the beatles english rock group formed in liverpool in 1959. george harrison, john winston lennon,...

The Beatles The Beatles

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Page 1: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

The BeatlesThe Beatles

Page 2: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

English rock group formed in Liverpool in


George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr,

James Paul McCartney

Page 3: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney was born in June 1942, John Lennon- in October 1940( died in 1980), George Harrison – in February 1943( died in 2001), Ringo Starr – in July 1940.

Page 4: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

It is the best place to start your adventure. The streets are fascinating. The city is proud of its cathedrals. If shopping is your passion , you are welcome.

Page 5: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

The group has brought in the significant contribution to development of rock music. At the end of 1950 years the American popular music influenced the group. The group received the name ‘ The Silver Beetles’ or ‘ The Silver bugs’. Later Beetles was changed by Lennon on Beatles( comfortably beat – ‘ bit’).

Page 6: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

Our Glossary

Арт – рок ( англ. аrt rock, букв. –

художественный рок), совокупность элементов рока, академической музыки, джаза, различных национальных музыкальных культур.

Битломания ( англ. Beatlemania) – увлечение музыкой « Битлзов», необузданное поведение поклонниц.

Сингл ( англ. single, букв. единственный), маленькая пластинка ( 45 оборотов в мин.), содержит, как правило, 2 песни – по одной на каждую сторону пластинки.

Page 7: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

Хит ( англ. hit – удар, попадание), пользующаяся наибольшей популярностью песня.

Хит – парад ( англ. hit parade), список самых популярных песен, шлягеров

( года, месяца, недели т.д.).Хард – рок ( англ. hard rock от

hard – твердый и рок), энергичный, жесткий, ритм н – блюз.

Имидж ( англ. image – образ),представление о чьем – нибудь внутреннем и внешнем облике.

Page 8: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

Image of musicians

Instead of black leather jackets in style teddy boys they dressed jackets without collars

( received the name “ битловки”) and long hair on the forehead.

Page 9: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

1960- 1961 The Beatles make

the first trips to Hamburg, working with success in pubs. They give more than 300 concerts.

Page 10: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

1962 The first single

appeared with the songs Love Me Do and P.S. I Love You, then Please Please Me, at last on the wave of success the third single From Me To You occupied the first place.

Page 11: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

1963 Officially the term ‘ Beatlemania’

appeared in press. The group gave concerts for the Queen at the London theatre of prince Welsh.

Page 12: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

1964 -1965 American teenagers

required ‘ to bring’ the group in

USA. More than 70 million Americans watched TV

concerts of the group in famous show of Ad Sallivan.

The Beatles first appeared in the films ‘ A Hard Day’s Night’ and ‘ Help’.

The English Queen awarded the group with an award of the British Empire.

The most popular song Yesterday was written.

Page 13: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

1966 - 1967 In San

Francisco The Beatles gave their last concert. Disk Revolver put a beginning to a new musical style – art – rock.

Page 14: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

1968 - 1970 studio experiments

with sounds and instruments;

death of group’s manager;

creating the last album Let It Be;

official disintegration of the group.

Page 15: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

Main reasonsUsing drugs;Death of Brian A., the manager;Becoming megastars;Getting tired of each other;Weakening creative potential.

Page 16: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

QUIZ1. Which city in England did the Beatles

come from? a/London b/ Manchester c/Liverpool.

2. Match the names and surnames of the four Beatles?

John StarrRingo HarrisonGeorge McCartneyPaul Lennon3. When did they have their first hit?a/ 1970 b/ 1962 c/ 1948

Page 17: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

4. Which of these is not a Beatles’ song? a/ Love Me Do Do b/ She loves You c/ All You Need Is Love d/ California Girls5. What films did they take part in? a/ Help Me, Please. b/ A Hard Day’s Night. c/ Help!

Page 18: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

6. Who awarded the Beatles with an award of the British

Empire?a/ Prince Charles

b/ the English Queen7. Who returned the award as a protest against the war in

Vietnam?8. When did the group give

their last concert?a/ 1967 b/ 1966 c/ 1970

Page 19: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

9. What does the word ‘Beatlemania ‘ mean?10. They appeared in the street only under the protection of police because…a/ they used drugs;b/ they were followed by crowds of teens;c/ they were stars.

Page 20: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

Let’s sing a song together

The Fool on the HillDay after day alone on a hill,

The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still,

But nobody wants to know him.They can see that he’s just a fool,

And he never gives an answer.Refrain: But the fool on the hill sees the sun going down and the eyes in his head see the world spinning round.

Well on the way, head in a cloud.The man of a thousand voices talking perfectly

loud,But nobody ever hears him,

Or the sound he appears to make,And he never seems to notice.


Page 21: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

And nobody seems to like him,They can tell what he wants to do,And he never shows his feelings.

Refrain: But the fool on the hill seesthe sun going down and theeyes in his head see theworld spinning round.

He never listens to them,He knows that they’re the fools,They don’t like him.Refrain.

Page 22: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney

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Page 23: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney


1. Большая энциклопедия Кирилла и Мефодия 2005.

2. Русско – английский словарь.3. Великобритания.

Лингвострановедческий словарь.

Page 24: The Beatles English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1959. George Harrison, John Winston Lennon, Ringo Starr, James Paul McCartney