the black woman is god

T he Black Woman is G od and the Whi te Man i s N ot T he D evi l! T ome # 71  Sample pag es 5 5 – 76

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Post on 11-Oct-2015




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  • The Black Woman is God and the White Man is Not The Devil! Tome # 71 Sample pages 55 76

  • What you need to overstand is that I love our community dearly. Are you walking with me? I need for you to overstand this is great detail. I love you. They need you. We embrace you. The best way to start is to begin. What would we do without each other? What can we accomplish without each other? Allow me to explain something to you. You can succeed as a part of All and fail as an

  • individual. Until we overstand this axiom we will inevitably fail as a people. I took on this task to teach my community that which is not popularly spoken of. The Black conscious community needs a change in curriculum. Wouldnt you agree? Well if you do not, you will definitely at the closing of this tome. I wrote this tome and the likes to uplift our people. I wrote this tome and the likes to raise our cognition of the grey areas that are in our conscious movements. We are displaced socially as a people. Politics and economics is very key to our salvation wouldnt you agree. I have so much to share with you during the course of this tome. Lets proceed. Many people have exclaimed that I am a sell out because I encourage people from the lower income community to leave the community in which they presently reside in the first chance that they get once they start making themselves a substantial amount of money. Now, I can overstand where the uneducated critic is coming from when we make mention of these types of things however, the main point that we need to focus on is the message not the critic. Now, allow me to explain my rationale. That which many of us call the Black community does not even exist and I will prove it to you. It is time for a major change by our community. What is this change that I am talking about? The change that we have to make in our black community is the fact that we really do not know what a black community is. Wow! This should be a revelation onto you. Are you walking with me on this one? I really pray that you are. White people are the teachers, policeman, firemen, doctors, sellers of produce, the landlords and the likes in their communities. This makes perfect sense because this is everything that we should expect in terms of a white community. The problem with the black community is that White people are the teachers, policeman, firemen, doctors, sellers of produce, the landlords and the likes in our so-called communities. This leads me to conclude that the black community is a present day myth. The black community is non-existent. Are you walking with me on this matter? I am here to help erect a model community that the world will have to bare witness to. Yes, our community will be the epitome of what a community is supposed to be and what a community should offer to the people that it is supposed to protect. Yeah, you may be saying to yourself that this brother dreams big dreams but you will see where this is all going in time. Trust me! I am not without fault. I will make mistakes. This is true and what is also true is that I am being guided by our ancestors in the form of freedom fighters. I truly know the way. All I need for you to do is walk with me on this matter and all things

  • will be made clear right before your eyes. I cannot stress to you enough how much I love you. I can only pray that my love for you all is evident based on my works. I will not miss a beat for the love of my people. All I need is a few people to walk with me and a mere few will become hundreds and hundreds will become thousands. Does this make sense to you? I know what I am saying to you has to make sense to you. You should be able to feel me when you read my words. You should be able to feel me reaching out to you as the family member that I am. I am your long lost relative. Yes, this is true. I am so happy that I found you. Now, we can get to the core of our problems now that we have been reacquainted with each other. Does this make sense to you? Do you feel what I am saying to you? I am not trying to waste your time nor take up pages just to make this tome that much bigger. I need for all the people that are reading these tomes to get the gest of our mission. We have to play an exponential role in the raising of consciousness of our people. Yes, this is true. All I need from you is to walk with me. Hold my hand and be not discouraged no matter how hard the task may be. I was taught about the long walk on a short path by my Master Teacher. Now you must walk with me on this path as well. Yeah, there will be many pessimists however, they are only negative because they fear your awakening. Your awakening represents the end of the evil ones rule over you. Does this make sense to you? Of course, this should make a whole lot of sense to you. Be not stifled or crippled by religion. Please take note that I did not say anything about spirituality. There is a distinction to be made amongst that which is spiritual and that which is religious. People are spiritual by default and religious because they choose to be. Please continue to hold my hand along this journey. We will find our way throughout all of this oppression.

    WHAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH THE BLACK COMMUNITY? I will tell you what the problem is with the Black community. The Black community does not even exist by no fault of the White Man and Woman present day. This is true. Our people insist on placing blame on the White Race because of their shortcomings. However, I need to tell you something that you may not be aware of. We are in the year 2012 and this means that you cannot use the 60s and the 70s as an excuse for why you cannot maintain your stride today, here in this information error. I hope that you are walking with me on this one. I am telling you the truth about our situation. I do not intend to mislead you. We have to start holding ourselves accountable for the type of information that that we have been sharing amongst each other about our

  • inability to maintain our stride in todays society. Listen to me! You may not realize this yet if you have only managed to get your hand on few or just this 1 book out of 70 plus tomes that I have written thus far but we can succeed. Listen to me! I need for you to hold my hand on this matter. I am in an education zone and we have to put our people in this kind of zone as well. Do you overstand what I am saying to you? One of the main reasons that we cannot move forward, today as a people is because we are not keeping up with current events. We are not in tune with what is going on in terms of politics and economics thus we are displaced socially. As I have said earlier in this tome and I will continue to say this throughout the course of this tome. We have to change the curriculum of the black conscious community. We have to change the curriculum of the Black Conscious movements otherwise we must emerge as the Nu-Covenant amongst the organic living soul and his and her creator. Listen to me! It is seriously a time for change and we will bring about this change. We are all we need. Do you follow what I am saying to you all? We are all we need. Now, I would like for us to continue to expound on these matters that pertain to our liberation. We have to address what the problem is that our black community is facing. What is the number one problem that the Black community is having? The number one problem that the Black community is faced with is their very late arrival to the fact that such a community rarely exists and most of the likes of the people that speak about this purported black community do not realize that they are not even part of one. Did you get what I just said to you? Many of the people that speak so highly about the black community do not even realize that they themselves do not live in a Black community. Now you might be asking yourself how could this actually be true and I will explain my rationale to you. The problem with the black community is that White people are the teachers, policeman, firemen, doctors, sellers of produce, the landlords and the likes in our so-called communities. This leads me to conclude that the black community is a present day myth. The black community is non-existent. In a fact, I am willing go another step further and tell you that the so-called black community is no more than a white community populated by blacks.

    The White community is controlled by white people and so is the Black community. If you do not control your produce, if you are not the lenders in terms of mortgage, leases, and other forms of loans, if you do not have your own banks, create your own

  • curriculum for your schools and if you are not your police, your fireman, or doctor then the place in which you reside is not your community.

    Yes, the Black community that we make mention of is really a White community that is populated by Black people. This is one of the biggest tricks that have ever been played on our community. Someone has most of our race under the impression that we have our own community. Almost all of the problems that the Black community has is because the Black community does not have a community that is their own. If we want respect we will have to demand it by way of our unity. We need to stop talking about unity and simply united under one umbrella, for one cause, under one covenant. We have to commit ourselves to the preservation of our race. Once again, we have to compete in the race. We have been treated like strangers in communities that we have been calling our own. You know why? I will tell you why. The reason why we have been treated like strangers in the communities that we live in is because we do not control the communities that we live in, we are merely occupying the space that we take up as consumers. Listen to me! It is time to wake up. The black community does not exist and so long as you believe that it exists things will only get worse for our people because other communities have been growing strong because of our ignorance. Yes, other communities are investing in their very own pseudo black communities. Yes, our ignorance is big business in America. Let me say this again to you. Our ignorance is big business in America. We are funding the very oppression that we claim to be against each day we do not come into full cognition of this reality. Now, allow me to re-visit one of the key points that I made earlier on in this tome. I implore that you take advantage of the financial opportunities that I put before you and run like hell from this thing that they call the black community that you have been living in. I am not telling you to turn your back on your community. To the contrary, I am telling you to be sure to not patronize the very races that you say you do not support. Especially, the likes of those amongst their race inclusive of our own that enforce our incapacitation. It is now time for you to wake up. Are you awake yet? I hope that what I am saying to you is hitting home. I am not telling you to abandon your people in light of your success. I am telling you to be sure that you are not

  • misappropriating your energy when it comes to developing your community because all too many of us have managed to do is fund our oppression in an attempt to mend our social conditions. I am telling you to support the development of your community. Nu-Covenant is erecting Black communities world over. Now, we have confirmed what economics is. Economics is the science in which a people consume, produce and transfers their wealth. Having taken this definition into consideration we can clearly see that our people are displaced economically. Our people are displaced economically because we consume more than we produce. Therefore, there is no wealth to transfer amongst us. What little bit of money that we do have, we give it back to the foreign race the first chance that we get. Does this make sense to you? Do you bare witness to this reality? Have you not noticed that the black dollar doesnt stay in the community long enough? Now, what do you suppose is the reason for this phenomenon? I will tell you what exactly is going on. There is very little production taking place within the confines of our community. This means that we might buy a product produced by us and immediately after the transaction the black supplier cannot rely on his community to produce that which he or she needs to keep the black dollar circulating. The average community that is not black or Spanish will have their dollar circulate at least 7 times before it leaves the grips of its community. Economics! This is the science that will establish the momentum that we have long yearned for in our so-called black community. We will not be able to save ourselves by trying to build a community that we do not own. We must make a mass exodus out of that which we call the hood or the ghetto. Now, many people will say brother POLIGHT, Nysut: Amun-Re Sen Atum-Re, now that you have a little money the first thing that you decided to do is move out of the community. Of course, this is the first thing that I decided to do. The frequency of the people is at an all time low in the lower income communities. We have to evade the evil clutches of the so-called black community that is not ran by blacks at all and allow ourselves to regroup and come up with an effective plan of action. This is what I have done and now I know what we must do. What must we do is the biggest question that has plagued our community for quite some time. Yet, the answer has always been right in front of us. We must erect a model community of our own. One where the laws of the land will be respected because the people have confirmed amongst each other the way of life in which they choose to live. Does this make sense to you?

    We need to stop hating and start producing and this is what it all comes down to. Leave their white community and stop identifying it as your black community. Many people find themselves saying that they need to take back their community. How can you take back anything in a community if your people do not own it to begin with? You do not own the land and the most of the infrastructure in your so-

  • called community so how effective are you going to be at, taking it back? Lets buy land without a mortgage and start building.

  • Sample Pages 107 112