the daily bulletin. · i s, ft, v! b n jsc the daily bulletin.-no. '22g.honolulu, ii. i.,...

I S, ft, V ! b n JSc THE DAILY BULLETIN. - No. '22G. II. OCTOBER 1882. Subscription HONOLULU, I., SATURDAY, 21, SO I'cnls irr Month. THE DAILY BULLETIN Is published every morning liy Uio . Daily Bui.i.ktin I'uumshixu Co., nnd circulated tliroughoitt the town, nml forwarded to the other Islands by every opportunity. Subscription, 50 cts. per montl. G. Caiison Ki:nyon, . . Editor. All business communications to be nil. dressed, Manager Dally Bulletin, Post Oillee Box No. II. Telephone 250. T. 0. CijKVioii, Mnnngcr. U. . Consul to Samoa. T. Ciiuisiiis, Kan., the ncwly- - appointcd Consul to Apia, Samoa, writes to a friend In this city, under dale of August ns follows: Captain Henry "Webber, comman- der of'tho Pacific Mail Steamship Company's splendid vessel Zealan-di- a, deserves my highest praise and recommendation for the considerate and polite, treatment which ho show- ed me while I was a passenger on board of his ship, which he so ably commands. On the 11th hist., at 2 o'clock a. m., we arrived near the Island of Tutuila, Samoa, where, on a given sign, a skyrocket was fired off to inform tho natives, of .the Is- land that a passenger was about to land, anil to enable them to pay the American Consul their respects. Lights were soon visible near the hamlet1 of Toloa, on the western side of Tutuila, and in a moment two life-boa- ts of the steamer were lower- ed, one of which received me anil y baggage, witlr" the necessary 'crew, and was commnaded by the able' first olllccr, Mr. Gcst. The other accompanied our boat to the shore. At the moment we started "with our i boat' for. .T.uUiiln, the captain had, in lionet of thoncw Amcricanrcprcsenthrjvo fotjiSamon, ordered the firing of a cannon, whose echoes, in the silence of tho night, resounded' distinctly from the higlit mountains of the picturesquely formed Island. As soon as I landed and my bag- gage rvas put ashore on the sandy beach, all the nntives of the neigh- borhood surrounded me and my trunks in their Adamic attire, con- sisting of nothing but a few leaves lava-lav- a around their hips. At daybreak I hired a boat and ten na- tives to bring mc to Leone, on the southwest side of Tutuila, where they landed mc at 9 o'clock a.m. on tho 14th. Here I received calls from the United States al -- Agent, Mr. Hunkin, the English missionary, Mr. Phillips, the Chief, Tuttelc, and other prominent and distinguished men of Leone. On tho 17th, when an easterly wind arose, I again hired a boat and na. tivo crew to bring mc to Apia, on the Island of Upola, whero I atrived on tho morning of the 18th, or by true, time the 17th. The following day tho King of Samoa received mo at his "royal mansion," near Apia, most cordially. "While handing him my commission, I delivered a speech to him, winch His Majesty received with gicat'ntlcntion. Soon after my arrival tho English nnd German Consuls hoisted their respective National Hags, thus paying mc as Consul, their respects and welcome. II is not tho custom to laud any passengers at Samoa from on board Nhips of tho P.M.S.S. Co.'s line, dipt.. "Webber, however, made an exception in this Instance, because ho thus lauded tho representative of America at Samoa. The distance from San Francisco to Samoa, via Honolulu, is 4,!J7fi sea miles. Weekly Alta, Oct. 7th. CHARLES fjjf HAMMEH, Manufacturer nnd dealer in nil kinds of Saddlery and Harness. Orders fiom tho other Islands promptly attended to. SOU Comer Fmt and King sts. ly No Bush Whacking Hero IjlYESbAV.KlJIiypur. chasing your Jmt- - Hone Equipments From W. FENNELL. -sS- fe-V--. Practical Mechanic,!):! King street tSTNo Peter Funk btpek here, 2Qy vHHlrJ& ... A B. F. EHLERS & Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods 71 DELIGHTFUL, NEWS! u TO THE LADIES OF HONOLULU AND THE VARIOUS ISLANDS. MHS. A. M. MELLU3 who is ndmttled to bo the leading Millinery anil Dress, maker, modesto In tho Kingdom, begs leave, to hay to lier many Lady irienus inni ner new mock oi Jicauiuui goods 10 arrive, wntcii incuiuc an tne very latest Ladies' and Children's hats nml bonnets designs, ovory steamer, numerous MRS. MELLIS strictly superintends all work, and being always so thoroughly competent and particular with her patrons' orders, it Is not strange that all Ladies of fashion and taste arc her customers. Ladies with their children nrc Invited to rail and sec samples of the new Fall nnd Winter styles in her Millinery department, and alo tniscotlto new nnd latest plumes, feathers, .trimmings, etc. Every pains taken to please tho most fastcdlous and guaranteed In every respect. HONOLULU CLOTHING EMPORIUM, A. M. MELLIS, JProjtrtetor, Importer and Dealer in Clothing, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, and Staple (Goods, &c. All the Latest Novelties by every steamer. ; A. M. MELLIS, 104 Fost street. Honolulu. A. KRAFT, jewelerJioptician, Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities. Store In the "Hawaiian Gazette" build-- lug, opposite the Bank. Chas. D. Geiu.sch, Practical "Watchmaker. C- - Hotel Street, opposite the 12.) am International Hotel, -- a D. W. CLARK, Watch Maker and Jeweler, Always on hand a nleo stock of K5"Watchcs, Clocks and Jowelry.-i- a Itcpalrlng Watches and Clocks a Speci- alty, No. 55 Hotel Street. :I2 Telephone, No. 240. Artesian Ice Works ICK DKLlVEltKD to all parts of the and subuibs at all hours of thu iliv. )rders from the other Islands prompt- ly attended to. Olllcu at W. K. Fostkii'h, Saddler, Fort street. 150 TeluiiliomsKo.lll. 2m ICE MANUFACTORY. Ice delivered to all parts of thu City. Shipping supplied hi quantities to suit. Telephone, No. 58. Oillee at Wilder & Co.'s. J8 TTNION FKKI) COMPANY, A. W. llusii, .Manage!1 Sou wlvcrtisc- - incut on other page 28 Ecccivcd by recently onicrcu arc now ncginning l renen ami American insiiions, in and dress patterns, of rich nnd rare HS.TREGLOAN,. .. ' 204 FORT ST. Itotwrt Lcwerts 0. J!, Cooke, T E W E 1? S & COOK I: , - (successors to Lcwcrs & Dickson,) Importers nnd Dealers In Lumber and all kinds of Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu. l WILDER & Co., Dcnlcre m '' Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of everv kind, cor. Fort ami Queen xts., Honolulu. 1 ALLEN & ROBINSON, Dealers in and all kinds of Building Materials, Paints Oils, Nulls, etc. 71 T3ROWN & PHILLIPS, Practical -' PJumbeiH, dnsFittcrs and Copper- smiths, No. 18 Nuiiuiiiist., Honolulu. House and Hlilp Job Work promptly executed. 17 bCIIIl. GEUTZ, No. SO 'ort st. and dealer in Gent's, Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes nml slippers. IK! BROWN & CO., ImportciH and lu Ale, Wines and Sjilrll, No. 'J Merchant st., Ihinolulii. 12 HONOLULU IKON Works Co. Steam engines, sugar mills, boilers, coolers, Iron, brass nnd lead cutlii!: machlnerv of every description madu to order. Particular attention paid to ship's W:ckmnithing. Job work executed on short notice. 1 -- . V3SrJ?, OarriaceTOfea Builder, Buygics, Carrliigcs, Express AVagons nnd every kind of vehicles manufactured. RlucksniiUiing, hoiHc-Mliocin- g, and all kinds tri repairing done. Just Received, Per bktiio Eureka, a full line of BYCICLE SHIRTS Silk, merino nnd cotton. Psijama Suits, Etc. Ul A, W, llluluuilauu & Co. FORT STREET. - Commission Merchants. Geo. W. Macfarlane. II. It. Mnefnrlanc. Q. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER. CHANTS and Sttfai' Factors, Fire-l'roo- f Building, 52 Queen street, Honolulu. II. I. AIIKNTH for The Waikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui. The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, Thcllecia Sugar Plantation, Oahu. Huelo Sugar Mill, Maul, Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Hunch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow nml Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlccs, Wat-- & Co's Sugar Maehln cry, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. m ClniiK Sprccki-- Win. (I. Irwin. WM. G. IRWIN & COMPANY, ' ' Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. i H. HACKFELI) & COMPANY, General Commission Aucntx. Qiifimi street, Honolulu. 1 CLEOIIOKN & Co.. Ininorters u. and (JomniNslon Merchant.... licit. ere In General MeichundNc, Queen and Kanhutnaiiii sts., Honolulu. ' 78 H.A. P. Cnrlur. t. C. JoncK.Jr. ( BK E W ER & 0 O . t Shipping nnd Coininission .Merchants Queen street, Honolulu. 1 rpiIEO. H. DAVIES ,fc CO., Import-J- - ew nnd Commission Merchants: agents for Lloyd's and the Liverpool Underwriters, British and Foreign In. surancu Company, and Northern Assiir-nnc- c Company. 71 JOHN T. AVATEHHOUSE, Importer nnd Dealer in General sicrcnnmilse, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 TVf S. G HI N IJ A U .M & 0 0., "Importcre of Gcncrnl Commission Merchants Honolulu. j M. . GRINHAUM & CO., Confiuisslon ninriOiiiiifu. ij Cnllfoinlu street. San Fmnelsen. Cal. 1 L-- N E II A N & CO . miiorlcrs and (.'imimi ;n Hit chants, Nuuanii st., Honolulu. N. facile J. II. Atlicrtun. C A S TLE & C 0 OK E . ShliMiinu and ('ominlKsinn Mit. chants. Importers and Dealers In Gen. ernl Merchandise, Nil. 0 King street, Honolulu. 1 WING WO CHAN & Co., anil General Dealers In English. American and Chiiieso Pro- visions, Plantation Tea and General Supplies. Also, white and colored con- tract matting, all qualities ami prices. 86? No. 22 Niiiianu Street, opposite Mr. Afong's. 81 H.II.WIIIInm, A.Chcrcliruuvh, W.ll.nimwml WILLTAMS, DIMONI) & Co.. ami CommNlou Mer-Hiaut- s, I'lilon lllock, corner Piuu ami Market streets, San Francisco, Cal. AlllINTS rou PacillcIail Steamship Coiup.iii, lMcllle Steam Navigation Company, . Ctinard Royal Mull Steamship ('oiiipauy Cal. line of Packets from Now York, Hawaiian lluu ot.Pnckcts, China Traders Insinance Co. (limited), Marine Insurance Co. of London. 71 M. W. McChoBnoy & Son, I'roprietora Honolulu Tannery; Dealers in Hides, Tallow & Leather, Also, Groceries;, Provisions etc. 71 fciult, etc., etc., A. S. CLECtHORN & Co. Have received a large assortment of Colonial Saddles, to suit all classes of purchasers, per S. S, 181 Australia. Z3f" Gent's Evening Dress Coals and Suits to bo had' at Hie Honolulu Cloth. iutr Emporium of A. M., No. KM Foil street. 202 2w G. 11. RORKRTHON, Drayman best tenuis In town. Tvlcpiiuuc mj, Otf, jo s Professionals. W AUSTIN WHITING, ltoruey and Counsellor at Law Agent to take acknowledgments of Instruments. Kaahumanu (., Honolulu. 21)!!' - - - A. J. M. MONSARRAT, Ari'OKNKY AT LAW and Notary Ileal IMatc m any paitof the Kingdom bought, sold and le.iicd, on commission. Loans negotiated, Legal Documents Draw ti. No. 27 Mcichnnt st. (Ga.elle IHoek), 1IIU Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands SB. DOLE, Lawyer ami Notary Pub- - No. 15 Kaahiunaiiii st. II T M. DAVlDSON.AUonicvatLaw " 21 Merchant street. 10 ANC1SM.IIATl,il. Attorney J- - at Law, 15 Kit.ilitiiiiitiui t. L'U JOHN ItL'SSKLL. Alionicv at Law, corner of Kort .mil Meivbant" streets (up stall O 1 1., iU piCIIAHl) F. HICKEHTON, xl,Attorney tiuil Couiiselloi at I nw. Money to lend 011 M01 tinges of Free- -' holds. Oillee, No. ,'il Meicluiiil st. 1 pKCIL 1H)WN, ATIOKNEY nnd t' I.: . Xiilnri l'nh. , lie, and Am-n- t fir takhc Acl.mmledg-nieiit- s of ln'iu(iicius for ilic Island of Oaliu. No. 8 Kaaliuiii.iuu street, Hono- lulu. , 1 TT7ILLIAM O. SMITH. Attor- - T T ncy at Law, No. at! Meroliant street. 13 im Dla G. TltOUSSKAU bcirs to nnllfv friends that be has practice lu Honolulu. Itesldenec and coii.ulllng rooms, No. 711 l'unehbowl st, opposite tin: makal gate of the Queen's Hospital. CoiMiltlng hours from !) a.m to 12. Telephone No. l!i:i. :,n 1 111 DR. EMKIISON, residence and rooms at No. 2 Kukul st corner of Fort. Tclc)lione No. 14!). 5!i2ni'i A Fl'LLKR, .Surveyor for Korean --rx- ViTltas. 7l J. AV. Yiiriiaii OF MUSIC, VIOLIN, J- - and the CririvATiox ok tiii: Voici:. Instruction also given in Sight Hcailin-'- , Choir, Choi us and Part Singing. For particulars npplv at 201 1m WALLS' MusloSlorc. "yitAY TAVLOll. Teacher of Piano- - forte nnd Organ. Tuning In all Its branches. .() ;m W E. HOWELL, Cimsulting aIl ..'If. ,r,)"'',IL''S Kugiiieer; olllcu street. M 2in J. WILLIAMS & Co. 120 Fort Street, . Honolulu, Portrait and Landscape Xliofcoft-rsiplioix- . 180 ly QHAHLKH T. GULICK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Agent to take Acknowledgments In ' Labor Contracts, AND GENi:it.L Ut'SINKSS AGENT. Oillee, In MnkecS IJIock. corner Queen and Kaahuiiiami strc-t- s, Honolulu. 21 TI L L I A M A U L I) , Agcii"lt7 T T take Acknowledgments to Con. tracts for Labor for the District ot Komi Island of Oahu, at the oillee of Hie Hono- lulu WnterVoiks, foot of Niiunnu st. IK!) I f 2 JOHN A. IlASSlNtJElT, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contiacts for Labor. Intrrior 'lllec, Honolulu. 7 w. v- - AKANA, ' Chinese and llawaiiaii'Traiu'. hiliir and Iuteipretcr, No. 18 Klngblicel, Honolulu. Translations of cither of the nhoc languages made with aicuiacy and dis- patch, and on reasonable terms. 2011 A FHESII LOT OF WATERS' Colonial Caudios Just received at A. S, Ologhorn & Co's, JUl , perS.S. A(Mrulu. vL I J Jl m i X K 't it &

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Page 1: THE DAILY BULLETIN. · I S, ft, V! b n JSc THE DAILY BULLETIN.-No. '22G.HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1882. Subscription SO I'cnls irr Month. THE DAILY BULLETIN Is published









THE DAILY BULLETIN.- No. '22G. II. OCTOBER 1882. SubscriptionHONOLULU, I., SATURDAY, 21, SO I'cnls irr Month.

THE DAILY BULLETINIs published every morning liy Uio

. Daily Bui.i.ktin I'uumshixu Co.,nnd circulated tliroughoitt the town, nmlforwarded to the other Islands by everyopportunity.

Subscription, 50 cts. per montl.G. Caiison Ki:nyon, . . Editor.All business communications to be nil.

dressed, Manager Dally Bulletin, PostOillee Box No. II. Telephone 250.

T. 0. CijKVioii, Mnnngcr.

U. . Consul to Samoa.T. Ciiuisiiis, Kan., the ncwly- -

appointcd Consul to Apia, Samoa,writes to a friend In this city, underdale of August ns follows:

Captain Henry "Webber, comman-der of'tho Pacific Mail SteamshipCompany's splendid vessel Zealan-di- a,

deserves my highest praise andrecommendation for the considerateand polite, treatment which ho show-ed me while I was a passenger onboard of his ship, which he so ablycommands. On the 11th hist., at 2o'clock a. m., we arrived near theIsland of Tutuila, Samoa, where, ona given sign, a skyrocket was firedoff to inform tho natives, of .the Is-

land that a passenger was about toland, anil to enable them to pay theAmerican Consul their respects.Lights were soon visible near thehamlet1 of Toloa, on the western sideof Tutuila, and in a moment twolife-boa- ts of the steamer were lower-ed, one of which received me anil

y baggage, witlr" the necessary'crew, and was commnaded by theable' first olllccr, Mr. Gcst. Theother accompanied our boat to theshore. At the moment we started

"with our i boat' for. .T.uUiiln, thecaptain had, in lionet of thoncwAmcricanrcprcsenthrjvo fotjiSamon,ordered the firing of a cannon,whose echoes, in the silence of thonight, resounded' distinctly from thehiglit mountains of the picturesquelyformed Island.

As soon as I landed and my bag-gage rvas put ashore on the sandybeach, all the nntives of the neigh-borhood surrounded me and mytrunks in their Adamic attire, con-sisting of nothing but a few leaves

lava-lav- a around their hips. Atdaybreak I hired a boat and ten na-tives to bring mc to Leone, on thesouthwest side of Tutuila, wherethey landed mc at 9 o'clock a.m. ontho 14th. Here I received calls fromthe United States al

--Agent, Mr. Hunkin, the Englishmissionary, Mr. Phillips, the Chief,Tuttelc, and other prominent anddistinguished men of Leone. Ontho 17th, when an easterly windarose, I again hired a boat and na.tivo crew to bring mc to Apia, onthe Island of Upola, whero I atrivedon tho morning of the 18th, or bytrue, time the 17th. The followingday tho King of Samoa received moat his "royal mansion," near Apia,most cordially. "While handing himmy commission, I delivered a speechto him, winch His Majesty receivedwith gicat'ntlcntion. Soon after myarrival tho English nnd GermanConsuls hoisted their respectiveNational Hags, thus paying mc asConsul, their respects and welcome.

II is not tho custom to laud anypassengers at Samoa from on boardNhips of tho P.M.S.S. Co.'s line,dipt.. "Webber, however, made anexception in this Instance, becauseho thus lauded tho representative ofAmerica at Samoa. The distancefrom San Francisco to Samoa, viaHonolulu, is 4,!J7fi sea miles.Weekly Alta, Oct. 7th.


Manufacturer nnd dealer in nil kinds ofSaddlery and Harness.

Orders fiom tho other Islands promptlyattended to.

SOU Comer Fmt and King sts. ly

No Bush Whacking HeroIjlYESbAV.KlJIiypur.

chasing your Jmt--Hone Equipments

From W. FENNELL. -sS- fe-V--.

Practical Mechanic,!):! King streettSTNo Peter Funk btpek here, 2Qy

vHHlrJ& ... A

B. F. EHLERS & Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods71



MHS. A. M. MELLU3 who is ndmttled to bo the leading Millinery anil Dress,maker, modesto In tho Kingdom, begs leave, to hay to lier many Ladyirienus inni ner new mock oi Jicauiuui goods10 arrive, wntcii incuiuc an tne very latestLadies' and Children's hats nml bonnetsdesigns,

ovory steamer,


MRS. MELLIS strictly superintends all work, and being always so thoroughlycompetent and particular with her patrons' orders, it Is not strange that all Ladiesof fashion and taste arc her customers.

Ladies with their children nrc Invited to rail and sec samples of the new Fallnnd Winter styles in her Millinery department, and alo tniscotlto new nnd latestplumes, feathers, .trimmings, etc. Every pains taken to please tho most fastcdlousand guaranteed In every respect.


Importer and Dealer in Clothing,Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,

and Staple (Goods, &c.

All the Latest Novelties by every steamer.;

A. M. MELLIS, 104 Fost street. Honolulu.

A. KRAFT,jewelerJioptician,

Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities.Store In the "Hawaiian Gazette" build--

lug, opposite the Bank.

Chas. D. Geiu.sch,Practical "Watchmaker.

C- - Hotel Street, opposite the12.) am International Hotel, -- a

D. W. CLARK,Watch Maker and Jeweler,

Always on hand a nleo stock ofK5"Watchcs, Clocks and Jowelry.-i- a

Itcpalrlng Watches and Clocks a Speci-alty, No. 55 Hotel Street. :I2

Telephone, No. 240.

Artesian Ice Works

ICK DKLlVEltKD to all parts of theand subuibs at all hours of thu

iliv.)rders from the other Islands prompt-

ly attended to.Olllcu at W. K. Fostkii'h, Saddler,

Fort street.150 TeluiiliomsKo.lll. 2m

ICE MANUFACTORY.Ice delivered to all parts of thu

City. Shipping supplied hi quantitiesto suit. Telephone, No. 58. Oillee atWilder & Co.'s. J8

TTNION FKKI) COMPANY, A. W.llusii, .Manage!1 Sou wlvcrtisc- -

incut on other page 28

Ecccivcd by

recently onicrcu arc now ncginningl renen ami American insiiions, in

and dress patterns, of rich nnd rare


204 FORT ST.

Itotwrt Lcwerts 0. J!, Cooke,

T E W E 1? S & COOK I: ,- (successors to Lcwcrs & Dickson,)

Importers nnd Dealers In Lumber and allkinds of Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu. l

WILDER & Co., Dcnlcre m' ' Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt

and Building Materials of everv kind,cor. Fort ami Queen xts., Honolulu. 1

ALLEN & ROBINSON, Dealers inand all kinds of Building

Materials, Paints Oils, Nulls, etc. 71

T3ROWN & PHILLIPS, Practical-' PJumbeiH, dnsFittcrs and Copper-

smiths, No. 18 Nuiiuiiiist., Honolulu.House and Hlilp Job Work promptlyexecuted. 17

bCIIIl. GEUTZ, No. SO 'ort st.and dealer in Gent's,

Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes nmlslippers. IK!

BROWN & CO., ImportciH andlu Ale, Wines and Sjilrll,

No. 'J Merchant st., Ihinolulii. 12

HONOLULU IKONWorks Co. Steam engines, sugarmills, boilers, coolers, Iron, brass

nnd lead cutlii!: machlnerv of everydescription madu to order. Particularattention paid to ship's W:ckmnithing.Job work executed on short notice. 1

--. V3SrJ?,OarriaceTOfea Builder,

Buygics, Carrliigcs, Express AVagons

nnd every kind of vehicles


RlucksniiUiing, hoiHc-Mliocin- g,

and all kinds tri repairing done.

Just Received,Per bktiio Eureka, a full line of

BYCICLE SHIRTSSilk, merino nnd cotton.

Psijama Suits, Etc.Ul A, W, llluluuilauu & Co.

FORT STREET.- Commission Merchants.Geo. W. Macfarlane. II. It. Mnefnrlanc.


CHANTS andSttfai' Factors,

Fire-l'roo- f Building, 52 Queen street,Honolulu. II. I.

AIIKNTH forThe Waikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui.The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,Thcllecia Sugar Plantation, Oahu.Huelo Sugar Mill, Maul,Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Hunch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow nml Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrlccs, Wat-- & Co's Sugar Maehln

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.m

ClniiK Sprccki-- Win. (I. Irwin.

WM. G. IRWIN & COMPANY,' ' Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. i

H. HACKFELI) & COMPANY,General Commission Aucntx.

Qiifimi street, Honolulu. 1

CLEOIIOKN & Co.. Ininortersu. and (JomniNslon Merchant.... licit.ere In General MeichundNc, Queen andKanhutnaiiii sts., Honolulu. ' 78

H.A. P. Cnrlur. t. C. JoncK.Jr.( B K E W E R & 0 O . tShipping nnd Coininission .MerchantsQueen street, Honolulu. 1

rpiIEO. H. DAVIES ,fc CO., Import-J- -

ew nnd Commission Merchants:agents for Lloyd's and the LiverpoolUnderwriters, British and Foreign In.surancu Company, and Northern Assiir-nnc- c

Company. 71

JOHN T. AVATEHHOUSE,Importer nnd Dealer in General

sicrcnnmilse, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

TVf S. G HI N IJ A U .M & 0 0.,"Importcre of Gcncrnl

Commission MerchantsHonolulu. j

M. . GRINHAUM & CO.,Confiuisslon ninriOiiiiifu. ijCnllfoinlu street. San Fmnelsen.

Cal. 1

L-- N E II A N & C O .miiorlcrs and (.'imimi ;n Hit

chants, Nuuanii st., Honolulu.

N. facile J. II. Atlicrtun.

C A S T L E & C 0 O K E .ShliMiinu and ('ominlKsinn Mit.

chants. Importers and Dealers In Gen.ernl Merchandise, Nil. 0 King street,Honolulu. 1

WING WO CHAN & Co.,anil General Dealers

In English. American and Chiiieso Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored con-tract matting, all qualities ami prices.

86? No. 22 Niiiianu Street, oppositeMr. Afong's. 81

H.II.WIIIInm, A.Chcrcliruuvh, W.ll.nimwml

WILLTAMS, DIMONI) & Co..ami CommNlou Mer-Hiaut- s,

I'lilon lllock, corner Piuu amiMarket streets, San Francisco, Cal.

AlllINTS rouPacillcIail Steamship Coiup.iii,lMcllle Steam Navigation Company, .Ctinard Royal Mull Steamship ('oiiipauyCal. line of Packets from Now York,Hawaiian lluu ot.Pnckcts,China Traders Insinance Co. (limited),Marine Insurance Co. of London. 71

M. W. McChoBnoy & Son,I'roprietora Honolulu Tannery;

Dealers in Hides, Tallow & Leather,Also, Groceries;, Provisions etc.

71 fciult, etc., etc.,

A. S. CLECtHORN & Co.Have received a large assortment of

Colonial Saddles,to suit all classes of purchasers, per S. S,

181 Australia.

Z3f" Gent's Evening Dress Coals andSuits to bo had' at Hie Honolulu Cloth.iutr Emporium of A. M., No. KM

Foil street. 202 2w

G. 11. RORKRTHON,Drayman best tenuis

In town. Tvlcpiiuuc mj, Otf, jo s


W AUSTIN WHITING, ltorueyand Counsellor at Law

Agent to take acknowledgments ofInstruments.

Kaahumanu (., Honolulu. 21)!!'- - - A.


Ari'OKNKY AT LAW and Notary

Ileal IMatc m any paitof the Kingdombought, sold and le.iicd, on


Loans negotiated,Legal Documents Draw ti.

No. 27 Mcichnnt st. (Ga.elle IHoek),1IIU Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands

SB. DOLE, Lawyer ami Notary Pub- -No. 15 Kaahiunaiiii st. II

T M. DAVlDSON.AUonicvatLaw" 21 Merchant street. 10

ANC1SM.IIATl,il. AttorneyJ-- at Law, 15 Kit.ilitiiiiitiui t. L'U

JOHN ItL'SSKLL. Alionicv at Law,corner of Kort .mil Meivbant"

streets (up stall O 1 1., iU

piCIIAHl) F. HICKEHTON,xl,Attorney tiuil Couiiselloi at I nw.Money to lend 011 M01 tinges of Free- -'holds. Oillee, No. ,'il Meicluiiil st. 1

pKCIL 1H)WN, ATIOKNEYnnd t' I.: . Xiilnri l'nh. ,

lie, and Am-n- t fir takhc Acl.mmledg-nieiit- sof ln'iu(iicius for ilic Island of

Oaliu. No. 8 Kaaliuiii.iuu street, Hono-lulu. , 1

TT7ILLIAM O. SMITH. Attor- -T T ncy at Law, No. at! Meroliant

street. 13 im

Dla G. TltOUSSKAU bcirs to nnllfvfriends that be has

practice lu Honolulu. Itesldenec andcoii.ulllng rooms, No. 711 l'unehbowl st,opposite tin: makal gate of the Queen'sHospital. CoiMiltlng hours from !) a.mto 12. Telephone No. l!i:i. :,n 1 111

DR. EMKIISON, residence androoms at No. 2 Kukul st

corner of Fort.Tclc)lione No. 14!). 5!i2ni'i

A Fl'LLKR, .Surveyor for Korean--rx- ViTltas. 7l


J-- and theCririvATiox ok tiii: Voici:.

Instruction also given in Sight Hcailin-'- ,

Choir, Choi us and Part Singing.For particulars npplv at

201 1m WALLS' MusloSlorc.

"yitAY TAVLOll. Teacher of Piano- -

forte nnd Organ. Tuning In allIts branches. .() ;m

W E. HOWELL, Cimsulting aIl..'If. ,r,)"'',IL''S Kugiiieer; olllcu

street. M 2in

J. WILLIAMS & Co.120 Fort Street, . Honolulu,

Portrait and Landscape


180 ly


Agent to take Acknowledgments In'

Labor Contracts,AND GENi:it.L Ut'SINKSS AGENT.

Oillee, In MnkecS IJIock. corner Queenand Kaahuiiiami strc-t- s, Honolulu. 21

T I L L I A M A U L I) , Agcii"lt7T T take Acknowledgments to Con.

tracts for Labor for the District ot KomiIsland of Oahu, at the oillee of Hie Hono-lulu WnterVoiks, foot of Niiunnu st.

IK!) I f2

JOHN A. IlASSlNtJElT,Agent to take Acknowledgments to

Contiacts for Labor. Intrrior 'lllec,Honolulu. 7

w. v- - AKANA, '

Chinese and llawaiiaii'Traiu'.hiliir and Iuteipretcr,

No. 18 Klngblicel, Honolulu.Translations of cither of the nhoc

languages made with aicuiacy and dis-patch, and on reasonable terms. 2011


Colonial CaudiosJust received at

A. S, Ologhorn & Co's,JUl , perS.S. A(Mrulu.

vL I J Jl





Page 2: THE DAILY BULLETIN. · I S, ft, V! b n JSc THE DAILY BULLETIN.-No. '22G.HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1882. Subscription SO I'cnls irr Month. THE DAILY BULLETIN Is published


Cite tlatlu iii)

SATl'KDAY, OCT. 21, 1S2.


JlOltMVI.Apples ami onions nt auction, bj

Mi. Adams, nt 10.Kvi.vtxn.

Kolilui'sll'mcwcll llcnclil, MusicHull, 7:'JU.

UospclTcmpciaiico Mccsing, ItoIhol Vestry, 7: ill).

Mission Childioii, at Dr. "NVhiL

ney's, 7 ;'MTO MOItllOVV.

lU'thol' llov. Dr. Damon, liiom'gFoil .st., J. A., lnoininj

ami evening.St. Andiew'.s C'athcdtal, Itev. 0

Wallace, nioining ami eening.

The Planters' Labor & Supply Co.


Met at 2 r.M. Mr. Hitchcock inanswer to the Picsidcnt staled thattliey weic prepaied to let 10 men betiansfcucil the insl montli, mid sumoie in the nct 2 months, and thelumaindcras soon as l.iboicis couldbe got in their place pioidcd thatthev lctuined tow oik immediately,and Ihc'Planlci.s paid the cost up tothat time. Mr. Hitchcock vviib askedto picscnt this offci to Mr. Chip in

wiitmg. Mr. II. M. "Whitney madean able and niiriinicntutivc speech inf.ior of the employment of a chemistdining which air. (Janavniio came mand at the end of it he was introduced to the Association.

Col. Austin said he would behcailiiy welcomed and eveiy facilityfor aeqiiiiing infoinmtioii given himby the Plnntet.s on his pioposcd tourof inspection. Mr. --ivunavano inlcply said that his auival hadei cited u little commotion amongst,his coiuiti vinun. Mucii was notknown in Poitugal about the islandsand niisrepicsentntions of the tieat- -

mont of laboicrs had been made toliis Uovoinment for which icason been sent to investigate, lie hadhowever seen enough of the islandsto icconimcnd them to his countiy-me- n

and he would not foiwiiulnnycomplaint till he had made a toiu ofinvestigation, which lie had nodoubt would icmoe all misiiiulci- -

bliuidinxs between the l'lanter andthe laboier. Col. .Spalding said itwould be a, good thing to sec if thel'oitugucsc contiacts weic of thesame impoit as the raiglisli-vci&io- n,

as the laboieis weic not wanted tocome hcic under false impressionsMr. Canavauo stated that the won!ing was not good 1'oituguese, but hethought the meaning was substautially the same. Theio was a seeming contradiction about the passagebeiny; lice but in the new contiactsthat was icmocd. Mr. ,ScIiacfe.rshowed that under the new foim ofcontiact thcie was no inducementfor nianied men to come, and manysingle men could not come owing tothe military laws ol PuiliHjruI. Mr,Hut lu ell showed that the need ofeducational .stipulations in the contiact was unnecessary as the Ilaw-aiia- ns

luvvb niinnged for that. Mr.Spalding asked whether flic Poitu-gue.s- e

(So eminent would allowluboici.s to come diiect to planta-tions without the intervention of theUoaul of Inimigiatioii. Mr. Cana-vauo baid that he hud ahcady in hisadvices to his (iovcinment, statedthat the I5o.ii tl of Inimigiatioii wouldbe the best to deal with, but that itwould be pcilectly legal to do soand moie in nccoidancc with thelaws of I'ottugal, as thoso did notallow tiansfeib, anil it seemed thatthe piesont sybtcm was a kind oftiansfer. Col. Spalding then askedif the roitugucM! (Soveiuimuit wouldgive as gieat facilities to the Com-

pany as to the Agent of the I'onidof Immigration. After bomc littlediscussion and explanation llio lcplywas pionounced pcilectly satisfac-toi- y

anil Mr. Canavauo ictiied.Mi. h'ichaulhon pioposed that anuiitoim btaudaid of latious beadopted as far as possible, and Col.Spalding lead the list ot what hewas in the habit of giving fiomwhiih it appeals the lioaul of anadult costs 7. 18. After a shoit dis-

cussion the meeting adjourned tillJOa.ji.


At 10:10 the minutes ere road'and appiovcd.

It was moved that mtielc li of theby-la- be amcmlctl to as lo allow

tyt"1 "- ,'- -

nieinbeis of the Uoatd of Tiusleesto foun a quotum instead of 7.After some time n, qitoiuni of abateswas founed and the motion wasagiccd to by 17,8!)0 shaics to 800.While this was being dono Mr. W.O. Smith explained the uses of theblank foi ms of w oik statistics pio-posed to be kept by tho Plantois.These tcluins consist of daily, week-

ly 111111111111110113' foinis. The dailyand weekly n re to be kept on theplantation, and the quattcily ct

made up from them and for--

aided to the Sccielaiy of the Company. After some little- - discussion itwas moved Unit the matter belefcued to the Committee on Labor,to take action m the matter, A an-lion- s

amendments weic moved tothis which weic cither withdiawn orlost and the motion was linallycauicd: Some anther destiltoiytalking was done and at 11: Jo themeeting adjourned till 2 r.M. to con-

sider the Poi lujnicsc contiacts.

2.") shaics of Waiinanalo wete boldby Mr. Kllis for SIM.

71 diiveis' ceililicales have beenissued lo date.

Mi.sMts. AV. C5-- . Irwin and Siini'lPinker go to the Slates by the Sue

Tin: mail for San Finncisco, persteamer Sue, closes at the PostOllke at 10 a.m.

Wi: ought to have plenty of waternow. AVhy? Well, we have a Nia-jiat- a

at ourdoois. J'iratul.Tin: sale of the stoics, &.c, fiom

the Kiagata biotight about 2,ft()0.The wheat was icscivcd for a futuiosale. Kvciything was sold in bond.

Missus. Iiwin & Co. have justhad a handsome sign put up on theFoil stieet side of their olllco, bear-ing the wouls Agency of the OceanicSteamship Co.

AVi: me infouncd that the otherciew have now made tiie distancein 17'i' minutes. AYo aie waitingnow till the race comes offto'beewhich of them w ill be left behind.

Ox Thin sday night the billiaidmatch was finished. Makaiwi wentout with 500 when Saumleis was at18(i. The spcctatois weic biupiised,as the betting was in favor ofSauudcis.

Ax.vnvi: woman uin away fiomthe piison the othei day. Our

slates that when found theguards beat and kicked her on thepublic Jiighvvuy. AVhy stylo of pun-ishment is this?

Tin hi: is a possibility that JosephCook, D.D., may auive Sunday bythe Zealandia. If so auangemenlswill be made to have him deliver aIcctute in Foit bticct Chinch.

'Tm: Cluistian who can Laugh,"will bo Mr.'s tiieme Sundaymoining, and "John Chinaman inHawaii" in the evening. Should tiieZealandia be in poit at cither bci viceJoseph Cook, I). I)., will occupy thepulpit instead of Mr. Cnuan.

A imm: of lumber removed fiomthe ti.iinvvay has been lying at thecomer of Victoiia and IJeiclaniablieets. It ! laid vvilh the .spikessticking up, and may 'cause aseiiouscement to borne one passintr in the

night time if not lcnioved.

Tin. lccent poisoning case at Iva- -moiliili bhows the necessity of hav-im- r

an iiiiah lical chemist. I)r.Stangcnwald has nuclei taken theanalysis fiom feelings of duty, buthis other vvoik is so picssuig that hewill have to do this at iiisihl time.and ptobably injuie his health.

A HUMAiiK-vi.i- : occunencu tookplace at Mr. Dowbctt's ailesian wellat Unlaw a on Thin sday. Mr.Arnold icpoiU that they had ceasedwoiking to splice a lope when theyhcaid a liimliling noise and hiiddenlythe outer casiu'' of the bote bliot unto a height of (i feet 8 inches. Thesuilacc water also lose to a heightof 1 feet. It is supposed that it wascauseil tiy some interna convn kimiof the caith.

AVi. hear of a case of bravciv thatdeceives notice at our hands. Whilethat ltinavvay was coming ulonjrUcictnuia btieet on AVedncsdav.a gentleman named MuKcnzio wasdiiviug along in the opposite d'uec-tio- u,

Ik btnv a vounir ladv billiinr

alone in a citiihitrn ilukt in the ttaekof the ruimvvuy, anil lealicd theuangcr she was in. vviuiouia moment a hesitation lie whipped up hishoiso, nnd dtove his vehicle right inbetween the caniagc nnd the unl-aw ay, just in time to leccivc aslight jostle ft oin it. In all pro-

bability by liis piompt action hesaved the young lady's life.

Tin: King's lcply was tcccivcdyestciday by the Plnntcis. It saysthat they have not spoken on theirown afiaiis, and that theio is a icinedv. It was refenedlo the Trustees to act upon.

Tin: Y.M.C.A. held their usualmonthly meeting in the llcthcl Arcs

liy on Thtu sday evening, at 7:.')0

Ptof. I'i all m the chair, llio Yimouscommittees vvcie called upon andmost of them gave in lepoits. Themonthly collection was then takenun. Mr. P. C. Jones, on behalf ofthe Ihiilding Committee, lcpoitedthat the buildup was piosicssmgnlthough slowly, nnd he hoped to seeil finished by'llic 22nd of Dcceiu- -

tAuction Sales by E. P. Adams

This Day, Ssilm-day- ,

Ort. 21t,nt 12 noon,At Sdc Uooni,


IX .Sue,7." Itoxcs Aiiplen,

Canes On i)iiN.Hacks Onions.

K. P. Ai)VM-- , Aiuliimcpr

, JiTigntion !

ritlUOATlOX, nfti-- i thil dale, IsJy fiuliidiU'ii, CTiipl between

Tin-- Mollis oflt lo 7 n. in.C1IAS.1J. AVILSON,

Sttpri Inti lirli lit Wntu Work".Approvid: ). l)i pit,

IMinistei nt Inleiior.Honolulu, ( 120

NOTlCi:. The imi'lneiohipbetween Ohin Lock

& Lee Chut, (umlei the firm name ofAVing Clumi; ChmitfcCo.) Is hereby d

hv mutuiil consent. Tlie'lm-d-ne- s

will now lie r.irried on under thefirm iiamu of LEL CHAT, No. 4)J Nun.iinti stiecl.

Hoi.olulu, Oct. 21, 1882. 220 Iw

OTOLi:N orhlnivecl from Union FeedO CoV AViuclioiip, nlimit lu.i. in. onOil. 11), n blown nml white icttei PUP,blown enis, limwn and while ipottidia, hid colltu on. Suitable lew.ird

will be paid on lcluin'mg -- .une to J. T.Wateilioilse's Quett bt. Stote. 22 j

Uiuing my nbencu fiomthis Klniloni, Jlr. Joseph O. C.u-tc- i

will net for me nuclei a full Povvtiof Attoini'v.

225 2w P 0. JONL'S, .In.

"VTOT1C13. Dining my absence fiomJ-- this Kliigdiini, --Mi. Flunk M.Hatch, will (ollcil the jeuls due fiomall piopcity belonglnt; lo Mi. .Nannieit. Jtrewei, and also niiike sales ot cattlefiom the Kaneohe Lstale.

22,-- i 2w P. C. JONES, Jn.TOTICL 1 hciehy give uotii o HintX 1 have dispo-u- l of my GincervUiisinc's to JIi. 13. J. Lc.vey. All ae.counts line said busineos arc to be paidto him.

TlmnUing the public foi the libeialpatiouagb they have been pleased to

upon me, 1 would icspic tfully nklot a (ontliiuiucu of the stuiic lo invPiicic'sf.ot. A. AV. HUSK. '

j Ordeis foi the Union Feed Conipany will be leceivid as usual, amiprompt delivciy guaranteed. 2J.1 lm

"TOTICL. Having puicluiHcl fiom1 .Mi.A.AV his ilghl, titleand inkiest in ihoGuxeiy Uuslness, onFoil Mitit, it is my Inluilion lo tnuymi Ihi! , line mull i tiie 111 in iiiiimi nt sJ. LEVLV A, c'o., ami I hope, liy strictaiii'iiuuii in iiusiul-x- , anil lite wimts olmy (iislomeis, to meilt a haioiilthelllieial p.itionage litlvowul upon mvpudec isoi, Mi. A. AV. Jiii-di- .

22a lm r S. J. LLyjJY.

Xotice.Consignees c bark Imacos

fiom NewA'oik, will pleasecall foi okIuh anil pny1 III

22.J i)t UAla'i'LK A: (JOOKE, Agents.

Notice.rpili: Iiilgallon l'livllcgi'h suspemkilI. uiilll liuthei nolke (lonol Imluile

thosii ileiivcd liom the Aitehiu AVillt.on King Mi eel,

t II. AV1LSON,." .Siipciiiikmlenl AVntui WoiI.k

"VTOTICIJ All i)eions owingnionev,i , Ac., lo Ilei Highness Hut'ltJvielikolanl me lieieliv n iimxli'il inmaUu theii jnij ments to'

1 ijl H. A, AyiDEMAN X

WANTED, ininiulliitely, a i eutrallvCottage, within

. , . ,... it 11011.,...1.1. ....II 11 .v. -iiiiiu n.uitiiii; ill-n- 11 ill liuxlliess, Mill .Hon 01 the AVni 1:11,1 hhloof Foit'stutt.niist have tliue hiuioonis.iWUSw J.I. AVibuux.

bet! Mcssis. Lislimiin anilGauettalso epokc on the same subject. ThePicsidcnt thou called on Mr. P. C.Jones to deliver a few lcmaiks onTemperance. Mr. Jones stated thatowing to his speedy depat line andbeing on the jury as well that he hadnot time lo give the subject as fullattention as he had deshed to. liethen dclivcicd a few lcmaiks whichfurnished much food for lcllcction.A gcncial discussion followed, andthe subject was lcfcircd to the Tom-pcianc- c

Comuiitlcc lo'icpoitat thenext meeting, to which Indies mideveryone me invited. Mr. F. Kcklcywas unanimously appointed Ti cas-

ta cr. Dr. Hyde then moved thatMr. Jones, our lionoied and It listedassociate, bo elected delegate atlarge in the .States, ami that theSccrctaiy give him a ccitillcnte, alsothat he be authoiicd to initiatenegotiation for a miitnble poison toact as Gcncial .Secretary. Uotii

vveie can led unanimously,and the meeting adjourned at 0o'clock.


15et California Uuttci, in tubs nnd jars,Uirrels Prime Pork,.Uarrcls Etra Mess lleef,Half.lurrcls extra Family llief,Cases Fall haul: Lard, r timl 10 lbs.,("asm Codfish,HigH California Potatoes,Hags AVhole Unrley,Hags Ground Uarliv,Hags AVheat,Hags AVliilc and Pink Ueans,

J33AII areollertd allow prices.UOLfiES & Co.

Honolulu, Oc 1. 1!', 188.'. 22.) 2w

"Wuter Notice.Olllcc Sup't AVatcr Woi ks,

Honolulu, July it, Ikbi.

persons having AViilcr PilvTlcgesluciiotllUil that theli AValer Kales

nicpayuhlu semi annually, in advance,al tin; oIIIlc of tic SiipcilntMHlcnl ofWntcr AVoiks, foot of Xiiuanu slietl,upon the ltdav of Jiuiu.uv and July ofeach j ear. CHAS. H. Wl LSON,

Sup't AV'atci 'orks.S. K. Kaai, Minister of Inteiior. 201

IOE 0REAM PESTIVALAVill bo giv en on

TlmrHtlay, Octoher 2(lh,Commencing nt 1 p. 111.,

Iu the Il.iseinent of Fort Street Chinch,for defraj ing the cpenscs of the

Gopcl Tempei .nice workon tiieme IbIiuuIs.

AdmUsloii, Si'icls; Chlldien, half-price- .00111

Creme de la Creme..rplIU lie Factoiics mo in full blast,X and so nc

IIAltT'SElite Ice Cream Parlors!

They are just ficelng, whiih Is

lri((t yon icant in this Wcaltcr,and don't jou fin get it !

Ice Cieam can he luul fiom 11 a. 11 p. m. at

11AUT UHOS.,Elite Ice Cream P111I111- -,

177 8(1 Hotel Mrut.


Coiling Decorations,




A splendid and viukd ns'oilintnt



TANTED Anjona having a copyTT of the hook "Lilekuwiii" todih.

pose of will please call at201 lm J. AV. ItOllEUTSON &, Co'h

rpo LET a lot, 100 ftet upline, onJL which is htnblo foi 10 or moru

orie-i- , caniagc Iioiim-- , ami mi v nut'sI o isp, water laid on, opening 011 A'ouiigtrjet. Foi particular applv to

A. ITltSANDEZ,"n: 'W''ii h"-- Jill1"1

TDU SALE, a MULE C.vllT,Ap.dy 10

1.0. JL lim Weld ii Co

"' f W'7m-- ft!NEW MUSIC HALL, f t

This Saturday Evening,October 21st,



Tendered by

The Alaska MinstrelHAnd pcvernl other nrtlstes.

Sec day bill for parllculais.Admission, "?I.0J, 75 cents and fiO els.

Peseived nuts lo ho had at HobertMin& Co's, nml Hart Ihothcis'. 200


Millinery HouseOF


Finest and Richest Goods

Ever shown In this Kingdom.

TJin m:.vihx2HlJL,L,irs'13LtY 1IOUH13



Tho Long-Expcctc- d Book,


Mrs. Lucy G, Thui'ston,"

Has 111 lived, and lt for mile nt

A. L. SMITH'S, Fort street.222 Price, $1.75 each. 2w


IRON ROOFING,21 and 20 Gauge,

0, 7, 8 and 0 feet lengths.

Eastern Clear Square Edged

WHITE OAK PLANK,Fiom 1 to 4 in. iu tliitkne,

Ilccclrul c. late artivaN, nnd for nalc inquantities to anil, by20o lm ALLEN & HOMNSON.

Elegantly Furnished EoomB

TO LET,FAMILIES or SINGLE17011 w Ith nil the c onvenlen-ce- s

and comfoits of a home, with

Use of Parlor.Rooms arc huge and well ventilated.

Terms, Strictly Moderate,MltS. SCHHADElt.

Corner of Hotel and Alakcu streets.172 Jim

Fuwiitui'o For Sale.COMPLETE, cheap, on account of

at rear rotlagc of No. 'JGarden Lane, comer of Hotel m. Calliu tho evening of IhiH week. 22!l ilt

I?d:GANTLA; FUHNIS1IEI) ltoomsjli to let, single 01 double, with all thoconveniences and comfoits of a home,ltooms urn largo and well ventilated.Tci ins Mildly moderate. Apply at No.2 Adams Lane. 211 lm.

rpo LET ONE COTTAGE,X containing 7 100ms, with stabling

and every convenience, tdluntul on (hoP'ulus, ahout 1 i"llo fiom town. AVutcrluul on. For pnniculais applv lo

A. FEKNANHEZ,11),'. lm At E. O. Hall & SonV.

A SPLENDID Opportunity isnow olleitd to buy the Popu.lai Lodging House reeentlv

occupied ami conducted bv- - Mrs. 12) Foi t stieet, The meinlsesiontiiin1 stoie. 17 bedrooms, kitchen, dlnlne andbafh 100111. Tho 100ms aie all nicelyfuuil'lieil and in peifect order. Forfurthei jiaillciihus njiply to prc-cn- t

AV. AVAL LACE, 123 Fort St.,Hnnohilu. 215

FOll SALE or lo LEASE, a.VICE COTTAGE, on thoPhiliiH. In n jioocl nelchbor.

hood. The house Is ndw and coiitnlns 2In (booms, wilh closifts; parlor, diningloom, pantry, bath, Kitchen and sowing100111. A nice huge jmd, with

Apply to813 If H.J.AONEW.

i rfit&r: .i

, j




Page 3: THE DAILY BULLETIN. · I S, ft, V! b n JSc THE DAILY BULLETIN.-No. '22G.HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1882. Subscription SO I'cnls irr Month. THE DAILY BULLETIN Is published


,.ilPH SclIr'Wlolooll'Minmoml Head. D O ta" Pel' (HESJ"G,BER. , !!! 5 '1Slmr C it Bishop of! Barber's Nm.r g VWLT ' --.

Point. ' J"' '.'.',' 110 ,1.. from Liverpool, s ST IT" 3

Will lime for the aboc .a .! --WfeSiS-" .




! V,



V i

Arrivals.Oct. 20

Stmr Lchun from Maui and MolokaiOct. 21

Stmr Kilauutt Hon from KalniluiSclir Wnioli from KohalaSchr IVIilc Mori is fiom LanniSlmr Wnimnunlo fiom WitimannloSchr Klmkai fiom WiiinlunSchr 1'iinco from Knlihiuui

DopartureB.Oct. 20

Slmr Jas JIukcc for Kuuni & Niiliaufreight pacific, having

accomodations, apply to GZF3


Vossols Leaving tliis day.Schr Ktilamanu for KoholalcloSchr Fohoiki for PutinSclir Mnnuokuwni for KoloaStmr Suez for San Fran.,

, Passengers.For Kauai per James Makcc, Oct

20 Rev Mr Wninwiight, MrKocl-ing- ,Col Z S Spnlding, wifo child

and hcrvant, S N Hundley, CaptDullon, Mr llunblo, Ilancberg,It A Maefic, G Drown and 25 deck.

Fiom Maui'nnd Molokai, per Lc-lit- ia

Oct 20 Capt Jackson, C Ilotclikiss, Mrs Kealoha and 27 deck.

Vessels in Port.U. S. S. Alaska, G. E. Uclknnpllrlt utm Hue, Doilil,Am liktnc AmeliaAm xchr Clnus SprcekclsHaw hk lolaul,Haw brig Kiiiltot CameronAmbkJDCMuriny ' , ,JJark I Inn cos1Am hktne Kllkitnl,l)r b.irk L.uly L.iiilpni, Jir.-to- n.

Am bark Hope, ApoletGcr bk Telho,Ilk CibarleuTern JJvn .

. Vessels Expeotod.IH ( Nnmc From DnoIlk Emma, from l'imct Hound, Aug 18Dktnu EinmaAugutn, fin l't Gamble for

Khhuliu, Oot 7RMS Zealauilln, from Sydncv, Oct !2U

Stmr City of New York from a. F, Oct 2UUiirk-Llzl- e Marshal, fm Pt GambleUr bk Ullock fiu.LUiTnool. DecIlk Alter Ainim fm GlnsMw. DecIlk Uevere fm Pt UlnkelevUr ship Amli.Hoailor, fm NewcastleIlk Buciu VKta fm Pt GambluIlk Kit Sap fm Pt GambleUktnoJ A Falkinburg tin S F

A. G. ELLIS,QTOUIC UKOKEIl, will buy or soilio Plantation Stook, ISrnuls, and

Other Marketable Seeuntico,At (heir mnikct filuc for eiiMh.

ai5 oniec with E. Adnm, Auct'r,


NO. 8 Merchant Slicet, Honolulu,(Ustnbllsiied In l7U)

Sugar Plantation, llailroad,Telephone, and other Corporation Stock,

Uouds and Similar Seuuiities Uought( and Sold vn Commission.

Money loaned on Stock Securities.Honolulu, Oct. 1st, 1682. 214

lioynl Hawaiian Agricul-tural Society.

of the Diafls of IntendedCOPIES the Society may now beobtainid fiom tlieuiiilei-igne- d membersof the Oigauiiu;; Committee.

Thos,u desirous of joining the Societycan do so by paying the aniiunl subscrip-tion of So to either of the uadcisigned.


Honolulu, Sept. !J0, 1HS2. 200

Wilson Brothers,


Shoeing a specialtyA Ilrbl-cliiM- man being ially engaged

for that woik.Ship and "Wagon ioik faithfully

attended to.Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hoppci's.201


So ftiyornljly known throughout theHawaiian Inlands. Sold by nil

respectable dealers., Honolulu. 71

port. lor ft eight or pa-sa- apply to Invoices of .K& - '3F. A. Hen vr.tT.n it Co, Agents, g JF"" JFA , t- Assorted Goods, E a ;

Oceanic Steamship Oomp'y. & S yv 35 I. 1

ooverni .new ijincs l&TmrySiStSifSnff 2 x

For 01





lur' A x

,4"v?vS:rc9M-t- &t iron oioamor ouuz,UOI)I, - COMMNl)KK

Will leave Honolulu


121 Wm. G. Inwix i. Co., Agents.

'--t Stoamor Likoliko,--SteriKxnw ivinjj, - iuasier.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at1 p.m., touching at Laliaiua, Maa-lac- a

Hay, Makcnn, Maliukoua,Laupaboehoo and Hllo.

lteturuing, will touch at all thonlove-- ports, nrilving at Honolulueach Sunday a.m. 1

MAIL Steam-5icS- J;

ship Company.

FOlt SAN FRANOISCO,The Splendid Stcamhlp

Zealandia,Webber, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu for San Franciscoon or about Oct. 2a.

FOR SYDNEY viAAUokLANDThe Splendid Steamship

City of NC 7 York,Cobl,' - commander,

On or about Oct. 2!).

For f i eight or parage apply toII. Hacivfi.i.ii fc Co., Agent.

T. It. FOSTER & Co.'s

Lkie of Steamers

The Iwalani,Bates, ..... Commander

Runs regularly to Kona and Knu,as per following Timo Table:

Li:avi:s Honolulu at i p.m. 'onThursday, Oct. 5 Monday, Nov. 27Mondny, Oct. 10 ThuiMlay, Dee. 7Thur-da- y, Oct. 20 Monday, Dec. 1H

Monday, Nov. (I Thursday, Dec. 28Thursday, Nov. 10

Aitnivxs at HonoluluFiidav, Oct. la Fiiday, Nov. 21Tuesday, Oct. 21 Tue-d.i- -, Dec. .1

Fi iday, Nov. a Fiiday," Dec. 15

Tuesday, Nov. 1 1 Tuesday, Dec. 20

The C. R. Bishop,Dorry, .... - Commander

Li:.vvr.s Honolulu i:vi:kyMonday-- , at 3 p.m., lor Nawilhvili,Koloa, Elcele, and SVaimcn, Kauai.

ltnruit.viNc i.avi:sNawiliwili cveiy Friday evening.


Schooner Ehukaiwill tun legulaily "

TO WAIALUA EVEKY MONDAY,lteturuing on Thuisdiiy, weather

pci milting.For freight or pa-a- gc npply to the

Captain on bo, ml, or to181 A. F. Cookh, Agent.

Schooner J& "Emma,"Will leave Honolulu EVEUY TUES- -


IteluinliigS.ituidays.For freight or p.issigc, havine; superior(.ibiu accommodation' , npply to theCaptain on bo.ud. 151

A. FRANK C00KE,Office, toiner Nuuanuaiid Queen sticets,

Honolulu,'!. I.,Agent for tho following Packets:Wallcle, f Waioli.Walehu, ySK?,1 Wnlmalu.Malolo, wSrVv Kaluna,Maim, . .Iiilin,

Kit Moi, and Ehukai.

Red Flag, with "White Ball.181

rpWO OFFICES TO LET, on the see-- X

ond lloor of the building occupiedby .1. W. Itobci tsoii ,1 Co lil'.t

saos-REARD-- saos.

rpilE undeislgned will pay thonhoteX lowtuil lor jlio

DETECTION AND CONVICTIONof tho party or parties who

Poisoned hit; Maro " Lizzie'on tho night of August !0th.Sept 7. (1W) n, M. KOUUUUlia

!. . .. ..-- ! s bcsV vs?'5:?'a5S ' J iitSi&Hm W-E- -. .. . . je A&MJzy&sssmm wmwwimsianv&x&ib s .

Never before shown In Honolulu. JwySSHWr'rKlnwi -S-P83- aSmall piollls and iniick rctuin,nl g HK5! nmuiiSjXiiH Si

202 lm J. T. WntcrliotiHu'H. ,d 35 Mii!iSMHif b I

supcilor VlvSS-SBft!- ?






WARE-ROOM- Nos. 50 and 58




FUENITUREIn the Kingdom,


Sold at tho Lowest Rates.




Made to older at itliort notice.

E. 1. ADAMS,


Telephone No. 72. 207


TO LEASE.Upper II rooms w itli use of kitchen, on

Xuuauti Aenuc, Miitablc for man andw iff. Rent $11 per month. Deeij yard,gaidcn, Ac.

Ah liable, steady dilving horc wan-ted liiuit be warranted.

Wanted a good .lapiineo look, andwife, oi cook without a wife. Goodwagis to right party.

A largii loom adjoining the ReadingRoom Association on Fort st., to rcjit,f25 a month.

A-- neat small cottngeon Nuiiauu s ,

to lent, contains I! rorms, good yard,water, Ac. fc20 a month.

fa,500 to loan on JlM-clas- s sccuiltyimmediately. ,

A good 'Hiilldlng Lot on NuuanuAvenue, to hell, near 1st llridgc.

On .ludd sticet, near Lillha st., a le.icof 8 years on i aire of Ground. Rent$UQ n year. Has a 1 room cottage, sta-ble, b.irn, water, Ac. Sell for $010 ugood bargain.

A Hue cottage containing 5 rooms atl'aiioa Milley, (I'uuehbowl street),

actf! of ground. A large ele-gant barn and stable, water, runningbrook and everything coincident forraiding poultry or dairy buliies.ltcntal SlloO a j car.

Another Hue cottage on Lillha sticetto let, and also several others abouttown and suburbs.

l'i opei ty for Mile In vai Ions parts ofHonolulu.

Rooms In all parts of the city to rent,General Office, business transacted.

I. E. WISEMAN,Real IMate. RioUer and Employment

Agcut, 27 Merchant st, '.'01

i nn mill i ir 'ni i i hi r nH



Ladies and Gent's

Gold and Silver Watches

Just to hand.

Kvery Watch warranted uslcprescnlcd.


Actual weight,.olGoldi


'vvXwisinocmirniaiSitffliJtaiijtnjass JIf.uiti.r n.srtno

VHt"AV. "

Fiic-simil- e ot Silver Case-- . (215)





aMt4maxiim'issJIHvUinwiBUIu''n'TiiAie "


A Lai Stock Fine Fuiniluic will denial out

to make room for

Largo Stock of Holiday Goods to arriveper steamer. slock includes

Parlor and Bedroom Purniturc, Louuyes,Easy Ch.iiis, Tuikisli Chairs, Waidiobc,

Spiing Maltiesscs, Ollkc and Dining loom Chaiis,

All ol' vill be .sold at prices, or less.Call and examine at

Wells' Music Store,177

JUST RECEIVEDE s.s. llans.i, and late anh.iN,VltOSr THE COAST,

Cases of thecelebiatedBlue Grass Xcntuckey Whiskoy,

in glass and deinijolms, stipciioi to anybrand in this markit.

Cases Hennilage Rom lion Whisky," O. F. C. Sout Mash WhNkv ,' Fawuitc Whiskv," Cutter No. 1 Whisky," Heniie-sc- v 1,'J mid it Star Iii.uidv," Ricliot Sliir l'alo lli.indv," ISutke's Tliuo Slur Ii ish Wlil-k- v,

" Uurkc's I'm e Malt Scotch Whisky" Loehlel Scotch Whiskv," Extra Superior Foil Wine," Extra btipei ior Shei ry Wide," No. 1 California Foil," Rest IJi.indsofChiril." llet llrands of Miulelia AVlnes,u Kev" lliaiid.laninlta Rum," "Golden Fliecc'Miimaic.i Rum,

Il.iskets llesl .Stone 1 ir Gin,Cases: Green and Red Case Gin "Key"

ii .mil t" Raidmaker.s & Co's 1'ile Mulitl

Geuuliiu HollandsGiu," Foslei's Fale Ale, pts and t." GeniiNei' XXX Poller, pis A ips." St. Louis Lager Ileei," FiNiier Lager lleer, qts nod pK" Teniiant'siind .Iclliey's Fain Ale," Rudwerer'rfCclclnatul Lager Ikcr

quints and pints." C. Faiic'sChainpagne, itsanil pts." "Eelipe" Cliaiiipagiie, iilsand pis." Rhine Wine," Ginger Wine," Wine,

Also a small imoicc ol (he

Colobratod Watbr" Fcrroo lone,"

Munufncluivd epiesj Jor tioplcal

All the above goods wiiiiaulid.211 lm F. T. Lenelum & Co.


4. Ii l

M.Aijcntfor ln't

N. 11. of imita-tions, ns I have discovcieclscvcinl silver watches hear-ing the name of " WalthamWatclies," which aie of Swiss

and ate sold usgenuine watches.


go of be



Ac, Ac,

which auction






Fiic-iiiii- iij ,(1 until Caes


10"! and 107 Foil Slut I, Honolulu.


llchetia Lines,Tuck Fucking,

Sugar Coolci,Claillieis,

Fire Clay,Hemp Packing, with oi itl o'U ludi.t

Kiibbei,ikibbil Melul,

Rarlied Feme Wlie,--Mining Steels,

Hoes, l'iel,iixes,CiiiiJ Knives, wiih or without hooks,

Hand and Smith llammeis,Sho eh, Axes,

.Inckseiews, Vii c,Sleam.pipo lliiishes,

l'alenl Coeiing,Liibikaliug Oil,

Cement, Sleel Kails,Sugar anil Coal Rigs,

Twine, Ac., Ac".

For salu by

II. llACJv'FKLU & Co.Oct. I!)ih

FOll SALE, a No.

Waroliouso Food MillGi luils from 5 to 10 tons per day.

Also, pulley!., belts, etc, all in goodolder; can be inn by Miami or hoi-- upower, just the aitiele for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat,. Hum, Uailey, AVholc mill

Ground, IWKwl Feed, etc.


Page 4: THE DAILY BULLETIN. · I S, ft, V! b n JSc THE DAILY BULLETIN.-No. '22G.HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1882. Subscription SO I'cnls irr Month. THE DAILY BULLETIN Is published


W-- . r t hl ii n 'iMitiiimii"in11 mvmwmMrttmm w mwi'rppwiwE'jp'wwrwwii

Ustaolishcd 18S0.



"Importing and Manufacturing Stationers.PUBLISHERS,

Printers and Book-Binder- s,

Nos. 10 and 21 Merchant street,

The Oldest, Largest, ahd CheapestStationery Establishment In the Kingdom.

Keep constantly on hand a large assortment of'Wank Hooks, of nil descriptions; '

FooNcnp, Legal " HH1 Cap,Journiil awl Trlul Balance Papers,

Linen Paper and Envelope, nil sizes;

Writing and Copying Inks, in quarts, pints and cones.Mucilage in nil sizes especially adapted to this climate;

Drawing Paper and Pencils,Tracing Paper and Cloth, ,

Tiaiisil Books, Field and Level Books, adopted for the ncof Surveyors ami Engineers;

Mcmoiaudum and Pass Hooks,Silver and Perforated Card Board,

Shipping Tugs, Shipping llecoipl Hooks and Pads,Note, Draft, and ltecelpt Hooks,

And numerous other articles in our line to be found in u iccll kept stock

MUSIC! AflUSZC!Wo have made such arrnngcm(iils with our Music Agents, ns will ennhlc us

heicafler to keep on hnnd a full assorlmenl, and also to receive the latest pieces as

ECKART,and Manufactur-

ing Jeweler,

they are pumi-dicu- . Any special order

I...J..-..- II II I in



Nos. lia and 115

Splendid New Stock of Solid

Eh'ijant Gold andSilver-plate- d 'Ware, &c, &c.

BEAT ADDITIONS to our formerCt stock, ex Suez, Kalakaua, and Cityof Sydney, of

Ship Chandlery & Ship Stores:Cordage hemp Manila, cotton duck,Flax canvas, thi sail twiife, beeswax,Block", our- - 8 to 21 ft ; shackles,Hales of oakum, honks and thimbles,Club block", snatch blocks, rowlocks,lion strap blocks, iiitit bead- -, hieve,Mctalinuand patent bushings,Stockholm tar, pitch, coal tar, tar oil,Hrigbt and black varnishes, wire riggingMarline, seizing hou-elin- e, ratlin,Spunyarn, caulking irons, copper tacks,Iron tacks, connecting links,Marliu spike, caulkiii'; mallets,Must hoops hand spike-- , pitch mops,Tar brushes, tec.P.iint- - and Paint Oil, n full assortinent

of all kinds and colors;Paeilio Rubber Paint, a new lot, includ.

all the varioiH colors;Hi udies Paint, varni-- h, pencil, white--

wash, paste, artist, shoe, scrub, andsa-- b a good of each;

Axes and hatchet-- , wood and shingling;Ship lantern and side-light- s the Ucgu- -

1 ition article.

Groceries and Provision.,A full assortment of line, groceries,

some choice varieties ofcanned goods:

Table plu fruit, jam- - and jellies, a newin tide, put ill by a new llrm, andwe can high! recommend them asbeing something ically nice;

A now lot of Tea, including sonic supe-rior Japan varieties

Sugar Hellncd and raw;Hums bacon, lard, smoked beef, in tins1;

new articlo;Curried lowl, curried oysters,Plum pudding, kit salmon bellies,Kits mackerel, kit tongues and soundsCo lli-- b, chee-- e, Oxford sau-ag- in tins:Hiilsins, i Hi H '"ll1 i hoe;Ilnlsin-- , in tin-- ; currants In 1 is 71b tinsPickles, in 1 gal., J gal., (t, & 5 gal kgsCorn starch, tapioca, vermicelli,Macaroni, dried apples, prune, plums,

peaches and pear..KLOUH AND BUEAI).

(iolden (late extra family, Eldorado,(iohlcii City, Giuliani, oat and coin mealMedium bread, cracker-- ,(Singer -- naps HilVy, -- aloon pilot bie.ul,Soda it, lice and eoll'ee,Whale and sperm oil,Spenn candles, 'iand (I.

JLll of the atore. Kill he sold at theJient Jfarat Hates,

Huvers are mo-- t ct fully invited to' call and e.Mimlne our stock.

1115 BOLLES & CO.

Daily Bulletin Telephone-- No, 256 as



will receive our ucsl anil prompt ntlen18a

!!. II .11.1.1.

Fort Street, Honolulu.

Gold and Plated Jewelry,

Silver Watches.


DiAS & GONSALESNo. 57 Hotel Street.

INLAID WOKKFrom Madeira:

Work lloxes and Tables,Parlor Tables, Writing Desks.

Paper Knives, ltuleis,Glove, Handkerchief, fc Jewelry Hoxes,

Hair Chain-- , Necklaces,Hracelels, Ear-ring-

Hrooclies, &c, &c.

Wicker Baskets and Mats,"Willow Chairs,

Embioldery and Crochet AVork,

All the above will bo found in greatvariety, and excellent quality,

together with all theusual stock of a

Dry Goods Establishment.A call will y you handsoniclv for

the trouble. SJUt'ly


gi&AVftoffbeg to notify (o the public of Hono-

lulu mid travellers, to and fromall foreign ports that

Ho has Purchasedthe Husiness and Stock in trade of the

Honolulu I San Francisco Express &

Transfer Company,

And that he piopo-e- s to entry on theUuiuc- - In good style; in fact

everything will be done

"Up to the Handle!"All person- - requiring furniture, bag.

gage or goods of nnv description shift,ed, transferred or -- hipped will llnd it totheir advantage to apple to him at hisolllce, King street,

Telephone No. 130,low rules us possible. J87

Hardware, Agricultural' House Furnishing Goods, Paints, Oils, Vnrnislies, c.

Have made large additions to their stock of goodsTo which Invito the attention of buycis.

Weston's Diflerential 3?iilley Blocks.TRUMAN'S IMPROVED IRON -& -


60 5-- 8 Steel Teeth.New styles of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, &c., &c,

A full line Tinware, and new to this market, too numerous to mention.

Call and examine f)tr stock. (177) DILLINGHAM & Fort Street.

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1S:8.

IIaht Bkos., : : Proprietors.

MEALSServed up in llrst-clas- s style nt nil hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hnnd

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&e., &e. Also,

Iced. Driitlis!75




CAM. at Tin:

Beaver Refreshment Room,Fluent Urands of Tobacco,

. Cigars, Cigarettes, tic,Always in stock- -

lee cold Sodawater nnd Ginger Ale.

II. J. NOLTE,SOU tf Proprietor.


A Large Assortment


Fine Wall PapersAND

BORDERS!Jiit rwceive.d, and for sale by

& CO.

u Call and examine. 1 17

Jiwt Received, per Suez,From Sun Finncisco,


FELT HATS,Trimmed and Untrlnuued,

Also in and Hough Plush,

lkautiful Plumes and Flowcis.



Ladies' UnderwearAXll

Children's Cloth hi ff.'

m.H. WILKINSON,Wly 10U Foil street.

DILLINGHAM & 00.Importers and Dealer. In




... "- w

i rfc-r- - wm n i nil i n 11 "vmX If IBMtfSTj ITlf l Zmav " IL. livm



&c.of many Novelties,






AT- -


Bruce Cnrtwrlglit. "V.

Union Feed Company-- CARRIES TIIE- -

Largest and-- OF-

nnd full

W. Fort

J. &

receive any PaperStales, and

time every mail find fiftyand and

large, furnish nndlow


andSteam Mill,


Sashes. Doors, and kindsfinish. Band

Sawing. kinds Saw ing and Plan-ing, and

attended and workOrders from Is-

lands solicited '

Skins.LAHUE famous


Females I kilo



sale(Miaiilltiv Milt



Four Complete.


1 I

a. Luce. A. Bush.

Best Stock



i l ! i

For saleIticiiAKiisoh'n



Confectioner,Cook and Buker,

No, 71 Hotel TclophoiK 5574.

IIAY, GRAIN AND FEEDOf All description, guarantees to keep a

constantly on hand. ,

jJSTScnd orders to A. BUSH, St., Honolulu.


Subscription DepartmentWE nre prepared lo further order.i for or Magazine publish

cd in California, Eastern Canada, Europe.At tile prevent wu receive by over .one hundred

dillcrcnt Papers Mnjazines, published in the English, French, German,Languages,

As our subscription list is wo arc enabled to the PapersMagazines at a rate of Subscription. 182


n.KOIOE LUCAS, 0&ftContractorBulltler.'siSg

Honolulu Planing Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures alt of Moulding,Bracket", Frames, Blinds,

all of Wood-work Turning, Seiolliind

All ofMorticing Tenanting.

Orders promptly toguaranteed. the other


French CalfA INVOICE of the

"Fisher & Levey

All All weights, 10 lo lii

Direct ImportationEx of Sydney,

ISy-G- o sec them,at 4'i (Jueeii SI reel.

101 lm M. W. ii

Cs Medium Bread,ex Caihailcn, fur in

to by 1

!K A. S. G'LLOUliltN &

cheapest &. best.





M w

atA. W.



F. HORN, PracticalPastry







, l

"m .'