the friday, bcr in tftue. as...

tm m many juu |MI the Hat onlj «s rrrtre Ct |i»tUn ut aMx hiH 1 rat om thr Awt, A prarUce akkk SBMII la the . taalH raaaaa brK Jy the Lari Uew- tcaaat s* bikal Trataa aal rant ytaaas win he aia. tat It la es- tkat tld»ilj Mica aad those aka are itbtati «\u25a0 be (hta tba choice at a»p<arta« la high *wwa tba Iknat Tbta tsda'aii at \u25a0 was (nattd by tba lata Qana \u25a0U\u25a0 L years aca. as tba awcaafty of sppearias JacaWfte (Ota pmfdd Maa tram The North BMe street car care a nil- larch as the n atli \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0?there was ao \u25a0ruaHaa the fart that he Waa a patliaia?ai»il aboard. aad be trod « tba toe af a rraff mod rraaty citizen af aafh proportions Who was iitUrx sear the tor. 'I hex yaar laiSm " be said The car started so twtlj * bat aty bal- "It's Mlxbty rtrance - rrsahM the large aaa. that »«u|lt blonder lag isto a car Eke that. wMboat htnk- fes to see shoe feet they're itey ptif oa"~ -Kow. sfr.~ laid the oth*r. |xditely nisiait his Ist. "I kr yoar raidon for btiii; besKed y-wr forte" And as he seHed a slrap and tkraia- sd sanittly M the crasty citiiea a faint che-rr weat ip fmaa the other passesfcm ?Chica®o Tribune. fkar«H«r ?# Cfc*r»««k. Ckipauki uf tiJtle crntaru la rlljlw>t!Sirr 'h*-r Q»H York zid nrl a? la iVtr a»ft» or fcl* la a knK kuir »mt ln» '*«? «rt- Wlsdj araatber tk«a *«T merx- ons Tk# r»M; «# kit« aa4 wt- In; brutkx -sake* leva thai i«c«Uii( «rMi» u f~> c«s ia (te cocM. A tAtya lak ««t« arkite jit- ting oa Ilk* UoAa a»4 bolli bis food hi U: rocfpiA He tUli tiT lapping hk« a due I* vtry n<at about kis f»w». n>aU«i oat his far and tb !"** ta! atek pna-« aad teeth Ha «>sln kb Ik» t«r Ms forfftvi as«l lk«a raMta; t»ir« »»'.« at the I 19» tiat cut 11* iJ'f ait-h ?cch that ft* rfr «a bardlj follow fcla Mica TtJ! If tl» k«f »ar* of l«n'T whir* a pletcr* nrsoi «inw-P*m DralM \u25a0 C- > hlmluf int ivKSVi wiwlnt'Hlk* way !»»\u25a0«?? ?Wkw. a*t thai I*tt ~««1- tatioaal w «* '-i *? lafl*r»l ->» !tl a «*»»\u25a0 aMhWB. ttainc <-f |>i»' i yom kn»«naManal<rlaf9-' Innrc. uH *krt H kr -tfl-jHr riw4 IMik ua IW m«k u>l«il«Mlk>atex- \u25a0uiiok ran W lu* «b> V'i iMtiil# rr- rtorH I* amat! k*«iU> «ri'l W <t»»kitm. «?>*? out «f 1M mnafik; *:irrit w*»- 4 Vc .ifcir-'.-ai u tafia . (lb- \u25a0>> «4 .»r.v ? *lll (h» I'a# Hn V I UtUtn'if; *tt rai* of N*r*n> fwxllt lUIAI thai ruia 11* -iifi"! &-»HHr.» r . *f a«rrk * tlr- rJ.fkuiiACk,foM<>, U. I*Ut>y !>nat<u. 3*. RtU) fun!; K far- iwThe I#a.L» irSuav! W wa.«at4«a ia Oa!- if«u, ai <t*n UVum Mitel ?SFi'f W vm r*»a >?. ik> a»#u ffeaatte- *k« ati» ywc. Witt>k>! » m r»a- cer. rvn vlUnmm »IS K«lUjx«4i V ;wii am patrtrM. Cu umMj aalafT, car* *<m a rrwy*- *c ?«£a. }«p£a«**a*!r Mtan. \u25a0 i niMib.fint -uk t » »tarl|Ktb: ?»r Jofi. ?tW tttr* ? aadyl ath«r;tMlir »s3C)p. | «ilab«! u lou». M«rt t«y»c Lw C. C. C tuxjed va tf. !'nu* «! tariffs -at*. Otn>» ite«-.ur» am Willi iW St. Lav tunc Rifrr «*tf aa .*-* TW ou aw mi a o.'lra de- Coda »l»a iW anra- \u25a0tariWaa k»n«i« Villrt. TOjoo k»*h-rt iS kn 1 l!fi. jJacj i >*ea«a \u25a0>! !tua |r ?ifceawc anjHk wllrt. i t . \u25a0 a teas o{ In j*r ara*. Hi>», St, It*. «l.*». !<? ;h*. »J 4* tarn tnfekl*. Juha « J aiwr sect ? ». La t auww. Ik \ Cooiua -*» : arx: T iv«CE)jri,t.! U, It tooaj) 'itijai!\u25a0 ai»;h<aa*i_ caair* ,? KJaar'aUre*. ttrabMoi'r Pka :'i no iw.iii'< nrallby "I trail; " tni on Jl<« K«:4. ""Hint yon lnfi> an faery fvr Charlie Erfjvtl-I <U>. la«W«IT" Mary's smilr Uow qibiatiL "Kraiiy slt>* \u25a0 3i«l "Oh. l ip no |»ari-o<-e Willi jiw" .V- --rifMl Rrunetia ftraiEifcllf "VWir LIM<VU Ciiirlif J'.tMrll Ihiv-F *x f*wr jurj. All Ibis tliu.- be has bn >o»l derotrd to yon. lot art »t> t' > >tsr friends know to lUI tliy w lt*hr: yoa ar<- «i£asnl 07 not."' Til? tuiilr fu.l .1 tMary's lips. "VVp an» not.? ill? ul lie S.iy little cutisin faceted b-r laer was tad. "Ami Ti'i roa hare Ins mwr pa- eions to lilm than to any nt IV «»;b rrj," purs u> <1 IIIMK>ib. nrimirHiy. "Mstjr, are yon In lire -.-;»b fclai?" "Isn't tliatmunirr qii^i!k«nl Mary, (?yjfirelj. "what the lawyers «<«I>I t? II a lra>lin;.qm:bß? I aioo't wi«Ji win rode. or to bnrry yws. Kiavl ta. l>nt 1 lij.te an mpcniKSi h(i souie |>:i|w; - litis .I'lertt- «o at lb*«S-v of 1 teal & Can't y <ll mw with tneT* "Yes. I most see Mne Ml/van a'>oat my Raster lia' IHr tintl ar Willi bcr in tftue. as sbe a! ways rusbed wiiii orders. Ate Ifcuv* ;?»j«'rs ruDDH'trJ wttb tinr ct*V* w.ll':" V ? Yes." "He Ml jroti What a :utjr girl y«>u anr! I n>* «<>a V"1 you iin ifunl la iruir; % «U>ui ??U IllfS*!'." Tlii> roDTrr*alt»n ap;a iomnl rharllf KifrcSl a* ilh- etrt* r?l.- <b«n town lojilhcr i>d lfc>- Uriniwiiiaa « > "I!f Is a mjrstfriow f.-llo*Brc net la roiuaiked. Abost I'S** "vi«j«a(M|i4 arvios t Rr.t th raul trf feuM J 111 I "My»li-rioi«s" Mary mi krr a «nl t!rn look of inquiry. "What >!o you liioiu!" Fnin i;*- e>i*>*s tv -*te «i| CO* 4tv u4 » JI-JB >i».n :«ai >:«! UaU urtgriua Tk* uant; «C aa At&iraia t \u25a0wrdfciae lx :*? «. VtnU,Ocrat lir>«- X J Irj u intn It's SRsu; six- «-*»-» * fc> « m aialM:a< Or. I; B t: tsti k.M* <1 iV* t«-t I'.-wa ) knVUM »--? S»- im SSfvlli t"u. l:r*. «iiM tt UH "A mgla f xat k-'a, l~» at (km <m» <4 Dr. Xojfc ts'» 1«a ki?M fciJ |»*l M Hi." Tb» Mu'wlutr Mwlil » a* !V-» >n«i| ??vaalitr y t* rajMtj. S*. IS I Coughe "Iißi a mas* s*=hhem c~-a?h for mi ay years. It AyiiiUme of sleep end I pt* T*ry thia. 1 lfc:n tr.c£ Aycr s Oerrr Fotonl, and was ancttr easel* «. K: Mann. Faßlfciis,Tena. Sixty years of cures and such testimony as the above have t2ught us what Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will dou We know if s the great- est coart remedy ever made. And you will say so, too, after you try it. There's cure inevery drop. "Welt IfhTf really Is m«a why be iO.xiM lie fninklrtrtl a (ooj drsl of .-a oniruia. WbUe mm like i'krisioiSfr ration. Tom tells me be bar a f.nxl salary. and a«M« la this by bis writings. But yon know be does not nn'iij mon-y as other men in car ciass do. lie is not liberal In the Mat- ter of theatres or Coweta, lie lires qaletly. He has no ithmlh haWts. Where, then, daca bis aiiij j»r A ???n'W. Fin Ei<tfl*fn» ia a aafl ant of *Sr»w. The hunt of t<p thai cm ;«? «*. They're still nrj nm, u li i«{t Id yaft hid. T<t, strangely cnoagh, af wpr they're a tie. Now, tell MM. dear rradrrs. ab* skst sroa'd Too da j If one of these frt» ifciaH he to j*a? UwM fam pMtk it ar had < ar xrn it «fl] fried. O* color it niecjy for giy Easfcrtsie? fcSKMEK) EAST I! I: wj« at load ami Bra n:ta Il'.th bnr>t afriMa- binsly into l»»r fr>oj > twa "Mary." »he crird. it |«u* »il»!eyou hare r-fevd fhrgfopbtr l"at foil* Mary Vane, a tall, pretty girt. who « as adjust inghcr fur cdb vtvItrfote the Kiirror. turnml ijuickly. 1»s soft | cheeks ll'j>hiu; mrlrl. "Mr. I*at:<>n tolal Tout bit tizkl that T..U bad thrown I. 1.1 01 er. I IWO'I a* liutr your a!!use4 yoa fo act ML lie is turli a rasrk-joaa; acd C*oi lookinr. IV't »; all. be is ?or KKHtsljp weallby.** Mary smil>'<! as -!»? qiettnl a m n of kcr ilenture little tnrfou with a ins; l-In. £h ? was of a man sin «a« tio longer yooßf nrjr forty. |«cr la)« (tbi) V.35 him! '?HIT ia b*r ej.s than all other r«» n. and *bi was by ,4 "Tnnlj flcbl lilirV lie f»hl "Vfsj ?like IboM-. Ilirr tlieui tjnl w.tlij kol'l u hilt' MliD riklwlL SnJ lo tl»«»" a«l<lrrsw." lie >ii(! a ran! an«l a bill on IV -""ur j tor. An install; lalrr W lutl tw.-iinl j bis change and Kilknl on:. ( T> girls ilsml at Willi other. -TT.a«.~ gasped Auwlta. m> t'jar l> Erfrrli." "V'f's I know.? ranrmurrd Mary. , Before flic cou'.il |>nl on! It- r hand to *!oj» l or ntrtlllc*i»tue fru-R.I I li**bller lia<l rlrfipril to Ikp euuatcr aii'l load Ik; aiklitu on lUo rani itlifiii lay __ _ i _ ?! -Jus! as I thought.? she remarked a few minutes later, when they were on! in tbe street together. "The add:.** is II Forest avenue. I.lion iM. That is tbe suhur » in which his mysterious ar ?Idaintance of whom I told you )ii«." Tlw number. street, place. burned into Mary's brain. SSio parted from Kruoeita acd weot bome. A Ber.-e .'ever of Jealousy possessed her. Who was this woman to whom he sent l.rnlrn lilies? Idlewild \u25a0%! directly »«>uih of her own borne. A cable car ran oat to the pretty place. She wonM p there. She wonbl call at the house. AII the 14.mis were «h>wo. Tbe eo tranc? she chose bronchi her to a side <!oor S!i.> tans >br belL A aunj ap- peared. "M.->y I" Mary Vane brpa. then fahe.Vd. For whom rbonld she ask? "Yff," replied the Eirl. "fome in "* Hinrlin;. Mary followed her. She led the way Into a front room. Tbe out tain* were drawn. Taper* borne-l in the dimness. Then she saw that there was some thing else. A rofflu. and in it lying a white-robed form with folded hands, ami lilies lying on the putorleaa lams: Mary shrank back. NMir she cried. "»tw is ilotl" 'Tffi Din I thought Ton w'tsM to see hrr. A good bibj of the neighbor* wrr* in test ftfnin- She had many frVnds bcreabont for alt her mtsfor- lar. Ain't those lilies brant If al? Mr. Charlie sent then. Twenty ei*bt for twenty-eisbt yenra."* Mary went nearer, looked down on the dead race, a yonng face whk b bad oner leen kwelj. bat bore the nam:*- takaUe Impress of sorrowing and sal- ferine- irs not many men." went an the serrant. wiping her Qtt, "aha wag hi da what 11l Chartia did. Ate hM ln-g ato tip;>Sj She demand. Many are brtathl froai California. I>nt ltem:iHla a ba<i?i of riuiot them for ;be N«-w York market. The luikl rl»- \u25a0uale of (be b prrnliarlf attain- ed to this iixlaorj. and the flowers ;w»n there arr lance and beautiful. Ru.aie " II.>U »o there. Jokask : IVn'l about. We're the rabbit* whs lay the Easter Harper's Bazar. , Silk A the strong**- of all an.mal threads. It Is three times aa strong as a flaxen thread of the wn« fixe. The metropolitan poller of loadoa look after mile* of raada gat 1 streets. A n«in>nnj>. ?Xadfr. Ican a pet year Easier haapt ttoMgh the dosrway.-?Ufa. TVr» Is «w hnw la the «rt«W \u25a0bun be is k«nr» !? fn «!?'?? Ij rtH.- IW (Otr »«t «? U WU BE ?TAMRI. WU COL »UJTF M- Jnßf a bit Of (HfipL "Tm *oara liir Ikrrr. OM is apparently a wpr Har nn af «tra«t The other Is a pretty. Mintr Inkiai little n*at«? «f a bait iwnlrlrr or ifcnwlotit OmiiMiny Mr. Emrtl takea kr drlclas throarh th? park*, llaa If rm antioanl her to joaT Mary forced herself to answer "So." ~Noc to aay Bat I bare area hira out wi'U her. Who is sbrV A feeling of mmt, an iadebaaUe for. thrilled the heart of Mary Vest- »t rmlM the night Charlie Etffttt had told her of his lore. ~I cannot aow a«k yon be my wife.- he had said. "I will some day. Cod wiS'.nr The time may not lie far oT. bo; 1 k»sv yoa too well to bind Jon by a p»B4» yoa mirht later Lihl :,un!en*.,usr Acd yan deir. will TOB trust ue and wait:-- - v That was a year a so. Acd BOW sh? hsd to flaowlfjjf to fcertrlf »he knew little uur of his private life or of his personal af- fairs thaa rbe knew thru. hrenrtla paused scdd>-n!y before s florist's window. D. I had almost forgotten! Miaid told toe to order some Sowers for :o- aamv. Will you com? in with we?" - TVjr stood a few mina;*s admirls: the ditpiay ia the wMow. the RolJi a daffodils and sby Wu.- erocase*. |«:r lilx * of the raib-y. liana: iag I""*?*\u25a0 starry jasmine sn>l cool green ferns formlas a trader bocksnrand for thru aIL The attendants were busy w>3 they entered. TLSE girls stood battk of a fa'sh rabuer tm> adtuir'.nx some or.* < Irrfißiln-oinnif. when Ike door was CUB; OPEN ACD a GENTLEMAN eatne in. lie was of medium height *»?! fcul a kind. I>riiwn tfc arded. fb->n;b:fsl f»<* Not t«ii> in( any one in the store le mat direrll/1o the counter. To a man at that instant dk appd he ptr bta order. THE ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, Mbr «*t kuM 'm fkat taOraa* ! wreck Imt yean ij». fce Mr- tVarUe la *riag <? lake- can- rf hk yoeazwUe. Mr. ChariV p«*X haa. 110 has sappsMid br. ted *ina ?TKJ nKßi'dl ««r. *br «i always miijr. =ad «i*a kf: bM gave "f cat rf bmCa; »tf her kastaafa death. sad ik *»? «wk a <i*nc. Mr. Ckariae waa that p«lf a»l paiirat ' wrih fer aj: Sk? fci «* ?*- 4Kstaar£le£. Tbn br* w* to seat laaa \u25a0lff 111 tkat Mr. Curik woalrf tkiui tf »a*h a tkiafi. SLe woalda't fcart a Vrt. poar dwl There! That U Mr. CTjrli- Mr"" A step nwwi Ike kafl. Lniac fale jH Trjra Charlie Ereiett raae ioto tke room. His 'are lijfctrd =i» at sijht of kit tweet art. -Tm- Maryr" fee iTrfi 1 'llakrtif»rja4 Bkfl«i»*»ds*B. | 'rjicx kl'fiiy. "Ifes'l yea Ic* at sse (ka'l qin.k to ice aatfl I bare toM yoa ierar It is tiat I a«a htre." Fbe taotralj wi»r»rH tke tratk. Toa esa aerec iron sue >yk." abr *3 id. ic fMrioks lie toak ber ia kl« aro. Trriaia I fhcai-l kare *;> A>b ta yoa of ber. bat 1 hafrd to east » dark a *lt3d»w erer yoar tmu; life. I rwld Dot krep ap two kavMfi »M she was * Kb* was lay rharx* l-.'orf I learned to tore yon. My first del j was to her. The doC.ors a need she eoald aat lire fcaz. As for trastin* ?ay dfamt. yoa aaM fats'" tae far aU fearlas nalM ia yoa?l yea. far roar doaU of ice Ko we are e-jaaL Is It v>( WbittSer who writes: - 'Ure *ea*»*- b b»r»- that aerer kaows T4- *we«-tae « of f«*i«ist"' $. Tin- J |u«*e4 oat together lato »be lirViw ft :b- Sabbath mwrmia; tTStaegw ibene. \V«r Tc-rfc City b a bis aurt'l for lilie* M Eittrr lie*. The ckWrkf* re- qairr ij-"»-**ia-l<of ikw* beaatifal and lifnfds'r l«< <-rr of Ike *ea«oa. Of ? Mirv iorrl jctwakiawi (uoM aot 28, IMS. LIVE ITEMS OF NEWS. Ha; Matters of Or*fH Mcitrt b A famiae exists taosf tke ptoplt of \u25a0re eoaatica ia Northera Aitiua. Oorp fltrfca. tofcrl sii ktastf at Btjryoti, Miss., for tke norder of kia wile. "The** is w* a piuyrt a* imkartt of tke sol rare laiitica kgr the niflaa ' Jers Cup Con was skat aal tilW bT D. Sbtaroa la Cbeatkaa Caaaty. Teaa.. last Wcdataday aigkt. Shearca pleads self-defease. J. Pierpont Morpi and party *<» stalled at Brsaawirk. Ga . ty kad tker. Outlaws attacked tke town of Lyttoa Springs. Tesaa. bat a poaae of resi-i*nts rarroaaded thra ia aa launikd p>- sitloa a few alki distant. At The Natloaal Capital Rear Adalral Brkley Satarday left Boatoa. >ta . for Waakiaxtoa. D. C. * Joseph H. Maaley. of Maiae. kaa de- r'ia-d tke Prealdeat's ofetr of tke FIK AsaIst aat PoatmaaUr-tieaeralskip. Attorner-Oeaeral Kaoi decided that pabUr lands la Ptjrto Rlro formerly be- longed to Bpala. and. by rfttaa of the treaty of Paris aow ketonerd to th« raited States. . T LorJ ' Phaa'refote kit ntmf4 1j , Vnbiiitn. D. C. from the Souk, aot at an Improve?! in h<alth. AITWNwIk. The Najcle bill, fnbikillw turtan oa Snadar. ku pa«"l Ike How, fa lowa. CouMcnbl* alarm Is navd at the War PrfWara! by ti* "pr*9 i of d'S- rue am or tract* la tbe tropira. . v " Frank Carpenter, of Rarbyiille. Ohio, has been arreatod for aIWH iaa- pltration la a plot to rob the post oClre of Colamfett. Oa hi* war hoar frnaa the Phllip- plm. where be aer-redta the Fifth la- fantry llfßry r Hal*. was killed at Wiafteld. Kaa. Frank V. Sal:a* a rferk. was ar- < tested, rharreif with esmbeazliag &a» fr»a» the norbaa Maaufartarlac <"ja- panjr. of New York R"t W IF gallan. pastor of the South Coafifrat i.>aal Charrh of Rrldceport. f'ona . has deeliasd the rail to the presidency of Tabor Cjllfr. lowa. William Klumpp. arrested la Grand Rapids. M!rk.. oa laspl -oa of cna- pll. itr of the murder of his wife at l/ieell two weeka ago. was releaaed. The New York Cotton Kirhaags will be rlcsed March 28 and ». Forto Riraas bare (iTen (1497 Hto the MrKinlejr aenorbl fand. Hitli winds at A-iaat. Mass, did atorh damage to bdlrflajca. Three Slavish work'amten were kill- ed la the troa Bills of O. Knirhlt of Fythias of IRiaals. Wrk- Iran Wit. >nsin and Indiana am to hare a Jubilee at Chlrajro. 111. Kir hi Hungarians. sleeping oa a Frnnslyrania Ra:!noii work train, were hurt at Nile*. O . la a collision The National Retail Hardware IVal- ern" Asportation aieetiaac at Ckkagi. 111., proposes to amrt acainat the auil order business At a spelling mat' h at Doable Brid- W. 111.. John Adman HIM Frank Rnshinc and shot the scaool lrark*r. A switch enatae la Indiana. after a mad race. ranxbt a train and w "pulfl a collision on the and Ohio Southwestera. Thf frPltlil handler*" and tnnstm' atrikf at IMm. Man. has »> far hm \u25a0kjW that only 3M asea are oat of work now. Four laborer* in ftr-m York were burled under a aand bank, two being killed. All the mills la Fall R; T -r. Mix resumed eacept tke <bmanre. where labor trouble* are Mill cntettled From Across Ik* Sea Chinese rebels raptured the town of Kan-Chow. In the proriart of Kwaag- Tunn President Castro Is sa!d to be eoa- scripting Into service every availab> man In hia effort to pot dowa tke re- volt la Vrn -luela Colonel Grimm, the Rossiaa ofSr *r who was arrested at Warsaw, coafeaaes high treason. Mohammed Reshad Effeadl. heir to tke Turkish throne. Is seriously in. - A Carl Ist rising la again feared I* Spain. Emperor Ftaaris Joseph optaH an International art eahlbitloa at Vkani Emperor William baa named a new naval yacht Alice Roosevelt. The Preach buJget for this year amounts to f739.M0.M9. The Navy lit part meat will start the aarat dry dock at Havana la tow Cor Cavlte, P. 1.. May I. A settlemeat of tke ladlaaa bitumin- ous miaera* scale, which baa beea be- fore jolat conferee re of miners and op- erators for a early three weeks, is mom la sight. Polk* protection ha* brn wkH by QW Van Sittart. British Onaal at Nt*OrtoM. La., tor fnr of Boer palhiirn Three Italians fen frooa a aki> and were dnncd at Spriac Valky. in. PadmmU't special car had to he tarned around am a tavbrUp at P«- Tpoport. 10.. btooe he «oaM aot fl<rf with hi* feet toward the engine. While bulai over a piece of m- rhiaery at ladiaaapolla. lad . Mra. Jo- seph lae Stevens had her hair torn Dr. R O. KUesood. oaae of the lendiag physician* la Delaware. died la Coa- cord. Delaware. While deHriooa Charles Ehlert threw hinrself from a hospital wiadow ia De- troit. Mlcb . aad was killed. A mob saaai i issfslly stm ai< the Jail at Oweatoa. Kf . to ssiati Willlaa Field, colored, areased of assaalt. Mayor of Wew Ortau,. U. hayfk ashed to lawmfc ia thT street strike ia pao:aas tfeero. V.'ith her clothing hwraed froa* her hody. Mi. Betsy Baiter, of CBatoa. la., was foanJ dead ia her boat. Work oa the aew Bast Hirer Brides will probably he stopped May 1 hy a strike of hoosesaailhs aad hrilp saaitli* A sabporaa aerrer aleai -d J. P. Mo-pa by getting lata his hoaas hy a at * w. shit ncit fa«aw Bfeod Bala (B. B. B.) a a atr- Ibw aTjfeLa. Bad*. Cubauin, Pritkluf Ftaa aa Ikt fta. OU Eatoag Sac**, llcan, Bri afala. ta|nH iai Rood hiaia, fawai aaj aS Btud Dmemf. Botaair BM Ida en the nnt u4 Mat Jwpaaalri nan kf i aa»kiat.»arfyi?aad ' \u25a0»»!\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0> ttlHnf tkrrrbr prnf a kcahky H»< "»»>> *? the A*; hab aaaijr aaac aad em tke ritfc W ian'.tk to tw akia. P \u25a0 < n prr tup kotli |mt it tarn Btood Ban ant h«l*nitia|BMlUa Ca, U Mitchell St., Atiaato. Ga. Qratnto traaKr wlJm adrkc* UKarmt m. atahd B- I* y|* ?«« »\u25a0'»»\u25a0* ' Tk Sot cottoa aiß ja thaCaatod Statoa » ouiCxM at BerfrJy. Maa. \u25a0 W It mu to BMhiUR aac4 aad 1 Hi Wan. I. M MjHr. Nwl.| latill amtota to Coluta null. K. C. \u25a0»\u25a0»\u25a0 aatkat In. T C rioj4 fan W'<M4 aaa a«Ma( kto'a Warn KtUar" »4tt»n- nN VM Mi vonv. Be atafcaa ail toaataatad *? *. .... ' > aß,j»*ty airHka toaa to Abater. m. laag to it aaa't otk*f tiac. tu Till Mil ta Tna. 1 wha W-. imuipa. Mail atwar two koirt «l Tfttntar, akatntr Utr ptar, it? ait ri«M-data tka *«wfc- Wn. Mnn. Gataeaailfe. Tezaa. S»: atestr \u25a0ail fcoaa J. T. MiupCrtor. ITanaaak. Ga. tt row teigtat doa't toay M. The fowcr oi t% hafif a adtaa tfcr butt " ''>* Tfaar'a Dnpjala Baiai Ij Cam la I (Wtoa and At Ptiionw. »?. It aa pßtaAb'te itcd a p*a>r aad jta3 brrni ceat.' " \u25a0 ? ?V-C' tliamf. 1C \u25a0aa r«. tojtla. Caraar A Cot. VfekMlt Dragatta, Bafctaoa*. Md. Oa lia? ?I ta» aatta a tfaaaad lav "Knyxia'a Wota KU'ar. It la Ikalnt w- aUa.-i 1 ran c*t A 'armar boackt a toaua at a'a Inr an-ban;«aaaaa draatoMa raiil <*m* la aval da» aiak a rfcrv rtoa )u m «J ailh aoiaa; IW l»a ol aaator, ato«a Ibaa ail waattt. «. J. Vai% \u25a0 *\u25a0» MMMOaaaanimnna I g tHeadaches, i ' LaQrippe, Colds, etc. 5 \ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0FWrAlfUftlk P*>-4B H >in«iinwwiw«ii im MORE COTTON to the acre at less cost, bmw more money. More Potash ia the C'oiion frttilixrr iW ?ml; incrmw yield larger proAtv Stmi far oor book >?») ll|tlll i * kaw M ft iWie rrnhv cfillASKALI WORKS. n Nw« St. No T«L (w Ijftfc Money in Chickens », y jj" FjT l\ a> \u25a0\u25a0fin&nSiiii C'A 111 Umu) ttnM.In fm. £±KT huh "-^rrr &&&&&»» Ijoimis couitt, »sas£: K. IX . Lfci:-'. ...... ' . ?.'tv i. t- ?: '\u25a0'... J-.i*'-i. ; - ... ' WKEE DOCTORS FAB. ISaaWrttns m rirusx jtmox. \u25a0aoaanal Maaelan Owl Clak, VaafajZ Kcw Vartt. taaaatacat keeaaac I frnraoraf instead afWtkr. aad ia apeak ia- to the drip- vast be advaaad fc»o ta ptLfiitE. hriOuhniTciHableCMapound sad liaaathc Waah. now I wish I Bad - that at first; it would ha*a atacdat aadacf K&iiaj. It took three loaf aantitSa to rratore w, bat It aa a haffT relief. tad aa an both toaat pah fll ta yoa. Your Oft ad baa Jc? to ocr hoaae tad hcaltii ta bk-**?Mat C Dart Krert. ttrooklra. K. Y. IMIMWf ataa taaia .»fc'»aat rata It mM Km by thU state- \u25a0wad that voara would ura tlaii aad aiarh sh-kac«a tt they aaald rrt Ljdia E. riokhaal Ttfrtablr Compound at oaca, aM also write to Mr. Pinkhaaa ! at Lm, Maaa.. tor special *4- ; Ytea. ltb frre aad always hialft. H"sT. Galls a ar«aaa« Uala (dcUf caaal <<fi Mr. Kaal*l»' ta l Cava. »ll Laa eta. or ant Vy aaa -Itk Dr. 1 aa.rfakc-k.-tto. aMa of Ba-aaa. a af.:«. rha* ' aat Satoaaad \u25a0» ta Traat «H» I aantatafft aiaaa. A. DtXIEIS II laaat(ar4 at_ BoaY«a. MASS- - \u25a0 THE H»II »IW, RQYALWORCESTER HP^JM AND BON TON CORSETS KM\l add ouci to mi naru. i \u25a0 1 ncAicnT rson. "j<|- ,AT3 1 1" " ul (?* j\u25a0». ? 1 / Royal Wcrcister Ccrset Ca. I Hiil/^ WOKCHTIR, MAM / \u25a0 T.LtndHMkMmmd«ll* mr* awn's l»l Ml hf Mr ttt|UlalK«AMri «mt mkw. arm li n I to ha Jwt as ml £3 JSWSSSL.*" " orfi-ri r ? l+tm ' w IM- RHHttS I had ben troubled i year, off and m, with constipation, bilious- \u25a0ra and sick headache*. One dar a friend ashed ae what the trouble was. When I told him he rrcoia- aeaded Ripans Tabules. That troiag I got a box, and after the sec and box 1 began to feci to much relief that 1 kept on with them, i have Ripans Tabules alcays in the boose now ard carry a parlrigr of them ta aaj pocket. Tb Tin Pal pMkTlfaaoajcfc tor aa ilia iij urailp TW basil; botUa. meota. mUb a sapf-tjr tor a j* Binurv MA,,t easily HUNtI w.J^ R^2i£ y mm: wm «t*» mtm . rnimuum mTSS v *s.?.?\u25a0 r "IWI aw later na« rasiTtv 99Ii^s»5 U * una raiairio TOW DROPBY^^Si£: T*** *r*J' "I m m. mmw > ntf.Hii,mm*, cm- Era Mar ** \u25a0-« "v** «?:*

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Post on 20-Mar-2018




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tm m many juu |MI the Hat onlj

«s rrrtre Ct |i»tUn ut aMxhiH 1 rat om thr Awt,A prarUce akkk SBMII la the

. taalH raaaaa brK Jy the Lari Uew-tcaaat s* bikal Trataa aal rantytaaas win he aia. tat It la es-

tkat tld»ilj Mica aad thoseaka are itbtati «\u25a0 be (hta tba

choice at a»p<arta« la high *wwat» tba Iknat Tbta tsda'aii at \u25a0 was(nattd by tba lata Qana \u25a0U\u25a0 L years

aca. as tba awcaafty of sppeariasJacaWfte (Ota pmfdd Maa tram

The North BMe street car care anil-larch as the n atli \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0?there

was ao \u25a0ruaHaa the fart that he

Waa a patliaia?ai»il aboard.aad be trod « tba toe af a rraff mod

rraaty citizen af aafh proportionsWho was iitUrx sear the tor.

'I hex yaar laiSm"

be said Thecar started so twtlj


bat aty bal-

"It's Mlxbty rtrance-

rrsahM thelarge aaa. that »«u|lt blonderlag isto a car Eke that. wMboat htnk-

fes to see shoe feet they're iteyptif oa"~

-Kow. sfr.~ laid the oth*r. |xditely

nisiait his Ist. "Ikr yoar raidon for

btiii; besKed y-wr forte"And as he seHed a slrap and tkraia-

sd sanittly M the crasty citiiea afaint che-rr weat ip fmaa the other

passesfcm ?Chica®o Tribune.

fkar«H«r ?# Cfc*r»««k.Ckipauki uf tiJtle

crntaru la rlljlw>t!Sirr 'h*-r Q»HYork zid nrl a? la iVtr a»ft» or fcl*

la a knK kuir »mt ln» '*«? «rt-Wlsdj araatber tk«a *«T merx-

ons Tk# r»M; a« «# kit« aa4 wt-

In; brutkx -sake* levathai i«c«Uii( «rMi» u f~> c«s <« ia(te cocM. A tAtya lak ««t« arkite jit-

ting oa Ilk* UoAa a»4 bolli bis

food hi U: rocfpiA He tUli tiTlapping hk« a due I* vtry n<at

about kis f»w». n>aU«i oat his farand tb !"**ta! atek pna-« aad teethHa «>sln kb Ik» t«r Ms

forfftvi as«l lk«a raMta; t»ir« »»'.«

at the I19» tiat cut 11* iJ'f ait-h?cch that ft* rfr «a bardlj

follow fcla Mica

TtJ! If tl» k«f »ar* of l«n'T whir*a pletcr* nrsoi «inw-P*m

DralM \u25a0 i« C- >

hlmluf int ivKSVi wiwlnt'Hlk*

way !»»\u25a0«?? ?Wkw. a*t thai I*tt ~««1-

tatioaal w «* '-i *?

lafl*r»l ->» !tl a «*»»\u25a0 aMhWB. ttainc <-f

|>i»' i yom kn»«naManal<rlaf9-'Innrc. uH *krt H kr -tfl-jHrriw4

IMik ua IW m«k u>l«il«Mlk>atex-\u25a0uiiok ran W lu*«b> V'i iMtiil#rr-rtorH I* amat! k*«iU> «ri'l

W <t»»kitm. «?>*? out «f 1Mmnafik; *:irritw*»-4Vc .ifcir-'.-ai utafia . (lb- \u25a0>> «4 .»r.v ?

W» *lll(h» I'a#HnVIUtUtn'if; *tt

rai* of N*r*n>fwxllt lUIAI thairuia 11* -iifi"!&-»HHr.» r . *fa«rrk * tlr-

rJ.fkuiiACk,foM<>, U.

I*Ut>y !>nat<u. 3*.RtU) fun!; K far- iwl«

The I#a.L» irSuav! W wa.«at4«a ia Oa!-if«u, ai <t*n UVum Mitel?SFi'f W vm

r*»a >?. ik> a»#u

ffeaatte- *k«ati» ywc. Witt>k>!» m r»a-cer. rvn vlUnmm »IS K«lUjx«4i V ;wii

am patrtrM. Cu umMj aalafT, car**<m a rrwy*- *c ?«£a. }«p£a«**a*!rMtan. \u25a0 iniMib.fint -uk t »

»tarl|Ktb: ?»r Jofi. ?tW tttr*? aadyl ath«r;tMlir »s3C)p. |«ilab«! ulou». M«rt t«y»c Lw C. C. C tuxjed vatf. !'nu* «! tariffs -at*.

Otn>» ite«-.ur» am Willi iW St. Lavtunc Rifrr «*tf aa .*-*

TW ou aw mi a o.'lra de-Coda »l»a iW anra-

\u25a0tariWaa k»n«i« Villrt.TOjoo k»*h-rt iS kn 1 l!fi. jJacj i

>*ea«a \u25a0>! !tua |r ?ifceawc anjHk wllrt. i t . \u25a0a teas o{ In j*rara*. Hi>», St, It*.«l.*». !<? ;h*. »J 4* tarn tnfekl*. Juha «

J aiwr sect ? ». La t auww. Ik \

Cooiua -*» : arx: T iv«CE)jri,t.! U,It tooaj)

'itijai!\u25a0 ai|« »;h<aa*i_ caair* ,? i«KJaar'aUre*.

ttrabMoi'rPka :'i

no iw.iii'< nrallby

"Itrail; " tni on Jl<« K«:4.""Hint yon lnfi> an faery fvr

Charlie Erfjvtl-I <U>. la«W«IT"Mary's smilr Uow qibiatiL"Kraiiy slt>* \u25a0 3i«l

"Oh. l ip no |»ari-o<-e Willi jiw".V-

--rifMl Rrunetia ftraiEifcllf "VWirLIM<VU CiiirlifJ'.tMrll Ihiv-F *x f*wrjurj. All Ibis tliu.- be has bn >o»lderotrd to yon. lot art »t> t' > >tsr

friends know to lUItliy w lt*hr:yoaar<- «i£asnl 07 not."'

Til? tuiilr fu.l .1 tMary's lips."VVp an» not.? ill? ul lieS.iy little cutisin faceted b-r laer wastad.

"Ami Ti'i roa hare Ins mwr pa-

eions to lilm than to any nt IV «»;b

rrj," purs u> <1 IIIMK>ib. nrimirHiy."Mstjr, are yon In lire -.-;»b fclai?"

"Isn't tliatmunirr qii^i!k«nlMary,(?yjfirelj. "what the lawyers «<«I>I

t? II a lra>lin;.qm:bß? I aioo't wi«Jit« win rode. or to bnrry yws. Kiavl

ta. l>nt 1 lij.te an mpcniKSi i« h(i

souie |>:i|w; - litis .I'lertt- «o at lb*«S-vof 1 teal & Can't y<ll mwwith tneT*

"Yes. I most see Mne Ml/vana'>oat my Raster lia' IHr tintl ar

Willi bcr in tftue. as sbe i« a!ways rusbed wiiii orders. Ate Ifcuv*;?»j«'rs ruDDH'trJ wttb tinr ct*V*

w.ll':" V? Yes."

"He Ml jroti What a:utjr girl y«>u anr! I n>* «<>a

V"1 you iin ifunl la iruir;% «U>ui??U IllfS*!'."Tlii> roDTrr*alt»n ap;a iomnl <«

rharllf KifrcSl a* ilh- etrt* r?l.- <b«ntown lojilhcr i>d lfc>- Uriniwiiiaa « >

"I!f Is a mjrstfriow f.-llo*Brcnet la roiuaiked.Abost I'S** "vi«j«a(M|i4 arvios

t Rr.t thraul trf feuM J 111 I "My»li-rioi«s" Mary mi krr a «nlt!rn look of inquiry. "What >!o youliioiu!"Fnin i;*-

e>i*>*s tv -*te «i| CO* 4tv u4» JI-JB >i».n :«ai >:«! UaU urtgriua

Tk* uant; «C aa At&iraia t

\u25a0wrdfciae lx :*? «.VtnU,Ocrat lir>«- X J Irj u intn

It's SRsu; six- «-*»-» *fc> «

m aialM:a<

Or. I; B t: tsti k.M*<1 iV* t«-t I'.-wa

)knVUM »--? S»- im SSfvlli t"u. l:r*.«iiM tt UH "A mgla fxat k-'a, l~» l«at (km <m» <4 Dr.Xojfcts'» 1«a ki?M fciJ |»*l MHi."

Tb» Mu'wlutr Mwlil» a* !V-» >n«i|

??vaalitr y t*rajMtj. S*. IS

I Coughe"Iißi a mas* s*=hhem c~-a?h

for miay years. It AyiiiUmeof sleep end I pt* T*ry thia. 1lfc:n tr.c£ Aycr s Oerrr Fotonl,and was ancttr easel*

«. K: Mann. Faßlfciis,Tena.

Sixty years of curesand such testimony as theabove have t2ught us whatAyer's Cherry Pectoralwill dou

We know ifs the great-est coart remedy evermade. And you will sayso, too, after you try it.There's cure inevery drop.

"Welt IfhTf really Is m«a whybe iO.xiM lie fninklrtrtla (ooj drsl of.-a oniruia. WbUe mm like

i'krisioiSfr ration. Tom tells me bebar a f.nxl salary. and a«M« la this bybis writings. But yon know be doesnot nn'iij mon-y as other men in car

ciass do. lie is not liberal In the Mat-ter of theatres or Coweta, lie liresqaletly. He has no ithmlh haWts.Where, then, daca bis aiiij j»r

A ???n'W.Fin Ei<tfl*fn» ia a aafl ant of *Sr»w.The hunt of t<p thai cm ;«? «*.

They're still nrj nm, u lii«{t Id yafthid.

T<t, strangely cnoagh, af wpr they'rea tie.

Now, tell MM. dear rradrrs. ab* skst sroa'dToo da j

If one of these frt» ifciaH he to j*a?UwM fam pMtk it ar had < ar xrn it

«fl] fried.O* color it niecjy for giy Easfcrtsie?


EASTI!I:wj« at load ami Bra

n:ta Il'.th bnr>t afriMa-

binsly into l»»r fr>oj > twa

"Mary." »he crird. it |«u*

»il»!eyou hare r-fevd fhrgfopbtr l"atfoil*

Mary Vane, a tall, pretty girt. who« as adjust inghcr fur cdb vtvItrfote

the Kiirror. turnml ijuickly. 1»s soft |cheeks ll'j>hiu; mrlrl.

"Mr. I*at:<>n tolal Tout bit tizkl thatT..U bad thrown I. 1.1 01 er. I IWO'I a*

liutr your a!!use4 yoa foact ML lie is turli a rasrk-joaa; acdC*oi lookinr. IV't »; all. be is ?orKKHtsljp weallby.**

Mary smil>'<! as -!»? qiettnl a m nof kcr ilenture little tnrfou with a ins;

l-In. £h ? was of a man sin«a« tio longer yooßf nrjr forty. |«crla)« (tbi) V.35 him! '?HIT ia b*r ej.s

than all other r«» n. and *bi was by


"Tnnlj flcbl lilirVlie f»hl "Vfsj?like IboM-. Ilirr tlieui tjnl w.tlijkol'l u hilt'MliD riklwlL SnJ lo tl»«»"a«l<lrrsw."

lie >ii(! a ran! an«l a bill on IV -""ur jtor. An install; lalrr W lutl tw.-iinl jbis change and Kilknlon:.


T> girls ilsml at Williother.

-TT.a«.~ gasped Auwlta. m> t'jarl> Erfrrli."

"V'f's I know.? ranrmurrd Mary. ,

Before flic cou'.il |>nl on! It- r hand to*!oj» l or ntrtlllc*i»tue fru-R.I I li**bller

lia<l rlrfipril to Ikp euuatcr aii'l loadIk; aiklitu on lUo rani itlifiiilay

__ _ i_ ?!

-Jus! as I thought.? she remarked afew minutes later, when they were on!

in tbe street together. "The add:.**is II Forest avenue. I.lion iM. That istbe suhur » in which his mysterious ar

?Idaintance of whom I told you )ii«."

Tlw number. street, place. burnedinto Mary's brain. SSio parted fromKruoeita acd weot bome. A Ber.-e

.'ever of Jealousy possessed her. Whowas this woman to whom he sent

l.rnlrn lilies? Idlewild \u25a0%! directly»«>uih of her own borne. A cable car

ran oat to the pretty place. She wonM

p there. She wonbl call at the house.

AII the 14.mis were «h>wo. Tbe eo

tranc? she chose bronchi her to a side

<!oor S!i.> tans >br belL A aunj ap-

peared."M.->y I" Mary Vane brpa. then

fahe.Vd. For whom rbonld she ask?"Yff,"replied the Eirl. "fome in


Hinrlin;. Mary followed her. She

led the way Into a front room. Tbeout tain* were drawn. Taper* borne-l

in the dimness.Then she saw that there was some

thing else. A rofflu. and in it lying a

white-robed form with folded hands,ami lilies lying on the putorleaa lams:

Mary shrank back.NMir she cried. "»tw is ilotl"

'TffiDin I thought Ton w'tsM to

see hrr. A good bibjof the neighbor*wrr* in test ftfnin- She had many

frVnds bcreabont for alt her mtsfor-

lar. Ain't those lilies brant Ifal? Mr.

Charlie sent then. Twenty ei*bt fortwenty-eisbt yenra."*

Mary went nearer, looked down on

the dead race, a yonng face whk b badoner leen kwelj. bat bore the nam:*-takaUe Impress of sorrowing and sal-ferine-irs not many men." went an the

serrant. wiping her Qtt, "aha wag hida what 11l Chartia did. Ate hM

ln-g ato tip;>Sj She demand. Many are

brtathl froai California. I>nt ltem:iHlaa ba<i?i of riuiot them for

;be N«-w York market. The luikl rl»-\u25a0uale of (be b prrnliarlf attain-ed to this iixlaorj. and the flowers;w»n there arr lance and beautiful.

Ru.aie " II.>U »o there. Jokask :IVn'l about. We're the rabbit* whslay the Easter Harper's Bazar. ,

Silk A the strong**- of allan.mal threads. It Is three times aastrong as a flaxen thread of the wn«fixe.

The metropolitan poller of loadoalook after mile* of raada gat 1streets.

A n«in>nnj>.

?Xadfr. Ican a pet year Easier haaptttoMgh the dosrway.-?Ufa.

TVr» Is «w hnw la the «rt«W\u25a0bun be is k«nr» !? fn «!?'?? Ij

rtH.- IW (Otr »«t «?


Jnßf a bit Of (HfipL "Tm *oara

liirIkrrr. OM is apparently a wpr

Har nn af «tra«t The other Is a

pretty. Mintr Inkiai little n*at«?

«f a bait iwnlrlrr or ifcnwlotitOmiiMiny Mr. Emrtl takea krdrlclas throarh th? park*, llaa If

rm antioanl her to joaT

Mary forced herself to answer "So."~Noc to aay o» Bat I bare

area hira out wi'U her. Who is sbrVA feeling of mmt, an iadebaaUe

for. thrilled the heart of Mary Vest-»t rmlM the night Charlie Etffttthad told her of his lore. ~I cannot

aow a«k yon t» be my wife.- he hadsaid. "I will some day. Cod wiS'.nrThe time may not lie far oT. bo; 1 k»sv

yoa too well to bind Jon by a p»B4»yoa mirht later Lihl :,un!en*.,usr Acdyan deir. will TOB trust ue and

wait:-- -v

That was a year aso.Acd BOW sh? hsd to flaowlfjjfto

fcertrlf »he knew little uur of

his private life or of his personal af-

fairs thaa rbe knew thru.

hrenrtla paused scdd>-n!y before s

florist's window.

D. I had almost forgotten! Miaid

told toe to order some Sowers for :o-

aamv. Will you com? in with we?"- TVjr stood a few mina;*s admirls:the ditpiay ia the wMow. the RolJi adaffodils and sby Wu.- erocase*. |«:r

lilx* of the raib-y. liana: iag I""*?*\u25a0starry jasmine sn>l cool green ferns

formlas a trader bocksnrand for thruaIL The attendants were busy w>3they entered. TLSE girls stood battk ofa fa'sh rabuer tm> adtuir'.nx some or.*

< Irrfißiln-oinnif. when Ike door wasCUB; OPEN ACD a GENTLEMAN eatne in.

lie was of medium height *»?! fcul a

kind. I>riiwn tfc arded. fb->n;b:fsl f»<*

Not t«ii> in( any one in the store le

mat direrll/1o the counter. To aman at that instant dk appd heptr bta order.


Mbr «*t kuM 'm fkat taOraa*! wreck Imt yean ij». fce Mr-tVarUe la *riag <? lake- can- rf hkyoeazwUe. Mr. ChariV p«*X haa.110 has sappsMid br. ted *ina

?TKJ nKßi'dl ««r. *br «ialways

miijr. =ad «i*akf: bM gave "f

cat rf bmCa; »tf her kastaafa

death. sad ik *»? «wk a <i*nc. Mr.

Ckariae waa that p«lf a»l paiirat

' wrih fer aj: Sk? fci «* ?*-

4Kstaar£le£. Tbn br* w* to 1«

seat laaa \u25a0lff 111 tkat Mr. Curikwoalrf tkiui tf »a*h a tkiafi. SLewoalda't fcart a Vrt. poar dwl There!That U Mr. CTjrli- Mr""

A step nwwi Ike kafl. Lniac falejH Trjra Charlie Ereiett raae ioto

tke room. His 'are lijfctrd=i» at sijhtof kit tweet k» art.

-Tm- Maryr" fee iTrfi1 'llakrtif»rja4 Bkfl«i»*»ds*B.

| 'rjicx kl'fiiy. "Ifes'l yea Ic* at sse(ka'l qin.k to ice aatfl I bare toM

yoa ierar It is tiat I a«a htre."Fbe taotralj wi»r»rH tke tratk.

Toa esa aerec iron sue >yk." abr*3id. ic fMrioks

lie toak ber ia kl« aro.

Trriaia I fhcai-l kare *;>A>b tayoa of ber. bat 1 hafrd to east » darka *lt3d»w erer yoar tmu; life. I rwldDot krep ap two kavMfi »M she

was * Kb* was lay rharx*l-.'orf Ilearned to tore yon. My first

delj was to her. The doC.ors a needshe eoald aat lire fcaz. As for trastin*?ay dfamt. yoa aaM fats'" tae far

aU fearlas nalM ia yoa?l yea. farroar doaU of ice Ko we are e-jaaLIs It v>( WbittSer who writes:-

'Ure *ea*»*- b b»r»- that aerer kaows

T4- *we«-tae « of f«*i«ist"'$. Tin-J |u«*e4 oat together lato »be

lirViw ft :b- Sabbath mwrmia;tTStaegw T« ibene.

\V«r Tc-rfc City b a bis aurt'l forlilie* M Eittrr lie*. The ckWrkf* re-qairr ij-"»-**ia-l<of ikw*beaatifal and

lifnfds'r l«< <-rr of Ike *ea«oa. Of? Mirv iorrl jctwakiawi (uoM aot

28, IMS.


Ha; Matters of Or*fH Mcitrt b

A famiae exists taosf tke ptoplt of

\u25a0re eoaatica ia Northera Aitiua.

Oorp fltrfca. tofcrl sii ktastfat Btjryoti, Miss., for tke norder ofkia wile.

"The**is w* a piuyrt a* imkarttof tke solrare laiitica kgr the niflaa

' Jers Cup Con was skat aal tilW bTD. Sbtaroa la Cbeatkaa Caaaty. Teaa..last Wcdataday aigkt. Shearca pleadsself-defease.

J. Pierpont Morpi and party *<»

stalled at Brsaawirk. Ga . ty kad a»

tker.Outlaws attacked tke town of Lyttoa

Springs. Tesaa. bat a poaae of resi-i*ntsrarroaaded thra ia aa launikd p>-

sitloa a few alki distant.

At The Natloaal Capital

Rear Adalral Brkley Satarday leftBoatoa. >ta . for Waakiaxtoa. D. C. *

Joseph H. Maaley. of Maiae. kaa de-r'ia-d tke Prealdeat's ofetr of tke FIKAsaIst aat PoatmaaUr-tieaeralskip.

Attorner-Oeaeral Kaoi decided thatpabUr lands la Ptjrto Rlro formerly be-longed to Bpala. and. by rfttaa of thetreaty of Paris aow ketonerd to th«raited States. . T

LorJ ' Phaa'refote kit ntmf4 1j ,

Vnbiiitn. D. C. from the Souk, aotat an Improve?! in h<alth.


The Najcle bill, fnbikillw turtanoa Snadar. ku pa«"l Ike How, falowa.

CouMcnbl* alarm Is navd at theWar PrfWara! by ti*"pr*9 i of d'S-rue am or tract* la tbe tropira.

. v"

Frank Carpenter, of Rarbyiille.Ohio, has been arreatod for aIWH iaa-pltration la a plot to rob the post oClreof Colamfett.

Oa hi* war hoar frnaa the Phllip-

plm. where be aer-redta the Fifth la-fantry llfßry r Hal*. was killed atWiafteld. Kaa.

Frank V. Sal:a* a rferk. was ar- <tested, rharreif with esmbeazliag &a»

fr»a» the norbaa Maaufartarlac <"ja-

panjr. of New YorkR"t W IF gallan. pastor of the

South Coafifrat i.>aal Charrh ofRrldceport. f'ona . has deeliasd the railto the presidency of Tabor Cjllfr.lowa.

William Klumpp. arrested la GrandRapids. M!rk.. oa laspl -oa of cna-pll. itr of the murder of his wife atl/ieell two weeka ago. was releaaed.

The New York Cotton Kirhaags willbe rlcsed March 28 and ».

Forto Riraas bare (iTen (1497 Htothe MrKinlejr aenorbl fand.

Hitli winds at A-iaat. Mass, didatorh damage to bdlrflajca.

Three Slavish work'amten were kill-ed la the troa Bills of O.

Knirhlt of Fythias of IRiaals. Wrk-Iran Wit. >nsin and Indiana am tohare a Jubilee at Chlrajro. 111.

Kirhi Hungarians. sleeping oa aFrnnslyrania Ra:!noii work train,were hurt at Nile*. O

.la a collision

The National Retail Hardware IVal-ern" Asportation aieetiaac at Ckkagi.111., proposes to amrt acainat the auilorder business

At a spelling mat' h at Doable Brid-W. 111.. John Adman HIM FrankRnshinc and shot the scaool lrark*r.

A switch enatae la Indiana. after amad race. ranxbt a train andw "pulfl a collision on theand Ohio Southwestera.

Thf frPltlil handler*" and tnnstm'atrikf at IMm. Man. has »> far hm\u25a0kjW that only 3M asea are oat ofwork now.

Four laborer* in ftr-m York wereburled under a aand bank, two beingkilled.

All the mills la Fall R; T -r. Mixresumed eacept tke <bmanre. wherelabor trouble* are Mill cntettled

From Across Ik*SeaChinese rebels raptured the town of

Kan-Chow. In the proriart of Kwaag-Tunn

President Castro Is sa!d to be eoa-scripting Into service every availab>

man In hia effort to pot dowa tke re-volt la Vrn -luela

Colonel Grimm, the Rossiaa ofSr *r

who was arrested at Warsaw, coafeaaeshigh treason.

Mohammed Reshad Effeadl. heir totke Turkish throne. Is seriously in.- A Carl Ist rising la again feared I*Spain.

Emperor Ftaaris Joseph optaH anInternational art eahlbitloa at Vkani

Emperor William baa named a newnaval yacht Alice Roosevelt.

The Preach buJget for this yearamounts to f739.M0.M9.

The Navy lit part meat will start theaarat dry dock at Havana la tow CorCavlte, P. 1.. May I.

A settlemeat of tke ladlaaa bitumin-ous miaera* scale, which baa beea be-fore jolat conferee re of miners and op-erators for aearly three weeks, is momla sight.

Polk* protection ha* brn wkH by

QW Van Sittart. British Onaal atNt*OrtoM. La., tor fnr of Boerpalhiirn

Three Italians fen frooa a aki> andwere dnncd at Spriac Valky. in.

PadmmU't special car had to hetarned around am a tavbrUp at P«-Tpoport. 10.. btooe he «oaM aot fl<rfwith hi*feet toward the engine.

While bulai over a piece of m-rhiaery at ladiaaapolla. lad . Mra. Jo-seph lae Stevens had her hair torn o»

Dr. R O. KUesood. oaae of the lendiagphysician* la Delaware. died la Coa-cord. Delaware.

While deHriooa Charles Ehlert threwhinrself from a hospital wiadow ia De-troit. Mlcb . aad was killed.

A mob saaai i issfslly stm ai< theJail at Oweatoa. Kf . to ssiati WilllaaField, colored, areased of assaalt.

Mayor of Wew Ortau,.U. hayfk ashed to lawmfc ia thTstreet strike ia pao:aas tfeero.

V.'ith her clothing hwraed froa* herhody. Mi.Betsy Baiter, of CBatoa. la.,was foanJ dead ia her boat.

Work oa the aew Bast Hirer Brideswill probably he stopped May 1 hy a

strike of hoosesaailhs aad hrilp

saaitli*A sabporaa aerrer aleai -d J. P.

Mo-pa by getting lata his hoaas hy a

at *w. shit ncit

fa«aw Bfeod Bala (B. B. B.) a a atr-

Ibw aTjfeLa. Bad*.Cubauin, Pritkluf Ftaa aa Ikt fta.OU Eatoag Sac**, llcan, Bri afala. ta|nH

iai Rood hiaia, fawai aaj aSBtud Dmemf. Botaair BM Ida en

the nnt u4 Mat Jwpaaalri nan kfi aa»kiat.»arfyi?aad ' \u25a0»»!\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0> ttlHnftkrrrbr prnf a kcahky H»< "»»>> *?

the A*; hab aaaijr aaac aad em tkeritfc W ian'.tk to tw akia. P \u25a0 <

n prr tup kotli T» |mt it tarn

Btood Ban ant h«l*nitia|BMlUaCa, U Mitchell St., Atiaato. Ga. Qratnto

traaKr wlJm adrkc* UKarmt m.atahd B- I*y|*?«« »\u25a0'»»\u25a0*

' Tk Sot cottoa aiß ja thaCaatod Statoa» ouiCxM at BerfrJy. Maa. \u25a0 WIt mu to BMhiUR aac4 aad

1 HiWan. I. M MjHr.Nwl.| latill

amtota to Coluta null.K. C. \u25a0»\u25a0»\u25a0aatkat In. T C rioj4 fan W'<M4 aaaa«Ma( kto'a Warn KtUar" »4tt»n-nN VMMi vonv. Be atafcaa ail toaataatad*? *.

.... ' >

h» aß,j»*ty airHka toaa to Abater.m. laag to it aaa't otk*f tiac. tu

TillMilta Tna.1wha W-. imuipa. Mailatwar

two koirt «lTfttntar, akatntr Utrptar,it? ait ri«M-data tka *«wfc- Wn.Mnn. Gataeaailfe. Tezaa. S»: atestr\u25a0ail fcoaa J. T. MiupCrtor. ITanaaak. row teigtat doa't toay M.

The fowcr oi t% hafif a adtaa tfcrbutt

" ''>*

Tfaar'a Dnpjala Baiai Ij Cam laI(Wtoa and At Ptiionw. »?.

It aa pßtaAb'te itcd a p*a>r aad jta3brrni ceat.'


\u25a0 ? ?V-C'

tliamf. 1C\u25a0aa r«. tojtla. Caraar A Cot.

VfekMltDragatta, Bafctaoa*. Md.Oa lia? ?I ta» aatta a tfaaaad lav

"Knyxia'a Wota KU'ar. It la Ikalnt w-aUa.-i 1 ran c*t A 'armar boackt a toauaat a'a Inran-ban;«aaaaa draatoMaraiil <*m* la aval da» aiak a rfcrv rtoa)u m «J ailh aoiaa; IW l»a ol aaator,ato«a Ibaa ail waattt. «. J. Vai%

\u25a0 *\u25a0» MMMOaaaanimnna

I gtHeadaches, i


LaQrippe, Colds, etc. 5\ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0FWrAlfUftlk P*>-4B H>in«iinwwiw«ii im

MORE COTTONto the acre at less cost, bmw

more money.

More Potashia the C'oiion frttilixrr iW?ml; incrmw yield larger proAtv

Stmi far oor book >?») ll|tlll i * kaw Mft iWie rrnhv

cfillASKALI WORKS.n Nw« St. No T«L

(w Ijftfc

Money in Chickens

», y jj"FjTl\ a> \u25a0\u25a0fin&nSiiii

C'A 111 Umu) ttnM.In fm.

£±KThuh "-^rrr

&&&&&»»Ijoimis couitt, »sas£:



Lfci:-'. ...... ' . ?.'tv i.t-

?: '\u25a0'... J-.i*'-i. ; - ... '



m rirusx jtmox.\u25a0aoaanal Maaelan Owl Clak,

VaafajZ Kcw Vartt.

taaaatacat keeaaac Ifrnraoraf insteadafWtkr. aad ia apeak ia- to the drip-vast be advaaad fc»o ta ptLfiitE.hriOuhniTciHableCMapoundsad liaaathc Waah. now Iwish IBad - that at first; itwould ha*a

atacdat aadacf K&iiaj. It tookthree loaf aantitSa to rratore w, batIt aa a haffT relief. tad aa an bothtoaat pah fllta yoa. Your Oftadbaa Jc? to ocr hoaae tadhcaltii ta bk-**?MatC Dart Krert. ttrooklra. K. Y.IMIMWfataa taaia .»fc'»aat rata

It mM Km by thU state-\u25a0wad that voara would uratlaii aad aiarh sh-kac«a tt theyaaald rrt Ljdia E. riokhaalTtfrtablr Compound at oaca,aM also write to Mr. Pinkhaaa

! at Lm, Maaa.. tor special *4-; Ytea. ltb frre aad always hialft.

H"sT. Gallsa ar«aaa« Uala (dcUfcaaal <<fiMr. Kaal*l»' ta lCava. »ll Laa eta. or ant Vyaaa -ItkDr. 1 aa.rfakc-k.-tto.aMa of Ba-aaa. a af.:«. rha*

' aat Satoaaad \u25a0» ta Traat «H»I aantatafft aiaaa.

A. DtXIEISIIlaaat(ar4 at_ BoaY«a. MASS-

- \u25a0



BON TON CORSETS KM\ladd ouci tomi naru. i \u25a0

1 ncAicnT rson. "j<|- ,AT3

11" "ul (?* j\u25a0». ? 1 /

Royal Wcrcister Ccrset Ca. I Hiil/^WOKCHTIR, MAM/ \u25a0

T.LtndHMkMmmd«ll* mr*awn'sl»l

Mlhf Mrttt|UlalK«AMri«mt mkw. arm lin I to ha Jwt as ml

£3 JSWSSSL.*"" orfi-ri

r? l+tm


w IM-

RHHttSI had ben troubled i year, off

and m, with constipation, bilious-\u25a0ra and sick headache*. One dara friend ashed ae what the troublewas. When I told him he rrcoia-aeaded Ripans Tabules. Thattroiag I got a box, and after thesec and box 1 began to feci to muchrelief that 1 kept on with them, ihave Ripans Tabules alcays in theboose now ard carry a parlrigr ofthem ta aaj pocket.

Tb Tin Pal pMkTlfaaoajcfc tor aailia iij urailp TW basil; botUa.meota. mUb a sapf-tjr tor a j*

Binurv MA,,t easily

HUNtI w.J^ R^2i£y mm: wm «t*» mtm . rnimuum mTSS v*s.?.?\u25a0 r "IWI aw later na«


99Ii^s»5U* una raiairioTOWDROPBY^^Si£:T*** *r*J' "I

m m. mmw > ntf.Hii,mm*,cm-

Era Mar**

\u25a0-« "v** «?:*