the fourth commandment honor your mother and father. we are commanded to honor those who brought us...

The Fourth Commandment Honor your mother and father. We are commanded to honor those who brought us life and nurtured us. The family is our first place of learning and where we first experience love. The commandment to honor and respect our parents extends to all of our elders, our government and those in authority. We should respect them for the wisdom which they have gained from their years and experiences.

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Post on 04-Jan-2016




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Page 1: The Fourth Commandment Honor your mother and father. We are commanded to honor those who brought us life and nurtured us. The family is our first place

The Fourth Commandment

Honor your mother and father.

We are commanded to honor those who brought us life and nurtured us.

The family is our first place of learning and where we first experience love.

The commandment to honor and respect our parents extends to all of our elders, our government and those in authority. We should respect them for the wisdom which they have gained from their years and experiences.

Page 2: The Fourth Commandment Honor your mother and father. We are commanded to honor those who brought us life and nurtured us. The family is our first place

Moral obligations of children:

- To be grateful to and respect their parents for the sacrifices they make for them

- To obey their parents in all that they ask of them when it is for their good or that of the family

- To give siblings and other members of the family the respect due to them

Page 3: The Fourth Commandment Honor your mother and father. We are commanded to honor those who brought us life and nurtured us. The family is our first place

Moral obligations of parents:

- To respect their children as children of God. Children are not property and should not be treated as such

- To nurture and educate their children to the best of their ability

- To raise and educate their children in their faith

- To guide their children to adulthood while allowing them to become independent individuals

Page 4: The Fourth Commandment Honor your mother and father. We are commanded to honor those who brought us life and nurtured us. The family is our first place

Moral obligations of government and society:

- to protect basic freedoms such as freedom of speech and religion

- the protect the stability of the marriage bond and the institution of the family

- to protect the rights to private property, free enterprise, obtaining work and housing, and emigration

- to provide medical care, assistance for the aged, and family benefits to those in need

- to provide stability and order to maintain the security and health of its citizens

- to allow its citizens the freedom to form associations with others to work for and obtain social justice.

Page 5: The Fourth Commandment Honor your mother and father. We are commanded to honor those who brought us life and nurtured us. The family is our first place

Moral obligations of citizens:

- to fulfill our obligations to society and government by obeying laws, paying taxes, voting and giving our opinion on societal issues

- to fight against corruption in government

- to speak out against laws that are unjust or immoral. In such instances, civil disobedience* is justified.

*Civil disobedience – Deliberately refusing to follow a law (or command) that is immoral or unjust.