the convention of genre

The Convention of Indie music videos An analysis of Marcus Foster – I Was Broken By Marissa Yesin as-Broken-Official-Video

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Page 1: The convention of genre

The Convention of Indie music videos

An analysis of Marcus Foster – I Was Broken

By Marissa Yesin

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Outline I chose an emotive music video by Marc

Foster, called ‘I Was Broken’. It was a simple black-and-white video, that primarily featured naturist shots of the open skies, plants, and animal life, with a head shot of just Marc Foster in what appeared to be denim top. I have no previous knowledge of who Marc Foster was, however the hook in the video was the use of Kirsten Stewart, who is best known for her character as “Bella” in Twilight, the vampire movie. This has captured millions of young viewers and grossed millions of dollars. I was interested to continue to watch the video as I wanted to see her performance, in what was her first music video. I am confident I am not alone in doing this and suspect that was the pure reason for using this particular Hollywood star. The objective would be to engage younger viewers such as myself who would possibly not ordinarily watch or listen to his music.

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Marc is emotive throughout the video, which were

primarily close up shots of his face. I thought that this focused the audience more on his lyrics and he conveyed to his audience, a more personal and intimate performance. You felt he was trying to convey his emotions to you, on a one to one basis, as opposed to millions of viewers.

In contrast, the medium long shots of Kirsten, you see her look into the empty space in despair and loss.


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Artificial Lighting- Kirsten’s pretty, implacable

face (which is so blown-out by the lighting that her skin is practically indistinguishable from the background) serves as a nice counterpoint to Marcus Foster's squinting and wincing.

Natural Lighting- primarily featured naturist shots of the open skies, plants, and cityscape.


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At one point in the video, there is a merging of

Kirsten’s face over the top of Marc’s face, suggesting that she’ll never be easily relieved from his memories. The editing of the two of them together suggests there is a strong bond between them.

There was a shot looking at grass, where in the opening verse he says “My head is off the ground”, making a significant, reference to the lyrics.

This method of imagery is known as montage, when a collection of images are interlinked after one another. I think the use if naturalistic forms reinforces the feeling of freedom, and you are led to believe he is finally restored back into normality.


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There were no props used in this video, other

than a white set (background) used to shoot Marcus seated in front of the camera.

A fan is used to create wind within Kirsten to hair.

You could argue this action to be a ‘natural’ or ‘unnatural’ act of visualisation.


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Emotions are shared

between both a male and female lead.

It represents one-side of the result of a failed relationship.

Could this be a representation of Adam and Eve?


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Cultural References

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In the shots of Kirsten there is a constant wind lifting her

long black locks.

(2:35, 3:33) In similar cases such as films, music videos and comedy

skits. When a man catches sight of a beautiful woman, instant slow motion and wind between her hair, symbolises a rare beauty.

The wind in the hair represents the sensuality and a desire of a man.

I think it creates texture, body and movement in the music video that is very still and simple, it needs the drama.

This is an evident feature in most Indian films.

Cultural references

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I would consider this a performance video, by

an evidently saddened Marc Foster confessing how his now had to move on from Kirsten’s character, who had broken his heart.


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Attent ion

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The use of a close-up shots on Marcus’s face,

the viewers is attention is in a face to face positioning. The camera is so close that it feels very intimate and personal. To the extent that is almost feels as if he is sharing a secret with his audience.

With all the emotion he is portraying it can become a bit uncomfortable, it helps that the camera goes into shots of Kirsten.

Viewer attention

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