the devereaux legacy: chapter two - part 3


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Page 1: The Devereaux Legacy:  Chapter Two - Part 3
Page 2: The Devereaux Legacy:  Chapter Two - Part 3

Hello. Once again, thank you so much for reading The Devereaux Legacy! As you can see, while I am still struggling with Photoshop, I'm getting a bit better. My stuff is almost completely centered! I'm really anxious to get back to playing my family, so I am doing my best to get the next two or three prepared chapters up and running, so without further ado...

Page 3: The Devereaux Legacy:  Chapter Two - Part 3

Here is the Devereaux Legacy House. Ansley, the heiress, has just graduated from college with a 4.0 in Biology, and she has the LTW to become Chief of Staff. She's also engaged to Hunter Whateverhisnameisitwon'tmatter, who turns out to be the mayor of SimCity, despite his gaudy taste in clothing.


Shortly after arriving home, Ansley called Hunter up and told him to meet her at the London Bridge Chapel and Reception Hall so they could get married. Well, she told him to wait at least an hour, so she can get dressed into her very pretty and expensive wedding dress; and she also informed him that she expected him to be dressed in acceptable attire, so he wouldn't clash with her.

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Hair done, dress put on, both Hunter and Ansley made their way to the wedding altar to state their marriage vows with only a few witnesses to view the wedding.

"Ansley, I promise to love and cherish you, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health as long as we both shall live," murmured Hunter, slipping the wedding ring onto her finger.

"Hunter, I promise to only really wear my pretty engagement ring that I picked out. Oh, and I promise to love you and stuff too."

And so, Hunter Guywithdifficulttospelllastname became Hunter Devereaux, much to his delight. He smiled with adoration at his new wife.

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As Hunter moved in to kiss her, Ansley pulled her head back and gave him a speculating look.

"Hunter, when I told you to dress in acceptable clothing, I meant a tuxedo. NOT a pinstripe suit that five other people are wearing right at this moment!"


Ansley sighed, and directed Hunter to one of the tables so she could have a little "chat" with him.

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Ansley winced as he held her hand. She did so hate being touched.

"Hunter, I fully expect you to act and dress like the husband to the heiress of a legacy. This includes being distinctive. I can't have people walking around community lots mistaking you for Goopy GilsCarbo or someone like that. When the reception is over, please make sure that you change into the clothes that I have laid out on our bed," she informed him in a business like tone as she extricated her hand from his.

"Sure honey. Whatever makes you happy, I guess..." Hunter replied in a hurt tone. He was really hoping that Ansley would act just a little bit more like her Romance secondary.

"Well, you can start by not using nicknames for me. It clashes with all of my outfits. You call me Ansley, and I will call you Hunter."

Hunter sighed and just nodded.

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However wounded Hunter might have been at Ansley's tone, he was still pleased with his new outfit, which he promptly changed into when the reception was over and they went home.

"I look so much more dignified!" Hunter exclaimed in admiration, blowing Ansley a kiss.

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"Yes Hunter, you do. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a job to get to at the hospital. It wouldn't do for me to miss my first day of work," Ansley replied, ignoring the blown kiss.

"Umm, what about a honeymoon? Or at the very least the day off, so you know..."

"Oh. Hmm. I guess it depends on how my day goes. I'll see you when I get home," Ansley waved as she walked out the door.

"What about me? The job I want for my Lifetime Want isn't available today," Hunter called after her.

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"You're the Mayor for Bob's sake. Go do political stuff!" Ansley declared as she got into the car.

"Oh. Right..." Hunter sighed in disappointment. He was really hoping to get the next generation started. But, seeing as the house was empty because his father-in-law was at work, he resigned himself to the fact that even though he was Mayor of SimCity, Ansley was the queen of the Legacy. So he went to work, more than just a little peeved. Even his aides stayed clear of him that day.

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Dear Bob: It appears that woman is taking a more narrative tone with this legacy story. However, she has come to the realization that by taking that tone with me, it would ruin how I have been previously established. It appears Bob, that everything is still coming up Joshua! She's sitting at her computer, glaring at this picture of me, wishing that I would just die. But I won't Bob, not for a very long time.

However, appears that there are very few pictures of me. Curse that woman and her finding loopholes! Rue I tell you! RUE!!!!

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Promptly at six o'clock that evening, Ansley returned home from her first day on the job at the hospital. Due to the fact that she was so efficient, she was immediately promoted to Chief of Staff, therefore meeting her Lifetime Want in record time. Rumor has it that even Doogie Howser was jealous.

Ansley quirked an eyebrow at everyone's amazement and just took the promotion in stride, as if she expected nothing less. Feeling more than a little smug, Ansley glanced at the house where her husband was, no doubt, waiting for her. She stopped in her tracks, closed her eyes to conjure up some of her fading Romance Secondary, and gave a resigned sigh as she walked into the house.

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"Okay Hunter. Now that I am positive that I will be happy for the rest of my life, you are allowed to touch me. Tonight only. Do exactly what I tell you to do, and don't get creative. Again, this is for tonight only, so you had better hope that I conceive. Oh, and please don't mess up my hair," Ansley said in what she considered a bedroom voice. She leaned in to give Hunter a chaste kiss on his lips.

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Hunter jerked away and gave her an appalled look.

"REALLY? Really? Those are your words of love to me? Your husband?"

Ansley nodded, apparently quite pleased with herself. She sincerely DID think her words were romantic. Then she saw the look on his face, and she sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Fiiine. You can mess up my hair. A little. But I had better not break a nail!"

Hunter closed his eyes and sighed. He was going to have to take what he could get, he supposed.

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As was expected, Ansley conceived on the first try. As much as she hated to take time off from her job, she resigned herself to writing her generation novel, hoping that her pregnancy would pass by quickly so she wouldn't have to wear the hideous orange maternity pajamas longer than necessary.

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Dear Bob: I had one last chance to get even with that woman. It was a plan so perfect. A plan so diabolical. A plan that would have made her curse the day she ever created me for this legacy...

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My plan was to make cheesecake for my pregnant daughter, so she would have twins. It was a glorious idea Bob, it truly was, as I am fully aware of that woman's hatred of twins!

However, that woman was too fast for me. Curse this old, slow body! She has since turned off my Free Will. Again. Perhaps it is for the best though, Bob. It turns out that I am the one who is at home the most I would have to take care of the babies. Oh, to score just one more point over that woman, then I would die a happy man!

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When Ansley was outside watching someone get zapped by the Sentry Bot, she noticed a dusty old lamp sitting on her lawn.

"Ewww! Dust!" Ansley cried, beginning to rub off the offending dirt. Suddenly, the lamp began to shake and fly out of her hands and a very appealing (because it's purple) genie appeared.

"PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER...itty bitty living space. I've always wanted to say that. Anyway mistress, you wish is my command. Or rather, your three wishes are my command," the Genie stated, regarding Ansley with crossed arms.

"Three wishes? Hmm. I don't need beauty. I'm already permanently happy. I don't think I'm allowed to resurrect mother. Hmm. Oh! I know! Money. I wish for more money."

"Granted. Do you have a next wish?"


"...Okay. Granted. And your third and final wish?"


"...Perhaps you might want to think about it? Maybe you want someone else to have a wish?"

"Nope. I'm pretty sure I want money."

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The Genie squeezed the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "Granted," he said, and he waved his arms over his head and began producing numerous bags of money.

Ansley, pleased with her very thoughtful to the legacy wishes, began to collect them happily.

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Hunter arrived home just in time to see all of the money bags fall from the sky, and the disappearing purple smoke from the genie. He knew that meant only one thing. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, clenched his fists, threw his head back and screamed on the top of his lungs.

"GAHHHHHHHHHHH! She could have left a wish for me! I could have wished for Peace of Mind and then I could also be happy forever. Blast her to..." and he cut himself off before he could finish the sentence.

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Ansley, hearing her husband's murderous screams, chose to ignore him in favor of her own screams.

Ansley won the screaming contest as her baby girl, Lillian, entered the world.

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Hunter, beyond irritated with his wife, decided to ignore the birth of his first child. Instead, he slipped into bed and pretended to sleep.

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Ansley inspected the small infant. It had her skin tone, but Hunter's black hair, and both of their blue eyes. She then looked at herself holding the baby in a mirror.

"Well baby girl, you'll have to do. Yes yes, I know you want to be fed. In a moment," Ansley said still inspecting the new heiress. She then sighed and fed the wailing baby with a stiff, mechanical air.

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When she put Lillian down for bed, Ansley slipped under the covers and cuddled with Hunter. Hunter, surprised, found himself responding to her snuggle with one of his own.

"Is the baby beautiful?" Hunter asked, lightly stroking her hair. Ansley nodded and moved her head away from his caress.

"Hunter," Ansley began, "we should probably try for another child. It wouldn't do for us to only have one. What would the neighbors think?"

Hunter sighed softly, but complied.

Afterwards, Hunter laid awake in bed for the rest of the night.

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Dear Bob: A final chance has been presented to me in the form of my granddaughter. I need to tread carefully though Bob, for I am almost out of time. I decided to retire from my job to make sure that I spend all the time I can with Lillian. Perhaps SHE will be the evil spawn I have been waiting for.

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And Josh began spending every spare second he could with Lillian, cooing evil coaching words into her ear. Ansley didn't really notice, or care, as she had started a new career and was hoping to get at least one day of work in before she was put back onto maternity leave.

Hunter, on the other hand, really did want to spend time with his new daughter, but Josh wouldn't let him.

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In what seemed like only a day, Lillian was ready to grow up and become a toddler. Josh held Lillian in his arms, preparing her for her birthday while Lillian laughed gleefully as she tried to grab the lit candles with her hands.

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"Mwahahahahahaha," Josh laughed, coaching Lillian one last time in evil.

"Heeheeheeheehee," was Lillian's mimicked reply.

Finally Bob, finally. A spawn that has only one Nice point. I can now go to my Platinum Grave with a smile on my face.

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Knowing that his time was near, Josh decided that he was going to teach Lillian all of the toddler skills, insuring that she will always remember him and only him.

"Oh hohohoho. You want to do what to your teddy bear?" laughed Josh in a fake alarmed tone when he was teaching her how to talk.

"Wip it's head awf gwanpa! I want my beawr!" insisted Lillian in a commanding voice.

"What's the magic word Lillian?"


Dear Bob, I am glad I lived long enough to see this day. One last time, everything is coming up Joshua!

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And Josh truly was happy as he said goodbye to his family. "Take care of Lillian," he whispered in Ansley's ear, "she's going to do this family proud."

"Of course she will, Dad," Ansley responded with a smile, "I expect nothing less."

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At 5:59 P.M. Josh entered into the smallest bathroom in the house. At 6:00 P.M. Grim popped out of the sink.

"Joshua Devereaux, you have lived a long and somewhat productive life. You have proved yourself to be mildly annoying to the legacy author and you never learned how to spell monologue correctly.

“However, despite all of that, you have earned your eternal rest with a platinum gravestone that will be promptly moved to a community lot. All in all, you have been maybe slightly above average, but I am still required to give you a Mai Thai drink and Hula Zombie Dancers...if you would have had the decency to die in a larger room," Grim's voice boomed.

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Josh accepted the drink with a surprised look, "Only mildly annoying? Come on! I tried to thwart that woman at every turn. And what about my evil coaching lessons?"

Grim sighed, "You also died in the bathroom like Elvis. Your death will always be remembered as such. You can't even say that you were original. Just...mildly annoying and mostly harmless. Now please come quickly sir, I have many more appointments to keep in other legacies. Deaths that are far more interesting than yours."

As Josh faded his last words were, "Oooo, so I get to rub elbows with famous dead Legacy Sims then?"

Grim rolled his eyes underneath his hood, but didn't tell him that he will be sitting in the boring Sim afterlife because Josh would never be considered part of the "Cool Kids Club" where famous dead Legacy Sims get mourned over and possibly transplanted into other stories. Grim, it seemed, DID have a heart underneath his exposed ribcage.

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And so the first generation passed and would be mildly missed. Joshua and Kelly's portraits would hang in the house for all to remember even though their gravestones would reside in the family's own memorial park that nobody would really visit.

And the lives of their family moved on after a few tears. Each mourned privately in their own way, however.

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Ansley mourned in the best way that she knew how. She made sure that nobody took pictures of her while she was pregnant with her second child, Sebastian. Of course, secretly she was pleased with that decision, as she did so hate the orange maternity clothes.

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Lillian mourned her grandfather by beating up her teddy bear and constantly playing in the toilet. She grew up alone throwing dirty looks out her bedroom door where her parents were ignoring her.

However, when she grew up, they were quick to make sure that she got into private school, because as Ansley put it, "Only the best for this family. Dad would have wanted it this way."

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Hunter didn't mourn the passing of his father-in-law nearly as much as he mourned his dignity. While Ansley had topped at least three careers, he was still struggling to become Captain Hero. He found out, painfully, that he was not resistant to Lightning Bolts.

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The mourning phase eventually passed and it was time for Sebastian's birthday. The family gathered together for a private party at Ansley's insistence "To be a strong and perfectly accessorized family, we must at least put on the appearance that we spend quality time together," she stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

So, the family was forced together to put on appearances that they were a family with high relationship scores with each other while they celebrated Sebastian's birthday.

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Sebastian, on the other hand, was less than thrilled as he gazed around at all of the strangers, wondering who the heck they were and why his beloved nanny wasn't there.

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After the birthday candles were blown out though, Sebastian was promptly fed some Smart Milk and plopped down in front of one of his toys while the rest of the family went back to attending their own business.

Because appearances are just that. Sebastian, even at a young age, realized that even though he was a spare, he was ignored by his family more living at the main house than spares are ignored as grown-ups with houses of their own.

Unfortunately, this thought was a very sad thought to have, particularly when a child so young has them.

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Lillian didn't have such depressing thoughts, though. She was quite confident in her position as future heir and had no bones about telling everyone she met her thoughts as she was very active and outgoing.

On the other hand, she was also a very grumpy and serious child, so as such she lacked a lot of tact when she made proclamations about how unworthy many people were.

She was especially vocal whenever the topic veered off her and onto her brother. For some reason, she couldn't shake off the jealous feeling whenever the nanny or maid paid even the slightest bit of attention to Sebastian.

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"Sebastian is lucky that I even say his name out loud," Lillian muttered under her breath as she sat down to play at the chess board, something that she constantly liked to do. "Why anybody would pay attention to him is beyond me."

Lillian picked up the Queen piece and peered at it intently. "This is me, one of the most important pieces in this game. Why is the king considered important? Ah, I know what I shall do, I will reverse the importance. Catch the queen with her full movement. That will make the game much more interesting.

“ Did you hear that Sebastian? I am better than you are!" Lillian shouted into the nursery where Sebastian was quietly playing with his toys. Hearing no answer, Lillian gave a satisfied nod to herself, and began intently resetting up the chess board with her new rules in mind.

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Sebastian stood up when he heard his name being called, very excited that someone was finally acknowledging his existence. When nobody came into the room to play with him though, he frowned sadly.

The small child sighed to himself and went back to playing with his toys, dejected. He knew that today was his birthday and nobody as of yet had come into his bedroom to talk to him, let alone come in and watch him grow up.

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With nobody around to watch, Sebastian grow from toddler to child. When he exited his room to show himself off, Hunter stopped him and looked him up and down.

"You know that Col. Jack O'Neill is going to not like your hairstyle due to his extreme...dislike of a certain Legacy Sim," Hunter said with a raised eyebrow. Sebastian looked confused, then he wrinkled his nose up at his father with a curious look.

"What does he have against Spencer Fitzhugh?"

Hunter chuckled and shook his head. "Alright, if you want to go that route, but you should probably change out of the Alexander Goth outfit* you also grew into if you plan on taking that stance."

Sebastian sighed. "Awwwww... Alright..."

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Sebastian, however much he played dumb, did not like being compared to an existing (and rather infamous) Sim; so he immediately went to the bathroom to further define himself as a unique person. Apparently he felt going the Clark Kent route by popping on a pair of glasses would do the trick.

"I am a unique individual. I won't be discriminated against!" Sebastian declared, hotly, at the mirror. The with a satisfied nod, he left the bathroom to meet with the Headmaster.

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Lillian, however, was the first one out the door. Irritated that though she is the heir, no pictures were taken for her Headmaster visit, she was determined to make as poor of an impression as possible, thus making sure that Sebastian would be unable to attend private school.

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"As you can see Mr. Ryan, this is my dead grandparents' bedroom, perfectly preserved. I am aware that you have a penchant for necrophilia so I figured you would especially enjoy this part of the tour. Next up would be the spot where my father wet himself after he got struck by lightning."

B.J. Ryan arched his eyebrow at Lillian's tone, but he secretly DID enjoy looking at bedrooms where people might have died, so he let it pass.

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After the impressive (if rather insolent) tour of the house was given, Mr. Ryan sat down and enjoyed the Lobster dinner that was prepared specially for Headmaster visits. He gobbled the entire dinner down, barely taking the time to breathe. Very rarely was he ever given such a fine meal, due to the fact that even the most accomplished chefs rarely can cook Lobster Thermador without burning it.

"Braaaap. Oh, excuse me," Mr. Ryan stated letting out a rather undignified belch, "I'm B.J. Ryan, belching compliments to the chef," he said when he saw Ansley.

"And I'm Ansley Devereaux, smiling politely," she said, trying very hard to hide her disgust.

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However cool, distant, and insolent the family might have been during his visit, the Headmaster couldn't help but be impressed. He was accustomed to dealing with snobbish Legacy families, and he was thankful that there were no threats of death upon his person by way of Cowplant; so in a show of appreciation, the Headmaster admitted Sebastian into private school. On his way out of the house however, he couldn't help but ask Ansley a question that he was rather curious about.

"Mrs. Devereaux, your family doesn't seem to have any problems getting your children into private school, yet you and yours have yet to be successful in throwing a roof raiser party. Could you tell me why that is?"

Ansley gave him a cool smile, "Thank you for admitting Sebastian into your institution Mr. Ryan. If you could please refrain from mentioning that slight imperfection to the rest of the school board, I would be greatly appreciative."

Seeing as he wasn't going to get an answer, B.J. Ryan left, only slightly miffed.

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After the headmaster left, Sebastian and Lillian were left alone at the dinner table to eat the rather mundane turkey that was reserved for 'regular' eating. Conversation between the two siblings was a bit stilted when not even the mysterious bubbles floating over them could produce more than a few glares from Lillian.

"Well," Sebastian began, trying not to ruffle Lillian's feathers, "it'll be cool that we'll be going to school together, right? And then we'll be able to..."

Lillian slowly looked up at Sebastian, giving him the best glower she could muster.

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"Sebastian," Lillian interrupted, "I am the heir. Mother loves me more than you. I am also better looking than you, so the author likes me more than you. I just thought you should know exactly where on the food chain you actually are. Why you insist on trying to talk to me is beyond my comprehension."

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"Wait...what? Is it really necessary to rub it in like that? You're the heir. So what? And Mom has yet to actually pay attention to either of us, so you're lying about that," Sebastian retorted with an aggrieved air.

"Silence underling!" Lillian commanded.

And both children, one clearly in need of a good 'attitude adjustment', continued their meal with a thick silence hanging over the table.

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Over the next few days the family stuck to their routines of skilling, going to work and school, and skilling some more. On one such day, I found myself walking by their house so I could see first hand how things were going. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw Lillian waving at me.

"Hello Lillian," I said to the child, "how are things at..."

Lillian interrupted me. "I was not waving at you, I was waving at my father. Please remove yourself from my line of sight."

I could feel my eyes widening in surprise. Small, disobedient children are the bane of my existence; though I supposed that Lillian isn't exactly disobedient, just rude. I shrugged to myself and kept walking though. I was trying very hard not to intervene, no matter how much I would have liked to.

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Soon it was time for another birthday. Lillian could feel the beginnings of the sparkles simmering in her stomach, so she slammed the book she was studying from shut, and stood up shouting to the rest of the family, "I'm growing up now. Don't bother marring my memory with an imperfect party memory."

It seemed that the rest of the family was willing to obey her simple command by completely ignoring the heiress growing up into a teenager. Well, Sebastian watched from around the corner, but Lillian didn't count him, so she grew up alone.

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After she changed into her new outfit, Lillian presented herself to the rest of the house as a pink wearing Family Sim. Actually, she presented herself to Sebastian, seeing as Ansley was sleeping and Hunter was at work.

Sebastian just raised his eyebrows in surprise at her Family Sim statement; Lillian was by far the least likely Sim for that aspiration than any other Sim he ever read about (which happened to be a lot. The computer was Sebastian's newest best friend).

Lillian, for her part, just ignored her brother's surprised look, and continued to prepare herself for winning college scholarships.

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Sebastian also was inadvertently preparing himself for college even though he was such a young age. However, he did it more for the pure enjoyment of skilling than for anything else; though he would sometimes chuckle to himself whenever he got worried looks from his father whenever he played at the chess board.

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Ansley was oblivious to all of the happenings at her household as she was far more concerned about topping career after career, earning the much prized work rewards for her children and future generations to earn skills from. She felt that her heart was in the right place, and if she had to sacrifice her personal time with her family to do so, than so be it. She felt that in the end, it would be worthwhile.

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Hunter, on the other hand, was still struggling to earn his Lifetime Want, tiring out easily while exercising. He tried to hide this from Ansley, though. He was very well aware of his wife's growing disdain at his lack of accomplishments, and quite frankly, he still very much wanted to impress her.

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Ansley was not unaware of Hunter's distinct lack of tenacity, though. She pondered her disappointed feelings, wondering at them. She tried very hard to hide it from Hunter, but she couldn't help herself; if she could manage to top a career every couple of days, why was he having such a problem topping one?

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Needless to say, Ansley was always very reluctant to share the same bed with such a disappointment, let alone let him touch her. 'He's such a LOSER!' she would think to herself, practically cringing every time she heard him huffing and puffing away while exercising.

Clearly, her Romance secondary was a thing of the past, something that she could look back upon and laugh...if she were the type to do such a thing.

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Lillian was aware of her parents' growing animosity towards each other. A slight, condescending smile would quirk her lips whenever she saw them dance around sensitive topics, avoiding the fight that always seemed ready to break out.

Not that Lillian particularly cared if they fought or not, as she really had no feelings towards either of them. Because both parents' were far more concerned with what was going on with the other, neither of them paid much attention to what Lillian was doing, as long as she stayed beneath the radar.

And she found that she liked it that way. It made what she wanted to do that much easier.

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Lillian headed downtown to look for a potential mate that would be both tasteful and willing to do her bidding. The first person she met was Daniel Jackson. She twisted her lips when she saw him, but walked up to greet him anyway.

"Ah. Daniel Jackson from SG-1. Yes, I am sure you are pleased to have met me, but I regret to inform you that while for some odd reason you always get the pretty girl, you are unsuitable for me. You are a playable number one, and number two I find that I agree with the author at the fact that you need to be punched. Daily. Preferably with the butt of a gun. Now leave my presence immediately."

And with a satisfied smile, she watched Daniel Jackson as he walked away with a confused sputter.

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As she waited longer for the person she most wanted to meet, Kennedy Cox interrupted her with a greeting. Lillian glanced at him with an appalled look.

"Kennedy Cox. Your nose is distasteful. I will not have you poking out my eye every time you wish to kiss me. You are most unsuitable. I command you to shun me as I shall shun you. Leave. Now."

Kennedy's mouth dropped open at Lillian's bluntness, but he found himself walking away.

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Just as Lillian was about to leave, the person she was waiting for appeared.

Lillian's lips smiled ever so slightly at the sight of the person. "Excellent," she whispered to herself as she walked towards her target.

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"Yes. You there witch. I intend to learn everything possible about becoming more powerful, thus making me even better than my insipid younger brother, whom I feel is so unworthy of being in my presence that the very sight of him burns my eyes."

Frog Face the Witch laughed, "Oh yes, you will do nicely. However, before any aspiring witch or warlock is allowed to enter the coven, they must bake Hate Cookies for all the other members..."

"With the Frosting of Disdain?" Lillian interrupted impatiently.

Frog Face blinked. "Of course. Now the recipe is online on our website, so when you go home, go to..."

Lillian interrupted again, "I already have the site bookmarked and the cookies have already been baked. So you will hand these out to the rest of the coven, and then inform me if they are acceptable." And Lillian handed Frog Face a plate of cookies wrapped in pink plastic wrap.

Frog Face took the cookies, pleased with Lillian's obvious preparedness. "I will contact you in a couple of days then."

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While Lillian was making her deal with the witch downtown, Sebastian grew from child to teenager while for the first time, Hunter watched.

"Cool sparkles, Sebastian," Hunter said, unsure of what else to say to his one and only son. Sebastian gave his father a grateful smile for noticing.

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But, when his father wasn't looking, Sebastian jumped up and down on the couch with excitement. It might have only been a couple of words, but any sort of attention was good enough for him.

He immediately stopped jumping when Lillian came home and saw him. Giving an embarrassed cough, Sebastian blushed and sat down to do his homework next to Lillian.

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Lillian looked over at her brother coolly.

"Sebastian, I am the heir. Therefore, I am better than you. You, on the other hand, are a geek. Thus, you are practically beneath my notice. You should be doing my homework, as I am far too important."

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"Hey Lil? Is that something that a Family Sim should be saying to, oh, I don't of their family members?"

"Be quiet. Now! I require nothing less than perfect silence from a lesser being such as yourself."

Sebastian just sighed and went back to doing his homework.

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As much as he tried to gaff off Lillian's comments towards him about being a useless spare, the sentiment still bothered him. Often times he would go outside and look at the fish in the Koi pond and talk to himself.

"I might just be a spare...but I'm entitled to happiness. Right?" Sebastian sighed sadly. His eyes lit up though when his father came home. Strangely enough, his father was flying gleefully.

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"Check it out Sebastian! I'm Captain Hero! I did it! I made it!"

Sebastian clapped his hands. "What's your kryptonite dad? We have to make sure that none of the bad guys can get a hold of it!"

Hunter looked perplexed. "Hmm. Good question. Bullets probably."

"Silver bullets?"

"Hmm. No, regular ones. And knives, I guess. Fatal car accidents, too. Pretty much anything that would cause major organ failure. But other than that, I'm invincible." Hunter saw the disappointed look in Sebastian's eyes. "Not much of a super hero, am I?"

Sebastian saw the look in his father's eyes and gave him a smile, "But you can fly dad, and that's awfully cool."

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But, no matter how much Hunter tried to convince himself that Ansley would be impressed by his ability to fly, he knew deep down that she wouldn't be. So he quietly found another job in the Secret Agent field without informing anyone.

He did still get to fly though, because once you learn, you never forget. It made his spy job that much easier. Plus...there was something freeing about being able to fly, and he always grinned happily when he did.

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With only a day or two of waiting to hear from the coven left, Lillian couldn't help but smirk over at Sebastian while they were studying.

"I am heir Sebastian, and you are not. Therefore..."

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"Yeah, yeah. You are better than me. I am a geek. I am unworthy of your attention, blah, blah, blah."

Lillian slammed her book shut with a loud sniff and stomped out of the room, muttering to herself.

Sebastian ground down another tooth.

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The next morning was the day that Lillian was waiting for. She received the phone call from the coven informing her that Mallory St. John would be coming over to visit and let her know if her application was accepted.

"Who is Mallory St. John?" Lillian asked. She was informed that the witch that she contacted would be the with who would be giving her the news. "Ah. I see. I was unaware of her name," was all Lillian said.

After hanging up the phone, Lillian paced the length of her bedroom in impatience. She felt she was forgetting something.

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Then she saw Remington Harris, and it clicked into place. "You there man maid," Lillian stated imperiously. Remington stopped and looked at Lillian, surprised as she started handing him money. "I will pay you to do my bidding. However, you must always do as I say with no questions asked. Do I make myself understood?"

Remington laughed, "You don't have to pay me to marry you kiddo. A lot of Legacy families do, and I am usually pretty happy with that," he stopped when he saw Lillian's incredulous look. He trembled a bit when she started laughing.

"Oh, you will be most amusing. You will most definitely do. Now begone from my sight, and tell no one what has transpired between us." Remington could only nod as he watched Lillian go outside to greet the guest that just arrived.

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"Excellent," Lillian smiled at the arriving witch. Frog Face, or rather Mallory St. John, dismounted her broom and looked Lillian over, not saying anything. Lillian continued, "I trust my Disdain Frosted Hate Cookies were acceptable?"

Mallory began waving her wand at Lillian.

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"Oh yes," Mallory St. John cackled, "the coven was MOST pleased with your Hate Cookies."

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"Ahahahahahahahahahaha! Excellent! I shall truly enjoy ruling over this Legacy with the help of my new magical powers. None shall resist what I say..."

Lillian's acceptance speech was cut off by a shriek that came from inside the house.

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"LILLIAN MERRYWEATHER DEVEREAUX!" Ansley shouted in a most undignified manner. "What are you THINKING?!"

Lillian coolly glanced at the woman who has resided in the house with her all of her life, but had barely said a dozen words to her. "Who do you think you are?" Lillian asked the other woman calmly.

Ansley sputtered, "Who am I? I'm your mother! I..."

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"My MOTHER? Oh that is rich. You might have bore me, but you barely raised me. Carrying me in your womb does NOT make you my mother!" Lillian shouted at Ansley.

Ansley stared, stunned at her daughter. At that moment, she realized that what Lillian said was correct. A tear trickled down from her eye.

Lillian continued shouting, "Or is it the green glow that you find so displeasing? Does it clash with your outfits? My mother. Please."

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Ansley wiped the tears from her eyes. She knew what she needed to do.

"Get out Lillian. I will not have a truly evil child residing over this family. It was funny when your grandfather always said he wanted an evil child, but he is gone, and I realize that it most certainly is NOT appropriate." More tears spilled down Ansley's cheek.

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Lillian just laughed. "Fine Mother. Have it your way. Good luck preparing Sebastian to be heir, much good it will do you."

Ansley tried to say something, but Lillian interrupted her. "No Mother, I have nothing more to say to you other than this..."

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"You WILL regret the day you disowned me. Mark my words. Kicking me out of the house does absolutely nothing other than make me angry. Or shall I say it like this...You will RUE the day."

Lillian cackled and flew away on her broom waving goodbye in a mocking manner.

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Sebastian ran outside in time to see his mother break down into sobs and his sister fly off on a broom.

"Oh NO!" he cried. "What are we going to do now?"


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"Ahahahahaha! That's right Lillian, be rude to ME will you? Disowned! Or should I say Dispwned!" I shouted at my computer, not realizing that someone was standing behind me, giving me a very worried look.

After about five minutes of me gloating at the computer screen, the person behind me cleared their throat.

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"Talking to the computer again, hon?" KeithSim, my husband, said to me with a patient look. I looked up from my monitor and blinked my eyes a few times because they had dried out.

"Oh, hi," I tried to say casually, "I didn't realize that you were going to be introduced into my Sim world so soon." I stood up from my seat, wincing because my leg had fallen asleep (because I was sitting on it while typing), and gave KeithSim a hug.

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After hugging me, KeithSim pulled out a mirror and looked at himself. For a moment he looked confused as to where the mirror actually came from, then shook his head as if he really didn't want to know.

"Not too bad looking. Idealized of course, but all in all, pretty accurate."

He put the mirror away with his eyes closed. He most likely was thinking about blue skies and waterfalls as I do when weird Sim-Like questions being applied to real people pop into my head.

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"Anyway," he continued, "of course I was going to be here. Did you think I was going to allow any version of yourself to run wild in a neighborhood with Jack O'Neill and 'hot legacy spares' without me being there threatening to administer my patented Choke-Fu on them?"

I tried to look surprised. I hate it when he can read my mind like that. It's creepy. "I have no idea what you are talking about," was all I could say.

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KeithSim just laughed and kissed me. "My crazy honey. So what happens now?"

I shrugged. "We're immortal. We get to walk around the neighborhood, attend parties, and just generally have fun without the nuisance of aging."

KeithSim smiled, "Sweet. I've always wanted to be immortal. So do I like, get to rule the world with a velvet glove covered iron fist?"

I raised my eyebrows at him, "Sort of. More me than you, but...sure. But I should get back to typing. Oh, and could you please not pick too many fights with our neighbors? Tipped over garbage cans are a pain in the butt to clean up after."

"I can make no absolute promises."

And that's the best I can get out of him.


Thanks for reading everyone, and see you next time! * wave *