the art of ancient greece c. 800-300 bce

The Art of Ancient Greece c. 800-300 BCE

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The Art of Ancient Greece c. 800-300 BCE. Map of Ancient Greece. Geometric c. 750 BCE. Geometric amphora , two handled storage jar, 8 th Century BCE; From Dipylon. Orientalizing c. 650 BCE. Polyphemos Painter, amphora 675-650 BCE Orientalizing Style. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The Art of Ancient Greece   c. 800-300 BCE

The Art of Ancient Greece

c. 800-300 BCE

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Map of


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Geometric c. 750 BCE

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Geometric amphora,two handled storage jar, 8th Century BCE;From Dipylon

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Orientalizingc. 650 BCE

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Polyphemos Painter, amphora 675-650 BCEOrientalizing Style

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Archaic Style (from the Greek word

archaios, meaning “old”)

(c. 550 BCE)

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Priam Painter,Women at a Fountain House,c. 520-510 BCE.

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Panathenaic Amphora with Runners, c. 520 BCE,Attributed to Euphiletos painter.

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Exekias, amphora Achilles and Ajax playing a Board Game 540-530 BCEArchaic Style

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Ajax on the right says, Tria “Three.” And Achilles counters with Tesara “four.” They are believed to be playing dice.

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Exekias, amphora Achilles and Penthesilea 525 BCEArchaic Period

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Euphronios (painter) and Euxsitheos (potter), Death of Sarpedon during the Trojan War,c. 515 BCE,From an Italian grave.

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Detail of the Death of Sarpedon during the Trojan War, c.500 BCE

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Severe or

Early Classical Style (c.480


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 Berlin Painter, bell krater, showing the Abduction of Europa by Zeus 490 BCE


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New Style, what differences to you see?

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Penthesilea Painter, cup interior showing Achilles and Penthesilea 455 BCE Late Archaic Classical

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Death of the Children of Niobe, Niobid Painter, c. 455-450 BCE

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Page 25: The Art of Ancient Greece   c. 800-300 BCE

Classical to

Late Classical Style

(c. 450-350 BCE)

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Reed Painter, Warrior by a Grave ( c.410 BCE)Classical period

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Hellenistic Period(c.250 BCE)

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Battle of Issus, from the House of the Faun, Pompeii, Also known as “Alexander Mosaic,” First Century CERoman copy from the Hellenistic period in Greece

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Alexander the Great

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Persian King Darius, from…

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Sculpture Orientalizing

Style: Seventh Century BCE

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Terrace of the Lions, Delos, Italy , 7th Century BCE

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Sculpture, Archaic Style c. 600-480 BCE

Note: Refer to your sculpture hand out

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New York Kouros from Attica(c. 600 BCE)Archaic Sculpture period

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Kroisos, from Anavysos, Greece, c. 530

New York Kouros from Attica(c. 600 BCE)

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Calf Bearer (Moschophoros), dedicated by Rhonbos on the Acropolis, Athens, c 560 BCE

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Dying Warrior from the west pediment of the Temple of Aphaia, Aegina Greece, c 490 BCE

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Peplos Kore 530 BCE)Archaic period

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Early Classical Style

Sculpture c. 480-450 BCE

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The Kritios Boy, from the Acropolis 480 BCEEarly Classical Style

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Late Classical PeriodHellenistic Period 3rd through the

1st Century

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Poseidon/Zeus, found in the sea off Cape Artemision 450 BCE)Early Classical Period

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Myron, Diskobolos, (Disk Thrower), 460-450 BCEEarly Classical

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Warrior from Riaci(c. 450 BCE)Early Classical Style

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Polykleitos, Doryphoras (Spear Bearer) Classical styleRoman copy from Pompeii, original c. 450-400 BCE

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 Attributed to Polykleitos, Wounded Amazon, c. 430 BCE)Classical StyleWhy is thisAttributed to Polykleitos?

•c. 430 BCE)Classical Style

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Stele of Hegeso, ( c. 410-400 BCE)Classical Style

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Late Classical PeriodHellenic Period 3rd through the

1st Century

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Praxiteles, Aphrodite of Knidos. Roman marble copy of an original c 350-340 BCE

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Praxiteles, Hermes and the infant Dionysos, from the temple of Hera, Olympia, Greece, c. 340, or copy of 0riginal work c. 330-270 by grandson.

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Praxiteles, Hermes and the infant Dionysos,(c. 340-270)

Polykleitos, Doryphoras (Spear Bearer) 440 BCE)

Compare and contrast

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Grave Stele of a young hunter found near the Ilissos River, Athens Greece, c. 340-330 BCEAttributed to Skopas

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Lysippos, Apoxyomenos, Roman marble copy of bronze original c. 330 BCE

Lysippos, Weary Herakles, Roman marble copy, c. 320 BCE

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Hellenistic Sculpture

(323-31 BCE)

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Dying Gallic Trumpeter (Dying Gaul)Roman copy after the original bronze of 220 BCE

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Face detail of theDying Gallic

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Winged Nike (Winged Victory) From Samothrace, (c. 190 BCE)Hellenistic period

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Aphrodite at Melos (also called Venus de Milo), (c. 150-125 BCE)Hellenistic StyleRevival style of the sensual female from Praxiteles during the Classical Period

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Boxer, Late 2nd to early 1st CenturyHellenistic Period

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Laocoön and His Two Sons,1st century CE Laocoön and his son. Roman copy of a Hellenistic statue adds a son on the left,

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Two short films about the Parthenon

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The Development Of

Ancient Greek Architecture and

Architectural SculptureArchaic Style c. 600-480 BCE

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View of Apollo’s Temple at Corinth, (c. 500 BCE)Archaic architecture, Early Doric

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What are the two ordersRepresented here?

The Parthenon-

Temple of Athena Nike

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Seated gods from the Ionic Frieze of the Siphnian Treasury, 530-525 BCEArchaic style, Ionic

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Apollo with Lapith and Centaur, center of the west Pediment of the temple of Zeus at Olympia. 465-457 BCE

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The Parthenon, AthensDesigned by architects Iktinos and Kallikrates in 448 BCE. Phidias, supervised the sculptures. 448-432 BCE, Classical Style, Doric Order

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  Lapith and Centaur, from the south metope XXVII of the Parthenon, 432 BCEClassical Period

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Equestrian Group from the north Ionic frieze of the Parthenon, c. 442-439 BCE, Classical style

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Temple of Athena Nike from the east, Acropolis, Athens

Temple of Athena Nike from the east, Acropolis, Athens,

427-242 BCEClassical StyleIonic Order

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Nike Adjusting Her Sandal, from the balustrade of the temple of Athena Nike, Acropolis 410-409 BCE, Classical period

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The caryatid porch of the Erechtheum, south side, Acropolis, Greece , 421-405 BCE, Classical Period, Doric Order

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Theatre at Epidauros, (c. 350 BCE)Late Classical Style

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Great Altar of Zeus, west front reconstructed and restored, from Pergamon, 180 BCE, Hellenistic

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Athena Battling with Alkyoneus, from the great frieze of the Pergamon altar, East Section, c. 180 BCE, Hellenistic period