tf!(;bt wee~ly·-=·· argus. · t a.. of.nd &; w..t r i. b~.-: \\'l'•......

tf!(;BT ARGUS. 9. NO 30. J. K.l'I·OD "' •. 0011". a. MOIlIlIS HAI.LIlIl. W. H. ROBERTSTEACHER OF P1AKO AID ORGAII. Port Town .. nd, W. T. Tuniq done OD ftUOft&bIifI tftWll Iir Acea t for 0IldrN BroL end EIMJ"IM PlIlIOl ud Pa1IlcI Orpu. Oft ..1I or Inlllt!. went plan. tb.Cali PItOFElIIONAL CAItDI. t:. D ...IUUSJ; A. ". TIIUJlA!I Lalli HI... lJfll'rll Klrwlll, K:au... Gilmore & Co., 029 F st. WASHINCTON. D.C WILL B:-:FOHto: 'l'IIE Genenll 1.110" Oflkc. 01 1111111\11 A(. fttlr4. J)I.'I>:lrlm"lIt or lilt! IUf{'rlor, tl u Court or c.;llthlli, Mllt.J rlllll'll .... :ou- Ill'\rlllr'''ollrt. u( 1l1110111111 1I1111t:r luwa gn\'I:I·uluj.: thl:: IIl"jlo-,,1 nr IJIII,.. Ik Illuli. or tho n'UlwlIIl'IU tiC Freul'llo ltrlll Moxll'lll I:",nl", llr Oll .. llrlmw lAUd cIrIIHl"l. A(tfUthlll g[wil lO CllkJi luvol\'llI", 11I1t''' to ;l:rlilt nUll 1;1111111.. f.lIl1lJ ,.Itlte n'll! Inml krill bollll(l.t. l;.I .. h 1)11101 Cur §()1tllcnl' luldltll.lll hOIJICllh"d •• .IMllll' Inr c1rlllltf tJr 'fl. ret.' 3tl11llJl" Iu Jluy' Jr }'uu ,,·:tllt lilll ·t alltl i7. J'. lIZ'D" N T, Pro p. W.ter .... PORl lOWNSEND. "bl.rommt'l'lIntl.. !!!t.I'flnl IInff '1.... 11'I1I1"!o- NIM I1M!!1 now I1l1d1tl' , ... I "-I'lle IIi' h .. old·llme profl'kllor. who wlU \.. n'hH:I II In Ill" MIIl.lten,,", I 11)1ie whlrh ",ntlcrt:<1111lO flOl,I'- lar Iwwtolore. Dtltlr,l by Ihe d_,· fir ...tldr. B.... "I!U.nt lk,v!Uul'1ll.IlenJ for tllmllk<s A1TOBSKT AND L:OUNSELLO&AT l.A" Proctor in Adwlrulty. Kone)' loaned, RI!IlI EIltlte bolllhtllnli told Farm' to I.eue, Colleetl_n In.tle. Oon\·cYlnclnK. roRT TQWKSP.JID, .,... T. BRADIHAW. INMAN. , A TTORNKY8.lT L.ur .l..XO rW.:TOIS , ron ". T J. R LEWI S, Attorn ell-at .LatD .. OI'I'IC•• -Jlntkr't bnUdlng. mom, 4 A.5 Jlmet ,treet, oppoelte OCCIdental HOlel, 8eat'l _, Terr"S'" James M, Gassaway. M.D:' In charKS U, 8. HosPital S8roice, PHYIICIAN • IUltelON 0 ..... 11'.1., 8t., 0,..... p_... PORT T01J'!iUND. W. T. IItr I C.M. B.ADlISAW', Dr. Tho•. T Minor Managing lurlleon Port Townsend Hospital Port; Townaend. w. T. lo"n De eonlMlttAtll, nllb' or day, al Bc.pllll rHOS. 'PHILLIPS, OOLL:BJOTO:R., In.urance AN Iteal I_te .... o-.NT 11:-:::: Townlllnl1. Cosmopolitan Hotel. TO THE PUBLIC CENTRAL HOTEL, ItlllUICI.t hNd 01 Ulllnl\ WII.r'. P .. ,.. ,. 'A•• T. nil" 110.. 1. DIlW ••d nuwl;,' .1IJ 111 Ibe .ppohliluellhi Of II Sl:ot:el. IlInl TIIlI. Inll Kt'ltillUl' RaoUl In lb. Ih'lid NotlllllK wlU be laft, unlk\fl .. 10 In.II:. tit.. lliIWl$i:cond to lIone In me 1.'t!ITU,I'l'. It 1IU1I1J'" PUGII. Good Beard and Lodgings can be obtained at :at: H. S. :at: y :m H. S' T I:AS,Ii;ST ROARIlEIIS "'H.L fiND AT the Ibll"l1 !)IIIce II 'Inlet I'e!lIln ",he'" tltdr ,,'Inl. ('lUI btI.l,.W:lorll)' IIllenllelllO. Term. Ver, Itea.onable. go AI fOfltof bill. hnmoobUel)' '-ck!'mID Union wharf. I"OKT TOWNSEND, W. T. L •• u..clli. TAl & CO. .. IHI .... ,. IllHP.n' •• \\'IIter St., - Port ·1'owulCnd. \V. '1'. Wbo\eMle and K.elalllJe&lel'l In Commission Agent.. AmI oe,,1t!1'9 lu F'ar:D1 Prod.uoe, UAY. OATS, HAM, BACON, BU'l'TKn, ole.. ole. Gordon'l Whlrf, Nanalmo, BritfSb ColumblL .A.. R. JOHNSTON &CO. JAPAlIESE ARTICLES, CHIKA TOYS a:.o.cI. orookery. 01iIU.M, TEA, )lIef:. SUGA 11. OIL. And GODarol Alao dC'tJen in au ldnQl ot Oregon and California Fruit. and Produce. Flour, Feed, Gralll Etc •• Etc. No.IIG, .·ront.nd Ta)'lorllreel" u:tt FOR1.·LA.""V, ore.tOD. Green and Dried Fruits PLAI,J & FANCY JOB WORK f.:JC\Ult'lIlt the .. \J;tlt:5 Ottl(.1,. Wo hnvo allo Opened a Flr.t-ol ... RESTAURANT, TEAMING AND EIPRESS WORK 1Ht:!lF. "'ITH uu....n ... L.A.IBERTiL.A.UB.A.CH C».. Liberal AtlVltlll'ell matle on Conllgn- AI'11 will the JltlbUc: with Meals to ordor :.It III III:mN, Ht"\'F: UM A C'AT.T... t.v· UIJ()tI .. ltC Cellll'!Io1 HUh'!. IW!ld 0 L'uh,1I 1\ klrr l'lIltl' 'l'OWSSDiD. W. 1'. [Ii P .... OHEESE FAOTOR Y T M. HAMMOND &. SONS. PORT TOWNSEND. ALI. 0,. CHIMACUM TRIBE, NO. I, X.O.H..:M.., BOld regubr meetln'!1 at Ulitlr ball, eYer1 WeWM!Idly e\"enlug. ZEE C&rriA,gelllall tlW.. lo oon1'e)'pueengel'l To Port DilCmry, CblJDacnm or Port l DI.patche. carried a, er, Night. Horae. on Live". I'gents wUII&f! h}'golllg with UI. U we 'Intenll tu aU Ulell allk!!, rllrtlCtl drtvtll out IllY Ume. Jlav .lId hi 011 hIInd Illd cord "'ood Jur ..14i In In)' quantity. or 1' ••• - ........... ,.. pt_lJI -,...-e, ftlnI1IIJlT 10 ......., T. )t. 4:; 8OXS. FnmT VARIETY STORE Foreign &. Domestic Fruit (,;AX'H1 Sl'ATIOSf:H¥. TOUAl '0. (;10.\ U:;;, I-:TC.. P.TC. o. .EE. EEOLOOlWl:B, "-ropr1C{.Ol·. CHIMACUM, W. T., Wm. •• :' • :Proprietor. ... OW' ch-. 10 he Fir.. I»ot superIOr quaJUy to 1111 .. r _••• 1 ..... IT AddreM all onlel'A to .Ift. BIIHOP, .1............ IotlDW,.. ... MIlT TOW.. .1:!lID. lItt . OUR WAlHlln11 LETTER. GOOD INVESTMENT. To Rent. HaJI for Sale, 5e'rrral fine roann In th" AlCOC8 bullli. IIIIt 'VQCIlllt. ,ultable lor oIlIceI. &c., temus I'UIOlllblt. Apply to G. MORRIS HALLER, ESQ, athl,oWCIP. 23 'rho nnde'r!IJtned otrert at prl'ftl.te .. Ie lot 3 block or l"ort ·J.'owllieml, \V. T.. ....\th the tbereoll. l'OlI Itt_ lugO("U1SOllIC UnU". SKill hall I 30x 80 rt:et. two 6tOrlee, bani thl'Ol.lKb. out allliin good condllLoll; title perlet't. will be 1'\.'CClftd (or tNlkl 1'n)p«:rLr up to Ii o'clock 11 .. Sept. 2-&, ISm. AI.4o. the stolle building ImO"'11 U ler', Uall 15 Olfl:!red lor .. Ie. J. A. KUHN. AIl'y III (Ilet. BEI)l'O nil Ihe evo or ont my OillCrtll McrcnulIl" E!UI.bll!lhUlcIiL .t Oou.pov1Ua, 'r., ftud rl'tlrlllj:t IroUl buslllCM, IllO\yulldr r(lf pie the entire hmlnf'l\ll, IImlll trod; or OCfltlr1l1 llen:hltmli.:4e. togetht'r with tim bulllllllg'lllud a:rollml'l, Rt. a jtreMt oorlitnln. The hall beell e tllblbhl.1..I tin fin PeiMn. Ocllron. 01 pt.r. chJtlllUK will Illt'll3e IllklreN Ill)" IlttOtlll'y C. llord.. lillieI', Etll., at POll TOwu..... IlJ \V.T. GHAX'Vrr.J.F. 0, U.\I.LJ.:n. OfttetJ lit COUltevlUe, W. 1'., July 3ht lSlll. W.unmnolf D. 0 .. Aq. 22., 1879, .... oIfbe InlDocratio tPo,',' of tbi, city, rawly publiabed a "ron or con- versatioD witb • Morpn coo· cerninl' tbe recent aabrd.r or Dizon, orpnizer or an .Intlepead.nt par'" in Yazoo county, Mias. Tb. p.r· port of Morgao'a .fl.pd remara w •• that tbe quar...: hi' which Dixon fell "" the r.ault of a family feud or ,taodini' What Mr. Mor· gao uY', in a card, III this: ti[ hIVe read the .ditorial article in tho II Post" of this dat.. .lllit!nd t'The Y noo Bvsintll5." I am the r.ferred to in that article. Tho Itatements there made. which relat. to 101, arc lallie. A. F, MonoAN, Late sberifl' or Yazoo Co., Wi".n is DO dOllbt that Diloo ".s murdered, and murd.r.d (ora politi. cal purpose, It i, the Chi,bolm killing aJain, ani, Ibis tim. the wo· men and cbildrln were 'pared, It. i, death and th. threat o( death tbat keepll the Soutb 'ViII thy not only do tbat, bat make tbe North "aolid" too ! Tbe Minilsippi riyer CommislioD· .r. bad a s.cond muting bert 1111' terday, and two report. or eommit., te.. preyioualy WI ... agr.ed to. The 6,.t .ubmitted a plan (or I full report by. compe. teot officer upon tbe trade and com· merce of the Mississippi .. tle'y, to be in nadioe!1 by tbe time tb. commi •. lion is prepltr.d to b.,in work. The committe. to wbit;h ••• entru!lled the preparation or plan or 0i)era· tiolls for 611ing up tb. in exist. ini luryeys between Cairo and the moutb oC the pUles 10 II to com· plet. an official lurn1 of the riYer alia tor making bearin" aad ledimen\ obaer ... tion. at n.c.llary point! and COf gauging th,. ,tr•• m. SI.. LOllil will b. the permanent plao. of meeting or the Commi8t1ion and it will meet there November 20th nut. There is a manifl8t dtltormin- ation on the part or Ihe lrembcrs to 10 on with their work with displitch, Iud I doubt Dot Congress will promptl11nd Iib.rally llcond their emlea.vors b, rUfoi8bing neces.ary lund.. LEO. OUR FIlTOR£ FlIHIIII,11I POllY W. T., AUI.lIO, F.IJIYOII Am;u :-Hari.lll rtad, ': .., Inlen:"lh'K ItUde 011 CoII·l\4hlllg "lq tbe Sc:ulle "Inlelllgellcer," allow InU tbroul" your I,aptr toconUnue the lubject Icn oQ"-whlch 1 thluk will IlItl'rea& Ihe people 01 thLJ Territor}', who have lin eye to Il .. ruture oovelopment. II Of>rlAllIl, ItOlng to be ono of IhOl ¥l't'l1t wcallb producing tntemll 01 tho lutUN 8fAIe or WashilllCtoll. We line nil the bene.lhl or 100'ltlOli nl!lr to the lXUIU, IUlli a more d Iral"lo cllllll\le III which to cure ftsb lllnn Ihot or allY 01 tliu EIIa;IRlltl Statu which hn\'e wealthy by fishluIC Rllt.l Itl III too lIrtlcle "'bo" Iht!utlollClilt II ItalCl.1 thut mild call be IIIl\'l'tIlll the rrolD thla 'l'trrho- ry In Ihll Okhollk or OhemulIg hlllmJs. I Ill_te :lIld llllilk I am right, tllllt 700 1U1IfI ClUJ be SiIYeoJ In dlslAnce; )'ct thlt IJ not tile Olll.v gain Ulls Terrllorllias over c.lI- lorull III /,'Ot.I.Oshlllg. The grutC8t g:\lu 18 hI rUI'IIIK tht fish aner they lire t.. allght. All lbhullICll kllOw tb" the 10llKtrtbh are I4In In ");iiM.:Im," Ie .• In bulk, the more 10lie In welgbt altd ,fiavor. The In- elIOt\! or Sew EIIK'-nd are wortb mON Ihllll blink tbh. tbe reft80U behlJt thnt ihh 101lJt II) "klllch" are apt Ifl "huru.·' or J[et rlllly. Another I"M.IOII wll)' tills Territory ought to be lhe oue.. er IU cod·'hllf'rllltil Is tho We IYtve lor the month. or lUDIUlet the tlOOI nurthwest wiull.. whk:h prenlllloout the Ilml' the ftl"lit Ind te\.'Otld fleet! would al"rh·('. alld wookl c.'urc 115h III 8ye dlrl ttlnal to tilt: Cape COC .lllcle. Where I '1111 writIng 1111.1 .rtlcle I!I the bf.1t location III the world, with a ",pit" flve milt!' IOllr. hnlll3' room enough ror drr1ur an l..'Ofl·lhh O'l; W. toIlat. All fl311 Fnllt'lk'O Ire only lUu, .. lrlul. but Ire plckt.'tll.lld IlIlck IU tlK)U)l1i they had olily IJttt!n tl"ell out or "klllrh" Illd Wll,IM.'t1. TIIlI \.';1" lie "1'0,,«1 br COlUpal'iur thew wllh eIHt'rt1 11.511. I Illiftlli. doubt t1Ult the Cllurht at thtl Chl'lUlug IJlllnfJI and Okhouk .,. are II' l'11QI1 Mil gnod bauk 1I.b, Ir cured with tlry \\ hul .! ther are (:ured tltU. 1 wu nile 011\ (uw Ihllt tried to lnaulurate !Isb· hli' (11r \'Iltllu thl' 'ferritor)'. Ilavlug fitted Ollt IIllI l'OlIImllmled the tlrst dshltl" ltoru tllll' 'I'errllory belote coc.ltlsh WI I\ll'illlllli Ilurth-at'terwalt!ll, with otllen. buyllllC tllt! .choonor ShoothllC Stir and tlt.lIlijr; ill'r out. tllr the OhOlllUllg blallllllt "'heru tille "ot a (ull catch bUlowing 1.0 tll0 we got. It WI" a (1111· lin>. Wnu:rllian It Klttt, or Port Town· If'Il(I. Jll!ef\vllnil tltted out It:hooher whldl Wltl11lKl n failure. owln.c to till: Wllllt of pltroullge. When both \'"",,1. IWnI bert, "'lIh lull l.'Alt;oeI or gool fl.;h. I"Hlles bought aU Ihh III S-'111 Iud cyel1lultly Ihe vcrr ( WCrfl cured In Port 'fownlfllld hml 10 1:0 to SlUI .'ram'IIl!O (or a market, allli "'tlnl .nllr"'anJs brought back .. Slu WI,.t "'e ""l1tl, men or mean. to Inau- gurllte tile \.'tltI-ti hllll' bu'lnellIn lhl& l'er- rltor)" ""ho ,,'111 not be 10n.'«1 to kJl at a 10 'dUe with Ole crew. \\'htll our Ire bl'OUlht 10 l'Ompell- lion with San the dlftertul'e "'ill l(IOn ba 110tlootl.nd rltory IIsh will be quoted We by.1de with EI wrn lhh-ftud the c:aliital DOW Invest.- allu Callforllbl "III ftud III .... y here .nd nil tine ftl8e11 quoted In the r.orth AII/Illtie ",III ball (rom Port 'l'OWDJeUt.I. Ir we coult.l ollir Induce tlaoNl pIlrtlH 1\·00 It"' l ... hlter6t«1 In cod·fl hln, to come hlHe Iud ror them. .... [Rm ther wonld ICe all tiM: lxoll .. tlU that would accru" lrom malo. Ing P ..rt 'rOWlilenl!. or Port 01", III r.u:t. all)' port on l'uKt!C !So1l1l!I, their helul-qlllutt!1'8. J.lkl' tile An'tlc ... 11I,lIl1g l1et:t noW' llI:ekhlli[ Sltn Fl1lllcl"CQ a, ht'AlI_ «Ullrteli ill leAli or the Sancl\'lch hi. lid.. a5 heretorl)l1', our liteomphlcal jX)!lltloll e'1t!l\tllllll)" will make U3 the elltrepot for 1I0t only tho cod-ll3h bn8lnMl, but for that IrAde JUllt 1()OIlllug ulllo Ihf\ erl hemisphere. Your 1I1l1MlI ('1- lort!'l III Port TOft'lI q "lltl IlIti SeIlUll'. to tim\\" IIltt\llloll 10 tho mallY Itlvl'llta.lt1'l thl.5 l8'or\l1$ to capital hereto- rore IlrllwlI 11110 1lI11lntnrnl will he l!OO'l IIllpn:chllt'll bribe ('""wlled mil. Jill"." Willi arc (mly nolY bt.-KlllllllIJ{ In lpo .. tru,' IlitutU 2rtlltlle I ul the ,ltrellt :;I:tlu Il hkh bellrl the 11lll1e or tilt! It,'tIU.. fil ;unu tlmt a;ycr 80 mOle -h be. RUSTLER. ARGUS PUGET SOUND T......nI.lMcrlpl'-.-.a.ooIHII' ..•••• In ad"anre: ,la:molllh.,tl.:.o. or AU\',KRTI8IXO: One Inch. fl"'t I"!enlon •. : ,c .••••.•. '1.50 E"ch ub!ltl<luI'lIt Insertion ••..••.•. " .lKl. 'rMllllllem .dvf.rtisemcntl to lnllflrtiull lIIlLSt lk! lH't'OlIllllluled by CQII. WAil A__ .. e.f!ieUled .".. 1.8 I"tfBLIJJUED ."KIIT TIIl'Il5UAT AT. rtrt TOWDlIUd, Wl.lhlngtoll A "'EI n. EDITOR ASI> I'ROI'UIETOn. Local and News Items. ST. I.OUlS. )10.. hll8 Il1pprclled jtlun· bUng 11111 'l!ry pu51t1,e ".,. 'I'm: Deulf"W'rllC1 will lIot l'slIe m"I)H of Ihe YAZOO pbn or clullplllSlllug-nol tills H'R1l.01I. 'rilE bnlllHng oc(''llpll'd hy 1I.r. Yorrl,' tlnshflp 1111_ white-won Ik'tI ouUlde. 11111 hu f'ereh'et1 "new roof to Ita back • ,k)lIloll. ke.-plnl{ It Ill) with the IItllei III leAl "pjle"rlnce. 'rllnhavelith'elllllll'lI hnpt'loll\oatlllg rile 't .... llilt'tJ .hlp Clf)' of Ollbllll, on t1.., CoIumlJla. 'riley wert onlhe polntoCll.Ie- t'ell In Ih,. work "'IIC!II AheftYJ IlOnG C'lme 1'1" IIIII! vloltUl1t Or wlllli AfJd WIl\'"f1l lune 10 tL111ll'Jttli lilt ship that It lJ Ilot wnrth uow'. 'fIll OI>lInl'Oll rroperty, till' rlllft: W:luold 011 \ff'llut!i(l:Iy or II' t "'4.'cL II}' SllerUr 11l1ltr, under IU t.'U('lItluli tn f.· Tor MtrtMIl BlInli. IIr OlylOIlIA. J. A. "uhn Ilurdlllllt'ti the IIIlltl-21.1 IILTH -ror ':1.60 per ACIt. It will be a nile t.lirlllloOlIlt.' dill'" "'hell IIMpt'rl)' Imrrovnl. Au. T e\'ery mill brllllll ftlll'lI of the .1)eC1' \\'110 IUlll Ira)'a! to lilt' Gret!ublck (old. Ami" KrlHlryhl' rllct hi that 11K')" \'0111'1 back Incr 111I'lr rtll'·bl1by mil,. pronolltlced Helwblletlll'l ftud Illnl- men Ihllll lhe l'OlIllllue. the 1:llfl Int 0l,ell uiltlltl 111'00- hIli" will be Il(!lutllr wek.'OlIlt'tI.-lowa l'8talij Re«l.ter." ::)F.n:ll.u. carlll IUIYC bloell fk.·cuJlled Ilnr- the pitH hl1ullllk dirt rmm lhe (Out lit lhe brow 01 the hili, III .. allli tUIIIlJ: III III 'rl'Olltollhe hOlillC Ol'Cuploo by W, S. 8cllVt')" at tllC cornur or'fll}'lor llllli \Vllter tlrel'ls. In (rOtlt or lhe Halik 111110011 lliro Jllllllg nlot l'OrncrlllrOll RnLl 1lllll1tOll III lho elae or the !;tlch 1.'Olllmcllllllble 1Il0v.,., I( will l!IMI rtutler the bualhcu pori Ion 01 (.()WII oUh:h lIeatcr loolilllg lllll! o\'tlry Wrt1, 'I'U,& IlltlhllH:nlllpllgn ell tolille Hock)' 1I0lllltAhil IJ 110'" ror this 11'1'- H)n. Col. '\. »Utlllrrln.·I.I lit Fort Keogh with hi, OOIRII111lld ('1111- oheYttl or the (4nlt1. bringing with him Ilearl)' Me tboUiAlid hal( who hue OOell (Ur- lllJbhlit arm_ Inl! IIlHlulllnn 10 betWrotlU the Ydlo"'",olle aud the bolllul- arrllne. lIu hn. clelLl'ed the t'OUtUr)' 01 -II rovlnjt billlth Iltd drlYcn 81ulllg Hull', IIIlt nile, be- !kIN bre.'1klnK lip the illicit Ir.ttle III arms and IlUlnltlllltlflU betWrllI hall btl'ed' :lIId hoslilc ImJllllll. TiNt c1mp.,11!t'1I bee!\ Tllr)' ,rul l.'OIIJkJorllljt lilt, '1lI11t 10M to MET1UOI.ooiCAL 811nunllrr It :s'f'tllh Rt)'. w. T .. lor tllu lIIolllh 01 Alljtll!l. '79: lIi"l,"t bl\l'Ometer Otl :!!lIlt •••••••• ;10 3d Lowelt. 011 ltlth •.• ..... Mellu 30 to{) lII11hen tcmlll'r:1turo .1 62 11l!1l11 M l'rtlnllllig wlllll:! W .t S-W )JlIxlrnulII vllloclly or Uti jill .. '1'01&1 111\'111 No. 111l1.f 011 which 001 ttr lIIor6 or rlllul/,!l1 ll) l-10. or Ilart 011 wl,lch Rverls:etll-i 1'111 a 01 10 8 NO 'yll\\hlllJy Illi'lI\IlIlL , 13 1lf()l,\IIKll. During lile momll 111l!rtllulIl bl.'t'll 111111 II CAIn •. fo:c:;r \'eluht:r, Autl nil 111111'11:&1 fIliI ot "111, 11Il0l1I11l1l1( to ii. I The lVeraICo raillrall ror 4 )'enfll, III '(j I. '8/1 aud '(111. dllrlnjl '''It.-II I kl'flt the mI"· ",I'flnl lor Ihc :-IllIllhllfllll!1I1 III. nltmiull. "t II"". \\11. :1 i;'j flldll'!j for AUiuU. u. OlHtrnor. I

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ARGUS.VOL~ 9. NO 30.

J. K.l'I·OD"'•. 0011".



Port Town..nd, W. T.Tuniq done OD ftUOft&bIifI tftWll

Iir Acea t for 0IldrN BroL end EIMJ"IMPlIlIOl ud Pa1IlcI Orpu. Oft ..1I or Inlllt!.went plan.



t:. D...IUUSJ; A. ". TIIUJlA!ILalli HI... lJfll'rll

Klrwlll, K:au...

Gilmore & Co.,029 F st.WASHINCTON. D.C

WILL I~HAC'I'ICE B:-:FOHto: 'l'IIEGenenll 1.110" Oflkc. olll~ 01 1111111\11 A(.fttlr4. J)I.'I>:lrlm"lIt or lilt! IUf{'rlor, tl uCourt or c.;llthlli, Mllt.J rlllll'll ....Illl~ :ou­Ill'\rlllr'''ollrt. Cltlhll~ u( 1l1110111111 nrl~iJ~

1I1111t:r luwa gn\'I:I·uluj.: thl:: IIl"jlo-,,1 nr IJIII,..Ik Illuli. or tho n'UlwlIIl'IU tiC Freul'llol:iplllIl~h. ltrlll Moxll'lll I:",nl", llr Oll..~rllrlmw lAUd cIrIIHl"l. ~lll'lllIl A(tfUthlllg[wil lO CllkJi luvol\'llI", 11I1t''' to ;l:rliltrnlll.l~ nUll U11111t1~ 1;1111111.. f.lIl1lJ ~·lIr.

,.Itlte n'll! Inml krill bollll(l.t. l;.I ..h 1)11101Cur §()1tllcnl' luldltll.lll hOIJICllh"d rl~hL••~1111 .IMllll' Inr c1rlllltf tJr 11I"lrnt.:IIOIl~.'fl. ret.' 3tl11llJl" Iu Jluy' 11I'~I"lt'· Jr }'uu ,,·:tlltlilll ·t Onllll~alltl hjatrll~tIOIl.s,

i7. J'. lIZ'D" N T, Prop.

W.ter .... PORl lOWNSEND."bl.rommt'l'lIntl.. !!!t.I'flnl IInff '1....11'I1I1"!o­

NIM I1M!!1 I~ now I1l1d1tl' , ... I "-I'lle IIi' h ..old·llme profl'kllor. who wlU \.. n'hH:I II In Ill"MIIl.lten,,", I 11)1ie whlrh ",ntlcrt:<1111lO flOl,I'­lar Iwwtolore. N· Dtltlr,l by Ihe d_,· fir...tldr. B...."I!U.nt lk,v!Uul'1ll.IlenJ for tllmllk<s

A1TOBSKT AND L:OUNSELLO&AT l.A"Proctor in Adwlrulty.

Kone)' loaned, RI!IlI EIltlte bolllhtllnli toldFarm' to I.eue,

Colleetl_n In.tle. Oon\·cYlnclnK. ~e.roRT TQWKSP.JID, .,... T.



, ron 'J'o1f'n~d. ". T

J. R LEWI S,Attorn ell-at .LatD..OI'I'IC••-Jlntkr't bnUdlng. mom, 4 A.5

Jlmet ,treet, oppoelte OCCIdental HOlel,8eat'l _, ~-.h.. Terr"S'"

James M, Gassaway. M.D:'In charKS U, 8. Marin~ HosPital

S8roice,PHYIICIAN • IUltelON

0.....11'.1., 8t., 0,..... p_...PORT T01J'!iUND. W. T. IItr I


Dr. Tho•. T MinorManaging lurlleon

Port Townsend HospitalPort; Townaend. w. T.

lo"n De eonlMlttAtll, nllb' or day, al Bc.pllll


In.urance AN Iteal I_te....o-.NT

~~~:J'.~~tHIRe~~:~n:o~~?'ta.Le:r'11:-::::orJ'lca-In"~~:r.tJt::I~r:.~~I~t Townlllnl1.

Cosmopolitan Hotel.


CENTRAL HOTEL,ItlllUICI.t hNd 01 Ulllnl\ WII.r'.

P..,.. ,. 'A•• T.nil" 110.. 1. DIlW ••d nuwl;,' "lr"l~tted, .1IJI~ 111 Ibe .ppohliluellhi Of IIrtr.t-O~ Sl:ot:el.

r~u~~~~~~: 'T1~:Jr:llnl'l'l~rlll:l:m~IlInl TIIlI. Inll Kt'ltillUl' RaoUl In lb. Ih'lidNotlllllK wlU be laft, unlk\fl.. 10 In• .II:. tit..lliIWl$i:cond to lIone In me 1.'t!ITU,I'l'.It 1IU1I1J'" PUGII.

Good Beard and Lodgings canbe obtained at

:at:H.S. :at: y :m H.S'

TI:AS,Ii;ST ROARIlEIIS "'H.L fiND ATthe Ibll"l1 !)IIIce II 'Inlet I'e!lIln ",he'" tltdr

,,'Inl. ('lUI btI.l,.W:lorll)' IIllenllelllO.

Term. Ver, Itea.onable.go AI fOfltof bill. hnmoobUel)' '-ck!'mID

Union wharf.I"OKT TOWNSEND, W. T.

L •• u..clli.

TAl & CO.

..IHI ....,. IllHP.n'••I.MII~.-n

\\'IIter St., - Port ·1'owulCnd. \V. '1'.

Wbo\eMle and K.elalllJe&lel'l In

Commission Agent..AmI oe,,1t!1'9 lu

F'ar:D1 Prod.uoe,WJl~A.·I'. UAY.


ole.. ole.Gordon'l Whlrf, Nanalmo, BritfSb ColumblL



01iIU.M, TEA,)lIef:. SUGA11. OIL.

And GODarol ~.r"l"CbllndllJe.

Alao dC'tJen in au ldnQl ot

Oregon and CaliforniaFruit. and Produce.

Flour, Feed, Gralll Etc•• Etc.No.IIG, .·ront.nd Ta)'lorllreel"

u:tt FOR1.·LA.""V, ore.tOD.

Green and Dried Fruits

PLAI,J & FANCY JOB WORKf.:JC\Ult'lIlt the ..\J;tlt:5 Ottl(.1,.

Wo hnvo allo Opened a Flr.t-ol...




C».. Liberal AtlVltlll'ell matle on Conllgn­lU~lltll.

AI'11 will ~ernl the JltlbUc: with Mealsto ordor :.It III III:mN,

Ht"\'F: UM A C'AT.T...t.v· UIJ()tI.. ltC Cellll'!Io1 HUh'!. IW!ld 0

L'uh,1I 1\ klrrl'lIltl' 'l'OWSSDiD. W. 1'. [Ii

IN'o:n.~ P ....~O



ALI. KI~Oll 0,.


BOld regubr meetln'!1 at Ulitlr ball, eYer1WeWM!Idly e\"enlug. ~


C&rriA,gelllall tlW.. lo oon1'e)'pueengel'l

To Port DilCmry, CblJDacnm or PortlL~:DO'W'•

DI.patche. carried a, er,Night. Horae. on Live".Tl1lv('l1ll~I'gents wUII&f! h}'golllg with

UI. U we 'Intenll tu U~ aU Ulell allk!!,1)1eaA1I~ rllrtlCtl drtvtll out IllY Ume.Jlav .lId hi 011 hIInd Illd cord "'ood Jur..14i In In)' quantity. or1'••• - ...........,.. pt_lJI .It~-,...-e, ftlnI1IIJlT 10 .......,

T. )t. ~AMMOND 4:; 8OXS.


Foreign &. Domestic Fruit(,;AX'H1 ~>~.


Sl'ATIOSf:H¥.TOUAl '0.

(;10.\ U:;;,I-:TC.. P.TC.

o . .EE. EEOLOOlWl:B,"-ropr1C{.Ol·.

CHIMACUM, W. T.,Wm.~op •• :' • :Proprietor.

~we~... OW' ch-. 10 he Fir..~u.&~.~tltI»ot superIOr quaJUy to 1111

..r _••• 1 .....

IT AddreM all onlel'A to .Ift. BIIHOP,.1............ IotlDW,.. ... MIlT TOW...1:!lID. lItt.



To Rent.

HaJI for Sale,

5e'rrral fine roann In th" AlCOC8 bullli.IIIIt 'VQCIlllt. ,ultable lor oIlIceI. &c., temusI'UIOlllblt. Apply to


'rho nnde'r!IJtned otrert at prl'ftl.te ..Ielot 3 block ~5 or l"ort ·J.'owllieml, \V. T......\th the Improvem~ntl tbereoll. l'OlI Itt_lugO("U1SOllIC UnU". SKill hall I 30x80 rt:et. two 6tOrlee, bani ftnl~hecl thl'Ol.lKb.out allliin good condllLoll; title perlet't.0Ic1~ will be 1'\.'CClftd (or tNlkl 1'n)p«:rLr upto Ii o'clock 11.. Sept. 2-&, ISm.

AI.4o. the stolle building ImO"'11 U lo~ow.ler', Uall 15 Olfl:!red lor ..Ie.

J. A. KUHN.2~w AIl'y III (Ilet.

BEI)l'O nil Ihe evo or rl~lnlit ont myOillCrtll McrcnulIl" E!UI.bll!lhUlcIiL .t

Oou.pov1Ua, ~. 'r.,ftud rl'tlrlllj:t IroUl buslllCM, IllO\yulldr r(lfpie the entire hmlnf'l\ll, IImlll Il\r~ trod;or OCfltlr1l1 llen:hltmli.:4e. togetht'r with timbulllllllg'lllud a:rollml'l, Rt. a jtreMt oorlitnln.

The tm~llIeM hall beell e tllblbhl.1..I tinfin ~ll ,elll~, PeiMn. Ocllron. 01 pt.r.chJtlllUK will Illt'll3e IllklreN Ill)" IlttOtlll'yC. llord.. lillieI', Etll., at POll TOwu.....IlJ\V.T.

GHAX'Vrr.J.F. 0, U.\I.LJ.:n.OfttetJ lit COUltevlUe, W. 1'., July 3ht


W.unmnolf D. 0 .. Aq. 22., 1879,.... oIfbe InlDocratio tPo,',' of tbi, city,rawly publiabed a "ron or • con­versatioD witb • ~. Morpn coo·cerninl' tbe recent aabrd.r or Dizon,

orpnizer or an .Intlepead.nt par'"in Yazoo county, Mias. Tb. p.r·port of Morgao'a .fl.pd remaraw•• that tbe quar...: hi' which Dixonfell "" the r.ault of a family feudor lon~ ,taodini' What Mr. Mor·gao uY', in a card, III this:

ti[ hIVe read the .ditorial articlein tho II Post" of this dat.. .lllit!ndt'The Ynoo Bvsintll5." I am the~IMargan" r.ferred to in that article.Tho Itatements there made. whichrelat. to 101, arc lallie.

A. F, MonoAN,Late sberifl' or Yazoo Co., Wi".n is DO dOllbt that Diloo ".smurdered, and murd.r.d (ora purpose, It i, the Chi,bolmkilling aJain, ani, Ibis tim. the wo·

men and cbildrln were 'pared, It.i, death and th. threat o( death tbatkeepll the Soutb ~'.olid." 'ViII thynot only do tbat, bat make tbe North"aolid" too !

Tbe Minilsippi riyer CommislioD·.r. bad a s.cond muting bert 1111'

terday, and two report. or eommit.,te.. preyioualy ap~inted WI...agr.ed to. The 6,.t .ubmitted a

plan (or I full report by. compe.teot officer upon tbe trade and com·merce of the Mississippi ..tle'y, to bein nadioe!1 by tbe time tb. commi•.lion is prepltr.d to b.,in work. Thecommitte. to wbit;h ••• entru!lledthe preparation or • plan or 0i)era·tiolls for 611ing up tb. ~aps in exist.ini luryeys between Cairo and themoutb oC the pUles 10 II to com·plet. an official lurn1 of the ,,~ol.

riYer alia tor making bearin" aadledimen\ obaer...tion. at n.c.llarypoint! and COf gauging th,. ,tr••m.SI.. LOllil will b. the permanent

plao. of meeting or the Commi8t1ionand it will meet there November 20thnut. There is a manifl8t dtltormin­ation on the part or Ihe lrembcrs to

10 on with their work with displitch,Iud I doubt Dot Congress willpromptl11nd Iib.rally llcond their

emlea.vors b, rUfoi8bing neces.arylund.. LEO.


F.IJIYOII Am;u :-Hari.lll rtad, ': ..,Inlen:"lh'K ItUde 011 CoII·l\4hlllg "lq tbeSc:ulle "Inlelllgellcer," allow InU tbroul"your I,aptr toconUnue the lubject wl~rflltIcn oQ"-whlch 1 thluk will IlItl'rea& Ihepeople 01 thLJ Territor}', who have lin eyeto Il.. ruture oovelopment. •

FI~hlllg II Of>rlAllIl, ItOlng to be ono ofIhOl ¥l't'l1t wcallb producing tntemll 01tho lutUN 8fAIe or WashilllCtoll. Weline nil the bene.lhl or 100'ltlOli nl!lr tothe II~hlllg lXUIU, IUlli a more d Iral"locllllll\le III which to cure ftsb lllnn Ihot orallY 01 tliu ~ew EIIa;IRlltl Statu whichhn\'e '1\:1.'OlIl~ "~rr wealthy by fishluIC Rllt.lItl !llrl'lJUlHhll~Il, III too lIrtlcle "'bo"Iht!utlollClilt II ItalCl.1 thut ~OO mild callbe IIIl\'l'tIlll the pa~_Kt rrolD thla 'l'trrho­ry In Ihll Okhollk or OhemulIg hlllmJs. IIll_te :lIld llllilk I am right, tllllt 700 1U1IfIClUJ be SiIYeoJ In dlslAnce; )'ct thlt IJ nottile Olll.v gain Ulls Terrllorllias over c.lI­lorull III /,'Ot.I.Oshlllg. The grutC8t g:\lu18 hI rUI'IIIK tht fish aner they lire t..allght.All lbhullICll kllOw tb" the 10llKtrtbh areI4In In ");iiM.:Im," Ie.• In bulk, the moretl~}' 10lie In welgbt altd ,fiavor. The In­elIOt\! tI~h or Sew EIIK'-nd are wortbmON Ihllll blink tbh. tbe reft80U behlJtthnt ihh 101lJt II) "klllch" are aptIfl "huru.·' or J[et rlllly. Another I"M.IOIIwll)' tills Territory ought to be lhe oue..Oll~r er IU cod·'hllf'rllltil Is tho cllm~le.

We IYtve lor the month. or lUDIUlet thetlOOI nurthwest wiull.. whk:h prenllllooutthe Ilml' the ftl"lit Ind te\.'Otld fleet! wouldal"rh·('. alld wookl c.'urc 115h III 8ye dlrl

ttlnal to tilt: Cape COC .lllcle. Where I'1111 writIng 1111.1 .rtlcle I!I the bf.1t locationIII the world, with a ",pit" flve milt!'IOllr. hnlll3' room enough ror drr1ur anlh~ l..'Ofl·lhh c,u~1ll O'l; lhe~. W. toIlat.

All fl311 ~'ufli(llll::$an Fnllt'lk'O Ire onlylUu, ..lrlul. but t1~y Ire 01~11 plckt.'tll.lld~111111",~1 IlIlck IU tlK)U)l1i they had olily IJttt!ntl"ell out or "klllrh" Illd Wll,IM.'t1. TIIlI\.';1" lie "1'0,,«1 br COlUpal'iur thew wllheIHt'rt1 11.511.

I Illiftlli. doubt t1Ult the tl.~h Cllurht atthtl Chl'lUlug IJlllnfJI and Okhouk .,. areII' l'11QI1 Mil gnod bauk 1I.b, Ir cured withtlry \\ hul .! ther are (:ured tltU. 1 wunile 011\ (uw Ihllt tried to lnaulurate !Isb·hli' (11r \'Iltllu thl' 'ferritor)'. Ilavlug fittedOllt IIllI l'OlIImllmled the tlrst dshltl"~I.nollt·r ltoru tllll' 'I'errllory belote coc.ltlshWI I\ll'illlllli Ilurth-at'terwalt!ll, with otllen.buyllllC tllt! .choonor ShoothllC Stir andtlt.lIlijr; ill'r out. tllr the OhOlllUllg blallllllt"'heru tille "ot a (ull catch bUlowing 1.0tll0 ~1tI:lllljllronllJ(e we got. It WI" a (1111·lin>. Wnu:rllian It Klttt, or Port Town·If'Il(I. Jll!ef\vllnil tltted out It:hooherAllI~kK, whldl Wltl11lKl n failure. owln.cto till: Wllllt of pltroullge. When both\'"",,1. IWnI bert, "'lIh lull l.'Alt;oeI orgool fl.;h. I"Hlles bought aU UIt~lr Ihh IIIS-'111 ~·r,lllcht:o. Iud cyel1lultly Ihe vcrr"~II ( WCrfl cured In Port 'fownlfllldhml 10 1:0 to SlUI .'ram'IIl!O (or a market,allli "'tlnl .nllr"'anJs brought back .. Slu~'l'lIlIt:I~'O I'rotluc~tOD'.

WI,.t "'e ""l1tl, men or mean. to Inau­gurllte tile \.'tltI-ti hllll' bu'lnellIn lhl& l'er­rltor)" ""ho ,,'111 not be 10n.'«1 to kJl at a~.~rllk~ 10 'dUe with Ole crew.

\\'htll our ~b Ire bl'OUlht 10 l'Ompell­lion with San .~ralldlCO the dlftertul'e"'ill l(IOn ba 110tlootl.nd W..,hlnlton'~r·

rltory IIsh will be quoted We by.1de withEI wrn lhh-ftud the c:aliital DOW Invest.­allu Callforllbl "III ftud III ....y here .ndnil Ih~ tine ftl8e11 quoted In the r.orthAII/Illtie ",III ball (rom Port 'l'OWDJeUt.I.

Ir we coult.l ollir Induce tlaoNl pIlrtlH1\·00 It"' l...r~ly hlter6t«1 In cod·fl hln,to come hlHe Iud In~tlpt8 ror them.~Iv.... [Rm ~d,fled ther wonld ICe alltiM: lxoll..tlU that would accru" lrom malo.Ing P..rt 'rOWlilenl!. or Port Anlul~., 01",III r.u:t. all)' port on l'uKt!C !So1l1l!I, theirhelul-qlllutt!1'8. J.lkl' tile An'tlc ...11I,lIl1gl1et:t noW' llI:ekhlli[ Sltn Fl1lllcl"CQ a, ht'AlI_

«Ullrteli ill leAli or the Sancl\'lch hi. lid..a5 heretorl)l1', our liteomphlcal jX)!lltlolle'1t!l\tllllll)" will make U3 the ~",1ll1 elltrepotfor 1I0t only tho cod-ll3h bn8lnMl, but forthat IlIjj~ r1~llIg IrAde JUllt 1()OIlllug ullloIhf\ erl l~rll hemisphere. Your 1I1l1MlI ('1­lort!'l III Port TOft'lIq "lltl IlIti SeIlUll'. totim\\" IIltt\llloll 10 tho mallY Itlvl'llta.lt1'lthl.5 '1~t:rrltor1 l8'or\l1$ to capital hereto­rore IlrllwlI 11110 1lI11lntnrnl clu\llllel~. willhe l!OO'l IIllpn:chllt'll bribe ('""wlled mil.Jill"." Willi arc (mly nolY bt.-KlllllllIJ{ In lpopn.,~.. tru,' ll~ IlitutU 2rtlltlle I ul the ,ltrellt:;I:tlu Il hkh bellrl the 11lll1e or tilt! It,'tIU..fil ;unu tlmt a;ycr 1I~. 80 mOle -h be.



T......nI.lMcrlpl'-.-.a.ooIHII' ..••••In ad"anre: ,la:molllh.,tl.:.o.


One Inch. fl"'t I"!enlon •. : ,c.••••.•. '1.50E"ch ub!ltl<luI'lIt Insertion ••..••.•. " .lKl.

'rMllllllem .dvf.rtisemcntl to III~ulelnllflrtiull lIIlLSt lk! lH't'OlIllllluled by CQII.

WAil A__..e.f!ieUled ."..III'T'~


rtrt TOWDlIUd, Wl.lhlngtoll T~rrltorl.


Local and News Items.ST. I.OUlS. )10.. hll8 Il1pprclled jtlun·

bUng 11111 'l!ry pu51t1,e ".,.

'I'm: Deulf"W'rllC1 will lIot l'slIe m"I)H ofIhe YAZOO pbn or clullplllSlllug-nol tillsH'R1l.01I.

'rilE bnlllHng oc(''llpll'd hy 1I.r. Yorrl,'tlnshflp 1111_ ~ll white-won Ik'tI ouUlde.11111 hu f'ereh'et1 "new roof to Ita back•,k)lIloll. ke.-plnl{ It Ill) with the IItllei IIIleAl lt~lIeral "pjle"rlnce.

'rllnhavelith'elllllll'lI hnpt'loll\oatlllgrile 't ....llilt'tJ .hlp Clf)' of Ollbllll, on t1..,CoIumlJla. 'riley wert onlhe polntoCll.Ie­t'ell In Ih,. work "'IIC!II AheftYJ IlOnG C'lme1'1" IIIII! fh~ vloltUl1t Or wlllli AfJd WIl\'"f1l

lune 10 tL111ll'Jttli lilt ship that It lJ Ilotwnrth ,nll1~ uow'.

'fIll OI>lInl'Oll rroperty, I~r till' rlllft:W:luold 011 \ff'llut!i(l:Iy or II' t "'4.'cL II}'SllerUr 11l1ltr, under IU t.'U('lItluli tn f.·Tor MtrtMIl BlInli. IIr OlylOIlIA. .h"l~

J. A. "uhn Ilurdlllllt'ti the IIIlltl-21.1 IILTH

-ror ':1.60 per ACIt. It will be a nile

t.lirlllloOlIlt.' dill'" "'hell IIMpt'rl)' Imrrovnl.

Au. T e\'ery mill brllllll eX~h"'ll~

IIllnotUlclllllh~ ftlll'lI of the ~llIIhll"'ll

.1)eC1' \\'110 IUlll Ira)'a! to lilt' Gret!ublck(old. Ami" KrlHlryhl' rllct hi that 11K')"\'0111'1 back Incr 111I'lr rtll'·bl1by ex!~rlclle-!

mil,. pronolltlced Helwblletlll'l ftud Illnl­1II01l~Y men Ihllll ~\'tr. lhe t.'SOlltl~

l'OlIllllue. the 1:llfl Int 0l,ell uiltlltl 111'00­hIli" will be Il(!lutllr wek.'OlIlt'tI.-lowal'8talij Re«l.ter." •

::)F.n:ll.u. carlll IUIYC bloell fk.·cuJlled Ilnr­Ih~ the pitH ~·t'tlk. hl1ullllk dirt rmm lhe(Out lit lhe brow 01 the hili, III Ad.lllil~lr ..allli tUIIIlJ: III 4.JnllleylI~t, III 'rl'OlltollhehOlillC Ol'Cuploo by ~Ir. W, S. 8cllVt')" Ill~

at tllC cornur or'fll}'lor llllli \Vllter tlrel'ls.In (rOtlt or lhe Halik to~.l'IlI111~U 111110011bull\hl~.lllld lliro Jllllllg nlot l'OrncrlllrOllW"8hlll~t(lll RnLl 1lllll1tOll 't~11l, III lhoelae or the I."f~tl. !;tlch 1.'Olllmcllllllble1Il0v.,., I( 1K'~\·Im:'lIIIl. will l!IMI rtutlerthe bualhcu pori Ion 01 (.()WII oUh:h lIeatcrloolilllg lllll! btt~r o\'tlry Wrt1,

'I'U,& IlltlhllH:nlllpllgn ell tolille Hock)'1I0lllltAhil IJ 110'" ftlll~h~1 ror this 11'1'­

H)n. Col. ~. '\. »Utlllrrln.·I.I lit FortKeogh lalt~lr with hi, OOIRII111lld ('1111­tIlClll~ oheYttl oomralll~ or the ,~UIIIl­

(4nlt1. bringing with him Ilearl)' MetboUiAlid hal( bn~th who hue OOell (Ur­lllJbhlit arm_ Inl! IIlHlulllnn 10 Illdlall~

betWrotlU the Ydlo"'",olle aud the bolllul­arrllne. lIu hn. clelLl'ed the t'OUtUr)' 01-II rovlnjt billlth Iltd drlYcn 81ulllg Hull',follo~'el'l .c~ IIIlt AIIl~rh'.1I nile, be­!kIN bre.'1klnK lip the illicit Ir.ttle III armsand IlUlnltlllltlflU betWrllI hall btl'ed' :lIIdhoslilc ImJllllll. TiNt c1mp.,11!t'1I h.~ bee!\Tllr)' 'I~ ,rul l.'OIIJkJorllljt lilt, '1lI11t 10Mto lI11~'-'·ltI\kl)uII\Jent.··

MET1UOI.ooiCAL 811nunllrr It :s'f'tllhRt)'. w. T .. lor tllu lIIolllh 01 Alljtll!l. '79:lIi"l,"t bl\l'Ometer Otl :!!lIlt •••••••• ;10 3dLowelt. 011 ltlth •.•.....~ 'L~

Mellu 30 to{)

lII11hen tcmlll'r:1turo j~

Lo"'·~t .1 6211l!1l11 Ml'rtlnllllig wlllll:! W .t S-W)JlIxlrnulII vllloclly or (un~ Uti jill ..'1'01&1 r:a1t11~1J. 111\'111 ;J.~

No. 111l1.f 011 which 001 ttr lIIor6 orrlllul/,!l1 ll)

l-10. or Ilart 011 wl,lch clllmlllla~

Rverls:etll-i 1'111 a ~'ltle 01 10 8NO 'yll\\hlllJy Illi'lI\IlIlL , 13


During lile momll 111l!rtllulIl bl.'t'll 111111 IICAIn•. fo:c:;r \'eluht:r, Autl nil 111111'11:&1 fIliIot "111, 11Il0l1I11l1l1( to ii. I IlIdlC~. ThelVeraICo raillrall ror 4 )'enfll, III 1:~II:I. '(j I.'8/1 aud '(111. dllrlnjl '''It.-II I kl'flt the mI"·terolo~lcal ",I'flnl lor Ihc :-IllIllhllfllll!1I1 III.nltmiull. "t ~t:lI.h II"". \\11. :1 i;'j flldll'!jfor AUiuU. J.\~It:S u. ~\VAX.



rOregoo Items.

.\ r:'I~"f'lle "Hili h:u. ..IIUltoll lit<.J I:turd ""n..~<:o.tll u,,::r lu f,.,('t lu.;u

n;L ,,,:ItI.lll.:r IS 1l0l~1 ·uhll':Ulljlo.':-<I .l!'~ :;:t;IPYat .11l CUMI'ln.!!: plIlO'" r"a.r .\...rori:l.

.\ llJ"lhcr Ilr elk h:IH' bI.'l'n bh,,~ Oil tho rOOlII~tw "'n :1111 UlnlJqlllt ntlOll·'~I. Ihv. All th.. Ito ht!:lt tklt h....l 1.01..,11 thr~~iwJ. iO f.lrIn LII,.. '-\OIU1ty Inu Ilol t Olll w('11.

A I:11t:"'no City rnl)!'r thauk.. 0lI~ of it.It:UNUo f..r II bnckf't fnll of l.nlol·..... X,.t I••in~:e d~th Ol"CUf"'\·I! in Ece:~:1e , !lu.I mnll,h or /\lIgol1>'. (;u.otI OllCllltJllfor"!1ft' IIl.UnlM,'oI coml),1,lJy.

l.a.ot ""I¥-k I. 50tI of Juhn TJaughl.'rh·. If-m,'Ml"~11 oJr yeara of a~e. ll,'iug UCM .. lew, 1..:11ou~ of IL Illmll lree .llIl bruLe I,ill an:l.

(·"llt. I'arker bu "b.:andunl-d thll Cit, 'IfBIlLh" IOtl tanled her toYer to her n'\l·nen..The ...lcllluw l,roYNI toe) luucb lor bim toovereoruc.

Thcre lU'U Ifl£hty·one IIn'llAlocu iu Orel.'OflMil WlWhing&on 'femtory. lUlU the", ill "luckin OlM oumbe.....-conaidur u~ "l"-Itot tJMlc.lOly "OIlC."

Tho .tumer Satellite un her Snit trip tiDCoo. rivcr, being laid up for reP&irwblew hcr oyJinder·lleali Imt IIUIIL:UIIChiIbma~e gcne...Uy. \

~Ir..\lIlbl'Ollti, of YOllcl\lI:t.. lCf'OtC:t ,I,c MIda" vl:ry "amuging w.,I:;uin lU tll:at vallo)". A8",·:t.t ,leal of ~rl.lll wlllllot pay tn cut an,1 III(dt ~tanlling til thu tillld. '

l\.o!.hlancl Colle,!;e will "I>lln ahOllt !ho l;itllprr,\·.• o,nd 110 c1o~bt wilh Il IlIr~l' IIUlllllltlllOC,rhNiU In .uthorlty Mil tll>mn}: "" 11:1.il1& \01mllko il a lulling eiJuQ:ltiuualltllllit.lItlon.

8:1)"& 'he Min~r: A mJln nllnlcd t..:vuh llIl,1 :aboy namell Jt!hll William., whil" CNbilillg~kllwit rh'er, ncAr nall'>I Clllllp. on 11UIt wrekran lIWUllKt 1& 10j nuJ thG boy WM u.rownl.ld,

Ll'lIt ~'1tunIIlY night IOmo (Illll IIl1dllrtoolcto 1t;:'a.11I hor1l .and baggy brlon~ing to l>r,Mllgi!l'II. Irom hll b.m. lIeAr tllu E.'WIt Xalom..:hool, bnt the doa euch a noillCl M to.ron&ll the doctor, aud 'llu filbbtrl Ic:ft.

A cornwl'\!uJeQt writiug from the Coqnil~,

13)'1 Nit hBt a..l)l!aNM1 upoo tho 1.t.6 whelot,in IOIUIl loclllitt.. on 'he ti'fllr. It naa heldOIfN long 'hat.i, can do litUeharln.

Thll ()lainJuier .,...: Mr. R. Abrahana.hMcoacJalletl &0 build a two.I&ory "rielt: hotcll.d.joioina: and abo,.. hi. 'law bric" .tore. It wiltco"taiu OVllr aidr room. and will be oat ofIbe lined hote" tn Soutbern Oreqou.

Fiahing b.. commeul'td on the ~iUlbw :N

..ell lU fin tbe Coquille .nd Ro~e "'I'll'.The'" 1It'ilI. bowenr, be but little effon rnade\0 put lip fi.h in large quao'iti_. II &hemarktt ia 1I0W O'feratooired wi'h tbem.

A ..ood cllapper aamed Charles W.per,aay. lh. Tidiop, .... kille<1 by ••troi", ul1i~htaillg. in tho mouoll.ill' lIe.r lhe K.lamathmin. on Klamath "'fer, 00 &louday 01 Iu\_"1&. A companion lIear him .... koockeddown .nd renuiaed inaolUibltl for a time. b.lreci..eel Dn aeriauJ I.jury.

The <:OUt Mail. of Coot coanty uyl: OarBoArd of t':':lulJiution hM deeldl!(i &0 allo_ DOindtb~ncM t;o bit dedltC~ by Lu·payel'lwho reaitlo out of the countr. and hold mort­$rl'8u on propnty in thia COUllty, wl,itll II",

~ IlIlhu WUDt! .... b re llart)' ruidOll.TheY'lold th ....t in auch • CMI:l 'he ipdebUd­I1CIlfl Ibould be dedueted fl'Ool Ihe &lbe.llm.o'of ~roJ)l!rtr in 'he conntr ..hero 'ho taxP&lfrt't':lidtl.

John Allieou, tho Lafayette Conner VI,.

V'On a bet 'lint. he oould lift two bUlbul. ofwheal. with hi.t.cuth, but hc Il,ltl~ tt.'Cthwhilll winning thl beL

A row occuned at IIl1rri"I~111t CoZl SUIld,,.e\'cning in which R young m"., fmlll thu n1rr.ldi~tricla hall A 10..,11 out ltCrtJU hi!! forebe~1

\l'ith A Ilntch.r·, ck"''for.'Oeo. ('anon, ",ho WNl hit hv aomu l~iiOnou!l

ruptile, the Junction nepllbli~1I lII\y., i. IltillcOllhntd to bild. He hlllO 11..1a ""ry CIUllO call11J1'! not out of IllIngor vct.

AI Mr. Ami MI'I. Gerbtr \fllre ridin~ on •hIly r;lck, lllVlr O",;Olt City. tbe Whlll't.lttrnuka rool UJtCltitlj her fin"'I.'r bd\Hcn thu rook..nd thtt'lll enttinif It cOlnlllctuly of.

A MC~tllWlvillll merchAnt ll.llmed II. n.HlInl8, who hi\1 exhibited durlluI.....mentlc ofmind lor lome tilllil. 11&& OCUli fOUUlt iUNneIIlId tikell IlU UIO &&)'luIII lifter /I frlntiu 'I)tll.

Tho fo:nt'OrJlrijCI &II),.: The nnw pltn(lcl'I illtllQ Impeml .\llllllarQ COfllIllt'tctllt.UII tilt' ,"illrUllning. Sillken t.hounnl! hn.lld, of on h/lt,;ul to COlunl"uce wi!!1 1I1l11 whealclImillg in f"t.

011 'he S3Ihller 1)I"ce n~Ar f}i.·:.l'y·' l' ClacklUlllU count)', while thn.'C liule bo)'lloweru playing wltb a littl" d~, • larg.rOllgar jUlllpellfl'OUI the brullt ill t1l1:ir nlid.i"Idu.·d the dog lind earrietl h otr.

Th. 'llutrxt for I bridge ICJ'OiI"t J-:&i;lecreel.....CllckAmlU C'Ounty, IIlUl heeD let to !tIn.'!"'"Mill,r, Sun &; I)aquel for tile .urn of 11,tw».Tho brid..e will be a Smith'" tru••• 90 fOCi'Ip:Ul .ud 46 fct~ loo,'e thu watt:r.

A meet tliatr illM acri~('lIt OC'\:utTCd inw..t L'hoballrll JinnllY, a liltlll fhC'!·y~:,·aJ.(1

IIQIt of Mr. J . III')·on. put hi" lnoulhovcrtb.lpout of ate IteUiu filli!t.l ,.ith Loillng ....teranli ..ucked into his Iuop II ".UJl '" of thlhot tcarll aut! li?Uid, llCaldin}: I,. throat andlung. ill a fe:ufu n1:1nnu. A~ l:t..t ac:c»UU~

ile ... umo:;: IS ..~II. e'M:1d til' Uf\«"ted.

Tha L:lta~;etto c.:ouri~r .pc.'\I.11 "t R IIC'~t II!.'hC:Lt, hrollj;M b,· Mr. W. Je Verh] rrol~the faml ut H. J'ttl)'julll.l '[11:1. Itia fillet I with tnlU.torm.J, dlul""ll,:lll)' UllltU.erlWllMt, ,,"'Itile nur tho C'!ud of It i. 1\ pcrr~,be!"ry of "tl iIU Moll, nuturally ungrolfto.!ll :IUdclaiming room II1f'it Ii tunf.nA: II." w!I,t:t.t. :I~llrdu»eJIlo 111I cbokell out. 'nu, I 'JV].l!o aooll'tbt"l c.'1o·~ nnllrr..Ul:hl it. 1'01 y ~otllct CI.'!'·.pec it. gro'.<u."

"lIiHp l:tllulL. rof Uo 0 !kw.ll. S~r rauch,lou hIli Il,'lffi b~ fil'll.

'1 htl M'):lIItAin ~Dtinlll &I)": Uirhthcria itrn~/I1it ill paru uf UI.loll1:tlllllt)·.

'rhurn:~'1 i, IU jilil at C.JifIlI lJll /I ch:lrj;(e of~Ilin,: II'hilky to lndilUl. at Rl'0l:al.e }o·:lll•.

It i3 11-\1,1 thllt thl ImlilUUI Oil 1'e:l "CI''CllI:rVf,twll hAvc bonelwli 40,000'b ofi;rnin. .

The Paloul4I OueU.. uylthu CuIl~jllUonlllt11urch t\~ Colln WN to bo Iltltliclltud :Septem·ber 7th.

'rho .'hCl&t of Walla Walla wdgh. lromthree to .is: poundl 1II0re llllr lIIenauuJ baaboltllli rur thLll it did 1Illt.

John Aaatin, er O"yheo, r. T" went out to.hoot. Ikuull one III"M and n. car.ridgu es,plOlion COlt him the IIlIht of ouo e)"c,

CaUle huven aN 'fi.iting COllnl1 IDIIwe h.... of • number of beavy (lun:hue. ofbtet ~ttle to be ru~ll.

A ~t'ld Habit.

DlsclpUn8 in tbe Fuooh Army'

·A Pari. writ(.'r in reviewing tho dia­CU'llaioll in tho JIOUIlI!I of COlUIlIotlH, gh'eHKOlne fach u.bout tll9 ,h'rench anny. HoMIl"S: During the wu.r or 1870-711101­dieM! "13m HIIOL 'lll t;he nrmied of i"aid·heroo, ClinclH~nt ami Ohonzy ror offenttCsof the mORt trivi:11 loind; hut no on6ventnroo to murmur bec",uJOoe tho exi­genoiell of tlillCipliue seemed t.o reuderthuKe irnpeJ'Ll.ti\'i~. ludCClJ,tho Ji.'rt!.ocb articles of ·ar deo.:ree dClltllo.A th4J ponulty for 1l1.lD08t tivery pe<:e-a.dillo commit.ted, bofore ~bo enOluy, Alloffictlr wbo aorYild i.n Con. Clincballt'lt8rOlY told me that. one dlly while hillregiment. WaH on march a soldier ofhia company feeling urod reIDo"ed hiAknup3IlCk I4.lld Io.ill. it on a glllJ·carria.gewhicb WIl.I jolting on in front. of him.At. J\ point. where four roodlt met t.he ar­t.illl'ry and infantry di\'crJ,(e<I, BUll th04aohlier having forgotten tu relDOVO from the it WIUI

Mtrled mite! Mfay from bim. At e'·en·ing ra.n.d(', he"'ever, tbe soldier's ae.ecunt of 110"" he lost hi.l( kWLpsck wall

not belio'rcd. The Ut'\R ....a11 tried byt1ru01·head court.m:>.rtial and leutent.-edto be .bot, and the ICn~neo would cer·tainly hve bMtt executell had not n.fri~nd of the priMn('r It:uted ofT 3Cros,the country. and luckily n"CJvertd thQkURJWlCkjUBt in timo to 1f,:I.\·e him. InOlinchant'¥ army,, \'\10'0 aOUM·~.JJ

one nigh' alunK out of C:lmplo forageror pott\tGell; in the 6eldg. TUBy wereolcillOldicrs, who luulliL>cn It gaotI clealof son'icc and born cxctllenti chanwtern,bllt. the,. were lIeuten('/"d to llcuh, IUll1the G~oom.1 wOllld not lteJ.r of aholingmercy; 1'0 tlllt,. ....ere ebot. Tbis kind ofthing i., what. t.he I,'reaun C311 firwneu,wherc:Ll( it is hut mUN UD:'I.dl!Ouing


A cOlttlt.ry ....·oman Itupptl'ol IOmo tenminutes in lront of I~ .toro in,o g,no at I~ Jltltl!ot 8,.t.r,,1' in aperation,wbich Wlllt well filJed, lind uftol'I'Itudying tho ()laClu'tl, $2, intently movingall, nFtcr I,ipmg out to t.ho w-eat l\mu~ma Ill. of the byltandenJ: l'Tew dollarlllI wouldn't give t.wo cents for aU t.he 8io.'(in'c::d.:...'· -:- .

".Myl what a .teep hilll And leo t.hOleten or ele..en wretches plaeked in onowagon tbat poor .straggling bOt158 ennh"rdly dr&wl" UWretchel1 Them AreaU, mum, going to camp­tIleetin."

Ij~ul MinI! II:llJtt1, ~mokf' I \\'l'•.\11,1

M):'lll' I!uli"h (irillk liquor. Du~ lhlltlilt-nIl till' lIIat.lo1r I 'fh F..1j\' Ob,tir,l'ell II. b,ly tit the h";!el ~i IlI'r ownt'lbl~' "mukin:: "' linn ci,:ttr. You will'1lo.e IL ;';fC:1\1 m:an~· bi;bl~· al'f'l)W,1 ....·Ollll'llill ]>... n~ )'lUokin:; dga!'8Hl.-i. :D0I'iI lilttl,i .. .:!t'an;;':l· tilt! tlitulltion T DvM! thiltlUl'kt: tt 0101"1..' ;,;'Cntlenmnl,:r to !tmolt~ inn. cltrril~ wifh a In.d)· I*~ill~.. YOII. orupnn I~ l.1l~llCII in lhe pia:,zo, t Hut ISOlUuhulit"!\ hke lieu odor or 11 ci~,lr I NutltI~utVi nntl the I~t'· of tbOllll who Rin·~.'rei~· tlo 100 cann<;UUiitafl tho h~bit of)Jrombicuoult [luffing 'in t!lt'ir I,,'{'1ienct',Tho intiwooy of llome!lticy· is !o'Ovemectby other ru:lJI; but a gentleman tilnokiug"'odld hl\n1ly enler his o.wn dr!l'\l'inqroom, wbere other t"dic" Eat. "'ith hi.'Cwift', without u. ..'ord of Itopology. ThoF.t\A1 Chair is no Kin" ,James, and i.ltmOl'e likely to is&ue W3l>ta of tobalx:othun bllllU. oJetlirntt iL Dut KingJ:mHm bclonhte<l to 'l ,,·er~· sellish IK'X-a.~c:c whi('h fieem~ oftC'o to IiUPpo..ote thatitll indulgenceK and Jtnbits llre to Le ten·derl)' loleffitt'd; for uo other I't'lt~on thanthn.t thoy I\fC its Iltlbit!l. Thol'oforo, tht!~·UUH~ wonmD mUl!t t1efund htrtttJif hyllhowing pluinly that. !lh~ prolJibilS tIll)intrusion of wbich, if suffol'ce.l, sho iiir,-,ully tltu victim. III otliel' timet! t.lmEa.ll:y Chair llll,! 6C('n thu lovely T...'\urll.Mrttildo. un'oldlling to refuso to rf'Lncewith the partner who had bespoken herhl\nd for the Gorml\:l, tlltholl~h when Itl'pf1"8ented hiln8elf he VIM plo.illly ROWDwith wille. The Easy CIHlir hl'!I sefDtho ha.plell~ foolish maid eucirclcd bythOllo BlUlChio aml'" and then a hoad­long whirl duh down the room,ending in the promiJICooUfl overthrow anddo..nfall of the maid, Bacchus and mu·licianlL If in tbe Grnndi.aonian daythe mont. were WAntiDg,. il Wall IOOI&­thing to haye manners. They a.t leaHtwere at .to the imagina.tion amemory And a prophecy. TIley recalledthe idyllic age wbeD fine feeliDPt .ndthey foretold the return oe Astra to berancient. haunt.. Hcre it young Adoniadreamiag of • four·in·bazW .nd a yacbt,like an! other gentleman. Let u. hopettuLt he know. the ted or • geutleOllUlnot. to be the ownenhip <1£ blood bonesanll a unique drag, but. Jledect. counCIlfou.nded upon fine human.o feeling-the.'nre and indMCribab16 Slnlleneu anueonaidoration which re"t.!I upon ffillDoorft..'I I~ht u t.he bloom Qpot~ .. fnlit. Itmay be imitated, tn gold ".d diamond.are. Dut no couutorici:" Cl.\Tt !ailrm it.;"nd, Adonis, it. is incoLllpatiblo withstooking in II I,dy'. f,lce. on'l1 if lIhoaequie5C1!l. - Editor'. EMy Gbair inScptembont H Itrppilt.

.-88 ~bot i:1 his plll('l! of bu ill;>~4 Iobout 11o·dl>l;k. by Dudle,r HalikI'll. II YOII~g wllnClUp)O.rN iu th ... Ln' offico lit Lalllnl!r.1:Mo!'1'o,,·. .

Out Ilf DlIlIlf'rtll!l ffilUCf"I :\".;:unlins; till'ahoutinM o( Oeof1=C Schwarv. end thel·an... lilcll(UnK to It, Ihe lellowhlJo: ",-eUIIt mo,lt alltbenllc: lJuo;;ktll ,.·u..; .11 a 1U('('Ullg 11.1·dre lLll hr .hld,.. 1,"lry!"'lot Ilil;ht Ilt 11'1111iDrilll HAil liD I 1N!l.·1I111111 n e1':.t bll,lJo~ch~·artz. 11t: d.Juu ILllt le L.'I IIU _'j):qQllltilaUlOft 1II"itb S.:hw,arl.t. .\1 cerillulIJOilltll (if TelT)··1I olpl'('O:ll 1.I..~kdl 1I!ll'ln'I(I"tI,...bich O\:NJliClDeil tJc I...""II~'(' 01 !OU1l. •• ruderelDar!:5 betwt'o.'o L,UI an,1 &:h"'llrt.:, in thl!C'Otll'B(lof "'hicb l~ rll1let.l IJJw II iOOll of IIb-- ~tl.ll il.1vhHI bilJl 1),\1 I" right. 1I11,,"ktoll de.eliurtl, I.otH r;"iJ thllt Ii.. ,n,ul.) ,. ...Ufll.illl Li~ ('-.lrJ in tli,· worulu.;. To-.!ll~' bo­...·.U't'd bto ~h\l:lrU:·.. pl...:. of bl;ltIul.....lIe.d anid in ,ff.,t"I: "YOli III" lIOW l"Of>l;>rIban 'fOTt wert' las: clghl and, I thinE. r£lltlytu :lumit tbat )"on 'lll'ron~ IIUd. u.:k1)· toreu1lo2t ,.our Illngn,se:' 8cb1l' ttl n-(Utied.IIl.rinS Ibllt be hili notbiu~ '0 retrllCl. Rndbotb dr.....' I,lshill. Schwartz'lI 'plilolInapped aDd U_tell wi ktl hia lIilD.&h,....rtz tried to Jodr..;f'tllldl'r the c:ouDtt'r.and iD 'bc let rfCe;nd a i8C'0Qd. ahm In tha\l;ack of tile bea.d.

TUlf" .... U.n.Pd.

{""IAn, :MeDdocino eOllotT. Sfopt. ".­ElijLln }'rotl, DiG! GibllOD nud Tom lto­Cr"ckeD '\I'erc tLlkeli lrow " coultable II'Willits lust t1il;bt ll.:),d hnnq;lt, tl mob. TheMmen were undlll ",nelt for lucenr of l~

luu!dl. nud ll. llOl!'ie hnrllell~. }tumor hRa Ittbo.t mtIl1.V Ihingll luwe como "II millilugIIIII'lf. nn,l thellll I-utrlicw hRn belen Inll·pcetl'd. Elijllb }'ro~t \fll>l the KOli o( Elijllh<Fro~t who ''''''It :r;iIIcd lowe .rearM 'So iu"ehootillg' 8('t:lpe ~'ilb the Coala bo,... Hebud 'weD oUI of SUltO'1i priJon abcmt eil(lJtroollthll, hMlng been /tuul 'hero froll1 UedllluO'it for horlOO fi"toalin,C;:.

('111110)1'111" EI.e.U•••SM'· Fu:-!<."mOO. Sept. 4.-UI) to Gr. 11..

raturna from ,lrC!"inctll in tbl! Interior in......hicb the count ill complet" Itand all fol­10..1: Perkitl8. IS.IUC; Olann, 15.728; Whiw,10,138. Tb~ae figures iDCludll rtiturDIL fromall c:onnU.." .Icept balf a doaen atl1AlI olld,­illg OtIftl.and oomprilllt.o-f1hhl 01 tbe kltal..otcoUtAld.thecit,. The 1&rlJo towlI.of O.k­laad, &cnmeDto. StoclttOD, Loa AQgel~I, SeD10M aDd mall1 olbecw no' Included, thecount tMre be.iuK atill iDC:QDl.plete. n.puc&'hu. beeD reoei,ed lrom malt of tbom tot~e rollowitlg efl'.et: &. lOllI, ~50 plur­ality fOl' p...kinai OI"laad, our 1..000 plvaJ•it,; s.enmen\o, 1,.600i Loa hgelN, Wbit.leadiAg, Ptrlr:iDl a1Id Oltlla lboot nln, Dotfir btllind, AU rotornl ICO &Go emphaaiu weprnio" report lbat U1e B,publica41 ba••elect.ed the entire Scat. ticket by a phualillof problablJ no' INa than 1:1,000. P181 'DdPacllNO we elflC~ k) Co1agreu 11I4 proN­bl, HoIe_OI. The conklel 11 dOllbUul be­'W'ItD Da1'i. ad Buboa.r. KIUOC'h, lormayor, I alilo:ht leaclof PiliIl, alld th.probabWLift u &0 the remainder of the citylirkel UI unChaDged from pre,loDl adwiCOI•It 11 pollible that the ..orkiDil1IleD QlI.1.leotIOml of tUlflIpeni.lonand .ehooldireckln;bDt notbiAfJ deftlliUl ClD be ..ated au thatpoitlt. Adrief:8 ftglU'l1laq the legWatl,.ticket. An!! 'fery meagre. bat .eem. w Indi·cale tbM cl\e &pablinana will ba.. a,.

Oyster Oulture.

Innumerable beda of nad,e oystershavp been exhausted, alODEl' the Now.Englaud COMt.. alla tho\1.·c:mds of a.cre~ofoyster l:md Bra under cultivation. T,,'oacre" of good oj'liter Itlnd Bre "Ilid td lH!ll.lI protHable:lo lliace of ()tOll<'rty "It thl!flv~ragll Now Englluld. f~rm. Jlull t;heinte}Ugtmt t0C3 oft.h~ .N:ew }~n~ll,nd clnm­Jigger atill find 110 difliculty in f~~tcning

upon their prcy in id'nativo uti. 'fhobak<.':i of Rocky Point' find tho Ilnnunlmeetin,;;a of lh4J greedy fit' melt in Nor­, dp not scum tg diminish thrullipply;Wonder is MJmetime~ ~J:l.?rc3!ttd tbM theIdwlJ.llall of tho New l~u~L\l1t1 00"1.'1. arc.80' pleD'tifal, ufter Mtbfying for so manyyea.. the .ppetitt>tt of II. hlrgo popul'ltion,a.l\d thin wonder would be inor'C.'NlC'd,wure it genernlly know that tlie untu·t.ored ""rage who prt'Cetloc.l us did no'ahriok froln hi, 8bro of the '",bar whichhoi pre1'ented the O1'tcn and clntn. fromtilting up our harhot& Home yeai'll agoA huge quarry wu opened oa the roclo:ysbore of the town of Branfon1, Conn.,anti from it tbe unpolished toile Rrar,piteor .yeoite 10. f['(lf'ly u»e<l in the Jf~urtb­a"('nue Unpro\'e1lUlDU, abovo t.he EOrl!­aecond,Stroet Depo~ wu taKen. Uun­dred» of yearS b:td covered these rockWilh 1I0il BIlIJ turf. A. ..bort. dihbllcftfr.nn the water: were plessan~ £love"i atthe ....·nter'lI. edg were low.oo.le,elbead·13ndK, (lod just in front. ~..ere little iahmd",cool llnd Iibadetl. Hero tho AV ;N en·jeyec.IWA'll. Hero he came inSeptember, h:l.Tiug oVf'rb:lulell IIi, ttJ­manac 10 &s to bo liure th:at their "Ni' nn"1'''' in thia zponih l tuld .te ,bft juicyoyster. \Vbca the 1Oi! WQII cl~t"Ud fromthcia Jow be&..-Ilauds, broken oYfitcr .dl(~II.

a.nd clo.ln·shr:lls wero fpuod lying (ourfeet deep uUlfer tb~ turf. Thcir condi­tion ",a!l Much that their pre81'nca WaHnot I.'xplo.inCiI by the geolo~i.llt'li theoryof uphea\·el. What grand bakes lutl!roast:llllUst tbe.e coppur-colorcd heathernhue enjoyed on tllo,t br~zy shore I F!Iorinto tho cool Autumn night. 000 Cito leothom lingering arouLd tho oamlJ fim,plucking tbo unlucky bi\·u,h·o from t1leIIb~ anti "rCilting itH fiUCCU lent bod)"from it.. hinGing aboll. The ......hitu IlI/m'lIfire-water "IUI tben an unknown Inxury,and when sleep CAme, it. WtUI the aloopof the glutton.-----

A clerp-man in a certain t.own, All theeualom lI, bavin;t publiabed tbe bunDSof matrimony bet ,een t.wo person" WIIfoUowerl b1 the olerk I rw.diag tho bymnbegillDmg with ~bMe worda: "DellldecJ.,~ that. dreaa of bOlo,en I"

..... till_tlDIf.

S'" F......'fCUOO, Sept. 2.-0.0. Sebwarts.well kllowli .4 a polltJcal mllllpll.l.tor. ~d'h. proprietor of a cigar .&Ore on MOlltgom_try, btt"fCD OalifOltlla and Plat Itrhta.

p...ctnC t.''f.

I lI11rbh.ull~d 41'111'.......To:'.o:cu. 81'1ll. :.!.-Hre:n escitlmCllt Mll

, been. nUl !!'II hdt' I).,' lit!! IhlLliel.lioD of Ib~psrt;euhlr~ of lLU .tll.'lllllt 10 abduct lIon.Gl'ofi:e Urown. Ihe head 01 lb. gcwl'mml'ntlod \!CIllor of 11Ie G~01lt', ..bll'b WU UllllUI.'"­celilful; .ndtlJ" IIbductioaof Uobert Jtlfruy.I proNlaeot wbolffillt! Crocu and a liberal.Tbe laUl'r .AI I..ken 10 tbo dillICai Donmlu'llhel 11m) had aduperste ftgbl forlibcrl1.He bo..eyer uCllpl!d. aDd hil "saiiaullmade their wa, by boa' In the Americanlid.. Jllffra,"&I enticed from hom.e hI "forged ONar from JudR'o Wi'llOn. wbo ..allrepresented all .eliog by l'ommand of thominilter of jUlti«.

)·I't..m E.lnlall-d.Lolo"l'O~. Sept. a.-A dillJlft,teb from Cape

TOWII, dlllf'd AOllnror 18th, nyd Ihat AWllftl.·kf1l118, Kina Cele':t'l'.yo·1! De.. kraal, wallburned 011 the 13111. lJrililib eQ'·lllry thelame ni~M lilirted ill }Il1unit or Cfwwa)'o,find I!.t 1 o'clock on llitl mornil111 of Ihe 151harri'fed At A krlU\1 ,,"'here he hid illssl!l.l rbopraflOlllt nighl, but ulCftrlained tillt bll b.llded to the brlu,JI. "tlul;.,. in the morningLord Stafford. with 1& pllotl,. of mounted Ull'ti1'os, wer" nccordinlt to lbe laW.~ IId,lcell.oontiouing the IIUrtui~

Sir Garoet WOltelJ telegr"pbl lbat C~te·...."0 bill only tlll'O or Ihree follower. withhi1.ll. Hi. priwe Illluillter, 'wo 10DIL aDdtbrlltl brclherll haye .urreDdered wi'b 650hud of rOld cattle. Arml aDd cattle arllbeiog .urrendered dally. Colonial force.Ind a.atins ,dnnoed froIll Luuebera 01'1. thl12'b iOII. Ohllm', mea are joLnin8 themu.d the ..hole force i. alpecled M be op·poted on 'he AlIHpi riftr. Gtinllral Wol·IIblr bla (lODnwmaoded btl ordere for thead1'IIICI 01 tbe Twazle u O8te....,0 illtnowoIlot tD bt iD tbefr direetioo. OeD. WolAelyia espec~al I'nk)ria 00 &be nth. ot Hept.

aJ." t. aull'PUA.lIUo. Aaa. 26.-Tbe Star and B.,.ld

.al' I.ha& Ihe eacillmlU' La Chill 00 reoeip'o( the D.... of the captur. of Biau ..... Ln·teD.l8. Th. ol'p»iLioD. madl h lbl oee&&10nfor. hree oDilallab' tlPO. &.he J01'In.mea'in ..bicb tIrol popnJ.aoa, im.-tient uder tbliu.cUyit1 of w. iO'lrnment, joined witbHu.t ual and mOlt riotoo domoDltntioll"Ore.' cro..ds plbered in the principalplua aad .hooud, "Don with the miDI.·t.ra," "Dealb &0 the .A..rdeaoian." A ILroqbodl of IlIl1iUoI"J"'" callttl oat aad aher atime tbe mob diapeflld, onll &Go ft-.etllble'h. f01l01rioa wjbt on the alameda iacruaedIn nnazben a"d orxanl&ed. Trtlu -e..I. "ereulM!d for buriced. and eolditn Jenl to da­put!! lb. cro..da rtlC!'f!ind 1ritb ..CiUeY'of lionel .nd botllM and lOme platot .how.Tbe 'roo~ (e",alr,) thre. Yolle'!laDdtheD cbaraect, culUnS and slasbing ri£bt andlefl. rather "Ith a ,ie. 01e~1 the lime"than of .1.JI08 Ibe peopl., 001,. thr£otldeatbl are reporLed, ba:' peihlps. bundredpeoplo wel'6 more or Ina aerioualy ilijUl'td.

K lle.!!!M C"Iio••

HAY...... Sept. 4.-111e hume g01'OrnmeDtblli 1l0tiUod thc authorillu berll tbat It willaend imUlldilll I,. ~O,OOO trooPI to m!intainpuWlc rrauqulUtJ' In 111. i.Ja.ud, lind Will atlOsina all -fnllth tteoee.slU1 to biHt inlJroaaedUflellditure.. \

Hll.1'UDK 'I'a. lltartled bl the neWIl thtlt lwoin,urgen& blluu.. !lad ftJ)I)tLlred ill tb. <JIll­trict. of Hoilluin lind t>ltnrjag(, do CttUlI.Exc1wDleu~ rll'\ 111gb aud dlt! premium onGold imml",(UlIlely rO!kJ; lint loll a j:;6uel'tlltbing confidence in tho maintenance ot pcncerem.inl unllhllhn. GOIl •.B1lnco It Olaeudl,l-..lebed 2,~Illl!u fWQI tbil cit.)' I&nd or­dered a DiOit tluergellc punult of the dla­turhel"ll. The io.nrgcot b.nd. aro relnnlulaof old gueriJIlIC em,Io.r1Dd br Sllain duringIhlt TbulIltoeD w~ro paid $1 per da)'wbile iu aenlOl!. lind aro dlacontonted 1\Ihoir d.iacbU(le.

St!tenl,..fI8bl dAtaa rffulled frtlDl1ellowfe'f!!.r la't wttk-Io deeroue of 17 COlDpared\\'ith lb. pnwiooll "'Hir. ~n Clonalqallao. oftbe unWtll11 nolllnctl of Jf'lIow fonr durJIlitbe preknt Snmw rand tbe fll'aht1 of thediaUH 00 board , ••lI wbicb left I~ort Ra,­ai, tbe oMcr of No,. :t8, IlH8. bal heeo r..rind. It pro,idu ,hat 1'10 .~ c.vryingaboTe (10 ~rwoWl, incladillg pasHugfri aDdCrtW, .ball)"T., tltOo llOl't ...ilhoal baring ..P It.lciao aDd deruyUl.n on board. .

.... 1__ .& ......" 1111_11.

Loh"DOlf. ~pt. t. -h I. ia Oul"lint1lllt Ill.1 Iota lielltellaDt has requil,led tbopolk", 'Ilrhoritin of Lh••rick to makl a5}ItCW 1tJpon of ta. eiroauutanee- uaU.c..,.wbich CbarlN SteWllrt I'amell. Ilt I rect'lI'banqllet, IU.ft'~ lIi ion which "Ofuted tbetout, "The Qa n," to plU«'d,thooab he ~ a nag\itrll.Llt IWd Il lumbir ofllUliamt.a'.

\V•• lel" 'h~ :a.ln,,-A ltilpalch fNllI DlIrb;l. "ril Lhat a cn­

aIry f' lillie bl ..u up Kln~ Get.(lu,.OI, po..der Olacanllf'. 10 mil~ how blaoe. kraal. l1eNl!D&;~ lrom C.te".ro metSir Gunct Wolaell all tbtl Ehb of AURUsl.1I1inu: lhd l.b.o klog .......illina U> .ubmitanal par hi!! IIl~ bat that the oouUlr, mustbe dl.'"areel of Dritbb IOldierl. The mUl.Iftn.gcn ...ero iulormod tllat CiltAHUJO WAlt 110lODgEr king I.Ild mil t .urreuder uucoudltion­all,.

."01. NoNlea.llllJold UCllrtt Pr.m.001'«III'OUO, a.ooen. ~r.t. 4.-A tele­

QrllIn. f:om .Prof, Norde.olkjo lI, 'ho Swe.lliJihArctlo ezplorer, dated, Sopt. 3d,II U follo1ll'l: "All are 'I'ell. W.ldt Win­ler qnar~r4 on Ihe 18~b alld doubled.EastCape 00 the 2tlth of J"a1r:J proceoJ.e4 IheDceto La.rence Bal, Fort Olarence .nd neb­ring l.ll.1ld. Ha.o had no liclloell. IIld no&cDnJ. Thl complnr is in eueUen' 000'dllioo. "


~,..c 1I e" .Nt.. Yon, Sfpt. 3.-Tb PMi60 }lllil

SIUm,bil) Co. unj,i.'d tt:e followiog di..p-tcb troco YokebaUlB k)-(la,.:

To CAPT. lOft!f Un..u, N. Y.-ne atfam­ahip Cil! of Tokt" AilM:oD tb~ 3d 01 Sep­kill r aDd ,'ill pruh;abl, .rriTe ~t SanPnnIlia..'O &,pt. ~I&I. OiD. U. S. Graut..... pulciliu OD lbe alll.mfr.

P.bUe Deb' 8&a1l'_e-I,The dtbt .~tf:meDt .how, • dt(rease of

the debt for AIISell of 83.527,3!J/;; cub Inlb. TrelUlllry. S~4.3,tHI6.~8; ~old ~rtitl..

eilts, $15,l:.!8,700i lIihtr certil\l~.ttlJ, $3,­tB6,S5J: eUf(!lloy ('ttrtJ.llealta. $35,1;5,000;refuuding ccrlillclI.llI~. tl4.30C,500; l~l'll

vodul o'l1lilauuiDg. $316,6 1,01&; trIM;­tlonal cnrrl!lIer oUtaw,ul1illg, $H;.G6~.OG4.

TtI.8o..cbflPD 'lUor...

Naw On.r.£A1l'I. Sept. a.-The linking of&he atelwer GihnON "'....d the barges CIlUliU• Iou of 11\15.000. 1'hlt IIClunbont PUll·JODe, duliog tbe .torm, l-ndl'd at NewtonlSllOd., 20 mile. abo1'e BAyoU Sara. Herot!eel"ll repor& tbe warthonae a& TtJ.W1 IlIourl·illlg blo1ll'u aW'al. All the InR'ar eaue .udClOttOD bock of tho z;"tr at- Teal" Ilndiug... dettro,ed, and thrt. or fonr gin d.alooLiAbod. F.neN Aud "bini werobloW'n JoW'n, anu KTtIiL damAGe to lugar.Iloa.... d.elUnp and crop. II reportedalODg the COliliL. HoUMI ••re bloR doW'nia 8"011 Sar.. D'~DBoGie, at PonBicn,ud other toYDI. So faJ U could be ucer­talaed a.o li1'N ..ere JOlt. The .COrm ill 81.Jo1l.n Uapti.l .as aerce, • continuool Kaleof ..lIs«hnd nln prt.....i.Jlng from 8 A. U.WIll P. 11. An occulonallull of .. fe... nUD·• \8 W'u roUowed by incrU1N>4 rlUJ of ~e,al., oarrling ...., treM, .hUing bOUHand pl"l»l.lILfag feuClli. 80me lugar and ubiu were bloW'" c!OWIl. Thlorai' croe iJ bldlr damaged. Peen trMIart Irripped of fmlt, and cane ud riot &ItLa a dlplonbl& ooDdiLioll.

8010UT, WiN., Sept. S.-Gloom1 reportsare .nirioa of the rn'lllll of the rain atormon )[0Eld.t, a1ght. C,..b Md. """.,. ar.JU,her than Inil" know. before. eo'IOD. illto... ludl is .adtr .awr. All oveD eottoD... hilll la aD lb. grotlDd and tbe e.rop iadalaaged &C. leul ou-third. M.u1r bridgeland feDON ••re .....bed a.a,.

.~ Yulr. "'P.~IIea.;o..·natt.'!-.B~TOO"', Sept. 3.-.0\. D. 001'1)1I11, Cb&ir4

mID of~ S"w oomcltlOl. .aUed th. Be­)'Gblican Con,nlioD to order. Thl ticlu!t"" foUod: For GOYamor. A. B. CorDell;Lientenanl Gonnlor, (hol'lJe O. Bolkinl;8«artarl of 8~te, 1000pb D. Carr; Con·trollu, lame. W. Ww"orlb; frUiurtr.N...'Lu D WetlJdl; A.UurullJ Gene,..J. Haw­Il&on WIUd; Ioor 8wI EnGiuetr aDd Sur­9'1or, Ko.,ud So)l1I!. ...

~lIaeta ~p. Bulaed.

NI:l" tlurua, ~L j.~9uchJ'1 ItOnDI..t~d *Otl.1 noon tall tg at wght; Tbedlull­age to propnt, til tilt' lnwn. RI~J in ~nil4­lnR". f.coua and cropa In thfl conalr, iI iii·calcnill.ble. From nry lfeUOD of the par·!til comes lho old tale of gtt!llt delllruCliODII,)f coll'Jn, I&ud thou tb. coro-crup la Ineled1rith tbo around'l&nd will be bnrdl1 able tol'fIet)nr. Louell fu town, ji.dependent ofCMI anll ferry bollt". are f\;t1niated Ilt 8BOO.·oeO. 'l'bel'Oor or n.llr, Vc.n Pulle'l eugllorhOMO fell iii and kJllud ~,IO I8l,DIUlfliipllCed tberd rur IULfe:J. f~t1J tard. of wnll.round tbft peDUeliliarJ .... demolillbed loudpt.rlof the building l!nroofed and machiner,damaaed•

••"".1'''& t.Or•• D_....O.ucAOO, Sept. 4.-A monUlA'llt erected

10 tilt memorl of lb. late OeD. Gao. 8.8up, laPf!r1J1leDdlllll o( the rail...,. mail~nfet, ..ill be anYl-Il"d " the EXpollitiODboildilla; Satanta1 o'futng at 8:30, with apopro}triat.e etrtmow • inclodilla; au ortotori·e.l. tribllte bl Uou. Ewer, Starn. a life-Jongfriend of Qu. BuS'. Tbe mOIlUJlltllt il ofgnJ marble, 18 fett bigb, an4 lbe dfm,n iinrr completl aud elabonte.

"JlcNub·.........Sa·... Yo..-, Sept. 4.-Tbl Public'l tabl~

of b1llincu lnlll&Ct1ou, .1 Iho..a bT dear­iDQ' bo.... ltaUi&UCll for dl. mOlltb ~odlugt,b'l SOtb. give. tbo folJoW'iq INH. udpI.u com('lAr'N ..lth .luaut. 1818.

G.uu-Ne. YOI'k, 61 G 10; BottoD. 2. 7;PiuJaddphlo.,28 I; O~ J3 6; Balli­more. U I; OiodDlltti, 8 It); Sr. Louia, 3 3;LoDil1'ilH, li 8; PitiMJafl(, ~1 8; ProYideDet,t 10: Kawu Cit,., 120 lJ 10; IDdia..polii87; Ol....eland. 11 8: leow UliiYftl, 2lJ 4; eo:hupbu.. !l3 7; riPriD"'Jadd, 6 3; Loull. 129.The C!lifl that b 'fe *.re So Fl'Qd-"CO.,3j 6; ?IUnulee. H'I; NI.. Orlean•• 11 0;Wore tr. 4. 1 and SfnCDIIl, 32. The d..eliDe ia 6an PrlDdle') 11 IOllOUllted for b1tnnuctlou wt ,.ear htiDg uUD.ltn.rall,••etI.:. b'l"peelilatioo, IlDd dittnut of cap­II.l••tA Iud t1ncerWIIIJ of bIlIinUI menrelpt:cU." Ihl tft'.c:&a o( the nlW oolllbtu.tlon Ind th. ImPf'odiag election producingIt&jD.atJoa lhill Jeat.

-"11 ... Bpel'''_Nr:w You, Kepi. 4.-l dil5*lcb from

Aries. Fan, Alii. latb. ltaeew that tbe Chil­iaD traM{lQr' Lamarc. clluecl bl tbe H.ul­ear, hr.J a nurnbt!r o( lid: IOldie... on hoard..beD Ih':! ran ..bure at Caldfn. 'Ihe UUII­car altcrwarJ. pUNa" the traulport Stllu,but the 1111 r took rduse tmder tbe gun. o(tb. hODdad BlaDe. Eaealad" ..blch in tamebaai!d l1ll l{ollKAr t-lab' ho..... the '-'UnelClpIDg:.

The FeYeI'.HDrPBm, Sep'. il.-TwentJ-elaM eUIlll in

all ..ere reporl4d ~dIJ-13 white, 15 001­«ed, No de"tb. linee 1lOO0. Tho nationllboard of healtb h". 'prrond or • plan...bmJtted bl Hoa. R.lobuoD,llIperiatclnd__t of qDArllltine. for the lIl&b:ishmCDt of• picket cllCIrelins llle .ntire eitJ &lid 11II0'bG.rbI. r jll, mOD..DtIld men will be aalgtI-eIlO patrol dutl I' ION to enJorce 'bis DCW1UlUtiM JaY.


I'lgbtmg tbe Devil with FIre. Miss Dtcldnaon as a Talker. England'•.BOY Soldiers. OLYMPIA .,'-DVERTT8'FMFN'.I'8.


HaW.Jl.'Ii' Elt.'Gder,

J4clilltl PJO'll''''

ELc., Etc.,.


-or A-


-}'Oll TUK.-




I ,~. t j

,Taylor'. SulkJ' Il:t'lu:',

Mitchell'. :FIlrII.lWlIeVn,

SWeep!I1'lILI' Plu\\''',

Q'rCome. Early and Ofren:Ul'

Br08.&Co.,eattle, : : : W. T.


Broom Factory,TakCl f11euuro in :moOUII('·iug thllt they am now pre·JXLrOO tAil till orders for


Will mAltc OUOWIUlCfl on 011 cash !IdOl ia rlbe aho,'p, line of bOOtie.





--Wllolosale And Retail Dealel1l in---

Of extra Qualitv.


Genoral MerehandisR,

PA.xNTe. OXLS. .&"r'.AT'IOl':

--Qr BY llPItESS Oil JUJl,,ProwptJ}· attended to.

Ceo. W. Harris,lS."""", to J. F. Morrill.)


SIGN--elTY DRUG STORE,S<>attlt, W. T.

N. S. PORTER,A 'I' T u l: N I.:: Y - A T - .L A W,

Ul)IJII,ht, W. T,

H. C. STRUVE,,t. T TOR ~ F.: Y _ AT·· 1. A W,

1~'lllJlil, W. T,

DOHse fllld ::ihip C,I.l-penten' Toolts

Silip 'b:uuUI'I'J',



Boots llhd Shoes.







By N. D. DILt ~

Complete StockJI..... '" Saa fnMIIt,

1.111, )lcN",",,". JOI. F.Vol(~ft.

MoIIIElught Brothers,ATTOt.NEYS-A.T-LA. W.

Scattl.. W. T.

____PtA!·ER81N _





J. O. SPARKS, PROPRIETOR,ISand £., pri_ Addftu &11 ord \0OlymJlil~, W. T, "'....."". u ......

Olympia, W. T.

Jf tJlt~r6 i8 one thing thR.! lLlore thnn Tbe lollo'o\,jng ht from Mig Anna In F'rnnce, Germany, aud 1Ol,t5L(loather annoys 1\ good wife, who i~ Oickiusou'1t IIA lugged" contincntBI countries, a man does notccr"ously BCnllitivo to All thllt is b'T'OSS ~1~l..Jillg OVer the l\Jichi~'an UClltraJ: join hi.'1 rc~:imllnt. tjU au lUI beanrl iII·timed, it is tho llabit. !'OIIIC hu.<i- ono of the l>eings who mUll! elCJlr'CilS is ~J, t.ho minimum uJio !lting in thuorybtindfl 1m\'u of using profane IRugUltl,,'O himMelf or die, having watched me fume 20. AU medical uuthoritielt la)' it dO\l'llitl th.·it bornl..'fl. ]n wllny C'!U\f1101 thi... on:r my wintlow till r hnd nt last l..'OU- that a lad is not fit to undertako tbeiJJ fllcre thoughtICSlitll!!l!t (In tllr· Jl'\rt or qUCl'1).{ the cl\tcb IlUt! received 11 mouth. Ilflrd!ihipH of Q.Ctivo ~rviee until ho iIll\t"ho good Ulan who never ~h'ell &. flllof fN'llb llir, abl\udolll'l,l Lig seat on lcWlt 20 yt'ars of age, and evcn that isthott"bt t.q the tiner Il(·nllihilili,~" of hi,; tiH' 0pVOliitr. side of the car, CI·OISed. luul tOO youug. Lat Ui l>e& how jt IltllUJSbettl'~.lllllf, and oven ..hould lill' mild I)' plr.ntud hiwlieif in fronl of me nud lite ..... ith uur soldiurif. 'l'lll'y.are !lot '!Iui:lted,I'cOiOlislrato.}w fXlY8 no altUlltillH tf, Ihe ptLl1.illlly OpCIlL...... snsh. Presently he iill\'e in spcciQI caiie-", till the)' tu'e 18.n·buke. ImtTetl, EdllUg~etl his shoul.Jt'I'S, tu,llod We have, however, nod.llng to go upon

Wo hn.\'A jllllt hK11 a cn.....• ill IK'Lnt, ul' his. UU:1t oollnr l\lld r"IlHuktld, "h's but tbpir owu "tatcmcut-lllltl they dowhich hnppened in one of tIle ihriving cbilly. As the IUltlounceWf!ut WIl8 ap' not scrupl~ to lic-i1ntl o.IJ~llrll.nC~1}1ifflOuri citic!! ou lhe banb of the p,uenlly made to crealion generally, I ..... bich lA>l-.eeu l/j nod 10 is \'ery de·MislIiBlIippi, which the ladi('.ll of Uoorboe· felt no call to t'e9pond. Dill!lllti~tioo o.t ceplivc, Ali" Uilltt~r of fact. huullredltoWn should know flOffillthint: llhout. tbp. 8i1~nce, he fa.ced around l\ud in \'lI.r- enlist e\'ery year under IS, scores

A liLJy whOl!e husband WILli a.ldicted iOU8 wllys sougbt to get up & ~'onversa. under 17. The lUl'jOrity, perllAJ18, jointo the bad pmctiCtB we have :lJludf.d to, tion. My a.nswers were wondcrfulJ)' the ..rmy nt. an nW~l"6ie Ilge 'of 18~ !!S.l!lA.".1."'1'Ll!; .tl..DVliIR'l....8~·..L'S.L'umc lo her family pbYKician. laid hlU' sho,", At tWit, as a desperate reIiOUNe, yoo.rtl. 'Thb door!Lbility of gottiug oldur ' ================r=~~~~=~=;;======grievl\nces before him and R&iJ: btl said: recruits hQ.ll oc.-en repeatodly l\umiltN Il1 NEW ENCLAND HOTEL, I f

"Now, Doctor N., won't j'OU rmtLon· "Lecluring your trade, nin't it t You tbe Duku of, but UB ~e haa Sh b hst.ntto with him, aml try ttl bri'llk hiOl make your \:>read and butter by it, don't Inore th(\n OIlL'tl Rtl~t,ed, the enSl' st.andtl SEATJ'I~E, \V. T.' C wa ae erof thill habitt I ktlow ho ...·i1llii~cl1 t(l your' thUll. If IL Ullln dOt's DO~ (,flli"t n.t 18 L. (·.IUUO!¥, I~ I •••n.nea.,)ou," }ty tir('d helld n()(Ided .....hat se,\·cl.lfor or HI, bo }lrobl~hl,Y .....ilI :not nnliJIt nt. Ill. t'l'Me-dlto:wldrl'OUlthIlU~.

"WIIYI lIladl1m," "aid the docwr, Itllt: IiU 8SfolonL ror at nu older ag!) hI! 11l1.~ settledwuuhl I'fly 110 IlttP.ntiolt t\, llnythiu.l; 1 "Well, now, nil's grist tllfl.t comel 1.0 down to II tmuf> Qr, O\;cupalion,coultlllny to him, but ns you 1m\'!' l.'OIllt! YOllr will, then 1 Une icllow'lI foltawj>s and ultlrricd; th· lower ~·Iasi:e."ito 111(', :llthough IIOIDowhll.t. (,ut of III~' llrt~'1i blOOd's anolhcl.'II, he)' 1" llHl.rry orteu \\'1len 1ll61'e OO)'H, ,rtl fW:,

Iill", I will rccmmnend a. IJreilCl'il,t.ion r lUll forl~l to admit it.. therefore, oblil,oed to put up wilh )·oungto b? alllUillillte~ecl hy ,you ~hllt ~iIl HWt;Il, now,I' groWitlS CUllJhlltic lecruit! aimply lJecausl' ~rown mcn bllrecertal1lly cure hltll, It IR all ltIf:\lIlLJe Iurll:fl!illg ont8ome grcas)' looking bills ent.crcu ou n career in lifC', rmJ tliC ntremedy." uml curreac)', ~ILook heN~. You'll ne\'er troctiolls or lUilitary MCl".'iI.-o are not. sur-

"Oh, what ill It, doc1.or1" kocturc in Ollr town. l~'!t too dn.rncd ficicllt t.o induco them to cho.nge. '[his"Well, ....hen John COllies homt aJ.,'llin IImRlt But 1'..1 like to hem ......hat )'OU is Olll; of tbe dru.'It'bnck't of n Rystem of

o.nd 8wellfll, do you llwC4r hack at him. CitU tIo when your atcaln'" up. J tbougbt, voluntary ellli~tlncnl \Vith universn.lOf courso I don't wanl you t.o tn~~ the ",l!!'e~ rt.l'ree 1.010,," out but. I rl.ockon you linbility to compulsory Stll.... ice the (Hffi·!Wile of tbe Lord in \'aill, LUl d-·n "'l'!I':U'[ born yost6rd~y-got YOllr eve culty disaPlKlars. M;oncy would, llow.things a litlle for hill benclit." Iteeth cut.. Xl!Crc'll IJ. dollar; that'll pBy ever, get o\·cr this ditliClilty and ~ith

1I1)0~~~, ror the 8.'\lce of Guill Mult, )"OU fOl· Do goot! liqUll.N tnlk lUIil all the "'oluntary lfel'\'ice the question of moneyI'll do It. 16,("'n8." ilJ always coming Ul). It is true thllt a

And 8118 did. I 'made jt manifest to bim tho.t it smllll portion of our recruits nre grownThe nnxt. day Jobn e&lnC in :\\l\l ill. 'woulll r.ot tUIU held wy p.:ace once men. Theta are, howe'·er,lllm08t always

quired wbether dinnor WtUI n:\ll'I~', lImll more. ' those wbo have faBoo in a. civil carel'r, told it WI1K not, 1 "Wbat! not. for ll. <klllllr1 Well, then and merely joinod tbfl arLilY all II. pill &1

"Well, why th~ tl-l ilUl'l it (' :-aid Iit',. l'retty lileep, !,jul I dou't. Illiuu just lor. COl1.YC<lucntly, tho)'. rore!, tUrDhe. for onco going two uoUata, out well f\fl regards. conduct: and, 1101. un·

uBo':allSP,1I Ahe coolly rcpliod, "the . ~ot. cven for tell Jollarillc:m I bo frequently have, after a ytnl' or two, USwood wall IlO d-n wet the fire lII"ouMn'c ,\'mlll'l up IUl,1 mtule to gO, lllld J Iii" for· Lu invnlidl>t.l, owing to tJlfir \·iCL'><t Asbum f' be:inmco is exhaustcJ. to tile boy recruitll, their· immlltllrity is

"Why, Mary, wbal ill the ",·jtb "Ynu don't mind 1I1y telling you thatI not tbll only drowbnclc, 'l'h~y ha.wl you t:ruy or h,\·,· >'ou 1:&')1\ think you're pretty considcr,tbly much 011 1\ hnrd lire of it, and have ueitber ~etl

drinking '" , I tLll ul:1ke1 I never did liCO your bent" well nor enjoyed the IWVI\I\tRgeH of liv.IINeither," Ilbe tlul1, ",nd'tJ~· Im>-I You won't be IKlcil\ble and )·ou won't ing in wuH ventihted' rooms. COJl~e·

O!WJ(ltld to )lUt 011 tbtl dil1npr , make' u. Hquare ttrnde.' You'lC not' t.he quontJy, thongll lht\l 7\)"'1 attAin thr.Thtl lIeef didn't. melt. liktl lmltllr Lo- ,'oc-.lIn for Ill}" stamv!>," puttil\~ linck his n."luir-:d standlu'tl of llcjgbt nnd: chest

"woen tlltl teeth-it mth"r l¥J..i..lLod ll.1I llll'\ u."hed currellcy. "1 wouldn't tnlk ,WCtl'tul'ClUcnt and Rro llppafelltly..d'Orti tlt ml/lticntioll Iik'l "11 Ilnlch ttl you if-·wcll, l'd :\.'1 litlf talk 'to a. without an)' I or';"l1nic IliIlC:l'le, lhey I\reInllilL ruLb~r, 1l1\lllillll.Uy .J'l}t" M,Jftr'l.! Fitolltl wall. PIlI'bIIJlS you'd Hke your orlell. wC!Lkly amI htl\·c in theUl thl' st'tjdauut: town oompllny 1" . of future Ailments. H.~gulnr and got')Il

"Whitt mnkCB thill d......n l,/,·,f "0 Ln· 1 :\ntl I Jic1not cOlllru<1ict him, h~ 1'001.1, propurl)" vuntilll.t.ed room", ~lIill\hlcfl'rutll tough 1" I ;'t1 hilllKCI£ Ul', Q\·ercont nnll nil, clothing, all~1 llIoUl'ra.t.u ,excl'ciso III"y.

Mary looked IIp arl'hl.\· allil "'IJlieo.l: alld r"l'lnutil'\ himl::Clf for :\ 1Ilow rOll~t. eVlm at the la.'lt 1Il0WClIt" ~o\"l\lolJ ,llouw"n, Jo!lll,lsl1ppOlW )'0,1 WI1\Wt!OWll b\' thl~ lilln' dmwoll of ,t ~to\\l. COJllltitUtiOlllillJ vigor oi tlau recruit;to the hut..:her'g, 3fill ..... ithnut. f:,.Will,:: • Ihl, c\"iJuntly, bore Ulll 1/0 mnlice, for hut he T\.'<luil't.~ l\ cOllsiJcmLlc 1Jf'I·ioJ. oftllf' llif1~lrellt'O pickmlout. n "ir-ell tlr "(!lIIO :.:;etting Ollt. Ilt :t lumber !.Own in the what IIlny 1>\1 tortiit'll UnuMtillg" !Jefortld-ll o~~ Il~ thut bndn·t!Jrt<'.n £1'1.1 ftlr 11 IWQOlI~ h" IJ~u~t!d 11.1111 sahl, "If )'011 {tvar he be.::olU,~ uet\lthr Il.I\~d vigoroull, Inmonth. I!ihuuhll'J.>f1IK a.fl)'wher~ 'round J'lI l'OUlO filet, uurlllg tile tll"t. ,lour ulontbs 110

,John jUlllpp.<1 up, 100,k,~1 l,t hi.'l ...,iio to IW,Lf \'uu." mAy be looked on Q,/4 a.,coumk'!!t!cnt, :lndin dillUlll.y &ud WIUlt.o<1 to kIIol" ¥i'ltat • What B W ted I in lIUlllY CW#1K it fakes 11 )'cllr 01' tw~' he-lIuch l.~lIgu:\gc from bpr Ii~ JnI~lll lit lUI. fore the C\;j\ rcsult'! of an nnhutllthy lifo

"It.nllmulljlllttbis, John; VOllllrfltho H i Xld' t J - '11 be s1 - 1. uurin, ullildhood /lnd,boyhood lire en·!Lolld of tho family, lWd ju..;t ·IlH IOll~~" tI· ". roll'l Ihlll 0, on~ Rr. :. 01'1n. tirely O\'ercoUlC. '1'hCHtl dercct8· mEl.Y IIOt

,. I· 1 . • 1\ W" W:"J\ e V aoo WIl!l emp~,. .\ r. d· tl 1 tl Ii .1011 1. lI.n ( It matI y to flWl'llr Itl ~Il)' prljl(· Jaue... sa.iu "gooUlJJunUug" ...iLb profca- lliCO\'er lelDlie \'c~ un er on "(lryeJr-"'nCf.'] ~ntend to d,o thn :!Ilttllt:. If )'/)u lliOD1l1 "nl\'lt)' Imd. bill YIl!.itor siretcbod CUlUStll.~U.'t)8, but M·en AU:UDlI\ Ill~DU:~·don't hk" to hellr It, you kuow ho,,· to, ,'£ .' I.' vrcs brlllg them Ollt, nnd f\. Cttml'lllgU lR

. " IIHOSI. Ollt III ~ Cllalr. . I b' 1 b c.,·II"lVentlL "F' 1.1 M" ·ed tli t a. eruon tellt w IC I ClIllllot e uurno.'rile cure was radicu.l, lIntl to tJli'1 dllte 'llnl~':"l!t'a tel, c quen e on 'fho ditfl!renco between the nppearnnce

M I ..._- II I I I:5O)'l,a 1l1.lll. r . f '" d f.K.~)' 1M never ut.ouU comr~ tH' "0. \"011 Ltt it ill Hue \\'oother; you bet 0 a l'eCnllt.?1l I~t ,JOlfllUg ftlt It. ter

IIJUlI"tcr nnother dos., f)f I)r. :'S.,,,, lJr~ .. f" th ',' 'U8t ,'01'1 lb Cour months I>loldl!~rlll;:; ICtmnot flUl to" C 1 ' .\. ,It'" I.W Well elr; I 111.1 II I) e t'k I b fl' l' C ,

lJCl1ptWll,_ oon,uo II Ul(lr. linc:ot :killd of wCl\thcr: yon cn.n't finu II rl C t leo 0 S~r\',\Dt 0 Iccr.- .lfiut,. O.--- ~-- tiu"r \~" :~..hl'l· tblln thi. i"n dm poci.ic KuollYIl, 1II Nmtlt~th _C~tury.

How tbe Women Were, tiavecl IM'lin'l oJf tit .JiuJU uo\'cl." CUDDIng Sh1ft8 ot Beaufort, j ·,It is pl'OUy line, Ilir," wont on )1r. __

j JO'II~ ,EverJ kind of "c\"i\.~ ~r.s hie.1 byA. llcaurort, ~' C" t.:nr"-,,:pOlllj~nt of "Thill's ,juo;t whl~t I've hI'cn tellin:; whicb 10 iUl}Xi~n upon tbo public, (scv- Sew York ~'(crtlld furnlflhllS All nil· J:ou; th~l't:" no doubt ~t. nU I\bout the euteenlh c~utUI·)·.) Hlllol'e tbM oncel'Ollnt of the 1t\~1Dg of the. rculIllu g"11'..'Hti tintJ~Clt.i vf t!l".;welltller. happened t118t lIol blllf a d07.en copies oftlf tbe Atlantic Hou·l. In tlmt. toW'I, "1"ba\'c, ",r1 11 book could be 80ld becl~U!le tblt titleyhiell was entirely dCi>ltro,roo h, the "~ol.~ tbiM l!lorning.. WeU,' sir,fto rl:' puges ....hicb glW(\ RD'iuea of the Ilubjccf.I,'NII.t lltonu, At 6 o'dack w ~he moru· tUtu to £lw welll.her, ttm rcmmds ma of TUutter WI\., not attractive. A DeW"

itIG the gu~t;" commeut'l.-..I to le~..,.o tbe Do Summcr long Ilgo ...·heD j w&ndere~ in title l~go WI'S t.bell prioteclj 0. popular~metl bUlldln~, and at l,htU t~lne the I t.htl ,,'ooJla\ld ~ut!. VIUllk.ed th" "TIOlltt nume. which might mean anytbing or~~ge connC<lting the hotel "Ilh t.he f~~ ~h~ u\ bo'lib glee. Dotbiua, was cbOltCIl. Rud tlJu public,bilhanJ room ",u u ...·melt, tbe W:.,.ef1 ''tnuld rou to have your WOlla· more inuocent in such matt.ers thanbeating froal two to three r~lllbo"(\ tbfl tach... trilUIJ100 til. , . they are now, were eotmptoed into buy­-.alt. The ~e b'Ul}ltlC, wltb tho help "Sot ,~ucb; It doom t nl'ed It tJu. mg. 'Let Ull &eO tbe CQ88 (If RaD.20UU.of tbe ,c.,"OOll cltllelll of lhe town, M.'CutOll weat.bE~r" Thu- lOU wrolo &. book and etilled itlAs walk with rope!4l11d cowu;tlocml to "Don't 'OUWIU~ yonr bir cot.'" uLeUres Heroiques au:&" GrandA de....0 tbe women. Thl:l liMit lady to be "t dOIl't (iJIlcy tbll.t J do, mt dear l'Etlll" lid WWi careful uot. to bllvot.'*niod out wat MiM G:tll'll, uf R~I~~igb, ii~." f(plied the l!trl6tlW"r with a broad the pages of hill book numbered, "nd heN. C., daughter of :Ill' late Heatou ~nu. VltIrCw tirst. in hiM collect.ion ttie letter0tJ~. about tbirttJ,;,lI yoors ultl. ~'o 10Vo ,"vll w&nt 1\ ylJawpoo f' o.ddreucd to him to ,hatBentJemen would take c.hll~o or :\ ll\.df, '·Sa:ry n '1lutmpoo," special copy wu to be" prelCll.ted. ETeryaDd ~tber ~ey ""uuld-nnder ~be ".";n".·,.oop, ~Ultt.(I[',combaWld ~ru&hea recipient. therefore, W1U Battered At. Ictl.mOlt IJenloul elreUQUltQ.Ul:eH, tho ,.·mu ur hwr ~'Tt":A.iWl 1 Lave a dau1Jng u, iog the letter .hlreued to him. occupy-blowin" a pie and tim "'t'\'ea da!thing sortmoot. " ing the tint place· aDd be gruified thewith t.he. utmOit fury =~'Il~Mt thfllD- '~l l~ul.'t WlUlt. to purchase .uthor aocordingl;. Raugouze bo.vIt«Jarlke their vtu.y to ,hi' Inlllnrd ~Ioou, to"day. that; he c1-.nd 1 600 frant·"" Cunning&lid th~n the ladiea ...·0\I1ll gu through to . And tbeD ))Ir. Jonel, in blank Altou· lIhift.ll in book-m~lting • ..., perb.ptt~ rccelved at tbe northern door L)' t.,,:o l.mmllnt, :'-Skl'd: , common now u t.h JY WCrt t.h n. Tho1I10f'f'l gcntJoDU)ft, who "'Wo \lJl to thmr "Well••·hl\t. do you wnnt" trick. of oar ford'lithcn lte(.'In to Ull t.o bew..ilitlt in WOlter, and th'.II~t'T they woulll ':Oon't. want ~nyt.hin;;.u, "barefaced, onh llCCl'lltte W" b.\·b mao.he t:lk~'n to torr!) lirllttL. ~~arly th~e- ' fhen \('.by ..lui }"Ot~ com" In bAre', aqed our Aff&i.';'. lillie mOM' tl"trully-foun!llJ of the gul18tll wcre elth,;r I"dl'lil .hWby ul,1 I COUlO In here' ~clll 111 The Quuurl, ~llIltZinu.Ol' chlldr~t1. ThE! children ....ere nenrly tel yl)U, I M:\W tllat yonr Chalnl were • _nil ~."llU hy "coloret! hO:ltmno namt.>J nice und .aMy, anJ thut you lIOemod to ;'I,'cmale barlr-n.II Ill:'} !o'neAl(.on ,.'am<>K l1avilt, and Jim tells. with h'1'l'Ilt he t1lot;;orto:..d nnd 101luly, iii) I thought. I'd rtJl~...tin~ t' IloLnI,I{1'tljJh nnMtllloth"lmlt hI'gl1.~to thilt llovcmo[' Jtlrvi!( hn~ I'l"()lllisf'li jtM lImp ill, r~t. IOYilf·lf "' little, and jtlJlt read in tho pa,""r, .,( 1100: 1'!'1t... , •.tb"t, he "hull nev~r;.,'O to th.., pe:litElllthlf)· 1J:~\":a l,ncll\LI,~ t\'ilh YOII." in 'tllll." "W1IY not" W,· Ild:fIIIl. "lifo&/j long nil ho ill GovcrllOl", Tbere is not Awl :hE'1l iI·· :l.llIU!r..1 OUl lcaving tIle CllUM.~ I t'forncUl~r ..'hill. trouM l""'b.~ nIl.l'f'lic of lhe building: I"Ct, UCl:p" tho L!trt~'r W lJ':llilil:11 willi AllIa.zClllcut th:ll Wlt juto l,j" ItlttiI:~ • oa:OW411. nil l~Ullltni of one chimney, ami :bat ii' no: he Ifhl\\·~\1 !'ix !twn lJ'..:fore he ,,"1I1II.rko.l, tl'ct above the ground. "Hair'i1 ~dtin':\ littlu thiu 011 tOIl, .ir.

____.~. ~_ BeUflr u·y a Lottie of my CAlJiUary MiOlt Alice Winston or Virginia. There ill a bo1 ift Uiltroit 110 ~xcet:d· l'OI'.XM'.'·-Unde ~alilo I,{ tbiuk women lire n\Oftl .Jlt. to be ID~IIlgI,. bright tbnt Li~ mother ill obliged .__ tlUIDL'td by Rlouey th&ll 1lI1,'n"" Tbl~to tUl0 a. I,ie..:e of IfllobtJ ~llllll wbf'n !h~ Peol,]e l~IlU yOlS Jct:\.r wheu liar,. would fOff, tile, are lUore tilP:C 1 to wan')' flooi:lI11t him. 1"..,u 11JrOn you. w('ll1tb ~U.n ml'O Ar ."



T H I 81

Oustom House sale.



READD« U" • % o.

)lelutf'~iI()hll PIaIlOl-S Ot.u\·ea..tNtncr ~llIlreiI tulilltll.... '2.5

PllltliH':W'__!f!ol ke1.. .... .... .. 1t1.11I1e Mollel I'hmo-(urrllllt).. mIJolllJolr PIIlIlO- (" ).. 2MIfltlll .• .. 350 to 600~;IIlIlI'llOI1" •••• , •••••••••400 It) UOO~clo:t!r •• .. ~lonOO

ORGAN •.Clough It WQrmll-G at0llll ..•...... 412.5~;Illl·)' -1 .. 170Pnlnl'C -10" :,J()()PllIIlOO -·12" ,_ :l:!o.

..""nae.'" c 1, ... ' ••MIl.e••••AIlI"Y'O W. H. ROBERTI.~IIlBJ Age.. t, l'ort 1'1I1l'1I"'l'll1L

CVlTOM HOClIE Dll!'T 0)' Prot:T SOt·~u. lI'ort'l'own§ellli. AtI.lttl.1 Ia. t'l1U ~

NOTJCX III Ilt;llIWY Ill\'r.S TIIAT TUErl'llowlll~ t1l"lCrllJt1.1 JtrHu:f'~. ~'Izf'll tit,..

v\olllllOli nf tlk' lTlIllt'tl bfUIt·~ ro'.rlllll·IIlIl".will be 101,1 "t I11Ibll" nlll·tll.H, til till' 1,1}:"11.­...t Illlkl'·r. Inr l,lcll. I" cht· l'II'IOut lIuul!l.lIII I'ort TIIII'Il..'11t1, \1'11 ..11111,,1011 TI'nHnl)',::lejltC1ll1lt:r hi. ISTO. lit:! .,·tlok'k. I'. )1.:

~O. lit. 611"" I'lI'Oll,m'. a I'''', "IItWI•.Il.r. ..,;:;,tllotr-l. I I". "tml,;' SlllWe. :I jUllIp.l·"". I ul1llt"r ,.llirt. I p'. llnlwl',"", :1 llllkf)··1I1r••. l 1l1....'CIi cHllu). 1 ",llh,' I,Lmli:rl.IIJr. ho)"1 pnull", 13 I'r"'. L.... lt... 11 ..,...k<l. I Ilr'llun)o'1I /lOL-k.... I'.... L·hll\l,..n·~ h"·I·. 1 Ill.IlItlM.>..i· tLot.'kh'lIl. oIlowel_. thllh.lI..."'f.I,-f~..1 III thn:IUI. ~a .ponl Ih~1011 6 haukJhnaltl. d pkg•. 1I1u,- DL"ltk~••oap. 1 1'10:...L1Imlr. 2 plIl'crat:lt.·k~. k'Mk-. 0 '11.): •• till·Io·t l)IllUl. I gUteIllllt'h·!I'.... 6 bolll.·' hair011. I Ilkg. lilbll"\.'O. 7 bloIl" Ilt"r\·IlI.lotl"/1•. 4 ~,-lbCl'l'H IIOWI"·!'.:J h()st"~ biurlllJt.4 .-Ib l';UI~ Jl4:1'1,,'r. It loru'" ...0111"" "ltllt"r"~It'nttn~. 10& V"it•. tin: cr~'I.t:"', ;! l'llll~

I,,",. I CI,lli"l! 1"'1. I thl bu~kIol. 'i el....-tbllld: tell.;t,l •.Ib 1.1011'''''' ,,,a. :i: 'lck4 tlt)l1r.1 1lI:,t rke (00 1111.). I ~'J:Mt. o.':t11 t.u;t! nil.lbnx lIalli'. In. 1 old rlllt". DIk...r hurn!I Oller skills. 10 Ili." \\001 (:100 11.... 1.I "00110 iO a... ldL'III. I Jill{. 1 Ill_ ~Id~.

J'u.1t pcJ\Hkor. t"n.,t 11Il.·II'·I-. '1,1t.~. 1:11111>"'\ldck. Sd:wd .'uly 30. 1.:179, "t Stu Ju:\Uhl:ulll.~O. IIi. J I", -IIOfI. IJt lila. CIIIIIl'~

lobtl ..."..O, ·'l'il~. t1allllUlk, 'Ill IV-, dtll,lllllUU.3 11'1. ell nc.M.' llllOt:f. St:.lV'tJ AI'gll~t 4,11:110. lit 1'Ott 'J'uWII!Il'ud.

1'l!l'SOUJ cllll1llug- IUlY 01 rhe 1I1,on"e mell­IlImOlI t1rlkl6ll tire "11,,111.'11 10 n'~' 1IIt'IrCl,lllfl tlwn'lur with llHl Collector of l'1I;·totn'4lJr thld IJhllrl, t. wltlllll r"'cllly lIoil"rolll Ihu first 11lI1JIIl~~1l1l1l of 1111.. lIo:ll~.

II. A. 'O;U."i'n:Il.Colfedot lit Cll"tUIl1~.SLOOP FOR SALE.


'1'111: ..11I1l!' J E i'4 N I E of 10'll'll, wllh 8111l1l. rl~"lllg n'lIlr:lck,8 ...'AIIIIllell.'. h uliuNtl rur ~;IJ,· III ;I lM r':;llllI. '1'111~

ilu()JJ I, ;Ilmu"," lIew. tlud III A I \'lIt1dhiollLJI' Fur pnrtleulant "pl'ly 10

.:. A. KUIIN,l'or1l'owu~ud,W. '1'.


A~ OItDlNANCI:: Mmelldlng IeCtioll If.(If City Unlill~lIl,.'e N u. 13. ellll&letl "AuOrtllllllll(),l tu t.'O .!trul' allli rtpllir .klt.'­wllk.~." alll.l I\:lltal1l1g CIty Ort.lltll/,lIl,.~

No. I~.


SECTION I. That ::!Loc. n. or tlM! cuyOnllllll.lll..1l ~o. 13, alIall be aW~IKltd 10 I~10 ,.,..I,u toUO\ to-wlt:

"That llll iII rttlks 110'" bthlK. orlll'reaner to be L'O" truefl'll within tile cit)·Ilrllltll uf the city or 1'011 'l'OWlIlClId, $111111be cLJllt leet III width. pro.ltllll~ II..t.1I'"l:h llIc"'llkJ L'OlutrIlCte."lI on ~ltlltr. urboth Ikld 01 Wll~r Iilred IIlIII Lte tw&:h'l;j~ III width. est: p' that all ,uch kl,-'­Will•• 011 lhe ~·H'I~ of Wiler Itreet.rrom 11ll! comer of QUhll·y street north. 10tilt! IlreakwlIkr. h.n btl tight ru-t IIIwklth.

l:lu;. II. Tllnt city OnJlnIllloo S"o. 15.00 :111I1 tho 'lllIC lUllli hI IIt:~by t1:l/Pnll1l

!-ll.c III. 'l'hi~ unlllllloo 1lI11111Iak~t"tr~'f,

a/lll bt· til f"ml lrolll uml .fler th'e du)'j1"1111 IllIr IIIIt.lllC:ltluli Ihe~r.

l·....~c,IIIIC WlIlIl·U :kIU. I, IS7!).G. 3lo1ll1l~ H.U.Ll!.R,

l,;lly Clerk.

Alll'ru¥ed bJ' tho Ua~'or Sellt. l. 1870.C. EISE~ U~;l '. 1111)'or.

OUB younK (rlend, Wlntn 81\1tlo«-,hu • brolo:ea and dltlocatetl allIn, aud IIhand conlklerably ';"0'" for .eal." Bewu pl';ring at. the :&:lorloo3 natlOlHIIgaUlt, luempt«! to catch a "Orer" IlldWAI UnrOr1UulteIYIlUOCrMCUI.

TUE Ilary Glonr hal ocmpletedher carau a, Port DbcoYery, IlIIII I,relC'ly for leA. The sblp War Uawk I,due tbere, h....lng leI\ 'PrtlCO on the 80tbult. ,

O.u"!. Tibbals hal just purchased a ftneyonll~ horie lu Seattle. He 1I0W walllA agHd mite tor U)(I onlt otulntd, and ",tiltben I..,,·e a ''CrIcklt team.

REV. A. Laobacb will pr...h In Dun­genf'M Ollt'e a lD\)tJUJ during the comlllg)·ellt. IlI'leld of havlug til" peN)" IIII>'plied trom ['ort TOWIlYCId.

WE Ie."nl that 110n. II. G. Slnn-r. orOlympia, h..~ purchued prop:rty III Se­tie. anJ will Ibottly rewote t.bcl'Cl with liblamll,.

M",oa Jlloob8, 01 SeaUle. arrln,J nilTnC!lll:ly. at thb pliCe. We ackllo''''Ic<la:eI pleuallt ~u rrom him.

'T lit: IIl(ht hOtl~ lemler, Shubrick. CORlttlup tl.lj week rrolll Mr. lluut', aUII.,ly IIIl\tntl 01 Ulllon wharf.

00 to HotllM:IIIId'1 And get tlk! bencftlof the low l)rlt-eJ prenUlug thoro. .FrUl­cy Kood3 .... Terl l.'IleAp.

A I;()CtAL dance took place at the Cen·tral Uotcllau enDlol'

IT i, eitimated tba" tbia yelr fu111

80,000 toni oC wbeat "ill b••bippedfrom \\'aUa WaHa ... lIe1 alone.

Otb,r localitiea in E"tern Wishington will .well (he amount t.o a much

:arrer aglreglte,

'1'".6" .nglno .."I hos., fo, ,10;, DISTRICT CDURT PRDCEEDINGS. CITY ORDINANCE NO. oa.cit)', ha\'e bcclI tllcgrllphed for 1>y I~ • -,-- ..... ~, .\S Ortllmm..'C to \lr"n'llt Il(l~~ 111111111 ,.h""Ell ,. ;BU~.:. Jt'......... eoL:llpt. Tihbal!land arc ullcctcd htu :It 1111):\' \\hllII lhc chy Illlll:l.

I OOkcr<llll the l'OIlI't-.I. U. Allell. \:.:'", 'I'm: t:lty of J'ot( 'l'o\.l\lltmlllouon t 10 }.Itb iust., bJ OC.MIl steamer OIUMIllllS rollu\\.:Tbo muue, (or the ellJtillo !lui lit: All)-; C. I:. lJuplo:llll. U ••• ~Iush:ll' I. ~F('Tl0S. 1. 'rlilit till' l:ltr .\Il1r.II....

C I D:I!llI,,!, 1·!"Ue.•\tr~·. ~Illl;t.j J. lo. CIIII~- 1I1111"r the IIlh.'Cflflll or Ihe ~In.'f!t L'fllllllli•.been raised b, uH8scue Engine '0" e.r. ('I'ltt: B.:-', lli1h:r. J ..\. J. 'hllw. A. slol,n,'lrs,',Il:!1 ,IIIMIIIt.11l II loultlllJlt: l)OullIlallli by Ilpecial tax on city propert" '.1 lil I .. I b \\ I II 113 ely.

:-. ~\.I 110011. 1111\ II. \\. \\ II tener, all- Ht.C.~. Tlult no hOKi. holt~. pl~t)rit remained Cor lome mealll to be de· Ilfj. Is.l'\ Illll or nlly Idud !lh;/,Il be perllllw..'\1 I...ised to purchase the nlces (1r'14OO SlUnraIl7.t'lI-Chtl3. Finn, Hobe.. Ya~lI tIlll;/,t hl'lte Il'lthlulhe dtyllllllts At "11\·f•• , of has. wb,"cb -auld cost about allll.l. I1l\ulo:lu-oll. lime••11l11r I.llml tt1llnlllJ( lit 11Irgt. t':h il

.. AIIlI e\'llr)' 01 ,.",;11 MIIIIIl'I~. 'hull be III••8400. TbtOugb th' efforts of M.s ~laJ. Will. G. lIorrli admitted te pt3c- polltlflt.'d III ~lkI l)t)l1l11J b)' the Lily 1lar-

• lice. t:h1\l. lrolll l\'htmce tllty ,11111 UOt be /14s,r8. Tibbals and Norris in soliciting 'l'er ..s nough~ fllmlly; prot.'t("dlnK:l or lelllhllllltil the oW'u!r or H'llJe otllcr 1""_Ilubscriptions, 8210 "as raiicd a (ew, ,_ .1. ~II hllll I,.y 10 .kl ~hrslllil tl~ SUlll vr

JlIttil'e! ,..onft fCt Ilshle 1Ilid bden\WIlU t,,·o \Ioll"f' (or lilA k"'tll In t11lo:hl(t 1.1 ImlJaYI ago-enougb to Ilal( pay (or tll!Ch.'lrcal. l"Ct."tlhlllg e.lCh alill ~\·t'ry luchanllUllf. lurlthe bose-and 50 ". aro 1I0W to I) Illlncock Tile Thn~n et nt. dlsmlJ5('(1 the '1111I 01 Illty l"tnt.:l fOr the w:tellalll'e 1.1

ba... tbe entire out6t. Aftcr it all P H StockalKI Yi .\ Ilrlgg!, dill11t~d \'Icll ,,"IIIIIlI for enr)' twrllt)·.loor h(HI',. the illill hllll be kellt, Ind lucll owucr ',r

arri ..el, thera will be anotber effort .t plalntln S ('()ill. OWntN 811all be IUbjc.u to a (len"ltr orN DTo!Jcy "'5 schr h:lUlplon; dlsOIIJ·t1 three for OVtlry lucb anlulI' :-u

made, bl W'euioi up a granu ball, at libellant', C03t. fOIlIlt! nllmlng It railO tb, Deceuar1 (undl to pay Mary Kl'rr VI John 1\eef. On mOo ~EC. 3. '('Ila" It 8hall be the dilly uf the

II d " b lilnlllli to pro"'lde lleeeu4r)' IIlttllllll'·O!off a i.deble nesa In t • mattcr tloo plalnllff, t. llallllnl apl)()lnted guar- for allanllllllill so Impounded, alld It flm,iMuch credit is due to tbole o( our diun lor def. be la""lul for Ilkl )Itlrtlhal to ..ell It pUI~

citizenl ""'0 ban so indultriously -- IIc Tentluo IIwy anlmll or 'Wllllltill hu-T poulll.letias alorea.,ld, At lin)' tlllle aftt'r

labored to accompJish thi, obj.ot, tiE!DU. 2u OAT. the uplratlon or 4S hou", from the tlnlll

d "b d f I K McOollslti Vi J SwetlleYi Propert1 they han be 80 Iml»lllliled. tile NIIII Mar-a. wbo ban coutrl ule .0 ree 1 l'tOO'f'eml. IhMlglvlllr at lean 24 !Iou", llrevh'llllllll,.o( tbeir meanl tb.r.for. It bu ne Naturallzed-J. MC)(llholi and Tb08. Ik notice 01 tile time Mild plMl'e 01 ."Ie 1,\'cessitated areat effort, esp.ciallrlS Hurd. throe alivertllJCruellt8, one 4,)1 wilieh hhail

• be Ilut up Ilt the 'Joor or tile Vflilt ullll'e itti'Ithere "ere 1 or 2 property o"nert J R Wllea, VI 0 McKay anrl J C Al\:h· the other two In t,,·o of tilt! 11l'I'-t lIu11lk"ho did DO' tbe IlmbcllIltj JUlIgrnelit for 1Jllllntiff. phlU!lJ In 8,,111 city: IlrUvllh'll. "hl"llJ" HUH

'fhe Ol'llild JurYI 011 the plut or tho 'rer. NIlJ :lllluUlls IIMlIIO:, bclol'C '11d t\;llu. I"t'-amouDts Corced b, .peei,l tax-and 11t'tIllCd, by the pll)'llumt olg.1ltll'f'stl nlllib b b d lury, WILS discharged, there !>elllg lIothlll& dllugCl. IllId thll clt.y :'tlllr hnl slmll n'll-

t ere were Ot e,. " 0 gave gru g lound (or It to lIo. Ih:r to tho (;olludl fllOlllhlJ wilh hl~ n0.ingly and but little. Ho, (or Ills hOllor. Judge OI"l'4l11e. Ilull.l the l)(Irt II truo Jlllltl'IIICIlI of 1111 rt.'t·i1lllul 111.1(he oredit o( tbe place, bo it said ctlllntles or Je{lcnlll1. I.-Iaml, t:hlllllll alld IlImlt'YS fel'\ilvl'\llty him elth&1r for Ill·IIAI.

tic;; or lor 1111101,,18 &oldl»)' 11111I.IUIlI ._,,111tbat nearly all we,. very liberal. The Snll Juall n lIt.'8(!r\'ed l'OlIlpllhJcnt oUlle- MIII'l!III1\.!Inllnot lie lut~~.rt:il Ih'\'crl~' ur

coulIl Oflilc e,lllcllt fl't.'l'I.lom trom crime. I",'I-','y I" .". ",."",- " " Imllin effort aDd anxiety In O\'or; the ""... ~ ,I It: 1"11" ':'''\lohlll IlIlIUlAI JO 801t1 by IllIn, limier" lieU.

engine Illd outfit ere to cowe. We STBJ,M ·1·UllKSllElt.-!lr. G. W. !II()t"e. nIt)· oftwcntr, dollll ....I d orOak IIl1rbor. '1'11-3111 lo\\·nln.t SllfllrtlllY EO. 4. T lilt tilt' c1ty.haU not III allY

ar. g a . II" Inrornl! III thflt he has JlI~t Mlllh'l.llI CU~ be IIlIblc to the Maf1llls1 ror IUI\' eXlJelll4ell Iitle to 11111I on 1IC'l.'OUIlI 01 flily

DUA attentioa haa been kindly now ItClllII thruhlng l1ulI:hlue tu hi, flHID· 1I1l11ll1l1 l\'111l'h IIllly be Impolllltlt!ll IIWIlng outfit. Tlte lllllChlllO Is 1\ large Olle, whcll~¥'Cr lilly luch Alllmlll ,hall btl loilJ

caUed totbe (act tba( tbo "ord Qui! Iblo to 1l1rn Ollt aoout 2.000 bll'h~\§ of alld Ihall no, bring '1l0Ilg}1 to PIJ' t1tttlehute is bardly enr lpoll.d or pro rraln por dll)". TlJe engine Iii orlho .be!it fed lUll penllty. the 'lillie .tlltH lie n...."".

I b b' I C~ 01 llle OWllcr or 'lIY In;:11 IUIIll,,1 !lyDouuced proper y ,." Ite plOp e kind IUAde, being olle or the ct'lebmleo.l luit In the or "Id l"nhal. Mutl

It i, commoDly pronounc,d Quil-11 ,·w. I. CLoe" mrlllufulcture. lu capllcl- slu&11 be exacted ISml Rrtl\"t.'d by him 11111

b 1 II bl d 'y Is 10-hOnle ,)Own. 'l'he "bok: thllt" retaillt.'li ror hl-3 OWII 1I~.Yut.,lccenting t I ast Iy a .; an '" ....~.... " I' I I

ccwt aoout '2.100. Yr. Buzhy. one or tke Ou... y. MIlY pcrtou or porIOn', IAIit baa beeD 'peUed iD nrioul "a,_ breAk 0llell or III any IUallnu, dlnet.'1lyor

, owners uJ lhe Buzby ftourlug mill It St.... hltllrectl,.••kl or !Wlltt III b~Qklllg '1111:11at. Quileut, Quilleut., Qui1l,hute, IlUIe, Is mnnlng Mr. MOnte', tllre~her. IUlY Illch IIOUlId, uk! pel'8Ol1 orr,l1flll orQui1:,Ut', &0., accorLling to the (an .lId "Ill meve It to t.1 COilller .rter t.'Otn- JM!1'1!01l! "ball be Alleci the lum 0 tWltlltr.

I d Ih" OOU.rtland COil. ot pr'Ok'\.lItlnll, llIttcy o( tb, "riter. Tbe nati", n iaol, p1etln~ \'fork at Oak harbor. Mr. llotN! III ddllult or 11"1"'81)( ofthtl IMDI~ ,hIli bu"bo Dam,d tbe ri from tbeir o"n It growlllit Into a .largo aotl Turled bll·l· l,mlmlUl'd tn h... rd bt~r Upoll Ihtlltret'U

I ' Q "I I b 1lei1 III the larwlul, mercantile 'lId ul 11115 &.Ity Ulltll the Mme I. plIkl..oguage, prODO'lDCe 1& Ut· e ·ute, ~..... "'I, .hl "" be'frell':htlng line. • .:..... I. .f. lIallL'" filii"-,'ron,l, accenting the ,econd ,ylla II~IO'I.IIII tho Pujtct Sound Weekly AlIf:u!lI

. 6 b d Jor 2 \'t'tek.J, lnll be IlIlorce rrom "IKI ..Rcrble, and giVing "be rst e t e soun A BVR1.1SClTOS (Io",a) l)lipel'" of rect'nt th'u dll)'1 frool the aecoud vubIlClllUUI~of a. Our treatI witb them gin. (be dille IllYI: "A col<H11 of t".llty.lhe Ull'reof.word Quill·L.ute, itt tbe indea.or to builHeM Olell l'llme lip hom Qulnet:on I·lu..~ the CIllllldl8epi. 1. lS19.

~ I 201.1 I . h G. 1I01n1l IIUU:R. Vh{ derk.spen it jUlt u it il pronounced. The ~~ 'rel,'rt~~~y',":rel'~f"pu~.~~~~ ~..."-t~:~ AJlpro,,'ed bl C1ll1l1'lor l:iellt.• IdiD.

" d d "' ~ c. EI~.:Nhl-;lS. !I"J·or.letters o( our alpbabet are IDten e by ~ltroad to Omah:, and S:m "rallcl~.

to be arrenged 10 as to eXilrels efr Ind lhence br 'teliNer to Pugct Sulllltl, aounLlsj "h.n w. adopt an tn the plaC!' 01 lIntltllltloll. They are lIIeudian Dame we mutt 11,0 adopt the urmuna, Ind l\rt 1ll1.'OOII.l&lllctl by theirIndian pronuoriation, hence. in lamillet. 'rIleY hat! prevlouSI)' ,,1I11)pOO

t their f"rllling Ilnplements. and go thf'l't tospeW.g.n Iodiao "otd, w. DUll mllke It their rutUte home." 'J'I1l!yllreuse thonleUers whicb "iIlll'i ... tbe the kind wllnled here. They eddentlyneare,t to the original ,sound. It ill meall bl.lslneu.

hoped, in order to prnent tbe dot ""======r.n.rac,. o( our JaDguage, tha' tbe

"ord "ill hereaCter b. Ipelled andpronounc.d both uniformly and



IT .ppta,.. tbat: the aettle,. in SanJuan county are much annoyed anLlinjllretl b1 df'preJltiona 011 their~r"~rt.v, committed by Uritian Co·IUlllbi.. Indi.n.. A Ilrie number o(,heel) h.... be.n Itolell, alld l as theeuler. are unable 10 adequate I,

prullct prop.,ty, aQnuI of themuk lte ptotected by tb. militl/,r1Il.,iooed at tbi, plac.,

\VaT Nar ?-\Vh, cao we Dot

ha.. an "tabtiahme", in Port To"n­send, "here clothes ma1 be dUlled

allid d1ed? Su.cb plac.. are com·mon in botb larle and ,men ehie"and, btlidea being a public tonno·

icnol, art al"ay. a lource o( greateror leas pro6' to tLeir propriet.ors.We (requeDuy ~..r tbe rematk tbat

the "stort-clotbe," on. !::tuy, no"·

a·dlY. are uluall, 10 poorly dyed

lhat tbey,ooD Cade lod look rUlt,.

The proceal o( c1.aniDI' lad dleiDI

luch sarmentl i. limple aDd ..",Ind would mike them look aa Kood

.. ne.. Tbe 10,,,00<1 aad aoppetl'are Dot at aU upentin, 10 tbat tbemaill COlt .ould be Cor thlt l.bor of

the party doin" tbe job. Tbi, beinglhe cue. it e.. readii, be a"D tbat

t1ven a compara"ivel, light run "ould bo r.muoerative to the"nrkman. A gentleman oC our ao­

quaintaDce "I': "I kne" of one d,ehoull Ileal" Botton, wbich " .. c.le­bratl!d II "aa 1110 ita proprieto,...

Jou~ph aarrett &: Son made a 1arie(ortune-aod the elder Barr," com­

menced iD. aman "'y b, cl.~ning,repliting at'd dyeing prmenta, botbfor ladiea and aeotl.m.D. n Tbi,

maIl and doubd... "ould, pro... a

lucrati" ioduttr,in Port To....n..nd,beuuN, if it properl, carried

on, no, 0011 tbe home trade "ouldPe aecured bu~ Oldtll would lOOnCOlnt iit (f'OID otb... parlt of tb,

Sound. MaDy garmenla, thougb lit:.tie "orD, a,. laid ..ide, ginn aWly,or aoJd (or ami,. lOog at tb. IUO­

tioo room-limp'1 becau.. th01 mayban btcome ,oiled or Cadd. Tbi,

would IlIOt be, &0 an,. ulent, if peo.

pie were to find that b1 in.esling a

dollar or t"o Cor renonting pUt.poses tbel eculd uill .ear theit gar.menta without a CODlCiouln." of be·inlt' ,habbil, drllNd. \Ve commlndthis lubject lO our tailera and dreu.

!Daktn who ma1 e..n no" be cast.IIII' about (or "a" in "bicb to in­crease tbeir


UlrIO. AC4U&»T.-Thil Inllita­

rioa" located in Ol,.mpia, ... tbe1lI,bject of inimica! criticilm iu a re­

celllt i..tae o( thl ~ landard," of tbatp1aee. Th. article beaR unmistaka­

ble eridlnct or tbe "rul. Ot r"ia"Ipiri\ 00 lhe pert or tb. writer; tbattM cbi.r ,...on (or ill JMc"lilrl,

Hio l00el Ii.. in tb. (act thatIOCDtbod1't b.... U a finKer in

Ute pi••" W•••re ldCDewbat 'Ut­pnMC1 to IIOte the lui0ll, iueor...enl htur. o( the article .belleoa ~ed i. toaneecion with tbefael tbe lot "Iud,rd" II uiuallylO pro.

",..,,,,,d anti e..p tie whn dISCIII'

'lhie u( a rtncre In n••tWA h I.' ,101M E."O;;tlJlpa

.a. If 10 I 'eDt1, I,•• lwen .n

.' t fl I.,..,. b h~bi.~ bu eYer( t.-d 1••1 e it a..o. p .. a.

,..a f • ea. pc. tit. lack of un..­

I .... put 01 OI]UlPIa I'" -

Mas. E. P. W. Packard. I,te DCIIJinCJi~ b.. CIOYaasd Port Town·

lind tbi, "eek, and ••cured Il I'ra.number of name. to .. cerli6cateupressing diaapproul or censorship0"" chI private correspondence ofa1l1 inmate of an inSllIe atylum.Mfa. P. clailllB, anJ \'ery jtl~fll too.that the pre8.n\ 818lelll rllnders itpnllible for Superintendents of 151­lumll to greatly abuso thoir ~ower.

Gh'ing ber own experitnco 1.1 an ii­IUllration,lhe .hofIFl \'ery c1ellrly hO\T• periOD could b. incarcerated

(wbere the .uperintendent could beI.ribed) and all earthly bop. of reo

lief cut off. S.ince ber relo'le a few

,ea'" Igo Ih, has labored in .bout

fifteen .tat.. and tlrritorie,. aad Ie­oured bill. fuorin, her ,ie". inabout a dozen CIlII. She­

tlnd the lilting oi our I.gillalurethi. (all and mIke at attempt to hue

tbe law cbanged. Shit c1aimll, withgood reuoD, that .Ithou~h our ter­

ritorial a.,lum i. in excl'lI~nt handl

theN il notbin" in the "ay of cur.tbat will coquII prevenlion.

TIl~: rt;:ent C:l!iCurnill ~I.clinll is

a ."eepinif H'plllJlicllll "ictor!, gi.,·iog the party tbe i01'eruor, I lila­jorit)· oC thf'l leJ:i latur., Ind, it is

thoui;ht, ,II the C'ongrcllilllt'n bUI

one. In Maine, the r. ult lUi far 15

h~ard (toni indicat, Ii Iiku sw...pitl~

nu,jorit! throu~hout the :iltlte.

Duis, tbe Ilepublic:an cluulidale forGo\-,,nnot, is Il:HllluLtedly eludelllt~·

a handsome majority. The Ilext U.S. Senate .nJ Uoust! of•• iII uhibit mlrket! Hepultli.

en gain.----

KALLOOH i, el"cted ~Iaycr of SailFrtnci~ by' mljoritJ or ne.rly •thou..nd. Tbe ahooting .ff,..,., in

which he came 10 near lUling hil

Jir" Mcured hi, el.ction-beclufllt oC,large number wbo imaginet.! him.

marl,.t. A ("OP1 o( the S. F. Week·

I,. "lodex," of .'\ug. 281h, sri.n theuaet uI,d by K.llocb,"hich pro\'oket.! the assault. h CilllIIOU alto &0 pro.e lbat Kallocb in·

leaded to attack the Do¥OIlIlK' andtheir motber before the elder Kill.

lock ....ttarkttl b'lhe "Chronicle'.

Wheth.r tbi, b, true or 1I0t, tbe lin.

IU'" uMd pro"'l' tbe new:, elect·ed )Ia,OI' to be. wau or brutal .nt.!

fih, inldoctlj a min "bo il not on), a di.,rac, t.o tb. Cbri,tian miDil!.

.try but &0 tb. lcoi.", that tulerate.him. We do Dot propo" to defend

DeYounl{'1 actiun in Ihooti!1g tb...illi6tr or bil motblr, blclulle one

",rau, actioo doe. no' jUlltif)' Illlotb·er; but if h. bad l.&m.IJ lubmiued be

"auld bue b.el) deapil.d a. 0.'.bo bad DOl 'pint and manlin.ssIDoll.b to defend the bllDor and rep.utation of hi. h.lple.. (emIle rela,Ii.... KalJock', Iiogull' .11 10

Til. and rnohieg tha" it "ould h&\edi.raced. bf'Olbel, and the f.Cl lhub.... elected Ma,or o( Sail ",..n.eiaeo &flit it, UM in a pu~lic .peecb,

illldica&el a pr...ailiol i"O~eDce 00\be aide or 10. 1ItOt111 in thai oi".


S a I t

From Kentucky.

Virginia Rye Whiskey

FroDl H1clJmollll, \":1 .. dltfct lfOUI the lll!­tllleriCi.

WE OFFEn Fon ~,\ IIF.. IX LOTS'to SUI'!', :\ U1UXD OF


Miller Stewart. U U


Rock Cove Bourbon Whl.­ktly..18i:J Ilnd I!fiG.

Durham Old Vlrgl.lla RyeWhlllkeJ-la1:l.

17 For sale by HOTIlSCIIILD.t Ce,

Peruvian'F.Q'.'\ r. In t'\·l'r.v I"l'8!'PCf' In fhf' ~~t

1.I"erpool ~:Ilr lor nil IlllrJlf\'Il."l: f(lf \\'hkhI' ~po(l"s ,,·lthellf;f~ 13 1I0t required.

L...,.. Buyel'll will find It IItN"n~er IIn41cllflll'f'r Ihlltl ap}' 0111"1' II\' ,'llllilIK ft>rJt1UllilCi. j HOTUSCJllLlJ.t 1:0.


German barQne F, H, Drews,

Costa Rican slIip Mathilde,

Hondlll'lls barQue ChiclayoNt:1Tllt:1I Tilt.: I' J\1'TAI,\" Sill! TilE L'l'

de....h(llod '\ICIlIII" 01 Ihe 1I1Jo\'tl flume!1,·eitilt.-!,.. 1JI '.lC ~illOllllllble tor ,lolita loonl nr.UIl'ldlrT th'~rn.....

l·llll!. I'. JrLl0 1101.1.0. )lll-ttcro l; II Ul)'l'''''CIIlI.II.t l;o. .\,enll

rort Towll!ICnd••·ell. 16. MiD

N}:ITllt:lt TII~ t.:M'TA1S ~Oll Tilt: us,l;ll"ill/rnetl f1gCllhl or ItlO "1Io\'~ nallHld

"'i1afOl wllllHl re;lllOnllIJle (or l.Iolrtl contraeledby IILe OmOOrtlor <"1"l'1\'.

1I0TII"I.:IIII.(') .t CO.. }urf'ntl.I'ort TO"'II8e~tr~I~~;il~t:d.(it1~~·;S. )WIer,

Bol. bark Snrpri!e-N~l~~;I:~ln~~n;:~71'~~S.1~~~nJI::~ ~I~f1;~·.A~~ N~I)QlIllblo lor dllllta conll'llctcllll)'

G. F, Ct"nTI~\ lIuler.nOTII"CfllLIl It l;O.. A¥IlDlA.

Port TownllCnd. All". 1l,1lijt).




o. F. OLAPP, _ Propr:101:or.

Pori Townsend. jJ[(troh 27,1879,


CAJ.lrOR~IA Wr:N"ES, POR'I'. SIJll;Ray AXGF.LICA AND MUSC 'Mild Wille "ln~lIr. hnlKlrted 1I1rt\'t by us iro~ the' 'Illey~rm: I I A.f!.:r.,

relel Bod for &ale IIt:saU F'rallclSl,,'O nuell by n P IJet In", "",r-


One 8 1-4 inoh FISH. w(t.don for sale at a bm'-.d(tLlb by

1"il.IS E$·I'A8I.ISII.,\fJ';XT II.\S .IC::;')' OI'F.XEI) WITIl A n;u..\XD\.uUllllelo ~l''''''k 01 Ceneral Merchandise, 1."01l3btlllg In 1):lrt of

lfltr(Zw{t/'e, Grocel'ios, Pl'o~'i:sions, Crooke/'y,Boots, (//ut ::3hoe:s, Dry Cood', ,I'o/iolls, g·o., ~j·c.,

Which will bo .old at Port Townsend PrIce•• for Ca.h.


\y 0 0 L 11 1 U j.:~. I·' U .It~. A N.J.) OIL

For t\'bich the hiJhtl3t lliarkel prle~ will bu paid. F'armers \'flll find it to

their interest 10 oull nm] u:<llllliIlO go<.J:. llt this estnLliilhment

Before purchasing olicwncre. ~O THOU13Lh: 'IO SUO\\" GOODS

---0 A~D D1:ALERS IN 0_

The Highest Price Paid for Wool, Hides, Fursand Produce.

Exchange Bought and· Sold.

Liberal Advances made on Consignments.

Dry Goods, Clothing,Boots and shoes, .

Shipohandlery, Hardware, Grooeries,Tobaooo,oigars, Wines, ~ liquors


Vesssels Consi»;ned to Rothschild &co'l D. c. H. ROTHSCHILD,Consular agent of FR4N(i!tj

Am, bark C. H, Kenney, ViC." c '; '; . . PERU;NI-;lTlJt':lt Tnt: CAM',\IS son 'Tilt: cs. • onau 0 • ICAR40UA;

1_" 'leNI;cnerlu!JoJnlI0(ll1cllbo"6ntUlIed .... It II It URAGU4Y.1;h''''~~~'8r:.I~,~'~ltI (or delli' COlllnu:ted lry

(·AI'T. t'llil'T lllUWr.1tO'TIISl'III1.1l .t l;O.• Agents.

P,,<Town..... _I"", ''',. Genuine strai'lht Bourbon


The First-class steamshiolj'--",n:;...,


WILL L);A.n.l

Port Townaend for SitkaAIl\.alm Terr')', Alitl \\'I\.y Portd, •

0 .. or .... oll' ......, .I..eb _ ..u.,

'Wll.L U:A n:Port Townsend ~ Portland, Ogn.

o. abo... 1he Uilllor Me" ........For Freight or l'U!4ge. Apply 011 BoRnI,

!Xl Or lO IkJTH5CIUL'D" ~O, "lfeaw.


1Icr\'!cest will btl helclln Sr. 1'llul'l!I church onSII1II111)' n\lxt at 11 /I.. ,\II. and 7 I'. X. Pollnllll\'IJChOlllnt "'I'.)C. E\"cntnl{ PI'll)'tlt' on Wcdne......~1.Ir~u.nl1 o'clock. Llmn10n f'rldll.)· 1II0mln/:,

Uf'llulnr !er\"lool In Ihll I'relhrlrrlflll l;llllrcil~l.I~'~~lIlklln~'t~ra,~.r:1>. W.,llUator.

Fon mllny yMrs lucceedlng the wargolll went from thl! country to Europe bymlllloll8. 'rho IIde II no,," changln" atlllIt Is eulml\.te;J tllat our grain CJ'()p tblllseason will alone draw '100,000,000 (romforcljiCQ nlLtlons. Everythlnl Indiclltes I

more lub5tttntial prolptlrlty Cor tlill ooun·try Ullin hq e'nlr before bem knoVl.o.

PEOPLE who an! fond of punchlll&: holesIn Uuiloo S1atC!l coin lire not.IWIlre of thoIlet lueh amusement I. ap.lllit tbt Ilw.oft!)U land. 'fho penllty o( l!O doing I.tlfO yea~ ImprlJ onment Ind ~OOO IIncror nery offence. .. .

'1'IIE naIDe of the Cllllfonlia ''Qlmmer­clal AllvOCll1e," rmblllhctlill 8M Fmn<:lt­1.'0, hMI1.feGll chnngctl to ''CallrCirlila Illilijo­pendellt." Ita "rltera Are amolljit thel\blCllt on the Pacific COIlSt.

Mr. W, ff. SuywIlrtl CAme up ltom

'Frl.ico last week, RIltI haa been In thiscit)' .Inl,.~. He Is hero to IIttend to hl6(;ultl ngalUBt the Phlllnc1 Mtllie.

Jh:v. O. A. lltuHlngtoo, formerly In­dhm 11[ClIt on the NeAlt Bay, or }faknhtesut\·Allon. Is pllitor 01 tbe Collgrega.tlOllnl cliun:h III Ol)'mpll\.

COL. LllrrAbe6 has sent twcntr'$O'felllllleChnens or the nath'e l'food!' of WlIsh­IUgtoll Territory to thc Ytehallh.~· Falr lit

San FrllllclllCO.TilE Porillind "Stand.nI" feela &0 tl'elln

that It lOUlplltel It!elt to a plck·pot..·i;ct.It inUit hne been alontl \'f\th oollscl~lIt.~ IIwhllo.

A CUTU:llf firm In StHlffielll. EnKll'll:llJ.with all Its C:\ anll .....hole Itllt} or\"orkwcll, 15 me\'JlIg bodUj' to tbls COtlll­tr~-.

}<'U'Ty-.lx tOpl ()f 111,cr WM p'llcl out oftho U. S. l'reaaury 111<1 U. S. Mints dur­Ing Auglist-tI,S65.000.

TIU: Mlulleaota Republican CoUTelltlolllIomlll/lted John S. PlIllbury for Govl)rnor011 the first oollot on the 21.1 lust.

Goneral Grnnt II\lled lrom Yokohi'lflli'l

Oil. the 3d Inlt., Ind wlI! arrl'f(' '-t SauFrllltcl!CO i'Ibllllt tho 21st.

A L.f.IlGE number of IlIlllatill hn\'e tOileto Pu)'allnp to h\re OUt ill tht hop IJh:klll,ICbmlnCIII.

Wi: ht'ar ft little complnlnt nbout lilllhlIn thc potato crop of Clalal~.

SE,\TTLE ~ to have an opera house.

FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS IILlIdles' ami Ohlldren', ShOt'S; Lnllies'

O!'tQ~ 1I1l1l f'AIIey Goocb 8P.lllnj,! nt COST.for CASU..... t RO·l'UBCIIILO..t 00',.

CIIKW JlIckMln'll Dt'81. a.oat XI"'" TII'-~

Am, bark Willard Ind»;etl.NE1TIIt:lt TIIIl: C<\I'T,lIS NOlt Tin: t'N­

dlt~I~ll6d .\genll o( Ihe al)o,'C nlmcd\'_'1 will lifl rlllllWmellllt: rOI' della OOllu'llultldby I Ii'l I,ItllCUtIJ or ere",•

I.~. 8TAPUi8, lJlUter.1tQTIISCIJILU ,t CO•.',elltl.

I'ort TO.... llt(1ntJ. Jllly 11I11l'D. '

w.'lIlet new-eomol'8 1\nd UIeM thing! outthemselves. We won't n~n l('lOculAte ul)­en the probabl1lty that CoUI[I't&!l WlllllOOllgrAnt.1I a'll,roprlltlon for tbo ctfctlon orII. custom honse here, as has altl!l\dy beendono lor .. (og..lgnal alld lI~ht house atJ'Olllt Wilson, three miles below t"re.There Is cnou,;h outsldc 01 nil thC8CIXllntit, :utt.l of the many other thlllgs weml~ht mention, to COlr,lnll8 the worldthat the~ 1$ more ollterprl5e and publicspirit In Port l'own!lClld thall In any othcrto\'f/l 0180\'011 hundrod InhAblt.atlta on tooPlLclt!.iJ coMt.

For Shoatwaler Bay, Gray's Harbor, Port ToWll'lend. SuI I., Victoria, and Nlnalmo

And will aLIi lit Olh~~J:~rll lliouid .·re!lhUI.0-0 •

Til t; CO,\S'('lSG aTE.HLEn

ALEXANDER DUNCAN.JAM£g ;\lmOI.L ...... " •...... COUI1lUlllller

l.elwln" l'ac.ltlc Dock. l'orUallll,

Eit"" Oil or abont the 'lOth ot elwh monlh ..(!')

Ommon dock (oot or Sidmon al.• l'orllll.lIll.Ali() lit ,to", of notb~c11Ud .t Co.

'''Ol'l, ·~-o,"·n8cnt1 ,v, '(-.':$I( 7.. J. 1f.\TCIf, .\gUnl.

~ For OOCJLl cigars, go to Holcomb',


Among the 1I0teworthy Intllcatlon~ Inlilt: IlIl1ke-lIp of towns 011 Puget SounJ 11tllC umllell\'Y Ul''flll'tl substantiAl ami por·mlu,em IllIlIro\'emcllt8, It l:I bllt a fuwyerlrli 1I1111..'C IJU~ln@ii llUlI u\\"elllug' housesI\'('ro It...; II. rule. IIlmsy amI cheal) ItrnctlltellTile bwlnc!l!i alh'entuter, whelher a IOIUIof I\'ealth or Ilot, IIttrnctl,.,<1 to tile shom 01ollr bclll.ltilul Inland &ell, Willi lItul'\llded asto locl\tlou. LCl\vlng fAmily anll frlcndi011 the Atlatltlo coast or elsewhere, hewould-lor )·elll'!. whllo enilg:lng 111 cn­terprlsel here, l,.'Ontinulilly look for ..... lIrd to"lllttkltlg a" ami returnh1il to tholL'CtlCi or urly dayA. ASlho years lengUi­ellell luto llCU/.dcg. howc\'cr. he ..-oulll bulltllip a IIOIllC, llCl'lulro a oonll>ctence, andlie..... Il.iSOCllltlous Ilull altrnt1.I(l1l8 ".ouldIlllllllllllt tile 01(1-80 tllat Ito w()uld .oonOlilke up his mimi to lI'fe amI 1I1e here.All the oilier towns on the SoUIlU hafeehl...ens who hue pall3Cll tbrough lhe ex·Iltrlencel ilOO'fe hldlt..-:ited, alit! \\'110 arc1I0W erecting bu.~lllC&8llllddwell1llg houiles01 a 8ubstaul1:tl chllracter.

III this cit)" the residences o( our olUerCltb:ellll, vdll,ut'8 gcttlug ""ellllxell." lireassuming an air ()f l'Owfort and reRne­

mellt sllggcet!vc of lOCiallluJoYlllent. 'fIleIIClltly pllinteu felll.'t!8, tho nicely arrntl"rdg;trdcnll and ,aroll, the elegnnt furniture,l:ar~LI. musical InstrtllOetUI 'lld "Iud­tklltalJ to mntch," all bc5penk uot IJllllpl)'II. l'CJution (rolu lUI lllonllullo Itrlfe (orUlollc)"·gettilli, but Indicate, II.! a gentle­1ll11.11 remllrked the ,)th~I' day. thllt "'olkshere life ~ttlll&: !'tllll)' to 11\'8." A shorttime IIgo callt, 'rlbbalil removro the fem,'Elenclo'lllg hI! faro. and n:plllcc<l It withan IIrtlcle 0(4 dlltllble c1caructer. SloneposU! were brou~ht from lilC l:huckanutlllUmy, holes .....cre llrllletJ lu them antir:IUS were laMelllo'\! lJy meall.! of bolts.n~i'It plckctil lI'CI'e nal\l,.'ll on ami llllillted\lUll "salUJod"-iO that lhe fel1CIJ I~ 1I0\" al'~Jlt not ouly to tltll Olyner but to th~

toWII. In the buslneu portloll of tI,OpIal'll II. atnrt has altl!lldl beeu made to 5U().lIthute stone bulldlllJrJ for tilt' wooJeuItrnCIIll'Ci tlUlt Illne provod thtQl~

seh'ClI 10 ('xpellilve (or replllrs, lUltlat ~5t. nl'l.:elrtltlLtc gl'Cllt risk agllluSl tiro.TIle eXlulI(llc ~t bl tho latf, lalllClIte6.Capt. Fowler. III tilia rtsvect, llid lIloreret'Cllt cUler1lrise shown by Ma,yor .;lseu­bets. nrc worlhy of emulation And will be101l0wt.'I.1 by othcrlJ ero ulIIny yUri IlIIIIS.'!'!lllllllt 1I11llltU gelltlel1ll111 hloll folloYt·wlIJl his tint nlOfe b)' Illying Iloue pieri un­dcr the bulllllllg' IRtely erected by hllll.1I,1tt:lVIl tluC-\YlUel'-thus IILII.n~lll·aIIIlK tht:~r:1 of the dcclhli of pll~'llrlvhlJ.( under~'h:lt'fea IUlli blllldlng!l along tho ",aWrrrolll. '.I'llu lublllt,r of tilt! f()lJlIllMlouIlllJcr "hat Ii BOI\' kuowli It., tile f'{;uctomIIOUiO bulldillit," will iOOll demOllitrateIhllll'l.'lllolll o(dlllt&nllllg l)Crl~hllblc "000­"II 81111portll ,,:ltetll water allli worml ClII11.'l)lIh~. The Cclllral Holcl bullulng. IlI1llIll"l§lug.oommooloui :lud CrOOltablo ad­dltloll tv Port TOWUselld, I" OIlC of tho e'f­Illcfll\.'!. vOUChS!'rlo'(l ....Ithln the pllU few}'t14r.4. thnt Cllpltlll Cllli here IIl1d prollrll,­Ille clllpl01D1ClIt. 'l'lle Marll10 Hospitalbull\lIl1g, ou tho hili, pllll'Cil III Ilhcad or1411 OIlier to"1I1 011 the Sollllli III th:\t lIuc.A te1elJholle, Cflnncctlllg lila hospltJl.1 \'Ilthtllo olllcu o( tho ~Iftllllglllg Surgl,.'OIl,''\Iowll towll," pro\'l~! lhut ''OlIwll.rd OIllJ

lllJ",MnI" 11 the motto Of our lending cW­l.CII.. Ik JlIII', c.lrllg .toro bllllding.··1\tll.IlIIlIlK tiro" three years>, ",hull hili\\'nruhOll!le Just back of It was burlletl, 1111>­nfli:ltl1l....,j him a con,ttlllt '(Hlree o( gratlll­C:llloll 81n08 then 011 UCl'()llut of Itl fire­IIrool ~\Iltllre. Ollr C'OlIllllOl.ltoWiand dUNl­bl41 ehun:h bwlll1ll1~ amply 1I0mOtlstl'i'ltelhe IIp\\'lInl 101ldcI1CY of tile place. Thelurgu ,tores of M~r!I. Hotll5l.'hlld J; Co..t,;. C. llartlott, 'Wa[Crmfm .to K"t&, Ger.rl-h, JnlllC$ llllli others, 'IIJlJl111ng not 011­

Iy lilC toYt'n-people but a !llrge I)()rtloll ofIllu c\tlzclll' III thl, Kud lurroumUnj,t COun­II -. Rrtll'ttiterlllg ,I. trndo here which II~rlldllalty bllt llrely bulldlllC the [OWl!

uJlln tlumben, wClIlth and Import411l..'ej(111I1 It III ~hll olltllde rcvrnllC, togetherwl~h tlun dcrl'fetl frOID IhUn, out veI6el.rutUlIllK III tile forelP.'1l nnd Clnilltwisc lrade1

t1mt al'\.'OlIlIlI DlIlluly for the gr.lUfylng(lOllllillotl of n~nrl1 cve.ry bl13lneM hen!tf>fOrtl61allllihed III the (llaoo. Thill'. whileother taWIII liMit '1IJ1i:retJ morc or leufrom lxl,.lnm<lepl"El5$lon. ~Ilu ....hllc mlln1orour people ~mplalll of dull times. IheteI~ a Ilerllli'lllelll.'U Ill.lout trallo hire \\'hlch

Ilro\'CIIIIt'prellaloll "'Ith 11:5 to be wore fall-ckd tllllil telli. •

Wu Ullj.:ht cnlll.rjiCo iliOn! on tlltllib. llmlIIIClItloll the IIIUIIC! of lllnllY who tttl

1I111kll1~ ~tOlldy advllUl't:lllltnt and ....ho II.ronlfi(t 1Il1l1criatly contributing to the wei.IlltO of tILe plnce by utilMllflih alld public-.llplrlled tlel.'tll, but 'Pll('l! torbh.lJ. Jo:notl£hIta. beell ~ald to IUlllmte 801ile of tlte rca­lIlmll (or Ollr collfltlenoe III Iho IUlun! orPort TOI\'lIllClill. We neill.l /lot 1lI'lnlontel'.lIt Improvements III trcet Alling. side_Itlkl. ,tt'.. or en'l~ npon the fine looa­tlOII 11m liMbo!' i'Ilfurd~ for IIlnnllfll.ctorle.,which mllilt. 100ner or hller .prllllt upherl'; uclther I~ It lI~tllY to mentiontho rne\ rllnt tlllr count)" oilichtl'I.'Ontelll­plllte e~tlllg magnln(,'tut 111lblk bulld­IUi3 III the nellr future in thlJ plaw. No,


.l10l1t: r:I!U thh \I"~ek.

UO ! ror the lire cllj;hll.".

HOTELS are tlollig 11 Illlh'luJt bll!llle~!.

XOTE our new ndVCrll!tiIUellt of Cl/.tllrrh


nOliN-In this city. (Ill till' 2.1 Ill-t., toIIIC ....-Ire 01 Hev. E. Hu\'li.ll lhlllg:hh:r.

,romi; Welch. ex·Mlnl-ter to Ellgl:uuJ.:lrrlnod !t l'hl1ll.llelphhl 011 the IS[.

.Mlls. I'U:SI::KA. lonm:rly til thi~ IJlill~,

rctllfllelllJy tIle CIH~!lCr last wt*k.

SEn:n,lL "wh'~I\t·y {,IISf'S" i\rc up furRlljUtllclttlull, lol:fort .Judf(c Gtt'tlH.', Ihl~

\,eck.SUll5CI11RE for tho W~:F.JItI.Y AJ<Gt:! If

~'Oll WHllt to Sd II lair rctllrll (ilf ~'O\lr

moner·OM. Dean Olnrl.:(' \\'11I Ilrefll'h In tIle

GOl)l1 'l'lill1!ll:u'S' IIll\luext :)Illhhl)':l.t two

o'clock,1111. StOCkllllll hUt niter tC11l01l~ :iIld In.

tl(\r'Oll~ nVpl!l'll.t!Oll. 1I11I-hc.l tht: lugoolluruill. It iCtlmJ Lu work "l'Il.

Ot;n I'IMthy lI:reet lo'OlIIILII ...-IOllcr hnJ

rtl,.'t'llt1r Cllll!lCll tltt: itret:llI to Ill.l t1cnllt'tlnuu put III "llp tolJ l..'Omlltlon.·'

HEI'AII~ IUlil c1l11l1gCi 011 the :\Iary 'I'Ay-101' II~ :'lpprollcltlllg l'01I11111,tIUII. "hewill !'OOli be 1'(::1,1)' fur 1I1l1y (1).;11111.

Tin: rc\'Clll1C cuttcr t:orwill. nllC~ thc11"111 hOIl-.c LCll1lcr. 'hubrlck, wert wth IIIo~r hllrl,)or n portloll or time thl~ week,

TilE P. 1'11. fitr. Cltr or Chc~ler "rrh'l'dlit till! port <in 'l'hlll',oi(IAY ll\-t. lit 1 ,\, M.~he tmmght lip oi Iltlol3Cugel1 lIud .1M101111 of llIen..hlllldl~. nllUKcthllr. I:.!

tUII'" of whit-II ""el'~ lor l'Clrt Towll"'t!ud.

'I'll .. ooJ who 11lI\'e nt Ihilt'''' been guiltyollll."lIlrbllll: publh wOl"'hl11. h:lve tl'CCllt­Iy been rll~I'f11l1; I'Ill'Ourll::cllll'ut 111 theIhUIk: ot lUI eXlltlllll\' br )'C,lUllg j1;lrli ap·pronclllllg WUlIIllllllfM.d.

Wt: 1111\"1,1 notll'e'ol l"OlIi'hll'l'nlJlo rrllit IIItile llllltket In~l'\! hlldy. Irom )1Ci'~N. LIIUI­herl,.t I.l1l1bal'!l. nf Pm'lIallcl, TIlC'~e J.(I!II.llcIllClllllIl"doXL'CII~llt :Ill,lllcilull to tll",lr("n;tCllllCI~. 0)' !ctHllllg ol1f Ilothlll~ butIIr-t-OIIlM rrult. '!'hl:~' IUC Ilvilli: "thrlv­

Ilill bmln~$.WE lin: 11I()rhlt>(1 ro ~1I~s Em Chllprllllll.

fnrlllerl}- offhl'4 IJbll..'tl. bllt tit 111'\''' II\,·IIlK III lIer Olll hOllle. Xcwlon, 10""'1, Illr'''11'11S nr low:\ \l'.per;.. 11I1lIe roll. kllllll.\·k:llt (lut. \\'llIlNll" 1110 "l(l1Y1l til;&l., 1l,'Iot"­I-IN." nllil thl.' ".Inllpcr QlIIllry 111\11:11('1111­CIIl." Tlll~ fllvOr'~ llllllredllll,."I.

'I'1lY. c!lIxmcr MI-t reLllrllClI (1II1l wed•.Ilrrlvlu~ "II TUl·~llr A, )1. Mr. J!n,lIl1l,·\.IOI'!S 11m allt:1lI11t Iu t(,'il'llll the SUllkcllrllllm:Il.l 11'011 a fnlhll? tlll1~ fMr. flU llWOtllltI)flool ""clltlll-r. Ifll~:IP till')' \'I,·rtllll thewreck ol'lhe khllOtlCr CQnri!d, nlld Ilmt,,1"'llt;O lflllS ul' lUcrch:ulIlI&Il bat! !JeHU1lI\'l'll from her C:1rgo.

Ih:AI. Jo~~TAn: So1.D.-The H1gllt limnat &'Ow ~ny. WIIIlllJld lit ntlruluIHr:1I0r·...~lk 1111 MOlhlnv, for Ihl! renll()lll\blc '11m III

. *,1:1.'i-1I Mr. AlilleriOll. of I'ort GMlIlbh'.lNllI, thc IJlII'eh:lil'r. Tho hOll5(l lIml lotIII lhl. c11'l'. ntlvcrll;lCl.1 by Mr. EI~Cllbcl"

10 he ~(lhl: Wi'll 11181lOSCli of 011 the ,1~lIlellll)' to lir. t:lldell. o( thlllllllll.'e, fur $GOO,

Rr;v. W. I. CU~I)lir, till.' "ne~' MetllOllist

Iltl'lIl'hei," dellvcn:d lWO exccllcllt 5(lr­1110llS III the )1. };. c!llln'" IIL~t :::kmlhr. 10~I1Jln.'chltl,u Ilndlutll'(';l. lIu ",'IlI,,:()llllncftlte \HUll) II'.'r\'IL'e!l there Ilcxt ~ llld:'l}'.

'J'I'll)'Or lIlootllli Ihlll tl\'cnillj! 11'4 11511111.tin» IIlI'Ctll1jt Ilcxt SlIne)IIY Ulornlll,lt. IIll­lIlcdlllWIY'llfier ocrvke. All Aloe 11I\'lteU.

TlI!::16tWllllalll'o 1111011 thtllJlSlrlct Cnurl!clOlllou, 11I1~ \'f~k, III 1I0t Vet)' hll·~c.

AIllOhi I!I;\ nltllrlle)'.4 lrom IIbroad, Wll110;.\00 U rJ. Sh'l,l\'l~, uf OIYIIlIllll. nllli!IcXllllght. lllltktl 11.1111 nllUfUld, orScfU­Ih·. The IWO pro;ICClllhlJ.( anol'1I6J' are"Ull 11101111.1", IL~ lI,mlll. A lHllIIlkrool'l'\ll­I'l.Clllllre III (OWll froil! ClnIIIOI. ~ll Jlllltl,hhtntl nlld WlllItc<lllll'OUlIlIOl. f'lr the Ill;·l'h'lr"o ofjur~' IIl1lt olhtr dutlcli t1nrlu~ tllok~·lon.

Till! 8l0il1l16r Dlip:ltdl hi" rel"llved Ix­1I!t1~lvu NlP'lt~ I\'hlch lnllku her IflOh Ill<",a..othor bont. 13ht! lUll lk.-ell IlKi'l11l Vtnwd

Mllut)' 011 her Olll rOllted, llIllI CIII*,ln)lllllroc II1lthorl'l.l'!l llJi t" . ~~. tllllt ''I'e IIllIyhercMrttlr eXIM.'C~ lIIurtl lClo:"lnr nrtlv.ll.. RlldlIcplltlllrt·K. 8ho will tCIiVO tIll; 111~1..'C forXeah Day nlld Wllr port 011 ~uIIIIIlY

luorultlgtl, lit (t o'do.:k; 1'1l1llr1l11l1ol' willICIlVU for St:holllu fUld Will portil, 011'1'hursdny 1I10rlllll~i lit Ulll~.

:\til. Will. 1'1l}'IIO. of l1utl,l:;cncu. ntIJre-Cllt cllg,l~ClI hi thr logglll~ hUrillll'Uat C~1lt 1.1:IY. li't1:ulI Co.• 11'11 III tt.JII'IlI,st IVI.'ek. :\Ir. 1':l)"l1u llrollp;ht Ill':& b4101IIof 10~5 IWllIe llillU Illl1ce, lUll I 11I11\- h:L~ till·olller n:nlly feU' rowlujiC. II~ bnlll .'l dlUle

frfllll Ihe tOil of thu IIII'll hili" shurt lUll­U,lh,'e lrolll tlllu.Wlllllr. Illllllhlill. till' hl!;'"lOOut lll\lllo 011" !kldclt'll to:lcl, ULldll~

lhe hl.Uer part of thlJl ~a"OlI ho IlIlt (rolll12.000 to 13.000 f.'('t of log. IWr l.h,y 111[0hi, boom, with a crow of ;H:Ycn. Pre:!)'lood wOI·k. .








1)1 r(jllTr.K l"-

StOV<8S, Tinware,J'U m'>,. I -' {1I:0); 1'1I'Jl.IJU~I1·:',.- Il~O); PIJ'H,J'U~II·>'. I - J1:0:- PI!'];•

House-Furnishing Hard\¥are.PHI1IE QUAl.IT\',


For e"ul IL:tit!t' tDo"\Je or euIll

JOliN 'J',

At reaAcm.. hlc r:lt,"l'I :111,1 I' "U/ollltlr:'OlIlo"1.


A~D COYUISSIO\ llEl:lI! \\".!

Boots and Shoes'Of the vuy L\test. qualiti~ iUltl ill t:oe

Lo.tct.t PlI.:.terns.



Arctic OYer-Shoes.

Port T<lIwu'lenl]

Boot and- i :1"1 •

I""'illlll'" Shoe St~;0/


Gtat'a, !.-diM', MiMe!I' llUllihild""n'.

Rubber Over-Shoes.

Good lln·l\llli lir'~·I' \\,.·...1alwuyll(lll hl~lli. .\11";':/>(,11'.111.:

TIJlUTJI\·"t\\·. A 1.\\ l\l'O U" U"ll,

This it tbe l'Arge... t. a!lfl n'M ~It"'fotllltoek (If Boola 1.11.1 Slu .. l.'I un

PllS'~t. Soul.d, (,cJlllpri:oillgD__.e _ad N"I'n nt'~jllua.

___.'11 (,h"II,·cl_" nIJlf'kll1;.F,... k JllllfO,·1II

'''••I· ..•.. r.M'r "''''''101110..Mbta4l Nilio "1111 ~""III""

M_ "',"UII".UrC"'t·..,. ,f,·.. l· .. II.II.....&1I...11I111: .....1 III.r"".... "<'''''ulO".

t:1k:.. t:IC".. I;'•.

VNIels Du.ehllrgNI,.FreighlA ('.olll'{'tl"l\

,....ll!lill~' f ••!l1 :".' ",.: (,:,

Mell's, lklyK',u",lit:t', )l;S&llM',

IU.l! Chiltl""n 11

H, L. TIBBALS & CO. 'SSUPERW1' l·.I::.lJf.·.

A romplct.e lIA80l·tmtlnli .,fWM1SCELLA1"'EOU~ ~TOUI,,-~

Fo.... rdlllC" a .. 11 4 ......"' " ':., ..1"'·...,'rull'l.lly "11~·IIII II'"

And'ing eJleeut"d 1111 U",U'L. allll

Mtisfa.cti(ln j.;'Iar::t.uteeJ.

.. r ... , .''''''",,11,",'' .... 11.1' ••••1.11.I.. ~U.. j"'·,I.

WI hav•• GREAl' HEV~KENCBlor Cam Cu-'itomtML

-AGI~\"T:S 1"UI:­SteilACOOlJ1 Bt..,.r,

BeAttlo [k('r, aUtI I.l"·" gr" ')I

Soda \\·llt'·I·lla'ui 1:.>0: I~l('p

...11 bu.lll", elllr"~I,'1l 1"'''I''·~''· ,,11 " ... ~I".V'''IIlI,1 ull .."llo'"

TUlliO Merel,.."""t "OIl ·.·",t .... ''"'''~ willIII)' lhllt WI! r-<:elvtI "'I p,nr "'~M'..",,1 . ,;., .(WltIblle"ln t'lf )'onr 1,.. I.h· 1... ·_.: " ... '"" "O':~n:~r~j 1~1=~vf,;~I,~ ,~':::::;::~'.:: '.'I·'~'· " ,I: 'l~~1IlUrll·KXl.t"r'n.. b)·}';lr ,. ,,, 'tonita~·::~u,:~~~~r..~~t,.:.; 01 l ,.

If.... ·r'llll' .....~.·,.""rIT" _II'" \,'. '1'.



Ship Chandlery•




Wbolesale and Retlil-DUJ.1Jl JX-


BAr.TL~:rr·s COI.Uml.

The Lowest Prices.


Bartlwa.1'C, Hardwa:re,Ha.rdware,

Crockery,Crockery. l'rockl'r,..






Doors alla IfllldQws,FaNning I"I"lJlenteuls,

FU'rn(t"re,Jl'all P"p....

Plows,And. Large &8sortmcnt of Goods not

eourncntcd, which .....0will JClJ at


Th. Fi.... Stocit of


Port TOwDSend.W.T.


C1~!d aDl~ repa.ired \>y • tint. cillo,.y,·orkm.a.n !lad 'WArranted

for ono ,.ear.

C. C. BARTLETT, Prop'r.

~~lJto ~ Gnu ll3ItOrtluent of

Cicek., I Solid oodClock., .. I'latedi'IHleheles,' SUT.r:Spectacl~~, )Vare,

W .E~c, Fich) and :Murine OIlUleioSAlU!icnllnstrumcnt.a,

Etr., Etc.



JewelryStore ~o~piTA~1Central Hotol'builcliDg,Head o[ UnioD Wharf,

Goods Warranted as represenled.

A yOUDS m&.u .'Tit,," to lnqt1ire if i\ to tue hold of ~ young Illdiea':mn in 'jro1U'lDadin~. lJertDiuly it ill~{lthin~ l()l",k", 80 nico aA too /leu It ta.ll)'oath .·u.llcing with. Ilttln Indy 'l,boCOIn!".i nor. Dp to hill tthouhler, wit.h hi!l~I'lll hookN lJ1~O hen!, liiting her 11Itlf olfIll'r !{:et I;wry time ho »t"pit TILe DI!Ureryou emn l'Ml.:h thl' "l'I> of tftLingA. lally into cliMtodllY like " policeman,tbe lnort! ~1lt~1 it i~ you know.

rn."."", I'lff'k'!'ll.• , t. 1"1\.u,.-.I" ", I'orwnd, WJ"lUV. "..,.. "'., IIdllnr

&1 Jar_t!U...., ..hI I. l'ortllud Ib'!:lankll 'l~ &1 1 rer MIt.

• .,...llu,..,..


Tf:ItoI.'Talot.k lAMIItT'f un St'_ YllI't. 1~Mll. 1_Uli1lJll.


LnuJOOOJ., Sept, 3.COnON-Hardening. UpllWd., O%,d.

OrlelUil\, Oy'd.'-------

8A~ Fr.A)'cuKIO, Sfpt. 3.Pm8T Dl.U'ATClI.

No tUrkd rllport, (OD accouut of ,!OD.C'Bfc.GO III.UJtnl.

(,.8IC.OO, Sept. 3.WBUT-86X@86}(oplrbatorOctober.BACON-Shan rib lIid9, , .. 70.POUK-$8 Illy' wed r., October.LARD-S5 7~ ••ked for Oalow.

ItlfW IOU'l.Nww 1'ou, Sept. S.

Hf' w:u iuc1iued to be fncetioul\·;Whstqull.lIticitt: of IIripcII.lfWlS10U keepbere, Mi." ~tebLinll Sire room (or a.dock,,! to get. into." "Make youneUII.t horoe,' IIh" 'rapondMt, with IweetgraTic,.

.-INANCIAI, AND COJl!lENCIALCmsar's MlUtary Tratniog.

It iR a l'cry rtllilirkilblol ract thllt OMof lhe four ,u"l}-cminf.·nt qcnernls of alltirctllihnuhl bawl Ilt':lrly ro:Ilched middle1lJ;l' beforp ht' evtlr ''OlIlloanded an arlllf,or <,,·en witn~1 :L reglll,lr battle.

AI"),nnd~l', Ihumib.l Ilnd Napoleonwere stutlf'tlt.'I of "'ar frool ('Lildhood.Bnd .·t>ro prominent. actors Md lel~len

in it while Pitill nwrc youths. But Jul·iu'l (""esar, their f'flual :lml ~le equlli inmilitArv IILilit)" Bod farne, flaW onlyIOCle tnning combllh in his early 1111.'11,I1Ild then "·llit.ed for his thirty·ninthyeat before he headed the JegioIUl inSpain, and for biB forty.iliird before heeommenCf'd Ilis L'Itoniahing CGrecr inGaat 'fo many Romans of th&t dAy itmwR. have betn a greut .urpriae to leIorQthat this latfllcbolu in a m08t. difficultarL had g,uoed decisi"e Tictoriea overthe dL"lhing Lu\itaniam Illld the stub­born Hel.,etianlL

I t is still... ma.rvel. Very fow cuesa.t. .11 like it ute reeonled in history.ClOmwell, indeed, .....0.. forty·three ycarsohl when ho became tL Mldierj andMarlborough "·llH tift.y·t ....o when he firltt.commanded II IWorgt! o.rll1)·. Hut CrolU'well "Nas three YCILI'fI in b'1'Owing up tolea..lonhipl and nuver OIlC/J hnd to wres·tIe with u rt"lLlly lIbl/J en.ptainj whileMarlborough Wail aided in hill openingcampaign by the nbunda.nt eKperionceand brilJian& tAlcllUo of Prince EUl;tfoe.Here, moreover, our Jist of parallels withClelllLr in this particulnr mUllt end. AUother emiDent gencral.a have lleen muchmilitary service in "nrly life, ADd themljority of tbe m06t eminent htt..,e COlDeearly to oommanll. .

Yet here is a no\'ice in warfare. weDon toward unplia.ble and cautious middle.. wbo exhibit. eyery militllry quality.How could it be lOt Of COUl'88 be haddrawn lOme IOldierly eduClltion. bothmOl'&t and intellectual, from the circum·Itances of his time lind l'$Cft. The bu·man breed of which he llpraug was emi­nently martial io history and charaeter.Nearly e.,ery young Rolllitn fel.t boundto b8 more or leM of a soldier, andnearly elluY10ung gt:ntletoan of RomelKlugbt to tit hiwaell for In officer.c...r, like Lucullus, had no doubt. stud­ied the ca.npaigns of great,and bad sbo, no doubt, It:t.rned IOm~

thiDg t'rom bis intimaey with militaryleaders. But for all tbt, wben he ell,tered lipan bis life &8 a l-'tt1eral be waslittle more than civilian. Pillolf atFort Donelson iUld Butl~r at Fort.Fisher had leeu at leut u much of wara' the greatCit of Rom 1111 "'ben be IttJorth to al'Ttlt tho Helvetic llonlaoche.How is it that he .".a... instAntly able tollhow him~lf a mightier cbief tban theworld had ICeD since the dllYS of H.anni·001, or thlUl the world W{\8 delltineda~'8in to lee antil the daYIL of NapolconlThfl only poaibl" reply i, tha.t. every DOWantI tben Jl.l1tnre makes a. Wlln wbo il 11marveJ and can do 6vel'Jtblng.-$ept.em­her Atlantic.


- ..--- -An uptown Inun wbf!n u kCl.lla,,: unn·in!:: if he ..0.'C iO 1I1em't.·r IIf a tc·rtl\inchurch. replied: "W.·1!, J ll'JDllDj boolievu lllrn ilOrt of 1\0 l,ononlry ulcluLcror KOraethiug. .Anyhow, .....hen ~be-y h"...eQ, dobtltion, I Il1way. IlCUJ ~rut'tbing


A phot.ognphl'r io the ioter:Or of:MichigAn udyerti,," among W. atx....aoriet "a new (rout pte-juI~ tho thingfor a lo"er'. picture." lIe ouaM to Iel-;,;.N a li"C'!J ruD of CUlLom.

Jn t1Ut :&.3tern part of London on It

recent Sunday.!n churchell belong·ing t.o the ettabliRhment., and bavine alItating capacity of 14,47M, ,,'ere visited,and na.ctly 901S peMWlt\ll TJl'e!K'nt in thetifwen; ill four of tbenl ooly 156penKln... were found. About the ItUUO

timo elovt!Q 1I0l1contormt.t ('burehea intho lame }\Ilrt. of the cit)· were vi.!'itedlUId ~,~OO wo",bil'JlC-f'S "'ere f"uJld. Aoonespoade:nJt b.laeJ on thCM figumJ,and touching tbe question of di8elrt&b.liAhment has been ltarted in ~he Timoaof London. The 1aJn, Spectator, in 0.

IODg article on I.hi" eEtraordioary in­diff'erence to Nligion, makes 'be~lina aaertion that "the working clM&C8of Eu\ LeDdon do not. 80 to church orC&N aoou\ religion in any way," andaddt u"the tDOfJl. ttrikiug fart. of all~"

that no mo.ement or c~ of PI'&Yucom.. '.rom them for pla.e. to wo",hipin or fw IDM to preach to thf'Dl; ~1h1l8e...n m.-es or Engliab folk, male aDdfe-male, no more uk loT clergymen orcburcltel or religioa t.4JQcbiog of anykind tJl:an Iiah. I.!k for 6.tberm....n;.. andagain: d'Tbere IIJ'\t more thAD a minionor people flpoO ..bCltD drt't!WIUOOMha"'e laid whit w.ed to be tailed inCatbolic foantri"lIlIJJ lo1Atrdict., .ileneillgall bella, witbtlrawifl~ IIU print.!, _but.t.i.Dg All MCmd hailtlip".. fLDd no:. one ina hundred ('~ nor", oDe in ten 10ltluch a. fully of the ,1itTercDNbe..ween the re.~on htl lhe8 in Bod lbereit. (,f tho "'orl,l It ill &hiJ whichl!ItriltCK Ult 1M rIQ wouclt:rflll IDdso littlen"Xt..:ilI.l No OUtl}r reol Ie, e"~pt tbe(;hin!..-(',I(\·IG to 1t in thll~ from~ ufmiJld."

Laylllg Out a Farm.


A U\l.n .'ho "_'lleda 1~ bui!11 1\ ~pwb0U5e J.,"O(t1 intO all llrcwt.<e( Ii ~ft~l'tl'n. him the rrobAble sill' of a hllllJIlle:

fa can Afford tu put up, und tnl' snrt ofUN he n"l(luirM of th fiJlish:,~ hn\l""~The a.Tcllitect. btginl to l"UbdlVldl' till)

"''TOWW r1an, trying to ~lroducc theb'l'eat~t rc-iUe amount Of 1:M:':lut~· lUl.ll

oomfort. out. of tbe limited KpBt·fl at Ill"tOmm:UltL fMh room mu.<;;t. fulfill ~b0,,", purpol8; \here must 1M!! :l tl~fhllt...and elegant. proportion btt Wetn Ultf

~ &OJ the rooms mtht f.>ml om'LarmomoUi r.ud t'ODvwil'Dt _-holt'o It.iI Dot. qUl!CUOD of making:to checker·bo&rd plan, "iLh rotlma aU of tho u,melief. 'ne boUle in which ~oencl"&~onthtr generation of toiling. anXJODlIiDten and WOlDen &re to live, is worthy\he reoeiring ~ almost. eDdJeIlS de&iguud alUeleee patience.

nut.. man who upetta to bur allowfarm hal neither any Illan of hill OW~I

.or even believOI that Iny )JlM L~

Deee.ary. Jto nefer entered into hillUaoaghta that. th.. I\lrfllCC of a. fann himuch more important tlU1.11 the ~.undfloor of bill hOU8ej that a oo~lIy dmdCtIfarm iJ WOI"l8 tban an in{.'Om-enilmt Iypartitioned hoaM,.and that, In tille, thoproper laying off of .. fann, into t1JeTery Le6t aiua and lIilApeI of fie1dK,although not Jet known t\5 '" llrofession,deMIrvefl, most ..uredly, to ro.nk.amon.sthe first. 'rho wise farmer, leaVing hll....ehiteet to dl'&" at.airw..vl and dOlMlLs,....ill therefore betake himself to lOwehiU.tol\ or tank.houlJe lIummit. fromwhich to obtain & bird'&-e\·o ,"iey of thelama below. .

l"t. ill, of COUnt', probaUle that. lOmekind of .. diviaion alrendy obr.ains.)(0It of the farml in this Statl': arefenced about., and han won: or less in·terior fencing. But the point is: btbit on .. plan. or i8 it hlp-hazard aDdaccidental 1 Are the tieltJs all of thebelt poer:ible me' It euh one .. ron·Tenieot to aecea: lUI poMible J Is t.bereDO ...,.oidable 'Wute of labor, either ofmen or of teams in getting to or fromthe fi 1d.11 .o\re an., fenl.-e anglel 10scute th&1. WMte of land . inl,.'Urrf:d ,.Are there any unnoeessarv corrals andfragmentary {enoee near 'the stables 1In brief, is there any formuJateJ. plan ataU, or any reuon fer the Jocation of aaiDgle fenee, or any working towanbl acomplete wh3le' Tbetto llIe qUertiOMwhich DW1y a .ueoellful faru:er ,.·ould6.nd it to his profit in conaiderin&.

The tendency of imprond farming i..!toward lmall fields anti to accurate alJItem. of IWTOW lanes, then t'ft(.·h fieldcaD bo eaaily t'E.'flthcd. But it is not agood plan to u,.. •11 the 6.1.1$ of tb.lame lise. In a f&rm of one hundreduulli:rty &CftlI \bere might be one Heldof forty acrellt two of twenty acl"elJ, IUldthe reat of teD &ereI apieee. (f a partwere poorer IOU tblUl the rct5t the hugerSelda ahould be lhere. The riche.t lIOilshould be tbo mOlt lIubdivided. Theuact. life of each field ,bonld be knownand kept on reoord. MOURe, ontbuild.inp, JanI", garden and orchard abouMoocupy a definite tract, IlLy an even tenacres, and Dot e:rtend ir~"U1arIJ and un·ae.rt&inly iuta the I'Cftt of the farm, as ""i11be noticed on mOlt. old ll1Ace&

The bighett CIaiIDl of thil system of£ann IJTI.D.gemen' lie in the ",h'antlg~

it otrcra to a cs.reful rotAtion of crops,and a aLref,,1 .,lItem uf experiment&Too OWly men judp of the relath-e size01 a crop by· their iml)..uOlUl merely.They tkiat ihcir wheat wu better thilJMr t.baD lut-tbey cunot tell yOll howIll"" They p<'6fer clob to Aualnlliaa,bat jutily _ ... by DO roconlo in...... farm o[ private experi._to. Tbe dar "" Up·bazard lanniogW _ bT in b ia plai.'&hat, oyer wide anu, fertililing allllt

beIin, aDd: there mut be more of .th.t....tu1 calti...... "lUeb ia _ """,.:::.~ willi ....u field, IIId ...u-<on.

ro&aQOIl ~ ~,Nrealand fonee

~ a:ad. met.bod .r di.wiil1g op alanD woWd IeItD W be Te" mucll aooord·~~ the IQrfaee 01 the' 8Oi~ atld tbe-Yon of the hOOlt, whether nea.r lb.JUkUe or at. one aide. Reet:a.bgular fieldaare lDaU Lhan an,. oU1~ form,and tile ~lelogram io. deeinbl. fo....We were pleaeed with a farm "'0 oo.ce.w, where a lane extended from sideto tide, with ptes at I'f'gUIar il1teM'alis.into fieidA on each aide. B,. NCb gate a.....ter trou~h .toed, supplied bf a pipefrom tbo mail1 t&I1k near tle boase, nnd(lO.,ered with a lid wheo nol. in u,e, nlOayatCIIl of rotAtioo pt&ctieed W:1l: Comor bean" one year, then lOme root crop,&ben wheat. No crop weat. twice in IUC.

-.ion on the ltame field. Ample rcconls'Went kept aDd tho rtltilta ba\'e IlI",o.y8]l&id for thtl exWu. trouble.

Some men are C81,th·.ted. by a WODl.

u', laugh, jUlt aa lOme tnf'Q predict. •

clpleuant. day, becauRe tbe un Ihioel oa'

ear for a lIlomeuL They forgeL the"""""" [or equal'"_-'-:-_--

Why are good reeolutiona like a 9qnaU.~1 at. a cburcM Because they

alwa,. be aa.rnfd oaL

Oregon Kidney Tea!S"Mt\,. I NoWlIN

DAcaACIIE. KldufY COmp·alDL

t'OR SAl," HV.\Ll:DRUGG1~T8.Uodlle~Da"I!l4:C;o•• Proprle.ton.

lOLl: "GE~~ ruB. THK UNlJVAL1.ID

8T.lNDARD AND IllTl' OBOllS,0. W', pUJrnQl • 00

lIIDo1t Dealtfl, PonIaotI. I'IfOI'



80LD BY ","1. ORt1UQI8T8..."I~I",

Md llMafadlll'tR

Tools (or flaolttg', Moltlll!g' and TIlI'aiI«."'a"lot ann.b...... n •• \fl "M'II:, ... aU

kl.I'" fit are"'Ul ".rk d_e. C. liNer..lltn fJ1tll.ll*b1no.Il rtpiIlnd on tbcIn ~or. Par

lkubt UWlIIti n pioJd la DoIlorr W'Grtl. lUlll"Irh 1tl:Id' and ~ptlrtil.

[ron .li·eneing A. lpecialty,!fit, ... I'real itree.. I"Itr1I_d, Ont:...

Jlt:: lIl'



TIle III1L1cnl~lllI tu.. JIIJt lIMn art'OIltMd &Ie Arent 1MlJt'\otI)~, 1It·....1tJ ton tltI J 'or

PREElt4A.N' • &0.1\1"'.t totnalo" ,\f.n~ or

"rer.,rlf'lt. "1I"tlll. f· Alll ••rla.... " .....1..."Jilt).....",r.....'" r ~I".d 'lOt tfnrk,Lo

"".lilad.. La". 'MU ad Onl.'III'''''' a JlIH!f"I.&II"

I am ptt~ 14 ttI",:.h .1I~. aI; CW\\lf;", ""...

~o GOOt'o"l f \llRIBD IK In'OCl.C~in• .ttW··J"l't'Clfn.- the

8,\\lI'U~ 0 ... UU181T10YAt.,or.~ nll\'IIJ'''111111l.''~ 601 Ca'oIlopt lUIolI

::~~:h.t :i.. ~"'.t ~rMo:nl:,tn\tl, ~~"'''C«,

'Til...1'1.11 ....... f:ftlUllllnN ".a.rl Pl ...!ita.d. '''.'''''1•• lIb " ..tr1I_r: ..

~llIbfo a,.b'~ .t11".1•• 1:.&1'1.I••••t Wak,••

AIMI,... lur thlW lull "ud PoU.~tbnt!tMcl, MtIIplat". Iw'" V. II 11-.1.. Aq-tul.~ JIIM out. hi tOld '0)1' U 00. 0Ik ankiIeI at.~uq"_II<:'OrtIL AtWt-

A" ·t,1>,:1 -.t, ) ,'1 to r~·1.

James McMurray.

65CEN'TSSent to our Office. vve will send

The San FrancllCO



TH EWEEKlY CHRONIClE IS AN ElBHT PABE PAPER, 64 em....ContaininlJ the entire Dews of tbe week.

'1'Iw,.lt.N1I\tJ;lWoOD""<r"IIX!:l}"""""~ _NIu • .... f1l

Adjustable Stminer !.i.\U ('t!<lf IJ!:O~ tlT£.UIDt..

NA'l'IONALnusiness CoUeA'e.PRI.PAR_S 'OR BUS.fless\nd the 11~lc:aI 4utlolllt at 11ft In. fJW

n~I~:.I:~"r~~~;:~uA~~%1',lOlIlI:yo."lp and tIM EAri,tl'lbraodl..."91' fun IDI"rmalian a.\L1,..

DaYRANCY. " "H1T'~PoI1Ja.d. DrIt.

.i. A.. ~TltU\VJnUI.)OE.

DI...t Imporler .."d Ot&l" oil


No-HI r_al til.•

IIOL'iO~ .. Imn,

rortlalld, 0rrflIII


G-UN''''CUNSG-UN'B'U.ltlIlIUIIIOU'II, /.t.'IItIU\itoU·••l'tllt,rp'lI lind ~hnrll'" IIDd

Wluch..... ' .. r Wlnl'h... loirHuI!'., ------ HHII' ,

.\nfJ Oarlrl,lilll,ofMllklnd'''1 redllceJ ple~"

IIY \V"r, nCOIi: &t ~Oi'\·.'\.1... .....rl·llll.'.~

Wllteh II wp/'rl(lr til ~I utl:rn.



Sond tor Clreular and Sample CoP1. Seut Free on appUeatloLTERMS-WEEKLY CHRONIOLE, ':UO per year; DAILY CHRONIOLB;

16.70 per y.... poo~ paid. A<ldzoMClUi. De T.... tit ce., ...._



Beer,Ale and:Porter

\'uart:_'-I_: £1 <:\.I!•• r ..IAMUI,lpt ..U.oal.lb6ft.

£JWrr_ flultt t It.cod Ie .Al we_till,.1btt@t• .:at -, _u: • t· rrwe or lllr. 1.".., h,

t ..o ...... t.. ....".. , .., '1. ,-I).~"""-..I.,th lui'fMt.,,-. In t. '"•.:, .... l III h:;.pt)Nl>I.. 10 I.',", 1n<"l.tor

\'ltUbltltUtll.I.\: If ~-1..t1:. W~..n th.tlU'tt.o, Ihat. . .. ", _.t \..u ll"" 1'OOoi'.II.(Uoll·"j1,dl;ll:... t,.·)tr·l:t ',nbt·~lI~(tltlJe

I~ .:. 'I'M) at' J'I·~. ~ i' ,,~~·.. I.;) ntln'7 '"U!~1~1~.t th ~lr.,.r,t ~:d"l r u't Ilr rdlt .td .. ,\.I) •k'II:'t"T·lIl~,t·t"I,. , ;ya..'··.tfoJ. ~11e:-I"l'n or J ." ..I.'J· t· .~ ".u.l_-.1t.1" ?.1..... '

Sold by Agents for 15c Each.


"~"et'YalanIlis ownMilIel'

Schlitz' :Pilsner: Milwaukie Beer.ICpt! tl

U~r.lor,lrn<,l')rlorad '>l'r.i"" t:rttl­ltor. to

'V. l"'. \Vl : .....T.u"tJ I.. 1.·ol·1111ncl. (.JUIl.

Cyrus Noble DlltillerylLTScnBUltO, OUIO.

AJIcIIl..,. 0II1u....h 1uTt~tof 1MfoI~t••orite ",..",. 01


UGh.iil Wtl'UAd•Weller'. (Md Bot.trtl9.

ao"U_tal I\0Il"-..u.&O Old Iflt:t:r~~ 11,.:

t'oroi;rn llQll Dont tic .·11Iff,

8n.ndJelA~':i~b~lIn.rmil'''" 0(!titLe,. &lid CaM 000!It.

D .......... ftnI ...... PMi&aa4L ....

.i.O&''f!'S POa


~VCeklyilec,~AGENTS-VIA ·fED~

I~ EVErlY TOW'" O~ Till;" \J:"U Il'l."tJ.Vl't'fllXCI.: Wrltl ro'l' t"'T_.

D. H. STEARNS,PUIU,I .. utlt. I'UI:1'I,\1\ O. Ot;.~

NelCbu,I'!}, Clutlnna,n cr· CO.'8,100 n,.e 81""'1. l'oru..,.,I, Ortjl'~n.

It I.l' m:l"1I1 of .lnll'helly a~d ..lfl,etl., llLllIly. COli"only'IOO. ,U mmllk1t•• 1111 w""~ s:.o lb., e.u

ulnd wlLh It In th. IIr1L1 or h.rn ll.IId .ve O:lC'~hlrd III tit. crop bJ' h. Tho burr runlllkto

tho evUnder 01 l' ~hTe-her....'1lIa\ llo~'lJII('&\,' .t<lntI, 01 • brUilt on •

WhHl t:UI') \Il·...~h~lII~n

uu~ht 10 h'\Yo oa. to8h(ll' .crctnh'p.

W.J. VanScbuJYsr &Co"

Wine and SpiritMERCHANTS!


A new' .,ortnble family fruit drier,~t AtJ'le, ml\Y be bougb~ for eS5, byApplyiJlj.t At the Bl:£ office, Po~l!\nd,Oregon. uu ~~·tf

D'UBO:CS d:t :H:.XISrG,General Agf'aU,

CommllJllou Dod }'orwardlng Herelum',.1(11 .·'~r~~1~beD. "It ~M:I;~:I::)Mv11

F.Ipeellll Itlell1lol1 1l'Inn to t!lll ,_I. or "'001,Flour, Oralo aDd ProduOila ('orUlod aad8&aJ'raDell.a. feb 19-1m


It "'ltJl th- ben IlllDC I II." lit lhe Cf'oleo.nlal A. J. Dufur, COlu11l1 looer,Ole!lOn,

l""'Jnd,e In )1m DrpartmtDtllllhe C.-n­lennlal. Il.ollhOpntlulum. JI1-t",h"le'·er,lartlU!!l'nel'th, In U~o"._M Wlll1lu .J"n!.ld~rltO~,oa !'Hal' Alt:tl('ullurall:ioclt:Lr,

t h••,. Irled II.. Oramll! "'Inurlnlt )tt1l, and",Uh 700 re'l'ohlll""" per ",lnu,,, l"'IJn(J ::a bU_h_II. In I hoo...n,l .. mlnulM. tI'UI wllh IQJ) N'\'­nhul"l!' per mlll"l" mlll'l r Illll''' 11 .....111... U).­Jacob COuu:r, Inunder 01 Jrl!\!1'I01I »111 ,

Wrlu""bfiJlh"l f;",'1I11 :'tllli 10 nor t1:nll:.tPIIW pol'll'fr .mllf",un'IO;"~,lJItl'lo!",forn lloud....fl.'. luanl'l:: lblOtliCh ;.; htl.btl, tn llliollf'O.wllh ':00 n~'Ullullon .. I'''' "lluut... It fil'tP1t IIIWOllI: W II .nll qnlrlc "pd l't Itll H col",m'.­J"..... 1'.. rl~lI. Chltr;!!. :Il1,lf'r. F'It:l: :'>1111 LV..J~afnDU,Olel,JlI,

About Albums.


(An 0111 minCl') Teeoma, Nevnd&.

]f yon are going to IXlU\t your houS(',bani wagon or UlQcltinery, the ,,'ondl·r·fUll~llpcrisht1blo Mixl'l.l Paint. is lIurclytho 1x"'~ for it. hi ,vllmmted by theiragcnta in your own town lIot t.o clmlk,cmck. 1't.'e1 or blister; to l'Ol'~r Letter lindwork luler HUUI lOnT f)lhllr ptt.lnl. Tbe ImPflr.l,b"blel',\lnt wu """uded tnl dr.t premIum,Ol''Ir ..11 olber pAtnt',lIl Iblt Val1fnral. Hut« 1173. Iud &lIlt Gold Mldll It tbe O~oatllAt4i 18i$. Urt II elreullr trum tbelrAlftat .hl~1l. npllln' lbl. wondertl!1 dlleO"­erT. Try UUI plItot aDd lOU eel'll'a 1 wOlildbll" DO otb,~.


Engll8l1 VS. American.

/lq0¥'1il'li l.uJu.', WiscolI8in, ilf a (avorile,., resort. The lake iJI 1\ pond,

tbt c.lcvil iN miMJ by \he borL

l:tl(liIlOilQs, thflliolloOlniquoof thl\ II1lUic!.llI1I, b:lli mild!) himfiClf unl.lndun,hlyof.

~'tl by hill vul~nr fllPlilillrity), Lion:n11uo-liDulltlO met \Vell, yon ought.

'lllJ nn.mtl ilJ irl thl! plLpel'll olLen:::U{II," II r~tutL'l1 swell_" I tla~ lillY;

~~ ..lIeldon, If evor rClul tho 1'01lce reo

ExtreDlrly prott)' and wry amusingl'Ll o)ureeh'l Ameriettns a~ whnt '010'6 picture slbum~ nr(' from ~ut of

• lM'C tbe contlne-Ilt...l collntrle"j thf'J' are datl} f~hiou plate', :-ldect mutable"t.~~onIY flJreigulcrs ""I~o come I\RlOnSllIS fig-un'." Cllt. tlWIll 0111. arrnngc tbem

ill vi.iitOrll ant l unlit!!., iliON or <'S.'l sin~l~' or in ,!,'TOU)l.i, "ith phof.ohrrnphic:ui from bUl~inCtO." l'urpoSC'l. We Kl\)' heads of fricnll~ or celcbrn~ people

~~ ·i!!'1lcrs" ""ith lOpeciul intention. In whcre the bead (.f tho orit.,riua.l ""U!, nnd~.~ llor .11 tbt· continf>ntal rubhi~h of

~l,"" " f you have n. m08t amu:tin;; rage lxofore\'Ubli.; dinncn4 u.oout. our lJOUUUUIII Y' ~·ou. H you IlOSSt'&'l IlOlne artislic ddll,bIooot l\ud langllogc, there lue hl\rd~y two a hit of scenery ml"" be flkekhcd in with'Vilit.l'\l na\ions f3fther t\llllrt In all \.'Olor, shado""! fllhlec.l. ond tbe picture iH:'~ulials than the United ~tat{'il !,nc.l complcte. Some of the French plateAUle Unite--I f\:ingllolll; no t ...o ll11tlllD."1 31"0 the most. eIT«ti\'c. A fric.nd'8 fQCeate tU Ire rt'tl(lr to ll\k{, iII.n.'l~~lrotl 1I0tf' mny be fittt'fl mto B becoming bt. orof 01111another it faulLM anti foldl'S, It.ud to bonnet, IUld the fnce colored to maketbiervn ench olher through tbn yellow the ...·hulo complete. Thill L'i quicklyiDltersd of tbe fOIO.<lO\ored lens of tho done by mixins a little liquid vum withspectacles. Only ",ith u.~ in indi\'i~ual the t'Olor or putting it in, delicatelyCIlIo'!:I '" pa.!Wion for ltll thU1JtiC Atncncnn tintin... t.he choob brightly, _hile IItiJIill loy' no me:lR!C .1IIiCOtllll\Onj wbilo to ~nd wet. "Sweet faces of old friends, fright­01' of our couslns·g nnUD (very pa.rtlcu· ful in th6 old.fashioned flod uS;lybtIr t,;ermnn, with a strollg lIa.!l.b ~f I;anuen~ 81"0 cleverly rejuvenated{rilib mixture) who returns 1I1e .oomph- in these French Loileta. and tbenlI'Iunt. ~ 10 rare M t.o be pmctu:ally a rephotographed Tho ce.nter of 0.

tbill ff unknown, &Cret'n "":tlj c1e,·crl,. arrangedr~rh:ll"1S wbat. llCemed to us (entirely from th('8e 11]alcll with photographic

~w our point oi \'je'w) tlte most cbnr- flU.'ell Jt. consistcd of a l;Toupe of&ef,,)ri&ti,; Amel'icilll iIIulIion itt their im- frienulI, rot.h gcntlemrn llml ludica, ur.lIlonblo belief thlLl evory EngliAillllan, mngoc.l rnl if flitting in n.n opera box, uudwithout C'X1..-eption, ill an itl:jull1r,oon~r\'I1' WtLlS I1II..ue with LackgrollDd, whichuYGcrcnlurt', WhOCIlTl OC\,flr NW:fllll' from produced 11 Vflfy bfoautiful effect, a.s it805:(,(..1 ~roo\'o of t!lou~hts !~nd WlIYS, but throlltK tIl) tho bright. \.'0101'8 of tli"wh(} d(,lll'iM(''4 nll thoughtlUUld W:lYII that drestle~ and reaembles oi1l.'<1 panelling,am lIot hi/) 0""11; whillltho Allwril.:nn is un OIOUpS fonncd of children in the ex­G!.)f'tl minn('1,1 cosmopolitall' Acting IIpon tmvagant but piCtllI1.,'IIQUO oofitumC1 oftbi.~ principle, ICarcely any Americnn those fJllt.tes, but with tho fncealICruJlle.. to !inti f"ult, ..... ith oyorything of the childrcn ot 'lur lov(', ore RS~a Ilr ••lJe linJIl. here in 8utlh 0. WIly as to if they hlLd bcl'll touched with (\II'IlJJI ettndor betwcml the hound8 of po- magic wand, nnd turned into thelito"lll'iloIl. lUld to lut down tbe very mild· queon8 and princea of fCliry land. The... alLenlpt at defell&8 or apology M the divel'!ion of auran;;illg tbe groupl andatiJf·ue<:ked atubbornnfU of a man who selecting tho coatumCti fro,!, luch anIil'l'Il 011 8n illlllnd, OD thu otber hand, tmbarnutl:mflnt of preUy thmgs ILl thotan Kugli.hman I'reltUmehl to find fault fo'rench fashion platts ofl'er, is tboroughlywith tt.nlthing American, from moralll to appreciated by an invalid or 8ic~ child,wnnurt, from mllrriagd and murder to to whom amusement and occupation aredOlI) IllOYe8, thM ill to lOt down to tbe of more worth thr..n all tbe phyaic tbatlYle tiff·necked iDlNlaritl at lelUlL. if Macbeth thought fit onl! to throw to theIO~ to .. purpoM of inte.ntionaJ inau!tj dogs.-l.'incinnati Ouette..othat ill all American it OOImopolitan_or u held to be ~rUh atupidity in A dack of a lonr mUte a COOJU cf ..AD Englishman. Sauce for tho goot'Ml i. hUiband. _.....,--:~.....,~=:-bf 00 meant ..uce for the gander. It 1.-... 'YaIUIJrIe .....

utJae eommOllellt t!ling to he-r Ameri· Mr. W. C. ~fyer met. with a hea"Yt'IoI1l dilate upon the diloomfort.t. incon· lOA! la.stlfonday moming in thd deathmlit!IIOt.'1lt slupidities and 10 forib, for of bia fine Percberon borlf', llPride oftb~ of whicb they have foregoneeo ci ..i1iration of New York and Paria. Perche:' TIlia W&!I one of the finest

Pereberon hol"lCll in the country, andThey l!Sred WI to Acquiesce witbout a IOld at public auction jwtt after luding.....Oll. But woo to tho Englishol"n, from the ocean VOY&b'6 for e3,070. He.,,~eth~r in his country or tbeir own, ""as tben untried and tho purebaaer• io ventUreil to au t. howevc-r'!

would, of coarse, nlll BOrne rille in inve8~timidt.. :mel politely. tbllt a 50- inn his money. Cou.eequentl)', After bejo-rn in a London hotel, hroken It.y lL had proveD hiB worth, bis valuD roUltdut1llilgrimab~ to ·tntl(ord.upon.A\"on, hl1\.e been geul1y increased, l\lId he \\'~itl (OI0r-ny with a I'rt'tlelt:!rDlit.1Ation bto probllbly worth to 1!1 r. al)'('r n(!8rlyirs.. unfu,\'omble cODlflllrison~ III not. t 0 twict.. the price mt'ntioned noove. Mr..'y to') know us through nd througb. 1 I fl&.t'ilI he &I.t uo..'n II.S tl bloekhc.'llillolld Mycr liM expcndf'( n n.rg.. amount 0

monl'" in his elTort~ to introduce im·a hoor-in flhort, as An I·:nglishmlll,· d IJU\ wo~e vt'ill lit> thl' '\11'00 to him if ho pr.e>\,('ll Ij;tock in Ort'gon all U\8 met

willi 8(,ri{lll~ )()Iijj{'S, "'!lich ",'pre enough1aQ droll {L hint lhnt he uchllllly prefers t.e>'arte;. nny ma~ (if erdillllr), p£'r.lriI OOfII llnth'll countrJ 10 lilly other, or I'sislenct· 1\lIti hope; but Il.Jc IDQlltl 1.'oCOUrt1;1-taat I'n)' Mort of nriKtocmcy is bttter . b . I

ill,!; feature of lhf' ll111tter HI l C(lVU ('IICO'll1ll1tre plutocracy, or tlmt. there iii 110 thllt. there i. n pergi"tent eUOt'l to injuf'(,''Jnlllny lik{' thnt of 0. mojorit)', or th"t Mr. M)'cr nl1,1 hill htock, which U~1l. not.liII~ l~lIglish IllngultS!'n it! not tl:c:lillct stol} short. of thu dlUllllrdly crime of kill.1Il101Il! lUI, 01' tltrLt AIUcric:t.ll 1111l1l0f ill l' I )1 CI' nod I1iUI II illg tbe IOl1i('S. octant nt.w Rnl. . e hILCklWJCli, or tlmt ther.. iil n Ro)'111 were cnllcII and I1mko lUI (':Cnlll'alightly I,ru\'iucinl nir of too wholly inRtiou of tho bocly of the hOI'lic iUlIllcdi.Il:utul Allmimt,(J!l uhout the cultlll'o of I I 1 . IBoltt()n-in theljl\ I\l1d "thoui'tol'lIld otlu~r atel)' after I l'At I, lUH "gre<' 1!I tIe <:on·

elusion th:lt hili death .....1If11·llllst~l br thet'»lll he ""ill m()!;t IUlSurooly n,ifiit Cl ('ut:ctA of poison, which WIlli AdlllinititcrNttmJK'lt. It·..,r, 011,1 fl." it may lI00ln, Mille time pre,'ioUldr ill Cl dtl8e Il.ullicicntrililu "'c ill c.ur hfllLrtli caro cxcoolingl,y to Cl\U~ llllre but not illlmNiate dCl\tb.UttI-,if nytbingflt 1111, whut. AnwI·iculllJ We 111\\'0 before IIlluded to thi.'i con.lii.'lk' Mbout Ull, th()ji~ inttllL'lCly dfOyer tinued det~rrdnation to dispnr.ige this'OIl cfllth Iltf'<1 IH~lllo care Bgroat JeLlI "lock in Oregon, and the e.,itl~nce we~l\ 'A·L:I.t iii tbought. tlhout them br bilV~ hrord 11ro\'C9 beyond a 1'\'IIB0nllLIeIIr OWn IWlvcll If it 00 true doubt that. a Dumber uf colts from Mr.dtIt ge Lan tho DIf\ICulino vanitJ' of IIver'. hol'SeM, O~·lIed b), himself Clnd..U.(()utcnt, in ~pito of our ahsunl otileMl, ba\'e been 8tetllthily L:illetl for tbetat.tiol~1 hahit of ltelf.tJ(!pN.'Ciation, tboy pu1'f'O'llC of creating tho imprcltiion thatetftainly di}lpln.y Ihl) feminine vonity of tht' Btork Us not hAnlv, An"OIlO wbobtlll';tli "lontcntetl if th'lll1ro r!otopenly will tllke tbe trouhlt' to look be)'ollli theMIDU·eol.

limits c.f Oregon in invP8tigating theitt eflcct, tlt'Jlliw, mutu I fJlLluorirl. in Dllllter, to wheN' the ..toe\;: hM Lad long~ lUKl bpeochc8, tbe tYIJical Amen- rear'li of tml, will hi> (!()I'I\'IIICHl thtlt nn)'ettt looln upon the t.,pit,.1 gnglil!huUlR attrTltllt. to di&crcJit tlt(' Iltock in this.. ltarro..·.lllirllled, prf'JlIIlie.'tJ, clrtlulous ,mrticular C:lll IUt'Ct ""ith bat tenll'0rnry~ ('Ollteitell; the tJ'piL-a1 l':n.':lishllllln IiUCCf'I8, tt~ tbe te8limon.y ullI'ln the mat.f!t~ru, 'he oomlllimeDt by thinkin~ dIe ter which "'e Jlllulillhed from tho Lh'etn I Am('rir:lu COllCt'itfil. crelullJUI\ ,took Journal. B ..hort time liinC1', abut!fln'ictli,,. j nlul llarrow·lltilllll..'fl. 'fill" I Ull i T·d·ildUtI..'e i"l hunl to IlLl'ikc; it ill po lM'1' I'ro~C1...:::.J 1 :111( 1_1~1W'-

~~ l)'ltll IIU'! lop t\ Iittl~ right and hoth .J'1IrchC.l'Oa ~onu.J' ',''~'tlCl wrong. But ono thill!; is certAin. .\IIIY.1"-It'. 011 th: ~orth l11(,lfi.ct,;o.lji~Attrlolilt 'IU:alit!, IlU d01l1Jt If'arned ill thnt h,lve gll·.f'll tillS stock 11 £lIlr tn~l,Pili,•. Illa1"", 101m tnictt.1 AIl1t'rie:m Rrt' IJlt.':\Ited With them. tltd!)·upra..l;Ull\ Jiii Ilf,lief both in nwl out ofI hDe...... 'I'flr'Uf \f'Q_

1I!\k1ll; "\n ilU' alrlr 811)'nrtl't of jJi\'ing I)f I .. J hav!' liuffi'n'l! for t.wenty )'ro.nt

Ip",,\ u. RI't til rill tim J::nglishm:m'e \t'ith itclling and ulceratl'd l'il('K, ItJl\'inglu!1~Ut-. PI'rlml'M it might 11(\ 115 ""dl, tilled t.,ery' remetl)· thnt etUJ\t' to Illy no­br ~utllal ..olllllf'tllt'm,irlll'l'! amkc. if tbo tiro withollt Uelll'fit. until 1 u""'-'11 DriCcIgtUJUIIUU o.'Ollld I('Rm 1\ litLio more \\'ill\l,m'~ Jndi.~n Ointment nml r~rcivet.1lIIoJt3:.,onnnt.lI11e Allwric:U1 n. littl£' lIlore itllwooiaoo rcolief."Q'l1!1i' y,-I.ondon Mayfllir.

•,I ,




Constantly on Hand tho


Choicest of Meats



Opposite Washington l(otel

Ve,go1;ables.I'I~I. (,;1'l"llnl He.'1 1I1iti J'url,. :-{lIJ'll.t'll

:\lcat~, I'ork :lUll UO!flgllJL SMII-:lgCS,

Head Clu..'f':<e. 'I'rlpc, &t., &1.'•




AND ~o nH~~IGN


Consisting in pftrt of


'V.t\.TERMAN & K

Fargo & Company's Express

Facilities for Purchasingthe Leading Markets are

Superior to any.






Ge lr&ral Mercl_a.:i:uUse,](ee/l ~onstwlttl?lon IIctnd



Oscillating ShuttleSEWING MACHINE

,. wondorful In Its oonooption, un"proccdontod for doing D lergo rAnBG ofBowlnsln textile fabrics end leather. It,motion. are contlnuou., admitting 0' onClxtraordlnary rato of spoed. olther or root powor. Evory motion or thotfondlo makos silt stltchec. thus prOduc"Ing abOut ono·thlrd more work In ft daythDn othor Sewing Machlnos. It has nostop motions, and tightens the stitch withtho neodle out of tho fabric, a usos tho

well·known Wilson Compound Food on both sldos ot tho needle. Ithas t\\Io·thlrd, lOiS parts them any other f1rst·class Sowing; Machlno.Ita arm Is fully olght and one-hair Inches long and flvo and one-haltInches high, and the whole Machine Is ~ery compCletly Dnd scion­tlflcally constructed In proportions, elopnco, doslsn and appear­ance. Its simple, powerful and perfect mechonl3m placos It DB farIn Dd\lDnco of all other Sewing Machines ae the telophone Is superiorto tho tin speoklng tube. The WILSON MEttDUJC ATTACHMENT,for rop~lrlng all kInds of toxtlle 'abrics WITHOUT PATCHINC, (ur­nlshod FR!!E wJth aU WILSON SEWINe MACHINES, toaethor witha Tuoker, Rumor, Corder, SetofHommors. Ginder, oto. PrlcOl fur"nl.h0e:t with (rolght charge!) prepaid. and machlnee (urnl.hod ontrial to responllble partIes, to be used with .toam·powor, In place.whero we ha~e no 8gonts. Send for 1l1uStrtltod Catelos,", ana PrleiiLllt l No. 23Q.



CllA:), C. BAR1'L.L'1'1; .Ne/Lt, i'ort ;J'UW/L$entl.

We will (Jive ctnd tctlw Exchct1b(Je on

SAN FRANCISCO AND NEW YORKAt the 11WSt L'ifJe/'(tt Discount.


Furniture, Lumber, Doors, and Windows, GONS, 0' .J.ll J(inrls of Blbiliting ;Afutel'ia

Fnl'1nillj} Implements, Sculdlery, 9·C.


Than any House on Puget Sound!

AI'I'IlO\·t:O S<\I.Dlf.U'S AI),\tls clIn bu loclll«.\ ultOn 11lI)'IUIIII., ..lIl1el' slu::le or dttlllJl,· lllllllllltllllIUllll~, ~Ill)j\''\:r to II0m('~h'lIll whctlull' lilll'hrl'l:tl or 1101. nml haylll:; th.' olll~' II!"'tch~:i pllJ)er III rim t'fluutrr. IIn,'O lUlIl\! Ul'·r:lll~elll('llt$with lilt; loltvwlllg "clltlellllJllIII \\\'ilterll Wn~hhlltlon: "

.\. llilt;lillllo~h. fit·llnlt'.,hlllll 1(. Wheat, UI~·lllplll.

n, ll.,rrli HIIHer. Port'l',,\\·n O(Ol1tl.Ih'l1r)' .IIICk~ll. Hllnhollll:h L:1f ....

WIIf"l1I'1l1 h:I\'C 011 hallil. nt lllllllllC~ U1)';lit:rlp fur thc 1\1,,'!.·Ollloo.l:IlI01l of tlll'~ Ilt,_ii!'lnl{ 10 ptll'ch:l~C, lit lilt! rate (If :t;:J.:.!"Iwr Ih'ro (IH' 8(}.j 111\(1 I:!O~. llllrl f,:J,71i l'ltrncro 1M ,IO~; (r:Il'tIOll'i 'llI'l'Illl. AlltllllfjrIrlilllll1l('lIt c1J1~ Or ,"cript kllll\\'l1 JI'i 'lIollt~'

C:Ill !.Ill P:"tICIl ut l1ludl I":f" ralt:~; hll~ 1111tltluc:l11 be )tl,·cn. 1111111', ot l'(lIll"C, not ~II

,·alnuh!c. ,\ t!(,'\.orl ('111 be ~OttCII (1'1'1I11 timorlJ:lllill nr1111lC:lllt 01 lilly IlIwl 1000nlc.1 byILCrlpt 1111n:lulI>C,,'t1 of IIW. Il~ [ IllllOl.::lIIC bll.l'rf't)lllllthl"r 1111111 Ihe 1I1'1~llIlll hOWI,olt'IIlI,'r.1I.1Il1 KliOW l'o'hf'r(' 10 :l1ltlreJ\.'1 him Inr II tll'l'tlII 011('00 ""juln-'ll, FilII Ill\'e~tl:::llllnll I~

"ak,;.l that the worth ot m~' ptll)+'r hlll,\' I)(!kIlOWIl. Cnll \lllOlI or wrITe 1111)' or 111/:~cIIIIl'!1l(,lllll\llIl',1 a!JIl"c', II'ho will-dl \'Hll

Ihl' Tnlbot Ililtlltlolllll IlQllll"'rc:ul ~crll'\\"hlt-II will Cll~llrc you a plll"lIt to )"j1I1'11m!! :Il \\'\·11 rIM II l'It"rr.'ct tlth'. :lIltl llls'J I~ IdWUI) ll-\ )'011 l':lll ltuy It or Illf'.

Il. II. 'l'ALBOT,GCIl'I L:llltl-"Cr!II:l1ll1 \\'nrl'Il111 BI"{Ikcl'.

~IOllX City. lown.

NEW STOltEGeneral Merchandise

c. W. MORSE.U,\U lIum iii, W 'f

C-' Pm Im',·l!r,ll\Chl. 1\1111 ~tlll"lIf"!1<lrllllkh,.l.

11rllloh",lnllhll tllll·eill1.ll~III,rk.·.


Jill,. ~I

Aug II.. '"SCll~ '),)







Jill)' 10 01l1lt'~,lvu.1 Jl~.l, lU,,\~llJ·

,"'" 1I.\IIC'l1)

Sept ~t1 .. fkpl III.. .."


liAS VllA,sCISCO. 1'1'. TOWSIIl':~D,





1,400 toni. n;Tl:m ~l.\OKIE,CO)UIA~Dl::lt

PA'I'EX'CS nnll holY to olllRln rhem.P,unphld ()I 00 IlllgC! tree. IIpqll ~l.XIIlt

ot itllllll)8 for IMrfIlFe. Atlll~M

all.. rORE. SlIl'l'lI. & CO.,Sollcltorl or l'lttelll.t., Box 4-l.

WlUllloglOli l 0 C.


'l711.1. U:'AYE os TUB YULLOWISGff Wlt~~:

The l!pJcudld slllc\\'hl'C1

Siecwltship DAKO'l'A2 I00 TotI•• Jt. G. 1IOn.'!E, l\J.)cllr.\~mm"

'VI~'k.rl;I~:~~I~t~n~~: Tm; Do\1'1::5 m:lmI

TII~!ltefllnshlp~ letLve ,'ICtorIIl1l~1l0,,1l

Oil the llli}" ndl'crtlsed. TleKeu 11l'lJ 1,;/lol!Oilly 011 the 'itellmel ror whllh Ihc}' IIrcpun:ha,;ed. Rnd llro not trluls:rol'lIble,Fire from Port Towllsend 10 San fr:utclsco

First Cabin, 520.Steerage $ I 0

Reductfon In fl'ttghl - n...renrtcr r!lerrel~iIt,i whIch. IIlI per (arllt: have helm iUII(,'T ton wlll be dl:irged Bt fa l'~r (011.

W "'Mill rami ancr tills lIutt' rail UAG­GAOI-; ofl'ugt·t Scum.l pll&.."Cllgers by P,';\1. S. S. CO'II ~tcl\nlt'f8 vii' Vlclflrill. will00 1l11,1l'T ClI'<lolll HnuS«.. ~cnl. IUlti will:SOT II(! ~ubjl ..c.:t to cXllmllHltlQIl b)' CII~'

tOIll 1I011~ rlllthorltle9 III S:1ll Io'nllll:I~t.'O.

For freight or plL~AA'e ap\)Jr 011 bonnl,or to 1I.1~_ 'J' BUA J..s,

Gencrul Agent (or Pliget Sollll(J.Port 'fOWIli!eW.l,





Pioneer Bakery,POUT 'l'OW~SE ND, 'r. W.



Notice or Application to Pnrchase Tim·ber Lanl,


Whh:h aNVil sik:at

Tho Lowost Rstosfor Cash.

$200We will pay

ONE HUNDRED DOLLARSHtHfllltl for the nl·test ,:ou\'letll,lll til'tilt! pllrl)' lor !)lU'UCIi \\'ho killed ollr ClIIl]l'IlL s....O\\' bny. III ,'cl1crson Cn.• W _'I'. 01tile i1lltll·lI.ulc '" \9Ilrk 1)][ Wli~ \t1ll"lllIbnllltwo week.. llKo, t\\'o Iltl.~r~ aud ACOtv Wl'ftlkllltcllil 1:k1.'\llllhcr Ian. nnd the COW-Wil:i kllltd on abontJllly 4. 1~1:1.

We wlllllRY fIF"I'¥ OOLJ.AR:-; for Ihl'Arrbt lind l..'OIl,·lcllnll of lhe lit! !'SOli or per­&OIl! \1'hn rolll.." IO","lrlll'tions IICfl:lllllllllo.,,11I1.llIc WI:II. bo'loJlA:hlg to )111). \'llllU.~~kc·11:11. 1I1:lr f11lr filrUl at Sccw 1l:1y III thoU10llth of OI:looor: IS1S. '

We will also plly FlrTY nor.r.AU::!(or the nrrt'it nlill \''OuvlctlolJ of the Ilartyor pllrTk~ wliU Iltilk.: Illllillet 1Illrirt 01 t.ontbeIOIl~llI~ 10 Il~. limIer ''rtiterll1l1ll l,t Krll7,'IUlIlhcr 11111". IJCIII('t'll tIM!' hour,co(i", I'. :II,.June 29, 18711I.llJU a. A. U.• n( .IUlll~ :10.IS7:1. JA~U:$ NH,;1I0U..3.

A~~ ~I(JUOLLS,Port Townsend, Jill,. 17, lS7u. 2:3

U~ITKlJ !lTATlt8 IllliTHI(T 1."1'10 o ·reF..1t)IVlllphl. WlUlhln~IOII Terri" ".

NOTlct; l.'; HEIIElI" fH\'ES THAll'. Inl!!'lrIll11llll('t1 .... IIh Ihe Ilro"t..lrlllil or IIlIJ .\1:1 nrl mllcn'~" 1l!"11R)'-.:t1 Jmm a. 110--;'11. llntlllt"1 "" II.\et fot' , I", "'ll\" or 1'lmher lund!J III Ihe "I,U"-IIMCallful'nlil, iJl'I..'iI'Oll. ~uvn'I"llnd Wtl~hllUllOlnTotl'lron.·' Iln'-"I'1 1>, ,\ Ilrlt!Ke, of Jl'lr,'r"Olll'OIIIII)'. WIl,;hhlKlun Tcrrllory. hJ~ thl" tillyllleu Itl Ihlll Onlloc hl!l 1I.1111lll'<ll Inn to I)llrchll~theIOIl~lI.~IlIllI:'1Wlt 0 NW,Jt otseelionStl.':.In lu ....ll~hhl :"in-'ll!. norlll, rl'ln1i'8 So- I ,,"Citnrlhtl Wlllrllllf'IIU lll'rltllnll

.\U\·lIntl 'lll"!nlOllle~lhl1lnlJntlvtll"fWly lheMIt! t)t'~rlllCll !lInd. or any I'lHtlnu Ilt;'n.'Of.lin' hCl'd)}' n"lnh'l.'lIIO tile 111tlh'cllhu~ In lhl;cortloo .. It hIll 111.(1)' lilill 1111)" rrol11 llillt! b.'I-c"r

1iI \'1'11 ulll1C!: Illy 11IIud, lit Ill)' o/tll'l.'.ln Ull'lIl:

\IIA. W T.lllIIIIllU lilt lIay nr AIIII"UllI, ,\ U~'\j J T IlIII.'WS.

'.!J:IOII· Ilegilltr (It tllu LUIlll unk...


TliQ8. 5TRATTO~.Tuu"," l·lIILI.lrs,J. A, UAH·fIS.

[St~J ·J'ru'IlceY.


J. F. SHEEHAN• Inl1100rlcr find Ilealer In


And House·Hold FurnishingIlard..aro. 23


Ship Wright and CaulkerW·."rt:M liTRt:l.'T,

.....OI·L ·Xon'DliIUI1<l. '\v. ~r_

Thl'm wlJloo IIl1leellngl'lfthtl 5111lnHlWnc,.Of It\(1 If(l\l,o 1',,1111('11 t:OTllI1fln)' ut Ihtl onl~"Il ofIhll~"IIUlllln\·.lll I'ort 'l·l.Iwn~lld, w. T.. Octo­1I1'I·llUlh. 1.1~. III lu o'clock .\. !II .. fur 1118 Illlr·

.1'I(Ij!(' lIfdlmlnl~hlnJl Iho l,llllu,1 "OCk or llnhlMm,"unyltllh,' ~1l11l of eight lboulllnrllln<loluu huuured ,tol~lIN.



PUGET SOU:'! A GU.:i , .., "" I" I: 1..... '1. "I.i,1. "I.icl. ;-, • __. ..~ jlli:ap,'lls\.d fWIlI thl) saloolls in the

"killi;,\' of tho ~tock J~lchlulg'e'"

""l\lllll IIII! fcllo"'," s:lid ~lujlitl!l,

"'hell lit' In·:ml tho complaint, "I'lltCMcL him tu mlcr(erc with 1111 uusi·

Ther\! .rc Jr1a~I~' worthy peoplo inIlCSi;. 11llf'[l!L to hnc 11 ",Dod timo

full 5)'lllp:uhy "jth 1111: telllperlillCe k 11while 1 sUy, and I'll drio . a 1 payCi\use who Cllllllot ullJerst.1nd the

for,"import.nco or Ill:l('biucry for Joill!;

"1'1 I' k I ."nil "II the nftemoon alld eveninglump,rallee "or~. Il'T I 1111' t lilt ..,. r

I' J' ]' .' I ho~pclJtm hlllUglllSS)'stOUI rom garreg:,l Ill. lill THUll l!llll ~~ all .r a ""U!lt,c r~t tp cellar. It \'filS too lallil ""'holl

of 11m. nnd mOIlt''', Ihe mo!!t Tilth I II' b J d 'd. ho flll11' ed Illto 0 an trH! tocal of tillS class of poople nt,lfl'r come I I 1 I. ' . "C\'P lilt 6 eep Cllllle not. A ollgmto a !!@CrtlIClllp61r:mceorJ{ulIl7.atloll I

I b'II 1 I the ll~n'O the intelligenco was Hashed

all' t OT conllllllll v 1'1'0111 er Wlrtrc _ .tho bc;H~jit of Gr~nd LodgflS "Ild lip to tile Umlll tl,at tho Stomach, J ., 'd 1 wouh! 1I0t permit allY sleep. Des·

lJoUllll .uuglJS come In, all \\' liltuud"r thO' ~un constitutions or I~\\"s pemlc at this llf'lWS Mumlls pllcedWire enr rlni!lfd (or. the floor till Ilear mornin~, "hen

W. do oot criti:l:ilo tb~ ~ooll in. I3rllil1s S\~gge8tetl that .htl sl~ouldtrntions of this clas! o( peoplij LUL '1l:lcuch tillS low-bred wIlh athe blst of peoille aro quite liuhlo to dose of chloral hydrate.

make mistak'I, antIthosl peoplo cer. I:GllOd '" said 'fumns. ".'\. brigll!tlinly make a most egregious hlllll itli!M. that, frienLi Brains. We'll see

ller. Ir uperiellco b38 provellany. whether Ihis corporation is to be run

thing it is Ihat perfect slIccess in Ull~' b)' Ihe olliCllrs or lhl employees."cause is to be gained 0111)" b! p9rr~cI ":'-iOIY theil," sang out Drains,

organililtion. A single COlllpany of ilstand frOIll under, then," AnJ thodisciplined Iroops ill lUI elllCr':;;-I'lIlcj" chl\)tll.l wellt slIlashing down. Muf·

is worth a wholl rCj;'imellt of raw reo fius got his sleepI but it was his last,eruils "ho Ire stran,;en to the mil' and the Stomach got his reYflIlg8j

chiner,. of military life. The success th\! chloral bad doused the glim.

()f our Order in lh. pafolt, the mighty 'l'lw puculia'rity of this (able is tbatpower wi\h which it haa been able to it hi true.witbstand int(>rnal disturbances and "" = ""outaide opposition is dUI to its per·

(fllct machinlr,. There i.a no hetr.rdisciplined organiution in tbe worldthin aura. Members bOl9 to the \,illof a majority "ithout D murmur. Arlecision Croln fiupniur ftothorit)' isrtl!dil,y flcquic~ccd in...1thou~h it ~f11. "I. I~J,

mlty be alh'fJrte to u'ell ~~ItJed call· ------- _

Tictjon,. A member c~rrics up lIll

appnllo the hillhest f1ulhnrily \.ithperfect il'ood ntturt", anl.llhe d"ter­minatidll o( the R, W. G. Lodge isas unqu!!lition'cd by It GflI,cl1'elllplar&s a deciliion o( the Court uf Appcul!i

is b)' IL litigAnt. To refuso 811hUli~

~'Oll is only to bo immfldi.l('h' CUt WATElt 51'.,off from the organizalion. Thi~ is ------------...,-,-

The eeeret of nur power losottlf' COil' D0 ro~\l~~~i,.ty.R·~tro"ersies 1I11t! fight out oppusitiull.: ~1I1:;-e:f:°r~~~~::____.____ ~=~pta!::~I~~r'~

-. ..til 01''' 1008 11l~~~ 'l.n~":'l~~:1~:~I:'.~'i. ':~:.'TIl·I~~ri~e~\~ ~~It~~:~C'lIulIr, Tile onlJ' I~H~UIlOIl III AI1l"rir. wllolII~r.~Jm:;~~7iyw\l:~t!lJ".A8f,"'"

Ul ••:l8 WabMb.4",•• C1l1iq,o, iUa.

·'O....on Llli'l'lI.rr \'hlcliu. "1

IJlere Wihl UllCeau il1dustrioll~and

hart.! "I'orklng member of the Stom·aoh (emily. wHo for thirty yelUS hat!occlIpieJ the JOWlIf fit)l)r on the prom

isl'l of 1Juffin~ tho dllShill,lt )'t1un~

broker, where he bold a life loaSI'.

Brains. the .~.nt of Muffins, Ijl'euio his j;'ltr~t. Stomach aud BTlli(lsbad jogeed along throu~h life, tiO

(ar, the but oi lleigh!.Jors till Muffill8, landlord, got rich and got drunk

and thereafter kept drunk, 11Il'h

tbings beins incidentlll to the &1001.;broker',lif., Ilnd constitutilJg partof the wear Bud teur.

From thii period Clernal wllr f'X.

uilled between two IInci.nlramilies. or II. 1l10rnitl1;' Bruin!', ill II CItate o( "cul. sufforillR, '90uld ('1111 a thartic Pillson the St!Jmach 10 gi90 hirg a little Coru!JllLu tho c1101cHt cathnrtlo princlpletlrut. UNot I hit o( il," replic. ~n ml'llldnl'. III IlroporfJoll!l llt'CtlnIW])' lul-

.Il~t\'"tl tl) I!('Ctlfll acth'lt,)'. certainty alldSiomacb, Tstood up unJer II p",r(eet IlIIlfufllllt_y of I'tr~t. They aro the 'rl'lult

dof Jcan or CAteful IJtntly Rnll I,"fetleal ex­

ouch~ o( oouklail!l anti t'luurp'gne 11I'r!llltml, RllIl lUll thll lI\f'lilt I'tre\'ilml rem­r 'I 1',Iy ~·,t ,II c'wer,'\l ror t111lt'l\.~ "1111111',1 h"or )'our amUSellH:nt unn t\90 o'clock (k'r:mgl'llIt'lit or the IlI0l1l11l'!1 'Ii nn.lin the morning. YOIl ~ot all the the howdK, ,,·lth.:h rrqlliro 11Mm['l1 iuul t!lT~ctlllll

r d I d• tfo':l.tlllent• .Anm·s T'u.u aro 1I1~~fnlly IlII­

un an id thl!' work, t t wa.n't Illkahle til Ihl~ ('ln81 or ullll"~ Tlter neta (air division or the spoils, but I am (!II'l.'Ctl)· nn tho t11~lllh'o nnd ll!!Ihnlhltlnl

I'MCc • RIIlI restoro r('lttllll.r Imllltily IU'.going to lOe th.t Ih, cf.mlt'cluenc(O!i 11011. Their o:ctollyh'o u..u h.\· !lhrllclull1l 1;1

lill'l\' f1mcllee. fllI,1 loy ull ch-II ze,t, Berved OUt in tho prujJu iJUlltiti. II Olld (If 11m mun)'llroor~ or Ihtlr "Dlue I""ties." If, Mfa, 11Irc\Rml l)f'r !.'<:II)· r!'llaMe IllltJ;tltl\'o

llu'(IIo'lllo. .I~lnJ: comflOuntled of tile con.So Muffiol tossed in hi, bed ""'.11 ("'Itlmll~d \'lrltll'lI or 111lTf'ly "l'geloble lub.

IlIl11eu, lhey lire positively frell frofU Cillo­a raging headache till len o'c1l")Ck mel. or lIuy 11Ijllrlonll pMIll'rlll'lI. IIUtl CRII boalid thea to.. anLi drellsed. Slomlcl~ awululltert.'tt to dll!l.lrclI with IJClf6Ctlilfel).

bad resumed h' , I' An:R'S PIl.I.s are On t:[JcctUll.1 curo rorIOmet 109 01 I:!i Iloud COllstlllllUOIl or C09Lh'enesll, IUdl,u::es­

nature by this tim_, end IlO tho IJolS t!(lI1, DYllleplIl." Loss ot i\ppellte,

dFOIII StolllRch K.-"'l Brealh, Dlz..,llle$.~,

..chne on a glllSlof Leidelklortr lIelllhlCllf~, LoAA or lUi!nlor)', Numbni!I!,Str.~t Bitten. 10:, ellclrili,d,I"',, .., 1!llloUJlleM, JflUndlce. HheulIlntlJlll,

... hrulltluII:f t\!1,1 Skin I)lsell~'" Urolll)',on tbe lower ftoor, you CII.r\ btliil.' Tu:nors, \\orms, ~ellr/lIFflll. Colle,

, Gr.pes. Dlfll"l'lu~n, D)'Sfllltery Gontand burnt a bole in tomac!J'j Coal l'lIes. f)I50rlll'!'S of t!to Lh'cr.' RIlII ull

d d• !'ll/wr ,1I""'lll\I'~ r....uhlllJl' from a ut.sonlcred

an 10 8fClPC . The u~ual remOIl_ Itato or 1111l tllg Ih·o Qllpat'oIlUJ.

atrance "'a. Hilt up to Drains. AIll\ Dlnn"r PlIllhf'Y havo no l'tlunl.

HLook )'ou. Mr, Drainsl 1 ",ish ,.nu WilliI' ,I::"nllo In Ihelr I\I"llon. 111.,"1) PILl.!to .., to yuur pincipal, tbat 1'I'hell lye llh.. lUl"'lt IhOr"lIj:lh IIlullt>ar"hllll;' l'olhar.h k h

. . I to I lilt I'lUl 11ft f'mplo~·erl. an.1 n.,·er Ih'8e too t 'N premlles, thIrty odLi r.nto lInl~ tbe OOWt.(1I fife Illtlll.lOerl alhl

lh • I' ,I Ihcn Ibflr Inflnl'nre III healllll[. Th~)'llillUu,years ago, ere 1'1'&8 an Imp lru con-I !lue til" nr!ltllrl' l\lIlt (1Ill'''~ih'll orJtllIIJl' thl'Ytnct, on hi. part to keep them in tlf'I", f:ue 10 t,'ulh' an,1 I'tlrll'h 1111~ hlOOl'l. ond

• • ' n1f'11rL I'l'n'·weol heal\ll iln,1 "'Igor to lliorepair, but I( he hal delermill.d In r.l.Loli! I)' tern.

~urn tbem u~, an.d to die like '/lUlud· Prepared by Or. J. C. Ayer &. Co.,1In Clarence In bit Ahlmtley butt,'I l'raelleuJ "n,1 AlI.I,.II....1Chor.uIlIU,••11; oal,llt it b. Malmu., and low.n, Man.

IOLV If .1.1,1, lIat:OIlIIU .....TWa.u.