chapter 4: ancient greece (1900-133 bce)

Chapter 4: Ancient Greece (1900-133 BCE) The First Greek Civilizations

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Chapter 4: Ancient Greece (1900-133 BCE). The First Greek Civilizations. Geography. Had a huge impact on the development of Greek society Greece occupies an area about the size of Louisiana . Geography. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Chapter 4: Ancient Greece (1900-133 BCE)

Chapter 4:Ancient Greece (1900-133 BCE)The First Greek Civilizations

GeographyHad a huge impact on the development of Greek societyGreece occupies an area about the size of Louisiana GeographyMountains isolated Greeks from each other causing communities to develop in their own wayThese communities became fiercely independent The rivalry between the communities led to warfare that devastated Greek societyGeographyThe sea also influenced the evolution of Greek societyThey sailed out into the Aegean, Mediterranean, and Black Sea making contact w/ the outside worldLater they established colonies that spread Greek civilization throughout the Mediterranean worldThe minoans2000-1450 BCERise of the MinoansBy 2800 BCE

Crete (island)

Trade by ship

Downfall:sudden collapse around 1450 BCE

Great tidal wave caused by volcanic eruption


Most believe the destruction was the result of invasion by mainland Greeks known as the Mycenaeans

MycenaeThe First Greek State (1600-1100 BCE)Mycenaean Culture & SocietyIndo- European Group

Powerful monarchiesMycenaean Culture & SocietyMonarchyCentralized GovernmentIt is likely that the various monarchies developed a loose alliance of independent states

Mycenaean Culture & SocietyGreat warriorsWall murals often show war and hunting scenes, the natural occupations of a warriors aristocracy

Mycenaean Culture & SocietyThe most famous of all their supposed mil adventures come to us from the poetry of HomerIliad OdysseyDownfallThe Mycenanean states were battling each other

Major earthquakesThe Greek dark ages1100-750 BCEOnsetfood decline

Dark Age because few records of what happen exist.Not until 850 BCE did farming revive

At the same time, the basis for a new Greece was forming. Developments of the Dark AgeAdopted the Phoenician alphabet

New form of writing The Greeks made learning to read and write simpler

Near the very end of this age appeared the work of Homer.homerThe IliadThe background is the Trojan WarThis is the war between Troy and SpartaTrojan horse Trojans lose

The Iliad itself is not so much the story of the war but the tale of Achilles and how his anger and pride led to disaster

The OdysseyThis work recounts the journey of Odysseus after the fall of Troy and his ultimate return to his wifeAgain, this work shows how pride and anger can have negative outcomes but encourages perseverance.ImpactThe Greeks looked at the Iliad and the Odyssey as true historyThese masterpieces gave the Greeks an ideal past with a cast of herosThe Greek City-StatesChapter 4: Section 2The PolisBy 750 BCE, the city-state or polis became the focus of Greek lifeOur word politics is derived from polisThe polis consisted town along with its surrounding countrysideThe town served as the center of the polis where people could meet for political, social, and religious activitiesThe PolisAbove all, a polis was a community of people who shared a common ID and goals

Citizens: Pol. RightsNon-CitizensCitizens:No pol. Rights

The Polis: LayoutThe gathering place in the polis was usually a hill and at the top of this hill was a fortified area known as the acropolisThe acropolis served as a place of refuge during an attack and sometimes came to be the religious center on which temples were built.Greek Colonies

ExpansionBtw 750 -550 BCE large #s of Greeks left their homeland Brought on by the need for good farmland and the growth of tradeExpansionColonization also led to increased trade and industryThis expansion created a new group of wealthy individuals in many of the Greek city-statesThese men desired political power Tyranny and New Government DefinitionThe creation of the new group of rich men fostered the rise of Tyrants in the 7th and 6th c. BCEGreek tyrants were rulers who seized power by force from the aristocrats

New GovernmentThe rule of the tyrants had ended the rule of the aristocrats in many city-states The end of tyranny then allowed many new people to participate in governmentDemocracyOligarchy New GovernmentDemocracyOligarchyGovernment by the people or rule of the manyRule by the fewSpartaSpartan ExpansionSparta was faced w/ the need for more land

Instead of colonizing like other Greeks, Spartans conquered neighboring territoryMilitary StateThe lives of Spartans were rigidly organized and tightly controlled

Men enrolled in the army for regular service at age 20 and lived in barracks until age 30

At 30 men were allowed to vote and live at home but they stayed in the army until age 60

GovernmentOligarchy- rule by few

A group of 5 men known as ephors were elected to teach the youth

A council of elders composed of the 2 kings and 28 citizens over 60 yrs old decided the issues that would be present to an assembly made up of male citizens GovernmentSpartans became isolated to rest of Greece

They were discouraged from traveling for any reason other than military conquest

They were not allowed to study philosophy, literature, or the arts b/c these subjects might encourage new thoughts

AthensSocietyMales had political rights

Women & Children had no political rights

Slaves were non-citizensClassical GreeceChapter 4 Section 3Persia Challenges on GreeceBasic Geography of PersiaSurrounded by mountains and desert Harsh lands had to find ways to exploit limited water resources

Unlike the ancient river valley civilizations, Persia never had a dense population The Rise of the Persian Empire

Persia and Greece

First Encounter Darius and Persians landed in Marathon26 miles from Athens

Athenians defeated a huge Persian army

Messenger ran from Marathon to Athens to give out the newsGreece and PersiaXerxes took over Persia after the death of Darius

Wanted revenge after Marathon

Planned invasion

Athens prepared with building naval force

Greece and PersiaSecond invasionPersians180,000 troopsHuge naval braggade

Greeks 7,ooo troops 300 Spartans

Greece and PersiaWith outmaneuvering, the Greeks out smarted the Persians with a massive defeat

Last defeat was at Plataea

The Height of Athenian PowerDelian LeagueMain purpose was a defense against the Persians

Headquartered in Delos

Athenians controlled the League

Pericles became the powerful leader of AthensAge of PericlesDemocracyConsidered a Direct Democracy

All male adults could vote

Meeting held every 10 days outside Acropolis

Lower- class males could hold office

The Great Peloponnesian WarAfter war with Persians, Greece became separated:AthensSparta

Two distinct separate societies

Sparta defeated the Athenians

This war divided Greece and they also lost focus on outside invaders

Athens EconomyBased mainly on farming and tradeWines, oils, grapes, grains, and vegetablesRaised sheep and goats

Because of the population of Athens and lack of farmlandBuild sea portImport a large portion of the Athenian diet

The Culture of Classical GreeceChapter 4 Sect 4

ReligionAffected every aspect of Greek life

Temples dedicated to the Gods and Goddesses were major buildings in Greece

12 chief gods and goddesses thought to live on Mount Olympus

ReligionMain GodsZeus- father of the godsAthena- goddess of wisdomApollo- god of sun and poetryAres- god of war

After death, Greeks went to an underworld Hades- god of the underworld

Greek DramaOutdoor theaters

The first Greek plays were Tragedies. Dealt with universal themes

The plays are based on Good and Evil

Greek PhilosophyPhilosophy- organized system of thought

Early philosophers tried to explain the universe

Sophist- ignore the rhetoric. There is no absolute right or wrong.

Major philosophers:SocratesPlatoAristotle


The Threat of MacedoniaBecause of the long last Peloponnesian War, Greece had become tired and vulnerable.

Macedonian to the north had become ready to strike

Phillip II, developed a strong army and defeated all of Greece.Alexander the GreatPhillip II, had a son named Alexander.

Alexander learned all from his father

Alexander took the throne at the age of 20

He became ready to conquer the worldAlexander the GreatConquestFirst the PersiansMacedonians and Greeks attacked the PersiansEgypt Capital of AlexandriaNext was IndiaAlexander the GreatLegacyMilitary skills

Cultural legacy

Greek Culture spread throughout these areas of conquestHellenistic KingdomThis era is based on Greek word to imitate Greeks

Time of expansion for:Greek LanguageGreek IdeasNew Cities and Military SettlementsHellenistic CultureArchitecture & SculptureGreek Architecture- baths, theaters, and templesLots of statues of past legendsMovement from idealism to emotional and realistic artHellenistic CultureScienceAdvances in the sciencesSun is center of universe while earth revolves around the sunEarth was round (estimated 24,675 mile) this number is within 185 mile of actual numberGeometry establishing PiEstablish theories of gravity based on irrigationHellenistic CulturePhilosophyAthens remained chief center for philosophy