the archer financial group

WWW . ARCHERFINANCIALGROUP . NET (212) 330-9903 Who is The Archer Financial Group? Archer Financial is NOT an insurance agency. Archer is a boutique advisory firm that structures sophisticated life insurance-based estate, tax planning and retirement strategies for individuals; and business succession and benefit strategies for privately owned enterprises. PERSONAL SOLUTIONS Preserving and Transferring Wealth (Estate, Gift, and Trust Planning) Archer’s team of tax attorneys and insurance experts work with a client's existing professional advisors to craft gift and estate planning strategies that reduce tax liabilities and eliminate liquidity concerns frequently caused by estate and generation-skipping transfer taxes. Insurance Planning Archer’s team of tax attorneys and insurance experts evaluate existing life, disability, and long-term care insurance to assess the sufficiency of coverage; identify more cost-effective solutions and assess tax benefits of insurance trusts. Retirement Income Archer’s team of tax attorneys and insurance experts work with clients to structure life insurance-based vehicles that, in addition to being creditor protected, provide both tax-free returns and income distribution. BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Succession Planning A business succession plan is the key to continuity in a closely held corporation. Working in conjunction with a client’s professional advisors and insuring that all are working towards the common goal of formulating the best available business succession plan, Archer’s team of tax attorneys and insurance experts will: ! Provide a detailed written analysis of existing wills, shareholder agreements, business succession and employee benefit plans that identifies weaknesses (such as avoidable tax exposure, loss of control or business dissolution) and recommended strategies that eliminate identified exposures. Executive Fringe and Health Care Benefits Archer’s team of tax attorneys and insurance experts work with clients to establish a host of fringe benefit (such as Executive Bonus Plans; Split Dollar Insurance; Deferred Compensation Plans; and Non-Qualified Executive Fringe Benefits) and full service health care platforms. Who are Archer’s Clients? Baseball Legends, Football Legends, Hall of Fame Athletes, well-known celebrities, entertainers and several of Forbes wealthiest families. Business clients run the gamut from a major NYC real estate development firm (The Arker Companies) to a national beverage producer (Snapple Iced Tea) to a drug store chain (Genovese Drug Stores) to the world’s largest distributor of wedding gowns (Kleinfeld Wedding Dresses) to professionals in industries with increased exposure to personal liability (e.g. physicians).

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Post on 22-Oct-2015




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Archer Financial is NOT an insurance agency. Archer is a boutique advisory firm that structures sophisticated life insurance-based estate, tax planning and retirement strategies for individuals; and business succession and benefit strategies for privately owned enterprises.


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 W W W . A R C H E R F I N A N C I A L G R O U P . N E T

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W h o i s T h e A r c h e r F i n a n c i a l G r o u p ?

Archer Financial is NOT an insurance agency. Archer is a boutique advisory firm that structures sophisticated life insurance-based estate, tax planning and retirement strategies for individuals; and business succession and benefit strategies for privately owned enterprises.


Preserving and Transferring Wealth (Estate, Gift, and Trust Planning)

Archer’s team of tax attorneys and insurance experts work with a client's existing professional advisors to craft gift and estate planning strategies that reduce tax liabilities and eliminate liquidity concerns frequently caused by estate and generation-skipping transfer taxes.

Insurance Planning

Archer’s team of tax attorneys and insurance experts evaluate existing life, disability, and long-term care insurance to assess the sufficiency of coverage; identify more cost-effective solutions and assess tax benefits of insurance trusts.

Retirement Income

Archer’s team of tax attorneys and insurance experts work with clients to structure life insurance-based vehicles that, in addition to being creditor protected, provide both tax-free returns and income distribution.


Succession Planning

A business succession plan is the key to continuity in a closely held corporation. Working in conjunction with a client’s professional advisors and insuring that all are working towards the common goal of formulating the best available business succession plan, Archer’s team of tax attorneys and insurance experts will:

! Provide a detailed written analysis of existing wills, shareholder agreements, business succession and employee benefit plans that identifies weaknesses (such as avoidable tax exposure, loss of control or business dissolution) and recommended strategies that eliminate identified exposures.

Executive Fringe and Health Care Benefits

Archer’s team of tax attorneys and insurance experts work with clients to establish a host of fringe benefit (such as Executive Bonus Plans; Split Dollar Insurance; Deferred Compensation Plans; and Non-Qualified Executive Fringe Benefits) and full service health care platforms.

W h o a r e A r c h e r ’ s C l i e n t s ?

Baseball Legends, Football Legends, Hall of Fame Athletes, well-known celebrities, entertainers and several of Forbes wealthiest families. Business clients run the gamut from a major NYC real estate development firm (The Arker Companies) to a national beverage producer (Snapple Iced Tea) to a drug store chain (Genovese Drug Stores) to the world’s largest distributor of wedding gowns (Kleinfeld Wedding Dresses) to professionals in industries with increased exposure to personal liability (e.g. physicians).

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 C a s e   S t u d i e s    B E   C R E A T I V E  W I T H   Y O U R   E S T A T E    In  this   instance,  Archer  structured  a  transaction  that  allowed  a  72-­‐year  old  man  and  his  67-­‐year  old  wife  to  effectively  double   their   estate   from   $10   to   $20  million   –   not   only   did   this   strategy   allow   the   couple   to   live   a   very   comfortable  retirement  but  it  provided  their  heirs  with  a  $10  million  tax-­‐free  inheritance.    How  By  setting  up  an  irrevocable  life  insurance  trust,  both  husband  and  wife  were  entitled  to  an  exemption,  allowing  each  to  transfer  $1  million  as  a  tax-­‐free  gift  into  the  trust.  Using  that    $2  million,  the  irrevocable  life  insurance  trust  purchased  a  $10  million  second-­‐to-­‐die  life  insurance  policy  that,  upon  the  passing  of  both  spouses,  will  pass  $10  million  tax-­‐free  to  their  heirs.    Versus  No  Strategy  Without  utilizing  this  wealth  preservation  strategy,   the  couple  would  have  been  required  to  tap   into  their  $10  million  estate   for   retirement   living   expenses.     Upon   the   death   of   the   second   spouse,   the   balance   of   the   estate,   less  approximately  50%  in  estate  taxes  would  then  pass  to  their  heirs  –  best  case  scenario,  the  heirs  would  receive  $5  million.      GE T   T H E  MO S T   OU T  O F   Y O U R   I RA    In  this  instance,  Archer  structured  a  transaction  that  allowed  a  69  year  old  man  to  take  his  $4  million  IRA  and  transform  it  into  a  $10  million  tax-­‐free  inheritance  for  their  children  and  a  $4  million  tax-­‐free  gift  to  their  favorite  charity.    How  By   utilizing   the   $140,000   ($240,000   pre-­‐tax)   annual   return   generated   from   the   IRA   to   purchase   a   $10   million   life  insurance  policy  on  the  client’s  wife,  the  estate  could  transfer  $10  million  tax-­‐free  to  their  children  without  touching  the  original  $4  million  IRA.    In  order  to  shield  the  $4  million  IRA  from  income  and  estate  taxes,  a  private  foundation  was  formed,  designated  as  the  IRA  beneficiary  and  instructed  to  grant  a  $4  million  donation  to  the  client’s  charity  of  choice.    Versus  No  Strategy  Without  utilizing  this  wealth  maximizing  strategy,  the  client’  would  have  required  approximately  $45  million  in  his  IRA  to  leave  $14  million  after  income  and  estate  taxes.      MAX IM I Z E   Y O U R   E X I S T I N G   I N S U R A N C E   P O L I C Y   B Y   UN D E R S T A N D I N G   Y O U R  O P T I O N S    Years  ago,  many  people  bought  life  insurance  policies  that  did  not  provide  guaranteed  values  because  they  were  pegged  to   interest   rates.     As   a   result   of   interest   rate   declines   over   the   last   several   decades,   the   cash   values   generated   are  insufficient  to  maintain  the  policy  for  as  long  as  originally  projected.    Archer  will  detect  these  concerns  and  present  cost-­‐effective  solutions.    

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