the ancient romans religion

The Ancient Romans Religion By Lucy and Sophie

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The Ancient Romans Religion

By Lucy and Sophie

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What is the Religion that the Ancient Romans followed?The Romans didn’t have a religion because they believed in lots of Gods and Godesses. They had many Gods and Godesses so they are polytheistic. That means that they had more than one God or Goddess.

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What are the believers called?

The ancient Romans that believed in Roman Gods and Godesses didn’t really a name have because they believed in many Gods plus Godesses.

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Where did the Religion start?

Where did the religion start? : No one knows when their Religion started. But all we know is that it started before BC.( BC stands for before Christ )

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How many believers are there today?

There are probably no believers today. Because the religion started along time ago.

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Where do they live?

The believers lived in Rome.

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Are there any holy sites/objects/places in this religion

There are temples which are the holy places .There are little statues of Gods and Goddesses in houses. They are the holy objects.

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Jupiter is the King of all the Gods and Goddesses in Rome. He Also Protected The Roman lands.

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Jupiter’s wife Juno was worshipped by married women.

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Venus was the goddess of love and Beauty.

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Diana the goddess of moon and hunting guarded young girls and animals

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Neptune god of the sea, sent earthquakes and terrible storms.

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Apollo is the God of light and music.

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Minerva was the Goddess of wisdom.

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Pan was the God of the mountainside, pastures, sheep and goats.

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Vesta was the Goddess of roman homes, her prietestesses tended a holy flame in a temple in the forum in Rome.

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Dis (Pluto)

Dis (Pluto) was the God of the underworld.

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Other Roman Gods and Goddesses

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Interesting facts

Hadrian built a great temple to all the Gods – The Pantheon. After an animal had been sacrificed to the Gods, a priest, called the ‘haruspex’, examined its liver. If it was diseased, bad luck was on the way. Roman people Decorated their homes with magic symbols,

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More Interesting facts

And hung good luck charms round Children’s necks They believed that they could foretell the future by observing animals, birds, insects and even the weather! For example, bees were a sign of happiness but a hooting owl foretold danger. Some of the world’s first Christians lived in Rome. But until AD313 Christianity was banned in the Roman Empire. Christians met secretly, in underground path ways called catacombs, to say prays and hold service of Worship to their God. They also used the catacombs as a burial place. Roman men and woman could ask there gods to Curse there enemies they rote there enemies names, plus curse words on metal of pottery and left them at temples. They hope that the gods would see these messengers, and harm the people named in them.

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Made By Lucy and Sophie