the forest tree planter's manual: (six edition) by j.o. barrett, secretary of the suite...

Aug., I896"] Fool: 2~vroIlct's. 159 i~urs de P/(),sz,.::: de I'~cole l'olytechnique. Par M. J. Janrin. I'remier supplement, par M. Bout?'. paris: Gauthier-Villars et Yils. 1896. Prix, fcs. 3.5 °. The volume above entitled is intended to supplement the " Cours de Phy- sique" prepared by M. Jamin for the students of the ]i;cole Polytechnique. It covers the subjects of heat, acoustics and optics, and incorporates the latest theoretical considerations in these important branches of physical science. \V. T/:c l.'o:'cs/ I'rec /'/a::tc:"x A~z:z::al. (Sixth edition.) By J. O. Barrett, Sec- ,.:: ~,., ~,f ~he !:~ L,-- 7".~:st~,, '~_->,<2:i,,~, ~,Ii~>~:~]~,,'.i>, ~,.Ti~ ),Ii~>::~ !, olis: Progressive Age Publkshing Company. I894. This is an admirable, practical handbook of information relating to tree culture, issued by the State Forestry Association of .Minnesota for flee distri- bution. It could be imitated with advantage by similar associations in other States where the subjects of the preservation of the forest areas, and their artificial extension, have grown to be important questions. W. .4 ]),,':l:'om~ry ol- C/zc::H'ca/ .~,'~/:::://:'t:':s. Inorganic. By Arthur Messinger 1 Comey, Ph.1)., formerly Professor of Chemistry, Tufts College. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. 18~)6. Price, 53. Chemists have long felt the need of some reliable source of information on the subject of the solubilities, since almost the only accessible work of reference on the subject--that of Storer, which brings down the data to the ?,ear IS6o--is practically antiquated, although still a classic contribution to scientific literature. The present work seems to be all that could be desired by chemists, in respect of arrangement, comprehensiveness and accuracy. It will doulxiess receive a warm welcome from the profession. \V. File C/e:'otz:'c/e ]"z)',: 7h:;/:s/~;:" 7,99:5. A record of the fire losses in the United States, by States and Territories, during I895 , etc. New York: The Chronicle Company, Limited. I896. Price, S5. This statistical publication fully maintains, in the comprehensiveness and completeness of its fire data, the high standard of former years, and the position of the leading source of reliable information on these topics which we have cheerflllly accorded it. In general arrangement the work follows the same plan as previous volumes. The total fire losses for ~895 are given as SI42,ooo,ooo , an increase of $2,ooo,ooo over the figures of I894. It is interesting to note that the a;,c:'a.~,e property losses, and also the ,~;,cra:,z, insurance losses, exhibit a decrease. This is a most encouraging factor in the situation, demonstrating increased care on the part of insurance companies, improvenrent in building construc- tion and in the means and appliances for combatting fires. These tables are simply indispensable to all who are interested in the subject of fire insurance. W.

Post on 02-Jul-2016




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Page 1: The forest tree planter's manual: (Six edition) By J.O. Barrett, Secretary of the Suite Forestry Association, Minneapolis, Minn, Minneapolis: Progressive Age Publishing Company. 1894

Aug., I896"] F o o l : 2~vroIlct's. 159

i~ur s de P/(),sz,.::: de I '~cole l 'o lytechnique. Par M. J. Janrin. I ' remier supplement, par M. Bout?'. par is : Gauthier-Villars et Yils. 1896. Prix,

fcs. 3.5 °. The volume above entitled is in tended to supplement the " Cours de Phy-

sique" prepared by M. Jamin for the students of the ]i;cole Polytechnique. It covers the subjects of heat, acoustics and optics, and incorporates the latest theoretical considerat ions in these important b ranches of physical science.


T/:c l.'o:'cs/ I 'rec / ' /a:: tc:"x A~z:z::al. (Sixth edition.) By J. O. Barrett, Sec- ,.:: ~,., ~,f ~he !:~ L,-- 7".~:st~,, '~_->,<2:i,,~, ~,Ii~>~:~]~,,'.i>, ~,.Ti~ ),Ii~>::~ !, olis: Progressive Age Publkshing Company. I894.

This is an admirable , practical handbook of information relat ing to tree culture, issued by the State Forestry Association of .Minnesota for flee distri- bution. It could be imitated with advantage by similar associations in other States where the subjects of the preservation of the forest areas, and their artificial extension, have grown to be impor tant questions. W.

.4 ]),,':l:'om~ry ol- C/zc::H'ca/ .~,'~/:::://:'t:':s. Inorganic. By Arthur Messinger • 1

Comey, Ph.1)., formerly Professor of Chemistry, Tufts College. London and New York: Macmil lan & Co. 18~)6. Price, 53.

Chemists have long felt the need of some reliable source of information on the subject of the solubilities, since almost the only accessible work of reference on the sub jec t - - tha t of Storer, which brings down the data to the ?,ear IS6o--is practically antiquated, al though still a classic contribution to scientific literature.

The present work seems to be all that could be desired by chemists, in respect of a r rangement , comprehensiveness and accuracy. It will doulxiess receive a warm welcome from the profession. \V.

File C/e:'otz:'c/e ]"z)',: 7h:;/:s/~;:" 7,99:5. A record of the fire losses in the Uni ted States, by States and Territories, during I895 , etc. New York: The Chronicle Company, Limited. I896. Price, S5.

This statistical publication fully maintains , in the comprehensiveness and completeness of its fire data, the high s tandard of former years, and the position of the leading source of reliable information on these topics which we have cheerflllly accorded it. In general a r rangement the work follows the same plan as previous volumes.

The total fire losses for ~895 are given as SI42,ooo,ooo , an increase of $2,ooo,ooo over the figures of I894. It is interesting to note that the a;,c:'a.~,e property losses, and also the ,~;,cra:,z, insurance losses, exhibit a decrease. This is a most encouraging factor in the situation, demonst ra t ing increased care on the part of insurance companies, improvenrent in bui lding construc- tion and in the means and appliances for combat t ing fires.

These tables are simply indispensable to all who are interested in the subject of fire insurance. W.