the c n y · edward brow vsn th....

THE C N Y RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. ~~ NEW YORK, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1873. NUMBER 83. PROCLAMATION. $1,000 REWARD. MAYOR'S OFFICE, New York, September 23, 1873 WHEREAS, On the 2 2d day of August last, a fiendish outrage was committed on the person of Mr. Walter Gibson, pro- prietor of the Harlem Local, by throwing a large quantity of vitrolic acid in his face, destroying the sight of the left eye, and endangering the sight of the other ; and whereas active but unsuccess- ful efforts have been made to discover the perpetrators of the assault. Now, I, W. F. Havemeyer, Mayor of the city of New York, do hereby offer a reward of one thousand dollars for the ap- prehension and conviction of the person or persons who were guilty of the offense ; the said reward to be paid on their con viction and the certificate of the District Attorney that such conviction was had upon the testimony of the person or per- sons claiming the reward. But all claims not presented to the Mayor within twenty days after such conviction shall be dis- regarded. W. F. HAVEMEYER, Mayor. Samuel C. Holmes, Deputy Collector of City Revenue, penalty • • • 2,000 John O'Brien, First Assistant Clerk Bureau of Arrears, penalty. . 5»°°° Franklin H. Bangs, Fifth Assistant Clerk Bureau of Arrears, penalty 5»°°° Richard Gibbs, Superintendent of Street Improvements, penalty ;••',•„ 2 »9°° The Comptroller approved of the following sureties on proposals for work, and returned them to the different departments from which they were received, viz: Department of Public Works. John Gillespie, regulating, grading, curbing and flagging, 68th street, from 3d avenue to East River, except between 1st ana 3d avenues. John Gillespie, paving 63d street, from 2d avenue to East River. , Dennis McGrath, paving 57th street, from 6th to 8th avenues. Patrick Farley, underground drains between 56th and 57th streets, and between 4th and Lex- ington avenues. Daniel Crowley, regulating, grading, curbing and flagging 68th street, from 3d to 4th avenues. Department of Public Parks. Henry Sherwin, for furnishing 550 tons of coal to said Departments. James Ryder and Egbert H. Fairchild, for furnishing the Department of Public Parks with screened gravel for four months. The Comptroller transmitted to the Bureau for Collection of Assessments for collection, twenty assessment lists for street improvements, .con- firmed by the Board of Revision and Correction of Assessments, amounting in all to $339> 6 55 8 5- The following contracts were received from the north of One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street; A. R. Lawrence, Jr., attorney. Supreme Court.—Application of Stephen Smith for mandamus to compel payment of balance of salary as Health Commissioner, from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31, 1871, $2,666.66; E. D. Culver, attorney. Notice of motion of attachment against An- drew H. Green, Comptroller, for not carrying out orders to vacate assessments for street im- provements, on the petition of Ellen M. Robbins and five others; S. E. Mount, attorney. Supreme Court—Notice of Judgment. Edward Brown vs. the Mayor &c.—judg- ment for $14,068.38; work, labor and materials Subpoena to Andrew H. Green, Comptroller, to appear be- fore James W. Husted, Referee, on Sept. II. in suits against Mayor, &c., of James Everard, for regulating and paving 32d street, Second avenus to East river. Dennis McGrath, for regulating and paving 31st street, Second avenue to East river. Dennis McGrath, for regulating and paving 40th street, Madison to Third avenues. Patrick F. Maginn, paving 117th street, Fourth avenue to Harlem river. Supreme Court—In the matter of laying out Riverside park. departments, registered and filed, viz.: Department of Public Parks—Contract with True W. Rollins, for furnishing iron work for " Museum of Natural History," in Manhattan LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF CLERK OF THE COMMON COUNCIL, No. 8 CITY HALL, NEW YORK, Sept. 27, 1873. Stated session of the Board of Aldermen in their Chamber, City Hall, Thursday, October 2, 1*73. at 3 V2 o'clock P. M. /J ' Jos. C. PlNCKNEY, Clerk Common Council. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Abstract of transactions of the Department of Finance for the week ending Sept. 13, 1873 : Amounts paid into the Treasury : On account of the Sink- ing Fund $26,934 57 On account of the Treasury »5 —$344.574 72 Amount of warrants registered for payment: On account of appropri- ations $7».499 6 3 On account of Trust Funds ... ... 235,81226 $307,311 »9 From the aggregate amount of Trust Fund "Warrants, registered, as above, the Comptroller, under provisions of Chapter 760, Laws of 1873, paid the following institutions $60,000 as dona- tions from the Excise Fund, viz.: New York Orthopoedic Dispensary $5»°°° 00 Womans Hospital of the State of New York... 25,000 00 New York Infant Asy- lum 30,000 00 Amount of stock issued $10,000 00 The Comptroller approved of the following official bonds, viz.: Horatio N. Sherwood, Water Registrar, penalty JX,"* 1 *' 000 William Gray, Clerk to Collector of City Revenue, penalty Daniel O'Reilly, Deputy Collector of City Revenue, penalty • • ¿•teter Farrell. Deputy Collector of City Revenue, penalty.;. * . . • • . . . • • • • Richard H. Thorn, Deputy Collector of City Revenue, penalty square. Department of Public Charities and Correc- tion—Contract with C. A. Blake & Co., for delivery of 8,090 tons of Pittston coal to said department. The following permits for market stands were granted and delivered, viz.: Stands Nos. 146, 147 and 148 Fulton Market, transferred from Charles C. Dyer, George W. Dyer and William Smith, to Maty Dubois, Hen- ry F. Dubois and Chester Dubois. Stand No. 66 Centre Market, transferred from William H. Racey to Jacob J. Housman. Stand No. 31 Tompkins Market, transferred from Theodore Kliemand to William S. Blauvelt and George W. Blauvelt. Stands Nos. 2 and 64 Jefferson Market—Per- mit to David B. Reed. Sept. 8—The Comptroller attended a meeting of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, called for action on the issue of bonds. The Comptroller changed the compensation of Robert J. Quinlan, John Meehan, Peter Daly and Philip Malier, messengers in the Bureau for Col- lection of Assessments, from $2 50 to $3 per diem, from Sept. 1st, 1873. The following orders of court, summons and complaint, mandamus, claims and demands, &c., &c., were received. Orders to Show Cause. Supreme Court—The People ex rel. lohn B. Dolan against A. H. Green, Comptroller, why mandamus should not issue for payment of "bal- ance of salary as grand jury clerk of Court of General Sessions from July 1, 1871, to March I, 1873, $2,500. Garvin, Fellows & Brooke, attorneys. The People ex rel. William Jarvis against A. H. Green, Comptroller, why mandamus should not issue for salary as clerk in County Bureau, Department of Finance, for Septemtier and Octo- l>er, 1871, $250. E. S. Cadwell, attorney. The People ex rel. Archibald J. Fullerton against the Board of Estimate and Apportion- ment—why mandamus should not issue for an allowance of $8,000, for salary as Second Dep. uty Clerk of Board of Supervisors, from Janu- ary 1, 1872, to December 31, 1872, and from January 1, 1873, to May 1, 1873; J. H. Dukes, attorney. . . The People ex rel. James Dunphy against Board of Estimate and Apportionment—why mandamus should not issue for allowance of $8,000 for salary as First Deputy Clerk Board of furnished Fire Department from August to Dec., 1871; Garvin, Fellows & Brooks, attorneys. Orders to Vacate Assessments. On petition of Charles Schlerwyn for receiv- ing basin, etc.; Devlin, Miller & Lowe, attor- neys. , , On petition of Calvin Stevens and eleven others for street paving; P. A. Hargons, attor- ney. On petition of J. E. Hyams for street paving; E. H. Kent, attorney. On petition of John H. Fanning for street paving; A. R. Lawrence, Jr., attorney. Summons and Complaints. Supreme Court—Josiah Porter, tor balance of salary as Justice of 9th District Civil Court, from September 1st, 1871, to April 30th, 1873, $8,500; O. W. West, Attorney. Macfarland J. Sturges, assignee of Thadeus H. Lane, for balance of salary as Justice of 6th District Civil Court, from September, 1872 to July 30th, 1873; H. C. Denison, Attorney. Court Common Pleas—John Doran, for ser- vices as sweeper and laborer in City Hall, from September 1st to December 31st, 1869, $315; A. R. Lawrence, Jr., Attorney. Wm. H. Michaels, for fees as City Surveyor of street paving in 1868, $3,242.90; A. R. Law- rence, Jr., Attorney. ^ Henry Vandewater, assignee of Robert K. Grace, for services as laborer Department Public Works in 1871, $78; Malcolm Campbell, Attor- ney. Michael Kiernan, vs. Mayor &c., for services as sweeper and laborer in City Hall, under the name of Wm. Kiernan, 1869; A. R. Lawrence, Jr., attorney. Supreme Court—Joseph McGuire against Mayor &c., for salary as Civil Justice of 7th District Court, from April 1st to August 1st, 1873, $3.333-335 A * R - Lawrence, Jr., attorney, Mandamus. and 389, made to "unknown owners." John Townshend, attorney. Forty-three official communications and letter» were transmitted. AND. H. GREEN, Comptroller. POLICE DEPARTMENT. The Board of Police met on the 26th day of September, 1873. All the Commissioners pre- sent. Leaves of Absence Granted. Sergemt J. R. Thatcher, 1 '36th precinct, % day. Patrolman C. H. Van Duser, 35th precinct, J4 day 5.°o° 2,000 2,000 2,000 Supervisors, from January 1, 1872, to December 31, 1872, and from January 1 to May 1, 1873; J. H. Dukes, attorney. The People ex rel. James Ryan vs. An- drew H. Ureen, Comptroller—why mandamus should not issue for payment of salary as Clerk of Court of Special Sessions in August, 1873, $116.66; W. F. McNamara, attorney. The People ex rel. John McClure against An- drew H. Ureen, Comptroller—why mandamus should not issue for payment of $5,000, tees as Commissioner of Opening Public Road north of One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street, etc.; A. R. Lawrence, Jr., attorney. The People ex rel. Wm. C. Traphagen against Andrew H. Green, Comptroller—why manda- mus should not issue for payment of $5,000 fees as Commissioner of Opening Public Road north of One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street; A. R. Lawrence, Jr., attorney. . The People ex rel. James Hogg against An- drew H. Green, Comptroller—why mandamus should not L<sue for payment of $1,500, salary as Clerk to Commissioners of Opening Public Road Alternative mandamus—The people ex rel John H. Munn, against Board of Estimate and Apportionment; for allowance of $250 for servi- ces as messenger to Joint Committee in 1871; J. H. Dukes, attorney. Claims filed. Nicholas Cowan's Estate, for services as keeper of Stuyvesant Park, Tune 8th, to March 23d, 1867 (2d notice), $367,87. George S. Byrne, for services in Finance De- partment, 1863 to 1866, $2,000 and interest from December 31st, 1869 (2d notice). Isaac J. Duke, for services to Committee of Aldermen and Councilmen in 1868, $350 and interest from December 15th, 1868 (2d notice). J. C. & Fred. Ayer, for value of buildings taken for extension of Church street, Nos. 34, 35 and 36 on damage map (2d notice). Isaac Wood, assignee of Thomas C. Fields, for salary as Corporation Attorney, from August 3d, 1871 to December 1st, 1872, $17.75°- Gratz Nathan, for salary as 1st clerk in the of- fice of Corporation Attorney from September 1st, 1871 to August 31st, 1872, $3,000. Abraham Dowdney—Notice that in conse- quence of refusal of payment, under contract, for sewer in 108th street, from Hudson River to Boulevard and other streets he is unable to con- tinue the work, that he is ready to go on it he is paid the moneys due him; and he gives notice that he will hold the city responsible for all damages sustained by him. (This contract was not laid before the Contract Commission). John Ryan, claim for damages from flooding of cellar in 129th street in August, 1873, $500; and injury and damage to house in consequence of change of grade of 129th street, $1,520 50; Henry Parsons, attorney. Thomas Barclay, for salary as interpreter of Second District Police Court, $2,700; A. R. Law- rence, Jr., attorney. Edward Boyle, for services as surveyor for opening Madison avenue, 124th street to Harlem river, $7,197 59- . , Edward Boyle, for services as surveyor for opening iooth street, Fourth to Fifth avenues, $1,918 89. Edward Boyle, for services as surveyor for opening I02d street, Filth avenue to Harlem nver, $2,456 70. Metropolitan Gas Light Co., for supply of gas, 34th to 79th streets, in July, 1873, $19,712 84. R. N. Allen and others, damages from in- fringement of patent of June, 1869, by the pur- chase and use by the city of 10,000 water metres from Jose Navarro. James DeZea, for rent of No. 40 East Houston without pay. , , . . Patrolman Wm. Daly, 31st precinct, 6 days without P Patrolman C. F. Cornell, 33d precinct, J4 day without P Patrolman John D. Post, 13th precidct, % day without pay. . . Patrolman Michacl Murphy, 35th precinct, 3 days without pay. . , Patrolman Patrick O'Sullivan, 4th precuict, 3 days without pay. . ... Patrolman Daniel O'Conner, 3d precinct, day witn- out pay. . « . Pauotman John M. Keller, 16th precinct, % day with- out pay. . . , Patrolman Thomas Culhane, 13th precinct, 1 day witn- out pay. .. Patrolman David Kelly, 7th precinct, 3 days without Patrolman Owen Malouey, 14th precinct, % day with- out pay. . . Patrolman Julius Brookheim, 14th precinct, J4 d a y without pay. " . ' Patrolman H. C. Van Orden, 13th precuict, 1 day without pay. . , .. Patrolman James Van Ranst, nth precuict, 1 day with- out pay. _ . ... Patrolman Patrick H.Lyons, 25th precuict, 1 >4 days without pay. . . . , Patrolman George W. Smith, 21st precuict, 2 days without pay. .. ... . . Patrolman Michael Farrell, 31st precuict, day with- out pay. . Patrolman Charles B. Woram, 31st precuict, J4 day without pay. _ . " , Patrolman Joseph McKeown, xath precuict, >4 d a y without pay. Street Lamp reports for the week ending Sep- tember 21 st were ordered to be transmitted to the Department of Public Works. Parades Allowed. Procession. Palestine Commandery, Columbian " Liberty Musketeers, Citizens' Horse Guard, Sept. 99, , »9. October 37, Sept. 35, Fourth Ward Citizens' Club, New York Sharpshooters, " Fifth Ward German Guard, " Chas. M. Wines' " " Ninth av. and G. H. Assoc'n, " Lion Brewery Guard, Filth street Citizens' Guard, " Knights of Pythia?, " Longshoremen's U. B. Society," St. Patrick's M. A. B. Ass'n, " Laborers' U. B. Society, " Norfolk Light Guard, St. Patrick's M. A. B. Ass'n, " »4. »5. 33. 33. 39. 37. »S. 35. 33, 31, 38, 6, Target Excursion. Funeral. Target Excursion. Funeral. Target Excursion. Geo. Smith, Jr. Guard, October Surgeons bills were referred to the Finance Committee. Bills Referred to the Finance Committee. Robert C. Brown i to S4 7 4® L. A. Russell « \ 90 P. Garrick 5 King & Co JS® 7* F. C. StoUey 3.°7 6 35 do do do 2 >94S James J. Dimond * 6 8 7 * J. Stillings 5 3$ 49 0$ 7 9® x 50 8a S* 33 5 " street, occupied by Commissioners of Excise from Aug. I, 1872 to Aug. 1, 1873, $3,000. Isaac J. Stillings. King & Co M. Fitzsimmons.. Robert C. Brown do do W. - » Générai Transatlantic Co 09 Weekly report of the Comptroller, showing amount of appropriations and payments, was re- ferred to the Treasurer. Morgue report for the month of August was ordered on file. Bond of Indemnity in the sum of $300, from John H. Peacock to the Treasurer, was referred to the Treasurer. « Communication from Lafayette Sheppard,. complaining of having been robbed at the game of " Banco," was referred to the President. Isaac B. Smith was denied leave to apply for re-appointment. Communication from Patrolman John Gilleir, Twenty-second precinct, asking full pay for time lost by sickness, was referred to the Board of Tvrnmining Surgeons for investigation and report» Report of Captain Yule, Sanitary'Corps,h* response to a resolution of the 19th inst., relative-

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Page 1: THE C N Y · Edward Brow vsn th. Mayoe &c.—judgr - ment for $14,068.38 work; , labo anr materiald s Subpoena to Andrew



P R O C L A M A T I O N .

$ 1 , 0 0 0 R E W A R D .

M A Y O R ' S O F F I C E ,

New York, September 23, 1873 W H E R E A S , On the 2 2d day of August

last, a fiendish outrage was committed on the person of Mr. Walter Gibson, pro-prietor of the Harlem Local, by throwing a large quantity of vitrolic acid in his face, destroying the sight of the left eye, and endangering the sight of the other ; and whereas active but unsuccess-ful efforts have been made to discover the perpetrators of the assault.

Now, I, W. F. Havemeyer, Mayor of the city of New York, do hereby offer a reward of one thousand dollars for the ap-prehension and conviction of the person or persons who were guilty of the offense ; the said reward to be paid on their con viction and the certificate of the District Attorney that such conviction was had upon the testimony of the person or per-sons claiming the reward. But all claims not presented to the Mayor within twenty days after such conviction shall be dis-regarded.

W . F . H A V E M E Y E R ,


Samuel C. Holmes, Deputy Collector of City Revenue, penalty • • • 2,000

John O'Brien, First Assistant Clerk Bureau of Arrears, penalty. . 5»°°°

Franklin H. Bangs, Fifth Assistant Clerk Bureau of Arrears, penalty 5»°°°

Richard Gibbs, Superintendent of Street Improvements, penalty ; • • ' , • „ 2»9°° The Comptroller approved of the following

sureties on proposals for work, and returned them to the different departments from which they were received, viz:

Department of Public Works. John Gillespie, regulating, grading, curbing

and flagging, 68th street, from 3d avenue to East River, except between 1st ana 3d avenues.

John Gillespie, paving 63d street, from 2d avenue to East River. , „

Dennis McGrath, paving 57th street, from 6th to 8th avenues.

Patrick Farley, underground drains between 56th and 57th streets, and between 4th and Lex-ington avenues.

Daniel Crowley, regulating, grading, curbing and flagging 68th street, from 3d to 4th avenues.

Department of Public Parks.

Henry Sherwin, for furnishing 550 tons of coal to said Departments. •

James Ryder and Egbert H. Fairchild, for furnishing the Department of Public Parks with screened gravel for four months.

The Comptroller transmitted to the Bureau for Collection of Assessments for collection, twenty assessment lists for street improvements, .con-firmed by the Board of Revision and Correction of Assessments, amounting in all to $339>655 85-

The following contracts were received from the

north of One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street; A . R . Lawrence, Jr., attorney.

Supreme Court.—Application of Stephen Smith for mandamus to compel payment of balance of salary as Health Commissioner, from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31, 1871, $2,666.66; E. D . Culver, attorney.

Notice of motion of attachment against An-drew H . Green, Comptroller, for not carrying out orders to vacate assessments for street im-provements, on the petition of Ellen M. Robbins and five others; S. E. Mount, attorney.

Supreme Court—Notice of Judgment.

Edward Brown vs. the Mayor &c.—judg-ment for $14,068.38; work, labor and materials


to Andrew H . Green, Comptroller, to appear be-fore James W . Husted, Referee, on Sept. II. in suits against Mayor, &c., of

James Everard, for regulating and paving 32d street, Second avenus to East river.

Dennis McGrath, for regulating and paving 31st street, Second avenue to East river.

Dennis McGrath, for regulating and paving 40th street, Madison to Third avenues.

Patrick F. Maginn, paving 117th street, Fourth avenue to Harlem river.

Supreme Court—In the matter of laying out Riverside park.

departments, registered and filed, viz.: Department of Public Parks—Contract with

True W. Rollins, for furnishing iron work for " Museum of Natural History," in Manhattan

L E G I S L A T I V E D E P A R T M E N T .


N o . 8 CITY HALL, NEW YORK, Sept. 27, 1873.

Stated session of the Board of Aldermen in their Chamber, City Hall, Thursday, October 2, 1*73. at 3 V2 o'clock P. M.

/ J ' J o s . C . PlNCKNEY, Clerk Common Council.

D E P A R T M E N T O F F I N A N C E .

Abstract of transactions of the Department of Finance for the week ending Sept. 13, 1873 : Amounts paid into the Treasury :

O n account of the Sink-ing Fund $26,934 57

O n account of the Treasury »5

—$344.574 72 Amount of warrants registered for payment:

O n account of appropri-ations $7».499 6 3

O n account of Trust F u n d s . . . . . . 2 3 5 , 8 1 2 2 6

$307,311 »9 From the aggregate amount of Trust Fund

"Warrants, registered, as above, the Comptroller, under provisions of Chapter 760, Laws of 1873, paid the following institutions $60,000 as dona-tions from the Excise Fund, viz.:

New York Orthopoedic Dispensary $5»°°° 0 0

Womans Hospital of the State of New Y o r k . . . 25,000 00

N e w York Infant Asy-lum 30,000 00

Amount of stock issued $10,000 00 The Comptroller approved of the following

official bonds, viz.: Horatio N. Sherwood, Water Registrar,

penalty J X , " * 1 * ' 0 0 0

William Gray, Clerk to Collector of City Revenue, penalty

Daniel O'Reil ly, Deputy Collector of City Revenue, penalty • • • • •

¿•teter Farrell. Deputy Collector of City Revenue, penalty.;. * . . • • . . . • • • •

Richard H. Thorn, Deputy Collector of City Revenue, penalty

square. Department of Public Charities and Correc-

tion—Contract with C. A. Blake & Co., for delivery of 8,090 tons of Pittston coal to said department.

The following permits for market stands were granted and delivered, viz.:

Stands Nos. 146, 147 and 148 Fulton Market, transferred from Charles C . Dyer, George W. Dyer and William Smith, to Maty Dubois, Hen-ry F. Dubois and Chester Dubois.

Stand No. 66 Centre Market, transferred from William H. Racey to Jacob J. Housman.

Stand No. 31 Tompkins Market, transferred from Theodore Kliemand to William S. Blauvelt and George W . Blauvelt.

Stands Nos. 2 and 64 Jefferson Market—Per-mit to David B. Reed.

Sept. 8—The Comptroller attended a meeting of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, called for action on the issue of bonds.

The Comptroller changed the compensation of Robert J. Quinlan, John Meehan, Peter Daly and Philip Malier, messengers in the Bureau for Col-lection of Assessments, from $2 50 to $3 per diem, from Sept. 1st, 1873.

The following orders of court, summons and complaint, mandamus, claims and demands, &c., &c., were received.

Orders to Show Cause. Supreme Court—The People ex rel. lohn B.

Dolan against A . H. Green, Comptroller, why mandamus should not issue for payment of "bal-ance of salary as grand jury clerk of Court of General Sessions from July 1, 1871, to March I, 1873, $2,500. Garvin, Fellows & Brooke, attorneys.

The People ex rel. William Jarvis against A . H . Green, Comptroller, why mandamus should not issue for salary as clerk in County Bureau, Department of Finance, for Septemtier and Octo-l>er, 1871, $250. E. S. Cadwell, attorney.

The People ex rel. Archibald J. Fullerton against the Board of Estimate and Apportion-ment—why mandamus should not issue for an allowance of $8,000, for salary as Second Dep. uty Clerk of Board of Supervisors, from Janu-ary 1, 1872, to December 31, 1872, and from January 1, 1873, to May 1, 1873; J. H . Dukes, attorney. „ . .

The People ex rel. James Dunphy against Board of Estimate and Apportionment—why mandamus should not issue for allowance of $8,000 for salary as First Deputy Clerk Board of

furnished Fire Department from August to Dec., 1871; Garvin, Fellows & Brooks, attorneys.

Orders to Vacate Assessments.

On petition of Charles Schlerwyn for receiv-ing basin, etc.; Devlin, Miller & Lowe, attor-neys. , ,

On petition of Calvin Stevens and eleven others for street paving; P. A . Hargons, attor-ney.

On petition of J. E. Hyams for street paving; E. H. Kent, attorney.

On petition of John H . Fanning for street paving; A. R . Lawrence, Jr., attorney.

Summons and Complaints.

Supreme Court—Josiah Porter, tor balance of salary as Justice of 9th District Civil Court, from September 1st, 1871, to April 30th, 1873, $8,500; O. W. West, Attorney.

Macfarland J. Sturges, assignee of Thadeus H . Lane, for balance of salary as Justice of 6th District Civil Court, from September, 1872 to July 30th, 1873; H. C . Denison, Attorney.

Court Common Pleas—John Doran, for ser-vices as sweeper and laborer in City Hall, from September 1st to December 31st, 1869, $315; A. R. Lawrence, Jr., Attorney.

Wm. H. Michaels, for fees as City Surveyor of street paving in 1868, $3,242.90; A . R. Law-rence, Jr., Attorney. ^

Henry Vandewater, assignee of Robert K . Grace, for services as laborer Department Public Works in 1871, $78; Malcolm Campbell, Attor-ney. „

Michael Kiernan, vs. Mayor &c., for services as sweeper and laborer in City Hall, under the name of Wm. Kiernan, 1869; A . R. Lawrence, Jr., attorney.

Supreme Court—Joseph McGuire against Mayor &c., for salary as Civil Justice of 7th District Court, from April 1st to August 1st, 1873, $3.333-335 A * R - Lawrence, Jr., attorney,


and 389, made to "unknown owners." John Townshend, attorney.

Forty-three official communications and letter» were transmitted.

AND. H . GREEN, Comptroller.

P O L I C E D E P A R T M E N T .

The Board of Police met on the 26th day of September, 1873. Al l the Commissioners pre-sent.

Leaves of Absence Granted.

Sergemt J. R. Thatcher,1'36th precinct, % day. Patrolman C. H. Van Duser, 35th precinct, J4 day





Supervisors, from January 1, 1872, to December 31, 1872, and from January 1 to May 1, 1873; J. H . Dukes, attorney.

The People ex rel. James Ryan vs. An-drew H . Ureen, Comptroller—why mandamus should not issue for payment of salary as Clerk of Court of Special Sessions in August, 1873, $116.66; W . F. McNamara, attorney.

The People ex rel. John McClure against An-drew H. Ureen, Comptroller—why mandamus should not issue for payment of $5,000, tees as Commissioner of Opening Public Road north of One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street, etc.; A . R. Lawrence, Jr., attorney.

The People ex rel. Wm. C. Traphagen against Andrew H. Green, Comptroller—why manda-mus should not issue for payment of $5,000 fees as Commissioner of Opening Public Road north of One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street; A . R. Lawrence, Jr., attorney. .

The People ex rel. James Hogg against An-drew H . Green, Comptroller—why mandamus should not L<sue for payment of $1,500, salary as Clerk to Commissioners of Opening Public Road

Alternative mandamus—The people ex rel John H. Munn, against Board of Estimate and Apportionment; for allowance of $250 for servi-ces as messenger to Joint Committee in 1871; J. H . Dukes, attorney.

Claims filed.

Nicholas Cowan's Estate, for services as keeper of Stuyvesant Park, Tune 8th, to March 23d, 1867 (2d notice), $367,87.

George S. Byrne, for services in Finance De-partment, 1863 to 1866, $2,000 and interest from December 31st, 1869 (2d notice).

Isaac J. Duke, for services to Committee of Aldermen and Councilmen in 1868, $350 and interest from December 15th, 1868 (2d notice).

J. C. & Fred. Ayer, for value of buildings taken for extension of Church street, Nos. 34, 35 and 36 on damage map (2d notice).

Isaac Wood, assignee of Thomas C. Fields, for salary as Corporation Attorney, from August 3d, 1871 to December 1st, 1872, $17.75°-

Gratz Nathan, for salary as 1st clerk in the of-fice of Corporation Attorney from September 1st, 1871 to August 31st, 1872, $3,000.

Abraham Dowdney—Notice that in conse-quence of refusal of payment, under contract, for sewer in 108th street, from Hudson River to Boulevard and other streets he is unable to con-tinue the work, that he is ready to go on it he is paid the moneys due him; and he gives notice that he will hold the city responsible for all damages sustained by him. (This contract was not laid before the Contract Commission).

John Ryan, claim for damages from flooding of cellar in 129th street in August, 1873, $500; and injury and damage to house in consequence of change of grade of 129th street, $1,520 50; Henry Parsons, attorney.

Thomas Barclay, for salary as interpreter of Second District Police Court, $2,700; A . R. Law-rence, Jr., attorney.

Edward Boyle, for services as surveyor for opening Madison avenue, 124th street to Harlem river, $7,197 59- . ,

Edward Boyle, for services as surveyor for opening iooth street, Fourth to Fifth avenues, $1,918 89.

Edward Boyle, for services as surveyor for opening I02d street, Filth avenue to Harlem nver, $2,456 70.

Metropolitan Gas Light Co., for supply of gas, 34th to 79th streets, in July, 1873, $19,712 84.

R . N. Allen and others, damages from in-fringement of patent of June, 1869, by the pur-chase and use by the city of 10,000 water metres from Jose Navarro.

James DeZea, for rent of No. 40 East Houston

without pay. , , . . Patrolman Wm. Daly, 31st precinct, 6 days without

P Patrolman C. F. Cornell, 33d precinct, J4 day without

P Patrolman John D. Post, 13th precidct, % day without pay. . .

Patrolman Michacl Murphy, 35th precinct, 3 days without pay. . ,

Patrolman Patrick O'Sullivan, 4th precuict, 3 days without pay. . . . .

Patrolman Daniel O'Conner, 3d precinct, day witn-out pay. . « .

Pauotman John M. Keller, 16th precinct, % day with-out pay. . . ,

Patrolman Thomas Culhane, 13th precinct, 1 day witn-out pay. . .

Patrolman David Kelly, 7th precinct, 3 days without Patrolman Owen Malouey, 14th precinct, % day with-

out pay. . . Patrolman Julius Brookheim, 14th precinct, J4 day

without pay. " . ' Patrolman H . C. Van Orden, 13th precuict, 1 day without pay. . , . . Patrolman James Van Ranst, n t h precuict, 1 day with-

out pay. _ . . . . Patrolman Patrick H . L y o n s , 25th precuict, 1 >4 days

without pay. . . . , Patrolman George W . Smith, 21st precuict, 2 days

without pay. .. . . . . . Patrolman Michael Farrell, 31st precuict, day with-

out pay. . Patrolman Charles B. Woram, 31st precuict, J4 day without pay. _ . " , Patrolman Joseph McKeown, xath precuict, >4 day

without pay. Street Lamp reports for the week ending Sep-

tember 21 st were ordered to be transmitted to the Department of Public Works.

Parades Allowed. Procession. Palestine Commandery,

Columbian " Liberty Musketeers, Citizens' Horse Guard,

Sept. 99, , »9.

October 37, Sept. 35,

Fourth Ward Citizens' Club, New York Sharpshooters, " Fifth Ward German Guard, " Chas. M. Wines' " " Ninth av. and G. H . Assoc'n, " Lion Brewery Guard, Filth street Citizens' Guard, " Knights of Pythia?, " Longshoremen's U. B. Society," St. Patrick's M. A. B. Ass'n, " Laborers' U. B. Society, " Norfolk Light Guard, St. Patrick's M. A. B. Ass'n, "

»4. »5. 33. 33. 39. 37. »S. 35. 33, 31,

38, 6,

Target Excursion.


Target Excursion. Funeral.

Target Excursion. Geo. Smith, Jr. Guard, October

Surgeons bills were referred to the Finance Committee.

Bills Referred to the Finance Committee.

Robert C . Brown ito S4 7 4®

L. A. Russell « \ 9 0

P. Garrick 5 King & C o JS® 7* F. C. StoUey 3.°76 35

do do S» do 2>94S

James J . Dimond * 6 8 7 * J. Stillings 5 3$

49 0$ 7 9® x 50

8a S* 33 5 "

street, occupied by Commissioners of Excise from Aug. I, 1872 to Aug. 1, 1873, $3,000.

Isaac J. Stillings. King & C o M. Fitzsimmons.. Robert C. Brown

do do W. — - »

Générai Transatlantic Co 3° 09

Weekly report of the Comptroller, showing amount of appropriations and payments, was re-ferred to the Treasurer.

Morgue report for the month of August was ordered on file.

Bond of Indemnity in the sum of $300, from John H . Peacock to the Treasurer, was referred to the Treasurer. «

Communication from Lafayette Sheppard,. complaining of having been robbed at the game of " Banco," was referred to the President.

Isaac B. Smith was denied leave to apply for re-appointment.

Communication from Patrolman John Gilleir, Twenty-second precinct, asking full pay for time lost by sickness, was referred to the Board of Tvrnmining Surgeons for investigation and report»

Report of Captain Yule, Sanitary'Corps,h* response to a resolution of the 19th inst., relative-

Page 2: THE C N Y · Edward Brow vsn th. Mayoe &c.—judgr - ment for $14,068.38 work; , labo anr materiald s Subpoena to Andrew

3 4 2 . T H E C I T Y R E C O R D . SEPTEMBER 29.


to detail "for eveninc schools, was read, as fol- rected to be presented to owners of tug " C h a r m " Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening 10 aeiau k 1 for damage done by said tug on 3d inst. and Improvement be and are hereby requested to

Superintendent Fitzpatrick. directed to clear take the necessary measures to have Seventy-pier foot Forty-seventh street, North river, and third street from Third avenue to the East River keep it in such condition that the carts of the opened according to law. Bureau of Street Cleaning shall have free access Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Sept. x8,1873. to and from the d u m p thereon. I .Adopted by the Board of Assistant Aldermen, Sept. as,

lows : Ward. School

N o 29

Location of School.

97 and 99 Greenwich St. G. W . Bentley. 1 32 Vandewater, A . H. Williams.

4 4 Cor. N. Moore & Varick, Jno. Barrett. 31 Monroe Montgomeiy, J as. T . Sherwood. 16 W. 13th st. n. 7th ive. , Jos. M. Ely. 42 Allen near Hester, S. Davidson m a ] - e n e c e s s a r y repairs to north aide of pier 44 £ & S s t r e e t r i n ^ r a 3 d ^ e , J R M S East river, top of the sewer having fallen in and I R e s o l v e d , That permission be and the same is 13 Houston near Essex. Jno. Walsh, left a large hole dangerous to travel. hereby given to John E. McDonnough to remove 38 20th street near 2d avenue, B. Reilly. Board of Commissioners of Pilots informed a n ornamental lamp from the corner of Broad-2J Art A a r m t near 3d avenue. Tno. Fermison I .1 J f lina luum moiift in I « m . f » J li. i. A. .1 „ f

Commissioner of Public Works requested to J l 8 ^ p p r o v e d b y ^ M a y o r Sept a3,1873.

42d Street near 3d avenue. Jno. Ferguson. t h t n Q d e p o s i t Qf dredgings has been made in a y a n d Twenty-eighth street to the corner of It ?7 47th street near Ithavenue,' Cha^S. the Nort^river, about*B^lPs Ferry, from the H e a d w a y and Sixteenth street; the gas to be TJ^^V-J That the Caotain of the 12th ore- s c o w s o f this Department, as charged; and that s u p piied from his own private metre and at his

cm^t detLl' L i o f i k e r f o r d i t y a I the eveiSng & deposits of such material are made under the « ^ e x p e n s e , such permission to continue only detail an othcer lor^duty a U K evening | d i r e c t i o n o f t h e inspector or superintendent ap- d u r i n g the pleasure of the Common Council.

. . . . ! Adopted by the Board of Assistant Aldermen, Septem-Public Works informed that, b e r IS> l S ? 3 .

in the opinion of this Board, it is inexpedient at Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, September 35, I present to incur the great expense necessary to 1873. September 36, ,873.

construct a bulkhead at foot of Seventy-second rtppru c u y ' J I street, North river, as reouested; and, that i; R e s o i v e d , That the Commissioner of Public

3d , should be deferred until such time as improve- W o r k s b e a n d h e i s h e r e b y requested to have ments shall require the whole water front in that, P e a r l s t r e e t from S t a t e t o Whitehall streets, re-vicinitv to be extended out to the line established i r e d f o r t h w i t h > ^ t h e s a m e is in a bad condi-by law. # , t j o n

1 T h e Superintendent of D o c k s for the District | ^ ^ ^ B o a r d o f A s s i s t a n t Aldermen, August

school in 115th street; and the Captain of the mrecuon,01 1 3 2d precinct detail a^ officer for duty at the ?ted by s^d Boarf evening school in Carmansville. « Commissioner of Pu

Resignation Accepted.

Patrolman John Wharton, 12th precinct. Death announced.

Patrolman Wm. H. Perrin, ad precinct, at 5 p.m inst.

Appointments. William H. O'Neil, as patrolman, 29th precinct.

James Burns, " 2d .William Looney, " 3d " Edward Rigney, " 3d Theodore Morrison, " 18th " Resolved, That so much of the resolution

adopted on the 20th inst., as designated the «« Daily Sun," for publication of notices of elec-tion, referred to in said resolution, be recon-sidered, and that the " D a i l y Tribune" be desig-nated in place of the " Daily Sun" lor the pub-lication of such notices.

Transfers Ordered.

Patrolman William Bower, from 9th to sSth precinL " Henry Drought, from 6th to 20th precinct " Owen Hanley, from 29th to 6th precinct. " Patrick Ryan, from 5th to 29th precinct. " Bernard Connolly, from 29th to 5th precinct. " John Roach, from 18th to 24th precinct. " John J. Doyle, from 5th to 34th precinct. " ihos. F. Adams, from 24th to 5th precinct

Fines Imposed.

Patrolman William Dally, 5th precinct, 3 days pay. " Joseph W . Jacobs, 5th precinct, 2 days pay. " Michael Smith, iSth precinct, 3 days pay.

Chas. J. Sheehy, xSth precinct, 2 days pay. " James Walstead, 18th precinct, 3 days day. " William Carroll, 18th precinct, 10 days pay. " John Roach, 18th prectnct, 10 days pay. " Benj. G. Noyes, 29th precinct, 2 days pay. " Joseph Burns, 29th precinct, 10 days pay. " Joseph Burns, 29thprecinct, to days pay. " Richard Coffee, 29th precinct, 3 days pay. " John Mangam, 39th precinct, 3 days pay, " James Skahan, 29th precinct, 2 days pay. " Walter Grier, 4th court, 2 days pay. " James Mulligan, 7th precinct, x" days pay. " John Owens, 12th precinct, 1 days pay. " Thomas Tobin, 33a precinct, 1 days pay. " John Farrell, 27th precinct, 3 days pay. " John Farrell, 27th precinct, x days pay. " Jacob J. Brush, 28th precinct, 30 days pay. " James Duff, 29th precinct, 3 days pay. " Peter Richardson, 31st precinct, 1 days pay. " Wm. F. Ackerman, 33d precinct, 3 days pay, 1

Street Cleaning.

Daily reports (3) of the Superintendent of 1 Boats were referred to the Committee on Street Cleaning.

Weekly report of the Superintendent of Stables was referred to the Committee on Street Clean- i ing.

Bills Referred to the Finance Committee.

Lawrence, Waterbury & Co $100 75 I Burkhalter, Masten & Co. 9 18 M. Fitzsimmons x8o 00 Murphy & Co 3996 61 H. W . Sage & Co. 276 85 H . W. Sage & Co 163 09

Bureau of Elections.

Communication from J. R. Roderick, 66 Bleecker street, offering his premises as a polling

directed to remove the wooden pavement blocks - -on pier 36 North river, to the Corporation yard. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, September 35,

öfter of James Mclntire to sell to Department 1873. v „ _ . 0 a pile driver; declined. | Approved by the Mayor, September 37. «873.

Resolved, That John E. Murphy be and he is At a meeting of said Board, held September t Resolved, m a t jonn murpny oe ana ne is a . . rrr\* ,. 0 , , ,f hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in

19, 1873, Commissioners Westervxlt and Card- »ere y PP York, in ncr present, the following action was taken: X e ^ n d stead of J o h n Hogan, who has failed , — • » - place

Repairs, etc., Ordered. t o qualify. ~ Superintendent Turner directed to discontinue Adopted by the Board of Assistant Aldermen, Sept. 22'

woik on the pier and dumping board being 1873. , . . . . erected between piers 21 and 23 North river; Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Sept. 25, x873.

, and to remove the piles, timbers, etc. , now in Approved by the Mayor, Sept 27, x873. position. Resolved, That permission be and the same

, . ; „ j u 1 j c » is hereby given to Maurice Daly to place two (2) At a meeting of said Board, held ^ptember , 1 ^ j i n f r o n t o f ^ p ^ m i s e S ) NoV. ^

¡22 1873, all the Commissioners present, West Union Square, at his own expense, the gas following action was had: I t o be supplied from his own private meter, and

Organization, Appointments, etc. j u n d e r the direction of the Commissioner of Pub-William O. Stoddard appointed clerk in the lie Works, such permission to remain only during

engineer-in-chiefs office, vice Isaac A . Ross, pleasure of the Common Council. r e m o v e d ; s a l a r y $ 1 , 5 0 0 p e r a n n u m , to t a k e e f fec t Adopted by the Board of Assistant Aldermen, Sept. 9, from and including 23d inst. 1873. . . c . -• _ Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Sept. 35, 1S73.

At a meeting of said Board, held September AP«>roved * M a y o r - c p t 2 ? ' l 8 7 3 " 24, 1873, Commissioners Westervelt and Budd R e s o i v e d , That permission be and the same is

j present, the following action was had: hereby given to A . Jauch, to place boulevard Miscellaneous. lamps in front of his premises, No. 864 Broad-

„ . „ . . . . way, at his own expense, and the gas to be sup-The Counsel to the Corporation requested to t f r o m h i s o w n private meter, and under the

take the necessary legal action for placing a lien l gj^ction of the Commissioner of Public Works, upon the lumber on pier foot of Twenty-fifth s u c h p e r m i s s i o n to remain only during the pleas-

1 street, North river, to secure pavment of claim u r e Q f t h e Common Council. for storage during the time ^aid lumber has been permitted by owner to remain thereon.

EUGENE T . LYNCH, Secretary.

L E G I S L A T I V E D E P A R T M E N T .

Adopted by the Board of Assistant Aldermen, Sep-tember 33,1873.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, September 35,

XÉ73 Approved by the Mayor, September 37, 1873.




A P P R O V E D BY T H E M A Y O R ,


Estimate of tfye amounts required to pay th expenses of conducting the business of th_ Bureau of Permits, Mayor's Office, for the yea 1874- . j Salary—1 Superintendent 93,000

" —One Clerk 3,400 " — T w o clerks, $i,aoo each 2,400 Ä >• —Five Inspectors, $1,300 each 6,000 " —Contingent i,«oo

— $15,000 { " —Contingencies $2,500

W . F . IIAVEMEYKR, Mayor.

New York, August 27th, 1873. Which was referred to the Committee on Fi-

nance and ordered to be printed in the minutes.

Also the following: MAYOR'S OFFICE, I

NEW YORK, Sept. 24, 1873. J To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the

City of New York. I herewith transmit for the information of

your Honorable Body a statement in detail of the expenses, and the receipts of the Bureau of Permits for the three months ending July 31, 1873. W . F . HAVEMEYER,


Sept. 23, 1873. f SIR—I herewith present a statement of the ex-

pense in detail, anu the receipts of this Bureau for the three months ending July 31, 1873: Sigmund Wise, Clerk $600 00

30333 »35 4« 300 00 300 00 100 00 335 80 *73 33

25 81

$2,363 75 RECEIPTS.

From Permits for street stands, signs, goods delivery, &c.:

May {13,506 June 8,022 July 6,549

—$28,077 °o SIGMUND W I S E .

To Hon. W M . F. H A V E M E Y E R , Mayor. Which was referred to the Committee on Pi -

nance and ordered to be printed in the minutes. The following communication was received

from the Department of Buildings: DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS,


To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York:

In compliance with Sec. 112, Chap. 335 Laws of 1873, I herewith submit a duplicate of the Departmental estimate of the expenditure re-quired for the Department of Buildings for the year 1874.

Very respectfully yours, &c., W . W . ADAMS,

Superintendent of Buildings.

William H. Loines, Clerk. Waldron Young, "

W . Gelray, Inspector... î»h. N. G anion, " Peter Meehan, " Marshall Keator, " . . . Abraham Falk, " . . . Charles Simpson, " . . .

SGS, I NDENT, J-t. I , 1873. J


From the proceedings of the Board of Alder-men, Sept. 25, 1873.

MESSAGES FROM THE MAYOR. The following communication was received

from his Honor the Mayor : MAYOR'S OFFICE, )

NEW YORK, Sept. 24, 1873. J To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the

City of New York : I In pursuance of section 24 of chapter 335,

ni_iH J Ü H I R U M „ „ b Resolved, That John Lovelock be and he is laws of 1873, I herewith transmit a detailed place^was referred^to^the3 CoinnütteiT o n ^ l e o I hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in j statement of the expenses of the Mayor's office £ o n s j and for the City and county of New York, in for the three months ending July 31, 1873 :

Communication from sundry citizens, Twenty, place of John S. Duffy, who has failed to W . F. HAVEMEYER, second ward, submitting names for inspectors of qualify. I Mayor, election, was referred to the Committee On Elec- Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, July 14, 1873. tdons. Adopted by the Board of Assistant Aldermen, Sepi

'®73 * I J u l y 1 1 1873. Approved by the Mayor, Sept. 33,1873. David S. w'endeU, Chief Clerk 575° 00

. — — _ , • , Edward P. Wilder, Secretary 56a 50 Resolved, That John Duggan, Jr., be and he John R. Van Buskirk, Assistant Clerk... 437 49

is hereby aopointed a Commissioner of Deeds in Daniel S. Hart, First Marshal.... 624 99 and fo/the^City and County of New York in £ £ place of Henry Smith, whose term of olhce nas | Herman Schroeter. Second Marshal.... 499 expired.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Sept. 18, 1873. Adopted by the Board of Assistant Aldermen Sept. 22,

sioners Westervelt and Gardner present, the fol. | 1873.

A d j o u r n e d . S. C . HAWLEY,

-Chief Clerk.

D E P A R T M E N T O F D O C K S .

Henry W . Sheridan. Assistant C l e r k . . . 300 00 Pitt L. Tucker, Assistant Clerk too 00 John Quinn, Messenger 300 00 JohnJ. Halloran 3°° 0 0

At a meeting of the Board governing this De-partment, held September 18, 1873, Commis-sioners Westervelt and Gardner present, the fol-, . — lowing action was had. w ' * 1

Applications for Leases, etc. Resolved, That Charles A . Magnes be and he From J H . Sparks, Agent White Star Line • is hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds, I Which was referred to Fin

Steamers, to lease new piers 44, 45 and 46 N . R ; j in and for the City and County of New York, in ordered to be printed m the granted for ten years, i f terms and rent of $75,- ; place of Charles Daly, whose term of office has 000 per annum are agreed to. expired.

Alfblicatinns for •bermits. etc. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen. Sept. 18, 1873. Applications jor permits, Adopted b y the Board of Assistant Aldermen, Sept. as From Lorillard Steam Ship Co., to erect shed l g 7 3

on pier between piers 33 and 34 E. R . ; granted. | Approved by the Mayor, Sept. 23,1873. From Standard Cotton-Press Co., to insert , „ , , , — — . - _

8 inch pipe in bulkhead, between piers 49 and j Resolved, That Jacob Waller be and he is <ju i r e d f o r t h e Mayor's Office and th; Bureau of t o North river, to be used as exhaust pipe for hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds fn Permits for the ensuing year rteam eneine- ¿ranted. I and for the City and County of New York, in j

From Joseph L . Treadwell and others, to have the place of Andrew Steinmuller who has failed pier erected at foot Fifty-second street, North to qualify. r i v e r a n d reduce t h e l e n g t h of the one b u i l d i n g Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Sept. 18,1873. i t Fl f ty~firsTStreet t o 200 f e e t ; denied . I Adopted by the Board of Ass^tant Aldermen, S e p t »

From Francis Swift, contractor, to erect shed j 60 feet by 15 feet on inner end of pier toot of Thirty-eighth street, North river; granted to the Health Department.

Dredging Ordered.

Superintendent Pickering directed to dredge | slip foot of Third street, East river, to obtain 12 feet depth at low water.

Superintendent Pickering directed to dredge slip at dumping board foot of Jackson street, East river.


Statement of claim for cost of repairing pier building toot of Rivington street, East river; di-

1873. . Approved by the Mayor, Sept. 23,1873.

Resolved, That Thomas F. Byrnes be and he is hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in place of Michael Duffy, who failed to qualify.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, July 14.1873. Adopted by the Board of Assistant Aldermen Sept. sa,

x®73-Approved by the Mayor Sept. 33.1873.

Resolved, That William Preu« be and he is hereby appointed a City Surveyor.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Sept. tS, <873. Adapted by the Board of Assistant Alderman Sept. aa,

1873. Approved by the Mayor Sept. 33,1873.


NEW YORK, Sept. A. / / . Green, Esq., Comptroller.

SIR—In compliance with the provisions of Sec. 112, Chap. 335 of the Laws of 1873, I have the honor to submit my estimate of required ex-penditure in the Department of Buildings for the year 1874. For Salaries. $95.7<X>

" Con tingencies 3,500 The accumulating duties and responsibilities

devolving upon the Department requires an in-creased number of Inspectors, and my experience in the working of the Department during the past four months has convinced me of the neces-sity of continued and active surveys of the city and the system of Bureaus which has proven the

, TS: , most effectual method, also requires additional Statement in detail of the expenses of the f T h e estimated number of employes of

Mayor's office for the three months ending ^ D e p a r t m e n t f o r t h e

year is apportioned as follows: Superintendent $4,0 0 0

Deputy Superintendent 3,000 Chief Clerk 3.°°o Plan Clerk a.5«> 1st Assistant a,000 s General, at $2,000 4.°°° 3 Clerks, at <1,800..* 5,4°° S Clerks, at 6>°°o x Clerk, at 1,000 1,000 1 Iron Inspector a.joo 3 Assistants, at $1,800 3>6o° a " " $1,500 3>°°° 1 Assistant I»3°© 5 General Inspectors, at $2,000 10,000 3i District " at $1,800 37.8 0 0

3 District " at $1,500 3,000 3 Messengers, at $1,200 3,600 1 Messenger x.xoo


I have given this estimate my most careful consideration, and submit the same for your ap-proval, feeling well satisfied that the sum asked for does not exceed the necessities of the De-partment in its administration of the Building law. Very respectfully yours,

w . W . ADAMS, Superintendent of Buildings.

Which was referred to the Finance Committee and ordered to be printed in the minutes.

The Committee on Street Pavements of the Board of Aldermen, to whom was referred die annexed resolution and ordinance for paving Twenty-Fifth street, from First avenue to the East River, respectfully

REPORT : That, having examined the subject, they find

that the street nas been once paved and in ac-cordance with the provision of Section U S the present Charter, no assessment can be laid for & re pavement thereof, unless the same be petitioned for by a majority of the property owners on the line of the proposed improvement.

They therefore respectfully recommend that the resolution and ordinance be placed on file,

$4,634 96

W . F . HAVEMEYER, Mayor.

Which was referred to Finance Committee and minutes.

Also the following: To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the

City of New York: In pursuance of section 112, of chapter 335,

laws of 1873, I herewith transmit duplicates of the estimates of the amount of expenditure re-

W . F . HAVEMEYER, Mayor.

Estimate of the amounts required to pay the expenses of conducting the business of the Mayor's Office, for the year 1874 : Salary—Mayor fxa,ooo

" —One Chief Clerk $3.000 " —One Secretary 3,250 " —One Marshal 2,500 " —One Marshal a,000 " —One Assistant Clerk 1.75° " —One Assistant Clerk 1,500 «• —One Assistant Clerk t.aoo «« —One Interpreter 1,500 *' —Two Messengers, ix.aoo each.... 3.400 " —Contingent 1.900


Contingencies. W .



New York, August 27, 1873.

Page 3: THE C N Y · Edward Brow vsn th. Mayoe &c.—judgr - ment for $14,068.38 work; , labo anr materiald s Subpoena to Andrew

SEPTEMBER 29. T H E C I T Y R E C O R D . 343. and your committee be discharged from the fur-ther consideration of the subject.


Committee on Street Pavements. Which was adopted. Alderman Billings called up

G. O. 55, Being a resolution as follows: Resolved, that the vacant lots on both sides of

Fifty-third street between 5th and 6th avenues be fenced in, under the direction of the Commis-sioner of Public Works, and that the accompany-ing ordinance therefor be adopted.

Which was adopted by the following vote: Affirmative—The President, Aldermen Billings,

Cooper, Falconer, Flanagan, Kehr, Koch, Ly-saght, McCaflerty, Monheimer, Morris and Reilly — 1 2 .

Negative—Alderman Ottendorfer. G . O . 1 2 1 .

By Alderman R e i l l y — AN ORDINANCE to amend an ordinance, entitled

" an ordinance to regulate permits for street stands, sheds, cases, signs, stairways, hoist-ways and deliveries," approved February 24th, 1806.

The Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City of New York, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Section 5 of the above entitled or-

dinance is hereby amended, and shall read as follows:

" Section 5. Every grantee of a privilege un-der this ordinance shall pay therefor the sum of one dollar per annum, toward the expense of ex-ecuting this ordinance, to be accounted for among other fees of the Mayor's office."

Section 2. Al l ordinances or parts of ordinan-ces inconsistent or conflicting with the provisions o f this ordinance are hereby repealed.

Section 3. This ordinance snail take effect im-mediately.

Which was on motion of Alderman McCaflerty ordered to be laid over, printed and entered on the minutes by the following vote:

Affirmative—The President, Aldermen Billings, Cooper, Falconer, Koch, Morris, Ottendorfer—7.

Negative—Aldermen Flanagan, Kehr, Ly-saght, McCaflerty, Monheimer, Reilly—6.

THE CITY RECORD. The following compilation of the re-

quirements of the Charter with reference to matter to be published and advertised in THE CITY RECORD has been prepared for the convenience of Heads of Departments of the City government.

A. DISBECKER, Supervisor of the City Record.

M A T T E R T O B E P U B L I S H E D A N D A D V E R -T I S E D I N T H E C I T V R E C O R D I N A C -C O R D A N C E W I T H T H E P R O V I S I O N S O F C H A P T E R 335 O F T H E L A W S O F 1873.

SEC. 16. Immediately after the adjournment of each meeting of either board, it shall be the ' duty of the clerk of such board to prepare a brief abstract, omitting all technical and formal details, of all resolutions and ordinances introduced or passed, and of all recommendations of commit-tees, and of all final proceedings, as well as full copies of all messages from the Mayor and all re ports of departments or officers. He shall at once transmit the same to the person appointed to supervise the publication of THE CITY RECORD.

In all cases the yeas and nays upon the final •passage of the resolution or ordinance shall be published.

§ 17- 1T- 26. The ordinances of the Common Council shall, as far as practicable, be reduced to a code, and be published as such in THE CITY RECORD.

§ 24. The Mayor shall render to the Board of Aldermen every three months, an account of the expenses and receipts of his office, and therein shall state, in detail, the amounts paid and agreed to be paid by him for salaries to his clerks and subordinates respectively, and the general nature of their duties which shall be published in THE C I T Y RECORD.

§ 27. The Departments of the City govern-ment shiil, once in three months, and at such other times as the Mayor may direct, make to him in such form and under such rules as he may prescribe, reports of the operations and action of the same and each of them, which reports shall b e p u b l i s h e d in T H E C I T Y RECORD.

§ 32. The Comptroller of the City of New York shall appoint and at pleasure remove for cause to be stated in writing and published in THE CITY RECORD, a Deputy Comptroller.

§ 38. The sworn statement of the Corporation Attorney and Public Administrator, with a de-tailed list of costs, commissions, fines and penal-ties collected shall be published in THE CITY RECORD monthly, as furnished.

§ 44. The name, residence and occupation of each applicant for appointment to any position in the Police Department; as well as the name, residence and occupation of each person ap-pointed to any position, shall be published, and such publication shall, in every instance, be made on the Saturday next succeeding such ap-plication or appointment in THE CITY RECORD.

§ 64. Al l property transmitted to the property clerk of the Police Department shall be adver-tised in THE CITY RECORD for the benefit of all persons interested, and for the information of the public as to the amount and disposition of the property.

§ 65. A l l property and money that shall re-main in the custody of the property clerk for the period of six months without any lawful claim-ant thereto, shall be sold at public auction, after having been advertised in THE CITY RECORD for a period of ten days.

§ 75. Real or personal property belonging to the city, or city and county shall be duly adver-tised previous to the sale thereof at public auc-tion

6 82. The Health Department is authorized and empowered to add to the " Sanitary Code" from time to time, and shall •publish additional provisions for the security of life and health in the City of New York, and therein to distribute appropriate powers and duties to the members and employes of the Board of Health, which shall be p u b l i s h e d in T H E C I T Y RECORD.

§ 91. Al l contracts shall be entered into by the appropriate heads of departments, and shal except as otherwise provided, be founded or sealed bids or proposals, made in compliance with public notice duly advertised in THE CITY RECORD, said notice to be published at least ten days.

§ 92. Al l property sold shall be sold at auc-tion, after previous public notice.

§ 105. The " Board of Street Opening and Improvement" is authorized and empowered after laying its proposed action before the Boar;1, of Aldermen, and publishing full notice of the same for ten days in THE CITY RECORD, to alter the map or plan of New York City so as to lay out new streets, &c., &c. &c.

§ 106. It shall be the duty of the Commission-ers of Accounts, once in three months, and oilener if they deem it proper, to examine all voucher:-and accounts in the offices of the comp roller and chamberlain, and to make and publish THE CITY RECORD a detailed statement of the financial condition of the city, showing the amount of its funded and floating debt, the amount received and expended since the last pre-ceding report, with a classification of the sources of revenue and expenditure, and such other in-formation as they shall deem proper.

§ 10S. It shall be the duty of the Compl roller J to publish in THE CITY RECORD, two months

before the election of charter officers, a full and detailed statement of the receipts and expen-

| ditures of the corporation during the year ending on the first day of the month in which such pub-

lication is made, and the cash balance or sur-plus; and in every such statement tne different sources of city revenue, and tL.2 amount eceived from each the several appropriations

made, the objects for which the same were made, and the amount of moneys expended under each, the moneys borrowed on the credit of the Cor-poration, the authority under which each loan was made, and the terms on which the same was obtained, shall be clearly and particularly speci-fied.

§ 110. In every Department or Board there shall be kept a record of all its transactions, which shall be accessible to the public, and once week a brief abstract, omitting formal language, shall be made of all transactions, and all con-tracts awarded and entered into for work and material of every description, which abstract shall contain the name or names, and residences by street and nun.ber, of the party or parties to the contract, and of their sureties, if any. A copy of such abstract shall be promptly trans-mitted to the person designated to prepare THE CITY RECORD, and shall be published therein, j Notice of all appointments and removals from | office, and all changes of salaries, shall, in like manner, within one week after they are made, be transmitted to and published in THE CITY RECORD.

§ H I . There shall be inserted in THE CITY RECORD nothing aside from such official matters as are in this act (Chap. 335 Law« of 1873,) ex-pressly authorized.

A l l advertising required to be done for the city, and all notices required by law or ordinance to be published in corporation papers, shall be inserted, at the public expense, only in THE | CITY RECORD, and" a publication therein shall be a sufficient compliance with any law or ordinance requiring publication of such matter or notices.

There shall be published in THE CITY RECORD, within the month of January in each year, a list of all subordinates employed in any Department (except laborers), with their salaries, and resi-dences by street numbers, and all changes in | such subordinates or salaries shall be so published I within one week after they are made.

It shall be the duty of all Heads of Depart- I ments to furnish to the person appointed tc supervise the publication of THE CITY RECORD, everything required to be inserted therein. The said person shall have power to make requisitions in writing upon the Heads of Depart-ments, to furnish the information necessary to make up fuch list, according to rules pre-scribed by nim and approved by the Comptroller; and such information must be supplied by the department within ten days after such requisition. He shall have power to require such information in the same manner, e *ery three months, and all other information in the control of said Heads of Departments necessary to perform his duties under this section. He shall include in his list the number of laborers, designating the department in which they ate employed, and, if practicable, the numbers em-ployed in the prosecution of specific work, and the amounts paid to them. He shall also cause to be printed in each issue of said CITY RECORD a separate statement of the hours during which all public offices in the city are open for business, ana at which each court regularly opens and

e places whe ces are kept, and such courts are held,

The Mayor may order the insertion Of any official matter or report in THE CITY RECORD.

§ 112. Atier the provisional estimate is made by the Board of Apportionment, it shall be sub-mitted by said board, with their reasons for it in detail, within ten days, to the Board of Alder-men, whereupon a special meeting of said Board shall be called to consider such estimate, and the same shall simultaneously be published in THE C I T Y RECORD.

Should the said Board of Apportionment over-rule objections or suggestions made by the Board of Aldermen the reasons for such action shall be published in THE CITY RECORD.

M A Y O R ' S M A R S H A L . Licenses issued and amount received for

licenses and fines by Marshal D. S. Hart, fo-week ending Sept. 27, 1873 : Licenses granted 789 Amount received $955 50


Statement of the hours during which ail public offices in the City are open for business, and at which each Court regularly opens and adjourns, as well as of the p'aces where such offices are kept and such Courts are


Mayor's Off ice . . . .No. 6, City Hall 10 a.m.—3p.m. Mayor's Marshal..No. 3, City Hall 10 a.m.—3 p.m. Permit Bureau. . . .No. 1, City Hall 10 a.m.—2 p.m. License Bureau.. .No. x, Citv Hall 10 a.m.—2 p.m.

L E G I S L A T I V E D E P A R T M E N T . Cl'k of the Common J

Council and nt B'dJ 7 & 8 City Hall.9 A.M.—4 P.M. of Supervisors. )

Clerk of B'd of Assist-1 , , „ „ . . . _ , , ant Aldermen. \ 9 ^ C l t v H a l l " 9 A . M - 4 P.M.

F I N A N C E D E P A R T M E N T . Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Comptroller's Office, West end, New County Court

House. ; 1—Bureau ior the collection of the revenue accruing tiom rents and interest on bonds and mortgages, and revenue arisingfrom the use or sale of property belong-ing to or managed by the C i t y —

Ground floor, West end, New County Court House. 2—Bureau for the Collection of Taxes— Brown-stone building, City Hall Park. 3 —Bureau for t..e collection of arrear of taxes and

Assessments and of water rents— Giound floor, West end, New County Court House. 4—Auditing Bureau— Alain floor, west end, New County Court House. 5—Bureau of Licenses. I Ground floor, west end, New 6—Buieau of Markets—J County Ceurt House. 7—Bureau for the reception of all moneys paid into

the Treasury, in the City and for the payment of money on warrants drawn by the Comptroller and. counter-signed by theMayor—

(Office of Chamberlain and County Treasurer.) Main floor west end, New County Court House. 8—Kurcau f i r the Collection of Assessments— Governor's room, City Hall (temporarily.)

L A W D E P A R T M E N T Counsel to the Corporation, 82 Nassau St., 9 a. m., 5 p.m. Public Administrator, 115 and 117 " 10 a.m., 4 p.m. Corporation A t t ' y , " " " 8:30 a.m.,4:30p.m Attorney for the Collection of Arrears of Personal Taxes,

265 Broadway, Room 13, 9 a. m., 4 p . n 1 Attorney to the Department of Buildings, 20 Nassau

street, Room 52, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. P O L I C E D E P A R T M E N T .

Central Office, 300 Mulberry street, always open. Corn's Office, " " " Supt's Office, " " " Inspector's Office, " " " Chief Clerk's Office, " " 8 a. m„ 5 p . m . Property Clerk, " " " " Bureau of S't Clean'g, " " " " Bureau of Elections, " " " "

D E P A R T M E N T O F P U B L I C W O R K S . Commissioners' Office, 19 City Hall, 9 a. m., 4 p. m. Chief Clerk, 20 " " " Contract Clerk 21 " " " Engineer in charge of sewers, 21 City Hall, " " Engineer in charge of Boulevards and

avenues, xS % City Hall, _ " " Bureau of repairs and supplies, 18 City Hall, " " Bureau of Lamps and Gas, 13 City Hall, " " Bureau of Incumbrances, 13 Citv Hall, 9 a, m. to 4 p. m, Bureau of Street Improvements,11 City Hall " " Bureau of the Chief Engineer ot the Croton

aqueduct, 11 % City Hall, " " Bureau of Water Register, 10 City Hall, " " Bureau of Water Purveyor, 4 City Hall, " " lAireau ot Streets and Roads, 13 City Hall, " " D E P A R T M E N T O F P U B L I C C H A R I T I E S A N D

C O R R E C T I O N . Central Office, 66 Third ay. 8 a. m., to 5 p. m. Out Door Poor Dep't, 66 Third av., always open.

Entrance on xith Street.


CòFófler'a Office, 40 E. Houston «t. 1 Sheriff's " first floor, s». W. cor. 5 9 a. m. to 4 p. at.

New Court House. / County Clerk's Office, first floor, N. E. 1

cor. New Court House. ' Surrogate's Office, first floor, S. E. cor. f 9 a j n - *<>4P.«a.

New Court House. 1 Register's Office, Hall ot Records,)

City Hall Park. " J 9 a. m. to 4 p. m . District Attorney's Office, second floor)

Old Court Hon»*, 8a Chambers} o a. 01. to < P . M . Street. 1

C O U R T S . 1 Second Floor, xo a. m. to 3 p. n

}• New Court House.

» Î 3C, r t l l . ) C ' floor, New

Court House. ix a. m. xx a. m_ ix a. m.

Supreme Court, General Term, Special Term, Chambers, Circuit, part 1, Circuit, part a. j xo: 30 a. m. to 3 p. « .


Sujierior Court. " " Part ** " Part . # •

O'erk'i Olfice, 3d floor. New Court H o w e , 9 a. m",4 p m . COMMON PLEAS.

Common Pleas, 3d fl., New Court House, 9 a. in., 4p. m GENERAL SESSION«.

Genera Sessions, 32 Chambers street, 10 a. m., 4 p. m . Clerk s Office, 32 Chambers st., Roon. i4, » ~

OYER AND TERMINER. Oyer and Terminer.) , 1

" General Term, J 3® Chambers st., ( " Special Term. ) Room xx.

SPECIAL SESSIONS. Special Sessions, Tombs, corner Franklin

and Centre streets, Tuesdays, Thurs-days and Saturdays, xo a. m.

JUSTICE'S (OR DISTRICT) COURTS. First District, xst, 2d, 3d, and

Wards, S. W. corner of Centre anil! Chambers streets.

Second District, 4th, 6th, and 14th | Wards, 514 Pearl street. 1

Third District, 8th, 9th,and 15th Wards, I xa Greenwich avenue. j

Fourth District, 10th, and 17th Wards, 1 163 East Houston street. ' J

Fifth District, 7th, xxth, and 13th Wards I 154 Clinton street. j

Sixth District, Seventh District, 19th and 22d Wards,

57th street, between Third and Lex-ington avenues.

Eighth District, 16th and 20th Wards, S. W . cor. 23d st. and 7th ave.

Ninth District, 12th Ward, 2374 Fourth avenue.

10a. m.,4p. m.

9 a.m., 4 p . m .

9a. m.,4p_ac.

9 a. m., 4 p. m_

9a_ m.,4p. m.

9a. m.,4j>. m.

9:30a.m. 4pia.

9 a. m. ,4p. m.

.«p. m

MARINE COURT (Brown stone building.) General Term, 32 Chamber Room 1 7 , 1 0 a . m . . I D m. special " •• " Room 13, " -Chambers, " « Room 18, " " Clerk s Office, " " Room 19, 9 a. in., 4

POLICE COURTS. First District, 14th, 1 x

24th, 35th, 26th, I Tombs.cor. Frank- | 27th, and portion V lin and Centre V 7a .BU.1p . M. of Sanitary Pre- streets. ' cinct. j

Second District, 8th ) 9th, 15th, 16th. I Greenwich 20th, 23th, 33d, }- corner of 28th, and 29th I street. Precincts. J

Third District, 7th, j

• I ! )- Ta. BL. -j "

ave., ioth 9 a. m., 6 p. m.

io:n, n t h , 1311 17th, 18th, and' portion of Sanita-ry Precinct. J

Fourth District, 1 19th, 21 st, 22d, I 23d, and 19th f sub station. J

Fifth District, 12th Ward, 2374 Fourth avenue 'Harlem.)

h69 Essex street.

57th street, be- ] tween 3d and > Lexington ave

i a. in., 4 p. m.

8 a. in., 4p. m.


D E P A R T M E N T OF PUBLIC P A R K S , 36 UNION SQUARE, ( E a s t ) . J NEW YORK, Sept. 29th, 1873.

i O E A L E D P R O P O S A L S W I L L BE R E C E I V E D I at the office of the Department of Public Parks

until Saturday, the n t h day of October, 1873, at 4 o clock p. M., for the construction and erection of the iron carpenters and painters' work, for an arch upon the Central Park, known as the "outset arch," in accordance with the drawings and specifications for the same, which may now be seen at the office of Design and Superin-tendence (architect's room), as above. To be completed on or before May 15, 1874.

The proposals will be publicly opened by the C o m . missioners at the office of the Department, as above, on Wednesday, the 15th day of October, 1873, at the hour of 9.30 o clock A. M.

No proposal will be considered unless accompanied b y a consent in writing of two responsible householders or freeholders of the City of New York, their respect-ive places of business or residences being named, to the effect that they will become bound as sureties in the sum of six thousand dollars for the faithful performance

Free Labor Bureau, 8 and 10 Clinton pi. 8 a. m. to 5p. m of the Contract, should it be awarded upon that proposal. Reception Hospital, City Hall Park, N. E. Corner, al- Each proposal must-state the name and place of resi-

vays open. dence of the person making the same; the names of all Recaption Hospital, 99th street and 10th av. always open, persons interested with him therein, that it is made Be'lavue Hospital, foot of 26th street, E. R. " " without collusion with any other person making an

F I R E D E P A R T M E N T . I * 3 t i m a t e f o r the same work, and that no member of the _ . , „ „ , . . . . Common Council or other officer of the Corporation is Commissioner's Office, 127 and 129 Mercer bt., 9 a. m. to 'directly or indirectly interested therein, or in any portion

4 P- m - , of the profits thereof. Chief of Department, 137 and 129 Mercer St., 9 a. m. to The Department reserves the right to forfeit any or all

4 p . m . proposals. Proposed sureties mast verify their consent Inspectors of Combustibles, 127 and 129 Mercer St., 9 a. before a Tudge of a Court of Record in the Countv of

m. t T 4 p . m. New York, Fire Marshal, 127 and 129 Mercer St., 9 a. m. to 4 p. m Forms of proposals may be obtained, and the terms of

H E A L T H D E P A R T M E N T . | the contract (settled as required- by law), seen at the office of the secretary as above.

Proposals must be addressed to the President of the Commissioner's Office, 301 Mott St. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Sanitary Superintendent, 301 Mott St., always open. .lailltiiry OUUCIIUICUUCIII, TUI M U U J I , , AIWAVA uucil. T\ - r T1 1 < - . , , —-— — -Register of Records, 301 Mott St., for granting burial I Department of Public Parks, and endorsed " Proposals

permits, on all days of the week except Sundays from f o r l r o n ' Carpenters aud Painters' work, Outset Arch."

adjourns, as well as of the places where such offi - - -

The detailed canvass of votes at every t lec-tion shall be published at the expense oi the city only in THE CITY RECORU.

7 a. m. to 6 o'loclc p. m., and on Sundays trom 8 a. m to s o'clock p. m.

D E P A I T M E N T O F P U B L I C P A R K S . Commissioners' Office, 36 Union Square, 9 a. m. to 5p m

D E P A R T M E N T O F D O C K S . Commissioners' Office, 346 and 348 Broadway, corner.

Leonard St., q a. m. to 4 p. m. D E P A R T M E N T O F T A X E S A N D ASSESSMENTS. Commissioners' Office, Brown Stone Building, City Hall

Park, 32 Chambers St., 9 a. m. 4 p. m., on Saturday 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.

Surveyor's Bureau, 19 ChaJi im St., 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Board of Assessors, " " "

D E P A R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G S . Superixtendent's Offi< c, 1 Fourth av., 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.

B O A R D O F E X C I S E Commissioners Olhce, Mulberry street, 9 A. M. 4 p. M

BOARD -li EDUCATION. Office of the Board, cor Qpx 14 and Elm su, 9 A. M. 5 p. 11. Supt. of Schools, " 0 A. M. 5 p. M.

COMMISSIONERS OF EMIGRATION. Commissioners, Office, Castle Garden, 9 a. m. to 5 p. a . Superintendents, Office, Castle Garden, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. T H E CITY RECORD Office. No. * City Hall, N. W.

corner (basement, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.

S. H. W A L E S . President.

H. G. S T E P B I N S , P H . B1SSINGER, D. B. W I L L I A M S O N , S A M U E L H A L L ,



NEW YORK, September aoth, 1873.) E A L E D P R O P O S A L S W I L L B E R E C E I V E D A T SEALED PROPOSALS WILL B E ~ k K E I v £ f ) J.. the office of the Department of Public Parks, until

Saturday, the nth day of October, 1873, at 4 o'clock, P. M., for the construction and erection of the mason and stone cutter's work for an arch upon the Central Park, known as the "Outset Arch," in accordance with die drawings and specifications for the same, which may now be seen at the office of Design and Superintendence (Architect's Room), as above, to be completed on or be-fore May 15 th, 1874.

The proposals will be publicly opened by the Commis-sioners at the office of the Department as above, MI Wednesday, the xjth day of October, 1873, at the hoar of 0:30 o'clock, A. v.

No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a consent in writing ot two responsible householders or freeholden of the City of New York, their respective places of business or residence being named, to the eflfcet that they will become bound as sureties in the sum of

Page 4: THE C N Y · Edward Brow vsn th. Mayoe &c.—judgr - ment for $14,068.38 work; , labo anr materiald s Subpoena to Andrew

O - I f »

T H E C I T Y R E C O R D ,


three thousand dollars for th*_ feithful performance of the contract, should it be a v ^ ^ ttpon that proposal.

Each proposal mur s t a l e t h e n a m e and place of residence ol theperson the same, the names of all; w i l h him fein, that it is made wuhout collu-mmmms ^ D e p a r t m e n t reserves the ^ght to reject any or

S B S » « « ? , L I - ^ of the Secretary as above.


O I ' P R F M F C O U R T . — I N T H E I I A T T E R O F T H E w »mi»—•»» " i, ' 1, „ i . i l v t to the opening of

S Ä Ä Ä S ì f f i f a concern,

FOURTH.—That our report HEREIN W.H be £ to the Supreme. Court f ^ New C o u « House ^ ^ ^ Ä ^ Ä Y ^ t h e 7 th day


S , we have completed our estimate and assessment. That we nave c o m p l e x _ r o c e e dings or in and that all persons interestedI m thes^roceeo g ^ aqy of the lands affected t h e r e b y . a n a

^ e P - d e n t of the | o p ^ e d ^ t h e ^ - e

Nassati'street ^Room^No. ,4).jn g* before the 3 d . < W of November 873, anditha

oi N ^ e m k K S . a ^ c o u n S ^ c a ^ b ^ h e a r d ? motion^ will b< made

that the said report be confirmed. Dated New York, Sept. 6th, 1873.

1 ine a c c t w j , , a . w President ot tne — — Robert Sutierianu,

H. G. STEBB1NS, P H I L I P BISSINGER, D A V I D B. W I L L I A M S O N . S A M U E L H A L L , . . Commissioners.


said Commissioners, w

we, the remuci, »«f jt — • . •

ill hear parties so o b j e ^ g within ïhe-tin week days ter ber, and for that purpose will be in aï M said office on each of said ten days at .2 o^ n t

That the abstract of f ^ ^ X t h e affidavits, esti-together with our maps, and « s e a . u s m mates and other documents which were ^ f

I n T H E U B L I C N O T I C E IS H = 0 E T O T H E I Y o r , X r e to remain untt. the s , th day _ j

CYRTIS H. L O U T R E L , . D A W 0 F


& & toPthe

and expenses ; n ' u r r « d t e ^ ? b e p r e s e n t e r taxation

¡ S S S S k ^ p m dock in the forenoon. \ N U E L B. H A R T .

J A M E S M O R R O G H . ¿ E R N A R D S M Y T H ,

Commissioners. Dated. New^York, September ao, 1871.


P R ? i f i e d thIt the following assessment lists were this ¿ y received in this bureau for coUccuon:

PUBLIC JNOHV-D XS - - o r occupants of all owner or owners, occupant effected


1873. . , v v t he assessment aforesaid That the limits embraced b y ^ t h e a s s « r c e l s D j

are as follows, to w i t : All those lots. P R and land, lying and being in the » i d city of N^w  d é d â n d — t h e cen-

S Ä Ä ^ Ä between | t - F o r laying crosswalk across Broadway, opposte e ^ line

N N " 3 - F o r laying crosswalk across 29th street, oppo

^ N a ^ o r laying crosswalk across ,2th street, oppo-

^ ^ F o i t i l c r ^ w a l k from 561 6th avenue to

And that our report ^ " „ ^ N ^ w V ^ ' r k V ä t a Special Supreme Court of the State 01 > —

t Ä , e — fr» N . . » N O . I Sherry street. .. street from No. a ' motion will be made that tne C h I ^ 7 Í t F o e r \av¡n? crosswalk on West street from

to fceLa9K°r* R ^ r o n t o f Nos. 844. »46 and 248 | 177 to rier zy « « " f -No. 8—For flagging in

^ l î Â s i i » ! A ' » " " » « " " G ' ™ 4 "

I Ä - s x » » " I % -avenue. 87th and 88th streets.

can be heard thereon, a motion said report be confirmed. .

DatePd New York, W A N D . R O B E 1 - -G R A T Z N A T H A N . M I C H A E L C. M U R P I I > .



DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS. ) j 346 AND 348 B R O A D W A Y , > IJEW YORK, Sept. 17. R873-)

T O C O N T R A C T O R S .

P R O P O S A L S . F O R ™ ^ H I N G S A N D ¿ N O

^ D w i S K ? S T O N E KUR F O C S U A -

1 i s S & s ! £ 3 « » S S B f t s r a 1

read. The award of the contract will be made as soon cttcabk after the opening of the bids practicable after the o p e n u i g t o b e e n .

Any bidder for£ his . - f ^ n e s s , and must . T P K F M F ^ S ^ N T S ^ I A I T E R OF T H E g J ^ f i S o i t e s L i n i a l s to that effect. U P R E M b t u y . R i ; , , i , i „ m v n and Common- | nave ' . j i . , . 1 . « u x o

* ¡rsigneu v̂»»»....-—-—--the above entiyed

street and flagging same.

» ä o ^ t ^ e - o t w ä street, between Desbrosses |

being so aw

« ¡ o f ^ s m e s s ' o r r e s i d c n c e t o ^ ^ywill.oíits

. w , aersiencu v. • , , Ä J Â ï ï S J M U A ¿Ü S Â 5 Ï S » ^ Î Â u n d e r s i g n e d C ^ K j ^ e

^ e m b r a c .

,-arucu V— 5 • arded, become bound as ~ , , . a r d e d ; h i c h consent must_be venfied by the

CONFIRMARON. street-regulating. sett.nR Aug. 25. 1873. ^ X U t ^ g curb and guttj-r.andflafr-

ging and réflagging sidewalks between Fourth and Fifth avenues.

One Hundred and Thirty-third s t r e e t -regulating, grading, curb gutter and flagging between Fourth and Eighth

One'Hundred and Ninth s t r e e t - s e w e r between Fourth avenue and Harlem

Eleventh s t reet—sewer between D r y Dock street and East river.

Sixty-fifth street—sewer between First and Third «venues. A

Fifty-fifth street-sewer between A v e n u e A and First avenue.

One Hundred and Thirty-eighth s t r e e t — sewerbetween Boulevard and Hudson

Fifty-fifth s treet-sewer between F i f th and Sixth avenues.

Sixty-sixth s treet-sewer between A v e -nue A and First avenue, and between

^ ^ n T d a r e n u ? - s e w e e r U b e t w e e n O n e H u n d A d and Eleventh and One H m . ; dred and Sixteenth streets; in O n e Hundred and Fifteenth street between First and Third avenues and in O n e hundred and twenty-seventh street be-tween Second and Third avenues.

Third av«iue—sewer between Eleventh and Twelfth streets. „ . „

Worth s treet-sewer between Baxter street and Chatham Square.

Underground drains between Seventy-" S and Seventy-third streets, and First and Second avenues.

Fencing vacant lots south side Ninetieth strelt. between Third and Lexington

Fencing'vacant lots west side avenue, between Fifty-fifth and F i f t y -

Fiehth 'avenue (west side) - flagging B l ! d e w X »5 feet south Fifty-sixth street,

Th?rty-ee2hi¿5 m e e t - regulating a ^ 1 from First avenue to East

SeS»nd 'avenue-t rapblock pavement be-tween Eighty-sixth and One Hundred and Twenty-fifth streets.

Eighth avenue (west side)—flagging south-west, between Forty-eighth and For-

4y ad¿nftSth?se toffice within sixty days maae " I t — .V.» I-kan»

wit : _ . our estim2te and as- separate First.—^That we have^completed our e ¿ ^ ^ p r Q . ^ b i d s I fa as follows, and to be deliv-office is open daily

S t N o t e k - B o t h sides 29th street, between Broadway and

3d and 4th 12th street, between

No. 3" 6 th avenue.

No. 4—Both sides

" S ^ - W e s t side of 6th ave» streets, and.the property o n ^ e a s t ^ e of ^ ^ ^ ^ the east side of same known'as Ward'Nos. 54°.

6 l t i o 6—Both sides of Cherry street, from Pike to Mar-

^ N o ^ - T h e property known as Ward Nos. 347. 348

as Ward Nos. 3575. 3574

ceedings'or in any of the may be opposed to the same in writing, duly verified, t

I our Chairman, at the office r 51 Chambers street. Room ^ I before the 25th d a y „nr'ties so objecting wunui 1 uons , h e contractor, and locality iruu ' said Commissioner will hear p a r t . ^ J o f 0 c t o _ b e U e d with the name ot the c<«trac . o p o s a U .

the ten week-days nextaf ter the^said a ^ ^ a ( Q U r w h i c h they are t a k w . « B t h e ^ v e n r h t v t o ' S ; c l i „ e ber, and for that purpose will be u. a M The Department of D o c k s ^ r v e f h c u b U c in-said office on each.of s a i d t e n d a y ^ J a n d a s - any and » V n T ^ o t ^ l w d l b e a c c e p t e d from, or con-

Second—Jhat the abstractoisaiu affida- terest ; and no p r o p < ^ i w i » u £ r r e a r s to the Cor-- m ! " V ^ r d : t h e X = « r A . c h were iused by I tract awarded - ^ ^ o ^ h o isa defauher. as

of confirmation. The collectors from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. A N D R £ W W. L E G G A T .

Acting Collector.

Ward Nos. 1040 and * * N ¿ S ^ T h e property known as

north side of oid j t reet between 110th street No. 1 2 - B o j h sides of 6th « enue.fbetw e ^ ^ ^

BlSik forms of proposals can be obtained by application

t l S S m a t « and "deposited in the I poration. upon deot^r « j » ' ^ ^ , ^ a t i o n to the Corpo-us in making our report have b e e n u p ^ t h e c i t y of ^curity or otherwise, upon any oo.ig

S e w York? there to°r«nidn until the 6th day of Novem- — j " —

ber, 1873: . Third.—That the limits

aforesaid are as follows, tl pieces or patcek ^f land^n ^ c i t y ^ contained, lying ana oeins f o r m e d by the mtersec-

mits : Beginning: at a pomt torme V a n d t h e tion of the westerly line or a d e 01 i n ^ ^ ^

B u r e a u I ^ L ^ E L N O T I C E T O T A X P A Y S S r _ T H E B O O ^ F ' O K I N Taxes on Personal Property wi f

n ^ f w f l . be gWen^vhen the bo^Us for R e . « Es" ' ,e and Bank Stock areiready^ ^ M C M A H O N .

R eceiver of Taxes.


3 S ì " S o ir New V o r l . » d ••Communon« B .dJ, °< W E S T E R V E L T ,

N O I » — D O U L > 1 / and Harlem River, to the extent of Jd intersecting streets. affected by the above-

Al l persons areopposedto the same, or named assessments and who. arc! oppo^cu either of ^ m are requeswd to p ^ e n t ^ h e ^ ^ ^ S T S « . ^ T h e i r ^ r N o . .0 Chatham street. ^ i t i T t h T r " - days f - ^ e date^f t h . - i c e .

1 ? K H A \ G R E A D W E L L V A L E N T I N E S. W O O D R U F F ,

Board of Assessors.


or limits : Beginning tion of th northerly thence ^ ' " s o u t h e r l y line or

{ V U X L A M G A R D N E R . W I L U A M B U D D .

Commissioners of the Department of Docks.

Third avenue to tne s o u i u ^ souther-street ; thence iwrtherly ^ d w ^ t e n y 8 s i d e of ly side o f E x r c , ^ t o S e s ^ y h e n c e ^ One Hundred ^ d Tferty-fourtn «re j j u n d r e d and 1 along thesoutherly o r s i d e of Fourth | P R O I


D E P A R T M E N T OF DOCKS. 346 AND 348 B R O A D W A Y , YORK. September 18, 1873.

B O A R D J ) F J U U C A T I O N ,

. c a i FT) P R O P O S A L S W I L L BE R E C E I V E D BY"

^ Ä i Ä ^ easterly line avenue ; thence soutneny « « s . i ; „ „ n r e i ( j e

side of Fou: F


Snce s o u t n e n y a i o . . 8 ^ ~ - - ^ q { , q E A L E D P R O P O S A l ^ F O R F ^ « w i d « u S

rourth avenue to the t h e n o r t h - b three: ( 3 )Steam W e Dnvetsw^U be 1nw n o o n >

• t e t r S V F T f ^ S t X point or place of be- o ^ ® , ^ ^ i c h time the bids

- P S p S f i ^ A S M e «

c o u n S ' c a n be heard ^ a'motion-will be made that th» said report be confirmed.

Dated, New York. ^ f t U V & T C H M A N .

C I T Y S T O C K S .

T H E I N T E R E S T ¿ J / F F ^ 1 Stocks of the C a y and C o u n ^ o ^ b y l h e

November xst, 1873. wiU oe paiu House. v C W r S e i &fwVlbed^d W i romSe P te m oer 27th to November 1st. 1873. A N D R E W H. G R E E N .



Sept. 23, 1873.

^ T w o ^ n s i b l e and approved sureties will be required

' T ^ t w ^ n o t ' ^ c o n s i d e r e d unless sureties are

" ^ T r u s t e e s reserve the right to reject any or all of

the proposals offered. H E N R Y M E R Z .

WM. B A L S E R . M. D.. A D A M W E B E R . O W E N M U R P H Y , F R E D ' K C. W A G N F . R .

Board of School Trustees. 17 th Ward Dated New York. September a^. 1873.

S H E P Ä R D F. K N A P P . D A N I E L W H A L E N .


priTric^We tóS the opening of the bids piacticao contract must be known to be en-

and weU p r ^ r e d for the business, and must havesatisfectwy tMtfmonials to that effect.

I No proposal ^ ^ ^ ¿ Z T Z S J Z -I t h C Cf°?hencitv o f T w Yo k. wUMheir respective places ers of the city 01 « • . ffect , b a t if the con-

0» business or res'dence to the. effect «:na w ; u o n ^

tract be awarded " ^ ^ ^ „ ^ u r c t i e s V o r its faith--

„ Estimate „ d 1 J & T ^ Ì ^ ^ Ì Z ^ Z


full bound in Sheep, as follows: ^ y o l u m a . Grantors, << Grantees y " ' ' & .« Notices of Suits in Equity. . » „ Insolvents,

Total,.. 61 ..«5


$100 00 ta 50 15 >>

orkir.g order, to be de

Assessment in

HEALTH DEPARTMENT. rMENT, 1 tt Street, > >er 17,1873. J

the above-entitled matter, hereby give noticetotneowneror ^ ^ f f i ' ^ f S ï S T U e . whom it may concern.

t o » " ' , w e h a v e completed our estimate and as-F lRST.-Tly t we have comp these proceed- .

sessment. and that all persons in«r a n d w h o m e n t . ings. or in = ^ o f the l a « U anect o b j e c t i o n s I

obligation to the Corpor-

H E A L T H D E P A R T M E N T . No. 301 Mott S tre

NEW YORK, September 17,

AT A M E E T I N G OF T H E B O A R D O F H E A L T H « A h e ^ i S l S Department of the City of New York

. . i o f f i S ; No. 301 Mott street, on die «6th day of h o d at its omce. r»« i* ,. - resolution was adopted: S f ® . ' i ^ t ^ r t h i ^ conferred by Uw up-

^ H ^ h Ä " ^ ^ following addition^ " L ^ & Ä y C o d e for the security of life and

• ¿iL f N ew York, be and the same is hereby Ä T S d Ä W for» a portion of the Sanitary

C ^ . a. That each ot the several persons and com-S e c t i f I ^ ^ ^ i e to be run any car drawn by

^ . . ^ S L . T r ^ H « of passengen in any pert ot korscs for the t « W o r t a t i o n w p ^ ^ f r o o t entrance tfce City ^ New York^do amse oo ̂ ^ ^ ^ ^ T " * * ^ l ^ U m ^ l y W r e d or clowd by f a t e or o f - u d cars to be eHectu^uy ^ ^ k , as to prevent otherwise » M ' ^ ^ T ^ d platform or the hand



EMMOM CLAKX, Secretary.

No. 82 on or be-C h l = : ¡ r ' t h e office of the C ~ o n e r s

Nassau street R o o « ^ , « the said

fice on each o f s a i d t e n ^ a t « ^ ^ d

^ « R O ^ F E ^ O F E ^ office of die Department of ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ( S e r . New York, there to remain until tne 23a «-y 1 T H I R D - T h a t the limits embraced by the assessment

c n l * , . . „ -e «bove, and addressed to Proposals to ^ f r ^ d « J b o v e . of " Commissioner Docks." I A C O B A . W E S T E R V E L T ,


Commissioners of the Department of Docks.

aforesaid a r e a s follows, t h a t « to « y ^ lying Al l those lots,pieces « p w * I ° > 1 ^ e n to-

and being ~ £ s » w i t : «ether are bounded o r side of Fifth

winning at apoin o o t n e ^ Y ^ » Seventy-first avenue. eqm-dBtant f r o ^ v C T t . e t n an U e f w l t h streets, and Avenue Seventieth street to the Westerly unc " ' „ d e ol B ; thence southerly along A e w « u r l y ^ » e ^ a n d Avenue B to a po«t e q u i - ^ ^ t j r o m ^ e v ^ Sixty-ninth s t r u t s ; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ¿ T T t ^ av-Sevenueui street to t h e « a s t e r i y toe or c o e ; and thence ~rtheriyjfoof the ude of Fifth av—u« to the pofat or place ot Deginmn«


p r M ; S S Ä Ä ' I ^ ° NEW YORK. September 24.1873 '

.VTIRN B Y T H E P R O P E R T Y O ^ / Ä " ' Department, 300 Mulberry

fcr the folÄ now ^ h» pawn shop. sUver

S f j r M d o w n e d man, lot rope and several

small sums of ^ ^ J O H N . Property Clerk.


Incomplete'sets * may "be "completed on application a t

^Communications in 0 f ° R e « > ^ ? 0 ^ o m p t i o U e ^ addressed "'Superintendent of Kecoros. Office." ANDREW H. GREEN.


D E P A R T M E N T P U B L I C W O R K S .



T>UBLXCNOTICEIS HOIEBY g i v ^ T H A T ^ F petition o ^ J ^ ™ ^ ^ , between for the change of grade m J M i y c B avenue, Madison and Lexington streets, from » between Sixty-seventh w d S « t y mntn fe u n o w . elevation of seventy-three, to pending before the Common Co^mcil. ^ ^ c h ^ g e

All persons interested in the aoove q u e s t e d to ofgraSe and having object«,«> thereto « ^ d at bis present the same m writing to the un * office on or before the seventh day ot u c t ^ e j ^

Commissioner of Public Works.


C O P I E S OF THE CITY RECORD C A N B E O B -C ° S atNo. ».City Hall, (H. W. comer basement.) Price five ccnis each.


lercer street.) Office > York, Sept. 13th. 1873-1

H E A D Q U A R T E R S F I R E »"STifeTcer «reet,) Office NEW YORK, (t»7 and 120 Mercer s i re«, ; ^

— 'i, Nl Board ol commission«», - - - - - _ VTTT» A T Q E A L E D P R O P O S A ^ W I L L B E R J ^ ^ D ^ , O these headquarters untü 120 ewexnooo^

" Ü Ä T S i Ä all information obtain«! »

application . t this office H L P E R L E Y . R O S W E L L D . H A T C H . C O R N E L I U S V A N Ç O T T , Commissioners.