the daley iowan

- ITING .J ".er of Eetter , Baltimore, Md tie Sharp St. >ackage to any through the lapter. Special 1 lates fw:nishetl. Rings, Medals S, eta. J ;ity J { Store and ' Sup- 11 Collefes [N PENS rlners and mts Louis le of So, i.nnings of and Amm- T- gar Soore NSHOE [RING )ANY I buque St. ne Wblle Walt les, na.Ued >les, nailed >Ies, sewed oles. sewed o 8 P. l\f. Daily ...... .Ii', r 't . he Eye!! I I nish It'=1 to more l old I ;hods I Gal trie Co. ." THE DAlEY IOWAN PUBLISHIIID BY THB STUDBNTS OF THB STA.T. UJUVIilBSITY OF IOWA. I VOL. XI. IOWA CITY, IOWA, FRIDAY .ORNING, APRIL 12, 1912. NUMBER 130 " ,.- 3:00 O'CLOCK 50 CENTS I 10W A vs. IS FmST INTER-COLLEGIATE 1 GAME OF YEAR J ON IOWA FIELD, SATURDAY AFTERNOON , , lfAGUERS IN fRONT All UN I V E R SIT IE S THE PANDEAN PlAYERS fiNAl PREPARATIONS IOWA AND IlLINOIS IN FOURTH Of SERIES SUBMIT QUESTIONS HAVE NEW PRODUCTION fOR BIG G. U. DINNER IN OPENER TOMORROW FARCIAL GAME GOES TO THE DEBATING omOUIT PREPARES "WllEY WE WERE TWENTY·ONE" PROGRAl\f WJLL BE 0 ")i'ERENCE ' lLUU'IONS 0)1E DAVENPORTERS I. OIl 1912 ON'J'ESTS TO UE GIVEN APRIL 20 ANNOUN ED SUNDAY TO IOWA }'IE),J) Score Is 16 to Have lleen lown Places \\ 'isconsin's Selection Richard Vigars and Miss UaJ'Y Kiler Sen 101' Class to Go In Bo(ly-Tlckets n port 'f hat llIln ol }'rote t 1 Iowa WOl'se--Ontfield and SbOl't Ahead of Own Question in Vot- Will Appeal' In LeadJng Pal·t Will Be on ale in Il Day AUlIet s DecJur d J·'ul by IOwA Are Weak ing fOI' I"l'eference The best we could do yesterday Questions submitted by the five wasn't enough to keep the big lea- universities in the Central Dabating guers from getting horribly bored Circuit of America are now In the in the fourth game of the series. hands of E. Clyde Robbins, secretary The Pretzels won as they pleased, of the circuit, and copies have been making a score of 16 to 2, which sent to each university for ranking. might as well have been sixty-six for The list comprises a number of ques_ in Coming Play 0(' Two Authorltle The Pandean Players, whO have Final preparations are now being Purified baseball ot the 1912 brand been practicing for the past six made for the big univerSity dinner will be on exhibition at the local lot weeks, w11l present Henry Esmond'S which is to take place next Tuesday. tomorrow afternoon, when Iowa and comedy drama, " When We Were The committee having the arrange- II1lnols clash [n tbe first college game Twenty_one," at the Coldren Satur- ments in charge has been constant- of the season for th Ilawkeyes. The day afternoon and evening, April 20. Iy at work during the past few days, 1I1Ini have already made a southern Tbe situations are of EngIlsh mod- and by Monday everything will be In trip and won some games from Ten- all that the locals could have done;· tions which are vital issues in Amer- ern city life and exceedingly unique readiness for the big event. nesee, also a game from Indiana, But the Davenport boys always know ica today and which are good de- in development of plot and presen- The program will be announced In while the Hawkey s have put In tbe when it's time to let up, said time batable subjects. The list of subjects ta tton of characters. " llichard Vigars next Iowan. This part of past week being beaten up by the being about 6 p. m. Red Pepper with the universities offering them whose excellent work , was demon- the preparation bas required the Davenport Three-Eye league tam. Walsh was again our best friend, the! is as follows: strated in "At Ingle Hall," presented most work, as something speCial has Both the Iowa and JIllnol teams kindly backstop encouraging bis Iowa : "Resolved, That a system last February, will again haVe the been attempted by tbe committee. have been sadly riddled by the en- comrades to die painlessly by re- of compulsory industrial insurance leading male part, and Miss Mary Although the program has been prac- lorcement ot the Big Eight rulings in minders of the possible shortage of coverill 6' accident, sickness, invalid- Kifer, of Sioux City, shows exception- tlcally completed, it was thought regard to professionaltsm. The Illi- beefsteak at the hashery if they dal. ity, and old age, should be adopted al promise as leading lady. The best to withhold the announcement nols team has lost aptain Van lied longer with the pill. in the United States. Constitution- other members of the cast include of some of the speakers until the en- Gundy, outfielder and pitcher; 1 "aprs- Murry Baird, a veteran of last sea- ality granted." Arthur Bailey, Lester Drennen, Row- tire program was arranged. tel<, catcher; Light, second base; and son's campaign, started to heave for Illinois : "Resolved, That the land Phllbrool{, Katherine Paxton, Tickets for the feed will be on Kemman, the star of the pitching Iowa, and showed considerable stuff states should adopt the recall of all Mu riel Arthur, Elsie Axten, John sale in a day or two. The class pres- staff. Iowa lost Captain SchmIdt, in sp ite of the lack of time for prep'- state and local officers except mem- Arthur, Jay Barr, Mrs. Harold Miles idents will have the selling In charge third base; SalJander, second base; aration. The men behind him threw bers of the judiciary." an d Robert Parry. and any desiring tickets will receive and Gittins, the pr lllier Hawkeye bim down, however. aJ1.d he was his Wisconsin: "Resolved, That. aU The play has been happily dir- them through committees appointed twirler. So far, the lOllS s ems about own worst enemy, committing a corporations engaged in iterst ate ected by Mrs. Harold W. Miles, whose by the president of each class. even; but the 1I11nl have always a pair of costly errors. The enemy fell commerce should be required to take reputation is well known among uni- The senior classes will go In a great amount of materia l, and proba- upon him for several run s, coined out federal ch arters; it being con- versity theatre-goers. Originally, the body. Special tables have been ar- bly will not feel the absence of their with the aid of his bum support. ceded that such a requirement would four lead ing parts were taken by ranged for them, and it is desired veterans as much as will Stewart's Clemens, the handsome outfielder, be constitutional and that federal such well known act ors and actresses that every senI or in the university men. persisted in cracking swats through license shall not be available as an as Nat Goodwin, Arnold Daly, Max- will at tend. According to the re- Contrary to the g neral report the box at territlc speed, and on his alternative plan." ine Elliott and Constance Collier. ports of the seniors of each college, which has been circu latin g around second effort succeeded in winging Nebraska: " Resolved, That the Special arrangemenst be the attendance will be larger than Iowa City aU week, the Iowa stare His Umps, to the joy of the fans. policy of regulating industrial incor- made early for the after-the-Pian- ever before. Chairman Whit e, of the were not protested by the IlIinols au- Coleman, the massive backstopper porations is preferable to the policy Hellenic theatre parties. The seat Greater University committee, an- thorlUes, nor, indeed, by any others. who was making his initial bow to of dissolving them." sale opens at the Coldren Thursday nounced last evening that the armory The real truth of the matter is tbat the populace at Mr. Fink's yard, Minnesota: "Resolved, That the at 1 p. m. would be packed if orders for plates at the January meeti ng of the Bi, broke his bat at t)Ie start of the several states of union should third and was so much astounded make their judges subject to the thereat that he refused to run. Thus recall." Oonnor Bulletin Publisbed continued as in the past few days. Eight to consider the question of .. The entire university has been ap- change in the eligibility rules which portioned among committees, who cover this point, each Institution was Mr. McNeal, who booted the result- The questions submitted by lIIinols The university has just published, are to see each person assigned to asked to name as many players, both ing grounder, and Mr. Loudin, who and by Minnesota are quite similar, as one of the series of bulletins, Dr . them. In this way no one will be past and present, on Its own and dropped the throw after McNeal suc- both being on the recall of state offl- J. E. Connor's dissertation, written missed, and everyone wlll be given other college teams, as possible In ceeded In grabbing it, were enabled cers. That of Iowa is perhaps the as a requirement for his Ph. D. de- an opportunity to attend. order to discover the real extent of to get an assist . and a put-out apiece, latest of all, as it Is a question which gree. The title of the thesis is "The the practice of playIng summer the same being badly needed. has only recently come into use. The Development of Belligerent Occupa- baseball. At this time, the names The Iowa infield performed in vote of the universities will be in by tion," by Jacob Elon Connor. Dr. Zeta EntertaJn Heps of the debarred lllinois and Iowa ragged style, and is apparently far April 15, after which time it will be Connor Is at present acting as United The Zets last evening entertained players were brought up, although from ready to stand the test against certain which is to be used next year. States consul at St. Petersburg, Rus- the Heps In the society parlors. An by what schools iB not certain, nor college teams, whom we may aspire In ranking the questions enumer- sla. He visited here a . few months excellent progrom was given, after is It material , since they were not to beat . The same goes for the out- ated above, Iowa gave Wisconsin's ago and lectured before several which a general good time was had named for the purpose of protesting field, except for Curry, who Is fllist question first preference, Iowa's sec- classes In the department of political by all. There will be no meeting to- them, but for the reason given and fairly reliable. Strickler is a ond, Illinois' third, Minnestoa's economy and sociology. night, as a result of last night 's above. The action taken in decla.r1ng good enough third baseman, and fourth, and Nebraska's fifth. Hanson at first Is as good as need be. Meloy's fielding was uncertain yes- terday, but the midget Is a good hlt- )lacbrJde to Get Vaca.tion ter and has plenty of fight, so will Professor Thomas H. Macbride, probably will stick. Short is a head of the department of botany, event. The program was as follows: the men ineligible has been taken in PbHo Program Reading- Seydel. every case by the authorities of the The Phil os will give the following Violin solo-Holt. institution which they were attend- program tonight: Reading- McRaith. ing. This is the real truth of the Reading-Boeson. Optlonal- Kuhn. Piano solo-Jordan. Sumner. situation. Professor A. G. Smith, chairman problem which looks like an unsolv- and the ranking professor in point of Debate-BlnnaU and Thomas vs. of the Iowa athletic board, also an- able puzzle just now. service, will be given a vacation next Stacy and Shepard. nounces that there is no truth in the Loudi f i tI t In 0 tl 1 T Display Fbtures Installed t th t I ld n, per orm ng on rs year in the form of a leave of ab- p ona - ownsan. repor a owa wou protest play- place of Hanson, furnished the fea- sence, beginning In September, A multiplex display fixture Is being ers on teams belonging to other tUre comic of yesterday's game, when 1912. It Is now practically assured Irving Pro&ram Installed In the sociological library. scbools. According to Professor he went to sleep and was hit by Me- that the leave will be granted by the The Irvlngs will give tbe following room 207, L. A. by ProJessor J. L. Smith, the only action which the loy's peg In the ninth. The long t f tiP i low a tb rltle Ill" k i sta e board 0 con ro . rofessor at the r hall this evening: Gillin. It will be used for the pur- a u 0 s w .a encase boy was evidently expecting Meloy MaCBride will spend most of his Optional-Brown. pose ot displaying photographs and tbey discover evidence that an ath- to peg to second, but there was no time in research work In western Debate-McNeal and Martin vs. charts In connection with tbe courses ' lete Is Ineligible Is merely what each states, putting In much of his time Applebee and H. P. Powers. offered In sociology and criminology I (Oontinued on Page •. ) in the Yosemite valley. Speecb-Leon Powers. and penology. (Continued on Page 3.)

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-ITING .J ".er of

Eetter T~it\J ~Iry

, Baltimore, Md

tie Sharp St.

>ackage to any ~r through the

lapter. Special 1 lates fw:nishetl. Rings, Medals S, eta.


;ity J

{ Store

and' Sup-11 Collefes


rlners and mts

~ Louis

le of So, ~ity.

i.nnings of and Amm-


gar Soore

NSHOE [RING )ANY Ibuque St. ne Wblle Walt les, na.Ued

>les, nailed

>Ies, sewed

oles. sewed

o 8 P. l\f. Daily

...... .Ii', r ' t .

he Eye!! I I nish It'=1 to more • l old I ;hods I ~ity Gal trie Co.




" ~ ,.-

3:00 O'CLOCK


, ,




Score I s 16 to ~~Iight Have lleen lown Places \\' isconsin's Selection Richard Vigars and Miss UaJ'Y Kiler Sen 101' Class to Go In Bo(ly-Tlckets n port 'fhat llIlnol }'rote t 1 Iowa

WOl'se--Ontfield and SbOl't Ahead of Own Question in Vot- Will Appeal' In LeadJng Pal·t Will Be on ale in Il Day AUlIet s DecJur d J·'ul by IOwA

Are Weak ing fOI' I"l'eference

The best we could do yesterday Questions submitted by the five

wasn't enough to keep the big lea- universities in the Central Dabating

guers from getting horribly bored Circuit of America are now In the

in the fourth game of the series. hands of E. Clyde Robbins, secretary

The Pretzels won as they pleased, of the circuit, and copies have been

making a score of 16 to 2, which sent to each university for ranking.

might as well have been sixty-six for The list comprises a number of ques_

in Coming Play 0(' Two Authorltle

The Pandean Players, whO have Final preparations are now being Purified baseball ot the 1912 brand

been practicing for the past six made for the big univerSity dinner will be on exhibition at the local lot

weeks, w11l present Henry Esmond'S which is to take place next Tuesday. tomorrow afternoon, when Iowa and

comedy drama, "When We Were The committee having the arrange- II1lnols clash [n tbe first college game

Twenty_one," at the Coldren Satur- ments in charge has been constant- of the season for th Ilawkeyes. The

day afternoon and evening, April 20. Iy at work during the past few days, 1I1Ini have already made a southern

Tbe situations are of EngIlsh mod- and by Monday everything will be In trip and won some games from Ten-

all that the locals could have done;· tions which are vital issues in Amer- ern city life and exceedingly unique readiness for the big event. nesee, also a game from Indiana,

But the Davenport boys always know ica today and which are good de- in development of plot and presen- The program will be announced In while the Hawkey s have put In tbe

when it's time to let up, said time batable subjects. The list of subjects tatton of characters. "llichard Vigars next Sunda~'s Iowan. This part of past week being beaten up by the

being about 6 p. m. Red Pepper with the universities offering them whose excellent work , was demon- the preparation bas required the Davenport Three-Eye league tam.

Walsh was again our best friend, the! is as follows: strated in "At Ingle Hall," presented most work, as something speCial has Both the Iowa and JIllnol teams

kindly backstop encouraging bis Iowa : "Resolved, That a system last February, will again haVe the been attempted by tbe committee. have been sadly riddled by the en­

comrades to die painlessly by re- of compulsory industrial insurance leading male part, and Miss Mary Although the program has been prac- lorcement ot the Big Eight rulings in

minders of the possible shortage of coverill6' accident, sickness, invalid- Kifer, of Sioux City, shows exception- tlcally completed, it was thought regard to professionaltsm. The Illi­

beefsteak at the hashery if they dal. ity, and old age, should be adopted al promise as leading lady. The best to withhold the announcement nols team has lost aptain Van

lied longer with the pill. in the United States. Constitution- other members of the cast include of some of the speakers until the en- Gundy, outfielder and pitcher; 1 "aprs-

Murry Baird, a veteran of last sea- ality granted." Arthur Bailey, Lester Drennen, Row- tire program was arranged. tel<, catcher; Light, second base; and

son's campaign, started to heave for Illinois : "Resolved, That the land Phllbrool{, Katherine Paxton, Tickets for the feed will be on Kemman, the star of the pitching

Iowa, and showed considerable stuff states should adopt the recall of all Muriel Arthur, Elsie Axten, John sale in a day or two. The class pres- staff. Iowa lost Captain SchmIdt,

in spite of the lack of time for prep'- state and local officers except mem- Arthur, Jay Barr, Mrs. Harold Miles idents will have the selling In charge third base; SalJander, second base;

aration. The men behind him threw bers of the judiciary." and Robert Parry. and any desiring tickets will receive and Gittins, the pr lllier Hawkeye

bim down, however. aJ1.d he was his Wisconsin: "Resolved, That. aU The play has been happily dir- them through committees appointed twirler. So far, the lOllS s ems about

own worst enemy, committing a corporations engaged in iterstate ected by Mrs. Harold W. Miles, whose by the president of each class. even; but the 1I11nl have always a

pair of costly errors. The enemy fell commerce should be required to take reputation is well known among uni- The senior classes will go In a great amount of material, and proba­

upon him for several runs, coined out federal charters; it being con- versity theatre-goers. Originally, the body. Special tables have been ar- bly will not feel the absence of their

with the aid of his bum support. ceded that such a requirement would four leading parts were taken by ranged for them, and it is desired veterans as much as will Stewart's

Clemens, the handsome outfielder, be constitutional and that federal such well known actors and actresses that every senIor in the university men.

persisted in cracking swats through license shall not be available as an as Nat Goodwin, Arnold Daly, Max- will attend. According to the re- Contrary to the g neral report

the box at territlc speed, and on his alternative plan." ine Elliott and Constance Collier. ports of the seniors of each college, which has been circulating around

second effort succeeded in winging Nebraska: " Resolved, That the Special arrangemenst ~ay be the attendance will be larger than Iowa City aU week, the Iowa stare

His Umps, to the joy of the fans. policy of regulating industrial incor- made early for the after-the-Pian- ever before. Chairman White, of the were not protested by the IlIinols au­

Coleman, the massive backstopper porations is preferable to the policy Hellenic theatre parties. The seat Greater University committee, an- thorlUes, nor, indeed, by any others.

who was making his initial bow to of dissolving them." sale opens at the Coldren Thursday nounced last evening that the armory The real truth of the matter is tbat

the populace at Mr. Fink's yard, Minnesota: "Resolved, That the at 1 p. m. would be packed if orders for plates at the January meeting of the Bi,

broke his bat at t)Ie start of the several states of th~ union should

third and was so much astounded make their judges subject to the

thereat that he refused to run. Thus recall." Oonnor Bulletin Publisbed

continued as in the past few days. Eight to consider the question of ..

The entire university has been ap- change in the eligibili ty rules which

portioned among committees, who cover this point, each Institution was

Mr. McNeal, who booted the result- The questions submitted by lIIinols The university has just published, are to see each person assigned to asked to name as many players, both

ing grounder, and Mr. Loudin, who and by Minnesota are quite similar, as one of the series of bulletins, Dr. them. In this way no one will be past and present, on Its own and

dropped the throw after McNeal suc- both being on the recall of state offl- J. E. Connor's dissertation, written missed, and everyone wlll be given other college teams, as possible In

ceeded In grabbing it, were enabled cers. That of Iowa is perhaps the as a requirement for his Ph. D. de- an opportunity to attend. order to discover the real extent of

to get an assist .and a put-out apiece, latest of all, as it Is a question which gree. The title of the thesis is "The the practice of playIng summer

the same being badly needed. has only recently come into use. The Development of Belligerent Occupa- baseball. At this time, the names

The Iowa infield performed in vote of the universities will be in by tion," by Jacob Elon Connor. Dr. Zeta EntertaJn Heps of the debarred lllinois and Iowa

ragged style, and is apparently far April 15, after which time it will be Connor Is at present acting as United The Zets last evening entertained players were brought up, although

from ready to stand the test against certain which is to be used next year. States consul at St. Petersburg, Rus- the Heps In the society parlors. An by what schools iB not certain, nor

college teams, whom we may aspire In ranking the questions enumer- sla. He visited here a .few months excellent progrom was given, after is It material, since they were not

to beat. The same goes for the out- ated above, Iowa gave Wisconsin 's ago and lectured before several which a general good time was had named for the purpose of protesting

field, except for Curry, who Is fllist question first preference, Iowa's sec- classes In the department of political by all. There will be no meeting to- them, but for the reason given

and fairly reliable. Strickler is a ond, Illinois' third, Minnestoa's economy and sociology. night, as a result of last night's above. The action taken in decla.r1ng

good enough third baseman, and fourth, and Nebraska's fifth.

Hanson at first Is as good as need be.

Meloy's fielding was uncertain yes-

terday, but the midget Is a good hlt- )lacbrJde to Get Vaca.tion

ter and has plenty of fight, so will Professor Thomas H. Macbride,

probably will stick. Short is a head of the department of botany,

event. The program was as follows: the men ineligible has been taken in

PbHo Program Reading- Seydel. every case by the authorities of the

The Phil os will give the following Violin solo-Holt. institution which they were attend-

program tonight: Reading- McRaith. ing. This is the real truth of the


Optlonal- Kuhn.

Piano solo-Jordan.

Reading-~1. Sumner.

situation .

Professor A. G. Smith, chairman

problem which looks like an unsolv- and the ranking professor in point of Debate-BlnnaU and Thomas vs. of the Iowa athletic board, also an-

able puzzle just now. service, will be given a vacation next Stacy and Shepard. nounces that there is no truth in the

Loudi f i tI t In 0 tl 1 T Display Fbtures Installed t th t I ld n, per orm ng on rs year in the form of a leave of ab- p ona - ownsan. repor a owa wou protest play-

place of Hanson, furnished the fea- sence, beginning In September, A multiplex display fixture Is being ers on teams belonging to other

tUre comic of yesterday's game, when 1912. It Is now practically assured Irving Pro&ram Installed In the sociological library. scbools. According to Professor

he went to sleep and was hit by Me- that the leave will be granted by the The Irvlngs will give tbe following room 207, L. A. by ProJessor J. L . Smith, the only action which the loy's peg In the ninth. The long t f tiP i low a tb rltle Ill" k i sta e board 0 con ro . rofessor p~ogram at the r hall this evening: Gillin. It will be used for the pur- a u 0 s w .a encase

boy was evidently expecting Meloy MaCBride will spend most of his Optional-Brown. pose ot displaying photographs and tbey discover evidence that an ath-

to peg to second, but there was no time in research work In western Debate-McNeal and Martin vs. charts In connection with tbe courses ' lete Is Ineligible Is merely what each

states, putting In much of his time Applebee and H. P. Powers. offered In sociology and criminology I (Oontinued on Page •. ) in the Yosemite valley. Speecb-Leon Powers. and penology. (Continued on Page 3.)


Ii I



Coaplllie counes h1 -... nep 11&'. + -(0 -(0 -(0 -(0 -(0 -(0 -1- -(0 -(0 .,. .,. + Bukinr, ShCll'thand, ~~~~~ + + aad. PeIlmaJllllaip. Writle tH1 tlMiay AJ .. J ~~~ • " IV. C7") + BU81NJ1l88 DIRBO'1'OBY +

EYer}' morning excellt Saturda,. and MondaYI. Of the Vidette-Report­ar the forty-third year and of the B. U. I. Quill the twentieth year.

April 8, Date ot Big Gatbering

River Oity

ior our -alotruf'. ~euvt:Vdf".t:dJ.-LJt'}~

m' ============================~========~, + +


OJrice Editor-In-Chief, 4: 00 to 6: 00 and

'4:00 to 9:00 P. M. L-. ____________ -----------

Editors in Ohnrge Monday ..... .. . '.' . . . . Henry Bell Tuesday .... ..... Conger Reynolds Wednesday ........ Paul J. Pierce Thursday ........... C. C. Cuwell Saturday ....... Vernon Seeburger

Editorial Writers

All the Lunch Dainties I Olives, Biscuits of All Kinds, Presh Fruits

and V *tab)e~

More than eighty graduates and

former students of the state univer­

sity gathered around the banquet

board at Clinton on April 8, to pay

homage to their alma mater and

sound the praises of the University I of Iowa. The banquet was held at

the Lafayette Inn. The toast program

of the evening, presided over by George A. Smith, 1\1. D. '81, was =-_________________________ ii SABINS' EDUOATIONAL EXOHANO E (INO.)

Chester Corey Vernon Seeburger

headed by President Bowman, who

spoke on "The University and Its

Alumni. The program follows: Henry Sabin, President Elbridge H. Sabin, Secretary and Treasurer

Hamilton Johnson \V oman Editor'S

Bessie C. Ford Esther P allius Associate Editors

Carroll Martin ]'rank Baldwin W. T. Spies C. H. Fishburn J . T. Hanna Will Hurlburt

H. D. Hanson

"The University and Its Alumni"-

President John G. Bowman, B. A.

'99, M. A. '04. "The success of the

university depends, largely, upon

the loyal support of its alumni."

Manhattan Building, Des Moines, Iowa

Has been remarkably successful in securing positions as teachers for Iowa students and graduates. Look up our record and write to us if you think of teaching. Enrollment fee to present students, $1.00. No commission except for place accepted, and registration good for any future year you l11ay select · in case you place yourself.

Reporters M. H. Wilkinson A. I . Swisher "After Many Years"-Judge P. B. !II-.... ---------------IIJIIl .. -----! Frank Seydel Ben Swab L. E. Darling E. E. Norris H. C. Austln Ernest Fogelberg

DAILY lOW AN PUBLISHING CO., Publisher (Incorporated)

A. C. GORDON Managing Edit.r

Entered a.& second-class ruaH mat­ter, November 12, 1903, at the post­office at Iowa City, Iowa, under the act ot Congress ot March 3, 1879. Per year, paid be~ore Oct. 1, $2.26 Per year, paid after Oct. 1, $2.76 Per semester .............. $1.25 Per single copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . .06 Per month _... . . . . . . . . . . . .. .3-6 Ottlce, 23 Ea!lt Washington Street.

l'hone 29 (Under namo ot 10" a Citv Citizen)


Wolfe, LL. B., '70 . "In the fiight

of time, we look backward with

tender memories, and welcome

with high hopes, those who come

to fill our places."

" In the Thick of the Fight"-Homer

1. Smith, L. A. '14 . "The worth

of an institution of learning is

indicated by the character of its

student body."

"It Is My Alma Mater Now"-Jas.

L. Oakes, LL. B. 'II. ':Our work

complete d, is but begun."

Music-"The Year's at the Spring,"

Beach; "Love's Rhapsody," D'-

Hardelot; "In Lovely Summer,"

Dell' cqua.--Maude lFenlon Boll­

man. Miss Barker, aCCOml)anist.

"The Faculty"-Dean James R .

The Illinois baseball team comes to Guthrie, M. D. '84. "If you know

Iowa field tomorrow for the first one thing better than anything

time in history. For years, the Illi- else, Impart it. "

nl have had the best baseball team "There Are Others Besides Men"-

in the west; and, although the pro_ Beulah Brown, A. B. 'II. "To edu-

fessional rule has already hit them cate man, is to form an individual;

hard, they still have a fast aggrega- to educate woman, is to form fu-

tion. ture generations."

It is Important for the Iowa rooters "As Time Rolls On"-Halleck W.

to remember during the coming game

that the stories circulating on the

campus for the past few days which

charge the loss of the three Iowa

Seaman, B. A. '82. "In the activi­

ties of life, we recall our student

days, and live them over when we

met you face to face."

stars to the protests of the lllinois Dancing.

authorities are groundless. Illinois

did not protest the playing of the FOR RENT- One suite of five;

Iowa athletes; the action was taken and one [lUlte of three modern furn­

by the Iowa board upon good and ished rooms for housekeeping; also

sufficient proof. two houses, furnished or unfurnlsh-

At the last conference baseball ed. Vacant July 1. Phone 970Y.

game here, the Iowa rooters, or a 4-12

section of them at least, disgraced the

university by their conduct. Under WANTED-Student who expects

no circumstances should a repetition to remain In the city during the

of those actions be permitted; but, !!ummer vacation. Good position for

in order to be well on the safe side the right party. Call at 330 So.

of trouble, everyone should make it L,lnn street. 3-19-tf

a point to remember that no Iowa ============= athletes are being kept out of the

game because of protests from Illi­


Dulladway to Leave

Raymond Duhadway who has been

acting as instructo r in the depart­

ment of mathematics fo r the past

year, will leave the university next


FOR RElNT-ElegantlY furnished

room In Dew fiat with l!trlctly pr i­

vate family, bot water heat, electric

ligh ts, hot and cold soft water, two

blocks from campus ground, lady or

man and wifo preferred. Most reas­

onable rent in City considering mod­

ern facilities for comfort. Refer­

ences exchanged. 'felel"llUlJ6 8 91R or

394. 3-13-tf


- THE-

Monte Carlo

Girls Big Burlesque Co.

The Show With a Re­cord with


WELSH & LANING PrIces 50c-76c

Seat Sale Slit. M()rning 81 Box OUice

GEORGE D. BARTH, Grocer We have alWQY8 I:Jaen 01. the opinion that cleanli1less shOl1ld

in the aU imI1lrtattt of a Grocery ~ OIU arm,y of 0IIlSm.1I8'6 ba,ye cot:l!e k> understand this and we at1r'i-1.nt1le auch .. oor suo~3'a i.rJ. the GrooerY' Bll"3io'~ to our effm1ll in this direct:lcm.

WWy *>t buy your Groceries at the sklre whioh sella tile !xU;: of eVL~ythil1g af.¥i saYlZtS you m?I1<e y at the l:Ilme time.

The PUre Food Emporium I 6 and 8 South Dulxlque Street.


We Are Going to Experiment

on Prices ,Ye lowered our prices from March 1 to 15 and it great­

ly increased our bu iness, so the prices will be made permanent.


These are the lowest prices ever made in Iowa City for High Grade Work. They are lower than the prices in Cedar Rapids or Davenport. We have a metropolitan es­tablishment and we will meet Chicago prices. The most modern facilities make it possible to do the best work at the lowest prices. Remember our cleaning does not mean gasoline brushing or dipping, but the most perfect cleaning that a modern plant can accomplish.

Here are a few items: Now

Skirts cleaned and pressed. 75c, SI 00 Plain Dresses ............. $1.25. $1.50 Tailored Suits ............ Sl.50 Men's Suits Cleaned and

Pressed ............... . Suits Pressed . .... . ...... .

51.50 50c

Slip-ons Cleaned and Pressed ........... ~ ... $1.50

Our Regular

$1.00, $1.25 $1.75, $2.00


$1.75 75c

A PARTIAL LIST OF WHAT WE CLEAN Evening Gowns, any style and material; Embroidery,

Kimonos, Wrappers, Crepe de Chene, Silk, Wool, Flan­nel, Lace, Furs, Curtains, Tapestry, Shoes, kid or buck­skin; suede.

The Varsity WardroL e . B. KEMP, Proprietor Cleaners •• Pressers

27 E. Wash. Phone 54. Call Our Wagon "We Will Dye For You."




PhYSician and SUJ'SOOn

14 ~ S. Dubuque St.

OYer Iowa Theatre

Phonee: OJrice 050; Res., 0l'1



Office 17 ~ S. Dubuque St., Oy.

Stach'. Shoe Store

Residence, 220 sUJIllIlit St.

OJrice Pllono, 380R Res., l'78B


Eye, Ear, Nose and Tbroat

OJrice, Paul-Helen Bldg.

Phones: OJrice 66; Res., 1m


Diaeaaee ot

Eye, EIU', Nose and Throat

No.8 N. Ollnton 8t.


General Sursel'1

I ,

8. Ollnton St., .lowa 0it7. ..... II


;JOHN V088, D. D. B.

lIS ~ Boutb Dub.que S~

Phone 118ri low. 0it7. Ion

F. T. BREENE, D. D. 8., M. D.


low. Oitr. Iowa

11 ~ South Dubuque Street

OJrice hoW'll: 8 a. m. to 12 m. ...

1:00 to ri:OO p. m.



Otrice over Novak 's Drug Store

Music Studio, 21 N. Dubuque 8t.

PupUa Received in PiAno, Pipe Orpll


(Pupil ot }lary Wood Ohaae)

Piano School

'l'horoughly modern and artlllUe

methods ot piona playing, trom ..

bec1nnins of music to advanced


PhoDM 1318 80ri SUDlDllt IJI. I

REA.L ESTATE -r ! Sale and Rent: Large li.t ot dQ

reeidences, vacant lots, and , ......

A180 .toeb ot merchandise.

O. }[. RENO

110~ Wa.shiDgton Street

,Ik'.-i (fir 211<'. CIIIPtt. Ppnhnrlv ~ CfI I Mnkel1 -

I 1 1


T. D.

ToC FLOW Receptions

Parties Birthd~

Ann. Weddi-=

AcknowI Regrets an-

Aldo 1B S.


+++++ + + +


30~ Summtt 1M.


I I I I I [

Reichardts "NUFF


Marshall-O' Brien­Worthen Co.

116 Iowa Avenue

•... Dental Supplies ... ,

PURCELL BROS Wholesale and Retail

Cigars and Tobacco

116:E. Washington St.

A Sure

Way To Get Good

Work. Send Your Laundry

To The

c. o. D. OWENS & GRAHAM, Propa.

Phone 1189 211-213 mwe. Ave..

. Make ~arly Engagements for

Senior Photos Special Rates Given at

Townsend's Studio +++++++++++++++'l"t"In1' nature of the invitations which have + + + l\ffiS. KENYON'S BEAUTY + been chosen. These are to be or + SHOP + heavy limp leather embossed with + Face l\l assage Manacurmg + the monogram of the university and + Hair Dressing Shampooing + + MariDelllo System. Modern + the class year number with a hand-+ Equipment + painted view of the Old Capitol in + 20~E. Wash. Phone 1031 + . +++++++++++++++.t.ot"t .. ~ will be a number of art cuts of un i-

B ook Hakea a Ss-*w.- .r

Students' Supplies

Store Text a..b lor aU 0.11-4. .. J.hcM.. to." Suppllea . P.., ... P.... ~ • • Stoak. LdIw_ t ..... ce.. John T. Ries, 16 Otlnten St.


A new ol'ganization with new ideas and new clothes. Call and let us tell you about them. Suits made to order $U) up.:

THE IOWA P ANITORIUM 18~ s. Clinton Phone 805

Peoples' Steam Laundry

225 Iowa i\.venue Iowa:City, loWi Tela,hOlle Number 58:.

c. J. TOMS, Prop. + + one corner. On the mlddle pages I

.-----------~ versity buildings. Most of the orders -------------------------============ IOWA AND ILLINOIS for these have been taken, and all ====- ------====-:-:=:---=--------

T. D. Kelley Men'" New Spring Smt Samples now on Dis­play -- Select your new Spring Suit now. Made to measure $15.00 and up. Clothing Carefully Cleaned, Repaired and Pressed. 'Phone 17.

the University of Calcutta, at Cal- + + + ..L + ..L ..L ..L ..L ..L ..L ..L + IN OPENER TOl\IOUROW must be in by Saturday, April 13. .. .......... .. .. (Continued from Page 1.) The class memorial committee is cutta, India, by the international Y. + +

------------ working on plans, which, if carried M. C. A. association. A plan Is + OOl\IING EVENTS +

school is bound to do in such an out, will furnish the university with being urged by memb.ers of the local + + event; that is, lay the matter be_ a memorial from the class more novel Y. M. C. A. to furnish a support fund + + + + + + + + + + + + +

for Mr. McConnell during his stay fore the athletic board of the ins.ti- and at the same time more useful April 6-12. Baseball series wltlt

in the orient, as Is done by many tution which that player represents, than any \vhich has heretofore been Dav~nport Three-I league team.

other Institutions of the west. but not as a matter of protest. The presented. The class exercises com- Iowa field.

April 13. Baseball Iowa vs. Illinois. Iowa authorities are especially anx- mittee is now at work In an en-

Senior l\Ie Hug ious to have these facts made clear deavor to unite the various colleges ============= Iowa field. because of the coming game with for the class day exercises, instead An important meeting of the sen-

••••••••••••••••••• iSMOKEi = Lobby Cigar Store II = F RED R ACINE,Prop II •••• • •••• B.~m •••••

Illinois, feeling that there might of having them conducted by each ior L. A. class, L. A. assembly hall, April 16. University dinner.

otherwise be some bitter feeling separately. Friday at 4: 30 p. m. Reports from April 16. Sophomore oratorical

Plans for the class play are well the following committees: Class contest. Natural soience audl-

under way. The selection of a p'lay play, social, memorial, picture, pin, torIum, 8 p. m.

SENIOR OLASS CO~ll\nTTEES has been hampered by the announce- class day, Invitation and senior sing.

aroused .

WILJJ l\JAl{F. REPORTS TODAY ment that the Coldren theatre will May 17, 18. Meeting of the Iowa

•• •••••••••• be closed about the middle of May,

ImllOl'trult Meeting to Be Held iII making It necessary for the senior "BUCK" HANLON State Hellenic Society.

April 18. Zet mock republican con­

vention in natural science audi­



Assembly Hall play to be given in the unlversIt>


An important meeting of the sen_ An important meeting of the play --- WaDts to Me ---

ior liberal arts class will be held in committee was held last evening, but

~~~~~~~~~~~~ t he L . A. assembly room this after- no information has been divu lged JIII-----------. noon at 4:30. At this time the first as to plans made at that time. It

y-O-U --- at the new -_.

Iowa Theatre The Best Moving Picture Show

April 19. Pan-Hellenic par ty, unl­

verslty armory.

April 20. Palldean Players present

"When We Were Twenty-one" at

the Coldren; matinee, 2: 30; evell­

ing, 8 :16. T-H-E


Food ~tbat mother use tOJtrYl to make

To Give Is FLOWERS- For Receptions

Parties Birthdays

Anniversaries Weddings

Acknowledgements Regrets and Greetings

Aldous & Son 18 S. CJmton

definite announcement concerning Is expected that definite announce-

the various functions to be under- ments as to the time and plan of the

taken by the class during commence- try-outs will be made in the class

ment week will be made and formal meeting this afternoon.

preparations for these events will be


The invitation committee, which l\IcConnell to Go to india

has already done a large par t of its Joseph McConnell, ' 10, has been

In Town On Dubuque Street

work, will give a final report on the appointed Y. M. C. A. secretary to ~ __________ --'

April 21. President Geo. Vincent

speaks at vespers.

May 21, 22. May festival, with the

Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra.

and numerous artists.

Apr il 23. Cosmopolitan play, given

by the Americans.

Special Feature~ -- "20 Years in Sing Sing" ~~eIowa Theatre--2 days only, April 12-1S, '12 A Good Drama told In Perfect Plctures-A Photo Piny that Holds You Spellbound frODl . the First to tbe Last Scene Thrown on the Screen Full of

Dramatic Situations and Exciting Situations


The Great Saw MW In Operation The County Fair The Accidental Shooting The Prison Life The Escape Through the Sewer The Leap For Life The Bloodhounds on the Trail The Fight on the Clift' The Lovers United Again

Remember the Date April 12-13. Admission, Adults at 1:00 P. M. Children lOc-Doors




All Down the Alphabet From 'AA' to 'Zz' You'll Find Clothes-Makers ... contending for thc supremacy of their clothes. It's natural

that they should, for . the product of their own handiwork looms

large in ,their appreciation.

Through Years of , Investigation Of All the Makes Offered In The markets of the world, we ve arrived at a fixed and definjte con­

clusion, with open minds and freedom to judge withont bias,

we've selected


CLOTHES because the combined tests of all prove their un·

questioned superiority. 'l'hesc suits

$17.50 to $30

Haberdashery and Head Wear •••• to please all. Only standard makes in these de·

partments, embracing the season's best styles.




8ree~ fetter

g:rater1\it\f Jewelry

~13 N. Uberty St., Ba1nmore,)(d

~ctory 212 Little Sharp st.

Memoralldum package to aDy Fra1emity Member through the seareiary of the chapter. Special designs aad esbates fUf'nishe. OD Class Pins, Rings, Medals fer AUaletic Meets, eta.

University , Book Store

On t.he COlmer

Text Boolu and: Su,~ plies for all CoI)efea

FOUNTAIN PENS Waterman Conklin Moore N on·)ealcable

CoDe~e Bannere and Pen ants

Cerny &. Louis

Finest Line of Cigars, Pipes, ToballCO, Rle, in the Ci~.

R.eports by innings of the Natianal and Ameri­can Leasues


Fink's agar Store

] l' vo~. ,XI.


1 I

I I 1 1



TIE wr

Zimmer Holds

Five mts-.:E


Our Mr. ZIIIl,11

ring. Twirling

the champions 0

day afternoon IJ

the crafty dentl

mates to a 1

Innings, the last

played In the ra

gotten under WI

Illnois backstop,

Patterson in ri~

Stewart and G.

coaches, confer

there were too J

ing to permit of

consequence ord.

call a halt in th:

.:. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + PERSONAL AND SOOIAL +

. disagreeable week. As near as could

be figured out, the final result was

something like this:

1 o o o o o Rose Gertrude Broderick, Newton.

Edna Iona Brown, Wall Lake.




Purified baseb

the day, both tel

to the acid test.

a surprise to the

rather expeote~

massacred to m~

In view of the

past week. But 1

perlenced throug

sity in the

fO~DobIY. T

the most credit I

Dysart boy had

all the time, anI

allowed a man

but for bum SUI

Ten of the cham}:

strikes, and not

dozen balls were

afternoon by t

amassed five hitl

one which Strickl

ped on a dry field

pop-up just back

everybody tried f

Zimmer kept coo

after the third d

enemy .a sight of

+ + +.,"+++++++++++

Daven'port AB R! H PO AI E

Totals 32 2 8 27 18 12

-Batted for Curry in eighth.

·-Batted for Loudin In ninth.

Ola Louie Chew, Iowa City.

Irene Harriet Farrell, Chariton..

Ellen Sophia Filean, Perry. REPAIRING I

Sulllvan, cf Hyperion will dance this evening at

Murphy, ss )fajestic hall.

Bromwlch, 3b Delta Tau Delta is to entertain

Wilson, 1b at a dancing party on April 20, to

Reese, 1b be given at the chapter house.

Koepplng, 2b The Iroquois dancing club Is to

ClemenS, If give its n ext party at Majestic hall

Halterman, . rf on Saturday evening, April 20.

been Coleman, c

Arthur Bradley, who has O'Leary, c

visiting at the Sig Alph house for the Walsh, C

1>ast few days, has returned to his

nome in Cedar Rapids. Hendrix, p

Crabb, p Miss Mary Meridith, L. A. '15, re-

4 1

4 0

3 2

o 3


1 •• ·Batted for Jans In ninth.

o Score by innings:


o ' 0 Dav,nport 5 1 5 1 0 0 3 0 2-16 14 2

1 0 Iowa 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0- 2 8 J I,.

1 Summary: Stolen bases, Wilson,

OSullivan 2, Strlcl(ler. Sacrifice hits,

o Murphy, Crabb. Two.base hits, Hal­

O terman, Bromwlch, McNeal, Curry,

o Moulton. Struck out, by Hendrix 3,

o by Crabb 4, by Nelson 2, by Baird 2,

o by Zimmer I, by Jan 2. Bases on

Minnie Margaret Leuz, Iowa City.

Edna Ethyl Martin, Van Meter.

Nida Pearl Palmer, Grinnell.

Joyce Reed, Iowa City.

Conger Reynolds, Dexter.

Helen Emma Ruser, Davenport.

Wanda Irene Sifford, Wall Lake.

Helen Fern Waldron, Iowa City.

Emma Bertha Warth, Burlington.

Arlo Wilson, Iowa City.

o balls, olr Baird 5, olr Zimmer 3, off Senior Notice

COMPANY : 125 S. Dubuque St. I

WorklDoDe Wblle Yo. Walt

Hall Solee,

down .................. 1500

Ladiee' Halt Soles, nailed

down ................. .oe SoIM, .ewed

down ................ .

Ladiee' Halt Soles. aewec1

The Iowa outl

great exhibition,

down a terrific SJ

bat in the tenth 1

it· seemed lab ell:

field. Patterson Nelson, p

t urns today to resume her school



















o o o o o o o






o 1

o o o o



o 4




o 3



o o o


o 1

o o 1



1 o Hendrix 2, off Nelson 2. Hit by pitch-I The senior invitations of the col­

ed ball, by Baird 2. Passed balls, lege of llberal arts can be seen at down ................. 1500 . took care of thei.

work, after spending a few days at

her home In Atlantic. Totals

Rudolph Kuever, who has been Iowa

confined to his room with a severe Meloy, 2b

attack of the measles, is able to Curry, It

meet his claSlell In the college of

pharmacy. ·Schmldt

Harmon, It The Delta Gammas of Des Moines

Moulton, cf entertained their visiting Sisters at

a dinner party at the . Chamberlain

hotel last Thursday. About fifty

were In attendance.



Strickler, 3b

Hamilton, rf

Patterson, rf

Berry, rf

McNeal, ss

Mosher, ss

Hagan, 1b

Rubber Hee" ............ 83c 2 Coleman, Von Lackum . Hits, ott. the University bookstore today and 39 16 14 27 12

Open 1 A. H. to 8 P. H. Datlf Hendrix 6, off Crabb 1, off Nelson I, tomorrow. All orders must be in by • _____________ ~

AB R H PO A E olr Baird 5, olr Zimmer 2, off Jans 6. Saturday noon as the orders are r eo ==================== 3 1 1 7 1 3 Umpire, Masters. Time of game, quired by Elliott of Philadelphia the IE-.-.... ~ 3 1 1 0 0 0 2: 05. first of 'the week. The members of Good LiCh t 1 0 0 0 0 0 the committee will tal'e no risks In SaVAL'l The Ji1."el . 1 0 0 0 0 0 ordering any more than are ordered ~ "'3 3 0 1 3 1 2 pm BETA KAPPA ELEOTIONS by the members of the class. I I 2 0 1 4 1 2 ANNOUNOED BY OO~ll\llTTEE W 'E\.._! h It 1 0 0 0 0 0 Varsity DancJng Party at Oompany e .r llCIU.S ... 2 0 0 0 0 0 Fourteen Women and Two l\1en Win I Armory, Saturday Eveufng, Aprfl . 'Costs no more 1 0 1 0 1 0 Scholastic Honor 13. Mabana & Ogle, Four.plece Or.

2 0 1 0 3 0 At a regular meeting of Phi Beta I thod 1 0 0 2 1 1 Kappa, beld yesterday afternoon, + + + + + + + + + + + + + • me s 2 0 1 0 1 0 chestra. 4-12 I than old I

Von Lackum, c 3 0 0 4 3 0 sixteen seniors in the college of lib- 01- )fjS8 Dorothy L. De France ~ = ' I L dl Ib 3 0 0 7 2 1 eral arts were elected to membershiP + Publkl ~pber "I" I I Ci G ou n, c, 0.. ty al

~hance there, and Loudin was bit "Blythe 1 0 1 0 0 0 In the fraternity. Of these fourteen + All kinCla of ateDographic work + • W Instead. All In all, it was a big day Baird, p 1 0 0 0 2 2 are women and two men. The list of 01- acc1lJ'latelJ ADd neMlJ eteoatecL + I & Electric CO. for everybody except the score~1 Zimmer, p 1 0 0 0 1 0 new member Is as follows: + 1M S. CJlJntoa Phoae 80m + •••••••••••• ...-

(Continued from Page 1.)

keepers, who have been enjoying a Jans, p 1 0 0 0 1 1 Emma Arent, Badger. ... + + + + + + + + + + + + J


Both Hauth

gave Zimmer go

the bat. Von L

getting down to t

<Jaught the first 1

Lackum showed

to second when CI

The Iowa infiel

spot In the defen

Ing chall,ed up t(

Strickler. Strick

excusable; as the

badly on the mud

I and Berry contrl

1 which gave lllinol

I both m n were pI

Iter-collegiate ga

development may

I t~e end of the se
