testimony from bewildered

8/4/2019 Testimony From Bewildered http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/testimony-from-bewildered 1/17  Testimony from Bewildered 2006/05/17 Dear Ali Sina, I don't know if you will end up posting my opinion on this forum due to my ethnic origin, but I will still write to you. I don't know whether to love you or hate you; on the one hand you've confirmed all my feelings, attitudes, and suspicions about my own religion. On the other hand I have been losing a lot of sleep and dazing off a lot. Withdrawal is not easy and that is what's happening to me. I was born in a Muslim family; we are considered moderate, laid back Muslims. I had many things that happened in my life that have caused me to question my faith, but I would choose what I thought was right, and moral based on my humanistic side. As a little girl, I questioned many issues in regards to my faith, it was my mother who I idolized and believed almost every word that came out of her mouth (I even believed that there was no such thing as sex! LOL! Simply because when I approached her she said the girls talking about it during recess were liars. By the way I was around 8yrs old when that happened. I can only say that innocence and ignorance are bliss for children, and I was one of them. Anyway, while growing up in the USA , I was living a normal life, going to school, playing with friends, etc. But my mother was always unhappy due to marital issues. I did not know what was going on at the time and continued in my childhood ways. Close to that time, my father decided to go back to our country of origin. I grew up part of my life in the states and partly in the West Bank . Now, I don't know if your going to discriminate against me because of that, but, I really need to let you and others know about my story, since I hear a lot of negative comments about Palestinians on this forum, and that's who I am I can't change it. I had a wonderful time growing up there, up until the first uprising or Intifadah. I went to a Christian private school and had both Christian and Muslim friends. The school I went to was American, so we had an American education, and were split up once a week for religion class. Muslims were taught Islam and Christians, Christianity. I thought that was good, but having a religious mother, she complained about having religion class once a week. My mother decided to cover her hair when we went back, even though Palestinians at the time were not too "religious". Many young women did not cover, and no one bothered them, but as usual you had to follow what your fathers and brothers said. I thought my mom was beautiful before and after she covered, she had long straight dark hair and had light complexion with features prettier than models in the latest fashion magazines. Even till this day we show her old pictures of her in the states and she says "Allah has guided me to the right path" (by covering up is what she means for people who are not accustomed to hearing this phrase). My mom also became a devout Muslim. She hardly listened to music, and constantly listened to sermons on tv and radio. She would invite me to listen and I did sometimes. I don't remember the parts about killing or any of that violence, the issues that were really focused on were following the five pillars, and wearing hijab. When I was around 14 years, hell broke loose in Palestine and the first uprising happened. Now, that I will never forget because being Palestinian in an Israeli state meant that you were second hand citizen. I am not saying this because I hate Jews, but because I seen it first hand. The first

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 Testimony from Bewildered2006/05/17

Dear Ali Sina,

I don't know if you will end up posting my opinion on this forum due to my ethnic origin, but I

will still write to you. I don't know whether to love you or hate you; on the one hand you've

confirmed all my feelings, attitudes, and suspicions about my own religion. On the other hand I

have been losing a lot of sleep and dazing off a lot. Withdrawal is not easy and that is what's

happening to me.

I was born in a Muslim family; we are considered moderate, laid back Muslims. I had many

things that happened in my life that have caused me to question my faith, but I would choose

what I thought was right, and moral based on my humanistic side. As a little girl, I questioned

many issues in regards to my faith, it was my mother who I idolized and believed almost every

word that came out of her mouth (I even believed that there was no such thing as sex! LOL!

Simply because when I approached her she said the girls talking about it during recess were liars.

By the way I was around 8yrs old when that happened.

I can only say that innocence and ignorance are bliss for children, and I was one of them.

Anyway, while growing up in the USA , I was living a normal life, going to school, playing with

friends, etc. But my mother was always unhappy due to marital issues. I did not know what was

going on at the time and continued in my childhood ways. Close to that time, my father decided

to go back to our country of origin. I grew up part of my life in the states and partly in the West

Bank . Now, I don't know if your going to discriminate against me because of that, but, I really

need to let you and others know about my story, since I hear a lot of negative comments about

Palestinians on this forum, and that's who I am I can't change it.

I had a wonderful time growing up there, up until the first uprising or Intifadah. I went to a

Christian private school and had both Christian and Muslim friends. The school I went to was

American, so we had an American education, and were split up once a week for religion class.

Muslims were taught Islam and Christians, Christianity. I thought that was good, but having a

religious mother, she complained about having religion class once a week.

My mother decided to cover her hair when we went back, even though Palestinians at the time

were not too "religious". Many young women did not cover, and no one bothered them, but as

usual you had to follow what your fathers and brothers said. I thought my mom was beautiful

before and after she covered, she had long straight dark hair and had light complexion withfeatures prettier than models in the latest fashion magazines. Even till this day we show her old

pictures of her in the states and she says "Allah has guided me to the right path" (by covering up

is what she means for people who are not accustomed to hearing this phrase). My mom also

became a devout Muslim. She hardly listened to music, and constantly listened to sermons on tv

and radio. She would invite me to listen and I did sometimes. I don't remember the parts about

killing or any of that violence, the issues that were really focused on were following the five

pillars, and wearing hijab.

When I was around 14 years, hell broke loose in Palestine and the first uprising happened. Now,

that I will never forget because being Palestinian in an Israeli state meant that you were second

hand citizen. I am not saying this because I hate Jews, but because I seen it first hand. The first

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uprising happened because the Palestinians revolted against an unjust and inhumane killing of 

several Palestinian workers waiting for transportation home to the West Bank. These men were

simply waiting for a ride home when several Israeli soldiers decided to literally blow their brains

out, just for fun. You know that we are considered less than human in their eyes, therefore

killing us is justified in their belief. The men who were killed were unarmed civilians, and I wantyou to keep it in mind, since I have read many negative things about my people. Teenagers and

young people took out to the streets to demonstrate the brutality of the incident and of the Israeli

occupation. It is not a walk in the park to be discriminated against, humiliated, and to live in

fear. This is how we lived being Palestinian, the only difference, of shall say preferential

treatment we got was when we showed our American passport. Now what do you call that? I am

not writing to tell you that I support the suicide killings that go on there, but when people are in a

constant state of mind trying to survive in an extremely terrified state; their psychological state is

not good or stable. So who comes in preying on their vulnerable state of mind,... you guessed it,

the radicals. The argument here is that they, the Israelis are killing us with sophisticated weapons

and we only have stones and man made bombs, and people who are willing to die for the cause

of freedom.

I know that you understand how it feels to walk down a street and not know whether you will get

shot or kiddnapped, but that is how I and many young people felt while we were just trying to

get a decent education, and by the way, we missed out on many school days because the Israelis

imposed curfews on us and beat our students senselessly in the streets. The Israelis have a great

democracy indeed, but only if you are Jewish. So please don't tell me that the Israelis are all

innocent. Did you know that radical Jews call for the expulsion and mass killing of all Arabs and

Muslims? What do you think of that?

This to you Ali Sina may not be important, but we all as human beings deserve to have rights.

All I'm trying to let you know is that don't say that the Israelis are completely innocent. Thereare good and bad people everywhere you go.

Enough of politics and on with the religion part. By now you may not want to read on any more

since you found out my place of origin, even though I am very proud to be American.

My mother used to lecture me about being a good Muslim girl and covering my hair. I was

shocked when she yelled at me for not covering my hair, just out of the nowhere. The thing that

shocked me was that I was already planning on doing that without the yelling, just when I was a

little bit older, say 15 years. Well it did not take me long to put it on after that incident because

my Mom was my idol, my god, but I did not know at the time because being a real Muslim you

should submit only to God and not idolize any one but Him. I was delusionally happy doing the

hijab thing because I was following what God commanded me to do. My friends asked me if myfather forced me to wear it and it upset me every time someone did because he did not.

I was close to 16 years when my dad was not permitted entrance back to the West Bank because

he was American. Being Palestinian is the reason why he was not allowed back. "It is not your

country," when in fact he was born in Jerusalem and he paid a lot of money to try getting the

Israeli citizenship, but always was denied by the Israeli authorities. My father is not a man to

resort to violence in any way against the Israelis and my grandfather always hopes for peace one

day in the region.

When this happened, we went back to the states, the only place right now I feel at home, since I

was devastated as a teenager to be kicked out of my beloved Palestine. I was enrolled in an all

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girls school, which I was grateful was Islamic because I had hijab on and did not want to be

made fun of in a public school. Prejudice and acts of violence by Americans, yes, Americans

during the first Gulf war, and Arab students were the targets in the public schools in this major

city we lived in. We heard everything from racial slurs to "go back to your country you fudging

Arabs" to women with hijab on getting attacked. This filled my heart with fear and made meangry at these acts of violence in a country where rights are supposed to be protected and

religious freedom is permitted.

While getting my high school education at this Islamic school, we were never taught that killing

was right and all the sorts of violence you brought up, except for the usual historical battles that

the prophet fought against the kuffar, the teachers mainly enforced the concept of modesty and

covering, which I many times got fed up with but followed because I wanted to please God.

I got married to my fiancé at the time, straight out of high school; he was a couple of years older

than me and had a business degree. I came from a big family and wanted to be on my own too

soon. The good part was that I was in love with the man, if that is what you call it because now I

feel that I was not prepared for the responsibilities of marriage at such a young age. He was not a

good Muslim because he did not pray five times a day and that I was taught is the back bone to

being Muslim.

I started to question a lot of things about my faith, yet my belief in God was strong. I did not like

my hijab. I got lots of compliments on how beautiful my face was almost all the time. I even had

non-Muslim guys ask me out, but I would just laugh about it and tell them I was married. I

voiced my disapproval of hijab to my mother many times, and she would tell me that life is a test

and that Muslims are not on this earth to be happy. On the contrary, we should be miserable

because hell is a reality, and we are sinners and should watch our every action in order to please

God. This notion saddened me many times, if not on a daily basis. I did not want to wear myhijab and I had many issues with hadiths which sickened me to my stomach, so I put the hadith

books away never to look at them again. Now, I still had the Quran, which is the "truth", so I

would read it, and when there were parts about cutting people's hands off and other acts of 

violence, I would think of them as non-standard for our times but acceptable back then. I still

think rapists and murderers should be killed, but not without a trial.

As the years went by, my questioning of my faith and its teachings grew more intense, and I fell

into a depression, finally I took off my head scarf and knew that my good Muslimah image was

shattered because that is the only reason why I kept it on. Yes people, I did not want to face

criticism from loved ones, as well as other Muslims I'd known. I knew how harsh they were

when judging women who did that. I finally came to the conclusion that I don't need to impressanyone but myself, and that you don't need a head scarf to be a good Muslim. My depression

intensified after I took it off and I needed to see a psychiatrist, but I could not tell her why I felt

the way I did because I did not want the image of Islam to be tarnished. I did not go back to her.

That was very naive of me. If I did the same thing as you did Ali Sina, I would have seen the

truth. Your long version of your story about being Muslim made me relate tremendously to you.

That ideal Islam was all that I was aiming for. Many people I met when I was in college as well

as professors were impressed and charmed by my attitude and "stylish" clothing even though I

had a scarf on my head. I voiced my opinions openly, when the stereotype was that Muslim

women are not to be heard or speak. I was proud of myself for being verbally expressive, but at

the same time I was eating myself up inside because I did not believe in what I was wearing over

my quite attractive hair. I truly believe in being a good person and doing to others as you would

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Ali Sina comments:

Hello Bewildered:

I am glad to that you saw the truth and now know that Islam is false. As for your parents, maybeit’s better not to tell them anything. If this information is going to hurt them, what is the point?

They are at an age that can’t change and frankly there is no need for them to change. You

however must make your son see the light. The future belongs to him and his generation. As

long as he remains a Muslim he is also in danger of becoming a terrorist. It is so easy for young

Muslims to convert to terrorism. There are evil people going around preying on young Muslims

and convincing them that they should blow themselves up. After being brainwashed, they are

told to keep their thoughts and mission secret. Often the parents have no clue of the

transformation that their children have gone through. When they find out, it is already too late.

The son has often blown up himself in a suicide mission and the parents receive a cynical phone

of "congratulations" . I could quote tens of stories to corroborate this point. So please make sure

your son is fully aware that Islam is a lie.

As for your depiction of the Israelis, I think you yourself said it all when you said “don't tell me

that the Israelis are all innocent.” No, I won’t tell you that. Bad people exist everywhere.

A couple of months ago I sent one of my articles to an Israeli Internet site. I think it was

Israpundit. They kindly published it. The readers’ comments were mostly positive. But one

reader could not tolerate me. He was rude and abusive. I was a bit taken aback, because the

article was clearly in support of Israel. I wondered why this reader was so much filled with hate

that disregarded my entire argument and all he could see was an Arabic name, which he could

not tolerate.

I did not have to think long to find the answer. The answer is that hate blinds. It blinds one so

much that one can’t see anything good in the object of his hate. That poor Israeli hates Arabs and

anyone with Arabic name, to him is a despicable creature even when that person is on his side. 

I also saw a video clip of Israeli soldiers trying to break the bones of a Palestinian

fighter/terrorist they had captured, by beating his limbs with stone. That video clip was

gruesome. It was an affront to humanity. To say it was outrageous is an understatement. It was

sheer evil.

However, the difference between Israelis and Muslims is that when that video was shown toaverage Israelis, they became livid. Do we have such a spontaneous outburst of anger from

Muslims when other Muslims butcher innocent people including children? No we don’t. To the

degree that a person is a Muslim, he becomes oblivious of other people’s pain. In fact he justifies

their sufferings. There is a Jew who converted to Islam. He changed his name from Joseph

Cohen to Yousef al Khattab. Now that he is a Muslim, he thinks all the Israelis should be

massacred, including their children. See this chilling interview with this man. 

I visited Israel several years ago and while there I used to eat in an Arab fast food restaurant.

This was an Israeli Arab. I asked whether he is happy living in Israel. He smiled and said, much

happier than if he had to live among fellow Palestinians. Then I asked, what about them? Why

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they are so discontent? He put his index finger above his ear and gave it a twist.

Your story about the Israelis shooting people for fun, does not seem to match with reality. If this

was the case, and a policy of the state of Israel, there would be no Palestinian left by now. No

Palestinian would have dared to go among the Jews. Far from, it they feel safer in Israel than intheir own lawless societies.

Do you realize that Israel has the capability to destroy the entire Muslim world in one day?

Despite this awesome power, and despite the hostile rhetoric coming from all Muslim countries

as far as Indonesia and Malaysia, no Islamic country is in any danger by Israel. What would

happen if an Islamic country gets the upper hand? They would not hesitate a day to wipe Israel

off the map. Let us not fool ourselves. Muslims are no innocent lambs. The are wolves without


Take a look at Iran. My country has had problem with each and every Arab country. Arabs hate

Iranians as they have always had. Of course Iranians don't love Arabs either. Unlike Pakistanis

who love to be Arabs, Iranians feel insulted if called Arabs by error. This is just to tell you how

much animosity exists between Arabs and Persians. Even today, the Palestinians and Lebanese

Shiites are in Iran doing the dirty work of the mullahs acting as the henchmen of the regime,

terrorizing and shooting the protesters, torturing them and suppressing them, a job that most

Iranians are not willing to do to their own countrymen. We never had any problem with Israel.

Israel has never been a threat to Iran. In fact we have strong bonds with the Jews that go back 

2500 years and longer. So, why Ahmadinejad is harboring the wish to wipe Israel off the map?

Why every Muslim from Philippines to America thinks it is his religious duty to hate the Jews?

This has nothing to do with what Israelis do to Palestinians. The Palestinians do worse than thatto themselves.

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Justice the Palestinian style.

The Arabs have been killing one another since Muhammad set foot in Arabia. The origin of the

enmity of Muslims against the Jews should not be sought in the state of Israel but in the Quran

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and the sunna of Muhammad.

You talk about “prejudice and acts of violence” by Americans during the first Persian Gulf war 

against Arabs.

I hear what you say. Several years ago, when I still had only Iranian citizenship, I had to visit

US. As soon as the immigration officers saw my passport, they pulled me out of the line and

took me to a separate room for interrogation. My baggage was searched and so my body. I felt

humiliated. But I knew why they were doing this. In their place I would have done the same. Iran

is the number one enemy of the U.S. A few years earlier the Iranians had taken the members of 

the American embassy as hostage. This was cowardly. Not only these criminals never

apologized, they were (and still are) proud of their shameful stupidity. They had masterminded

several terrorist acts against the US including the 1983 bombing of the US barrack in Lebanon

that resulted in the death of 241 marines. Considering all that, I could see that the Americans

were actually kind for letting me in their country.

It is easy to see our selves as victims. But if we stop and think what would we do if we were in

the shoes of those whom we so lavishly criticize, we probably would be able to understand why

they behave the way they do. This is something Muslims don’t lear n. The very concept of 

fairness, i.e. putting ourselves in the shoes of others, is completely absent from our psyche. This

is an “art” that we are not taught. We grew in a sick society that emulates a narcissist as its

ultimate paragon. That is why our entire world is sick. It’s not enough to change our religion; we

must also change our Islamic mentality. We need to undergo a fundamental transformation to

regain our humanity. The only thing that really distinguishes us humans from other creatures

roaming on this earth is fairness. To the degree that we understand the Golden Rule we are

humans and to the degree that we do not, we are beasts.

You are an American now. You are proud of America and obviously you are happy to be here.

Yet you acknowledge that even these tolerant and accommodating Americans were hostile to the

Arabs during the 1st

Persian Golf War. What about after 9/11? America was attacked and

thousands of them were killed by Arab Muslims. Many other Arabs started cheering and dancing

in the streets of America upon hearing the news. Do you still expect them to love the Arabs?

Despite that the Americans defended, not only the Arabs but even their culprit religion. What

would have Muslims done to Americans in their countries if the situation was reverse and if 

America had attacked Mecca, deliberately killing thousands of Muslims?

Forget about bombing Mecca. When a Danish newspaper published the cartoons of MuhammadMuslims all over the world wanted to take revenge from everyone who was not a Muslim. They

even killed innocent Christians in Nigeria, and shot a catholic priests in Turkey. Was the

"prejudice" that you felt in America anywhere close to the savagery of Muslims during the

cartoon conflagration?

A little bit of self awareness is all it’s needed. Why can't we see the beam in our own eyes and

are so good in seeing the speck in the eyes of others?

You say Israeli soldiers attack Palestinian civilians and kill them indiscriminately. Frankly this

sounds so out of the ordinary that I have difficulty believing your version. I have the voice of the

brave Nonie Darwish (Part I  Part II ) on record, saying that when her brother had a stroke, his

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friends discussed where they should take him to an Israeli hospital or to Egypt? They

unanimously agreed they can trust an Israeli hospital more than an Egyptian hospital.

If an Israeli is caught in Palestinian controlled land, it is absolutely certain that he will be mauled

and killed. This happened to two Israelis who made a wrong turn and ended up in Ramala a few

years ago. Yet we see thousands of Palestinians living in Israeli controlled cities, work there,

prosper and are happy. That is why your story does not add up. It defies logic and observation.

Palestinian crowd waves entrails of butchered Israeli victims. in Ramala. The expression on their

faces show they are orgasmic. This level of hate is only possible in Islam 

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A Palestinian shows his bloody hands to the ecstatic fellow Muslims after butchering a Jew. 

One thing is sure and that is Israelis do not turn the other cheek. In my book  I said this is the

only way Muslims should be treated. Bully understands force. He interprets your forgiveness andtolerance as your weakness and becomes bolder and more aggressive. Israel is doing the right

thing to strike back and retaliate every time there is an attack on Israeli soil and Israelis are killed

as the result. You might be in Palestine and suddenly a house or a car is bombed and a few

Palestinians are killed. You immediately conclude that the Israelis are terrorists conducting

terrorist acts with sophisticated weaponry and killing indiscriminately. What you miss is that this

is a retaliatory action and it is done in response to what the Palestinians did a few days earlier.

And those killed by Israel were not innocent people but involved in the terrorist campaign

against Israel. Sometimes innocent people and even children are killed, but that is because these

cowards hide behind the children and use them as human shield. They love to see children killed

so they can use that as publicity stunt and fool the naive Europeans with their bogus claim of 

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It is hard to accept our own fault. Today, the tension between Iran and the civilized world is

increasing. The possibility of Iran being bombed and even nuked, causing the death of many

innocent people is on the rise. This is tearing me apart from within, but if that happens, I can’t

blame anyone but Iran. The civilized world has no option but to stop the the criminal mullahs to

become nuclear. It is better to bomb Iran, and kill several thousands today than wait and be

forced to nuke the entire country and kill millions. The Mullahs must be stopped. It does not

matter at what cost. They must be stopped and defanged otherwise the consequence is a

thousand times worse. It is not easy to be objective when our own people are involved, but wemust.

The truth of the matter is that the Palestinians don’t want peace. They do not want any settlement

with the Jews. These people are driven by hate. They are willing to be nuked as long as Israel is

wiped off of the map. This is the mentality of the suicide bomber taken one step further.

Much of the stories of “Israeli atrocities” shown in the West are fabrications of Palywood.

(Please see this and this.) It is hard to have any sympathy for a people who have this much hate

and try to fool the world with this much lies.

I know this is hard for you, but in this war the Palestinians are at fault. They are the bad guys, just as the Iranians (now reduced to the regime only and a small percentage that support them)

are the bad guys. But in Palestine, the bad guys are still the average people. The fact that the

Palestinians chose overwhelmingly a terrorist organization to rule over them says a lot about

them. Let us not fool ourselves with PC talk. I am not a PC person. I write what I think. We have

no difficulty to condemn one person when he is bad. We have also no difficulty to condemn a

small group when they are bad. But somehow we stop condemning a large group when they are

bad. If a bad thing is done by a large number of people then that bad thing somehow loses its

badness. But evil is evil. It does not become less evil if the majority of people do it. The majority

of the Palestinians think evil and do evil. The fact that the only alternatives on the ballots were a

bunch of thieves or a bunch of terrorists, says a lot about the deplorable state of the Palestinians.

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I believe it was Plato who said people deserve the government that rules over them.

The Iranians were just as stupid 27 years ago as the Palestinians are today. They were full of hate

and arrogance. They paid the price, and what a price! Now, a generation later, their children

have changed. The majority of Iranians think differently. In my view, Palestinians should be leftto their own. A wall must be built to protect the Israelis and the Palestinians must be given the

opportunity to learn their lesson the hard way, the way they want to learn it, just as the Iranians

did. This is their right. Maturity cannot be imposed. It must be earned with pain. I think they

should not be given any money. We are destroying their dignity by making them perpetual

beggars. Stop giving them fish, let them learn how to fish on their own. Let them learn their

lesson through hunger. All the money you give them is funneled in the pockets of their rulers.

Arafat had billions of dollars to his name on the day he went to hell. The problem was not

Arafat, the problem is the Arab culture and their mentality that allows likes of Arafat to become

heroes while milking the ignorant people. And when you tell them to have democracy, they go

an elect the terrorists.

Israel belongs to the Jews. They were living in those lands thousands of years before anyone else

showed up. They were dispersed around the world through wars. Everywhere they were

persecuted and used as scapegoats. They were treated as "scum of the earth", and despite that,

with their genius they proved to be the salt of the earth. They were massacred. They were

wiped out from Islamic countries. Now they have come back to their own ancestral land. That is

where they belong. They transformed this most forsaken land of God into a paradise. They made

the desert bloom and now from that tiny arid land they produce enough food to feed the entire

Arab world. They have technology and science that can benefit all their Arab neighbors. Israel is

the only shining light in the middle of an ocean of darkness. The least the Muslims can do is to

learn from their democracy. But the only thing they can think of is how to wipe Israel off themap.

That wet dream is not going to materialize. Israelis have the power to defend themselves. If their

existence is threatened, it is legitimate for them to kill their enemies first even if this means

reducing half or all the Muslim world into ash. Muslims must realize that their stupidity is only

sealing their own doom.

Palestine never existed. Palestinians are Arabs. All these phony Arab countries are the creation

of the Old Fox (the Great Britain). Iraq. Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, United

Arab Emirates, Qatar, are all phony countries. They were all parts of the Ottoman Empire. The

British thought the best way for them to continue milking the fools is to divide them. Jack Strawis a typical British Politician. This man is evil and cunning in every sense of the word.

Fortunately he was booted out from the cabinet. There will be more Jack Straws. They divided

the Ottoman Empire and gave parts of that their loyal friends. Jordan became Jordan-e Hashemi,

the entire country belongs to the Hashemi family. Saudi Arabia was given to Al Saud family, so

on so forth. Isn't that an insult to people. These lands do not belong to the millions of people

living there. They belong to these families. Arabs are so brain-dead that accepted this

humiliation and still don't complain.

Anyway, all these phony Arab countries are the invention of the British. The Palestinians are just

Arabs like the rest of Arabs. The solution to the problem of the Middle East is that all these

Arabs come together, and form a federal government. They are just one people. They should

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have one country and the Palestinians should be part of that country. This tiny land called Israel

belongs to the Jews.

The Israelis do not have any enmity with the Muslims. They were the first to recognize

Bangladesh after their fellow Muslim Pakistani bhais massacred 3,000,000 of them and raped250,000 of their women. The Israelis were the first to support the rights of the Kurds to self 

determination. They are the first to offer help to any Islamic country that is hit by a natural

disaster. The Israeli doctors were among the first to rush to Kosovo helping the Muslims. When

Bam in Iran was hit by an earthquake burying thousands of people under rubbles, Israel

immediately offered to help with rescue teams. The Mullahs said no and God knows how many

thousands of people suffered agonizing slow deaths in that winter under the rubbles. They could

have been saved if the Israelis were allowed to help. The Israelis have shown they care more

about the people of Iran than the mullahs. They care about human life while the mullahs care

about their nefarious ideologies and give a damn to human life. Your story of Israelis killing the

Palestinians for sport and fun simply does not fall into any known pattern.

Since the creation of Israel until the Islamic revolution, Israel was a great ally of Iran. Even

though they were a small country, they had a hospital in Tehran where every Muslim went when

his life was endangered. These Jew haters, forgot about their hatred and the fact that the Jews are

najis and sought their help to save their lives. In fact Muslims have for centuries trusted their

lives in the hand of Jewish hakims, while at the same time they called them descendants of apes,

pigs and rats.

Leaving Islam; is the first step towards humanization. Leaving our hatred behind is getting


Speaking of the Jews let me share with you a story I heard from a Jew, that I already quoted 


“Two Yeshiva students arguing over when the dawn of the day begins. One said it wasthe dawn when you could tell the difference between an olive tree and a fig tree. (Anolive tree has small leaves; fig trees have big leaves.) The other argued that the dawnof the day was when you could tell the difference between a man and woman. Neithercould agree. Finally, they asked their rabbi. The rabbi answered, "It is the dawn of theday when you can no longer see a difference between a Jew and a Gentile. That is thedawn of THE DAY.” 

We must strive for that dawn. We must learn to see people as people and not as Jews, Christians,

Muslims, Hindus, Americans, Arabs, Chinese, Whites, Blacks or Reds. When you become blind

to all these differences you can see the soul of your fellow human and all you see is your self in

him. Beneath all these superficialities, we are one people, made of the same stock, of the same

essence. Each human is a letter from God. We come in different envelops, sometimes dirty,

sometimes beaten up and broken. Disregard that envelop and read that beautiful message of love

that we all carry within.

What separates us from one another, are ideologies. Even nationality is a vacuous ideology. Not

that I am against nationality. I strongly believe in patriotism. But what I don’t believe in is

 jingoism. I don’t believe in tribalism. I don’t believe we should prefer our own people over 

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others and neglect their rights. I believe charity starts a home, but this does not mean the rights

of others should be trampled and ignored. Once we accept this undeniable and self evident fact

that every person that is born on this planet has exactly the same rights to live on it and enjoy it

as we do; much of this hatred and antagonisms we harbor against each other will vanish and the

day of unity of mankind will dawn. That would be the dawn of THE DAY.