the business of dentistry from employee to entrepreneur external marketing

Thomas Larkin DDS The Business of Dentistry From Employee to Entrepreneur

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Thomas Larkin DDSThe Business of DentistryFrom Employee to Entrepreneur

External Marketing

13 Areas of Focus in External Marketing1. Location2. Farming3. Internet Marketing2LocationDemographic AnalysisTraffic Counts




Consistent high volume walk in traffic

6Practice Name/LogoPersonal Branding or Business BrandingA personal

8FarmingMailing to a designated geographic area9New NeighborsYou should have an ongoing new neighbor packet program in place10

11Farming a radiusYou should do a minimum quarterly mailing to your farm radius

Creates top of mind name recognition in farm areaConsistent exposure establishes you as a neighborhood expert12Demographic MailingBased on Niche criteria13Thomas Larkin DDSDirect Mail & Landing Pages

14Direct Response Internet Advertising I prefer predominately DIRECT-RESPONSE Oriented ADS Both web and snail mail

Ask for someone to do something and you incentivize them.

15Landing PagesDirect Response, Direct Mail campaign using Landing pages16Landing PageA standalone web page designed for a single focused objectiveA web page where traffic is sent to specifically to prompt an action or result17Landing Page Design

18Landing page



21Dental Implants

22Dental Implants

23Dental Implants

24Bad Breath

25Bad Breath



28Welcome to the neighborhood

29Welcome to the neighborhood

3090%+ of your External Marketing Budget is Internet BasedWeb Site / 30% of projectGoogle Organic/SEOGoogle Local Business Google 7 Pac/places/+Youtube/GoogleYOUR ONLINE REPUTATION31Internet Strategy DevelopmentDomain Name StrategyWeb Site Look and FeelContent DevelopmentSEOGoogle PlacesIncorporating VideoSocial MediaLinkedinReputation ManagementGoogle Analytics32Thomas Larkin DDSDomains

33Domain NameHow to utilize an SEO friendly domainPrimary DomainSecondary Domain (re-direct)

LexingtonKyDentist.comLarkinfamilydentistry.com34PrinciplesLimited SizeHeavy on Video / Light on CopyGraphically compellingCall to action35Thomas Larkin DDSConstructing A Web Site

36Web Site - Woman CentricFemale Demographic 80-90% of consumer decisionsSite needs to be professionally designed with your audience in mind!37Woman Centric

38Woman Centric





43Look and FeelWoman Centric

44Woman Centric

45Content DevelopmentDr BioReviewsStaffProcedures46

47Thomas Larkin DDSSEO Search Engine Optimization

48Your Web SiteYou must be in the google mixThe Internet consumer is has a time constraint and is looking for 3 quick things1. Do you know what you are doing2. Do you do what Im interested in3. Show me some sizzle to get me to act(fill out form or call you)49

50SEO Breakdown on/off page42% Quantity and quality of inbound links26% Keyword usage7% Social Media Links7% General brandingDomain ageHow often content updatedVolume of traffic

51Google Seo(SERP) search engine ranking performance2. Backlinks (inbound links) other peoples view of you52Keywords & Keyword Phrases

53SEO Quake

54SEOquake Google Returns

55SEOQuake Toolbar


57The weighted inbound link

58PageRank PRPageRank is a numeric value that represents how important a page is on the web. Google figures that when one page links to another, it is effectively casting a vote for the other page. The more votes that are cast for the other page, the more important it must be.59Anchor Text

60Link Numbers

61Types of Links


63Deep Linking

64Link Velocity

65Thomas Larkin DDSGoogle Places/+

66Google Local Business- 7 Pac

DO NOT! Under any circumstances add multiple listings68Violation of Term of Service


71Secrets to the 7 pac10 photos5 videosSearch term in titleAs many reviews as humanly possible72Yahoo Local Local Business

74Yahoo Local Business

75Thomas Larkin DDSIncorporating Video

76The evolution of sizzle1996 - page content < than 100k1997 - flash introduced streams image load2008 - video becomes viable2011 - hd video/broadband ubiquitous 77VideoYoutube (google owns) the most google friendlyViddlerVimeo78Video Dont make this hard(Logitech)Webcam records directly to providerVideos of Patient TestimonialsVideos for Web siteVideos for email newsletter

One Video serves a multitude of purposes and is fully SEO compatible if titled correctly

79The Title tagUnderstand the use of the title tagEvery title of everything you post includes a keyword phrase 80


82Thomas Larkin DDSIncorporating Social Media

83Social Media for dentists??? Use twitter once in the morning and once in the afternoon. There are several resources online for articles to which you can link. Get to know your community. Post things about what you are doing.You want to build up local traffic. Have your staff tweet or post to facebook. Use dental students or retired dentists to write blogs for you. You can actually conduct a great campaign in as little as 10 minutes a day dental economics may 201084Social Media VelocityIt took Radio 38 years to reach 50 million listenersIt took TV 13 years to reach 50 million viewersThe Internet took 4 years to reach 50 million peopleIn 9 MONTHS Facebook added 100 million users85

Facebook Trending Demographics86No Cavity Club

87Smile Gallery

88TwitterAllows you to disseminate information instantaneously to an unlimited audience anywhere89Twitter


91Hyper TargetsMale/FemaleAgeHigh SchoolSome CollegeCollege StudentCollege GradGrad StudentPost GradSingle/DivorcedRecent BreakupIn a relationshipRecently EngagedEngagedRecently marriedMarriedNo kidsExpectingJust gave birthProud parent92Facebook - Split Test

93Heat Map Tracking

94Heat Map


96Facebook Advertising Factors

Jeremy Schoemaker case study July 201097Titles


99CTR Click Thru Ratio



102Landing page

103Long tail keyword phraseLong tail keywords are keyword phrases from 3 to 5 words used to refine search terms to something highly specific. There is generally very little competition for these phrases and they are easier to position.104Linked in