I~..gooll .t"iji. :R.·su1ts of th.· F.-.·n(·h.•'ijian ~\STRO

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Centre ORSrOM de Tahiti

• \ \ 1ft I\JC\~i(/

L'Institutfrançaisde recherchescientifiquepour ledéveloppementen coopération

OCEANOGRAPH1ENotes et documents ne 46


Polynésie Française

Page 3: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

OCÉANOGRAPHIENotcs et docunlcnts nO 46



General introduction

L. Charpy. Phytoplankton biomass and productivity in The Great AstrolabeLagoon ,.. ,. , p.l

L. Charpy, N. Harrison and M. Maata. Nutrients and Particulate organicmatter in The Great Astrolabe ReefLagoon p.5

C. Chevillon, G. Yeo and A. Di Matteo. Sedirnent constituents in the GreatAstrolabe Reeflagoon (Fiji) , p.ll

J. Clavier, P. Newell, C. Garrigue, B. Richer de Forges and A. Di Matteo.Soft substrate macrobenthos ofFiji's Great Astrolabe Reeflagoon. List oftaxons, densifies and their biomass p.17

G. Boucher and J. Kotta. Composition et diversité de la méiofaune du lagonde « Great Astrolabe Reef» (Fiji). , p. 47

C. Charpy-Roubaud. Microphytobenthic biomass and production oftheGreat Astrolabe Reeflagoon sediments , , p.53

G. Sarazin and C. Charpy-Roubaud. Some main processes oforganicmatter mineralization and marient flu.xes at the sediment-water interfacein the Great Astrolabe lagoon (Fiji) p.60

J. Blanchot. Report ofpicophytoplankton study during the astro cruise ln theGreat Astrolabe Reef (18°45 '8-178°30 'E) Fiji p.69

J.-P. Torréton. Biomass, production and heterotrophic activity ofbacterioplankton in the Great Astrolabe ReefLagoon p.78

C. Charpy-Roubaud, G. Sarazin and R. Buscail. Organic carbon, nitrogenand phosphorus in the Great Astrolabe Reeflagoon sediments.Preliminary results p. 91

Centre OR8TOM de Ta hiti

BP 529 - Papeete

(Polynésie Française)

Page 4: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Genera/Introduction Notes et Doc Océanogr. J996, 46

General introduction

Tbis work was carried out in Fiji as part of theinternational cooperation in marine biology betweenFrance and Fiji. This cooperation was initiated in1991 between the Tahiti ORSTOM Center and theInstitute of Marine Resources (The University ofSouth Pacifie, Suva).In 1988, a Marine Pollution Research Group wasforrned at USP to coordinate the work in this field atthe University. The group decided to carry out abaseline study of the Astrolabe lagoon and reef. Thedevelopment of Dravuni as an important center forreef and lagoon research, attracting scientists fromaround the world was also envisaged (Morrison &Naqasima, 1992).In 1991, the ORSTOM CYEL program in FrenchPolynesian atolls began, with the object of creating amodels for the operating system of atoll lagoons.Contacts were made between US? and ORSTOMscientists and the site of the Great Astrolabe Reeflagoon was choosen for a join study. A preliminaryexpedition was donc in 1993 and a proposaI(ASTRO) was drawn up to complete the baselinestudy of the Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon and tocompare the GAR lagoon with French Polynesianlagoons.The description of the Great Astrolabe Reef andlagoon appears in Morrison & Naqasima (1992) :The Great Astrolabe Reef (I8°45'S, 178°30'E) issituated north-cast of Kadavu and south of Viti Levu

(Figure 1). The Astrolabe Islands are a group ofvolcanie islands 3.3 to 3.5 million years old(Howorth & Carman, 1992). The climate is humidtropical with an average temperature of 25"C andrainfall of 2596 mm. Prevailing winds are from thesouth cast. There are 13 islands, 4 of which 4 areinhabited (l000 inhabitants). Fish is the majorsource of protein for the villagers in the group(Naqasima et al., 1992).'Ibe lagoon surface area is approximately 210 km2


The maximum depth is about 37.5m and the averagedepth is 20m (Naqasima et al., 1992). The residencetime for the Astrolabe lagoon was estimated 15-25days in tirst approximation by MacLeod (1992).Preliminary results on marine biology, water quality,shellfish quality and sediments were published byNaqasima & Sandy (1992), Morrison & Maata(1992), Morrison et al. (1992), Morrison & Naidu(1992).

Thirteen scientists have studied the GAR lagoon inMay 1994 (Table 1).

A part of them was based in the field researchstation of Dravuni Island with the support of theUSP APHAREUS research vessel ship and theothers in the üRSTOM ALiS research vessel ship.This volume presents 10 papers redacted by 16scientists from 9 institutes (Table 1)

15'5- FIJI






. .



~ 4





179'E 180'1






«'igure 1 : Location of Great Astrolabe Reef

Page 5: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

General Introduction. Notes et Doc. Océanogr. 1996. 46

Table 1: List of the participants in the ASTRO expedition and authors ofthis ,'olume

Name Institute ~peciàlt)t

Blanchot 1. ORSTOM Nouméa ASTRO PicoplanktonBoucher G. MNHNParis MeiofaunaBuscail R. Univ. de Perpignan GeochimistCharpy L.* üRSTOM Tahiti ASTRO Primary productionCharpy-Roubaud C** ORSTOM Tahiti ASTRO MicrophytobenthosClavier J. ORSTOM Brest ASTRO ZoobenthosDi Matteo A. üRSTOM Nouméa ZoobenthosGarrigue C. o ORSTOM Nouméa PhytobenthosHarrison N. USP (Fiji) ASTRO ChemistryKotta J. t-.1NHN Paris MeiofaunaLo L. EVAAM Tahiti ASTRO ChemistryMaata M. USP (Fiji) AS'fRO ChemistryMaihota N. üRSTOM Tahiti ASTRO DiverManuelli F. USP (Fiji) ASTRO DiverNewel P. USP (Fiji) ASTRO ZoobenthosRicher de Forges B. üRSTOM Nouméa ZoobenthosSarazin G. Univ. Paris VII ASTRO GeochemistryTorreton J.-P. üRSTOM Tahiti ASTRO BacteriaYeoG. o USP (Fiji) ASTRO Sediments

'" Expedition leader for the water column studyu Expedition leader for the benthos study

Funding support was provided by the FrenchEmbassy in Suva, the üRSTüM program CYEL(Tahiti), the ORSTOM program FLUPAC (NewCaledonia), the IMR (Suva), the Schoal of Pure andApplied Science (USP, Suva) and the University ofParis VII.


We thank Pr. R. South, who initiated of the French­Fijian cooperation, M. Bourelon who \vas in chargeof Regional Cooperation at the French Embassy andM. 1.-A. Costilhes, French Ambassador in Fiji andM. Boccas, Director of the Tahiti üRSTüM Center.

We al50 thank the crews of the research vesselsALIS and APHAREUS for their kind and efficienthelp on board, the leader of the Dravuni fieldStation.

We also thank very waJmly the traditionallandowners of Dravuni Island for allowing us towork in the lagoon and aIl the lnhabitants of theIsland for their kind welcome.


Haworth R., Carman G. (1992). Geology of the AstrolabeIslands. in: Morrison RJ., Naqasima M.R. (cds). Fiji's GreatAstrolabe Reeland Lagoon: A baseline sudy. EnvironmentalSudies Report 56: 2J-46

MacLeod B. (1992). Hydrodynamics, in' Morrison RJ,Naqa<;ima M.R. (eds) Fiji 's Great Astrolabe Reel andLagoon. A baseline sudy. Environment31 Sudies Report 56:17-22

Morrison R.J, Gangaiya P., Naqasima M.R. (1992). Shellfishquality. in: Morrison RJ., Naqasima M.R. (cds). Fiji 's GreatAstrolabe Reel and Lagoon: A baseline sudy.Environmenlal Sudies Report 56: 135-138.

Morrison RJ., l.avelawa F., Naqasima M.R. (1992). Generalfeatures of the Astrolabe Lagoon. in: Morrison RJ.,Naqasima M.R. (eds). Fiji's Great Astrolabe Reel andLagoon: A. baseline sudy. Environmental Sudies Report 56:5-16.

Morrison RJ., Maata M., Aalbersberg W., Koshy K., HarrisonN.L, Peter W., Vuki M., Fuavao V.A., Naidu S., Dixon W.(1992). Water quality. in: Morrison RJ., Naqasima M.R.(eds), Fiji 's Great Astrolabe Ree/ and Lagoon: A baseli/lesudy. Environmental Sudies Report 56: 117-134.

Morrison RJ., Naidu R. (1992). Sediments. Chemistey andmineralogy. in: Morrison RJ" Naqa<;ima M.R. (eds). Fiji 'sGreat Astrolabe Reef and Lagoon: A baseline sudy.Environmenlal Sudies Report 56: 139-150.

Morrison RJ., Naqa<;ima M.R. (1992). Fiji's Great AstrolabeReef and Lagoon: A baseline sudy. Environmental SudiesReport 56: 150pp.

Morrison RJ., Naqasima M.R. (1992). General introduction. in:Morrison RJ., Naqasima M.R, (eds). Fiji's Great AstrolabeReel and Lagoon: A baseline sudy. Environmentai SudiesReport 56: 1-3

Naqasima M.R., Bandy M. (1992). Marine Biology. in: MorrisonRJ., Naqasima M.R (eds). Fiji's Great Astrolabe Reel andLagoon: A baseline sudy. Environmental Sudies Report 56:65-116.

Nunn P.D. (1992). Geomorphology. in: Morrison RJ., NaqasimaM.R. (eds). Fiji 's Great Astrolabe Reef and Lagoon: Abaseline sudy. Environmental Sudies Report 56: 47-64.

Page 6: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Phytop/ankton production ofthe GA R /agoon Notes et Doc Océanogr /996, 46.' /-4

Phytoplankton biomass and productivity in The Great Astrolabe Lagoon

by Loïc Charpy

ORSTOM, Centre d'Océanologie de Marseille, traverse de la Batterie des Lions, F-13007 Marseille, France.


Phytoplankton biomass and productivity of theGreat Astrolabe Reef lagoon were studied usingmeasurements of chlorophyll concentration andcarbon uptake. Average chlorophyll concentrationwas 0.8 mg m-3 with 45% of phytoplankton passingthrough 31lm. Primary production was 1.3 gC m'2dai l (30m depth) with 47 % due to phytoplankton<3Jlm.

1. Introduction

Coral reef lagoons can play an important role inPacific Islands economy when used for aquaculture.However, lagoon productivity studies are necessaryto estimate their potential for mariculture.

Here, we present results from primary productionexperiments calTied out in the Great Astrolabe Reef(GAR) !agoon in April and May 1993. Theexperiments were undertaken \vith two goals: (1) toestimate the average productivity of the lagoon and(2) using size-fractionation methods, ta estimaterelative contributions of phytoplankton sub­populations to community productivity.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1 Water sampling

The ASTRO expedition has studied the lagoon ofthe Great Astrolabe Reef and the surrounding oceanbetween April 17th and May 1st. Twenty five stationwere sampled in the GAR lagoon and one in oceanoutside the reef (Figure 1). Water samples werecollected with acid-c1eaned Niskin bottles at 5mdepth intervals between 0 m and 40m (the deepeststation). In ocean outside the rcef, water sampleswere collected at 20m intervals to 120rn and then at150m and 200m.

2.2 Primary production measurement.5

Two to five subsamples of unscrcencd sea-water(Fumas, 1987) were incubated in situ with 2 IlCi of14C-bicarbonate in polycarbonate bottles. Surfaceirradiance was recorded during incubations with a

LI-COR solarimeter. Following incubation, bottleswere filtered through 3 Ilm Nuclepore filters ;pressure heads during fractionation never exceeded0.004 atm. The filtrates were immediately refilteredonto 1 Ilm Nuclepore filters and then onto 25 mmWhatman GF/F glass fiber filters. Filters wereaciditied with 250 III of O.5N HCI to removeinorganic carbon. Radioactivity was measured witha liquid scintillation counter. Areal production wasca1culated by trapezoidal Integration and dailyproduction estimated by dividing the productionmeasured during the incubation period by thefraction of total daily irradiance during that period.

2.3 Chlorophyll determination

Chlorophyll concentrations were determined byfluorometry (Yentsch & Menzel, 1963). Watersamples for chlorophyll detenninations were sizefractionated by the same methods as productivitysamples : They were successively filtered through a3 Jlm filter (Nuclepore), then through a 1 Jlm filter(Nuclepore) and finally through a GF/F (Whatman)filter.





Figure 1: Station locations in GAR lagoon (OC =

oceanic station)

Page 7: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Phyloplankton produclion oflhe ClAR lagoon Noies el Doc. Océanogr. 1996,46: /-4


3.1 Lagoon

Results are summarized in Table 1

Table 1 : Average ± SE of chlorophyll concentrations (ChI) and percentage of biomass and PrimaryProduction (PP) of size classes

>31lm 3-11lm <lllm Totalmg ChI m'· 0.423 ± 0.018 0.123 ± 0.013 0.237 ± 0.018 0.830 ± 0.040

N=47 N=47 N=47 N=53

%Chl 55.2 ± 2.0 15.2 ± 1.2 29.6±1.5N=47 N=47 N=47

%PP 47.1±2.1 22.6 ± lA 30.3± lAN=43 N=43 N=43


r---~-- ..-.~---'\, • pp!l '

! - +- 011 1

l . J

3.1.1mg C IlÏ3 h-1

0612mg C m'3lr1

o 6 121 1 ... 1 1



-_ ... _+----~.-+


- ----------------! 1 1

0.4 0.8 1.2mg Chi m-J

mgC m 3h-1

o 6 12mgCmJh1

o 6 12



-----_.~-_.-._ .. -

( 1 10.4 0.8 1.2

mg Chi m-J

Figure 2: Chlorophyll (Cftf), primar)' production (PP) and light energy (E : E m-2 h'l) in GAR lagoon

3.1.1 Vertical variations

Phytoplankton biomass estimated by chlorophyllconcentration ranged [rom 0.4 to 1.2 mg m'] andgenerally increased with depth except at station 21(Figure 2).

Primary production (Figure 2) ranged from 1.6 mgC mol h'l at 30 m depth (station Il) to 12 mg C m'3h'l at 5 m depth (station 2). Maxima were observedclose to the surface.

3.1.2 Horizontal variations

South east stations (15 and 21) presented maxima ofchlorophyll and stations 7 and Il the minima(Figure 3).Stations 15 and 21 presented highest percentage ofcel1s < If.lm (45'%) and stations 10,2,7,4, 18,25,highest percentage of cel1s > 3 f.lm (> 60%) (Figure4).

To compare station productivity, wc calculated theintegrated (upper 20m and 30m) planktonproduction (Table 2). Valucs vary from 604 (stationII) to 1337 mg C m'2 d'I (station 2).

Page 8: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

PhytoplanklOn production ofthe GAR lagoon. Notes et Doc. Océanogr. 1996, 46: 1-4

Table 2: Incident Iight energy (E m-2 d,t) during the day (Ed) and during the incubation (Ei) andintegrated primary production (IPP: mg C m- l day"t) in GAR lagoon


stât Zst Ed Ei dt WR10m

18/04/1994 ID 37 30.85 15.24 3.18 912

18/04/1994 2 28 30.85 15.24 3.18 1337

19/04/1994 7 43 36.71 18.25 3.09 694

19/04/1994 13 38 36.71 18.25 3.09 852

20/04/1994 Il 39 20.8 7.33 3.00 604

20/04/1994 4 39 20.8 7.33 3.00 987

21/04/1994 18 34 20.43 9.83 4.27 1036

22/04/1994 21 30 21.18 10.92 3.09 803

22/04/1994 15 29 21.18 10.92 3.09 1002

Average 914.0

n 9

SE 71.5









1.5 - 80total 60

1.0 - 1 ! 40<1pm

l 1:! f i :.:: :.:: 1: li 1 t 20 l :.:: lt - :K

• ~0.5 c.. 80e0

60<lf.l111 :a 3-lpmC,/.., 0.5 - l l "c; 40,E -0a - -=x X - li: li: l :t: - 201: 0 :.:: l :II: -~ 0.0 ~ l -= • -= •co 0

0.2- 3-I)lJ11. 60 :t: l li: ll l 1: -= l

l l40 :.::

0.1- l >3pm l ll I x 1: li: 20

0.0 0>3f.l111

10 2 13 11 4 18

0.6- l Stationsl l0.4 - l l l l

Figure 4: Percentages of ChI in different size

:r fractions in GAR lagoonl l

0.2 3.2 Ocean10 2 7 13 11 4 18 il 15Stations The maximum of chiorophyll in ocean was at 30 In

Fîgure 3: Average ± SE of ChI in different size depth (0.44 mg m,3) and represented 40 % of the

fractions in GAR lagoon lagoonal ChI. The >31lm size c1ass dominatephytoplankton in the upper 40 m and the <1J!m sizec1ass below (Figure 5).

Page 9: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Phytoplanklon production ofthe GAR lugoon. Notes et Doc. Océanogr. 1996.46: /-4 4

Figure 5: Vertical profiles of chlorophyll atoceanic station

5. References

et al. [989, Charpy et al. 1992, Charpy & Blanchot1996) and 100 times higher than the value publishedby Sorokin (1979) for an other Fijian island .Ngellelevu atoll. The oceanic station sampled,showed a maxim of Chi in the upper 40m. In thislayer, phytoplankton size was very similar to lagoon,however, below, the picoplankton <lllm dominatedthe biomass.

Charpy L., Blanchot J (1996). Prochlorococcus contribution tophYlOplankton biomass and production of Takapoto atoll(Tuamotu archipelago). CR. Acad Sei. Paris, in press.

Charpy, L., Charpy-Roubaud, Cl (1991). Particulate OrganicMatter fluxes in a Tuamotu Atoll Lagoon (FrenchPolynesia). Mar. EcoL Progr. Ser, 71 . 53-63

Charpy L, Blanchot 1., Lo L. (i 992). Contribution descyanobactéries (Synechococcus spp.) li la productionphytoplanctonique dans un lagon d'atoll fèlTl1é (Takapoto,Tuamotu, Polynésie Française). CR. Acad. Sei. Paris, t. 314,Serie III: 395-401

mg chi 013

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

0~IJlffi~ <lJlnf

• [J .+\

40 •• ''''93+"J O·. //

5 80 ..: fj''-"'

. ~

.caCol 120'"0



4. Summal")' conclusions

The GAR lagoon phytoplankton biomass estimatedwith chlorophyll was 0.8 mg m-J

. Four times higherthan Tuamotu atoll lagoon (Charpy-Roubaud et al.1989, Charpy et al. 1992). Differences can beobserved according to the station location. Thestations located in the south east of the lagoonpresented highest biomass. At these stations, weobserved a dominance of picoplankton < I~m.

However, in average 55% of phytoplankton cellshad a size >31lm. In Tuamotu atoll lagoons, thispercentage was only 30% (Charpy & Blanchot1996).

Charpy-Roubaud, Cl, Charpy, L, Lemasson, L. ([989), Benthicand Planktonic primary production of an open atoll lagoon(Tikehau, French Polynesia). Pme 6th int. Coral Reel'Symp., Townsville 2: 551-556

Fumas, MJ. (19871. Effects of pre-screenillg on phytoplanktonsize·fraction productivity. LimnoL Oceanogr., 32: 483-491

Sorokin, YI. (1979). Planktonnaya microflora i phytoplankton vvodakh korallovogo rifà [Planktonic microflora andphytoplankton in the vicinity of coral reefsj, Zh. Obshch.Biol (]. Gen. BioL Moscow), 40: 677-689. (in Russian)

Sournia A., Ricard M., (1976) Phytoplank1on and itscontribution to primary productivity in Iwo coral reef areasof french Polynesia. J exp. mar. bioL ecoL, 21 : 129-140

Yentsch CS, Merize! D.W. (1963) A method for the determina­tion of phytoplankton chlorophyll and phaeophytin by fluo­rescence, Deep-Sea Res 10: 221 - 231

Primary production in the upper 30m was in average1.3 g C m-l day"l. This value is 2 to 3 times thevalues recorded for atoll lagoons (Charpy-Roubaud

Page 10: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Nutrients and POM ofthe CAR lagoon. Notes et Doc. Océanogr. 1996, 46: 5-10

Nutrients and Particulate organic matter in The Great Astrolabe ReerLagoon

by Loïc Charpyt, Nathalie Harrison2 and Matakite Maati

1 ORSTOM, Centre d'Océanologie de Marseille, traverse de la Batterie des Lions, F-13007 Marseille, France.2 The University of the South Pacific Dept ofChemistry, P.O. Box 1168, Suva Fiji

Abstract2. Material and Methods


During the JOint Fijian-French ASTRO cruiseconducted in April 1994 in the Great Astrolabelagoon and sUITounding oceanic waters. Nutrientconcentration and particulate organic matter stockand sedimentation rate was quantitativelyinvestigated at 10 sampling stations. Dissolvedinorganic nutrient concentrations were low in ail thelagoon. Average POC and PON concentrations wererespectively 144 and 20 mg m,3. The averagesedimentation rate for these elements were 37 and 8

-z d ·1mg m ay,

1. Introduction

The lagoons of the South Pacific Islands play animportant raie in the country economy: culturedpearls from pearl oyster aquacultures in Tuamotuatoll lagoons are French Polynesia's major export; inaddition, lagoon fisheries supply a major part of thelocal fish requirement.

An estimate of lagoonal productivity is necessary toassess the lagoons' potential for exploitation. Suchestimates are difficult ta make due to the diversity oflagoonal primary producers: phytoplankton,macrophytes, sand microphytes, and epilitic andsymbiotic microphytes. Moreover, the flux ofdetritus particles f10wing from the coral reefs intothe lagoon may also be important ta lagoonorganisms (Gerber & Marshall 1982). Theparticulate organic matter (POM) content of thewater column seems to be a good index of lagoonproductivity (Charpy 1985).

Measurements of organic material deposition arevery important. Nutrient requirements for lagoonalproduction may be met through recycling ofautochthonous material in the sediments. One of theprincipal factors which govems rates of nutrientregeneration l'rom sediments is the amount oforganic matter incorporated into those sedimentsfrom the water above (Koop & Larkum 1987).

We studied the abundance, rate of deposition on thelagoon tloor and export rate of POM in an open atollof the Tuamotu archipelago from 1983 to 1987.

2.1 Water sampling

The ASTRO expedition has studied the lagoon ofthe Great Astrolabe Reef and the surrounding oceanbetween April 17th and May 1st. Twenty five stationwere sampled in t.he GAR lagoon and one in oceanoutside the reef OC (Figure 1). Water samples werecollected with acid-cleaned Niskin bottles each 5meters depth between 0 01 and 40 m (in the deepeststation). ln ocean, water samples were collectedeach 20m until 12001 and at 150m, 200m and 300m.

Figure 1: Station locations in GAR lagoon(OC=oceanic station)

2.2 Nutrient analysis

Dissolved nutrient (NH4, NOz, NO), Si(OH4), P04)

concentrations were determined irnmediately in thefield laboratory using the standard techniquesdescribed by Strickland and Parsons (1972).

Page 11: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

NUlrients and POM oflhe GAR lagoon. Noies el Doc. Océrmogr. 1996.46: 5-10 6

2.3 Particulate organic matter

POC and paN concentrations were detennined afterrinsing the filter with 20 ml of HCl (0.1 N) withCHN analyzer (Gordon & Sutcliffe 1973).Concentrations of chlorophyll a (Chi) weredetermined by fluorescence (Yentsch & Menzel1963) using a Turner III fluorimeter

2.4 Trapping rate (TR)

Ten measurements of trapping rate of particulatematter were performed in 2 stations at 20 and 30mdepth. The sediment trap used in this study consistedof a 10 J PVC plastic jar with a trapping surface of0.08 m2

• (16x40 cm). The ratio ofheight to width ofthe jar was 2.5 : 1 as recommended by Gardner(1980). No poisoning was done. The jar wasmounted 20m and 30 m below the surface on ananchored nylon rape, and supported by a subsurfacefloat 2 m below the surface. Material was collectedfor 6 to 20 h. Seston was resuspended by magneticstirring and split into 8 aliquots of 500 ml and 2 of200 ml. POC, paN analysis were made in duplicatewith the 500 ml aliquots; pigment concentrationswere measured on the 200 ml aliquots.

Sediment trap

Figure 2: Measurements of Particulate organicmatter trapping rate

Concentrations of Chi, POC and paN' weremeasured at 20m and 30m, at the beginning of theexperiment.

The trapping rate (TR) was calculated by theequation:

TR (mg POM m-2 d") = V (Cr - Cw )! t S


Cr = POM concentration in the trap (mg m-3); Cw =

POM concentration in the water at 20m or 30rn (mg

m'\ V == trap volume (m\ t = time interval (d); S =

collecting surface area of the trap (m\


3.1 Nutrients

3.U Lagoon

Depth seems to have no influence onto the nu trientconcentration variations (Figure 3). Nitrateconcentrations were below 0.5 flM except at station21 where the average was 1 ~lM. NH4 concentrationsvaried between 0 and 0.7 ~lM according to thestations (Figure 4). P04 concentrations were verylow «0.1 !lM) at stations 2, 7, lO, 18, ln the 5 otherstations P04 concentrations were > O.2!lM. Silicateconcentrations were very low <0,1 flM in ail stationsexcept stations in the 3 stations located at the southof the lagoon (18,21 and 15).

~ IlM0.0 0..3 0.6 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3

0 ~NH4 i Ht=1~- ~P04

10 r----; f-+-1

I.c: 20 f--+-I ~"_-1ë..,~

30 ........-.;

] •4Q0 r---l NOl t---!--! Si02~ • 1-

JO 1--.--1 • 1

!.c: 20 !-+-i •....Cl..,~

30 ~4t----j •4Q

Figure 3: Average ± SE of nutrientconcentrations profiles in GAR lagoon

3.1.2 Ocean

Nitrate concentration was very low in the upper 60mand increase below, reaching 6 flM at 300m.Phosphate concentrations were between 0.2 andO.3flM. Silicate concentrations varied between 0 and1 flM

Page 12: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Nutrients and POM ofthe GAR lagoon. Notes el Doc. Océanogr. /996, 46: 5-/0

Table 1: Nutrients and particulate organic C and N concentrations in the GAR lagoon

date stat Z st. Zsam NOz NO) NI-I4 orf, I~iffij BOC PON eIN·-<S,~·. -;T-;/'

18/04/1994 10 37 0 0.02 0.02 0.21 0.05

18/04il994 10 37 5 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.10 0.03

18/0411994 10 37 10 0.01 0.02 0.21 0.05 138 19 7.3

18/04!l994 10 37 20 0.01 0.02 0.1 0.09

18/04/l994 10 37 30 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.03 192 25.2 7.6

18/04/1994 2 28 0 0.01 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.03 165 20.4 8.1

18/0411994 2 28 5 0.01 0.07 0.29 0.06 0.03

18/04/1994 2 28 10 0.05 0.02 0.38 0.07 0.03 144 22.8 6.3

18/04/1994 2 28 20 0.04 0.02 0.90 0.08 0.03

19/04/1994 7 43 0 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 104 14.1 7.4

19/04/1994 7 43 5 0.03 0.23 0.03 0.02 0.03

19/04/1994 7 43 10 0.03 0.23 0.03 0.02 0.03 95 11.6 8.2

19/04!l994 7 43 20 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.03

19/041l994 7 43 30 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 118 14.4 8.2

19/0411994 7 43 38 0.02 0.02 0.09 0.02 0.03

17/0411994 13 34 0 0.03 1.09 0.16 0.03 112 15.8 7.1

17/04/1994 13 34 5 0.04 0.49 0.69 0.18 0.03

17/0411994 13 34 10 0.06 0.61 0.95 0.21 0.03 126 20.4 6.2

17/04/1994 13 34 20 0.06 0.49 0.59 0.25 0.03

17/04/1994 13 34 30 0.03 0.44 0.52 0.42 0.03 105 13.8 7.6

20/0411994 Il 39 a 0.01 0.23 0.27 0.25 0.03 148 19.3 7.7

20/0411994 Il 39 5 0.01 0.19 0.66 0.18 0.03

20/0411994 Il 39 10 0.01 0.54 0.77 0.11 0.03 146 18.6 7.8

20/0411994 Il 39 20 0.01 0.23 0.08 0.39 0.03

20/0411994 11 39 30 0.02 0.27 0.27 0.18 0.03 142 15.8 9.0

17/0411994 4 39 0 0.01 0.06 0.32 0.43 164 18.8 8.7

17/04/1994 4 39 5 0.04 0.06 0.31 0.44

17/0411994 4 39 10 0.03 0.02 0.31 0.4 164 22.3 7.4

17/0411994 4 39 20 0.03 0.08 0.32 0.48

17/0411994 4 39 30 0.07 0.54 0.28 0.53 192 23.8 8.1

20104/1994 4 39 0 0.01 0.23 0.03 0.18 0.06

20/04/1994 4 39 5 0.01 0.35 0.03 0.25 0.03

2010411994 4 39 10 0.02 0.31 0.03 0.18 0.03

20/04!l994 4 39 20 0.01 0.12 0.03 0.32 0.03 182 24.3 7.5

20/04/1994 4 39 30 0.03 123 30 4.1

17/0411994 4 39 37 0.07 0.97 0.48 0.53

21/041l994 18 34 0 0.01 0.72 0.03 0.02 0.4 128 18.4 7.0

21/0411994 18 34 5 0.01 0.72 0.03 0.02 0.49

21/0411994 18 34 10 0.01 1.22 0.03 0.02 0.53 116 15.8 7.3

21/0411994 18 34 20 0.02 0.9 0.03 0.02 0.63

21/04/1994 18 34 30 0.02 1.22 0.03 0.02 0.68 152 26 5.8

22/04/1994 21 30 a 0.01 0.13 0.44 0.22 0.03 126 23 5.5

22/0411994 21 30 5 0.01 0.13 0.54 0.27 0.51


Page 13: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Nutrients and POM ofthe GAR lagoon. Notes el Doc. Océanogr. 1996, 46: 5-10

Table 1 (suite) : Nutrients and particulate organic C and N concentrations in the GAR lagoon

date stat Z st. Zsam N02 N03 NH.4 1'04 SiQ2 l'OC PON C/N

22/04/1994 21 30 10 0.01 0.17 0.59 0.2 0.34 126 19.4 6.5

22/0411994 21 30 20 0.01 0.27 0.3 0.2 0.39

22/0411994 15 29 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.2 0.32 146 20.6 7.1

22/0411994 15 29 5 0.01 1.08 0.2 0.18 0.26

22/04/1994 15 29 la 0.01 0.02 0.07 0.18 0.27 130 21 6.2

22/04/1994 15 29 20 0.01 0.27 0.32 0.13 0.35

23/04/1994 12 29 10 118 18.8 6.3

23/04/1994 10 37 20 187 22.4 8,3

23/04/1994 10 37 30 169 28.8 5.9

25/0411994 10 37 20 204 13.6 15.0

25/0411994 10 37 30 187 23.8 7.9

29/0411994 25 3J 0 152 26 5.8


31 5"-~

29/0411994 25 31 10 122 25.8 4.7

29/0411994 25 31 20


Average 0.02 0.30 0.27 0.18 0.15 144.5 20.4 7.3

n 48 47 48 48 40 32 32 32

SE 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.03 5.2 0.8 0.3


pM: (N03, NH4, Si)1.0 - ! 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0

NOl 0 t0.5- i


! t +....1

0.0 .. • t100 \

l ---1V1I4 e'-'

0.5- l-=

l l..-c.. l'~


200 ~~ l l Q

l )\0.0 ,.. ..P04 l N~NH4". Si P04

0.3-l 300 .... 1) !:l +l l 1 1 1 1

l0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

lE: • pM (N02,P04)0.0 .. ..SiOl l

Figure 5: Nutrient concentrations in ocean

0.4 -

l 3.2 Particuiate organic matterl

0.0 • • • • • •POC and PON concentrations were in the ranges 95

-3 and 12 - 30 mg N m-3•10 2 7 13 Il 4 18 21 is 2S - 204 mg Cm

Stations Stations 7 and 13, both located in the east part of the

Figure 4: Average ± SE of lIutrient lagoon, presented lowest rOM concentrations

concentrations in 9 stations of GAR lagoon(Figure 6). Richest stations were located at thenorth-west of the lagoon.

Page 14: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

NlJtrients and POU ofthe CAR lagoon. Notes et Doc, Océanogr. 1996, 46.' 5-10 9

80 -L..--:o::-----.,:c--~::r.:-----:r:--,----.----,~=-...L10 2 13 Il 4 18


ë~ 10 -+--.---.----.--..----.---.---.---.---,---,

The average POC:PON ratio (mass) in the trappedmaterial was 5.3:1 (i.e. C:N = 13.8, molar basis); insuspended materîal, during the time of trappingexperiments, the POC:PON ratio (mass) was 7.4: 1(i.e. C:N = 17.2: l, molar basis). The trappedmaterîal had a lower ratio C:N (5.3) than thesuspended particles (7.4).

3.3 Trapping rate

The sediment trap was placed at a depth thought tobe tàr enough from the bottom (at less 5 m) tocollect only material sinking from the surface layer.Current speeds below 5 m depth in the lagoon werenot detectable. Thcrefore we assume thatresuspension rate "" 0 and that the trappingefficiency was maximum. So sedimentation rate(SR) = trapping rate (TR). Results appear in Table 2.The vertical flux of POC lies within the range 20 ­200 mg C m-z da)'"'. However, except at station 10the April 24th, SRpoc was between 20 and 50 mg Cm-z da)'"l. The average SR calculated without thisdata were 0.20 mg ChI m-zday"l, 37.3 mg C m-2 dai1 and 8.2 mg N mo2












Figure 6: Average ± SE of POC and PONconcentrations in 10 stations of CAR lagoon

Table 2: Particulate organic matter trapping rate (TR; mg mo2

d- I)

tLlzard Island). POC level ln GAR lagoon was verysimilar to POC level observed in TuamotuArchipelago. However, the highest poe value isfrom Houtman Abrolhos Atoll (Western Australia).The windward reef slopes of this atoll supportextensive beds of macroalgae, exporting largeamounts of algal fragments.

date stat depthbottom depthtrap dt (h) TRchl TRpoc TRpON C/N

20/04/1994 4 39 20 21 0.08 20.1 3.9 5.17

30 21 0.45 41.4 6.7 6.15

2110411994 1 4 39 20 24 0.31 35.9 6.6 5.45

1 30 24 0.34 49.0 5.1 9.62

23/04/1994 la 37 20 24 0.10 33.3 11.6 2.88

30 24 0.00 54.3 18.1 3.01

24/0411994 \0 37 20 23 0.32 189.2 87.3 2.17

30 23 0.26 200.4 34.4 5.83

25/04/1994 10 37 20 47 0.11 27.4 5.4 5.10. -

4. Summary and conclusions

If we compare POC content of GAR lagoon withother coral reef lagoons (Erreur! Source du renvoiintrouvable.), we observe that POC are largelyhigher in GAR than in Enewetak and Fanning atollsand also than in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon

Page 15: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Nufrienfs and POAI of/he CAR lagoon. No/es et Doc. Océanogr. 1996,46: 5-/0 10

Table 3: Particulate organic carbon (POC; mg C m-3) in coral reef lagoon waters. RT = Residence time indays. Taken in part from Hatcher (1983) and Marshall et al. (1975)

Lagoon RT POC SourceLagoon Ocean

Enewetak Atoll 20-200 20-50 18-30 Gerber & Marshall (1982)Fanning Atoll 30 80 Gordon (1971), Smith & Pesret (1974)Canton Atoll 50-95 160a Smith & Jokiel (1975a, b)

Kavariti Atoll 349 240 Quasim & Sankaranarayanan (1970)Houtman Atoll 1560-3660 14-42 Hatcher (I 983)South Caicos 130 40 Marshall et aL (1975)Kanohe Bay 420 Coles & Strathman (1973)Lizard Island 82-16 185-243 Moriarty (1979)

New Caledonia 222 (SD=19) Clavier et al. (1995)Tikehau Atoll 176 192 ± 7 52 ± 3 Charpy & Charpy-Roubaud (1991)Rangiroa Atoll 270 i~ 17 non pub!. data

Tairao Atoll 210±11 non pub!. dataToau Atoll 140 ± 23 non publ. dataTakapoto 119 ± 5 non publ. data

GAR lagoon 145 ± 5 'n1is study

5. ReferencesHatcher B.G. (1983). The role of detrltus ln the metabolism and

secondary production of coral reef ecosystems. In : BakerJ.T. et al., (eds.). Proc. Great Barrier Reer Conference.Australian Inst. Mar, Science, Townsville, p. 317-325.

Charpy L. (1985). Distribution and composition of particulateorganic matter in the lagoon of Tikehau (Tuamotuarchipelago, French Polynesia). Proc. 5th int. Coral ReefCongr., Tahiti 3 353-357

Charpy L. & Charpy-Roubaud, CJ, (1991). Particulate ûrganicMatter fluxes in a Tuamotu Atoll Lagoon (FrenchPolynesia). Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser, 71 : 53-63,

Clavier 1., Chardy, P" Chevillon, C. (1995), Sedimentation ofparticulate matter in the south-west lagoon of NewCaledonia: Spatial and temporal pattel1ls. Estuarine, Coastaiand ShelfScience, 40: 281-294

Coles S.L, Strathmann R. (1973), Observations on coral mucus"flocs" and their potential trophic significance. Lirnnol.Oceanogr. 18(4):673-678.

Gerber R,P., Marshall, N. (1982), Characterization of thesuspended particulate organic matter and feeding by thelagoon zooplankton at Enewetak atoll. Bull. mar. Sci. 32 (1):290-300

Gordon D.C. Jr. (1971). ûrganic carbon budget of FanningIsland lagoon. Pacif Sci. 25:222-227.

Gordon D.C. 1r, SlItclitTe W.H Jr. (1973). A new drycombustion method for the simultaneolls determination oftotal organic carbon and nitrogen in sea water. Mar. Chem.1:231-244.

Marshall N., Durbin A.G" Gerber R, Telek G. (1975).Observations on particulate and dissolved organic matter incoral reefs areas, Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. 60(3):335-345.

Moriarty DJ,W. (1979). Biomass of suspended bacteria overcoral reefs. Mar. Biol. 53:J93-200.

Quasim S.Z., Sa,nkaranarayanan V.N. (1970), Production ofparticulate organic matter by the reef on Kavaratti atoll(Laccadives). Limnol. ûceanogr. 15:574-578.

Smith SV., Jokiel P.L. (l975a). Water composition andbiogeochimical gradients in the Canton atoll lagoon l.Lagoon description ; design of system analysis , salt andwater budget. Mar. Sci. Comm 1(1):75-100.

Smith S,V" Jokiel P.L. (1975b). Water composition andbiogeochimical gradients in the Canton atoll lagoon 2.Budgets of phosphorus, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, andp3.lticulate materials. Mar. Sei. Comm, 1(2): 165-207

Smith S.V., Pesret F, (1974) Processes of carbon dioxide flux inthe Fanning island lagoon. Pacif. Sci. 28(3)225-245,

Strickl3.l1d J.D.H., Parsons, ToR (1972), A practical handbook ofseawater analysis (2nd ed). Bull. Fish. Res. Bd. Cano 167: 1­311

Yentsch CS., Menzcl D.W. (1963). A method for thedetermination of phytoplankton chlorophyll andphaeophytin by fluorescence Deep-Sea Res. 10: 221-231

Page 16: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Sediment conslifuents in the CAR lagoon. Notes et Doc. Océanogr. 1996, 46. 11·16

Sediment constituents in the Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji)

bye. Chevillon·, G. Yeo" & A. Di Matteo*


*lnstitut Français de Recherche Scientifique pour le Développement en Coopération, ORSTOM, Centre deNouméa, B.P. A5, 98 848 Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie

** The University of South Pacific, School of Pure and Applied Sciences, P.O. Box 1168, Suva, Fiji


Sediments of the Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon wereinvestigated using a Smith-McIntyre grab during thejoint Fijian-French ASTRü cruise, in april 1994.This preliminary paper focused on carbonatedbiophase, wich was studied trough skeletalcomposition of 25 sediment samples regularlyspaced in the lagoon. Counting and identification ofthe biogenic debris were achieved for each sampleon 13 size fractions (3.98, 3, 2, 1, 0, -l, -1.32, -2,-2.32, -3, -3.32, -4 and -4.321}). The results indicatesthat the main constituents of the carbonatedbiophase of the lagoon are, in order of importance,Halimeda plates, foraminifers an molluscs. Thelagoon as a whole, is characterized by a HALIFüRbiofacies and a HaliForPel sub-facies (Halimeda­Foraminifers-Pelecypods). Three main types ofbiofacies are found Halimeda biofacies(HALIMOL and HALIFOR), a foraminifer biofacies(FORAMOL) and molluscs biofacies (MOLHALand MOLFOR). Coral reets represent only a smallpart among the producers of lagoon sediments (7thrank). The excellent state of preservation of thebioclasts suggests a modern or recent sedimentationand a low impact of the hydrodynamic agents at thebottom level. The absence of lithoclasts in the sandfraction indicate a limitcd terrigenous influence.

1. Introduction

The sediments of the Great Astrolabe Reef in Fijiwere studied dllring the joint Fijian-French cruise"ASTRO", condllcted in April 1994 on board ofORSTOM R.Y. "ALIS". The Great Astrolabe Reefand Lagoon have been the subject of a baselinestudy by Morrison & Naqasima (1992), but this didnot includc the study of the sediments.

The sedimentological description of the bottomscontributes to our basic knowledge acquisition onthe environment (soft bottoms can represcnt up to 90% of the lagoon area) and it is an important factor toexplain the distribution of the benthic species as weilas the fishes living in tropical lagoons. lt allows alsoto consider the hydrodynamic conditions that prevailat the bottom level. Sedimentology is also a usefultool in the management of the lagoon ressources

(close relationships between the nature of thesedimentary environment and sorne exploitablespecies, inventory of the areas favourable to theextraction of sand and aggregates for the buildingindustry) and in the preservation of the environment(impact of extractions, coastal and lagoonaldevelopment for the tourist industry).

From a more fundamental point of view, theidentification and the characterization of thesedimentary environments, and particularly theskeletal composition, on one hand help tounderstand the sediment genesis process, and on theother hand allow to quantify the respectiveintluences of terrigenous input, reefs, and benthiccommunities on the development of the lagoonsediments.

The preliminary results presented below thusconcern, the sedimentology and more particularlythe bioclastic composition of the sediments in theGreat Astrolabe Reet' lagoon. The same type ofsedimentological study has been conducted since1985 in the lagoons of New Caledonia (Chevillon, inpress (a); Clavier et al., 1995) and more particularlyin the northern lagoon (Chevillon, 1992, 1990;Chevillon & Clavier, 1988; Chevillon et af, in press(a); Plunet & Truvant, (994), in the southern lagoon(Adjas, 1988; Chevillon, 1986, 1985; Chevillon &Poumarède, in press; Chevillon & Richer de Forges,1988; Debenay, 1988a, 1988b, 1988c, 1987, 1986,1985a, 1985b, 1985c; Dugas & Debenay, 1978,1980, 1981, 1982; Poumarède, 1994) and the eastemlagoon of the main island (Chevillon, 1989), as weilas in the Ouvea (Chevillon, in press (b), 1996;Chevillon et al., 1992) and Chesterfield atolls(Chevillon & Clavier, 1990; Chevillon et al., inpress (b); Richer de Forges et al, 1988; Rico &Sonnier, 1993).ln the Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon, bio­sedimentological analysis were donc along a transectof W-E close to Dravuni Island (Schneider et aL,1995).

A more detailed sedimentological study of the GreatAstrolabe Reef lagoon and a comparison with thesedimentology of New Caledonia lagoons will be

Page 17: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Sedimenl consli/uenls in Ihe GAR lagoon. Noies el Doc. Océanogr. 1996, 46: //-16 12

the subject of a coming publication (Chevillon &Yeo, in prep.).

2. Materiai & Methods

were eonverted into weight percentages according tothe amount of the considered size fraction (Table 2),50 that the total constituent percentages couId beca1culated (Masse, 1970).

Twenty five samples of sediment, evenly spaced inthe Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fig.1 & Table 1)were collected from the R.Y. "Alis", using a Smith­McIntyre grab.

Table 1: Depth (m) and position of collectedsamples

In the laboratory, the samples, after homogenisation,were dried (72h à 60°C), weighed, and the mudfraction was removed by washing through a 3.98 <jlsieve (63 ~m). The remaining sediment - i.e. sand andgravel fraction (coarser than 3.98 c!» - was dried andweighed again, and dried-sieved using the followingmesh sizes : 3.98, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -l.32, -2, -2.32, -3, ­3.32, -4, -4.32 ~. We thus obtained 13 size fractionswhich were weighed and expressed as a percentage ofthe initial sample. Particle constituents were identifiedand counted under a binocular microscope lIsing aStTatmann counting dish. This dish has 45 cells of 1cm' each. For each sample and each size fraction, acell is chosen at random and ail grains within it areidentified and counted; another cell is then chosenuntil at least 100 grains are examined (1 300 grainsper sample), knowing that once a cell is staIted, ail thegrains it contains have to be examined. The results




South Latitude


East Longitude178°29.67'178°31.75'178°31.70'178°29.46'178°31.25'178°29.53'178°32.73'178°33.84'178°31.75'178°29.18'178°29.19'178°32.10'178°33.84'178°34.72'178°33.14'178°31.83'178°29.50'178°26.64'178"31.86'178°33.85'178°31.97'178°29.50'178°30.84'178°30.50'178"'30.97'

Figure 1: Locations of sampling stations

A biofacies (or facies biogen) name is thenattributed to caen sample according to an ordered bi­nominal or tri-nominal classification of the mainconstituents. For instance, if the first three bioclasticconstituents are, in order of importance, molluscs,calcareous algaes and foraminifers, the biofaciesname wou Id be "MOLALGFÜR". In the case of abi-nominal classification (i.e. MüLALG), a sub­facies can be determined by involving the thirdconstituent and the distinction between the variousgroups of molluscs, betwcen the Halimeda platesand the red ca1careous algaes within the ca1careousalgaes, or between the ostracodes and the othercrustaceans (macrofonns). For intance, theMOLALG biofacies (molluscs-ca1careous algaes)eould present a "GastHalFor" (Gastropods­Halimeda-Foraminifers) or a "PeIRedFor"(Pelecypods-Red calcareous algaes-Foram in ifers)sub-facies.

Page 18: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Sediment consiiluenls illlhe GAR lagoon. Notes el Doc. Océanogr. 1996.46.' 11-16 13

3.1 Overall skeletal composition

Table 2: Skeletal composition calculationprocesses

The main producers of sediment in the GreatAstrolabe Reef lagoon are, in order of importance,Halimeda (Halimeda plates can represent up to 86 %of the sediment constituents), foraminifers andmolluscs (pelecypods and gastropods essentially andin equal proportion) (Fig. 2). Other groups oforganisms take part, in a more Iimited way, in theproduction of the lagoon sediment : crustaceans(macroform), madreporians (coral), calcareous tubes(vermetid molluscs or serpulid worm tubes),echinoderms, bryozoans, scaphopods molluscs,sponges (spicules), alcyonarians (spicules),ostracods and red calcareous algaes (Table 3). Inaddition there are a certain number of reduced debris(identified or non-identified grey grains), naturalagregates and undetermined fragments (generallysmall grains - <0,5 mm - altered by abrasion,microperforation or diagenesis).

A%,B%,C%(L = 100%)


Skeletal constituents A, B, C...

weighcd numerical % wcighed %0/0


Pz A" 8 z, C2.. P2A" P,8" PzCz..2

Size fractions


3. Results

• Peiecy pods

• Gastropods

• Other Mol.

o Indet. Mol.




30 i1

20~ 1':1 __'0 23 .... 0 Ol '" ..c '" 0 <: en ;.;0

è :r: u u U ;;., 0 t2: u.. U n:: w ..::: Q. ..c üC!l -« (/)

0 ..sSkeletal Constituents

Figure 2 : Mean skeletal composition (n=25) of the sediments of the Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Mol:Molluscs, Other Mol. ; Scaphopods and Pteropods, Indet. : indeterminates, For; Foraminifers, Cor; COI'als,

Bryo : Bryozoans, Hal; Halimeda plates, Rea: Red Calcareous Aigaes, Ech : Echinoderms, Crus; Crustaceans,Alcyo ; Alcyonarian spicules, Spon : Sponge spicules, Others : serpulid worm tubes, altered grains, grain

aggregates, Iithoclasts)

The small amount of undetemlined fragments (anaverage of 1.65 %) reveals that the bioclasts are inan excellent state of preservation. lt may beconcluded on one hand that the production ofsediments is modem or reeent (no relict biophase)and on the other hand, that the hydrodynamic on thebottom is light (no abrasion, little transfer).

Finally, it should be underlined that the absence oflithoclasts (minerai elements of terrestrial origin)indicates a very low telTigenous influence in thesand fraction. The presence of high islands in thelagoon, suggests that terrigenous input exist, but thattheir influence may be probably detected only on thefine fraction of the sediments « 63 flm).

3.2 Biogenous facies

The quantitative ordered classification of thebiophase main constituents, reveal an importantvariability of the sediment composition since, notless than 5 biofacies and 10 sub-facies have beencounted (i.e. nearly one sub-facies every 2 samples)(Fig. 3 & Table 4). Every sub-facies involves thethree main constituents (Halimeda, foraminifers andmolluscs) and shows hereby, the obvious supremacyof these three groups in the constitution of thesediment biophase, Still, two exceptions stand out;the GasHalCor sub-facies (Gastropod-Halimeda­Corals, station 5) and the ForPelCru (Foraminifers­Pelecypods-Crustaceans, station 22).

Page 19: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Sediment constituents in the GAR lagoon. Notes et Doc. Océanogr. 1996, 46: 11-16 14

Table 3: Skeletal composition of samples (%)






















0.2 1.6


0.4 1.6


2.9 23.0

2.7 16.2

0.0 0.8



0.2 0.4


0.2 0.6

7.0 4.1 13.1

0.1 1.3 1.2

1.4 1.2

0.1 2.1

1.2 86.6 82.3 35.5

0.2 0.3


3.2 3.4 2.4 4.2 2,4 4.4 1.6 4.2 0.4 1.2 1.3



2.0 0.5 0.5 15 0.8 0.8 25.6 0.4

6.8 0.7 4.4 0.9 2.3 1.8 0.4

0.3 1.5 1.4 4.8 3.2 5.4 1.6 3.5


0.6 1.0 1.2

0.1 1.4

9.8 11.0

0.6 0.3

2.1 0.2

1.0 0.2



0.5 1.7 07 0.3 0.3 1.0 1,4 0.1

6.5 16.823.3 7.4 17.6 62.6 26.1 3.741.1

1.4 0.1 4.4 3.6 0.1 1.7 15

0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 2.5 0.2 0.9 0.7 0.2

~7 ~1 ~7 0.1

4.2 10.1 58.0 17.5 25.2 78.8 74.4 57.0 57.7 49.0 58.1 36.6 11.3 41.2 83.3

1.1 1.9 0.1 3.1 3.6 0.5 0.3 1.5 0.5 1.3 1.2 0.5 0.8

3.4 1.1 0.7 0.5 0.3

9.0 42.3 28.3 23.0 36.2 20.9

6.4 0.9 0.5 3.0

1.5 0.4

1.8 1.2

9.5 10.7

4.7 20.5




0,4 1.9 1.3 0.9 0.7 0.3 0.1

3.6 4.9 8.4 3.3 9.5 0.2 8.1 15.5


3.5 07 2.2





5.3 24.2 48.1 26.5 40.1

0.4 0.6 2.0 0.8 5.1


Station-1---- 2--3-4 5 6 7--~'--9--'1"0---'1'1---;1"'2 13 141S-f6T7 18 19 20 21 -22"---23

----------Pelecypoas--9.1163··-8.9-ij~61J.2---f9 28.6 22.4 6.7 6.6 7.6 2.9 6.1-13.6 4.4-10~O--8:6·-1O'5-U)T9T3JiI8.o2."9

Gastropods 9.6 11.2 8.9 7.8 1J.6 10.8 8.9 15.6 5.6 15.9 12.3 2.4 4.7 11.7 6.4 5.3 6.6 16.7 5.6 7.5 4.2 7.5 2.7

Scaphopods 1.7 0.9 0.3 0.7 0.6 0.6 1.3


Indet. Molluscs 07

Foraminfers 64.2 56.0

Corals 0.4 0.8

Bryozoans 0.6 1.0

Red Ca1careous Aigae

Halimeda 3.1

Echinoderms 1.3


Crustaceans 1.2 18 20 3.5 1.3 1.6 3.4 5.2 0.7 15 3.2 1.8 0.3 2.9

Alcyonarians 1.1


Serpulid worm tubes

Reduced grains 5.2 1.5

Oxidized grains 0.4

Aggregates 2.6 1.5 1.1 1.9 3.3 3.5 6.9 5.4 2.6 9.2 8.1



Page 20: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Sedimenl COnSllluems ln the CAR logoon, Noies el Doc Oâonogr /996, 46 //-/6





Figure 3: Pie chan showing the proportions of main biofacies


Table 4: Composition and abundance of the sub­


l1lree types of main biofacies stand out : theHofimeda biofacies, which represents 64 % of thesamples (HA L1MOL : 36 % and HALIFOR : 28%),one foraminifer biofacies (FORAMOL : 24%) andthe mollusc biofacies (12% of the samples amongwhich: MOLHAL '" 8% and MOLFOR '"' 4%).



Stations3,4,13,14,17,246, 18,219, 12, 16,20,23Il, 15l, 102, 7, 19228525

indetennined debris and by the excellent state ofpreservation of the bioclaSIS observed From thebinocular microscope examination. The absence ofIithoclasrs (minerai clements of terrestrial origins)reveals, despite the presence of high islands in thelagoon, a weak tcrrigenous influence. Even thoughthe GreaI Astrolabe Reef lagoon can becharactcrized by three rypes of main biofacies - theHalimeda facies (HA L1MOL and HALlFOR), the

foraminifers facies (FORAMOL) and the molluscsfacies (MOLHAL and MOLFOR) - not less than 10sub-facies have been identified (i.e. nearly one sub­facies every 2 samples), proving hereby, animponant vanabiliry În the bioc1astic composition ofthe samples. At a more general level, the biophaseaverage composition allows a description of theGreat Astrolabe Reef lagoon by the HALIFOR mainbiofacles and the Haftmedo·ForamlOifers,Pelecypods sub-facies.

5. References

From the average composition of the biophase, thelagoon is globally characterized by the mainHALlFOR biofacies and the association ofHal imedo- Foram ini fers- Pe1ecypods (Ha IForPel su b­facies)

4. Conclusion

ln lhe Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon, Halimeda,foraminifers, and gastTopod and pelecypod molluscsare ranked first 3mong the producers of thesedimentary biophase. Corals, which bioclasls arespecifie of reef and lagoon environments, representonly 3 small part of lhe sediment composilion (7thrank of the constituents). Coral reefs contribution tOthe lagoon sedimentation is eonsequently, extemeJyweak. Recent sedimenlation and weakhydrodynamic conditions at Ihe bottom level arestrong Iy suggested by Ihe small proportion of

AdJa5 A, 1988. Sédimenlologie comparée de quelques modtlcs[af,onaires aCluels des mil ieux récifaux coralliens duPacifique (Nouvelle·Caledonie. Polynésie). Thèse Docl.,

nÎv, Provence. 340 p.

CheVIllon C. in press (a) SkdeUlI composilion or lagoona[modern sedrments ln New Caledonia . Coral. a minorconSI,luent Coral Reers (1995)

Chevillon C, ln press (b) Scdimemologrcal map of Ihe IBlloon ofIhe Ouvea aloll (Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia), 1/75 000,QRSTûM, Noumea (French-F:nglish & colours)

CheVillon C. t996 Texlure. granulomél1ie et COmposilionb.oclaslique des séd imeRIS acluds de l'aloll d'Ouvéa (Ilesloyaulé, Nouvelle·Calédonie) 1n : B. R.chce de Forge.sIEd,), Les fonds meubles des lagons de Nouve\le--(alédonie(Sédirnenlologie, Benlhos) Eludes & Thèses, Vol 2,QRSTÛM, Paris: 7-4J

Chevl!lon C. \992 8jos~djmenlO'ogie du Grand Lagon Nord dela Nouvdle·Calédonie. Eludes & Thtses, ORSTOM (Ed.).Paris. 224 p.

CheVIllon C, 1990 BlOstd,menlotogie du Grwd lagon Nord dela Nouvelle-Calédonie Cilf8clér;salion des fac;t'.s

Page 21: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Sediment consliluents in the CAR /agoon. Notes et Doc. Océanogr. 1996,46: 11-16 16

sédimentaires par l'Analyse en Composantes PrincipalesProe. 8th ln!. Soc. for Reef Studies Congress (ISRS),Noumea (New Caledonia), pp. 165-172

Chevillon C, 1989. Sédimentologie descriptive et cartographiedes fonds meubles du lagon de la côte est de Nouvelle­Calédonie. 3 feuilles (1) Carte de répartition des TypesGranulométriques, (2) Carte de répart.ition des Lutites, (3)Carte de répartition des Carbonates. 1/200 000, ORSTOM.Nouméa (couleurs)

Chevillon C, 1986. Les sédiments de la corne sud-est du lagonnéo-calédonien: missions de janvier à mai 1986, recueil desdonnées. Rapp. Sci. & Techn. üRSTüM, Nouméa, 40 . 1­13

Chevillon C, 1985. Contribution à l'étude sédimentaire desdépôts du lagon sud-ouest de Nouvelle-Calédonie. La plainelagonaire. D.E.A. Univ. Aix-Marseille Il, 30 p.

Chevillon C & Clavier J, 1990. Résultats préliminaires sur lasédimentologie du lagon des îles Chesterfield (Nouvelle­Calédonie). Proc. 8th Int. Soc. for Reef Studies Congress(ISRS), Noumea (New Caledonia), pp. 173-178

Chevillon C & Clavier J, 1988. Sedimentological structure of thenorthem lagoon of New Caledonia, Proc. 6th Inl. Coral ReefSymp., Townsville, Vol. 3, pp. 425-430

Chevillon C & Yeo G, in prep. Recent sediments of the Dravunilagoon (Great Astrolabe Reel', Fiji) skeletal compositionand comparison with lagoons of New Caledonia

Chevillon C, Clavier J & Garrigue C, 1992. Preliminary data onthe sediments of the Uvea 1agoon (New Caledonia). Proc.7th. Jnt. Coral Reef Symp .• Guam (Mariana Islands, USA),pp. 1127-1132

Chevillon C, l'lunet S & Truvant C. in press (a).Sedimemological map of the Great Northern Lagoon of NewCaledonia. li300 000, üRSTOM, Noumea (French-English& colours)

Chevillon C & Poumarède N, in press. Sedimentologieal map ofthe southem lagoon of New Caledonia (from Mont Dore talie des Pins) 1/150 000, ORSTOM, Nouméa (French·English & colours)

Chevillon C & Richcr de Forges Il, 1988. Sediments andbionomic mapping on soft bottoms in the south-westernlagoon of New Caledonia. l'roc 6th Int. Coral Reef Symp.,Townsville, Vol. 2, pp. 589·594

Chevillon C, Rico E & Sonnier A, in press (b). Sedirnentologicalmap of the Chesterfield islands lagoon (New Caledonia).1/250000, ORSTOM, Nouméa (French-English & colours)

Clavier J, Bour W, Chevillon C, Douillet l', Garrigue C, KulbickiM & Richer de Forges B. 1995 Programme LAGON"Connaissance et mise en valeur du lagon de Nouvelle­Calédonie" : le bilan, üRSTOM, ïO p.

Debenay JI', 1988a. Recent foraminifera tracers of oceanic watermovements in the southwestern lagoon of New Caledonia.l'alaeogeogr., Palaeoclimalol., Palaeoecol., 65: 59-72

Debenay 11', 1988b. Dynamique sédimentaire au débouché de labaie du Prony (Nouvelle-Calédonie) : dispersion des lutiteset des tests d'un foraminifère Operculina banschi(Cushman). Rev. Paléobiol., Vol. Spéc. 2 : 765-770

Debenay JI', 1988c. Foraminifera [arger than 0.5 mm in thesouthwestem lagoon of New Caledonia . distribution relatedto abiotic propcrties. Journ. Foraminifer. Res., 18 (2) : l58­175

Debenay 11', 1987. Répartition des sédiments carbonatés etre.lation avec l'hydrodynamisme dans un environnement

récifal complexe le lagon sud-ouest de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Bull. Soc géol France, 4' 769-776

Debenay JI', 1986. Un modèle de lagon actuel transposable à despaléoenvironnements récifaux le lagon sud-ouest deNouvelle Calédonie. C. R. Acad. ScL, Paris, tome 303, Il (1).63-66

Debenay JI', 1985a. Recherches sur la sédimentation actuelle etles thanatocoénoses des Foraminifères de grande taille dansle lagon sud-ouest et sur la marge însulaire sud de Nouvelle­Calédonie. Thèse Doct., Univ. Aix-Marseille Il, 200 p +annexes

Debenay JP, 1985b, Le lagon sud-ouest et la marge insulaire sudde Nouvelle-Calédonie importance ct répartition desforaminifères de grande taille. üeéanogr. trop.,20 (2): l71-192

Debenay JI', 1985c. Le gcnre Amphistegina dans le lagon deNouvelle-Calédonie. Rev. Micropal., 28 (3).167-180

Dugas F & Debenay JI'. 1978. Carte sédimentologique et carte

annexe du lagon de Nouvelle-Calédonie au !l50000e, feuille"Mont Dore". Notice explicative n076, ORSTOM, Paris, 20p.

Dugas F & Debenay JP, 1980. Carte sédimentologique et carte

annexe du lagon de Nouvelle-Calédonie au 1/50000e, feuille"Tontouta". Notice explicative n086, ORSTOM, Paris, 44 p

Dugas f & Debenay JI'. 1981. Carte sédimentologique et carte

annexe du lagon de Nouvelle-Calédonie au 1!50000e , feuille"Prony". Notice explicative n091, ORSTOM, Paris, 35 p.

Dugas F & Debenay JI', 1982 Carte sédimemologique et carte

annexe du lagon de Nouvelle-Calédonie au 1I50000e, feuille"Nouméa". Notice explicative n095, ORSTüM, Paris. 45 p.

Masse JI', 1970. Contribution à l'étude des sédiments bioelastiquesactuels du complexe recifal de l'île de Nossi-Bé (Madagascar).Recueil des Travaux de la Station Marine d'Endoumc,Marseille (Fnmce), 10 : 229-251

Morrîson RJ & Naqasima MR (Eds), 1992. Fiji's Great AstrolabeReel' and lagoon : a baseline study. Environmental StudiesReports, Inst.itute of Natural Ressources, The University ofthe South Pacific, 150 p.

Plunet S & Truvant C, 1994. Réalisation de la cartesédimentologique du Grand Lagon Nord de la Nouvelle··Calédonie. Chevillon C. (Ed.). Mem. Stages, Sci. Mer, BioLMar., üRSTOM, Nouméa, 13 p. + annexes

Poumarède N, 1994. Réalisation de la carte sédimentologique dulagon sud de Nouvelle-Calédonie (du Mont Dore à l'Ile desPins). Chevillon C. (Ed.), Mem. stages, Sci. Mer, Biol Mar.,ORSTüM, Nouméa, 20 p.

Richer de Forges B, Chevillon C, LabOUle P, Bargibant G.Menou JL & Tirard P, 1988. La campagne CORAIL 2 sur leplateau des îles Chestrefteld (N.O. "Coriolis" et N.a. "Alis",18 juillet - 6 Boùt 1988). Rapp. Sci. Techn., Sei. Mer, BiolMar., üRSTOM, Nouméa, 50 . 1-68

Rico E & Sonnier A. 1993. Réalisation de la canesédimentologique du lagon des îles Chesterfield (Nouvelle..Calédonie). Mem Stages. Sci. Mer, Biol. Mar., üRSTOM.Nouméa, 15 p. + annexes

Schneider W, Schnmelzer 1 & WueltZ J., 1995. Bio­sedimentologieal studies across the Great Astrolabe Reefand lagoon, Dravuni, Fiji. The University of the SouthPacifie. Marine Studies, Technical Report n" 95/3, 15 p. +Appendix (A-D)

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Safi subslrate macrobenlhos ofthe GAR /agoon. Noies er Doc. Océanogr. /996,46: 17-46 17

Soft substrate macrobenthos of Fiji's Great Astrolabe Reer lagoon. List oftaxons, densities and their biomass

by 1. Clavier"', P. Newell**, C Garrigue*"'''', B. Richer de Forges"'*"', A. Di Matteo"'*'"



Centre ORSTOM, B.P. 70, 29280 Plouzané, FranceThe University of the South Pacifie, School of Pure and Applied Sciences, P.O. Box 1168Suva, Fiji.Centre ORSTOM, B.P. A5, Nouméa, New Caledonia


During the Jornt Fijian-French ASTRü cruiseconducted in April 1994 in the Great Astrolabelagoon, the soft bottom macrobenthos \Vasquantitatively investigated at 25 sampling stations,using a 0.1 m2 Smith-McIntyre grab. At each station,sediment was sampled with a total 1 m2 area (10replicate grabs) and washed through a set of 20, 5and 2 mm sieves to retain Oora and fauna. A total of207 taxa was identified. This paper presents methodsand raw data obtained from the study expressed foreach taxon as numbers of individuais, dry weightand ash [Tee dry weight pel' m2



Au cours de la mission franco-lidjienne réalisée enavril 1994 dans le lagon du Grand récif del'Astrolabe, le macrobenthos des fonds meubles aété échantillonné quantitativement sur 25 stations, àl'aide d'une benne Smith-McIntyre. Sur chaquestation, le sédiment a été prélevé sur une superficietotale de 1 m2 (10 coups de benne) et passé sur destamis de 20, 5 et 2 mm pour isoler la flore et lafaune. Un total de 207 taxons a été identifié. Leprésent document regroupe un exposé des méthodesmises en oeuvre et une liste des résultats bruts issusde l'étude. Pour chaque taxon, ces derniers portentsur le nombre d'individus, le poids sec et le poids dematière sèche sans cendre.

1. Introduction

Quantitative studies on the benthic fauna of thesediments behind coral reefs are surprisingly sparse,and no such studies have previously been made inFijian waters. The Great Astrolabe Reef and Lagoonhave been the subject of a baseline study (Morrisonand Naqasima, 1992) but this did not include thefauna and flora of the lagoonal sediments,concentrating limited analysis and collectingresources on the reef (Naqasima and Brandy, 1992).

Quantitative studïes on the marine benthos of softsubstrate have been made in the South West Pacifie,

centred on the work of the üRSTOM team based inNouméa, New Caledonia. These include work on theSouth West lagoon of New Caledonia (Chardy et al.,1988; Chardy and Clavier, 1988), ChesterfieldLagoon (WNW of New Caledonia, Clavier andGarrigue, 1990) and Uvea Lagoon (Loyalty Islands,NE of New Caledonia; Clavier et al., 1992).

Sampling soft sediments has been reviewed byHartley and Dicks (1987) and the methods used inthis study are described below. The protocolfollowed is the one that has been developed by theORSTOM team operating from Nouméa, NewCaledonia, and was followed in this study tofacilitate comparisons between this and the carlierwork done in New Calcdonia.

2. Materials and methods

The study focused on subtidal sedinlents.Macrobenthic communities were sampled at 25 siteslocatcd between 17 and 43 m depth over the lagoon(Table 1 and Figure 1). Sampling was carried outwith the RV 'ALIS' in April 1994.


~r;i( •. "

Figure 1: Location of sampling stations

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Soft sllbslrale macrobenthos ofthe GAR lagoon Notes er Doc. Océanogr. 1996. 46: 17-46 18

Macrofauna and macroflora were sampled using a0.1 ml Smith Mclntyre grab weighed down with anadditional 60 kg lead ballast (Figure 2). Thesampling unit was a 1ml area, i.e. ten 0.1 ml grabs.The total collected volume of sediment was about 601. The boat was moored with a bow anchor and wasfree to swing under the influence of wind. Theprobability of a bite coincidence between sampleswas consequently very low. The samples from thesame station were mixed and passed through 20, 5and 2 mm stacked sieves. On board, organisms wereseparated from the substrate, sorted by majortaxonomie groups and preserved in 10 ~/;, fonnalinneutra1ised with borax.

Figure 2: The Smith-Mc-Intyre grab

In the laboratory, taxonomie detenninations werecarried out as precisely as possible using theavailable literature. The results per station have beenexpressed as the number of individuals per m2 foreach identified taxon for macrofauna. Dry weightswere measured after oven-drying (60°C) untilconstant weight and the ash weight by fùrtherheating at 550°C for 3 hours. The ash free dryweight is the difference between these two values.The biomasses have been expressed in grams of dryweight and ash free dry weight per ml formacrofauna and macroflora. Taxonomie biomasseshave been summed to obtain the total macrobenthicbiomass per station.

Table 1 : Depth (m) and position of the sampIingstations

N Depth Latitude Longitude

31 18°43.50' S 178°29.67' E

28 18°43.49' S 178°31.75' E

22 18°44.68' S 178°31.70' E

39 18°44.57' S 178°29.46' E

17 18°45.19' S 178°31.25' E

38 18°46.1I'S 178°29.53' E

43 18°46.09' S 178°32.73' E

37 18°46.97' S 178°33.84' E

35 18°46.90' S 178°31.75' E

1 37 18°46.99' S 178°29.18' E

1 39 18°48.81' S 178°29.19' E

1 29 18°48.80' S 178°32.10' E

1 34 18°48.28' S 178°33.84' E

14 27 18°49.48' S 178°34.72' E

15 29 18°49.46' S 178°33.14' E

16 32 18°49.48' S 178°31.83' E

17 34 18°49.57' S 178°29.50' E

18 34 18°50.77' S 178°26.64' E

19 31 18°50.94' S 178°31.86' E

20 34 18°50.71' S 178°33.85' E

21 30 18°52.14' S 178°31.9TE

22 36 18°51.64' S 178°29.50' E

23 31 18°48.43' S 178°30.84' E

24 32 18"49.83' S 178°30.50' E

25 31 18°42.66' S 178°30.97' E

3. Taxonomie list

3.1 Phytobenthos

CHLOROPHYTAAvrainvillea amadelpha (Montagne)Gepp & Gepp

2 Avrainvillea sp.3 Caulerpa bikinellSis Taylor4 Caulerpa brachypus Harvey5 Caulerpa racemosa var. clavifera

(Turner) Weber van Bosse6 Caulerpa sertlilarioïdes (Gmelin) Howe7 Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh8 Caulerpa llrvilliana Montagne9 Halimeda cylindracea Decaisne

10 Halimeda discoidea DecaisneJ 1 Halimeda incrassata (Ellis) Lamouroux12 Halimeda macroloba Decaisne13 Halimeda opuntia (L.) Lamouroux14 Tydemania expeditionis Weber van Bosse15 Udoteaflabellum (Ellis & Solander) Howe16 Udotea glaucescellS Harvey17 Halicystis sp.

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Soft substrate macrobenthos ofthe GAR lagoon. NoIes er Doc. Océanogr. 1996, 46: 17-46 19

SIPUNCULIDS85 Aspidosiphon sp. 186 Aspidosiphon sp. 287 Aspidosiphon sp. 388 Sipunculid indet. 189 Sipunculid indet. 2

18 Valonia aegagropila C. Agardh19 Valoniajàstigiata Harvey

PHAEOPHYTA20 Dictyota sp.

CYANOPHYTA21 Cyanophyceae indet.

3.2 Zoohenthos

SPONGES22 Sponge indet. 123 Sponge indet. 224 Sponge inde!. 325 Sponge indet 426 Sponge indet. 527 Sponge indet. 6

CNIDARIANS28 Edwardsia sp.29 Trachyphyllia geoffroyi (Audouin, 1926)

PLATYHELMINTHS30 Platyhelminth indet.

NEMERTEANS31 Nemertean indet

NEMATODES32 Nematode indet.





Pista sp. cf. austm/is Hutchings & Glasby,1988Poecilochaetus sp.Po/ydora sp.Po/yodontes sp.Prionospio (Aqui/aspio) aucklandica Augener,1923Prionospio (Aqui/aspio) sp..Prionospio (Prionospio) lineata Imajima, 1990Prionospio sp.Psammo/yce anUpoda (Schmarda, 1861)Rhinothe/epus sp.Samytha sp.Samythella sp.Sigalion mathi/dae Audouin & Milne­Edwards, 1832Spio sp.Sthene/ais /aevis Kinberg, 1858Sthenelais zey/andica Wiley, 1905Stheno/epis yh/eni(Malmgren, 1867)Streb/osoma sp.Sy//is (syllis) sp.Terebellides stroemi Sars, 1835

ANNELIDS33 Amphicteis sp.34 Arabella iric%r (Montagu, 1804)35 Armandia sp. cf. leptocirrus (Grube, 1878)36 Chaetopteridae indet.37 Chloeia sp.38 Cirriformia sp.39 Dasybranchus sp.40 Drilonereis sp.41 Euclymene sp42 Eunice complanata (Grube, 1877)43 Eunice sp.44 Eupo~ymniasp.45 Glycera sp.46 Goniada sp. 147 Goniada sp.248 Laonome sp.49 Leiochrides austra/is Augener, 181450 Linopherus sp.51 Loimia ingens (Grube, 1878)52 Lumbrineris sp.]53 Lumbrineris sp.254 Lysil/a pacifica Hessle, 191755 Lysippe sp.56 Ma/acoceros sp.57 Marphysa sp.58 Mastobranchus trinchesii Eisig, 188759 Nereidinae indet.60 Notomastus sp.61 Pareu/epis sp.62 PectinarÎa sp63 Phyl/ochaetopterus sp.64 Phyl/odoce sp.

LOPHOPHORIANS90 Phoronidian indet.91 Brachiopod indet.92 Lingu/a sp.


93 Acteon virgatus Reeve, 184294 Atys cylindricus (Helbling, 1879)95 Cantharidus sp.96 Cerithidae indet. 197 Cerithidae indet. 298 Dentalium sp99 Lophiotoma sp.100 Ma/ea pomum (L., 1758)101 Nassarius g/ans Roding, 1798102 Nassarius sp.103 NaUca onca Rôding, 1798104 NaUca sp.105 Oliva carneo/a (Gmelin, 1791)106 Oliva miniacea (Rôding, 1798)107 Pupa solidula (L., 1758)108 Rhinoclavis aspera (L., 1758)109 Strombus fragilis (Rôding, 1758)110 Subcancilla inter/irata (Reeve, 1844)III Terebellum terebellum L., 1758112 Terebra sp.113 Terebra subu/ata (1,., 1767)114 Terebra undu/ata Gray, 1834115 Turridae indet. 1116 Turridac indet. 2117 Vexi//um sanguisugum (L., 1758)118 Vexi//um sp. ]

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Soft subslrate macrobenthos ofthe GAR lagoon. Notes el' Doc. Océanogr. 1996. 46: 17-46

119 Vexil/um sp. 2 165 Podophthalmus nacreus Alcock, 1899120 Vexillum sp. 3 166 Portunus longispinosus (Dana, 1852)121 Vexillum sp. 4 167 Portunus sp.122 Viriola interjilata (Gould, 1861) 168 Psaumis cavipes (Dana, 1852)

Bivalves 169 Tetriasjischeri (A. Milne Edwards, 1867)123 Anodontia sp. 170 Tha!amita sp. 1124 Arca navicularis Bruguière, 1789 171 Tha/ami/a sp.2125 Arcopagia (Pinguitel/ina) robusta (Hanley, 172 Thalmitoides tridens (A. Milne Edwards,

1844) 1869)126 Barbatia sp. 173 Typhlocarcinodes sp.127 Codakia sp. 174 Galatheidae indet.128 Ctenodardia victor (Angas, 1872) 175 Paguridae indet.129 Fimbria jimbriata (L., 1758) 176 Alpheidae indet. /130 Gari maculosa (Lamarck, 1818) 177 Alpheidae indet. 2131 Laevicardium sp. 178 Natantia indet.132 Lima sp. 179 Palaemonidae indet.133 Lioconcha castrensis (L., 1758) 180 Pasiphaeidae indet.134 Lioconcha ornata (DiII"",)'nn, 1817) 181 Penaeidae indet.135 Lucinicae indet. 1 182 Processidae indet.136 Lucinidae indet. 2 183 Sergestidae indet.137 Modiolus phi/ippinarum Hanley, 1843 184 Parribacus sp.138 Pinna sp. 185 Callianassidae indet.139 Pinnidae indet. 186 Upogebia sp.140 Tellina rastella Hanley, 1844141 Tellina sp. ECHINODERMS142 Tellinidae indet. 187 Asterid indet.143 Timoclea (Glycydonta) marica (L., 1758) 188 Astropecten polyacanthus Müller et144 Vasticardium pulicarium (Rceve, 1845) Troschel, 1842

189 Brissidae indet.CRUSTACEANS 190 Brissopsis luzonica (Gray, 1851)

145 Stomatopod indet. 1 191 Laganum depressum Agassi7~ 1841146 Stomatopod indet. 2 192 Aiaretia planulata (Lamarck, 1816)147 Ampelisca sp. 193 Metalia sternalis (Lamarck, 1816)148 Melitidae îndet. 194 Holothurid indet.149 Arcania sp. 195 Amphiuridae indet.150 Calappa sp. 196 Ophionereidae indet.151 DaClyopilumnus sp. 197 Ophiopleron elegans Ludwig, 1888152 Hephthopelta sp. 198 Ophiuridae indet.153 Hexapus (Lambdophatlus) anfractus

Rathbun, 1909 CHORDATES154 Hexapus (Lambdophattus) sp. 199 Enteropneusta indet.155 Hexapus sp. 200 Ascidian indet.156 Leucosia sp. 201 Acranian indet.157 Macrophthalmus convexus Stimpson, 1858158 Micippa philira (Herbst, 1803) VERTEBRATES159 Nursia sp, 202 Callionymus sp.160 Pa/icus sp. 203 Gobiidae indet.161 Parthenope (Aulacolambrusj hepatus 204 Labridae indet.

(Adams & White, 1848) 205 Muraenichthys sp.162 Phymodius sp. 206 Scorpaenidae indet.163 Pi/odius sp. 207 Syngnathidae indet.164 Pilumnus sp.


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Soft substrale macrobenthos ofthe GAR lagoon. NoIes er Doc. Océanogr. 1996, 46: 17-46

4. ResuUs by station

Number of individuals (Nb), dry weight (DW) and ash free dry weight (AFDW) in grams, are expressed per m'.



Dentaiium sp 2Oliva earneola 1Oliva miniacea 1Vexillum sp. 1 1Anodontia sp. 1Laevicardium sp. 10Modiolus philippinarum 1Teliina sp. 6

CrustaceansPaguridae indet.

EchinodermsAmphiuridae indee 1Ophiuridae indet. 2

VertebratesGobiidae indet


Eupolymnia sp.Loimia ingensMarphysa sp.Nereidinae indet.Notomastus sp.Peetinaria spPhyllochaetopterus sp.Pista sp. cf. austraUsTerebellides stroemi

SipunculidsAspidosiphon sp. 3Sipunculid indee 1Sipunculid indet. 2






0.0009 0.00060.0075 0.00440.0069 0.00520.0011 0.00070.0008 0.00050.0027 0.00040.0008 0.00060.0075 0.00380.0172 0.0108

0.0091 0.00690.0159 0.00440.0983 0.0236

0.0624 0.01381.3447 0.09875.9760 0.57600.2405 0.02150.2614 0.03041.1941 0.13450.2070 0.04370.5382 0.0651

0.0087 0.0061

0.0189 0.01080.0191 0.0090

0.0119 0.0085

Number of taxons: 25Number of individuals : 42

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Soft substrate macrobenthos ofthe (JAR lagoon. Notes cr Doc. Océanogr. 1996. 46: /7-46




AnnelidsChloeia sp.Dasybranchus sp.Glycera sp.Lysippe sp.Pista sp. cf. austmUsPolyodontes sp.Prionospio (Prionospio) lineataSigalion mathi/daeTerebellides stroemi

SipunculidsSipunculid indet. 2

MolluscsNassarius sp.Oliva miniaceaPupa solidulaTerebra sp.Terebra undulataLioconcha ornataAlodiolus philippinarumTeltina sp.

CrustaceansCalappasp.Hexapus (Lambdophatlus) anfractusHexapus (Lambdophattus) sp.Hexapus sp.Paguridae indetThalamita sp. 1

EchinodermsLaganum depres.wmOphiuridae indet.








0.0049 0.00390.0146 0.01070.0006 0.00030.0005 0.00030.0068 0.00320.0098 0.00740.0083 0.00570.0056 0.00350.4230 0.2665

0.0391 0.0218

0.0965 0.02242.2658 0.20960.8794 0.15270.2973 0.02700.1327 0.02110.0892 0.07210.8568 0.13890.0170 0.0073

0.0420 0.02600.0681 0.04140.0680 0.03i20.0343 0.02020.0148 0.00540.0352 0.0146

0.1285 0.02190.0116 0.0058

Number of taxons :Number of individuals :


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Soft substrate macrobenthos ofthe GAR fagoon. Noies er Doc. Océanogr. 1996. 46: IÎ-46



Natica Of/ca 1Oliva miniacea 1Pupa solidula 1Arca navicularis 1Laevicardium sp. 1Lioconcha ornata 4T'e//ina sp. 10

CrustaceansPortunus longispinosus


AigaeHalimeda cylindracea

CnidariansEdwardsia sp.

AnnelidsLysippe sp.Nereidinae indet

SipunculidsAspidosiphon sp. 3

LophophoriansBrachiopod indet



27.8357 3.0890

0.0472 0.0185

0.0008 0.00060.0009 0.0007

0.0090 0.0048

0.5000 0.0200

0.0627 0.02962.7920 0.54540.0615 0.01180.1207 0.00670.0658 0.00583.1597 0.97401.3451 0.1362

0.1381 0.0642

Number of taxons : 16Number of individuals : 26

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Sqft substrate macrobenthos ofthe GAR lagoon Noies er Doc. Océanogr. 1996, 46: 17-46



Nassarius sp. 1Subeaneilla interlirata 2Terebellum terebellum 1Arca navieu/aris 1Barbatia sp. 1Laevieardium sp. 5Lioconcha ornata 3Modia/us philippinarum 45Tellina sp. J

Tellinidae indet. 7Crustaceans

Alpheidae indet. 2 2Ampelisca sp. 1Callianassidae inde! 4Hexapus sp. 3

EchinodermsAmphiuridae indet 2Ophiuridae indet. 11


NemerteansNemertean indet

AnnelidsDasybranchus sp.Eunice complanataEunice sp.Glycera sp.Goniada sp.!Lysippe sp.Phyllochaetopterus sp.Poecilochaetus sp.Prionospio (Prionospio) lineataRhinothe/epus sp.Sigalion mathi/daeSthenolepis yhleniTerebellides stroemi






0.0068 0.0059

0.0056 0.00410.0015 0.00110.0018 0.00100.0006 0.00030.0008 0.00050.0019 0.00140.0064 0.00510.0018 0.00120.0021 0.00120.0736 0.044200034 0.00290.0042 0.00360.7604 0.4791

0.1524 0.06520.3436 0.02920.0300 0.00620.2405 0.02220.2678 0.03560.3224 0.04080.4147 0.02890.6456 0.21840.0199 0.00530.2860 0.1324

0.0242 0.01840.0002 0.00010.0503 0.03431.1161 L0790

0.0454 0.01490.0895 0.0130

Number of taxons : 35Number of individuals : 152

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Soft substrate macrobenthos ofthe GAR Il/gaon. Notes er Doc. Océanogr. 1996. 46: 17-46 25


Nernertean indetAnnelids

Eupolymnia sp.Linopherlls sp.Lysippe sp.Malacoceros sp.Nereidillae illdetSamythella sp.

SipunculidsAspidosiplton sp. 3

MolluscsTerebra subulataFimbria fimbriataLaevicardium sp.Lioconcha castrensisLioconcha omotaModiolus philippinarumTellina sp.Timoclea (Glycydonta) marica

CrustaceansDacryopilumnus sp.Pasiphaeidae indetPortunus sp.Stornatopod indet. 2

EchinodermsAstropecten polyacanthusLaganum depressumOphiuridae indet

ChordataAeranian indet

VertebratesGobiidae indet.







0.0168 0.0148

0.0008 0.00060.0005 0.00040.0112 0.00900.0014 0.00090.0011 0.00070.0008 0.0006

0.0159 0.0110

11.3325 0040730.1842 0.02280.4121 0.03890.3867 0.06457.4660 0.50320.2535 0.12270.3018 0.14340.0396 0.0243

0.0084 0.00520.0018 0.00170.0882 0.05460.0401 0.0267

0.2312 0.03400.0404 0.01830.0327 0.0159

0.0260 0.0219

00657 0.0559

Number of taxons:Number of individuals :


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Page 32: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Soft substrate macrobenthos ofthe GAR lagoon. Notes er Doc. Océanogr. 1996, 46: 17-46

1 stAT[Qj'(7



NemerteansNernertean indet

AnnelidsEuclymene sp.Lumbrineris sp.lPhyllochaetopterus sp.Prionospio (AquilaspioJ aucklandica

MolluscsCerithidac indet. 1Tellina sp.

CrustaceansA1pheidae indet. 2HexapuJ (Lambdophattus) anfractusMacrophthalmus convexusPodophthalmus nacreusStornatopod indet. 2

EchinodermsAstropecten polyacanthus

ChordataEnteropneusta indet

VertebratesCallionymus sp.Muraenichthys sp.


2 0.2144 0.1631

1 0.0006 0.00022 0.0007 0.00041 0.0005 0.0003:2 0.0218 0.0150

3 0.2546 0.02151 0.0736 0.0112

1 0.0074 0.00493 0.4085 0.23382 0.3654 0.18711 0.0399 0.02471 0.1603 0.1083

0.1489 0.0242

0.2325 0.1284

0.0080 0.00600.7100 0.5325

Number of taxons:Number of individuals :


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Soft S1lbsfrate macrobenthos ofthe GAR lagoon. Notes er Doc. Océanogr. 1996. 46: 17-46




CnidariansE,a»'ardsia sp.

AnnelidsLysilla paciJlcaPhyllochaeloplerus sp.Po(vodontes sp.Prionospio (Aquilaspio) aucklandicaSamytha sp.Sigalion mathi/doeTerebellides slroemi

SipunculidsSipunculid indet. 1

MolluscsCerithidae indet. 1Nassarius sp.Terebellum terebellumLioconcha caslrensisTellina sp.

CrustaceansAlpheidae indet. 2Hexapus (Lambdophattus) sp.Hexapus sp.ivfacrophtha/mus convexusPorlunus /ongistylosusStomatopod indet. 2

EchinodermsMaretia pianu/ata

Ophiuridae indet.Chordata

Enteropneusta indet.Vertebrales

Gobiidae indet.







0.0277 0.0135

0.0063 0.00400.0092 0.00740.0123 0.01070.0113 0.00780.0163 0.00980.0044 0.00280.0579 0.0365

0.0482 0.0220

1.0852 1.00590.3213 0.04930.4 152 0.18870.8847 0.12920.0425 0.0098

0.0061 0.00420.0347 0.01900.0805 0.12150.3671 0.16120.3549 0.21970.0239 -0.8245

0.1187 0.00750.0113 0.0057

0.3 129 0.1378

0.0291 0.0209

Number of taxons:Number of individuals :


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Nematodc indetAnnelids

Dasybranchus sp.Glycera sp.Lysippe sp.Prionospio (Aqui/aspio) sp.Terebe//ides stroemi

SipunculidsSipunculid indet. 1

CrustaceansHexapus sp.Stomatopod indet. 2

EchinodermsAstcrid iodet.Laganum depressumMarelia planulataMetalia sternalisOphiuridac iodet.






0.0199 0.0179

0.0935 0.06830.0012 O.OOOS0.0006 0.00030.0047 0.00290.1059 0.0667

0.0220 0.0100

0.0191 0.01170.1706 0.1219

0.0204 0.00300.3629 0.04090.3617 0.0222

14.7044 2.192400168 00038

Number of taxons :Number of individuals :


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Page 36: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Soft substrate macrobentllOs of the GAR lagoon. Notes el' Doc. Océanogr. 1996, 46: 17-46



NemerteansNemertean indet

NematodesNematode indet

AnnelidsDasybranchus sp.Euclymene sp.Linopherus sp,Loimia ingensPo/yodontes sp.Prionospio (Prionospio) lineataRhinothe/epus sp.Terebellides stroemi

SipunculidsSipunculid indet. 1

MolluscsAtys cylindricusPinnidae indetTellina rastellaTellina sp.

CrustaceansAlpheidae indet. JAlpheidae indet. 2Leucosia sp.Stomatopod indet. 2

EchinodermsBrissopsis /uzonicaLaganum depressumMarelia p/anu/ataMetalia sternalisAmphiuridae indetOphiuridae indet

VertebratesGobiidae indet.








Number of taxons :Number ofindividuals:


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Taxon Nb DW AFDWAlgae

Cau/erpa racemosa var.clavifera 0.3120 0.1490Halicyslis sp. 0.0230 0.0080Halimeda incrassata 0.8650 0.0640Halimeda opuntia 3.9880 0.2060Udotea g/auceseens 0.2090 0.0450Va/onia aegagropila 0.0960 0.0220

SpongesSponge indet. 2 1 3.3362 0.1744Sponge inde!. 4 5 7.4655 1.5818

AnnelidsChaetopteridae indet 0.0009 0.0007Eunice sp. 0.0008 0.0006Laonome sp. 0.0141 0.0109Terebe//ides slroem! 0.0253 0.0159

SipunculidsSipunculid illdet. 1 0.0952 0.0495

MolluscsActeon virgatus 1 0.2600 0.0232Natica sp. 3 0.3180 0.1224Rhinoclavis aspera 1 3.0029 0.1289Terebellum terebellum 1 0.7486 0.10 IIArcopagia (Pinguitel/ina) robusta 1 0.0300 0.0\02Ctenodardia victor 2 3.2533 1.1311Gari maeu/osa 2 0.4317 0.0635Gari squamosa 1 0.0091 0.0062Laevieardium sp. 15 3.7839 1.3467Lima sp. 4 0.1158 0.0515Lioconcha ornata 3 5.5766 2.4012Lucinicae indet. 1 1 0.0419 0.0312Madia/us phi/ippinarum 153 5.4497 0.6229Tellina sp. 10 0.8186 0.3350

CrustaceansAlpheidae indet. 2 3 00223 0.0163Callianassidae indet 2 0.2501 0.1864Hexapus (Lambdophattus) sp. 1 0.0101 0.0058Macrophtha/mus convexus 5 0.0632 0.0431Nursia sp. 1 0.0168 0.0104Palaemonidae indet. 1 0.0110 0.0093Palicus sp. 1 0.0672 0.0416Thalamita sp. 1 3 0.0408 0.0238

EchinodermsAstropecten po/yacanthus 2.2960 0.3807Marelia planulata 0.2687 0.0554Amphiuridae indet. 0.0063 0.0024

ChordataAscidian indet. 0.8046 0.1043

VertebratesGobiidae indet 0.0289 0.0202

Number of taxons : 44Number of individuals : 231

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Soft substrate macrobenthos ofrhe GAR lagoon. Notes er Doc. Océanogr. 1996. 46: 17-46




Caulerpa taxifoliaSponges

Sponge inde!. \Sponge indet. 2

CnidariansEdwardsia sp.

AnnelidsArmandia sp. cf. leptocirrusDasybranchus sp.Lumbrineris sp.2Lysilla pacificaPolydora sp.Polyodontes sp.Prionospio (Prionospio) lineata

SipunculidsSipunculid indet. 2

MolluscsViriola interfilata

CrustaceansAlpheidae indet. 2Arcania sp.Callianassidac indct.Hexapus sp.Pilodius sp.Stomatopod indet. 1

EchinodermsOphiopteron elegansOphiuridae indet.






0.0190 0.0090

1.2109 0.43280.2167 0.0107

0.0645 0.0177

0.0002 0.00010.3756 0.27420.0006 0.00040.0241 0.01710.0006 0.00030.0108 0.00890.0016 0.0009

0.1136 0.0615

0.0650 0.0060

0.0227 0.01610.0105 0.00650.0133 0.00800.0240 0.01030.0252 0.01560.3816 0.2544

0.0060 0.00210.0402 0.0198

Number of taxons:Number ofindividuals:


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Soft substrate macrobenthos ofthe GAR lagoon. Notes er Doc. Océanogr. 1996. 46: 17-46




AigaeCaulerpa urvi/tianaHalimeda cylindracea

AnnelidsLoimia ingensNotomastus sp.Sigafion mathi/daeTerebellides stroemi

MolluscsMaleapomumNassarius g/ansNassarius sp.Natica oncaTerebellum terebellumTerebra sp.Vexi//um sanguisugumArcopagia (finguite/lina) robustaCtenodardia victorLaevicardium sp.Lioconcha ornataTellina sp.

CrustaceansHexapus (Lambdophattus) anjractusHexapus (Lambdophattus) sp.

EchinodermsMaretia planu/ata

ChordataEntcropncusta indct.






0.1930 0.11909.4810 1.4330

0.0622 0.03670.0075 0.00630.0156 0.01330.1301 0.0820

0.3359 0.25150.8699 0.32490.1170 0.03480.0732 0.03460.3705 0.03310.0585 0.00542.7604 0.197700116 0.00540.2242 0.09570.5597 0.09690.8623 0.30980.4723 0.1825

0.0298 0.01210.0401 0.0215

00655 0.0067

0.0240 0.0110

Number of taxons :Number of individuals :


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Soft subslrale macrobemhos oflhe GAR lagoon. Noleser Doc. Océanogr. 1996,46: /7-46



AigaeAvrainvillea sp.Caulerpa brachypusCaulerpa racemosa var. claviferaHalimeda opuntiaUdotea glaucescens

AnnelidsGlycera sp.Laonome sp.Loimia ingensPolyodontes sp.Prionospio (Prionospio) lineataStreblosoma sp.

SipunculidsSipunculid indet. 1

MolluscsActeon virgatusNalica ancaPupa solidulaTerebellum terebellumLaevicardium sp.Lioconcha omataModialus philippinarumTellina sp.

CrustaceansCallianassidae indetPorlunus longispinosusStomatopod indet. 2Thalamita sp. 1

EchinodermsHolothurid indet

ChordataAscidian indet






0.0100 0.00200.1230 0.06600.1720 0.07300.3700 0.01900.1480 0.0450

0.0006 0.00030.0133 0.01060.0576 0.03400.0085 0.00710.0018 0.001000032 0.0013

0.0277 0.0080

0.2525 0.02920.8402 0.06330.1752 0.01021.4233 0.19331.8816 0.77782.0265 0.40470.3088 0.15850.4641 0.0494

0.0161 0.01110.0160 0.00910.0237 0.01490.1405 0.0834

0.1901 0.0982

0.4956 0.0502

Number of taxons :Number of individuals :


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SoJi substrare macrobenthos ofthe GAR lagoo!l. Notes er Doc. Océanogr. 1996. 46: 17-46

jSTATlüN 16



AlgaeAvrainvillea amadelphaHalimeda incrassataHalimeda opuntiaUdotea glaucescens

SpongesSponge indet. 2

NemerteansNemertean indet

AnnelidsDasybranchus sp.Glycera sp.Polydora sp.Sthenelais zeylandicaTerebellides stroemi

LophophoriansLingula sp.

MolluscsCerithidae indet. 1Barbatia sp.

CrustaceansHexapus sp.Palaemonidae indetSergestidae indetStomatopod indet. 2Tetrias fischeriThaiamita sp. 1Typhlocarcinus sp.

EchinodermsBrissidae indetOphionereidae indet

Number of taxons :Number of individuals :







4.3470 0.92800.4440 0.05501.6680 0.12800.0400 0.0090

0.2768 0.0237

0.0530 0.ü451

0.0299 0.02180.0009 0.00050.0005 000030.0167 0.01560.1068 0.0673

0.1300 0.0780

0.1051 0.01021.3043 03270

0.0082 0.00390.1002 0.08430.0020 0.00190.0654 0.04140.0882 0.05460.0690 0.03970.0929 0.0575

0.0140 0.00290.0005 0.0001

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Soft substrate macrobenthos ofthe CAR /agoon. Notes er Doc. Océanogr. J996, 46: /7-46




AigaeCau/erpa taxifoUaDictyota sp.Ha/imeda macrophysaHa/imeda opuntiaVa/of/ia jasligiata

SpongesSponge indet. 5

AnnelidsCirriformia sp.Euclymene sp.EUf/ice camplanataGlycera sp.Leiochrides austra/isLumbrineris sp.2Phyl/odace sp.Prionospio sp.Sthene/ais /aevis

MolluscsCantharidus sp.Cerithidae indet. 2Te/lina sp.

CrustaceansAlpheidae indet. 2Alacrophtha/mus convexusPaguridae indetTha/amita sp. 1Thalamita sp.2Upogebia sp.

EchinodermsHolothurid indetOphiuridae indet

VertebratesGobiidae indet.







0.0050 0.00200.0470 0.018000410 0.00600.2770 0.01500.0400 0.0160

0.6586 0.3012

0.0003 0.00020.0021 0.00100.0018 0.00130.0011 0.00080.0015 0.00090.0006 0.00040.0052 0.00110.0006 0.00040.0018 0.0010

0.1300 0.01160.1950 0.01800.0082 0.0037

0.0019 0.00150.0188 0.01030.0710 0.03770.1024 0.06230.0065 0.00070.0104 0.0071

0.1098 0.06560.0073 0.0021

0.1590 0.1212

Number of taxons :Number of individuals :


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Soft substrate macrobenlhos ofthe GAR /agoon. Notes er Doc. Océanogr. 1996. 46.' f 7-46




Dasybranchus sp.Euclymene sp.Lumbrineris sp.::'Po/ydora sp.Sigalion ma/hildae..')pia sp.Terebellides stt'oemi

SipunculidsAspidosiphon sp. 3Sipunculid indet. 1

MolluscsOliva carneo/aTerebra sp.Terebra undu/ataTurridae indet. 1Ctenodardia victorLaevicardium sr.Lioconcha castrensisLioconcha ornataModio/us philippinarumTellina sp.Vas/icardium pu!icarium

CrustaceansPaguridae indet.Parthenope (Aulaco/ambrusj hoplona/usPortunus /ongispinasusTyph/ocarcinodes sp.

EchinodermsMaretia p/anularaMetaUa s/ernalisAmphiuridae indetOphiuridae indeL

ChordataEnteropneusta indet.








0.0015 0.00090.0054 0.00370.0006 0.00040.0006 0.00030.0043 0.00290.0012 0.00080.0909 0.0573

0.0238 0.01570.0118 0.0050

0.2158 0.02080.0846 0.00920.3808 0.04610.1170 0.01080.2036 003140.4515 0.05670.6349 0.16960.0287 0.00500.1216 0.02270.0102 0.00460.0621 0.0457

0.0329 0.01390.0283 0.01590.0270 0.01170.0650 0.0580

0.2215 0.01336.9581 0.68320.0375 0.01960.0114 0.0058

0.0735 0.0353

Number ortaxons:Number of individuals :


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Soft subsU'ate macrobcn/hos of/he GAR lagoon. No/es cr Doc. Océanogr. /996, 46: /7-46




AigaeAvrainvil/ea amade/phaCaulerpa racemosa var. c/aviferaHalimeda incrassataUdotea g/aucescens

NemerteansNemertean indet.

AnnelidsAmphicteis sp.Drilonereis sp.Euclymene sp.Loimia ingensLumbrineris sp.!Lysi/la pacijicaLysippe sp.Pareu/epis sp.Polydora sp.Siga/ion mathi/daeTerebe/lides stroemi

SipunculidsSipunculid indet. 1

MolluscsTerebellum terebellum

CrustaceansAlpheidae indet. 2Galatheidae indet.Hexapus (Lambdophattusj anfractusHexapus (Lambdophattus) sp.Macrophthalmus convexusParthenope (Auiaeo/ambrus) hepatusPenaeidae indet.Stomatopod indet. 2Thalamira sp. !

EchinodermsMetalia sternalis

ChordataAscidian indet











0.6610 0.17400.9900 0.50300.4140 0.04500.2490 0.0450

0.0552 0.0388

0.0009 0.00060.0543 0.03780.0010 0.00050.1101 0.06500.0007 0.00050.0203 0.00810.0018 0.00120.0091 0.00800.0146 0.01010.0095 0.00760.3560 0.2243

0.3593 0.0489

04880 0.2477

0.0173 0.01370.0373 0.108900694 0.04290.0778 0.04640.1920 0.08260.4076 0.13130.0141 0.00220.0848 0.06320.0115 0.0070

182651 1.4802

0.0123 0.0020

Number oftaxons :Number of individuals :


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Dasybranchus sp.G(vcera sp.Goniada sp.}Lumbrineris sp. JLysil/a paciflcaLysippe sp.Poecilochaetus sp.Sigalion mathi/daeTerebellides stroemi

Si(lUnculidsSipunculid indet.

MolluscsTellina sp.

CrustaceansAlpheidae indet 2Hephthopelta sp.Hexapus (Lambdophattus) sp.

EchinodermsOphiuridae indet

ChordataEnteropneusta indet.

VertebratesGobiidae indet.







0.0245 0.01790.0079 0.00630.00\7 0.00120.0005 0.00030.0057 0.00320.0006 0.00030.0021 0.00140.0019 0.00110.1184 0.0746

0.1255 0.0130

00959 0.0279

0.0390 0.02460.0756 0.04680.3085 0.1419

0.0\07 0.0053

0.1693 0.1027

0.0300 0.0225

Number of taxons:Number of individuals :


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Soft substrate macrobenthos ofthe GAR /agoon Notes er Doc. Océanogr. /996, 46.' /7-46




Halimeda cylindraceaSponges

Sponge indet. 5Sponge inde!. 6

AnnelidsDasybranchlls sp.Loimia ingemSamythella sp.Streblosoma sp.Terebellides stroemi

SipunculidsSipunculid inde!. 2

MolluscsSubcancilla interlirataCtenodardia victorLioconcha ornataTellinidae indet.

CrustaceansA1pheidae inde!. 2lvfacrophlhalmus convexusPilumnus sp.Thalamita sp. 1

EchinodermsHolothurid indet

VertebratesGobiidae inde!.




1.2560 0.1600

1.9348 0.28542.6146 0.2821

0.0087 0.00640.0166 0.00510.0007 0.00060.0087 0.00530.0245 0.0154

0.0720 0.0384

0.3639 0.07782.0577 0.51033.1727 1.05380.5892 0.0374

0.0302 002260.0053 0.00240.0147 0.00910.0146 00091

0.4250 0.2210

0.1123 0.0857

Number oftaxons :Number of individuals :


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Edwardsia sp.Nemerteans

Nernertean indet.Annelids

Lysilla pacificaPareu!epis sp.Phyl!ochaeloplerus sp.Prionospio (Priol7ospio) /inealaRhinothelepus sp.Terebellides stroemi

SipunculidsSipunculid indet 1

MolluscsCerithidae indet. 1Terebellum terebellumLaevicardium sp.

CrustaceansAlpheidae indet. 1Alpheidae indet. 2Callianassidae indet.Macrophthalmus CO'lvexusNatantia indet.Stomatopod indet. 2

EchinodermsAmphiuridae inder.Oph ionereidae indet.

ChordataEnteropncusta inde!.

VertebratesGobiidae inde!








0.0240 0.0082

00238 0.0205

0.0221 0.01570.0024 0.00160.0011 0.00070.0009 0.00050.0097 0.00610.0141 0.0089

0.0571 0.0190

0.3587 0.03550.1314 0.03150.1590 0.0437

0.0096 0.007!0.0131 0.00860.0115 0.00710.4836 0.28720.0790 0.07220.0753 0.0569

0.015 ! 0.00300.0049 0.0015

0.0957 0.0430

0.0385 0.0272

Number oftaxons :Number of individuals :


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Taxon Nb DW AFDWAlgae

Caulerpa bikinensis 0.4950 0.2850Caulerpa sertularioides 0.0630 0.0410Caulerpa ta.x((olia 0.1310 0.0840Halimeda discoidea 13.1140 3.0080Halimeda incrassata 68.7700 7.5500Halimeda macroloba 0.2540 o.onoHalimeda opuntia 71.7900 3.6820Udotea glaucescens 0.8820 0.2210

SpongesSponge indet. 2 3 4.9770 0.4182Sponge indet. 3 2 0.1883 0.0770Sponge indet. 4 1 1.4781 0.3127Sponge indet. 5 1 0.5990 0.1339

CnidariansTrachyphyllia geoffroyi 117.0475 5.2972

PlatyhelminthsPlatyhelminth indet 0.0648 00545

NemerteansNemertean indet. 2 01317 0.1066

AnnelidsArabella iricolor 4 0.0228 0.0185Armandia sp. cf. leptocirrus 25 0.0755 0.0589Dasybranchus sp. 1 1.2093 0.8828Euclymene sp. 1 0.0012 0.0005Eunice sp. 2 0.0013 0.0009Eupolymnia sp. 1 0.0011 0.0008Leiochrides australis 6 0.0178 0.0130Linopherus sp. 7 0.0461 0.0420Lumbrineris sp.2 5 0.0009 0.0007Lysilla pacifica 3 0.0239 0.0104Prionospio (Prionospio) lineata 6 0.0238 0.0]64Psammolyce antipoda 1 0.0525 0.0176Syllis (syllis) sp. 3 0.0015 0.0012

SipunculidsSipunculid indet. 1 0.0091 0.0017

MolluscsStrombus fragilis 3 3.5612 0.2275Codakia sp. 5 7.1363 1.2397Ctenodardia victor 1 0.3424 0.0494Lioconcha ornata 1 3.8089 1.2570Modiolus philippinarum 1 0.3770 0.0863

CrustaceansAlpheidae indet. 1 2 0.1937 0.1322Alpheidae indet. 2 16 0.2312 0.1647Callianassidae indet 3 0.0664 0.0441Hexapus sp. 1 0.0112 0.0053Melitidae indet 4 0.0085 0.0065Micippa philira 1 0.8253 0.5109Parribacus sp. 1 0.0594 0.0396Pasiphaeidae indet 2 0.0402 0.0321Penaeidae indet 2 0.0336 0.0248Phymodius sp. 8 0.7288 0.3242Processidae indet. 2 0.1195 0.1027Stomatopod indet. 1 1 0.8412 0.5668Stomatopod indet. 2 10 0.9962 0.7036Thalamita sp. l 1 0.2016 0.1182Typhlocarcinus sp. 3 0.1646 0.0912

EchinodermsOphionereidae indet 0.0969 0.0521


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Soft .Iubsrrate macrobenthos of the GAR lagoon. /"otes er Doc. Océanogr. 1996, 46: 17-46

5. Summary of biomasses pel' station

dry weight Ash free dry weight

Station Plants Animais Total Plants Animais Total

1 0.000 10.052 10.052 0.000 1.080 1.080

2 0.000 5.550 5.550 0.000 1.147 1.147

3 27.836 8.304 36.139 3.089 1.818 4.907

4 0.000 4.920 4.920 0.000 2.295 2.295

5 0.000 20.959 20.943 0.000 1.599 1.584

6 0.064 3.569 3.633 0.008 0.869 0.877

7 0.000 2.647 2.647 0.000 1.462 1.462

8 0.000 4.282 4.282 0.000 1.370 1.370

9 0.000 15.904 15.904 0.000 2.563 2.563

10 0.000 7.631 7.631 0.000 1.981 1.981

11 0.000 24.506 24.506 0.000 9.324 9.324

12 5.493 38.664 44.157 0.494 9.109 9.603

13 0.019 2.608 2.627 0.009 1.163 1.172

14 9.674 7.090 16.764 1.552 1.762 3.314

15 0.823 8.367 9.190 0.205 2.016 2.221

16 6.499 2.464 8.963 1.120 0.876 1.996

17 0.410 1.494 1.904 0.057 0.650 0.707

18 0.000 9.906 9.906 0.000 1.366 1.366

19 2.314 20.670 22.984 0.767 2.679 3.446

20 0.000 1.018 1.018 0.000 0.491 0.491

21 1.256 12.722 13.978 0.160 2.828 2.988

22 0.000 1.631 1.631 0.000 0.706 0.706

23 155.499 146.317 301.816 14.943 13.630 28.573

24 181.678 25.309 206.987 23.313 8.575 31.888

25 0.525 1.308 1.833 0.080 0.377 0.457

Mean 15.684 15.516 31.199 1.832 2.869 4.701SE 9.500 5.888 14.172 1.100 0.697 1.643


6. References

Chard)' P. & J. Clavier, 1988. Biomass and trophic structure ofthe macrobenthos in the south west \agoon of NewCaledonia, Afar. Biol., 99 : \95-202.

Chardy P., C. Chevillon & J. Clavier, 1988, Major communitiesin the south-west lagoon of New Caledonia. Coral Reefs, 7 :69-75.

Clavier J. & C. Garrigue, 1990. Étude qLlantitative dumacrobenthos dans le lagon des îles Chesterfield. Listestaxonomiques, densités et biomasses. Nouméa. OR5TOM.Rapp. Sei. lech., sei mer, biol. mar., 59: 100 pp.

Clavier J., C. Garrigue, G. Bargibant. A Di Matteo, P. Hamel,M. Kulbicki ct R. Urbain., 1992. Etude quantitative dubenthos dans le lagon d'Ouvéa. Liste taxonomique, densitéset biomasses du macrohenthos, ATP, pigmentsphotosynthétiqucs et matière organique dans le sédimentNouméa: ORSTOM Rapp. sci tech., Sci Mer Biol. mar.,64: 72 pp.

Hartley J.P, & B. Dicks, 1987. Macrofauna of subtidal sedimentsusing remote sampling. In : Biological surveys of estuariesand coasts. J.M Baker & W,J. Wolff (cds.), CambridgeUniversity Press, Cambridge. 449 pp.

Morrison R.J. & M.R. Naqasima (eds.), 1992. Fiji's GreatAstrolabe reefand lagoon: a baseline study.: 1-150

Naqasima M.R. & M. Brandy, 1992. Marine Biologypreliminary studies of the Astrolabe lagoon, In : Fiji's GreatAstrolabe reef and lagoon : a baseline stndy. R.J. Morrison& MK Naqasima (eds.). Institute of Natural Resources, TheUniversity of the South Pacific, Environmental StudiesReport, 56

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Composition et diversité de la méiofaune du lagon de « Great AstrolabeReef» (Fij i)

par Guy Boucher et Jonne Kotta

URA CNRS 699, Biologie des Invertébrés Marins, MNHN, 57 rue Cuvier, 75231 Paris



During the joint Fijian-French ASTRO cruise in theGreatv Astrolabe Reef (GAR) lagoon, meiofauna ofsoft bot1om sediments has been investigated at sevenstations. Abundance of the higher level taxa, andtaxa composition and diversity of nematode hasbeen studied. This paper presents methods and rawdata obtained at different level of taxonomie orfunctional aggregation. As a first ecologicalcontribution of the Fijian meiofauna, it will providethe basic knowledge for biogeographicalcomparisons in the South Pacifie.

1. Introduction

La répartition de la méiofaune du Pacifique SWn'est connue que par quelques travaux réalisés enAustralie sur la Grande Barrière de Corail (Alongi,1986; 1989; Tietjen 1990). Aux Iles Fiji cecompartiment faunistique n'a fait l'objet que dequelques prospections taxonomiques fragmentaires(Cobb,1893 ; Kito, 1989 pour les nématodes). Dansle cadre d'une prospection de la diversité écologiquedes nématodes du Pacifique SW (Nouvelle­Calédonie : Boucher, soumis ; Ouvéa : enpréparation) et central (Moorea: Kotta & Boucher,soumis), les récoltes de méiofaune effectuées durantla campagne ASTRO ont été l'occasion d'uneapproche globale de la composition du méiobenthoset de la diversité du groupe dominant desnématodes. L'objectif a été de dételminer lesgroupes zoologiques constitutifs du méiobenthos etla composition en familles, genres et catégoriesmorphofonctionnelles des nématodes collectés dansquelques prélévements du lagon de Dravuni. Cerecensement doit pennettre de préciser lescaractéristiques de la biodiversité à r échelle desgrands océans (Boucher, 1990; Boucher etLambshead, 1995; Kotta & , soumis).

2. Materiel et Méthodes

Sept carottages manuels de la couchesuperficielle du sédiment sur une surtàce de 2.7 cmont été réalisés en plongée dans le lagon de Dravuniaux stations prospectées pour le métabolismebenthique et les expériences de "peepers" parCharpy-Roubaud et Sarazin (Figure 1). Le sédiment

a été centrifugé trois fois au Ludox TM pour isolerles organismes des grains de sable. Le surnageant aensuite été lavé sur des tamis de 250 et 40 llm, puisdilué dans une boite de Motoda afin de réduire lestemps de tri (dilution 1/2 à 1/4). Les différentsgroupes taxonomiques présents ont été comptés à lacuve de Dollfus et leur densité exprimée par 10 cm~~.

dans chaque prélévement. Un échantillon de 100nématodes, représentatif des deux fractionsdimensionnelles obtenues, a été identifié au niveaude la famille, du genre et de la catégoriemorphofonctionnelle (catégories trophiques deWieser, 1953). Les proportions de mâles, femelles etjuveniles ont été établies. Les données ont ététraitées sous une base de données Access 2comportant un dictionnaire des genres, familles etcatégories morphofonctionnelles.







Figure 1: Positions des stations prospectées

Divers indices de diversité, pondérés pour leurrichesse en espèces et leur équitabilité, ont étécalculés: Richesse en espèces de Margalef (1958):SR=(S-I )/Loge(n) ; indice de Fisher et al. (1943) :S= Loge(! +N/) ; indice de Shannon-Wiener H'= ­Pi(log2Pi) ; Equitabilité : E= H'/Log2 S (Pielou,1975). L'équitabilité a aussi été calculée par lemodèle de Ewens-Caswell qui exprime la déviationde la diversité (V) de l'échantillon au modèle neutre

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la barrière d'un tamis de 2mm et retcllllS par untamis de 40 Ilm). Les nématodes constituent legroupe dominant avec 66.4% des organismesrecensés, suivis par les Copépodes Harpacticoides(18%) et les Polychétes interstitiels (5.5%). LesKinorhynches sont curieusement absents. Les Ciliéssont rares comme en Nouvelle-Calédonie.

. V=[H'-E(H')]/Sd(H'), où Sd(H') est la déviationstandart de la diversité et E(H') la diversité préditepar le modèle neutre (Lambshead and Platt, 1988).

3. Résultats et discussion

Densité du méiobenthosLe tableau 2 fournit les abondances des taxadominants du méiobenthos (organismes franchissantTableau 2 : Abondance des taxa du meiobenthos dans les sept prélévements étudiés. Moy.: Moyenne; E.t. :écart-type; H.: intervalle de confiance de la moyenne. Le premier code station correspond à celui utilisé dansles autres contributions de ce volume. Le nouveau code correspond au code station utilisé dans Kotta & Boucher(soumis).Table 2: Density of the different meiobenthic taxa in the seven investigated stations. Moy.: mean; E.t. : standarderror; Int. conf: confidence of the mean. The first code " code station" corresponds to the labeHing of thestations used in other contributions to this volume. The new code corresponds to the labelling used in Kotta &Boucher (in press).

Code station 29 28 26 9 4 13 30 Moy, Kt I.t,

Nouveau Code FIl FI2 FI3 FI4 FIS FI6 FI7


CopepodesNaupliiPolychétesOligochétesArchiannélidesGastrotrichesKinorhynchesTurbellariésTardigradesOstracodesCumacéesAmphipodesCrustacés diversInsectesHalacariensMollusquesProtozoairesDivers




















TOTAL 519 870 664 734 1272 741 1384 2082 456 239

Le tableau 3 fournit la composition des familles deNématodes présents dans les prélévements étudiés.Comme dans tous les sédiments lagonaires, lesDesmodoridae dominent (26.1 %). Ils sont suivis par

les Comesomatidae (11.9%), beaucoup plusabondants qu'en Nouvelle-Calédonie, puis par lesfamilles des Chromadoridae et Xyalidaehabituellement recensées en milieu tropical.

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Table 3 : Dominance par prélévement et dominance générale moyenne des familles de nématodes.Table 3 : Sample dominance and mean general dominance of the nematode families.

Code station 129 29 26 9 4 13 30


1 DESMODORIDAE 61 15 41 13 15 22 16 26.1

2 COMESOMATIDAE 10 7 22 33 Il 11.93 CHROMADORIDAE 2 4 20 18 14 19 Il

4 XYALIDAE 10 9 5 9 10 12 19 10.65 CYATHOLAIMIDAE 6 18 6 18 10 3 8 9.96 ETHMOLAIMIDAE 2 16 2 6 3 9 4 67 LINHOMOEIDAE 4 12 1 1 5 3 2 48 AXONOLAIMIDAE 1 2 5 7 2 2.49 LEPTOLAIMIDAE \ 6 4 3 2 2.310 ANTICOMIDAE \ 3 5 3 1 2 2.1Il SELACHINErvlATIDAE 3 3 3 1 1 1.612 ONCHOLAIMlDAE 3 2 3 1 1 lA13 OXYSTOMINlDAE 1 2 4 \.114 DESMOSCOLECIDAE \ 2 3 115 MONOPOSTHilDAE 4 3 116 APONCHIIDAE 5 1 0.917 SIPHONOLAIMIDAE 2 4 0.918 SPHAEROLAIMIDAE 3 3 0.919 THORACOSTOMOPSIDAE 2 2 1 0.920 CERAMONEMATIDAE 3 0.721 DIPLOPELTIDAE 2 0.722 DRACONEMATIDAE 4 0.623 MONHYSTERIDAE 3 0.624 ENCHELIDIIDAE \ 0.425 IRONlDAE 2 0.326 LEPTOSOMATIDAE 0.327 TARVAIIDAE 0.328 TRIPYLOIDIDAE 1 1 0.3

TOTAL 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Le tableau 4 indique la composition générique desnématodes identifiés dans des échantillons de 100individus. Comme en Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'espèceLaxus cosmopolitus, redécrite récemment par Ou etal. (1995), domine dans l'ensemble desprélévements mais cette dominance est beaucoupplus marquée aux stations FIl et FI3.Le tableau 5 résume les caracréristiques de ladiversité des nématodes à différents niveaux de

regroupement taxonomique et morphofonctionnel. Anoter la dominance des" epistrate feeders " (2A) quisuggèrent une prépondérance de ['utilisation de laproduction primaire benthique par rapport auxapports particulaires de la colonne d'eau, identique àcelle observée en Nouvelle-Calédonie (Boucher,sous presse).

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Tableau 4 : Liste des genres de nématodes et dominance générale moyenne (GMD). Les noms de genre acceptésdans la nomenclature zoologique sont en italiques.Table 4 : Genera list of nematodes and mean general dominance (GMD). Genera !lames accepted in thezoological nomenclature are in italic.GENRE 1FIl FI2 FI3 FI4 FI5 FI6 Fli [GM GMD

La:ms 36 7 24 2 1 1 1 72 10.29

• Marylynnia 5 9 3 17 6,., 7 49 7.00L

Sabatieria 3 2 Il 23 2 41 5.86Paradesrnodora 20 3 13 3 1 40 5.71Nanno/aimus 2 16 2 3 3 7 4 37 5.29Ptycho/aimel/us 1 12 11 10 34 4.86Cobbia 2 5 1 6 2 9 8 33 4.71Prochromadore//a 2 1 12 6 1 9 31 4.43Mo/go/aimus 1 9 4 12 26 3.71Laimella 7 5 10 22 3.14Dorylaimopsis Il 8 19 2.71Paranticoma 1 3 5 3 1 2 15 2.14Metar.yatholaimus 9 1 3 1 14 2.00Terschellingia 5 l 2 3 2 13 1.86Desmodora 1 3 3 2 2 1 12 1.71Euchromadora 2 8 2 12 1.71Elzalia 1 9 JO 1.43Leptonemel/a 2 2 6 10 1.43Metalinhomoeus 4 4 1 9 1.29Promonhystera 5 4 9 1.29Chromaspirina 1 1 1 3 1 8 1.14Daptonema 2 3 3 8 1.14Halalaimus 2 4 1 8 1.14Alaimelia 4 2

.., 1.001

Axonolaimus 5 2 7 1.00Desmosco/ex 2 3


Nudora 4 3..,


Aponchillrn 5 1 6 0.86Astomonema 2 4 6 0.86Lepto/aimus 6 6 0.86Dip/ope/tu/a 2 1 5 0.71Oncholatmellus 2 1 5 0.71Pseudolella 5 5 0.71Sphaerolaimus 3 2 5 0.71Theristus 2 2 5 0.71Didelta 3 1 4 0.57Draconematinae 4 4 0.57Echinodesmodora 1 2 4 0.57Epacanthion 2 2 4 0.57Gomphionema 3 4 0.57Monhystera 3 4 0.57Parodontophora 2 4 0.57Pomponema 3 4 0.57Richtersia 3 1 4 0.57Viscosia 2 1 4 0.57Za/onema 1 3 4 0.57Antomicron 3 3 0.43Halichoano/aimus 2 3 0.43Metadasynemella 3 3 0.43Sty/otheristus 1 3 0.43Cheironchlls 1 2 0.29Choanolaimus 2 2 0.29

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Tableau 4 (suite)GENRE




FI2 1<"13 FI4 FIS Fl6




100 100 100 100 100


1 2222222211111111111111111111

1 1100 700


Le tableau 5 fournit une mesure des paramètres de ladiversité des nématodes en fonction de différentscritères de regroupement taxonomique (espèce,genre, famille), les valeurs des indices de diversité,

la structure démogrphique et la compositiontrophique du peuplement. Le rapport 1B/2A est unindice nutritionnel qui augmente avec la quantité dematière particulaire sédimentée.

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Meiofauna ofsoft bol/om sediments in the GAR lagoon. Notes el Doc. OcémlOgr. 1996, 46: 47 -52 52

Tableau 5 : Diversité du peuplement de nématodes. N= nombre d'espèces, de genres et de familles; SR=richesse en espèces; FCW = indice alpha de Fisher et al. ; H'= indice de Shannon; ]'= équitabilité de Pielou ;v= déviation au modèle neutre de Caswell; lA= mangeurs de dépôts sélectifs; lB: mangeurs de dépôts nonsélectifs; 2A= mangeurs d'épistrates; 2B= carnivores-omnivores. 1B/2A = ration des deux catégories précitées.Table 5 : Diversity of nematode taxa assemblages at different level of agglomeration; SR= species richness;FCW= alpha index of Fisher et al.; H'= Shannon index; 1'= evenness; V= CasweIl statistics; 1A= selectivedeposit-feeders; IB= non selective deposit feeders; 2A= epistrate feeders; 2B= carnivores-omnivores; IBI2A =index of POM matter utilisation.Code station 29 28 26 9 4 13 30

Nouveau code FIl FU FB FI4 FIS FI6 FI7 Moyenne

N espèces 25 32 22 35 35 36 32 31

N genres 24 29 21 33 34 31 32 28.9

N familles 14 14 14 19 16 17 18 16

SR 4.99 6.08 4.34 6.95 7.17 6.51 6.3 6.05

FCW 10.7 16.2 8.7 19.2 19.2 20.2 16.3 15.79

H' 3.39 4.46 3.75 4.65 4.8 4.54 439 4.28

J' 0.73 0.89 0.84 091 0.91 0.79 0.88 0.85

V -318 2.47 0.09 4.83 -0.33 -8.4 -0.26 -0.68

Mâles 36 11 20 25 25 31 25 24.71

Femelles 50 38 47 32 46 48 33 42.00

Juvéniles 14 51 33 43 29 ""l" 42 33.43"-,

/vJ 5.1 0.4 1.2 1.2 1.7 2.8 1.2 1.94

lA 7 33 9 22 23 33 29 22.29

lB 15 15 10 4 24 28 17 13.71

2A 72 47 76 62 47 37 49 48.71

2B 6 5 5 12 6 2 5 5.86

1B/2A 0.21 032 û.13 0.06 0.51 0.76 0.35 0.33

REMERCIEMENTSLes prélévemems étudiés dans ce travail ont été collectés parClaude Charpy-Roubaud et Gérard Sarasin au cours de lacampagne jranco:fJjienne ASTRO réalisée en avril 1994 dans lelagon du Grand Astrolabe. Nous remercions les personnelsORSTOM et de l'Université des Fiji qui ont contribué à larécolte de ce matériel.


Alongi D.M. (1986). Population structure and lrophiccomposition of the free-living lIemalodes inhabitingcarbonate sands of Davies ReeC Great Barrier Reef,Australia. Aust.1. Mar. Freshw.Res .. 3ï • 609-619.

Alongi D.M. (1989). Ecology of tropical soft bottom benthos: areview with emphasis on emerging concepts. Rev. Biol.Trop. 37(1): 85-100.

Boucher G. (1990). Pattern of nematode species diversity intemperatc. and tropical subtidal sediments. P N S Z 1 • Mar.Ecol. Il : 133-146.

Boucher G. (in press). Biodiversity of nematode speciesassemblages in the SW lagoon of New Calcdonia. CoralReels.

Boucher G. and P. 1. D. Lambshead (1995). Ecologica!Biodiversity of marine nematodes in samples fromtemperate, tropical and deep-sea regions. Conserv Biot. 9(6): 1594-1604

Cobb NA (1893). Nematodes, mostly Australian and Fljian.Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 13,252-308

Fisher R.A S.A. Corbett and C.BWilliams, (1943). The relationbctween the number of species and the number ofindividuals in a randorn sample of animal population. 1.AnimaL EcoL 12: 42-58.

Kolta J. Boucher G. (in press). Structure and biodiversity ofnematode community in four lagoons of tropical HighIslands. Bull. Mar Sei.

Kito K. (989). A new mouthless marine nematode from Fiji. J.Natur. HisL 23 : 635-642.

MargalefR. (1958). Information theory in ecology. Gen. Syst. 3.36-71.

Lambshead P.l.D. and H.M. Platt (1988). Analyzing disturbancewith the Ewens/Caswell neutral model : theoretical reviewand practical assessment. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Sel. 43 : 31-41.

Ott 1. M. Bauer-Neblsick and V. Novotny (1995). The genusLaxus Cobh, 1894 (Stilbonematinae : nematoda) :description of two ne.w species with ectosymhioticchemoautolrophic bacteria. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 108(3) :508-527.

Pie/ou Le. (19ï5). Ecological diversity. John Wiley and sonsed., N.Y.• 165 pp.

Tietjen J.H. (1991). tcology of free-living nematodes l'rom thecontinental shelf of the central Great Barrier Reef province.Estual. Coast!. ShelfSci.. 32: 421-438.

Wieser W. (1953). Die Beziehung zwischen Mundhilhlengestalt,Elllâhrungsweise und Vorkommen bei teilebenden marinenNematoden. Ark. Zool. Sel. 2 (4) . 439-484.

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Microphytobenthos ofthe CAR lagoon. Notes et Doc. Océanogr. 1996. 46: 53 -59 53

Microphytobenthic biomass and production of the Great Astrolabe Reeflagoon sediments

by Claude Charpy-Roubaud

ORSTOM, Centre d'Océanologie de r-4arseille, traverse de la Batterie des Lions, f-13007 Marseille, France.


Microphytobenthos biomass (chlorophyll) andproduction (oxygen budget) were studied in theGreat Astrolabe Reef lagoon in April and May 1993.ln this study, the tenu rnicrophytobenthos includescyanobacteria and ail the unicellular algae living inor on sediments. Biomass estimated withchlorophyll was present until 8 cm depth in thesediments. In average, chlorophyll concentration atthe S\vl was 8.3±1.2 mg Chi m-z (upper O.5cm). Netproduction appeared negative or positiveindependentIy of the station depth. Average grossproduction was 0.3 g C m'z day·1 and stronglycorrelated with the station depth. Biomass andproduction were in the range of French Polynesianlagoon data.

1. Introduction

The Great Astrolabe Reef (GAR) is located north­east of Kadavu and south of Viti Levu. It extendsabout 35 km north of the north-eastem coast ofKadavu (18°45' S, 178°30'E). Its general descriptionappears in Morrison & Naqasima (1992). The totalarea of the lagoon is 210 km2 Its average depth is20m.Many studies were carried out onmacrophytobenthos (South, 1992; South &Kasahara, 1992; South & Yen, 1992, Pollard &Kogute, 1993, South, 1993). However, these studiesdealed with taxinomy and none of them concemedmicrophytobenthos productivity.[n shallow coastal ecosystems, benthic primaryproduction (macrophytobenthos +microphytobenthos) plays an important raie incarbon budget. The tcrm microphytobenthosincludes here cyanobacteria and ail the unicellularalgae living in or on inert substratum in aquaticenvironments. As compared to planktonic algae, andto macroscopic « algae» in the common sense, thiscategory has long bee neglected (Charpy-Roubaud& Sournia, 1990).The bulk of production data on microphytobenthoshas been obtained through photosynthetic

measurements. Both the oxygen (e.g. Pomeroy,1955; Pamatrnat, 1968; Soumia, 19763, b,c, Charpy­Roubaud, 1988) and the 14C methods (e.g. Grontved,1960; Steele & Baird, 1968; Marshall et al, 1973;Cadée & Hegeman, 1974, 1977; Colijn et al, 1983)have been and still are employed. Here, we usedoxygen method to estimate the lagoon sedimentprimary production because it is more accurate forthe lagoon sediments (Charpy-Roubaud, 1987).

2. Material and methods

The study was carried out with the research vesselship of the University South Pacific N.a.APHAREUS. Thirteen stations (Figure 1) wereinvestigated in the GAR lagoon for primaryproduction measurements. Ail stations wereprospected by SCUBA; their depth and their visualcharacteristics appear in Table 1. At sorne stations,the bottom structure don't allow to carry out anyexperiment to measure primary production and anycorer because the experimental material used.

Figure 1: Station locations

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Microphylobenlhos ofthe GAR lagoon. Noies el Doc. Océanogr. 1996,46: 53 -59

Table 1: Characteristics of the prospected stations

Date station Z(m) observations20/04/93 1 19 fine sand with cyanobacteria21/04/93 2 29 very fine sand18/04/93 3 Il shells17/04/93 4 39 coarse sand, shells, coral heads24104/93 () 35 coarse sand" Iimestone corals23/04/93 32 34 coarse sand, deep CUITent25/04/93 28 24 shells and Halimeda17/04/93 30 35 very fine sand with bioturbation26/04/93 26 927/04/93


19/04/93 13 36 coarse sand, shells, coral heads28/04/93 29 8 algae

Figure 2: Benthic production measurement device


!J.'ficrophytobentllOs bionlass was estimated bysediment chlorophyli (ChI) concentrationmeasurements following the procedure described byPlante-Cuny (1984) and Charpy-Roubaud (1986).The hand-corer was 2.7 cm inner diameter, t'romwhich 0.5 cm-thick (for the first) and 1 cm-thick (forthe following) slices were removed to 8 cm depth ofsediment when it was possible. Pigments extractionfollowed in 90% aceton. Readings were made beforeand after acidification on a spectrophotometer.Results are expressed as mg ChI g'l de sediment.

To measure phytobentltic production, sedimentswere incubated within clear and dark Plexiglasdomes (Figure 2) during 4 to 6 hours. Stirring tookplace within the dome during the whole incubationto prevent the build-up of O2 gradients. Onehundred and twenty ml of sea-water was taken withserynge at the beginning and at the end ofincubation. Oxygen was detennined in thetTaditional manner using modified Winklerprocedures on sarnples. Reproducibility of resultshad been tested in a previous wo;k (Charpy­Roubaud 1986).Gross oxygen production (GOP) = NOP - ORNOP= Net oxygen productionOR= Oxygen respiration measured in dark domes

The gross O2 production may be converted intogross carbon production (GCP) by the equation of

McCloskey et al (1978) : GCP = (NOPx O.375;<PQ)+- (ORxO.375 x RQ)PQ and RQ = photosynthetic and respiratorycoefficients.

3. Results and discussion

3.1 Biomass

ln 4 stations (3, 32, 31, 29), it was impossible tocore and the sediment were sampled at the surface.In other stations, ChI and Pha decreased with depthin the sediment (Figure 3). This pattern was more orless important aceording to the station. Pigment waspresent until 8 cm depth in the sediment except atstations 27 and 28.ChI concentrations in the upper 0.5 cm variedbetween 0.4 and 5.7 mg gO\ and was in average1.65±0.24 mg g'1 (n=39). This average correspondsto a microphytobenthic biomass of 8.3±1.2 mg Chi

,2 'm (upper a.5cm). Between 0.5 and 5em depth Chiconcentration was in average 0.4 mg g'l (n= 159)(Table 2).Average vertical profiles of Chi appears in Figure 4.The inter-station heterogenity was maximum in theupper sediments.

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1 1 1 1 1


mg ClJlg1






1 1 1


• mg Chi g-l mg ChI g-l mgChlg-l0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4

0 1 1 1_._------ --~


~4.c ~7SE4)-ë..


"0 80

'ë' ...CJ-- 4.cë.. (St 9) (St.30) (St26)~

"0 8 ~------- ------~--

0 1 [ 1l----- L---=0 1 2'ê' mgPhaeg-l

CJ-- 4'fi- _._---------

c.. (St.!3) (St.!3)~

"0 8 ----_ ..__._-_.---- --_.--------,---1 1 1 1 ! i

0 1 2 0 1 2+ mgPhaeg-l mgPhaeg-l

Figure 3: Chlorophyll (Chi) and Phaeophytin (Pha) profiles in the GAR lagoon sediments

Table 2: Chi concentration (mg g -1) in GAR lagoon sediments

St Depth Average SE0-0.5 0.5-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 0.5-5em 0.5-5em

13 36 1.40 0.78 0.90 0.70 0040 0.20 0.60 0.2913 36 1.03 1.20 0.90 0.40 0.17 0.02 0.54 0.501 19 5.70 3.20 1.50 0.87 0.48 0.18 1.25 1.202 29 1.54 2045 0.90 0.40 0.50 0.80 1.01 0.834 40 2.01 1.60 2AO 0.70 0.20 0.17 1.01 0.97

30 40 0.60 OAO 0.70 1.20 0.80 0.17 0.65 0.399 35 0.40 0.70 0.30 0.17 0.20 0.20 0.31 0.22

28 22 0.80 0.40 0.50 o.n 0.30 0.20 0.31 0.1426 9 4.20 0.60 0.17 0.40 0.20 0.00 0.27 0.2327 12 lA5 0.90 0.20 0.40 0.30 0.00 0.36 0.34

31 34 0.70

3 10.8 0.80

32 25 0.9

29 8 0.76

Average 1.65 1.22 0.85 0.54 0.36 0.19 OAOn 39 31 31 31 31 31

SE 0.24 0.17 0.12 0.06 0.04 0.04

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MÎcrophytobenthos ofthe GAR Iagoon. Notes et Doc. Océanogr. 1996, 46: 53 -59 56




mgChlg-12 3



~Phag-I0.0 0.5 1.0

LI -'- IL-.__--'- --.J

1 • 1




Figure 4: Average ± SE of ChI vs sediment depth

Chi concentration in the upper n.5 cm was notcorrelated with station depth (Figure 5) andmaximum of phytobenthos biomass (5.7 mg g -1 )

was observed at 19m depth.6

Figure 6: Average ± SE of Pha vs sediment depth

The perccntage of active chlorophyll appears inFigure 8.

3.2 Production

Results are summarized in Table 4.

Figure 5: ChI (~O.5 cm) vs depth of stations

Pha concentrations in the upper 0.5 cm variedbetween 0.1 et 2.4 mg g -1 and was in averageO.56±O.65 mg g -1 (Table 3). Below, in the 0.5-Scmsediment depth, Pha was 0.37 mg g -1

Average vertical profiles of Pha appears inFigure 6


Gross oxygen production was correlated with thedepth of the station (Figure 7). Using the equatiol1 ofthe linear regression line Gap vs Depth and adaylight period of 10h, we can estimate the averagegross oxygen production at 20m, average depth ofthe lagoon (MacLeod 1992), to 0.7 g Oz m'z day"l.This production is equivalent to 0.3 g C m'z dai f

R-sqU3ted " 0.67Equation:Y"-2.78·X+125

• •


1 1 1 -----r-

10 20 30Depth (m)




É 1N \0


• • •• • 1· •

• •• • ..•1 1 1 ---,-~

10 20 30 40Depth (m)







Figure 7: Gross oxygen production vs stationdepth

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-~9)-- -------- --------

1 1 1 l' l' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

J=~2~ J~~~) J~~M)

J._.--~.- J~-----.-.. ---.---.. J -?-.--.

. ---~ ---- -- ---- ~-----=--:(&30) (&26) (&27)

_._~_._----_._.- ------------ -----


%Otlo 50 100

B 0J1__I--t-11_.1

"-' 4 ----~- -.t~ (SU)

8 ---------

i:Ji :J -(StL)-"0 8 _ _ .__

%OtIo 50 100

%(.lI1o 50 100

(Yo01lo 50 100

Figure 8: Percentage of active chlorophyll versus depth

Table 3: Pha concentration (mg g .1) in GAR lagoon sediments

ISt Depth < Ayêrl:tg~ SE0-0,5 0,5-1 1-2 2·3 3-4 4-5 0,5-5cm 0,5-5cm

13 36 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.30 0.22 0.10 0.36 0.0913 36 0.22 0.56 0.60 0.26 0.15 0.01 0.32 0.101 19 2.35 \.30 0.44 0.60 0.47 0.13 0.59 0.162 29 0.58 1.35 0.45 0.38 0.19 0.74 0.62 0.174 40 0.45 0.14 0.78 0.24 0.15 0.16 0.29 0.1030 40 0.24 0.35 0.42 0.68 0.37 0.19 0.40 0.079 35 0.09 0.62 0.29 0.09 0.19 0.33 0.30 0.0828 22 0.28 0.10 0.62 0.09 0.08 0.18 0.21 0.0926 9 0.45 0.19 0.07 0.08 0.56 0.17 0.21 0.0827 12 0.46 0.24 0.36 0.59 0.47 0.12 0.36 0.07

Average 0.56 0.55 0.46 0.33 0.29 0.21 0.37SE 0.65 0.45 0.20 0.23 0.17 0.20

Table 4: Net oxygen production (NOP), respiratîon (OR) and gross oxygen production (GOP) (mg O 2 m'2

h· l) of sediment community of GAR lagoon

date stat Z NOP OR GOP18/04/93 3 Il 21.45 -77.82 99.320/04/93 1 19 46.36 -62.30 108.721/04/93 2 30 -50.60 -75.36 24.822/04/93 30 40 -13.51 -23.06 9.623/04/93 31 39 38.54 -16.56 55.123/04/93 9 31 -12.05 -19.36 7.324/04/93 30 40 -58.28 -67.07 8.825104/93 28 22 -38.86 -85.14 46.326/04/93 26 8 24.15 -57.80 82.027/04/93 27 12 -10.28 -120.89 110.6

Average±SE -5.3±11.7 -60.5±IO.5 55.2±13.4

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Microphytobenthos ofthe CAR iagoon. Notes et Doc. Océanogr. 1996. 46: 53 -59

Table 5: Chlorophyll c.oncentrations in French Polynesia lagoon surface sediments. z = thick of thesediment layer

Area Depth (m) z(cm) mg Chi m-< ReferencesTakapoto atoll 10-17 3 19-47 Sournia (1976a)Moorea Island 1 3 295 Sournia (1977)Moorea Island 0.5-2 2 7-32 Vaugelas (1980)Tahiti (Vairao) 10-30 2 3.3-10.5 Vaugelas (J 980)Takapoto atoll 5-15 2 15-29 Vaugelas (1980)

20-40 2.3-11.8Tikehau atoll 0.6-40 0.5 10±1.5 Charpy-Roubaud (1988)Takapoto atoll 8-30 0.5 6±1 Charpy-Roubaud & Charpy (1994)GAR lagoon 8-40 0.5 8.3±1.2 This study

Table 6: Primary production of marine soft bottoms in tropical area


Area Method Depth (m) g C m-· clay" ReferencesTakapoto atoll O2 0.5-1 0.9 Sournia (1976a)Moorea Island O2 0.2-0.8 1.13 Sournia (l976b)lv1adagascar

14C 5 0.35 Plante-Cuny (1973)

Florida 14C 15-25 0.23 Buot & Lee (1972)Tikehau atoll O2 25 0.25 Charpy-Roubaud (1988)Takapoto atoll O2 25 0.14 Charpy-Roubaud & Charpy (1994)GAR lagoon O2 20 0.3 This study

3.3 C'omparîson wîth other coral Tee!areas

Microphytobenthos biornass was in the range of datareported for French Polynesia lagoons ('fable 5).Average gross primary production was in the rangeof data published for sorne tropical areas (Table 6)

4. Conclusion

According to the station, net production appearednegative or positive. However, even at 40 rn,sediments had a gross prirnary production. Thisproduction decreased with depth and the averagemicrophytobenthos biornass (8.3± 1.2 mg Chi 01,2)

and gross production (0.3 g C 01-2 dai l

) were closeto the biornass and production observed in Tuamotuatoll lagoons.


1 thank G. Sarazin, N. Maihota, F. Manuelli and theAphareus' tearn for help in the field

5. References

Bunt J.S. & Lee Cc. (1972). An exploratory srudy of benthicprimary production. Perry Foundation (Ed) pp 7-!O.

Cadée G.C., Hegeman J. (1974). Primary' production of thebenthic microflora living on ridai nais in the Dutch WaddenSea. Nerh. J. Sea Res. 8(2-3) 260-291.

Cadée G.c., IIegeman J. (1977). Distribution of primaT)'production of the benthic microflora and accumulation oforganic matter on a tidal flat area, Balgzand, Dutch WaddenSea. Neth. 1. Sea Res. 11(1): 24-41.

Charpy-Roubaud C.J. (1986) Le Microphytobenthos . 1.Biomasse (premiers résultats) in Contribution à l'étude del'atoll de Tikéhau:ll (archipel des Tuamotu, PolynésieFrançaise. ORSTOM-TAHITl, Notes et Doc. Océanogr., 28 :51-81

Charpy-Roubaud CJ (1987) Comparaison et représentativité desméthodes d'étude de la production primaire benthique. inContribution à l'étude de l'atoll de Tikéhau:IV{archipe! desTuamotu, Polynésie Françaisc. ORSTOM-TAmTl, Notes etDoc. Océanogr., 35: 1-52.

Charpy-Roubaud C.J., (I988). Production primaire des fondsmeubles du lagon de Tikehau (Atoll des Tuamotu, PolynésieFrançaise). Oceanol. Acta, II: 241-248.

Charpy-Roubaud C.J. & Charpy L. (1994). Productionsprimaires. Rap Final du PGRN, EVMM, Tahiti, pp 29

Charpy-Roubaud, CJ. & Sournia, A., 1990. The comparativeestimation of phytoplanktonic. microphytobenthic andmacrophytobenthic primaT)' production in the oceans.t..'larine Microbial FODd Webs, 4(1): 31-57.

Colijn F., Gieskes \V.W.c:., Zevenboom W. (1983). Themeasuremem of primary production : conclusions andperspectives, problems and recommendations. Hydrobiol.Bull. 17(1): 29-51.

GronlVed J (1960). On the productivity of microphytobenthos,md phytoplankion in sorne danish fjiords. Medd. Dann.Havunders NS. 3(3J: 55-92.

MacClosket I.R., Wethey O.S., POl1er J.W (1978) Measurementand interpretation of photosynthesis and respiration in Coralreets research methods, edited by D.R. Stoddart and JEJohannes, Unesco. 379-396

MacLeod B. (1992) Hydrodynamics. In Morrison RJ. &Naquasima M.R. (cds): Fiji's Great Astrolabe Reef andLagoon. A baseline study. Environmcntal Studies Report,USP, 56: 17-21.

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Marshall N., Skauen D,M" Lampe H.e., Ovialt C.A. (1973).Primary production of benthic rnicroflora. MonogLOceanogL Methodol. Unesco 3: 37-44.

Morisson RJ. Lavelawa F. Naqasima M.R. (1972) Generaldescript,ion of the Astrolabe lagoon and il~ environs, p 5-17in Fiji's Great Astrolabe Reef and lagoon : a baseline study,Environmental Studies Report, USP, 56: 17-21.

Plante-Cuny M.-R. (1973). Recherches sur la productionprimaire en milieu tropical. 1 : Variatioll de la productionprimaire et des teneurs en pigments photosynthetiques surquelques fonds sableux. Valeurs des résultats obtenus par laméthode du 14C. Cah. ORSTOM, Sér. OcéanogL, 11(3):317-348.

Plante-Cuny M.-R, (1984). Le microphytobenthos et son rôle àl'échelon primaire dans le milieu marin. Oceanis 10: 417­427.

Pamatmat M.M. (1968). Ecology of metabolism of a benthiccommunity on an intertidal mudflat. Int Rev. GesantemHydrobio!. 53: 211-298.

Pollard P.e. & Kogute K. (1993) The role of epiphytic andepibcnthie produetivity in a tropical seagrass Syringodiumisoetifolium (Aochess) Dandy, Community AusU. Mar.,Freshwat, Res. 44 : 141-154

Pomeroy L.R. (1959). Aigai productivity in salt marshes ogGeorgia. Umno!. Oceanogr. 4(4): 386-397.

Sournia A. (1976a). Primary production ofsands in the lagoon ofan atoll and the role of foraminaferan symbionts, Mar. Biol.,37: 29-32.

Sournia A. (1976b). Ecologie et productivité d'une cyanophycéeen milieu corallien : Oscillatoria limosa AgardhPhycologia, 15(3-4): 363-366.

Sournia A. (1976c). Oxygcn metabolism of a fringing rcef inFrench Polynesia. Helgol!lnder wiss. Mecresunters 28(3-4}:401-410.

Sournia A. (1977). Analyse et bilan de la production primairedans les récifs coralliens. Ann. Inst. Oceanogr. Paris, 53(1):47-74.

South G.R., (1992) Contribution to a Catalogue of the MarineAlgae of Fiji 1; Halirneda (Chlorophyceae) MSP Tech. Rept.2: 19 pp

South GR. (1993) Edible seaweds of Fiji: an ethnobotanicalstudy Botanica Marina 36 . 335-349

South G.Ro & Kasahara H. (1992) A peliminary checklist of thebenthic marine algae of the Fiji Islands, South PacifieMicronesia 25 (1) : 41-70

South G.R. & Yen S. (l992) Notes on the benthic marine algaeof Naum, Central Pacifie, Micronesia 25(1}: 41-70

South G.R. & N'Veurt A.D.R., (1994) Cintribution to acatalogue of benthic marine algac of Fiji 2. Caulerpe andCaulerpella (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) Micronesia 27 :

Steele J.H., Baird I.E. (1968). Production ecology of a sandybeach. Limno!. Oceanogr. l30): 14-25.


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Organic matter mineralizatioll in the GAR lagool1. Notes et Doc Océanogr. 46: 60 - 68 60

Sorne main processes of organic matter mineralization and nutrient fluxesat the sediment-water interface in the Great Astrolabe lagoon (Fiji)

by Gérard. Sarazin * and Claude Charpy-Roubaud**

* Laboratoire de Géochimie des Eaux, Université Paris 7. F-75251 Paris cedex 05 France.

** ORSTOM, Centre d'Océanologie de Marseille, traverse de la Batterie des Lions, f-13007 Marseille, France.


The fluxes of dissolved inorganic N, P and Si fromthe sediments were calculated using pore watergradient concentration mea'iured using the peepertechnique at 2 stations in the Great Astrolabe Reeflagoon (Fiji)). The nutrient concentrations of porewater reached maximum values of 130 !lM NH4• 8flM P04 and 90 IlM Si02. Fluxes calculated fromconcentration gradients were from the sediment tothe water column. NH4 , P04 and Si02 fluxes wererespectively in the range 18-64, 0-2, 2-50 !lmol m·l


1. Introduction

1be Great Astrolabe Reef (Fiji) belongs to thel'cmote places in the world which can be consideredas free of anthropic impacts. Then, it can representa « reference » level for environmental studies.Since the small population uses natural resources forsurvival where fishing is the main local food supply,it is necessary to estimate the ability of the lagoon torecycle its natural potentiality which allows thepeople to live here, at the back ofbeyond.One of the keys to solve this problem is theestimation of the primary production which issustained by the nutrient pool ofC, N, P and Si.The inputs of Si and P can be accounted on theweathering of basaltic islands which emerge inmany places inside of the lagoon : 13 islands whichrepresent a total surface of 34 km2 while the lagoonsurface is 210 km2 (16 %). TIle input of drydeposition is the other main source for this verylarge lagoon surrounded by oligotrophic waters ofthe Pacifie Ocean.From these rough observations it can be supposedthat the main limiting factor for prirnary productionis Nitrogen. This is probably the reason why thephytoplankton tS submitted to the dominance ofnitrogen-fixing species (cyanobacterîa).An important compattment involved into therecycling of the organic matter is the sediment andits associated pore water. The aim of thiscontribution is an attempt to quantify the fluxes ofthe nutrients which come from the sediment-water-

interface (SWI). A further step will be the evaluationof the contribution of these fluxes compared to theother lagoonal sources and sinks.

2. Material and methods

The field work has been focused on stations 4 and13 where the depth is 40 and 36 m respectivelyFigure L

Figure 1: Station location

The pore water sampling has been done with« peepers» (Hesselin 1976) embedded inta thesediment during 18 days to insure chem icalequilibration.Conventional analytical methods have been used onthe field or in the laboratory to carry out the analysisof nutrients and major elements.The pH was deterrnined at room temperature (T = 22oC) on submicro-samples (500 Ill) using an Ingoldmicro-electrode and the Hansson's calibrationmethod described by Almgren et al. (1975) with aprecision of ± 0.01 pH unit Gran's potentiometrictitration was used for alkalinity measurements

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Organic matter mineralization in the GAR lagoon Noies el Doc Océanogr. 46: 60 - 68 61

(Stumm and Morgan 1981). The accuracy was ± 0.5%. Standard colorimetrie procedures were used fornutrient analysis (SiOl> NH4 and P04) and totaldissolved sulfide, adapted for submicro samples(Merck Spectroquant methods; sample volume: 0.5or 1 ml, precision ± 4 % ).

3. Results

Concentrations profiles obtained at stations 4 and 13are shown on Figures 2 ta 9. For both stations largeconcentration gradients occur for ail the analyzedspecies.

3.1 Concentration profiles

Data are available only for station 13 but theobserved profiles are these usually observed in suchmarine environments (Charpy et al. 1996).Both pH and alkalinity show a sharp variation at theSWI:- pH decreases from 8.40 in the water column, justabove the interface to 8.00 at 2.5 cm below it.- Alkalinity, on the reverse, exhibits increasingvalues from 2.25 to 2.40 mM within the same depthinterval.These opposite variations show that active organicmatter mineralization occurs in the sediment. Withinthe first centimeter below the interface we canreasonably suppose that oxidation of organic matteris carried out by using dissolved oxygen. Since thisreaction increases the total DIC ( LCO l = [HlCO)] +

[HC03-] + [CO/l ) without any significant variationof the alkalinity, we can inter that the observedincrease of alkalinity is due to the dissolution of thesediment i.e. CaCO) (probably under the aragoniteform, which is the main component of coral sand).Therefore, within the 0 to 2 cm layer below the SWIthe main OM mineralization processes can berepresented by the IWo reactions :

(CHzO),(NHJy(H)P04 ), + x02 --t

x COl + y NH) +z HJ'04 +x H20

dissolution of calcium carbonate which leads to anincrease of the alkalînity by the amount of:

Within the 2cm upper layer the alkalinity increase iswithin the range 30 to 70 JlM. then the variation ofthe dissolved calcium concentration is only withinthe range 15 to 35 llM and this smail variation is notrecorded on the calcium profile.As pH and alkalinity keep changing below theoxygenated layer of the sediment, this show that themineralization of the organic matter is still going onbut the terminal electron acceptor cannot be theoxygen in account of the anoxie envirorunent.Usually, in marine coastal environments, the sulfateion SO/ replaces oxygen and is reduced into S(-II)

by the sulfate-reducing bactcrial strains. This leadsto a sharp increase in dissolved sulfide concentrationinto the pore water.At both stations no dissolved l:H2S (with LI-I 2S C7

[H2S1 + [HS-] ) occurs into the pore water. Apossible explanation can be found in the fact thatlots of detriai iron-rich partic1es are bring into thesediment by the basalt weathering which is a quitedifferent situation as it is observed in other atollswhere the iron is only a trace element.If Fe(III) and SO/ are both oxidants with respect toorganic matter, then soluble Fe(I1) and solublesulfide S(-Il) are released into the pore watermedium. Subsequently, Fe(lI) reacts very quickly onsulfide and leads to FeS precipitation. This reactiorlpathway is able to explain why neither Fe

2+ nor

l:H2S can be detected into the pore water.

The sum of the three reactions can be written asfollow:

~(CJ-IOI· (NJ-I]l (H)PO,l_ +*50; +:'11 Fe(OH), +xW8 ),.y '2 2

9x 9 9 _ 19 ._~ --CO +--.:Y Nil) + ~ H-PO, + Of FeS + --- fi,e)

8 ) 8 8' 2 8-

and the ratio

From which we can deduce :

l~'LCq = 1 and .~ = ~-=~AO li.o~. X/.!Jo 2 C

A'LC02 xthen: --- c-:: --.-

Mlk y-zAs the stoichiometric coefficients are always as : y>z and x » (y-z) we can infer that Al:C02 > AAlkand the pH must decrease, as it can be observed.However, this pH variation must be buffered by the


9(y - z) + x8.__ (l)



LŒCO,~ ~ 2.4 (2)L


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since the ratio (1) is always close to 2 in account ofthe usual values accepted for x, y and z (with y-z «

tŒCOx) we can deduce that the ratio 2 is always

ôAlkgreater than 1. Hence the total Die increases fasterthan the alkalinity and the pH keeps decreasing. Thistrend is weil observed for the peeper C at station 13(Figure 4). Unfortunately, NH4 and Si02 have 110tbeen measured on peeper C. Only the P04 increasecan yield about the mineralization processes.Nutrients profiles observed at station 4 (40 m depth)show very sharp concentration gradients at the SWIin account of the same processes observed at station13. A striking fact is an increase of theconcentrations up to 7 to 10 cm below the SWI forNH4 and Si02 while, for P04, the concentrationincreases between the SWI and 15 cm below il. The




'ê 0'4:





same pattern is observed for this nutrient at station13 (Figure 7).These observations suggest that a sediment layerlocated between 7 and JO cm below the SWI acts asa nutrients source allowing diffusion to processeither upward or downward this layer. Since the N:Pmolar ratio is close to 30 within this layer, theorganic matter which undergoes the mineralizationis probably not constituted of phytoplankton alone.This ratio represents more likely the degradation ofdead meiofauna. The decrease observed downwardis probably due to several synergetic processes suchas bacterial uptake and chemisorption ootocarbonate crystals surfaces.

o......00 N V 10

(w:» 4ldaaFigure 2: Porosity profile at station 13

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00 0v 0 • •cci •v 0 • i'




~ ct m-M :t J~

fi~ • 0

8 f­cci

o• • •


<D N O? "t 0 N~ '7 ~,

(w:» lfldaaCD

Êcci ;:'en' CD



0 * • • • •B

v * • • • ,M

a:i • • .... U,c ..0 8.;:l

&5 &:r:: 0

NQ. cO

•8 * •• • •cO • • • •• • •• • • • • • • ••

•0 1 1cor--:N O? 0 v co N CD 0 v~ ..- ..- N N,

(w:» 4ldaaFigure 3: pH profiles at station 13

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~ .,.--------------------------------------------,


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~IN CDMIl •« m.c ... ...0- ~ & 0~ i ~@ 1- M.... • (>C0

1- •:E LO

~....-:! <)

z •0.... 0



A A ... "'" ..... ..... .L

V V '" 0:>'" '" v 0<0 N "'t N.... .... 1 ...., ,(w:» 4ldaa

Figure 5: NH4 profiles at station 13

•0 ;=, ÔN • ....... f/), ~

• l E

8"If 0Z "If0 Il• r= .c• ~ 0-f/) 8


-:lE::l.-:t 2 • • • •Z

• • • • •• •• • • • • • • •• • • • •

0N •1

• •0 •

"? 0 LO 0 LO 0 LO 0.... .... N N C")

(w:» 4ldaaFigure 6: NH4 profiles at station 4

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1« m

1J 0C"')....6 • <)

v ~ • ••-:!:::J.- (")





0 1<) <) • e ~ e ~

0CD N or "f 0 N..-


(w:» lIldaa



• •••


•• • •••••

... ..... ..•




• • ••• ••••••oN




(w:» 4ldaaFigure 7: P04 profiles at station 13

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Ê ;:.U)


~ C-MIl <C en <>~

.. ..8- 8-B 3: $

M a. a.- • 0c~

0 •;l

~~:::L-S a 0êi) N

() •a..- •

a '" ~

If) a L() a 0..- "7 1 ~,

(w:» tndaoFigure 8: SiOl profiles at station 13

0 ,~ ;:, fi

en ..8-

• ! E• • o:t 00 • Z o:tco • • a Il•• •


• ••• 8• • •

g •- •:i: • • •:::L • • •-N •0 • •êi) • •~ ••


(w:» 4ldaoFigure 9: SiOz profiles at station 4


. '••••

o o...... L()..- 1.0



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3.2 Nutrientsfluxes at the sediment-waterinterface

Fluxes of nutrients have been calculated after theestimation of the concentration gradient at the SWIfor NH4, P04 and dissolved Si02•

The concentration gradient is related ta thediffusionnal flux thraugh the first Fick's law :

F = - lIJ·Ds·gradC where:<1> is the sediment porosity at the SWI : <1> = 0.46Ds is the in situ diffusion coefficient is ca\culatedfrom the molecular diffusion coefficient correctedfrom the tortuosity coefficient and from the seawater viscosity :

<DOs = - . DO where k is the ratio of the viscositvk .of sea water ta fTesh water (k = 1.OS) and DO themolecular diffusion coefficient.

grade = liml~1 where z is the spacei àz z->o

coordinate positively oriented downward. Thus anegative flux means that the species diffusesupward, from the sediment to the water column.

The results are summarized in the Table 1.

Table 1: Nutrient fluxes at the WSI

STATION PEEPER FLUX (p.mol m·' d-1)

NH4 P04 Si01

4 D -64.2 -1.9 -50.313 A -IS -0.51 -2.4« B -21 -0.13 -1.6« C - -0.98 -

As generally observed the calculated fluxes varygreatly from one station ta anather. This can beaccounted on particular sedimentation conditionswhich include bottom currents, local inputs from theshore and sa on.. Since the water column is highlydepleted in metabalizable nitrogen (NO)', NH/) theSWI appears ta be able to satisfy a part of therequirements in this element for the benthiccommunities. High flux of silica together withnitrogen at station 4 can pravide a correct nutritionalenvironment ta sustain the production of benthicdiatoms, while directly metabolizable N under theNH4+ fonn can be used to develop cyanobacteriamats.Sorne meteorological conditions (high wind speed orstonn) can disturb the superficial sediment, enhancethe dispersion flux at the SWI and bring into thewater column an unusual amount of nutrientsIf such fluxes can be developed in many parts of thelagoon they could be partly at the origin of randomalgal bloom which have been reported in the pastand for which no clear explanation was found (D.R.Green).

4. References

Almgren T, Dyrssen D, Strandberg M (1975) Determination ofpH on the moles per kg seawaler scale (Mw). Deep Sea Res22: 635-646

Charpy-Roubaud C, Charpy L, Sarazîn G (1996) Diffusionalnutrient fluxes al the sediment-water interface and organicmatter mineralization in an atoll lagoon (Tikehau, TuamotuArchipelago, French Polynesia). Mar Eco!. Progr. sel. 132(1-3 )

Hesslein RH (1976) An in situ sampler for close interval porewater studies. Limnol Oceanogr 21. 912-924

Stumm W, Morgan JJ (1981) Aquatic Chemistry. Wiley­Imerscience, New York

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Report of picophytoplankton study during the astro cruise In the GreatAstrolabe Reef (18°45'S-178°30'E) Fiji.

by Jean Blanchot

Orstom BP A5 Noumea New Caledonia(FLUPAC group)


Prochlorococcus were studied with a flowcytometer, in the lagoon of the Great Astrolabe Reef(Fiji) the distribution of pico- phytoplankton withinthe water column was mostly homogeneous. TheProchlorococcus (Proc.) and Synechococcus (Syn.)were the most abundant groups and thepicoeukaryotes (Peuk.) were an order of magnitudeless abundant. The Synechococcus dominated theintegrated : cell number, in vivo fluorescence andcarbon biomass. In the surrounding ocean, thephytoplank1:on distribution was heterogeneous. Proc.and Peuk. had a subsurface maximum near thenitracline; Syn. was only abundant in surtàce layersand decreased drastically downward. No groupc1early dominated. Prochlorococcus dominated inintegrated cell numbers, whereas Synechococcus inintegrated fluorescence, and picoeukaryotes inintegrated carbon biomass. By comparing thepresent results with the results reported fromoffshore oligotrophic oceans and from a c10sed atoll,we conclude that active exchanges occur betweenthe lagoon and the sUlTounding ocean.

allowed us to count the dimly fluorescentProchlororoccus, which are too dim to be observedwith an epifluorescent microscope.

2. Material and methods

Observations were made during the ASTROcroise, aboard RN "L'ALIS", 16 April - 1 May1994, in the lagoon of the Great Astrolabe Reef(lsc45'S-178°30'E) FIJI and in the sUIToundingocean (Fig. 1). The croise was organised by theORSTOM-groups [TOm Papeete (FrenchPolynesia), and [TOm Noumea (New Caledonia),in collaboration with the USP Suva. This workwas supported in part by the French Embassy inSuva.

2.1 Sampling

Water samples from discrete depths werecollected with 1.7 1 Niskin bottles (GeneralOceanic) attached to a wire. In the lagoon theselected stations were the same as the benthicstations, selected in respect of the depth and ofthe substratum.



---·---·~·_-~------·l1" 178"30'E

1 U"oomet=-.vgc ~~ tOC 1l ,._:Z51 • '-";2! ,: '" \_.:i '/,o 4 .~~ VanuaIwI,11 .,',

~ 18'45'S :.' \:!J;' :-.1

Herdd~,' :;: [bvl:n!l

1 r~fP(' ,:, ':: .. \ 7-t.: ~-: 10'~: "i '.: .'

lJ '\ :/I~' "'" "Ai . .',: .-,YlIlJkUvoewr,

acn(YJX=l8")?:.' ' ,~, : • -'. 13 "~\ 11,.. :' 12 \ \

l Q :.- .. 15 '-.:18'5O'S D,--"';' ,,!llJI!~I;':

Il' :18 :":~ • '-. "':/~.-.-~.\ ' :

1L _

Figure 1: Station locations in GAR lagoon (OC= oceanic station

The standard depths are shown in the depthprofiles at the selected stations: lOin the lagoon

The plankton includes ail heterotrophic bacteria,plants and animais that are pa'lsively drifting alongwith water movements. In the subtropical andoligotrophic Pacifie ocean, the main components ofplankton in numerical abundance and carbonbiomass are the heterotrophic-bacteria and thepicophytoplankton «2Ilm), (Campbell and Vaulot,1993; Campbell et al., 1994). In order to estimatethe fertility and the biomass of the Great AstrolabeReef Lagoon water column. We decided to study thefollowing main components. The heterotrophicbacteria are reviewed in chapter X and the results ofthe picophytoplankton are reported in this paper.The organisms of picophytoplankton are composedof: 1) the prokaryotes or phytobacteria and 2) theeukaryotes. The phytobacteria are dominated by twogenera Prochlorococcus ("=' O.6Ilm)andSynechococcus ($lllm). The prokaryotes are mainlymicro-flagellates. We studied the picoplankton byusing an on board flow cytomeler (fCM) which

1. Introduction

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and one in the surrounding ocean near D'UrvilleChannel. ln the lagoon samples were collectedfrom the surface to the bottom (20m to 40m)and in the ocean from the surface to 200m.

2.2 Flow-cytometry

Samples for flow cytometer analysis were run atsea as reported by (Blanchot and Rodier, inpress). Briefly, 0.1 ml was analysed. FCM dataacquisition was perfonned in vivo without delayafter sampling. A FACScan flow cytometer(Becton-Dickinson), equipped with argon laser(power = 15mW, at 488 nm) was installed in adimly lit and temperature controlled laboratory.Sea-water filtered through GF/F filters was usedas sheath fluid. For each ceIl, five signaIs were

recorded on 4-decade logarithmic scales: Iwolight scatters: and three fluorescence. Thescatters are respectively: the size side scatter(SSC, link to cell absorbency), and the forwardlight scatter (FLS, link to cell size). Thephotomultipliers were set up to quantify : thered fluorescence (RF) from ChI (wavelength >650 nm), the orange fluorescence (OF) fromphycoerythrin PE (564-606 nm), and the greenfluorescence (GF) from phycourobilin PUB(515-545 nm), following (Wood et al., 1985;OIson et al., 1988). Cellular fluorescence wasalways expressed relatively to the fluorescenceof the beads (in arbitrary units, AU), by dividingthe mean cell fluorescence by the mean beadfluorescence.

:.f'.BED~ 2UM'


.ç.... . ":,' './'BEÂD5 2UM

' .. PEUK..·.. '

. .,':,,~:'..

... .X


"j , r •.~,_.

~. "'!t'

PEUK~ ::;~'.~.>~';':.. ;" .'":.", ...

SVti' ..'Il.

Figure 2: FACScan cytograms of Greeat Astrolabe Reef lagoon water.. St-4 fluorescence orange FL2(phycoerythrin), FL3= red fluorescence (Chlorophyll a and b); SSC = side size scatter; Pro~•.=

Prochlorococcus; Syu.....= Synechoeoccus; Peuk. = picoeucaryotes, Beads 21lm;

Cell groups (Prochlorococcus, Synechococcusand picoeukaryotes) \Vere deterrnined, usingtheir optical properties; Figure 2.Prochlorophytes, referred to as Prochlorococcusrnarinus, were easily discriminated from thepicoeukaryotes by their much smaller redfluorescence and scatter. Synechococcus spp.,have intennediate RF and SSC signaIs betweenthose of Prochlorococcus and picoeukaryotesand were distinguishcd ch;:arly by theil' OF.Picoeukaryotes always have the largest RF andSSc. ln order to estimate numerical abundance.we used the histograms provided by theFACScan analysis system (number versus l'cdfluorescence intensity; Lysis Il software). At ailstations, the Prochloroc:occus populations weresufficiently bright to be complete!y resolved bythe FACScan system.

2.3 Enumeration ofcells byepij1uorescent microscopy

FCM, trouble the last day constrained us to useepifluorescent microscopy to count cells for thecycle experiment. Only Syn. and Peuk. wereenumerated. A time series of cast was perfom1ed atStation 5, 1Dm in order to study short-ternIvariability of cel! abundancc. One depth wassampled at 1h interval during 21 h time series.Sample for cells caunts were performed following(Blanchot et al., 1992). Briefly, cells were harvestedby filtration on to black Nuclepore filter 0.2 /lm(Ref. 110656). The coefficient of variation variedfrom for 200-800 cells counted on 20-80 fields was12%.

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2.4 Carbon biomass estimates-

The conversion factors used for carbonestimates were computed by Blanchot andRadier (in press). We used respectively: 61 fgCIProchlorococcus, 104 fgCI Synechococcus and31 10 fgCI picoeukaryotes.

2.5 Nutrients and chlorophylldetermination

NO) + N02 analyses were performed ~ith adelav of few hours on the field station ofDra~ni. as described by (X?) chapteL In thispaper, for convenience, NO) + N02+ NH4 willbe referred to as Nitrogen nutrients (Nn)'Samples for chlorophyll a (Chi a) wereharvested bv filtration onto Whatman GFIFfilters. ChI ~ was determined tluorometricallyon a methanol (95%) extract usÎng a Turner

model 112 tluorometer calibrated wÎthcommercial pure Chi a (Sigma). Details of thetluorometric method and size fractionation' saregiven in Charpy.(l996).

3. ResuUs and discussion

3.1 Environmental setting

Our study occurred during a June 1994. In thelagoon, the sum of nitrogen nutrients(Nn=N03+N02+NH4) was always (~ O.l~lm),

but the nitrate concentration varied from POOf

stations (10, 2) to rich stations (7, 18), Figure 3.At the externat station, Nn was always (~

O.lllm). But the surface layers were nitratedepleted and the nirtracline occurred between50 and 60m, Figure 4.







Figure 3: : Mean concentration off Nitrogen nutrients in the lagoon


a aN

a a aID prof8ndeuF'{m)

Figure 4: Vertical profiles of Nitrate at the St-Ext




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-_:SI-21 1




r- pfOe/mil1 1

I.syr\lml i1 . peuk/m!l __~~'


!1_______ ..J

----- ---_._------,19 April i

I__:::~' [1

Ë; 1

~ '. syntml 1

~ i.. peuklml i~-~ I l




deplh (m)

depth (ml

depth (m)

•~1 ~

·t~------...,,>---~+_-~.J §

ln ~ ~ g ~ ~'1o

°o~ r

i ii i·---'1 1 _I--~------


l" procJrrii.synlm il' pellwmli




1 .. P"'JI</m!L. .J


l' procJmI :

1. syn/ml 1

l, peukl:~j

depth (ml

depth (m)



::': ':!o


~ f-------.---1 ~1 .. · t ~

i ~ t : - . - +~j~o ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

deplh (m)

depth (m)








,~-.-~'-- --~----~~--_ .. _-----~~_._-_._.~-







1 ]1~ 1. procJmI! 1 ~;: ,•. $Yrv."~ I! ~Cl. Lpeu~ 1 !!

-.-- 1 Cl.


!---------------~~~-------j-~ ------------_.~-_.-----20 April 1


11---------- -----------


~ ,-------T ~li'e- :: :[:1Il 0 ~I I~O1 0 ~~~~~~~ 0 ~ ~ g ~

i deplh (ml depth (m) ._~ ~ir-- ------ --------------~-----------'1[':===----=-=--===--=-----

1 ! : L-~--a--:--~1: 1i.~=1 Il !: r~-'l: L~· 1 ~ !§ Cl. i,peuklml!1 [0 L ••~ g ~ ! o~S1~

fPfoëirri:i i1 !!1. syn/ni : i1 peul</mll____ ~ J !

Figure 5: Depth profiles of Proc. (.), Syn. (_) and Peuk. (V) abundance at the lagoonal stations, and atthe St-Ext.

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3.2 Cell abundance distribution

[n the lagoon, the phytoplankton distribution wasroughly homogeneous in the water column. Thedepth profile of ceIls are shown Figure 5. [n the[agoon the Syn. are the most abundant groupwhatever the station. The Proc. were less abundantbut had the same arder of magnitude as the Syn. ThePicoeukaryotes were an order of magnitude lessabundant. The mean abundance of cells (station 21excluded), from the surface to 30m are respectively(4.[ ±3.210

4,8.S±S.S 104,2.2± 1.3103 cellsmr l


n'c' Il). The great sd are essentially due ta the largeabundance of ceIls at St21. At this station themaximum abundances occurred and were

< < 3 Il l' Jrespectively I.Slx[0',2.0xlO',6.2xlO ce sm .The stations belong to three sub-categories therelative pOOl' and rich lagoonal stations and theintermediate stations. The lagoonal stations arecharacterized by homogeneous depth-profiles. Theintermediate stations are characterized byheterogeneous depth-profiles. The relatively pOOl'lagoonal stations. had in average a celI number Proc.and Syn. «10

5ml''), the mcan Peuk. ccII number is

«3103 mrl), St (2, 4, 7, 10). The relative lagoonal

rich stations had in average a cell number of Proc. orof Syn. (>10

5ml') and ), the mean Peuk. ccli

number is (>3103mr ' ), St (II, 15,21). Theintermediate stations, had a two layers., with ccIInumber in surface layers less abundant than insubsurface layers St (13, 18). The maximumabundances occurred at station 21 and were

. )5respectlvely for Proe. Syn. and Peuk. 1.51 x 1( ,2.0x 10

5, 6.2 xl 0

3ceIls mr l

• Therefore the lagoonalcommunity is dominated by Syn. But the lagoonalabundances of cells reported here shown anorth/south or a relative poor/rich gradient. [n thesouth, near Ono Island the abundances could thriveto an order of magnitude more that the mean cel!number of ail the other stations.In the surrounding ocean, the phytoplanktondistribution was heterogeneous. The depth-profilesof cells are shown Figure 5. The Proch/orococcusare the most abundant group, the Synechococcus areless abundant but had the same order of magnitudeand the Picoeukaryotes were an order of magnitudeless abundant. The Proc. and the Peuk. had asubsurface maximum near the nitracline. The Syn.were abundant in surface layers and decreaseddrastically downward. Maximum abundances (cell~

011'1) were 7.7104

Proc., 6.7xlü4 Syn. and 3.lxlO'Peuk. The typical Proc. dominance in numericalabundance was observed in Pacific subtropicalocean regions (Campbell and Vau lot, 1993;Campbell et al., 1994; Blanchot and Radier, inpress) This dominance is particularly important innitrate-depleted layers and in the con vergence areas(Blanchot and Rodier, in press). In the upper layers

of offshore tropical Pacific Ocean waters,Synechococcus constitute on[y a small percentage ofintegrated values (Blanchot and Rodier, in press).As reported in the environmental setting thesurrounding ocean is not Nn depleted, therefore thethree components are weil represented in the weililluminated layers.

3.3 ln vivo cellularfluorescence

3.3.1 Increase of in vivo fluorescence per ccIIThe increases of fluorescence with depth arepresented Figure 6. In the lagoon the increase offluorescence values normalised to surface values forthe three groups, was roughly the same and remainweak «2) at 30m. [n the surrounding ocean, theincreases with depth vary with groups the deepProc; were 11 times more fluorescent as the surfaceone, the deep Syn; were 4 times more and the deepPeuk. 6 times more. These increases occurred underthe mixed layers in the nitrate rich layers. In themixed layers from the surface to 60m, the increase isweak «2). The increase of fluorescence with depthof Prochlorococcus (normalised to surfacefluorescence) was more important than the increaseof fluorescence of the other groups. For the increaseof fluorescence to be at a maximum, then the barriel'laver need to he weil developed. In theh~mogeneous weil mixed layers [Tom the surface tothe bottom in the lagoon and in the upper layers(l'rom the surface to 60m) ,the increase offluorescence (nonnalised to surface values) remainweak «2). In the extemal stations outside the barrierreeC the increase of fluorescence below thenitracline is high. This is particularly tlUe for theProc. and is likely due to 2 main l'casons. The firstone is the ability of Prochlorococcus tophotoaclimate to low light intensities as reported byOison et al. (1990c), with high increase of divinylchlorophyll a and b pel' cel! (Goericke and Repeta1993, Moore et al., 1995, Partensky et al.; in press).The second one, occurred only at the oceanicstations below 6001, the presence of different geneticstrains in the field, with dimly fluorescent strains inupper weil lit layers and brightly fluorescent strainsin the poorly iIIuminated layers as suggested byFigure 6 (St-Ext., 60m AST07&) and proved byDNA analysis near Hawaii (Campbell and Vaulot1993).

3.3.2 Group fluorescenceln the lagoon the Fluorescence of Syn. and Proc.were large, the twa groups reaching a maximum at30m. In the surrounding ocean, the 3 groups werehighly fluorescent. The Syn. were the larger groupFrom the surface to 40 m then decreased drasticallydownward. Proc. and Peuk. were present throughoutthe whole water column. their maximum extendedfrom to 80-90m (Fig. 7).

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biomass for the Proc., Syn., and the Peuk. arerespectively 10%, 61 %, 29%.At the oceanic station, the dominant group are thePeuk. The maximum carbon biomass occurred al thenitracline (60m), where the Peuk. reached theirmaximum. The Syn. disappeared below 60m. Therespective contributions of the Pme, Syn., and thePeuk. 29%,22% and 43% (Fig. 8).

3.5 /I1tegrated values ofcellularabundance, cellular in vivo fluorescel1ceand Carbon biomass

3.6 Short term variability ofcel!abundance

The polynomial curved (x3) fitted al the best the

variations of abundance are presented Figure 10.

There was a significant correlation between thetendency curves and the data (p<O.OOl, for Syn.)and (P<O.Ol, for Pellk.). The minimum of ccIIabundance occlIrred at noon for the Syn. and admidnight for the Peuk. Inversely the maximumabundance of Syn. occurred ad midnight ant themaximum of Peuk. at noon. This preliminary resultssuggest that the ccli cycle of Syn. and Peuk. areinverse (Fig. 9). The division of Syn. occurrcd afterthe sunset and are completed at midnight. Inverselythe division of Peuk. occurred after the sunrise andis completed at noon. The division of Syn. agree

To summarise our results we present Table-l, theintegrated values percentages of cell abundance, invivo f1uorescence and carbon biomass. In the Jagoon,the Syn. dominated ail the integrated values: cellnumber, in vivo tluorescence and carbon biomass. Inthe surrounding Ocean no group clearly dominatedthe integrated values. The Proc. dominated 111

integrated cell numbers. The Syn. dominated JI)

integrated fluorescence. The Peuk. dominated inintegrated carbon biomass.ln the closed atoll of Takapoto Syn. was onlyslightly higher than Peuk.(Table 2) but in the twolagoons the dominance of Syn. is clearly acharacteristic of inner waters. The percentage ofProc. at Takapoto lagoon was the half of the onefrom Fiji, and is a likely a consequence of the lowexchange between the surrounding ocean and thelagoon. It could be also due to an apparentincompatibility to have great abundance of Pme. andSyn. in the same \Vater for unknown reason(Blanchot and Radier, in press; Partensky et al., inpress). Sa, to our knowledge the station 21 isatypical with 1.5 105 ProC. mr

land 2.010

5Syn. rn!"

In the surrounding ocean the dominance of ProC.was much higher around Takapoto than aroundGreat Astrolabe Reef. This is the consequence of thenon depleted waters in Fiji and also the exchange ofwater between lagoon and ocean.

i. inc"yn:il3 1

i _ 1



deplh (ml


depth (ml

depth (ml

deplh jm)

Figure 6: IDcrease in mean cellular red­fluorescence for Prochlorococcus ( • ),Synechococcus (.), and Picoeukaryotes (V) as afunction of % surface irradiance. Fluorescencevalues are normalized to surface values asdefined by 100% irradiance. arbitrary units(AU).

3.4 Carbol1 biomass ofphytoplanktol1estimated by conversiol1 factor

At the typical station (St-4, 17 April), the Syn. arethe dominant group throughout the whole watercolumn. The respective perœntage of integrated

r---- -----".----.-..i[







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Picophyloplanklon in Ihe GAR lagoon. Noies el Doc Océanogr. 46. 69· 77 75

with the observed division of Proc. at OO-1500 W(Vaulot et al., 1995). To my knowledge little is

know 0 the division of Peuk. in the tropical areas.


28 ± 6%.41±9%

Figure 7: Total red-fluorescence in arbitrary units (AU) for Prochlorococcus (pro.), Synechococcus (Syn.)and picoeukaryotes (Picoeuk.), overlaid by ChI a concentration. The red fluorescences of each population

are calculated from mcan cellular fluorescences weighted by cell concentrations. Same stations as forFig.3.

Table 1 INTEG RATED VALUES in the lagoon (10 stations) and at the external stationsIfram surface /0 bol/am LAGOONintegrated percentages Prochlorococcus Synechococcuscell abundance 32 1. Il %, 66 ± Il %fluorescence in vivo 3 ± 2% 69 ± 6%Integrated Carbon biomass 13±4% 46± Il %

[fram surface /0 200m ----O-C-E-A-N-------------,

cell abundance 69% 29%fluorescence in vivo 22% 46%Integrated Carbon biomass 27% 19%


Table 2 INTEGRATED VALUES in the lagoon of TAKAPOTO (145°20' W, 14°30'S), 9 stations) and atthe externaI stations

l.!ram surface /0 bol/amintegrated percentagescell abundancefluorescence in vivoIntegrated Carbon biomass

[fram surface /0 200mcell abundancefluorescence in vivoIntegrated Carbon biomass

Prochlorococcus17±8%2±1%7± 1%








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depth (m)'"



0 0 0 0 &; 8 0 0 0 8 1N ... tD .,

~ ;! ~ N

Jdepth (ml






1'---,r~ 1ûi




Figure 8: Carbon biomass (}lgC 1-1) for Proc., Syn. and Peuk., The carbon biomasses are calculated fromcell concentrations and conversion factors (see text).

cycle of Syn.


• !

!,18 h 24h

lnterval of sampllng 1h

---,_1,..--.- ----; ~ -;, [



Y· ..o,OOO6r • O,019b' - O,1SSx • 1,463R' • O,67J2

c'ë '.5

:~;; 1

O.~ L _11

yaO,00161(.) ·O,0$&4l(I.O,53Jx·',1821


1.501.00 i,-_+-__12h ~_1_8h ~_


::: j1

.5 J.œi 2.50 1 •

j 200 l

1___________________--JL.. _

Figure 9: Short term variability of Syn. and Peuk. abundance St-S, tOm 27 April.

4. Conclusion

The community structures of the lagoon and of thesurrounding ocean are different. In lagoonalenvironmcnts the community is largely dominatedby the Synechococcus (66% of cell abundance and46% of Carbon biomass) and in the surroundingocean there is no c1ear dominance of a group overthe other.In offshore ocean, in a very oligotrophic zone, theProc. dominance is huge (96% of cell abundanceand 78% of Carbon biomass ; 14°S-165°E).(Blanchot et Rodier in press). Contrary to the c10sedatoll of Takapoto (14°30S-145°20' W), the

dominance of Syn. is large (78% of cell abundanceand 53% of Carbon biomass); (Charpy andBlanchot, 1996). As our results are intermediatebetween those reported from offshore oligotrophicocean, and as the lagoon of the Great Astrolabe Reefis open by several deep passages (Figure 1), weconclude that active cxchanges occur between thelagoon and the surrounding ocean.


This work was carried oui in Fiji as pari of Iheinlernalional cooperalion belween France and Fiji. Thelnslilules supporling Ihe operalion are ORSTOM (Papeeleand Nouméa), IMR (Suva), Ihe MAE and Ihe FrenchEmbassy in Suva and Ihe University ofParis VI/.

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We thank Pr. P Newellji-om IMR, Director ofthe IMR, asweil as his entire teamfor their help in the field and at theDravuni statioll. Al! the nutrients data, presented here aredue ta the courte~y of Dr. Nathalie Harrison (IMR). Wethank also ail the crew of the Research vesse! Alis fortheir kind and efficient he/p on board. U'e thank a/sa verymuch the traditional landowners of Dravuni Island fora/lowing us to work in the {agaon and ail the Inhabitantsofthe Islandfor their kind we/come.

5. References

Blanchot J., Radier M. (1996) PieophytoplanklOn abundanceand biom~s in the western tropical Pacifie Ocean during the(1992) El Nii'lo year: results l'rom flaw eytometry Oeep-SeaRes. (in press).

Campbell L., Vaulot D. (1993). Photosynthctic communitystructure in the subtropical Pacifie Ocean near Hawaii(station ALOHA). Oeep-Sea Res 40: 2043-2060.

Campbell L., Nolla H. A, Valliot D. (1994). The importance ofProchlorococcus la community structure in the CentralNOlth Pacific Ocean. Limnol. Oceanogr. 39 954-961

Charpy L. (1996) Phytoplankton biomass anù productivity inthe Great Astrolabe Lagoon. Notes et Ooc. Océanogr. 46: 1­4.

Charpy 1. and Blanchot J. (1996) Prochlorococcus contributionto phytoplankron biomass and production of Takapoto atoll

(Tuamotu archipelago) Camp/es Rendus de l'Académie desSciences de Paris, Life sciences, 319: 131-137.

Goericke R. and D J. Repeta (1993) Chlorophylls a and banddivinyl chlorophylls a and b in the open subtropical NorthAtlantic Ocean. lfarine Ecology Progress Series, 101,307­313.

Moore L R., R. Goericke and S. W. Chisholm (1995)Comparative physiology of Synechococcus andProchlorococcus: influence of light and temperature ongrowth pigments, fluorescence and absorplive properties.Marine Ecology Progress Series, 116,259-275.

OIson R. J., Zettler E R, Altabet M A, Dussenbery J. A.,Chisholm S W (1990a). Spatial and temporal distributions ofprochlorophyte picoplankton in the North Atlantic Ocean.Oeep Sea-Res. 37 : 1033-1051.

OIson R. J., E. R. Zeltler, S. W. Chisholm and J. A. Dussenberry(1 990b) Flow cylometry in oceanography. In: Particieanalysis in oceanography. Proceedings of the NATOadvanced study institllte of individual cell and particleanalysis in oceanography held al Aquatifreda di Maratea,Italy, October 21-30, 1990, pp; 416, Springer-Verlag editedby Serge Oemers.

Partensky F., J. Blanchot, F. Lantoine, J. Neveux and D. Marie(1996) Vertical structure of picophytoplankton al differenttrophic sites of the subtropical northeastern Atlantic Ocean.Oeep-Sea Research (in press).

Vaulot D. D. Marie, J. Oison and S. W. Chisholm (1995)Growth of Prochlorococcus, a photosynlhetic prokaryote , inthe equatorial Pacifie Ocean 268, Science, 1480-1482

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Helerotrophic bucleriop/onklvn ln lhe GAR fuguan. Noies el Doc. Océanogr. /996, 46: 78-90 78

Biomass, production and heterotrophic activity of bacterioplankton in theGreat Astrolabe Reef Lagoon (Fiji)

by Jean-Pascal Torréton

Centre ORSTOM de Tahiti, BP 529, Papeete, French Polynesia


Biomass, production and heterotrophic actlvlty ofbacterioplankton were determined over a 2 \veekscruise in the Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji).Biomas~ (d~termined by ;pifluorescent microscopy),productIOn (assessed by "H-thymidine incorporationinto DNA) and growth rates are distributedhomogeneously over the water column (20 to 40mdeep). Bacterial variables do not differ significantlyfrom site to site inside the lagoon. Bacterioplanktonbiomass and production vary little over a diurnalperiod with coefficients of variation of 9 and 22%respectively. On average, over the whole stud;bacterial abundance is 0.77 109 cell ri (15.5 !!gC ri)and bacterial production averages 4.3 !!gC r1d'l.Attached bacteria were distinguished in selectedsamples and on average 10.4% of the bacteria areattached to particles while they contribute for 14.1 %to total production. Growth rates forbacterioplankton differs significantlv for the free1 _.

(0.19 d') and attached (0.30 d'l) communities.Fixation seems to provide an advantage for bacterialgrowth into this lagoon. Carbon growth yield (CGY)was deterrnined experimentally into two dilutioncultures by comparing the net increase of bacterialbiomass and the net decrease of dissolved organiccarbon (DOC). Both determinations led to a verylow growth yie1d (average 5.8%). By applying theaverage CGY value to bacterial production rates il1tothe lagoon, heterotrophic activity was estimated toaverage 74 IIgC rld~l. The tum-over rate of DOC(average 1572 !!gC ri) is therefore estimated toaverage 0.048 d~1 during that period. Bothbacterioplankton abundance and production valuesappear to be greater than in oceanic watersurrounding the Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon.

1. Introduction, objectives

Planktonic bacteria play an important rolein most of the ecosystems studied. The developmentof epifluorescent microscopy and tracer approacheshave led to better understand their contribution tocycle of energy and matter in various pelagieecosystems. However, titde is known about theirimportance in coral reef lagoons because most of theresults in coral reefs environments have focused on

water overlying coral reefs (Sorokin, 1974, Pascal &Vacelet, 1981, Moriarty et al. 1985, Linley & Koop,1986, Hoppe et al. 1988, Ducklow, 1990, Morialtvet al. 1990) with only few exceptions in atolllagoons (Sorokin, 1974, Yoshinaga et al. 1991,Torréton & Dufour, 1996), and Island lagoons(Sorokin, 1974, Landry et al. 1984, Yoshinaga et al1991). Coral reefs areas are characterized by highand efficient recycling processes and low inputs ofnew nutrients (Crossland & Bames, 1983). Atoll andIsland lagoons may represent large bodies of waterwhere heterotrophic bacterioplankton cou Idcontribute for an important part of total carbon,nitrogen and phosphorus. Thus the description andcomprehension of bacterioplankton dynamics isessential in the studies of carbon and nutrientcycling in coral reefs environments.

This study intends to describebacterioplankton biomass, productivity andheterotrophic activity in the water column of thecora! lagoon of the Great Astrolabe Reef (Fij [).Bacteriobenthos biomass and productivity has beendescribed previously in 2Jyringodium isoetifoliumseagrass beds in an area of this lagoon (PoHard &Kogure J993). But very little is known in the watercolumn of this lagoon. Vertical and horizontaldistribution and short tenn variations ofbacterioplankton parameters were investigatedduring a 2 week campaign in April 1994.

Two distinct microbial communities can beidentified. One is attached to the substrate, formingepitloral community and the other occurs as freebacteria sllspended in the water column. Free andattached bacterial communities do not present thesame fate. Free baeteria are mostly exported viagrazing by phagotrophic nanoplankton and attachedbacteria may be exported by sedimentation or bvgrazing by larger organisms includin~mesozooplankton. They do not either present th~same metabolic properties (Hoppe et al. 1988).Mori311y (1979) reports that up to 50% of thebacteria are attached in sorne coral rcefenvironments. An objective of that study wastherefore to estimate the contribution of attachedbacteria ta biomass and activity of the wholecommunity and to investigate if fixation was anadvantage in the Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon.

The importance of standing stocks andfluxes across bacteriop1ankton will be further

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compared to other components of the planktonictrophic network obtained during the same survey(Charpy 1996 and Blanchot 1996, this volume).

2. IVlaterials and IVletbods

2.1 Study sites and sampling

The Great Astrolabe Lagoon lies in theSouth of Viti Levu the main island of Fiji. Thegeneral characteristics of this lagoon weresummarized by Naqasima et al. (1992).

ll1is work was performed during acampaign on the ORSTOM R/V Alis from 18 to 29May 1994. Bacterioplankton parameters weredetennined every day throllgh the lagoon watercolumn. A total of 10 sampling stations (20 to 40 mdecp, see Fig. 1 and Tab. 1) were investigated overthe whole water column.

Bacterioplankton parameters were al50recorded along a diurnal cycle on station 5 (at IOmdepth) in order to appreciate the representativenessof a single measurement at this sca!e and to detectany trend in the diurnal evolulion of bacterialbiomass and activity. An oceanic station (OC),Northeast of the lagoon (Fig. 1) was also visitedduring the croise.

Water samples were collected using acid­washed Niskin bottles and treated on boardimmediately after sampling. Ail sample handlingwas performed using either disposable sterilehardware or acid-washed Polycarbonate bottles.

2.2 Abundance, biovolume

Water samples received 0.2 /lm filtered andbuffered fonnalin (2% final concentration) and werestored at 2°C in the dark until filtration within 6hafter samplîng. Bacteria were then collected onto 0.2/lm Nuclepore membranes after staining with DAPI(Porter & Feig, 1980). Membranes were mounted onmicroscopie slides and stored at -20°C untilcounting within one month. Bacterial cells werecOllnted under epifluorescence (magnification1000). At least 400 cells on at least 20 fields werecounted. Replicate filters of the same sample differon average by 11.7% of the mean.


Figure l' Map of the Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon.Sampling locations are figured by station numbers.OC designs the oceanic station.

Table 1: Characteristics ofthe sampling sites

station latitude longitude depth sampling(S) (E) (m) date

2 18°43'29" 178°31'45" 28 04-18-944 18°44'34" 178°29'28" 39 04-20-94S 18°45'11 " 178°31'15" 17 04-27-947 18°46'05" 178°32'44" 43 04-19-9410 18°46'59" 178°29'11 " 37 04-18-94Il 18°48'49" 178°29'11 " 39 04-20-9413 18°48'17" 178°33'50" 38 04-19-9415 18°49'28" 178°33'08" 29 04-22-9418 18°50'46" 178°26'38" 34 04-21-9421 18°52'08" 178°21 '58" 30 04-22-942S 18°42'40" 178°30'58" 31 04-29-94OC 18°41'12" 178°35'12" 3000 04-26-94

Station 5 was studied only for the diurnal pattern ofbacferioplankton variables and dilution cultures (novertical profile). OC: oceanic station

Mean cell volume was estimated by delimitingbacterial contours on photographic slides projectedon a sheet at a final magnification of 10000. Lengthand width of individual cells were detennined with adigitizing tablet. Bacterial volume was computed byassimilating bacteria to a cylinder with anhemisphere at both sides. At least 2 photographieslides were llsed per sampIe for a total of at least 150cells. Mean cell volume estimation differs onaverage by less than 20% on the 2 slides of the samesample (Torréton & Dufour, 1996).

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2.3 Bacterial production using TdRincorporation

2.3.1 Routine measurementsBactcrial production of biomass was

detennined by following the rate of [methyl­'H)thymidine incorporation into DNA (TdR,Fuhnnan & Azam, 1982).

TdR incorporation was perfonned routinelyon freshly collected samplcs (within 1 hour) using10 nM [methyl-3HJthymidine (Amersham, 1.74TBq/mmo!). After 30 min incubation at 2S°C (±1°ein situ temperature), duplîcate JO ml samples werechilled in a 2°C water bath. Samples were filteredonto 0.2 /lm Nuclepore membranes and rinsed with5 ml of 0.2 /lm fiftered lagoon water. Vacuum wasdisconnected and filters received 15 ml ice-cold 5%TCA. lUter 15 min vacuum was reapplied and themembranes were rinsed J times with 5 ml of ice­cold 5% TCA. Membranes were stored at -20°C inscintillation vials before radioactivity detennination(within 2 weeks). DNA was hydrolyzed by adding0.5 ml of D.SN Hel into the vials. The vials werethen heated at lOooe during 30 min in a water bath.Radioactivity was detcnnined after aliowing samplesto stay with scintillation cocktail overnight. Quenchcorrection was made with extemal standards.Incorporation was calculated after subtraction of azero time blank.

The proportion of TdR incorporation in the> 3 Jlm size class was deterrnined at every station onIOm deep sarnples using the procedure describedabove and by replacing 0.2 Jlm membranes by 3 /lmones.

2.3.2 Saturation kineticsSaturation kinetics were assayed regularly

in order to check if IOn M was suft1ciem ta saturateincorporation process and limit isotope dilution.Every assay \Vas perfonned on 15 replicatesubsamples (5 ml each) Each concentration of thelabel (2, 5, 10, 20 and 30 nM) was applied toduplicate samples and a zero time blank.

2.3.3 Isotope dilution

Isotope dilution assays (pollard & Mariarty1984) were performed at ditferent stations in orderto detennine the contribution of labeled TdR to totalincorporation. Every assay \Vas performed on 8replicate subsamples (S ml each). AlI the subsamplesreceived 10 nM of labeled thymidine and increasingamounts of unlabeled thymidine (0, 20, 40 and 60nM). A zero time blank was performed lor everyconcentration and was subtracted from the signal.Maximum incorporation rate were computed fromthe regression of [total TdR addedJ versusI/observed incorporation rate: [LtAJVrnax.LlVobs - P, where L and A arc theconcentrations of labeled and unlabeled TdR, P is

the "pool" of thymidine inducing intra and extracellular isotope dilution, and Vobs and Vmax areobserved and maximum TdR incorporation ratesrespectively. Of course this procedure gives acorrect estimate of isotope dilution only ifincorporation into the target molecule is the ratelimiting step.

2.3.4 Extraction of DNAA total of 15 additional TdR incorporation

assays were done in triplicates as described insection 2.3.1. After incubation, precipitation andfiltration steps, membranes were stored at -20°Cuntil analysis at the laboratory. Labeled DNA wasextracted enzymatically from these membranesfollawing a modification of Wicks & Robart's(1987) procedure as described in Tarréton & Bouvy(1991). Recovery of the label into the DNA fractionwas then compared with the label recovered on thesame samples using the standard TCA precipitationprocedure,

2.3.5 Calibration of TdR incorporation againstccII production

The conversion factor ofTdR incorporationinto cell production was estimated in dilutioncultures of lagoon water. These cultures aredescribed in § 2.6.

2.4 DOC determinations

Samples were filtered through bumt(440°C, 4h) \v'hatman GFIF glass fiber filters taremove particulate carbon greater than 0.7 Jlm. Thefiltrate was then dispatched into replicate Tefloncapped glass tubes previously acid washed and bumt(550"C, 4h). Ten ml samples receive HgClz (l0 ppmfinal concentration) to prevent bacterial growthduring the storage of the samples, The tubes werethen stored in the dark at 4°C until analysis. Afterelimination of COz by adding 0.1 ml HCI 1N andbubbling 10 min with COz free air, DOC wasana!yzed using HTCO technique (Sugimura &Suzuki, 1988) on a Total Organic Carbon analyzer(Shimadzu TOC 5000). Blank value average 200ilgC 1'1 and was not subtracted from the signal.

2.5 Bacterioplankton growth yield andheterotrophic activity

Bacterioplankton carbon growth yield wasestimated in the lagoon water cultures used tocalibrate [methyl- JH]thymidine incorporation intoceil production (see 2.6.). DOC consumption wasestimated and related to bacterial biomassproduction into the cultures. Growth yield ofbacterioplankton was defined as the stope of theregression line of bacterial biomass versus DOedecrease. Production divided by carbon growth yield

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Station Depth Vobs Vmax Vobs/Vmax DilutionPool

(m) (pMh") (%) (pM)5 10 18.08 25.97 69.60 1.595 10 24.26 28.38 85.47 0.77

25 0 10.19 14.12 72.15 3.8925 5 7.91 9.91 79.84 0.2625 10 Il.20 13.47 83.15 1.1725 20 Il.27 11.20 100.65 -3.30

Average 81.81 0.73SE 4.53 0.96

nM (SE = 1.0 nM, n = 6) using the isotope dilutionplots method (Tab. 2, Fig. 3). Thus labeled l'dRconstitutes Ilearly 100% of l'dR incorporatedaccording to this procedure and it was not necessaryto correct TdR incorporation for isotope dilution.

Table 2: Dilution pool of TdR determined using theisotope dilution procedure


-20 00 0.2 0.4 0.611 (incorporation in pmoll-lh1)

Figure 3 Isotope dilution plots of TdRincorporation. Y-intercept represents the opposite ofthe dilution pool. Six experiments were performedon stations 2 (0), 5 (0), 7 (û), JO (e), 11 (~), andI3 (.).

3.1.3 Incorporation into DNA versus cold TCAprecipitate

ln the water column samples, labelrecovered into DNA averages 75.0 % with minorfluctuations (SE=1.3 %, n=15, see l'ab. 3), Thisshows that l'dR is not extensively catabolized butincorporated preferentially in the DNA Iike in otheratoll lagoons (Torréton & Dufour, 1996). Thus, onthe remaining in situ samples, incorporation intoDNA was calculated by multiplying incorporationinto cold TCA precipitable material by 0.75.

During bacterial growth into the dilutioncultures, recovery of the label into the DNA andl'CA fractions was stable (mean 90.5 %, SE=3.1 %,n=8, see Tab. 3) and significantly higher than in situ(P<O.OO l, Student's t-test). This has already beenobserved in other coral reef lagoons (Torréton &Dufour, 1996). This difference, although limited inimportance during that study, is of particular interest


10 20TdR concentration (IÙ\1)




c 100

Two dilution cultures were realized byinoculating 10 and 30% of l/lm filtrate of lagoonwater (station 12, 04-23-95) into 0.2 /lm filteredlagoon water in order to remove potential limitationof bacterial growth by available nutrients andgrazing by eukaryotes greater than 1 /lm, Theabsence of flagellates in the cultures was veritiedduring microscopie enumeration of bacteria,Bacteria were allowed to grow in the dark at 30°Cunder gentle agitation. Periodically (1.5 to 2 hours)water samples were . removed and bacterialabundance, biovolume, DOC and 3H_TdRincorporation were recorded as described aboveexcepted that TdR was added at 20nM in arder taprevent isotope dilution and/or unsaturation ofincorporation into fast growing populations in thesecultures. Comparison of rates with 20nM and 40 nMwere made occasionally and showed no signiticantdifferences showing that maximum incorporationwas achieved at 20nM. Recovery of the label intothe DNA and TCA fractions was estimatedsystematically in the dilution cultures.

was used ta assess DOC consumption byheterotrophic bacteria into this lagooll.

2.6 Lagoon waler cultures

Figure 2: Evolution of TdR incorporation rate withincreasing concentrations of labeled TdR. Fiveexperiments were performed Rates are normalizedby giving 100% fO the 10 nM value

3.1.2 Isotope dilutionOn average the "dilution pool" was not

signiticantly different from zero, representing 0.7

3.1. J Saturation kincticsSaturation kinetics showed that 10 nM was

sufficient to saturate the incorporation process (Fig.2).

3. Results and discussion

3.1 Methodological background

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Hererotrophic bacteriopiankton jn the GAR lagoon< Noies eT Doc< Océanogr 1996.46< 78-90 82

as TdR incorporation is basically an estimation ofDNA synthesis. DNA is not the only rnacromoleculelabeled by 3H_TdR, but usually for commodity onlyincorporation into cold TCA precipitate (indudingDNA, RNA and proteins) is detem1Îned. TCAderived production estimate (ProdTCA) is thereforecstimated by;

ProdTCA = Incorporation into TCA x TCFTCA (1)\Vhere TCFTCA is the Thymidine Conversion Factorbased on incorporation into TCA precipitate.However, the real bacterial production value(PradDNA) should be given by incorporation intoDNA: PradDNA = Inc. into DNA x TCFm';A (2).Where TCFDNA is the Thymidine Conversion Factorbased on incorporation into DNA. But DNAconstitutes on average 75.0% and 90.5% of labeledTCA precipitated macromolecules on in situ sarnpleand in lagoon water cultures, respectively. This canbe resumed by :

Inc. into TCA '" Inc. into DNA / 0.75 (3)and CFTCA = 0.905 CFDNA (4)

1berefore using (3) and (4), (1) cornes;ProdTcA = Inc. into DNA 0.75 x 0.905 CfDNA (l')

And using (2), (1') cornes:ProdTCA = ProdDNAx 0.905/0.75

Cell production calibrated against TdRincorporation into cold TCA precipitate wouldtherefore lead ta a 1.21 fold overestimation of thereal bacterioplankton production. This artifact is notvery important in that ecosystem as the percent oflabeled incorporated into DNA is rather high for ln

situ samples. But in waters showing a strongercatabolism pathway for 3H-TdR, this difference ofincorporation pattern between in situ and culturedbacteria may lead to a mllch greater overestirnation(Ton-éton & Bouvy, 1989),

3.1.4 Calibration of TdR incorporation againstccII production

After a lag phase of less than 10 hours,bacterial ceIls and TdR incorporation grewexponentially (Fig. 4). Four different methodsusually yielding slightly different reslllts wereproposed to relate cell multiplication and TdRincorporation (Ducklow et al. 1992). However, ifcare is taken to account for the proportion ofinactive cells, ail the four methods lead to the sameconversion factor (Torréton & Dufour, 1996).

Table3 : Proportion of TdR incorporated into DNAusing DNase extraction methodWa/er column samplesStation Depth TCA DNA % in

(m) pmol ri h,l DNA

2 0 18.97 15.54 81.94 30 17.85 12.70 7l.!5 10 12.84 9.81 76.45 10 14.09 11.38 80.87 0 13.11 9.72 74.110 0 4.75 3.57 75.2Il 0 12.77 9.40 73.613 30 8.73 5.89 67.515 0 9.31 6.47 69.518 29 10.84 8.06 74.421 0 9.58 8.05 84.021 5 11.59 8.33 71.921 10 Il.29 8.86 78.421 20 12.47 8.43 67.625 20 11.27 8.84 78.4

Average 75.0SD 5.0SE 1.3

Dilution culturesCulture Day- TCA DNA %in

time pmol ri h') DNA

A 12 6.23 6.60 105.9A 14 19.50 15.58 79.9A 16 39.01 37.14 95.2A 18 37.84 30.24 79.9B 8 7.84 7.45 94.9B 10 34.61 31.55 91.2B 12 113.47 95.63 84.3B 14 122.13 112.96 92.5

Average 90.5SD 8.8SE 3.1

TCA : JH- TdR recovered into the TCA precipitablefraction, DNA : 3H-TdR recovered into the DNAfraction. % in DNA : DNA x 100 / TCA Each valueis the average of duplicate determinations. CultureA. 10% inoculum, culture B: 30% inoculum (4-24­94).

Cells multiplication and TdR incorporationwere then related using the cumulative methodproposed by Bjornsen & KlIparinen (1991). Thismethod daims the advantage to be « model free »,i.e. to not reqllire assumptions about the proportionof active cells.

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Figure 4: Evolution of bacterial abl/ne/ance ( 0 )and TdR incorporation into DIVA ( • ) along theseawater cultures. A: 10% inoculum. B: 30%inoculum.

The two independent determinations lead tosimilar results (see Fig. 5). The average conversionfactor, 0.7 10 18 cells per mol of TdR incorporatedinto DNA is close to the average CF determined in








Tikehau lagoon (\.O 10 18, Torréton & Dufour,

1996). fncorporation of TdR ioto DNA (in mol r 1h­1) was thus multiplied by 0.7 1018 to obtain bacterialproduction in cell rlh- I

. These production valueswere multiplied by 20 fgC cell'! (Lee & Fuhnnan,1987) in order to obtain production values in gC rlh'1

3.1.5 Hacterial growth yÎeld Înto the seawatercultures

Although Iimited by the precision inherentto the method, DOC decreased significantly withinthe cultures (P < 0.05, see Fig. 6) while bacterialcarbon increased. Cells multiplication and DOCconsumption were related using a cumulativemethod as described above for TdR incorporation.Least squares linear regressions were used tocompute the carbon growth yield (CGY).


Figure 6. Evolution of bacterial carbon ( • ) andDOC ( 0 ) within the seawater cultures. A: 10%inoculum, B: 30% inoculum

The relation : oBC 0= CGY (8 DOC )+ 13was assumed, where, oBC is the net increase ofbacterial carbon cumulated over the successive timeintervals, 0 DOC is the net decrease of DOC and fi isthe intercept of the regression. The two independentdetemlinations lead to very convergent results (seeFig. 7) with an average CGY of 5.8 %.

This very low growth yield has beenobserved in Tikehau and Takapoto lagoons(Torréton & Dufour, unpublished data) and acomparable CGY was determined during the NorthAtlantic bloom with the same method for seawaterculture realization and for DOC detennination(Kirchman et al. 91). This CGY is thus very unlikely

1 1200 J,;~O






,iSlope = 0.637 10 18

r = 0.988

18Slope = 0.768 10 .... '~r = 0.994 /

o 400Cumulated TdR in DNA (pmol1- 1

O a.<----,r----,----.---


Least squares Iinear regressions were usedto compute the thymidine conversion factor (TCF)assuming the relation: Celis = TCf (L:TdR)+ 13where: CeIls is the net increase of bacterial cellscumulated over the successive time intervals, L:TdRis the integral of TdR incorporation cumulated overthe successive time intervals and 13 is the intercept ofthe regression of cells versus L:TdR.

Figure 5: eeUs produced vs inlegral ofTdR incorporalioncumulaled over successive lime inten/als. The slope of theregression tines represent the conversion factor (CF) forTdR incorporation inlo ccii production • 10%inoculum. .À.: 30% inoculum

Page 89: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Heterotrophlc bacterioplanklon in Ihe CAR l<Jgoon. Noies el Doc. Océanogr. 1996. 46. ïS-90 84

3.2 Bacterioplankton biomass, productionand growth rate in the Great AstrolabeReeflagoofl

coefficient of variation (CV%) representing 11, 18and 17% for bacterial abundance, production andgrowth rate respectively (Tab. 4, see Fig. 8).

Water column may thus be consideredroughly homogenous for bacterioplanktonparameters observed during this croise.



Figure 8: Average profiles of bacterial abundance.production and growth rate normalized 10 theaverage value per profile. Horizontal bars representstandard dt?Viation. Horizontal variationsAverage values for vertical prames do not

differ very much from site to site into the lagoon.Coefficient of variation for averages of the 10profiles are 10, 19 and 21 % for bacterialabundance, production and growth rate respectively(Tab.5).

Variations are more important on integratedvalues as CV raise to 26 and 27 % for bacterialabundance and production respectively (Tab. 6).TIlese weak differences, integrating bath inter­station and day-to-day variations are thus mainl)'due to depth differences between the stations.


and specifie TdR incorporation pel' cell along vertical






o8BC = 0.053 8DOC + 0.36r=0.866

o8BC = 0.063 8DC)C + O.4(tr=0.920


-100 0 100 200 300DOC consumed (8DOC, IlgC 1-1)




3.2.1 Spatial variations

J 2. 1. 1 Vertical variationsTen profiles of bacterioplankton parameters

were realized from sub-surface to the bottom of thewater column (25 to 45rn). Bacterial parametersshow Iittle variations along the water column with

Table 4: Baeterial abundance. TdR incorporationprofiles.Bacterial abundance (109 cells ri)

to be a methodological artifact but rather an index ofsevere bottom-up limitation of bacterioplankton.

Production values in gC ri h- l wcre thusdivided by 0.058 in order to obtain heterotrophicactivity of the bacterioplankton community.

Figure 7: Plot of baeterial carbon produced versusDOC eonsumed over successive time intervals in theMo cultures. The slope of the regression tinesrepresent the carbon growth yield (CG Y). A: /0%inoculum, B: 30% inoculum

AVG SD CV%0.89 0.73 0.72 0.70 0.69 0.75 0.61 0.73 0.07 9.70.09 0.10 0.05 0.03 0.09 0.07 0.04

10 13 7 4 13 9 6 11

15 18 21 25 ALL PROFILES0.70 0.62 0.70 0.580.74 0.63 0.71 0.580.66 0.84 0.85 0.640.70 0.73 0.73 0.65




100.770.800.950.920.981.03 0.84

0.790.72 0.79 0.700.09 0.16 0.11

12 20 15

o 0.73 0.68 0.625 0.67 0.68 0.6110 0.84 0.70 0.5920 0.65 0.87 0.733040



Depth 2 4 7

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Heterotrophic bacterioplankton in the GAR lagoon. Notes et Doc. Océanogr. 1996, 46: 78-90 85

TdR into DNA (pmol r' h") (a)

Depth 2 4 7 10 11 13 15 18 21 25 ALL PROFILES0 14.23 9.90 9.83 3.56 9.58 6.85 6.98 6.03 7.18 7.645 12.64 10.37 11.07 7.93 Il.25 7.83 7.10 10.98 8.69 5.9310 14.08 7.06 11.83 9.38 11.82 8.62 6.93 7.73 8.47 8.4020 Il.52 8.91 10.18 9.23 9.59 9.93 9.42 7.82 9.35 8.4530 13.39 10.77 9.38 6.09 6.55 8.1340 8.42 AVG SD CV%

AVG 13.12 9.92 10.35 7.90 9.67 7.96 7.61 8.13 8.42 7.61 9.07 1.74 19.2SD 1.28 2.31 1.17 2.50 2.24 1.38 1.21 1.79 0.91 1.18

CV% 10 23 11 32 23 17 16 22 Il 15 18

TdR specifie incorporation (10.21 mol celr' h")

13 15 18 21 25 ALL PROFILESJO.8 9.9 9.7 10.3 13.1JO.3 9.6 17.4 12.2 10.211.6 10.4 9.2 10.0 13.113.5 13.4 10.7 12.8 13.18.8 12.7

Depth 2 4 7 10 11o 19.4 14.6 15.9 4.6 13.25 18.8 15.3 18.1 9.9 14.510 16.7 10.1 20.2 9.8 14.0520 17.7 10.2 13.9 10.0 13.530 13.0 12.8 9.6 10.440 10.7 AVG SD CV%

AVG 18.2 12.6 15.3 8.8 13.1 11.0 10.8 11.9 Il.3 12.4 12.5 2.6 21SD 1.2 2.4 3.5 2.3 1.6 1.7 1.7 3.3 1.4 1.4

CV% 7 19 23 27 12 16 16 28 12 12 6(a): Incorporation into co/d rCA precipitate was mu/tiplied by 0.75 (average /abe/ed DNA//abe/ed rCA ratio) to obtainincorporation iTlto DNA.

Table 5: Average bacterioplankton biomass, productions and growth rates along the la vertical profiles.Bacterial biomass TdR incorporation Bacterial production Spec. Incorporation Growth rate

Station 109 ccll ri /-lgC ri pmol r1h' l 106 cell r 1h·1 /-lgC rld· 1 10.21 mol cclI r lh' l d· l


0.724 14.5 13.1 221 4.43 18.2 0.310.793 15.9 9.9 167 3.35 12.6 0.210.697 13.9 10.4 175 3.49 15.3 0.260.886 17.7 7.9 133 2.67 8.8 0.150.729 14.6 9.7 163 3.26 13.1 0.220.724 14.5 8.0 134 2.69 11.0 0.190.702 14.0 7.6 128 2.57 10.8 0.180.694 13.9 8.1 137 2.74 11.9 0.200.746 14.9 8.4 142 2.84 11.3 0.190.612 12.2 7.6 128 2.57 12.4 0.21



0.731 14.6 9.1 153 3.06 12.5 0.210.024 0.5 0.6 10 0.20 0.8 0.01

10 10 19 19 19 21 21

Table 6: Integrated bacterioplankton biomass andproductions along the la vertical profiles.Bacterial biomass





320 5.39 108352 5.95 119462 7.80 156305 5.15 103326 5.49 110286 4.82 96199 3.36 67287 4.85 97218 3.69 74196 3.31 66





295 4.98 10027 0.45 927 27 27


Page 91: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Helerolroplllc bacleriop/anklon in Ihe (JAR iagoon. Notes el Doc. Océanogr. /996, 46. 78-9D 86

3.2.2 Temporal variationsA diumal cycle of abundance and activity

was performed on 27 May at station 5 in order toestimate the representativity of single measurementsto describe parameters at the scale of the day.Results (Tab. 7, Fig. 8) show that the variations aremoderated at this time scale as CV% average 9 and22 for bacterial abundance and productionrespectively (Tab. 7) with no significant trend alongthe day time (Fig. 8).

Table 7: Evolution of bacterial parameters along adiurnal cycle at IOm depth on station 5 (27-04-94 to28-04-94).

Day BACT TdR Spec.Inc.time 109 cell ri pmol rlh· 1 1O·21mol celr1h"

6.8 0.96 22.11 22.989.0 \.06 11.53 10.84

12.0 0.95 13.47 14.2315.0 1.03 14.09 13.7318.0 0.86 21.29 24.7121.0 0.95 17.96 18.8924.0 0.98 20.82 21.24

3.0 1.01 15.50 15.286.0 1.18 16.50 13.96

proposed 20 fgC celr ' whatever the size. Based onthis value, average bacterial biomass into the lagoonis 15.5 JlgC ri.


o '1-,r---'I,.---,----,'-.---rj-.,.----,j

6:00 12:00 18:00 0:00 6:0hours Bacterial biomass

With 0.77 109

ec!ls ri (l'ab. 8), averagebacterial abundance is very similar to the valuesreported by Yoshinaga et al. (1991) in Majero Atolland is about 1.5 - 2 times less the average values inTikehau and Takapoto lagoons, Tuamotu, FrenchPolynesia (Torréton & Dufour, 1996, Dufour &Torréton, 1993). Average cell volumes are small andstable in the lagoon, ranging from 0.042 to 0.065Jlm


l(average = 0.055, l'ab. 8) and fall in the

range « 0.070 Jlm 3) where Lee & Fuhnnan (1987),

after direct estimations of carbon content per ceU,

Bacterioplankton variables determinedusing discrete sampling into the lagoon may thus beconsidered representative of the daily average valuewithin around 20%. From clay to day, during a twoweeks period, fluctuation of bacterial parametersshould not exceed the spatial fluctuations betweenstations as one or two stations were investigatedevery day.

3.2.3 Average valuesOnce, short tcnn fluctuations has been

established and eventual spatial fluctuationsdocumented, it is possible to examine and compareaverage values with other ecosystems. Averageparameters recorded in the lagoon and at the oceanicstation are summarized in Table 8.

Figure 9: Diurnal evolution of bacterioplanktonparameters at station 5 at 10m depth.

Data include ID vertical profiles (46 data, see Tab.4) and a diurnal cycle on station 5 (9 data, see Tab.7). Biovolume, attached bacteria and TdRincorporation by attached bacteria were determinedonlyon 12 samples (see Tab. 9). Bacter;al productionWith 12.8 pmol r1h· 1 on average, bacterial

incorporation of TdR is 13 times more important inthe lagoon than the average at the oceanic station.Using the TCF determined above (0.7 1018 cells permol of TdR incorporated into DNA) and 20 fgC/cellthis leads to 0.18 JlgC l'lh-' or 4.3 JlgC r'd· l. Thisvalue is about 1.5 fold less the average valuedetennincd by Pollard & Kogure (1993) in the samelagoon in 1989 (6.6 I!gC r1d", SE=1.2, n=6, using atheoretical conversion factor of 0.5 10

18cells per

mol ofTdR incorporated into DNA and 30 fgC/cell).However, their values were detennined only in the 5





TdRJ biomass TdRCcli attached attached

1O·21 mol % of % ofcell-th- I total total

0.055 12.80.015 3.6

12 56



biomass biovo- TdRlume

109 cell J-lm3 pmolri celr' r1h- 1




Table 8: Average bacterioplanktonrecorded during this study.

0.999 17.03 17.320.030 1.25 1.60

9 22 28


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Helerolrophic bacleriopfanklon in Ihe CAR fagoon. Noies el Doc Océanogr. /996, 46. 78-90 87

m water column overlying a seagrass bed 100 mfrom the shore of Dravuni island, Considering thesedifferences, bacterioplankton activity may beconsidered in good agreement between the twostudies. Bacterial growth ratesWith 16.8 10,21 mol celrlh'l on average,

bacterial specifie incorporation rate per ccIIrepresent and average grawth rate of 0.212 d'l,therefore an average generation time of 110.212 =

4.7 days. This is quite long, considering the averagetemperature of about 28°C during the study and isan index of bottom-up limitation of bacteria. Free and ottached bacteriaThe distinction between free and attached

bacterioplankton has ecological consequences asfree and attached bacterial production are notexported in the same way and do not present thesame metabolic properties (Happe et al. 1988).Losses of attached bacteria may occur bysedimentation - very unlikely in free-living bacteria

or via grazing by higher trophic levcls(mesozooplankton). Micrascopy shows that a nonnegligible proportion of total abundance, 10A% of

the total on average (Tab. 9). is constituted bybacteria attached ta particles. An even greaterproportion of the total activity seems to be attributedto attached bacteria. TdR incorporation retained by 3~lm membranes represents, indeed, 14.1 % of thetotal on average (Tab. 9).

Therefore, when the abundance and activityof the free community are calculated (by subtractingattached from the total), it can be seen that theaverage growth rate (0.19 d·

l) is significantly lower(P<O.OO 1) than growth rate of the attached bacteria(OJO d"). This shows that attachment seems topresent an advantage for bacterioplanktoncommunity of the Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon.Particles are weil known to present a favorableenvironment for microbial growth as bacterialexoenzymes activities release simple organicmolecules directly taken up by attached bacteria(Hoppe et al. 1988). ln oligotrophic systems wherebacteria are likely bottom-up controlled (Dufour &Torréton, 1996), the attachment to particles seems tolead to a greater growth rate for the microbialcommunity.

Table 9: Specifie TdR incorporation rate per ceU (10'2' mol celr l H') for free and attached bacteria

Station Date ------ total -----­cclls Prad. Il109 ri 106 r 1h,I cI,l

---- attached ----cells Prod. ~!

109 1'1 106 r1h,I d,l

----- free ----­cells Prad, Il109

1'1 106 rlh l d'I


cells% total


Prad% total



04-18-94 0.84104-20-94 0.69904-27-94 1.06304-28-94 1.18204-19-94 0.58704-18-94 0.95504-20-94 0.84704-23-94 0,55004-19-94 0.74204-22-94 0.66304-21-94 0.83704-22-94 0.845,180.160.17




















3.3 DOC concentrations, heterotrophicactivity and DOC turn-over

DOC concentrations detennined in variousareas of the lagoon show very iittle fluctuations withthe sampling site. The coefficient of variation fordeterminations at 10m depth is only 6% arouncl themean value (1560 ~lgC l'l, n=\O). No significantvertical variation can be inferred from the verticalprofile determined on station 25. Therefore, the

average value for ail the data (1582 IlgC ri, Tab.10). seems to be representative of the averageconditions into the lagoon during the periocl of thatstudy.

DOC tum-over due ta bacterioplanktonconsumption may be estimated from bacterialproduction (BP) and bacterioplankton carbongrowth yield (CGY) determined in the two dilutioncultures. Bacterial carbon consumption (BCC)wouid thus equal BP/CGY.

Page 93: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Helerolrophic baclerioplanklOn in Ihe GAR lagoon Noies el Doc. Océanogr. /996,46. 78-90 88

Figure 10: Abundance, TdR incorporation, specifieincorporation rate per cell and DOC in the watercolumn ofthe oceanic station

incorporation rate per cell leads to an averagegrowth rate of 0.285 d' I when multiplied by the l'Cf

determined above. This is equivalent to an averagegeneration time of 1/0.285 = 3.5 days.

On the other side, DOC values do notappear significantly different in the ocean (0 to 40m) and in the lagoon. However, the limited

biodegradability of DOC into lagoon waters(reflected by the amount unaffected after bacterialgrowth in the seawater cultures) shows that a smallerfraction of the labile DOC pool, while undeteetedusing the HTCO technique, cou Id explain the largedifferences between oceanic water and lagoonbacterioplankton growth rates.

The main differences are (1) thatbacterioplankton variables present a strong verticalpattern in the ocean while vertical homogeneityseems to be the rule into the lagoon and (2) thatbacteria seems thus only slightly more abundant inlagoon waters but have a far greater activity than inthe surrounding ocean. This later point has alreadybeen observed in surface oceanic waters surroundingTikehau lagoon (Torréton & Dufour, i 996).

,---------TdR (pmol [lrr1)012LI Jê\1,

!.6J'. )

Bacteria (1 09 1- ~0.0 0.4 0.8

o 1 1 1




-5 50·


Table 10. DOC concemrations in the GreatAstrolabe Reeflagoon

station date depth DOC(m) ÜlgC ri)

2 04-18-94 10 14424 04-20-94 [0 [498

5 04-23-94 10 15317 04-19-94 10 1698II 04-20-94 \0 \46]

12 04-22-94 10 165518 04-21-94 la 153221 04-22-94 10 150922 04-22-94 0 164422 04-22-94 10 163125 04-27-94 0 155425 04-29-94 5 165025 04-29-94 la 164525 04-29-94 20 1563

average 1572SE 22CV% 5

With an average BI' of 4.32 ~lgC r1d· 1 (see §3.2.32.) and a CGY of 5.8% (see § 3.2.5.), BCC =4.32 / 0.058 = 74 JlgC rld- I

. DOC turn-over ratewou Id thlls equal [572 / 74 = 0.048 d· 1 and DOCturn-over time: 1 10.048 = 21 days.

Determining bacterioplankton character­istics in the oceanic water column was not the mainobjective of that study. However, considering theweak variations observed into the lagoon one canglless that the unique profile perfomled at theoceanic station should be somehow representative ofaverage oceanic conditions during the period of thatstudy Bacterioplankton characteristics show aclassical vertical pattern with a maximum abundancein surface water and a maximum activity in deeperlayers (Fig. 10), in relation with phytoplanktonmaximum production (Charpy, 1996, this volume).As a consequence this vertical pattern is even morepronounced for specifie incorporation rate per cell(an index of baeterioplankton growth rate).Dissolved organie carbon decreases approximatelyregularly from surface to 100 m depth. Nomeasurement of bacterioplankton variables weremade below this level.

Abundance values inside the lagoon studiedare on average only 1.5 times higher than insurrounding oceanic surface waters (average from 5to 40 m, l'ab. 11), but production values are around13 fold greater in \agoon than at the oeeanie stationsampled. Therefore, specifie incorporation rate percell, an index of bacterial growlh rate, is 8 timesgreater in lagoon water than at the oceanic station atthe same levels (l'ab. 11). This specifie

3.4 Comparison with open ocean

Page 94: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Helerolrophic baclerioplanklOn in Ihe GAR iagoon, Noies el Doc Océanogr 1996.46: 78-90 89

Table Il. Average and standard error of bacteriafvariables recorded into the lagoon and at theoceanic station.

Abundance TdR TdRfCel1 DOC109 celir i pmol 1O-21 mol flgC r'

r'h-' celr'h- '

lagoonaverage 0.77 12.8 16.8 1572SE 0.02 0.5 0.6 22CV% 19 28 26 5n 56 56 56 14

ocean o to 100 maverage 0.41 0.7 1.8 1426SE 0.05 0.2 0.3 45CV% 32 50 46 8n 6 6 6 6

ocean o to 40 maverage 0.51 1.0 2.0 1518SE 0.05 0.2 0.7 37CV% 18 41 58 4n 3 3 3 3

4. Conclusion

The use of )H-thym idine incorporation (10nM final concentration) to estimate bacterioplanktonproduction seems to be appropriate in the GreatAstrolabe Reef lagoon as in other atoll lagoons(Torréton & Dufour, 1996). Most of the label isincorporated into DNA and isotope dilution isinsignificant Thymidine conversion factorsdetermined in two dilution cultures average 0.7 10


cell mari, which is in the range of literature values.Bacterioplankton biomass, production and

growth rates are distributed homogeneously over thewater column of the Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon.The comparison between average value over the tenprofiles shows that bacterial variables do not differsignificantly from site to site il1side the lagoon.

At station 5, bacterioplankton biomass andproduction varied moderately over a diumal periodwith coefficients of variation of 9 and 22%,respectively. And from day-to-day, variations ofbacterioplankton biomass, production and growthrates should not exceed the moderate inter-stationsvariations (Tab. 5).

Fluctuations of bacterioplanktonicprocesses seem therefore very moderate bothspatially and temporally over the 15 day period ofthe study.

Although less extensively studied, theproportion of attached bacterial abundance and

activity shows also slight fluctuations from site tosite, and thus, from day-to-day (Tab. 9). Dissolvedorganic carbon determined at least once every dayalso shows very moderate fluctuations around themean value (Tab. 10).

On average, over the whole study bacterialabundance is 0.77 109 cell [.1 (15.5 flgC ri) with

10.4% attached to particles. Bacterial productionaverages 4.3 !-IgC ri d-' with 14.1 % due to attachedbacteria. Over the 12 samples where they weredistinguished, growth rates for bacterioplanktondiffers significantly for the free (0.19 d-

l) and

attached (0.30 d- 1) communities. Therefore, in this

!ow nutrient environment, attachment seems toprovide an advantage for bacterial growth into thislagoon. The low average growth rate for the wholebacterioplanktonic community (0.21 d-

I, n~'56) with

an average temperature of c.a. 28°C suggests thatbacterioplankton is resource limited into this lagoon.

Determined experimentally into twodilution cultures, the carbon growth yield (CGY) isvery low (average 5.8%). This suggests that bacteriaare limited by resource in the Great Astrolabe Reeflagoon. By applying the average CGY value tabacterial production rates inta the lagoon,heterotrophic activity was estimated to average 74!-IgC r!d-'. Therefore, with a DOC concentrationaveraging 1572 !-IgC ri during that study, the turn­over rate of DOC is estimated ta average 0.048 d- 'during that period. This low turn-over rate camparedto the bacterial turn-aver rate (0.21 d-I) is anotherargument for a bottom-up limitation ofbacterioplankton processes into this lagoon.

Bacterioplankton abundance, productionand growth rate appear to be significantly greaterthan in oceanic water sunounding the GreatAstrolabe Reef lagoon and confirm the moremesotrophic character of lagoon waters than theirsurrounding oceanic environment.

Aeknowledgements:il pari of Ihal sludy was funded by a granl Fom IheFrench Embassy in Fiji. Thanks are due la Ihe crew oflheORSTOM O/V Alis for Iheir kind help during Ihal slUdy.Thanks are due 10 Ihe 5'oulh Pacifie University foral/owing us 10 use Ihe m. v Aphareus during Ihepreliminary sludy in OClober. 1993. The help provided byP Newel/ (South Pacifie University) was very muchapprecialed G Cauwel kindly a/lowed me to use IheShimadzu TOC 5000 Carbon Analyzer in Ihe LaboraloireArago at Banyuls (France).

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Helerolrophte baeterioplanklon in the GAR iagooll. Nores et Doc. Océanogr. 1996,46. ï8-9D 90

(1991) Determination ofnet production and growthOcean. Mar Ecol Prog Sel'

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Pascal H; Vacelet E (1981) 8acteriai u1ilization of mucus on thecoral reef of Aqaba (Red Sea) The reef and man.Proceedings of the 4rh InternatIOnal Coral ReefSymposium.Vol. 1: 669·678 Gamez ED; Birkeland CE; Buddemeier RW:Johannes RE; Marsh JA JI; Tsuda RT (eds.)

Wicks RJ, RobllltS RD (1987) The extraction and purification ofDNA labeled wjlll (methyl-iHlthymidine 111 aquatic bacterialproduction s!udies. J Plankton Res 91159-1166

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Organic carbon, ni/ragen and phosphonls in the sediments ofthe GAR lagoon. Notes et Doc. Océanogr /996, 46.' 91-95

Organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the Great Astrolabe Reeflagoon sediments. Preliminary results.

by Claude Charpy-Roubaud*, Gérard Sarazin ** and Roselyne Buscail ***

* ORSTOM, Centre d'Océanologie de Marseille, traverse de la Batterie des Lions, F-13007 Marseille, France.*" Laboratoire de Sedimentologie et Géochimie Marines, Université de Perpignan*** Laboratoire de Géochimie des Eaux, Université Paris 7. F-75251 Paris cedex 05 France.



Carbon, Nitrogen and phosphorus were studied inthe Great Astrolabe Reef sediment. Organic carbon,nitrogen and phosphorus percentages wererespectively, in average for the whole lagoon toplayer sediment, 0.19, 0.024 and 0.006. Organiccarbon was lovier than this measured in the FrenchPolynesian atolls, organic phosphorus was higher.

1. Introduction

MeaslIrements of organic material content ofsediments are very important. Indeed, nlltrientreqllirements for lagoonal production may be metthrough recycling of autochthonolls material in thesediments. One of the principal factors whichgovems rates of nlltrient regeneration fromsediments was the amount of organic matterincorporated into those sediments from the waterabove. ln this paper, we present rcsults of carbonand phosphorus content in the sediments located atthe sea-water interface (SWI) of the GAR lagoon.

2. l\tlaterial and methods

Eleven stations (Figure 1) were investigated in theGAR lagoon for sediment C and N analysis. Thesestations were the same as for the microphytobenthicprimary production study. Their depth and theirvisual characteristics appcar in Table 1.

. Ali stations were prospected by scuba diving.Sampling was done with hand corer 2.7 cm innerdiameter, from which 0.5 cm-thick (for the first) and1 cm thick (for the following ones)slices wereremoved immediately on board. (following themethod described by Charpy-Rouballd (l987).The Panalysis were made in Papeete (French Polynesia)ORSTOM Center and the C analysis in Perpignan'sUniversity (France).


l ''-~:'~t:\. !l ',,1-:' "\i\ 't 1

l q;'~ :~~~v':'~wa 1 . 1

, 18·45'$ ~" ,~- :-, \ 1

1 Hera/d/XlSsage" ,'; :IQ-avtu~ 1.

1 ~'-" - 11 /30.~ Il:~1 \ , '. '. ,-" ,. \


( , '. - - " ., l' , 9" '~".. ," ~3~_.. •1 r:J ' , ' " "-. ,l'A' '/y ,.,.". • '.: " ~Yau"'rvelevu r, ~'OCr! pass~oè .' ,•• , 6 -- 13'1 ~..." '."

il \ \, ,_.: 11 \}~: '1J' If. , ,! t'3," , '.'

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' éS \-"-'\~~ ~~nlr;->~0 li

~~. e-./G'r,

~ ',; • • <> :,' !.L_-.:~~j

Figure 1: Station locations

Table 1: Characteristics of the prospected stations

Date station Z(m) observations

20/04/93 1 19 fine sand with cyanobacteria18/04/93 3 II shells

17/04/93 4 39 coarse sand, shells, coral heads24/04/93 9 35 coarse sand" limestone corals25/04/93 28 24 shells and Halirneda17/04/93 30 35 very fine sand with bioturbation26/04/93 26 927/04193 27 1219/04/93 13 36 coarse sand, shells, coral heads28/04/93 29 8 algae

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Grganic carbon. nitrogen and phosphorus in the sediments ofthe CAR lago'.Jn. Notes el Doc. Océanogr. 1996.46: 9/-95 92

Total and organic carbon contt~nts/ dry weightsediment were obtained by combustion in a LECOanalyzer (aftel' acidification of the samples with 2NHCI for organic carbon The method consists inmeasuring the carbon oxidized to CO2 and COduring dry combustion of the sediment sample in aninduction fumace. Calcium carbonate content wascalculated from minera! carbon using the molecularratio 1001!2 (ie. CaCO/C)

3. Results and discussion

between 2 10.3 and 9.8 10.3 % and were in average5.5 10.

3%. The highest percentages of OP at the

sediment water interülce (SWI) were observed atstation 30 where bioturbation was very important.ln average for the whole lagoon (Table 2 and Figure2) % OP decreased with depth of the sediment.For the whole depth of sediment sampled, we canobserve 3 parts: the sediment at the SWI (0-0.5 cm),this one just below ( 0 5-2 cm) and the deepest(below 2 cm) (Figure 3).

3.1 Phosphorus

Percentages of organic phosphorus (OP) appear inTable 2. For the upper sediment, they varied

Table 2: Percentage of organic phosphorus al different stations and sediment depth (cm) of GAR lagoon

Stat depth hsed(j~{L5

13 36 4.4 la' 4.3 10' 5.010"~ Il 6.5 10".)

1 19 5.4 10.3 3.7 10.3 4.0 10.3 0.0 10.3 3.4 10.3 5.1 10.3 1.8 10'3 3.0 IO·J


6.5 10 3 6.0 10.3 9.6 10.3 6.1 IO·J 5.6 10.34


31 39 2.2 10.31 6.0E-04 3.4 10.3 3.9 10.3 3.8 10,3 7.0 10.3 4.0 10.3 3.8 10'J

30 40 9.8 1(Y' 6.8 lO,3 5.7 10.3 6.4 10-3 6.5 IO.J 4.0 10.3 5.9 10.3 5.9 lO·J

9 35 6.6 10 6.0 10 ' 5.1 10.3 4.0 10.3 3.2 10'3 2.4 10.3 3.0 10-:' 4.010.3

28 22 2.8 la"; lA 10' 1.2 10'3 0.0 10.3 1.2 10.3 0.9 10.3 4.1 10.3 1.5 10.3

26 9 4.1 10.3 3.9 l(r) 15 lQ.3 15 10.3 2.2 10.3 1.5 10.3 1.0 10'] 1.9 IO·J

27 12 4.4 10.3 4.3 10.3 3.3 10.3 2.2 10.3 2.5 10.3 1.3 10.3 2.7 10.3

29 8 78 Ifr; 6.2 10.3 3.1 10.3 L2 10.3 1.8 10.3 0.7 10.3 2.6 10.3

Av. 5.510" 4.310' 4.1 10' 2.710' 3,210' 2.910' 3.510-

• ~,~)OC %OC %OC %OC0.0 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.4

o 1 1 ~ ' 1 , 1 i , 1 1 1 , , 1 , 1.-..


Jl J~:}~:i...

:Y~~~J) ~~+~~~2}=u--..c:- (0.51.4)c..~

"'0 . _i"_:" .


:J r: Jf1-+J:t(&~ J~t~2~

= ,of'...u

'*(SI.9) 'l~30)--.c:-c..~


:J1 1 1 , ! 1 , ! ! 1


0.000 o,%t}P 0.010 0.000 o'%~i> 0.010.-..= +-... +{ .+; (5'1.29)u--

1< +', (.f)t.13)..c:-0.~

"'01 J 1 1 1 1 1 l , 1

:000 ~g~~ 0.010 0.000 oJo'BP 0.010

Figure 2: Prolïles of organic carbon (OC) and phosphorus (OP) in the sediments of the GAR lagoon

Page 98: The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the… · However, lagoon productivity studies are necessary

Organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the sediments of the GAR /agoon. Notes et Doc. Océanogr. 1996, 46: 91-95

0/0 OP0.001 0.003 0.005 OJlO7

IL __.L..-_--1.I__-J...__.l..1__-1....._--1o

1 •f--~



Ê~oC 4ë.~



•Figure 3: Average ± SE of percentage of organic phosphorus in GAR lagoon sediments

3.2 Carbon

The results of total Carbon., minerai Carbon andcarbonates percents of the surface layer appear inTable 4.The mineraI carbon percents vary between 11.26and Il.58 except at station 27 where it was only

10.65%. At this station, the carbonates were low(only 88.7%) if we compare with the ones of otherstations (93.8 to 96.8 %). Organic carbon is moreinteresting for the aim of our study. The results forail studied sediment depth appear in Table 4.

Table 3: Percentages of organic carbon, organic nitrogen (OC, ON), minerai carbon (MC) in the 0-0.5 cmsediment depth layer

Stat depth %C %OC %ON C/N %MC % CaCO)

1 19 11.6 0.16 0.043 3.7 Il.44 95.33 Il IU8 0.24 11.54 96.24 39 11.64 0.21 0.008 26.7 11.43 95.29 35 lU 0.13 0.012 10.5 11.57 96.413 36 Il.72 0.22 11.5 95.826 9 11.64 0.12 . 0.023 5.3 11.52 9627 12 10.85 0.2 0.024 8.5 10.65 88.728 24 11.69 0.11 0.026 4.3 Il.58 96.529 8 Il.56 0.3 0.027 10.9 11.26 96.830 35 11.51 0.25 0.025 9.3 11.26 93.831 39 Il.72 0.15 Il.57 96.4

average 11.6 0.19 0.024 9.9 11.4 94.9

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Organic carbon, nItrogen and phosphorus ln the sediments o.llhe CAR lagoon Notes el Doc. Océanogr. 1996. 46 9/-95

Table 4: Percentage of organic carbon at different stations and sediment depth (cm) of GAR lagoon

St. depth hsed

""'P">' .•.••,. .... l-~.'.·"." ":Z;;3 .

3..4' 4~5 . .7-8> o.5~8 .

!3 36 0.22 0.18 0.20 0.15 0.16 0.20 0.183 11 0.241 19 0.16 0.15 0.11 0.13 0.19 0.16 0.154 40 0.2! 0.19 0.21 0.23 0.23 0.15

31 39 0.15 0.15 014 0.12 0.90 0.14 0.80 0.1230 40 0.25 0.19 0.30 0.12 0.13 0.90 0.10 0.16

9 35 0.13 0.20 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.90 0.10 0.1328 22 0.11 0.13 0.11 0.16 0.90 0.11 0.12

26 9 0.12 0.\0 0.14 0.11 0.15 0.14 0.10 0.12?'7 12 0.20 0.22 0.16 0.19 0.28 0.22 0.21_1

29 8 0.30 0.30 0.23 0.16 0.18 0.12 0.20

Av 0.19 0.18 0.18 0.15 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.15


ln the upper 05 cm, % of OC vaned between 011and 03 The maximum was at station 29 wherenumerous macro-algae l'lere observed The 28, 26,3 l,land 9 group represent stations where the % OCl'las <: 0 l7 % In average for the whole lagoon, thevalues decreased with the sediment depth ('l'able 4)even if this trend l'las not true at each station Weobserve 3 groups. the 0-2 cm, 2-5 cm and 7-8 cmones (Figure 4)









Figure 4: Average ± SE of percentage of organiccarbon (OC) in GAR lagoon sediments

3.3 C/P

C/P ratio appear in Table 5: Organic

The C/P ratio on the upper 05 cm varied between196 and 6ï9 and l'las in average 378 The CiP ratioremained constant at stations 1,9,30 and 4, andincreased at stations 28, 26 , 27 et 29 A very highvalue l'las observed Just below the SWI at station 32(Figure 5)

4. Comparison with other lagoons

Percentage P and C forms \vere studled in otherlagoons ("T'able 5)GAR sediments presented higher OP and lower OCcontents than Tikehau and Takapoto atoll The OCl'las sirnilar to the OC content of IwO island lagoon :Moorea (French Polynesia) and Noumea (NevyCaledonia)The Oc:OP ratio was 4 to five times lower in GARsediments than in Tikehau and Takapoto sediments

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Organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus ln the sediments ofthe GAR lagoon. Notes et Doc. Océanogr. '996. 46.' 91-95 95

Table 5: Organic carbon / organic phosphorus ratio at different stations and sediment depth (cm) in GARlagoon

St depth hsed

:9!iP?H i9$t~)

13 36 506 5683 Il 371 19 295 409 377 374 869 5074 40 325 318 219 375 409 330

31 39 679 2500 412 308 231 20 200 64330 40 255 281 529 186 20 203 170 2629 35 196 336 256 299 409 383 333 33628 22 399 949 917 776 1158 95026 9 293 257 94 738 679 915 1000 75527 12 46 514 489 872 1116 1692 93729 8 384 482 737 129 978 1714 1040

Av 378 549 549 597 605 830 495 633

OP C/P OP OPo 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200

~ 0j '\''----''--~-, j'\'--'--'--' jI---'~l '~nl_l.oC 4 ------- - ------ --~-,----! 8 f~~ . ~"!._ 1__i5t!2)__~Sf..:~)

i ]1~ jF~) j1~~ j~~

i J~>~l~ l~Figure 5: Profiles of C/P ratio in the sediments of the GAR lagoon

Table 5: % of total phosphorus (TP), minerai phosphorus (MP), organic phosphorus (OP), total carbon(TC), organic carbon (OC) in the upper layer of sediments of sorne coral reef lagoons

océanique sur 1 Ile de Moorea (Polynesle fran",alse) DEAUniversité de Paris VI :33 pp

Site %TP %MP %OP %TC % CaCO} %OC OC/OP ReferencesTikehau 026 021 005 112 895 046 92 Charpy-Roubaud et al (unp. results)(atoll)Takapoto 030 023 007 - - 033 47 Charpy-Roubaud et al (unpub)(atoll)Moorea 115 96 022 Delesalle et ai, 1986; Schrimm, 1995(island)Noumea 112 85 02 Buscail(island) (pers. comm.)

GAR 037 028 009 116 949 019 2 This study

,- ,

5. Bibliography

5chrirnrn M, 1995 Aspects biologiques et biogéochimiques destransferts de carbone entre l'écosystème récifal et le domaine

Delesalle B, Buscail R, Courp T, Carbonne J, Dufour V,Heussner 5, Monaco A, Schrimm M, 1996 : Carbon cxportfrom a coral reef ecosystem . preliminary results on MooreaIsland (French Polynesia) Coral reet: submitted

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