the daily bulletin · 2015-05-30 · kerr has now reorganized his system of working tho business in...

Ik mem Ail THE DAILY BULLETIN Vol. II. tfo. 383. HONOLULU, II. I., TUESDAY, APRIL 2d, 1883. SUQSOniPTION GO 0ENT8 PER MONTH. THE 'DAILY BULLETIN SALTER HILL, Proprietor. Is published every morning and circu. latcd throughout tho town bycairlcrs, and Forwarded to tho other Islands by every opportunity. Subscription' ... GO cents per Month. GCahson Kenvon, Editor. , All business communications to be ad- dressed, Manager Daily Bulletin, (Pott Olllcc Box No. 14. Telephoho 250.-Ofllr- .... qnocn Mtrcnt, Opposite West's Carriage tfactofj. ' .T.'O. Clkvioh, Manager A contributor sends us a capital story of the ingenuity exercised by a litile boy, in calling attention to his first pair of new boots: The little fellow would draw up his pantaloons and display the whole of his boots; then walk up and down tho room, with eyes now upon the shining leather, and now upon a friend of his father who was present; but it was a bootless effort. At length, however, ho succeeded. Sitting in front of both ho exclaimed: "Father, ain't three timestwosix?" "Yes, my son.'' "Well, then,' said he, pointing to each of their feet, "if three times two is six, there's just six boots in this room!" .' t. Louis Republican. The electric light is not approved of by tho Chinese. The Governor of Shanghai has addressed a circular letter to the foreign Consuls in that city, requesting them to inform their proteges that the Chinese Government have strictly forbidden the electric lamps, "through which bo much mischief had been done al- ready, and probably will be caused in the. future." Every Chinese using the light is liable to a fine and imprisonment. The foreign Consuls have promptly protested againGt the absurd order and appealed for redress f to their respective Governments. An exchange notices that women are beginning to take an interest in field sports, and that many oi them are quite expert cjiglers. With the girls.iu this.region angling is not an art. They come by it naturally. A girl here may even hate field sports and yet fasten her hook so securely in the gills of her victim that when they arrive in front of an oyster saloon or candy store bhe is sure to laud him. They wero talking about the cases of 'smullpox that aie alleged to pre- vail over in Sail Antonio. One of the gentlemen who had just returned from San Antonio, lemarked that there was not much danger, as the patients had been isolated. Mis. Worrol Athcrton, who thinks she knows everything, spoke up and said: " It don'.t make any difference how many times you have been isolated jf t don't take." Since tu'" floods in Cincinnati and the hotel files ju other places it has been almost impossible to suit hotel guests. They want rooms above high-wat- er mn:k, and below tho fire-liu- e j.ttiul finally the hotel proprietors compromised by hitching a skiff to eveiy window, so in case of fire or water a guests could paddle his own canoe. THE OLD CORNER Established, 1858. Haiit Bkos., : : Proprietors. MEALS Served up la first-clas- s style at all hours Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m. Always on hand Cigars, Tobacoo, Pipes &c, &c. Also, Iced Xriiilc! 76 Hanlon & oo., (Late T. U. NnrryO 8!1 Klnir street. Wagon Making anu Repairing dono to order. Horse sTioeing in l wclH5"0W, 078 Urn shoeing. rUJORGE LUCAS, - Contractor mii and Builder, Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Esplu- - nauo, uonoiuiu. jjuufactures all Kinds of Mouldings, jackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Bushes, t,oor,)' uuu aH" kinds Wood- work tuilsh, Turning, Scroll and Band Sa'wiug. All kM oi Sawing and Plan. Ing, Morticing urn Tenant tig. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tliO ptlierls. lauds eolicHed, . B. F. EHLEBS & Co., All tho latest Novelties in Fancy Goods STRIKE THE IRON -AND 1MPOBTE11S, SECURE YOUR BARGAINS Which will bo given at my Establishment Diwing; tlic HiText 4 "Weeks, Previous to the arrival of a largo invoice of New Goods fioru the Eastern and European Maikets for tho Honolulu Clothing Emporium A.M. Mellis 101 Fort street, Mrs. Mellis' Dress Making Department up stairs. LAWRENCE & FREETH, CONTRACTORS. Plans and Estimates furnished for works of construction. Civil Engineering & Surveying Office, cor. llalokauwila and Kilauea Bts., next door to Wideniann's brick warehouse. 300 P. O. Bos, 101. ly XG. H. ROBERTSON, Drayman best teams m town. Icicuhone Nn r,j. 15 G-W- ? HONOLULU IKON WORKS, ifaa?y5Stcam engines, sugar mills, boil-ei- ., coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attentiohipnid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 E. Y. HARDING OPENED AN OFFICE at W. Fcnnell's Harness Shop, No- - 02 King street. Ellis Collected and Book Accounts Orders respectfully solicit- ed and promptly attended to. 358 lm BREAKING HORSES IN GENUINE STYLE. AVALLACE JACKSON iu thcthorough experienc- ed horse brenkcr.wishcs jT rv a" Sthc public to know that no is luny piepareu 10 take charge of btock, and guarantees to break them thoroughly on his Ranch, and attend carefully to feeding and doctoring horses. He has now in his charge such celebrated steeds as Black Thorn and other thoroughbicds, and has the exclusive charge of all of Sir. Jaincs Campbell's stock. Order3 left at the Pantheon Stablc, or'nt the monimoth stables on Mr. James Campbell's propcity at Kapiolani Park, will meet with promptness. 203 ly Just Received, thoso Desirable HELMET HATS Tho most suitable hats for this climate. For bale by 275 k A. S. Clegliorn &,Co, A. KRAFT, J EW E L E R , O PT I C I"ANJ Dealer in nawniian Curiosities. Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" build-4- 1 Ing, opposite the Bank. Chas. D. Gciusch, Practical J$ Watchmaker. tSf Hotel Street, opposite the 12a Urn International Hotel, -- a JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, number, Gas Fitter, &c. Stoves and Banges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock and metals, House Furnishing Goods, 77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &o, riMio JWance Year Book, E .. 1883, or . hero in THERE will bo pubuaV 1883, a year book, an (u. tercs'tlng 'and useful volumo with tho above title, A linndy bpok of reference as well as a valuablo book foi Iho house-hol- It will bo especially devoted to tho temperance cause, and will bo of much use all the year around. You will bo solicited to subscribe to this book, and can obtain further Information by calling upon D M. CROWLEY, 880 Honolulu, II, I. BUY GOOBS Received by every steamer WHILE IT'S HOT - Honolulu. J. LYONS, L. J. LEVEY. LYONS is LEVEY, Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block,, - - Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate and General Merchandise promptly at- tended to. Sole Agents for American and Euro- pean merchandise. 318 H. S. TBEGLOAN, TAILOR, 201 FORT ST. carpenter & jobber, No. 13 King St., near the Bridge. All kinds of small jobs, such as gate nnd fence mending, &c, attended to and at moderate chniges. 3G3 ly Robert Li'w em, O. JI. Coolie. L EWERS & COOKE, (successors to Lewcrs & Dieksnn,) Importers and Dealers in Lumbr and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort etrcct. Ilounhihi 1 WILDER & CO., Dcalersin Lumber, l'iiint, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen bts., Kunululu. 1 ALLEN & ROBINSON, Dealers in Lumber nnd nil kinds of Building Materials, Paints, Oils, Nails, etc. 71 BROWN as PHILLIPS, Plumbeis, Gas Fitters and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. JST1" House and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 CHR. GEKTZ, ft,. No. 80 Fort street,, lionolul,-Impor'e- r and Dealer 111 Gent's, Ladies' and Children's boot-- , shoes nnd gUnpor. "Wilson Brothers, i -- , til GENERAL BLACKSMITHS. Horso Shoeing a specialty A first-clas- s man being specially engaged for that work. Ship and Wagon work faithfully attended to. Shop on the Esplanade, op. IIoppcr's!204 THE Hawaiian Journal, " Ko Pab Aina," owned and edited by Kawainui Bros. ; has a weekly edition of 3,200 copies, and is the best advertising medium. Of-fle- e. No. (1 Merchant ut. 1 THE EVILS OP PAINTING And their Bciucdy. "It has been said with much truth, too, that houso painting might, with study and acquirement of taste, resume its rank us u liberal art." Iiin(crs' Manual. Believing tho nbovo to bo truo, A. B KERR has now reorganized his system of working tho business in Honolulu. In the first placo ho has secured the ser-vic- of that celebrated artist, Mr. Max Koiin, formerly of San Frnnclrco, whose work in the lino of plain nnd decorative paper-hangin- frescoing, Ac, is up to the picscnt time unsurpassed, and on these Islands has never been equalled. For houso painting jobs first-clas- s me- chanics only will bo employed. In futuio patrqns can dopeud vpon my fill, ing every order on the most scientific basis known to tho trade. a'"n Pointing und Lettering de- - I HO U.0. . ri , paitmcnt will be permanently presmcu over by Mr. Oko. SniATMKVUU, (fuithcr comment unnecessary.) P.8. Send for designs of frescos for celling aud cornices. Something new, and if you wunt any glass put lu call t "Tigor " Paint Store, 217 ly 76 King Street. FOBT STREET. Commission Merchants. BREWER & COMPANY, C . (Limited) General Meiicaxtim: ani Commission Auents. LIST OK OKFICEIIS: P. C. .Tones, Jr. . . .President & Manager J. O. Cautek Treasurer & Secretary MllECTOllS: Hon. C. R. Bishop. Hon. II. A. P. CAivmt . 1338 ly Geo, W. Macfarhine. II. R. Macfailane. G. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER- CHANTS AND Sugar Factors, Fire-Pro- Building, - C2 Queen street, Honolulu. II. I. AGENTS for The Waiknpu Sugar Plantation, Maui, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The llecia Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui, Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloalicep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fouler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlees, Watson & Co's Sugar Machin cry, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. 185 Claus fei'rcckils. Win. O. Irwin. WG. IRWIN & COMPANY, Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 HHackfeld & Company, Commission Agents, ljuecn street, Honolulu. 1 OLEGHORN & CO. AS. Importers nnd Commission Meichanls, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen and Knahumauu sts., llono. lulu. 78 THEO. H. DAVIES & COMPANY, Importers and Commission Merchants; agents for Lloyd's and the Liverpool Underwriters, Biilish and Foreign Ins. Company, and Northern Assurance Company. 71 DIAS & GON8ALES, No. 57 Hotel Sticct, Honolulu, Importers and Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery, 280 Ac, Ac, &c. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen si., Honolulu. 1 MS. GRINBAUM & CO., Importers of General Mer chandise aiid Commission Merchants, Honolulu. 1 MS. GRINBAUM & Co., Commission Merchants, 124 Cullfoi lib. street, 1 San Fruueisco, Cal. B ROWN & CO., Wholesale Wine and Spirit I1U. If- lUUlUIIUUL SI., Honolulu. 3IJ0 ET. LENEHAN & CO., Importers and Commission Merchants, Nuuauu St., Honolulu. l i. N. Cantlc. J, B. Atcrton. CASTLE Ss COOKE, Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. '80 ,Klug at., Honolulu. 1 INQ WO CHAN & CO., Importers nnd General Dealers In English. Amci lean nnd Chlneso Pro- visions. Plantation '1V:l nml firm.. nil h Supplies. Also, white and colored con tract matting, all qualities and prices. tSf No. '2i Nuuauu Strcct,opposito Mr, Afong's. si A. G. ELLIS, STOCK BROKER, will buy or sell Slock, Bonds, and Other Marketable Securities, Atthclr rnnrkct value for cash, 215 Olllco with E. P. Adams. Auct'r. JRITSON, ACCOUNTANT. at G. H. Robertson's olllcc, Queen street, iiii . WEST, Carriage (f Builder. Buggies, Carriages, Express Wagons and every kind of vehicles manufactured. BlacksmiUting, horsq-blioeiu- g, aud oil kinds o-- f repairing done. PIONEER STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY. P. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pustrv Cook and Baker. No, 71 Hotel bt. Tejophcno 7-- : Professionals. Qarau b. Peirce, M. D., O Ladies' and Children's Plivsiclau. Olllcc and icsideuee, No. 5 Schoo"l street, (between Foil and Emma). Ofilc-- j hour 10:!!0 to 1 1 :0 u. m. 1:30 toil :30 p.m. i 2 II) . IVlcphonc, No. J01. DR. THACHER, DENTIST, 101 Foit street (up stairs.) Charges lower than any other dentist in Honolulu, whether traveling dentist or othcrwUc. SalNfaction guaranteed. ; DR. Emerson, Residence and consultation rooms at J.o. 2 Ivtikul st., corner of Fort. Telephone No. uu. r0 2m A Rosa, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Notary Public, Office with ho Attorney General, Aliio! liini Hale, Honolulu. 340 ly W Austin whiting, Aitonicy and Counsellor at Law. Agtnt to take acknowledgments of instruments. Knahumanu st., Honolulu. 20a Q B. dole, O Lawyer nnd Notary Public, ' No. lu Knahuiuauu st. Jranois m. Hatch, Attorney nt Law, & 15 Kaaliumanu st ' RICHARD F. BICKERTON, and Counsellor at Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free. holds Office, No. 34 Mei chant st. 1 Cecil Brown, Counsellor at Law, Rotary Public, aud Agent for taking Ac- knowledgments of Instruments for the Island ol Oahu. No. 8 Kuahunianu st., Honolulu. j JM. MONSARRAT, . 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public Real Estate" in anv part of the Kingdnni bought, sold niul leased, on commission. Loans uegotin. ted, Legal Documents Druub. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands jyj C. O. BERGER, KA.UIUM.VXU STltEET. General Agent for The N. Y. Life Insurance Company, The City of London Fire In. Co(limit'd Macnealo & Urban Safes, Tho Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance &, Co. . , 288 QHARLES" T. GULICK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Agent to take Acknowledgments Labor Contracts, AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. Office, in Makec's Block, corner Queen nnd Kaahumaiiti stwsu, Honolulu., 21 J. WILLIAMS & Co. 120 Fort Street, . . Honolulu, Portrait and landscape Xliotog'rapliersr. ibO ly , William auld, 10 lake Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for the District of Kona', Irdnml of Oahu, nt the office of tho Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuu ami street. 189 tf WILLIAM WOND," lo take Acknowledg. ments to Contracts for Labor. Office Station House. 351 ly JOHN A. HASSINGER, Agent to take Acknowledgments , to Contiaets for Labor. Iutcrior .ifllce', Honolulu. 7 , ' WC. AKANA, ' and Hawaiian Translator nnd Interpreter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu. Translations of, oithcr of thy above languugert made with neeuincy and dis- patch, and on reasonable terms. 209 r" H. BRUNS, Cooper and Ganger, Water Tanks of any dimensions. Cooperage, No. 10 Foit street, Honolulu. Oil Casks, Shooksaud Hoop lion con.'" Mniill.V on hand and for salt. 22, ly .Soli Printing OF EVERY DESCRIPTION execut- ed with neatness nnd 'dispatch ut Tur. Daily Bulletin Office, Queen st, FSKE WOOD! FOR SALE, Ajt Market 3tatete Apply to ' S. 3L CARTER, ' 137 1M. 8. S. Wharf. D35Wlilte oneu front shirts, ut , Clms. J,- - Pisliol'a LeadinK Milliiien'! iouse. -- Vf.1" ! ' "msI ..-- . -- i m ' a 1 V2a ft if-- . iJM. !J tf'3 t'A . r J. jifc. $; .. :M & . u itj,,. iv u. 4Zf$l

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Page 1: THE DAILY BULLETIN · 2015-05-30 · KERR has now reorganized his system of working tho business in Honolulu. In the first placo ho has secured the ser-vic-of that celebrated artist,






SALTER HILL, Proprietor.

Is published every morning and circu.latcd throughout tho town bycairlcrs,and Forwarded to tho other Islands byevery opportunity.Subscription' ... GO cents per Month.

GCahson Kenvon, Editor. ,

All business communications to be ad-dressed, Manager Daily Bulletin, (PottOlllcc Box No. 14. Telephoho 250.-Ofllr-.... qnocn Mtrcnt,

Opposite West's Carriage tfactofj. '.T.'O. Clkvioh, Manager

A contributor sends us a capitalstory of the ingenuity exercised bya litile boy, in calling attention tohis first pair of new boots: The littlefellow would draw up his pantaloonsand display the whole of his boots;then walk up and down tho room,with eyes now upon the shiningleather, and now upon a friend ofhis father who was present; but itwas a bootless effort. At length,however, ho succeeded. Sitting infront of both ho exclaimed:

"Father, ain't three timestwosix?""Yes, my son.''"Well, then,' said he, pointing to

each of their feet, "if three timestwo is six, there's just six boots inthis room!" .' t. Louis Republican.

The electric light is not approved ofby tho Chinese. The Governor ofShanghai has addressed a circularletter to the foreign Consuls in thatcity, requesting them to informtheir proteges that the ChineseGovernment have strictly forbiddenthe electric lamps, "through whichbo much mischief had been done al-

ready, and probably will be causedin the. future." Every Chineseusing the light is liable to a fine andimprisonment. The foreign Consulshave promptly protested againGt theabsurd order and appealed for redress fto their respective Governments.

An exchange notices that womenare beginning to take an interest infield sports, and that many oi themare quite expert cjiglers. With thegirls.iu this.region angling is not anart. They come by it naturally. Agirl here may even hate field sportsand yet fasten her hook so securelyin the gills of her victim that whenthey arrive in front of an oystersaloon or candy store bhe is sure tolaud him.

They wero talking about the casesof 'smullpox that aie alleged to pre-

vail over in Sail Antonio. One ofthe gentlemen who had just returnedfrom San Antonio, lemarked thatthere was not much danger, as thepatients had been isolated. Mis.Worrol Athcrton, who thinks sheknows everything, spoke up and said:" It don'.t make any difference howmany times you have been isolatedjf t don't take."

Since tu'" floods in Cincinnati andthe hotel files ju other places it hasbeen almost impossible to suit hotelguests. They want rooms abovehigh-wat- er mn:k, and below tho fire-liu-e

j.ttiul finally the hotel proprietorscompromised by hitching a skiff toeveiy window, so in case of fire orwater a guests could paddle his owncanoe.

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1858.

Haiit Bkos., : : Proprietors.

MEALSServed up la first-clas- s style at all hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacoo, Pipes&c, &c. Also,

Iced Xriiilc!76

Hanlon & oo.,(Late T. U. NnrryO

8!1 Klnir street.Wagon Making anu Repairing dono toorder. Horse sTioeing in l wclH5"0W,

078 Urnshoeing.

rUJORGE LUCAS,- Contractor mii

and Builder,Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Esplu- -

nauo, uonoiuiu.jjuufactures all Kinds of Mouldings,

jackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Bushes, t,oor,)' uuu aH" kinds Wood-

work tuilsh, Turning, Scroll and BandSa'wiug. All kM oi Sawing and Plan.Ing, Morticing urn Tenant tig.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tliO ptlierls.lauds eolicHed, .

B. F. EHLEBS & Co.,

All tho latest Novelties in Fancy Goods



SECURE YOUR BARGAINSWhich will bo given at my Establishment

Diwing; tlic HiText 4 "Weeks,Previous to the arrival of a largo invoice of New Goods fioru the Eastern and

European Maikets for tho

Honolulu Clothing Emporium A.M. Mellis101 Fort street,

Mrs. Mellis' Dress Making Department up stairs.


Plans and Estimates furnished for worksof construction. Civil Engineering &Surveying Office, cor. llalokauwila andKilauea Bts., next door to Wideniann'sbrick warehouse.300 P. O. Bos, 101. ly

XG. H. ROBERTSON,Drayman best teams

m town. Icicuhone Nn r,j. 15

G-W-? HONOLULU IKON WORKS,ifaa?y5Stcam engines, sugar mills, boil-ei- .,

coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attentiohipnidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1


Fcnnell's Harness Shop, No- - 02King street.

Ellis Collected and Book Orders respectfully solicit-ed and promptly attended to. 358 lm


AVALLACE JACKSONiu thcthorough experienc-ed horse brenkcr.wishcs

jT rv a" Sthc public to know thatno is luny piepareu 10

take charge of btock, and guaranteesto break them thoroughly on his Ranch,and attend carefully to feeding anddoctoring horses. He has now in hischarge such celebrated steeds as BlackThorn and other thoroughbicds, and hasthe exclusive charge of all of Sir. JaincsCampbell's stock.

Order3 left at the Pantheon Stablc,or'nt the monimoth stables on Mr. JamesCampbell's propcity at Kapiolani Park,will meet with promptness. 203 ly

Just Received, thoso Desirable

HELMET HATSTho most suitable hats for this

climate. For bale by

275 k A. S. Clegliorn &,Co,


Dealer in nawniian Curiosities.Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" build-4- 1

Ing, opposite the Bank.

Chas. D. Gciusch,Practical J$ Watchmaker.

tSf Hotel Street, opposite the12a Urn International Hotel, -- a


Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

number, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Bangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals,

House Furnishing Goods,

77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &o,


JWance Year Book,E .. 1883,

or . hero inTHERE will bo pubuaV

1883, a year book, an (u.tercs'tlng 'and useful volumo with thoabove title, A linndy bpok of referenceas well as a valuablo book foi Iho house-hol-

It will bo especially devoted totho temperance cause, and will bo ofmuch use all the year around. You willbo solicited to subscribe to this book,and can obtain further Information bycalling upon D M. CROWLEY,

880 Honolulu, II, I.

BUY GOOBSReceived by every steamer




LYONS is LEVEY,Auctioneers and General

Commission Merchants,Beaver Block,, - - Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estateand General Merchandise promptly at-

tended to.Sole Agents for American and Euro-

pean merchandise. 318


201 FORT ST.

carpenter & jobber,No. 13 King St., near the Bridge.

All kinds of small jobs, such as gate nndfence mending, &c, attended to and atmoderate chniges. 3G3 ly

Robert Li'w em, O. JI. Coolie.

LEWERS & COOKE,(successors to Lewcrs & Dieksnn,)

Importers and Dealers in Lumbr and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort etrcct.Ilounhihi 1

WILDER & CO.,Dcalersin Lumber, l'iiint,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen bts.,Kunululu. 1

ALLEN & ROBINSON,Dealers in Lumber nnd

nil kinds of Building Materials, Paints,Oils, Nails, etc. 71

BROWN as PHILLIPS,Plumbeis, Gas Fitters

and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. JST1" House and Ship JobWork promptly executed. 17

CHR. GEKTZ, ft,.No. 80 Fort street,, lionolul,-Impor'e- r

and Dealer 111 Gent's, Ladies'and Children's boot-- , shoes nnd gUnpor.

"Wilson Brothers,i --, til

GENERAL BLACKSMITHS.Horso Shoeing a specialty

A first-clas- s man being specially engagedfor that work.

Ship and Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

Shop on the Esplanade, op. IIoppcr's!204

THE Hawaiian Journal, " KoPab Aina," owned and

edited by Kawainui Bros. ; has aweekly edition of 3,200 copies, andis the best advertising medium. Of-fle- e.

No. (1 Merchant ut. 1


"It has been said with much truth,too, that houso painting might, withstudy and acquirement of taste, resumeits rank us u liberal art." Iiin(crs'Manual.

Believing tho nbovo to bo truo, A. BKERR has now reorganized his systemof working tho business in Honolulu.In the first placo ho has secured the ser-vic-

of that celebrated artist, Mr. MaxKoiin, formerly of San Frnnclrco, whosework in the lino of plain nnd decorativepaper-hangin- frescoing, Ac, is up tothe picscnt time unsurpassed, and onthese Islands has never been equalled.For houso painting jobs first-clas- s me-chanics only will bo employed. Infutuio patrqns can dopeud vpon my fill,ing every order on the most scientificbasis known to tho trade.

a'"n Pointing und Lettering de- -I HO U.0. . ri ,

paitmcnt will be permanently presmcuover by Mr. Oko. SniATMKVUU, (fuithcrcomment unnecessary.)

P.8. Send for designs of frescos forcelling aud cornices. Something new,and if you wunt any glass put lu call t

"Tigor " Paint Store,217 ly 76 King Street.

FOBT STREET.Commission Merchants.

BREWER & COMPANY,C . (Limited)General Meiicaxtim: ani

Commission Auents.

LIST OK OKFICEIIS:P. C. .Tones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Cautek Treasurer & Secretary

MllECTOllS:Hon. C. R. Bishop. Hon. II. A. P. CAivmt.

1338 lyGeo, W. Macfarhine. II. R. Macfailane.



Sugar Factors,Fire-Pro- Building, - C2 Queen street,

Honolulu. II. I.AGENTS for

The Waiknpu Sugar Plantation, Maui,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The llecia Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui,Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloalicep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fouler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrlees, Watson & Co's Sugar Machin

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.


Claus fei'rcckils. Win. O. Irwin.

WG. IRWIN & COMPANY,Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

HHackfeld & Company,Commission Agents,

ljuecn street, Honolulu. 1

OLEGHORN & CO.AS. Importers nnd CommissionMeichanls, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Knahumauu sts., llono.lulu. 78

THEO. H. DAVIES & COMPANY,Importers and Commission

Merchants; agents for Lloyd's and theLiverpool Underwriters, Biilish andForeign Ins. Company, and NorthernAssurance Company. 71

DIAS & GON8ALES,No. 57 Hotel Sticct, Honolulu,

Importers and Dealers in Dry and FancyGoods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery,

280 Ac, Ac, &c.

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen si., Honolulu. 1

MS. GRINBAUM & CO.,Importers of General Mer

chandise aiid Commission Merchants,Honolulu. 1

MS. GRINBAUM & Co.,Commission Merchants,

124 Cullfoi lib. street,1 San Fruueisco, Cal.

BROWN & CO.,Wholesale Wine and Spirit

I1U. If- lUUlUIIUUL SI.,Honolulu. 3IJ0

ET. LENEHAN & CO.,Importers and Commission

Merchants, Nuuauu St., Honolulu. li. N. Cantlc. J, B. Atcrton.

CASTLE Ss COOKE,Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. '80 ,Klug at.,Honolulu. 1

INQ WO CHAN & CO.,Importers nnd General Dealers

In English. Amci lean nnd Chlneso Pro-visions. Plantation '1V:l nml firm.. nil

h Supplies. Also, white and colored contract matting, all qualities and prices.

tSf No. '2i Nuuauu Strcct,oppositoMr, Afong's. si

A. G. ELLIS,STOCK BROKER, will buy or sell

Slock, Bonds, andOther Marketable Securities,

Atthclr rnnrkct value for cash,215 Olllco with E. P. Adams. Auct'r.

JRITSON, G. H. Robertson's

olllcc, Queen street, iiii

. WEST,Carriage (f Builder.

Buggies, Carriages, Express Wagons

and every kind of vehicles

manufactured.BlacksmiUting, horsq-blioeiu- g,

aud oil kinds o-- f repairing done.



P. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pustrv Cook and Baker.

No, 71 Hotel bt. Tejophcno 7--


Professionals.Qarau b. Peirce, M. D.,O Ladies' and Children's Plivsiclau.Olllcc and icsideuee, No. 5 Schoo"l street,

(between Foil and Emma).Ofilc-- j hour 10:!!0 to 1 1 :0 u. m.

1:30 toil :30 p.m. i2 II) . IVlcphonc, No. J01.


101 Foit street (up stairs.)Charges lower than any other dentist

in Honolulu, whether traveling dentistor othcrwUc. SalNfaction guaranteed. ;

DR. Emerson,Residence and consultation rooms

at J.o. 2 Ivtikul st., corner of Fort.Telephone No. uu. r0 2m

A Rosa,. ATTORNEY AT LAW,And Notary Public,

Office with ho Attorney General, Aliio!liini Hale, Honolulu. 340 ly

W Austin whiting,Aitonicy and Counsellor at Law.

Agtnt to take acknowledgments ofinstruments.

Knahumanu st., Honolulu. 20a

Q B. dole,O Lawyer nnd Notary Public, 'No. lu Knahuiuauu st.

Jranois m. Hatch,Attorney nt Law,

& 15 Kaaliumanu st '

RICHARD F. BICKERTON,and Counsellor at Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Free.holds Office, No. 34 Mei chant st. 1

Cecil Brown,Counsellor at Law,

Rotary Public, aud Agent for taking Ac-knowledgments of Instruments for theIsland ol Oahu. No. 8 Kuahunianu st.,Honolulu. j


ATTORNEY AT LAWand Notary Public Real Estate" in anvpart of the Kingdnni bought, sold niulleased, on commission. Loans uegotin.ted, Legal Documents Druub. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands jyj


KA.UIUM.VXU STltEET.General Agent for

The N. Y. Life Insurance Company,The City of London Fire In. Co(limit'dMacnealo & Urban Safes,Tho Celebrated Springfield Gas MachineGas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance &, Co. . ,



NOTARY PUBLIC,Agent to take Acknowledgments


Office, in Makec's Block, corner Queennnd Kaahumaiiti stwsu, Honolulu., 21

J. WILLIAMS & Co.120 Fort Street, . . Honolulu,

Portrait and landscapeXliotog'rapliersr.

ibO ly ,

William auld,10 lake Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for the Districtof Kona', Irdnml of Oahu, nt the office oftho Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuuami street. 189 tf

WILLIAM WOND,"lo take Acknowledg.

ments to Contracts for Labor.Office Station House. 351 ly

JOHN A. HASSINGER,Agent to take Acknowledgments ,

to Contiaets for Labor. Iutcrior .ifllce',Honolulu. 7 ,


WC. AKANA, 'and Hawaiian Translator

nnd Interpreter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu.

Translations of, oithcr of thy abovelanguugert made with neeuincy and dis-patch, and on reasonable terms. 209

r"H. BRUNS,Cooper and Ganger,

Water Tanks of any dimensions.Cooperage, No. 10 Foit street, Honolulu.

Oil Casks, Shooksaud Hoop lion con.'"Mniill.V on hand and for salt. 22, ly

.Soli PrintingOF EVERY DESCRIPTION execut-

ed with neatness nnd 'dispatch utTur. Daily Bulletin Office, Queen st,


Ajt Market 3tateteApply to '


137 1M. 8. S. Wharf.

D35Wlilte oneu front shirts, ut ,

Clms. J,- - Pisliol'a LeadinK Milliiien'!iouse. --



' "msI

..-- .



' a1







t'A. r

J. jifc.




. u itj,,. iv u. 4Zf$l

Page 2: THE DAILY BULLETIN · 2015-05-30 · KERR has now reorganized his system of working tho business in Honolulu. In the first placo ho has secured the ser-vic-of that celebrated artist,





r- -

"rn. W. A. 8. HEALS will, on amiIyJL after this dale, collect nil nccounhduu Tun Daily Buii.etin Onlce.

Mr. .lo-rep- Stuart having lesigncil ouaccount ol' ill health.

Daily Bum.1i.tin Office,Honolulu, April 21th, 1S3X

Ite lailji Hjullciiii,



Excelsior Lculgc,'., 7:30.Bible Class nt Lyceum nt 7 :.'10.


ok run


Some time ago two young men atIlilo, named Caspar and Bennett,

informed on five different persons

for selling liquor without n license.

The eases were all tried on the siimcclay and two of them were discharg-

ed. This caused bud feeling amongsta certain class of men at Ililo againstthese two. They were indicted forperjury, but were acquitted. Everyspecies of personal annoyance was

resorted to against them, and thenight before the shooting a notice

headed with a death's head andcross-bon- es warning them to leave

the town was posted. They took nonotice of this, and on Wednesdaymorning (the 18th), at 1 a.m., five

men broke into the room where theywere sleeping and hauled them outof bed and began pummelling them.

Caspar got a revolver out of a draw-

er about 7 feet away and fired. Twoof the men, R. Douglas and II. B.Carr, ran away when the firing be-

gan. Caspar fired five shots, one ofwhich hit John McCullum, who died

at G r.M. the same day. Two otherswent into Hugh Tennaut (he is like-

ly to die), a fourth went rightthrough C. M. White, teacher of theUnion School. Carr, who was one

of those five fined for selling liquorwithout a license, was arrested forhouse-breakin- g. The inquest was tobe held the day the steamer left. A

public meeting was held on Thins-da- y

in the Court House, when reso-

lutions were passed to assist thegovernment olllciuls as much as

possible. No sympathy was express-

ed for the foolish men v ho risked

their lives in such a cause. McCul-

lum was a Canadian and left $2500

now in Mr. Cartu right's hands. All

the men were well-know- n in Ililo,and of general good repute. Casparand Bennett have both been arrest-

ed, pending the result of the coro-

ner's inquest.

Chinese Rioters.YcBterday afternoon the twehty-thrc- o

Chinamen who were ringleadersin the riot at Kakaako were

brought up at the Police Coutt. TheAttorney-gener- al appeared for theprosecution. He did not press forany punishment and made a long

speech to them of which the follow-

ing is the substance : These men

did not understand the law of tins

Kingdom but wherever they were

they must obey the law. They may

have thought they were entitledto be released but the law

provides aremedy for that. Ho was

afraid that outsiders incited them to

their action. Government had no

wish to be severe. Wo wish them

to know and obey the law. We do

not want people to come here towander about and beg. These im-

migrants arc not bound to work foranybody ; but the law compels them

to work for a living, or else go togaol. If any of them have means or

money, we have nothing to do with

them. The object in secluding them

was to prevent people enticing them

away. Wo don't want any tiling

similar to the Six Companies of

San Francisco hero. The govern-

ment do not proceed further against

them,' but will let them go back to

the depot if they bchavo themselves.

Judge Biekerton then addressed

them, giving them a resume of tho

laws of this country that affected

their present condition, and remind-

ing them that they must obey tho

luws of this Kingdom fvliilo they mo

here, lie pointed out that the lavf

were made for all nationalities, and

if their lights were ltif tinged theCourts would do litem justice. They

must not lake the law into their own

hand. Government claims the rightto inquire if a person lias means ol

support, as wo have laws againstbeggars. lie then read the VagrantAct to them. The whole of bothaddresses was translated by tho in-

terpreter. They were then orderedto be returned to the Depot. Animmense crowd of Chinese listenedto the whole proceedings.

Shipping Notes.Tho bark Moravian arrived Sun-

day, 50 days from New Castle,N.S.W., with a cargo of coal, con-

signed toW. G. Irwin & Co. She hadan extraordinarily rough passage,heavy gales, &c. j on the 10th dayout, in Int. 31 S long. 172 n. aheavy sea struck her, carrying awaythe bulwarks and sweeping the decksclean. Heavy seas continually brokeover the vessel. On the 21st day out'lost a man overboard. From thatheavy gales all along to the equator.From the equator to Hawaii plea-

sant weather. Off Hawaii struck an-

other gale.The Likclike brought 3,4G5 bags

of sugar, 49 head of cattle, 18 balesof wool, and 9 bbls molasses.

The Lcbua brought 1,3CG bagssugar. The Waimanalo brought100 bags sugar, and the C. R. Bishop2,9G1 bags sugar, 1 bbls molasses,and 150 sheep.

The bow of the C. R. Bishop wasrepaired yesterday.

Tho Jas. Makcc brought 2,000bags sugar.

The Lena Swasy brought 109,070feet rough redwood, 15,004 feetrustic, 1 17,885 feet clear redwood,5,000 feet fancy pickets, 200 R. W.shingles to Allen & Robertson.

The Moravia brought 1,300 tonsof coal to W. G. Irwin.

The steamer Iwalani will not sailto-da- y. She will wait till the brokenshaft of Pahala Plantation is done.She leaves for Kona, Maalaea andKau at 4 p.m.


Why did they put out the lightson coming to the Waikiki bridge?

On Saturday the Mai Iras againhoisted a signal for water, and thewater boat was scut out to her.

Somi: aunoyance was felt on Satur-day night by those in the Y. M. C.

A. building at the howling of a

drunken man going along tho street.

Yestehday at the Supremo Courtin the case of the two men Saxc andHiorth brought up for opium-smuggli-

a nol. pros, was entered.

On Saturday night two nativeswere arrested for being drunk andsmashing up things on board ono ofthe schooners in the harbor.

Havb you tried one of those fam-

ily Kerosene oil-ca- with lock andkey, only to be had at the Nuuattu,street Grocery Store?


The annual meeting of tho LadiesBenevolent Society takes place onThursday. As there will be anelection of officers a full attendanceis requested.


Ox Saturday night a good deal offitu was had at the Astor Houseover the contortions of thoso whograsped the of a snailgalvanic battery.

' . 'Owixo to want of bpaco our

detailed report of tho DedicatoryExeroises at tho opening of the Y.M, O. A. building is held over till

Six hundred and five, being theChinese passengers per Coptic, weredischarged from quarantine yester-day and sent to the ImmigrationDepot at Kakaako.

We have been told that boine timeago, probably over a year, a noticeiu Hawaiian was posted ou tho deli-

very window of the Post Oflleo dur-

ing the night. It contained a threatto burn all the plantations on theislands if the lepers were not releas-

ed from Molokai,

The eclipse of the moon on Sun-

day morning was plainly visible,owing to the absence of clouds fromthe sky. The titties, as given be-

fore, were coriect. Tho eclipse wasonly a partial one.

Ox Sunday morning about 1

o'clock a big fire was sccu in theliinc-field- s of P. Isenberg of Lihuewjiich consumed about ,30 acres ofcane. It is supposed to Tic fouieperson or potions unknown .who setlire to the field of canes.

Mr.sstts. Dillingham & Co. havereceived and are now showingspecimens of flic-proo- f safes linedwith Magncsn-Calcit- The test ofthe Mngncso-Cnh'it- c lining will pro-bably take place this week.

, .

Late on Saturday nighU on theoccasion of two Chinese being lock-

ed up for an affray outside theChinese Theatre, King si., in frontof the Station House, was blockedwith Chinamen. The thought im-

mediately arose what couldn't theyhave done if they had only chosen.


Yestkiid.vy morning, at the PoliceCourt, Messrs. Kawainui Bros., pro-

prietors of the Ko Jlaxcaii Paeuina,were tried on a charge of libel, inthe 2nd degree, of Mr. Richardson,Deputy-Sherif- f of Wailuku. Theywere committed for trial to the Sup-reme Court, offering no defence inthe lower Court.

Sunday morning on Foster's wharf150 sheep were lauded from the C.R. Bishop. Some of the men sentdown bj' the butchers for themhandled them very cruelly. Theykicked them down, then tied theirfeet together and threw them intowagons and drays. It is a shamethat the authorities do not interfereand prevent these cruel actions.

His Majesty visited the Nayczdnikyesterday, and was well received.The yards were manned, and Royalsalutes fired on board both tho Lcip-si- c

and the Nayczdnik. His Ma-

jesty was accompanied by, his suite,Gov. Dotninis, lion. A. S. Cleghorn,His Ex. W. M. Gibson, and ,Mr. ..W. Pilugcr, the Russian Consul.The Royal Hawaiian Band went onboark the Nav'ezdtlik.

HONOKAA.(From Our Own Coi respondent.)

Days of thanksgi"ing and SpecialPrayer have been held for the gftsof Divine Providence in sendingcheap labour to the country. Plant-ers and mills owners arc lookingforward to a reduction of theirbalances due in the Quarterly ac-

counts and to the prospect of nointerest to pay. The Chiuese them-selves do not like this great influxof their countrymen "Too muchecChinaman no good, no spondeemonec" remarked a celestial store-keeper.

The Honokaa Mill, which hadshut down for a week, recommencesgrinding to-da- y. At Paauhau thoyare still hard at work and obtaininggood returns.

Weather good, spring bhowcrsand fine warm' days; everythinglooking well and planters prosperousund blooming. We might sing asin Olivette :

"Sunshine of life thou art radiant,queenly,

'Neath thy sweet influence shadowsdepart,

I'll lmvo any gems that shine purely,fcercnely

When once out of debt I can get a fairstait."

(Slightly altered but no matter)

TCC T?annTvkh8auy"X.V.V.r. CELEBRATION.Au Eutcrialuuicnt will bo given at tho

Odd Fellows' Hall, on THURSDAYEvaning, April 2Uth, at 7;:i0 p.m. Mem-bers of thu Older, Visiting Biothcru andLadlct are cordially Invited. 383 3t

HOUSE TO RENT, furnishedfor 0 to 8 months. Enriulre onpremises, 83 Horetanln bt,

aaa iw

Lost,A PURSE, containing nearly $10,

'Bus Tickets and Postage Stamps.The finder will be rewarded by return-lu- g

the same tom at J. W. ROBERTSON & Co.

Wanted Immediately,A CURLS at tho Dress-Makin- g Estab.rt lishmcnt of

MRS. A. SI. MELLTS,380 lw 101 Fort Street,

To Let,TWO OFFICES, upstair-- , in

occupied by the undersigned. 'U07 if J, W. ROBERTSON & Co,



A Fine Assortmentor--



For Nnlo Very Low.

Send for full illustrated cnlalougo


A new line of Chandeliers, Plows,Cultivators, Globular Street Lamps, '

ITcioscno and Lubrlbnting Oils, &c, &c.

The Magneso-Calcit- c Fire Proof Safes.New and Staple Goods from America and England. .

JOSEPH . WBSERflAftS,Real Estate Broker, Employment Agent and General

Business Agent,"Onice, 27 Merchant street, Hawaiian Gazette Block.

The only recognized Real Estate Broker in tho Kingdom.Land and propcrty'for sale in all parts of Honolulu and tho various Islands'.Houses to lease and rent in Honolulu and suburbs.Rooms to rent, en smito or single, throughout Honolulu. ....Books and Accounts kept. Bills collected. Legal papers of every description

drawn. Agent for Vickcry's Monthly Fireside Magazine and Visitor, with ',,18 Chromos; subscription $1.25 per year. Agent for IhcBcst Life

Insurance Company in tho "World.always moderate. ESTTclephonc No. 172.



25 per cent Cheaper atPALMER & TEACHER'S ','.


813 1m ' tes-J-S Y0TT B01TT BELIEVE IT, JUST TRY IT.

UNION FEED COMPANY- -Is Constantly Receiving1

Fresh of Hay, Barley,f

....Oats, Bran, Wheat, Corn, &c.j

Which it offers, Wholesale or Retail,


Goods de'ivcred. All orders promptly attended to.1)70 am

Just Received,.4

E Brig " Hesperian,"



IJalen ol IIu.j'.BOLLES &,' CO.


Portland Cementfor. BALE IIV

April 13. (2(H) BOLLES & CO

Itor Ntilc,SADDLE HORSE,California bred; has

tB! been on the Inland ayear and a half; hasbeen driven In double

harness. Also, Middle and bridle.Apply to

381 2w CAPT. I. BRAY

"O Jupiter! Try tho Weed."lJuhver Lytton,

BEAVERSAL00N.Smoking; and

Chewing Tobaccos.Only tho very choicest brands aro'Uept.

For Fragrance, Flavour and Fineness,


in this city. A trial will conyiuco thomost fcecpticoj. t .

Hi J, NQIiTE, Proprietor



Telephone No. 175.

n tmxa"a r?i qgyw

--Just Opened !'THE NUUANU

Grocery and House Furnishing'


111 Nuuanu street, (abovo Bcrctanin.6t.)


AT LOW PRICES'. 'KcroscncOil a specialty.

ESTScc the Family Kerosene Oil Cau." with lock faucet; " x --

N.B Goods dolivcrcd free of chave,' 'and.fcatisfaction guaranteed, or roods.. SUM ly

Patent Xotioe.THE undersigned give notice Hint

have obtained a Patent for anImproved fin naco j for the Consumptionof Green Trns.Ii, directly from tlmmill,and other wet fuel, by mennd of iut'ro'duciiiK a current of lint air into tuo.fur.nnce, through hot-ai- r llume-- .

This Patent in based upon a CaveatV1,'01'101, Department, Oct.

.JOtli, 1883,.aml la superior ttf nil patents V

issued after said date. . I . AjAll persons aro warned against" in.

fringing this. Patent; ktiit will bobrought against any person so doini?.1 nil particulars may bo obtained of theundesigned, or of V. G. Irwin &Co,Agents. p. n, MAKEE,

9- - HOSGRAVES,859 1"' g. HARRISON,,

Noticed rZHrTHE undersigned has sold tho Oil'

Branch of his business toJlcsrs. JMVTaicCltcsncy &Sou, No 43Queen Mreet.

Thanking tho public- forpasl'llboral"patronage, I would request for my micccssors u contlnuuuco of tho same.

Mowh 28th, 1683.M"


Notice. i

TnE undersigned' havn purchasedM. Davit? his Oil Clpthing '

Business, at .. Bo,iclt a contiminnco of 'tlic generous patrouago received bv 'ourpredecessor.

M. W, McCnESNEY & SON, "'.' 'No' 43 Queen' street.

Honolulu, MnvcJj 28, 1878 ri)H iqj -

tM jtuWW,-

..(.- -. -- . ifcJWt.iiUuVJiiU.

Page 3: THE DAILY BULLETIN · 2015-05-30 · KERR has now reorganized his system of working tho business in Honolulu. In the first placo ho has secured the ser-vic-of that celebrated artist,







if 1







A- -- ,',S


- FhHk

! V.

k !&.--

TELEPHONIC.Dimond Head, April 21, 0:30 a.m.

Light E.jMihI .'

No.hinjr in sight


Stmr James Makco from Kntui' Kj UEPARTURESApiil 28

Sclir Malolo for IluknlnuStnir Kilnuca Hon Cor KnliuluiStmr Mokolii for KoolauSchr Ehukai for Wuialua

VESSELS LEAVING THIS DAYStmr Likclikc for wind ward ports.Stmr Lchiui for Molokai.Stmr C It liiihop for Kauai.Schr Wnilele for Mnliko.Schr Uilaina for KohnlnUk Elinor Vernon for Pugct Soundliktnc Kitsap for Port 'fownsend ,

Stmr Waiinanalo for Waimanalo

' PASSENGcRS.From Maui and Molokai perLchua

April 21 L 'I Kaiama aud wife, 5lepers and 28 deck.

From Kaui per C It Bishop Api il22 A Cropp, A Draier, T LcedwoodT McNulty, J Mulum and wife, 2Chinese and 10 deck.

From Kauai per James MakeoApril 2!J Capt Ilurbig, Licuh B onPlebsen, Suh-Lic- nt Braun, Dr.Moehring, Rev, Mr. Niiuck, J CGlade, Kcv. It Wainwright, It MMacfic, It M Buchanan, W Blaisdcll,and lo deck.

For Kahului per Kilauca IIouApril 23. Mr. W II Chapman, Mrs"Wilier and two children, Mrs. Potter,Mrs. Shauatt, about 200 decks

VESSELS IN PORT.II. I. It. M's NujioodnikH. I. G. M's LcipicBr s.b. Glcnclg. SpeedilyStmr Mtulin, BradleyBk llerma'nu "

Bk Janet Court,Bk C. H. Fishop, Wolters.BkD C Murray, ll.uringtonBk II W Almy, FreemanBk Lizzie Mublull,Bk MoraviaBktnc Eleanor Vernon, 'Bktne W II Dimond, HoudlctlBktnc Eureka, PcnhallowBktnc J. A. Falkcnburg, GoodmanBktno Amelia, NewhallBktno Ell.i,Bktno Kitsap,Tern Eva, WikmnnTern J C Foid, GiiflUhs, .Tern Lcnnswnsy,Bgtno Morning StarBijtno W H Meyer,Bgtno Ilcaperia'n, WindingBgtno John D Sprcckcl", Friia "

VESSELS EXPECTED.Rig Name From DueStmr Australia fni S. F. May 15Stmr City of N. Yoik fm Sydney, Jnc 10P M S S City of Tokio, fm Hongkong.II. I. K..M'sSkobcleh"Gcr S S Ehrcufcls, fm Bremen, Ap 13S S Abenieldic. fm London. Anill 17Ship Shannon,-f-m Glasgow, July 7'JJr snip lilciioervie im Liiverp I, mixBk C.inopus im Bremen, JunoBk Spartan, fm New York July 20BkEtellil.'fm'Necistle, , dueIlk S B Allen, frqrii'Boston, June 7Bk llarmodius, fm N S W, April 20Bk Pacific Slope, fm N S W, Ap 13Bk Elsiiiorc,.fimPortland, dnoBk C O Whitman, fm Dep. Bay, dueBk St. Law renco fiom N. S. W. June.Bktne Malay, fm Newcastle dueBktno Grace Kobcrtb, fm NewcastleSchr Mima, fm S S Ibl.inds, duoSchr Julia, fm S S Islands, uc

HOTEL ST. MARKET.rpiIE undersigned having --iMaiket. take? pleasure in announcing that he will give the businesshis personal attention, and hopes to sup-ply the wants of the public of Honoluluin a satisfactory manner.

Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb,Arid, other kinds of meat for the table

always on hnud.

Prompt Unlivery Mndc - J '" J

'OrderH akeu by Telephone.By the return of the Suez I will ho in

receipt 6i on'ii of1 the best nnrt newestpatented

Suiimuk'c oVIaeliiiiew,and will then bo prepared to fuinhli the


t2fN.B. No Chihcsc pork ucd,I). K. FYF.E, Fropiktor

Tclophoiio No. 2U0. d7 ly

WM. arrUASUNhESS,No. 0 Queen streel Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestBeer, Veal, ."Uuttoji, FImIi, Ac, Ac

Family and Shipping Ouleis carefullynttcudcrt to. Live stock furnished tovessels nt shoit notice, anil Vegetablesof all kinds supplied loordcr. 01U ly

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1658.

IIaut Bitos., : : Proprietors.

MEALSServed up in flmt-cla- ss style at all Uouw

Open from. 2 a. m. to 10 p, m, jAlways on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, PipesXsc,, &e. Aleo,

Paoiflc Mail Steamship Co.&&&, THE SI'LENDID IllON'jg brEAMSHIl'

City of Tokio,0070 toiu,

J. Mauray, Commander,"Will Ball for San Ftauclsco In

The ncarliiuluj? ol May.Passengers will lcim cill nt olllcc of

II. ll.cKri:u (c Co., Agents


' ship Company.

FUll to AN FRANCISCO,The Splendid Steamship '

City of Now York,Cobb, - - commander,

Will leave Honolulu for S in FinncUcuon oi about June 10

FOR SYDNEY via AUCKLANDThe Splendid Steamship

Australia,Cargill, Commander,

On or about May 15,

For freight or passage apply to theuhdersigucd njjents, ,;,j ,

We are now prepared to issue ticketsto San Francisco and return for $125,tlie Bound Trip.

II. ItACKrr.M) & Co.


SMSlfiSap- The clipper bktncW. H. Dimond,

Iloudlctt, . - - Master,Will hac quick dispatch for the aboveport. For fioight oipis-3a'.;- apply to

Wm. G. Iiiwin & Co., Agents.


jS2j2i3hZ The clinnor bktnoJane A Falkinburg,

Goodmin ... Master,W,ill quick dispatch for.abovc port.For freight br passage applv to '

Castle il C'ooki:. Agents.


jggggS The flue clipper bgtno' W. H. Meyer,

Howe, .... Master,Will have quick dispatch for the aboveport. For ft eight or parage apply to

C. Bm: i.u A; Co., Agents.


The clipper bgtno

John D. Spreckels,Friis, ... '. Mastci,

Will have quick dispatch for the abovepoit. For fieight or passage apply to

Wst. G. Iiiwin &. Co., Agents.


The fiuoritc barkD. C. Murray,

Harrington, - - -- ', Master,Will have quick

tdispatch foftlic

poit. For freighter passage apply toF. A. Sciiai:fi:u &,Co., Agents.

.is4 FOR SAN FRANCISCO&mfewBT" The clipper bark

"H. W. Almy,- -Freeman, - . . master,

Will Imvu quick dispatch for aboe port.For height or passage apply to

Castij; &, Coukk, Agents


32$i&r The fast sailingSchooner " Eva,"

Wikman, - Master,Will havo quick dispatch ,for the aboveport. For fieight or,passagc apply to

T..II. Davies is Co , Agents.

A. C. BKEWEIl & Go's


The, Bark Martha DavisWill'erfil' froth "Boston on or about the1st Qf June. Oidcrs, filled promptly,a.nd fieight taken at Hie lowest rales.

Apply to O. BHEWEH'&Co,310 Queen St., Honolulu.

rSJk TIlK KA9T 6AII.I.VOS Schooner Ehukai&li will inn regularly

TO1 WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,Returning on Thursday weuthcr

- pcrniittiiifr.' For freight or pas-ag- e apply to tho

Capt'iiu on boaid, or tom A. F. Cooke, Agent.

A. FRANK COOKE.i Ofllec, comer Nuuanunnd Queen atroctp,

11UIIUUIIU, 11, 1,,Agent for tho following Paclrots:"Walh-le- , JtX, Waioll, .rWaieliu, jfltWt Waimalu.

, Maloio, USMn Kaluna,Maua, ZgBSBiL Julia,

Kit Moi, and Ehukai.Eed Flag, with White Ball.


DR. RODGERSREMOVED liia Olllconnd Resi.

(denco to thoCor. or ItlclmrdH niurioretaniti Sts:

Oitice Ilouits 8 to 10'i 1 to H

351 p ni."C;::0 to 7:110 !Jm

A. S. CLEGHOKN & Co.Hqvo received a largo absmtmentpf

Boots & Shoestp suft al classw of purchasers, I8J

Oceanic Steamship Oomp'y,

iSsSSSS: Iron Steamer SuezDODl), - COMMAKltKI

Will leave Honolulu


For fieight or pasagc, lming supcrloiacconioilatlou", apply tolut Wm. G. Iiiwin L Co., Agent.

yt VfeOceanio Steamship C

Z&pEiZaBMt For ItoncKoiiB. China'The British Steamer " Suez,"

Will h avo lor tho above port on or nbouIUKE 15th. Fieight or p iago may II

SLCiirud in ndvancoby anplicition toWm. G. Iiiwix i Co , Atronts

IXTKKlSIiASl)Steam Navigation Company's


The Iwalani,BVrr.s, .... Commandci

Huns regularly to Koha and Kau, aper following time table:

Lkavks Honolulu at '4 i'.m. onTuc-da- y, April 1J Tucm1.iv, Mav


Friday, " l!l Frld.iyl " 2Tuc day, " 24 Tucsd.iv, Juno I

Friday, May 4 Frid ly," loTuesday, June 2(5,

AnnivKS at Honolulu:Wednesday, Ap 11 Wedncdiiy, My 2:1

Saturday, ' " 21 Situiilnv,r Je "Wednesday, My 2 WeilncMlay, " FSaturday, " 12 Saturday, " 2.

The C. R. Bishop,camei'.on, Commandci

Lew us Honolulu every Mnnd.ivat 5 p.m.,toi'Xawillwili, "Kolo.i, Elocle.i.and Waime.i, K.ui'ii. Ueluining, leaveNawillwili eeiy Fiiday evening.

The James Makeo, '

mcdonali), - - - Commander,Leaves Honolulu

cwry Thursday, at 5 p.m. for K.ipan andICiliuc.i. Ueluining leaves Kapaaevery Tuesday evening.

rggj$i, Steamer Likelike,MBfl King, - Master.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., touching at Laliaina, Alaa-lae- a

Bay, Mnkena, Muliukoun,Laipahoehoe and Hllo:

Ki'turiiing, vill touch at all thialov pruts, arriving at Honolulueach Sunday a.m. " "



The clipper schooucr'Jennie "Walkery

Underwood, . - Master,Will run regularly between Honoluluaud Uilo. For freight or passage applyto tho Captain, on boa ill, or '' --

321 Mm A. F. Cookk. Avcut.

O 0

DQ CO sfel O mS W r P3

8 g b T

g a W 1 pg O . o)eg s so .

e--r tn 5"3 w - -


Notice'rpilEHE WILL HE NO IOE deliver--

,cd frpm the Honolulu, Ire Mnnufactory for a FEW DAYS, as a nowCondenser will ho put in place.

J. K. WILDER.Honolulu, April 1 1, lb8B. , iitr,

Furniture For Hale.THE undersigned ofl'crt his household

fir bale, roiuihtlng pfBerls, Pictures, Crockery Utoiihils, ice ,&c, Miitablo for a nnall family of thr'cepcMons. Price ?250. Inquire of

FIIANK J. LAKE,U77 lw Saturday Press, Office.


Portrait laiutcr.Orders can ho Hou-'8Q- 9



li A- - I v "'.''".T'"."""""T!"""J'"! ,

Ladles' nnd Gent's

Gold and Silver. "Wntcliof- -

Just to hand.

Every Watch warranted asrepiescntcd.

r'SJs M, v f . CT..' Ir -- t WV- -'


sJSCr,IHiSISTO CCxriFYUutUtticronipeiolQKGiSfl

EunprawaHrinMMiT&NO .

nM03iiveiimz2iiir vziimQUEM j

Fnc-situit- o ui oiicr Cases.

Goods nnd

No t

Actual weightof Golds




M. Mclnoriiy) i

Agent for this Kintjdom,' l"

N. B. Bcwaro of imila-ion- s,

as I havo discovered


Have Kcmovod to

No. 68 FOMT STREET;Nearly onpobilo llieir former rplaco ' u

of b;isiiiess. ' i'-- ' l


scvcial silver watelics hcarms; the name of " WalthahlWatches," winch aic ol Swiss.Manufacture, aud are sold na

y genuine Waltimni watches. ,

Ills wrt,n,',3Wnfi3B-- ''

I IL H I IJSii('" ' "T"Titoi.tL, - III (MrtiB ittCrtfy tMftho iccontptni'ingf '

MakWvk lMoaacanlctMl - ifVslB K UNITtO STATC5 MlNTASS

(215) i Facsimuu oi uold Cntcs

! oi

hi i r

H ti I


. r rV Jrfv


irmMiwiiwniiiiimiu Tiwiripfi


Importei's ail 3ealer.s in

Pianos, Organs, Harmoniums, Concertinas,"Bai?jos, Violins, Flutes, Drums, Brass Band

Instruments, and SlrhiR.s for allairing iustruiuciils.

Having puicluifcd the cntiio intticft of Mr. Geo. F.Wellt., in tlii Kingdom,we shall continue to keep conshintly on huml a full nnrlment of everything that 'he did; and ns no shall bo adding to our clncl: by cei'y anival fiom the United


States and Europe, bu can always fee new ind beautiful in ilm PnnpvFuiniluie Department'!.


i (

Just Kccclvcd i'rom .7aian, " " "

3000 Fan:s& other beautiful Japanese-Goocl- s

r000 Chairs, Just received per Amy Turner, of tho latest styles,

from f0 to $80 per dozen. ' "t


-- AT-


WATCHESl't' Uj II ; lI. ' .

& SPEAR, i



75 FORT STREET."TjVbGval c!Lseoiiixt,to tlie traciel ,,,

2!U-'""'"'' -'--

' i'U.' J


ONE PRICE MECHANICS' BAZA'RCorner of Fort and Merchant Streets,

' - illcg to notify their filonds and tho general public Hint

An entire now stock of Clothing, ' '"Gent's Furnishing, " -Hats, Caps, !

Boots, Slioos; Trunks, Bags, Valises)lliirfjusi ai lived hyBtoainer Suez,


All 4he Siuicit .XoyoUIes will arrive by every sicamcr.Kemcmber, the pileuis plainly marhed on each article, fiom ihich thcie is

no duviatjoii. To ptirtiaors ,J; tho amount of p? 9c oer,p pertent discount. (N'o book accounts' kept.)

fdtoro opun fi'om O 11.111. t fa, HntiirUiiy uyciiliitfb till lO?rW..I.EOEREB, Man8(jr, (238) ), L ROSENBERQV - j






4 fc- .-

Page 4: THE DAILY BULLETIN · 2015-05-30 · KERR has now reorganized his system of working tho business in Honolulu. In the first placo ho has secured the ser-vic-of that celebrated artist,




w r VFlnfl

TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1883.

Pails arc now lnndc of straw. Wcwonder if Hint's where all the"stmw bail" goes to, of wh'ch wehear so much?

"A woman's tongue is her sword,and she does not let it rust," saidtic proverb. "A woman's tongueii her swoid, and she docs notlet it rest," set up the type setter.T.icio aic some type setters wholi wc been nun ricd so long that theydon't caio how inelegantly a do-

mestic proverb may bo shaped.

What he would take: "We're go-

ing to have some amateur theatricalsfor the benefit of our society," said'B;own; "do you think that Biggswould take a pait if it was offeredhim?" "Biggs take u part! " ex-

claimed Fogg; "guess you don'tknow Biggs. No, sir, he wouldn'ttake a pan; he'd want the whole ornothing. Nothing half way aboutBiggs."


The shape of the 'new British man-of-w- ar

Mars is so peculiar that herkacl cannot be laid in any of theusual building-slip- s, and the vesselmust be constructed in one of thedocks. Great ca c is taken to pre-

vent sti angers having any oppor-tunity of making any Kcaminalonof the model cud diawings.

Hcrbcit Spencer is a philosopherand Bismarck is a statesman, buteither one is just as likely as auordinary man to put on his trousersfirst and his drawers afterward, whendressing hastily at midnight to 'runto a tire.

Said a lady, who wanted to go tothe inteiior, who was leading :i news-paper: " There is a new ope-- com-

pany coming to Austin and they aicgoing to give Hubert the Devil."" What at e. they going to give Robertthe devil foi what's he been doing?asked the husband, who is not wellup in opera music.



CabinetmakerAmi Upholsterer,

Jfo. Co Hotel slieel,Opposite International Hotel,

Between Nuuunu and Fort stivcl.

THE public will please lake noticeI linvcjubt opened In the above

premise, and as I am u thorough

mechanic hi my lino of businesshaving done ouie of the finest work nltlio Palace and other residences in Hono-lulu recently would thciefore mostie-pectfull- y

solicit a call from the com.inanity.

Fine upholslcied ork in cvciy varietyDiapcry and Lambrequines of every

desciiptiunniadu to order.Carved and polished window coinices

neatly made and arranged.Repairing and polibhing Piano, Mu-hic-

Bo,es, etc.The llncst French and varnished

in the Kingdom.Carpets, Oil-clot- h aud matting cut and

laid at bliort notice.All work guaranteed and done on the

most reasonable ternia. 304 ly

ss ximi3 --tea

Package Express.Office, No. 07 Hotel btreet.

All kinds of Baggago and Parcelsin all parts of the city with dis

patch. Having a

, ' IUII? CABTI am prepared to haul SAND and other

material, and make or repair foot-paths, either by load, clay, or

coutiact.Stand ut Ramsay's Store, Hotel street

W. T. MacDonam), : Proprietor.Otllcc hours 0 a.m. to 0 p.m.

Of.0 Telephone, No. till

S. M. CARTER & notify their friends and the

general public of Honolulu, thattliey have


Retail Dealers in Wood,Coal and Teed.

They will also carry ou tho

General Drayage Businessas heretofore.

Orders lcspectfully solicited.Promptings guaranteed.

Place of Business 83 King street.


Tclephono No. 805.

Hull Program uicN !

--VTEW DESIGNS, just leceivcd fioinJM Bun Franeieo, at Tub DailVBcl-IBTJ.- v

Office. h ,. '" '

tv , ''4" ft f 4'Wi1

aifciBtwi)-- Aj.iMiiha juiji. ii"j. jtq&i ltfv go


A Large AssortmentOK THE


Fine Wall PapersAND

BORDERS!Just received, "and for sale by


B Call and examine. 147



Ceiling Decoration


United States FactoriesLd JUST RECEIVED fcfe

Y my Kjfi'-- j jc. nnnw iviAiunxjuo uuw.u--u'



Helvetia Laces,Tuck Packing,

Sugar Coolers,Clariliers,

Fire Clay,

Hemp Packing, with or without IndiaRubber,

Babbit Molal,Barbed Fence Wire,

Mining Steel,Hoes, Pickaxes,

Cane Knives, with or without hooks,Hand and Smith Hammer,

Shovels, Aes,Jackscrews, Yice,

Steam-pip- e Brushes,Patent Steam-pip-e Coering,

Lubricating Oil,Cement, Steel Bails,

Sugar and Coal Bags,Twine, &c., &c.

For sale by

II. HACKFELD & Co.Oct. 10th


JUST RECEIVEDPer bark Kalakaua

A Splendid StockOf JfCAV

114 ITort Street,Mi ly Opposite Pantheon Stables

FOlt SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGrinds from 5 to 10 tons per day.

Aloo, pulleys, belts, etc., all in goodorder) eau be run by steam or horsopower, just the article for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Hrnn, Barley, Whole and

Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST

5!) LAINE Co., 31 Fort at.

Water Notice.Office Hup't Water Works,

Honolulu, July 0, 1883.

ALL persons having Water Privilegesnotified that their Water Kates

are payable bcmi-aumiall- in udvanco,at the office of the Superintendent ofWater Works, foot of Nuuanu street,upon tho 1st dav of January and July ofeuchyear. (JlUS. B. WILSON.

SupH Water Works.S. K. Kaai. Minister of Interior. 204

Colonial CandiesJubt Kcceived at

SIS A., ClegkoiuCo'ft.

JTn&t Received,Ex Stehmku " Sukz,"

Casus Lard and Bacon,Casks Hams, Kegs Butter,

Butter in 4 lb. gTass jars very biipcrior,Bbls Mess Beef,Bbls Prime Mess Pork,

Golden Onto Flour,Extra Family Flour,Sacks of Whole Barley,Sacks of Ground Barley,Sacks of Wheat,Sacks of Beans,

SACKS or POTATOESand a general ass't of Groceries.

April 13. BOLLES & CO.

Sperm and WhaleOiS!

JUST TO HAND, u quantity of Spermfrom the Whaling barks

" Abram Barker" and " Orca."

Warranted pine. Also,

A few casks of Whale Oil

all of fine quality, and

FREE 3TK03X FOOTS,For in quantities desired by

HOliliKH &. Co.

Honolulu, March , 18B8. "8--

" Variety the Hplce ofLife."

SPEKJl'OIL!Wc have on hand

Put up in 5 gall, tins

and, cases of 10 galls.

KACir, oi'

Clear and Pure Sperm OilTaken by the "Orca," "Louisa," and

"Mary & Helen," which will be


Castle & Cooke.


A MONSTER SPERM Whalo? making 140 barrels, caught by the

Bark "Louisa," .



and Nicely Strained.

Polar and Whalo OilConstantly on hand, and, for sale by "

315 3m A. W. l'KIUCE & Co.



TT7ILL bo conducted entirely by myV V son, JACOB FISHER, in i uture,

as I havo turned my attention to agrj-cultur-

All orders should bo addressedto Jacob Fisher, P. O. Box No. 180, orNo. Ill Llliha street, This chaugo datesfrom Jnnuury 1st, 1883.

I take lids opportunity to thank thopublic for their patrouago hitherto be-stowed on me, and solicit u continuanceof the biimc to my son Jacob.m ISRAEL FISHER.

FIRE! FIRE! FIRE.ITo Arrivo per barkontlna Discovery.

FIRE PROOF SAFESHaving been appointed Agent for the

Hawaiian Islands for' Hull's Sale and Lock Co.I am now prepared to take orders forFiro Proof, Firo and Burglar Proof,Jewelers, Dwelling Hpuso, and side-Boar- d

Safes, Jewelry or Plate Chests,Vault Fronts, VJetor and Novelty BankLocks, &c.,5ig,

--Mr. R. T. Polk, Ocuerai Agent torHall's Safo and Lock Co., at presentslayihg hero im his way toAustialia,will gladly furnish any information regardjng the above Safes, tfce.

230 ly Beaver Block.


Goods in Every Department Marked Down

And 3JLuw(, lc Bold


To arrive shortly from Eastern and Euiopcan Markets.

Tho Leading Millinery House of Chas. J. Fishel.

J. M. OAT, Jr., & CO.Stationers and. TN'evrs Dealers,

Have Just Received, ex Suez, 1 ' 'i



Base Balls arid BatsNow is tho time to subscribe for Newspapers and Periodicals for 1883.

EST" All orders will be filled promptlj'.J253 Gazette Block, No. 25 Merchant Street, . 3m

H. J. AGNEWbegs to inform his Friends and the public Generally, that

he has made complete arrangements forsecuring a

Constant Supply of Hay, Oats, Bran, &c,OI' Uio Very Best Quality,

Which ho will offer for sale at the Lotvest Possible Kates,

From the J st of next month.All orders will meet with prompt attention, and will be filled with dispatch. '


Established 1850.


Importing and Manufacturing Stationers,PUBLISHERS,

Printers and Book-Binder- s,.

Nos. 19 and 21 Merchant street,

The Oldest, Largest, and CheapestStationery Establishment in the Kingdom.

Keep constantly on hand a large assortment ofBlank Books, of all descriptions;

Foolscap, Legal and Bill Cap,Journal and Trial Balance! Papers,

Linen Paper and Envelopes, all bizes; "

Writing and Copying Inks, in quarts, pints and- - cones.Mucilage in all sizes, especially adapted to this climate;

Drawing Paper and Pencils,Tracing Paper and Cloth, ' - ' V ' i

Transit Books, Field and Level Books, adapted for the'useof Surveyors and Engineers) i

Memorandum and Pass Books, ,' Silver and Perforated Card Boaid,

Shipping Tags, Shipping Receipt Books and Pads,Note, Draft, and Receipt Books, t.

Andjiumerous other articles in our


found uell kept stock

MUSIC!"We made such arrangements with Music Agents, will enable

hereafter keen full assortment, and also iccclvo lajcst piecesihey published. Any special order will receive best and prompt attcu- -


fe4 3s J525?

lino to be in a


havo our as usto on hand a to the tu.

are our

MAX ECKART,Watchmaker and Manufactur-

ing Jeweler,i

Nos. 113 and US Fort Street, ; Honolulu.

Splendid New Stock of Solid Gold and Elated Jewelry,Elegant Gold ami Silver Watches. ' "; ;j-- j

Sllvcr.Platcd Ware, &c., &c. i8(J


Subscription Departmentaro prepared to receive further oiders for any Paper or Maguzino publishWE cd;in California, u Eastern States, Canada, and Europe.! 'i l' i J

At tho picscnt tinni wo receive by .every mall over one hundred and fiftydifferent Papers and Magazines, published in tho Euglish, French, German, andScandinavian Janguagos.

Aa ouRBubscrlptlou list is large, ..wc aro enabled, tq furnish tho Papers i ana' "Magazines ut u low lttte of Subsqriptiou. 183" .

nfJA"- - . t. .k.4"A ' , jAM.. JW. TT