the columbia herald. (columbia, tenn.) 1892-06-17 [p ]. · 2017-12-17 · vol. xxxvii. columbia,...

VOL. XXXVII. COLUMBIA, TENXESSEE, FRIDAY, JUNE 17. 1892. NO. 22 (plajrette - sqap- - mnm IS S sit nouns, M r "him i DrtnY WOMAN THAI HAS ANY SENSE . And haniy there we hope:, V1LL SPEND HER CENTS FOa USEFUL CAKE Of FAIRBANKS CLAiRETTE SQAP Wo arc wholf :itn1s far (' ain-tti- ' Snap. k. avv.u!.!'; Ckoceky cojipany. his ly. 2 1 I'fciir- - "'? Tinner be A sail? v. mure AiMUrACfUREra-DCALCR- . IN feH0NE98f "125 N KWRKETT NflWiiiP-TcNH'.'- . iii:t"Jii ly ("mlnvllis, I,.i: Ka:ovflrin luiio. 22 X. Jllllt-l- l tt'Jt YOU WILL REGRET you fail to sco tiie Rattan and Reed Rockers Which we have Thi-- aro nnislicil in natural lor, Kith and r.iv tlio linnilsoniosi. wi ll a filial I lint' of tlii class ol ooil.x v to Vtu hIiduIi! h.v I'ol.liu-- Lounvs roi-civft- The prices rantro from fl(Mt".. )iii: i iiinii.v Aiinii.-- i w ly A YOl Mi (illllS.HEKlTAtii:. tNVrittti. I't.rtlie llfR tM' 1 .1 f. ImiMh no ii. Ii.t '.i:': .it ii lliosc H'sirih-i- l tDcvci v u''' -' !''i- - I to Im A 'ii ictu' I;. n il. Tr:' ..': '..'.I to lior im a !'tt I t ;:1 in every imiilc siiiiiwi m'ule tiia! leinls to :tl u 'I.I' lii. Ii stirs lilt' lioli.-s- : i.:!;si lii.' koiiI. uinl ineiles to noU.. W'. ll may sin '"' I' .1.1 r her lirlli-Iae- e may Jlie Imii.I wliero f''r'ee.lo .1 t iicc w cri' lor:i. Noi .It.: .ult in that :iiim line i' noole i'5 '."" Ureal inili.1-1- , !:ml I;::;.' lasliioiie.l for ns t:iis i.niJ tiinl l.ei!ie;!t!H'(l to us t!:i- - vi'oie Natu'ro, ton, li:is I.e. 'i :' : to iirixllzulil v in leaiitir.vina our .ery. iin.l tirt is tloinir all in her io cn- - linett it still more. ilut mole thua .'ill this, i;itls shouj.l he 'Mi.eeiallv tliaitkt'lil that it is a laial hero tlu? highest trihiite is pai.l t'. womanhood, as every irl expects lo reach lliat coveU'il estate someday. i is Maid that the J'riin-- t.f Wales has never at any time of life lost siirht of the fitet that he'will one day wear the crown. So Hhoiihl every jrirl that each day is hearing her onwiird to a life that is no less in importance, tor scent res and coronet l.etoken no higher honors, and lioll. more cn.iurm'.r man in.' c,owo t h.ll cileir !es tiie brow ol tine woinan- - hood. Kvel y tril l re ci ves. as her rt h- -i a passport to t lis luivi 11 of rciUL w Inch I he A 1.1 rieaii woman is s iy em dosed tiwav from tic i'.iri an ar !' pol it ics, w a hi 11 a el .1. her own, vbre she re ive h. and reyerenee how II 'I s asic lor Inn1'.'? Would puhbeitv her greater Initio:? Could her stiition c.. 111 i'X i:!!. d than it is to-l- ax ? What privi-Scire- s are withheld that .boiild be io i,V She hf.s the tiyhL timt hal an her :U It... the 1 isthl to t.e u woman. i.or.l f oil line, wieldl::;.' ft all tMties III? I."' "!, V epeoly o' j. ert od t tl.'!:S:cnl pci:o'l ol 11.. I! .' I, i '.S jlll S II 1:1 .on 1. s of !.riU.!:iit air-iiiiy-- tj y reains, I III.-(Il- l :. i si lihinuii, is 1. 1 hlf illlt1 t'li. e ...c.r m. t :s go ,).!: i 1:1:1 t.MV I :..-- li;.o s .t l a d ( a (,- - !: V p .,;.!. lt:.d cp-- ! :ii out. vt. They (i o 11 1 i .'. 11 in si a nil what Is Ic Ull d if the. U 00 not. rt'itlis..' 1. mount ol 111 n i..i..e.l 111 tin III. The v f.i w ish to I... Wi.r liv of th buid thai j.;o I hem I n tli. They iiutHii to live m.. ... 11 ... li! m j liyts ol purity and ... tin h Unit wetiinii .s Kingot 111 ini honored I le hy :'. iiev mean 1: 1 .v st y ) to lit. miMt lit ly snccusst 11 1 -- to cluuiSii tin: j Puller part ; but often they Use so lillle i jIimio et 1011. ! Th:o liirls really desire certain thing. ami olistlnately choose the re fi'se, is ...... ..I oianv n'aradoxieal truths. Wiiyi t bis is t rue is a ipiestion often asked. Soim' sav it is owing to the perversity of woiiiau'M nature, hut thougli tins may lie partly true, 11 is not siimciein, for it s the nossibilit v of one actim; on conscientious principles, though err iior 111 HI. Imnellt. .VllstaKCK art olten Hindu by the wisest of people, ami noble women look iiacu Willi poignant n-g- rel lo Home acts of their girlhood, that Ihev would change even yet if they l'crhaps it may have been the .Hjm'i "f a friend, the reading of some hcp literature, or some otlier allair that set:mtl trivial in itself, but the in-ll- iii iit i' of which changed the current of the wimh? lib1, ''-'i- t sailder than all, .soineti i.i. it ia the choice of a coni-paiiio- u for life, in vt liich the mistake is made, and of all mUtii.'ics, surely this is the source of the bitterest regret. And when one nees a yoamr -- rlrl with such bright prot:cs l,efore her, deliberately throw away her e, tit It were, liv coupling her lifo with .one of her esteem, one natur-ll- v aup"ses that hIic seals her twn ahoni U lifti-lon-g mihappiiiess willfully and knowiugly. It does seem so, and iverh ips it may nover be itito under-su- n .! how it can l?o oiherwiso. uirls can not havo too h.-ft- ideals of what their mturo lift) should be, nor can thev be too icalous In their endeavors to iink of this vJulon b grand reality. MAVl'FAl Tl'KEKS OK Lir;isol, Canes, Etc. CoViMtS to:: 'A Ii U I A' i K ami repairing ff nil kinds neatly Orders sunt ly in:iil will rereivo prompt attention. Summer Suvei, Na.-- ii vn.i.i: Ti:nn. If Parasols Mi'j'.c to Ma'tli iSuilins. w.'t new lino f just re?eivel. Century, an lli tliist'ily, t.ur just rei'iiemher ;ii beiiiiinieg, ,.01 t.n' unworthy l'AIt.VSOLS. AV. J. OAKES. 'I'hev cannot trust too much in that love! v Saviour, w ho is ever sympathet- ic w ith girlhood's smallest trials and uriefs. Ah! theria lies the secret trou-ll- e. Thev prav lor truiilance and wis- - .!, uii'l'iiiiMiV" l.lindiy urop:n-- r their v.av without wuitimj to reei ivo it. Could tlicy ays preserve ll:e sweet simplicity of their childhood's faith, what a l.ur.!- !i "i' troul le would In: av, rt e.l, and instead of a life of iilooin ;n'.; dency, what a yveaiiii of liiiji-ph- i. s- -, miht l.e'theirs. Slio that trusts Christ implicitly at all time. whether her lito's mission be haitddo or eiidtod, can never R very a r,.l..'. iLt i.OUltl I tl IllT CollStaill crtre to ijiiorn eai-- iav ( lifo witb s n.-e !;;.. Ilv act that yvill l.riiii happi- - tlfiiS l. CM.'. r.o...c trati.-- t ndenr. nuil-ltioi- i of her life to i.ooor he c tilli.Lr which envelops her () irls, there is much of ,oy for u, tht e is a pUcid isle in the "Sea of s.-r- t :iit v" for veti, if yoa yvill but slt-o- clear of life's foil.ies and tuistaUcK! Iet the F'ul.l.oh-t- of truth ami purity b r f.t. lieearilest anil s!i t. nresery imr a magnitude of strength for tht hour in which the -- real Kuroclivtloii Hliall sweep oyer your souls. OhurUr ix.t yom bitth-- i for a iiiish of pottai?" his pi ico-- h ss, iieenlv truasurc-- , this best of all heaven's jji'its a young gill's heritage. I.KSH1A. Trent, To.:ts, .TutiO :', I'1- -. Idlellsh '.:'.viit Liniment removes all bar.!, r :'i or eallou.-es- l Lumps ami Hiel.tislie.s from horses, I '. looil -' pavin urbs, Spl n: ;, ilimr I'oiie, Syveeney Si 'i li.'S, S rains, So;v a;il Swollen 'I'luoa;, 'o I'b:-- l ;c. S;iVi' fM) li,V Use ol one v. I erv bolt lc wari an.ed by A. 1. Joiins, I)nmnsi. uia vb-l- y. hi i ;i soi 1 ii. The 1 .1.1 :il 11 ?.'V I. Ill it. lit ia tin v. u ::! liic .1 .el" ? 1 1 To Tr sv.. f: 'I' iaooga, I'.--i .. .. i II 11,' ml ;i -- i i he wc. '.; end ie-- : ihe I rcli: o r a hi .S..1111 ili'S'l l ii -i .it'll el ..ui i:Ki:.!. .1 ie.t as lit .,ii.i.-.j..-.l.,- d; lo-- - ihe rea p.aut .' i ;s e insiiici' HO:V iesslhail 'i'-- '. y en r. t'i 1 ful coil i a- - tion yvil' e!li'-- e 1 11' Kl ti.M oi M I'lnj. that will lc neai Iv as iar :e as lii. 1 ol any previous sea: 0:1. Th' cri. t o: 'iron has reached ihe low esi i...'i;t ii vet I. !;..!?, but ..nth. 11. nr. .1 l:.'t-r- ll. not sne m lo .i.'ui.--riMi- i Nt-y- lurn::l".'S imv.: got e into blast miti l hci s arc 1; ported as in prt t'itriii .e ti. 1 w not clai until that lillt'h IllOI'.l'V is beii!,r mad.; at present pricey, but it is ulh ucd thai no losses ace: ue, and that in some line- - of manufacture a reason- able prolit is being reali.ed. The advantage ol holding ihe markets, and of keeping control of ihe supply, ro in t he lose) ves of coii'-ld- ruble Value. The activity which has locn before re- ported in textile manufacture still con- tinues. New mills arc reported almost dail v. some being on a large scale, as one in Texas, to be capitalized at fitHi.noO. The natural advantages of tin? South in this lino of productive, indutry are deserved and increasing atten- tion, jtb satisfactory results. The Tradesman reports 4S new indus- tries as established or incorporated dur ing the week, together yvith 11 enlarge ments ot manuiMciorn si, rii'" impot-lan- t new luildin:;. Among tho new industries reioiU'd arc a s.'ionjKio abat- toir and stock yards at Dallas, Tex., a citrar factory at Fort Myers, Fla., cotton trins at Lone Oak, (in, and Palestine, Tex., a $lni,tno development company at Columbus, t an electric lighting com- pany at Ixmisville, Kv, a grain elevator at A bilene, Tex, and flourishing mills at Moiityale, Viu, and Kstill Springs, Teiui., tho latter to cost $,nuo. Itch, manga and rcratches of every kind, on human or animals, cured in 30 miuulea by WooRord's Sanitary liOtiou. This never falls. Sold by A. 11. Ralne, druggist. may6 ly. COUNTY CULLING St Culled by Our. Correspondents. "ews From Cnlleota. 1'ri.i.KOKA, June 13. Mr. M. F. Kallan-fa- nt shipped two car loads of Irish pota- toes last weok one Friday and one Sat- urday. They were the first shipped from' this place. Miss l.roviiie Tomlinson celebrated her birthday Saturday evening. Many of her friends were present. At 9iW all were invited to the dining room, where de-ran- t refreshments were served. Miss Laura Taylor is visiting Misses Hrownie and Lutie Tomlinson. Mr. Sam Withers was here Saturday evening. Mr. Ii. A. Tomlinson ami Dr. James Corev made a hurried visit to Liewis- - burg Sundav. Dr. Shorre'll left for his homo at Ber Springs. Miss Lela Abernathy has returned from Pulaski. Mr. U. A. Wilkes returned from Bir- mingham Saturday. Mr. West Kvans was hero Sunday. Mr. It. A. Tomlinson, Sr., was out at church Sunday. lie has been in feeble health all yvinier. We are glad to see him able to be out. Mr. Alf Fleming worshiped with us Sundav. Mr. i'lem Thomas of liigbyville, is visi- ting here. Ask vour neighlior, who has a DKEIl-IN- ti liintler or Mower, what machine lie would buy if he had need of another. Ask your neighbor who has a machine of another make what machine he wishes ho had bought and will buy next time. Compart! the "DKlCUIXbi0 with any other machine, and ask yourself yvhieh machine to buv. tf W. K. Ckaio, Agent. 3It. Xcbo aail Sawtlust Valley. Mi. Nkc.o, Jiiuo If. The usual ol services were conducted at Nebo Sundav Mr. lienry'llill, of Spring Hill,Tonn., vislletl Sawdust Valley this week. Miss Maud lvin.or is on a protracted visit to ber friends, tiro Misses It iberts, at Roberts' lbnd. Messrs. ii. t Mcliride, Y. L. Te-.npl- ami (). Ii. Mcbriilw visited I'inewood last week and ailendud the closing exeitifees of tiie m:1hi1 there. They re- port a most tnjovab'.e trip. Oa their return. Miss Dora McHrhle, who has been visiting there tor some time, accompanied them. Messrs. James Johnson, of Mt. Pleas- ant, J. M. Johnson and (Jid Johnson, of Siiniij-side- , visited relatives here Saturdav and Sutidiy. Miss Nettie Johuson is visiting rela- tives at Sunnyside. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gray attended services at Concord Sunday. There yvill bo a croquet party at Nebo next Saturday afternoon. Young ladies and gentlemen don't lot it be a failure. Vashti. Ask vour neighbor, who has a DKKK-IN- r Hinder or Mower, what machiiio he yvould buv if he had neetl of another. Ask your ne'itrhbor w ho has a machine of another inake what he wishes ho had bought and yvill buv next time. Compare the "liK KU Ni" with any other machine, and ask yourselt which machine to buv. If W. lb Ckaio, Agent. 31 1. riniaiit Mews. Mt. Pi.r..vs.v.N t, June bi Fair sum- mer is in its glorious prime, but our agriculturist sav that only "people of leisure" have time to relbjct upon the beauties of naturo at thisjscason. They aie forced lo. listen to the "musical ryihni" of the self-bind-er or hay-mo- instead of the melodies awakened by natures orchestra, and as "Trotwood" said in last week 11 kiiald, "the new mown huy doesn't smoll as sweet to the farmer as to the city nian.'.' ltev. Tom liaker conducted sorvioes at the M. K. Church last Sunday, ow- ing to the absonce of ltev. W. B. r.owrv. who is visiting his mother In Kaiit Ivunessee. ltev. J. F. Tir.uon, of T.awrauceburg, will preach next Sun- - Misses (iertie and J.udie Kobiuette, ami Sue May Leftwich returned to their homoH ill Hampshire last Sunday, after several weeks visit to Mrs. Kittrell. Miss Anna Xarnell, who has boon going to school iu Naahville, is upend- ing the vacatiou with her father's family here. Mian Annie Williams, after a visit of about seven months to relatives in 'IV xas, arrived homo last week. Mr. Sid lltldreth is up from Alabama, on a visit to his old home. Mist Vantlerschie, of Nashville, visited Mia Darnell last week. Miss Bettio Akin is visiting at Saw- dust Valley. Mr. Joe Anderson, of Savannah, Ga., is visitinK here. Iticketts and Coliins are having a handsome house erected next to the firm of iving Jt Orr. Miss Alice Monti is spending the week With Miss Nora Brooks at Sandy Hook. ATHENE. Ask vour neighbor. M ho has a DEKR INi: Minder or' Mower, what inacliiiip lie would buv if he had need of another. I.- - r lie brhlior who has a machine of aimt her make what machine he w ishes he had lxmght and w ill buy next time. Coiniiare tho "DKKIUXU with any otlier machine, and ask yourself which machine to liuy. tf W. It. Craig, Agent. Campbell's Station. Campbell's St.vtiox, June 13. Tho farmers of this vicinity seem to be keep- ing up with the times in the way of ma- chinery. There was received at this place laxl wifk two reapers and two mowers. V. G. Mar- tin trot a self-bind-er and Jno. Wells got one. M. Ij. Wilkes got a mower and I. a Klemiior one. The wheat aud oat crop is pretty good. The meadows have Kot more yveeds ll.un ril-is- . e r of seme cropsof wheat yvhere !. ..nml lortiou of the crop is what, is ciiiied cheat.. Some vcus cheat will i.ikf the meadoyvs. The following yea iee iiiFa.lcMs yvill be ailriuhl. Some have cut cheat to uia'sj sleek feed out It ia labor thrown awuv. lor no K ii.d f v. ill t t;l it. 1 of v. Titer t II...-- . iow u a e iv. e fail. It wns t:;;L t ut, stock ..'ere tin nod en t l- t i .There w is j i r!io;i oi tha tiuh! r I his iyej iimv, vhi"!i w is ii. l cultivated, tiie J the i.c st )ihi. I was heavily M- - th d l:..i:i tl'.e flop ti'.ii'. grt w Ii It. it come v. v :h:e! :iid v oasli. il u is il tome nin'i. in ,Uri !i. When il headed, thers iv not it l.trtil i.i'ijk in it, it w;-- s all ehi.a'. We hi ni.l lik l ) hear iri-i- s o f ihe f trniors on llii t chuat ques tion, 'I he pet a In n,' SI here ha e had a pretty hard time ti Til ihei, t.ul I li.-'- . Tiiey cotitraoti d tor :!.o; o to le undo hetii. The eoiitraelois got disappointed in gelling th ir mnlfriul, honcu the delay. Toe yt heat and ptitatoea sro both com- ing on at tiie same time. .lie). K. Graeey, his sun, Clarence, and tbiughter, Miss Annie, Miss Kciiiiedv, ltrenard arid Luther McDo-:.a- l i went to I ."w isbui g last Monday to attend the closing xercics of the iiich school at that place. Mrs. W. I '. M artin ami Mrs. J. U Mat-ti- n, went to llillslioro hist week in Wil- li a m son Conn v to it t tend the closi ng ex ercises of Frofessor William Anderson's school. Mrs. V'. G. Martin ha a son going to school there. Miss Itosa Martin's school jn this place closed last Friday, Mr. Crawford, the gentleman who taught tho public school at Fvergreen last tall, came out from Nashville last Saturday and is the guest of A. W, Mc- Donald." He w ill teach the public school at f'nion Valley this fall. Jesse Hughes, who was knocked oil of the railroad a short time ago and badly hurt, is in a fair way to get welL l'rof. Scobev after preaching a tine sermon here at 11 o'ciock last Sunday, preached in the Methodist church at Culleoka at night to a largo audience. Hitler K. G. Sewell, of Nashville, w ill preach tho funeral of Mrs. M. C. Higdon in the Christian church in this place on the 4th Sunday in this month. He will meaeh at the church ou Saturday night before. sk your nelghlK.r, w ho has a DKl K- - r- -, ,. Mr.uof iv hut it it he would buv if he had need of another yir vmir neighbor who has a machino of another make what machine he wishes he had bought and will buy next time. Compare the "UKliUlU" witn anv other machine, and ask yourieu which maohlna to buy, tf W. R. Cbaxo Agent, TROTWOOD'S TALK. Interesting to Farmers, Breeders ami Dairymen. Facts, Flgrure and Inrormatlon of General Interest to the Country Gentleman. At Ewell'a. Major Brown reports all of Mc- Kay's horses at Ewell in good con- dition and their work as progressing most natisfactorily. Of the twenty head in training, mostly young things, six have gone fast enough to show a 20 gait. The tlret mile was given to a few of them this week and two went below 2:30. Alex. Mc- Kay says he drives between 60 and 75 miles a day. The scenery, how-ove- r, is not as varied as a railroad-- j urney through the Yosernite Valley. America Ahead. The Russian .wolf hound is a fraud After advertising the event far and near, some dog fanciers at gieat ex- pense, sent over to the land of the Czar and dynamite, and got a half-doz- en ef those wolf devouring dogs over here for a grand wolf hunt in the Northwest. sporisman wno could was present, and great excite- ment and much money changed bauds. They at last got up an old lady much like the oue which suckled the n&ted kidc, Romulus and Ramus, of Roman fame, and the great woll hounds were unleashed for the war. It is unnecessary to say that Red Rid- ing Hood was not there, nor did the old lady have on her beft gown and specks ; but ens did have on her light- ing jacktt, and she baoked up against a clay root and took'em an they came. 8he crushed the right fore leg of the lint houud with one snap, weakened the other for life with a gentle pres- sure on the suiall of the Leek; with another "kiss by hopeless fancy given ou lips that were for others," and the third hound, who baa eviuentiy read Shakespeare before coining to this country, and had some sort or au idea tif "he who ngnis ana rims away in hi3 mind, acted on his know ledge of the famous bard, and went on back to Russia via tho Facilic Ocean and the Chinese F.mpbe. The sports- man, who, fport-ma- u like, had generously left even their pistol-pocke- ts at home, were attacked next, and those who were not on horse- back, quietly fckinufd up the beauti- ful hemlock trees after evergreens, a la Delk & Redd. The old lady find- ing the field deserted, trotted oil' about her business w itli the parting remark, that the "laud of the free was the home of the brave." Motes, Mews and Comment. Caperton & Dale bought last week live elegant horst s for livery. They are good ones; bought chiefly around Sheiby ville. The weather is just about right for wheat harvesting aud potato digging, l'otatoua are rapidly coming in. Tho wheat will be cut from now on. The fields are rapidly ripening. (.'apt. Mack Campbell is in luck with Mercury, his beautiful young son of the great Sydney. So far live colts have been foaled to him, all na- tural pacers, and four of them fillies. Jno, r. McGaw worked out his string last yveek. Katie Sullivan Tom Hughes, Red Pilot and "Kastv'ood iiillv trood work. The latter trotted a full mile in 3-- last half in 15. "Up to date," says Major Brown, "Alex McKay has done very fine work; quite as good a9 any one ever on my track." Alex's friends over here expect great things of him. All he has ever needed was a chance aud he has now got that. Says W. W. Stevenson, ijiou; ''My potatoes are a little backward, nor do I think I'll make as many as last vear. I will make about 15 barrels this year; last year J made lfpill liO to JTy barrels. I don't think the crop is quite as good as we all thought." i; well Farm met with a serious loss last week. Corlsande, by Tom Hal, dam, dam of Brown Hal, aud henc? full sister to Browu Hal, iujured her foot so seriously as to necessitate her being destroyed. She left a beautiful coit, four or live days old, by McEwec, w hich died aUo, Last week Alex. McKay at Eweli's drove two g-- y ear-ol- d McKweus a clipping gait, Calera, a filly by Mc-Ewe- n, dam by Cuyler, went a half in 1 :2I, a quarter iu 8U. A colt by MeKweu.dam by Tennessee Wilkes, trotted a halt in 1:2, a quarter iu38. No full m'tlea have been goue this early. Mr. D. H. Mash, of Milton, Ohio, has shipped home hit two mitres which have been at KwelPs to be bred to Brown Hal and Talisman. One is a daughter of Browu Hal, the other by a soil of Onward. They yvill be started in the Ohio circuit the last of this month. One of these mares, Laurel by Brown Hal, has gone a quarter in l!5 seconds. Brown I lai's li 1UU has been reached for this year, an 1 u more lii.tli'on.-inuii- g vyjl' bo booked. A the hist six booUoti is t'li) d. ,t iiMU R 2 :'... and Rebellion : .., owned by I jr. A. II. Rice. Oji Mis.-- . Col. Jno, Tiiiiimison. of ll.v Hermitage, ha also sent J ewe.-.--', lint s xier 10 airun i ;j This is yvith a virn, and hf tin Colonel soon owns a 2:10 pacer, ho need "not be surprised. A writer i:i the Country Ge.itie-ma- ti writes a colon. n article oa " Pi oiont i.e.--s at Ib uln" ai d ho .V to tio it Til a is bunting up a nihject u itli a yesijjeanee. The (n'-ubl- with most i:o.i! is they aro two pruinpl at this daily anil laborious task. The bst thing to make any one prompt at ni"ols, if nature ever crtah M a freak that wa ti imposed not to b is to put liim to bard work and let him get a i;o'd apeli!e AVe yvill make ic a soda wa't r toa aneveu bet you will ..idmin that Tennessee will semi out :i naeer this vear that will make the trotting bred pacing men inniK iney are not in it. Jiy tne way, gcuucuicii, it is not fair to call a horse a trotting bred pacer because his sire has a trot-ti- n ir sire of mixed parentage on his dam's side, and his dam i3 by a halt trotting horse ami the rest of his tieilioren runs into the woods. The horse may have have two trotting crosses, and then had an obi Na- poleon of a pacing sire way back whose instinct ha3 been strong enoueh to control the gait of this trotting bred pacer. That old war horse of the Jersey breeders. Hon Valancey E. Fuller, of Canada- - has been selected by the World's Fair committee to lie the hoarl of the Jersev tests at Chicago. Mr, Fuller is six feet two tucheshigli, i :.,. :7 - X T. ti7 T lUft ti ITlIlUiLS IU V OlJiiua 4' " developer of the noted Ntoke l'ogli fmtlv of Jersevs. among which were the noted cowa Mary Anne, of St. TRmDert. test 36 pounds 12 ounces of hiiiir in 7 davs. and Ida of St. Lam- - m r.ririii ?U oiinnen In me i pert, veo w ; same time. In the language of our ( k - h r J t v-- 5h AjfeS old school friend Horace, "He has raised him a mnnuim nt more lasting than brass." The Jersey men could not have made a better selection. Says a correspondent from Fleet wood:- - "It was the pacing bred geld ing Billy A. that drove Flay Boy out in the second heat m .'ilfi.'j, ami as he finished third in the last heat it is a safe conclusion that in this fellow- - Ed Odell has one that can beat 2 :20 three times. If he keeps on improv- ing as he has during the past month lie will have a record way down in the 20 list." Mr. John C. Alexander has a lot of very choice Prince Hal colts. By the way, Prince Hal is siring as much "peed for his chances as any horse that ever stood in Maury. A. N. Akin, Esq., has a very speedy three-year-- o d filly by him and out of a Pat Malone mare. We believe the is a race mare. She has gone quar- ters in the mud at a 2:50 gait, trot- ting. She is a roan aud stylish. The Western Horseman, which has bo generously promoted us to the lucrative office of some imaginary "Colonelcy," will please desist. We were never in the war, and all the military work we ever had was when we were so foolish as to join the Witt Rifles and was drilled iuto a siege of typhoid fever by Bob Williams in one moonlight night on the square. We were "Number Tin" in the lone-legge- d squad wh n that sad night's work did us up, and we have never risen any higher yet. The Koalter Kates. Entries are still coming iu for the roadster races at the July 12 15 meet- ing of the Columbia Ilriving Park Association. Mr. 1). P. Carter, ' f Byimville, will start ono each in the pacing and trotting riiee. Jt hti Woolen is putting the ,'itihh! touches to his mare aud talks as ii lo-ha- a "cincli." J)r. A. Ij. Pillow reports his chances "rosy," while Jake Barker is elfering the entire potato crop that he will bo near the wire at the finish. Everybody is training aud jogging ou the quiet, aud every attempt to catch them is foiled by the drivers horse sense. if! 00. Reward $100. The readers of the IIkh.vld will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that the science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the mcdicai fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a consti- tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood ami i.iucotis surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda- tion of the disease, and" giving tho pa- tient strength by building up the con- stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in it curative powers, that they otter One 1 1 unil.eo l 'onars lor any case that it fails to cure. Semi lor list ol tes- timonials. Address. F. J. Cuknkv A Co., Toledo, o. Sold by Druggists, 75c. oct4-ly-l- Among the American pictures which a have been well hung in the Paris Salon are soiue bearing the name of Elizabeth Strong. The young artist, a California girl, has fought her way to success un- aided. Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets be- - oitnd the reach of medicine, they of ten sav, it will wear away," nut in most cases it wears them aw ay. 1 mild thev be induced to try the successtul medicine called Kemp s Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, thev would immediately see .the excel- lent effect after taking the first dose. rice 50 cents ami SI. Trial size Jree. At all druggists. feb'Ji-eow-I- y. A HOT WAVE Gtnoral Over lite Territory Kast of the II! lititt lttvrr. New York, June 14. The heat Mon day yvtis intense, Tho hot spell was re ported general etust of the Mississippi river. Over lOO. Asburv Park, N. J., June ,14. At 11 o'clock Monday morning tho thermom eter at Long Branch registered 105; al Asbury Park. 103; at Ocean Grove, H'.": and at Spring Lake, 101. The Homeliest Man in Columbia As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on any druggist and get free atrial bottle ot Kemp's lialsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon jts merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. febai-eo- w ly Agricultural lltillctln. Washington, June 14. The agricul- - tnral department has issued a bulletin giving a record or expermierirs m ttie use of alcohol m the manufacture ol siigiu from sorghum during the year ls'.ll. 1 he exia-nment- s were conduited under the direction of II. v. ney. chemist. The bulletin states that this method yvould work admirably the tinly objection to it is in respect to ihe great amount of alcohol which would he required. For this renvoii, it is snid. it will never lie adopted in practice v.ii- - alcohol should become very mm h cheaiier than it ever haa been m the markets of the yvt.rld. Are Voa in It. If not, why not. Why don't you al ways keep on nana a no:ue oi nr. naio p iie uei;t)ia cougn L tire w aiiay t,iie i irriLitt'on cnuse.i t.y a iiiuui:!. con:. fhis is the un-- st romeuy hi tho wor.o 'or every kind of cough. imi lHel !'.'' good fill et ot in si ti.:.-- e. ami i.y inoi ough using vetir cuigh is so.'.n cnr: il. 25 and 5:1 cent bottlee at Rains A' Son's. drug store. (3) novih-iy- . l: 1 1, it from liusi.t, Berlin, Juno 14. It U iumiaincei'; hero that Poultoney Bigeluw, tho wt mown American traveler and wntei. has btn expelled from Russia. Xrs. II. E. Welhiian No. '2 Linn St., Jaue.ville. V miner Into of J une l'l. writes lao toliowing: Kenvon tr Thomas, Sirs; I was con- - tiued to mv bt-- four months with of tho right ovary, had a good physician and tried almost every- thing' hut got very little help until I tried vour Dr. Hale's Household Oint- - 1. 1. ment aooui iour milium i. ttoue wonders lor me. 1 can do quite a good day's work. 1 nave every reason to believe that it will entirely cure me. I am also using vour J)r. llaie a House hold Tea with good results. Smcerelv oaro, Mas. II. K. Wkllmax. Tills great medicine is for sale at Rains tfc Sou's drug store. (3) nov27-ly- . May Succeed Justice Uradley. Wilmington, Del., June 14. George V. Maasey, who so strongly supported Harrison at the Minneapolis convention, it is rumored here, has been omcinJJy notified that he will receive the judge- ship of the supreme court made vacant by Justice Bradlev's death. Is Your Serve Steady Or do you tremble and feel that you are breaking: lURl your neryuua bjuioiii is giving way. If you nave a wean ner- - voua Hvateui the very best thing you ,.an tin i to becin to-tl- ay usiu p ir.' Household Tea. It is tUe finest Nerve Tonic known and will restore w : r. n m Ttrtn'f. Holev. too io oeiuu uu -- J Get a free sampla to-da- y at Kains tt j Son's drug store. n0v27-l- y. HERA 55v Absolutely Pure. A crearn of tartrr linking powder. Highest of all In leavening strength. I.ateKt United States Govern snent Food report. ROVAI. IlAKlNli POWDER CO., Junc2fi lv ltex. lud Wall tit.. N. Y SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Ciov. Buchanan strained his renom-iuatio- n boom by trying to get rich too quick out of the olllce of Governor. Pulaski Citizen. McDowell presents pretty much the same attitude toward the Democratic party as a mad bull tloes toward a red Hag. Pulaski Citizen. The friends of (iov. Buchanan con cede the defeat of their man, and only hope to prevent the nomination of Judge i'uiuey. l'ayetteville Ob server. Rob Ingersoll tloes not believe that Harrison could be elected. In this he shows better judgement than in his belief about some oilier things. Kimxv illc Tribune. McDowell lias gone to tiie Third pariy. 1 : would now be in order for Co e'. iior Uuehanan to call on him to resign ; but will he do so'. Never. Mini rcosU.i'o New s. Does Ruck stand on the State Dem- ocratic platform of May L'i. Tiie party has declared ofiieially. Now, Ruck, it's time to come from under the cover, you know. Murfreeshoro News. McDowell and his miserable Third party schemes are happily not iu it, and the Alliancemen in conference assembled at Nashville on Thursday deserve much credit for squelching their president. Clarksville Progress-Democra- t. Mr. Ruchanaii now no doubt wishes he had withdrawn from the foulest several weeks ago. He would have been spared the humiliation of ex-hibti- his pitiable weakness as a candidate against "Old Pete." West Tennessee Whig. The Shelby County dark hoive has lm backers in the political race. The cH'ort to boost a candidate in the brush was perhaps a delightful pastime for certain Memphis editor, but the day is pasl when the neigh of the dark horse was a signal for a burst of ap-plam- e. Jackson Tribune and Sun. Buchanan's ship of S.ate tloes not sail on as majestically as it did iu his last race for Governor. McDowell greased tho machinery with coal oil, but it clogged. Tiie machinery of the Turney ship was greased with pure oil of Democracy and is sailing into port iu grand style, v.iiii banner tiying. upon which ea:i be seen iu the dis- tance, i.t upper case letters, tiie worths Pure Dcinoen.e v. Giles County Dem- ocrat. When a vi Whether on pleasure bci.t, "..r business, take on every i rip a bottle of Syrup or Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ellective! v ":i tiie Kidneys, liver and bowels, j.n cut ing fevers, headaches ami othe.- - form-- , o,' sickness. For salo in 50 cents and bottles by all leading druggists. The I lemocracy of Tennessee elected John P. Buchanan Governor. Heap-pointe- d J.I I. McDowell coal oil in- spector of Nashville, as a Democrat. McDowell has deserted the Democrat- ic partv and turned traitor to Buch- anan. If the ( iovernor has any respect for himself and the party which elect- ed him, he yyill demand McDowell's resignation at once, ff refused, then he should kick the traitor out without ceremony. Will he do it? McKen-zi- e Herald. Licensed to Marry. A license to marry was issued Fri- day to Sam Norman and Miss Annie Gilmer. -- V- i 'tW ."n vet A- "V -"f A "eV VV. K?-- ;V-- K f..V-.- vjyth tic iKHUd fiii-- i 3 vten ?v:r;ip of Fig3 !a ir.Vcn; It is pleasant i.ld'.img io thj ta.-t.- smi acts rfoally jet p'roTnv.i'y on thfl Xvulrieys, Liver r.n-- Uowcla. fclc-anse- tito sjs-f-.j- u cni-otually- , dlsiH vkh, hea.!- - a Ctirt-i- ,;:ai CUlljtl'i.itl !. F'. i UO of FitCS id the L'l. remt; ly of" its ktiiil ever r Vi"0- - tlucetl, i!ea.-,ii!- to the tasts r.iiU ac- - e.ritahlrt to tiie etoninclt, prompt ia its action and" j licnef'icial in its fcfic-Ct.s- , prepared or.:y from the most '-v ami nrccal i to E'.:ijSta:iC-fc- , l raarv exce'Ien't ua'itics coiciaend it f. .ii!l have maue it the racsi. popular reraeuy kuov Ht'rti: of Fi''3 is for sale in 50 and SI bottles by s!l letvlin- - dm gists. An rename druggist wno may not have it on Land will pro cure it promptly fur any one who w ishc3 to try iu Do not accept any substitute CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. louisviuE, Kr. new vork. ti.r. oat is grihtiti BEST 11 QlALITT. VHSTE'S OnEAfii VISMIEME FOR 20 YEARS Has led all Worm RernedloG. EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTIED. BOLD EVKRYWHERE. Pr,ftri kr KHARDMIS'TATLU K0. CO,. T.WrH, i J " ' i i - i : ! . i i i . i - . i t J ; ; t ' . r ! t . ' ' I ' i . . . ! ' ! : l . 1 I I I r . .. . 4 i : , . L . t ' - i 1 . . i - : t : 1 ; :i . ' ; : i - - I 1 i i i I : j i . t t i ; ' l 1 :. . .1 1 i 111 . i . i , 4 I 1 I . . . . - . . . .. . . . . . " . ' ' 1 i What does BARGAIN signify? When the term is honestly used it means something at less than its real value, but the term is so often used by unscrup- ulous merchants to deceive the public, that it has become associated in the minds of most people with deception. And now propose to offer you the greatest Bargain in LADIES'. MISSES' and CHILDREN'S S1HIOES, Ever offered in Columbia. WE And have decided to sacrifice our ENTIRE STOCK of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes Cost For Casli Now, when we say LESS THAN COST, wc mean exactly what wo say, for we have determined to offer these goods for ONE WEEK at a discount on what they actually cost us. This offer will only hold good from now until iatubmy TOES NEED READY CASH sTfian We have a double motive in making this oiler: First, To raise cash. Second, We have a much larger stock of Shoes ordered from the than we have ever bought before. This new stock is to be delivered in July, and wc must make room for it. Special mm, m manufacturers This Offcr is made Only for 18th. mi the Cash, and at these sacrifice prices we will have to require the pur- chasers to l)e fitted in the store. No Money will be Ruf uncled or Exchanges made on shoes sold at these prices. Please bear this in mind. Remember this offer is only good from nows Mil EitiriPileatetallL So come early and supply yourself with Shoes at less than manufacturers' cost, FOR CASH lllltlllllllilllSllSlS. v ! i

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Page 1: The Columbia herald. (Columbia, Tenn.) 1892-06-17 [p ]. · 2017-12-17 · VOL. XXXVII. COLUMBIA, TENXESSEE, FRIDAY, JUNE 17. 1892. NO. 22 (plajrette-sqap--mnmIS S sitnouns, M r "him


(plajrette - sqap-- mnm

IS S sit nouns, M

r "him i


And haniy there we hope:,



Wo arc wholf :itn1s far (' ain-tti- ' Snap.k. avv.u!.!'; Ckoceky cojipany.

his ly.



I'fciir- - "'? Tinner





feH0NE98f "125 N KWRKETT NflWiiiP-TcNH'.'-.

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22 X.

Jllllt-l- l tt'Jt


you fail to sco tiie

Rattan and Reed RockersWhich we have

Thi-- aro nnislicil in natural lor, Kith and r.iv tlio linnilsoniosi.wi ll a filial I lint' of tlii class ol ooil.x v to

Vtu hIiduIi! h.v I'ol.liu-- Lounvs roi-civft- The prices rantro fromfl(Mt"..

)iii: i iiinii.v Aiinii.-- i w ly

A YOl Mi (illllS.HEKlTAtii:.

tNVrittti. I't.rtlie llfR tM'1 .1 f. ImiMh no ii. Ii.t '.i:': .it ii lliosc

H'sirih-i- l tDcvci v u''' -' !''i- - I

to Im A 'ii ictu' I;. n il. Tr:' ..': '..'.I tolior im a !'tt I t ;:1

in every imiilc siiiiiwim'ule tiia! leinls to :tl u 'I.I'

lii. Ii stirs lilt' lioli.-s- : i.:!;si lii.'koiiI. uinl ineiles to W'. ll may sin '"' I' .1.1 r herlirlli-Iae- e mayJlie Imii.I wliero f''r'ee.lo .1

t iicc w cri' lor:i. Noi .It.: .ultin that :iiim line i' noole i'5 '.""Ureal inili.1-1- , !:ml I;::;.'lasliioiie.l for ns t:iis i.niJtiinl l.ei!ie;!t!H'(l to us t!:i- - vi'oie

Natu'ro, ton, li:is I.e. 'i :' : toiirixllzulil v in leaiitir.vina our .ery.iin.l tirt is tloinir all in her io cn- -

linett it still more.ilut mole thua .'ill this, i;itls shouj.l he

'Mi.eeiallv tliaitkt'lil that it is a laialhero tlu? highest trihiite is pai.l t'.

womanhood, as every irl expects loreach lliat coveU'il estate someday. i

is Maid that the J'riin-- t.f Wales hasnever at any time of life lost siirht of thefitet that he'will one day wear the crown.So Hhoiihl every jrirl that eachday is hearing her onwiird to a life thatis no less in importance, tor scent res andcoronet l.etoken no higher honors, andlioll. more cn.iurm'.r man in.' c,owot h.ll cileir !es tiie brow ol tine woinan- -

hood.Kvel y tril l re ci ves. as her rt h- -i

a passport to t lis luivi 11 of rciULw Inch I he A 1.1 rieaii woman is s iyem dosed tiwav from tic i'.iri an a r

!' pol it ics, w a hi 11 a el .1.

her own, vbre she re ive h.and reyerenee how II 'I s asic lorInn1'.'?

Would puhbeitv her greaterInitio:? Could her stiition c.. 111 i'Xi:!!. d than it is to-l- ax ? What privi-Scire- s

are withheld that .boiild be io i,VShe hf.s the tiyhL timt hal an her :U

It... the 1 isthl to t.e u woman.i.or.l f oil line, wieldl::;.' ft all tMties III?

I."' "!, V epeoly o'j. ert od t tl.'!:S:cnl pci:o'l ol11.. I! .' I, i '.S jlll S II 1:1

.on 1. s of !.riU.!:iit air-iiiiy--

tj y reains,I III.-(Il- l :. i si lihinuii, is

1. 1 hlf illlt1t'li. e ...c.r m. t

:s go ,).!:i 1:1:1 t.MV

I :..-- li;.os

.t l a d a (,- - !: V p .,;.!. lt:.d cp-- !

:ii out. vt. They(i o 11 1 i .'. 11 in si a nil what Is Ic

Ull d if the. U 00 not. rt'itlis..'1. mount ol 111 n i..i..e.l 111 tin III. The v

f.i w ish to I... Wi.r liv of th buid thaij.;o I hem I n tli. They iiutHii to live

m.. ...! m j liyts ol purity and...tin h Unit wetiinii .s Kingot 111 inihonored I le hy :'. iiev mean 1: 1 .v st y ) tolit. miMt lit ly snccusst 11 1 -- to cluuiSii tin: j

Puller part ; but often they Use so lillle i

jIimio et 1011. !

Th:o liirls really desire certain thing.ami olistlnately choose the re fi'se, is...... ..I oianv n'aradoxieal truths. Wiiyit bis is t rue is a ipiestion often asked.Soim' sav it is owing to the perversityof woiiiau'M nature, hut thougli tins maylie partly true, 11 is not siimciein, for it

s the nossibilit v of one actim;on conscientious principles, though erriior 111 HI. Imnellt. .VllstaKCK art oltenHindu by the wisest of people, ami noblewomen look iiacu Willi poignant n-g- rel

lo Home acts of their girlhood, thatIhev would change even yet if they

l'crhaps it may have been the.Hjm'i "f a friend, the reading of some

hcp literature, or some otlier allairthat set:mtl trivial in itself, but the in-ll- iii

iit i' of which changed the current ofthe wimh? lib1, ''-'i-t sailder than all,.soineti i.i. it ia the choice of a coni-paiiio- u

for life, in vt liich the mistake ismade, and of all mUtii.'ics, surely thisis the source of the bitterest regret.And when one nees a yoamr

-- rlrl with such bright prot:cs l,eforeher, deliberately throw away her e,

tit It were, liv coupling her lifo of her esteem, one natur-ll- v

aup"ses that hIic seals her twnahoni U lifti-lon-g mihappiiiess willfullyand knowiugly. It does seem so, andiverh ips it may nover be itito under-su- n

.! how it can l?o oiherwiso.uirls can not havo too h.-ft- ideals of

what their mturo lift) should be, nor canthev be too icalous In their endeavorsto iink of this vJulon b grand reality.


Lir;isol, Canes, Etc.

CoViMtS to:: 'A Ii U I A' i K

ami repairing ff nil kinds neatlyOrders sunt ly in:iil will rereivo

prompt attention.Summer Suvei, Na.-- ii vn.i.i: Ti:nn.


Parasols Mi'j'.c to Ma'tli iSuilins.w.'t

new lino f

just re?eivel.

Century,an lli tliist'ily,

t.ur just








AV. J. OAKES.'I'hev cannot trust too much in thatlove! v Saviour, w ho is ever sympathet-ic w ith girlhood's smallest trials anduriefs. Ah! theria lies the secret trou-ll- e.

Thev prav lor truiilance and wis- -.!, uii'l'iiiiMiV" l.lindiy urop:n-- r theirv.av without wuitimj to reei ivo it.Could tlicy ays preserve ll:e sweetsimplicity of their childhood's faith,what a l.ur.!- !i "i' troul le would In:av, rt e.l, and instead of a life of iilooin;n'.; dency, what a yveaiiii of liiiji-ph- i.

s- -, miht l.e'theirs.Slio that trusts Christ implicitly at all

time. whether her lito's mission behaitddo or eiidtod, can never R very

a r,.l..'. iLt i.OUltl I tl IllT CollStaillcrtre to ijiiorn eai-- iav ( lifo witbs n.-e !;;.. Ilv act that yvill l.riiii happi- -

tlfiiS l. CM.'. r.o...ctrati.-- t ndenr. nuil-ltioi- i of her life toi.ooor he c tilli.Lr which envelops her

() irls, there is much of ,oy foru, tht e is a pUcid isle in the "Sea of

s.-r- t :iit v" for veti, if yoa yvill but slt-o-

clear of life's foil.ies and tuistaUcK! Ietthe F'ul.l.oh-t- of truth ami purity b

r f.t. lieearilest anils!i t. nresery imr a magnitude ofstrength for tht hour in which the-- real Kuroclivtloii Hliall sweep oyeryour souls. OhurUr ix.t yom bitth-- i

for a iiiish of pottai?" his pi ico-- h

ss, iieenlv truasurc--, this best of allheaven's jji'its a young gill's heritage.

I.KSH1A.Trent, To.:ts, .TutiO :', I'1- -.

Idlellsh '.:'.viit Liniment removesall bar.!, r :'i or eallou.-es-l Lumps amiHiel.tislie.s from horses, I '. looil -' pavin

urbs, Spl n: ;, ilimr I'oiie, SyveeneySi 'i li.'S, S rains, So;v a;il Swollen'I'luoa;, 'o I'b:-- l ;c. S;iVi' fM) li,V Useol one v. I erv bolt lc wari an.edby A. 1. Joiins, I)nmnsi. uia vb-l- y.

hi i ;i soi 1 ii.

The 1 .1.1 :il 11 ?.'V I. Ill it. lit ia tinv. u ::! liic .1 .el" ? 1 1 To

Tr sv.. f: 'I' iaooga, I'.--i

.. .. i II 11,' ml ;i -- i i

he wc. '.; endie--: ihe

I rcli:o r ahi



ii -i .it'll el..ui i:Ki:.!.

.1 ie.t pu.t.ilas lit .,ii.i.-.j..-.l.,- d;

lo-- - ihe rea p.aut .' i ;s e insiiici'HO:V iesslhail 'i'-- '. y en r. t'i 1 ful coil i a- -

tion yvil' e!li'-- e 1 11' Kl ti.M oi M I'lnj.that will lc neai Iv as iar :e as lii. 1 olany previous sea: 0:1.

Th' cri. t o: 'iron has reached ihe lowesi i...'i;t ii vet I. !;..!?, but ..nth. 11.

nr. .1 l:.'t-r- ll. not sne m lo .i.'ui.--riMi- i

Nt-y- lurn::l".'S imv.: got e into blast mitil hci s arc 1; ported as in prt t'itriii .e ti.

1 w not clai until that lillt'h IllOI'.l'V isbeii!,r mad.; at present pricey, but it isulh ucd thai no losses ace: ue, and thatin some line- - of manufacture a reason-able prolit is being reali.ed. Theadvantage ol holding ihe markets, andof keeping control of ihe supply, ro int he lose) ves of coii'-ld- ruble Value.

The activity which has locn before re-ported in textile manufacture still con-tinues. New mills arc reported almostdail v. some being on a large scale, asone in Texas, to be capitalized at fitHi.noO.The natural advantages of tin? South inthis lino of productive, indutry are

deserved and increasing atten-tion, jtb satisfactory results.

The Tradesman reports 4S new indus-tries as established or incorporated during the week, together yvith 11 enlargements ot manuiMciorn si, rii'" impot-lan- t

new luildin:;. Among tho newindustries reioiU'd arc a s.'ionjKio abat-toir and stock yards at Dallas, Tex., acitrar factory at Fort Myers, Fla., cottontrins at Lone Oak, (in, and Palestine,Tex., a $lni,tno development company atColumbus, t an electric lighting com-pany at Ixmisville, Kv, a grain elevatorat A bilene, Tex, and flourishing millsat Moiityale, Viu, and Kstill Springs,Teiui., tho latter to cost $,nuo.

Itch, manga and rcratches of everykind, on human or animals, cured in30 miuulea by WooRord's SanitaryliOtiou. This never falls. Sold by A.11. Ralne, druggist. may6 ly.


Culled by Our. Correspondents.

"ews From Cnlleota.1'ri.i.KOKA, June 13. Mr. M. F. Kallan-fa- nt

shipped two car loads of Irish pota-toes last weok one Friday and one Sat-urday. They were the first shippedfrom' this place.

Miss l.roviiie Tomlinson celebratedher birthday Saturday evening. Manyof her friends were present. At 9iW allwere invited to the dining room, wherede-ran- t refreshments were served.

Miss Laura Taylor is visiting MissesHrownie and Lutie Tomlinson.

Mr. Sam Withers was here Saturdayevening.

Mr. Ii. A. Tomlinson ami Dr. JamesCorev made a hurried visit to Liewis- -burg Sundav.

Dr. Shorre'll left for his homo at BerSprings.

Miss Lela Abernathy has returnedfrom Pulaski.

Mr. U. A. Wilkes returned from Bir-mingham Saturday.

Mr. West Kvans was hero Sunday.Mr. It. A. Tomlinson, Sr., was out at

church Sunday. lie has been in feeblehealth all yvinier. We are glad to seehim able to be out.

Mr. Alf Fleming worshiped with usSundav.

Mr. i'lem Thomas of liigbyville, is visi-ting here.

Ask vour neighlior, who has a DKEIl-IN- ti

liintler or Mower, what machinelie would buy if he had need of another.Ask your neighbor who has a machineof another make what machine hewishes ho had bought and will buy nexttime. Compart! the "DKlCUIXbi0 withany other machine, and ask yourselfyvhieh machine to buv.

tf W. K. Ckaio, Agent.

3It. Xcbo aail Sawtlust Valley.

Mi. Nkc.o, Jiiuo If. The usual ol

services were conducted atNebo Sundav

Mr. lienry'llill, of Spring Hill,Tonn.,vislletl Sawdust Valley this week.

Miss Maud lvin.or is on a protractedvisit to ber friends, tiro Misses It iberts,at Roberts' lbnd.

Messrs. ii. t Mcliride, Y. L. Te-.npl-

ami (). Ii. Mcbriilw visited I'inewoodlast week and ailendud the closingexeitifees of tiie m:1hi1 there. They re-

port a most tnjovab'.e trip. Oa theirreturn. Miss Dora McHrhle, who hasbeen visiting there tor some time,accompanied them.

Messrs. James Johnson, of Mt. Pleas-ant, J. M. Johnson and (Jid Johnson,of Siiniij-side-

, visited relatives hereSaturdav and Sutidiy.

Miss Nettie Johuson is visiting rela-tives at Sunnyside.

Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gray attendedservices at Concord Sunday.

There yvill bo a croquet party at Nebonext Saturday afternoon. Young ladiesand gentlemen don't lot it be a failure.


Ask vour neighbor, who has a DKKK-IN- rHinder or Mower, what machiiio

he yvould buv if he had neetl of another.Ask your ne'itrhbor w ho has a machineof another inake what hewishes ho had bought and yvill buv nexttime. Compare the "liK K U Ni" withany other machine, and ask yourseltwhich machine to buv.

If W. lb Ckaio, Agent.

31 1. riniaiit Mews.

Mt. Pi.r..vs.v.N t, June bi Fair sum-mer is in its glorious prime, but ouragriculturist sav that only "people ofleisure" have time to relbjct upon thebeauties of naturo at thisjscason. Theyaie forced lo. listen to the "musicalryihni" of the self-bind-er or hay-mo-

instead of the melodies awakened bynatures orchestra, and as "Trotwood"said in last week 11 kiiald, "the newmown huy doesn't smoll as sweet to thefarmer as to the city nian.'.'

ltev. Tom liaker conducted sorvioesat the M. K. Church last Sunday, ow-

ing to the absonce of ltev. W. B.r.owrv. who is visiting his mother InKaiit Ivunessee. ltev. J. F. Tir.uon, ofT.awrauceburg, will preach next Sun- -

Misses (iertie and J.udie Kobiuette,ami Sue May Leftwich returned to theirhomoH ill Hampshire last Sunday, afterseveral weeks visit to Mrs. Kittrell.

Miss Anna Xarnell, who has boongoing to school iu Naahville, is upend-ing the vacatiou with her father'sfamily here.

Mian Annie Williams, after a visit ofabout seven months to relatives in'IV xas, arrived homo last week.

Mr. Sid lltldreth is up from Alabama,on a visit to his old home.

Mist Vantlerschie, of Nashville,visited Mia Darnell last week.

Miss Bettio Akin is visiting at Saw-dust Valley.

Mr. Joe Anderson, of Savannah, Ga.,is visitinK here.

Iticketts and Coliins are having ahandsome house erected next to thefirm of iving Jt Orr.

Miss Alice Monti is spending the weekWith Miss Nora Brooks at Sandy Hook.


Ask vour neighbor. M ho has a DEKRINi: Minder or' Mower, what inacliiiiplie would buv if he had need of another.

I.-- r lie brhlior who has a machineof aimt her make what machine hew ishes he had lxmght and w ill buy nexttime. Coiniiare tho "DKKIUXU withany otlier machine, and ask yourselfwhich machine to liuy.

tf W. It. Craig, Agent.

Campbell's Station.Campbell's St.vtiox, June 13. Tho

farmers of this vicinity seem to be keep-ing up with the times in the way of ma-chinery. There was received at thisplace laxl wifk two reapers

and two mowers. V. G. Mar-tin trot a self-bind-er and Jno. Wells gotone. M. Ij. Wilkes got a mower and I.a Klemiior one.

The wheat aud oat crop is pretty good.The meadows have Kot more yveedsll.un ril-is- .

e r of seme cropsof wheat yvhere!. ..nml lortiou of the crop is what, isciiiied cheat.. Some vcus cheat willi.ikf the meadoyvs. The following yeaiee iiiFa.lcMs yvill be ailriuhl. Somehave cut cheat to uia'sj sleek feed It ia labor thrown awuv. lor noK ii.d f v. ill t t;l it.

1 of v. Titer t II...--. iow u ae iv. e fail. It wns t:;;L t ut, stock

..'ere tin nod en t l- t i .There w is j

i r!io;i oi tha tiuh! r I his iyejiimv, vhi"!i w is ii. l cultivated, tiie J

the i.c st )ihi. I was heavily M- - th dl:..i:i tl'.e flop ti'.ii'. grt w Ii It. it comev. v :h:e! :iid v oasli. il u is il tomenin'i. in ,Uri !i. When il headed, thersiv not it l.trtil i.i'ijk in it, it w;-- s allehi.a'. We hi ni.l lik l ) hear iri-i-

s o f ihe f trniors on llii t chuat question,

'I he pet a In n,' SI here ha e had a prettyhard time ti Til ihei, t.ul I li.-'-. Tiieycotitraoti d tor :!.o; o to le undo hetii.The eoiitraelois got disappointed ingelling th ir mnlfriul, honcu the delay.Toe yt heat and ptitatoea sro both com-ing on at tiie same time.

.lie). K. Graeey, his sun, Clarence,and tbiughter, Miss Annie, Miss F.mmaKciiiiedv, ltrenard arid Luther McDo-:.a- l

i went to I ."w isbui g last Mondayto attend the closing xercics of theiiich school at that place.

Mrs. W. I '. M artin ami Mrs. J. U Mat-ti- n,

went to llillslioro hist week in Wil-li a m son Conn v to it t tend the closi ng exercises of Frofessor William Anderson'sschool.

Mrs. V'. G. Martin ha a son going toschool there.

Miss Itosa Martin's school jn thisplace closed last Friday,

Mr. Crawford, the gentleman whotaught tho public school at Fvergreenlast tall, came out from Nashville lastSaturday and is the guest of A. W, Mc-Donald." He w ill teach the public schoolat f'nion Valley this fall.

Jesse Hughes, who was knocked oil ofthe railroad a short time ago andbadly hurt, is in a fair way to get welL

l'rof. Scobev after preaching a tinesermon here at 11 o'ciock last Sunday,preached in the Methodist church atCulleoka at night to a largo audience.

Hitler K. G. Sewell, of Nashville, w illpreach tho funeral of Mrs. M. C. Higdonin the Christian church in this place onthe 4th Sunday in this month. He willmeaeh at the church ou Saturday nightbefore.

sk your nelghlK.r, w ho has a DKl K- -r- -, ,. Mr.uof iv hut it it

he would buv if he had need of anotheryir vmir neighbor who has a machino

of another make what machine hewishes he had bought and will buy nexttime. Compare the "UKliUlU" witnanv other machine, and ask yourieuwhich maohlna to buy,

tf W. R. Cbaxo Agent,


Interesting to Farmers, Breeders amiDairymen.

Facts, Flgrure and Inrormatlon ofGeneral Interest to the Country


At Ewell'a.Major Brown reports all of Mc-

Kay's horses at Ewell in good con-dition and their work as progressingmost natisfactorily. Of the twentyhead in training, mostly youngthings, six have gone fast enough toshow a 20 gait. The tlret mile wasgiven to a few of them this week andtwo went below 2:30. Alex. Mc-Kay says he drives between 60 and75 miles a day. The scenery, how-ove- r,

is not as varied as a railroad-- j

urney through the Yosernite Valley.

America Ahead.The Russian .wolf hound is a fraud

After advertising the event far andnear, some dog fanciers at gieat ex-pense, sent over to the land of theCzar and dynamite, and got a half-doz- en

ef those wolf devouring dogsover here for a grand wolf hunt in theNorthwest. sporisman wnocould was present, and great excite-ment and much money changedbauds. They at last got up an oldlady much like the oue which suckledthe n&ted kidc, Romulus and Ramus,of Roman fame, and the great wollhounds were unleashed for the war.It is unnecessary to say that Red Rid-ing Hood was not there, nor did theold lady have on her beft gown andspecks ; but ens did have on her light-ing jacktt, and she baoked up againsta clay root and took'em an they came.8he crushed the right fore leg of thelint houud with one snap, weakenedthe other for life with a gentle pres-sure on the suiall of the Leek; withanother "kiss by hopeless fancy givenou lips that were for others," and thethird hound, who baa eviuentiy readShakespeare before coining to thiscountry, and had some sort or au ideatif "he who ngnis ana rims away inhi3 mind, acted on his know ledge ofthe famous bard, and went on backto Russia via tho Facilic Ocean andthe Chinese F.mpbe. The sports-man, who, fport-ma- u like, hadgenerously left even their pistol-pocke- ts

at home, were attacked next,and those who were not on horse-back, quietly fckinufd up the beauti-ful hemlock trees after evergreens, ala Delk & Redd. The old lady find-ing the field deserted, trotted oil'about her business w itli the partingremark, that the "laud of the freewas the home of the brave."

Motes, Mews and Comment.

Caperton & Dale bought last weeklive elegant horst s for livery. Theyare good ones; bought chiefly aroundSheiby ville.

The weather is just about right forwheat harvesting aud potato digging,l'otatoua are rapidly coming in. Thowheat will be cut from now on. Thefields are rapidly ripening.

(.'apt. Mack Campbell is in luckwith Mercury, his beautiful youngson of the great Sydney. So far livecolts have been foaled to him, all na-

tural pacers, and four of them fillies.

Jno, r. McGaw worked out hisstring last yveek. Katie SullivanTom Hughes, Red Pilot and "Kastv'ood

iiillv trood work. Thelatter trotted a full mile in 3-- lasthalf in 15.

"Up to date," says Major Brown,"Alex McKay has done very finework; quite as good a9 any one everon my track." Alex's friends overhere expect great things of him. Allhe has ever needed was a chance audhe has now got that.

Says W. W. Stevenson, ijiou; ''Mypotatoes are a little backward, nor doI think I'll make as many as lastvear. I will make about 15 barrelsthis year; last year J made lfpill liO toJTy barrels. I don't think the crop isquite as good as we all thought."

i; well Farm met with a serious losslast week. Corlsande, by Tom Hal,dam, dam of Brown Hal, aud henc?full sister to Browu Hal, iujured herfoot so seriously as to necessitate herbeing destroyed. She left a beautifulcoit, four or live days old, by McEwec,w hich died aUo,

Last week Alex. McKay at Eweli'sdrove two g-- y ear-ol- d McKweus aclipping gait, Calera, a filly by Mc-Ewe- n,

dam by Cuyler, went a halfin 1 :2I, a quarter iu 8U. A colt byMeKweu.dam by Tennessee Wilkes,trotted a halt in 1:2, a quarteriu38. No full m'tlea have been gouethis early.

Mr. D. H. Mash, of Milton, Ohio,has shipped home hit two mitreswhich have been at KwelPs to bebred to Brown Hal and Talisman.One is a daughter of Browu Hal, theother by a soil of Onward. They yvillbe started in the Ohio circuit the lastof this month. One of these mares,Laurel by Brown Hal, has gone aquarter in l!5 seconds.

Brown I lai's li 1UU has been reachedfor this year, an 1 u more lii.tli'on.-inuii-g

vyjl' bo booked. A the hist sixbooUoti is t'li) d. ,t iiMU R 2 :'...and Rebellion : .., owned by I jr.A. II. Rice. Oji Mis.-- . Col. Jno,Tiiiiimison. of ll.v Hermitage, haalso sent J ewe.-.--', lint s xier 10 airun

i ;j This is yvith a virn, andhf tin Colonel soon owns a 2:10pacer, ho need "not be surprised.

A writer i:i the Country Ge.itie-ma- ti

writes a colon. n article oa" Pi oiont i.e.--s at Ib uln" ai d ho .V totio it Til a is bunting up a nihjectu itli a yesijjeanee. The (n'-ubl- withmost i:o.i! is they aro two pruinplat this daily anil laborious task. Thebst thing to make any one promptat ni"ols, if nature ever crtah M afreak that wa ti imposed not to b isto put liim to bard work and let himget a i;o'd apeli!e

AVe yvill make ic a soda wa't r toaaneveu bet you will

..idmin that Tennessee will semi out:i naeer this vear that will make thetrotting bred pacing men inniK ineyare not in it. Jiy tne way, gcuucuicii,it is not fair to call a horse a trottingbred pacer because his sire has a trot-ti- n

ir sire of mixed parentage on hisdam's side, and his dam i3 by a halttrotting horse ami the rest of histieilioren runs into the woods. Thehorse may have have two trottingcrosses, and then had an obi Na-poleon of a pacing sire way backwhose instinct ha3 been strongenoueh to control the gait of thistrotting bred pacer.

That old war horse of the Jerseybreeders. Hon Valancey E. Fuller, ofCanada- - has been selected by theWorld's Fair committee to lie thehoarl of the Jersev tests at Chicago.Mr, Fuller is six feet two tucheshigli,i :.,. :7 - X T. ti7T lUft ti ITlIlUiLS IU V OlJiiua 4' "developer of the noted Ntoke l'oglifmtlv of Jersevs. among which werethe noted cowa Mary Anne, of St.TRmDert. test 36 pounds 12 ounces ofhiiiir in 7 davs. and Ida of St. Lam--

m r.ririii ?U oiinnen In mei pert, veo w ;same time. In the language of our

(k - h

r J t

v-- 5h AjfeS

old school friend Horace, "He hasraised him a mnnuim nt more lastingthan brass." The Jersey men couldnot have made a better selection.

Says a correspondent from Fleetwood:- - "It was the pacing bred gelding Billy A. that drove Flay Boy outin the second heat m .'ilfi.'j, ami ashe finished third in the last heat it isa safe conclusion that in this fellow- -

Ed Odell has one that can beat 2 :20three times. If he keeps on improv-ing as he has during the past monthlie will have a record way down inthe 20 list."

Mr. John C. Alexander has a lot ofvery choice Prince Hal colts. By theway, Prince Hal is siring as much"peed for his chances as any horsethat ever stood in Maury. A. N.Akin, Esq., has a very speedy three-year-- o

d filly by him and out of aPat Malone mare. We believe theis a race mare. She has gone quar-ters in the mud at a 2:50 gait, trot-ting. She is a roan aud stylish.

The Western Horseman, which hasbo generously promoted us to thelucrative office of some imaginary"Colonelcy," will please desist. Wewere never in the war, and all themilitary work we ever had was whenwe were so foolish as to join the WittRifles and was drilled iuto a siege oftyphoid fever by Bob Williams in onemoonlight night on the square. Wewere "Number Tin" in the lone-legge- d

squad wh n that sad night'swork did us up, and we have neverrisen any higher yet.

The Koalter Kates.Entries are still coming iu for the

roadster races at the July 12 15 meet-ing of the Columbia Ilriving ParkAssociation. Mr. 1). P. Carter, ' fByimville, will start ono each in thepacing and trotting riiee. Jt htiWoolen is putting the ,'itihh!touches to his mare aud talks as ii lo-ha-

a "cincli."J)r. A. Ij. Pillow reports his

chances "rosy," while Jake Barkeris elfering the entire potato crop thathe will bo near the wire at the finish.

Everybody is training aud joggingou the quiet, aud every attempt tocatch them is foiled by the drivershorse sense.

if! 00. Reward $100.The readers of the IIkh.vld will be

pleased to learn that there is at least onedreaded disease that the science hasbeen able to cure in all its stages, andthat is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure isthe only positive cure now known to themcdicai fraternity. Catarrh being aconstitutional disease, requires a consti-tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cureis taken internally, acting directly uponthe blood ami i.iucotis surfaces of thesystem, thereby destroying the founda-tion of the disease, and" giving tho pa-

tient strength by building up the con-stitution and assisting nature in doingits work. The proprietors have so muchfaith in it curative powers, that theyotter One 1 1 unil.eo l 'onars lor any casethat it fails to cure. Semi lor list ol tes-timonials. Address.

F. J. Cuknkv A Co., Toledo, o.Sold by Druggists, 75c. oct4-ly-l-

Among the American pictures which ahave been well hung in the Paris Salonare soiue bearing the name of ElizabethStrong. The young artist, a Californiagirl, has fought her way to success un-aided.

Some Foolish PeopleAllow a cough to run until it gets be--oitnd the reach of medicine, they of

ten sav, it will wear away," nut inmost cases it wears them aw ay. 1 mildthev be induced to try the successtulmedicine called Kemp s Balsam, whichis sold on a positive guarantee to cure,thev would immediately see .the excel-lent effect after taking the first dose.

rice 50 cents ami SI. Trial size Jree.At all druggists. feb'Ji-eow-I- y.


Gtnoral Over lite Territory Kast of theII! lititt lttvrr.

New York, June 14. The heat Monday yvtis intense, Tho hot spell was reported general etust of the Mississippiriver.

Over lOO.Asburv Park, N. J., June ,14. At 11

o'clock Monday morning tho thermometer at Long Branch registered 105; alAsbury Park. 103; at Ocean Grove, H'.":and at Spring Lake, 101.

The Homeliest Man in ColumbiaAs well as the handsomest, and othersare invited to call on any druggist andget free atrial bottle ot Kemp's lialsamfor the Throat and Lungs, a remedythat is selling entirely upon jts meritsand is guaranteed to relieve and cureall Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma,Bronchitis and Consumption.

febai-eo- w lyAgricultural lltillctln.

Washington, June 14. The agricul- -

tnral department has issued a bulletingiving a record or expermierirs m ttieuse of alcohol m the manufacture olsiigiu from sorghum during the yearls'.ll. 1 he exia-nment-

s were conduitedunder the direction of II. v. ney.chemist. The bulletin states that thismethod yvould work admirably thetinly objection to it is in respect to ihegreat amount of alcohol which wouldhe required. For this renvoii, it is will never lie adopted in practice v.ii- -

alcohol should become very mm h

cheaiier than it ever haa been m themarkets of the yvt.rld.

Are Voa in It.If not, why not. Why don't you al

ways keep on nana a no:ue oi nr. naio p

iie uei;t)ia cougn L tire w aiiay t,iie iirriLitt'on cnuse.i t.y a iiiuui:!. con:.fhis is the un-- st romeuy hi tho wor.o'or every kind of cough. imi lHel !'.''

good fill et ot in si ti.:.-- e. ami i.y inoiough using vetir cuigh is so.'.n cnr: il.25 and 5:1 cent bottlee at Rains A' Son's.drug store.

(3) novih-iy- .

l: 1 1, it from liusi.t,Berlin, Juno 14. It U iumiaincei';

hero that Poultoney Bigeluw, tho wtmown American traveler and wntei.has btn expelled from Russia.

Xrs. II. E. WelhiianNo. '2 Linn St., Jaue.ville. V minerInto of J une l'l. writes lao toliowing:Kenvon tr Thomas, Sirs; I was con- -

tiued to mv bt-- four months withof tho right ovary, had a

good physician and tried almost every-thing' hut got very little help until Itried vour Dr. Hale's Household Oint- -

1. 1.ment aooui iour milium i.ttoue wonders lor me. 1 can do quite agood day's work. 1 nave every reasonto believe that it will entirely cure me.I am also using vour J)r. llaie a Household Tea with good results.

Smcerelv oaro,Mas. II. K. Wkllmax.

Tills great medicine is for sale atRains tfc Sou's drug store.

(3) nov27-ly- .

May Succeed Justice Uradley.Wilmington, Del., June 14. George

V. Maasey, who so strongly supportedHarrison at the Minneapolis convention,it is rumored here, has been omcinJJynotified that he will receive the judge-ship of the supreme court made vacantby Justice Bradlev's death.

Is Your Serve SteadyOr do you tremble and feel that you arebreaking: lURl your neryuua bjuioiii isgiving way. If you nave a wean ner--voua Hvateui the very best thing you,.an tin i to becin to-tl- ay usiup' Household Tea. It is tUe finestNerve Tonic known and will restore

w : r. n m Ttrtn'f. Holev.too io oeiuu uu --

J Get a free sampla to-da- y at Kains ttj Son's drug store.

n0v27-l- y.


Absolutely Pure.A crearn of tartrr linking powder. Highest

of all In leavening strength. I.ateKt UnitedStates Govern snent Food report.

ROVAI. IlAKlNli POWDER CO.,Junc2fi lv ltex. lud Wall tit.. N. Y


Ciov. Buchanan strained his renom-iuatio- n

boom by trying to get rich tooquick out of the olllce of Governor.Pulaski Citizen.

McDowell presents pretty much thesame attitude toward the Democraticparty as a mad bull tloes toward a redHag. Pulaski Citizen.

The friends of (iov. Buchanan concede the defeat of their man, and onlyhope to prevent the nomination ofJudge i'uiuey. l'ayetteville Observer.

Rob Ingersoll tloes not believe thatHarrison could be elected. In this heshows better judgement than in hisbelief about some oilier things.Kimxv illc Tribune.

McDowell lias gone to tiie Thirdpariy. 1 : would now be in order forCo e'. iior Uuehanan to call on him toresign ; but will he do so'. Never.Mini rcosU.i'o New s.

Does Ruck stand on the State Dem-ocratic platform of May L'i. Tiie partyhas declared ofiieially. Now, Ruck,it's time to come from under the cover,you know. Murfreeshoro News.

McDowell and his miserable Thirdparty schemes are happily not iu it,and the Alliancemen in conferenceassembled at Nashville on Thursdaydeserve much credit for squelchingtheir president. Clarksville Progress-Democra- t.

Mr. Ruchanaii now no doubt wisheshe had withdrawn from the foulestseveral weeks ago. He would havebeen spared the humiliation of ex-hibti-

his pitiable weakness as acandidate against "Old Pete." WestTennessee Whig.

The Shelby County dark hoive haslm backers in the political race. ThecH'ort to boost a candidate in the brushwas perhaps a delightful pastime for

certain Memphis editor, but the dayis pasl when the neigh of the darkhorse was a signal for a burst of ap-plam- e.

Jackson Tribune and Sun.

Buchanan's ship of S.ate tloes notsail on as majestically as it did iu hislast race for Governor. McDowellgreased tho machinery with coal oil,but it clogged. Tiie machinery of theTurney ship was greased with pure oilof Democracy and is sailing into portiu grand style, v.iiii banner tiying.upon which ea:i be seen iu the dis-tance, i.t upper case letters, tiie worthsPure Dcinoen.e v. Giles County Dem-ocrat.

When a vi

Whether on pleasure bci.t, "..r business,take on every i rip a bottle of Syrup orFigs, as it acts most pleasantly andellective! v ":i tiie Kidneys, liver andbowels, j.n cut ing fevers, headachesami othe.- - form-- , o,' sickness. For saloin 50 cents and bottles by all leadingdruggists.

The I lemocracy of Tennessee electedJohn P. Buchanan Governor. Heap-pointe- d

J.I I. McDowell coal oil in-

spector of Nashville, as a Democrat.McDowell has deserted the Democrat-ic partv and turned traitor to Buch-anan. I f the ( iovernor has any respectfor himself and the party which elect-ed him, he yyill demand McDowell'sresignation at once, ff refused, thenhe should kick the traitor out withoutceremony. Will he do it? McKen-zi- e


Licensed to Marry.A license to marry was issued Fri-

day to Sam Norman and Miss AnnieGilmer.

-- V-i 'tW ."n vet A- "V

-"f A "eV VV.K?-- ;V-- K f..V-.-

vjyth tic iKHUd fiii-- i 3 vten?v:r;ip of Fig3 !a ir.Vcn; It is pleasanti.ld'.img io thj ta.-t.- smi actsrfoally jet p'roTnv.i'y on thfl Xvulrieys,Liver r.n-- Uowcla. fclc-anse- tito sjs-f-.j- u

cni-otually- , dlsiH vkh, hea.!- -

a Ctirt-i- ,;:aiCUlljtl'i.itl !. F'. i UO of FitCS id theL'l. remt; ly of" its ktiiil ever rVi"0- -

tlucetl, i!ea.-,ii!- to the tasts r.iiU ac- -

e.ritahlrt to tiie etoninclt, prompt iaits action and" j licnef'icial in itsfcfic-Ct.s- , prepared or.:y from the most

'-v ami nrccali to E'.:ijSta:iC-fc- , l

raarv exce'Ien't ua'itics coiciaend itf. .ii!l have maue it the racsi.popular reraeuy kuov

Ht'rti: of Fi''3 is for sale in 50and SI bottles by s!l letvlin- - dmgists. An rename druggist wnomay not have it on Land will procure it promptly fur any one whow ishc3 to try iu Do not accept anysubstitute


louisviuE, Kr. new vork. ti.r.

oat is grihtiti BEST 11 QlALITT.



Has led all Worm RernedloG.EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTIED.






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1 i

What does BARGAIN signify?

When the term is honestly used it means something at lessthan its real value, but the term is so often used by unscrup-ulous merchants to deceive the public, that it has becomeassociated in the minds of most people with deception.

And now propose to offer you the greatest Bargain in



Ever offered in Columbia.

WEAnd have decided to sacrifice our ENTIRE STOCK of Ladies',

Misses' and Children's Shoes

CostForCasliNow, when we say LESS THAN COST, wc mean exactly

what wo say, for we have determined to offer these goodsfor ONE WEEK at a discount on what they actually cost us.This offer will only hold good from now until





We have a double motive in making this oiler: First, Toraise cash. Second, We have a much larger stock of Shoesordered from the than we have ever boughtbefore. This new stock is to be delivered in July, and wcmust make room for it.


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This Offcr is madeOnly for

18th. mi

the Cash,

and at these sacrifice prices we will have to require the pur-

chasers to l)e fitted in the store.

No Money will be Rufuncledor Exchanges made

on shoes sold at these prices.

Please bear this in mind. Remember this offer is onlygood from nows

MilEitiriPileatetallLSo come early and supply yourself with Shoes at less than

manufacturers' cost,



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