the daily bulletin...btudy and acquirement of taste, resume its rank as a liberal art."...

r v.j N THE DAILY BULLETIN Vol. II. 3STo. 378. HONOLULU, II. I. WEDNESDAY, APJRIL 18, 18813. SUBSCRIPTION 60 CENTS PCR MONTH. THE DAILY BULLETIN , WALTER HILL, Proprietor. Is published every morning ami circu- lated throughout tho town by curriers, uu lwinmuuu IV M1U UlJIUl AS11IUUS UJ every opportunity. , Subtcrlptioa, 50 ctnli per Month. G. Cahson Kknvon, Editor. All business communications to bu Manager Dally Bulletin, Post Office Box No. 14. Telephono 256. Offlct, .... neen Htrect, Opposite West's Carriage Factor. .T. Q. Clkviou, Manager ii Police Court, criminal calendar., Friday, April 13 Fauna, drunk, fined 810 and $1 costs. Ho Siting, Luting, Ah Ycc, Tong Sai, Akana, An Go, Wong Cliing, Akut, and Aiai, gaming; first five fined $10 and $ 1 costs and 24 hours at hard labor each, tho other four not guilty and discharged. Appeal noted to the Supremo Court. Saturday, April M Knwai, as- sault and battery, forfeited 8 10 bail. Manuaka, drunk, forfeited bail SC YV. C. Akana and Akiona, remand- ed from the 12th. (The evidence for prosecution .is that they received 8400 bribe to hush up the opium smuggling case by the City of New York, and also that they secreted 37 tins of opium. No defence was offered, as it is reserved-fo- r a higher tribunal.) Committed for trial to Supremo Court at present term, April, 1883. Aug Ok, keeping gaming house, remanded to thc'18th. CIVIL CALENDAR. Friday, April 13 Foster & Co. vs. Nohonoho, deserting contract service; ordered to return to em- ployer, costs $3. C. Afong vs. David, same charge', lemanded to the 11th. Saturday, April 14 C. Afong vs. David, 'remanded from-th- e !13Ui; settled out'of Coiirtr-costo'62r--A- -r F. Cooke vs. J. Allen, deserting contract service; settled' out of Court, costs $2. "TliOj truth always pays in the end." Is that why some people are so sparing of it in the beginning? JR1TSON, ACCOUNTANT. at G. H. Robertson's office, Queen street. , 334 Just Received, Ex Brig " Hesperian," BARRELS OF LIME QUARTER CASKS GOLDEN CITY FLOUR, ' DuIcm of BOLLES & CO. ., LIME AND Portland Cement yon bale iiy April 13. (204) BOLLES & CO. NEW GOODS ! Per City of New York, from Sydney, Portmanteaus And Valises ! ALL SIZES, At Astonishingly Low Prices AT J. ir. LYNOIIS, No. 88 King btrcet. MB- - Tfcc nbovo are inanufuetured from tho beat Australian Leather. 333 G EORGE Contractor LUCAS, ' uud Builder,' Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufacture all hinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blind, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds ol Sawlug and Pinn- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other bollcitcd B. F. EHLERS & Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, A 11 the Latest Novelties in Farioy Goods Received by every steamer WORT . S'l1!? I? Wl1 STRIKE THE IRON AND SECURE YOUR BARGAINS Which will be given at my Establishment Xni;iiig' tlie Next 4 "Weeks, Previous to the arrival of a large invoice of New Goods from the Eastern' and Euiopean Markets for tho ,u ; Clothing Emporium s A. M. Mellis 101 Fort Honolulu. street, - - - Mrs. Mollis' Dress Making LAWRENCE & FREETH, CONTRACTORS. Plans and Estimates furnished for works of construction. Civil Engineering & Surveying Office, 10 nnd 21 Mcrchunt st, above J. W. Robertson & Co's. 300 P. O. Box, 101. ly G: II. ROBERTSON, , Drayman best teams ff town. TeleDuone.Nn i5. 15 'J HONOLULU IRON "WORKS, Steam engines, sucar mills, boil ers, coolers; iron, brass ami-lea- n cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. ' Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 H. Y. HARDING OPENED AN OFFICE at "W. Fcnucll's Harness Shop, No. 92 King street. Bills Collected and Book Accounts Attended to. Orders respectfully solicit- ed and promptly attended to. 3 j8 lm BREAKING-HORSE- S- IN QENUJNE STYLE. WALLACE JACKSON the' thorough experienc- ed horse breaker.wishcs !T?V tho public to know that lie is iuny prcpuruu iu take charge of stock, nnd guarantees to break them thoroughly on his Ranch, and attend carefully to feeding and doctoring horses. Helms now in his charge buch celebrated steeds as Black Thorn and other thoroughbreds, and has the exclusive charge of all of Mr. James Campbell's btock. Orders left at the Pantheon Stables, or at the mommoth stables on Mr. James Campbell's property at Kapiolani Park, will meet with promptness. 205 ly Just Received, thoso Desirable HELMET , The.most suitable hats for this climate. For sale by 275 A. 8. Clcghorn & Co. ' ' A. KRAFT, JEWELER, Jjh OPTICIAN, Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities. Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" build-4- 4 lug, opposite the Bank. Chus. D. GeniHch, Practical 5) Watchmaker. B3" Hotel Street, o)positc the 123 3m International Hotel. "B JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumborb' stock and metals, House Furnishing Goods, 77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &o. 'JMio Iltvwaiiuii Tempi erance Tear Book For 1883. will be published here iu January, 188a, a year book, au in- teresting and useful volume with tho above title. A handy hook of reference as well as a valuable book foi the house- hold. It will ho especially devoted to the temperance cause, unit will bu of much use all the year around. You will bo bollclted to uubjorlbo to this book, and can obtain further Information by calling upon D 31. CROWLEY, 280 Honolulu, II. I, WHILE IT'S HOT Honolulu HATS Department up stairs'. J. LYONS, L. J. LEVEY. LYONS & LEVEY, Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Honolulu. Queen bt., - - Sales of Furniture, Stock, Ileal Estate and General Merchandise promptly at- tended to. Sole Agents for American and Euro-pea- n merchandise. J 318 "IT S. TREGLOAN. JL1. TAILOR.- - 201' FORT ST. HMEAD, . & jbBBER, No. 12 King st., near the Bridge. All kinds of small jobs, such as gate aud fence mending, &c., attended tp and at moderate chaigcs. . 305 ly Kobcrt LvuerH, O. Jl. Cooke. L EWERS Se COOKE, (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers anil Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building-Material- Fort street, Honolulu 1 WILDER & CO., J Dealers iii Lumber, Faints, Oils, Nail?, Salt and BulldlngMaterlals of every kind, cor. Fort "and Quccif-st;.- Honolulu. 1 &BOBINSON,, . ALLEN Dealers in Lumber and nil kinds of Building Materials, Paints, Oils, Nails, etc. 71 TlROWN St PHILLIPS. JD Practical PI umbel s, Gas Fitters and Copper-smith- s, No, I I JIIIK C31., Honolulu. E3T" House ami Ship Job WorK promptly executed. 17 CHR. Gertz, No. 80 Fort htrect, Hnnolul.lP' Impor'er ami Dealer in Gent's, Ladies' and Children's hoot, shoos nnd trippers. Wilson Brothers, ..h , A ( t III WHw GENERAL Horso BLACKSMITHS. Shoeing a bpccially A flrst-clas- b man being specially engaged for that work. Ship and "Wagon work faithfully attended to. Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hoppcr's.201 rpHE Hawaiian Journal, " KoHa-- X "waii Pae Aixa," owned and edited by Kawainui Bros. ; has a weokly edition of 8;200 copies, and is the best advertising medium. Of- fice, No. 0 Merchant ut. 1 THE EVILS OF PAINTING And their ltvmcdy. " It has been baid with much truth, too, that house painting might, with btudy and acquirement of taste, resume its rank as a liberal art." Paiu(ers Ma ii u it I. Believing the nbovo to ho true, A. B KERR has now reorganized his bystem of working tho business in Honolulu, In the first placo ho has becurcd the bcr. vices of that celebrated artist, Mr. Max Koim, formerly of San Francisco, whose work in the line of plain and decorative paper-hangin- frescoiug, &c, is up to tho present time unsurpassed, and on these Islands has never been equalled. For house painting jobs llrbt-olas- s me- chanics only will bo employed. In future patrons can depend upon my till. Ing every order on the most bcieulitlc basis known to tho trade. Tko Blgu Painting and Lettering de- partment will bu permanently presided over by Mr. Gi:o. Stkatmevkii, (further comment unnecessary.) P.S. Send for designs of frescos for ceiling aud cornices. Something new; aud if you waut any glass put In call at "Tiger "Paint Store, 217 Jy 7 King Btrcet, Commission Merchants. BREWER & COMPANY, C . (Limited) UESKHAIj 3lKnc.VKTlI.U AMI Commission Aoi:sr.s. MbTOKOmCKKSS P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & Manager J.'O. CAivricn Treasurer & Secretary ninECTons; Hon. C. R. liisuor. Hon. II. A. P. Caiitek U38 ly Geo. AV. JIacfarlnnc. 11. R. Mitcfurluiie. G. W. MACZARLANE & Co. IBIPORTERS, COMMISSION 3IER- - CHANTS and Sufftu Factors, Firc-Proo- f Bulldinir, - 52 Queen street, Honolulu. II. I. ; aoents for The 'Wail.upu Sugar Plantntion, Maui, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The Ileei.i Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Iluelo Sugar Mill, Maul, Iluelo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Putiloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, 3Iirrlec, Watson &Co's Sugar Machin ery, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. 185 Claus bvrcclculs. Wm. G. Irwin. W. a. Irwin & Company. Sugar Fnctors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 HHackfeld & company, Commission Agents, Queen street, Honolulu. 1 AS. CLEQHORN & CO. Importers nnd Commission Merchants, dealers in General Merchan dise, Queen and Knahumnnu sis., Hono-lul- ?8 THEO. H. DAVIE3 it COMPANY,-Importer- s and .Commission Merchants; agents for Lloyd's and the Liverpool Underwriters, British and Foreign Ins. Company, aud Northern Assurance Company. 71 DIAS & GONSALES, No. 67 Hotel Sticct, Honolulu. Importers aud Deillcrs in Dry aud Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery, 280 &c, &e., &c. JOUN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1 M. & CO., 1 in porters of General Mer chandise uud Commission Merchants, Honolulu. 1 MS. GRINBAUM & Co., Commission Merchants, 121 California street, 1 San Francisco, Cal . BROWN & CO., Wholesale Wine ami Spirit Merchants, No. M Merchant St., Honolulu. ti'M F.T- - LENEHAN & CO., Importers and Commission Merchants, Nuuaiiu bt,, Honolulu. 1 S. N. Cuttle. J. H. Atlicrtuu. CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Commission Merehanls. Imporlers and Dealers In General Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. ' l WING WO CHAN & CO., Importers and General Dealers Iu English. American and Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Tea and General Supplies. Also, white and colored con- tract mulling, alt qualities and prices". B6T No. 22 Nuuunu Street, opposite Mr. Along'?. 81 A. G. ELMS, S TOOK BROKER, will buy or sell Plantation Stock. Bonds, and Other -- Marketable (securities, Atthcir market value for cash, 210 Olllec with E. P. Adum. Auct'r. By tho stmr City of New York, DIRECT FROM AUSTRALIA, L.udieH & Gentloiucn'N SADDLES! Embroidered uud plain seats. Bridles in Russet & Blk leather Ridlug Whips aud HarncM, The II nest ever imported into these Is. lauds ( also, Solid Leather Portmanteaus, Carpet Bugs, Pouches, and Russet Leather Saddle Bngs, OSI.V AT J. II. 300 No. 88 Kiug lrcl.o JT- - Professionals. SARAH B. PEIROE, M. D., and Chlhhen's Physician. Olllec and loidenep, No. 5 Schoo! street, (between Foil nnd Emma). Office hours 10:30 to 11:30a. m. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. 240 Twlephonu, .No. 201. D TUACHER, DENTIST. 101J Fort btrcet (up stairs.) uinrgoi lower thnu nny other dentist in Honolulu, whether traveling dentist or otherwise. Satisfaction guaranteed. 305 DR. EMERSON, Residence audconsultntlnn.. rnm - ut No. .1 Kukul st., comer of Fort. wwm. Iclephono No. 140. r.'J 2in A. Rosa, AlTUHtfEY AT LAW. And Notary Public, Olllec 1th the Attorney General, Alllo! lunl Hale, Honolulu. 34a ly W Austin whiting, Attorney and Counsellor nt Law. Agent to take acknowledgments of instalments. Knahumunu ?t., Honolulu. 209 S. B. DOLE, Lawjer nnd Nobiry Public, 11 No. 15 Ku'ahumauu bt. Jrancis M. Hatch, Attorney at Law, -- J 15 Kaahuniauu st T7 ILLIAM O, SMITH, Allorncy at Law 73 No. 30 Merchant street. RICHARD F. BIOKERTON, and Counsellor at Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free, holds. Ofllce. No. 34 Jlerchuut st. 1 Cecil Brown, and Counsellor at Law, Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac- knowledgments of Instruments for the Island ol Oahu. No. 8 Kaakumanu st., Honolulu. 1 JM. MONSARRAT, AITORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. 'Real Estate in any nail of the Kingdom, bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgotia. ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Mcrchunt st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands 190 C. O. Berqer, kaahumaku s.trekt. General Agent for' The N. Y. Lifo Insurance Company, The City of London Fiic In. Co(limit'd Macncalc & Urban Safes, The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machin Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. 238 1HARLES T, Gulick, NOTARY PUBLIC, Agent to lake Acknowledgments Labor Contracts, AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. Olllce, In Makee'h Block, comer Queen aud Kaahumnnu struts, Honolulu. 21 J. WILLIAMS & Co. 120 Fort Street, - - Honolulu, Portrait and Landscape DPliotog,ra;Xliei,. 180 ly WILLIAM AULD, lo take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for the District of Kona, Island of Oahu, ut the ofllce of tho Houolulu Wulcr Works, foot of Nuu ami street. 180 tf T ILLIAM WOND, TY Agent to take Acknowledg ments to Contracts for Labor. Olllcc-Stnt- ion House. 351 ly JOHN.iA. HASSINQER, to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior 'Jfllce, Honolulu. 7 WO. AKANA. nnd Jlnwailan Translator and Interpreter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu. Translations of cither of tho abovfc languages made with accuracy and dis- patch, uud on reasonable tcims. 200 J. H. BRUNS, Cooper and Oauser, Water Tanks of any dimensions. Cooperage, No. 10 Fort street, Honolulu, Oil Casks, Shook and Hoop Iron con- - Muntly on hand mid for sale. 231 ly Job Printing OF EVERY DESCRIPTION execut- ed with neatness and dispatch at Thk Daily Bulletin Ofllco, Queen tt. FIRE WOOD! FUR SALE, JLt jVTiii'liet Xtates Apply to H. M. CARTER, 187 P, M. S. S. Whl. H ,4 "

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Page 1: THE DAILY BULLETIN...btudy and acquirement of taste, resume its rank as a liberal art." Paiu(ers Maii uitI. Believing the nbovo to ho true, A. B KERR has now reorganized his bystem







,WALTER HILL, Proprietor.

Is published every morning ami circu-lated throughout tho town by curriers,

uu lwinmuuu IV M1U UlJIUl AS11IUUS UJevery opportunity. ,

Subtcrlptioa, 50 ctnli per Month.

G. Cahson Kknvon, Editor.All business communications to bu

Manager Dally Bulletin, PostOffice Box No. 14. Telephono 256.

Offlct, .... neen Htrect,Opposite West's Carriage Factor.

.T. Q. Clkviou, Manager

iiPolice Court,

criminal calendar.,Friday, April 13 Fauna, drunk,

fined 810 and $1 costs. Ho Siting,Luting, Ah Ycc, Tong Sai, Akana,An Go, Wong Cliing, Akut, andAiai, gaming; first five fined $10and $ 1 costs and 24 hours at hardlabor each, tho other four not guiltyand discharged. Appeal noted tothe Supremo Court.

Saturday, April M Knwai, as-

sault and battery, forfeited 8 10 bail.Manuaka, drunk, forfeited bail SCYV. C. Akana and Akiona, remand-

ed from the 12th. (The evidence forprosecution .is that they received8400 bribe to hush up the opiumsmuggling case by the City of NewYork, and also that they secreted 37tins of opium. No defence wasoffered, as it is reserved-fo- r a highertribunal.) Committed for trial toSupremo Court at present term,April, 1883. Aug Ok, keepinggaming house, remanded to thc'18th.


Friday, April 13 Foster & Co.vs. Nohonoho, deserting contractservice; ordered to return to em-ployer, costs $3. C. Afong vs.David, same charge', lemanded tothe 11th.

Saturday, April 14 C. Afong vs.David, 'remanded from-th- e !13Ui;settled out'of Coiirtr-costo'62r--A- -r

F. Cooke vs. J. Allen, desertingcontract service; settled' out ofCourt, costs $2.

"TliOj truth always pays in theend." Is that why some people areso sparing of it in the beginning?

JR1TSON, G. H. Robertson's

office, Queen street. , 334

Just Received,Ex Brig " Hesperian,"





Portland Cementyon bale iiy

April 13. (204) BOLLES & CO.


Per City of New York, from Sydney,

PortmanteausAnd Valises !


At Astonishingly Low PricesAT

J. ir. LYNOIIS,No. 88 King btrcet.

MB-- Tfcc nbovo are inanufuetured fromtho beat Australian Leather. 333



' uud Builder,'

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufacture all hinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blind,

Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds ol Sawlug and Pinn-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other


B. F. EHLERS & Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,A 11 the Latest Novelties in Farioy Goods Received by every steamer WORT . S'l1!? I? Wl1


SECURE YOUR BARGAINSWhich will be given at my Establishment

Xni;iiig' tlie Next 4 "Weeks,Previous to the arrival of a large invoice of New Goods from the Eastern' and

Euiopean Markets for tho ,u;

Clothing Emporium s A. M. Mellis101 Fort Honolulu.street, - - -

Mrs. Mollis' Dress Making


Plans and Estimates furnished for worksof construction. Civil Engineering &Surveying Office, 10 nnd 21 Mcrchunt st,above J. W. Robertson & Co's.300 P. O. Box, 101. ly

G: II. ROBERTSON,, Drayman best teams

ff town. TeleDuone.Nn i5. 15

'J HONOLULU IRON "WORKS,Steam engines, sucar mills, boil

ers, coolers; iron, brass ami-lea- n cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. 'Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1


Fcnucll's Harness Shop, No. 92King street.

Bills Collected and Book AccountsAttended to. Orders respectfully solicit-ed and promptly attended to. 3 j8 lm



WALLACE JACKSONthe' thorough experienc-ed horse breaker.wishcs

!T?V tho public to know thatlie is iuny prcpuruu iu

take charge of stock, nnd guaranteesto break them thoroughly on his Ranch,and attend carefully to feeding anddoctoring horses. Helms now in hischarge buch celebrated steeds as BlackThorn and other thoroughbreds, and hasthe exclusive charge of all of Mr. JamesCampbell's btock.

Orders left at the Pantheon Stables,or at the mommoth stables on Mr. JamesCampbell's property at Kapiolani Park,will meet with promptness. 205 ly

Just Received, thoso Desirable

HELMET, The.most suitable hats for this

climate. For sale by

275 A. 8. Clcghorn & Co.


Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities.Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" build-4- 4

lug, opposite the Bank.

Chus. D. GeniHch,

Practical 5) Watchmaker.B3" Hotel Street, o)positc the

123 3m International Hotel. "B

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumborb' stock and metals,

House Furnishing Goods,

77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &o.

'JMio IltvwaiiuiiTempi erance Tear Book

For 1883.will be published here iu

January, 188a, a year book, au in-

teresting and useful volume with thoabove title. A handy hook of referenceas well as a valuable book foi the house-hold. It will ho especially devoted tothe temperance cause, unit will bu ofmuch use all the year around. You willbo bollclted to uubjorlbo to this book,and can obtain further Information bycalling upon D 31. CROWLEY,

280 Honolulu, II. I,




Department up stairs'.


LYONS & LEVEY,Auctioneers and General

Commission Merchants,Beaver Block, Honolulu.Queen bt., - -

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Ileal Estateand General Merchandise promptly at-

tended to.Sole Agents for American and Euro-pea- n

merchandise. J 318


201' FORT ST.


No. 12 King st., near the Bridge.All kinds of small jobs, such as gate audfence mending, &c., attended tp and atmoderate chaigcs. . 305 ly

Kobcrt LvuerH, O. Jl. Cooke.

LEWERS Se COOKE,(successors to Lowers & Dickson,)

Importers anil Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building-Material- Fort street,Honolulu 1

WILDER & CO., JDealers iii Lumber, Faints,

Oils, Nail?, Salt and BulldlngMaterlalsof every kind, cor. Fort "and Quccif-st;.-

Honolulu. 1

&BOBINSON,, .ALLEN Dealers in Lumber andnil kinds of Building Materials, Paints,Oils, Nails, etc. 71

TlROWN St PHILLIPS.JD Practical PI umbel s, Gas Fittersand Copper-smith- s, No, I I JIIIK C31.,

Honolulu. E3T" House ami Ship JobWorK promptly executed. 17

CHR. Gertz,No. 80 Fort htrect, Hnnolul.lP'

Impor'er ami Dealer in Gent's, Ladies'and Children's hoot, shoos nnd trippers.

Wilson Brothers,..h

,A ( t III


BLACKSMITHS.Shoeing a bpccially

A flrst-clas- b man being specially engagedfor that work.

Ship and "Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hoppcr's.201

rpHE Hawaiian Journal, " KoHa-- X

"waii Pae Aixa," owned andedited by Kawainui Bros. ; has aweokly edition of 8;200 copies, andis the best advertising medium. Of-fice, No. 0 Merchant ut. 1

THE EVILS OF PAINTINGAnd their ltvmcdy.

" It has been baid with much truth,too, that house painting might, withbtudy and acquirement of taste, resumeits rank as a liberal art." Paiu(ersMa ii u it I.

Believing the nbovo to ho true, A. BKERR has now reorganized his bystemof working tho business in Honolulu,In the first placo ho has becurcd the bcr.vices of that celebrated artist, Mr. MaxKoim, formerly of San Francisco, whosework in the line of plain and decorativepaper-hangin- frescoiug, &c, is up totho present time unsurpassed, and onthese Islands has never been equalled.For house painting jobs llrbt-olas- s me-chanics only will bo employed. Infuture patrons can depend upon my till.Ing every order on the most bcieulitlcbasis known to tho trade.

Tko Blgu Painting and Lettering de-

partment will bu permanently presidedover by Mr. Gi:o. Stkatmevkii, (furthercomment unnecessary.)

P.S. Send for designs of frescos forceiling aud cornices. Something new;aud if you waut any glass put In call at

"Tiger "Paint Store,217 Jy 7 King Btrcet,

Commission Merchants.BREWER & COMPANY,C . (Limited)


Commission Aoi:sr.s.

MbTOKOmCKKSSP. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ.'O. CAivricn Treasurer & Secretary

ninECTons;Hon. C. R. liisuor. Hon. II. A. P. Caiitek

U38 ly

Geo. AV. JIacfarlnnc. 11. R. Mitcfurluiie.G. W. MACZARLANE & Co.


CHANTS andSufftu Factors,

Firc-Proo- f Bulldinir, - 52 Queen street,Honolulu. II. I.

; aoents forThe 'Wail.upu Sugar Plantntion, Maui,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The Ileei.i Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Iluelo Sugar Mill, Maul,Iluelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Putiloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,3Iirrlec, Watson &Co's Sugar Machin

ery, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.


Claus bvrcclculs. Wm. G. Irwin.

W. a. Irwin & Company.Sugar Fnctors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

HHackfeld & company,Commission Agents,

Queen street, Honolulu. 1

AS. CLEQHORN & CO.Importers nnd Commission

Merchants, dealers in General Merchandise, Queen and Knahumnnu sis., Hono-lul-


THEO. H. DAVIE3 it COMPANY,-Importer- s

and .CommissionMerchants; agents for Lloyd's and theLiverpool Underwriters, British andForeign Ins. Company, aud NorthernAssurance Company. 71

DIAS & GONSALES,No. 67 Hotel Sticct, Honolulu.

Importers aud Deillcrs in Dry aud FancyGoods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery,

280 &c, &e., &c.

JOUN T. WATERHOUSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1

M. & CO.,1 in porters of General Mer

chandise uud Commission Merchants,Honolulu. 1

MS. GRINBAUM & Co.,Commission Merchants,

121 California street,1 San Francisco, Cal .

BROWN & CO.,Wholesale Wine ami Spirit

Merchants, No. M Merchant St.,Honolulu. ti'M

F.T- - LENEHAN & CO.,Importers and Commission

Merchants, Nuuaiiu bt,, Honolulu. 1

S. N. Cuttle. J. H. Atlicrtuu.

CASTLE & COOKE,Shipping and Commission

Merehanls. Imporlers and Dealers InGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. ' lWING WO CHAN & CO.,

Importers and General DealersIu English. American and Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored con-tract mulling, alt qualities and prices".

B6T No. 22 Nuuunu Street, oppositeMr. Along'?. 81

A. G. ELMS,STOOK BROKER, will buy or sell

Plantation Stock. Bonds, andOther --Marketable (securities,

Atthcir market value for cash,210 Olllec with E. P. Adum. Auct'r.

By tho stmr City of New York,


L.udieH & Gentloiucn'N

SADDLES!Embroidered uud plain seats.

Bridles in Russet & Blk leatherRidlug Whips aud HarncM,

The II nest ever imported into these Is.lauds ( also,

Solid Leather Portmanteaus,Carpet Bugs, Pouches, and

Russet Leather Saddle Bngs,


J. II.300 No. 88 Kiug lrcl.o

JT- -


SARAH B. PEIROE, M. D.,and Chlhhen's Physician.

Olllec and loidenep, No. 5 Schoo! street,(between Foil nnd Emma).

Office hours 10:30 to 11:30a. m.1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

240 Twlephonu, .No. 201.


101J Fort btrcet (up stairs.)uinrgoi lower thnu nny other dentist

in Honolulu, whether traveling dentistor otherwise. Satisfaction guaranteed.


DR. EMERSON,Residence audconsultntlnn.. rnm-

ut No. .1 Kukul st., comer of Fort.wwm.

Iclephono No. 140. r.'J 2in


And Notary Public,Olllec 1th the Attorney General, Alllo!lunl Hale, Honolulu. 34a ly

W Austin whiting,Attorney and Counsellor nt Law.

Agent to take acknowledgments ofinstalments.

Knahumunu ?t., Honolulu. 209

S. B. DOLE,Lawjer nnd Nobiry Public,

11 No. 15 Ku'ahumauu bt.

Jrancis M. Hatch,Attorney at Law,

--J 15 Kaahuniauu st

T7 ILLIAM O, SMITH,Allorncy at Law

73 No. 30 Merchant street.

RICHARD F. BIOKERTON,and Counsellor at Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Free,holds. Ofllce. No. 34 Jlerchuut st. 1

Cecil Brown,and Counsellor at Law,Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac-

knowledgments of Instruments for theIsland ol Oahu. No. 8 Kaakumanu st.,Honolulu. 1

JM. MONSARRAT,AITORNEY AT LAWand Notary Public. 'Real Estate in any

nail of the Kingdom, bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ncgotia.ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Mcrchunt st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu.Hawaiian Islands 190

C. O. Berqer,

kaahumaku s.trekt.General Agent for'

The N. Y. Lifo Insurance Company,The City of London Fiic In. Co(limit'dMacncalc & Urban Safes,The Celebrated Springfield Gas MachinGas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.



Agent to lake AcknowledgmentsLabor Contracts,

AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT.Olllce, In Makee'h Block, comer Queen

aud Kaahumnnu struts, Honolulu. 21

J. WILLIAMS & Co.120 Fort Street, - - Honolulu,

Portrait and Landscape

DPliotog,ra;Xliei,.180 ly

WILLIAM AULD,lo take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for the Districtof Kona, Island of Oahu, ut the ofllce oftho Houolulu Wulcr Works, foot of Nuuami street. 180 tf

T ILLIAM WOND,T Y Agent to take Acknowledg

ments to Contracts for Labor.Olllcc-Stnt- ion House. 351 ly

JOHN.iA. HASSINQER,to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior 'Jfllce,Honolulu. 7

WO. AKANA.nnd Jlnwailan Translator

and Interpreter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu.

Translations of cither of tho abovfclanguages made with accuracy and dis-patch, uud on reasonable tcims. 200

J. H. BRUNS,Cooper and Oauser,

Water Tanks of any dimensions.Cooperage, No. 10 Fort street, Honolulu,

Oil Casks, Shook and Hoop Iron con- -Muntly on hand mid for sale. 231 ly

Job PrintingOF EVERY DESCRIPTION execut-

ed with neatness and dispatch atThk Daily Bulletin Ofllco, Queen tt.


JLt jVTiii'liet XtatesApply to

H. M. CARTER,187 P, M. S. S. Whl.




Page 2: THE DAILY BULLETIN...btudy and acquirement of taste, resume its rank as a liberal art." Paiu(ers Maii uitI. Believing the nbovo to ho true, A. B KERR has now reorganized his bystem



I t






$he Hiljj lnlfcttiiWEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1883.


Mr. E. 1'. Adams "will hold u

Credit Sale at Beaver Block, at10 o'clock.

EVENING.Band at Emma Square, at 7 i SO

Oalm Lodge, No. 1 K. of P. 7:30.Bethel Prayer Meeting, at 1 s30.Fort St. Clnireh, Prayer Meeting

nt7:30.St. Andrew's Cathedral, usual

services, at 7 :30.


Yesterday morning, at 9 o'clock,the Hawaiian brig Hazard cist off

her mooriug3 aud sailed swiftly outof the harbor for the South Seas, tobring back laborers for the Planters'Labor & Supply Company. She

carries with her 10 laborers, return-

ing to their homes in the island of

Tukalau.Everything about the vessel is as

clean as' a new pin, and ample ac-

commodations have been made forthe expected passengers. I'ittingsand space have been provided forno less than three hundred oi them,aud for their food 17 tons of breadand 18 tons of rice besides full sup-

plies of beef, iS.c, have been put on

board by the Company. In ncklitiou

to this, ample provision has beenmade for the olllccrs and crewduring their extended voyage of sixor seven months. 18,000 gallons ofwater are on board, and a new sup-

ply of equal amount will be placedon board before returning. Then,forward, is a large cooking galleryfor the laborers, with 4 on

Farmer boilers. Every comiort andconvenience bas been provided foreven to the extcut of taking two

sheeps, and a sow and litter of pigs,so that a supply of fresh mat willalways be on hand. The Govern-

ment, through Mr. Jaeger, lmcsentdown a case for plants, seeds, &u.

Captain Tierncy carries with him

a special commission as agent forrecruiting Tabor, and wc congratu-late the Planters' Labor & SupplyCompany in getting so able an officeraud good a man for the woik theyhave undertaken. Our wishes forhis complete success go with Litn.

A PROVIDENTIAL ESCAPEfrom what might have been a veryserious accident was made by thepassengers on the down train toMaliukona on Saturday last. Therewere two cars, a first aud secondclass, full of passengers, and two orthree freight cars. On the one nextthe engine was, fortunately, as itafterwards turned out, a laigc andvery heavy roller from one of thesugar mills going down for repairs.

As the train was goina; round acurve just beyond Kapaau, lictwcenIlalawa and Mahukona, the railsspread, and the locomotive went offthe track and hung half ever theedge of u steep precipice, about 150

feet straight down. But for th'c im-

mense weight of the roller on thefirst freight car it would hao gonecompletely over and drawn tic restof the train along witli it.

It took four hours of hard workto get the engine back on tie trackand started for its destination again.The cprcading of the rails is attri-

buted to the use of two grades oflocomotive, one wider than theother. The passengers aud bauds onthe train had a Providcutial escapefrom a fearful death.


Monday, April 1G Drunks: a,

fined 85 dud 1 costs; a,

fined 10 and 1 costs; G.Murphy, forfeited bail G, and Kea-hiku- a,

8, S. Kuluohuno, assaultand battery, fined 9 and 81 cobts.Moamoa and Ioane, furious andheedless driving, an nggiavnteilcase, lined 20 and 2.50 costseach. Piiakanoa, forfeited bail 10,and Keoki, fined 5 and 81 costs,for an affray.

Tuesday, April 17 Nakipi (aged13 years,') larceny, committed totho Reformatory School for 2 years.KapuoHooko, refusing to obey herparents, remanded to tho J 8th.Kuahine, drunk, forfeited bail G,

Keku, fined 5 and 1 costs. AhVon, keeping u victualling houso

without license, remanded to the18th. J. U. & B. W. Kawainul,libel in tho 2nd degree, remanded tothe 23rd.


Monday, April 1G Z. S. Spauld-in- g

s. P! Miller, continued ft om the12th ; disc discontinued, costs 2.25.Wilder & Co. vs. Sanuicla, desert-ing contract, service, lonmndcd tothe 17th.

Tuesday, April 17 "Wilder & Co.vs. Samuela, remanded from lGth;settled out of Court, costs 82.

Shipping Notes.--The bktnc Eureka, Cnpt Leo, aud

the bark Murray, Capt Harrington,both left San Francisco on thu 2ndinst., arriving hero tho same day,making the passage in 13 days,moderate weather throughout thevoyage.

ThcMokolii brought 1,097 bagsrice, and 12G bags atigar.

The Jas. Makco brought 1,511bags sugar. She leaves at 3 y for Nawiliwili, Kapaa andKilauca.

The Catcrina brought GOO bagspaddy.

The Brit. s.s. Glcnclg leaves to-

day for Victoria B. C.

The Caibaricn took on Monday10,802 bags sugar; 131mlcs (1,910)goat skins ; 28 bbls molasses ; and o

box gen. mdsc. Value domestic71.091.42.The schr Jennie Walker brought

1,750 bags sugar, weighing 112 tons.The s.s. City of Sydney brought

702 pkgs merchandise, 14 pkgs ma-

chinery, 1 organ, 28 pkgs groceries,27 pkgs eggs, 8 pkgs papers, 16

pkgs medicine, G pkgs tobacco.


The opening of Spring millinery

goods at Fi8bcl's takes place to-da- y.

You arc invited to go.

"We hear that another cabe ofsmall-po- x has broken out on board

the Madras.

TiiEKituaea Hon took 200 Chinese

Laborers for Wailuku and Spreckels- -

ville plantation yesterday.

On Monday His Majesty decoratedCaptains Hcrbig and Dautwu of

the Lcipsic with the order of Kala- -


Passengers by the Kilauea IIouon Tuesday had to purchase tickets.This is an improvement on theordinary method.

The Band conceit which was tohave taken place on Monday nightat Emma Square was postponeduutil

Tun Mission Children's Societyhave postponed their regular month-

ly meeting to Saturday week on

account of the dedication of the Y.M. C. A. building.

MoitK chicken stealing; 24 were

stolcr on Monday night from ahouse on Emma street. Why don'tthe police catch some of these mid-

night roost-clcarcr- o?

Tin: Chinese landed from the Cityof Sydney are now in quarantine atKahakaaulana. There arc 345 in

all, men, women and children. Tenof them arc women : all arc well as


The pigeon-shootin- g match atKnlihi on Saturday was well attend-ed. Mr. linger' s excellent arrangeincut, were appreciated. The sweepswere won by Messrs. Wilson, linger,and Wodehousc.

Vahious persons arc telling thestory that the Captain of the Madrasis offcriug $5 a day each for 20 or25 young men to go with him toPortland. How very frightenedthey must think that Captain is.

Captain Dodd, of the Suez, williinako but ono more trip each way inher to this port. Next month hewill marry a young lady now in SanFrancisco, and then proceed toEngland on his wedding tour. Wescud our ulohu ntii to them both.

Yi:sTi:itruy morning the steamerJames Makcc picked up n boat con-

taining four men about six miles offBarber's Poiut. When found theboat was drifting. The men hadgone out lishing the night beforeand had been blown out to bca bythe btroug t,rado winds. They hadtried to regain tho shore, but failedin their attempts. Tho nanio of thocaptain of tho boat is Kcliioptuiui.

Oun mulcts ate asked to bo inattendance at the great Credit Saleof Macfaihinc & Go's which Mr. E.P. Adams will hold to-da- y in thoBeaver Block. The list of articlesto be sold is too lengthy to siysomething about each butwo adviseyou to take especial notice of themagnificent Axmlnster earpeH ugsami the Biussols carpet in lolls.These are among tho finest ever soldin tins city. A Military pair oftapestry cuitaius forms 'about thehaudsoinest household decorationwc have seen in this town! Theyonjy require to be scon to be coveted.

Kahului notes.1'rom Our Own CuircsiuliiUliU

The schooner Anna, Captain h,

arrived on the 7th inst.from San Francisco, with a generalcargo and the following passengers:E. W. Horner and family, N. Lane.

April 13th, 1883.


The Government of Queenslandhas formally urged the ImperialGovernment to annex New Guineawithout delay, intimating at thesame time that the (QueenslandGovernment, subject to the approvalof Parliament, will form a settle-ment on the island, and bear theexpense of a rudimentary Govern-ment requisite for the protection ofthe first settlers. A communicationto this effect has been sent to theAgent-Gener- al for presentation tothe Earl of Derby, but up to thepresent time no roply has beeuttnangod.

Tho class of criminals deportedfrom France to New Caledonia,certainly seems to be of the veryworst type, and the powers of theauthorities to preserve discipline arebeing curtailed by the FrenchGovernment. The matter is reallyassuming a serious aspect as regardsAustralia, whose continuity to thisand other proposed French pemlsettlements cannot but cause somefeeling of anxiety among the resi-dents of the colonies.

DIED.In San Francisco, April 5th, Captain

Thos. J. Foibe, a unlive of Bangor,Maine, aged 4.i years and 4 months, latomatter of the bktnc T. A. Falkinlmrg.


(l,atu T. 11. Hurry,)S3 Kinjr street.

Wagon Making, and Repairing done toorder. Horse Shoeing in his well-know- n

shoeing. ' 378 3m



BY OUDEH?OF W.Macfarlane&4,'o.



At 10 a. m.,r


In Beaver Block, Queen St.


E. P. AnAMf, Auctioneer.

Wanted,A SITUATION, as' Clerk In a whole-wil- e

or lelail business, by a youngmarried gcutlunuD. late from San Fr.ui-clse-

Addrcis E. B., this olllcc. 27 1 1W--

FRIDAY NEXT!rpiIE GRAND LOTTERY will takeX place on

Friday Night Next,at Mr. II J. Nolte's.


SEE PRIZES!Prize 1 A largo elegant Music Ilox, the

largest and finest in the Kingdom,with bells, drums, &c , plays 8 tunes,

Vrlio 2 A veiy twcct toned Music Box(largo size), plays 8 tunes, with Zither,llnrp, iic.

Pi l.o it A beautiful walnut round andneatly cat ved Caul Table, with gieenuocr, ovcr.eloth and pockets: and aM;ry elegant inlaid wood Tabic, withIvory Chessmen full set.

Prize 4 A. richly bound Album, with48 Hawaiian scenes (large size); and alino mounted Marine Glass.

Prio 5 A medium bi.o Music Box,plays 5 tunes (very sweet).EST All tho abovo prizes are now and

in perfect order, and will woith theRinall investment of a Ticket, uhichirTWO DOLLAUS.

All tho abovo prizes arc now on e.hl.bition at tho otllco of

J. E. "WISEMAN.and sco them. 37(1 lw



A Fine AssortmentOP



'Jb'or Snle Very JLnr.

Send for fall illustrated catiilougo



A new line of Chandeliers, Plows,Cultivators, Globular Street Lamps,

Kerosene and Lubribntiug Ollv&c., &c.

The Magneso-Calcit- o !Fird Proof Safes.New and Staple Goods fioin America and England.

JOSEPH E. WBSEMAftg,Real Estate Broker, Employment Agent and General

Business Agent,Ofliee, 27 Merchant street, - - - Hawaiian Gnzcttc Blnck.

The only lccognized Real Estate Broker In the Kingdom.Lund and property for sale in all parts of Honolulu and tho various Islands.House to lease and rent in Honolulu and suburbs.Rooms to rent, en suite or single, throughout Honolulu.Books and Accounts kept. Bills collected.

fi.Legal papers of every description

drawn. Agent for Vkkcry's Monthly Fireside Magazine and Visitor, with18 Chromos; subscription $1.25 per year. Agent for thc'Bcst Life

Insurance Company in the World.E2TChargcs always moderate. t E3$Tclcphone No. 172.


25 per cent Cheaper atPALMER & THACHER'S




Subscription DepartmentWE arc piepaicd to receive further orders for nny Paper or Mognzinu publish

eil in California, thu Eastern States, Canada, and Europe.At tho present time wc reecivo by every mail over ono hundred and fifty

different Papeis and Magazines, published iu the English, French, German, andScandinavian Languages,

As our subscription list is large, mo are enabled to furnish the Papers andMagazines at a low rate of Subsciiption. , 182

UNION FEED COMPANYIh CoiifcsUuitly lieceiviiify

Fresh Supplies of Hay, Barley,Onfc Uran TXn-inci-f- rinvn Am

Which it offers, Wholesale or Beta'1,

AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES.Goods dc'ivorud. All orders promptly attended to. Telephone No. 175.

U7U Sim

Just; Opened !


Grocery and House Furnishing

STORK,114 Nuuaini htrect, (above Berctanin sf.)

M TO Imported JHBHB


KcroseneOil a specialty.

CS"bco tho Family Kerosene Oil Gail,with lock faucet.

N.B Goods delivered fieo of charge,and satisfaction guaranteed, or goods

iidl ly

Bones ! Bones ! Bones ! '

WANTED IN ANY QUANTITY,piieo given, delivered

at the Slaughter Yard, Kalihl.Kui. Fullparticulars can be learned at the Metro-politan Market, King Bt. 070

Notice.rniiERE "WILL BE NO ICE deliver--

ed from tho Honolulu Ice Manu-factory for a FEW DAYS, as a nowCondenser will bo put Iu place.

J. K. WILDER.Honolulu, April 14, 188J. 'dTS

FiOHt,COME wcektiatco. a small POCKET- -

75 BOOK, contuiuiug boiuu visitingcards, .postage htunips and photograph.Finder will bo suitably rewarded on re-

turning same to Daily Bulletin at


mm IIH mm

To Let,TlWO OFFICE8, upstairs, in the

f occupied by the under.signed,Ml tt J. W. ROBERTSON & Co.

Notice.'"piIE undersigned has sold tho OilX Clothing Branch of his business toMesia. M. W. McChcsncy &Son, No. 43Queen street,

Thanking tho public for past libeialpntionagc,' I would rcijuest lor my

a continuance of the same.M. DAVIS.

March 28th, 1883. aoi lmNoticed

rpiIE undersigned, have puichascdX fiom M. Davis his Oil ClothingBusiness, aud solicit a continuance ofthis gcucious patronngo received by ourpredecessor.

M. W. McOHESNEY &' SON,No. 42 Queen street.

Honolulu, Match 28, 1883. HOI lmPuteiit Notice:

THE undersigned give uotico thathave obtained a Patent for an

Improved furnace for tho Consumptionof Green Trash, directly from tho mill,aud other wet fuel, by means. of intro-ducing a current of hot air into tho fur.nacc, through hot-ai- r Humes.

Tills I'utr-n- t Is lvivrxl in. ..

llled iu tho Interior Department, Oct.iiOth, 1882, aud Ih superior to all patentsIssued after said date.

All persons aro warned againstthis Patent; buit will bo

brought lagainst uuy person bo doing,Full particular may bo obtained of thoundersigned, orofW, G. Irwin & Co ,Agents. p. N. MAKEE,

.' ; U. HOSGRAVES,30 lm g, HARRISON.

Page 3: THE DAILY BULLETIN...btudy and acquirement of taste, resume its rank as a liberal art." Paiu(ers Maii uitI. Believing the nbovo to ho true, A. B KERR has now reorganized his bystem

7P. " V' '" fWT T "' T' TWT f

Tf (

?.t -K.




TELEPHONIC.Dimond Head, April 17, 0:00 a.m.

Stiong N 15 wliul ' '.Sinn-- Coptic off port


Stinr Jna Mnkec from WnmoacDktnc Ella ftom Sun FranciscoSeltr Lihollho from Koloa.Schr Kaaln from 'Selir Mile Morris ftom MolokiuSchr Mnloldifrom Ilukalati !j ,.


U S'Wnclius'utt for Snnioui laStmr Kilauou Hon for KnhululStmr Likclikcjfor windward portstjtmr Suez for .Sun Franciscoytmr G It Bishop for Knilni. & NiihatiStmr Kiltiucii Hon, for Kahuhti.

-- Schr Khukai for VialunBrig Hazard for South Sea Islands.Schr IvrfitikeaotiH for1 HonokusSchr Jennie for Koloa

VESSELS LEAVING THIS1 DAY'Stmr Jas Makco for KauaiBr s.s.Glcuclg for Victoria B. C,Stmr"MokdliLforKo6lalt V

Stmr Waimanalo for WaiinanaloSchr Jennie 'Walker for WaiakcaSchr Catcrina for HunaleiSchr Mccfoo for Koolait

'PASSENGhRS.Prom San Francisco, per Eureka,

Apiil 16 J Baker, JJl.Shercr.From San Francisco, per D C

Murray, Apiil.lC Mrs Iliseon, MisBatcs,c Mrb 'Derby, Mrs Weik andson, Mrs Dortmund, Miss Gleason,Miss Street, Mrs Harris and 2 child-le- n,

Mr Ginsburg, G Mazole, JMorris.

For Kaliulut ncr Kdauea HonApril 1 1 J B Rhcad. Miss N Trcg-B.iilo-

loan, A II V JB Miller, ' 200Chinese Labourers and about 1 0deck. ,

For San Francisco per Suez, April17 Dr MvKibbin, Licnt. Benson,M,IIyman,.wifc,tand child, Mrs B F& C T Dillingham and 2 children, JA Hassinger, wife and family, MrsCastle and 2 children, C Anderson,wife and 2 children, Mrs Coleman,Miss Faircloth, S Spencer,' J'A Hast-ings, wife and family, S Forbes, JC Frisbie, Mrs Roper; A'Bcrgcr, AGosdcn, Mrs lit A Lcwers; C L Kyu-nersl- y,

and 44 steerage.

VESSELS IN PORT.II. I. It. M's NajiesdnikH. I.'G. M's LblpSic"'1--' ' "

Br fc.s. Glenclg. SpeedilyStmr Madras, iiradlcy v ..Bk Hermann 'Bk Janet Com I, ,,Bk C. R. rishop, "Woltcrs.Bk D C Murray, HarringtonBk H W Almy, Freeman --

Bktnc Eleanor Vernon,Rhine W H Dimond, HoudlcttBktnc Eureka, PenhallowBktnc J. A. Falkenburg, GoodmanBktnc Amelia, NewhallBktne-Ella- , - -Bktne ICitsaj),Tern Bv.i, wikmtinBglue Morning StarBgtno W II aleycr,Bgtue Hosperiuu, AVlndingBgtnc John D Sprcokcls Friis t

HOTEL ST. MARKET.rpiIE iindei"signcd JiavingX i)urcliuHcd tlio IIotelStA,Maikcl, takes pleasure in announcing that he will give the businesshis pergonal attention, and hopes to sup-ply the wants of the public of Honolulujn a satisfactory, piaguer

Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb,And other kinds of meat for tho tnblo


rrompt Delivery 31utle.

Orders tnlien by Telephone.By.thereturn9f(thg Suc.iLwill jjc in

rece'ipt of one of the best and newestpatented

Wuuwae XncliiueH,and will then bo prepaicd to furnUh tho

BEST HOMEMADE SAUSAGES.CgrNtB. No Cliirieso prfrk uuedf

1). K. FYFE, Fropi r

Telephone No. 2U0. 337 ly

Old City tMarket!

No. 103 Nuuanu Street,


G. J. Waller, Proprietor.

Telophono No. 2til.

Always ou hand and for salo

Prime !JJeof, Mutton, Veal,Lamb, &c, &e.

Orders received by telupfcoue, or otliorwise, up to 8 o'clock every evening.

Delivery carts will Jn futurdjun to allparts of theclty and suburbs.J17 Gto. Cavasaoii, Manager.,: u-- . I..., i, - tr-- f 1 n I r

No. 0 Queen street , Piih Afarkct,Dealer In oholcest

Iti-e- Vi'ttl, Mutton, 1'Inli, Ac, &".FaniHyttlul Shipping QrderHcajofully

attended to, I,yo stouk fijrnshetj tovessels at short notlco, and Vpgetablesof all k(uds supplied 'to order. iiHi ly

gWliilc open front shirts, atClias. J. Fisliel's leaditig MillinoryHouse.

Pacific Mail Steamship Co.THE SPLENDID IRON


City of Tokio,, ' . . 5Q1U ton,

J. Mumny, Coinmaudor,"Vi'lll sail for ban Francl-r- p in

Tins IJotfiimiiifr ol May.LMbsengeia will nluiiMi cill al,ollh'c o(

11. JiACKViii.o &Co., Agents.

MAIL Steamship Company.

b'Ult bAN F11AN01SCO,Tlio Splendid Steamship

. City of Now York,Cobb. - commander,

Will leave Honolulu for San Fianclbcoon or about June 10

FOR SYDNEY via AUCKLANDThe Splendid Steamship,

" Australia,Carglll, CommiinUr,

On or about May 10.

For f i eight or passage apply to theululrrblgncd agents,

" , . "i

We aro now prepared to iaue ticketsto San Francisco and return for $125,the Bound Trip.



Tlio clipper bktncW. H. Dimond,

. ' "Houdlctt, - Master,Will li:ie (iiilek dispatch for the abovoport, For fi eight or p.ivao apply to

"Wm. 0. Inwix & Co., Agent-- .


S" Tgea-i'-j.- 1 The clipper bktnoJane A Palkinburg,

Goodman ... Master,Will have quick dispatch for above port.For freight or pasiago apply to

Castle . Cooki:, Agents.


The tine clipper bgtue

W. H. Meyer,Ilbwe, .... Master,

Will have quick dispatch forthenboeport. For freight or passage apply to

C BiiKwnn & Co., Agents.


The clipper bgtnc

Johji.D. Spreckels,Friis, "... "Master,

Will have quick dispatch for the abovepoit. For freight or passage apply to

Wit. G. Iuwin & Co., Agents.


SCSKi r XJie lavonto uarKD. C. Murray,

Harrington, ... Master,Will have quick dNpatch forthe aboveport. For freight or passage apply To"

F. A. Scu.vr.Fini ite Co., Agents.

vnrt sam irn vnrsf'n

ubv ihc cupper oanc (

H. W. Almy, .Fieeman, - - - master,

Will have quick dispatch for aboo port.For lreightoripaisagc apply to

t'AsrLi: i, Cooke, Agents


tS& The line bktne

Eureka,Penhallow, - . - Master,

Will nae quick dispatch for the abovefport. For freight or passage apply to

II. IIiCKKiiLD S. Co., Agents.

C, BREWER & Co's


The Bark Martha DavisWill sail from Boston on or about the1st of June. Orders filled promptly,and frcighvtakciwit thetlowcstira'tcs.V

Apply to C. BREWER & Co,310 Queen bt., Honolulu.


Schooner Ehukaijijta will nin regularlyTO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,

Returning on Thuisday, weatherpermitting.

For freight or passage apply to thoCaptain on board, or to

181 A. F. Cookk, Agent.


Ofllce, corner Nuuanu nud Queen stiects,Honolulu, II. I,,

Agent for tho following PcLetaiwaiicic, rJ-x-

. wnion.Waiehu AVulmnlu.Malolo, Knluna,iluuu, Julia.

Ku Moi, and Ehuk'd.Red Plag, with White Ball.


DRiRODGERSREMOVED his Otllcoaud Resl.

denco to thoi.'or. r ItlchunlH nml Jlcrcatila Ht,

UFFicK Houitb 8 to 10 ,imi 1, to a351 H'ny mmnn iP"W !lm

A. S, CLEGHOHN if Co. ,

Hnvo rpcplycd a largo assortment of I)

Boots & Shoesto fault ull classes of jiurchuscfi', 181

Oceanic Steamship Oomp'y.' TJIKAl

n&fcffiljfa Iron Stoamer Sues,001)0, - COMMANIIKII

Will leave Honolulu


For freight or passage, having .superioraccomodation, apply to121 Wm. 0. Iuwin & Co., Agents.

vOoeanio Steamship Co

For lIoncUoiiK, Clitun,The British Steamer " Suez,"

Will leave fortho abovo port on or aboutJUNE 15th. Fi eight or pipage may bisecured 1c advanqu by application to

Wsi. Q. Iuwin . Co., Agents.

Steam Navigation Company'sLIXI5 OF STEAMERS.


The Iwalani,bates, .... Commander.

Huns regularly to Kona and Kau, aper following tlmo table:

Li: vvks Honolulu at 4 r.M. on .Tuc-da- y, April Tuesday, May IB

Friday, " 111 iTiiiay, soTuelav, " 24 Tuesday, June hFiidiy, Mav 4 Friday, " 15

Tuesday, June LMJ,

Aunivus at noxoi.ui.u:Wednesday, Ap 11 Wednesday, ?ly 23Siluiday, " !il Saturday, Je '.'

Wednmday.My li Wednc'dav, " WSiturdav, " 1 Saturday, " 2L

The C. R. Bishop,cameiion, - - Commander

Leaves Honolulu every Mondayat 5 p.m., foNawlliwili, Koloa,. Elccle.and Walmca, Kauai. Returning, leavesNawiliwili every Friday evening.

The James Makoe,mcuonald, - - - Comniaudcr.

Leaves Honoluluc ciy Thursday, at 5 p.m. for Kapaa andKilauea. Returning leaves Kapaaevery Tuesday evening.

, Steamer Likelike,t? ,...

iv.iug, - .uasier.Leaves Honolulu cncli Tuesday at

4 p.m., touching at Lahaina, Mn:i-lae- a

Bay, Makena, Mahuknua,Laupahoelioe and Hllo.

Returning, A,dll-tou- cli at allntheal ovo ports, arriving at 'Honolulueach Sunday a.m. 1


The clipper schooLer

.zhh Jennie Walker,Underwood, . Master,

Will run regularly between Honoluluand Hllo. For freight or passage applyto the Captain on Hoard, orUJi;im A. F. Cooki.. Aj:rent.

BSiirwr w


w W aW --b'.n m 2

Ik) tL' I1 '

wO g O R

(J) S 3

O ara o ft


CD L--hc


Furniture For Sale.rpHE undersigned oilers his household.1. FurplturQ f'F hn'c, ( oiislstlng of

IJpiU, Piotuic, Ciockery Utensils, &o ,iVu,, suitable for u small family of threepersona. Price $2r(). Iuiiulre of

FRANK J. LAKE,377 lw Batuiday lJre OfQcoi

'fo hat,H?d ONE or TWO ulcely furnish.

Rooms .'plcndld location;builahlo for ladles or centlu.

men; within 10 ndnuttw of Post Olllce.Ajmly at ,uw.uih 0IIIl". t70


Portrait 1'uinter.Orders can he lett with J. W. Rqu-30-

""' ' uivtwx S; Co. lm

v. trxiuo Ecdua


tdEaI E

Lrtlics! and Gent's

Gold and Silver Watchcf

-- 'Just to hand. -

Every 'Watch warranted asrepresented.

- - i

CAhActual weight.

ofGoldi 1

Gross Wet.

nwifrtifti.iiiiMiinit JJffHVroMSWkS stnt entooo His fl0 MINTASOAV. f

Facsimile oi oner Casci. (215)


Have Removed to

No. 68 FORT STREET;Nearly opposite their former place ,

of business.

.L' .r

m t




S53 S,sasrK"


tsa aa


M,Agent for tris Kingdom-'s. B. Bowaro of imita-M'on- s,

as I Have discoveredioycral silver watclics bqar;ing the namu of " WalthatnWatches," which aro of SwissManufacture, and aro asgenuine "Waltuam watches.

VjfiiiflaCfrtifff'ttitUit arcocpanyiiwWBBO tompciwltb ootTradc THahk


Facsimile ot CasesB--


.?" . .'

& ,

1' 'i

& JOHNSON,Iinportern and 1hnlers in

Pianos, Organs,Banjos, Violins, Flutes, 'Drums, Brass Baud ";."

Instruments, anil Strings for all '?string-- inhtrumentfj. ' " '

Having purchased the cnliie inteic-- t of Mr. Geo. F. Wclli, in this Kingdom,we 'hall continue to keep con?!.inlly on hand a full ai'orlmentof ovciything thathe did; and as we shall bo adding to our .liy cyeiy arrival, Hie United $Stales and Euiope, you can always ire f oniething new ind beautiful in the.FaneyGoods and Furniture Department'-- .

41iTnisL Koceivcd XVodi .Tiitni,

3000 Fans other beautiful Goods- i . .

000 Ulnars, jiibt lccciveii per Amy Turner, of the latest styles. ''fiom C to $80 perdozen. '

nrwifTwrnuP' i

WALTHAM',,i:'" '''.'. WATCHES,

-- AT-




ttoel: from



Hiileval diwoii.iit: to tlio ti-sid- e.






Trunks, Ba'Vtilis'eS!


Harmoniums, Concertinas,"



ONE PRICE MECHANBCS' BAZARComer of Fort and Merchant Streets,

Reg to notify their fi lends and tho general public that

An entire new stock of Clothing, ' 'V

Gent's Furnishing, Hats, Caps, '

Hoots, Slides,Has just nrilycd by bte.nner Sue.

All tho l4UtuNt XovcltH's will Hrriyo l;y cycry Mttfttiur.'Remeniber, the price Is plainly marked on t".c, article," fjom which there is

no deviation. To putchasem to th'j iininunl of iJ5, or over, 0 percent discount. (No hook accounts kept.) .i-- '

Ntoro open JVom a.m. to i.m. BaturUay uvvaliiUM till liifS. W. LEDERER, Manager.' (252) ' J, L. ROSENBERG'








Page 4: THE DAILY BULLETIN...btudy and acquirement of taste, resume its rank as a liberal art." Paiu(ers Maii uitI. Believing the nbovo to ho true, A. B KERR has now reorganized his bystem




a :new departure i


Oabinetmakei'And UpliolNtewv,

Xo. 0:3 ., Holul street,Opposite International Hotel,

Uctwccu NtiUanu and Foit streets.

rpilE public 'will please take noticeA that 1 have Just opened in the abovepremises, and as I am a thorough prac-tical mechanic In my line of businesshaving done borne of the finest work atthe Palace and other residences hi Hono-lulu recently would therefore most respcctfully solicit a call from the com-munity.

1" Ins upholstered work in every varietyDrapery ,and Lambrcqulncs of every

dCAcripuonmauo 10 onier.Carved and polished window cornices

neatly made and arranged.Repairing and polishing Pianos, Mu.

Meal Boxes, etc.The finest French and varnished pol.

bh n x dono in the Kingdom.(,'i.r, ct4, Oil-clot- h and matting cut and

laiA at short notice.All work guaranteed and done on tho

most reasonable terms. 804 ly


JUST RECEIVEDPer bark Ealukaua

A Splendid Stockof New

3i!fs3HjFl m&bMksSj-"--- '11 mm m mj '

114 XTort Street,561 ly Opposite Pantheon Stables

Package Express.Offlce, No. 07 Hotel street.

All kinds of Baggage and Parcels de-livered in all parts of the city with dispatch. Having a

DUJMUP CART1 am prepared to haul SAND and other

material, ami mako or repair foot-paths, either by loifd, day, or

contract.Stand at Ramsay's Store, Hotel street

W. T. MacDonald, : Proprietor.3r0 Office hours G a.m. to 9 p.m.


BEU to notify their friends and thepublic of Honolulu, that


Retail Dealers in Wood,Coal and Feed.

They will aUo carry on the

General Drayage Business' as heretofore.

Orders respectfully solicited.Promptness guaranteed.

Place of Busiucss 82 King street.TERMS BTMCTLY CASK. 310

Telephone No. 805.

SMOKERSWho wish to indulge In " A swcc.t whin

of the balmy weed Nicotian," willdo well to call at the

BEAVER SALOONwhere they will find tho

Choicest Smoking and ChewingTobaccos, Cigars, ice.

PUMAHIKCJAS "I , iGahciabCommercial , . . . CkjaubObkroxYacht Cmjji

"Vanity Fair Cigarettes,Meerschaum Pipes, i&c, &c.

jyCome and bo welcomed byH. J. NOLTJS

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1858.

Haet Bnos., : : Proprietors.

MEALS.Served up in flrsUilass style at nil hours

Open from 2 a. m.-t- 10 p. m,

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&v,, &.c. Also,

Iced DDrinks!75

Hull 1'roiet'iimnicN !DESIGNS, just received fromNEW Fivmeisso, ul Tub Daily But-ixti.- n

Oftk'eT '


O. "WEST .

Carriage jjfe. Builder.

Buggies, Curriagcs, Express "Wngona

and every kind of vehicles


Iilacksmilliing, horse-shoein- g,

and all kinds o-- repairing done.



P. HORN, Practical Confoctionor,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74.


A Largo AssortmentOF thk


Fine Wall PapersAND

BORDERS!Just received, and for bale by


Ba. Call and examine. 147

fj-- i



. ... wn ! fiCSueninq uecorauon km


United States FactoriesJUST RECEIVED





Helvetia Laecs,Tuck Packing,

Sugar Coolers,Clarilicre, v

Fire Clay,Hemp Packing, with or without India

Rubber,Babbit Molal,

Barbed Fence Wire,Mining Steele,

Hoes, Pickaxes,Cane Knives, with or without hooks,

Hand and Smith Hammers,Shovels, Axes!,

Jackscrews, Vices,Stcani-pip- u Brushes,

Patent Steam-pip- e Covering,Lubricating Oil,

Cement, Steel Hails,Sugar and Coal Bags,

Twine, &c., &c.

For bale by

H. HACKFELD & Co.Oct. 10th

FOR SALE, a No, 2

Warehouse Feed MillGrinds from 5 to 10 tons per day.

Also, pulleys, belts, etc., all in goodorder; can bo run by htcain or horsepower, just the article for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Bran, Hurley, "Whole ami

Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST

50 LAINE Co., 84 Fort st.

Water Notice.Office Sup't Water Works,

Honolulu, July 3, 1882.

ALL persons having Water Privilegesnotified that their Water Rates

arc payable semi-annuall- in advance,at tho ofllco of tho Superintendent ofWater Works, foot of Nuuanu street,upon tho 1st day of Januarv and July ofeach year. CHAB. B. WILSON,

Sup't Wutcr Works.S. K. Kaai, Minister of Interior. 204

A Nov .Lot oiColonial Candies

Just Zicccivcdat

845 A. H. Clegliorii 4t Co'.' i

USyWhitc open .front flirts, atChas. J, Fjshol'b Leading MillineryHotibc. v


fl1?fl-'--J" "" """"''"' 'i "Wmtrti

Jfust HR-ceeivecl-

Ex Stkiimcii " Sui:z,"

Cases Lard and Bacon,Caskt Hams, Kegs Butler,

Butter In 1 lb. glass jars very superior,Bbls Mess Beef,Bbls'Prlmc Mess Poik,

Groltlen Gate lTlonv,Extra Family Flour,Sacks of Whole Barley,Sacks of Ground Barley,Sacks of "Wheat,Sacks of Beans,

SACKS oi" POTATOESand a general nss't of Oiocr ries.

April la. BOLLES & CO.

Sperm and WhaleOil!

JUST TO IIAND.n quantity of Speimfrom the "Whaling barks

" Abram Barker" and Orca."

"Warranted pure. Also,

A few casks of Whale Oil

all of fine quality, and

FJREE FROM. FOOTS,For Sale in quantities desired by

UOLI.EH A. Co.Honolulu, March 9, 1883. 344

" Taricty the &i Ice ofLife."


"We have on hand

Put up iri 5 gall, tins

and cases of 10 galls.r..vcn, of

Clear and Pure Sperm OilTaken by the "Orca," "Louisa," and

"Mary & Helen," which will be


Castle & Cooke.3K


FROM A MONSTER SPERM Whalebarrels, caught by the

Bark " Louisa,"



and Nicely Strained.

Polar and Whale OilConstantly on hand, nnd for sale by

315 8ra A. IV. PKIRCK A. Co.



WILL bo conducted entirely by myJACOB FISHER, in future,

as I hnve turned my attention to agri-culture. All orders should ho addressedto Jacob FUhcr, P. O. Box No. 180, orNo. 18 Llllha street, This change datesfrom Junuary 1st, 1883.

I take this opportunity to llmiik thepublic for their patronage hltheito be-stowed' on me, and bollclt a continuanceof tho saute to my ton Jacob.m ISRAEL FISHER.


To Arrive per, barkenllne Dlscovory.


Having been appointed Agent for theHawaiian Islands for

Hall's Sale and Li ek Co.I am now prepared to take orders forFire Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof,Jewelers, Dwelling House, and Side-Boar- d

Safes, Jewelry or Plato Chests,Vault Fronts, Victor and Novelty BankLocks, &c, &c.

Mr. R. T. Polk, General Agent forHall's Safe and Lock Co., at p'repentstaying hero on his way lo Australia,will gladly furnish any information re-garding the abovo Safes,"&e,

MAMUKIi NOTT,2U0 ly Beaver Block.



.Grand Opening of Spring Millineryon WEDNESDAY, the 18th inst.,at the Leading Millinery House.


CTfP HI ....l..,. L.




Goods in Every Department Marked Down

.A.111I M.umL "be Hold


To arrive shortly from Eastern and European Markets.

The Leading Millinery House of Chas. J. Fishel....... ,., ...- ,n. - ,'

J. M. OAT, Jr., & CO.Stationer iini Newsi Iealer9

Have Just Received, ex Suez,



Base Balls and BatsNow is tho time to subscribe for Newspapers and Periodicals for 1883.

C2TA11 orders will bo filled promptly-f- fil

253 Gazette Block, No. 25 Merchant Street;




Constant Supply of Hay, Oats, Bran, &c.,,

OI' t!lio Very Best Quulity, -- '

AVhich ho will offcr for sale nt'lhc Lowest Possible Hates,

From the I st of next month.All orders will meet with prompt attention, and will be filled with dispatch. 340

nmup wiwi

JtJstabUsJied 1850.


Importing and Manufacturing Stationers.PUBLISHEKS,

Printers and Book-Binder-s,

'Nos, 19 and 21 Merchant street, "'

The Oldest, Largest, and CheapestStationery Establishment in the Kingdom.

Keep constantly on hand a large assortment ofBlank Books, of all descriptions;

Foolscap, Legal and Bill Cap,Journal nnd Trial Balanco Papers, - '

Linen Paper and Envelopes, all sizes;

Writing and Copying Inks, in quarts, pints and- - cones.Mucilage in all sizes, especially adapted to this climate;

Drawing Paper and Pencils,Tracing Paper and Cloth,

Transit Books, Field and Level Books, adapted for tho usoof Surveyors und Engineers;

Memorandum and Pass Books,Silver and Perforated Card Board, ',

Shipping Tags, Shipping Receipt Books and Pads,Note, Draft, and Receipt Books,

And numerous other articles in our line to be found in a welt kept stock

MUSIC! MUSIC!We have made buck arrangements witli our Music Agents, as will enable us

hereafter to keen on hand a full assortment, and a)so to receive the latest pieces asthey are published. Any special order will receive our' best and prompt attcn.lion. 162

MAX ECKART,Watchmaker and Manufacture

. ing Jeweler,Nos, U$ and 115 Fort Street, ; ; Honolulu.

Splendid New Stook of Solid Gold and Plated JewelryrEleyant Gold

U.I ... . , H' !'"ouYcr-rittic- u ware, etc., xe.

and Silver Watches,'

iaw-'a- .
