the dawning of a bright new era for cac · comet elenin, planet x and nibiru

The Dawning of a Bright New Era for CAC In This Issue Crucial End Times Ahead—2 Avaton and the Circle of Life —6 Will Spaceships Take Us to Slave Camps? —7 Reverse Osteoporosis with Prunes—10 Volcano in Chile Activated by HAARP? —11 Cover-Up of Nuclear Disaster in Japan—11 Elite to Shut down Internet? —14 The Power of Prayer—15 End of an Era – a New Era Begins—16 Comet Elenin, Planet X and Nibiru—17 Mercury ―s Lopsided Magnetic Field—19 About Sink Holes—20 The Difference between Soul and Spirit—22 The 11 Planets of the Galactic Federation—24 Is Time Going Faster? —24 The Disappearing Bees—25 Japanese Meatless Protein—26 Soylent Green Strikes Again—27 5th Density Thinking—27 More about Ascension—29 “Fear Porn”—30 2011-8 Issue No. 663 $3.00

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Page 1: The Dawning of a Bright New Era for CAC · Comet Elenin, Planet X and Nibiru

The Dawning of a Bright New Era for CAC

In This Issue

Crucial End Times Ahead—2

Avaton and the Circle of Life —6

Will Spaceships Take Us to Slave Camps? —7

Reverse Osteoporosis with Prunes—10

Volcano in Chile Activated by HAARP? —11

Cover-Up of Nuclear Disaster in Japan—11

Elite to Shut down Internet? —14

The Power of Prayer—15

End of an Era – a New Era Begins—16

Comet Elenin, Planet X and Nibiru—17

Mercury ―s Lopsided Magnetic Field—19

About Sink Holes—20

The Difference between Soul and Spirit—22

The 11 Planets of the Galactic Federation—24

Is Time Going Faster? —24

The Disappearing Bees—25

Japanese Meatless Protein—26

Soylent Green Strikes Again—27

5th Density Thinking—27

More about Ascension—29

“Fear Porn”—30

2011-8 Issue No. 663 $3.00

Page 2: The Dawning of a Bright New Era for CAC · Comet Elenin, Planet X and Nibiru


Special opening message, July 18, 2011-Will Berlinghof -Interpreter, Joan Mills -questioner and


The Crucial End Times Ahead

Putting Positive Beliefs into Practice

Cosmic Awareness: The times ahead are seen by this Awareness as crucial times, and there will be many

challenges in the months before the completion of Ascension, especially in the fall months. There will be events

upon the planet that will shake humanity and will cause many to retreat into fear and disbelief and anxiety. The

times ahead are the times that have always been spoken of and have been long predicted and known most

commonly as the End Times, and it will indeed be an ending on many levels of many of the things that have

been known by humanity as the stable factors of life, of events and circumstances that will occur that will

sweep away for many their very existences, their commonly held patterns and traditions that have been

followed in some cases by some cultures and races for hundreds, even thousands of years.

Such is the degree of dislodgement from old ways and patterns, that many who cling to old traditional ways,

even those ways they have known in their lifetimes, even those lifetimes that have been relatively short; the

disillusionment of these life traditions and patterns of the known and the comfortable will cause this upheaval

that this Awareness has been talking of. Many will not know which way to turn and where to go for they have

no one they can ask questions of, for many who were once their leaders will abandon them and will retreat

from the public eye and so the many who would look to the leadership of the nations will not be able to do so

and they will be left on their own.

This will be a time of chaos, of panic, of hopelessness for many, but not for all. There is the promise of this

Awareness and the promise of Spirit that for those who understand, those who have the courage and tenacity

and the bravery to look in other directions and not allow themselves to be swept up in the turmoil and chaos

will be shown the way. This has always been the promise of Spirit at this time and for these coming times. This

promise has been the one that that Awareness has spoken of many times over when It has challenged the

members to always question and review and look at their beliefs to see what beliefs they hold so that they start

to understand that when something is believed in is energized, the likelihood of it manifesting or of it being

maintained as the pattern, and as the consequence of the beliefs also of course remains and is made so.

In these troubled times when many are shaking their heads and do not know which way to go, do not know

right or left or up or down as the way forward, many will perhaps simply give up and collapse into the center of

their fear and not know what to do. Many who have already been shown and have heard and have understood

will move forward, even in these troubled times, knowing that it is not about giving up. It is not about letting

the fear build to such a point, letting the hopelessness exaggerate itself to a point that it overpowers one, and

the chaos and turmoil of their lives spins them around and around until they do not know which way is


Practice Believing All Will Be Well and All Will Work Out

What is now necessary in these few months of grace before the major events begin in the fall is to practice

the belief that all will be well and all will be okay. Of late, many have had experiences that they have been put in

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situations where they have been given the choice to panic and go into fear, or the choice to believe that all will

work out and all will be well. For example, the Interpreter recently mislaid a billfold with money in it. He could

not remember if he had been somewhere and left this billfold out and left it behind. It had a sufficient amount

of money as well as identification that it could have created a great problem, and yet within himself, the

Interpreter knew that all would be well and the billfold was not lost, but simply misplaced. Several weeks went

by, but eventually the billfold did appear again, and it even had even more money in it than he remembered,

but he did know he could not panic and lose hope and change the belief that all would be well, for if he did, then

perhaps a problem would occur.

This is one small example, but it highlights that which this Awareness is trying to explain at this time. Many of

the members and many people generally will have such experiences, or have been having such experiences of

late. It is an ideal time to forego the old traditional panic routines and to simply state that the object that has

been lost, or the event that is unfolding will work out and all will be fine. This type of belief and the holding to

it, not allowing the wavering and the objections to arise will be much more beneficial in the working out the

circumstances of the experience to each and every one’s advantage,

The energizer and editor themselves had a recent experience as well where a purse was lost by the energizer

and the editor who was visiting at the time understood that this was such a time and he held strong the belief

that all would work out, and it did. The energizer received her purse back later in the day. These are seemingly

small examples, but the point here is that it is a prerequisite to the major events that are coming, a chance, an

opportunity to step firmly into a positive mind set, a positive belief structure that holds: All Will Be Well. All Will

Work Out.

When this is the case, when major events start to unfold and one remembers the small examples and how

well it all worked out, there will be a greater inclination to hold this positive attitude and positive belief,

trusting and believing, knowing even that all will work out; this is what is needed to put one on a timeline of

development that will lead one to those positive outcomes in a chaotic time, a time of upheaval. Interesting

times indeed! This is imperative, for there will be much coverage on the news that will always maintain that

the situation is much worse than it is. Many will buy into it and will amplify the negative energies, and stranger

harder, much more tumultuous situations can escalate and develop, but it one stays out of such tumultuous

energies and stays in the eye of the hurricane, letting the events swirl around them, not jumping into the fray,

not jumping into the swirling churning events that are occurring, then one will allow these events to sweep

past them without being harmed and without being destroyed.

This Awareness gives this today as an opening message both to show many that the small events that they

have been experiencing of late are actually practice runs and are critical to holding one’s beliefs and

understandings, one’s courage and strength in more demanding times. There will be many more opportunities

in the next several weeks and months to practice this more positive approach in understanding how one can

truly determine their life, and create their life in a more positive way, even when everything around them

seems to be saying the opposite.

Those Who Are Creating this Situation are Doing Quite Well

For example, in the troubled times that many feel themselves to be in, in the United States, where there is a

lack of work, where many are losing homes, and many are losing hope, this is a time to remember that if you

buy into the scenario being presented, it is very unlikely that it will not affect you. In other words, the norm

would be that one would be affected by the belief that these are troubled times and everyone is suffering and

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cutting back and everyone is being affected, but the truth is that not everyone is being affected, and those who

are creating this situation are doing quite well indeed, for they know first of all what is going down and what is

happening, and second of all, they are entrenched in their beliefs that they are privileged and as such they are

not being affected by these troubled times. This is of course true to their beliefs and this is what they are


Again, if one buys into the reports that these are indeed troubled times and the economic situation is crucial

and many are losing their jobs and their homes, their livelihoods, and their health and well-being, then of

course you will be experiencing this. Or you can hold as those who know what is ahead are doing, the positive

belief that, “Come what may, all will be well and even in troubled times I will do well!” and this will be more

advantageous than simply buying in to the common line that is being delivered over the media and being one of

the parrots that repeats the message over and over to others and to self that, “These are troubled times!”

The End Times are truly about the ending of the times that humanity has been experiencing over the last

several decades, even the last several centuries. That which is now in place has taken a long time to be built up;

the traditions, the norms, the customs, the beliefs and expectations, and it will come apart very quickly as that

which has always been known by many for their lives and for their parent’s lives and their grandparent’s lives

no longer holds. Indeed, it was not that long ago when people in the United States of America suffered the Great

Depression, where many had very little and many suffered, and yet many did not suffer. Many had substance to

their lives. There were even millionaires who were made during those most troubling times. It can be so again.

Despite how troubling the times are, to hold that all will work out, one can adapt and one can adjust and

move through the times and still come out on top will indeed take many a much further distance. What will be

more difficult is the understanding that these are not just the end of hard times, such as the times of the Great

Depression, but the end of the world as it is known, as it has been played out in the last several centuries, but

also to remember there is a better future about to unfold, and that many will come to this point due to the

events that are starting to unfold and to occur.

There will be an acceleration both in positivity and negativity towards the ending of this grand experiment

and it behooves all at this time, as this Awareness has been saying to hold to the positive outcome that is

possible, to hold to the Light and Love of Spirit as a force that is truly available and is there to guide and guard

all in these interesting times. In the end this Awareness can say to one and all, that which awaits is indeed

glorious and uplifting and is indeed miraculous. To get to that, one must go through these times that are

unfolding. There are always paths through the darkness and through the turmoil. One must believe that they

are on the path and that they will come through the turmoil, and one must believe that all will change and

improve beyond belief to find the way through the Dark Force that looms ahead.

Interesting Times- An old Chinese Proverb

This Awareness has used the phrase “interesting times” several times over, this of course coming from an

ancient Chinese proverb, where interesting times were times of great upheaval, great change. It must also be

remembered that in times of great change, even when the structure of one’s life disintegrates, even when the

customs and beliefs fall to the side, that it can often prove that the most difficult and challenging times, the

most tragic of experiences can bring one to a new and better place, and it is this brave new world that awaits

humanity that this Awareness sees for all who are so inclined, and those who will hold to their beliefs that all

will work well for one and all, that this Awareness shares with the readers.

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What About First Contact and Earth Changes?

QUESTIONER: Will this have anything to do with First Contact, Earth changes, or any other type of


Cosmic Awareness: All of the above; in other words, earth changes are most definitely seen. First Contact is

rapidly approaching. Phenomena of various descriptions will continue, such as vortexes appearing in the sky,

birds and animals dying in great numbers. All manner of phenomenon, including the weather phenomenon will

continue. One can blame technology, and one may blame the Elite who may be behind many of these events, but

it is also indicative of the End Times; these events that have no explanation that challenge the rational mind of

so many who value their rationality and their common sense, and many who cannot shift, and who are

intolerant and who are inflexible will be shaken apart by the changes that are coming, for it will so defy them as

to what makes sense to them that they simply will have no context of where to put such matters.

But these are to be times when the context of past experiences cannot be applied to the events that are

unfolding for they have never been so before. There has never been a human experience to match the events

that are ready to unfold, and many who do not have flexibility and who are intransient in their belief systems

and cannot accept what they actually will see in front of their very eyes and who will insist on listening to the

propaganda of the old Elitist Forces will find themselves in a situation that is indeed disastrous and destructive,

but it need not be this way, and even though one may be challenged by what is unfolding, one must simply

know it Is as it needs be.

The End Times Bring Positive Change

The End Times bring one to the point of Ascension and change that will change all, that will elevate human

consciousness to higher greater levels that are already there, but are denied to the masses because of personal

training and education and traditions that have been handed down throughout the course of history, bringing

mankind to this brink, to this edge. When it comes down to it and the individual is standing at the edge and

contemplating what to do next, for the edge is so clear and defined that there is no going back, it is then that

one will be asked to take a leap of faith. Many will not be able to take such a leap of faith and will stand on the

edge until it crumbles and they will be cast down. But many will understand this is the exact point where their

beliefs must now support them, and when they take the leap of faith they will find that a bridge will appear for

them to help them cross the chasm, and many will find that they have wings and they are finally free to fly to

the very limits of Spirit as they move forward in their journey and their Ascension.

What About All Timelines?

Questioner: Thank you. Will this be applicable for all timelines?

Cosmic Awareness: This is a good question. This Awareness has spoken of timelines many times. What is

coming is a nexus point, a point of collaboration, a point of congregation, where many different timelines will

come together for the purpose of reintegrating and redirecting the various timelines, so it can be understood

that all timelines are coming to this one point, this point of Ascension, for this point will redefine the

experiment of physical life one way or another. Even with the infinite amount of different scenarios that will be

possible, it will still come to the one point, the one choice: the leap of faith. Is one a spiritual being suddenly

becoming aware of oneself knowing that there is more to them, and they are ready to move into the more? Or is

one willing to close down their spirit, their understanding of their spiritual nature, to constrict themselves and

go deeper into the new experiment of physicality where Spirit no longer plays any role whatsoever?

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This will be a much more brutal physical reality, but many who are seeking this experience will go in this

direction, and many who are finished with this physical journey without truest contact and understanding of

Spirit being an imminent part of their being will awaken to this truth, and will awaken to their need to move

forward into the higher realms of consciousness and spirit and take the alternate route. When this occurs, the

timelines open up again in either of the two directions.

This Awareness understands that there will be many questions from what It spoke today and It welcomes

more questions.

CAC General Reading 6-9-11(June 9 -2011)

Will Berlinghof Interpreter, Joan Mills Questioner and Energizer


QUESTIONER: Is there an opening message please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness does have an opening message at this time. This Awareness wishes to

talk about that which is often called the Circle of Life. The Circle of Life is that concept that one is born into life,

has their life experience, and at the end of the circle, will end the cycle by dying. But the Circle of Life also

implies that as one door closes another door opens. At the end of a cycle there is often the beginning of a new

cycle. At the end of a life, often new life will come into the scope of those individuals who have experienced the

life of another or even their own lives.

As is known, the entity that was known to the membership as Avaton has recently completed his circle of life

and made great contribution during his life cycle. But his life is not over, he has simply left one plane of

existence, one reality, and for him there was a new beginning, a new birth back into the fabric of Spirit. Equally,

it could be understood that when the aspect of the soul decides to incarnate there is a death at the soul level, as

that which is of the soul descends down into that which is physical reality, so that it can be born into

physicality, so that it can begin the physical cycle of life.

There is not to be deep grieving over the ending of an entity's life, be they loved by others and known by

others or simply known in a more general way. For all, of course, when they end the life cycle, ascend back into

their spiritual being and rejoice at rejoining their Spirit, their soul; rejoice at meeting loved ones who have

crossed over previously, or even loved ones who never entered into physical incarnation, never joined an entity

during their life cycle, their circle of life. There is much rejoicing, just as Avaton rejoiced upon his return back

into Spirit and those who knew him and love him, who were already in Spirit, rejoiced to have him join them

once again, have him back into the fabric of the soul.

This concept must also be understood in a more general manner as well, for even planets have their life

cycles, even experiments in consciousness have their circle of life. The mass Ascension that is coming is to be

the ending perhaps of a cycle of life, a theme into physicality that has been experimented with over numerous

millennia. While many are afraid of this ending, and are fearful that it may be painful and disruptive and

chaotic, it should also be understood that in one sense all that is happening is that Gaia, Mother Earth is ending

a cycle of experience and is now ready to be reborn into new experiences, into new life - the old life ready to

end the cycle of life, ready to be completed so that the new cycles can begin.

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While this Awareness has often spoken of Planet A and Planet B, what could also be understood is that both

represent a new cycle of life, a new set of physical experiences that can be had by those who choose one or the

other, or those who choose to have multiple experiences of one or the other. This Awareness has also spoken

of many versions of realities that can be formed within the context of a Planet A scenario or a Planet B scenario.

These many versions again are different cycles of life, just as on the planet at this time 6 1/2 billion individuals

are having 6 1/2 billion different cycles or circles of life, and the choices of Spirit are manifold. They already

are manifold, and they will continue to be so.

It is not as if there are more choices, for there already is an infinite number of choices for a soul to choose

from as it chooses to send an aspect of itself into the physical state of consciousness to have a physical

experience. Remember also that physical consciousness is not the only line of consciousness, nor is the human

experience the only line of experience that the soul chooses to have. There are what could be called alien

lifetimes that have also been experienced by the soul, seeking to know itself, seeking to deliver back to God/the

Divine, the multiplicity of experiences from all realities, at all vibrations, at all times.

This is, of course, secondary to what this Awareness is speaking of in this moment, where It is choosing more

to stay focused on the Cycle of Life, be it on an individual level or a planetary level. As one door closes, as the

experience of a physical life comes to an end for the individual, the new door that opens is one that always

holds great promise, great redemption, great healing, great joy, bliss and exaltation. There needs to be a

revision in the philosophical mindsets of those who see death as the ending with nothing beyond. The curiosity

of religious thinking and of many religions is that even though they speak of life after death, they certainly have

not succeeded in giving their members that understanding that goes so deep that there is no pain upon the

death of a loved one, there is no fear around the concept of death.

If one truly understood the eternal flow of the cycles of life, and that the Circle of Life is simply a cycle that

repeats itself endlessly, there would not be such fear over endings - be they of endings for a loved one or one's

self or one's planet. At this time as the organization that is Cosmic Awareness Communications goes through

its grieving process for their beloved editor and in some ways leader, father figure, Avaton - that while grieving

is part of the process, it must be understood that he has shown the way forward in his cycle of life and that in

the love he has held for others he made his life, in a way, a public one to the members of CAC and those who

knew him well.

Those who knew him very little will still see and understand that he has continued to show the way forward

in his own personal journey. For him the journey is just beginning and he is still very much available, just as

those who proceed in their own journey of life into that existence that lies beyond, into the next cycle of their

life experiences, will also continue on. Just as the planet Mother Earth will continue on at the time of endings

that is known as Ascension. The Cycle of Life is indeed what life is all about, and as one begins to truly bring

forward and bring into one's self this concept as a living construct in one's life, the ease and familiarity with life,

the joy and gratitude for one's life, will increase exponentially. This completes this Awareness' opening

message at this time.


QUESTIONER: Thank you.

Starting with the questions, we have one from Donna Johnson concerning ETs. She writes, "There have been

reports that those appearing as friendly ETs will have spacecraft available for boarding at a time when the

Earth will be in complete chaos and turmoil. It will be at a time when it will be very easy to decide to escape

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this existence on earth by boarding one of these spacecraft whose operators offer a safe haven on another

planet. Then once on board and on their turf the humans who decided to leave with these spaceships will be

enslaved and used in whatever way the ETs deem necessary. Is this true and must we be wary of all ETs, even

those who say they are here to help us ascend?" Your comments please, thank you?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This is not unlike a recent evangelist who proclaimed to many that they would

experience the Rapture, they would be lifted up, and be taken to a place where they, the chosen few, would live

in grandeur and exaltation. Many believed this individual. Many chose to submit to his version of truth and

reality, only to be disappointed when it did not happen the way that this individual Harold Camping predicted

it would. Now this individual is claiming that only his calculations were wrong and that the event known as the

Rapture will still occur but this time in October.

The question this Awareness would pose is: should those who believed him once, even twice before, believe

him on this new prediction, this 3rd prediction of the Rapture; or should they be wary of his prediction and

choose rather to be more open-minded, to avail themselves of their own inner feelings and resources on this

matter, going deeper within themselves, asking themselves if they trust and believe what is said, if it resonates

with their own sense and feelings of this matter? Many who heard the predictions of Harold Camping

discounted them immediately as bogus and even irresponsible. But many did believe this individual, and many

made sacrifices, ridded themselves of material objects and acquisitions, and even quit their jobs, preparing

themselves for their Rapture.

Yet, as this Awareness said, for many it did not happen. There were even those that this Awareness would

say died on that day, believing that they would be raptured. And in their own way they did rapture, they did

ascend to another reality, a different reality. Therefore, even though the majority may discount this man and

his predictions, many may have been disappointed because they did not experience what was promised, and

they certainly had the right to question and choose all along. Their disappointment is indeed a personal

disappointment, or if they raptured because that was their timeline of experience they were most gratified to

have had this experience.

This all relates to the question that was posed in the entity's question of whether or not the aliens would

arrive and take those up who would go with them. She added the twist that they would then enslave the many

that would choose to go with them. This Awareness says this is a twist, for there are many who do believe that

at the time of Ascension, alien craft will appear and will pick many up and take them to that safe haven where

they can wait out events. This belief may well be experienced by those who see what is the ending of the cycle

of life on the planet and the cycle of consciousness on the planet that has been held for so long - as that which is

indeed valid, that is that which indeed will occur.

Yet others now may hold the belief that the aliens are not to be trusted, and that if you do join them they will

take you away, enslave you. This would of course lead to two choices: not to join these aliens and experience

the chaos on the planet that may occur at that time, or to go with them to be enslaved or perhaps not to be

enslaved. All of these choices are very similar to what was predicted by the individual Harold Camping in his

predictions of the end of the world and the rapture - all are things that can be believed or disbelieved, honored

or dishonored.

Ultimately this Awareness says that each individual must always ask questions of such predictions, be they of

a Christian Rapture or an extraterrestrial intervention. Is this the truth for them? Is this the truth that

resonates deep within them, and that makes them quiver with anticipation and joy, that feeds them and fires

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them, and the truth that they need to experience above all else? In all matters such as these, the individual's

responsibility is to question and not to simply blindly believe. The gullibility of many is because they do not

wish to suffer, they do not wish to experience pain, they wish for the promise of good times and good fortune

and this has always been so.

The gullibility of humanity often leads many into situations where they are conned, where they are misled,

and where they are captured by those who would enslave them. This situation is already so on this planet -

many choosing to believe the governments, the corporations, the leaders and authorities of the nations of the

world, of the countries' governments, of the countries' leaderships. This type of gullibility is expressed in this

question as well. For if it is so that one is to board an alien craft and it is truly something they sense and feel

within themselves as the right course of action, and they do so after asking such questions, then they will be led

to do the action that is correct for them.

If they simply board such a vessel without ever asking whether or not those who are offering their services to

remove the individuals, without asking if there is something that smells "off" on this proposal, without taking

responsibility for their choices simply because they like to believe what is offered, then they may well wind up

on ships of an extraterrestrial nature that wind up enslaving them. But this is not seen ultimately by this

Awareness as the be all and end all of this matter. It is but one variation of the theme.

This Awareness also states that each individual is responsible for their own spiritual development and their

acquisition of a higher state of consciousness. Ultimately one does not need to go on to any spacecraft to be

taken away during the times of Ascension. One does not have to blindly believe an evangelical preacher who is

promising Rapture for those who believe. One must find within themselves their state of higher consciousness,

where they can follow the truth that lies within each and every individual. It is that truth that will lead them to

have the correct experience of their own personal Ascension, whether it be escaping on an extraterrestrial

vessel or being raptured or stepping into a vortex.

There are so many themes that this Awareness can only say that the theme that is right for each and every

individual is the theme that resonates the strongest with them, that brings them that inner feeling of

correctness, of the right action, and it is in alignment with their understanding of the higher levels of

consciousness that they are acceding to. Many will not accede to these heightened levels of awareness and they

will have the experience that they are meant to have, at whatever level of consciousness they are at. This is so

across the board, whether a being is of the heightened level of awareness and consciousness that would allow

him or her to step into a vortex and to transmute their bodies into a higher spiritual energy, or whether they

simply have an experience where the planet ascends and because they are at a level of consciousness that

allows them to be on the planet, they ascend with the planet, or whether or not they ascend by means of

extraterrestrial vessels that may take them to a higher, better place or may not.

The 'may not' type of experience would belong to a Planet B scenario where there are also many variations

upon the theme. Ultimately however, it is the choice of each and every individual to decide for him or herself

what works for them, what is correct and right for them. That completes this answer from this Awareness.

Those with Overwhelming Fear

QUESTIONER: Question please. What about those who have an overwhelming fear that simply overrides their

own resonance ability; is there something they can do on that?

COSMIC AWARENESS: If they have such a fear then this Awareness would ask: would that not be part of

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their life plan, their life structure, to have the experience that is still right for them? By this, this Awareness

says that if one is fearful, for example, of stepping onto an extraterrestrial vessel that is meant to take them

somewhere, even if this is a vessel of the Galactic Federation, even if the extraterrestrial beings truly mean to

assist the individual. If those with exceeding fear are put in the situation and they refuse to go on such a vessel

because of the fear that these are the bad aliens and that they will be enslaved by them, then this Awareness

says that their fear is part of their life plan to avoid this experience, for it is not the experience they are meant

to have.

Equally, this could apply to individuals who have an opportunity to step through the vortexes that will appear;

they could transmute their whole bodies into the higher spiritual energies, and yet in fear they will not do this,

and they will avoid it. It is because ultimately they are not meant to have this experience. They will instead

have an alternate experience that their fear drives them to, even if it is not to make any choice and simply

endure the changes that occur on the planet, even the catastrophic type of changes that some may experience.

It would then be that they are indeed given the experience that they were meant to have, whether or not fear

drove them away from alternative choices, or a knowing of the right choice is what drove them to that choice or

away from that choice. It will be very much a matter of their life definition, their life purpose, their life plan

working itself out.

There is No Right , There is No Wrong

QUESTIONER: So basically then, there is no right, there is no wrong?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This is so. This Awareness cannot, and will not say that individuals must overcome

such a fear and do it anyway, for this is not the way of a high soul or the way to proceed in such matters. One

must truly take the leap of faith, for there is a trust and belief that is greater than the fear that allows them to

step through the fear and to do what normally one may not do. Stepping off a cliff is not an action that most

people would ever do, but if stepping off the edge of a cliff is a leap of faith and one needs to take such a leap of

faith in order to reach the other side, in order to transcend, then one must do so, for everything within their

being tells them it is correct, it is right and despite any fear - which would also be somewhat normal in such a

situation - still they have the courage within to take the leap of faith.


QUESTIONER: It was an excellent topic and I think it will help many with that question on their mind.

We have one here, it's from Ted Helinski. It concerns Reverse Osteoporosis with Prunes. It's an article by LJ

Foster, M.D. He writes, "Eating only 10 of these prunes per day actually reverses osteoporosis in

postmenopausal women. In a clinical study of 58 women, eating 100 grams of dried plums per day improved

bone formation markers after only 3 months, compared to a control group served 75 grams of dried apples.

This supported previous animal models, showing increased bone density and improved bone structure on a

microscopic level. In another study, benefits were seen in male rats with low testosterone levels, suggesting

men with osteoporosis would benefit from a few daily dried plums as well." Do you have any comment on this

first part please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness says that prunes have long been acknowledged as beneficial for human

beings for their digestion, and now in light of this evidence, for the density of their bones as well. This

Awareness does affirm that prunes do have the capacity for most to indeed help in these situations.

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QUESTIONER: Just jumping ahead a little bit here - "Dried plums benefit the body in other ways too. The anti-

inflammatory effect of the polyphenols in prunes inhibits osteoclasts and also yields benefits for heart health

and cholesterol balance. The insoluble fiber found in dried plums helps maintain a healthy colon." Is this

information also valid please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This information is also valid.

QUESTIONER: Good. Is there any additional information you'd like to offer?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness says the material presented speaks for itself. All that this Awareness

would add is that there are many substances in nature, many natural products that are very beneficial to

mankind. Prunes, as this Awareness has already stated, have long been recognized as a product that has high

benefits indeed. This Awareness does recommend that those who enjoy prunes, and even perhaps those who

do not enjoy prunes, continue or start to use these miraculous products of nature.


QUESTIONER: Also by Ted Helinski…We carry on to the Chile volcano. "Flames reach up to the heavens as

lightning flashes crisscross in the sky, indicating the full force of Mother Nature as a Chilean volcano erupts for

the first time in 50 years." A question: was this volcano in Chile activated by HAARP and for what reason, or is

this Mother Earth's natural activity? Your comment please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This is again one of Mother Earth's natural activities as the chains of entrapment grow

looser, and as Mother Earth shakes off the shackles as she begins her dance towards Ascension. The Earth will

respond, and events, such as this volcanic eruption, such as the original earthquake in Japan, will be natural

occurrences. Not everything that occurs is due to HAARP technology. The Earth herself as she goes

through her own transitional process that is already underway, will deliver such natural events. The HAARP

technology is used in areas where Mother Nature may not always create difficulties, but mostly the HAARP

technology is used to enhance events of Mother Nature, where she is starting to shift, to move, and this of course

creates worse situations.

An example is in the weathers that are manipulated, the weather warfare that is occurring, creating worse

situations than nature herself might create. Thus, many of the events that are occurring with weather at this

time, especially such as the tornadoes that have recently had such a devastating effect, have often been

enhanced by HAARP technology. The weather and the droughts are also being enhanced by certain of the

HAARP technologies and certain other technologies that are also being used. But in this case the occurrence of

the volcano in Chile is a natural occurrence.


Radiation Levels Not As Bad as All That

QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was very interesting. Also from Ted Helinski:

Okay, the next one concerns the nuclear event in Japan. "We have a huge nuclear event ongoing in Japan. The

jet stream goes straight across the USA and Europe from Japan, thus this radiation spreads throughout these

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countries and these countries have thus far been lying and covering up dangerous dosages at seemingly

random locations across the world. Just the other day a large amount of cesium, with a half-life of 30 years

possibly, was detected in both Alabama and Delaware in their water supply, far from Fukushima. Question:

why are they admitting the danger now about cell phones, plausible deniability and confused accountability of

the coming damage already wrought upon citizens? Now they have a perpetrator, the cell phones. They can

continue to try to cover up massive ongoing environmental exposures, blaming cell phones for the increased

cancer rates that are already sky high, than this extreme radiation that is going to be around for a while." Your

comments please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: While this Awareness does not deny that the radiation from the Fukushima nuclear

plant was much higher than the officials admitted to, still this Awareness says that the amounts released, even

though traceable, are not of such an extreme nature that it will cause tremendous negative results on the health

and well-being of those people in those areas where the jet streams flow. There is a natural dispersal of the

radiation along the jet stream routes, and indeed the quantity of radioactivity is relatively small. It must be

remembered - this was only one nuclear power plant that imploded, exploded. And when one considers the

hundreds of nuclear plants that exist on the planet, which often are said to be safe, this Awareness, of course,

questions this claim.

Still, one must see that one nuclear plant having experienced this catastrophe will not affect all of humanity to

such a high degree that is being put out there to create fear and panic. Many of these radiation levels existed

even before the power plant exploded. There are the natural levels of radioactivity that are in the atmosphere

and in the waters and in the Earth. One thing this Awareness would point out is that at this time there has been

an acceleration in the efforts of those in power, those in charge, to elevate the levels of fear in the populace, to

make them exceedingly fearful about many things, such as the levels of radiation allegedly due to the explosion

in the Fukushima power plant, such as the E. coli outbreak in Germany and Europe that has caused wide-scale

paranoia and fear over what can be eaten; such as the weather situations, the tornadoes, the hurricanes, the

droughts, the floods - all due to the fear of global warming.

Those in power are very much focused on creating an irrational level of fear in the populace about many

things, the latest perhaps being the heightened levels of radioactivity that are being reported. This Awareness

has spoken of this many times, in that It has said over and over: one must be very careful of what one buys into,

what one accepts as the truth of the situation, especially if one does not question the ulterior motives behind

such matters.

This Awareness is aware that many if confronted with such an attitude as being expressed by this Awareness

will say that it is an irresponsible attitude, for science has shown this and science shows that, and in their

mindset of a physicality based on what science claim- then to say that to be fearful of heightened radioactivity

or not to worry about E. coli virus infection, or to bypass fear over weather and global warming- would of

course, as this Awareness said, be deemed as an irresponsible attitude. But, of course, this is because their

acceptance of these things as relevant and irrefutable, are not the attitudes that this Awareness is addressing of

a higher nature, where this Awareness is saying that all are creator beings of their lives and of their reality they

are experiencing.

When one allows the fears and beliefs of others, even if they are those who are alleged to be the experts and

authorities, to dominate their beliefs, to dominate their expectations of what they will experience - then one

will indeed most likely experience the detrimental effects of those in power who are wishing to control and

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manipulate the mind and the belief systems of those who are under them, those whom they control.

This Awareness again reiterates that it is exceedingly important to always question what is presented, to ask

whom this benefits, and who will be advantaged by the spread of such information. It is not that this

Awareness is saying one should not guard against such matters or be aware of such matters - one must simply

not go into blind fear of such things. One must also understand that one can radically affect their own lives by

buying into the fears and paranoia that are being fed to the masses. Equally, one can create a life of stability

and balance and safety if one understands that they are moving towards a new level of conscious awareness, a

new collective mentality that does not necessarily feed off of the fear and beliefs that are indeed being

projected at each and every individual.

Thus, even though the levels of radioactivity are slightly higher, they are not at a level that can cause death.

The levels of radioactivity are not at the levels that can cause harm to the majority, but believing that the world

is a dangerous place, believing that such things out there are beyond one's control and will get them, will affect

them, will create negative bad situations, and will affect the individuals who believe these truths. It is up to

each to question and to ask: Who will be advantaged? Why is this being spread? If one can develop this to a

heightened degree, then one can view the proceedings that are happening in the world as a true observer,

unaffected by what is being shown to them. If one cannot, then they will go into heightened levels of fear and

apprehension. It is then that this Awareness would suggest that one stop watching the news or listening to the

news on the radio or reading about things in the papers.

QUESTIONER: Exactly. There's all kinds of different situations that they can actually put into fear mongering

for humanity, isn't there?

COSMIC AWARENESS: Indeed there is. This is part of their plan as they affect the weather, the food supplies,

the health and wellbeing of individuals through released illnesses, as they manipulate geophysical events. All

of this is meant to create great fear so that the individuals will do what they are told and that when things

become exceedingly difficult, as things get closer, get nearer to that time of great shift, they will almost give

their lives away, for the fear is so great and they will say "save us" to their leaders and their leaders may indeed

offer them up instead of saving them.

QUESTIONER: I have a weird question. How do timelines work in to this fear mongering by the Powers That

Be? In other words, if someone accepts the fear mongering then they are in one timeline. But if they change

their perspective on the matter, do they not advance to a different timeline where they don't actually

experience what the Powers That Be wish that they do?

COSMIC AWARENESS: Indeed this is so. This could be a way for individuals to get past those coerced events

that are being fed to them. They could, for example, look at the situation that is current with the radioactive

levels, and they could say to themselves that they will meditate on this as two different scenarios: what it might

look like if they were go into extreme fear over something they cannot change. They become so agitated and

afraid of the radioactivity that they start taking many of the substances that they are told may help them. And

they may indeed, through their creative meditative approach, see a possible timeline of what could unfold if

they go down that timeline.

They could project further to what would happen to humanity if the Powers That Be started to insist that the

matters are so dangerous and so terrible that the populace must come to special camps where they can live in

special huts that are lined with lead that will protect them from radiation. They could maybe see themselves

going into these special camps where they can live in their special huts, being controlled and manipulated by

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their special handlers, all for the sake of being safe. One can see that this timeline already does not look very

attractive. Alternatively, one could look at what might happen if one truly starts to believe in the capacity of

their own spiritual being and the guidance and protection it offers them, of creating a reality that is free from

such fear mongering, that goes beyond it, and that allows the individual the freedom to experience a new

reality, a new world, a new consciousness.

This is exactly the Ascension into the higher planes of consciousness that will be available with Ascension,

and this may well be a very valuable type of meditation for individuals to try as they seek to right themselves,

as they seek to balance themselves, as they seek to find their way forward in very troubling times.

QUESTIONER: That's amazing! Mind really is the builder, isn't it?

COSMIC AWARENESS: Indeed it is so, but it is energized by the heart and guided by the soul or Spirit.


QUESTIONER: Exactly. Thank you for that information. I think it will help many.

Also from Ted…We carry on now to the Internet… "Within any power structure that has fallen into darkness

like America has, there is a need to control the information received by the governed. Widespread knowledge

of even one key truth can bring such power structures to an end. They do after all need the will and support of

their governed to survive. The Internet was an ambush to them. Initially the Elite intended computers to be a

way to gain access to the most intricate information about people's lives. They used popular bulletin boards,

such as America Online and Prodigy as spy machines, which worked well because they kept an identity of

everyone who posted anything on them. The Internet changed that because the Internet was decentralized and

allowed anonymity. It became a potent weapon in the hands of people and the Elite are desperately seeking

ways to shut it down and end computing, as we know it. Question: Will this ever happen?"

COSMIC AWARENESS: Yes it will happen, no it will not happen. Which do you wish to choose? For one could

say that given the structure as it is now with the Elite wishing to shut down the freedom of many to discover

the truth for themselves, will be such that they will continue to promote the means by which the Internet can

be governed and controlled. However, this is one possibility. Those who need to have such an experience may

well have such an experience.

But generally speaking, the Internet is something that has been provided by Spirit as a way of breaking up the

powers of those who have had control for so long, which have been the hidden Masters of Humanity for

countless eons. Civilization and the collective consciousness of civilization has also expanded and advanced to

a point where it was possible to take great leaps forward with technology, especially computer technology, and

to develop such things as the Internet and the variations on the themes since that have come through as well -

Facebook, Twitter and other social networking programs and facilities.

They will never be controlled completely and totally, as more and more of the masses are starting to tune in

and as the phrase once went "drop out". There is another factor that mitigates the answer this Awareness has

given as to whether or not this will happen or will not happen. This is the factor of the Ascension that is coming

for mankind and for the planet. In that experience there will be many who will continue to work with

technology as it frees humanity from the shackles of oppression and despotism that have so long existed on this

earthly plane.

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Those who pursue the higher levels of consciousness will not experience a reality where the Internet is controlled

and manipulated by the Powers That Be, whereas that which is the Planet B scenario may well experience this,

as those who are in power will continue, often in many variations of that reality, to stay in power and part of

their need to control and to enslave is the absolute control of information that the public receives and has

access to.

So therefore, in those versions of reality that some may experience, those timelines of experience, it may well

be that the Internet is controlled and manipulated. This is why this Awareness must answer that yes it may

well be controlled by some in certain timelines, in certain versions of reality, but on others it will not. Indeed, it

will become more and more a tool that frees the mind and frees consciousness. It is truly each and every

individual's choice as to what they would like to experience, or even if they need to have technology in their

lives at all as they evolve to higher levels of consciousness where they step beyond technology and what it

offers. It must be remembered that for many technology is the future. Many do not understand that Spirit and

spiritual growth and development are the future for heightened awareness, heightened consciousness for an

ascended being.


QUESTIONER: Again, Ted Helisnski. Thank you for this information, I think it was a question on many

people's minds, thank you. This one concerns the power of prayer.

"What is prayer exactly? So many folks believe in prayer but still continue to be fearful that it is not

powerful enough to provide protection from such things as radiated food, GMO produce or fluoridated water,

radiation fallout from Japan and an array of added chemicals, etc. My theory destroys fear of any food, any

power of man to poison our body unless we give it to them. The prayer isn't conditional nor just a repeated

mantra but one of faith coupled with the understanding and faith that the Creator has provided for everything

that mankind needs on a daily basis. I'm not referring to any religion or even that those who practice this in

their hearts need to believe any dogma or creed, because we are creating our own reality as we experience

every moment in this physical dimension.

When we give our thanks we are blessing our loved ones, we are believing in the power of prayer and

overcoming the fear that is so prevalent in the world today. This prayer/blessing need not even be spoken out

loud. It's an attitude, a knowing that doesn't include the thought of fear or danger that is promoted through

media and word of mouth, of those who read and believe there is a power greater than that within our own

hearts." Your comments please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: There are indeed many levels to this question. Many know prayer as a hollow reciting

of words that are given in a religious text or through a religious teaching. Hollow words, because individuals

are taught that saying these hollow words is a benediction to God above, an act of obedience to God above, an

acknowledgment to God above for that which they are receiving. This does not mean there is not merit in such

prayer, but often many do not understand the power of prayer or the purpose of prayer and they are simply

engaging in ritualistic behavior, not in aware behavior, not in enlightened understanding of the power of

prayer. When one recites such a prayer but adds to it an energy of gratitude to that God, then it stops being a

hollow practice and already starts to contain a power that is beyond a simple reciting of words that one has

been taught.

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This now starts to add energy to the prayer, and even if these prayers are issued to a God above that they have

accepted as their personal god, it is still a powerful act, in that there are energies that are added to the act of

prayer that makes prayer more powerful. However, if one takes that next step beyond a simple ritualistic

offering to a God above, then one is starting to understand and implement prayer on a different level. There is

the individual known as Dr. Emoto of Japan who has done much work with water. He takes microscopic photos

of the crystalline structures of water and has shown how certain waters are unstructured, the crystalline

structures deformed and deconstructed - often water that is polluted, water that is close to a power plant,

water that has had discordance directed at it, such as an individual swearing at water or discordant music

being played at water - will destroy the structure of the water molecules.

Interestingly enough, when that same water is taken and positive energies directed towards it, such as the

feeling of love and gratitude, peace and harmony, the water's structure can be restructured and the crystals

that are produced are radically different than the original crystals that were initially photographed. Taking this

to another level, water that is blessed, water that comes from a place of great beauty, tranquility and balance,

often show magnificent crystalline structures, and this shows that water is very receptive to energies that are

directed towards it, to influences in the environment in which it is contained. This also shows the power

behind prayer, for prayer can be the direction of consciousness, directed consciousness and intent.

If water can be affected positively by sending such powerful vibrations as love and gratitude and peace and

harmony towards the test tube with the water in it, what effect can prayer have on the food that is being

blessed, on the people prayer is sent to? Prayer is a very powerful way by which human beings can direct their

creative force, their creative intent and desire - if it is not believed, as the opening suggestion in the

commentary did indeed suggest, that most people do not believe in prayer - then they are again but hollow and

meaningless words which carry no power, no strength whatsoever. If however, the belief is present, the

knowledge and knowing is there, that prayer and the direction of intent and desire can affect things in a strong

and positive way, then the true power of prayer may well be not only realized but effectively utilized. And the

other side of this coin: cursing and sending negative intent at an individual, into a situation, can indeed cause

the negative development of those same energies, and can indeed produce negative effects.

It is for this reason that this Awareness must also add: be careful about what you put out energetically, what

you send out in such a curse or such a negative explosion of dark energy, negative energy - for it too can have

effect, it too can affect the cellular structure of water, of other beings as well. It is a two-sided coin. Prayer in

positive application can achieve amazing results, especially if this is truly known and believed. But equally,

negative expansion of energies through negative means, such as cursing or sending ill will towards another can

also affect another.

It is that which is behind the concept of a curse, or in the voodoo tradition the sending of the bad magic to

another, that often created those situations where individuals would even die when such a curse was put upon

them. There is much to this that is further along than this Awareness is willing to speak of at this time but It is

available to be questioned on another occasion.

Questioner: Do you have a closing message please?


The Circle of Life Continues

COSMIC AWARENESS: In today's session this Awareness started this discussion by suggesting that the Circle

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of Life, the ending of experience and the new beginning of experience, was an area that many needed to

understand and apply to their lives, thus giving a greater sense of the fullness of all life at all stages. In this way

one would be able to see that when something comes to an end, rather than to stay stuck in the endings, to

despair over the cessation of the energies of an individual perhaps, or an event in one's life, a relationship or

anything that comes to an end, even a job or anything that had merit for the individual - rather than simply

grieve and not focus on the new beginning, one should understand that all things must come to an ending so

that all things can start again in a new way, perhaps even a better way. This is so with a human life.

This is so with the events and circumstances within each and every life. This is so with each and every

planet and it is even so with God and the universe in its own way.

This Awareness says that there has been an ending to the organization Cosmic Awareness Communications,

and as the era led by Avaton ends, a new begins. In the organization there will be new developments in the

times ahead that are appropriate for that which is the new organization of Cosmic Awareness Communications.

It is the result of both that which preceded and that which develops and comes of the new beginning. There

may be changes, but there will be a continuance as well in the organization, and the members need to

understand that while there may be changes, these changes are that which are part of the lifecycle of that which

is Cosmic Awareness Communications. This Awareness sees great new developments coming but not at the

expense of what has gone before.

This indeed is a necessary development because that which was the Circle of Life for the organization Cosmic

Awareness Communications has come full circle in one way and a new Circle of Life is about to begin. This is so

for CAC, it is so for the lives of each and every individual in their personal journeys and it is so in the greater

picture, even of Mother Earth, of planet Gaia. This Awareness is complete at this time.

CAC General Reading- (6-17-11) (June 17, 2011)

Will Berlinghof Interpreter/Joan Mills Questioner and Energizer


Did Arthur C. Clarke Get it Right?

QUESTIONER: This is from Ted Helinski. It concerns Comet Elenin, Planet X and Nibiru. Excerpts from two

commentaries by Alexandra Bruce and Mark Brander are offered for consideration and validation. The first one

by Alexandra Bruce: "The passage of Comet Elenin later this year with what may be the brown dwarf twin to

our Sun; wild speculation about Elenin and Nibiru is an organized disinformation campaign, agreed to by M.

Brander who added this to confuse the 2012 pole shifting event." Is there any comment on that first part


COSMIC AWARENESS: Not at this moment. Please proceed.

QUESTIONER: The comments by Mark Brande, "Nibiru was discovered by NASA and it is estimated to be 5

times the size of Earth. Elenin was discovered just last year and it is a mere 4 miles in diameter. The images of

Nibiru are red and the images of Elenin are green. The path and projected trajectory of Nibiru is an outer orbit

event. The path and trajectory of Elenin show it to be an inner orbit event that will place it between the Earth

and the sun. Elenin arrives this fall in 2011 while Nibiru is scheduled to arrive late next year in 2012. Nibiru is

definitely large enough to pull on the earth and cause a pole shift. Elenin will not. I am very suspicious of the

new 38,000-mile near-miss trajectory posted for Elenin that was scrubbed from a NASA chat board. The

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discrepancy was very substantial and should have been caught sooner than it was. This certainly could be

more disinformation to confuse us, cause a scare, and then put people to sleep when nothing happens with the

passing of Elenin." Your summary comments please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: There are several comments this Awareness wishes to make at this time. The smaller

planetoid sphere that is approaching the Earth, Elenin, is indeed an inhabited space vessel. It is of the Galactic

Federation forces and its oncoming is seen by those in power at this time as a hostile event, for they understand

that the reinforcements being brought on this smaller body of Elenin is of sufficient number to shift the control

and balance on the planet and to allow a First Contact event that has been long prophesied. There are many

interesting events relating to this planetoid, this small hollowed out planet that has been converted into a space


It is an event that should be celebrated, for with the arrival of the Galactic Federation forces (which have

somewhat been stymied from initiating the plan that had been formulated) it will be reinforced to a point

where they can overcome the threats that those in power made to the Galactic Federation should they show

themselves in First Contact. The director of NASA recently put out a directive to his employees, to those

working in NASA that was filmed and distributed on YouTube, a warning to be prepared for the event of off-

world humans coming to the planet. It was a confusing, mysterious message and directive from the director of

NASA, indicating that something was up, and something is about to happen.

This event, of course, is not imminent in the next few weeks but is seen to be an event that will correlate with

the energies and upheavals that this Awareness has already spoken of that will occur around the end of

October 2011. This is not an accident, this is not an oversight, but is definitely planned. The director's message

and warnings can be interpreted as a panic reaction, for he of course is part of the Elite, part of the controllers,

and these are the ones fearful of this event, for they know it may well create difficulties for them and the hidden

government of the world and the New World Order's plans for the complete enslavement of humanity, the

taking over of humanity.

Therefore, even though this gentleman's reactions are of a negative nature because he is scared of the

implication, this Awareness is saying that for the majority of humanity this is an event that holds much

promise, and will indeed help the shift of consciousness at this time. This Awareness also wishes to point out

that one of the planet's leading science fiction writers many years ago wrote a novel entitled Rendezvous with

Rama, where it was postulated that a small planetoid space vessel would approach Earth in 2010 and that the

visitors inside would somehow assist humanity in stepping forward, in freeing themselves from their limited

ways of thinking and being.

Again, this was an event that was foreseen many years ago that is playing itself out now. The parallels of a

small planet approaching Earth that may well be filled with extraterrestrial humanoid beings is a message that

was given to Arthur C. Clarke decades before, for it had always been planned to bring this vessel. It has been

underway for a long period of time, longer than the decades between the book and this event coming to

fruition, and therefore Arthur C. Clark was given, through interesting individuals who contacted him, this

information and he went on to write this book. It is not so much that he predicted it as Nostradamus might

have predicted future events; it is not of that nature. It is more that he took information that he was given and

formulated his book from that information.

This is often so for many who seem to be ahead of their times in what they are writing. Often the information

is not given in conscious form. It is not as if an alien knocks on their door and presents this information.

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Sometimes it is given to them in the dream state, at the unconscious levels, as a seed, a thought that they work

with and develop into a book or into their predictions. This is often how it has been that new and novel

thoughts are introduced into the collective mind, into the consciousness of a select few that then are brought

into reality. Inventions often are of this nature. The telephone is such. Alexander Graham Bell may have been

given credit for being the inventor of the telephone, but in truth several others also were receiving that

information, and another also invented a similar device, but he did not patent it quickly enough.

This is all indication of how extraterrestrial beings often implant seed thoughts into the minds of those who

are able to receive, even those who are their own agents, who have chosen to live on earth during the times.

This all has but little to do perhaps on one level with the planetoid that is arriving in Earth's proximity in a very

short while, but this Awareness is indeed saying that this event will be one to celebrate, for it is of the highest

nature and the highest benefit and good for humanity.

The matter of Nibiru is entirely different and it is very much as suggested in this article, that it is an outer path

experience or event, although this Awareness will say that Nibiru's effect on a physical level will not be as

devastating as many are predicting. It will be more that its energies will be in alignment with the planets, the

planetary alignment that this Awareness has already spoken of, that which forms the tunnel or corridor

through which the energies of the Divine, of the Light, will pass through and inundate the planet, creating a

splitting of the two planets, Planet A and Planet B. Nibiru's influence on this will be like a key that opens the

door and allows the energies to flow. It is as if it will be a type of final magnifying glass through which the

energies pass that have an effect on the planet. This is seen as part of the plan to shift planetary consciousness

at that time.

This Awareness simply says to pay attention to things that are reported that seem contrary to what one would

expect to hear. For example, the director of NASA speaking out, warning his employees to prepare themselves

for an extraordinary event. Although he did not use these exact words, he did speak in hidden phrases, in

cloaked terms, but he was speaking about events that when one truly listened to what is being said are indeed

most extraordinary implications and predictions of events about to happen. This Awareness is complete.

QUESTIONER: Just one question. Was he directed to speak out or was this on his own initiative?

COSMIC AWARENESS: It is seen that this was on his own initiative.

QUESTIONER: Congratulations to him, thank you.

COSMIC AWARENESS: There is no congratulations necessary for he was warning others who are part of the

regime of control. Not all of the employees are in the loop, like most of the higher officials he was talking to. He

was giving a direct message; a warning to those who are not in the loop he indeed felt would never understand

what he was talking about. It was a veiled message to his cohorts that is to help them understand to buy gold,

to provide provisions; for in his mind, for those in control there is a danger in this planet that is approaching:

Elenin, but this is not seen by this Awareness as being so. This Awareness feels there will be more to be spoken

on this matter at a later date.


A Brief History of Planet Mercury

QUESTIONER: The next one concerns the planet Mercury. "NASA's Messenger", as it's called, has uncovered

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evidence of a lopsided magnetic field and regular bursts of electrons jetting through the magnetosphere.

Volcanoes appear to have played a large role in shaping Mercury, providing fresh material to fill its cratered

face, i.e. a massive plain of ancient lava flow, and also possibly providing an unexpected supply of sulfur to the

surface, a finding suggesting Mercury may have had different building blocks than Venus, Earth and Mars. The

planet's lopsided magnetic field is stronger in the North than in the South - a theory being that the planet's

magnetic field is in the process of flipping. Questions: is Mercury, the planet supposedly closest to the sun,

truly a planet and what were its origins please?"

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness does say that Mercury can be considered a planet, even though it is a

planet quite different than the Earth. Is origins are seen to be some of the initial materials of the cosmos that

collected around the Sun. It is seen to have been part of a large foreign body that entered into the solar system

of the Sun many, many eons ago that was captured by the sun in this close proximity orbit, and as it started to

orbit the sun, reformed itself into a planetary body that was constantly under assault, if you will, from the

tremendous heat of the sun melting it, reforming it. It is almost in a liquid state, and it could indeed be

considered to be a quasi-liquid state. Even though there appear to be solid surfaces, these surfaces continually

undergo mass transformation as the solar flares that hit them, the sun's temperature as it rises and lowers,

often melts the surfaces and they then reform when a cooler period arises.

While this is a planetary body, it is of course not one that has ever hosted life. It is not even seen that when it

was a small chunk of rock, a rather large small chunk of rock, flying through the cosmos, that it was not part of a

bigger planet that had exploded but rather a chunk of material that had exploded out of another sun billions

and billions of years ago that finally entered into the solar system, as this Awareness has said, to be trapped by

the sun, reformed by the heat and the energies of the Sun to form that which is now known as the planet


QUESTIONER: I see. Thank you. Is it in fact in the process of flipping its magnetic field or does it have a

magnetic field?

COSMIC AWARENESS: It does have a magnetic field of sorts but this Awareness does not see it in the process

of flipping its magnetic field, for It sees a different event occurring here. It sees that the magnetic field is not

quite as on Earth, where there is a North and South Pole, both on the surface of the planet. It is seen that the

focal point of the North Pole is above the surface of the planet, the southern pole under the surface. Thus the

stronger focus of the North Pole above the surface is easier to record than the submerged portion that is under

the surface of the southern pole or the southern polar region. This does not mean that the poles do not shift

from time to time, but at this point it is not seen that this is what is occurring.

QUESTIONER: I see, thank you. Are there any other planetary bodies also in the process of flipping, as is


COSMIC AWARENESS: This is not seen at this time.


What's Causing all Those Gaping Holes in the Ground?

QUESTIONER: Great, thank you; that was interesting.

Ok, we next go to sinkholes. This comes from Iris Schuberth. She writes: "Bizarre reports of gaping holes in

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the ground continue to come in from all over the place - in cities, on the open roads, in the countryside. Many of

the sinkholes you'll see below (there were pictures) have been individually explained away as happening due

to heavy rainfall during storms, old leftover constructions from mining and subsidence caused by some nearby

disturbance - either natural or man-made. The cause of others, however remain mysterious. I think the

important thing to consider is why so many of these sinkholes are appearing at once. If you consider that the

universe speaks to us in symbols, then perhaps there may be a deeper meaning behind their appearance at this

evolutionary crossroads for humanity? With all the other Earth changes going on before our very eyes, I think

sinkholes provide more evidence that an old stable system, namely Earth's surface, is breaking up. A collection

of images gathered on SOTT from the recent past are available on the website. The questions: some of the

holes are perfectly round. Is there any particular reasoning for this?"

COSMIC AWARENESS: First, this Awareness would say that many of the sinkholes are indeed due to natural

causes of erosion under the surface. Not all are mysteries from that aspect. But those that have the natural

round opening, totally circular, are manufactured and there are reasons for this. Mostly they were designed for

the entrance into these regions by extraterrestrial craft that could sink into these holes without worrying about

jagged openings. One area that was not mentioned is that some of the sinkholes occur in areas under the

ground where the tunnel system that is used for planetary transport by those settled extraterrestrial beings

that have been on this planet for hundreds of thousands of years, have shifted, have eroded, and thus the

collapse from the collapsing tunnels that are largely no longer used is also another reason for such sinkholes.

There are sinkholes in the jungles of Guatemala as well as some of the other Central American countries, as

well as other countries of the world, that were manufactured as places that their ships could go into the Earth;

the hole in the Central American country of Guatemala being one such case. They would be safe in their holes.

There were access tunnels that would go to the underground tunnel systems where the vacuum trains would

fly through a sort of bus station, if you will, to be used by the extraterrestrial beings in those regions. This is

still somewhat the case. There are areas where openings into sides of mountains, for example, allow the

extraterrestrial craft to go into a mountain, with the mountain opening up to allow the vessel to enter, then the

mountain closing and the access to the tunnel ports underneath the mountain are then utilized by the

inhabitants in these vessels.

This is all part of that which is yet to be exposed; yet to be made public, but it is also seen as part of the

deception and cover-up that is still hidden from the public at this time. Therefore, as a general answer this

Awareness does say: those sinkholes with a perfectly round circular opening are indeed the works of

extraterrestrial beings to access the underground ports and storage areas, whereas other sinkholes are

occurring from natural causes.

As to this individual's analogy that the sinkholes can also be seen as a statement of the sinking situation on

Planet Earth, one could stretch these events to that meaning if one chose to. This Awareness chooses not to,

and It instead says that the Earth itself is starting to shift more and more as it is approaching that shifting point

where there will be a separation between the planets that allows two physical Earths to form: Planet A and

Planet B. As the planet herself is starting to shift and move, sometimes this creates a stress factor that collapses

the roofs of these underground sinkholes, that allows the ceiling to come down.

This is of a more natural variety, not of the order of the manufactured areas; sink holes that have been created

by extraterrestrial beings, but rather simply the result of the collapsing structure of the surface of the planet

producing rather extraordinary sinkholes. This is how this Awareness sees it versus a statement that this is

indicative of the sinking nature of humanity. There is some elegance in this concept that this Awareness

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22 appreciates but It does not see it as entirely valid.

QUESTIONER: One question please: Are the majority of the extraterrestrial craft landing, are the majority

friendly or are they both types, friendly and unfriendly?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness would say that the majority of the landings on the planet are not of a

friendly nature. The Galactic Federation forces largely do not land on the planet if this can be avoided, whereas

the Reptilian/Orion/Grey faction have often landed on the planet, have areas where they fly their

extraterrestrial vessels in. This Awareness spoke just now of mountains that open up to allow their vessels to

land and park, if you will. Many also go under the ocean where there are underwater bases where they are

parked, where they land. At this time the need for deception is still greater than exposing themselves and

showing themselves. Extraterrestrial beings that are connected to the Galactic Federation generally do not

land on the planet's surface but are above in the skies and in orbit around the planet.


Clearing Away the Confusion

QUESTIONER: Our next one comes from Maria St. M. It concerns Soul and Spirit. "Would Awareness please

discuss the difference between what a soul is and what a spirit is and if there is in fact a difference between

them? The different religions each have their own option/opinion on this subject." Your comment please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This is indeed an area of confusion, for as the entity herself said a spirit, a soul -

indicating that Spirit is a singular presence, if you will, such as a soul. When this Awareness speaks of Spirit it is

more general in its meaning, implying that Spirit is that which is the consciousness of the Divine, at a level of

expression into human consciousness to indicate that there is that level of spiritual awareness, Divine

Awareness, that has as Its purpose the guidance of humanity, the guidance of the realms of consciousness that

allow a cohesiveness of consciousness. Thus Spirit is not quite the same as soul, for soul is a strand of


This Awareness is pausing for the moment because soul belongs to Spirit. The soul is part of Spirit and thus

when one returns back to Spirit, one can be said to be returning back to the soul as well. But the soul also has

more distinct consciousness, in a manner of speaking. It could be understood that a soul is the body of

consciousness from which cells of consciousness emerge to partake in a human experience, an experience of

life not unknown to God or the Divine. Again, there is a pause, for this Awareness sees the soul as having

human expression, not necessarily animal consciousness or vegetable consciousness. What this Awareness

wishes to say is the following: Spirit involves all strands of consciousness; soul is more singular in nature, more

a collective body.

Thus it is that the soul sends out aspects of itself to have experiences, primarily in human consciousness on

this planet. It is not related to, for example, animal consciousness. Thus the animal group soul from which, let

us say, a dog comes from is not the same as the soul that human aspects come from. Yet the dog strain of

consciousness, that which is the dog collective consciousness, is part of Spirit. Spirit incorporates all soul

levels. It indeed holds the group collective consciousness for the mineral world, for the plant world, for the

animal world and for the human world. It is an expression of divine consciousness, an understanding that It

holds the consciousness of sentient beings, while the soul is more a singular strand of consciousness or an

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individual consciousness that is also collective in nature.

Thus a soul will be composed of many cells or many aspects of itself, all within the body of a soul.

Furthermore, there are various souls for various humans who are part of a soul group, soul family, within the

soul itself. There are pods or groups that have a similar family. There is the soul family. Thus it is an aspect of

the soul can be born into physical life and be part of a physical family, but not being part of the soul family. A

member of one's soul family may not necessarily also be a member of one's human family. One may meet

another in life and realize that they come from the same soul family or soul group, soul pod. There are different

words that can be used to describe this concept. When this happens, there is generally speaking a great sense

of familiarity, of connection that is often greater than one might even feel with their own blood relatives, their

own family members.

Those who are from the same soul pod, soul group, soul family will often have an affinity for one another, will

understand each other. It is as if that which connects them is so deep that often they do not need even to speak

in words what they feel and what they know, for they understand that the other shares this way of thinking,

this way of knowing. When one ends the physical journey, when one returns back into Spirit, it could be said

that one is first and foremost returning to the overall field of consciousness that exists beyond physical

consciousness. But when one returns back into one's soul, one is returning into the body of consciousness from

which they emanated, from which they are a part of, an aspect of, and this is part of Spirit, but it is a very strong

and unique expression of Spirit that is focused into a collective mindset and purpose.

The purpose of one soul may be quite different than the purpose of another soul. Many have heard of young

souls and old souls. Loosely speaking, an old soul may be an aspect that has been around longer than a more

newly formulated soul grouping, a soul body. They have had aspects that have had many physical incarnations,

both on the planet Earth as well as on the other planets that contain human life. The Galactic Federation forces

are often of the old soul variety, for they have begun their journey much further back than the more recent

beginnings of planet Earth and those Terrans who are the new souls of planet Earth. Thus it is that many of the

old souls who incarnate on planet Earth have a Star Being origin that does not start on planet Earth, but

perhaps on one of the 11 other planets that hosted human life. Often they come to this planet to assist the

young souls that are starting incarnational experiences in physical form on planet Earth.

Thus it is, old souls have started their journeys much earlier, and they are old souls more because they have

had the chance to have many lifetimes, where the young soul is still going through preliminary experiences as

the collective identity of that soul is forming itself. The old souls have already formulated many aspects of

consciousness and conscious awareness that they bring into play when those old souls interact in the larger

play of life on planet Earth. All of this is combined in the understanding that the soul is a unique focus of Spirit

that is choosing to have singular experiences, as well as having a collective experience, as the aspects of the

many parts of the soul also bind together to create the overall soul - be it an old soul, a medium soul or a young

soul. This is even limited in explanation but at this time this Awareness feels that It has now answered the

question sufficiently for this time and stands prepared to answer any further questions the Energizer has of It.

QUESTIONER: Yes. An aside to this: are you prepared to discuss the other planets that have humans on them

or is this for another time?

COSMIC AWARENESS: In which way would you ask this question?

QUESTIONER: You referred to the 11 other planets hosting human life.

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COSMIC AWARENESS: Loosely speaking, these are the 11 planets that are the Galactic Federation. They are

humanoid in form. Thus the Pleiadeans, the Arcturians, the Venusians, the Solarians, the Vegans, Lyrians, the

Sirians, and Andromedeans - that they are all human beings. The planet Terra, or Mother Earth, Gaia, is the

youngest, the child planet; that planet Earth is the child planet. And it is as if the older brothers and sisters

have come to help this sibling of theirs ascend, to move forward, to help it grow up, to reach a more mature


The souls of each of the other planets, if you will, could be considered separately from the concept of Spirit

overall. Thus it is that the Pleiadian souls are such that they started their human journeys at a point so far back

in time, if you will, that they have had much opportunity to grow, expand, to indeed pass through the Ascension

experiences that they have encountered in their own development along the way. They have an understanding,

an awareness, that it is only by helping those of the soul family that they are part of to ascend, that they

themselves will continue their growth and development. Each of the planets can be considered to also have a

planetary soul.

All the citizens belong to all those aspects of the soul that have come into human incarnation and also belong

to a planetary soul, which is subdivided into other layers or levels, separate individual souls that compose the

consciousness of that planet. At this time on planet Earth, it being a younger soul, not entirely awake, not

entirely aware - thus being misled, thus being sidetracked by those who have another agenda, those who have

come to mislead those who are here to wake up ultimately. These brothers and sister souls are here to help the

child soul reach a new level of conscious awareness.

But it is also understood that there are others with other agendas from other soul groups, if you will, who

wish to introduce alternative experiences. This is one way of understanding what is happening; this not being

of a level of judgment that one is better than the other. One can simply align to a soul's energy that best

corresponds with one, and then they will be drawn to work with the energies of that soul in whatever context it

appears. This begins to become truly most complex. This Awareness chooses to leave it at that for now.



QUESTIONER: Thank you and again our appreciation and thanks to the Galactic Federation for their assistance

at this time, thank you.

Carrying on, we can have something from Judy Chan. She asks, "Is time going faster? (She has translated

from an original article in Italian) Since more than a week ago electric watches and clocks in the city of Catania,

and in other Sicilian cities too, seem to have become crazy. The clocks are faster - up to 15 to 20 minutes per

day - a phenomenon hard to explain that made two ICT experts of St. Microelectronics, which is a multinational

in the semiconductors' section, very curious. The article continues saying that the same problem is also with

microwave ovens and alarm clocks. The phenomenon seems to be concentrated in the Catania area not far

from the Etna volcano. My question is: what is causing this phenomenon?"

COSMIC AWARENESS: It is seen that in this particular region there is a seeping out from under the earth,

energies that are not in phase with the normal passage of time as it is recorded. It is indeed an acceleration

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that is occurring in that area that is impacting the timing devices, causing them to speed up, but this is not a

localized problem only. These speeding up energies are, generally speaking, accelerating the whole of the

planet and thus it could be said, as many have so often observed, that time itself seems to be going by faster,

seems to be speeding up in this area. There is an actual reason why this is occurring. It could be understood to

be vortex type energies; that the underground lava that is exploding out of Mount Etna is also magnetically

affecting the region, and the magnetic effect is accelerated and therefore having a direct effect on the timing

devices, causing them to speed up.

This same effect can be noted in other areas where vortex energies are ramping up, and are accelerating.

There are many in areas who note that their personal timing devices are also speeding up, be it a wristwatch, a

clock on the wall or an electronic clock. This is simply part of the acceleration of consciousness that is also

occurring in the planet, and parts of the planet are waking up and are being activated, are starting to become

more active, and it is in these areas where there are movements of energies, vortex type movements, that it will

be most noted that timing devices are being affected.

This Awareness says even the Interpreter in his own home has noticed that his clock radio and several other

timing devices are starting to speed up independently of each other, recording different times, and this

Awareness says others will also be noticing this and have noticed this of late.

QUESTIONER: Are the vortex energies mainly responsible or are there other factors involved?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness has used the term vortex because it is a swirling type of energy. It is

not quite a vortex of the nature that this Awareness has spoken of that may appear, that an individual can walk

through. But generally speaking this is one of the clues of where vortexes may be - an area where it is noticed

that watches are speeding up, are going haywire, is often an area where a vortex will later arrive or appear that

may well be used for the purpose of transit to the heightened higher dimensions of consciousness.


Other creatures are leaving as well

QUESTIONER: We go to Joseph Montagne in Portland. It concerns colony collapse disorder and honeybees.

He writes, "Is colony collapse disorder involving honeybees caused by either HAARP or perhaps cell phone

microwave towers? Both of these can severely disrupt the bee's sonar, causing them to lose their way. Is there

additional information concerning the topic of honeybees which has previously been discussed recently?"

COSMIC AWARENESS: This matter has been previously discussed, and this Awareness does not have further

information, other than It will say that the problem continues to accelerate. HAARP technology here is not seen

as the major culprit, but indeed when the HAARP rays are focused on an area they can indeed disrupt the sonar

of bees as well as other creatures. It is the microwave towers that are most disruptive in local regions and

areas, as well as the high contamination on the planet, and other energies of disharmony that so affect the

sensitivity of bees and other beings, creatures that rely on sonar resonance to bilocate: migratory birds, fish,

whales, porpoises, all of these creatures that use sonar location to find their way around are having their sonar

senses disrupted by the rampant energy fluxes that are happening as the result of technology and technological

advances, such as cell phone towers, which are basically microwave towers.

This Awareness also wishes again to state, as It has previously, that many of these creatures are already

making their transit to planet A and are more active on that planet than on the present A-B planet that is the

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current planet of experience. It is as if they have already shifted themselves and are very active in pollinating

the new planet Earth, the new Eden that Planet A will be. It is not seen that they are making the shift to Planet

B, for the energies are not conducive to them on that planet. There are other creatures as well that are starting

this mass shift, including the dolphins, the whales, the migratory birds that seem to be disappearing - even the

Monarch butterfly is seen to be crossing over into the planet A energy system.



QUESTIONER: I've noticed there have been fewer honeybees recently. Usually they're just swarming but

there's just so many fewer. Thank you for that information. This particular one came from Ted. I'll read it, as

it's interesting. It concerns the meatless burger.

"Japanese researcher Mitsuyuki Ikeda has developed a new kind of meatless burger made from soy, steak

sauce essence and protein matter extracted from human excrement. Ikeda's 'poop burger' is literally derived

from sewage mud, which is a nice way of saying that it was created from human waste. By extracting the

protein and lipids from this "mud", Ikeda was able to take these components, add a reaction enhancer to them,

and process the slurry into a meat-like product. Ikeda then added a steak-flavoring agent; soy sauce and food

coloring to the mix and voila , an imitation meat product that he says tastes just like real beef. According to

reports, the final meat-like product is 63% protein, 25% carbohydrates, 9% minerals and 3% lipids.

"I admit that few people would be keen to eat it, knowing it's made of human excrement", said Ikeda in an

interview. As far as the cost is concerned - because at the moment it includes the cost of research - artificial

meatless meat is 10 to 20 times more expensive than normal meat, but once the research is complete and it's

put on the market, we'll probably be able to price it at roughly the same level as normal meat. Ikeda added that

because his 'turd steaks' are low in fat they will supposedly be of interest to those who love to eat burgers, but

who want to watch their calorie intake. Your comments please? My thought was: is this something they're

going to have on planet B." Your comments please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: It is obvious that the immediate reaction of most humans would be negative towards

eating such a product, for there is something indeed foul about eating one's own excrement, even if it is not

exactly one's own excrement. The concept of eating excrement generally is so offensive and unappetizing to

humans that even if they seriously consider doing so, ultimately it is seen that they would almost literally gag

on the product simply because of what they know it is derived from. Generally speaking, that all that is

occurring here are components of that which is human waste is being recycled, and reformed into other


One could indeed understand that they are taking the base ingredients out of the slurry and reconstituting it,

re-creating it into another product. This is seen to be research that is being done for an ulterior motive, not one

expressed, for it is well understood by these individuals that their product will never truly catch on, will never

truly pass the test that would create an interest in such products and use of such products. The true reason

why these human turd burgers, as it was quoted, are being developed is as an alternative food source for times

ahead when there will be a breakdown of food production. It is part of the overall plan to create such food for

the masses so that they can eat something.

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The plan is that the Elite will have the real food, the vegetables and meats and products - and that the masses

will be fed such substitute food. It will work, it will keep them healthy, it will keep them alive, and they will be

brainwashed to believe that it is even good for them. This Awareness reminds many of the members of a movie

with Charlton Heston several years ago, a movie entitled Soylent Green. The protagonist discovered that it was

actually human beings that were ground up and made into protein chips that were then fed back to the

populace. It was a type of cannibalism and yet those in power dined well, had their wines, their caviars, their

exotic meals, while the masses subsisted on Soylent Green and other products made from ground-up human


The burgers made from human excrement may not be as offensive as a product made from ground-up human

beings, but it is still serving the same purpose. The masses, which will be considered as inconsequential, will be

fed such protein, such a food source to keep them alive but not to help them flourish. They are not important in

the minds of those in charge and do not deserve the luxuries, the benefits of those who are the Elite, those who

are the controllers. It is for this reason why such research is being done, such products are being produced, not

only by this one individual but other firms throughout the world, so that when the world food supply collapses

due to crop failures, due to economic hardships and situations, there will be a form of sustenance for the many

that will keep them alive, even if it is made out of human crap.

QUESTIONER: Wow! Question please: isn't mad cow disease due to animals eating animals and wouldn't such

similar results also occur with this particular "formula"?

COSMIC AWARENESS: It would not, for the simple reason that mad cow disease was the result of herbivores

being fed meat protein, indeed even meat offal from other cows. It was a type of cannibalism, but why it

created this result, this mad cow syndrome, is that these animals were never designed to absorb meat protein,

even their own kind. Thus they were being given something to eat that they literally could not absorb and then

on top of this there were the opposing energies of eating cow flesh, cows eating cows that created the mad cow

outbreak. However, human beings are carnivorous in nature, omnivores that eat both meat and fruit,

vegetables and grains. Therefore, as repugnant as it may be to eat other human beings, still their systems are

more aligned to this and thus it would not create the same kind of illness in a physical way. However, this is not

to say that it would not create a mental health schism that could indeed create much damage and cause much

harm. This is on a different energetic level, however.


Unity Consciousness as a Way Forward

QUESTIONER: Thank you for that explanation, it makes sense.

We go now to Earl Snyder concerning 5th density thinking. He writes, "It seems to me that all creative

potential comes from the 5th dimension and passes through the 4th density on its way to us in the 3rd. Here in

the 3rd we must make an effort to create positive solutions by allowing our intuition to do it, not our mind. I

guess I think it's very important to be involved with a constant diet of positivity rather than ever having to

consider the negative at all. I used to watch Democracy Now with Amy Goodman. Now I just don't have time to

be watching the awful stuff that is going on. I already know why it's happening and will not even go there. We

have plenty to do just creating positive solutions that improve all life." Are there any comments on his

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observations please? Thank you.

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness cannot find fault with his observations, but this Awareness can say

they are somewhat limited. Why it is that this Awareness says they are somewhat limited is that only focusing

on the positive and ignoring the negative does not always produce the most rounded and balanced outlook or

way of living. This Awareness has said in the past and would again say in the future, that watching news on

television is very negative for many people who are adversely affected by the fear mongering that is taking

place, by the negativity that is being presented. And those who cannot adjust beyond this, who are personally

affected by this negative form of informing the populace, do indeed do better by not watching it at all; this

Awareness supports this as an action to be taken.

But beyond this, this Awareness would say that it would be much better to raise one's consciousness to unity

consciousness, which goes beyond either positive or negative. Therefore, if one is coming from Unity

Consciousness, one is aware that in a dualistic way of thinking, everything is either right or wrong, positive or

negative, light or dark. As one stays in dualistic thinking one feels they must choose one over the other. This

individual is in dualistic thinking, believing that staying only with positive outlooks, energies and focus that he

will avoid being affected by the negative. This is not so, for at some point the negative may still infiltrate into

his world outlook and affect his personal reality.

When this happens he is once again drawn back into the negativity he is trying to exclude. This is so for all

individuals who are still coming from dualistic thinking, who are trying to avoid negative outcomes, negative

involvement, and negative energies. As this Awareness has said, generally speaking this is okay, but this

Awareness says to go beyond this to find that level of understanding that sees that the good and bad, the light

and dark have their place. What is positive is as valid and as important as that which is negative.

For example, on the planet itself in its daily rotations there are periods of time when the planet is either in the

light of day or the dark of night. Generally night is equated with dark energies, negative energies, while the

light of day is considered positive. This Awareness says that if it were so that day extended many hours, indeed

if this planet did not rotate as it does, one side was in the light all of the time and the other side in the dark all of

the time, both sides would be very negatively affected. There is a problem with being in the light too much, just

as there is a problem with being in the dark too much, and yet both counterbalance each other, both trade off

for each other and provide a respite for others, a balancing of the other force, thus it is that both have merit.

While most cannot accept that an individual who does something bad, who does something evil, can have

merit, can have a purpose - still it is so that in the greater plan of things some aspects of the soul that come into

human life, physical incarnation, choose to play the bad guy role, the bad woman role, the bad person role. By

doing so they create situations where those who are seeking to have higher, positive, enlightened experiences

can actually be triggered, can actually be activated, can actually be supported by those who are their

opposition, their nemesis. When the soul goes back, it sees the entire situation. But on the planet during this

dualistic experience it may well be so that one sees only one side of the picture, and depending on what side of

the picture one is on will qualify whether that is the right side or the wrong side.

Those who serve the dark, those who are negative, those who are even evil, would consider themselves as on the

right side - while those who oppose them, those who are Servants of the Light, those who are trying to live

positive lives, would see those who were not so inclined as being wrong while they are right. It is not unlike

situations where two countries, both believing in God, claim that God is on their side, and because they have

God on their side the enemy must be evil and must not have God on their side. And yet they too believe they

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have God on their side, that they are right and their opponents, their enemy, are those who are wrong.

Therefore, while this Awareness does say that generally speaking there is merit in what the individual has

stated, this Awareness would recommend that all begin to see the greater picture, the unified picture, to strive

for Unity Consciousness as a way forward at this time.



QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was excellent.

This one is from Joe concerning 5th density thinking.

"Lately I have found it more and more difficult to focus on information constantly, that although would be

necessary in bringing about awareness and understanding, it would also increase fear when thoughts are

outside of when and where we are really are. So much emphasis is put on fear and darkness and so little on

love and awareness and 'light'. Is not the latter that which will help those that wish to evolve in this coming

Ascension period, especially when it has been estimated that only between 470 to 510 million souls on this

planet will choose that path. This was given by the Andromedean Council. Should there not be a balance,

especially when it is obvious in which direction the scales are tipped?" Your comments please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: First, this Awareness, coming from Unity Consciousness, does not pay attention to such

statistics, for this would indicate only a very small amount are on the right track and the majority are not on the

right track. In alignment with the discussion just given by this Awareness, every soul aspect having an

experience is having it for a reason, be it an experience of the light or the dark, of good or evil. Therefore, even

if there were 6 1/4 billion people who were having a bad life experience, it does not mean that they are not

having a worthwhile experience of their choosing. What is indeed correct here is that by choosing light and

love, by choosing the highest vibrations, one brings themselves into these vibrations, one brings themselves

into Unity Consciousness and one begins to see the whole picture.

The use of fear is definitely at this time a true route that those who are in charge and control feel will bring

them the results they are seeking: domination of humanity for their own purposes. And yet at the same time

this Awareness says that even though this may be their purpose, they may still be serving the greater plan of

God, they may still be bringing humanity forward, even at this time of great upheaval and change. What is most

important is that one chooses for themselves, to align themselves with the highest forces of unity, of oneness, of

divine unconditional love and acceptance. It does not mean that one needs to lie down and allow the oppressor

simply to walk over them, for it may be that in line with becoming unified in consciousness one must stand up

and say no, one must stand up and say there is a better way.

They may still be struck down for offering the better way, the unified way, but they will never be destroyed,

they will never be eliminated. They will never be snuffed out, for the message is always one that will leave an

imprint that will plant a seed. Therefore, as all will come to that crossing point eventually, this Awareness does

say it is better, in a manner of speaking, to seek to live a worthy life, an enlightened life, a soulful life, for this is

about one's personal spiritual evolution.

At this time humanity stands on a threshold where many will cross - many more than the 400 million

individuals that the Andromeda statistics quoted. But this is not yet so in this moment, and there is still much

more that is opening and shifting, that is happening beyond that which even the Andromedeans have seen and

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understood. Therefore, this Awareness cannot hold to that statistic. It simply says statistics of this nature are

rather useless. Focus on oneself, focus on living the highest principles, focus on one's own spiritual evolution

and journey, and all else will follow from there.

QUESTIONER: That was excellent, thank you. Is there additional please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness feels that It is complete at this time.

QUESTIONER: Thank you. Is there a closing message?


The Attraction of Fear- Keeping Humanity in Fear

COSMIC AWARENESS: The closing message that this Awareness has is that there is pervasive on this planet at

this time energies afoot that keep humanity in fear. The Interpreter recently heard a phrase that very much

expresses this, this being the phrase, "fear porn". Pornography is a situation that has great appeal and

attraction to many individuals. Its power is such that many seek it out, it is an aphrodisiac of a nature. Fear

porn insinuates that fear is also an attraction, and people seek fearful situations out because it gives them

something. Many enjoy the thrill of fear, for it puts them on the edge, it makes them feel more alive. And yet

when fear is overwhelming and overdone it incapacitates the individual, it diminishes them, it entraps them,

and it destroys them.

Therefore, while fear porn is an attraction that brings an edge to one's life - when one endures too much,

when one is engulfed in fear on a constant basis, it indeed diminishes one. This is why it is more important to

step away from situations that are about unresolved conflict, that simply engender fear. Those in charge, those

in control, are subjecting humanity to a constant flood of fearful situations. There is fear that the food one eats

is contaminated, there is fear that there is radioactivity in the atmosphere that is settling in the ground, and

that is being absorbed. There is fear that society is collapsing, and that the economic structure will collapse.

There is fear, there is fear and there is more fear always being promoted on the screens of the televisions, over

the airwaves, in the print of the newspapers.

This fear needs to be put into perspective. As long as one is attracted to fear porn and listens to it and absorbs

it and feeds on it, one will live in fear, one will become diminished to the point that one gives their powers away

to the governments, to the authorities, to the ones in power. One says, "Please save me, I cannot do anything, I

am afraid!" It is at this time that fear has accomplished for those in power exactly what it was that they wished

to achieve in the first place. Therefore, at this time of great fear, of even fear porn which has such attraction to

so many, it is implicit that one needs to look beyond, needs to elevate oneself beyond the fear levels that are in

existence at this time.

One must remind themselves that it is the goal of those in power to bring a sense of hopelessness to one and

all, this being created by an overwhelming of fear, and that as long as one stays fearful and lives and swims and

breathes fear, then one will also become more and more hopeless about the future and more likely to give one's

powers away. These are exciting times, and these are promising times. The winds of change that are blowing

hold great promise in them and this is in itself something that needs to be focused on and looked to.

All the changes that are coming may have elements of fear involved because change in itself can be fearful,

but if one chooses not to dwell in fear, and to understand that change may be unsettling but it will pass, one will

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start to move beyond fear. When one does not swim in fear, breathe fear constantly or absorb it all of the time,

when one chooses to understand there is a greater future and that God, the Divine, is part of that future

spiritual comprehension, evolution, involvement and unfolding, and is part of the future - then one can start to

step easily beyond the fear and see it for what it truly is: the manipulation of a few that are so frightened

themselves of losing control that they are willing to lose their own soul in order to stay in power.

These beings of fear can do little more than spread fear. Beings of Light will always rise above fear. Love is the

way, Light is the way, and Hope is the way.

QUESTIONER: Thank you, it was an excellent session, considerable information for thought.

(The Law of Gratitude is given)

COSMIC AWARENESS CONSULTATIONS These are way beyond a “reading‟, it’s a life experience. Personal Cosmic Awareness Consultations, Regression therapy to past lives, Addiction therapy, working at deep multidimensional levels, Huna Techniques. You can get “readings‟ everywhere today but you can now talk for 60 minutes directly with Cosmic Awareness Itself! Rates: $300 for non-members, $200 for CAC members, US dollars. The phone call itself is paid by Will. Make a quick call to Will Berlinghof at 403-286-5248 to arrange an appointment or send an email to: [email protected]. He will call you back.


COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar

Cayce and other great avatars who served as "Channels" for the "Heavenly Father" and who speaks again today as the world begins to

enter the "New Age" of spiritual consciousness and awareness. Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through

carefully trained channels. This information is for those who desire to help in bringing in the New Age. Throughout the thousands of

"Readings" given through these various channels, Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt,

and discover for yourself, through your own channel what is the Truth. Cosmic Awareness will only "indicate" and "suggest". Neither

C.A.C. or any of the Interpreters is responsible for anything Cosmic Awareness states in any of these readings, nor does C.A.C. or the

Interpreters necessarily agree with the statements of Cosmic Awareness. The Interpreters interpret the energies as they see them in

trance levels and are not personally responsible for what is said. The Interpreters published herein have no connection with, nor control

over the editorial comments and material, including illustrations. This is entirely the responsibility of the editor. Members of C.A.C. are

invited to send in questions of general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication in this newsletter.


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