the fms learning from home series pack for birth - 3 years

Montessori learning ideas 4 Pack # Weeks 6 and 7 Monday 16 August 2021 to Friday 27 August 2021 THE FMS LEARNING FROM HOME SERIES PACK FOR Birth - 3 years Term 3

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learning ideas4Pack #

Weeks 6 and 7

Monday 16 August 2021

to Friday 27 August 2021


Birth - 3 years

Term 3

Reading is always fun and such a special bonding time together.

It provides a window into so many different worlds. When some

exercise is needed have a look at the yoga card suggestions


The cloud dough and aquafaba will satisfy their need for some

sensorial activity.

We’re eager to hear from you; let us know about some of the

positive experiences, exchanges and observations you’ve had

with your child during these weeks, as you’ve seen them

respond to the materials and ideas you’ve shown them with.

We have been presented with a different opportunity to spend

time with our child and discover different aspects of our


Today we’re enjoying another clear and beautiful, sunny Sydney


Kind regards

Matty, Emma and Ishbel

Birth to 3 Staff


To our children and parents

So here we are! The 4 week lockdown sprint has been extended into an

endurance run.

There is no escaping as to the realities of this and we are all looking

forward for this to be over, so we can resume our pre-Covid routines.

However, these are the days of our life and we are going to make them

count! As we emphasised before, your daily family routines are really

important for your child’s sense of security so the ideas we offer can fit

into whatever routine you have created during your days.

For this next fortnight we’ve included some further Practical Life

suggestions as to how to involve your child into your day-to-day home life

and how to care for it. Remember; “Go Slow, Give Space with Grace”.

We’ve also included some yummy recipes to prepare and cook together.

When going on a walk or having fun around the house have a look at the

ideas using our Scavenger Hunt list. All these activities provide great

opportunities for extending our children’s language experience and

vocabulary. You will also see some cards to talk about ocean animals and

musical instruments and how you can extend this experience for your


Practical Life

1 Practical life in Montessori are activities

that children see parents do around the

hime. It is a series of purposeful activities

aimed at assisting the child gain

independence through mastery over the

environment. This helps develop

coordination, concentration, and a sense

of responsibility.

It is fairly easy to set up some practical life

activities at home.

General guideline to implement at home is

• take your time, allow 1 hour to be able

to do a f an hour task

• break down the steps and slow down.


Cleaning the Bathroom


Materials needed:

• dish sponge

• dishwashing soap mixed with vinegar

about 1:4 ratio

• water bucket

• other suggestions: old toothbrush


Cleaning car

1Allow your young one to help further

with home activities.


• large sponge

• water bucket

• soap.

Clean the car on a sunny day and

make sure a lot of bubbles are made

with the water. Your child will enjoy

getting wet, playing with the bubbles ,

doing something purposeful with you

and it can be hours of fun!


Shoe Brushing


• small shoe brush placed in a


• small mat

• shoes.

Place shoes on mat on top of a

table. Brush dirt off shoes using

one direction outside motion.

Repeat with all of the family's



2Gross Motor

Developing gross motor or

large movements is an

important developmental

milestone for children this age.

There are a few suggestions

for planned activities but of

course nothing compares to

run in the park when the

weather is great!


2Gross Motor

Print out the yoga cards


Place in a basket on the shelf.

First time do the yoga poses with

your child and hold for a few


Your child can now practice

these yoga poses on their own

anytime they want.

Yoga Cards







2Gross Motor

Leaping is a fundamental movement

milestone for toddlers.

Demonstrate and emphasise movements

• Leap with one leg

• Stretch out legs

• Continue then land on the other leg

Rope Leap

Tie a rope to a pole and stretch it out so it

forms one long line. Have someone

wriggle the rope like a snake.Your child

will have to try and leap over the rope

without touching it.

Rope Leap


2Gross Motor Movement

Infinity Loop

• Illustrate to the child what a “lazy eight”

infinity symbol looks like.

• Draw the infinity symbol with a crayon.

Preferably, use large paper so the

child’s whole arm can move, not just

the wrist. Keep tracing the symbol for

several minutes until the movement is

smooth and balanced.

• Now, switch hands and keep tracing. If

you like, switch crayon colour. Continue

until the movement is smooth and


• To ensure large motor movement you

can draw on the large paper on the

wall at your child’s height.



3 Sensorial materials help the child experience

each sense. Initially one sense at a time. It helps

the child become aware of new experiences.

Movement and repetition are needed for

completion, building muscle memory.

Some examples of these activities are play

dough, pasting and collage, opening and closing

jars. Books with different textures on the pages

such as carpet, sandpaper and silk provide

experiences of rough, smooth, hard and soft.



Cloud Dough for Toddlers


3Materials needed:

• bag of flour

• small bottle of vegetable oil.

Put all of the flour in the box and then add the oil

little by little while mixing it into the flour using your

other hand.

Keep adding until you get a fun texture with a

consistency similar to sand. Loose, yet a little


Throw in some spoons, small bowls and muffin

tins and you are set!




3Materials Needed:

• 2 cans of chickpeas

• cream of tartar

• food colouring.


• Drain chickpea liquid into a large bowl.

• Add ¼ teaspoon cream of tartar into the bowl.

• Whip ingredients with mixer on high until soft peaks

form (about 4 minutes).

• Add food coloring or liquid watercolors to color

chickpea foam. Briefly whip the color in to



OOBLECK Extension Activities



Refer to Oobleck recipe in pack 1

• Drive toy cars through it

• Let the goop drip through a strainer, a berry basket,

or something else with holes

• Dribble and paint with goop on a sidewalk or


• Try freezing it

Pasting and collage on paper

3This activity also helps with fine motor

development and concentration. Cut the shapes

on the next slide for gluing.

You will need:

• a tray or mat that can easily be cleaned

• a small glue brush

• a small botlle with PVA glue

• paper

• small paper shapes, colored paper cut small.

1. Show the child how to be able to glue the

shapes in the tray.

2. Allow the child to repeat and glue as many

shapes as they want.

3. When finished have an area where the chid

can place their work to dry.

4. For older children you can show them how to

clean the glue brush in the sink.



Use of Scissors

3 This activity also helps with fine motor

development and concentration.

You will need:

• a tray to contain the cuttings and scissors.

• small scissors

• cardboard or paper strips (enough for


1. Show your child how to be able to cut the


2. Allow them to repeat

3. When finished, have a bowl to place their

cuttings. This can be thrown in the recycling

bin later.

As an added challenge print out the cutting

patterns provided and demonstrate cutting the






4 In Montessori spoken language is used in

everything they do in a day. The child

absorbs important information while

seeing, touching, and naming familiar

things. Language materials help them build

the tools for communication.

The ways that we can encourage this at

home is by having books on the shelf they

can look at. Reading to your toddler is of

great benefit also.

Having items displayed on the shelf on

trays or in baskets that spark curiosity for

learning is also a good way to build on their

language skills.


4Nature Objects: Classified materials

Place various nature objects in a basket or


• pine cone

• bottle brush

• various shells


• From the basket take out one object at a


• take time to name the object and touch,

feel and smell it.

• give the little one a turn.

• place on the mat when exploration is



4Scavenger Hunt

A Scavenger hunt is an exciting way to be

able to look closely at nature, observe and

discover new things. This nature walk will

provide more of a purpose and set goals to

getting out.

What you will need:

• Outdoors

• clipboard and pen

• scavenger hunt list

• observant eyes

As a challenge you can have make your own

scavenger hunt list and share with others.




4Language Cards

The use of language cards in a Montessori

environment isolates the objects to be able to build

the child's vocabulary of the objects we cannot have

replica or real object.

The images have to be realistic, and in proportion

with one another. Children at this age absorb and

incarnate everything as real and thus we try as much

as possible to give them reality.


Print out the images. If possible print out in cards that

are of the same size even though the images might

not be

Place in a basket.

Present and name cards one by one , looking at the

images carefully and pointing out features.

Ask child to point out the names of the images when

all have been named and laid out on the mat.

Cowry Shell




Blue Tang

Parrot Fish

Angel Fish




4Celebrating the Chinese New Year

Sanmu Tang; Better Link Press

The Little Cloud

Eric Carle ; Puffin Books

Each Peach Pear Plum

Janet and Allan Ahlberg ;Puffin Books

The Gruffalo

Julia Donaldson/Axel Scheffler ;Campbell Books

In the Deep Blue Sea

Angie Lionetto-Civa/Christina Booth ;Windy Hollow Books

Book corner:

Book recommendations


4Brilliant Boats

Tony Mitton/Ant Parker, MacMillan Children’s


Miffy Goes Flying

Dick Bruna;ABC Books, Any Miffy books

Chickens aren’t the only ones

Ruth Heller, Scholastic Inc.

Star Light Star Bright

Susie Linn/Parwinder Singh.

Imagine That Publishing Inc.

The Lost Mob

Venitia Tyson, Magabala Books

Book corner


4Nursery rhymes/songs

Tiny Tim

I had a little turtle,

His name was tiny Tim,

I put him in the bath tub to see if he could swim,

He drank up all the water,

he ate up all the soap,

and now his down sick in bed with bubbles in his


Bubble bubble bubble,

Bubble bubble bubble,

Bubble bubble bubble,

Bubble... Bubble Pop!


4Nursery rhymes/songs

Slippery Fish

Slippery FIsh, Slippery fish

Swimming in the water

Slippery fish slippery fish

Gulp gulp gulp!

The crocodile, the crocodile...

The octopus, the octopus...

The great white shark, the great white shark...

The big blue whale, the big blue whale...


4Nursery rhymes/songs

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!

If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it;

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!

"... shout/say, 'Hooray'!"

"... slap your knees!"

"... slap your legs!"

"... turn around!"

"... snap your fingers!"

"... nod your head!"

"... tap your toe!"

"... honk your nose!"

"... pat your head!”


5 In the toddler world, all of the areas provide

a foundation for math. These activities help

with their Mathematical Mind.

Maths at this age group are mostly

integrated in the food preparation activities

and other practical life activities that involve

exactness and measurement.

• Manipulative items and food preparation

activities give the child experience with

handling objects with fine motor skills that

provide the skills necessary for working

out maths.

• Language teaches the association

between the word and the symbols.

• Sensorial provides a great link to many of

the Montessori math materials.


Food preparation

Main Guidelines5What you will need:

• All materials/ingredients prepared

• Ingredients pre-measured in separate small


• Bananas and chickpeas can be mashed in a

mortar and pestle before using the food

processor to mix things together

• Always use an apron and tongs and spoons

• Lots of time.



350g self-raising flour

1 tsp baking powder

2 very ripe bananas

2 medium eggs

1 tsp vanilla extract

250ml whole milk

butter, for frying

Food preparation

Banana Pancakes





Sieve the flour, (you can have a special sifter for this) baking powder and a generous pinch of salt into a large

bowl. Mash the very ripe bananas with a mortar and pestle, then whisk the eggs in a bowl with a fork or wire

whisk. Add all ingredients together.


Heat a little knob of butter in a large non-stick pan over a medium heat. Place batter in a small jug for your child

to pour. Pour small amounts of batter to the pan and cook for several minutes or until small bubbles start

appearing on the surface. The small pancakes can be flipped easily by your toddler. Cook for 1-2 mins on the

other side.


Stack the pancakes on plates and top with the banana slices, and maple syrup if desired.

*You can add food colouring to the pancakes to make it more interesting.


Food preparation Avocado Slice



1 large avocado

½ cup mashed banana

½ cup maple syrup

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

3 large eggs

½ cup coconut flour

½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder

¼ teaspoon sea salt

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 cup chocolate chips


1. Preheat oven to 160ºC and grease an 8 x 8” baking dish with butter,

coconut oil or cooking spray

2. In a food processor or blender, combine avocado, banana, maple syrup and vanilla.

Prior to placing ingredients in a food processor, your child can mash the bananas,

and avocado using a mortar and pestle.

3. In a large bowl , combine eggs, coconut flour, cocoa powder, sea salt,

baking soda and avocado mix .

4. Using a hand held beater, blend a ll ingredients together until well combined.

5. Pour mixture into prepared baking dish and sprinkle chocolate chips over

the top.

7. Bake for 25 minutes or until set through.

8. Allow to cool completely before cutting. Cut into squares and enjoy.


Food preparation

Fudge in Bag



100g cream cheese

3 cups icing sugar

½ cup cocoa powder

2 tablespoons butter


1.Gather all ingredients.

2.Place all ingredients in a resealable bag. Place that bag in

a second bag. Seal bags.

3.Use your hands to mix the ingredients all together.

4.With the ball of fudge still in the bag, flatten out with your

hand and then remove and

cut into squares.

Making Hummus

5 Ingredients:

600g canned Chickpeas, drained, rinsed

1 tsp ground cumin

2 tbsp tahini paste (see note)

3 garlic cloves, crushed

Juice of 1 lemon

1/4 cup (60ml) water

100ml olive oil, plus extra to serve

1. Have your child mash the chickpeas in a

mortar and pestle. Show them how to scoop

in a bowl when they feel like that they have

mashed enough.

2. Add all ingredients in a food processor and

mix together until desired consistency is
