term three parent/teacher interviews from the … excited to dress up as their favourite book...

Mirambeena Drive Pimpama QLD 4209 Subscribe: Subscribe: http://ormeauss.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe Email: Email: [email protected] Phone: Phone: 07 5546 6500 Fax: Fax: 07 5546 7247 17 August 2017 17 August 2017 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Gold Coast Show Holiday A reminder to all that the 1 September, 2017 is a public holiday for the Gold Coast Show Holiday. There will be no school on this day. Term Three parent/teacher interviews Notes will be sent out shortly for parent/teacher interviews. This is an invitation to all parents to come into the school and discuss their child’s progress with the classroom teacher. If you can’t make it on this particular week, please speak to your classroom teacher to make another time. At Ormeau State School we believe in strong communication between our teachers and parents to achieve the very best student outcomes. NAPLAN reports It was fantastic to see so many students doing well in our recent NAPLAN tests. Our specific school improvement agenda this year was Reading and I can report that school wide improvements are clearly evident. These NAPLAN results will now be used to identify other gaps in student learning as we track your journey of improvement. Cross Country carnival Our annual Cross Country carnival will be held on Friday 25 August. We recommend taking your child for a run, or doing some sort of training for the event as sometimes the students bodies aren’t used to running for an extended period of time. All parents are welcome to attend. Kind regards Heather Andrew FROM THE DEPUTIES’ DESK Enrol NOW for Prep 2018 We have already received a lot of enrolments applications for our 2018 Prep classes. If your child is born between 1 July, 2012 and 30 June, 2013 and you haven’t already completed your child’s Prep enrolment application please do as soon as possible. By enrolling now ensures that you and your child will be invited to attend an interview at the end of 2017 where we will get to learn more about what your child can do. This allows us to prepare for the individual needs of your child giving them a great start to their first year of school (Prep) in 2017. Seamless to Prep Expo The CPOW Early Years Network is holding a Prep Expo on Friday 13 October, 2017 from 2pm-6pm at the Upper Coomera Community Centre. Please refer to the flyer for more information. (The CPOW Early Years Network members include representatives from the State Schools and Early Year Centres in the Coomera, Pimpama, Ormeau and Woongoolba areas.)

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Page 1: Term Three parent/teacher interviews FROM THE … excited to dress up as their favourite book character. ... English, we have been ... not like a robot? • Punctuation– Does my

Mirambeena DrivePimpama QLD 4209Subscribe:Subscribe: http://ormeauss.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe

Email:Email: [email protected]:Phone: 07 5546 6500

Fax:Fax: 07 5546 7247

17 August 201717 August 2017


Gold Coast Show Holiday

A reminder to all that the 1 September, 2017 is a public holidayfor the Gold Coast Show Holiday. There will be no school onthis day.

Term Three parent/teacher interviews

Notes will be sent out shortly for parent/teacher interviews.This is an invitation to all parents to come into the schooland discuss their child’s progress with the classroom teacher.If you can’t make it on this particular week, please speakto your classroom teacher to make another time. At OrmeauState School we believe in strong communication betweenour teachers and parents to achieve the very best studentoutcomes.

NAPLAN reports

It was fantastic to see so many students doing well in ourrecent NAPLAN tests. Our specific school improvement agendathis year was Reading and I can report that school wideimprovements are clearly evident. These NAPLAN results willnow be used to identify other gaps in student learning as wetrack your journey of improvement.

Cross Country carnival

Our annual Cross Country carnival will be held on Friday 25August. We recommend taking your child for a run, or doingsome sort of training for the event as sometimes the studentsbodies aren’t used to running for an extended period of time.All parents are welcome to attend.

Kind regardsHeather Andrew


Enrol NOW for Prep 2018

We have already received a lot of enrolments applications forour 2018 Prep classes. If your child is born between 1 July,2012 and 30 June, 2013 and you haven’t already completedyour child’s Prep enrolment application please do as soon aspossible.

By enrolling now ensures that you and your child will be invitedto attend an interview at the end of 2017 where we will getto learn more about what your child can do. This allows us toprepare for the individual needs of your child giving them a greatstart to their first year of school (Prep) in 2017.

Seamless to Prep Expo

The CPOW Early Years Network is holding a Prep Expo onFriday 13 October, 2017 from 2pm-6pm at the Upper CoomeraCommunity Centre. Please refer to the flyer for moreinformation. (The CPOW Early Years Network members includerepresentatives from the State Schools and Early Year Centresin the Coomera, Pimpama, Ormeau and Woongoolba areas.)

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Page 2: Term Three parent/teacher interviews FROM THE … excited to dress up as their favourite book character. ... English, we have been ... not like a robot? • Punctuation– Does my

Every day counts at school

The importance of a team effort in achieving school attendanceis the main theme in the next animation and comic book in Theadventures of Jimmy and Sam the Dog series, developed bythe Department of Education and Training.

Once again NRL star Sam Thaiday plays Sam the Dog, witha cameo appearance by Johnathan Thurston, plus formerQueensland Firebird Beryl Friday and two Solid Pathwaysstudents.

Research shows that school attendance leads to positivestudent outcomes, and can help children build social andemotional skills.

Head to the Every day counts website .

Travel safely on buses

Ensuring the safety of our children is of paramount importance.

The Queensland Bus Industry Council has released a videoabout safe bus travel to make children aware of the dangersand encourage them to be respectful and safety consciouswhen travelling on buses.

Whether they are travelling to school on adaily basis, on local bus services or to anexcursion, there are lots of things childrencan do to ensure the safety of themselvesand those around them.

We encourage all students to view the video, travel safely onbuses, and be respectful of their peers, the driver andcommunity members.

Kind regards and happy reading

Your Deputies Jane Tuckett and Brendan Creighton

1A, 1B, 1C, 1P, 1Q, 1SDear Parents and Guardians,

We are over halfway through Term Three and working hardin a variety of areas. Our unit on Fairytales has engaged thestudents in reading, comprehension and writing activities. Wehave been sequencing, comparing and retelling stories. Wehave been writing character descriptions and have beenenjoying participating in reader’s theatre. Speaking of reading,don’t forget our upcoming book parade! No doubt, the kids willbe excited to dress up as their favourite book character. It is onTuesday August 22.

In Mathematics, we have been focusing on data collection andgraphs and have been extending our knowledge on numberand place value. We will also be exploring fractions and howto represent a half. As well as consolidating our knowledgeon reading and writing time to the hour and recognising andordering money.

Our focus in History has been on families and how they are alldifferent and unique and in Health we have been learning aboutvarious aspects of safety. We even had a visit from the local firedepartment to learn all about fire safety and see the awesomefire equipment and trucks.

To finish off with, we would like to thank parents for theircontinued efforts when supporting students with theirhomework. We are noticing some marked improvements inreading, sight words and spelling this term and one on onesupport at home is clearly contributing to this.

Kind Regards,

Natalie Casala, Fiona Quinn, Suzzi Bray, Nikki Swain,Shannon Curtis and Katie Phillips

3C, 3J, 3L, 3M, 3TIn class this term, all Year Threes have been very busy. InEnglish, we have been completing our Procedure writing taskfor assessment. Our new writing genre is the InformationReport. In Maths, we have recently focussed on Chance andData and discussed what the chances are of somethingoccurring. In History, we are looking at the many times we havecelebrations and commemorations during the year in Australia.In HPE we look at our body parts, particularly organs andsystems, and later, Family and Friends. Geography is all aboutProtecting Places Near and Far which includes our local area.In the first week of 4th term we will be walking up to the LivingRivers Uniting church to find out about our local area. PastorTrevor Mildren will be talking to us about how important thechurch building and the cemetery are to the history of ourarea, as we do not have many old buildings left locally. Moreinformation about this excursion will be provided towards theend of term.

This term we have already had the author, Justin D’Ath visit ourschool. He was able to tell us about some of his books and whyhe wrote them.

Other events this term are:

Cross Country - Friday August 25Gold Coast show holiday on Friday September 1.Remember our school’s pop-up Science display atCoomera on 20 August.

Please make sure your child’s jumpers and hats are labelledclearly with their names. We have had a number of hats andjumpers go missing this term. The year level is also desperatelyin need of tissues for the classroom. We have had manychildren sick with the flu, so tissue supplies have dwindled inmany classes. Thank you to those parents and carers who havealready sent tissues to our classrooms. More will probably beneeded later in the term.


Casey Cameron, Vanessa Laing, Louise McMillan,Sara Murray, Ann Reedman and Grayham Tyler.

5H, 5M, 5S, 5T, 5WDear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to another instalment from Year 5. It has been afrantic term for all involved. With the halfway mark of the termupon us, students will be very busy applying their knowledge


Page 3: Term Three parent/teacher interviews FROM THE … excited to dress up as their favourite book character. ... English, we have been ... not like a robot? • Punctuation– Does my

and understanding from the topics covered to completeupcoming assessment items.

The Year 5 Camp was an enjoyable experience for everyoneinvolved. At times, students were able to display leadershipskills whilst cooperating with peers in a collaborative manner.These skills will be a key focus for the remainder of Year 5life. Students will need to be ready to tackle the leadershiprequirements as the leaders of the school next year.

Cooking will recommence during week six and finish at theend of the term. This would not be possible without theextraordinary skills and assistance from Mrs Post, who guidesthe students during this unique learning and essential life skill.

With the end of year approaching books and stationery suppliesare running low for some students. Please check with your childif they require any more books or stationery.

Finally, just some housekeeping regarding homework andweekly behaviour cards. Please check that your child isshowing their weekly behaviour card to you as this is anindication relating to the behaviour that has been displayed byyour child for that particular week. Also, please check that yourchild is completing their homework each night ready to hand inon their allocated day.

If you have any concerns or queries, please contact your child’sclassroom teacher.

Kind Regards,

Michael Howlett, Liz Sas, Ed Williams, CynthiaThorpe, Mikaela Shute and Jamie Miller


Let’s focus on Fluency

So what exactly is fluency? Fluency encompasses a numberof skills, including the ability to read quickly, make readingsound like “speaking” and read with appropriate phrasing andexpression. One of the biggest impacts on a child being able toread fluently, is when their energy and focus is still invested indecoding the text. Reading too slowly can also affect the child’sability to comprehend what has been read.

So how can I help my child’s reading fluency athome?

Here’s a simple fluency checklist for home:

Fluency is the bridge that connects word recognition tocomprehension

Until next time,

Melita Thomas – Early Years Support Teacher

GERMAN NEWSIt was another impressive senior parade with 85 studentsreceiving their certificates of achievement for the Social ScienceOnline competition. This was the second half of thepresentation … with another 85 certificates … presented on aprevious senior parade.

Students have again been hard at work in the next curriculumarea – Maths.

1. Encourage your child to read aloud.

2. Record an audio of your child reading and play itback to them. It is highly beneficial for a child to hearthemselves in this way for effective feedback.

3. Make or obtain a “whisper phone” (PVC piping thatlooks like a phone placed against the ear and mouth).Many students have these in their classrooms so popin and ask your child’s teacher about what one ofthese look like. This allows the child to hearthemselves more clearly.

4. Re-read familiar texts to build confidence andincrease fluency.

5. Model good fluency to your child.

6. Consider texts that have plenty of rhyme, goodrhythm and repetitive parts to facilitate fluency.

• Accuracy – Can my child read the words correctly?

• Rate – Does my child read not too fast and not tooslow?

• Expression – Does my child read with feeling andnot like a robot?

• Punctuation – Does my child follow most or all of thepunctuation marks in text?


Page 4: Term Three parent/teacher interviews FROM THE … excited to dress up as their favourite book character. ... English, we have been ... not like a robot? • Punctuation– Does my

Their results are:

Gold Lachlan K Britany W

Aidan F Jessica N Golden OSilver

Karnae N-T

Ethan Mc-J Kanna Y Zachery HBronze

Hayley Mc Grayson M Chase W

Reid L Jake P Ethan H

Eric F Jake B Jett C

India H Noah T Nadia A

Ella J Summer R Tyson F

Alyssa W Ryan F Austen S

Cayel K Tayla K Hunter R-T

Lily C Joshua Z-C Isabella B

Kaia G Soloman F Harlem W

Oceana C Alex S Karlei K

Sam J Cohen D Zac M

Scarlett H-L Carter F Ruby C


Thomas H Izacc H

A total of 48 certificates!

This places Ormeau in Top 1 position from the 141 schools whocompeted in Queensland.

These certificates will be presented on future parades. Thecertificates for the Languages Competition will be presented onthe next Senior Parade.

These students apply themselves in their own time to competeand achieve in these Online World competitions. It is connectedto our participation in the Language Perfect program.

For their efforts, the students have been awarded a ‘PizzaParty’ from the Education Perfect Company!

The next opportunity will be the Science Competition this week,with the Queensland Language and Oktoberfest competitionsoffered soon.

The finishing touches are being added to our ‘FriendshipFlowers’ to be sent to our partner school in Berlin.

We will be welcoming a guest presenter from Germany toOrmeau in the next few weeks – David Fermer, creator of aneducational program ‘Deutsch mit Socke’. Students from 6B

will be preparing sock puppets in readiness for this specialpresentation.

I am very proud of these students’ efforts. Congratulations.

Frau Hay



Ormeau State School is again pleased to be part of theWakakirri Story Dance Competition.

Our Wakakirri Story Dance is a 7 minute performance by 42students, who theatrically tell a story using a combination ofdancing, creative movement and acting to pre-recorded music.

Schools can tell any story and use any combination of dance,acting, music, sets, props and costumes. Our story is entitled“The Gift of Friendship”, and tells the story of three friends whoare transported into the game of Monopoly. Once there, oneof the friends becomes obsessed with money and ultimatelysteals from her friends. Following an exciting chase scene, shelands up in jail. Her friends though give her the gift of friendshipreleasing her from jail. A happily-ever-after ending.

Our Wakakirri Team have been rehearsing since Term 2 andour story dance is looking really good. We are all very excitedand looking forward to our big stage performance at the LoganEntertainment Centre next Tuesday 22 August. A hugethankyou to our performers and their parents/caregivers foryour commitment to this event.

We will be performing in front of the school on Monday 21August from 2 pm in the dome, so feel free to pop by to viewour efforts.

UNSW Assessment Competition – Science andSpelling

Congratulations are extended to the eighteen students fromYears 3 – 6, who participated in the recent Science Assessmentand the sixteen who tried their hands at the Spelling.

The following students achieved outstanding results and wereawarded certificates for their efforts:



Year 5Lachlan K (top 1% in Australia)




Year 4Tanami M (top 10% inAustralia)


Page 5: Term Three parent/teacher interviews FROM THE … excited to dress up as their favourite book character. ... English, we have been ... not like a robot? • Punctuation– Does my

Year 4Leam D (top 8% in Australia)

Year 3Maddison T (top 11% in Australia)


Year 6Travis S (top 30% in Australia)

Year 5Elizabeth D (top 12% in Australia)

Year 4Laila Jade K (top 30% inAustralia)

Year 3Isabelle T (top 21% in Australia)Harrison M (top 33% in Australia)


Year 4Alex SKeira D


Year 6Carter FRyan B

Year 5Sophie THayden H

Year 4Fraser STayla CSummer R

Year 3Jazmin H

Year 3Tasman M (top 3% in Australia)


Year 6Rylan B (top 32% in Australia)

Year 5Joseph M (top 15% inAustralia)Ryan F (top 22% in Australia)Lachlan K (top35% in Australia)

Year 3Noah S (top 20% in Australia)Isabelle T (top 28% in Australia)


Year 4Charlotte NJayah R

Year 3Jack MMaddison T


Year 3Isaac HGemma MEthan PKimberley T

Well done everyone for taking the opportunity to participate!

The Mathematics Assessment took place on Tuesdayafternoon 15 August. Results for this will be available early nextterm.

If you have any queries, please contact me [email protected].

Kind regardsJulie McCombe

i Centre NEWS

Prep – Year 2 Book Character Dress Up Parade/LiteratureActivity morning

All Prep – Year 2 classes are attending lessons with me thisterm focusing on the shortlisted Book Week titles for this year.As part of our Book Week celebrations all Prep – Year 2students are to come dressed up as a favourite BookCharacter in Book Week, on Tuesday, August 22. There isa full school parade under the Dome that morning which givesthe lower school an opportunity to show off their costumes tothe rest of the school before returning to class for the LiteratureActivities. Children are to bring the book that inspired theircostume with them for the Parade. NO SUPER HERO ORFROZEN COSTUMES PLEASE.

Three children from each class will win a book for their dress upefforts and this will be a random selection from those childrenwho are in costume.

Family are welcome to attend and enjoy this celebration ofliterature.

Reading RegardsLinda Langes, Sarah Rees, Katya Rowley

MUSIC NEWSBankwest Easy Grants… The Music Department needs yourhelp!

The Ormeau State School Music Department has beenselected to be in the running for one of 6 $1000 grants.

All we have to do is follow the link and VOTE!!


Please click on the link and find ‘Ormeau State School’ andfollow the instructions on the page to vote for us! We wouldgreatly appreciate the support. It’s only for the month of Augustso please get your votes in quickly.

Yours in musicGemma Christensen



Our annual Cross Country will be held on FRIDAY 25AUGUST. This is an inter-house competition for the wholeschool. Please encourage your child/children to wear housecolours:


They should wear a hat, sunscreen and suitable running shoesand bring a water bottle and any medication (eg asthma puffers)if required.

Details are as follows:


9.10am Prep boys & girls Oval & playground –400m

12 years girls (born 2005) Full course – 2.2km9.20am

12 years boys (born 2005) Full course – 2.2km

11 years girls (born 2006) Full course – 2.2km9.45am

11 years boys (born 2006) Full course – 2.2km

10 years girls (born 2007) Oval & bush track –1.5km


10 years boys (born 2007) Oval & bush track –1.5km

11.00am Morning Tea


Page 6: Term Three parent/teacher interviews FROM THE … excited to dress up as their favourite book character. ... English, we have been ... not like a robot? • Punctuation– Does my


Year 4 – 9 years girls (born2008)

Oval & bush track –1.5km


Year 4 – 9 years boys (born2008)

Oval & bush track –1.5km

Year 3 girls 1 lap of school oval &11.50am

Year 3 boys bush track – 1km

Year 2 girls 1 lap of school oval &12.15pm

Year 2 boys bush track – 1km

1.00pm Lunch

2.00pm Year 1 girls Bush Track – 750m

Kind regardsPeter Tyne

SCIENCE NEWSHello to all from the Science desk

Over the coming weeks, we have two terrific opportunities forour Ormeau SS students, allowing them to be further immersedin the world of Science.

Firstly, any interested students along with their families, areinvited to attend a free activity at the 2017 Gold Coast SchoolsPop-up Science Centre. This is being held at the CoomeraIndoor Sports Centre, Beattie Rd Coomera this coming SundayAugust 20, starting at 10:00am. The Science team fromOrmeau has been allocated a booth and will be set up in theScience Walk zone. Six Year 6 students will be assisting at ourbooth and helping visitors with our friction based sessions. Wehope you can join us.

A further science opportunity for our students is through anonline competition, Science World Series Championships,which will be active from Monday 14 to Monday 21 August. This

is an annual event run by the company EducationPerfect. All ofour Year 5 and 6 students have been entered for free, courtesyof our well-organised German teacher, Paula Hay. Thank youPaula for your dedicated input into student opportunity inScience. Further information can be found via the link below.Also listed below, is the prize pool information.



Along with some incredible prizes, students receive certificates(mailed to the school) based on the number of points earned inthe competition.

This week is National Science week. Log onto the AustralianGovt website, to view the timetable of festivals, events andactivities in our region.


Regards from your Science teachersLeanne Hines-Smith, Janelle Cokley, Alex Griffani,Trent Long



Our Flexischools options are constantly changing. Pleaseregister atthe link below for fast efficient ordering.


Uniform shop

Uniform shop opening hoursMonday 8:15am - 9:15amWednesday 2pm - 3pmor order via http://www.flexischools.com.au/


Our School P and C has created the following groups to helpour School community communicate and keep abreast ofupcoming events. When you have requested to join a messageusing our P and C Facebook, the Coordinator will messageyou a response. All members in our groups have been passedthrough our school administration for approval to meetDepartment of Education Social Media Guidelines.

• 500 points: Credit Certificate

• 1,000 points: Bronze Certificate and entry to theBronze Prize Draw

• 2,000 points: Silver Certificate and entry to the SilverPrize Draw

• 3,000 points: Gold Certificate and entry to the GoldPrize Draw

• 10,000 points: Elite Award and entry to the ElitePrize Draw

• Ormeau State School Prep 2018 - P&C ParentsForum

• Ormeau State School Prep 2017 - P&C ParentsForum


Page 7: Term Three parent/teacher interviews FROM THE … excited to dress up as their favourite book character. ... English, we have been ... not like a robot? • Punctuation– Does my

Next P and C Meeting

Date: Monday 11th September 2017Time: 7pmVenue: School Admin building (Staff Room)Everyone is welcomeIf you cannot make it please email us to advise on anymatters you would like brought up.E: [email protected]

Voluntary Contribution

Your contributions are used for improvements and programsthat benefit ALL children in the school.

We need your help, so please support Ormeau State School Pand C and pay your contribution.

$50 for 1 child or $90 for 2 plus Children.

Go in the draw to win a FAMILY PASS to Dreamworld/Whitewater world or Movie World/Seaworld/Wet'n'wild.

flexischools.com.au is now a new payment method.

Ormeau State School P and C and School Administrationwould like to say a BIG Thank you to those who have paid theirfamily contribution so far this year.

Thank you also to those who have found thepayment option on FlexiSchools!

Your contribution goes a long way.....


Ormeau State School P&C


Chocolate Beetroot Muffins


Canola oil spray3 (about 375g) beetroot bulbs, peeled265g (1 3/4 cups) self-raising flour30g (1/4 cup) cocoa powder1 teaspoon mixed spice200g (1 cup, firmly packed) dark brown sugar3 eggs, at room temperature180g butter, melted150g dark chocolate, melted, cooled2 teaspoons vanilla


Step 1

Preheat oven to 180°C. Spray fifteen 80ml (1/3-cup) capacitymuffin pans with oil. Finely grate the beetroot into a bowl.

Step 2

Sift the flour, cocoa powder and mixed spice into a bowl. Stirin sugar. Stir in the beetroot, eggs and butter. Add chocolateand vanilla extract. Stir until just combined. Spoon among theprepared pans. Smooth the surfaces. Bake for 25 minutes oruntil a skewer inserted into the centres comes out clean. Setaside to cool completely.

Step 3

Spread the icing over the muffins.



• Ormeau State School Year 1 - P&C Parents Forum

• Ormeau State School Year 2 - P&C Parents Forum

• Ormeau State School Year 3 - P&C Parents Forum

• Ormeau State School Year 4 - P&C Parents Forum

• Ormeau State School Year 5 - P&C Parents Forum

• Ormeau State School Year 6 - P&C Parents Forum


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