the benson signal - chronicling america...benson’s proportion of the amount will be about $26,000....

VOL. 17. NO. 41 fire Meeting Is Called For Monday p. a. It lias beea such a long time since the tire hose and apparatus have received attention or been in- spected that several of our business men, in discussing the laxity one day this week, decided that the condition of the hose cart and oth- er fire fighting equipment should be looked after at once. In ac- cordance, the Signal, by request, issues a call to tlie public generally to meet at the Mansion pool hall next Monday at 2 o’clock p. m. For the purpose of testing the fire hose and discussing the advisability of reorganizing the fire department. There is supposed to be quite a sum of money to the credit of the fire department, but a long time has passed since the department was called together, and its affairs have almost been forgotten. The lanterns, axes, and ether •small articles have been stolen from the fire house, and it is desired to have these article" replaced. A good turnout should be at the meeting Monday afternoon. Many Will Be Here From quite a radius of country word comes to Benson from var-, ious parties signifying their inten- tion of attending the Thanksgiving dance here, to be given by the Cochise County Concert Band The management is endeavoring to secure the famous Fort Huachuca Orchestra to furnish music for the occasion, and are quite hopeful of the orchestra’s service®, and will know positively by the 10th. However, if the Huachuca boys cannot come, first class music will be secured from some other point. This dance will undoubtedly prove td be the social event of the sea- son, and your presence should be with the jolly throng that will be present that night. Workmen are busy this week painting the Catholic church. T. H. DENNEY THE GEIVI SECOND-HAND FURNITURE STORE Goods Bought and Sold What Have You to Sell? What Do You Wish to Buy? QtfiS SEE DENNEY FIRST Next to Moss’s Garage Benson, Arizona $ * Benson Drug Store \ H. WALKER, Proprietor H IGf| W PATENT MEDICINES AND TOILET ARTICLES § Vc * Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Jw uaereai m. n n mmmmm I Martinez News Stand | NEWSPAPERS MAGAZINES PERIODICALS % Jr Confectionery, lee Cream and AS! Kinds of -—soft Drinks ; —-- o TOBACCO AND CIGARS (Stationery, Post Cards, Toilet Articles, Notions, . School Supplies, Office Supplies, and Gents’ Furnishings ' CAROM AND POCKET BILLIARDS THE BENSON SIGNAL FORMERLY THE BENSON PRESS BENSON, COCHISE COUNTY, ARIZONA, NOVEMBER 6, 1915 St. David Items (Special Correspondent) Mrs. Sam Barrow and little son returned to their home at the X 3 ranch in the Dragoon mountains. This was the little fellow’s first home coming. The good wishes of the people of St. David, where he was born, goes with him. Mr. N. C. Mcßae, the Rawleigk man, is up at the Fort. His busi- ness is increasing to such an extent that he is obliged to add another storeroom to his place in St. David. Mrs, Grace Sfiattuck went up to Tombstone Tuesday. The people of St. David are glad to see the Hon. John Merri'l, wife and son Miles in their midst for a while. Mr. Francis Goodman, who has been in Bisbee lately, visited his family here this week, and has re- turned to Bisbee on business. Mr. George Smith and family have come to St. David to live He formerly resided cn the John Rock place, in the vicinity of the Huachuca mountains.' Bhhop Goodman has returned from Bisbee where he was for a few days on business. Work has recommenced on the school house in St. David. Work on the structure a few weeks ago was discontinued on account of shortage of lumber.' Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Merrill motored up to Tombstone Thurs« day. Tonight the Midland Lyceum Bureau will open the Winter sea- son in Benson at K. of P. hall, un- der the auspices 'of the Benson Grammar School. Jean and Ord Bohannon, who are spoken of as two really great artists, in duets, solos, readings, impersonations, etc , will open the season here. Monthly ent®:tainments of varied programs will be given under the management of the Lyceum Bu- reau of Des Moins, lowa. The proceeds of the entertainments will be used to improve the children’s play grounds at the grammar school. M. F. Castaneda transacted busi- ness at Tombstone a couple of days the fore part of the week. Road Bond Election Calls For $600,000 At the meeting of the Road Bond Issue Association, which was in session at Douglas Wednesday, it was decided to ask for a bond issue in Cochise county for $600,000, to be used in the construction of a system of county roads. Representatives from all over the county were present, and the estimate as presented by County Engineer Ryan was gone*-, over thoroughly. < Engineer Ryan s estimate pro- vided for one of the most complete systems of county roads ever plann ed in the state and entailed .an amount which was about twice the amount which will be asked for, as finally decided upon. The elim- ination was found necessary as the taxable property in the . county would not justify the larger amount In case the bond issue carries, Benson’s proportion of the amount will be about $26,000. The Ben- son district covers the road from the county line near Mescal to Ben- son, and from Benson to a paint a short distance this side of Adam’s ranch. It also includes the road down the river and four miles of road to the Robinson district. Qnlv one mile of the St. David road is in the Benson district, the balance coming under the St David district and will be covered the St. David appropriation. Petitions will soon be circulated calling for the election, which will probably ba held about the first of the year. In voting on the propo sition, the amount to be expended on each section of the road will be specified. Those who attended the meeting from Benson were M. P. Cosby. C. F. Mess and H. Q. Brown. Considerable Building at Johnson John Kippen and M. K. Sipe re- turned Sunday from Johnson, hav- ing just completed the erection of a new store building for the John- son Supply Company, which is a branch of the Southwest Lumber Company of this place, Mr. Kip- pen reports quite a building boom in the camp: several additions be- ing made to present building, be- sides the new ones being erected B. A. Taylor of Gleeson will erect a store building in the carqp and engage in the mercantile business. A report is current that a promin- tnt business man of Benson will start a branch store in the camp Wm. Seliger, who moved bis mov- ing picture equipment from Benson to the camp last winter, has met with such success that he is now arranging to erect a building to give him more commodious quar- ters to accommodate his growing patronage. Had Stolen Goods in Possession Tuesday Constable Proffitt ar- rested two Mexicans, who gave their names as Alberta Oredrega and Albert Flores, on the charge of having stolen goods in their possession. Suspicion was arroused when one of the men expressed a bundle of goods to Calilornia. An in- vestigation of the bundle revealed a lot of valuable women’s wearing apparel, shipped from a firm in New York. The men could not give a good account of themselves and are be- ing held pending an investigation by S. P. detectives, who are of the opinion that the goods were stolen from a Southern pacific freight car. School Distiict No. 33, in the growing camp of Johnson, will bold a bond election on the 27th instant for the purpose of raising fuuds to erect a much needed school building. The bond issue calls for S3OOO, which will undoubtedly carry at the election. The school children have become so numerous in the district that a larger build- ing is necessary to accommodate ihem. Lucy H. Burney, Irene Wien, and Nellie Lemons are named as the election judges. A Spanish comedy drama was given at K. of P. hall Monday night last for tfie benefit of the Catholic church fund. The drama was appreciated by a fair sized audience, and the church fund had a few dollars added to it. Constable John Proffitt Makes Haul Until Sunday Benson had the reputation of being the driest town in the state, observing the prohi- bition bw to the letter. The good record was broken Sunday, how- ever, when Constable Proffitt raid- ed a small house near the ceme- tery, confiscated several bottles of liquor and made three arrests. A woman and two m9n were ar- rested. The men were charged with being drunk and disorderly, and after pleading guilty were re* leased on a suspended sentence. The woman, an elderly Mexican, acknowledged ownership of the booze, claiming that she had found the stuff in a valise at the cemetery at six o-clock in the morning. More than this she denied any connection with the affair. She was released and will be kept under surveilance until the origination of the booze can be investigated. The booze had the resemblance of being home distilled, being con- tained in quart and pint beer bot- tles. Four full bottles and two or three empties were found. Ac- cording to a gentleman who claims to be a judge of good whiskey, the stuff was disttlled from the dregs of hades, but evidently the mescal plant, corn, and wild plants enters ed into its composition. It is very evident that i! the stuff was either distilled here or was smuggled from Mexico. The booze will be held in bond by Judge Sfiilliam until a United States revenue man comes, when it will be turned over to him; and if that gehtleman does not want the stuff, Judge Shilliam will see that it is destroyed according to law. Robinson Items (By Special Correspondent) *. At thß Benson Canal meeting fie d Tuesday, Z. T. Coons was em- ployed as watermaster, being the lowest bidder. The canal clean- ing was let to Mr. GiUett, which will be done with a machine which he intends to import from Califor rxia. Truman Tryon came in from the Gila Valley Sunday. He and his brother-in law, Merlin Plumb, are fitting out for extensive work on their mining claims. The water was turned out of the canal several days this week so that repairs could be made on one of the siphons. J. R. Cosby is having plans drawn for a two-room addition to his residence. The Ladies’ Relief Society met Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. P. P. Sabin. Gun Club Meeting Vfednesday Night Officials of tbe Benson Rifie and Revolver Club have issued a cal: for a meeting Wednesday night at the High School for the purpose of ascertaining how many and what kind of gujis and ammunition the members will want to purchase. There are now sixty three mem be ! s enrolled in the elub. The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Methodist church will hold a food sale Wednesday afternoon, Novem ber 24, in the Zeek building. Thb food sale, being held just before Thanksgiving, will be quite a help to mmy housewives whose home duties are quite severe, as many appetismg dishes and pastry foods can be purchased for the Thanks- giving dinner, thus lessening the work in preparing a big dinner for the Thanksgiving festal board. The eighth chapter of “The Di- amond From the Sky” will be pre- sented at the Rink Theatre tonight for the edification of the movie fans. You cannot afford to miss a chapter of this sterling play. The farce comedy will be extra good tonight. H. V. Dollarbide, a former Ben- sonite and who is now running an auto stage line between Dragoon and Johnson, was in town Wednes- day on business. He reports con- siderable travel to and from the mining camp, Mrs. Max Treu and daughter, Julia, returned home today from a short visit in Tucson. Cali on me tor your gasoline, dis- tillate and lubricating oils. C. F. Moss. Miramonte Items (Special Correspondent) Mr. Henry Coplin, a resident of this place, met with an accident, having two ribs broken while driv- ing a freight team at Johnson, which will lay him up for some time. Mr. Charles Anderson, who has | been freighting at Johnson, has returned home and is considering building an addition to his resi dence. 7, The Relief Society of this place met last Tuesday in regular meet- ing. It was work day, and all were busy in helping to complete a quilt which will be on sale in the near future to help the poor that may be in need. Mrs. Clifford Whettou has gone to New Mexico to join her husband, who has been working there for some time. The farmers are busy harvesting their crops. R. L- McCall exper imented with five varieties of corn, and found that Hickory King, Strawberry and Yellow Flint do remarkably welThere as dry farm- ing crops, especially when the drouth this season is considered. * . <• ) Pacheco Resigns Marcus Pacheco has resigned his position as nigh watchman, feeling that there might bo some dissatis- faction on account of tbe robbery of Martinez’ store Saturday night. He told a representative of the Signal that, he wanted to thank the people who assisted in his rein- statement to the office some time ago. He said that he wanted the position and had given it careful attention, but anticipating dissatis- faction, thought it best to resign. A good rain storm visited this section this morning. BENSON LUMBER CO. I GEM THEATRE BUILDING > 9 Lumber, Hardware, Wagons and Implements All Kinds of Building Material Agents for John Deere Implements; King Silos, En- gines and Blowers; Cream Separators and Cans J. A. Gumm, Manager BENSON, ARIZONA I MONEY WANTED ~ lave You Any idle funds? We can loan your money for you at ten per cent interest on gilt edge security. Any amount from one hundred to five thousand dollars. We will give your loans our care and at- tention and collect the interest free of charge. We have more applications than we can fill. Put your money to work here it will build up Benson and double in seven years at 10 per cent. BANK OF BENSON K Dress Up GET YOUR SUIT 01 CLOTHES FROM GOETZ 11V - WHO ii\ GETS if m \ THE I i x BEST j wL A Full Line of Shoes and Dry 111 Goods. Groceries ji - C.E. Goetzs Martinez Store Robbed Sat. Night Last Saturday night last while parties of town people were playing Hal- loween pranks and roaming around the streets in.ghostly attire, a gang of desperate character were busy rifLing the store of W. D. Martinez of about S3OO worth of goods. Entrance was made by breaking the glass in the front doors and. turning the night latch from the inside. Constable Proffitt and Night Watchman Pacheco are on the lookout but as yet have found no trace of the robher3. Thumb and finger prints were plainly visible on pieces of the broken glass found the next morning, which is the only cjue the officers have to work upon. Martinez and Fenn Win In athletic contests at the High* School grounds yesterday afternoon Baudelio Martinez and Alva Fenu got away with all the laurels. Mar- tinez Won the high jump and the shot put, and Fenn won the 2:2c race and 100-yard dash. For Sale No. 4 Owen’s Bean Thresher, slightly used. Second-hand Hay Baler, on easy terms. Second-hand Single Disc Plow, reversible; cheap. New two burner, self generating Gasoline Stove; less than cost. Southwest Lumber Co. S4tf 5 CENTS A COPV

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Page 1: THE BENSON SIGNAL - Chronicling America...Benson’s proportion of the amount will be about $26,000. The Ben-son district covers the road from the county line near Mescal to Ben-son,

VOL. 17. NO. 41

fire MeetingIs Called For

Monday p. a.It lias beea such a long time

since the tire hose and apparatushave received attention or been in-spected that several of our businessmen, in discussing the laxity oneday this week, decided that thecondition of the hose cart and oth-er fire fighting equipment shouldbe looked after at once. In ac-cordance, the Signal, by request,issues a call to tlie public generallyto meet at the Mansion pool hallnext Monday at 2 o’clock p. m.For the purpose of testing the firehose and discussing the advisabilityof reorganizing the fire department.

There is supposed to be quite asum of money to the credit of thefire department, but a long timehas passed since the departmentwas called together, and its affairshave almost been forgotten.

The lanterns, axes, and ether•small articles have been stolen fromthe fire house, and it is desired tohave these article" replaced.

A good turnout should be at themeeting Monday afternoon.

Many Will Be Here

From quite a radius of countryword comes to Benson from var-,

ious parties signifying their inten-tion of attending the Thanksgivingdance here, to be given by theCochise County Concert BandThe management is endeavoring tosecure the famous Fort HuachucaOrchestra to furnish music for theoccasion, and are quite hopeful ofthe orchestra’s service®, andwill know positively by the 10th.However, if the Huachuca boyscannot come, first class music willbe secured from some other point.This dance will undoubtedly provetd be the social event of the sea-son, and your presence should bewith the jolly throng that will bepresent that night.

Workmen are busy this weekpainting the Catholic church.


Goods Bought and Sold

What Have You to Sell? What Do You Wish to Buy? QtfiS

SEE DENNEY FIRSTNext to Moss’s Garage Benson, Arizona


Benson Drug Store \H. WALKER, Proprietor f§



Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Jw

uaereai m. n n mmmmm


% JrConfectionery, lee Cream and AS! Kinds of-—soft Drinks —;—--


(Stationery,Post Cards, Toilet Articles, Notions,

.School Supplies, Office Supplies, andGents’ Furnishings




St. David Items

(Special Correspondent)

Mrs. Sam Barrow and little sonreturned to their home at the X 3ranch in the Dragoon mountains.This was the little fellow’s first

home coming. The good wishesof the people of St. David, wherehe was born, goes with him.

Mr. N. C. Mcßae, the Rawleigkman, is up at the Fort. His busi-ness is increasing to such an extentthat he is obliged to add anotherstoreroom to his place in St. David.

Mrs, Grace Sfiattuck went upto Tombstone Tuesday.

The people of St. David are gladto see the Hon. John Merri'l, wifeand son Miles in their midst for awhile.

Mr. Francis Goodman, who hasbeen in Bisbee lately, visited hisfamily here this week, and has re-turned to Bisbee on business.

Mr. George Smith and familyhave come to St. David to liveHe formerly resided cn the JohnRock place, in the vicinity of theHuachuca mountains.'

Bhhop Goodman has returnedfrom Bisbee where he was for a fewdays on business.

Work has recommenced on theschool house in St. David. Workon the structure a few weeks agowas discontinued on account ofshortage of lumber.'

Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Merrillmotored up to Tombstone Thurs«day.

Tonight the Midland LyceumBureau will open the Winter sea-son in Benson at K. of P. hall, un-der the auspices 'of the BensonGrammar School. Jean and OrdBohannon, who are spoken of astwo really great artists, in duets,solos, readings, impersonations,etc , will open the season here.Monthly ent®:tainments of variedprograms will be given under themanagement of the Lyceum Bu-reau of Des Moins, lowa. Theproceeds of the entertainments willbe used to improve the children’splay grounds at the grammarschool.

M. F. Castaneda transacted busi-ness at Tombstone a couple ofdays the fore part of the week.

Road BondElection Calls

For $600,000At the meeting of the Road Bond

Issue Association, which was insession at Douglas Wednesday, itwas decided to ask for a bond issuein Cochise county for $600,000, tobe used in the construction of asystem of county roads.

Representatives from all overthe county were present, and theestimate as presented by CountyEngineer Ryan was gone*-, overthoroughly. <

Engineer Ryan s estimate pro-vided for one of the most completesystems of county roads ever planned in the state and entailed .anamount which was about twice theamount which will be asked for,as finally decided upon. The elim-ination was found necessary as thetaxable property in the . countywould not justify the larger amount

In case the bond issue carries,Benson’s proportion of the amountwill be about $26,000. The Ben-son district covers the road fromthe county line near Mescal to Ben-son, and from Benson to a paint ashort distance this side of Adam’sranch. It also includes the roaddown the river and four miles ofroad to the Robinson district. Qnlvone mile of the St. David road isin the Benson district, the balancecoming under the St David districtand will be covered the St.David appropriation.

Petitions will soon be circulatedcalling for the election, which willprobably ba held about the first ofthe year. In voting on the proposition, the amount to be expendedon each section of the road will bespecified.

Those who attended the meetingfrom Benson were M. P. Cosby.C. F. Mess and H. Q. Brown.

Considerable Building at Johnson

John Kippen and M. K. Sipe re-turned Sunday from Johnson, hav-ing just completed the erection ofa new store building for the John-son Supply Company, which is abranch of the Southwest LumberCompany of this place, Mr. Kip-pen reports quite a building boomin the camp: several additions be-ing made to present building, be-sides the new ones being erectedB. A. Taylor of Gleeson will erecta store building in the carqp andengage in the mercantile business.A report is current that a promin-tnt business man of Benson willstart a branch store in the campWm. Seliger, who moved bis mov-ing picture equipment from Bensonto the camp last winter, has metwith such success that he is nowarranging to erect a building togive him more commodious quar-ters to accommodate his growingpatronage.

Had Stolen Goods in Possession

Tuesday Constable Proffitt ar-rested two Mexicans, who gavetheir names as Alberta Oredregaand Albert Flores, on the chargeof having stolen goods in theirpossession.

Suspicion was arroused whenone of the men expressed a bundleof goods to Calilornia. An in-vestigation of the bundle revealeda lot of valuable women’s wearingapparel, shipped from a firm inNew York.

The men could not give a goodaccount of themselves and are be-ing held pending an investigationby S. P. detectives, who are of theopinion that the goods were stolenfrom a Southern pacific freight car.

School Distiict No. 33, in thegrowing camp of Johnson, willbold a bond election on the 27thinstant for the purpose of raisingfuuds to erect a much needed schoolbuilding. The bond issue calls forS3OOO, which will undoubtedlycarry at the election. The schoolchildren have become so numerousin the district that a larger build-ing is necessary to accommodateihem. Lucy H. Burney, IreneWien, and Nellie Lemons are namedas the election judges.

A Spanish comedy drama wasgiven at K. of P. hall Mondaynight last for tfie benefit of theCatholic church fund. The dramawas appreciated by a fair sizedaudience, and the church fund hada few dollars added to it.

ConstableJohn Proffitt

Makes HaulUntil Sunday Benson had the

reputation of being the driest townin the state, observing the prohi-bition bw to the letter. The goodrecord was broken Sunday, how-ever, when Constable Proffitt raid-ed a small house near the ceme-tery, confiscated several bottles ofliquor and made three arrests.

A woman and two m9n were ar-rested. The men were chargedwith being drunk and disorderly,and after pleading guilty were re*leased on a suspended sentence.The woman, an elderly Mexican,acknowledged ownership of thebooze, claiming that she had foundthe stuff in a valise at the cemeteryat six o-clock in the morning. Morethan this she denied any connectionwith the affair. She was releasedand willbe kept under surveilanceuntil the origination of the boozecan be investigated.

The booze had the resemblanceof being home distilled, being con-tained in quart and pint beer bot-tles. Four full bottles and two orthree empties were found. Ac-cording to a gentleman who claimsto be a judge of good whiskey, thestuff was disttlled from the dregsof hades, but evidently the mescalplant, corn, and wild plants entersed into its composition. It is veryevident that i! the stuff was eitherdistilled here or was smuggled fromMexico. The booze will be heldin bond by Judge Sfiilliam until aUnited States revenue man comes,when it will be turned over to him;and ifthat gehtleman does not wantthe stuff, Judge Shilliam will seethat it is destroyed according tolaw.

Robinson Items(By Special Correspondent)

*. At thß Benson Canal meetingfie d Tuesday, Z. T. Coons was em-ployed as watermaster, being thelowest bidder. The canal clean-ing was let to Mr. GiUett, whichwill be done with a machine whichhe intends to import from Califorrxia.

Truman Tryon came in from theGila Valley Sunday. He and hisbrother-in law, Merlin Plumb, arefitting out for extensive work ontheir mining claims.

The water was turned out of thecanal several days this week so thatrepairs could be made on one ofthe siphons.

J. R. Cosby is having plansdrawn for a two-room addition tohis residence.

The Ladies’ Relief Society metTuesday afternoon at the residenceof Mrs. P. P. Sabin.Gun Club Meeting Vfednesday Night

Officials of tbe Benson Rifie andRevolver Club have issued a cal:for a meeting Wednesday night atthe High School for the purpose ofascertaining how many and whatkind of gujis and ammunition themembers will want to purchase.

There are now sixty three mem •be ! s enrolled in the elub.

The Ladies’ Aid Society of theMethodist church will hold a foodsale Wednesday afternoon, November 24, in the Zeek building. Thbfood sale, being held just beforeThanksgiving, will be quite a helpto mmy housewives whose homeduties are quite severe, as manyappetismg dishes and pastry foodscan be purchased for the Thanks-giving dinner, thus lessening thework in preparing a big dinner forthe Thanksgiving festal board.

The eighth chapter of “The Di-amond From the Sky” will be pre-sented at the Rink Theatre tonightfor the edification of the moviefans. You cannot afford to miss achapter of this sterling play. Thefarce comedy will be extra goodtonight.

H. V. Dollarbide, a former Ben-sonite and who is now running anauto stage line between Dragoonand Johnson, was in town Wednes-day on business. He reports con-siderable travel to and from themining camp,

Mrs. Max Treu and daughter,Julia, returned home today from ashort visit in Tucson.

Cali on me tor your gasoline, dis-tillate and lubricating oils. C. F.Moss.

Miramonte Items(Special Correspondent)

Mr. Henry Coplin, a resident ofthis place, met with an accident,having two ribs broken while driv-ing a freight team at Johnson, whichwill lay him up for some time.

Mr. Charles Anderson, who has| been freighting at Johnson, hasreturned home and is consideringbuilding an addition to his residence. 7,

The Relief Society of this placemet last Tuesday in regular meet-ing. It was work day, and allwere busy in helping to completea quilt which will be on sale in thenear future to help the poor thatmay be in need.

Mrs. Clifford Whettou has goneto New Mexico to join her husband,who has been working there forsome time.

The farmers are busy harvestingtheir crops. R. L- McCall experimented with five varieties of corn,and found that Hickory King,Strawberry and Yellow Flint doremarkably welThere as dry farm-ing crops, especially when thedrouth this season is considered.

* . <• ) •

Pacheco Resigns

Marcus Pacheco has resigned hisposition as nigh watchman, feelingthat there might bo some dissatis-faction on account of tbe robberyof Martinez’ store Saturday night.He told a representative of theSignal that, he wanted to thank thepeople who assisted in his rein-statement to the office some timeago. He said that he wanted theposition and had given it carefulattention, but anticipating dissatis-faction, thought it best to resign.

A good rain storm visited thissection this morning.



Lumber, Hardware, Wagons and ImplementsAll Kinds of Building Material

Agents for John Deere Implements; King Silos, En-gines and Blowers; Cream Separators and Cans

J. A. Gumm, Manager BENSON, ARIZONA I


lave You Any idle funds?We can loan your money for you at ten per cent interest ongilt edge security. Any amount from one hundred to fivethousand dollars. We will give your loans our care and at-

tention and collect the interest free of charge. We have

more applications than we can fill.

Put your money to work here it will build up Benson and doublein seven years at 10 per cent.


KDress Up





WHOii\ GETSif m \ THEI i x BESTj wL A Full Line of Shoes and Dry

111 Goods. Groceries

ji *¦- C.E. Goetzs

Martinez StoreRobbed Sat.

Night LastSaturday night last while parties

of town people were playing Hal-loween pranks and roaming aroundthe streets in.ghostly attire, a gangof desperate character were busyrifLing the store of W. D. Martinezof about S3OO worth of goods.

Entrance was made by breakingthe glass in the front doors and.turning the night latch from theinside.

Constable Proffitt and NightWatchman Pacheco are on thelookout but as yet have found notrace of the robher3. Thumb andfinger prints were plainly visibleon pieces of the broken glass foundthe next morning, which is theonly cjue the officers have to workupon.

Martinez and Fenn Win

In athletic contests at the High*School grounds yesterday afternoonBaudelio Martinez and Alva Fenugot away with all the laurels. Mar-tinez Won the high jump and theshot put, and Fenn won the 2:2c

race and 100-yard dash.

For SaleNo. 4 Owen’s Bean Thresher,

slightly used.Second-hand Hay Baler, on easy

terms.Second-hand Single Disc Plow,

reversible; cheap.New two burner, self generating

Gasoline Stove; less than cost.Southwest Lumber Co. S4tf