the evil religion


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Your choice of poison, Religion vs the Temple


Page 1: The Evil Religion

The Evil Religion- Your choice of poison, Religion vs the Temple.

By Eric Chambers

So, most of us can remember the days of being a young child and being directed through Sunday School and the great times that we had. We remember being taught the word of God and we thought at even a young age that we were called of by God to do his bidding. We would all run around preaching the gospel, and preaching what we were taught. It was enough to excite the group and with a few good words we could really get them pumped up! There were some that were lucky and were liked that they were encouraged to go on to Bible College when they were older and just about out of school and the others that still had the fire, well, it was put out and never to see the warmth again. Or that is what those responsible for putting out that fire though. Friedrich Nietzsche's quote “What doesn't kill us makes us stronger” rings true today. Because those that were responsible for putting out those fires were guilty of killing. Physically killing no but a spiritual killing. Fortunately, it did not kill all of us and Nietzsche's quote only holds more water today! I can tell you this much. Religions and those associated with religion today especially those that are of “rank” within the church know a threat when they see one. They are the warriors of the church and it is their job to stop any back lashing or any uprising's that the church does not approve of. Lets take a

trip back in time for a few moments and see what we can learn and if we can find out why the people are the way they are in their religion today. I'd like to focus today on the Protestant Reformation. In 1517 Martin Luther published The Ninety-Five Theses. In short, the Ninety-Five Theses on the Power of Efficacy of Indulgences was and is widely regarded as the primary catalyst for the Reformation. The document protests against clerical abuses, especially in regard to indulgences. It also centers on agreements within the Catholic Church. In addition Protestantism concluded in 1648 with the Treaty of Westphalia and that of coarse ended the eighty year war or the European religious war. The Protestant Reformation began as an attempt to reform the CATHOLIC CHURCH. There must much division even amongst folks like John Calvin, Martin Luther, The Puritans and the Presbyterians. One of the most recently forms of Protestantism is the UPCI. The United Pentecostal Church International was ushered in on the scene about the 1900's or about 1901. Now while this new religion brought to us the oneness of God, Direct interaction with God, it's also brought along with it, ALL THE FORMS OF CATHOLICISM! ! Since the Protestant Reformation there have been many divisions in the Catholic Church and many new religions and or denominations started. Not to mention the number of additional churches that began to pop up all over the world. Many would say at this point, but it freed us from

the forced Catholic view and thus allows us to worship freely. Does it? Honestly stop and think about it for just a moment. Lets look at the structure of the Catholic Church for a minute. Starting with the Pope because he is the only person that is infallible as God.

1) The Pope2) The Bishops3) Priests4) The laity

Now lets look at the UPCI :1) General Superintendent2) General

Secretary/Treasurer3) Assistant General

Superintendent4) Assistant General


Hmmmm something look familiar? It should, it's the same structure. The only thing that has changed is the names, and while the General Superintendent does not believe he is infallible as God the Pope does. The structure goes further and if you look each of these up you will see that the Catholic Church has bishops. Cardinals. Priests and nuns etc...The UPCI has Superintendents, district superintendents. Pastors and bishops etc......While the names have clearly changed, the organizational structure of the church has not. For the sake of this article, there is a lot that still needs to be research, so it is my hope that you will research and see what else there is to see as we cannot put everything into article form. So as you can see the structure still is in place in in denomination. I only use Catholicism and UPCI as

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examples here but there are others to include the baptists and the southern baptists and many more. All these religions and denominations rely on this structure. So the Protestant Reformation was about changing the Catholic Church or better words was about breaking away from the dogma of the Catholic Church. Well they got their wish, except they brought along the structure. In today's religions and denominations, you won't make it very far. Sure you might end up teaching Sunday School or you might get a chance to sing in the choir on a Sunday Evening but if you want to go above that you have to have the blessings of the church and you have to educate yourself on the dogma of that religion. You must believe in it in it's entirety or forget it. Religion and Denominations are just like the world of Politics. It is a dog eat, dog world. Now the government likes to show that it plays nicely with church's and thus allows them an exemption in the form of taxes. It's called 501C3. If you think for one moment that the government is letting any religion or denomination get away without paying them some sort of money, you are crazy. So just how does the government get money from the churches regardless of their religion or denomination? From being members in good standing's with private government groups. It's all one big happy family folks. There is much more to be researched on this, but lets get to the meat and potatoes on this on. Does this sound like some place that God resides?? Does this sound like a place that God

himself would subject himself to and allow his spirit to reside? Just what is the right church and which church does God really reside in. I'll give you the answer to the questions, though you are not going to like them because it goes against everything that you have ever been taught. The answer is NO, NO and NONE. That's right. God does not exist any any church that has been built by man today. He does not exist because of that day that he hung on the tree. Under the Old Covenant, God spirit resided behind the veil in the TEMPLE. The day that Yahshua hung on that tree and gave up the ghost the veil was rent. Meaning that God spirit no longer existed in the Temple. Even after the resurrection many still thought that he did exist but they soon found out that the temple was no more better than the dirt it was built upon. God no longer existed amongst man. So where did God go? 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy, for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.”There you have it. God dwells in us. IN US FOLKS!! Not in a church built by man, not in some religion or denominations where they they require you to pay your tithes and offerings to better the church or their business. Not so they can take that money and pay the government for allowing them to be a 501C3 status. GOD RESIDES IN US. WE ARE HIS TEMPLE. If you believe anything else other than this, then you

might as well close your bible and throw it away. God never lies. God never deceives. We must wake the masses and show them that they have been deceived, deceived by who? People of the faith. Religions and denominations. 1 Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”God resides in us, our bodies are his temple. God left us no choice to “accept him”, he left us no choice. Sure we can run, we can hide but the power of the living God will always be amongst us, for God said that he would save all men.Folks, we as humans and our carnal minds put too much emphasis on many things. Included in this is religions and denominations. Most people will read this article one time and never read it again because it goes against the things that they were taught. The church is destroying you my friend. You might have friends and loved ones in the church and it might just be your routine to attend church every Tuesday/Wednesday and Thursday and Sunday. You go because you are being fed, but are you being fed the entire truth? Does the pastor, or the preacher allow for you to question the word? 1 John 4:1 “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” I can tell you that the religion that I came from would not let you try the Spirit, and not just me but they would not let anyone that done any

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considerable amount of studying to question anything that was taught from the pulpit. It was their way or the highway. I challenge each and everyone of you that read this article. Find yourself. Take a look at yourself. Make a change. It was the hardest thing for me as young man to do, but let me tell you something. When you let go of your religion or your denomination and put away the filth that is in the churches today you will see something happen. God will begin to move in your life. You will see things happen if you truly want them to happen. God called us out of the miry clay! Psalm 40:2 “He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet on upon a rock, and established my goings.” Praise God that he cared so much about us that regardless of the decisions that we make he still brought us out and still today wants to show us things. However, with the spiritual blinders on and the eyes that have been protected by God we cannot see the greatness of God. God is calling out today for you and for me. He wants to use you. He already molded you for who you are today, and he wants to continue on that masterpiece. He cannot do this while our minds are yet carnal and distracted by man and false prophets. The churches today are the biggest of the false prophets. They teach you only what they want you to know and what their religion/denomination wants them to teach. I'm here to tell you folks that God is a powerful God and he wants you to know everything about him, if you will only put

your trust in him and not the church the Lord will prevail and will comfort you and take care of you. 1 Peter 2: 9 says “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”The time is now folks. Stand up and be counted. Be that royal priesthood that God has said you are. WE are a chosen generation and God is looking for a few good people!!! You cannot find God in a religion or denomination folks. No matter how long you look. No matter how much you search. You will knock on doors and they will never open to you. The church today is not the church of biblical days. Did you hear me? THE CHURCH TODAY IS NOT THE CHURCH OF BIBLICAL DAYS!! We as individuals are the strong holds. We are the watchtowers. It is US that God is calling can you hear him? He that hath an ear....

Again, it is my hope that somehow that God allows you to see the importance of this message. God is no respecter of persons, and God is angry with all the worship towards idols and churches and religions and their dogma. Folks today God is still calling us. He still wants to show us all the mysteries of the word. He wants us to understand fully his plan. He cannot use you if you are bound by this world. This world will only bear down on you and will mislead you and misguide you. Won't you please get a hold of someone that has

given up on churches and religions and decided that the only one that is important is GOD and begin the journey that will start with God removing the blinders from your eyes and heal you and mold you into that priesthood that you are? God is still calling. Will you chose religion/denominations over GOD? Or will you allow God to work in your life. Certainly the chose is your, but let me tell you that God has revealed things to me that I could never seen had I dedicated my life to religion. I encourage you to try my spirit and to try what I am telling you today. I know I have the truth, why? Because the truth always sets you free!!!! I am free. I am free of religion and denominations and I have been saved by Yahshua and I am of a Royal Priesthood and I am of a peculiar people!!

I leave you with this scripture, won't you hear God knocking on your temple door?

Revelations 3:22 “He that hath and ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”

You may contact me at anytime should you have any questions, comments or suggestions. My email is [email protected]