test pdf foro ciudades

Manuel Robles Mayor of Fuenlabrada Centro Cultural Tomás y Valiente c/ Leganés, 51 Fuenlabrada www.ayto-fuenlabrada.es [+34] 91 649 7000 ext. 3217 The Forum of Cities in an initiative of the Municipality of Fuenlabrada. Its main objective is to create a meeting place to exchange experiences and innovative projects aimed at defining a model city more and more in line with the changing needs and interests of citizens. In this sixth edition, we propose a debate on social and economic transformations that are occurring and their impact on relations between Europe and emerging countries. Globalization and economic crises have profoundly changed international relations. Countries like China, Brazil, India, Russia and South Africa have entered a strong economic power in the international arena and have an ever more crucial participation in the global production, trade and investment. So much so that today can be said to have become a key determinant of global prosperity, consolidating a greater dispersion of economic power. For its part, the European Union, through the initiative "Europe 2020", also wants to build a new economic model that promotes fair social and territorial cohesion, based on knowledge and innovation, sustainability, employment and integrated growth. From my point of view, it is necessary that we promote a strategic, economic and political partnership which can take advantage of the opportunities that this new situation offers us to build a more balanced and fairer society. As shown the economic crisis, the global changes are reflected in ever-growing in the municipalities and therefore greater impact on our daily lives. So it is so important that, from the cities, we try to participate in the design and implementation of this new model of international relations. And as always happens at the local level, no progress is possible in any way without the involvement of the citizens. I would therefore invite very special all the citizens of Fuenlabrada to participate in the discussions taking place during these days in our city.

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Manuel RoblesMayor of Fuenlabrada

Centro CulturalTomás y Valientec/ Leganés, 51

Fuenlabradawww.ayto-fuenlabrada.es[+34] 91 649 7000 ext. 3217

The Forum of Cities in an initiative of the Municipality of Fuenlabrada. Its main objective is to create a meeting place to exchange experiences and innovative projects aimed at defining a model city more and more in line with the changing needs and interests of citizens.

In this sixth edition, we propose a debate on social and economic transformations that are occurring and their impact on relations between Europe and emerging countries.

Globalization and economic crises have profoundly changed international relations. Countries like China, Brazil, India, Russia and South Africa have entered a strong economic power in the international arena and have an ever more crucial participation in the global production, trade and investment. So much so that today can be said to have become a key determinant of global prosperity, consolidating a greater dispersion of economic power.

For its part, the European Union, through the initiative "Europe 2020", also wants to build a new economic model that promotes fair social and territorial cohesion, based on knowledge and innovation, sustainability, employment and integrated growth.

From my point of view, it is necessary that we promote a strategic, economic and political partnership which can take advantage of the opportunities that this new situation offers us to build a more balanced and fairer society.

As shown the economic crisis, the global changes are reflected in ever-growing in the municipalities and therefore greater impact on our daily lives. So it is so important that, from the cities, we try to participate in the design and implementation of this new model of international relations.

And as always happens at the local level, no progress is possible in any way without the involvement of the citizens. I would therefore invite very special all the citizens of Fuenlabrada to participate in the discussions taking place during these days in our city.

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E U R O P AY L O SP A IS E S E M E R G E N T E SF u e n la b r a d a , 2 4 , 2 5 y 2 6 d e M a r z o 2 0 1 1

Jueves, 24 de marzo de 201117:30 h.Acreditación y recepción de invitadosCENTROCULTURALTOM ASY VALIENTE. C/ LEGANÉS, 51. FUENLABRADA.

18:30 h. Presentación e inauguraciónJosé Borrás. C o n c e ja l P a r t ic ip a c ió n C iu d a d a n a . A y u n ta m ie n to d e F u e n la b r a d a (E s p a ñ a ).M anuel Robles Delgado. A lc a ld e d e F u e n la b r a d a (E s p a ñ a ).

19:00 h. La nueva geografía económica: el papel de las economías emergentesBeverly J. Silver. S o c ió lo g a . U n iv e r s id a d J o h n s H o p k in s (E E .U U ). Cándido M éndez. S e c r e t a r io G e n e r a l d e U G T (E s p a ñ a ).

Viernes, 25 de marzo de 20119:30-11:30 h.Nuevos actores internacionales

M zukisi Qobo. I n s t i t u t o S u d a f r ic a n o d e A s u n to s In t e r n a c io n a le s (S u d á f r ic a ). Ángel M artínez González-Tablas. E c o n o m is ta . D ir e c t o r d e la F u n d a c ió n C o m p lu t e n s e .U C M (E s p a ñ a ). Boris M artynov. V ic e d ir e c to r In s t i t u t o L a t in o a m e r ic a n o . A c a d e m ia d e C ie n c ia s (R u s ia ).

11:30 h.C a f é .

12:00- 13:30 h.Cambio social y nuevas relaciones económicas

Rodolfo Benito. P r e s id e n te F u n d a c ió n P r im e r o d e M a y o (E s p a ñ a ). Claudio Katz. E c o n o m is t a . U n iv e r s id a d B u e n o s A ir e s (A r g e n t in a ). Bertha Luján. R e d M e j ic a n a A c c ió n C o n t r a L ib r e C o m e r c io (M é x ic o ).

16:30- 18:30 h.Los limites del mercado

Theotonio dos Santos. S o c ió lo g o . U n iv e r s id a d F e d e r a lF lu m in e n s e (B r a s i l). Joaquín Garralda. R e d E s p a ñ o la P a c to M u n d ia l N a c io n e s U n id a s(E s p a ñ a ).Thi Anh-Dao Tran. E c o n o m is ta . U n iv e r s id a d d e R o u e n(L a o s / F r a n c ia ).

18:30-20:30 h. Los agentes socialesen una economía globalizada

Prabhat Patnaik. E c o n o m is t a . V ic e p r e s id e n t ed e P la n i f ic a c ió n , E s ta d o d e K e r a la (In d ia ). Yilmaz Akyuz. E c o n o m is t a . E x d ir e c t o r d e U N C T A D (T u r q u í a ). Jiang Shixue. V ic e d ir e c t o r d e l I n s t i t u to d e E s tu d io s E u r o p e o s .A c a d e m ia d e C ie n c ia s S o c ia le s (C h in a ).

Sábado, 26 de marzo de 201111:30 h.Conclusiones

Entrega Premio Fuenlabrada de Ensayo Foro de las Ciudades Fuenlabrada 2011:“Europa y los paises emergentes”, c o n v o c a d o p o r la A s o c ia c ió n S O F IA .Coordinadora Local de Asociaciones de Vecinos de Fuenlabrada CLAVES.(E s p a ñ a ).

12:00-13:30 h.Europa y los Paises Emergentes

Michel Camdessus. B a n c o d e F r a n c ia . E x d ir e c t o r -g e r e n te F M I . (F r a n c ia ). Josep Borrell. P r e s id e n t e In s t i t u to U n iv e r s i t a r io E u r o p e o . E x -P r e s id e n t e P a r la m e n toE u r o p e o (E s p a ñ a ).

13:30 h.Clausura

José Borrás. C o n c e ja l P a r t ic ip a c ió n C iu d a d a n a . A y u n t a m ie n t o d e F u e n la b r a d a . (E s p a ñ a ).Manuel Robles Delgado. A lc a ld e d e F u e n la b r a d a . (E s p a ñ a ).

Al finalizar se ofrecerá un vino español.

Los alumnos y alumnas de las Universidades Rey Juan Carlos, Carlos III y de la UniversidadComplutense de Madrid, podrán obtener créditos académicos:

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos3 créditosUniversidad Carlos I I I1 crédito

Universidad Complutense2 créditos(O su equivalencia en los nuevos créditos académicos ETCS .)

• E l alumnado de la UCM deberá completar la asistenciacon prueba escrita.

• E l número de plazas para los alumnos y alumnas universitarios está limitado a 600 por riguroso

orden de inscripción.

Plazo de inscripción del 1 al 20 de marzo de 2011 en

www.forodelasciudades.comAcceso libre hasta completar aforo.