testing in those hard to reach places

Testing in Hard to Reach Places Lee Begg Begg Digital

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KiwiPyCon2011, Wellington, Sunday, Track 1, Testing in those hard to reach places by Lee Begg


Page 1: Testing in those hard to reach places

Testing in Hard to Reach Places

Lee BeggBegg Digital

Page 2: Testing in those hard to reach places


● Goals● The module● Refactoring● SqlAlchemy tricks● Mocking hard things

Code: http://github.com/llnz/kiwipycon2011testingSlides: http://www.beggdigital.com/media/kiwipycon2011testing.pdf

Page 3: Testing in those hard to reach places


● Make sure it works properly● All the time● In all conditions

● Unit testing to check● Cover 100%● Might still miss cases

Page 4: Testing in those hard to reach places

Example moduledef main(): '''Check the tripwire, email if the latest values have an RMS value over 2''' session = model.Session() values = session.query(model.MeasuredValue).order_by(model.MeasuredValue.desc()).limit(20).all() totalsq = 0 for value in values: totalsq += value.value**2 rms = math.sqrt(totalsq) if rms > 2: body = """Database trip wire has been tripped

RMS value was: %s"""

subject = "Tripwire report %s" % datetime.date.today() msg = MIMEText(body) msg['Subject'] = '[DBTW] %s' % subject msg['To'] = ','.join(settings.TO_ADDRESSES) msg['From'] = settings.FROM_ADDRESS server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') result = server.sendmail(settings.FROM_ADDRESS, settings.TO_ADDRESSES, msg.as_string()) if len(result) != 0: print "sendmail failures: %s" % result server.quit()

Page 5: Testing in those hard to reach places

Refactoring● Refactor out components to test

def calcRMS(values): totalsq = 0.0 for value in values: totalsq += value**2 rms = math.sqrt(totalsq/len(values)) return rms

class RMSTest(unittest.TestCase): '''Test the RMS calculations''' def testRMSCalc(self): testvalues = [ ([0], 0), ([1], 1), ([2], 2), ([0, 0], 0), ([1, 1], 1), ([0] * 20, 0), ([1] * 20, 1), ([0, 0, 0, 1], 0.5), ([3, 1, 3, 0, 1], 2), ] for values, expected in testvalues: result = tripwire.calcRMS(values) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, expected, msg='rmsCalc(%s) gave %s, expected %s' % (values, result, expected))

Page 6: Testing in those hard to reach places

SqlAlchemy Tricks

● Change the database in the unittest setUp method

● Done internally by Django

#override database setting

from dbtripwire import settings

settings.DATABASE_URL = 'sqlite:///:memory:'

from dbtripwire.model import initDatabase, dropDatabase

Page 7: Testing in those hard to reach places

SqlAlchemy Tricks

class DatabaseTestSetup(object): '''Create the database in the setUp, and drop it in tearDown Used to abstract this away from all the unittests that use the Database. Must be the first class inherited from, or TestCase will override these methods, not the other way around. ''' def setUp(self): '''Initialise the database with the tables''' initDatabase()

def tearDown(self): '''Drop the tables''' dropDatabase()

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SqlAlchemy Tricksclass ModelTest(DatabaseTestSetup, unittest.TestCase): '''Test the model classes''' def testMeasuredValueTable(self): '''MeasuredValue table test''' session = model.Session() self.assertEqual(session.query(model.MeasuredValue).count(), 0) mv = model.MeasuredValue(5) self.assert_(mv) session.add(mv) session.commit() self.assertEqual(session.query(model.MeasuredValue).count(), 1) mv1 = session.query(model.MeasuredValue).one() self.assertEqual(mv1.id, 1) self.assertEqual(mv1.value, 5) #don't forget to test the __repr__ string self.assertEqual(repr(mv1), "<MeasuredValue(1, 5)>") session.delete(mv1) session.commit() self.assertEqual(session.query(model.MeasuredValue).count(), 0)

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● Creating fake “mock” objects/classes/modules● Replace things you couldn't normally control● A few frameworks available● Very useful in replacing network connections

● Httplib for example● Smtplib for another

Page 10: Testing in those hard to reach places

Mock exampleclass SendEmailTest(unittest.TestCase): '''Test sending email''' def testSendEmail(self): tt = minimock.TraceTracker() smtpconn = minimock.Mock('smtplib.SMTP', tracker=tt) minimock.mock('smtplib.SMTP', mock_obj=smtpconn) smtpconn.mock_returns = smtpconn smtpconn.sendmail.mock_returns = {} tripwire.sendEmail(2.5, datetime.date(2011, 8, 16)) expected = r"""Called smtplib.SMTP('localhost')Called smtplib.SMTP.sendmail( '[email protected]', ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'], 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nSubject: [DBTW] Tripwire Report 2011-08-16\nTo: [email protected], [email protected]\nFrom: [email protected]\n\nDatabase trip wire has been tripped.\n\nRMS value was: 2.5\n')Called smtplib.SMTP.quit()""" self.assertTrue(tt.check(expected), tt.diff(expected)) minimock.restore()