the evening star.(washington d.c.) 1907-12-21 [p 7].x i open all day sunday. delicloos ghocobtes.1l...

X I Open All Day Sunday. Delicloos Ghocobtes .1 L u Make a most delightful Christinas remem¬ brance. A complete showing of I'ancy Boxes, Beautiful Baskets, Exclusive Novelties. 61014th St. N.W. I 'Pihomie Main 11694= <I*2t-2t 'Odd things not found elsewhere." BERRY & WHITMORE COMPANY JEWELS ;U F ¦II Beautiful and Appropriate Christmas Gifts DIAMOND JEWELRY f Many New and Exquisite Designs Necklaces Brooches Watches Bracelets Gold and Silver Purses miimniiim«minnnmiwuuMU Pay as You Go and You Won't Owe. Open Eveoainigs. / j^AM Holiday Furniture is Offered Now at After * .Christmas Prices. Wc,wish to close out every single piece, and have reduced prices to within a hair's breadth of cost. MORRIS CHAIRS. FANCY ROCKERS. CHILDREN'S ROCKERS. PARLOR TABLES, CABINETS <& CHAIRS. SHAVING STANDS. TOILET TABLES. WEATHERED OAK DEN PIECES. WRITING DESKS. BOOKCASES. CLOCKS. PICTURES. LACE CURTAINS. RUGS. PORTIERES, ETC. JACKSON Bm% 915=9 H 7=919=9211 =923=925 7th St. 1 i 3 i Rich Furs for Xmas Elegant. Stylish Sets and Separate Pieces, made of se¬ lected skins of every descrip¬ tion. Make ideal presents for your loved ones. All our Furs are selected by men who have been in this line of business all their lives and know how to buy, which gives us advantage over our competitors. Jacob Liebster, (MAIN OFFICE. MOSCOW. VARVARKA). IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER. 1224 F St. N.W. iiel0-lot.4n .Pbone Main J03J. 323 G St. Established 1873 It Will Interest You To know that we carry the largest and m^st complete stock of Ladies' Sterling Silver Toller and Manicure Sets and Gents' Sterling Silver Military Sets that can be found in the city. Just the proper thins* for Xmas Rifts. As n-f have laid in such a large quantity of this Sterling Silver Ware we can offer you especially good values for the holiday season. I«adiei»' Sterling Silver Toilet Sets. Worth $10.00. uur price Ladies' Stealing Silver Man!- ;xs"u- Wort*.*12:00\ °"r. $3.50 Gents' Sterling Silver Mill- _ tary Brushes. Worth $10.00. QQ ? B Our price. CARL PETERSEN, , Jeweler and Silversmith, | 'Pbone M Y. no3fj-30t.4ft 923 Q St. #«l ft"?**1* Breratamos' Special prices prevail c on the most desired J- Sets of Books suitable for Xmas Gifts. ,'f | Brerat&inio's ! itore. ;i F St. and 112th. 4> oc27-90t.28 t % Open Evenings. :R ^ . ^ Holiday Stationery * at Special Prices. ;s Never was there suchr a vast col- % lection of Xmas Stationery dis- ¥ played here before. ¥ Post Card Albums. lOe to $3. 5 Brass Inkstands, 75c to $10. ' £ Sterling Fountain Pens, 91.30 to .k $15. :'i Oood Fountain Pens. Toe to $1.50. Holly Box Papers. 15c to $C. % Desk Sets. JS.50 and up. £. *R. P. Andrews Pacer Co."-' INCORPORATED. " X 627-29 La. Ave. f (lel8-d.*S«.28 £ Phonograph Every Evemiiing Stop in and hear your fa¬ vorite selection. To close last of stock of Music Boxes we offer one $125 box for Piano Specials, One $400 Second- !r.u^ht,p'ano,$i7s Easy Terms. One Square Grand Piano for 1 per month. . The best new Piano in town for... Easy Terms. And four floors of just such bargains. Mandolins from $3 tup Violins from $5 up Banjos from $5 up And other small musical in¬ struments that would make most acceptable gifts. Full Lime off Victor and graphs, $11© up. Music and Music Cabinets. Bound Volumes of Music, &c. ffD 11327 F St. N.W. PERCY S. FOSTER, Mgr. A. KAHN. LEADERS IN XMAS GOODS. .Extraordinary values .that merit attention. Lockels, gold. Urge. 1^9 Inch .25 Lockets, gold, diamond. 1 Inch *4.75 Seal Kings, gold; ladles', $1.50; gen¬ tleman's $3.25 Solid Gold Bracelets $4.00 Gold Stick Pius, for monograms $1#0 Gold Brooches SlftO Gold Cuff Buttons $1.50 Gold Shirt Studs (patent back) $3.00 Gold Chains and Lockets $2.25 Gold Watch Fobs $4.75 Gold Back Combs (gold top* $4.00 Gold Watch Chains for ladles C7.00 Gold Collar Buttons Sl.oO Gold Hat Pins $1.50 Gold I.*ee Pins 90 Gold Watch Chains, for men $7.00 Gold Hearts 75 Gold Neck Beads $5.00 Gold Society Pins $1.00 Gold Crosses $1.50 A. KAHN, Wholesaler anil Retailer <Q) "3. S |C Cf of Optical Goods, r Ol. deliMl.eSu.50 The one Xmas present accept¬ able to all. Delicious Chocolates and Bonbons, Cor. F and 12th, Sent everywhere by mail or express. de20-2t.42 'Phone M. i5.*S * Gift Mirrors. The lamest collection of fine Mirrors for holiday Klfts you'll nee In Washington. Moderate prices. FLITTER.A sparkling pow¬ der for Xmas tree fixings. Xmas Garden Paint 15c Psint and 013 7th st. n.w illOagi&Uin & Glass Depot,'Phone M. 2700. de20-20d "j Latest and Most Fashionable g 1 Millinery ' .for day and evening near. The best examples of the cleverest milliners' art are on exhibition here. $S. $10 and $12 Walking Hats. 3 special for $5. Magnificent line of tine furs at special prices. s Mrs. C. STfiEBEL, 2 I 11 11 3 Q St. t8B§31222iifeSfilf9CI339KIS83l Handsome Fyrs for Xmas TRICED FROM flO UP. LARGE SELECTION OK HIGH GRADE FURS AT LOWEST PRICES. I bee to announce that I am now locatM at 1332 14th St. n.w. owing to falling health I was obliged to give up business at 714 13th St. Having disposed of my entire stovfc. I am now showing a fresh and eomp'ete Une of Handsome Furs. also Hats n«dy for trimming, in prices tower than auy in the city. Make your selections now and have them laid aside on a small deposit until you are ready for them. Furs reuiodeled, altered, repaired. cleanetj, dipped etc.. at lowest prices. x. Kaufman, ladies- tailou and fub- R1ER. 1332 14th st. B.w. se23-v*s«,2Sttao t OPEN EVENINGS. & MEN'S SLIPPERS, | $fl.§0, $2.00, $2.50. i WOMEN'S EVENING \ SLIPPERS, s $2.5®, $3.00, $3.5®. X FELT JULIETS, VERY $ BEST, $1.25. _ | 'Easyfat' Shoes, I . S3.S0, $4.00, $5.00. | Every Shoe a good one. **" Every price a fair one. Rofot Cohen Son, 1114 F St. N.W. $ ? V AWornan Give Rich Furs. .give her some- thing combining oeauty with prac¬ tical value. Rich Furs are sure to prove acceptable. especially if select¬ ed from our stock of new and stylish pieces. Many big bar¬ gains now availa¬ ble. H. ZIRKIN, Furrier and Ladies' Tailor, 8211 Fourteenth St. tX fle21-na.tu.tb.40 »in:wn»ms»m»wnn»»»»»n:»a STORE OPEN AT NIGHT. Xmas Gifts , At Every Price* por more than one hun¬ dred years it has been sufficient guarantee of the quality of an article to know that it was bought at Gait's. GALT&BRO. Established Over a Century, Jewellers, Silversmiths, Stationers, X107 Penn. Ave. de21-sa.tu,th,40 FRUIT CAKE. MINCE and PUMPKIN PIES, 25c. Kraffft's ( Hare us deliver you a sup¬ ply of our famous FRl'lT CAKE. It's the finest tbat highest skill and choicest materials can produce. The favorite In Washington's best homes for many years. ICTTry our delicious Mince and Pumpkin Pies. Cor. 18th «t. , and Pa. are. Everybody's Gift Store. Gifts for young and old.for mem¬ bers of your family.for your friends. Every gift desirable. every price reasonable. Jubilee Razors, Safety Razors, Shaving Mirrors, Poi'ket Knives, Shotguns. Military Brushes, Carving Sets, Table Knives, Forks and Spoons, Manicure Sets, Desk Sets, Foot Balls, Ai- Rifles, Ice Skates, Roller Skates. Boxing Gloves, Punching Bags, Card Games. Coat Sweaters, Moccasins. Express Wagons, Exercisers, Sleds, etc. WALFORO'S, Sporting Goods. Cutlery. Watches, Jewelry, 909 Pennsylvania Ave. de21-sa, 1 iUnkpe Gifts. I Rare specimens of Fine Old Furniture, China, Bric-a- brac, Pottery, etc..things different from the ordinary. ti'Many desirable pieces at very ® reasonable prices. | Va» Antique Co., || 1132 Cohh. Avenue. ? , & de21-sa, 1 Jn GOUI.IVS TOYS. KAVUK3. «U SI V scrapbook 1'lctures. Tree Or- . ^ nments. Snow. Tinsel. Glass Balls. Wonders for Children's Christmas! 421 eth. no?T-Xnt*4 Coke.A Superior I Fuel for Cooking. .It Is especially adapted for use In kitchen ranges. Makes n quick and a good firo. Another point thaj recom¬ mends the use of Coke Is tbat It Is the most economical of all fuels. We'll supply you. 2f> Bushels Large Coke, delivered. .. fc!..V) 40 Bushels I.arge Coke, delivered C1.70 (10 Bushels I.arge Coke, delivered. .$.".30 25 Bushels Crushed Coke, delivered. .$3.00 40 Bushels Crushed Coke, delivered. .*4..V) 00 Bushels Crushed Coke, delivered. .$6.30 Washington Gaslight Co., 413 TENTH STREET N.W. U de21-2Sd For Cihristraas at BurcheSI's Fry's English Chocolate* In Xmas boxes, 10c, 15c, 25c. Touralne'a Boston Mixed Chocolate*, very fine, 3.1c lb. Other nice mixed candle*. 2 lbs. for 25c. Nats, Raisins, Figs, fresh from foreign countries. Oranges, Malaga Grapes. Grape Fruit of high quality. Plum I'uddlngs. Fruit Caljes. Glace Nuts. Conserved Fruits. Cigars. N. W. Burchell, i32S F. .. ill THE WORLD OF SOCIETY MRS. METCALF'S LUNCHEON FOB MISS NEWBEBBY. Yale Glee Club's Parties.A Charity Ball.Other Events. Notes. Mrs. Metcalf, wife of thp Secretary of the Navy, gave a luncheon today in hon¬ or of Miss Carol Newberry, daughter of the assistant secretary of the navy and a debutante of the present season. Mrs. I Metcalfs other guests were: Mtss Stroh of Detroit. Miss Nabuco. Miss Vera Down¬ ing. Miss Henrietta Fitch, Miss Constance Hojt, Miss Louise White, Miss Grace* Jarvis, Miss Eleanor Ridgely. Miss Hitch¬ cock, Miss Amy Bowles and the Misses Meyer, daughter of the Postmaster Gen¬ eral. The first charity ball of the season, given last night In the red ballroom of the Arling¬ ton under the auspices of the Aid Asso¬ ciation for the Blind of the District, was a success. Shortly aflar 9 o'clock the guests began arriving. They were met by Mrs. Charlotte Emerson Main, president of the ffiSi°CioK0n- asslst<"<* by Mrs. M. K. Mor- ntm x? ?, ly afl<>r 10 o'clock Mr. Wll- M. Conrad, who acted as master of ^.°n, ' called for the grand march, °ver.W couples participated. ? plnk £owns. with five high school cadets in uniform, led the march They were Miss Norlta R. Pepper and rf.Mo ?. B,ythe' followed by Miss Julia M. Jackson with Mr. Chesleigh A. Bonlne, Miss Margaret Cummins with Mr. rMa«den. Miss Helen Thompson with Mr. James K. Webb, Miss Lulu M Burket with Mr. William F. Kelley, jr. They marched down the center of the n?J!r(w1 .an^. m®t' the master of ceremo¬ nies before the large fireplace, and then separated for the various figures. The patrons and patronesses were: ' Vice President and Mrs. Fairbanks. calf°retary °f the Navy and Mrs. Met- Mrl.Crstrau80f Commerce and Labor and Mrs. John Hay. Assistant Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Newberry. The ambassador from Great Britain and Airs. I3ryce. The ambassador from France and Mme Jusserand. ^^ie ambassador from Mexico and Mme. coumesTAoSk1*d°r fr°m Japan an4 Vis" The minister from Haiti and Mme. Le- ger. C^dlro.'nlSter fr°m Boliv,a and Mme. MmTMoy0' MeXiC8" Legatlon and Mr. Charles M. Pepper and Mrs. Pepper Commissioner and Mrs. West. Senator and Mrs. Burrows. Senator and Mrs. Flint. ' Judge and Mrs. Gould. j Former Senattor and Mrs. J. B. Hender¬ son. I Mrs. Gardiner Hubbard. 1 Dr. C. W Needham and Mrs. Needham Justice and Mrs. Seth Shepard. Mrs. Johh Stevens. Mrs. Nicholas Anderson. Mrs. Fatrchild. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Bell. ! and Mi8s Boardman. col. and Mrs. Bromwell. i Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gaff. Gen. and Mrs. Gillespie. i Dr. and Mrs. Goldsborough. Mr. Wendell Phillips. Mrs. Stafford. Brtggs. Ell2abeth Wallbridge and Mrs. vr». !"!! ^rs" Theodore Noyes. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Noyes. Th»aP ' Isaac Tbomi« Mann. tiful were especially beau- min ster1omp,,ha° y- wlfe of the Mexican minister to Cuba, was attired in a irown sliver sen,lin«" elabor®tely trimmed with silver sequins. Mrs. Main was beenm. I Morren°Winedaln F-'5"* JeUed net' and Mrs. -xorreli in a French dress of white roses chiffon, appllqued in In? Miss Godoy, in a dainty whit* I deron^n0^?^ In p,nk roses- Miss Cal- e?Jd in srnTi?. chlne' em^roid- JiX? 1 Sold, Miss Carbo, in nile e-rppn I silk; Miss Ana Christina Carbo. In pale white JnZ1 Ml8S.,Tere8a Carbo, in wnite silk and lace; Mrs. G. W Trow¬ bridge, In brocaded gray silk with white Chads' MT^WbridKe- 'n P'nk s(IIk; Mr8 ChaHes M. Pepper j,, biack net. Mrs , 1 Brown' In champagne silk with whH °J "SV b,ue on the bodice and w hite and gold lace; Miss Wilcox in wiw VOi"e with white lace: Miss Pauline Wilcox, in white lace; Miss Emllv John¬ son of Frederick, in white lace- Mrs I winf v ,tra!rfax> ln !almon P'nk silk I Mils Tiu sleeves and guimpe, and Miss Lulu Hanna, ln light blue. Miss Annie Frai^T Bayard, daughter of Mrs. James A. Bayard, was introduced yesterday by her mother, and was the ston Th^Cti0n °f a very pleasant occa- »h .was, an eoho of the 'ong ago eVinf 8 Iice the d^butante is a Kh the late Thomas F. wr)a.' who was Secretary of State in 8 cabinet- and later the fittJ. representative at the court of , HoiS^eS' *Mls® Bayard was dressed in anrt m. gaW" °J whlte Iace over chiffon, and Mrs. Bayard wore a light green silk Assisting in the hospitalities were the Misses Margaret Cranston. Brooks Cas- in;.^ PauI- Abbott and White. Mrs. dirt »ho K a y ?"d Mrs- B- c- Brooks did the honors of the tea room. Later Mrs Bayard entertained the receiving party and a number of young men at a supper. Th«- sociabilities surrounding the visit of the Yale Glee and Banjo Clubs kept the younger part of the social world' 'busy yesterday. At Mrs. Newberry's tea she had twenty-five girls of the younger set meet the visiting minstrels. A score of dinner parties, at which they were tty> guests of honor, preceded the concert at the New Wlllard. The patronesses of the concert, most of whom were present, were Mrs. William H. Taft, Mrs. Victor Metcalf, Mrs. Tru¬ man Newberry, Mrs. Robert Shaw Oliver. Mrs. David Brewer, Mrs. Seth Shepard, Mrs. George Dewey. Mrs. Eugene Hale. Mrs. Henry Cabot Lodge. Mrs. Stephen B. Elklns, Mrs. George Peabody Wetmore. Mrs. Foraker, Mrs. Depew, Mrs. Brande- gee, Mrs. Dryden, Mrs. Dalzell. Miss Kean, Mrs. George F. Huff. Mrs. Richard Wayne Parker. Mrs. H. M.' Hoyt, Mrs. George L. Gillespie, Mrs. Thomas Blag- den. Mrs. Charles J. Bell. Mrs. Calderon Carlisle. Mrs. William S. Cowles, Mrs. Charles C. Glover, Mrs. Edmund K. Goldsborough, Mrs. Arnold Hague, Mrs. Ernest Howe, ^rs. A* C. Downing. Mrs. Richard Townsend, Mrs. Frank Rlggs. Mrs. William B. Ridgely. Mrs.' Henry Cleveland Perkins.' Mrs. Jarfies Plnchot. Mrs. George McLanahan. Mrs. N. 8. Lin¬ coln, Mrs. Thomas Nelson Page. Mrs. John R. McLean, Mrs. Frank' P. Mitchell. Mrs. Hennen Jennings, Mrs. James Wadsworth and Mrs. James Hopkins. At its concert the club gave the follow¬ ing program: PART I. "Brave Mother Yale" Merrill-Shepard Glee Club. "On the Rocky Road to Dublin"..Ephraim Banjo Club. "The Gypsy Trail" Galloway Mr. Collins and Glee Club. (a) "Annie Laurie" ...Scotch ballad (b) "Laughing Song" Goodale Glee Club. "Tuttl Fruttl" Glee and Banjo Club PART II. » Valse, "Merry Widow" Lehar Mandolin Club. "The Shepherd's Song".... Goodale Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Bickford and Glee Club. "Miss Dixie" Hager Banjo Club. "Ave Vinum" Clough-Leighter Mr. Lohmann and-Glee Club. Quartet.v...Mr. Pomery, Mr. Fowler, Mr. Howard and Mr. Lohman PART III. "College Medley" Carmlna Yalensia Glee Club. "Arian Waltz" Vogel Glee Club. "Dark Eyes" ." Moret Mandolin Club. 'What's the Reason?"..F. T. Murphy, '08 Mr. Fowler and Glee Club. "Bright College Years" Durand, '81 Glee Club. '* A delightful danc<« followed, at which Mrs. Metcalf. wife of the Secretary of the Navy, received the guests, and the PILES CI RED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAXU OINTMENT U guaranteed to cure any ca»e of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles ln e to 14 days or money refunded. 60c. .Cl-tB4«U N youth and beauty of the capital danced till early this morninjr. Mrs. R. S. McCook has moved from the Sherman to the Naples, 713 19th street. Mr. Harold Torrance of Savannah. Ga.. Is visiting Mr. and Mrs James G. Rob¬ erts of 115 E street northwest. Gen. and Mrs. Gillespie gave a din¬ ner last night In honor of th? Secretary of Commerce and Labor and Mrs. Straus. In the company were also R?ar Admiral and Mrs. Schley. Mrs. George Merrill. Dr. J. H. Bryan. Gen. and Mrs. Jo'nnston. Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Fahnestock and Mr. and Mrs William Corcoran Hill. Miss Georgia Knox was hostess this afternoon at luncheon in honor of Misp Katherlne Ladd, daughter of Maj. E. F. Ladd, U. S. A., who has recently been ordered to the Philippines. Those invited to meet Miss Ladd were MUs Helen Hat¬ field. Miss Mercedes Godoy. Miss Wini¬ fred Davis. Miss Maria Carbo, Miss Edgarina Hastings. Miss Pli-kett Heth, Miss Calderon. Miss May, Phelps. Miss Mary Hempstone. Miss Oliver, Miss Hew¬ itt. Miss Pilson, Miss Zelma Pileon and Miss Eleanor Granger. Mrs. Henry Wells and Miss I.ouise Clif¬ ford are leaving town to spend the holi¬ days with .Mrs. Rosengarten of Philadel¬ phia. Mrs. Louis Adler of New York is the guest of her aunt. Mrs. S. Hirsh, 1348 Kenyon street northwest. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Wescott of Cleveland Park have as their guests for the holidays Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Houghton of Chicago. Mrs. Wescott. Miss Wescott and Mr?. Houghton will toe at home to their friends on Wednesdays In January. Mr. Dan C. Vaughan and family are with relatives in Georgia for the holidays. Lieut, and Mrs. Henry T. Bull returned from C&lifornlp. this week and have opened their house at Fort Myer. Lieut and Mrs. Jennings of South Bethlehem, Pa., will be their guests during the .oll- davs. f Miss Brainerd will spend the holidays with Miss Gertrude Bayer of Detroit, and later visit in Chicago and New York be¬ fore returning to Washington. Miss Francis Bonner of Portland. Me., who has been visiting Mrs. L. William Thavis of the Laclede, left yesterday for Boston. Mr. W. Albert Draper, a graduate of civil engineering from Lehigh University, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Draper. Mrs. Lisner has invitations out for a morning musicale Thursday, January 9, at 11:30 o'clock. Miss Lola Allan of 1501 11 th' street northwest has returned to her home, after an absence of two years, during which time she has made the trip around the world, including a tour through the Phil¬ ippine Islands. Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses have been issued to the following: James Luster and Helen R. Green. William Henderson and Delia Dade. John W. Lea and LIUie B. Andrews, both of J?ittsburg, Pa. Eugene Brown and Rosa Dixon. Bernard Cook and Ada Bentley. both of Hamilton, Va. Mack Byrd and Ada Lane. James ... Anderson and Florence D Duncan, both of Roncevert, W. Va. William T. Belous and Mamie Mat¬ thews. Newman A. Carter and Mary A. Young. Porter N. Bridges and Annie Robert¬ son. Births Reported. The following births were reported to the health office during the past twenty- four hours: Henry and Mary Sollers, November 7, 1907, male. Henry S. and Mary A. Sclnalk, December 17, 1007, female. John J. and Lizzie McGonlgal, December 14, 1907, female. John and Annie Angle, December 13, 1907. male. William H. and Alberta B. Scott, De¬ cember 18, 1907, male. George and Carrie Richardson, Decem¬ ber 16, 1907, male. W. L. and Hattle L. Lott, December 7, 1907, male. John and Clara Johnson, December 19, 1907, male. George and Emma Colston, December 17. 1907. female. John A. and Mary L. Johnson, Decem¬ ber 16, 1907, female. Deaths in the District. The following deaths were reported to the health office during the past twenty- four hours: JoJjn H. Flowers, 64 years, 906 3d street northwest. James F. Scaggs, 51 years, Providence Hospital. > Martha Thompson. 75 years, 1368 Emer¬ son street northeast. Alfred G. Anderson, 7 years, 232 P street northwest. Andrew Schaeffer, 74 years. Government Hospital for the Insane. Carry Hobbs, 40 years, 413 M street northeast. Ida M. Frledericks, 35 years, 1332 8th street northwest. Carl Ries, 76 years, 916 3d street north¬ east. Mary F. Baldwin, 36 years, 1345 E street southeast. Thomas Martin, 77 years, 1504 South Capitol street. Walter S- Marquise, 39 years, 6C0 E street southeast. Louisa H. Dent. 72 years, 1405 New Jer¬ sey avenue northwest. Georgiana Beasley. 63 years, 1121 Euclid street northwest. Nancy Maxie, 00 years, 406 Franklin street northwest. Ester Short. 77 years, 421 1st street southeast. BORN. MILLER. On Friday, December 20. 1907. to Mr. and Mrs. Charles l'erry Miller, a buu. DIED. BIRXEY On Friday. December 20, 1907. nt her residence, in Chevy Chase, Md., ALICE ^le LELLAN BIRXEY. Funeral services a! the Episcopal Chapel at Chevy Chase, Monday, December 23, at 2 o'clock p.m. Interment (private) at Oak Hill. 2 CHANEY. On Saturday. December 21. 1907, at his residence, 2217 10th street northwest, at 2 a.m.. A. CLAUDE (llAXKY. beloved hus¬ band of Kosalie S. Chaney and youngest son o' the late Judge M. D. Chaney of AnnajiolU. lid. Notice of funeral lu Sunday papers. (Baltimore, and Annapolis paj>ors please copy.) m CHASE. On Friday. December 20. 19u7, SARAH K.. widow of the late William H. Funeral services from her late residence 1125 11th street northwest, at 2 p.m. Monday, December 23. Interment private. 2 CHATTY. On Friday. December 20. 1907, MICHAEL CRATTY. eighty years old. Requiem mass at St. Joseph's Church Monday morning. December 23. at 9 o'clock. Rela¬ tives and friends are respectfully invited to attend. / ' 3 DEWEY. On December 20, 1907, after a long and painful illness. Mrs. LIZZIE DEWEY, aged sixty-four years. * Funeral Sunday, December 22, at 2 o'clock, from 419 2d street northwest. (Indiana papers please copy.) 2 EWELI.. Departed this life on Wednesday. De¬ cember 18. 1907. AXNIE EWELL. at the rwidenee of her son-in-law, William T. Web¬ ster, 7u2 .'id street southwest. Funeral Sunday from Zion Baptist Church, at 1 o'clock. FRIEDRICHS. On Thursday. December 19, 1907, at 2 a.m., at her residence. IDA M., beloved wife of August M. Friedrlchs. Funeral from her late residence. 1332 8th street northwest. Sunday.* December 22, at 2 p.m., thence to St. Mark's Church. 8th and B streets southwest. Relatives and friends re¬ spectfully invited. Interment private. 2 GODMAN. On December 20, 1907, at 4:45 p.m.. ELIZARCTH K.. dsujrtiter of the late John T. and Mary J. Uodmsn. Funeral from the residence of her sister. Mrs. W. C. Bengel. Mount tyainl^r, Md.. Sunday. December 22, at 2 p.m. Relatives and filunds % invited. HEIXZERLIXG. On Saturday. December 21. 1907, at 7:3o a.m., CHRISTIANA, widow of the late George H. Helnserliug, aged seventy- nlue years. Funeral from her late residence. No. 711 Vir¬ ginia avenue southeast, on Monday. December 23, Mt 2 o'clock p.m. Relatives and Ulewis are respectfully invited to attend. Interment at Proi|»frt IIIII imitery. 2 UOLLINS. On Friday, December 20. 1007. at 9 a.m.. Mr. JOSEPrt H C. HOLMNS. beloved husband of Etnily B Holllna. in hi* alxtv- serenth Tear. Funeral service* it bin late realdenee. .Ml Sew¬ ard *juare aoutbeaat. at 3 p.m. Monday. De¬ cember 23. <Baltlmore papers plea»e copy.) ii The members of Golden Rule I.i>dge. No. 21, I. O O. V.. «re requested to meet at Odd Feb lowV Han on Monday. December 23. I»u7. at l:3t» p.m.. f«»r tbe purpose of attending the funeral of our deceased brother. JOSF.PH H. <". HOLL1NS. w. 8. KBI3ER. Noble tlrand INOLKDl'K. On Friday, December 2*\ 1907 JOHN B.'K, aged sixty-six veam. Services at J. William I^ee's mortuary cbaDt'l. Monday. December 23. at 10 o'clock a.m. {Carroll county. Iowa, papers please copyj L1NKINS. Suddenly. on December 21. 1807 at I'rV. «.m. CAKIUK V LINK INS <ne# Belts* beloved uife of Georgf W. Uuklus. aged | ^ fifty-two years. Funeral from Iter lato renidcnre. 1023 G street northwest. Oil Monday. IVeember 23. at 1 XO o'clock. Relatives and frlcuds Invited. In¬ terment private. 2 MARQUIS. Ou Friday December 2n. lfKiT at 10:10 n.m . WaLTCR s MARQUW. lielo.ed htisl>atxl ..f Beryl Le Oroll Marquis, ared thirty-nine year*. Funeral from his late residence. 600 E street southeast. Sunday. I>e,-eiu!>er XI. at 2 P.m. I rlends of 1 hp fmniiv arc lurited. (New Or¬ leans, I.a.: fliattanooga. Teun , and i alnier. Man.. papers* cvpy.) MARQUIS. A special communication of Leb¬ anon Lodge. No. 7. F A. A. M.. uill I* Bell on Sumlay. December 22. inn;, at 1:30 p tr for the purpose'of attendee the funeral of the late WALTER s. MAIiQI Ks Meatier* or Other lrKijro. are invited to be present. Br order of the master. W. W. LCDLOW, Secretary. Members t»f Wa«hingfon Naval Chapter. No. ft. R. A. M.. will nnsemble 1n their chamber, 4th sirset and Pennsylvania areuue eontheaat. Sun day afternoon at 1:3u o'clock, for tbe purpose of attending: the funeral of our late Companion \V ALTER S. MAUijl IS, who died Friday morn¬ ing. December iiu. 11)07. In the thirty-ninth rear of his age. By order ov~Ybe High Priest. JOHN SCUILTZ, Secretary. MAXIF. On Friday. December 20. 1907. at hep home. 4<)K Franklin street northwest. NANCY MAX IE. beloved mother of Sarah M. Nelson. RODDY. Suddenly, of diphtheria, on Friday, December 12«). 11107. at 11:43 p.m., MARY V. RODDY, beloved daughter of Rart J. Roddy and the late Mary C. Roddy, aged two years and three months. Funeral, private, from parents' residence. 444 E street southwest. Monday morning. Decem¬ ber 23, at 10 o'clock. SACTER. On Fridiy. December 20, 1907. at 10:30 p.m., at iiia residence. 1418 10th street northwest. HBNRY ALVIN SACTER. be loved husband of Mary Ellen Suuter, aged seventy-three years. Notice of funeral later. SCAGGS. On Thursday. Decern lier 10. 1907. at 5:17 a.m., .TAMES F., eldest son of the late James S. and Martha C. Scagga, aged fifty one years. *. Funeral frum the Fifth Baptist CJiurcfc, corner OVa and p streets southwest. Sunday. De¬ cember 22. at 2 o'clock. Relatives and friends Invited to attend. The body Is at the chapel of the undertaking establishment of W. H. Lee. J SCOTT. Departed this life December 18, 1907, JAMES E. SCOTT, son of the late Jenny and William Scott and brother of Mamie Scott. Funeral from his late residence, 34 Pierce street northwest, on Sunday. December 22. at 2 o'clock. Relatives aud friends respectfully Invited. 2 SPINDLE. On Friday, December 20, 1907, at 4:10 p.m., at his residence, 934 O street northwest. JOHN POWELL SPINDLE. In the forty-sixth year of bis age. Notice of funeral later. STRY'KER. On Saturday, December 21, 1907, at 8:40 a.m.. at 1026 Florida avenue north¬ east. FRANCIS B STRYKER, beloved hus- band of Sarah J. Stryker. Notice of funeral hereafter. . TUCKER. Suddenly, at the residence of Mr. Walter Tucker, near Falls Church, Va.. Mr. J. WILLIAM TICKER. Funeral from the honse at 1:30 o'clock p.m. Sunday. December 22. Relatives and friends invited to attend. WEDEUj. On Friday, December 20. 1907, JO¬ HANNA WED ELL. aged sixty-w»ven years. Funeral services at the chapel of Thomas S. Sergeon, 1011 7th street northwest, Monday, December 23, at 2 p.m. Interment at Pros¬ pect Hill cemetery. In Memoriam. AHERN. In aad but loTlng remembrance of our dear daughter, ANNIE GENEVIEVE AHERN, . who departed this life one year ago tomorrow. December 22. 1906. May her soul rest in pesee. Anniversary mass tomorrow morning. December 22, at 9 o'clock, at St. Peter's Roman Cath¬ olic Church. 2d and C streets southeast. BY HER DEVOTpD MAMMA AND PAPA BROOKS. Sacred to the memory of JOHN H. BROOKS, who inherited eternal youthfulness two years ago today. December 21. 1905. "We cannot /eel that thou art far, Since near at need the angels are; And when tbe sunset gates unbar. Shall I not see thee waiting stand. And, white aguiust the evening star. The welcome of thy beckoulng hand?" BY HIS MOTHER, SISTERS AND BROTHERS. COLSTON. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear daughter and sister. PEA RLE A. COLSTON, .who fell asleep in Jesus three years ago today. December 21, 1904. In the graveyard oft I wander. Where the flowers so gently wave, Lies the one I love so dearly. In her lonely, silent grave. BY DEVOTED MOTHER AND BROTHER, CARRIE AND ROSCOE E. COLSTON. HOLOHAN. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear husband aud father. MARTIN C. HOLOIIAN. who departed this life one year ago today, December 21, 1000. Our kind and loviqg husband and father, We have missed for one long year; God has claimed bis own in heaven, Though he has left our home so drear. We miss you, father, more and more. But you have left this world of care; Time cannot heal our wounded hearts. Nor till the vacant chair. BY HIS LOVING WIFE AND CHILDREN. JljTEK. In loving remembrance of our dear daughter, LAURA I). JETER, who died one year ago. December 21, 1900. God called her home: It was His will; But In our hearts we love her still. Her memory is as dear today As iu the hour she passed away. Silently, peacefully, angels have borne her Into the beautiful mansions above: There shall she rest from earth's toilings forever. Safe In the arms of God's infinite love. BY HER MOTIIBIt AND FATHER, V. B. AND T. A. JETER. MILTON. In sad but loving remembrance of my beloved wife. IRMAGARDE 1XDRIDGE MIL¬ TON. who departed this life a year ago. De¬ cember 22. 1U06, in Phoenix. Ariz., whitbef she had gone to restore her broken health. Her life was beauty, truth, goodness and love. 2 BY HER HUSBAND. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. OKuKCjK I*. Zl KliUKST, ~ Undertaker and Embalmer, Funeral Tarlora. 301 East Capitol at. Telephone I.tneoln S72. J. T. CiLltMltiNTS, 1211-43 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W. (Georgetown. Telephone West SOI. Waablceton. D. C. nriiurf.4 FRANK GIBJIER'S SONS, 1113 SEVENTH ST. N.W. ''hiH. Telenhone call North 529. TiriiOS. a. S£kCiitsONv SUCCESSOR TO R. 8. CAIN. ion 7th at. n.w. Telephone Main 1000 HINDLE & BAYUSS, UNDERTAKES. 5TH AND H N.W. .Phone M 5ST. J WiM.lAM l.r-C.. Funeral Director and Embalmer. Livery In connection. Oomao- ¦"".it cbapel and modern crematorium. ortcea 332 Pa. «rp n w Telephone rail ISM. FJ^EY BROS., UNDERTAKERS. <Phon» North .tBS. Chanel. lK3ft 14th «t. n.w. R. F. rJARV EY*£) SONS, FUNIC HAL niRKCTOnS AND EMBAUMEIUI. 132." 14TF1 ST. N.W. Telephone North I7». Josepini F. Bsrch's Sons, m St. n.w. WM. ti. SARDO & CO., FUNERAI. DIRECTORS* AND ^MBALMERS. 40ft H «t n.e. Modern chapel. 'Phone Lincoln 55lw W. R. SPEARE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMSX 940 F Street N.W., WASHINGTON, D. a 'Phones Main Frank A ^npare. Mer. FUNERAL DESIGNS. Qeo. C., Shaffer, Beautiful floral designs very reasonable in prick *Phon«» "tic M Mt»i .»«« CEMETERIES. Forest Hi 13 Cemetery. Charter Perpetual. Locution Superb. l.audacaM Lawn System. Care of Lota <;rat!,. BEAUTV, NEARNESS, ECONOMY. PERMA¬ NENCY. Free Auto for Lot Viewers and Owners U03 N. X. are. 'fbone UUd 138. dc7-«0tn

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    IOpen All Day Sunday.

    Delicloos Ghocobtes.1L u

    Make a most delightful Christinas remem¬brance. A complete showing of

    I'ancy Boxes,Beautiful Baskets,Exclusive Novelties.

    61014th St. N.W.I 'Pihomie Main 11694=

    C» Bushels Large Coke, delivered. .. fc!..V)40 Bushels I.arge Coke, delivered C1.70(10 Bushels I.arge Coke, delivered. .$.".3025 Bushels Crushed Coke, delivered. .$3.0040 Bushels Crushed Coke, delivered. .*4..V)00 Bushels Crushed Coke, delivered. .$6.30

    Washington Gaslight Co.,413 TENTH STREET N.W.

    U de21-2Sd

    For Cihristraas atBurcheSI's

    Fry's English Chocolate* In Xmasboxes, 10c, 15c, 25c. Touralne'aBoston Mixed Chocolate*, very fine,3.1c lb. Other nice mixed candle*.2 lbs. for 25c.Nats, Raisins, Figs, fresh from

    foreign countries. Oranges, MalagaGrapes. Grape Fruit of high quality.Plum I'uddlngs. Fruit Caljes. Glace

    Nuts. Conserved Fruits. Cigars.

    N. W. Burchell,i32S F. ..



    Yale Glee Club's Parties.A CharityBall.Other Events.


    Mrs. Metcalf, wife of thp Secretary ofthe Navy, gave a luncheon today in hon¬or of Miss Carol Newberry, daughter ofthe assistant secretary of the navy anda debutante of the present season. Mrs. IMetcalfs other guests were: Mtss Strohof Detroit. Miss Nabuco. Miss Vera Down¬ing. Miss Henrietta Fitch, Miss ConstanceHojt, Miss Louise White, Miss Grace*Jarvis, Miss Eleanor Ridgely. Miss Hitch¬cock, Miss Amy Bowles and the MissesMeyer, daughter of the Postmaster Gen¬eral.

    The first charity ball of the season, givenlast night In the red ballroom of the Arling¬ton under the auspices of the Aid Asso¬ciation for the Blind of the District, was asuccess. Shortly aflar 9 o'clock the guestsbegan arriving. They were met by Mrs.Charlotte Emerson Main, president of theffiSi°CioK0n- asslstguests of honor, preceded the concert atthe New Wlllard.The patronesses of the concert, most of

    whom were present, were Mrs. WilliamH. Taft, Mrs. Victor Metcalf, Mrs. Tru¬man Newberry, Mrs. Robert Shaw Oliver.Mrs. David Brewer, Mrs. Seth Shepard,Mrs. George Dewey. Mrs. Eugene Hale.Mrs. Henry Cabot Lodge. Mrs. StephenB. Elklns, Mrs. George Peabody Wetmore.Mrs. Foraker, Mrs. Depew, Mrs. Brande-gee, Mrs. Dryden, Mrs. Dalzell. MissKean, Mrs. George F. Huff. Mrs. RichardWayne Parker. Mrs. H. M.' Hoyt, Mrs.George L. Gillespie, Mrs. Thomas Blag-den. Mrs. Charles J. Bell. Mrs. CalderonCarlisle. Mrs. William S. Cowles, Mrs.Charles C. Glover, Mrs. Edmund K.Goldsborough, Mrs. Arnold Hague, Mrs.Ernest Howe, ^rs. A* C. Downing. Mrs.Richard Townsend, Mrs. Frank Rlggs.Mrs. William B. Ridgely. Mrs.' HenryCleveland Perkins.' Mrs. Jarfies Plnchot.Mrs. George McLanahan. Mrs. N. 8. Lin¬coln, Mrs. Thomas Nelson Page. Mrs.John R. McLean, Mrs. Frank' P. Mitchell.Mrs. Hennen Jennings, Mrs. JamesWadsworth and Mrs. James Hopkins.At its concert the club gave the follow¬

    ing program:PART I.

    "Brave Mother Yale" Merrill-ShepardGlee Club.

    "On the Rocky Road to Dublin"..EphraimBanjo Club.

    "The Gypsy Trail" GallowayMr. Collins and Glee Club.

    (a) "Annie Laurie" ...Scotch ballad(b) "Laughing Song" Goodale

    Glee Club."Tuttl Fruttl" Glee and Banjo Club

    PART II. »Valse, "Merry Widow" Lehar

    Mandolin Club."The Shepherd's Song".... GoodaleMr. Mitchell, Mr. Bickford and Glee Club."Miss Dixie" Hager

    Banjo Club."Ave Vinum" Clough-Leighter

    Mr. Lohmann and-Glee Club.Quartet.v...Mr. Pomery, Mr. Fowler, Mr.Howard and Mr. Lohman

    PART III."College Medley" Carmlna Yalensia

    Glee Club."Arian Waltz" Vogel

    Glee Club."Dark Eyes" ." Moret

    Mandolin Club.'What's the Reason?"..F. T. Murphy, '08

    Mr. Fowler and Glee Club."Bright College Years" Durand, '81

    Glee Club. '*A delightful dancors please copy.) m

    CHASE. On Friday. December 20. 19u7, SARAHK.. widow of the late William H.

    Funeral services from her late residence 112511th street northwest, at 2 p.m. Monday,December 23. Interment private. 2

    CHATTY. On Friday. December 20. 1907,MICHAEL CRATTY. eighty years old.

    Requiem mass at St. Joseph's Church Mondaymorning. December 23. at 9 o'clock. Rela¬tives and friends are respectfully invited toattend. / ' 3

    DEWEY. On December 20, 1907, after a longand painful illness. Mrs. LIZZIE DEWEY,aged sixty-four years. *

    Funeral Sunday, December 22, at 2 o'clock, from419 2d street northwest. (Indiana papersplease copy.) 2

    EWELI.. Departed this life on Wednesday. De¬cember 18. 1907. AXNIE EWELL. at therwidenee of her son-in-law, William T. Web¬ster, 7u2 .'id street southwest.

    Funeral Sunday from Zion Baptist Church, at 1o'clock.

    FRIEDRICHS. On Thursday. December 19,1907, at 2 a.m., at her residence. IDA M.,beloved wife of August M. Friedrlchs.

    Funeral from her late residence. 1332 8th streetnorthwest. Sunday.* December 22, at 2 p.m.,thence to St. Mark's Church. 8th and Bstreets southwest. Relatives and friends re¬spectfully invited. Interment private. 2

    GODMAN. On December 20, 1907, at 4:45 p.m..ELIZARCTH K.. dsujrtiter of the late JohnT. and Mary J. Uodmsn.

    Funeral from the residence of her sister. Mrs.W. C. Bengel. Mount tyainl^r, Md.. Sunday.December 22, at 2 p.m. Relatives and filunds% invited.

    HEIXZERLIXG. On Saturday. December 21.1907, at 7:3o a.m., CHRISTIANA, widow ofthe late George H. Helnserliug, aged seventy-nlue years.

    Funeral from her late residence. No. 711 Vir¬ginia avenue southeast, on Monday. December23, Mt 2 o'clock p.m. Relatives and Ulewis

    are respectfully invited to attend. Intermentat Proi|»frt IIIII imitery. 2

    UOLLINS. On Friday, December 20. 1007. at 9a.m.. Mr. JOSEPrt H C. HOLMNS. belovedhusband of Etnily B Holllna. in hi* alxtv-serenth Tear.

    Funeral service* it bin late realdenee. .Ml Sew¬ard *juare aoutbeaat. at 3 p.m. Monday. De¬cember 23. dge. No. 21,I. O O. V.. «re requested to meet at Odd FeblowV Han on Monday. December 23. I»u7. atl:3t» p.m.. f«»r tbe purpose of attending thefuneral of our deceased brother. JOSF.PH H.