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  • 8/12/2019 The Ekklesia


    The EkklesiaJanuary 6, 2014 | Filed under:Bible Students,Commentaries,The Church

    This is a Greek word which is translated church. It

    signifies a company, assembly or body of people bound or compacted together.Today there are many organizations claiming to be the church, and having various bonds of union;

    but we wish to know, upon the authority of Gods Word, whatekklesia, body, or church, Jesus

    established, and what are its bonds of union; secondly, we wish to show that every Christian should

    belong to that church; thirdly, the injurious effects of joining the wrong ekklesia or church; and

    fourthly, having joined the right church, what are the results of losing our membership.

    First then, the church which Jesus began to gather during his ministry, and which was recognized by

    the Father at Pentecost after their ransom price was paid, was the little company of disciples who hadconsecrated earthly time, talents and life a sacrifice to God. They were organized and bound together

    as members of one society, and as such had laws and government, and consequently a head or

    recognized ruling authority. The bonds were bonds of loveand common interest. Since all were

    enlisted under the captaincy of Jesus, the hopes and fears, joys and sorrows, and aims of one were

    those of the other; and thus they had a far more perfect union of heart than could possibly be had

    from a union on the basis of any man-made creed. Thus their organization was of the Spirit; their

    law for the government of each was love, and all as a whole were put under obedience to the law of

    the Spirit as it was expressed in the life, actions, and words of their Lord. Their government was

    the willof him who said, If ye love me keep my commandments.

    Thus we see the early church organized, governed, and in perfect unity and harmony under the

    rulership or headshipof Jesus. Contrast this church organizationwith what now affects to be a

    continuance of the sameviz.: the various denominational organizations, each of which binds its
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    members to a mental union on the basis of some creed or dogma of its own (many of them anything

    but lovely) and each having its own laws.

    These laws emanate from their heads, or rulers and law-givers; so it is clearly seen that these present

    day churches, have and recognize as heads, or directing, ruling powers over them, the ancient

    founders of their various creeds, each contradicting the other, while their clergy, in conferences,

    councils, synods and presbyteries, variously interpret and enforce the traditions of the elders which

    make void the Word of God. These take the place of the true head of the churchJesusand the

    true teacher and guide into all truth, the Holy Spirit. Hear the Prophet Isaiah express it. (chap.

    9:15.) Theancientandhonorable,heis the head,and theprophet that teachethlies, heis the tail.

    And the whole nominal system is described in the Revelation as BabylonconfusionPapal mother

    and Protestant daughters.

    Will they own this to be so? No, for the lukewarm nominal church of today believes herself to be

    rich and increased with goods, having need of nothing; not knowing that she is wretched and

    miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked. (Rev. 3:17.)

    These are hard sayings, who can receive them? But these are not our sayings: it is the warning

    voice of the sure word of prophecywhereunto ye do well that ye take heed. And it is a loving

    voice for again our Lord declares: As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten.

    There are two senses in which the truechurchof Christ may be considered: All who like the early

    church were fully consecrated to the doing of our Fathers will, amenable onlyto Christs will andgovernment, recognizing and obeying none otherthese saints, from the beginning of the Gospel

    Age down to its close, when all of this class are sealed, constitute the CHURCH OF THE FIRST

    BORN, whose names are written in Heaven. These are all one in aim, hope and suffering, and in

    due time will be joint-heirs with Jesus Christ to the great inheritanceheirs of the kingdom which

    God hath promised for them that love him.

    The other sense in which this same class is recognized, is by counting a part for the whole; thus all

    the living of this class may be spoken of as thechurch; or, again, any part of this class of living

    followers who may meet together may properly be called the church; for, by the word of Jesus weknow that wherever two or three are assembled he will be among them, consequently that would be a

    church meetingan assembly of the church of the First Born. Thegeneralassembly will be, when

    all the church are made like, and glorified with, their headJesus.

    Such, then, is our definition of the church of Christ; it is perfectly illustrated by Paul (Rom. 12:4,5)

    when he compares the church to a human body. In this figure Jesus represents the head, and all who

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    are his constitute the body, over and through which the head rules. Jesus has been and always will be

    the head over his church as a whole; he is likewise the head and ruler of the entire living church, and

    in every assembly where two or three meet in hisnamehe is the head, ruler, and teacher.

    If it be asked, in what sense does he teach? we answer, by exercising the qualities of the head, or

    teacher; by using one or more of those present as His mouthpiece in unfolding truth, strengthening

    faith, encouraging hope, inspiring zeal, etc., just as the head of your body can call upon one member

    to minister to another. But here a word of caution: If one becomes as useful an instrument as

    a righthand,he should take care that he aspire not to become the head. Be not puffed up; pride will

    paralyze and render useless. Be not ye called Rabbi (master, teacher) for one is your master (head)

    even Christ, and all ye are brethren. And let not the least member despise his office, for if all were

    one member, where were the body? Nay, those members of the body which seem to be morefeeble

    are necessaryGod hath set the membersevery one ofthem,in the body as it hath pleased him.

    How simple, beautiful, and effectual is Gods plan of organization!

    This brings us to our second proposition, viz.: that all Christians should be joined to this

    organization. In the light of what has just been said as to the class constituting the church which

    Jesus organized, it is evident that if you have given up all your will, talent, time, etc., you are

    recognized by Jesus as a follower, and member of the ekklesia,or body of which he is the head,

    whose names are written in heaven. Thus we join Jesus church and have our names recorded as

    members by consecration. But says one: Must I not join some organization on earth, assent to somecreed, and have my name written on earth? No; remember that Jesus is your pattern and teacher, and

    neither in his words nor acts will you find any authority for binding yourselves with creeds and

    traditions of the elders, which all tend to make the word of God of none effect, and bring you under a

    bondage which will hinder your growth in grace and knowledge, and against which Paul warned you,

    saying, Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled

    again with the yoke ofbondage. (Gal. 5:1.)

    But say some: If it is not proper to unite with any of the present nominal churches, would it not be

    well to form a visible organization of our own? Yes, this is what we havean organization modeledafter that of the early church. We think we have come back to primitive simplicity. The Lord Jesus

    alone is our head or lawgiver; the Holy Spirit is our interpreter and guide into truth; our names are all

    written in heaven; we are bound together by love and common interest.

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    Do you inquirehow shall we know one another? We reply, how could we help knowing one another

    when the Spirit of our Master is made manifest in word and act, and manner and look? Yes, the

    living faith, the unfeigned love, the long-suffering meekness, the childlike simplicity coupled with

    the constancy and zeal of maturity, make manifest the sons of God, and we need no earthly record,

    for the names of all such are written in the Lambs book of life.

    Do the sick need visiting or assistance?these stand ready with consecrated time. Does the Lords

    work require money?these stand ready with consecrated means. Does his work bring upon them the

    reproach of the world, and of a degenerate nominal churchthese have also sacrificed reputationall

    all to God.

    But again, do you inquire how shall we deal with one who walks disorderly in our midst; if we have

    no organization such as we see about us, how can we free ourselves from such, as the Lord requires

    us to do? We answer: Do just as Jesus and Paul directed.

    Now, as in the early church, there are various degrees of advancement among the individual

    members, and Paul says (1 Thes. 5:14,) some are feeble-minded, comfort them; some are weak,

    support them; but while you should be patient toward all, warn the disorderly (those who are drifting

    away from the true spirit of Christ). Dont mistake the disorderly for the weak, andcomfort

    them;nor for the feebleminded, andsupport them,but patiently, lovingly, warnthe disorderly.

    Whom does he call disorderly? Doubtless there are many ways of walking disorderly, but in 2 Thes.

    3:11, he speaks of some who work not at all, but are busy-bodies, and says they should do as he did

    work that they be not chargeable to any; and if any will not work, neither should he eat. Thus he said

    he did, that he might be an example to others. He warns us also against immoral and unjust persons

    and those who wrest (twist) the Scriptures and thus turn the truth of God into a lie. Then again, vs.

    14: After you have warned such a one, if he obey notnote that man, and have no company with

    him, that he may be ashamed. Yet, count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

    Again Jesus gives explicit directions where there is a matter of offence between two brethren, Matt.

    18:15,17: If thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and himalone; if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother; but if he will not hear thee, then take with

    thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

    And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: (the company of brethren who assemble

    together), but if he neglects to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a

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    publican. If, under the organization of our Head, we heed his commands, which we will do if we

    love him, how few will be the misunderstandings and difficulties among the brethren.

    This organization has its evangelists, pastors and teachers appointed and directed by the Lord. They

    need no laying on of hands by theso-calledApostolic succession; for the Spirit of the Lord hath

    anointed all the members of the body to preach, etc. (I sa. 61:1), and it is the duty of every

    member of the body to exercise his office for the edification of the other members. How complete is

    the organization of the church of Christ with its heaven-written, love-bound and Spirit-ruled

    membership, and how sad the error of mistaking the nominal for the real church!

    The importance of our fourth proposition need not be urged. It would indeed, be a dreadful calamity

    to lose our membership in the true church or body of Christ. And no member is out of this danger

    except when keeping a vigilant watch over the old nature, counted dead, lest it come to life again,

    and assert itself in the form of pride, selfishness, envy, evil-speakingor what not? But iffilledwith

    love (the love that prompts to sacrifice) and clothed with humility, and under cover of the redeeming

    blood, we are safe in the church (body), having the assurance that it is our Fathers good pleasure to

    give us the kingdom.

    Yes, the kingdom is the glorious destiny of the true churchthe little flocknowtreading the

    pathway of humiliation and drinking the bitter cup of death. The glory that shall be revealed in us,

    doth not yet appear except to the eye of faith, but the temptations and trials are very apparent on

    every hand. Let us, therefore, fear lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you

    should seem to come short of it. (Heb. 4:1.)Thus Paul warned others and thus he feared, lest (even after) having preached to others, he himself

    should be a castaway. (1 Cor. 9:27.) We may have our names cast out as evil by those of the

    nominal church, and yet rejoice and be exceeding glad because our names are written in heaven.

    They may frown upon you and despitefully use you and say all manner of evil against you falsely, or

    they may seek to win you back by flattery, saying they cannot afford to lose your influenceyou

    could do so much good by remaining among them. Oh, how necessary in this evil day is the faith

    That bears unmoved the worlds dread frown, Nor heeds its flattering smile; That seas of trouble

    cannot drown, Nor Satans arts beguile.

    Dearly beloved, let us again repeat the warning: Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath

    made you free, and be not again entangled with the yoke of bondage not even in the slightest


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    Evidences of the Lords Second Presence

    False Doctrine Is Worse Than Division

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  • 8/12/2019 The Ekklesia


    Evidences of the Lords Second PresenceDecember 30, 2013 | Filed under:Doctrines,Jesus,Presence,Second Advent,Treatises

    [The Following is a treatise presented by Br. Leon H.

    Norby, we present here for your consideration]

    Our Lord said, Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. (Matt. 28:20) Thus, in a

    limited sense the Lord has been present with his church all down through this gospel age. He

    indicated, however, that this would not be a personal presence because he said, If I go away. I will

    come again to receive you unto myself. (John 14:3) He also gave several parables indicating that he

    would go away to receive a kingdom and would return. He further stated that ultimately his second

    presence would be manifest to the whole world. This is known as the apokalupsis (revealing), and

    is the exact Greek word used by our Lord. (Luke 17:30) However, there is an intermediate phase of

    the Lords presence which our Lord indicated would be recognized only by those who would be

    watchingBlessed are those servants whom the Lord when he cometh shall find watching; verily I

    say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and

    serve them. (Luke 37) Again in Rev. 3:30, we read, in Christs message to the Laodicean stage of

    the church, Behold I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will

    come in to him, and sup with him, and he with me. The following are some proofs that we are living

    in this early stage of the Lords second presence:

    (1) The symbolic heavens and earth are declared to pass away during the thief-like presence of the

    Lord, and they are unmistakably passing away now. 2 Peter 3:7, 8, 10-12.

    (2) The expression in the days of found in Luke 17:26 gives an inspired definition of the Greek

    word parousia (presence) used in the parallel passage (Matt. 24:37). No one would claim that Noah

    was not presence in the days of Noah.
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    (3) Noah was revealed to all as a prophet of God when the flood came (Luke 17:27), and so it will be

    when Christ is revealed (apokalupsis), verses 29 and 30. See also 2 Thess. 1:7, 8. Since the people

    knew not their respective prophets for years, it indicates that Christ would be present before

    revealed in the time of trouble.

    (4) In Matt. 13:24-30 and 37-43 (see Also Rev. 14:15, 16), the Lord is declared to be the chief reaper

    in the harvest or end of the age.

    (5) Nahum 2:3-4 associates the steam train with the day of his preparation. (See also Job 41:1, 14-

    21, 31, 32) The diesel train or airplane is the symbol of modern transportation. Electric lights are

    used instead of the old flaming torches. Hence this remarkable sign of the Lords coming is

    definitely in the past.

    (6) The spiritual feasting which we have enjoyed since 1874 can best be explained in relation to

    Christs presence. Luke 12:36, 37; Dan. 12:12.

    (7) Feasting is associated with the bridegrooms presence and fasting with his absence. Luke 5 34,


    (8) To the Philadelphia church our Lord said, Behold I come quickly (Rev. 3:7, 11), but to

    Laodicea he says, Behold I stand at the door. Rev. 3:14, 20.

    (9) Isaac (type of Christ) was in the field (the worldMatt. 13:38) before Rebecca (type of the

    church) finished her journey at even-tide. (Gen. 24:62, 63) Rebecca left the bridesmaids and

    camels to commune with Isaac while still on this side the veil. (Verses 64 and 65)

    (10) The Lord could not properly judge the civil powers until the lease expired in 1914, but he could

    and did judge his house before that. 1 Pet. 4:17.

    (11) Dan. 2:34, 35, 44 shows that the kingdom of God would. begin to be set up in the days of t hese


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    (12) The stone was to smite the iron and clay feet. (Dan. 2:36-45) This combination of hereditary

    ruling houses and state churches has largely disappeared. The image especially represents

    UNIVERSAL rule. (Dan 2:38, 39) Colonialism was repudiated in 1955 The image is nearly

    pulverized and will soon be blown away by the winds of anarchy.

    (13) Christ promised that the overcomers would have part in breaking the nations. (Rev. 2:26, 27) Is

    this not another proof that Christ has returned and that the sleeping saints are raised?

    (14) The anti-Christ is to be consumed with the epiphania (bright shining) of Christs Parousia

    (presence), and this is already partly accomplished. 2 Thess. 2:8.

    (15) Various agencies are used, but Christ and the church are credited with taking the dominion from

    the anti-Christ. (Dan. 7:13, 14, 18, 21, 22) The anti-Christ is losing out even in its home territory and


    (16) The time of trouble results from Michael standing up. Dan. 12:1.

    (17) The nations are angry after Christs rule begins. Rev. 11:15, 18; Psalm 2.

    (18) Paul asserts that the object of Christs presence is to put all enemies under his feet. (1 Cor.

    15:22-28) Many enemies, especially rival kings are already destroyed.

    (19) Desolation is declared to be the first work of the Lord with the world in his kingdom. (Psa.

    40:8) Christ has been ordained to carry out Gods judgment. Acts 17:31.

    (20) Another evidence that we are in the new day is the fact that the church has received special

    enlightenment, and God promised to help her and that right early. Psa. 46:5

    (21) The Psalmist (110:1, 5, 6) declares He shall wound the heads over many countries and surely

    this is being fulfilled.

    (22) Jesus implies that Satan could continue indefinitely unless a stronger than he should interfere.

    The sudden disorder in Satans palace is, therefore, conclusive proof of Christs presence. Luke 11:

    21, 22.

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    (23) God said to Zedekiah that the kingdom would be no more until he come whose right it is.

    (Ezek. 21:25-27) The first visible step toward the re-establishment of Israel was in 1878 at the Berlin

    Congress. Vol. II, page 219

    (24) The present chastisement of the nations is best explained by association with the winepress

    features of Gods plan in which Christ assumes the chief role. Isa. 63:1-6; Rev. 19:11-21.

    (25) Satan the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4) has occupied the invisible throne of earth and has

    been manifest by conditions of toil, bondage and oppression. Christ, the rightful ruler is being

    manifested through the struggle for freedom and the introduction of marvelous laborsaving devices

    and other potential blessings since 1874.

    (26) The Lord of the Sabbath (Mark 2:28) must supervise the jubilee work. Seven of Israels

    sabbaths culminated in pentecostthe 50th. Likewise seven sabbath years introduced the 50th or

    jubilee year. Since there was a missed jubilee during the 70 years captivity in Babylon, a great cycle

    of 50 x 50 must have started, to prevent the failure of fulfillment of the law. Twenty-five hundred

    years starting 625 B.C. ends in 1875 A.D. which begins the antitype. Vol. II, page 180.

    (27) The Lord indicated that 70 jubilees were intended, and the land was desolated for 70 years to

    fulfill the 19 imperfectly kept as well as the remainder. Thus 51 jubilee cycles remained but without

    jubilees51 x 49, equaling 2499 years ending in 1874. (Vol. II, page 195) The blare of the jubilee

    trumpet has awakened the under-privileged world ever since 1874.

    (28) Christ was to return with the beginning of the times of restitution (Acts 3:21) rather than after

    6,000 years from creation. There is no discrepancy between the dates 1872 and 1874. To illustrate:

    the course of obedience advised by God could be likened to a by-pass highway which avoids the

    congestion of a large city. But man chose the road leading through the slums, rough streets and

    detours of the City of Experience. Let a mile represent each 1,000 years of human history. After six

    miles the human family is hopelessly lost and is guided the last mile (the 7th) by Christ. The date

    1872 would mark 6,000 years from creation on the by-pass highway. The date 1874 would mark

    6,000 years from the turn-off on the road of sin. We should not expect them to correspondthey are

    not even on the same road. The detour will merge with the main road after the Millennium.

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    (29) Christ, like a good physician and surgeon, is now performing a necessary operation in order to a

    thorough healing. He says he will bruise and heal Egypt and Israel. (Isa. 19:22; Hosea 6:1; Ezek. 20:

    33, 34; Vol. II, page 197) Babylons physicians are the quack doctors who say peace, peace, when

    there is no peace. Jer. 8:11.

    (30) The greatly lengthened life-span of man, even before the main restitution processes have begun,

    is a strong evidence that we are in the early dawn of the new age. As with education and invention,

    the Lord permits man to progress at the appointed time.

    (31) The bacteria causing typhoid and pneumonia were isolated in 1880. Tuberculosis, hydrophobia,

    cholera, diphtheria, and lock-jaw were isolated in 1882. This opened a new era in the conquest of

    disease and while these are only stop-gap remedies, as are anesthetics and other pain-killers, they

    did not appear until the good physician arrived.

    (32) Leprosy is virtually a living death. It has always been a symbol of sin. Only the Lord could heal

    it. Much progress has been made in curing it. He who cured it during one period must be here again!

    (33) A special curse was placed on man in connection with the production of food: In the sweat of

    thy face shalt thou eat bread. (Gen. 3:19) The introduction of the twine binder in 1873, the

    automatic binder in 1879, and the combine harvester in 1886, along with other labor-saving

    machinery has largely rolled away this curse. Neither Satan nor man did anything about it for 6,000

    yearsit must be Christ!

    (34) Christ was to return in like manner to his departure. (Acts 1:11) Only his close followers knew

    of his departure. The pronouns ye, we, and us are reserved for the church; while they,

    them, etc., refer to the world. The latter pronouns are conspicuously absent in this scripture.

    (35) The Lord indicated he would not be present in a place as you would expect of a human being,

    but would make his influence felt everywhere like the sun. (Matt. 24:23, 26-28) This accounts for the

    increase of education and general enlightenment in the world.

    (36) We see the sign of the Son of man in heavenin the blessing of the true church and the

    rejection and plagues of Babylon. Matt. 24:30.

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    (37) The 1260 days of Dan. 12:7 (1799) were marked by four remarkable events:

    a) The Persecuting power of the antichrist was brokenDan. 7:21, 25.

    b) Bible societies sprang up. Rev. 11:3, 11; Matt. 25:l.

    c) Work was begun on steam locomotives. Dan. 12:4.

    d) Knowledge of the Bible greatly increased.

    The 1290 days were marked by other outstanding events. Dan. 12:11:

    a) In 1829 Wm. Miller discovered the key to Bible prophecythat a day represents a yearand

    preached the second coming of Christ based on these very time prophecies. Dan. 12:10.

    b) The most devout Christians were purified and made white. Dan. 12:10)

    c) On Aug. 8, 1829, the Stourbridge Lion pulled the first train on a passenger run in the U.S.

    (where nearly all the signs have been most in evidence.)

    The 1335 days lead up to the grandest event of all (1874)O, the blessedness, etc. Only the coming

    of Christ would be a fitting climax to this series of time prophecies and events.

    (38) The return of the Jews to Palestine from the land of the north and all the lands is proof that the

    Lord has resumed his rule over them. Ezek. 20:33, 34; Jer. 16:14-16. (From a brother in Germany.)

    (39) Since the days of the Son of Man are to be similar to the days of Noah, the evil of the

    present time is further proof of Christs presence. This is secondary to the point that they knew not

    stressed in #3. But these features parallel also: the earth was full of violence (Gen. 6:11); little faith

    in the earth (Luke 18:8); in the last days perilous timesshall come for men shall be. . despisers of

    those that are good. . . lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. Evil men and seducers shall wax

    worse and worse. 2 Tim. 3:1-5, 13.

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    (40) The miracle of Christ in quieting the sea of Galilee (Mark 4:36-41) is sometimes taken to mean

    that his first act upon his return will be to stop the time of trouble; but let us look more closely. Christ

    was in the boat before the storm broke, suggesting that Christ would be present before the time of

    trouble started. In fact, since Satan is the prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2) he probably

    thought he saw an opportunity to destroy Christ and his disciples in one stroke by raising the storm.

    Christs apparent lack of

    concern reminds us of Psa. 2:4. His speaking to the winds reminds us of the still small voice. 1

    Kings 19:12.

    (41) While the Lord was not in the three phases of trouble in the sense that they represented his

    established kingdom, nevertheless the word declares that he was presentElijah stood before the

    Lord, And behold the Lord passed by and a wind rent the mountains. . 1 Kings 19:11,12.

    s restoration as a nation constitutes an inverse cycle to their decline in connection with Christs first

    advent, hence Christ must be present again. He was set for the fall (first advent) and rising again

    (second advent) of IsraelLuke 2:34.

    B.C. 2(Fall) Missed first opportunity (Matt. 2:2; Luke 2:25-38

    A.D. 29 Rejected Johns testimony (Luke 3:15)

    A.D. 33 House desolate (Matt. 23: 37, 38)

    A.D. 36 End of 70 weeks (Dan. 9:25)

    Favor to Gentiles (Acts 10:30- 48)

    A.D. 69 Jerusalem besieged (Luke 21:20-22

    A.D. 73 Last fort fell (Masada)

    1948 (May) Israel reborn.

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    1918 Balfour declaration; Jews drew up constitution in Pittsburgh for prospective Jewish state.

    1914 World War.

    1911 Pastor Russells sermons and tracts to Jews starting Jewish new yearHippodrome and ending

    spring of 1911.

    1878 Berlin Congress (Vol. II, page 223)

    1874 He comes whose right it is Ezek, 21:25-27.

    (43) Satan has promoted darkness and ignorance, hence the great enlightenment along all lines in

    the time of the end and particularly since 1874 constitutes proof of the Lords return to earth. In all

    previous history Satan did not bring education. Dan. 12:4.

    (44) The work of the Lord must have started in the earth because the mountains (autocratic

    governmentsRussia, Germany, Austria, etc.) have been carried into the midst of the sea

    (overthrown in revolution). (Psa. 46:3, 8see Berean comments). By contrast, the hills (less

    autocratic governments such as England, France, etc.) melted like wax at the presence of the Lord

    (have kept their form but have gradually settled to the level of the people). Psalm 97:5.

    (45) The testing, sifting, and deception of the Lords people are but conclusive signs of Christs

    presence. Who shall stand when he appeareth? (Mal. 3:1-3) False prophets . . shall show great

    signs and wonders insomuch that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect. Matt. 24:24.

    (46) This is the hour of temptation which Christ says the Philadelphia church would escape but by

    implication indicates that the Laodicean period of the church would experience. The subtle

    deceptions characteristic of our day, instead of the physical suffering of earlier periods, therefore

    constitutes additional proof that we are in the Laodicean period when Christ would be present to

    serve a special feast. Rev. 3:10, 30.

    (47) Christ introduced subject study at his first advent. (Luke 24: 21, 25-27) The devil quoted

    scripture but did not consider all of them on the subject. Is it not reasonable to think, therefore, that

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    the topically arranged Studies in the Scriptures are the best textbooks and that He who first

    introduced this form of Bible study must have revived it at his second advent.

    (48) The poor have the gospel preached unto them. (Matt. 11:3-5). This constituted proof of our

    Lords first advent. Seats freeno collection policy plus the low cost of truth literature and free

    distribution of tracts has been a unique feature of the truth movement. We submit this as another

    evidence of Christs presence.

    (49) Rain upon Palestine was a manifestation of Gods favor to Israel. (Deut. 11:17; 28:23) Since

    1861, when the Bible reached publication in all basic languages (spiritual rain), the natural rainfall in

    Palestine has doubled.

    (50) Isaiah 19:20-23 speaks of a highway between Egypt and Assyria during the kingdom. While this

    is symbolic, it is literally true also today.

    (51) Gods various challenges to Job imply that neither Job nor any other man could achieve them

    alone. It seems that many of these things are being accomplished or at least approached today. Would

    not this seem to indicate that we are living in the day of the Lord? This would be sacrilege unless we

    ascribe credit to the Lord:

    a) Job 38:22Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow-which I have reserved against the

    day of battle and war? seems to be fulfilled by chemical science and nuclear research.

    b) Who hath divided a watercourse for the overflowing of waters (huge river dams and flood

    control)? or a way for the lightning of thunder? (man-made lightning?) Job. 38:25

    c) Canst thou bind the sweet influence of Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion? (The gates of the

    Chicago Century of Progress were opened by the light from a distant constellation, etc.) Job. 38:31.

    d) Canst thou lift up thy voice to the clouds? (Radio waves, loudspeakers with tremendous range,

    ground to aircraft communication, rain-making achievements?) Job 38:34.

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    e) Canst thou send lightnings? (Transmission of electric power; telephone, telegraph, etc.?) Job


    f) Who hath sent out the wild ass free? or who hath loosed the bands of the wild ass? (Freeing

    beasts of burden through introduction of tractors, automobiles, etc.) Job 39:5.

    g) Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? (Stringing out railroad coaches by means of

    automatic coupler hooks?) Job 41:1; see verses 14-21.

    (52) Great earthquakes shall be in divers places. (Luke 21:11; see Berean comments)

    It is reported that there were 22 revolutions between world war 1 and 2. There were more devastating

    earthquakes in the 25 years between 1914 and 1939 than in the previous 500 years, which would be a

    literal counterpart to the primary symbolic fulfillment in the revolutions afore mentioned. In Italy in

    1914, 200,000 persons were killed by earthquake; in Japan, 300,000 in 1923; in China 90,000 in

    1932; in India, 30,000 in 1934.

    (53) Distress of nations is prophesied as a sign of Christs presence. (Luke 21:25, 26)

    The Greek word translated distress in addition to the usual meaning also suggests union or

    crowding. This also has been fulfilled since 1874 in labor unions, large corporations, insurance

    companies for mutual protectionalso World Court, League of Nations, United Nations, etc. Let us

    remember that these things were to take place in the days of the Son of Man.

    (54) Mohammedan Turkey, traditional foe of Israel, dominated the eastern Mediterranean and North

    African countries in 1799. She lost 9 countries between 1820 and 1897, Egypt in 1914 and Palestine

    in 1918the first World War ending at the precise time that General Allenby drove the Turks out of

    Palestine. Is this not further evidence that the 19th century was indeed in the time of the end (Dan.

    12:4-12) and day of his preparation (Nahum 2:3-5) and that World War I was a blow struck by the

    kingdom of God against Gentile powers and in favor of his peopleIsrael?

    (55) The altar and pillar in Egypt in that day clearly refer to the Great Pyramid. (Isa. 19:19,

    20). It began to speak to the scientists in their own language when John Taylor discovered scientific

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    features in it in 1859, and later through the research of Piazzi Smyth. But it really began to witness

    unto the Lord of hosts when in 1891 Vol. III of Scripture Studies explained how its passages and

    measurements corroborated the plan of God as presented in His written wordthe Bible. This,

    however, is only background to the point we wish to make here, for it is in connection with this

    witnessby the pyramid that God will send them a saviour.

    (56) The midnight cry Behold the Bridegroom is shown to have started shortly after the ending of

    the 1335 days (Vol. III, page 93; Vol. II, page 223). About the first statement that Christ had actually

    returned is found on page 149 in Vol. II, which was published in 1889. This is about half way

    (midnight) between the beginning of the evening (1799) when the virgins took their lamps (the

    individual Bibles furnished in abundance shortly thereafter) and the end of the parable, when the

    foolish Virgins get the oil from the Time of Trouble, just before the sunrise (Mediatorial


    (57) Christ must undo in 1,000 years, the evil Satan has done in 6,000 years. The fast tempo of

    present life and events would therefore indicate that we are in the millenniumalthough not in the

    mediatorial reign.

    (58) Christ indicated that sex distinctions would cease in his kingdom, thus solving the multiple

    marriage problem in the resurrection (Matt. 22:30). The radical change in customs, dress, voting

    privileges and the prominence of women in almost every line of endeavor in the last 100 years are

    therefore evidences of the new order beginning.

    (59) Christ comes to restore mankind to health and happiness, and He will make these benefits

    available to the poor. (Psa. 72:4, 12) The first free hospital was established in New York in 1874, and

    wonderful provisions have been made for the poor since that time.

    (60) The six thousand-year days of mans toil under sin and its curse ended in 1874. Since then we

    are in the seventh day or sabbath which, as we have seen, has brought labor-saving machinery, etc.

    Man is not rested at the beginning of the rest day (6 P.M.Israels reckoning), so we should not

    expect too much at this early hour of the millennium. Since Christ himself declared he was Lord

    also of the sabbath, He must now be present.

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    (61) Israel was delivered from slavery and oppression under Moses. The whole world will be

    delivered from slavery and oppression under the greater then Moses. As the time of the end

    prepared the way of the Lord and brought the Bible to all nations by 1861, the Civil War started that

    very year which ended slavery in this land. The many land reforms, etc., surely point to the presence

    of the Great Deliverer!

    (62) In the expression The morning cometh and also the night, (Isa. 21:12) the word cometh is

    translated from the Hebrew word athah which means arrived. This message has been proclaimed

    since 1876 and appeared on the front cover of the original present truth publication beginning in

    1879; so the morning was not announced in advance as indicated by the scripture. The fact that the

    night of trouble followed the bright dawn of the era of science and invention proves this is the. time


    (63) Rev. 1:7 reads, Behold he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him. To apply this

    literally would involve a fundamental contradiction; for in order for the natural eye to observe a

    physical being in the sky, it must be clear. But when we take the clouds to symbolize trouble, this

    passage is not only reasonable but in full harmony with the many other scriptures. See for example

    Isa. 63:1-6; Dan. 12:1, Rev. 19: 11-13.

    (64) The wailing because of Him (Rev. 1:7) would apply to this transition period. Notice that they

    wail because of Him, indicating He is present and exposing and frustrating their evil and

    oppressive practices.


    (A few other interesting observations from the pen of Brother Norby.)

    Perhaps we should review certain basic facts concerning the Nominal Churchesparticularly the

    Papacy. It is also very important to harmonize the Scriptures and Bro. Russell to avoid EXTREME

    views. The Scriptures indicated that the Papacy would wear out, oppress Gods people and

    suppress the Bible for time, times and half a time1260 years. (Dan. 7:21, 25; Rev. 11:2, 3, 11;

    12:6, l4) This power was exerted in 5 ways: 1) alone and exclusive; 2) over and through Catholic

    kings; 3) had the support of the massesmany waters (Rev. 17:15);4) ruled without Protestant

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    support; 5) ruled in spite of Protestant opposition. Through the Harvest Message given us by our

    Lord, we learned that this kind of power was broken forever in 1799. We quote from Vol. 3: The

    length of time this persecution was to continue is not stated here. . From other Scriptures we learn

    that it was a period of 1260 years which ended in 1799. (C 38 top) Notwithstanding the little

    help (the reformation) in all the countries subject to Papacy (Spain, France, etc.), persecution

    through the terrible Inquisition continued until brokeneffectually by Napoleon (1799). Next follow

    the verses (36 and on, Dan. 11) descriptive of Napoleon, the instrument employed by Providence to

    break Papacys power and to begin her torture, which will end in utter destruction. (C 39 middle)

    1799with that year terminated the limit of Papacys 1260 years of power to oppress. (C 48 top)

    The French Revolution and Napoleons power was a very marked period in Papacys history; and

    Papal influence broken then, has never been regained. (C 58 top) The Man of sin, devoid of civil

    power, still poses and boasts; but civilly powerless, he awaits utter destruction in the near future, at

    the hands of the enraged masses (Gods unwitting agency) as clearly shown in Rev. (C 59)

    In the final stages it is united ProtestantismSalome, Image of the Beast, etc., which has the favor

    and power. Herod offered Salome anything up to half of the kingdom. He certainly was not offering

    HIS half, but that of Herodias. This was tantamount to a proposal of marriage and making Salome his

    queen in place of Herodias. Just so, the Papacy has the program and is active behind the scene, but

    does not have the power in any of the 5 ways listed above which she formerly had. She will continue

    to dominate Catholic countries like Spain and part of South America, but these countries count littlein world power. It is the coalition of churches, supported mainly by civil power in Protestant nations

    which lashes out against the Truth and Truth people. (D, foreword, 1916, III, par. 1) This is put in

    good perspective in the chapter on The Deliverance of the Church in Vol. 3. In one short paragraph

    (C 231: 2) there are 7 expressions indicating that Babylon will have been greatly damaged by the

    Truth and will have been deserted by many supporters when she makes this final attack: It will

    probably be in an effort at SELF-PRESERVATION 1) on

    the part of Great BabylonChristendom when she sees her power in politics, priest-craft and

    superstition WANING 2), that the work of truth-spreading will be stopped as DETRIMENTAL, (3they must have suffered) to her system. And probably at this juncture the Elijah class, persisting in

    declaring the truth to the last (not as a result of an entirely different message), will suffer violence,

    pass into glory and escape from the severest features of the great time of trouble comingjust in the

    CRISIS OF AFFAIRS (life or death#4) when men begin to feel that DESPERATE 5) measures

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    must be restarted to, to SUSTAIN (#6) the TOTTERING (#7.) structure of Christendom. (C 231:2)

    We might say that wounded Babylon, like a wounded animal becomes more dangerous.

    Those who think the image of Dan. 2 (including the clay) will still be intact when this persecution of

    the saints comes, naturally think they have a great work to plague and destroy Babylon. Some who

    think the image has been struck still feel that Babylon must be plagued and destroyed in the future by

    the Church (both sides of the vail). According to Bro. Russell in C 231:2 quoted above, and in many

    other places, Babylons destruction will be well under way (it is now). And while religious truth is

    the point of the sword, the main and physical destruction is through the Lords Great Army and other

    agencies, and is to be accomplished as a result of truth along EVERY LINE. (B. 147:2; 358:2; B

    101:3) Jeremiah was GIVEN CREDIT for the destruction of all the nations, accomplished by other

    agencies. (Jer. 1:10). This is not entirely a future picture for the simple reason that many kings have

    already been destroyed, and God always gives warning IN ADVANCE.

    So, Bro. Russell, must have had a big share in the Jeremiah picture. Remember also that in addition

    to placing a mark on the faithful (Ezek. 9), the man with the inkhorn was commissioned to scatter

    coals of fire on the city. (Ezek. 10:2) However in the Jeremiah picture, the development of the rod

    of an almond tree (Aarons rod and the ornaments on the Candlestick were almonds, representing

    the Church. See Tabernacle Shadows and especially Re. page 244:2) was the first and dominant

    vision (Jer. 1:11, 12). The vision of the seething pot from the North (time of trouble) was

    mentioned second (Vs. 13, 14).

    The Pastor says that Jeremiahs message is mostly good news (R.3616:13). He emphasizes this in A

    341. The time of trouble will give us greater occasion to give a message mainly of comfort. (A.

    342:l) We believe the PHYSICAL FACTS confirm the above.LHN

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    Written byRR (Admin)
  • 8/12/2019 The Ekklesia


    Independent Christian

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    2 Responses to "Evidences of the Lords Second Presence"

    1. GOD'S KINGDOM SOCIETY (GKS)says:January 8, 2014 at 10:38 am




    1. RR (Admin)says:January 8, 2014 at 2:29 pm

    I dont know, why dont you ask them? According to the scriptures He has come and His

    Kingdom is established.
