the english in north america


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Post on 27-Jun-2015




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Page 1: The english in north america


Page 2: The english in north america

Virginia Ch.6• The region of Virginia was

discovered and then named after Queen Elizabeth I in the honor of her virginity

• From the 1580-1620, the entire Mid-Atlantic coast from Florida to Acadia was named “Virginia”

• Most of the English people (80%) lived in country villages and kept livestock or farmed grains as a means of living.

• People who were unemployed or evicted were called “sturdy beggars”.

Page 3: The english in north america

• These “Sturdy Beggars”, would roam the streets trying to find work and inevitably begun stealing as a means to survive. This led to punishment by the gallows since in that era stealing was a capital crime.

• In 1585 Sr. Walter Ralegh had one hundred colonists sent across the Atlantic to settle on Roanoke which was on the North Carolina Coast.

• The island was a place of security but because of cliffs and landscape was almost impossible for ships to land with supplies and the soil was to bad for crops to be successful which eventually led to the colonists expecting the local Algonquian Indians to feed them.

Virginia Ch.6

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Virginia Ch.6• The English soon saw that they had a very

different gender role association within their communities then the Algonquian tribe did.

• The Algonquian tribe had the women do the agricultural work and did most of the high intensity labor work as well.

• For many reasons the English believed themselves to be racially and culturally superior then the Indians and felt the Indians were uncivilized and unintelligent.

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Virginia Ch.6• In Virginia in the year 1615, the Virginia Company and

the colonist made two great adjustments to the way commodities were made, gathered and shipped back to England. The colonists were only allowed to work and fend for their own land.

• The price of tobacco being profited on in England was ten times the cost to produce

• Needing more land to harvest and produce the tobacco plant, the Indians suffered a great deal with the colonist taking over the Indians land.

• By the end of the 1600’s, ten million pounds of tobacco was being shipped to England annually.

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The Puritans and the Indians Ch.9

• The Indians cultivations was able to produce a lot of farming in small amounts of land and labor. The natives learned how to use fire to control the land for hunting and gathering.

• The Indians were able to move from area to area annually because of their mobility and because they didn’t have a lot of material possessions.

• The English saw the Indians as pagan people who lived with the wild.

• The Indians saw the colonist as mean, stingy, and enslaved by their possessions.

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The Puritans and the Indians Ch.9

• To make sure that the other colonists were not tempted to live like the Indians, the Puritans changed the land surrounding and tried to convert the Indians to Christianity,

• In 1636 a war erupted between the Indians and the English. The King Philip’s War was the war with the most blood shed. It was started because of the belief that the Puritan God had chosen the New England people as his people.

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The Puritans and the Indians Ch.9

• The missionaries made the Indians change their entire way of living. They made the Indians change their names to an English name, they had to give up playing traditional sports, they had to stop wearing their paint ( body grease), and killing lice with their teeth

• The English also made the Indians cut their hair shorter which the Indians had for a sign of pride and respect. This was followed with a change in attire to more traditional English outfits which completely isolated the praying Indians from their traditional tribe.

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The Puritans and the Indians Ch.9

• The Puritan population grew from 52,000 in the year 1670 to 92,000 in the year 1700

• In 1676 the Indian resistance collapsed and captives were killed or sold off as slaves. The natives that left were a very small minority and lived in a completely different land then there own among the people that took their homes and freedom away.