thaidene nene

Thaidene Nene “Land of the Ancestors”

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Post on 23-Mar-2016




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Thaidene Nene. “Land of the Ancestors”. Download video separately. Thaidene Nene. “Land of the Ancestors”. Lutsel K’e’s vision for Thaidene Nene has been consistent for decades, passed down through our elders and Chiefs. Thaidene Nene is the Lutsel. K’e. Dene. homeland. The. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Thaidene Nene

“Land of the Ancestors”

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Thaidene Nene

“Land of the Ancestors”

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Lutsel K’e’s vision forThaidene Nene has beenconsistent for decades,passed down through ourelders and Chiefs.

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Thaidene Nene is the LutselK’e Dene homeland. Theresponsibility to take care ofthis land is ours.

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Our way of life is tied to the land.We want this way of life to havevalue in modern times, and tocarry on through to our

and generationsgrandchildrenbeyond.

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We will use our Dene ways ofknowing and doing to manageand operate Thaidene Nene.

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Thaidene Nene will be a living legacy for all, where theLutsel K’e Dene, with its partners, will welcome theworld.

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This is the responsibility passed on to us by our elders.

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They know our identity andstrength come from our

with ThaidenerelationshipNene.

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We have a responsibility to carry this tradition into the future.

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To protect our lands, waters, and wildlife.

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So that we can continue topractice our culture…

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...and diversify and develop our local economy.

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We are the land.

We are Thaidene Nene.

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Thaidene Nene is the heart of the homeland and sacred place of theLutsel K’e Denesoline. It is where the ancestors of the Lutsel K’eDenesoline laid down the sacred, ethical, and practical foundations ofthe Denesoline way of life.

Carrying these traditions into the future, the Lutsel K’e Denesoline havethe right to promote their culture, practice their relationship with theland and water, and protect the territory upon which this culture andrelationship depend. Protection of Thaidene Nene means preserving theenvironmental and cultural integrity of a homeland fundamental to amaterial well-being and cultural identity.

As the keepers of Thaidene Nene, the Lutsel K’e Denesoline have theresponsibility to act as stewards of the land and as host to visitors

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1. Protect key environmental and culturalcomponents of Thaidene Nene.

2. Implement LKDFN jurisdiction and responsibilityfor the management and operation of ThaideneNene.

3. Promote Denesoline culture, traditionalknowledge, and science among our generations.

4. Foster a diverse, sustainable local economy inLutsel K’e.

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What are we doing to achieve our Vision and Objectives?

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Negotiations with Canada toestablish a governancepartnership for Thaidene Neneare well underway. We hope tohave agreement in principle onthis in the coming months.

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While an Area of Interest for Thaidene Nene has been identified, boundarydiscussions have yet to begin in earnest.

Lutsel K’e will be evaluating environmental, cultural, and economic factorswhen considering a boundary, and is in the process of engaging directly withCanada, the minerals industry and the Government of the NWT in determininga boundary that is mutually acceptable.

We hope to finalize boundary discussions in early 2014.

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In order to financially support our ongoing responsibility for Thaidene Nene, we arebuilding the Thaidene Nene Trust Fund using own-source, private, and public capital.

Trust dollars will be used to:


Fund First Nation staff and operational requirements for the management andoperation of Thaidene NeneSupport the education and training of Lutsel K’e Denesoline for Thaidene Nenehuman resource needsPromote the Dene Way of LifeFoster a viable stewardship and tourism economy in Lutsel K’e

Active fund raising for the Trust Fund has just started.

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Lutsel K’e is already building capacity to fulfill its management and operationalresponsibilities in Thaidene Nene by:


Supporting the education and training of young people in environmentalmonitoring and natural resource management (scholarships, on-the-jobtraining).Delivering programs to teach youth about Dene ways of knowing anddoing.Building up the institutional strength of our First Nation government.Implementing a stewardship program for Thaidene Nene (Ni hat’niDene – “Watchers of the Land” Program).

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Ni hat’ni Dene means “Watchers of the Land”

Mandate is to:

maintain the integrity of cultural sites and the natural beauty withinThaidene Nene;host and provide interpretive tours for visitors in the area;

• monitor and document visitor activity, cultural features, and

•environmental/wildlife values;transmit cultural and scientific knowledge to younger generations.

• A Ni hat’ni Dene crew consists of two experienced land-users and two youth,who are stationed in Thaidene Nene all summer. They survey and host visitors,gather monitoring data, and care-take important sites.

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Infrastructure has beendeveloped....

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....necessary equipment and supplies have been secured....

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.....hospitality and interpretive guide training isongoing.....

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We are hosting, guiding, andgathering data from ourvisitors….

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…as well as ensuring that our young people have the skills and knowledgeto understand and share the wonders of our homeland.

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We have also completed a Lutsel K’e and Thaidene Nene tourism strategy tofoster and diversify our local economy.

Lutsel K’e will be pursuing some of the opportunities identified in the strategythis year (e.g. food and accommodation services, centralized tourism productand marketing platform).

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We have developed a Thaidene Nene business case which identifies effects onlocal economic development within twelve years of establishment:

18 full-time and seasonal jobs in Lutsel K’e for the direct operation and management ofThaidene Nene;

Capital infrastructure investments of $12 million and associated spin-off benefits forlocal builders and suppliers;

Ongoing operational funding of up to $2.5 million/year; and

At least 20 full-time jobs and 30 seasonal jobs in tourism opportunities in Lutsel K’e.

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The Lutsel K’e Dene take hope in a future where environmental stewardshipand cultural wellness go hand-in-hand with a sustainable economy.

Where the First Nation fosters its own capacity and determines the best long-term solutions for its own particular circumstances.

And where self-reliance is renewed and community is rejuvenated.

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This is the aspiration and promise of theThaidene Nene vision, and a gift and inspirationto us all.

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Lutsel K’e welcomes others to share in the Thaidene Nenevision.

Those who wish to support, learn more, or express theirconcerns, do not hesitate to contact the First Nationdirectly.

WEB: www.landoftheancestors.caFACEBOOK: Thaidene NeneTWITTER: @ThaideneNene

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