the future of search powerpoint


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By Connor Campbell

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Brief outline on search

People are always using search engines, however often time search engines can invade privacy and be very annoying. The average person sees over 5,000 advertisements in a day. Part of that problem is now thanks to search.

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Our world and technology Although Technology has led to many

great things it seems as if even though we are greatly connected we have lost the emphasis of communication. We have gone mobile.

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Brief history of how search and data analytics of search started It’s important to note that this idea of change

was all started with Geoffrey Hinton the godfather of deeper learning in the 1980’s.

What Geoffrey Hinton now a professor at the University of Toronto and part time Google employee did for people and business was to create a new science that helped connect the world to information.

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Brief History Cont Geoffrey Hinton found the science which

led to Data Analytics and portrays all search engines today.

Led to the Semantic Web when teamed up with Tim Berners-Lee who created World Wide Web.

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Search What is Possible? New elements of search discovered by

major search engines. The Initial Search Engines The Future what is Possible? The full capabilities of the devices we

built. What Can they ultimately lead to?

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The New Evolution The Knowledge Graph

The Knowledge Graph not only was the first example of voice based search, but showed you the overall capabilities of such a device.

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The Mobile phase The brief history lesson in the previous section about

Geoffrey Hinton and Tim Berners-Lee emphasized the importance of our basic web based search functions such as the World Wide Web and also our search engines such as Google, Bing and Microsoft, however these processes were eventually changed with new applications such as the IPhone and Android. These would also be effected with applications on your phone.

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The Importance of Interviewing Thought leaders. The Future of Search

Stephan Spencer who is the author of various books on S.E.O. and also is the blog writer for two major blogs on S.E.O. Stephan decided to interview futurist Ramez Naam a startup founder and a former search guy at Microsoft/Bing.

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The Future of Search Predicted by Ramez Naam Futurist

Three major points that Ramez Naam expects to happen with the future of Search.

1. Majority of search done through Mobile instead of Desktop.

2. Heavy emphasis on Voice Search in the years to come .

3. Finally Ramez states the more companies will use structures data to analyze companies.

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Search is Changing Technology has hugely revolutionized the

idea of how search works. We now look to various kinds of search to help us provide great ideas when marketing products to consumers and ultimately advertising.

The Future of Search will change the game.

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Social Media and a Changing Environment.

In order to be successful in the Future one must understand the past.

Facebook and the Improvement platform over MySpace.

Reinventing often times can lead to a better product and bigger piece of Market share.

You have to be the next best thing.

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The Future of Search 3 Years

Implement the idea of better voice activation systems. The Search engine that can do this will create a better search model.

Also with these Search engines provide very reliable data as a whole. That way the consumer knows that they will not have to fact check.

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The Future of Search 5 Years

In five years I expect search to be about 80 percent mobile and 20 percent on the desktop. I expect Google to be at the top of the search engine market still with Facebook in a close second.

I believe that the data we receive when we ask a question will be logged in a C.R.M portfolio or a customer relationship management data center.

We will be monitored on everything we search and our privacy will become a problem.

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The Future of Search 5 Years Continued

In five years I honestly think Google will form a list of sources with citations for credibility.

This five year period will be most crucial to acquire a base of people that like your engine. This trial and error period will ultimately build for the next ten years leading up to some search engines differentiating themselves from the pack

moral of the story is those who prepare now for growth will ultimately be rewarded in the long run with the biggest growth of people.

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Industry Factors affecting Future of Search in Ten years

Privacy of consumers. I think Search will help the marketers out a lot and show who visited what. But I think some consumers will feel violated and stay away.

Annoying advertisements. Admit we have all seen these annoying advertisements. Will people go away?

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The Future of Search Ten years

By the year 2025, I think that mobile will be almost 90 percent of search while there will still be 10 percent done on the desktop.

Functionality with voice search in my beliefs will lead to the most revolutionary item in the search world. What Item?

I think this item will first be managed by Google and its support staff as I believe they will continue to lead the trend.

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The Future of Search Ten Years Continued

So what might be so revolutionary in search in ten years you’re asking? Picture this, you have to find information about a person or topic of your

choice and you’re debating which search engine to use, a tough question for most people anymore when their looking for accurate data and can’t afford to have inaccurate sources. You decide hey I guess I will use Google the number one search engine in the world. Shortly after you research your topic you discover that the information you have looked up has highlighted the keywords and even matched up your question with direct answers. Then something amazing happens the webpage you looked up has already cited your information on the side bar and decided to place the answer to your questions on a side spreadsheet. Futuristic.

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The world of search will need to improve to make people happy. Ultimately in a world where advertising

companies are tracking everything that we look up, why not provide us with a service that helps us understand the truth about the facts and creates a service for us to make our lives easier.

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In conclusion the future of search will need to be managed efficiently by prolific search engines in order to maintain good relationships with the prospective consumers they cater to.

The future of search engines rests on the ability of Data Analytics and the success to adapt to new technologies. The company that ultimately finds this magic formula will revolutionize the world of search in the future.