the great adventure of the dirty pair - haruka takachiho

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  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    The Great Adventures of Dirty Pair

    HARUKA TAKACHIHOTranslated by David Lewis


    Publised by K!dansa Ltd"# $%&%$# Ot!wa

    %&'!(e# Bun)y!&)u# T!)y! $$%# *a+an"

    ,irst +ublised in *a+anese under te title Dirty Pair N! Daib!)en

    -!+yri.t /'0 $123 by Haru)a Ta)a'i!"

    En.lis translati!n '!+yri.t /'0 $124 by K!dansa Ltd"All ri.ts reserved" Printed in *a+an"

    ISBN 5&36&$26373&8

    ,irst editi!n# $124

    Se'!nd +rintin.# $11$

    O-Red 9 -!rre'ted by Gern 38&:AY&14

    -!rre'ted s!(e !bvi!us ty+!s in !ri.inal te;t"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    Chapter ! "hat#s the $i% Idea&

    =e went int! !rbit ar!und Planet Dan.le"

    :!(ents later .r!und '!ntr!l sent us a =!&Are&Y!u" Tat in itsel> was

    +retty unusual" ?sually an !rbital relay stati!n andles tat )ind !> red

    ta+e" It ta)es t!! l!n. t! res+!nd t! +r!ble(s >r!( +lanetside" But

    a''!rdin. t! te ba').r!und (aterial I@d been b!nin. u+ !n !n !ur way

    ere# tere were !nly >ive s+a'e stati!ns in !rbit ar!und Dan.le# and all !>

    te( were resear' +lat>!r(s bel! t! te Gravas ,!undati!n" Tere

    wasn@t a sin.le +ubli' stati!n >!r !rbital tra>>i' '!ntr!l"

    Giant s+a'e stati!ns are di>>erent >r!( din)y little satellites" Tere@s a

    li(it t! !w (any y!u 'an ave in !rbit >ive is ab!ut te (a;" Seein. !w+lanet state Dan.le was under te de >a't! '!ntr!l !> te Gravas

    ,!undati!n# I d!n@t su++!se tey ad any '!i'e ab!ut .ivin. Gravas

    e;'lusive ri.ts t! stati!n '!nstru'ti!n"

    =en te standard 'all >r!( >li.t '!ntr!l 'a(e tr!u.# I li.tly ta++ed

    !ne )ey wit te .litterin. !ran.e&+earl >in.ernail !> (y ri.t inde; >"

    An i(a.e bli++ed !nt! te '!((uni'ati!n s'reen"

    Tis .uy was (y )ind !> drea(b!at O!!# yu((y *ust l!!)in. at i(

    (ade (y (!ut water" Hurriedly I 'la++ed (y le>t and !ver (y (!ut"

    Ten I .ave te y!un. >li.t '!ntr!ller a 'ir+y but (eltin. s(ile" He wasa real inn!'ent" In a >las e went bri.t red !ut t! is earl!bes" :((&

    ((# wat a 'utey

    I let !ut a little&.irlis v!i'e# Cust a bit nasal# and abs!lutely sweeter tan

    anytin. else in te universe"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    te way" I raised (y li+s 'l!se t!te built&in 'a(era ab!ve te '!((uni'ati!n s'reen" O> '!urse# !n is

    s'reen tat +ut te( in su+er 'l!se&u+"

    lun. (ysel> ba') int! (y seat and 'e')ed te

    s'reen" Te '!ntr!ller@s >a'e# >lused and stea(in. Cust (!(ents be>!re#

    was as wite as a seet" His eyes were >i;ed and starin." Even is li+s

    tre(bled in terr!r"

    (y assault# Yuri +r!(+tly sut u+" A>ter a +ause se

    sullenly added#

    ba') t! >a'e

    te '!ns!le# +!utin.# and .ave Yuri a sidel!n. .lare"

    y!u .et s! distra'ted y!u@ll >ly us >lat int! te .r!und

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    > (y ysteri'al !utburst" we wanted t!" te '!ns!le" L!!)in. at te(# I si>ted (y

    ba') t! te s+a'e tra>>i' '!ntr!ller"

    In te >irst +la'e# any!ne w! runs away >r!( a beauty li)e (e d!esn@t

    deserve t! live" O# >!r sure# !ur re+utati!n (ay be a little less tan r!sy

    But tat@s te >ault !> te w!r) we d! >!r te ===A" It d!esn@t ave

    anytin. t! d! wit us +ers!nally n!w# d!es it

    L!!)# I@( $4$ 'enti(eters tall# and wei. Cust 85 )il!.ra(s" I (easure

    1$&88&1$" T!se are Cust ab!ut ideal +r!+!rti!ns# I@ll ave y!u )n!w" :y

    air@s red# and Cust a bit >riy" But sin'e I wear it in a stylis w!l> 'ut# it@s

    really Fuite be'!(in." :y eyes are br!wn# and (y s)in@s a 'rea(y .!ld"

    :aybe I s!uldn@t say s! (ysel># but I a++en t! be a 'ute# (aybe Cust a

    s( b!yis# beauty"

    N!w Yuri" Yuri# !n te !ter and# is $62 'enti(eters tall and wei.s 8$

    )il!.ra(s" Se (easures 22&85&13" Se@s built a tad li.ter tan I a(# but

    se@s a beauti>ul .irl wit tat la'Fuer bla') air !> ers strai.t

    d!wn t! er s!ulders" ,!r a b!nus# er s)in is a '!ntrastin. lily&wite"

    Se@s Cust li)e a little *a+anese d!ll" Tere are ti(es wen I st!+ s!rt Cust

    l!!)in. at er# and we@re te sa(e se;

    Ten tere are# y!u )n!w# !ur 'l!tes Tey (ay ave '!llars# but tese

    s)in&ti.t t!+s leave !ur (idri>>s bare" Add in !ur &'ut s!rts and 'al>& b!!ts and we .litter in silver >r!( ead t! >!!t# irresistibly se;y"

    Y!u '!uld sear' te w!le :il)y =ay# but y!u w!uldn@t '!(e u+ wit a

    (!re tantaliin. du!"

    But tat little brat !> a tra>>i' '!ntr!ller ,!a(in. at te (!ut L!sin. it

    te (!(ent e eard we were te Dirty Pair Pe!+le li)e tat s!uld be

    tr!wn !ut wit te .arba.e"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    I turned ar!und" It was# Cust as I@d e;+e'ted & :u.i" He was sittin. all !>

    a ea+ in !ne !> te tw! ba')&u+ seats beind us" L!vely An.el is a s(all#

    23&(eter&'lass starsi+" A'tually# er '!(bat 'a+ability and +er>!r(an'eave been u+.raded t! (a)e er a (at' >!r a %33&(eter destr!yer" But se

    still as !nly >!ur seats in te brid.e# and tw! !> t!se are Cust >!r ba')u+"

    Aaa&a" *ust !n'e I@d li)e t! >l!+ a ands!(e un) int! !ne !> t!se seats

    and .! >lyin. ab!ut te Gala;y"""

    I drew (y eyebr!ws t!.eter# and .lared at :u.i" He was su++!sed t!

    stay in te R 9 R r!!( !ne level d!wn wen we were at te '!ntr!ls"

    Pr!bably e@d snu') u+stairs be'ause e was w!rried ab!ut (e avin.

    ysteri's /a.ain0" But rules are rules" :u.i .ave (e a (!urn>ul l!!)# and

    'urled u+" Te wi+&li)e >eeler wit te su'ti!n&'u+ ti+ tat e@d laid !n (y

    s!ulder a (!(ent be>!re dr!!+ed away" He l!wered is r!und bla') eyes

    and tried n!t t! (eet (y .ae"

    :u.i is a surviv!r !> a near&e;tin't ra'e"

    Tey were dis'!vered !n Planet =at@s&its&na(e were tey@d been

    lab!rat!ry ani(als in s!(e an'ient 'iviliati!n" Tey ave a bi. ead

    si(ilar t! t!se !> 'at 'ritters >r!( Eart# but teir Cet bla') b!dies are twi'e

    a.ain as lar.e as (e" Teir ti') le.s end in +aws wit ra!r&li)e 'laws#

    and >r!( teir s!ulders .r!w tw! l!n. >eelers li)e te !ne tat ad ta++ed

    (y s!ulder" Sin'e te >eelers end in su'ti!n 'u+s# tey 'an d! Cust ab!ut

    any )ind !> w!r) tat we u(ans 'an d! wit !ur ands" O> '!urse# tat

    reFuires Fuite a bit !> intelli.en'e as well# but tey '!(e eFui++ed wit

    tat# t!!" Tey@re believed t! be as intelli.ent# and (aybe even (!re s!#

    tan we are"

    Tey als! b!ast an!ter s+e'ial talent" Tis rests in te 'urly tendril&li)e

    l!n. airs tat ta)e te +la'e !> ears" By vibratin. tese tendrils tey 'an

    (ani+ulate ele'tr!(a.neti' waves and ele'tri' 'urrents any way tey

    +lease" =e tw! (e'ani'al dun'es leave all te re+airs and re(!delin.

    w!r) !n L!vely An.el '!(+letely t! :u.i"

    On te ver.e !> e;tin'ti!n# tere@s !nly a and>ul le>t# s! !> '!urse tey@ve

    been desi.nated a +r!te'ted s+e'ies" It was Cust by 'an'e tat Yuri and I

    .!t :u.i" I '!uld tell y!u all ab!ut it# but let@s Cust s)i+ it >!r n!w# !)ay

    All y!u need t! )n!w >!r te (!(ent is tat al!n. wit all is !ter

    attributes# !ur +et as ad is te(+er(ent i(+r!ved by we u(ans" As >!r

    any!ne else avin. su' a +et# well# li)e tey say# te :il)y =ay@s a (i.ty

    bi. +la'e# but y!u w!n@t >ind any!ne else !ut tere w! d!es" On'e a day

    we ave t! >eed :u.i a s+e'ial )aliu( 'a+sule# s! is >!!d bill '!sts us an

    ar( and a le." Still# :u.i@s su' a >antasti' +et we d!n@t .ive it a se'!nd


  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    :u.i s!!) is ead !bstinately at >irst# but at last e see(ed t! realie

    tat I really was an.ry" He sl!wly .!t d!wn !>> te seat"

    r!( te '!ntr!l'abin"

    D!n@t let i( >!!l y!u" It was all an a't" Tey are s(art" Tey )n!w

    e;a'tly !w t! win a u(an bein.@s sy(+aty" I saw i( !>> silently"

    a'ed >r!nt a.ain"

    !n 'ue" sea t! land is

    Cust ab!ut 83&83# and tere are tw! '!ntinents se+arated by !'ean" Al(!st

    all te land sur>a'e is '!n'entrated !n tese '!ntinents & Eru)a and Tanst"

    Eru)a is l!'ated near te eFuat!r in te n!rtern e(is+ere# wile Tanst

    is near te eFuat!r in te s!utern e(is+ere !n te !++!site side !> te

    .l!be" Eru)a is tan Tanst# but b!t are eFually blessed wit

    abs!lutely te (!st (arvel!us 'li(ate" -!unt !n te Gravas ,!undati!n &

    wit te (!st 'a+ital in all te .ala;y & t! +i') a winner"

    L!vely An.el was b!und >!r Tanst@s s!utern e(is+ere" Tat@s were

    !ur 'lient# Gravas Heavy Industries# !ne !> te industrial divisi!ns !> te

    Gravas ,!undati!n# as its eadFuarters" Tat@s ri.t" T!se .uys" Te

    )in.s !> eavy industry# tey w! +r!udly b!ast tat tere isn@t a C!b tey

    'an@t ta')le >r!( starsi+buildin. t! ere'tin. entire 'ities" Gravas Heavy

    Industries as b!t a business eadFuarters and a +r!du'ti!n eadFuarters"

    Te !ne !n Dan.le is te +r!du'ti!n eadFuarters# res+!nsible >!r

    !+erati!ns and resear'"

    Our desi.nated landin. site was Kurut!(i S+a'e P!rt# s(a') dab in te

    (iddle !> te Tanst '!ntinent" T! be +er>e'tly !nest# we b!t !> us +re>er

    te !'ean we didn@t want t! ave t! land in a 'ru((y !ld land& l!')ed

    s+a'e+!rt" But Kurut!(i is as 'l!se as y!u 'an .et t! Gravas H"l"@s

    eadFuarters# s! wat@s a .irl t! d! In te >irst +la'e# we weren@t ere >!r

    te >un !> it"

    Our altitude was d!wn t! %3#333 (eters"

    I d!n@t )n!w wat (a.i' tey@d used# but Tanst was swated '!(+letely in

    brilliant .reen" Te 'ities .litterin. silver ere and tere a.ainst tatba')dr!+ (ade it l!!) li)e a billiard table s'attered wit 'ue balls" It (ust

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    ave ta)en a l!t !> terra&>!r(in. t! bury an entire '!ntinent in .rasslands

    and >!rest" But I w!uldn@t +ut it +ast te(# n!t te b!ys >r!( Gravas" uite

    a+art >r!( te (et!ds tey (i.t ave used and watever in'idents tere@dbeen in +ullin. it !>># I ad t! .ive te( 'redit" All any!ne '!uld >eel ab!ut

    tat endless .reen .arden was its in'redible beauty"

    I was '!(+letely entran'ed by te lands'a+e slidin. +ast !n !ur (ain

    s'reen# and >!r a (!(ent >!r.!t everytin. else"

    Tat was wen tey atta')ed"

    i' '!ntr!l#< Yuri '!ntinued"

    situati!n !n te d!ens !> lar.e and s(all s'reens !> all des'ri+ti!ns linin.

    te wall +anels" Te lar.est !ne# l!'ated dire'tly in >r!nt !> te +il!t and

    '!&+il!t seats# is te (ain s'reen" =e 'an 'all u+ any )ind !> i(a.e !n it#

    >r!( J&ray s'ans t! enan'ed i(a.ery"

    Te (ain s'reen s!wed >ive >lyin. sau'ers barrelin. t!ward L!vely

    An.el" Te distant silver s+e')s .littered a.ainst a ba').r!und !> dalin.

    blue s)y"

    !r (eted be>!re I '!uld >inis s+ea)in." Yuri ad ad te sa(

    idea" A sin.le sau'er >illed te s'reen"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    It was a )ind I@d never seen be>!re" It 'ertainly wasn@t !n te '!((er'ial

    (ar)et" And !> '!urse# it wasn@t !ne in (ilitary servi'e# eiter# at least n!t!>>i'ially" Te tw! barrels +r!trudin. >r!( te leadin. ed.e 'learly went

    wit s!(e )ind !> ener.y wea+!n" =!ever te si+s bel!n.ed t!# tis

    (u' was 'lear" Tey were >i.ters# and tey were >ull !> (ali'e >!r

    L!vely An.el"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    wen te >i.tin. w!uld start" But be>!re tat tere was !ne last tin. I ad

    t! be very sure !>"

    >iliati!n"< S! l!n. as teir

    '!((uni'ati!n .ear is w!r)in.# any si+ tat i.n!res tis 'all >r!( a

    ===A starsi+ is aut!(ati'ally '!nsidered !stile" =e '!uld >ire wen


    Ran.e $3#333"O< Yuri@s v!i'e 'an.ed in te (iddle !> te '!untd!wn"

    r!( all sides"

    li')s !> li.t !n te tar.ettin. s'reen

    suddenly went red" Te sau'ers still .ave n! si.n !> atta')in." =e '!uld

    stri)e >irst" I s!uted a '!urse 'an.e t! Yuri"

    e't '!n>iden'e in vi't!ry" =e were

    .!in. t! ta)e te( !ut# startin. wit te 'l!sest !ne and w!r) !ur way !ut"

    Li)e a ra+t!r ' its +rey# L!vely An.el wri..led er ele.ant

    s'arlet b!dy"

    I sFueeed te laser"

    A strea) !> li.t >lased !ut# and sli'ed te sau'er a+art"

    An en!r(!us ball !> !ran.e >la(e dyed te blue eavens"

    li++ed ba') te !ter way wit!ut a +ause" O> '!urse# te ene(y

    als! reversed '!urse# tryin. t! )ee+ us en'ir'led" But we were >aster !n !ur


    Lasers >ire

    An!ter ene(y sau'er e;+l!ded" Si(ultane!us (issile laun' & tis Cust

    t! tie teir ands" I >ired !>> tree ea' at tw! !> te ene(y si+s" One

    d!d.ed te( wit!ut a se'!nd t!u.t# but its buddy was tra++ed" It

    +!++ed u+ !ut !> te way !> te (issiles# ri.t int! !ur +at" I >inised it

    !>> wit te lasers"

    Tat le>t tw!" But te distan'e was 'l!sin." Tey t! s!!t ba')" A

    wea) ener.y bea( li')ed L!vely An.el@s !uter +lates" Even at tw! t! !ne it

    wasn@t a d!.>i.t# n!t wit tis bi. a di>>eren'e in +er>!r(an'e" I blaedaway# and an!ter si+ turned int! burnin. >ra.(ents" One t! .!"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    But"""but at tat (!(ent we (ade !ur de'isive err!r" =e@d .!tten

    'areless" =e@d been s! abs!rbed in te ene(y tat we@d >!r.!tten t! )ee+ an

    eye !n wat was .!in. !n ar!und us" Te >irst t! n!ti'e was# as (i.t be e;+e'ted# Yuri at te radar s'reen"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    And tere was a very bi. ban."

    '!urse# tere was n! way t! save er"

    air >i.t# s! e >!und tis way

    t! +ut us !n te s+!t"r!( te university !n

    :euiru# and C!ined te ===A t!.eter wit (y +artner Yuri" I@( Cust a

    inn!'ent# sweet y!un. (aiden"

    Yuri was b!rn !n :ar' $2# %$%%" Se@s >r!( Y!'a" And yu+# se@s $1#


    Yuri and I .!t t! )n!w ea' !ter wen we were in te sa(e study .r!u+

    in te sa(e 'lass at te university !n :euiru" =e s!!n be'a(e >ast>riends" Y!u '!uldn@t >ind tw! +e!+le wit (!re di>>erent +ers!nalities !r

    tastes# but >!r s!(e reas!n we were attra'ted t! ea' !ter >r!( te instant

    we (et" It was stran.e !w well we .!t al!n. /tere really was a reas!n >!r

    it# t!!# but tat !nly be'a(e 'lear a>ter we C!ined te ===A0"

    It@s been seven years n!w# but we@ve never been se+arated# n!t even !n'e"

    One day n!t l!n. be>!re we were su++!sed t! .raduate# we were 'alled in

    by !ur advis!r and intr!du'ed t! a .entle(an waitin. in is !>>i'e" Te

    (an was a re>ined# s'!larly ty+e# ab!ut >!rty# w! s!wed abs!lutely n!

    in'linati!n t! tell us is na(e" ,a't was# e was a s'!ut >!r an !r.aniati!nwe@d !nly eard ru(!rs ab!ut be>!re & te ===A & Tree D!uble&? A"

    Te ===A@s real na(e is te =!rlds =el>are =!r) Ass!'iati!n & it@s !ne

    !> te +ubli' b!dies bel! t! ?nited Gala'ti'a"

    As >!r ?nited Gala'ti'a itsel># well# I ave yet t! (eet any!ne w! d!esn@t

    )n!w wat tat is" ,!unded in %$75# wit a (e(bersi+ !> 7#333 +lanet

    states l!'ated in te :il)y =ay .ala;y# ?G is a +an&.ala'ti' +ea'e

    '!!+erati!n !r.aniati!n"

    It@s Cust 73 years sin'e s'ientists +er>e'ted te .reatest drea( !> te u(an

    ra'e# te war+ drive" In tat ti(e# we u(ans & '!l!nists# we 'all !urselves& ave advan'ed steadily int! !uter s+a'e# >illin. te :il)y =ay >r!( end t!

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    end" Tere are (!re tan 7#333 inabited s!lar syste(s# and Cust ab!ut as

    (any +lanet states & states were te entire +lanet is te basi' ad(inistrative

    unit" :y !wn !(e +lanet Ni!.i# and Yuri@s Y!'a# are b!t +lanet states" Tey

    de'lared inde+enden'e >r!( ,ederated Terra a de'ade a.! and C!ined

    ?nited Gala'ti'a"

    =en y!u tin) ab!ut it# te u(an ra'e as '!(e a l!n. way in Cust te

    tree de'ades sin'e it laun'ed !>> int! dee+ s+a'e" In'redible vitality is te

    w!rd" I su++!se tat vitality (ust be a (ani>estati!n !> te li>e>!r'e !> te

    s+e'ies itsel>"

    In re'ent years terra>!r(in. te'n!l!.y as been advan'in. by lea+s and

    b!unds" N!wadays even +lanets tat !n'e were le>t t! te(selves as un>it

    >!r u(an abitati!n are bein. rebuilt int! '!l!niable w!rlds" S!(e states

    even +lan t! terra>!r( all te +lanets in teir s!lar syste(s" At tis rate#

    virtually every +lanet state in te .ala;y will ave ev!lved int! an even

    (!re advan'ed >!r( !> .!vern(ent witin Cust te ne;t >ew years & s!lar

    states# +era+s

    Tirty years" *ust 73 years and it@s already '!(e t! tis" It )ind !> (a)es

    y!u tin) te universe itsel> as blessed u(anity@s advan'e" As i> it

    C!y>ully >lun. wide its .ates !> its !wn a''!rd"

    -an tat really be true

    =ell# I >!r !ne sure d!n@t tin) s!" :an d!esn@t '!ntr!l te universe it

    asn@t surrendered" It@s !nly .iven !ur u(an ra'e an itsy&bitsy 'an'e /and

    even tat stri)es (e as in'redibly .ener!us0"

    S!(e!w we@ve been able t! (a)e .!!d !n tat 'an'e" Or we ave s!

    >ar" O> '!urse te r!ad asn@t always been easy" =y is tat Be'ause

    naturally# te 'an'e we@ve been .iven '!(es wit its !wn set !> trials

    atta'ed" In '!untless sa+es and >!r(s# t!se trials ave risen u+ be>!re

    !ur s+e'ies t! bl!') !ur way" S!(eti(es tere@s been terrible >evers#

    !ri.ins un)n!wn" At !ter ti(es# natural 'atastr!+es bey!nd !ur '!ntr!l#

    li)e (assive s+a'e 'urrents !r bla') !les" Tere as even been >i.ts

    a(!n. !urselves tat ave es'alated int! a test >!r te ra'e as a w!le"

    Tere wasn@t (u' !> tat in te be.innin." =e (i.t ta)e s!(e da(a.e

    n!w and ten# but it was always li(ited# and never en!u. t! sway te >ate

    !> te entire s+e'ies" Or wasn@t# tat is# until te disaster tat s!!) te very

    >!undati!ns !> ?nited Gala'ti'a# te in>a(!us Kuraretta trinary star


    Tere@s n! reas!n >!r (e t! e;+lain te in'ident ere# s! I w!n@t" I> y!u

    want t! )n!w (!re ab!ut it# Cust 'art y!ursel> !>> t! te library" Everytin.

    >r!( te very be.innin. t! te very end# all te way d!wn t! te se'ret

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    st!ries beind te se'ret st!ries# ave all been +ut d!wn !n (i'r!>il(" *ust

    te standard en'y'l!+edia entry w!uld +r!bably be all y!u need# t!u."

    =at was (!st>i'ant ab!ut te Kuraretta in'ident was n!t tein'ident itsel>" It was tat it >inally +!unded int! te eads !> te leaders !>

    ea' and every +lanet state an awareness tat any )ind !> tr!uble# even te

    (!st trivial tin.# 'an eventually es'alate t! te +!int tat it treatens te

    e;isten'e !> te w!le u(an ra'e i> it isn@t andled +r!+erly"

    Tat was te ba').r!und rati!nale >!r te >!undin. !> te ===A si;

    years a.!" Te ===A see)s !ut# trains and dis+at'es +e!+le w! 'an

    res+!nd t! any and all )inds !> +r!ble(s wit te +!tential t! ar( te

    s+e'ies" Te ===A@s a.ents eiter s!lve te +r!ble( te(selves# !r

    +r!vide advi'e tat '!ntributes t! >indin. a s!luti!n" It@s a uniFue

    !r.aniati!n even witin ?nited Gala'ti'a"

    T! enable it t! +er>!r( its (issi!n# ?nited Gala'ti'a as end!wed te

    ===A wit awes!(e aut!rity" ===A a.ents & tr!uble '!nsultants#

    we@re 'alled & ave t!tal >reed!( !> a''ess t! any +lanet state bel! t!

    Gala'ti'a" =e@re .ranted '!(+lete aut!rity t! inde+endently +ursue !ur

    investi.ati!ns" Tr!uble '!nsultants res+!nsible >!r investi.atin. 'ri(inal

    !>>enses in +arti'ular# are .iven 'arte blan'e t! use any and all )inds !>


    Even s!# and I )n!w tis 'an be ard t! understand & te ===A is in n!

    way an internati!nal +!li'e >!r'e# !r a s+e'ial (ilitary >!r'e" Ea' +lanet

    state as its !wn inde+endent +!li'e and ar(y# and ?nited Gala'ti'a as te

    ?G S+a'e ,!r'e" Tere@s been n! need t! .! t! all te tr!uble !> 'reatin.

    yet an!ter si(ilar !r.aniati!n" N!# in te >inal analysis# te ===A

    always >un'ti!ns in te interests !> all (an)ind" It@s .uidin. +il!s!+y is

    te ter tat te

    ===A assi.ns y!u t! te >ield y!ur +arti'ular talents best eFui+ y!u t!


    Te ===A s'!ut w! suddenly s!wed u+ a >ew days be>!re !ur

    .raduati!n was tere t! s'!ut us" Believe it !r n!t# e wanted us t! be

    ===A 'ri(e tr!uble '!nsultants"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    Our st!(a's >li+&>l!++ed" Te s!') nearly t!!) !ur breat away" Yuri

    really did st!+ breatin. >!r a (!(ent se was >it t! su>>!'ate !n te s+!t"

    I 'an re(e(ber as i> it were yesterday !w !ur advis!r# Dr" -iban# (!anedand buried is ead in is ar(s wen e saw us >l!underin. ab!ut"

    All tin.s '!nsidered# it was a natural rea'ti!n"

    Neiter !> us ad any +arti'ular talent /!r s! we believed at te ti(e0" As

    >!r !ur .rades# well# t! be +er>e'tly >ran)# tey weren@t e;a'tly

    +raisew!rty" I> tere was anytin. ab!ut us tat set us a+art >r!( !ter

    +e!+le it was te >a't tat we were b!t /t!u. I say it (ysel>0# a'tually

    Fuite beauti>ul# wit +retty .!!d >i.ures /Every!ne did say s!0"

    Yet tat !bvi!usly ad n!tin. t! d! wit te ===A@s sele'ti!n

    standards" =e were sure tere@d been s!(e (ista)e" =e )e+t bad.erin. te

    re'ruiter t! tell us wy we were bein. s'!uted" But tat was !ne Fuesti!n

    e abs!lutely re>used t! answer" Later !n we >!und !ut tat e '!uldn@t

    ave answered us even i> e@d wanted t! e didn@t ave te sli.test idea

    wy# eiter"

    In te end# we went al!n." ===A tr!uble '!nsultants are an elite"

    Tey@re at te very 'uttin. ed.e !> s!'iety" But even better tan tat# tey@d

    '!(e t! s'!ut Yuri and (e t!.eter" By ten te tw! !> us ad already

    de'ided tat we w!uld be inse+arable wen we went !ut int! te real w!rld

    /and d!n@t y!u .et t! tin)in. we@re lesbians# 'u we@re n!t0" But te real

    w!rld isn@t all r!ses# and we@d been >rettin. ab!ut weter we '!uld really

    +ull it !>>" And ten# Cust at tat very (!(ent# al!n. '!(es tis in'redible

    !>>er >r!( te ===A" I> tey@d s'!uted Cust (e# !r Yuri# we w!uld ave

    turned te( d!wn >lat"

    N! s!!ner ad we .raduated tan we were sent t! te ===A trainin.

    >a'ility !n Si(!.u" On Si(!.u tey stu>> >res re'ruits t! te .ills wit

    new s)ills# >r!( +il!tin. s+a'esi+s t! andlin. wea+!ns !r# as in !ur 'ase#

    te'niFues !> 'ri(inal investi.ati!n" =e r!lled !ur eyes at te t!u.t !>

    avin. t! .! ba') t! s'!!l te (inute we@d >inised '!lle.e" But we .rit

    !ur teet# and b!re it"

    S!# at te end !> te year we !btained !ur !>>i'ial li'enses as 'ri(inal!r tr!uble '!nsultants and started !n !ur new 'areers"

    As >!r !ur C!b re'!rd# it@s n!t s!(etin. I@d want t! tal) t! stran.ers ab!ut"

    It@s n!t e;a'tly# y!u )n!w & bad" =e@ve s!lved every 'ase we@ve ever

    w!r)ed !n" It@s Cust tat te s!luti!ns weren@t always very +retty"

    As I see it# tere are tw! ways t! s!lve a 'ase" Tere@s te 'lean way#

    were y!u use +ea'e>ul (eans t! brin. everytin. under '!ntr!l" Ten

    tere@s te !ter way# were y!u ave t! use '!er'i!n t! >!r'e a s!luti!n !n

    a +r!ble( weter it li)es it !r n!t" I d!n@t )n!w !w e'!n!(i' tr!uble'!nsultants .! ab!ut it# but it see(s t! (e tat in !ur >ield# we always run

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    int! te .!ry se'!nd alternative" Even ten# !ur 'ases ave ad(ittedly been

    Cust a bit t!! s+e'ta'ular" An e;+l!si!n ere# an in>ern! tere# and in te

    end we@re le>t wit a (!untain !> '!r+ses and# in'identally# a s!luti!n" N!w it@s (y !+ini!n tat we always .et 'ases tat ave te latent +!tential

    >!r turnin. !ut tat way n! (atter w! t!!) te( !n" Publi' !+ini!n see(s

    t! see it di>>erently" Ru(!r as it tat any 'ase# even !ne as teeny&tiny as

    te +!int !> a needle# will es'alate t! t!tal war !n'e we@ve been sent in" O>

    '!urse tat@s Cust n!nsense" I> it was true tey w!uld ave ta)en away !ur

    li'enses l!n. a.!# n!w# w!uldn@t tey

    A tr!uble '!nsultants@ '!dena(e is usually ta)en >r!( te na(e !> is

    si+" Our s+a'esi+ bears te sweet a++ellati!n L!vely An.el" Naturally#

    we s!uld be 'alled tat# t!!" And tis was true at least# in te be.innin."

    N!wadays# t!u.# n!b!dy uses tat 'ute little title" Based !n !ur style !>

    w!r)# al(!st be>!re we )new it# every!ne ad ta)en t! 'allin. us te Dirty


    ,!rtunately /d!es tat s!und !dd0# 'lients 'an@t +i') teir tr!uble

    '!nsultants" Te 'entral '!(+uter sends te +e!+le it best suited t!

    te tas)# based !n a detailed analysis !> te 'ase at and" I> tey '!uld

    '!!se# I su++!se !ur w!r) w!uld dry u+ !verni.t"

    =erever we .!# te w!rd as always .!tten !ut already# and +e!+le .reet

    us wit te sa(e !ld l!!) !> '!nsternati!n !n teir >a'es" Tat really (a)es

    te bl!!d rus t! !ur eads" Inwardly we s'rea( at !ur 'lients t! st!+ teir

    bliterin." Tis ti(e# we +led.e# we@ll (a)e a 'lean C!b !> it" T!u.#

    s!(e!w !r !ter# Fuite a.ainst !ur will# it turns !ut te sa(e as usual"

    N!neteless# startin. !>> !ur investi.ati!n by sa'ri>i'in. an entire 'ivilian

    s+a'eliner 'arryin. >!rty +assen.ers and >i>teen 'rew (e(bers as we Cust

    ad !n Dan.le & was a >irst even >!r us# te ill&re+uted Dirty Pair"

    (y v!i'e te (!(ent we it te r!ad"

    =e were ridin. in a .lea(in. bla') li(!usine" Yuri# sittin. ne;t t! (e in

    te ba') seat# and :r" :erut!nan u+ >r!nt ne;t t! te driver# b!t '!vered

    teir ears in disa++r!val" Te driver was an andr!id# and '!uldn@t ave

    'ared less" Te !ters '!uld ave learned a tin. !r tw! >r!( i(

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    A'tually# it ad all be.un wen we debar)ed >r!( L!vely An.el"

    =!rn t! a ra.# t!r! de+ressed by te 'ras !> te Gala+a.!s# we

    trud.ed (!r!sely d!wn L!vely An.el@s .an.way int! te ta)e!>>landin.+!rt at Kurut!(i S+a'e+!rt"

    Everytin. see(ed a '!re" =e didn@t even want t! tal)" All we really

    wanted t! d! i> we '!uld was ide under !ur blan)ets in L!vely An.el@s

    slee+in. 'abin and sul)" But we '!uld ardly d! tat" =e ad '!(e ere t!

    d! a C!b" :!re!ver# we still ad t! sFuare away te Gala+a.!s disaster"

    O >!r sure# it ad !nly a++ened be'ause t!se ?,Os ad ta)en it u+!n

    te(selves t! atta') us# t! run away >r!( us# and t! s(as int! te

    s+a'eliner" But we still '!uldn@t es'a+e >eelin. res+!nsible" As ===A

    tr!uble '!nsultants# it ad been !ur duty t! s!!t te( d!wn be>!re tin.s

    went tat >ar" Stee+ed in .l!!(# we went d!wnstairs and .!t !n te (!vin.

    sidewal)" Yuri and I were b!t e(+ty anded# wit!ut even a ba. t! !ur

    na(e" =e@d le>t :u.i beind in L!vely An.el"

    =e .!t !>> at te i((i.rati!n '!unter"

    O> '!urse# all ===A a.ents ave >ree +asses" =e Cust >lased !ur ID

    'ards# and we were tr!u." I didn@t (u' li)e te way te i((i.rati!n

    !>>i'er stared at us t!u.# as i> we were a '!u+le !> (!nsters" I> I@d (et

    i( in te street# e never w!uld ave .!tten away wit it"

    =e t!!) te elevat!r t! te >irst >l!!r l!bby & were we >!und a .r!u+ !>

    (en waitin. >!r us"

    Tere were ab!ut %3 !> te(" Tey were all tall# )een&eyed# and wra++ed

    in bla') '!ats" S!(e !> te( even ad !n sun.lasses" =e esitated be>!re

    a++r!a'in. te(# a>raid tey (i.t be .an.sters" It wasn@t be'ause we

    were s'ared !> te(# (ind y!u" =e were Cust s'ared !> Cu(+in. t!

    '!n'lusi!ns and .ettin. int! a brawl" On'e & !n Planet Ber!su# I tin) it

    was & we@d (ista)en s!(e a't!rs !n l!'ati!n >!r real .an.sters and beaten

    te( t! a +ul+" =e didn@t want t! (a)e te sa(e (ista)e twi'e"

    All twenty +airs !> eyes >!ll!wed us as we ste++ed !ut !> te elevat!r" I

    >elt a little uneasy as t! wat te >!ll!win. (inutes (i.t brin." One !> te

    (en ste++ed >!rward"

    Tis .uy didn@t ave a '!at" He was wearin. a bla')# tree&+ie'e +instri+e

    suit wit te >lair !> a >asi!n (!del" Besides wi'# e was Cust in'redibly


    He l!!)ed 75# (aybe 78" He ad a >earless >a'e wit a str!n.# well&

    sa+ed n!se" A s!') !> dar) br!wn air un. !ver is >!reead" He was

    breatta) se;y" His aFua(arine eyes .linted li)e +ri'eless Cewels# and

    wen tey turned !n (e tey sent a siver d!wn (y s+ine# turnin. (y

    )nees t! Celly"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    He was even taller tan te .an. !> beanstal)s ar!und i(# easily t!++in.

    $13 'enti(eters" He was terribly lean# but is sar+ (!ve(ents bes+!)e !>

    ir!n (us'les" Te (an s(iled s!>tly# revealin. a .li((er !> +early wite teet"

    O# e was t!! (u'" I was wal)in. !n air" Ta)e (e

    In a dee+ v!i'e at !n'e (as'uline and tender# te (an s+!)e &

    is (!ut"

    An!ter un+leasant +re(!niti!n ran d!wn (y s+ine"

    #< e said" Still s(ir)in.# e s+a'ed !ut is w!rds

    (!(ent!usly" be'a(e

    even (!re !verbearin." Blast I> y!u want t! )ee+ tin.s s!rt# !ur !>>i'ial

    '!de na(e is L!vely An.el

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    ire at Gravas Heavy Industries tat y!u@ve been as)ed

    t! investi.ate >alls under (y Curisdi'ti!n" I@ve deter(ined tat it was an

    a''ident" O> '!urse# I '!ndu'ted a t!r!u. investi.ati!n" :y '!n'lusi!nis based !n tat investi.ati!n" N! (atter wat an.le y!u +ursue# tere is n!

    r!!( >!r d!ubt"

    !!ls at te Gravas ,!undati!n I d!n@t )n!w wat .!t int!

    te(# but tey went and +etiti!ned te ===A t! re!+en te

    investi.ati!n" """And (!re!ver" :!re!ver Te +e!+le tey send t! d! it

    are n!ne !ter tan te in>a(!us Dirty Pair D! y!u e;+e't us t! +ut u+

    wit tat

    > in (id&senten'e" Le>t

    t! i(sel># te ins+e't!r see(ed ready t! .! !n runnin. us d!wn in +ubli'


    > Cust be'ause we@re ta)in. it Fuietly" And y!u 'all y!ursel> a

    (an# blabberin. !n li)e tat *ust wen are y!u su..estin. tat we ever did

    anytin. li)e tatin.ers"

    Geb!r! a>>air !n Orius# te Bar!n Kital!') (urder !n

    Tevi!us# te 'ild )idna++in. !n Kelbat# te Gaidle""" we Fuailed n!w and returned !(e# it w!uld be 'urtains >!r us wit

    te ===A" =e ad t! .ive i( a .!!d# ard bite"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    An!ter (an s'ared !>> >!r .!!d" t!se 'ases was b!und t!

    turn !ut te way it did It@s n!t !ur >ault tin.s a++ened tat wayi.t ri.t !ver Kurut!(i S+a'e+!rt# te Gala+a.!s

    and >i>ty&>ive inn!'ent 'itiens t! teir deats

    His w!rds see(ed t! (a)e an al(!st audible n!ise as tey +lun.ed int!

    (y eart" Da(n ?sin. te very tin. we were (!st u+set ab!ut


    r!( te ===A" S! let it +ass# let it +ass" But I at least

    (ust as) y!u t! settle te s'!re" Isn@t tat s! I> y!u d!n@t# wat

    '!ns!lati!n will tere be >!r te 88 deada'e went 'ri(s!n# ten

    wite# and >inally bla')"

    r!( And even wile we waited & te Gala+a.!s tra.edy

    As i> tat by itsel> wasn@t (!re tan we '!uld endure# n!w y!u '!(e and

    insult us t! !ur >a'es

    tat@s !w it@s .!in. t! be# ten t! ell wit te ===A

    and ?nited Gala'ti'a I@ll tea' y!u a less!n y!u@ll never >!r.etar y!u .et in 'a.rin"

    Te !ld .ent was n!ne !ter tan !ur 'lient# ( dire't!r :erut!nan

    !> te Gravas ,!undati!n" reFuestin. s!(e i(+!rtant witnesses t! v!luntarily a''!(+any (e

    t! eadFuarters"t te l!bby# is twenty underlin.s in t!w"

    a'e us" He still s+!)e 'ris+ly

    >r!( te +revi!us ar.u(ent# and is s+lendid bald d!(e .lea(ed wit


  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    =e were +r!(+tly bundled int! a bi. bla') air'ar li(!usine waitin.

    !utside te s+a'e+!rt ter(inal" Te li(!usine li>ted !>># and (!(ents later

    we were barrelin. d!wn te i.way# due s!ut"

    Chapter *! "ho Cares A+out ,a-ations. Any/ay&

    y!u weren@t s! sl!w !n te u+ta)e ba') t!.eter a.ain# I went ba') t! belab!rin.

    Yuri" As >!r Yuri# Cust !w d! y!u li)e tat Se was .aw)in. at (e# er

    >a'e a +i'ture !> daed stu+e>a'ti!n"

    !r sure# tere was a (!untain !> tin.s I

    '!uld ave said" Li)e# Cust wat d! y!u (ean by tat# Yuri =ile y!u

    were standin. tere li)e a lu(+ !n a l!.# I was !ut tere de>endin. !ur

    !n!r all by (ysel>" B!y# y!u@ve .!t a l!t !> nerve I '!ntinued t! seete inra.e"

    But !n'e Yuri ta)es tat attitude# it d!esn@t (atter wat y!u say" Se Cust

    >l!ats away >r!( y!u# until y!u wind u+ >eelin. li)e a >!!l y!ursel>" I .ave

    u+ tr!win. ysteri's at er# and trained (y si.ts !n :erut!nan# sittin. in

    te >r!nt seat"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    is seat" He was 'learly


    As I (enti!ned in te l!bby#< e said#

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    ter all# te +eerless Gravas ,!undati!n" Tat@s es+e'ially

    true ere !n Dan.le" =e !+ened u+ tis +lanet and devel!+ed it Cust t!

    l!'ate te eadFuarters !> Gravas Heavy Industries ere" As >ar as te.!vern(ent !> Dan.le is '!n'erned# !ur w!rd is te law" It was !nly +!li'e

    +ressure" =e brused it !>>"!r instan'e# wen te 'lai(ant (ay be dissatis>ied wit te !ut'!(e

    !> a 'ase te +!li'e already '!nsider 'l!sed" Tat was wat ad a++ened

    tis ti(e wit te Gravas ,!undati!n" ter Tat@s a bit !> an e;a..erati!n#< re+lied

    :erut!nan serenely" !r !ur a++eal was si(+ly tat

    te '!n'lusi!ns !> te +!li'e and te '!ntents !> te >inal re+!rt +re+ared by

    !ur !wn intelli.en'e +e!+le disa.reed" investi.ati!ns tey '!n'luded tat it was an a''ident" =e were disturbed

    by tis dis're+an'y# and de'ided t! ta)e te (atter t! te ===A" ad s!wn t!ward us was

    si(+ly t!! e;tre(e"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    tat !ur '!nversati!n ad +etered !ut" '!urse# I wanted t! say

    it# t!!"

    =en te 'entral '!(+uter ad su((!ned us we ad been !n ,&-lass

    standby & in !ter w!rds# !n va'ati!n"

    =e@d been at San!va Bea' !n anir"

    anir is !ne !> te :il)y =ay@s (!st >a(!us !'ean res!rt +lanets" San!va

    Bea' is !n te western sea'!ast !> te Suvalean '!ntinent# wi' s+rawls

    al!n. anir@s eFuat!r" It@s an !'ean swi((in. res!rt tat@s .reatest 'lai( t!

    >a(e is its )il!(eter&l!n. bea'# blessed wit sall!w water >ar !ut t! sea

    and '!vered wit 'rystal wite star sand"

    A# te li(+id water# te .entle waves# te re>resin. breee# te !t#

    e;'itin. rays !> te sun Tat was were we@d been +assin. !ur ti(e !n ,&

    -lass standby wen we re'eived te e(er.en'y su((!ns" =at d! y!u

    tin) w!uld n!r(ally a++en in su' a 'ase O> '!urse# we@d be s'rea(in.

    bl!!dy (urder" Ten !r even twenty !> te '!i'est w!rds in !ur v!'abulary

    w!uldn@t su>>i'e t! relieve !ur >eelin.s"

    But Cust tis !n'e# it was di>>erent" Y!u see# tis +arti'ular ,&-lass

    standby ad ad n!tin. .!in. >!r it at all" Yuri ad .!tten te 'ra(+s and

    nearly dr!wned" I was nearly run d!wn by a ydr!Cet b!at" Te )n!')!ut

    .uy we tried t! +i') u+ turned !ut t! be .ay""" In a w!rd# tis va'ati!n ad

    been te +its"

    Tat@s wen we .!t te e(er.en'y su((!ns >r!( eadFuarters"

    Stewin. tere wit n!tin. t! d!# lyin. ar!und !n !ur ba')s t!+less# we@d

    b!unded !>> anir and ba') int! s+a'e as i> te su((!ns ad been a

    blessin. >r!( eaven" ,!ll!win. eadFuarter@s dire'ti!ns# we@d rused

    strai.t t! Dan.le"

    N!neteless# te su((!ns was un+re'edented" =e a.reed t! .! be'ause

    we Cust a++ened t! be in a disaster !ne at te ti(e# but tis !ne 'learly

    bel!n.ed t! tat 'ate.!ry !ur w!r) rules ter( usable duties"< I> we

    adn@t wanted t! .!# we '!uld ave said n! wit!ut any +enalty at all"

    =en te ===A de'ides t! dis+at' a tr!uble '!nsultant# it >irst

    'are>ully studies te nature and >a'ts !> te 'ase# ten sele'ts te '!nsultant+resu(ed t! be (!st suited t! te tas) >r!( te list !> t!se !n A B !r -&

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    -lass standby" A.ents !n D E !r ,&-lass standby aren@t even 'e')ed"

    Te r!tati!n s'edule '!(es >irst"

    I tal) ab!ut tr!uble '!nsultants as i> we were all te sa(e# but in >a't# !urw!r) varies tre(end!usly" Naturally# tere are s!(e +e!+le w! are suited

    >!r a .iven assi.n(ent# and s!(e w! aren@t" All te t!usands and

    t!usands !> tr!uble '!nsultants are 'are>ully 'ate.!ried by ability and

    +ers!nality# and t!se wit si(ilar in'linati!ns are listed u+ int! .r!u+s"

    Te w!r) s'edule is de'ided witin tis >ra(ew!r)"

    O> '!urse# tis way !> d!in. tin.s (eans tat s!(eti(es !nly te se'!nd

    best# !r even te tird best '!i'e >!r a 'ase a'tually .ets assi.ned t! it" I>

    anytin.# tat@s wat a++ens te (aC!rity !> te ti(e" In al(!st every

    'ase# te di>>eren'e in abilities >alls witin te +r!bability !> err!r" Even i>

    it d!esn@t# t!u.# it@s believed tat y!u .et better results by dis+at'in. a

    tr!uble '!nsultant w! is well rested and rarin. t! .! tan y!u d! by

    sendin. s!(e!ne !n D& !r ,&-lass standby w! as Cust >inised is !r er

    last assi.n(ent less tan te (andat!ry $33 !urs be>!re"

    Be tat as it (ay# we ad been !n ,&-lass standby# and we ad been


    Tere '!uld be !nly !ne reas!n" Te 'entral '!(+uter ad Cud.ed tat we

    were te !nly +e!+le w! '!uld s!lve tis 'ase" :!re!ver# every (inute

    was +re'i!us"

    =it!ut even ti(e t! .ive te data a .!!d read tr!u.# we s+urred

    L!vely An.el !n and urried t! Dan.le"

    A silen'e ad st!len !ver te interi!r !> te air'ar"

    Even I# w! ad been d!in. (y best t! 'reate a disturban'e# n!w sat wit

    (y (!ut sut# 'astin. an eye !ver te lands'a+e !> Dan.le >l!win. by

    bey!nd te wind!ws"

    A .reen +lain s+read be>!re us as >ar as te eye '!uld see" Te wite line

    !> te i.way (eandered !n wit!ut end" A truly (!n!t!n!us s'ene"

    Ten# suddenly# I n!ti'ed a silver .litter >ar away !n te ri.t" It was a

    (ulti&>a'eted t!wer" ,!ll!win. it# a '!lle'ti!n !> !ter buildin.s 'a(e int!


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    Tis bein. te very i.est !> i.&'lass re'e+ti!n r!!(s# we ad i.

    !+es as we sli++ed tr!u. te d!!r" But te interi!r was

    +lain" =e@d been l!!)in. >!rward t! s!(e (>i'ent r!'!'!e;trava.ana# s! it was really a let d!wn" Te r!!( wasn@t even very lar.e"

    Te d!(inant '!l!r was a s!ber silver&.ray"

    =e were ur.ed t! ta)e a seat !n an an.ular s!>a b!rdered wit br!wn

    leater" Yuri and I +l!++ed !urselves d!wn side by side" :y b!dy ad

    see(ed t! sin) d!wn wit ea' ste+ !n te ti') 'ar+et# .ivin. (e

    un+leasant sensati!ns" :erut!nan sat d!wn e;a'tly !++!site us" Tere was

    n! !ne else in te r!!("

    swit' )eys !n te ed.e !>

    te table" Te 'enter sl!wly s+lit a+art# and !ut 'a(e a sele'ti!n !> drin)s"

    Gravas# it see(ed# valued >un'ti!n !ver >!r("


    a'ilities in ea' buildin. and te lab@s (ain resear' te(es are

    (u' t!! '!(+li'ated t! e;+lain n!w" Please see te re+!rt later"

    H!wever""" and tis is s!(etin. I was t!r! Fuesti!ned ab!ut by te

    +!li'e""" I 'an s+ea) >!r weter !r n!t tere was anytin. in Lab A&%5# any

    'e(i'als !r e;+eri(ental a++aratus# tat '!uld ave tri..ered su' a u.e


  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    >ee# and '!ntinued" !re I .et t! tat# I s!uld (enti!n tat tere was !ne (!re +!int

    !> '!ntr!versy"

    ir(ly establised tat te re(ains were t!se !>

    Dr"!n# and tus it was '!n>ir(ed tat te 'ase did inv!lve a deat" an e;+eri(ent" He was a real

    e''entri'" :erut!nan (ade a Fuaverin. a+!l!.y in is +la'e" Sin'e te

    +r!>ess!r ad )e+t re+eatin. te sa(e +!int# !r rater# te sa(e tw! +!ints &

    eet a.ain"

    dr!ve" dire't!r t!u. e (i.t be# e

    a++arently ad little desire t! use any !> is sub!rdinates" -!(e t! tin) !>

    it# even te driver !> te li(!usine adn@t been u(an# but an andr!id" Te

    leadersi+ !> te Gravas ,!undati!n (ust be ta)in. tis in'ident very

    seri!usly indeed"

    Be>!re l!n. we rea'ed te bla')ened e;+anse tat ad !n'e been Lab A&

    %5" =e !++ed !ut !> te air'ar"

    H!rri>yin.# was te !nly w!rd t! des'ribe tat lands'a+e"

    Te lab!rat!ry ad !''u+ied su' a u.e tra't tat n!tin. but des!lati!n

    (et te eye" Te s)elet!ns !> ruined buildin.s +!)in. u+ ere and tere

    !nly rein>!r'ed te i(+ressi!n"

    urter en'l!sed by %3&(eter&i. >irewalls tat als! served t! )ee+

    !ut sus+i'i!us +ers!ns and industrial s+ies" Everytin. was desi.ned t!

    +revent >ires >r!( s+readin. t! !ter se't!rs in 'ase !> a disaster" Tis ti(e#

    te >ears!(e s!') wave >r!( te e;+l!si!n ad >lattened te >en'e# but atleast te !+ed&>!r .!al ad been a'ieved"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    ar it s!uld ave been '!(+letely

    !bvi!us" we d!n@t# !w are we su++!sed t! .et !ur brea)ied" A''!rdin. t! :erut!nan# Gravas

    Heavy Industries '!uld ave rest!red tis (u' land t! its +ristine state in

    Cust ten standard 'alendar days i> tey@d >elt li)e it" Tey adn@t d!ne s! in

    !rder t! aid te sear' >!r te 'ause !> te e;+l!si!n" =en we eard tat#

    !ur res+!nsibility see(ed all te (!re !ner!us" =at a dra.

    =ere te Pavl!ssa :e(!rial Lab!rat!ry ad !n'e st!!d tere was n!w a

    'rater tat (ust ave (easured 833 (eters !r (!re a'r!ss"

    !r te >irst ti(e wit !ur !wn eyes# we b!t 'au.t !ur breat"

    a'e" I waved at i(#

    (eanin. t! say n!t t! w!rry"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    In >ive (inutes we were at .r!und er!" Te walls !> te 'rater r!se u+

    ar!und us li)e an inverted '!ne" Overead was a 'rystal blue s)y"

    Te eat t! en.ul> (y entire b!dy" Still standin.# Yuri and I >a'ed ea' !ter and +ut !ur +al(s sFuarely

    t!.eter" Li.tly 'l!sin. !ur eyes# we sl!wly stret'ed !ur ar(s t!ward te

    s)y as i> we were .ivin. a Banai 'eer" As always# it >elt as i> we were

    bein. (ani+ulated by s!(etin. !utside !urselves" Our ands w!uld n!t

    '!(e a+art"

    S!(etin. blaed in te ba') !> (y eye"

    It was a >las !> +ure wite li.t" Ten a diyin. >eelin. !> wal)in. !n

    air# >!ll!wed by a tin.lin. e'stasy" Everytin. went wite"

    An i(a.e a++eared"

    It a++eared li)e a +i'ture +ainted !n a i((a'ulate 'anvas"

    It went !ut"

    In a twin)lin.# '!l!r returned t! (y '!ns'i!usness" At te sa(e ti(e I

    was assaulted by an unbearable letar.y" :y le.s were ready t! '!lla+se

    under (e" I resisted wit a will+!wer !ned by l!n. trainin." Sl!wly I >elt

    (y stren.t returnin."

    I !+ened (y eyes" ,!r a (!(ent everytin. s+un diily" Ten it


    Everytin. was as it ad been be>!re"

    In tis talent lay te reas!n >!r !ur bein. s'!uted by te ===A" =e#

    w! ad t!u.t we ad n! talent at all# in >a't ad ad a w!nder>ul ability

    '!n'ealed witin us"""

    -lairv!yan'e" Tat@s wat te +ara+sy'!l!.ists 'all it"

    Te >irst ti(e we e;+erien'ed it was in !ur se'!nd year !> '!lle.e" Li)e

    (any !ter es+ers & +e!+le wit e;trasens!ry +!wers & te >irst

    (ani>estati!n !> !ur ability was +urely a''idental"

    A >riend ad l!st a Cewel !n 'a(+us" Tat wasn@t s! unusual in itsel>" Y!u

    ear te sa(e st!ry all te ti(e" Tat is# i> y!u leave !ut te +art ab!ut tis

    Cewel bein. a $%3&'arat +las(ast!ne"

    Naturally# tere was an u+r!ar" As t! wy se br!u.t s!(etin. as

    valuable as tat !nt! 'a(+us in te >irst +la'e# !> '!urse tere was a reas!n#

    but it w!uld ta)e t!! l!n. t! e;+lain ere# s! I w!n@t" In any 'ase# se

    br!u.t it# and se l!st it" Te +!li'e were 'alled in# and tere was a .reat#

    'a(+us&wide sear'"

    In te (iddle !> all tis# Yuri and I >ell int! a tran'e in !ur d!r(it!ry

    r!!(" It was at a (!(ent wen we Cust a++ened t! be t!u'in. ands"

    =e saw an i(a.e +ass be>!re us"

    It was an i(a.e !> a red bird"

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    Needless t! say# we didn@t )n!w wat !n eart t! (a)e !> tis" In >a't# we

    didn@t even )n!w wat ad a++ened t! us"

    It was deter(ined tat te Cewel ad been st!len" Te 'ri(inal was s!!na++reended" In'redibly en!u.# it turned !ut t! be !ne !> !ur 'lass(ates"

    It was a s!') wen we saw er bein. led away# but it was even (!re !> a

    s!') wen we >!und !ut tat se was wearin. a +in in er air# in te

    sa+e !> a red bird Te bird was un(ista)ably te sa(e !ne we ad seen

    wile we were in !ur tran'e"

    =en we t!ld !ur >riends# n!t !ne !> te( believed us" It was an

    in>uriatin. e;+erien'e" Tal)in. ab!ut it later# t!u.# we de'ided we

    '!uldn@t really bla(e te(" I> !ur +!siti!n ad been reversed# we +r!bably

    w!uldn@t ave believed it !urselves" Tat@s !w e;tra!rdinary an in'ident it


    Yuri and I +led.ed ten and tere tat te ne;t ti(e we ad te sa(e

    e;+erien'e we@d ann!un'e it t! !ur >riends and rest!re !ur !n!r"

    Te !++!rtunity 'a(e s!!ner tan we@d e;+e'ted"

    Tis ti(e it was an a''ident inv!lvin. !ur !wn advis!r" He was it by a

    s+eedin. air'ar# Cust tw! wee)s a>ter te 'ase !> te (issin. Cewel" It was a

    it&and&run a''ident"

    ,!rtunately# !ur advis!r es'a+ed wit !nly li.t inCuries" But by te sa(e

    t!)en# tere were n! 'lues# and it was i(+!ssible t! >erret !ut te 'ri(inal"

    =e & I )n!w I s!uldn@t say tis & we saw tis as a eaven&sent

    !++!rtunity" =e Fui')ly sut !urselves u+ in !ur r!!(# i((ediately C!ined

    ands as we ad be>!re# and waited >!r te tran'e t! '!(e" N!tin.

    a++ened"""!nly ti(e 'rawled sl!wly by" I(+atiently we tried t! >i.ure !ut

    wat was di>>erent >r!( be>!re" Tat ti(e# every!ne in te 'lass ad been

    '!nsidered a sus+e't# and every!nes@ nerves ad been ab!ut t! sna+"

    & tat@s wat was (issin. n!w ,ar >r!( bein. an.ry# we were al(!st

    Cu(+in. >!r C!y"

    S! we started d!in. !ur best t! .et an.ry" Pe!+le are +retty irres+!nsible

    'ritters" As we s!uted ba') and >!rt ab!ut wat tat 'ree+ ad d!ne t!

    !ur tea'er# we really did t! .et an.ry" A>ter twenty (inutes !r s!#

    we were in a ra.e"

    And ten we went int! a tran'e"

    Te visi!n we saw was n!t 'lear# but it see(ed t! be a d!ll !> s!(e )ind"

    -!(+arin. n!tes a>terwards# Yuri and I >inally a.reed it was a d!ll !> a

    dar)&&>a'ed y!ut wearin. a wide&bri((ed at" =e +r!(+tly drew a

    +i'ture !> it"

    Te ne;t day 'a(e" =e s!wed te +i'ture t! !ur 'lass(ates" Every!ne

    lau.ed at te aw>ul drawin.# but tere was !ne b!y w!@s >a'e went sti>>"He said e )new an air'ar tat ad a d!ll li)e tat >r!( a !!) !n

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    its dasb!ard" Every!ne & even !urselves & were ast!nised" But wen we

    investi.ated# it turned !ut e was ri.t"

    Te 'ri(inal was arrested te ne;t a>tern!!n" =en Pr!>ess!r -iban eard te st!ry# e 'alled us !ver t! te !s+ital"

    =e e;+lained in detail wat ad a++ened# and e in+ut it int! a '!(+uter"

    Tat '!(+uter was lin)ed t! te ===A@s in>!r(ati!n netw!r)"

    Tw! years later te ===A s'!ut(an 'a(e t! see us" Tere ad been n!

    !ter !++!rtunities t! use !ur 'lairv!yan'e sin'e ten# and we ad been !n

    te ver.e !> >!r.ettin. ab!ut it !urselves"

    'lear visi!n# it@s (!re li)e ay """ n!# (uddy

    visi!n" (ysel> ba') d!wn"

    -!untless rays !> li.t sli'ed tr!u. te s+a'e I@d Cust !''u+ied" ,ive t!


    Tree !> te >ive >ell >res +rey t! te Bl!!dy -ard" In se'!nds te ene(y

    ad been redu'ed t! tw!" But as teir ability t! es'a+e unar(ed s! >ar ad

    s!wn# te last tw! were +r!s" :!vin. >ar (!re ni(bly tan I ad

    e;+e'ted# tey suddenly r!se u+ ri.t in >r!nt !> us"

    Laser bea(s lea+ed >r!( te .uns in teir ands" Yuri and I r!lled !ut !>

    te way"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    te atta')" ,irst I .unned d!wn !ne" Ten I s+un ar!und t! ta)e !n te last

    .uy &but e ad already been 'ut '!(+letely in tw! by te Bl!!dy -ard"

    Te Bl!!dy -ard# true t! its na(e# returned t! Yuri@s and s(eared abri.t red" I ran t! :erut!nan@s side" Only tw! (inutes and 56 se'!nds ad

    ela+sed >r!( te start !> te >i.t"

    iniseda'e" I was ab!ut t! rib i( a

    little# wen I was st!++ed by a sudden t!u.t"

    t beindlew us ba') t! te eadFuarters buildin. at

    lunati' s+eed" =e !nly 'rased int! te w!!ds twi'e al!n. te way"

    Chapter 2! Get In Our "ay and 3ou Get It1

    =e waited in te sa(e !ld re'e+ti!n r!!( !n te 52t >l!!r !> Gravas

    Heavy Industries eadFuarters"

    A>ter a >ew (inutes te d!!r burst !+en# and :erut!nan rused in wit a

    bla') bible 'lut'ed t! is 'est" Te d!!r i((ediately sealed sut"

    ar end !> te re'e+ti!n r!!(

    was bein. swall!wed u+ by te >l!!r" Bey!nd it st!!d a u.e '!ntr!l +anelburied under a dalin. array !> (eters# s'reens and indi'at!r la(+s" A& a#

    s! tat@s !w tis +la'e is really set u+

    Te wall disa++eared '!(+letely int! te >l!!r# revealin. te '!ns!le in

    its entirety"

    ell !+en wit a iss as air da(+ers abs!rbed te s!')" A (!ut

    .a+ed !+en in its +la'e" te (eters

    >li')ed ba') and >!rt"

    Suddenly >ine +rint and '!de nu(bers t! >lit a'r!ss te bi..est !>

    te s'reens# easily (easurin. $"8 (eters i. and % (eters a'r!ss"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    e and destr!yed Lab A&%5 Cust t! (a)e sure s!(e!ne read tis

    (essa.e" O> '!urse# tere (ust ave been !ter reas!ns as well >!r bl!win.

    u+ te lab" But te ulti(ate reas!n# bey!nd a d!ubt# was t! ensure tat tis

    (essa.e .!t read" =at '!uld it be# tis (essa.e tat ad been delivered at

    su' a +ri'e

    Strivin. t! '!ntain (y !verwel(in. 'uri!sity# I waited >!r :erut!nan t!

    read te de'!ded (essa.e !ut l!ud"

    As :erut!nan ra+idly s'anned te 'ara'ters +rintin. !ut !n te s'reen#

    is !le b!dy went" He didn@t (!ve a (us'le" Only is li+s tre(bled

    vi!lently" He '!uldn@t say a w!rd"

    ,inally e s+!)e# sa)ily# as i> e 'lawed ea' w!rd >r!( is tr!at"

    e t! leave

    tis warnin. t! all (an)ind" At tis very instant a dastardly +l!t is

    un>!ldin. under te dire'ti!n !> Gravas Heavy Industry s'ientist Dr"

    Te++eus# a +l!t tat treatens te very +ea'e !> te .ala;y" I was treatened

    int! '!!+eratin. a.ainst (y will" In !rder t! at!ne >!r tis 'ri(e# I lay

    d!wn (y li>e t! write tis (essa.e" G!d# .rant (er'y and stren.t t! tis

    y!ur 'ild"""@ Te end" Tat@s all tere is"ew se'!nds# n!ne !> us '!uld >ind !ur v!i'es"

    illed wit a burnin. ra.e# I s+at !ut te w!rds"

    !r'e '!((ander Tayl!r< sna++ed :erut!nan" His

    v!i'e ad .!ne ard" An!ter (an a++eared !n te s'reen"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    li>e"!ur !ter air'ra>ts t! 'ras# I

    >inally br!u.t us s)iddin. tr!u. te .ates !> Kurut!(i S+a'e+!rt"

    Oddly en!u.# !ur !wn air'ar was uns'ated" :erut!nan '!uldn@t

    '!(+lain ab!ut tat"

    Runnin. tr!u. te l!bby# we dased int! an elevat!r and lea+ed !>>

    a.ain at te bert were L!vely An.el awaited us" Te sun ad l!n. sin'e

    set# and te s+a'e+!rt was >l!!ded wit blindin. arti>i'ial li.t" Bated !n

    all sides by d!ens !> bea(s !> wite li.t# L!vely An.el@s ele.ant s'arlet

    ull .lea(ed +alely a.ainst te dar) !> s+a'e"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    Ei.ty (eters in len.t# ei.teen (eters a'r!ss at er widest +!int" Ta)e a

    l!n.# sar+ly +!inted artillery sell# stret' it !ut even (!re# ni+ in te

    waist# and add >!ur r!')et n!les and >!ur >ins# alternatin. tw! lar.e andtw! tin# t! te stern" Tat@s a .eneral des'ri+ti!n !> L!vely An.el" O>

    '!urse# se@s really >!r(ed !> >ar (!re subtle 'urves tan tat"

    N! s!!ner ad we .!tten ab!ard tan :u.i 'a(e !ut t! .reet us" He (ust

    ave been !verC!yed t! see us" He b!unded all !ver te +la'e wit!ut a

    'are# winin. in'essantly" Tan) y!u# :u.i# >!r a ard al>&day (indin.

    te st!re" But tere@s n! ti(e t! +lay wit y!u ri.t n!w" Heartlessly

    +usin. i( aside# we urried t! te '!')+it"

    Yuri sat ersel> d!wn in te +il!t@s seat# I t!!) te '!&+il!t@s# and we

    blasted !>>" L!vely An.el ri++ed !wlin. tr!u. te at(!s+ere# dan'in.

    u+ward t!ward te distant ei.ts !> s+a'e"

    A>ter insertin. L!vely An.el int! r!u. !rbit ar!und Dan.le# we .!t

    '!!rdinates >!r ul'an >r!( te s+a'e+!rt '!ntr!l t!wer and (!di>ied !ur

    traCe'&t!ry" By 'an'e# te >li.t '!ntr!ller w! a++eared !n (y s'reen Cust

    a++ened t! be te sa(e little .entle(an as be>!re" Tis ti(e# t!u.# I ad

    t!! (u' !n (y (ind t! be a tease"

    ul'an was an i((ense# T&sa+ed s+a'e stati!n" Its 'entral a;is was a

    'ylinder 7#333 (eters l!n. and 833 (eters a'r!ss" It was en!r(!us# all te

    (!re s! >!r Cust a resear' stati!n" In >a't# it >ell Cust a little s!rt !> te

    lar.est 'lass !> (ilitary s+a'e stati!ns" I> te w!le tin. was under ene(y

    '!ntr!l# it w!uld be all but i(+!ssible t! 'a+ture it s!rt !> 'allin. in a

    (aC!r battle .r!u+ !> te ?nited Gala'ti'a S+a'e ,!r'e"

    L!vely An.el entered an !rbit tat w!uld interse't wit ul'an in 7#5%3


  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    I wi+ed an i(a.inary br!w in relie> at avin. >!!led er s! well# and

    n!dded e;trava.antly"

    Te re+ly >r!( ul'an was !r d!')in."< :aybe it wassur+risin.# (aybe it wasn@t" In any 'ase# tere wasn@t anytin. we '!uld d!

    >r!( te !utside t! su' an awes!(e stati!n" =e ad t! .et inside

    s!(e!w" I> !ur !sts were willin. t! let us in# tat was Cust Ci( dandy"

    u.e >!r Dr" Te++eus" But tat ardly see(ed li)ely n!w" N!

    d!ubt ul'an was itsel> te (ain str!n.!ld !> te dastardly +l!t

    treatenin. te +ea'e !> te entire .ala;y#@ tat Dr"!n ad warned !>

    in is (essa.e" =it a >ew (!di>i'ati!ns# a s+a'e stati!n tat sie '!uld

    Fui')ly be turned int! a >!rtress"

    >erent (atter# but y!u 'an '!unt !n it t! stand u+ well t! wea) ener.y


    ,!r wea+!ns we '!se eat.uns" Set a eat.un !n s'atter# and y!u 'an

    +ut u+ a .!!d >i.t a.ainst a nu(eri'ally >ar su+eri!r >!e"

    ul'an l!!(ed be>!re us"

    Te stati!n sent us a strea( !> d!')in. instru'ti!ns" Yuri@s ands were

    >ull Cust steerin. te si+# s! I t!!) !ver te data +r!'essin."

    An e;+anse !> ul'an@s !uter +lates s+lit !+en# and a (!!rin. '!nne't!r

    sl!wly stret'ed !ut t!ward us" On'e we ali.ned L!vely An.el@s ve't!r

    wit te d!')@s and C!ined er at' t! te '!nne't!r# te d!')in. w!uld be


    Yuri s)ill>ully >ired te d!ens !> altitude '!ntr!l Cets t! in' L!vely

    An.el 'l!ser t! ul'an" Our s'anners '!nverted !ur relative +!siti!ns int! a

    si(ulated wire i(a.e and +r!Ce'ted it !n te (ain s'reen"

    One (eter t! .!""" >i>ty 'enti(eters""" ten 'enti(eters"""!ne 'enti(eter"

    A li.t s!') ri++led tr!u. te '!')+it >l!!r" It was .!ne in an instant

    t! be >!ll!wed by an al(!st +ain>ul silen'e"

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  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    =it a 'li') !> (y t!n.ue# I swun. ba') ar!und# Cust in ti(e t! see te

    barrier in >r!nt !> us start t! 'l!se" Te ene(y (eant t! +en us in I raised

    (y eat.un and +ulled te" An !ran.e bea( !> eat s+ewed !ut and r!asted te wall bri.t red" Te

    +anel li.ts went !>>" Te wall itsel> t! (elt and run" Ten it swelled

    !ut int! a lar.e bubble"

    Te +artiti!n slid t!ward it"

    An abn!r(al vibrati!n e'!ed d!wn te '!rrid!r" Te barrier ad 'rased

    int! te bul.e"

    Yuri and I r!lled tr!u. te !+en .a+ between te +artiti!n and te >l!!r#

    and e(er.ed at te (!ut !> a '!rrid!r runnin. !>> t! te ri.t" =e slid

    n!nst!+ int! its selter"

    Te +assa.eway was (u' li)e te !ne be>!re# alt!u. +era+s a little

    narr!wer" I >lattened (y b!dy a.ainst te wall# and l!wered (ysel> int! a

    'r!u'" Yuri >!ll!wed suit !n te !ter side"

    te s+a'e stati!n@s s)elet!n" Te 'avities are all

    tan.led t!.eter# and '!nne't t! anywere and everywere in ul'an"

    !rward" -!(in. t! te +la'e

    I@d indi'ated# se 'arelessly raised er eat.un and started blain. away"

    I ran a>ter er and el+ed >ry te wall"

    It (elted be>!re !ur eyes# leavin. a !le tw! (eters in dia(eter"

    *ust at tat (!(ent# te tud !> runnin. >eet rea'ed us tr!u. te


    ter I 'lean u+ ere"<

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    Yuri lea+ed tr!u. te !le" I st!!d in >r!nt !> it# waitin. >!r te ene(y

    t! rea' te '!rrid!r"

    Seven burly (en in blue s+a'e Ca')ets dased ar!und te '!rner# ray.unsin and" I instantly s+rayed te( wit te bea(s >r!( (y eat.un" Te

    >irst tree were instantly wra++ed in >la(es and 'rased t! te >l!!r#

    twistin. and writin."

    Ta)e tat N! !ne (a)es li.t !> (e

    Dis(ayed# te re(ainin. >!ur (en retreated t! te '!rrid!r tey@d '!(e

    >r!(" Sti')in. teir ar(s ar!und te '!rner# tey a++ed away wit teir

    ray.uns" Bad ai( and (y (etallite all!y s+a'esuit saved (e >r!( ar("

    But at tis rate# te !dds '!uld !nly w!rsen a.ainst (e" I >lun. (ysel> int!

    te !le# )ee+in. a and !n te ra..ed ed.e were te (!lten wall (aterial

    ad '!n.ealed" I was deliberately lurin. te( !n"

    *ust as I >i.ured# tey >ell >!r it" Tey still t!u.t we were Cust a '!u+le

    !> little .irls"

    =en tey@d '!(e ab!ut ten ste+s 'l!ser# I leaned ba') !ut !> te !le and

    let te( ave it wit (y eat.un" Trans>!r(ed int! balls !> >la(e# te >!ur

    (en b!un'ed a.ainst te walls and tu(bled t! te >l!!r" ,!ur&in&!ne

    I s+un ar!und and darted tr!u. te !le"

    Tere was al(!st n! .ravity inside te wall 'avity" Tat we >elt any at all

    was +r!bably due t! s+ill&!ver >r!( te arti>i'ial .ravity in te '!rrid!r" It

    was te sa(e wit te li.t" Te walls see(ed t! .l!w !n te inside as

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    well# !wever >aintly" It wasn@t ard t! see" ?sin. te la') !> .ravity as a

    b!!st# I urried >!rward s)i++in. >r!( !ne s)elet!n t! an!ter"

    te( Cust >ine#< said Yuri"

    ul"iden'e in !w beauti>ul I (ust l!!)"

    Tat@s it It wasn@t tat we >elt tin.s were .!in. t!! easily" Te >a't was#

    we were >rustrated tat tere wasn@t any!ne ar!und t! ad(ire us"

    t wrist" eel te air

    swirlin. !ut !> te r!!(" =e waited >!r it t! subside# ten du')ed tr!u.

    te !le" Inside it was +it'&bla')"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    ,!r a (!(ent I ad a sin)in. >eelin."

    And suddenly li.tnin. ra'ed u+ and d!wn and ba') and >!rt tr!u. te

    r!!( In a twin)lin. te s+a'e ar!und us was >illed wit a t!usand (illi!n


    (y brain went nu(b# (y ar(s and le.s went" I was in

    a.!ny" I was bein. sredded >r!( te inside !ut" I !+ened (y eyes and

    tried t! understand wat was a++enin. t! (e# but I n! l! ad te


    uri!us >lasin. tr!u. (y eyelids"

    An ele'tri'al dis'ar.e net Tey@d set a tra+ >!r us"

    Even as te t!u.t rea'ed (y brain# s!(etin. sna++ed"

    :y (ind went blan)"

    Chapter 4! No+ody 5a6es 7oo(s of Us =en I 'a(e t!# I wasn@t wearin. a s+a'esuit"

    O> '!urse# t!se 'l!tes !> (ine were still !)ay" N! !ne 'an stri+ !>>

    'l!tin. '!vered u+ wit rein>!r'ed +!ly(er"

    Yuri re.ained '!ns'i!usness at al(!st te sa(e instant" Se sat b!lt


    >ed beind !ur ba')s" =e@d wal)ed ri.t u+ !nt! te s'a>>!ld and

    let !urselves be 'au.t tere" !r sure# it was a b!rin. r!!("

    It was Cust a sFuare b!; wit .ray +lasti' +anelin." A n!tin. r!!(" But

    w! 'ared ab!ut tat Tere was a (!untain !> (!re i(+!rtant tin.s t! be

    tin)in. ab!ut" Y!u idi!t# Yuri

    Tere was a sar+ (etalli' s!und"

    Re>le;ively we sear'ed >!r te s!ur'e"

    It was te d!!r !+enin."

    A y!un. (an in a blue s+a'e Ca')et st!!d in te entran'e" He eld aray.un at ready in is ri.t and"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    !ll!wed is !rders" Yuri was al(!st .lee>ul" As >ar as se was

    '!n'erned# n! >ate tat awaited us '!uld +!ssibly be w!rse tan bein.l!')ed u+ in a r!!( la')in. even a (irr!r"

    Tree (!re (en were waitin. in te '!rrid!r" I@d been tin)in. tat we

    '!uld )i') d!wn !ne .uy" Tat was an idea tat didn@t last l!n."

    Surr!unded by te >!ur (en /!w C!y!us an !''asi!n i> tey@d all been

    servin. (e0# we were led t! a (>i'ent +!rtal"

    It s+lit !+en t! te ri.t and le>t"

    Te >irst tin. t! 'at' (y eye was an en!r(!us s'reen easily $8 (eters

    a'r!ss" Ne;t# te '!ntr!l +anels arrayed beneat it# as '!l!r>ul as an !bi"

    Ten te d!ens !> +e!+le sittin. >a'in. te '!ns!les# wit r!b!ts (!vin.

    busily ab!ut a(!n. te(" Everytin. lea+ed int! si.t at !n'e"

    It was te (ain '!ntr!l r!!("

    !rbiddin. >a'e

    als! stru') (e as (!re at ease"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    It was as Te++eus said" Tere was a 'lear .a+ between te atta')ers and

    te de>enders" Te Dan.le P!li'e ,!r'e was '!untin. !n nu(bers# but it

    was 'learly bein. >!r'ed int! an un>av!rable devel!+(ent" =it a $83&(eter 'lass destr!yer >!r(in. te (ain a;is !> te assault# te

    +!li'e were tena'i!usly +ressin. >!rward in wave a>ter wave" But te

    atta')s were little (!re tan s!w# and were >ailin. t! in>li't te sli.test

    da(a.e !n teir >!e" On te '!ntrary# every ti(e tey 'l!sed !n ul'an

    tey were (er'i&lessly battered by te laser and eat 'ann!ns !> te stati!n@s

    antiair'ra>t >la)" Te P!li'e ,!r'es dwindled si+ by si+"

    N! (atter wat# it was a seri!us (ista)e t! try t! ta)e ul'an >r!( te

    !utside wit su' a tiny >leet" I> tey )e+t it u+# Dan.le@s +!li'e >!r'e

    w!uld be wi+ed !ut be>!re (any (!re (inutes ad +assed"

    te (en at te '!ntr!l +anels 'alled Dr" Te++eus"

    !r it" I l!ated i(# and at te sa(e ti(e was swe+t !>>

    (y >eet"

    !ur >!r'e" Y!u ave n! !+e !>

    vi't!ry" T! '!ntinue tis >i.t is (eanin.less" =e de(and y!ur i((ediate

    and un'!nditi!nal surrender"!r an instant tat Baylea> was te )ind !> (an t! (isread

    te way te battle was .!in." D!ubtless e was ta)in. a .iant .a(ble" One

    e@d de'ided t! ris) e;a'tly be'ause tin.s were .!in. s! badly a.ainst is

    !wn side" Even s!# is surrender de(and was si(+ly t!! +re+!ster!us"

    Be>!re Baylea> ad even >inised s+ea)in.# Te++eus d!ubled !ver in a >it

    !> lau.ter"

    >"< e .as+ed# s! ard e '!uld barely s+ea)"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    Te (ain s'reen swit'ed ba') t! te battle between ul'an and te

    s+a'esi+s" Yuri wri..led and wined tat it was a sa(e :r" Hands!(e

    ad .!ne away" Twit Gravas Heavy Industries

    will be in !ur ands" =en tat a++ens# it will be a waste !> ti(e

    atta')in. ul'an"er"

    Lu'i>er ad set its si.ts !n Gravas Heavy Industries# te lar.est eavy

    industry '!(+any# and te >!urt (!st eavily 'a+italied# in te :il)y

    =ay" It ad s'e(ed t! ta)e !ver its +r!du'ti!n eadFuarters# and all !>

    Dan.le wit it" =it Gravas Heavy Industries in its +!')et# Lu'i>er w!uld

    be able t! 'allen.e any!ne in te Gala;y"

    Te +lan tey ad devised was utterly rutless and ine;+ressibly sava.e"

    Tey w!uld ensr!ud te entire +lanet !> Dan.le wit Gal'r!n Si.(a

    +!is!n .as"

    Gal'r!n Si.(a +aralyes te >r!ntal l!bes !> te brain" In e>>e't# a

    'e(i'al l!b!t!(y" Pe!+le '!nta(inated wit Gal'r!n Si.(a l!se teir

    will +!wer# leavin. te( letar.i' and unresistin."

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    On'e Lu'i>er ad .assed te +lanet# it w!uld be 'ild@s +lay t! ta)e !ver

    te .!vern(ent and Dan.le wit it" All tey w!uld need t! d! w!uld be t!

    .! t! te +resident and de(and tat e and it !ver" Neiter te +resident#n!r te 'itiens w! w!uld be'!(e Lu'i>er@s slaves# w!uld +ut u+ te

    sli.test resistan'e"

    Dan.le and te +r!du'ti!n eadFuarters !> Gravas Heavy Industries

    w!uld be'!(e Lu'i>er@s !verni.t"

    t a (essa.e e;+!sin. !ur +l!t" It was

    seri!us treas!n deservin. !> deat"

    ine&tune te v!lu(e !>

    .as !n te .r!und# but te +lan itsel> 'an be +ulled !>> wit ul'an al!ne"

    =e 'an .et te C!b d!ne a>ter a >asi!n# and ta)e !ur ti(e ab!ut 'learin. u+

    any tr!uble s+!ts later" te '!ntr!l +anels"

    in. ar!und# but

    tat@s te way tin.s .!"!rever" I# !wever#

    ad st!++ed listenin." I@d already eard all tat I needed t! )n!w" Te )ey

    tin. was tat ul'an was te !nly '!((and 'enter le>t" And wy was tat

    i(+!rtant =y# be'ause it (eant tat i> we '!uld !nly s(as tis +la'e t!

    +ie'es# te entire +l!t w!uld >ail" N!w was te (!(ent >!r a'ti!n"

    I si.naled Yuri wit (y eyes" Se 'au.t !n i((ediately" =it an

    inn!'ent (!ve(ent# se slid ar!und beind (e"

    ell d!wn wit a s'rea(" Every eye in te '!ntr!l r!!( swun. in !ur

    dire'ti!n" Even Te++eus st!++ed tal)in.# and turned is )een eyes u+!n us"

    s! l!udly y!u '!uld ear te 'li')"

    Se stru..led t! er >eet" I el+ y!u< I s!uted" By n!w# t!u.# n!b!dy

    was wat'in. us any(!re"

    =e@d d!ne everytin. tat we '!uld d!" Tere was n!tin. le>t n!w but t!


    But te waitin. was a.!ny" On te (ain s'reen te +!li'e si+s were

    bein. swatted d!wn !ne by !ne" And all te wile te nu(bers !n te

    '!ns!le '!unted d!wn 'easelessly# re(!rselessly t!ward er! !ur >!r

    Lu'i>er@s +l!t"

    It was int!lerable" Te a'e u+ !ur sleeve still s!wed n! si.ns !> (!vin."

    *ust 5$3 se'!nds t! .!" *ust 533 se'!nds t! .!" *ust"""

    Te d!!r suddenly burst !+en" And >r!( bey!nd it# a bl!!d'urdlin.

    s'rea(# (i;ed wit a >a(iliar r!ar"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    A 'at&li)e b!dy wit ti') >eelers e;tendin. >r!( its s!ulders li)e wi+s"

    Hairli)e tendrils in +la'e !> ears" >s>s didn@t reFuire a (!(ent@s t!u.t"

    > !n is (issi!n !> slau.ter and

    destru'ti!n" His >ury was !rrend!us# and wit .!!d reas!n" He still adn@t

    ad is daily )aliu( 'a+sule" N! (atter !w (u' y!u alter te( t! .et

    al!n. wit u(ans# at ti(es !> it is arder t! '!ntr!l te( tan te

    wildest !> beasts" A bl!w >r!( teir >r!nt le.s +ulveries st!ne teir sar+

    >an.s sred tr!u. steel" :!re!ver# te >eelers !n teir s!ulders 'an

    andle any and every )ind !> wea+!n"

    :u.i ad endured"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    ?ntil e@d been su((!ned by te e(er.en'y si.nal br!ad'ast by (y rin.#

    e ad waited and waited in L!vely An.el@s R 9 R r!!(# endurin. is

    e(+ty st!(a'" N! d!ubt e e;+l!ded int! a'ti!n te (!(ent e +i')ed u+!ur si.nal" ?sin. all is +!wers t! te >ull# e ad !+ened te d!!r# !+ened

    te airl!')# !+ened te at'# 'rased tr!u. te +artiti!ns# and (assa'red

    any!ne w! tried t! st!+ is advan'e & Cust t! save us"

    Te '!untd!wn !n te '!ns!le ad st!++ed at 7% se'!nds" Te '!ntr!l

    r!!( was n! l! >un'ti!nal"

    ray.uns" un"

    =e s+!tted Te++eus as s!!n as we entered te '!rrid!r" It was +er>e'tly

    strai.t# and e was 'lear t! see" =e 'ased a>ter te retreatin. >!r( !> te

    +r!>ess!r# already s'are'ely tan a bean"

    It didn@t ta)e us l!n. t! >i.ure !ut were e was .!in." He was eaded >!r

    te >!r s(all s+a'eb!ats" He was +lannin. t! aband!n ul'an and

    (a)e is .etaway" O> '!urse# e (eant t! du(+ all is underlin.s# t!!" I

    .uess e wasn@t 'ut !ut t! be a leader"

    K all!y" I> we let it >ly blindly ar!und te it (i.t

    Cust 'ut tr!u. en!u. +arts !> te s+a'eb!ats t! leave te( unusable" N!t

    Cust tat" I> we were lu')y# it (i.t even +!lis !>> Dr" Te++eus >!r us"

    Yuri Fui')ly read (y intenti!ns" Se t!!) te Bl!!dy -ard >r!( er

    +!')et and trew it wit all er stren.t"

    It >lew int! te Cust se'!nds a>ter Te++eus vanised inside"

    It (ust ave been twenty !r tirty se'!nds later# I >!ll!wed te( in"

    Te++eus was standin. ra(r!d strai.t at te >ar end !> te vast

    utterly stunned" Tere were tree s+a'eb!ats in te and all !> te(

    ad been (!rtally da(a.ed by te Bl!!dy -ard" Te++eus ad a++arently

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    tried all tree" His s+lendid silver (ane was in disarray# and is s!ulders

    eaved wit is .as+in. breat"


    Te lau.ter st!++ed abru+tly"

    !r breat# Yuri >inally 'au.t u+ wit (e"

    =e returned t! L!vely An.el" :u.i was als! ba')# i((ensely satis>ied#

    is bla') b!dy stained wit bl!!d" B!y# and we 'all tat a +et

    =e didn@t want t!# but we '!nta'ted Ins+e't!r Baylea> anyway and

    in>!r(ed i( tat ul'an was n! l! !+erati!nal" Baylea> didn@t say a

    w!rd" He Cust sn!rted"

    =e 'ast !>># and +ulled away >r!( te s+a'e stati!n" It dwindled beind


    i.t at te end# but te Gala+a.!s was te end !> it as >ar as 'ivilian

    'asualties .!" Tat@s a >irst >!r us"!ur b!ttles !> bi( all by (ysel>" A bi. di>>eren'e" Se wasn@t even

    drun)" S!!tin. !>> er (!ut li)e tat Only a >!!l .!es t! a bar andd!esn@t .et drun) at Yuri and +!unded in (y w!rds" Se r!lled er eyes#

    er .lass in !ne and"

    $#%63#333 +e!+le died" Itwas still bey!nd !ur '!ntr!l =! .ives a 'are ab!ut a s+a'e stati!n 'ras"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    It wasn@t !ur >ault =at te ell# any!ne w! tin)s we '!uld ave )e+t

    t!se en.ines >r!( >irin. in te (iddle !> tat (ess (ust be 'ray

    te(selvesilled t! te bri( wit bi( s!da"

    Te little stin)er =at did e tin) e was d!in.# usin. a (ani+ulat!r li)e

    tat He didn@t even try t! brin. it t! (e i(sel>" I treat y!u .!!d 'u

    y!u@re a little bit ands!(e# and tis is wat I .et O n! y!u d!n@t I@( a

    'ust!(er t!!# y!u )n!w

    !!ls ar!und wit (einally arrived" I .lared at te bartender as I t!!) it

    >r!( is and" Tat s! terri>ied i( e '!uldn@t wal) away a.ain" He@d

    be'!(e >r!en t! te s+!t" G!!d" ery .!!d" Tis is !w it !u.t t! be" A

    bi( is best wen y!u 'an eye a (an wile y!u@re drin)in. it"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    S!(e!ne suddenly s+!)e u+ !n (y le>t" It was a va'ant v!i'e# t!tally

    listless" Te and !ldin. (y .lass st!++ed (idway t! (y (!ut" I turned

    (y ead" A (an ad +l!++ed i(sel> d!wn !n te st!!l !n (y le>t and waswat'in. (e" =en !ur eyes (et e 'la++ed is ands"

    ine s'ene O w!nder>ul# Cust w!nder>ul I

    ad t! +i')# I@d say y!un." His air was# well# ab!ut n!r(al" His l!!)s

    were +ar >!r te '!urse" =ell# n!# (aybe a bit better tan tat" He was tin#

    !val&>a'ed and is eyes dr!!+ed a little" T! be (!re s+e'i>i'# e l!!)ed li)e

    a stret'ed&!ut >r!." And e ad an a(bi.u!us# unidenti>iable .rin !n is

    >a'e tat never see(ed t! 'an.e"

    He .ave (e te 'ree+s"

    ,eelin. te way I did already# e was te last tin. I needed t! s+!il (y


    r!( is .reen Ca')et and laid it !n te

    '!unter in >r!nt !> (e" Sure en!u." Tere it was in +rintM Yan D!te!)a#

    edit!r# Hi. Sense :a.aine" Even s!# wat a na(e"

    y!urs" He&e&

    e"""" ine" I n!dded" L!vely An.el is !ur !>>i'ial '!dena(e"

    I all!wed (y r!') ard e;+ressi!n t! s!>ten Cust a little" :aybe D!te!)a >elt

    relieved" In any 'ase# e t!!) a dee+ breat and urried !n"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    Da(n y!u< I e;+l!ded in a ra.e# (y veins standin. !ut blue !n (y

    >!reead" r!( (y !wn (!ut0 as beauti>ul as I" His >a'e went wite

    as a seet" :aybe by 'an'e e really was i(+!tent" =ell# ta)e tat#

    buddy =at te ell# I@( drun)" D!n@t (ind (e"

    y!u d!n@t di. i(+!tent# ten +i(+!tent< I srie)ed (eanin.lessly"

    r!( it" Kn!')ed !ut >!r !nly a se'!nd#

    D!te!)a was already babblin. !n a.ain"

    i.ures""" e& e&

    e" P!se nude >!r te '!l!r s+read and !ur readers will Cust ad!re it"< I srie)ed in a brittle

    v!i'e tat reverberated tr!u.!ut te bar" eet and started )i')in. !>> is

    tr!users" =&w&wat is tis .uy S!(e )ind !> +ervert Te bartender and

    te !ter 'ust!(ers nearby .a+ed in ast!nis(ent at te edit!r@s

    !r(an'e"lun. t! te

    >l!!r by te >!r'e !> te bl!w# D!te!)a landin. !n t!+ !> te(" All >!ur

    were ul)s# >er!'i!us (en every in' te brawler" Tin.s l!!)ed bla') >!r


    a'e beneat te wide bri( !>

    te !dd at e was wearin.# but I '!uld tell >r!( te way is w!le b!dy

    was sa)in. tat e was >i.tin. (ad" It l!!)ed li)e D!te!)a@s ead and

    b!dy w!uld never (eet a.ain"

    I started t! .! t! te edit!r@s aid# wen""" D!te!)a wavered t! is >eet#

    +eered u+ at te 'raed .iant be>!re i(# and 'ried#

    !r billiards!re"

    '!n>iden'e in (y ead#< bubbled D!te!)a"

    Te .uy was a (ad(an"

    Te .iant@s tree buddies rused te edit!r" He .reeted te( wit new

    ead atta')s"

    ury" But Cust at tat (!(ent# te .iant brawler w! ad been te >irst

    t! e;+erien'e D!te!)a@s ead +un' barrelled strai.t int! te(" :aybe

    e@d been dis!riented by D!te!)a@s ead bl!w" Seiin. te >irst !> teb!un'ers# e landed a tre(end!us +un' !n te (an@s C aw" Te b!un'er#

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    sent tu(blin. by te bl!w# b!wled !ver an!ter )n!t !> 'ust!(ers" A

    se'!nd later e was +ayin. te +ri'e# and an!ter brawl ad br!)en !ut"

    It was li)e a '!nta.i!us disease" Be>!re any!ne )new wat wasa++enin.# te >i.tin. ad in>e'ted te entire bar"

    !r (urder!r -urly@s >a'e a(!n. te >renied (!b !> brawlin.

    +e!+le" =en I s+!tted i(# e was .ra++lin. >er!'i!usly wit a w!le

    +a') !> !ter (en"

    N!w# we@re n!t +!li'ew!(en" =e@re ===A tr!uble '!nsultants" But

    wen it '!(es t! s!(e!ne !n te A&'lass wanted list# it@s !ur duty t! arrest

    i( re.ardless !> !ur 'urrently assi.ned tas)" But ri.t n!w tat was t!tally

    !ut !> te Fuesti!n" =e were literally surr!unded by a wall !> >les" Tere

    were d!ens !> +e!+le between us and -urly# and tere was n! way we

    '!uld ave .!tten 'l!se t! i( n! (atter !w (u' we >lailed away"

    Bee+ bee+ bee+"""

    li')er !>

    >la(es" S!(eb!dy !r s!(etin. (ust ave started a >ire" -urtains and +art

    !> te wall were already ablae"

    ire"< said Yuri" Te 'ust!(ers# te .uards and even te bartender

    were '!(+letely abs!rbed in .ra++lin. and +un'in. ea' !ter !ut" N!

    !ne ad even n!ti'ed te >la(es"

  • 8/13/2019 The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair - Haruka Takachiho


    As we swa( tr!u. te wirl+!!l !> >i.tin. +e!+le we s+!tted D!te!)aa.ain" He 'au.t si.t !> us# t!!# and waved as e s(a')ed is ead int!

    te >a'e !> te 'ust!(er at is side"

    =e >inally sl!..ed !ur way t! te d!!r" Te s'rea(s and bell!ws and

    eat were !rrend!us" =e l!!)ed ba') and surveyed te w!le bar# but all

    we '!uld (a)e !ut were te >ist>i.ts 'l!sest t! us" =e '!uld als! Cust

    dis'ern te >la(es 'rawlin. u+ te >ar wall" Te >ire ad already s+read t!

    te 'eilin." It l!!)ed bad" Te bar wasn@t l!n. >!r tis w!rld"

    ,!r a >ew (!(ents I st!!d tere# .a+in. blan)ly at te s+e'ta'le"