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The ART Of Networking Connecting People Online and Off

Paul KearleyIBC Impact Business Communication, Inc.

Susan Robichaud Axion Marketing Inc.

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Networking, in any form, means connection. To be exact it means “ The cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business.” That is what we intend to discuss with you in this short eBook: how to network in person at a networking meeting, how to prepare for it, and how to network and brand yourself online.

There certainly is an ART to networking. It takes into account three areas that we must pay particular attention to if we are to build the connection we so desire: Attitude, Relationships and Techniques.

Pa^g�p^�ehhd�Zm�ma^�:mmbmn]^�ihkmbhg%�h_m^g�p^�mabgd�bm�l�hger�maZm�p^�fnlm�mabgd�ihlbmbo^er�Zg]�^o^krmabg`�pbee�[^�hd'��Ng_hkmngZm^er%�bm�l�ghm�Zl�^Zlr�as that. We must take into account what we do, how we do it, what we say and how we say it and even how we look when meeting new people. Remember, people are people, and they will tend to form an opinion when ma^r�Ûklm�f^^m�rhn'�FZkd�;hp]^g%�Z�li^\bZeblm�bg�anfZg�[^aZobhk�Zg]�[h]r�language, states that we only have about 4 seconds in which to make the impression we wish to make. This proves that how you show up mentally and physically makes a major impact on the relationship you wish to build.

Bg�ma^�K^eZmbhglabil�Zk^Z%�bm�l�bfihkmZgm�mh�k^Zebs^�maZm%�^li^\bZeer�bg�g^m-working meetings, you must have a certain charisma that draws people to rhn'��Ma^�eb_^ehg`�ngpkbmm^g�kne^�bg�g^mphkdbg`�aZl�[^^g�Bm�l�ghm�pah�rhn�dghp%�bm�l�pah�pZgml�mh�dghp�rhn�maZm�fZmm^kl'���Lh%�^glnk^�rhn�ikZ\mb\^�good listening skills and show an interest in the other person. Dale Carn-egie said, “You can make more friends in 5 minutes by being interested in the other person than you can in 5 years by trying to get them interested in you”, so practice good connection skills.

The Techniques area is all about how you engage the other person often even before you ever see them at the networking meeting. So it would be important to know how to brand yourself, how to apply good social media etiquette and how to create a social media strategy. Techniques are also about the art of conversation on a one with one basis, how you remember names and how you follow up.

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Pa^g�rhn�aZo^�Ûgbla^]�k^Z]bg`�mabl�^;hhd%�rhn�pbee�aZo^�\k^Zm^]�Z�lh\bZe�media strategy for yourself and your business, you will have a personal [kZg]�lmZm^f^gm%�rhn�pbee�Ûg]�\a^\deblml�_hk�ik^iZkbg`�_hk�rhnk�g^qm�f^^m-ing, and you will be much more prepared to be purposeful and strategic when you network with others.

Now, go and make an IMPACT!

“The Human Connection by Paul Kearley”

Other than the fact that I was at the Chamber of Commerce to build my business connections, I had no business being there at all. I was an intro-verted, untrained green salesperson with lots of great intentions, and even more fears, and I had no understanding as to why I was there or what I was supposed to be doing. In my pocket I had 5 business cards, faded and bruised from my pocket after a long day of cold calling and driving, and in my hands I carried a sweating glass of water which made my hands clammy and wet and when people shook my hand, they would wipe it dry hg�ma^bk�iZgml�pa^g�ma^r�mahn`am�B�pZlg�m�ehhdbg`'�

Scruffy from a long day of disappointments, unshaven and unprepared, I lurked around the dark edges, searching for a friendly face, someone I knew, someone I could talk to about anything, someone friendly so I phne]g�m�ehhd�lh�]^li^kZm^'

And there he was: A thirty-something, good looking guy (in a professional sort of way) who I had called on that very morning, and who I knew would be friendly and conversational towards me. Daniel was a successful entre-ik^g^nk%�]kbiibg`�pbma�\aZkblfZ%�Ûeebg`�ihhel�h_�\hgo^klZmbhg�^o^krpa^k^�he went. People were seeking him out and asking his advice and he warm-er�Zg]�\hgÛ]^gmer�fZ]^�ma^f�_^^e�Zl�b_�ma^r�p^k^�ma^�hger�hma^k�i^klhg�bg�the room. He was a Picasso of people, a master-networking artist. I on the hma^k�aZg]�pZlg�m�^o^g�Zg�ZfZm^nk'

Since that day I have studied networking and committed myself to master-ing it, and then sharing it with others. In order to actually master the process of networking I committed to at-

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tending as many meetings as possible so I could learn it, so I could watch ahp�i^hie^�Z\m^]�Zg]�k^Z\m^]�Zg]�mh�bgm^kgZebs^�bm�Zg]�]h�bm�pbma�^Zl^'�And through it all, I have learned that there actually is an ART to network-ing that anyone willing to try a few simple techniques and follow some key principles can master. To master the ART of networking means learn-ing how your Attitude comes into play in how you show up and how you Z\m� pbma� hma^kl'� Bm�l� k^\h`gbsbg`� maZm� nge^ll� rhn� \Zg� [nbe]� K^eZmbhglabil�and become genuinely interested in others you are bound to live a lonely existence. And if you follow a few simple Techniques in being a stronger conversationalist, in remembering names, in using social media to support your activities, your job will become so much easier.

Preparing For A Networking Meeting

Why do you network? Why not just pick up the phone and call everyone you can think of and ask for their business? Well, I can tell you from experi-^g\^�maZm�cnlm�]h^lg�m�phkd�Zgrfhk^'�G^mphkdbg`�bl�_Zlm�[^\hfbg`�hg^�h_�the most effective ways in which to prospect for new business.

Networking meetings are designed for you to be in the studio with other networkers who are searching to accomplish three basic results: Connect with people you personally want to help succeed, who can help you suc-ceed and who can use your help in connecting to important people in your \bk\e^�h_�bgÜn^g\^�pah�\hne]�[^�h_�a^ei�mh�ma^f'��Bm�l�ghm�Z[hnm�l^eebg`�Zgr�ikh]n\ml�hk�l^kob\^l4�bm�l�Z[hnm�l^eebg`�rhnkl^e_'

:l�lmkZg`^�Zl�bm�bl�mh�lZr%�g^mphkdbg`�f^^mbg`l�Zk^g�m�ZepZrl�Zee�Z[hnm�rhn3�they are for building a community of like minded people who jointly sup-port each other to succeed.

As soon as you notice that there will be a meeting, start working on it. Find out the details, the 4 Ws (Who, what, when and where) as this will give you a head start on whom you should meet and how you will do it.

Once you know the details of when and where, get to work on the whom. Who will be going? Who do you hope will be there? Who can you invite?

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This is where Social Media can earn its keep.

E^m�l�^qZfbg^�lhf^�h_�ma^�fhk^�ihineZk�lh\bZe�f^]bZ�ieZm_hkfl�Zg]�ahp�they can be best used to perfect your art of networking.


Above all the social networks out there, Twitter appears to be the most powerful way to grow a personal brand around yourself. Creating a per-sonal brand is one of the most important and necessary ways to get no-ticed and increase your presence.

B_�ma^k^�bl�Zg�h_Û\bZe��aZla�mZ`�_hk�ma^�f^^mbg`%�l^Zk\a�_hk�bm�Zg]�l^^�paZm�other people are saying about the meeting and tweet that you will be at-tending. This will make it easier for people to reach out to you before you even get to the meeting.


When you start to get tweets and responses from other attendees, create a working list and make it available to all attendees. Other people will Ziik^\bZm^�bm�Zg]�l^^�rhn�Zl�Z�e^Z]^k�Zg]�Z�lh\bZe�f^]bZ�pabs��:elh%�bm�pbee�open doors that you may not have even known were there before. Check your list and follow the ones you are not already following and tell them that you will be attending too and would like to meet them in person.

A good thing to remember is that the networking meeting starts long be-fore the scheduled meet time, so do your homework, be curious, be adven-turous and yes, be bold.

The key with Twitter is to check it regularly, or as regularly as you can. Your news feed will constantly update throughout the day with updates from the people you are following, so if you have a very large following, it fZr�[^�o^kr�]b_Û\nem�mh�_heehp�ma^�i^hie^�maZm�rhn�pZgm�mh�[nbe]�Z�[nlbg^ll�

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relationship with. Contrary to popular practice, I am not a fan of following everyone and their dog on Twitter, I try to keep it limited to people I want to build and connect with. By checking your news feed regularly you are e^ll�ebd^er�mh�fbll�d^r�ni]Zm^l�h_�bgm^k^lm�Zg]�rhn�ee�aZo^�fhk^�hiihkmngb-mb^l�mh�bgm^kZ\m�pbma�hma^kl��ni]Zm^l%�laZkbg`�rhnk�hibgbhgl�Zg]�Z]ob\^'�


Now that you have a list, this is where LinkedIn can be very valuable. Re-l^Zk\a�ma^�eblm�Zg]�k^Z]�ma^�;bh�l�h_�mahl^�Zmm^g]bg`�_hk�Zgrmabg`�maZm�rhn�may have in common or could talk about. Then ask them to connect and explain why. Resist the temptation to just send a standard LinkedIn gener-ated invitation. Be creative and bold and write your own short invitation. Mabl�fZd^l�ma^�f^^mbg`�[^\hf^�fn\a�fhk^�i^klhgZe�Zg]�rhn�pbee�Ûg]�\hg-tacts looking forward to meeting you.

A^r�Cbf%�B�ghmb\^]�maZm�rhn�pbee�[^�Zmm^g]bg`�ma^�:km�H_�G^mphkdbg`�^o^gm�`bo^g�[r�ma^�<aZf[^k�bg�CZgnZkr'��B�Zf�planning on attending as well. May I add you to my list of

contacts here on LinkedIn so we can share ideas about the event?”

LinkedIn is one of my favorite ways to build and brand my company and myself, and with practice it will be yours as well. In Business, as well as in life, people will buy you before they buy from your company. LinkedIn is a great way to start the branding process. Create a bio that clearly states who you are and what you stand for. Avoid the temptation to give yourself hg^�h_�mahl^�pbmmr�mbme^l�ebd^�@kZg]�Ihh�;Za���LZe^l��hk�PbsZk]�h_�Gnf-[^kl�'�B�Ûg]�maZm�bm�l�[^mm^k�mh�cnlm�lZr�pah�rhn�Zk^�Zg]�paZm�rhn�]h'�Bm�l�\e^Zk%�\e^Zg�Zg]�\hg\bl^�Zg]�maZm�l�paZm�i^hie^�pZgm'

The thing is, LinkedIn is a wonderful reservoir of connections and leads, Zg]�pa^g�nl^]�^__^\mbo^er%�\Zg�[kbg`�rhn�Z�lb`gbÛ\Zgm�Zfhngm�h_�phkd'

To make LinkedIn work for you, use it as a daily networking tool to connect

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and reconnect with important people who can bring value to your efforts Zg]�mh�pahf�rhn�\Zg�]h�ma^�lZf^'��Rhn�]hg�m�aZo^�mh�[^�hg�Ebgd^]Bg�o^kr�long each day if you are strategic. Effective networking requires that you become a catalyst for yourself and for others. It only takes about 20 min-utes a day to create a killer network that is always in action:

1. Spend 10 minutes reaching out to people with whom you think you can help, providing whatever assistance, advice or resources you can offer.

2. Li^g]�Ûo^�fbgnm^l�Zldbg`�i^hie^�pah�\Zg�a^ei�rhn�`khp�oZen^�questions that will help you better plan and understand your next steps in business.

3. Li^g]�Ûo^�fbgnm^l�bgmkh]n\bg`�i^hie^�rhn�dghp�Zfhg`�rhnk�\bk\e^l�to build a well of resources for future growth.

Remember, you cannot reach everyone on your list each and every day. You must be strategic. Plan out your time and get to work on it. I have a planning sheet that I use called a “Day Start Planner” where I plan things like “ What projects need my attention and action today?”, “Who are the people I must connect with no matter what?” and even “who are ma^�i^hie^�B�f�pZbmbg`�hg�mh�fho^�Z�ikhc^\m�_hkpZk]8��Get it here on my website.

What to Bring

:l�rhn�ik^iZk^� _hk� ma^�f^^mbg`%�fZd^�lnk^�rhn�aZo^�ln_Û\b^gm�[nlbg^ll�cards. You may also want to bring any 1-page company literature that talks about what you do and how you do it and ways of connecting. Even if you have a “Q” code on a card that will direct them to your website, bring it along. You want to make connecting with you the easiest thing they can ]h'''�:g]�ma^�fhlm�ikhÛmZ[e^'�:l�ma^�he]�kne^�bg�lZe^l�lmZm^l%

“People buy from people they like”

So, be likeable, be approachable and be charismatic.Remember, the networking meeting is just that: a meeting. It is not a sales

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Ühhk�hk�Z�ieZ\^� _hk�rhn� mh�lmZkm�ibm\abg`�rhnk�ikh]n\ml�hk�l^kob\^l'�Rhn�have to earn that next step by how you “show up” at the event.

The new generation of salespeople, the “Challengers”, are making strong headway into the marketplace by being good at teaching clients things Z[hnm� ma^bk�Û^e]� maZm� ma^r�fZr�ghm�aZo^�Zek^Z]r�dghpg'�Ma^r� mZbehk� ma^�\hgo^klZmbhg�Zg]�]^ebo^k�mh�[^mm^k�Ûm�paZm�ma^�\eb^gm�pZgml�bglm^Z]�h_�paZm�we want to sell them and take the lead in the sales process by setting up plans and create strategies for the client to win. It appears that if you want to be successful at sales these days, you have to be less of a sales person and more of a consultant who learns about their business prospects and a^eil�ma^f�Ûg]�fhk^�ln\\^ll_ne�pZrl�mh�[^aZo^�Zg]�Z\m'�

In a networking situation, a challenger will learn about the client and what their challenges are then will research the company, the marketplace and the best practices and then come to the client with suggestions. This takes mbf^�Zg]�\Zgghm�[^�]hg^�hg�ma^�g^mphkdbg`�Ühhk'��


Your Pitch

When you are at the meeting, there is certain information that you will need to know about your clients, just as there is information they will want to know about you.

You should have a value summary of what you do already prepared and ikZ\mb\^]�[^_hk^�rhn�`h%�lh�rhn�phg�m�[^�lmn\d�pa^g�i^hie^�Zld�rhn�pah�you represent and what you do.

A value summary is simply a 30 second statement that explains what your company does and your role in making that happen. In preparing this statement, ask yourself the following questions:

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How do I help others?

What problems do I solve?

What do I offer my customers?

Bm�l�k^Zeer�maZm�lbfie^'��Fhlm�i^hie^�fZd^�bm�lh�fn\a�aZk]^k�mh�\k^Zm^�maZg�it really needs to be. In reality it is a short statement that is designed to tell the prospect the value you and your business offers them.

What you are doing is starting to create your own personal brand. When you know the answer to the above questions you are closer to creating your own personal brand statement.

Personal Brand Statement

To prepare your statement, write out the answers to the following ques-tions:

I want to be known as a person who is: ___________________________________________________________

I am an expert at: ___________________________________________________________

The value I give to customers is: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The problems I solve for customers are: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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I am unique because: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ghp%�lnffZkbs^�bm�bgmh�Z�lmZm^f^gm�maZm�bl�ihp^k_ne�Zg]�Z\mnZeer�f^Zgl�something to the listener:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Remember, this is just a statement. This is who you are. This is the value you bring to the business relationship, so take the time to clearly think about and prepare.

Networking Checklist

Before each and every networking event you attend, you MUST be pre-pared. Take the time to stop, think and prepare the following items be-fore every meeting:

Networking Event Name: ___________________________________________________________


Twitter Hashtag?___________________________________________________________

Attendee list created?: Yes _____ No _____

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Key people attending that I would like to meet:

Name: _________________ Company: __________________________Challenges they face: _________________________________________How I may help them: ________________________________________

Name: _________________ Company: __________________________Challenges they face: _________________________________________How I may help them: ________________________________________

Name: _________________ Company: __________________________Challenges they face: _________________________________________How I may help them: ________________________________________

Name: _________________ Company: __________________________Challenges they face: _________________________________________How I may help them: ________________________________________

Name: _________________ Company: __________________________Challenges they face: _________________________________________How I may help them: ________________________________________

My Value Statement:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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The Event

This is where the proverbial networking rubber hits the road. This is where all you have practiced becomes real. This could also be where you develop your next big project, so what you do and how you do it during the event could make a big difference in yearly goals and production.

Upon Arrival

Show up early and stand close to the entrance at the start and end of the event so you can be there to greet people as they enter and as they leave. AZo^�Z�Ûkf�aZg]laZd^%�fZd^�^r^�\hgmZ\m�Zg]�_h\nl�hg�^Z\a�i^klhg�rhn�talk to. Make them feel as if they are the only other person at this event and you are genuinely interested in them and what they have to say.

First impressions are lasting, so make sure you present a good one. Be aware that your body language often says more than the words you use, so think and act positive and display a great genuine attitude.

=hg�m�[^�Z_kZb]�mh�bgmkh]n\^�rhnkl^e_� mh�i^hie^�pahf�rhn�pZgm�mh�f^^m�and spend time with during the meeting, also, be charismatic and make introductions for people who want to meet people in your circle or each other.

During The Event

There is a real temptation during networking meetings to make it a social get-together and spend the time hanging around with people you know. In the game of Networking, this is a serious faux pas. You attend networking meetings to, well, network, so spend at least 2/3rd of spendyour time with people you do not yet know or that you are trying to connect with. These could be the people on your Twitter list, your LinkedIn contacts list or even the people that you have on your “people I want to meet whom I can help

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solve their problems” list. The most important thing again is to spend your time with people whom you can help, not whom you want to help you.

When you meet people, be a master of engaging discussion. Find out about them, their business interests what they do, and what they like to do.

A good conversationalist always knows that people are so much more than just business opportunities: they are just like you with their own needs, bgm^k^lml%�_^Zkl�Zg]�fhmboZmhkl'�Rhnk�ch[�bl�mh�Ûg]�mabl�hnm�makhn`a�k^l^Zk\a�before the meeting, and most importantly through the one on one conver-sations you engage them in.

Through questions, get them to paint a picture of their current situation and lead them into the often-avoided territory of what they would like to create bg�ma^bk�[nlbg^ll�Zg]�eb_^'�Pa^g�rhn�Ûg]�hnm�paZm�ma^r�pZgm�Zg]�par�ma^r�want it, you will have discovered much of what you need to know to make them a client, and keep them as well.

=Ze^�<Zkg^`b^�l�[hhd�Ahp�Mh�Pbg�?kb^g]l�:g]�BgÜn^g\^�I^hie^��bl�hg^�of those resources that can be priceless in the whole networking process. With principles like “Make the other person feel important and do it sin-cerely” or “Become genuinely interested in the other person” you will Ûg]�fZgr�ikhÛmZ[e^�`nb]^ebg^l�mh�_heehp�maZm�pbee�\k^Zm^�\hgg^\mbhgl'�Cnlm�remember to be conversational and interested and you will keep the con-o^klZmbhg�Ühpbg`'

Ma^�fhk^�rhn�Z]oZg\^�bg�ma^�Ûg^�Zkm�h_�g^mphkdbg`%�ma^�fhk^�rhn�pbee�pbm-ness the incredible power of listening.

If your goal is to impress someone and make an immediate sale, then rhn�o^� lmZkm^]� hnm� bg� ma^� pkhg`� eZg^'� � Rhn�k^� bg� ma^� ^qik^ll� eZg^� hg� Z�bicycle, when you need to be in the slow lane learning about them and pa^k^�ma^r�Zk^�`hbg`'�Rhn�\Zg�]^o^ehi�fhk^�\eb^gml�bg�Ûo^�fbgnm^l�[r�ebl-m^gbg`�Zg]�[^bg`�bgm^k^lm^]�bg�ma^f�maZg�rhn�pbee�bg�Ûo^�r^Zkl�[r�mkrbg`�mh�`^m�ma^f�bgm^k^lm^]�bg�rhn'��K^f^f[^k%�bm�l�ghm�Z[hnm�rhn�Zg]�rhnk�g^^]l�bm�l�Z[hnm�ma^f�Zg]�ma^bkl'�Mhh�h_m^g%�i^hie^�l�bgm^gmbhgl�Zk^�l^e_&l^kobg`%�and it shows. Connect because you want to connect. Be helpful because rhn�pZgm�mh�a^ei'�MaZm�l�pa^g�ma^�k^Ze�[^g^Ûml�pbee�Zii^Zk'

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After The Event

This is where all your efforts start to pay off. If you have promised anyone rhn�pbee�`^m�[Z\d�mh�ma^f%�fZd^�maZm�rhnk�Ûklm�ikbhkbmr'�Bm�bl�bfihkmZgm�mh�remember that it is almost useless for you to wait for someone to call you. Ma^k^�l�Z�`hh]�\aZg\^�maZm�ma^r�pbee�_hk`^m'��Rhn�fnlm�fZd^�ma^�Ûklm�fho^%�not to appear too hungry, but to let them know that you have value and you want to help.

<Zee�ma^f�pbmabg�ma^�Ûklm�_^p�]Zrl�Z_m^k�ma^�̂ o^gm%�bgmkh]n\^�rhnkl^e_%�pa^k^�you met and some of what you talked about, and ask for a time to meet to discuss it further. Before you actually get to meet them face to face in the meeting you set up, take the time to Google them and their company. Find out about the business challenges they face and study their industry and their company. You owe it to your prospect to be seen as an asset who brings value to the conversation, instead of a professional visitor who shows up for coffee and useless conversation. If you can teach them some-thing about their industry that they might not have known, they will see you as someone they can trust and will value your thoughts and ideas. The best way to win with your new prospects is for them to see you as a resource for their business. This can only happen if you take action and make yourself invaluable to them.

Networking meetings have the potential to bring you a lot of business and ma^�hiihkmngbmr�_hk�rhn�mh�bfiZ\m�fZgr�i^hie^�l�ebo^l'��Ie^Zl^�k^f^f[^k%�the whole idea of networking is to broaden your base of contacts and in-crease the amount of prospects and actual clients you have in your toolbox at any one time. Used professionally, allows you to impact many people Zg]�Ûg]�Z�mhg�h_�g^p�[nlbg^ll'�Nl^]�pkhg`er�bm�\Zg�\k^Zm^�Z�g^`Zmbo^�k^in-mZmbhg�maZm�rhn�fZr�Ûg]�aZk]�mh�^l\Zi^�_khf'

Now, go out and make an Impact!

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10 Guidelines For More Impactful Networking

1. Bm�l�ghm�Z[hnm�rhn3��P^ee%�fhlm�h_�bm�blg�m'��Lnk^�rhn�fnlm�dghp�paZm�to do when you step in to engage with someone, but your conversa-tion MUST center on the other person. Who are they? What are the challenges they face? Etc. Make them feel important by listening and asking about them.

2. I^hie^�[nr�rhn�[^_hk^�ma^r�[nr�paZm�rhn�k^�l^eebg`3 So be dynamic and charismatic. Be the kind of person that people want to li^g]�mbf^�pbma'�K^f^f[^k�rhn�Zk^�[nbe]bg`�k^eZmbhglabil�lh�]hg�m�mkr�to sell your products until you have earned the right to.

3. Do your due diligence: Research the meeting and the participants. Make a list of the people you want to meet and the connections you already have who can introduce you to them. Decide if you should even be there. There are many times I am invited to networking events Zg]�Z_m^k�B�]h�fr�k^l^Zk\a%�bm�l�^ob]^gm�maZm�mabl�bl�ghm�fr�]^fh`kZia-ic, and so I focus my interests somewhere else.

4. Learn social media etiquette: Apply good social networking skills. B_�rhn�Zk^�Ziierbg`�^__^\mbo^�g^mphkdbg`�ldbeel%�rhn�]hg�m�g^^]�mh�[^�a blatant salesperson. Connect using Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn but resist the temptation to begin selling at the get go as people will ignore you and look for ways to get away from you.

5. Be a good conversationalist: You can make more connections in Ûo^�fbgnm^l�[r�[^bg`�bgm^k^lm^]�bg�ma^f�maZg�rhn�\Zg�bg�Ûo^�r^Zkl�[r�trying to get them interested in you.

6. Be honest and transparent: No matter who you meet, remember mabl3�ma^r�]hg�m�\Zk^�ahp�fn\a�hk�pah�rhn�dghp%�ma^r�ikbfZkber�\Zk^�about themselves and what they can do to receive some sort of grati-Û\Zmbhg�_hk�pah�ma^r�Zk^�hk�paZm�ma^r�o^�]hg^'�B_�rhn�\Zg�a^ei�ma^f%�say so, and say how. Do not concoct any hair-brained schemes or tell them lies to further your cause.

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7. =hg�m�\kbmb\bs^�hk�\hfieZbg3 When you are at a networking meet-bg`%�hk�Zgr�f^^mbg`�_hk�maZm�fZmm^k%�k^lblm�ma^�m^fimZmbhg�mh�\kbmb\bs^�hk�complain about other people, your competitors or even the location of the meeting: People do not want to hear about that. What they want is for you to make them feel better about knowing you or your company. So, be positive and encouraging.

8. Keep your language respectful: It does not matter how good you look on the outside, if you talk trash or use profanity, (even if the other person is using it) you will very quickly lose prospects and nega-mbo^er�bgÜn^g\^�i^hie^'�B�ZepZrl�^g\hnkZ`^�i^hie^�mh�mZed�Zl�b_�ma^bk�grandmother is listening: that keeps it clean and respectful.

9. Refrain from alcohol and drugs. Many times Chambers and other [nlbg^ll�`khnil�pbee�ahlm�pbg^�Zg]�\a^^l^�g^mphkdbg`�^o^gml�Zg]�bm�l�common to see people mingling with a glass of wine in their hands. MaZm�l�hd�cnlm�ebfbm�rhnkl^e_'�;^mm^k�r^m%�\Zkkr�Z�[hmme^�h_�pZm^k�hk�cnb\^�instead.

10. Follow up on all of your promises: The purpose of any network-ing event is to connect with people who could potentially become rhnk�\eb^gm'�B_�rhn�f^^m�ma^f�Zg]�ikhfbl^�maZm�rhn�ee�l^g]�ma^f�lhf^-thing, stop right where you are and enter it into your PDA. Then at rhnk�Ûklm�hiihkmngbmr�Z_m^k�ma^�f^^mbg`�l^g]�bm'�Mabl�[nbe]l�\k^]b[bebmr�and it says, “I remember you and you are important”. After all, you ^qi^\m�hma^kl�mh�_heehp�makhn`a'''�]hg�m�rhn8

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“The Online Social Connection by Susan Robichaud” If you have been questioning whether or not social media is right for your business, let me answer that with one great big “YES IT IS!” I get so excited when I think of the potential that lies on the Internet and within the social media aspect of marketing. To be truthful, it is also quite overwhelming when we see how many social networking websites exist and all the people that are actively using them. Being in the marketing industry for more than a decade, I have gladly embraced this technology and have spent the last few years studying how some of the most success-ful social media gurus reach so many people, interact with them, and how they continue to grow those connections over time. I have this down to a l\b^g\^�ghp%�hg^�maZm�lbfiebÛ^l�ma^�ikh\^ll�Zg]�b_� _heehp^]�mh�Z�M�'''� B�dghp�pbee�`nZkZgm^^�k^lneml��

In my opinion, social media sets the stage to build stronger, more imme-diate relationships with people and potential customers. It is a complete game changer and improves the way we connect, learn about each other, and has become one of the fastest ways to share information. Here are just a few reasons why I think social media is right for your business and why I use it for mine:

1. Make connections2. Build relationships3. Network with like-minded individuals -'�K^Z\a�Z�`eh[Ze�fZkd^m�Zg]�bg\k^Zl^�p^[�mkZ_Û\5. Show expertise

;^_hk^�B�`^m�bgmh�^qieZbgbg`�ma^�[^g^Ûml�Zg]�ahp�mh�l�h_�lh\bZe�f^]bZ%�Ze-ehp�f^�mh�Z]]k^ll�lhf^�h_�ma^�_^Zkl�Zg]�\hg\^kgl�lnkkhng]bg`�mabl�ZfZs-bg`�hiihkmngbmr'�Rhn�fZr�k^eZm^�mh�Z�_^p�h_�ma^f%�B�dghp�B�]b]�Zm�Ûklm'�MZd^�Z�_^p�l^\hg]l�Zg]�\a^\d�h__�mahl^�maZm�Ziier�mh�rhn�Zg]�]hg�m�phkkr�b_�most or all of these are on your mind, because you are not alone.

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� =hg�m�dghp�paZm�mh�ihlm���Phkkr�Z[hnm�g^`Zmbo^�\hf-ments��Lh\bZe�F^]bZ�e^Zkgbg`�\nko^�is too steep�� Not comfortable putting yourself out there��?^^ebg`�ho^kpa^ef^]

��EZ\d�h_�k^lhnk\^l���Ghm�\hgobg\^]�h_�ma^�oZen^�/ R.O.I �� Gh� \e^Zk� `nb]^ebg^l%� iheb-cies and processes ��=hg�m�dghp�pa^k^�mh�lmZkm���EZ\d�h_�mbf^�hk�fhg^r�mh�bg-vest

Now that you know you are not alone, allow me to outline a few of the [^g^Ûml�lnkkhng]bg`�ma^�mak^^�mhi�Lh\bZe�F^]bZ�IeZm_hkfl'�L^^�pab\a�[^g-^Ûml�fZr�Ziier�mh�rhnk�[nlbg^ll'''�\a^\d�h__�Zee�maZm�Ziier'

Facebook Over 1 Billion users

Twitter Over 200 Million users

LinkedIn Over 200 Million users

��Most of your customers are using Facebook, talking about brands. They could be talking about your business.

� Facebook is a great platform to interact with customers. You could thank them for positive remarks, ask questions and deal with complaints.

��Facebook is a great way to present the human side of your business while connecting to your website for profes-sional reasons.

� Having a presence on Facebook boosts your Google ranking and your online visibility.

� You can measure your success by indentifying the most popular posts that were viewed by which type of person, location, age and gender.

� Using Twitter is like a networking ]n]fl$� qgm� [Yf� Úf\� Y\na[]� lg� `]dh� qgm�_jgo�qgmj�Zmkaf]kk�Yf\�[gff][l�Yf\�Úf\�new customers.

� Qgm� [Yf� Úf\� Yf\�eYc]� [gff][lagfk�by following people and asking them to follow you.

� Using Twitter search, you can read about what customers are saying about your competition and in some cases, your business too.

� If you keep your Twitter presence active and fresh, your followers will be loyal to your brand for a long time.

� The 140-character limit forces you to be concise, to write in headlines or sound bites and to include only pertinent information.

� Get new customers through online rec-ommendations and word of mouth.

� Keep in touch with likeminded in-dividuals and build your network by searching for industry associations and networks to take part in.

� Stay connected by creating a group and sending an announcement (e-mail) to them weekly.

� Win new business by answering ques-tions in your area of expertise.

� Talk about what you are working on and whom you are working with. Include updates that would be of interest to your target customers and clients.

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<aZg\^l�Zk^�rhn�\a^\d^]�h__�fhlm�hk�Zee�h_�ma^�[^g^Ûml�Z[ho^'�B_�rhn�]b]%�you are ready to start planning your social media strategy. First start by answering the following questions to identify what assets and resources you have available, what message you want to send out and whom you are targeting this message to.

1. Which social media platforms do you and/or your staff have experi-ence with? ��?Z\^[hhd��Mpbmm^k��Ebgd^]Bg� �

2. What assets do you have available?

��Pkbm^kl��=^lb`g^kl��Ob]^h`kZia^k�(�iahmh`kZia^k��<hfibe^]�[eh`l%�g^pl�Zkmb\e^l�Zg]�ib\mnk^l��<hfie^m^]�ob]^hl���Hma^kl3��� XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX�� _______________


Who are they? what are their values? how do they spend their time, what do they spend their money on etc?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. If your company were a person, how would you describe him or her? What are his/her values? What are the issues most important to him/her? Is she /he funny? Serious? Daring? Creative? Inspiring? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Realistically, how much time are you able to put into your social media

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efforts? 10 minutes a day? 3 hours a week? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. How can you make your social media strategy fun? What are you in-terested in? What are your customers interested in?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. What are your goals and objectives?

��E^Z]�`^g^kZmbhg��>&\hff^k\^�lZe^l��Bg\k^Zl^]�p^[�mkZ_Û\��Phk]�h_�Fhnma��Ikhfhm^�Zg�^o^gm��;kZg]�ZpZk^g^ll�(�^q\bm^f^gm��@^m�i^hie^�mh�mZd^�Z\mbhg��Build relationship / make connetions ��K^\h`gbmbhg�Zl�Zg�^qi^km��@^mmbg`�_^^][Z\d�(�Z]ob\^


8. How will you measure your success?


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Nl^�ma^�_heehpbg`�mZ[e^�mh�eblm�rhnk�`hZel%�ma^�[^g^Ûml%�ahp�^Z\a�pbee�[^�measured and what your benchmark for success will be.

Goal What is the Z]f]Úl�g^�l`ak�goal?

How can it be measured?

What is the benchmark for success?

Af[j]Yk]\�o]Z�ljY^Ú[ Gain more exposure and new customers

Af[j]Yk]\�kal]�ljY^Ú[�^jge�]Y[`�social media platform

Increased number of clients per month

2'�Ahp�pbee�rhn�\hgg^\m�rhnk�hgebg^�Zg]�h_Übg^�fZkd^mbg`�^__hkml�pbma�your social media strategy?



10. Which members of your staff will implement your social media strat-egy, or do you need outside expertise?


Send me an e-mail ([email protected]) and I will send you a free copy of the social media calendar I use for my own social media strategy.

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Wrap Up

Social Media is the technology that connects us allows us to share information, pictures and even chat in real time; Social Networks are the websites that allow such interaction to happen and include; Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and others. Social Media Networking is the practice of using this technology to reach a greater audience, make connections; build relationships and drive re-peat business.

Following is an example of a social media strategy you can use right now on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Assuming you have the same goals as most busi-g^ll�hpg^kl%�`bo^�bm�Z�mkr�kb`am�ghp��

Goal What is the Z]f]Úl�g^�l`ak�goal?

How can itbe measured?

What is the benchmark for success?

Generate Leads and brand awareness

Being recognized as an expert Number of leads collected Increase in customers and rev-enue

Connect, engage and pro-vide a fun experience for a continuously increasing fan base

Instant referral network Number of fans and followers on each platform

Increase in customers and revenue

Drive and increase website [YHѝJ

Gain new business, attract new customers

Number of referrals from each platform to the website

Increase in customers and revenue

Create customer loyalty Build and continue to nurture connections and relationships with current and future customers

Number of comments, shares, likes and referrals received

Increase in customers and revenue


For maximum brand exposure, posting frequently or on a daily ba-sis will encourage a following as well as foster connections. Planning monthly will help to monitor and maintain your Facebook strategy.

Following are some things to consider:

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�� Industry News, Current Events

�� Success Stories;

�� This or That posts (asking fans which they prefer;

�� Questions / Conversation Posts;

�� Funny Photos;

�� Motivational Quotes;

�� Reviews of movies, books, products and services related lg�qgmj�Ú]d\3

�� Community Events;

�� Tips, Advice and How To Articles;

�� Videos that Motivate and Inspire;

�� Tell everyone what you are up to, this can sometimes be personal;

�� Fill in the blank - Let fans share their own perspective with you. Ex.: “I love leadership because_________”;

�� Trivia - historical company facts;

�� Celebrate milestones and say thank you;

�� Offer interesting challenges;

�� Ask your fans what they would like to see on your next posts;

�� Offer coupons.


�� Post daily, if you can, three times per day to start and you will eventually see how often your fans are online which will allow you to post accordingly

�� Brand to brand focused engagement by liking and interacting with other brand pages in your related industry

�� Respond to brand comments/posts

�� Create a call to action in a means to comment on and re-share your posts

�� Manage your reputation by answering negative comments in a positive man-ner or simply blocking the person who is being negative towards your com-pany

�� One contest per month will help to keep fans engaged

�� Use Facebook advertising to increase fan bases


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The best way to use twitter is to tweet in the moment and focus on the es-l^gmbZe� b]^Zl� rhn� pZgm� mh� \hffngb\Zm^'� Rhnk� ikhÛe^� bl� pa^k^� rhn� lahp�people what they can expect from your Tweets and why they should follow you. Add a photo, short description and background image to give the world a taste of your personality.

Following are some things that can be tweeted:

�� Use headlines with links to website

�� Free offers

�� Ahp�mh�l

�� Ask questions

�� Funny, clever and motivational quotes

�� Links to relevant videos

�� <ZibmZebs^�hg�Z�\nkk^gm�^o^gm�hk�mk^g]bg`�mhib\

�� Offer coupons

�� Calls to Action


1. Keep Tweets Short - Keeping tweets to less than 100 characters should lead to a higher engagement compared to tweets that are longer.

2. Use one or two #hashtags - Nlbg`��aZlamZ`l�\Zg�k^lnem�bg�mph�mbf^l�fhk^�^g-gagement than those without them. You should never use more than three �aZlamZ`l� [^\Znl^� mhh� fZgr� fZr� \Znl^� ma^� ^g`Z`^f^gm� e^o^e� mh� ]khi'�Pa^g�bm�\hf^l�mh�mpbmm^k'''�E^ll�bl�FHK>'�Mkr�Zg]�nl^�hg^�mh�mph��aZlamZ`l�per tweet.

3. Use images in your Tweets - A picture is not only worth a thousand words; it also counts for replies, re-tweets and views on twitter. Using pictures will help engagement and interaction.

4. Add a call to action - Asking users to re-tweet can result in higher shares and

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5. Build a strong brand and reputation - Always use a professional photograph bg�rhnk�ikhÛe^�Zg]�Z�ikh_^llbhgZe�Mpbmm^k�aZg]e^�!gZf^"�9rhnk[nlbg^llgZf^��or something relating to it. Craft a powerful bio that grabs attention and prompts the reader to want to connect with you and learn more about you by clicking through to your web link.

6. Plan interesting tweets that your followers will appreciate and re-tweet - Write tweets with a mix, links, pictures and industry information. Do not use this media outlet for promotional use only, use it to build relationships and connect. Include valuable information, resources and tips that your followers \Zg�[^g^Ûm�_khf'

7. Build your following numbers and relationships - Include your Twitter handle or QR code on your business card, letterhead, emails, website etc. Always invite others to connect with you on Twitter and any other social media outlet for that matter.

8. K]]�o`Yl�k�`Yhh]faf_ - Use or http://search.twitter.\hf(Z]oZg\^]�mh�l^^�paZm�l�aZii^gbg`�bg�rhnk�\hffngbmr�hk�bg�rhnk�bg]nl-try and topic of interest.

LinkedIn LinkedIn is a strong networking tool that will help you build relationships, trust and establishing rapport with other professionals and potential cus-tomers.

Following are some things to consider:

o <hfie^m^�rhn�\hfiZgr�ikhÛe^�bg�bml�^gmbk^mr�

o Create showcase pages

o Share relevant content

o Use engaging titles, images and videos

o Ask questions

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o Share business news


�� K^ob^p�Zg]�lmk^g`ma^g�rhnk�ikhÛe^�

�� Set up a Products/Services tab to showcase what your provide

�� Encourage people to recommend your products and services

�� <hgmbgnZeer�fhgbmhk�rhnk�iZ`^�l�ZgZermb\l

�� Alter products/services pages by demographics

�� Post status updates, these updates will appear in user feeds on LinkedIn if they are following a company

�� Add a LinkedIn share button to site content

�� Add a LinkedIn follow company button to your site

�� Promote your page on Facebook, Twitter and e-mail

�� Set up and manage groups

�� Chbg�`khnil

�� Create polls within groups

�� Recommend products and services

�� Post questions


�� Posts should not be automated. You are developing a community, a relationship with your fans and followers. They should see that you \Zk^�^ghn`a�mh�ihlm�\nlmhf�f^llZ`^l�maZm�k^eZm^l�mh�ma^f�li^\bÛ\Zeer'�

�� =h�bm�ghp��Nl^�mabl�`nb]^�mh�a^ei�rhn�g^mphkd�hgebg^�Zg]�h__'�

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S. Paul KearleyIBC Impact Business Communication, Inc. Dale Carnegie Business Group | A salesperson, manager, trainer, transforma-tional speaker, workshop leader and author of over 350 articles and 3 e-books, Paul has coached thousands of people since his start in the personal and business development world bg�*21.'�?khf�Ik^fb^kl�h_�ikhobg\^l�mh�<>H�l%�and from salespeople to students, he has assisted them all in communicating through barriers, negotiating change, creating alignment, build-bg`� \hgÛ]^g\^%� bfikhobg`� human relations, dealing effectively with stress, amplifying sales and strengthening attitudes. His mission is to empower people with a shock and awe atti-tude and to create a better life for themselves and their business. A Business coach and part-ner for Dale Carnegie Business Group in the Canadian Maritimes, Paul coaches leadership, management, customer relations, personal de-velopment, public speaking and sales.

Check out his blog at

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Susan RobichaudFounder & Creative Director Axion Marketing Inc |

Susan is an energetic, dynamic communica-tor. She is an innovative thinker, and is skilled at transforming ideas and strategies into real-ity. Her abilities in leadership and unique ap-proach to working with clients, along with her creative energy and entrepreneurial spirit, has led this company to be what it is today, one of the leading providers for business communica-tion solutions in all of Atlantic Canada.

She delivers highly interactive workshops/presentations and works as Creative Director on various communications projects with her team of Graphic Designers, Web Develop-^kl� Zg]� Z� ]hs^g� hma^k� \k^Zmbo^� i^klhgZebmb^l�who are part of her Axion Marketing team. Born creative, digital-driven and disciplined by results, Susan has a well-rounded set of skills that gets results through online marketing and print communications.