the carillon - · 2014. 5. 4. · the carillon established 1900 a bi-monthly...

-1- The Carillon A Bi-Monthly Publication of St. Luke's Episcopal Church Established 1900 Reflections for the Family of God from the Rector PO Box 605, 182 Main Street, Gladstone, New Jersey 07934 908-234-0002 Email: [email protected] In This Issue 1 A letter from Our Rector 2 Vestry Notes; Music at St. Luke’s; Confirmation 4 Senior High Mission Trip; Miles for Matheny 5 Spring Auction 6 Vacation Bible School 7 Children’s Ministry; Rally Day 8 PLG Meeting Notes; Upcoming Fellowship Events 9 Calendar of Events May/June 2016 Honor God’s Presence § Celebrate Christ’s Love § Serve God’s People Dear Parish Family, May 2016 SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE! “Give thanks in all circumstances” is the Apostle Paul’s command in I Thessalonians 5:18. Sometimes it is hard to do that when life is difficult. Nevertheless, I do believe that it puts one on the path toward healing when walking through a turbulent time. But Paul is writing not only to tell us to give thanks in bad times, but also to urge us to give thanks for good things. Giving thanks to God can be easy to forget. Sometimes we pray hard for something, and when we receive it, we forget all the prayers that preceded the blessing. It is all too easy to take all the credit ourselves for some success and forget to thank God who delights to give good gifts to His children. We are entering the season of Pentecost wherein we remember and celebrate God’s gift of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit enlivens our day-to-day moments, our worship, and our fellowship and connects us to God. Jesus is present to us through the Spirit; we are never alone. This is a season to seek anew the filling of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in our parish. Please join me in celebrating God’s gift of the Holy Spirit and in praying for an increase of the Spirit’s work among us. We at St. Luke’s have seen challenging times, but right now we have much to celebrate. The building refurbishments are complete, and the new entrance, foyer, and Dorothy Dillon Allen Room look fabulous. Thanks to the generosity of a few parishioners and the vision of Jennifer Pierson, the Canterbury Room looks incredible. New chairs have arrived for us in Greene Hall and with some new tables for the Allen Room. New heating units that also air condition will be installed in Greene Hall this summer, as well as some audio visual upgrades. We recently received a generous bequest that enabled us to not have to ask that some of the PLG fundraising proceeds help support the parish. We had wonderfully Continued on page 3

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    The Carillon A Bi-Monthly Publication of St. Luke's Episcopal Church Established 1900

    Reflections for the Family of God from the Rector

    PO Box 605, 182 Main Street, Gladstone, New Jersey 07934 908-234-0002

    Email: [email protected]

    In This Issue

    1 A letter from Our


    2 Vestry Notes;

    Music at St. Luke’s;


    4 Senior High Mission


    Miles for Matheny

    5 Spring Auction

    6 Vacation Bible School

    7 Children’s Ministry;

    Rally Day

    8 PLG Meeting Notes;

    Upcoming Fellowship


    9 Calendar of Events

    May/June 2016

    Honor God’s Presence § Celebrate Christ’s Love § Serve God’s People

    Dear Parish Family,


    “Give thanks in all circumstances” is the Apostle Paul’s command in I

    Thessalonians 5:18. Sometimes it is hard to do that when life is difficult.

    Nevertheless, I do believe that it puts one on the path toward healing

    when walking through a turbulent time.

    But Paul is writing not only to tell us to give thanks in bad times, but also

    to urge us to give thanks for good things. Giving thanks to God can be

    easy to forget. Sometimes we pray hard for something, and when we

    receive it, we forget all the prayers that preceded the blessing. It is all

    too easy to take all the credit ourselves for some success and forget to

    thank God who delights to give good gifts to His children.

    We are entering the season of Pentecost wherein we remember and

    celebrate God’s gift of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit enlivens our day-to-day

    moments, our worship, and our fellowship and connects us to God. Jesus

    is present to us through the Spirit; we are never alone. This is a season

    to seek anew the filling of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in our parish.

    Please join me in celebrating God’s gift of the Holy Spirit and in praying

    for an increase of the Spirit’s work among us.

    We at St. Luke’s have seen challenging times, but right now we have

    much to celebrate. The building refurbishments are complete, and the

    new entrance, foyer, and Dorothy Dillon Allen Room look fabulous.

    Thanks to the generosity of a few parishioners and the vision of Jennifer

    Pierson, the Canterbury Room looks incredible. New chairs have arrived

    for us in Greene Hall and with some new tables for the Allen Room. New

    heating units that also air condition will be installed in Greene Hall this

    summer, as well as some audio visual upgrades. We recently received a

    generous bequest that enabled us to not have to ask that some of the

    PLG fundraising proceeds help support the parish. We had wonderfully

    Continued on page 3

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    PO Box 605, 182 Main Street, Gladstone, New Jersey 07934 908-234-0002

    Email: [email protected]

    Music at St. Luke’s

    This summer we will have a Summer Choir as we did last year. People of all ages

    (children, youth, and adults) are welcome to join us any Sunday morning at 8:45 a.m;

    you do not have to sign up in advance. All levels of experience are welcome and it is a

    great way to try out the experience of singing in a choir. Each Sunday we rehearse the

    hymns for the morning and learn a simple anthem if we have enough people. If you love

    music, consider joining the choir for one week in the summer and help us energize our

    summer worship. Perhaps you will enjoy it enough to want to continue in the fall!

    Vestry Notes – March/April 2016 A highlight of the early spring for the Vestry has been the unexpected and joyfully

    celebrated large bequest from a long-time St. Luke’s parishioner. The generous gift has

    enabled the Vestry to have discussions around some of the difficult financial decisions

    made earlier in the year to balance the church’s budget; they included a $10,000

    contribution from the PLG of funds that would typically have gone to deserving charities.

    The bequest has made it possible to overturn that decision, ensuring that St. Luke’s long

    tradition of donating 100% of funds raised through the Holiday Fair and the Spring Auction

    will endure. Other ways of allocating the gift (as well as another bequest to the Vision

    Legacy Fund) will be explored and agreed upon at the May meeting. This meeting also will

    provide an opportunity to examine the final costs associated with the building

    refurbishments and construction project, to discuss the work of the search committee for

    the parish administrator position and to review the curate recruitment process.

    In addition, over the last several months members of the Vestry have been involved

    in the St. Luke’s Growth Initiative, which is being led by Kent, the Reverend Rob Droste

    and a small group of parishioners; they are looking to build on the strength and vitality of

    St. Luke’s through a focus on discipleship and fellowship. Other Vestry members have

    been involved in helping to develop the grant application to the Lilly Foundation to fund a

    sabbatical for Kent in summer 2017.

    Lauren B. Luik, Clerk of the Vestry

    Confirmation is June 12.

    We will be welcoming Bishop Ed Salmon back with us once again to preside at

    confirmation at the 9:30 service on June 12. We have a wonderful group of confirmands

    completing their preparation for this exciting day. If anyone would like to renew their

    confirmation vows or be received into the Episcopal Church please let Kent know.

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    PO Box 605, 182 Main Street, Gladstone, New Jersey 07934 908-234-0002

    Email: [email protected]

    Continued from page 1

    successful Alpha Evenings on Sunday nights with about 20-25 St. Luke’s parishioners enjoying the

    dinner, fellowship, and Nicky Gumbel videos each week. Our ministries are strong. Our vestry,

    PLG, and leadership in this church is strong. We are in the planning stages of a new Strategic

    Growth Initiative in cooperation with much input from the Diocesan Canon for Congregational

    Development, the Rev. Dr. Rob Droste. This is a pioneering effort that will become a model for

    other congregations throughout the diocese. This growth initiative is focused not merely on

    growing membership, but also on growth in discipleship for all who attend St. Luke’s. We have

    such a wonderful group of faith-filled and dedicated people that God has brought together in our

    parish. By these means and by so many others, we are blessed.

    Will you join me in celebrating St. Luke’s? We are planning for a big celebration this Fall centered

    around the dedication of our newly enhanced facilities. We will have a special Sunday morning

    celebration with many of those involved in assisting us along the way present to join in the



    And we celebrate the faithful, outstanding service of our parish administrator for 22 years (and

    parishioner for many years before that) Vieva Grenier. We look to honor Vieva at the Auction May

    14th and also after the service on May 22nd. Her last Sunday with us will be May 29 which is

    Memorial Day Weekend. I told her it is “the Month of Vieva” in May as we thank her and thank God

    for her.

    I have personally been blessed by Vieva’s dedication, quite often giving generously of her time

    above and beyond the call of duty. She has been so efficient and knowledgeable about the people

    of this parish and the community. And she has managed much of the administrative needs of the

    parish with joy. She is a woman of faith and that made her work all the more a blessing….I will

    miss her; we will miss her, but wish her well in retirement with lots of time to enjoy the



    Looking ahead the search committee is hard at work interviewing potential candidates. We hope

    to hire a new parish administrator shortly. In addition in September, we will welcome a second

    deacon and her ministry among us. The Rev. Sharon Sutton has sensed a call to the priesthood.

    She will be entering her senior year at General Seminary in New York City and doing what is called

    a Wisdom Year with us. This program will have her present to learn and do ministry among us for

    20 hours per week starting in early September and running through mid-June.


    So the season of Pentecost is upon us. The blessings of the summer are nearly here. As you may

    be traveling and away from St. Luke’s, I would highly commend to you the Apple/Android App or

    the website for “Pray as You Go.” This ministry offers powerful 12 minute devotionals 6 days a

    continued on page 4

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    PO Box 605, 182 Main Street, Gladstone, New Jersey 07934 908-234-0002

    Email: [email protected]

    Sr. High Mission Trip to Lynn, MASS.

    Lynn is a suburb of Boston, a city that feels like a small town, from the minimal traffic to

    the friendly smiles of its people. However, Lynn faces big-city struggles, including poverty

    and homelessness. This community can really use our help. We will be working with Youth

    Works, a Christian organization that offers affordable, high quality spiritual experiences.

    They have been going and serving in Lynn for many years. In fact, we've been with Youth

    Works before, just a couple of years ago, in Onancock, VA on the Eastern Shore. It was a

    wonderful experience.

    The plan is to work hard and be tired. This is not a vacation! Our goal is to experience

    God's love, build lasting friendships and show our Love of Christ throughout an area in


    Here are the details:

    Our trip is scheduled for the last full week in July.

    We leave after church on Sunday July 24th and return on Saturday July 30th.

    The cost per person is $300.

    Space is limited. I'll need to know soon if you or your child plan to go.

    Norm Penney

    continued from page 3

    week. You listen and are drawn in to the

    Presence of God. Consider making that part of

    your daily routine this summer and beyond.

    And what am I celebrating, and being thankful

    for? I am thankful to serve as your rector and

    am blessed in being a part of this wonderful

    group of people at St. Luke’s and a part of

    what the Holy Spirit is doing in our midst.

    Let’s celebrate! Let’s give thanks! For God is


    The Lord Be With You,

    Miles for Matheny

    June 5th

    Road Closures

    Park Avenue, Lackawanna Ave. from Park

    Ave. to the first driveway of Bevel’s, and Main

    Street between Willow Ave. and St. Luke’s

    Ave. will all be closed from 8 a.m. to

    approximately 2 p.m. Regarding the Main

    Street closure, there will be a detour around

    the Municipal Building.

    Lackawanna Ave., Main Street from

    Lackawanna Ave. to Riverview Ave., and

    Pottersville Road between Riverview Ave. and

    Main Street will be closed between 11:30

    a.m. and 2 p.m. to ensure the safety of

    participants in the Wheelchair Walk.

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    PO Box 605, 182 Main Street, Gladstone, New Jersey 07934 908-234-0002

    Email: [email protected]

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    PO Box 605, 182 Main Street, Gladstone, New Jersey 07934 908-234-0002

    Email: [email protected]

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    The Carillon is a publication of

    St. Luke's Church, Gladstone, New Jersey.

    The Reverend Dr. Kent R. Walley, Rector.

    Articles should be submitted to Vieva Grenier,

    Parish Administrator, in the church office

    9:30-5:00, M-F.

    Telephone 908-234-0002;

    Fax 908-234-1446;

    email: [email protected]

    Design/Layout: Valerie Szkodny

    Coordinator: Vieva Grenier

    Assembly/Mailing: Jane Knight


    Carillon Comittee

    PO Box 605, 182 Main Street, Gladstone, New Jersey 07934 908-234-0002

    Email: [email protected]

    At St. Luke's, we have the summer tradition of getting out of the

    classroom and enjoying the outdoors for Children's Worship.

    Starting June 26th, children of all ages will meet in the Sanctuary

    and follow the cross to Anne's Garden. This summer through arts

    and crafts, dramatic play, and games, we will focus on God as

    our helper who guides us, gives us power, and helps us to make

    good choices. We hope to see you this summer.

    Vacation Bible School- August 11th-14th

    Join us in Egypt this summer as we experience God's Word coming alive throughJoseph's

    Journey of faith from Prison to Palace. Each day children will become part of history as

    they take part in a inter-active Bible adventure which reinforces the overall message of

    the gifts that God gives us which include; wisdom, forgiveness, special talents, and hope.

    Children will play games, celebrate through song and dance, and visit an authentic

    Marketplace where they will learn about ancient Egypt. Register online.

    Rally Day

    Mark your calendar,

    Rally Day is September 18th!

    It's a chance for the entire congregation to

    get together after church and reconnect

    after some of us have been away for the

    summer. Coffee hour will be held in Anne's

    Garden, and all are invited for fellowship

    and fun. Parents will have the opportunity

    to register their child for Children's

    Worship, while children can jump in the

    Bounce House or tackle the Climbing Wall.

    It's a great opportunity to invite a friend to

    visit St. Luke's to experience our

    community of faith and fellowship.

    mailto:[email protected]://www.stlukesgladstone.orgmailto:[email protected]://www.stlukesgladstone.org

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    PO Box 605, 182 Main Street, Gladstone, New Jersey 07934 908-234-0002

    Email: [email protected]

    Parish Life Guild: Meeting Notes from March and April

    Rev. Walley has kept the PLG informed about the final aspects of the building project and

    also his search for a suitable Curate. He informed the PLG that the parish has recently

    received a generous donation, and consequently the Vestry has withdrawn its request to

    the PLG for $10,000 to be added to the parish budget. As a result, all monies raised by the

    Holiday Fair and Spring Auction will be available to donate to missions of the PLG.

    The adjusted combined balance as of March 31st was $35,673.08. The Treasurer reports

    that the PLG numbers will remain generally unchanged during this period between the

    Holiday Fair and the Spring Auction. At our April meeting the PLG approved the Missions

    Committee’s recommended donations to the following organizations after having deferred

    our 2015 donations: Interfaith Hospitality Network of Somerset County, Water Missions

    International, Society for Anglican Missionaries and Senders, Kiwimbi International and the

    Lion of Judah Academy. The PLG has also approved a donation to Houses to Homes for the

    upcoming Guatemala trip and has approved additional funds for our ongoing outreach at

    the Community Soup Kitchen of Morristown. The PLG has approved a possible increase in

    the PLG Scholarship funding amounts if the number of applications is higher than in prior


    The PLG thanked JW Pierron and Frank Porcelli for their efforts to make Lobsterfest and

    the Maundy Thursday dinner so successful. Allyson Gallup has reported about the Spring

    Auction planning, including a good response from parishioners donating items and an

    appeal for volunteers. In early summer, Milicent Palmer will host the Parish Picnic on June

    5th. Looking ahead to 2016-2017, the PLG has continued to discuss adding other family

    fellowship events to take advantage of the renovated space, such as occasional potluck

    dinners, and has also discussed recasting the fall Newcomers event as an Open House.

    Respectfully Submitted,

    Betsy Halstead

    Upcoming Fellowship Events

    St. Luke’s Auction – May 14th Parish Picnic – June 5th

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    St. Luke's Episcopal Church 182 Main Street, PO Box 605

    Gladstone, NJ 07934

    (Address Correction Requested)

    Rector: The Reverend Dr. Kent Walley [email protected] Deacon: The Reverend Anne Lemay [email protected] Rector Emeritus: The Reverend Canon John T. Morrow Organist/Choirmaster: Dr. Brian Harlow [email protected] Parish Administrator: Vieva Grenier [email protected] Dir. of Children’s Ministry: Helene O’Neill [email protected] Youth Choir Director: Dr. Brian Harlow [email protected] Handbell Director: Katherine Newcomer [email protected] Youth Director: Norm Penney [email protected] Dir. of Communications: Valerie Szkodny [email protected] Sexton: Charlie Hamma Altar Guild: Missy Witte and Cathy Henry Usher Guild: Emily Childs

    The Carillon A Monthly Publication of St. Luke's Episcopal Church 182 Main Street, PO Box 605 G lads tone ,NJ 07934 email [email protected].

    Established 1900 (908) 234-0002

    Mailed by May 10, 2016

    The Parish Life Guild

    Allyson Gallup, Chair Lauren Diemar Betsy Halstead Bob Henry Mike Mandeen Noelle McCarthy Kim McLean Anne Parker Aileen Peterson JW Pierron Frank Porcelli Lisa Stryker Bill Trego

    The Vestry

    Senior Warden: Stan Hays Junior Warden: John Gallup Clerk: Lauren Luik

    Pam Craven Tom Elliott Roger Fischer

    Roxanne Hayes Dave Ingrey Priscilla Miller

    Steve Neville Tammy Riley

    http://www.stlukesgladstone.orgmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]