ip v. sfo iljccit iv*m!mnewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn92073995/1904-12-02/ed-1/...business, he hsd...

THE ENTERPRISE. PmiPAT. DBCUBKB 2. 1004 |^JX)CALjNEWS^J| ?County Commissioners meet Kosday. ?The only "only" House in the ennntry is in town, John House the Artist. ?Williams' Comedy Co.at Opera House next Thursday, Friday and Sutuday nights. ?lt is announced that a hotel is to he bnflt on the corner of Main* and Washington streets. ?The town commissioners are having the hoard walk fixed at last No wonder it's raining to day. ?A stock holders meeting of the Enterprise Printing Co will be held Monday night at 7:30 o'clock. ?the subscribers of the WQliams- ton Telephone Co are requested to add to their list York, Hayes Co Phone 7S. ?Bishop Strange, of the Episco- pal church, will preach at the Church of the Advent 00 Tuesday night. December 6th. When yon fed like \u25a0 Sighing win never pleasure bring, Learn to laugh, yon can laugh and laugh right By taking Rocky Mountain Ten at night ?S. R. Biggs. ??There is n scarcity efdwelling homes in town. It is reported that Mr. T. J. Smith, the American to- bacco buyer, will have to leave town the first of January on ac- count of the safe ot the house be had leased for this year, unless he can get another, and there is not another to be had. Running tike mad down the street dumping the occupant,or a hundred other accidents are every day occur renes. It behooves every bod to have a reliable Salve handy and there's \u25a0oat as good as Bncklen Arnica Salve. Burns, Cuts, Sores, Eczems and Piles, disappear quickly under its soothing effect. 15c S. R. Biggs Drug Store. ?Read the advertisements of York, Hayes Company, new goods, and Santa Clans; Herbert D. Peele, Christmss presents; S. H. Ellison, Trade at our store; Simpson Hard- ware Co.. Christmas wants; J. A. Mixed ft Co., Early Christmas thoughts; Atlantic Coast Line, Holiday rates; Williama' Comedy Co., Opera House; Burrous A. 1 Critcher, Commissioner. Sale of real estate. Blunders are sometimes very ex- 1 pensive Occssiooslly life itself is < the price of a mistake, but you'U I never be wrong if yon take Dr. < King's New Lite Pills for Dyspep- 1 sas. Dirtiness, Headache, Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. 25c at S. R. Biggs Drug Store. Wsdce fttckhglders A meeting of the stockholders of The Enterprise Printing Co. is hereby called to meet at the Com- pany's office Monday night at 7:30 o'clock. C. D. CARSTASPHKN, A. E. WBITMOXK * President Secretary. THE CHRISTIAN chaicbea at Coo SwHwylt, Turkey and Yokahoma Japan, have long used the Longman A llatiui i Mats for painting their chur Liberal eantribuHoaa nfL.aH. Paint will be givmlor saeh porpose wherever a cenrch is located P. M. Scofield, Harris Springa. 3- C. with L. a If. twenty-six yaara Not HBOC; Wifca bfttM *lia- parted in the last fear yean-" W. g Barr Charleston, W. Va., writes " Painted Prankenbaig Block with L. n M. aMbwi faetar thaa aay baildiag here haw ever dome; stands ant as tho v»Y ahhad and artaal east of paiat was lew thaa $L sa par galloa. Wears aad seven like gold." Theaa Celebrated Paiata are sold by 8. E. Keen Loach nifiiiwi Psstngtn to the World's Fair can pem-hssr on each Tueaday, Thursday and Saturday during November) ten days couch excui- sion tickets via Norfolk and Wes- tern Railway to St. Lonis and re- turn at very low rates. Excursion tickets with longer are on Jifale daily. Rates and schedules (arniahrd upon . applitation to Agents Norfolk and Western Rail- W *T' « W. B. BKVILI., Gen. Pnss. Agent, Roanoke, Va. SERVICES AT M. E. CHURCH » 1.,. Rev. JR. D. Carroll, of the Baptist Church, Filled the Pulpit at Night ! CLOSING OP MR. SUTTOITS TERM Last Sunday was the dosing ol four years work on this charge ol the Rev. T. H. Sutton. He has worked faithfully and has \u25a0ccom- pliahed a great work- His untiring fforts have been awarded with abundant success, since coming to this charge he has practially built three new Churches, the church here was involved in debt and be has paid off every cent, the chufch at Vernon was in debt and incom- plete and he boa completed that and paid for it. He has erected a nice church at Holly Springs and paid for it. At Hamilton a handsome and commodious church has been erected and paid for, and he has started a movement at Hasaells foi the erection of a church there, the land havingbeen given for a site. Beside having accomplished such a good work along the line. Mr, Sutton has greatly strengthened Methodism in this section, by hh untiring efforts along the religom line. His everyday life is an open book, and a far stronger and mort lasting sermon thsn any man can deliver from a pulpit. While not a great pulpit speaker, Mr. Sutton is an earnest, conscientious, sympa- thetic preacher. As a pastor he can hardly be excelled, this is his strong point. He has endeared himself to the people of the town and com- munity in such a way that his memory will long live with them though they should never see him again. To the people here the four years have past all too soon. His sermon last Sunday morning was s plsin and practical, but a strong a-gument for the leading of better anb more christin lives. At night the pulpit wss filled by \u2666he Rev. R D. Carroll of the Baptist Church, and a large congregatson was present. His text was: "I Hsve kept the faith, I Have fought a good fight, therefore there is a Crown of Righteousnes Laid up for me." ME. Carroll handled his ser- mon in a fine nanner, bringing out the principle points in the life of the great apostle Paul from the time of his conversion. After the regular service the choir sang "God be with you till we meet again." A Pllliltt Pill No pill is as pleasant and positive as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are so mild and effective that children, del icate ladies snd weak people enjoy their cleansing effect, while strong people ssy they sre the best liver qills sold. Sold by Anbersoa. Craw- ford ft Co. Lost a Valuable Horse Tuesday afternoou about 4:30 o'clock when Messrs Wheeler Martin and Jos. A. Biggs were re- turning from Washington, where Mr. Martin had been on professional business, he hsd the misfortune to lose one of the horses. On leaving here that morning, for Washington, the horse was seemingly in perfect health, uever having appeared in better condition and when they left Washington on the return trip the horse was all right. But when about a mile or two from Mr. Kader Lilleys he showed signs of illness and in about 15 minuets was dead, the horse wss a fine roadster and nearly a perfect horse as we will aee in a long time. THE GOOD OLD WAY A severe cold or sttack of la grippe is like fire, the sooner you combat it the better your chances are to overpower it. But few moth- ers in this age are willing to do the necessary work required to give a good old-fashioned reliable treat- ment such as would be administer ed by their grandmothers, backed by Boschee's German Syrup which was always liberally used in con- nection with the home treatment of colds and is still in grater houshold favor than any known remedy. But even without the application of the old-fasioned aids German Syrup will cure a severe cold in quick time .It will cure colds in cbildien or giuw% people. It relieves the congested organs, allays the irrita- tion. and effectively stops the cougb Any child will take. it. It is invalu- able in a household of children. Trial size bottle, 35; regular size. 75c. For sale by S. R. Biggs. [ PERSONAL I The Iter. B. 8. L?iter CUBIC in last night. Mis® Annabellc Everett spent Sunday in Hamilton. I Mr. J. L. Davenqort of James- p ville was in towu yesterday. ' Messrs J. W. and G. A. Crofton, 1 of Gold Point, were in town today. Messrs L. M. Brown and Tone Gray of Jamesville were in town this morning. Miss Alice Grimes, of Rober- sonville was the guast of Mis Nora Fowden Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Sutton left Tuesday morning for Henderson to attend conference. Miss Lillian Critcher of Rocky Mount, is visiting the family of Mr. Rodger Critcher. Lee Terry, Sidney Mobley, Jot Godard, and Luke Lamb returned to Chocflpinity Monday morning. Mrs W, H. Linley Kent left on Thursday for Richmond accom- pained by Dr Harrell and her sister Mrs B. T. Cowper, Mrs Kent ex- pects to enter the private Sanitariun of Dr Hodges the celebrated nerve specialist. She will spend several months at this institution untill she thoroughly recuperates and regains her nerve strength. Willie Jones,son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jones, who has been in St Vincent Hospital, Norfok, for three months or more returned home Tuesday night. While in the hos- pital several operations were per- formed upon him, and the doctors say it is a miracle that he is alivt today, the many friends of tlu family are indeed glad to know that he is improving so nicely. DELIGHTFUL GERMAN Given in Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paul Simpson riANY DANCERS PRESENT (Exported) One of the most deightful events which Williamston has ever seen was the dance given to Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Simpson on Tuesday evening in the new ball room on Main street by the society men of the town. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson returned from (heir honey moon on Friday evening, much to the delight of every one. They are so popular that their home coming was cele- brated by a dance, which is typical of a joyous spirit. Mrs. Simpson, who was Miss Mittie Lloyd Cof- field, the daughter of Hon. Josepli B. Cofficld, is one of the prettiest young women in the State. She is a brunette of exquisite type,and on this occasion her personal appear- ance and manner were so charming that she was the object of much admiration. Mr. Simpson is a mem- ber of the Simpson Hardwar Co. and is as popular in society as he is consistant and steady in business. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, who are SPECIAL NOTICES If you have lost fcomething and it is worth finding put a local in THK KNTKK- pftISK. If you want something and it i> worth having let the people know about it through Thk Enterprise. If you have anything to aell, and its worth selling, let the people know it throagh Thb Kntkrprish. Locals under this heading 5 cents a line each insertion. No "ad." taken for loss than 15 cents. Special rates for long time. FOR SALE?One piece 1 7-16 shaftng 16 ft. long; I piece I 7-16 shalting 24 ft. long; 4 ceiling hangers; 1 steel pulley inch face; 1 7-16 inch bore 6 inches <n diameter; I ShaW coupling; One steel pnlley 8 inch face, lC inches in diameter; 1 steel split pulley 6 inch face, is inches in diameter; a wood beaters anil a lot of stove pipe. Apply at this office. FOR RRNT?Store space in front oaJt of building occupied hy Enterprise Print- ing Co. Apply to this office. NOTICE?AII persons are hereby for- bidden to trespass in any manner on the "Holier Harrington" place, adjoining the lands of Staton Wynn, James Robert- son and others. All persons violating this notice will be prosecuted. 6-4t O. B. SIMPSON. FOR SALE One Revolving Book Case. Applyat this office. FOR SALE?One New 1200 pound Barnes, Double Door Safe. Cash or ea- sy terms. £. H. RAWLS, il-4-8t Roberaonville, N. C. WANTED ?One hundred gpod beef Cattle, and also a lot of fresh pork. Highest market prices paid. J. B. McGOWAN, Williamston, N. C. Highest Market Prices PAID FOR Live Turkeys Qeese, Ducks and Chickens NOTIFY . . . Q. B. SIMPSON R. F. D. No. 2 Williamston,N.C THE Ragged Front jnwwai Tir IS WHERE VOU CANJGKT THE FINEST GROCERIES MO RAGGED GOODS HOWEVKK EVERY THING STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS All Oilhini hi.. Fin Mnitit Ratlei C. W. KEITH IS WJUTINB TO ACCOMMODATE YOU Fresh Baker's Bread Received Daily aaa BANK DEPOSIT 3>S,UUU aaajtf Board at Cotl.WrlwOuk* JSSITM33rBUWtUCOLLEBE.Bseea.6a CRYSTAL Shaving Parlor RHODES & ALEXANDER Proprietors Bank Building Smithwick Street New and up- to-date Furniture. The best Barbers that can be ob- tained. Polite and courteous attention. Motto?"We lead, others follow." connoisseurs in the terpsicborean art, led the german, and the liguret were so beautiful that the many spectators looked long at tha merry dancers. The following were pres- ent. Mr. and Mrs. J. Psul Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Jeffress, Miss Marina Whitley and Mr. Don Godwin, Miss Mayo Lamb and Mr. Tbad Lawrence. Miss Nora Fowden and Agustus Whichard, Miss Ella Staton with Mr. H. Robertson, Miss Ruth Matthews and Mr. Everett, Miss Annabelle Everett and Mr, Grover Hadison, Mist- Laura Jones and Mr. Kader Craw ford, Miss Sophie Morton and Mr Cleve Roberaon, Miss Eliza Lamb Mr. John W. Hassell. Miss Hattic Lou Ward and Mr. Dillon Simpson, Miss Henrietta Peele and Mr. George Whitley. Miss Essie Peek and Mr. Fountain Lipscombe Mist Bulsh Bateman and Mr. E. E. Ed- mondson. Miss Hannah Vic Fow- den and Mr. C. C. Harrell, Mis.' Louise Fowden and Mr. Harry Mirt Stubbs, Stags: Messrs. Dillard of Rober- sonville. Wheeler Martin, Jr, Hay- wood Knight, William Watts, Wig Wstts, Jr. snd Harry Biggs. lfotlce to Tax Payers <r* The town taxes for the year be- ing June Ist, 1904 is dde and col- lectible. All persons sre hereby notified that I am ready to collect same. You will please be ready to settle when I call on yon, thereby saving unnessary worry and expense. Yours truly, J. H. PAGE, 4-4t Town Tax Collector. The Problem of What to Give I For a CHRISTMAS PRESENT is Easily Solved at our Store When you see the Fine line of I V*M!M Waltham WATCHES V * < Brooches,Qold and Silver Finger Rings Bicycles and Musical Instruments Rogers Bro.s' 1847 Silverware I HERBERT D. PEELE j THE JEWELER TELEPHONE 3< WILLIAriSTON, N. C. j When in Doubt Come to See Us W- TRADE A 7 OUR STORE: ?U A STORR YOU KSOW. A »tore all thU community know*. A store that ca ters to the grocery trade. A store that always quotes the loweat possible price*. A store that means to do the fair and square thin# at all time* and under all cir cumitance*. We »ell good ... GROCERIES.. at right prices. \, ENTERPISE $1 You Need Look no Further ; For Your WINTER CLOTHES To Every Prospective Ik) CLOTH INQ Buyer. . We would like to say one thing?do not \ /fill fail to come in and look over the immense IN mmVJr '9f \ ffl'J/ifjl/ f stock of Fall and Winter Clothing. We \WvJp M \ are sure you will appreciate our claim, that it | M % 11 jM such values given cannot tx- found else- /,! * mm Jr JW ?where. ?We will be glad to show you t I ( \Lj * H through whether you wish to buy or not. y//W MWW ljfl ( |ljllf "1 Investigition will prove the merit of our I ,'l/ M jllln t offerings and uphold our claim that there ' . M Wi > Hulffl B f^L - is no better Clothing sold anywhere for the J|\ J \ $7.50 SIO.OO $12.50 Wf W I J HATS and CAPS V\ I \\ I|l » ,We have just received t%e latest styles and I % I 111 all colors in Brown Hats, as well as in ij I % I l lt Staple Black. We have a large a'S-irtment I / II ' f of Mens', Boy's and Children's Capa, from I 25 to 50c. Each ? j&J ? ..jrin f" What Do You Like-" in Overcoats ? j { We will be pleased to show yon some ofthe best goods that" - S has ever been seen in Overcoats for such a little money; - I $6.50 $7.50 SIO.OO $15.00 < ????? Do Not Miss Seeing Our Line of]JE3 [ CLOTHNGQ . AND .. OVERCOATS Boy's all-wool Suits in double-breasted and Norfolk style, nicely trimmed and well made, from four to sixteen years, prices from >1.75 to fc.oo. Overcoats from fa.so to J5.00. We have them la plain and fancy colors, nobby mixed patterns trimmed in large brass buttons, and they are beauties. Do no fail to stop and let us tfhow them to yon . ...... .. . . ? Harrison low prices. L A I/. J A | DYSPEPSIA CURE MM m S II H DIGESTS WHAT YOU BAT HH HH K3 Tk» SI.OO bottl* cofiMln*2M ttoullMMlaH, iMalilvWMfe H F J PIBPABSD OWLT AT Tfll LABORATORY or I % \r fil B. C. IfeWITT * COMPANY. CHICAQft ILL ANTICIPATE YOUR? Qhristmas Wants v Then come here to make your purch- "v. Sfo ase. Our prices are 44 fair" and . . iLjCCIt Gift Goods Galore Inspect our display before buying . . iijara V V w

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PmiPAT. DBCUBKB 2. 1004

|^JX)CALjNEWS^J|?County Commissioners meet


?The only "only" House in theennntry is in town, John Housethe Artist.

?Williams' Comedy Co.at OperaHouse next Thursday, Friday andSutuday nights.

?lt is announced that a hotel is to

he bnflt on the corner of Main* andWashington streets.

?The town commissioners arehaving the hoard walk fixed at lastNo wonder it's raining to day.

?A stock holders meeting oftheEnterprise Printing Co willbe heldMonday night at 7:30 o'clock.

?the subscribers of the WQliams-ton Telephone Co are requestedto add to their list York, Hayes CoPhone 7S.

?Bishop Strange, of the Episco-pal church, will preach at theChurch of the Advent 00 Tuesdaynight. December 6th.

When yon fed like\u25a0 Sighing win never pleasure bring,Learn to laugh, yon can laugh and

laugh rightBy taking Rocky Mountain Ten at

night?S. R. Biggs.

??There is n scarcity efdwellinghomes in town. It is reported thatMr. T. J. Smith, the American to-bacco buyer, will have to leavetown the first of January on ac-count of the safe ot the house behad leased for this year, unless hecan get another, and there is not

another to be had.Running tike mad down the street

dumping the occupant,or a hundredother accidents are every day occurrenes. It behooves every bod to havea reliable Salve handy and there's\u25a0oat as good as Bncklen Arnica

Salve. Burns, Cuts, Sores, Eczemsand Piles, disappear quickly underits soothing effect. 15c S. R. BiggsDrug Store.

?Read the advertisements ofYork, Hayes Company, new goods,and Santa Clans; Herbert D. Peele,Christmss presents; S. H. Ellison,Trade at our store; Simpson Hard-ware Co.. Christmas wants; J. A.Mixed ft Co., Early Christmasthoughts; Atlantic Coast Line,Holiday rates; Williama' ComedyCo., Opera House; Burrous A. 1Critcher, Commissioner. Sale ofreal estate.

Blunders are sometimes very ex- 1pensive Occssiooslly life itself is <

the price of a mistake, but you'U Inever be wrong if yon take Dr. <

King's New Lite Pills for Dyspep- 1sas. Dirtiness, Headache, Liver orBowel troubles. They are gentleyet thorough. 25c at S. R. BiggsDrug Store.

Wsdce fttckhglders

A meeting of the stockholdersof The Enterprise Printing Co. ishereby called to meet at the Com-pany's office Monday night at 7:30o'clock.



THE CHRISTIAN chaicbea at CooSwHwylt, Turkey and YokahomaJapan, have long used the Longman Allatiui i Mats for painting their chur

Liberal eantribuHoaa nfL.aH. Paintwill be givmlor saeh porpose wherevera cenrch is located

P. M. Scofield, Harris Springa. 3- C.

with L. a If. twenty-six yaara NotHBOC; Wifca bfttM *lia-

parted in the last fear yean-"W. g Barr Charleston, W. Va., writes

" Painted Prankenbaig Block with L.n M. aMbwi faetar thaa aay baildiag herehaw ever dome; stands ant as tho v»Yahhad and artaal east of paiat was lewthaa $L sa par galloa. Wears aadseven like gold."

Theaa Celebrated Paiata are sold by 8.E. Keen

Loach nifiiiwiPsstngtn to the World's Fair

can pem-hssr on each Tueaday,Thursday and Saturday duringNovember) ten days couch excui-

sion tickets via Norfolk and Wes-tern Railway to St. Lonis and re-turn at very low rates. Excursiontickets with longer are on

Jifale daily. Rates and schedules(arniahrd upon

.applitation to

Agents Norfolk and Western Rail-W*T' «


Gen. Pnss. Agent, Roanoke, Va.


Rev. JR. D. Carroll, of theBaptist Church, Filled

the Pulpit at Night


Last Sunday was the dosing olfour years work on this charge olthe Rev. T. H. Sutton. He hasworked faithfully and has \u25a0ccom-

pliahed a great work- His untiringfforts have been awarded with

abundant success, since coming to

this charge he has practially builtthree new Churches, the churchhere was involved in debt and behas paid offevery cent, the chufchat Vernon was in debt and incom-plete and he boa completed thatand paid for it. He has erected anice church at Holly Springs andpaid for it. At Hamilton a handsomeand commodious church has beenerected and paid for, and he has

started a movement at Hasaells foithe erection of a church there, the

land havingbeen given for a site.Beside having accomplished such agood work along the line. Mr,Sutton has greatly strengthenedMethodism in this section, by hhuntiring efforts along the religomline. His everyday life is an openbook, and a far stronger and mort

lasting sermon thsn any man candeliver from a pulpit. While nota great pulpit speaker, Mr. Sutton

is an earnest, conscientious, sympa-thetic preacher. As a pastor he canhardly be excelled, this is his strong

point. He has endeared himself to

the people of the town and com-munity in such a way that hismemory will long live with themthough they should never see himagain. To the people here the fouryears have past all too soon.

His sermon last Sunday morningwas s plsin and practical, but astrong a-gument for the leading of

better anb more christin lives.

At night the pulpit wss filled by\u2666he Rev. R D. Carroll of the BaptistChurch, and a large congregatsonwas present. His text was: "IHsvekept the faith, I Have fought agood fight, therefore there is aCrown of Righteousnes Laid up forme." ME. Carroll handled his ser-mon in a fine nanner, bringing outthe principle points in the life ofthe great apostle Paul from thetime of his conversion.

After the regular service the choirsang "God be with you till we meetagain."

A Pllliltt PillNo pill is as pleasant and positiveas DeWitt's Little Early Risers.

DeWitt's LittleEarly Risers are somild and effective that children, del

icate ladies snd weak people enjoytheir cleansing effect, while strongpeople ssy they sre the best liverqills sold. Sold by Anbersoa. Craw-ford ft Co.

Lost a Valuable Horse

Tuesday afternoou about 4:30

o'clock when Messrs WheelerMartin and Jos. A. Biggs were re-turning from Washington, whereMr. Martin had been on professionalbusiness, he hsd the misfortune tolose one of the horses.

On leaving here that morning,for Washington, the horse wasseemingly in perfect health, ueverhaving appeared in better conditionand when they left Washington on

the return trip the horse was allright. But when about a mile ortwo from Mr. Kader Lilleys heshowed signs of illness and in

about 15 minuets was dead, thehorse wss a fine roadster and nearlya perfect horse as we will aee in along time.

THE GOOD OLD WAYA severe cold or sttack of la

grippe is like fire, the sooner you

combat it the better your chancesare to overpower it. But few moth-ers in this age are willing to do thenecessary work required to give agood old-fashioned reliable treat-

ment such as would be administered by their grandmothers, backedby Boschee's German Syrup whichwas always liberally used in con-

nection with the home treatment of

colds and is still in grater housholdfavor than any known remedy. But

even without the application of theold-fasioned aids German Syrupwill cure a severe cold in quicktime .It will cure colds in cbildienor giuw% people. It relieves thecongested organs, allays the irrita-tion. and effectively stops the cougbAny child will take. it. It is invalu-able in a household of children.Trial size bottle, 35; regular size.75c. For sale by S. R. Biggs.


I The Iter. B. 8. L?iter CUBICin last night.

Mis® Annabellc Everett spentSunday in Hamilton.

I Mr. J. L. Davenqort of James-p ville was in towu yesterday.

' Messrs J. W. and G. A. Crofton,

1 of Gold Point, were in town today.

Messrs L. M. Brown and ToneGray of Jamesville were in townthis morning.

Miss Alice Grimes, of Rober-sonville was the guast of Mis NoraFowden Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Sutton leftTuesday morning for Henderson toattend conference.

Miss Lillian Critcher of RockyMount, is visiting the family of

Mr. Rodger Critcher.Lee Terry, Sidney Mobley, Jot

Godard, and Luke Lamb returnedto Chocflpinity Monday morning.

Mrs W, H. Linley Kent left onThursday for Richmond accom-pained by Dr Harrell and her sisterMrs B. T. Cowper, Mrs Kent ex-pects to enter the private Sanitariunof Dr Hodges the celebrated nervespecialist. She will spend severalmonths at this institution untill shethoroughly recuperates and regainsher nerve strength.

Willie Jones,son of Mr.and Mrs.A. C. Jones, who has been in StVincent Hospital, Norfok, for three

months or more returned homeTuesday night. While in the hos-pital several operations were per-formed upon him, and the doctorssay it is a miracle that he is alivttoday, the many friends of tlufamily are indeed glad to knowthat he is improving so nicely.


Given in Honor of Mr. andMrs. Joseph Paul



One of the most deightful events

which Williamston has ever seenwas the dance given to Mr. andMrs. J. Paul Simpson on Tuesdayevening in the new ball room onMain street by the society men ofthe town. Mr. and Mrs. Simpsonreturned from (heir honey moon onFriday evening, much to the delightof every one. They are so popularthat their home coming was cele-brated by a dance, which is typicalof a joyous spirit. Mrs. Simpson,who was Miss Mittie Lloyd Cof-field, the daughter of Hon. JosepliB. Cofficld, is one of the prettiestyoung women in the State. She isa brunette of exquisite type,and onthis occasion her personal appear-ance and manner were so charmingthat she was the object of muchadmiration. Mr. Simpson is a mem-ber of the Simpson Hardwar Co.and is as popular in society as he isconsistant and steady in business.Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, who are


If you have lost fcomething and it is

worth finding put a local in THK KNTKK-


If you want something and it i> worthhaving let the people know about itthrough Thk Enterprise.

If you have anything to aell, and itsworth selling, let the people know itthroagh Thb Kntkrprish.

Locals under this heading 5 cents a

line each insertion. No "ad." taken forloss than 15 cents. Special rates for long


FOR SALE?One piece 1 7-16 shaftng16 ft. long; I piece I 7-16 shalting 24 ft.long; 4 ceiling hangers; 1 steel pulley

inch face; 1 7-16 inch bore 6 inches <n

diameter; I ShaW coupling; One steelpnlley 8 inch face, lC inches in diameter;

1 steel split pulley 6 inch face, is inchesin diameter; a wood beaters anil a lot ofstove pipe. Apply at this office.

FOR RRNT?Store space in front oaJtof building occupied hy Enterprise Print-ing Co. Apply to this office.

NOTICE?AII persons are hereby for-bidden to trespass in any manner on the"Holier Harrington" place, adjoiningthe lands of Staton Wynn, James Robert-son and others. All persons violatingthis notice will be prosecuted.6-4t O. B. SIMPSON.

FOR SALE One Revolving BookCase. Applyat this office.

FOR SALE?One New 1200 pound

Barnes, Double Door Safe. Cash or ea-

sy terms. £. H. RAWLS,

il-4-8t Roberaonville, N. C.

WANTED ?One hundred gpod beefCattle, and also a lot of fresh pork.Highest market prices paid.

J. B. McGOWAN,Williamston, N. C.

Highest Market PricesPAID FOR

Live Turkeys

Qeese, Ducks

and ChickensNOTIFY . . .

Q. B. SIMPSONR. F. D. No. 2 Williamston,N.C


Ragged Frontjnwwai







Fresh Baker's BreadReceived Daily

aaa BANK DEPOSIT3>S,UUU aaajtf

Board at Cotl.WrlwOuk*JSSITM33rBUWtUCOLLEBE.Bseea.6a




Bank Building Smithwick Street

New and up- to-date Furniture.

The best Barbers that can be ob-tained.

Polite and courteous attention.

Motto?"We lead, others follow."

connoisseurs in the terpsicboreanart, led the german, and the liguretwere so beautiful that the manyspectators looked long at tha merry

dancers. The following were pres-

ent. Mr. and Mrs. J. Psul SimpsonMr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Jeffress,Miss Marina Whitley and Mr. DonGodwin, Miss Mayo Lamb and Mr.

Tbad Lawrence. Miss Nora Fowdenand Agustus Whichard, Miss EllaStaton with Mr. H. Robertson,Miss Ruth Matthews and Mr.Everett, Miss Annabelle Everettand Mr, Grover Hadison, Mist-Laura Jones and Mr. Kader Crawford, Miss Sophie Morton and Mr

Cleve Roberaon, Miss Eliza LambMr. John W. Hassell. Miss Hattic

Lou Ward and Mr. Dillon Simpson,Miss Henrietta Peele and Mr.George Whitley. Miss Essie Peekand Mr. Fountain Lipscombe Mist

Bulsh Bateman and Mr. E. E. Ed-mondson. Miss Hannah Vic Fow-den and Mr. C. C. Harrell, Mis.'Louise Fowden and Mr. HarryMirt Stubbs,

Stags: Messrs. Dillard of Rober-sonville. Wheeler Martin, Jr, Hay-wood Knight, William Watts, WigWstts, Jr. snd Harry Biggs.

lfotlce to Tax Payers<r*

The town taxes for the year be-ing June Ist, 1904 is dde and col-

lectible.All persons sre hereby notified

that I am ready to collect same.You will please be ready to settlewhen Icall on yon, thereby savingunnessary worry and expense.

Yours truly,J. H. PAGE,

4-4t Town Tax Collector.

The Problem of What to GiveI For a

CHRISTMAS PRESENTis Easily Solved at our StoreWhen you see the Fine line of

IV*M!M Waltham


Brooches,Qold and Silver Finger RingsBicycles and Musical Instruments

Rogers Bro.s' 1847 Silverware



When in Doubt Come to See UsW- TRADE A 7 OUR STORE: ?U

A STORR YOU KSOW. A »tore all thU community know*. A store that ca

ters to the grocery trade. A store that always quotes the loweat possible price*.

A store that means to do the fair and square thin# at all time* and under all circumitance*. We »ell good

... GROCERIES..at right prices. \,


You Need Look no Further ;

For Your

WINTER CLOTHESTo Every Prospective Ik)CLOTH INQ Buyer. .

We would like to say one thing?do not\ /fill

fail to come in and look over the immense IN mmVJr '9f \ ffl'J/ifjl/fstock of Fall and Winter Clothing. We \WvJp M \are sure you willappreciate our claim, that it | M % 11 jMsuch values given cannot tx- found else- /,! * mm Jr JW

?where. ?We will be glad to show you t I(

\Lj *H

through whether you wish to buy or not. y//W MWW ljfl ( |ljllf "1Investigition will prove the merit of our I ,'l/ M jlllntofferings and uphold our claim that there ' . M Wi > HulfflB f^L

- is no better Clothing sold anywhere for the J|\ J \

$7.50 SIO.OO $12.50 Wf W I J

HATS and CAPS V\ I \\ I|l» ,We have just received t%e latest styles and I % I 111

all colors in Brown Hats, as well as in ij I % I lltStaple Black. We have a large a'S-irtment I / II ' fof Mens', Boy's and Children's Capa, from I

25 to 50c. Each ? j&J ? ..jrin

f" What Do You Like-" in Overcoats ? j{ We will be pleased to show yon some ofthe best goods that" - S

has ever been seen in Overcoats for such a little money; - I

$6.50 $7.50 SIO.OO $15.00

< ?????

Do Not Miss Seeing Our Line of]JE3

[ CLOTHNGQ . AND .. OVERCOATSBoy's all-wool Suits in double-breasted and Norfolk style, nicely trimmed and well made, from fourto sixteen years, prices from >1.75 to fc.oo. Overcoats from fa.so to J5.00. We have them la plainand fancy colors, nobby mixed patterns trimmed in large brass buttons, and they are beauties. Do

no fail to stop and let us tfhow them to yon . ...... .. .. ?

Harrison low prices.





Qhristmas Wantsv Then come here to

make your purch-

"v. Sfo ase. Our prices are44 fair" and . .

iLjCCIt Gift Goods GaloreInspect our display

before buying . .

iijara VV w